2020 Book FundamentalsOfElectricalPowerS
2020 Book FundamentalsOfElectricalPowerS
2020 Book FundamentalsOfElectricalPowerS
Abdus Salam
of Electrical
Power Systems
Fundamentals of Electrical Power Systems Analysis
Md. Abdus Salam
Fundamentals of Electrical
Power Systems Analysis
Md. Abdus Salam
Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Western University
London, ON, Canada
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721,
To my parents, wife Asma Ara Bagum,
children Syeed Hasan, Yusra Salam, and
Sundus Salam for their constant support and
patience during the writing of this book. As
well as to all of my teachers and well-wishers
who have helped me grow professionally over
the years.
Md. Abdus Salam
Power generation, transmission, and distribution are the core topics usually taught
in power system courses for electrical and electronics engineering students. In
addition, the demand for renewable energy and its integration with the existing grid
system is increasing and will be increasing in the future due to the depletion of
conventional fuel. Therefore, undergraduate and graduate students need basic
concepts to advance their knowledge in power systems. At least six credit hours are
allocated in a standard electrical and electronic engineering course curriculum for
the power system courses in all universities and colleges that provide this knowl-
edge. I have taught several courses, including power transmission, power distri-
bution, and power systems at different universities around the world. The main
purpose of this book Fundamentals of Electrical Power Systems Analysis is to
cover various aspects of power systems. This book introduces straightforward and
step-by-step methods to discuss different theories along with their mathematical
representation aiming at solving the problems. This book also explores a different
power system software to ease calculations by exposing the underlying principles of
complex power system networks.
I have targeted two main audiences for this book, namely students and researchers
who are learning power systems engineering in their academic institutions and who
need to enhance their understanding. Students with different backgrounds will also
get fundamental knowledge of power systems through this book.
The second major audience consists of electrical engineers and other profes-
sionals working in the power industry. Other professionals may be those whose
educational background is not in electrical engineering, but intend to learn the
fundamental knowledge of power systems. These groups of the audience could also
gain more knowledge of power systems.
I believe that this book can make a meaningful contribution to the students,
researchers, and power system engineers in their practical field.
viii Preface
Organization of Book
Basics of instantaneous power, apparent power, average power, and reactive power
analysis of electrical power have been discussed in Chap. 1.
In Chap. 2, fundamentals of a transformer, equivalent circuit, efficiency,
three-phase transformer connection, vector diagrams, and per unit systems have
been discussed.
Preface ix
Instructors, who will adopt this publication as a textbook, may obtain the solution
manual as a supplement copy by contacting the publishers.
Finally, I am confident that this book is free of factual errors and
omissions. However, I encourage all readers to send their comments to my email
msalam7@uwo.ca, if any. I would like to thank all production staff of Springers
who tirelessly work to publish this book successfully.
xii Contents
1.1 Introduction
Figure 1.1 shows a circuit with an AC voltage source v(t) with an impedance
connected in series. In this case, the resultant current i(t) varies with time. The
instantaneous power also varies with time, and it is defined as the product of
the instantaneous voltage and the instantaneous current. Let us consider that the
expression of the instantaneous voltage is
iðtÞ ¼ ð1:2Þ
Z jh
v(t )
Vm sin xt
iðtÞ ¼ ð1:3Þ
Z jh
V m j 0 Vm
iðtÞ ¼ ¼ jh ð1:4Þ
Z jh Z
Vm Im
pðtÞ ¼ 2 sin xt sinðxt hÞ ð1:8Þ
Vm Im
pðtÞ ¼ ½cosðxt xt þ hÞ cosðxt þ xt hÞ ð1:9Þ
Vm Im Vm Im
pðtÞ ¼ cos h cosð2xt hÞ ð1:10Þ
2 2
Equation (1.10) provides the expression for the instantaneous power for a series
AC circuit. The first part of Eq. (1.10) is the average power.
Example 1.1
The excitation voltage and impedance of a series circuit are given by vðtÞ ¼
15 sin xt V and Z ¼ 5 j10 X, respectively. Calculate the instantaneous power.
