BTS 426 L1 Electrical Characteristics: Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit

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BTS 426 L1

Electrical Characteristics
Parameter and Conditions Symbol Values Unit
at Tj = 25 °C, Vbb = 12 V unless otherwise specified min typ max

Load Switching Capabilities and Characteristics

On-state resistance (pin 3 to 5)
IL = 2 A Tj=25 °C: RON -- 50 60 mΩ
Tj=150 °C: 100 120
Nominal load current, ISO Norm (pin 3 to 5) 5.8 7.0
VON = 0.5 V, TC = 85 °C IL(ISO) -- A
Output current (pin 5) while GND disconnected or IL(GNDhigh) -- -- 10 mA
GND pulled up, Vbb=30 V, VIN= 0, see diagram
page 7
Turn-on time IN to 90% VOUT: ton 80 200 400 µs
Turn-off time IN to 10% VOUT: toff 80 230 450
RL = 12 Ω, Tj =-40...+150°C
Slew rate on dV /dton 0.1 -- 1 V/µs
10 to 30% VOUT, RL = 12 Ω, Tj =-40...+150°C
Slew rate off -dV/dtoff 0.1 -- 1 V/µs
70 to 40% VOUT, RL = 12 Ω, Tj =-40...+150°C

Operating Parameters
Operating voltage6) Tj =-40...+150°C: Vbb(on) 5.0 -- 34 V
Undervoltage shutdown Tj =-40...+150°C: Vbb(under) 3.5 -- 5.0 V
Undervoltage restart Tj =-40...+25°C: Vbb(u rst) -- -- 5.0 V
Tj =+150°C: 7.0
Undervoltage restart of charge pump Vbb(ucp) -- 5.6 7.0 V
see diagram page 12 Tj =-40...+150°C:
Undervoltage hysteresis ∆Vbb(under) -- 0.2 -- V
∆Vbb(under) = Vbb(u rst) - Vbb(under)
Overvoltage shutdown Tj =-40...+150°C: Vbb(over) 34 -- 43 V
Overvoltage restart Tj =-40...+150°C: Vbb(o rst) 33 -- -- V
Overvoltage hysteresis Tj =-40...+150°C: ∆Vbb(over) -- 0.5 -- V
Overvoltage protection7) Tj =-40...+150°C: Vbb(AZ) 42 47 -- V
Ibb=40 mA
Standby current (pin 3)
VIN=0 Tj=-40...+25°C: Ibb(off) -- 10 25 µA
Tj= 150°C: -- 12 28
Leakage output current (included in Ibb(off)) IL(off) -- -- 12 µA

6) At supply voltage increase up to Vbb= 5.6 V typ without charge pump, VOUT ≈Vbb - 2 V
7) See also VON(CL) in table of protection functions and circuit diagram page 7.
Semiconductor Group 3

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