1.2 Instantaneous Power 3
The value of the current is calculated as
15 j0
iðtÞ ¼ ¼ 3 j10 A ð1:11Þ
5 j10
15 3
pðtÞ ¼ 2 sin xt sinðxt 10 Þ ð1:12Þ
45 45
pðtÞ ¼ cos 10 cosð2xt 10 Þ ð1:13Þ
2 2
pðtÞ ¼ 22:16 22:5 cosð2xt 10 Þ ð1:14Þ
The average power is related to the sinusoidal voltage and current, which are shown
in Eqs. (1.1) and (1.5), respectively. The average power for a periodic waveform
over one cycle can be derived as [3, 4]
P¼ pðtÞ ð1:15Þ
V m Im Vm Im
P¼ cos h dt cosð2xt hÞ dt ð1:16Þ
2T 2T
0 0
V m Im Vm Im
P¼ cos h½T cosð2xt hÞ dt ð1:17Þ
2T 2T
The second term of Eq. (1.17) is a cosine waveform. The average value of any
cosine waveform over one cycle is zero. Therefore, from Eq. (1.17), the final
expression of the average power can be represented as
4 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
Vm Im
P¼ cos h ð1:18Þ
Vm Im
Q¼ sin h ð1:19Þ
The term cos h in Eq. (1.18) is the power factor of the circuit, and it is deter-
mined by the phase angle h of the circuit impedance, where h is the phase difference
between the voltage and current phases, i.e., h ¼ hv hi . The average power is
often known as the true power or real power. The units of average power and
reactive power are watts (W) and volt-ampere reactive (Var), respectively. The
average power from Eq. (1.18) can be represented in terms of rms values of the
voltage and current as
Vm Im Vm Im
P ¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi cos h ¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi cosðhv hi Þ ð1:20Þ
2 2 2 2
Substituting Vrms ¼ p 2
and Irms ¼ pImffiffi2 into Eq. (1.20) yields
Due to a sufficient magnitude of the reactive power, the current flows back and
forth between the source and the network. The reactive power does not dissipate
any energy in the load. However, in practice, it produces energy losses in the line.
Therefore, extra care needs to be taken in designing a power system network.
For a purely resistive circuit, the voltage (V ¼ Vm jhv ) and the current
(I ¼ Im jhi ) are in phase. It means that the phase angle between them is zero, and it
can be expressed as
h ¼ hv hi ¼ 0 ð1:23Þ
Vm Im
PR ¼ cos 0 ð1:24Þ
V m Im
PR ¼ ð1:25Þ
1.3 Average Power and Reactive Power 5
Im2 R Vm2
PR ¼ ¼ ð1:26Þ
2 2R
The phase difference between the voltage and current due to inductance and
capacitance is
h ¼ hv hi ¼ 90 ð1:27Þ
Substituting Eq. (1.27) into Eq. (1.18) yields the average power for either an
inductance or a capacitance
Vm Im
PL ¼ PC ¼ cos 90 ¼ 0 ð1:28Þ
The reactive power is usually stored in a circuit, and it can be expressed for the
inductor and capacitor as
QL ¼ IL2 XL ¼ ð1:29Þ
QC ¼ IC2 XC ¼ ð1:30Þ
From Eqs. (1.26) and (1.28), it can be concluded that the resistive load absorbs
power, whereas inductive or capacitive loads do not absorb any power.
Example 1.2
An electrical series circuit with resistance, inductive, and capacitive reactance is
shown in Fig. 1.2. Calculate the average power supplied by the source and the
power absorbed by the resistor.
The net impedance is calculated as
20 15 V 9Ω
6 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
+ 4Ω 5Ω
20 15 V
8Ω 9Ω
20 j15
I¼ ¼ 4:47 j78:43 A ð1:32Þ
4:47 j63:43
20 4:47
Ps ¼ cosð15 78:43 Þ ¼ 20 W ð1:33Þ
4:472 2
PR ¼ ¼ 20 W ð1:34Þ
Practice Problem 1.2
A series–parallel circuit with resistance, inductive, and capacitive reactance is
shown in Fig. 1.3. Determine the average power supplied by the source and the
power absorbed by the resistors.
The apparent power can be derived from the average power. But, the apparent
power is related to the sinusoidal voltage and current. Let us consider that the
expressions for sinusoidal voltage and current are [5, 6]
V ¼ Vm jhv ð1:37Þ
I ¼ I m j hi ð1:38Þ
Vm Im
P¼ cosðhv hi Þ ¼ Vrms Irms cosðhv hi Þ ð1:39Þ
The apparent power is the product of the rms voltage and rms current. The unit
of apparent power is volt-amps (VA) and is denoted by the letter S. The apparent
power can be expressed as
V m Im
S¼ ¼ Vrms Irms ð1:40Þ
P ¼ S cosðhv hi Þ ð1:41Þ
In addition, the apparent power can be determined by the vector sum of the real
power (P) and the reactive power (Q). In this case, the expression of reactive power
S ¼ P þ jQ ð1:42Þ
The power triangle (Power Triangle: A right-angle triangle that shows the vector
relationship between active power, reactive power, and apparent power) with a
lagging and leading power factor is shown in Fig. 1.4. The power triangles with an
inductance and the capacitance loads will be lagging and leading, respectively.
+ Q L (lag)
(θ v − θi ) P
(θ v − θi )
− QC (Lead)
8 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
Example 1.3
An industrial load draws a current of iðtÞ ¼ 16 sinð314t þ 25 Þ A from an alter-
nating voltage source of vðtÞ ¼ 220 sinð314t þ 60 Þ V. Determine the apparent
power, circuit resistance, and inductance.
The apparent power is calculated as
Vm Im 220 16
S¼ ¼ ¼ 1:76 kVA ð1:43Þ
2 2
220 j60
Z¼ ¼ 11:26 þ j7:89 X ð1:44Þ
16 j25
R ¼ 11:26 X ð1:45Þ
L¼ ¼ 0:025 H ð1:46Þ
Practice Problem 1.3
An industrial load draws a current of iðtÞ ¼ 10 sinð100t þ 55 Þ A from an alter-
nating voltage source of vðtÞ ¼ 120 sinð100t þ 10 Þ V. Calculate the apparent
power, circuit resistance, and capacitance.
The complex power is the combination of real power and reactive power. The
reactive power creates an adverse effect on power generation, which can be studied
by analyzing the complex power. Mathematically, the product of half of the phasor
voltage and the conjugate of the phasor current is known as complex power. The
complex power is represented by the letter Sc and is expressed as
Sc ¼ VI ð1:47Þ
Sc ¼ Vm jhv Im jhi ð1:48Þ
The complex power in terms of phasor form of rms voltage and current can be
written as
From Eq. (1.50), the complex power is defined as the product of rms voltage and
the conjugate of the rms current.
Equation (1.50) can be rearranged as
Consider the circuit as shown in Fig. 1.5 to explain complex power. The
impedance of this circuit is
Z ¼ R þ jX ð1:53Þ
Irms ¼ ð1:54Þ
10 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
Sc ¼ Irms
ðR þ jXÞ ¼ Irms
R þ jIrms
X ¼ P þ jQ ð1:57Þ
where P and Q are the real and the imaginary parts of the complex power, and in
this case, the expressions of P and Q can be written as
P ¼ ReðSc Þ ¼ Irms
R ð1:58Þ
Q ¼ ImðSc Þ ¼ Irms
X ð1:59Þ
The real power, reactive power, and apparent power of Eq. (1.57) are shown in
Fig. 1.7. The complex power for a resistive branch can be written as
From Eq. (1.60), the real power and the reactive power for the resistive branch
can be expressed as
PR ¼ Irms
R ð1:61Þ
Q¼0 ð1:62Þ
1.5 Complex Power 11
From Eq. (1.63), the real power and the reactive power for an inductive branch
can be separated as
PL ¼ 0 ð1:64Þ
QL ¼ Irms
XL ð1:65Þ
From Eq. (1.66), the real power and the reactive power for a capacitive branch
can be separated as
Pc ¼ 0 ð1:67Þ
QC ¼ Irms
XC ð1:68Þ
Example 1.4
A series AC circuit is shown in Fig. 1.8. Calculate the source current, apparent,
real, and reactive powers.
The expression of the alternating voltage source is vðtÞ ¼ 16 sinð10t þ 25 Þ V.
The rms value of the source voltage is calculated as
Vrms ¼ 2 16 j25 ¼ 22:63 j25 V ð1:69Þ
v(t )
0.9 H
12 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
XL ¼ 10 0:09 ¼ 9 X ð1:70Þ
22:63 j25
Irms ¼ ¼ 2:30 j41:04 A ð1:72Þ
9:85 j66:04
Example 1.5
A 220 V rms delivers power to a load. The load absorbs an average power of
10 kW at a leading power factor of 0.9. Determine the complex power and the
impedance of the load.
The power factor is
h ¼ 25:84 ð1:78Þ
P 10
j Sj ¼ ¼ ¼ 11:11 kVA ð1:80Þ
cos h 0:9
Irms ¼ ¼ 50:51 A ð1:84Þ
220 0:9
jVrms j 220
jZ j ¼ ¼ ¼ 4:36 X ð1:85Þ
jIrms j 50:51
v(t )
200 mF
14 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
Two electrical loads are connected in parallel with a voltage source as shown in
Fig. 1.10. According to the conservation of energy, the real power delivered by the
source will be equal to the total real power absorbed by the loads [7, 8]. Similarly,
the complex power delivered by the source will be equal to the total complex power
absorbed by the loads. According to KCL, the rms value of the source current is
equal to the sum of the rms values of the branch currents I1 and I2, i.e.,
I ¼ I1 þ I2 ð1:87Þ
The total complex power is defined as the product of the rms value of the source
voltage and the conjugate of the current supplied by the source, and it is expressed
S ¼ Vrms I ð1:88Þ
Substituting Eq. (1.87) into Eq. (1.88) yields the complex power of the parallel
circuit as
Sp ¼ S1 þ S2 ð1:91Þ
I1 I2
V rms
− Z1 Z2
1.6 Complex Power Balance 15
The electrical loads are again connected in series with a voltage source as shown
in Fig. 1.11. According to KVL, the rms value of the source voltage is equal to the
sum of the rms values of the load voltages, and it is written as
Vrms ¼ V1 þ V2 ð1:92Þ
Substituting Eq. (1.92) into Eq. (1.88) yields the complex power of the series
circuit as
Ss ¼ ðV1 þ V2 ÞI ð1:93Þ
Ss ¼ V1 I þ V2 I ð1:94Þ
Ss ¼ S1 þ S2 ð1:95Þ
From Eqs. (1.91) and (1.95), it is observed that the total complex power
delivered by the source is equal to the sum of the individual complex power
absorbed by the loads.
Example 1.6
A series–parallel circuit is supplied by a source of 60 V rms as shown in Fig. 1.12.
Find the complex power for each branch and the total complex power.
+ 3Ω I1 I2
60 V
8Ω 9Ω
16 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
The circuit impedance is calculated as
ð4 þ j9Þð3 j8Þ
Zt ¼ 2 þ ¼ 13:87 j9:88 X ð1:96Þ
4 þ j9 þ 3 j8
3 j8
I2 ¼ 4:33 j9:88 ¼ 5:23 j67:69 A ð1:99Þ
7 þ j1
pf ¼ cosðhv hi Þ ð1:107Þ
rf ¼ sinðhv hi Þ ð1:108Þ
From impedance and power triangles as shown in Figs. 1.6 and 1.7, the power
factor can be written as
R kW
pf ¼ cos h ¼ ¼ ð1:109Þ
The angle h is positive if the current lags the voltage, and in this case, the power
factor is considered as lagging. Whereas, the angle h is negative if the current leads
the voltage, and in this case, the power factor is considered as leading. The leading
18 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
power factor is usually considered for capacitive loads. The industrial loads are
inductive and have a low lagging power factor.
A low power factor has many disadvantages, which are outlined below:
• kVA rating of electrical machines is increased,
• larger conductor size is required to transmit or distribute electric power at a
constant voltage,
• copper losses are increased, and
• voltage regulation is small.
+ R
1.8 Power Factor Correction 19
θ1 I
θ1 θ2
Q1 ¼ P tan /1 ð1:110Þ
Q2 ¼ P tan /2 ð1:111Þ
QC ¼ Q1 Q2 ð1:112Þ
20 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
Substituting Eq. (1.114) into Eq. (1.115) yields the expression for the capacitor
¼ Pðtan /1 tan /2 Þ ð1:115Þ
Pðtan /1 tan /2 Þ
C¼ ð1:116Þ
Example 1.7
A load of 6 kVA, 50 Hz, 0.75 lagging power factor is connected across a voltage
source of 120 V rms as shown in Fig. 1.18. A capacitor is connected across the load
to improve the power factor to 0.95 lagging. Determine the capacitance of the
connected capacitor.
The initial power factor is
/1 ¼ 41:41 ð1:118Þ
/2 ¼ 18:19 ð1:120Þ
+ 6 kVA
0.75 Lag
120 V
1.8 Power Factor Correction 21
+ 10 kVA +
50 Hz 120 V
0.8 Lag
Vs −
/1 ¼ 36:87 ð1:124Þ
/2 ¼ 25:84 ð1:126Þ
P ¼ 10 0:8 ¼ 8 kW ð1:127Þ
22 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
I1 ¼ ¼ 83:33 A ð1:131Þ
0:8 120
The power loss in the line before the adding capacitor is calculated as
S¼ ¼ 8888:89 VA ð1:131Þ
I2 ¼ ¼ 74:07 A ð1:132Þ
The power loss in the line after adding the capacitor is calculated as
+ P
220 V 0.85 Lag
0.56 mF
1.9 Three-Phase Voltage Generation 23
+ 6 kVA 10 kVA
50 Hz
0.85 Lag 120 V 0.8 Lead
Vs −
a vcn
. 120
b' x
120 n
b 120
c S
where Van, Vbn, and Vcn are the magnitudes of the line to neutral or phase voltages.
These voltages are constant in magnitude, and it can be expressed as
The sum of phasor voltages and the sum of sinusoidal voltages are zero, and
these can be expressed as
v ¼ van þ vbn þ vcn ¼ Van sin xt þ Vbn sinðxt 120 Þ þ Vcn sinðxt 240 Þ ¼ 0
The phase sequence is very important for the interconnection of the three-phase
transformer, motor, and other high-voltage equipment. The three-phase systems are
numbered either by the numbers 1, 2, and 3 or by the letters a, b, and c. Sometimes,
these are labeled by the colors red, yellow, and blue or RYB in short. The generator
is said to have a positive phase sequence when the generated voltages reach their
maximum or peak values in the sequential order of abc, whereas the generator is
said to have a negative phase sequence when the generated voltages reach their
maximum or peak values in the sequential order of acb. Figure 1.24 shows the
1.10 Phase Sequence 25
v cn
ω ω
120 120
120 120 n
n v an
v an
120 120
vbn v cn
positive and negative phase sequences. Here, the voltage Van is considered to be the
reference voltage while the direction of rotation is considered to be anticlockwise.
In the positive phase sequence, the crossing sequence of voltage rotation is iden-
tified by Van – Vbn – Vcn, whereas for negative phase sequence, it is identified as
Van – Vcn – Vbn.
+ + +
van vbn vcn
− n
Applying KVL between lines b and c yields the expression of line voltage as
Vcn Vbn
+ + b
1.12 Analysis for Wye Connection 27
n van
Vbc = 3V p −90
Applying KVL between lines c and a yields the expression of the line voltage as
Line voltages with angles are drawn as shown in Fig. 1.27. From Eqs. (1.146),
(1.148), and (1.150), it is seen that the magnitude of the line voltage is equal to 3
times the magnitude of the phase voltage. The general relationship between the line
voltage and the phase voltage can be written as
VL ¼ 3 VP ð1:151Þ
From Fig. 1.26, it is also observed that the phase current is equal to the line
current, and it is written as
IL ¼ IP ð1:152Þ
Alternative approach: A vector diagram with phase voltages is drawn using the
lines a and c as shown in Fig. 1.28. A perpendicular line is drawn from point A,
which divides the line BD equally. From the triangle ABC, the following expression
relation can be written as
cos 30 ¼ ð1:153Þ
28 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
120 30 C
120 B 60
120 Van
3 x
¼ ð1:154Þ
2 jVncj
BD ¼ 2AC ð1:155Þ
Vca ¼ 2x ð1:156Þ
Example 1.9
The phase voltage is given by Van ¼ 230 j10 V. For abc phase sequence, deter-
mine Vbn and Vcn.
The phase voltage for line a is calculated as
The coils in a delta-connected circuit are arranged in such a way that a looking
structure is formed. The delta connection is formed by the connecting point a2 of
a1a2 coil to the point b1 of b1b2 coil, the point b2 of b1b2 coil to the point c1 of c1c2
coil, and the point c2 of c1c2 coil to the point a1 of a1a2 coil. In this connection, the
phase voltage is equal to the line voltage, and line current is equal to 3 times the
phase current. Figure 1.31 shows delta-connected generator and load.
a1 a
a c2 a
+ c1 b
+ − b b2 b1
c Generator c
Generator Load
From Eqs. (1.172), (1.174), and (1.167), it is found that the magnitude of the line
current is equal to 3 times the phase current. The general relationship between the
line current and the phase current is
IL ¼ 3 IP ð1:177Þ
32 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
I ab
150 I a = 3 I p −30
I b = 3 I p −150
I bc
According to Fig. 1.32, it is observed that the phase voltage is equal to the line
voltage i.e.,
VL ¼ VP ð1:178Þ
The line and phase currents with their phase angles are drawn as shown in
Fig. 1.33, where the phase current Iab is arbitrarily chosen as reference.
I Aa
A a
v AN Zy = Z θ Ω
I nN
− N n
+ vBN Zy = Z θ Ω
C B c Zy = Z θ Ω b
I Cc
I Bb
vAN Vm sin xt
iAa ¼ ¼ ¼ Im sinðxt hÞ ð1:182Þ
Zy Z jh
pa ðtÞ ¼ vAN iAa dt ð1:185Þ
Vm Im
pa ðtÞ ¼ sin xt sinðxt hÞ dt ð1:186Þ
V m Im
pa ðtÞ ¼ 2 sin xt sinðxt hÞ dt ð1:187Þ
V m Im
pa ðtÞ ¼ ½cos h cosð2xt hÞ dt ð1:188Þ
Vm Im
pa ðtÞ ¼ cos h T 0 ð1:189Þ
V m Im
pa ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi cos h ¼ VP IP cos h ð1:190Þ
2 2
where Vp and Ip are the rms values of phase voltage and phase current.
34 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
Similarly, the expressions of the instantaneous power for the phase b and phase
c can be written as
Substituting Eqs. (1.190), (1.191) and (1.192) into Eq. (1.193) yields
Qt ¼ 3 Vp Ip sin h ð1:195Þ
Therefore, the per-phase average Ppp and reactive Qpp power can be written
Spp ¼ VP IP jh ð1:200Þ
From Eq. (1.200), it is seen that the per-phase complex power is equal to the
product of the voltage per phase and the phase current with an angle.
Y-connection: Substituting Eqs. (1.151) and (1.152) into Eq. (1.194) yields
PtY ¼ 3 pffiffiffi IL cos h ð1:201Þ
1.15 Analysis for Three-Phase Power 35
PtY ¼ 3 VL IL cos h ð1:202Þ
QtY ¼ 3 pffiffiffi IL sin h ð1:203Þ
QtY ¼ 3 VL IL sin h ð1:204Þ
Delta connection: Again, substituting Eqs. (1.177) and (1.178) into Eq. (1.196)
PtD ¼ 3 pffiffiffi VL cos h ð1:205Þ
PtD ¼ 3 VL IL cos h ð1:206Þ
QtD ¼ 3 pffiffiffi IL sin h ð1:207Þ
QtD ¼ 3 VL IL sin h ð1:208Þ
St ¼ Pt þ jQt ð1:211Þ
Three-phase system uses less amount of copper wire than the single-phase
system for the same line voltage and same power factor to transmit the same
36 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
I1φ L R1
I 3φ L R3
3 −φ VL 0
+ I 3φ L R3
1−φ VL
3-wire −
+ 3 −φ
2-wire − Balanced
VL −120 Load
system I 3φ L R3
R1 −
amount of power over a fixed distance. From Fig. 1.35, the real power for a
single-phase two wire system is
From Fig. 1.35, the real power for a three-phase three wire system is
P3/3w ¼ 3 VL I3/L cos h ð1:215Þ
Equations (1.214) and (1.215) will be equal for transmitting or delivering the
same amount of power over a fixed distance. It can be expressed as
VL I1/L cos h ¼ 3 VL I3/L cos h ð1:216Þ
I1/L ¼ 3 I3/L ð1:217Þ
P1/2wloss ¼ 2I1/L
R1 ð1:218Þ
P3/3wloss ¼ 3I3/L
R3 ð1:219Þ
From Eqs. (1.218) and (1.219), the ratio of power loss of a single-phase system
to a three-phase system can be derived as
P1/2wloss 2I1/L R1
¼ 2 ð1:220Þ
P3/3wloss 3I3/L R3
1.15 Analysis for Three-Phase Power 37
2I1/L R1
1¼ 2 R
3I3/L 3
3I3/L R1
¼ ð1:222Þ
2I1/L R3
R1 1
¼ ð1:224Þ
R3 2
Substituting Eq. (1.224) and the number of wires for both systems in Eq. (1.225)
Copper for 3/ system ¼ Copper for 1/ system ð1:227Þ
From Eq. (1.227), it is seen that the copper required for three-phase system is
equal to the three-fourths of the copper required for a single-phase system.
Example 1.11
A balanced three-phase wye-wye system is shown in Fig. 1.36. For ABC phase
sequence, calculate the line current, power supplied to each phase, power absorbed
by each phase, and the total complex power supplied by the source.
The line currents are calculated as
230 j15
IAa ¼ ¼ 27:89 j60:96 A ð1:228Þ
2 þ j8
38 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
I Aa
A a
230 15 V 2 + j8 Ω
− I nN
N n
+ v BN 2 + j8 Ω
C B c 2 + j8 Ω
I Cc
I Bb
I Aa
11 −45 Ω +
I ca
11 −45 Ω I ab 180 −10 V
I bc 11 −45 Ω I Bb
c −
I Cc
+ +
40 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
1. Alexander CK, Sadiku MNO (2016) Fundamentals of electric circuits, 6th edn. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education
2. Boylestad RL (2016) Introductory circuit analysis, 13th edn. Pearson
3. Nilsson JW, Riedel SA (2015) Electric circuits, 10th edn. Prentice-Hall International Edition
4. Jackson HW, Temple D, Kelly BE (2015) Introduction to electric circuits, 9th edn. Oxford
University Press
5. Bell D (2007) Fundamentals of electric circuits, 7th edn. Oxford University Press
6. Rizzoni G, Kearns J (2014) Principles and applications of electrical engineering, 6th edn.
McGraw-Hill Education
References 41
7. Irwin JD, Nelms RM (2015) Basic engineering circuit analysis, 11th edn. Wiley, USA
8. Hayt W, Kemmerly J (2012) Engineering circuit analysis, 8th edn. McGraw-Hill Education
9. Salam MA, Rahman QM (2018) Fundamentals of electrical circuits analysis, 1st edn. Springer
Exercise Problems
1:1 The excitation voltage and the impedance of a series circuit are given by
vðtÞ ¼ 8 sin 10t V and Z ¼ 5 j10 X, respectively. Calculate the instanta-
neous power.
1:2 The excitation current and the impedance of a series circuit are given by
iðtÞ ¼ 4 sinð100t 20 ÞA and Z ¼ 5 j10 X, respectively. Determine the
instantaneous power.
1:3 Calculate the average power supplied by the source and the power absorbed
by the resistors as shown in Fig. P1.1.
1:4 Determine the average power supplied by the source and the power absorbed
by the 8X resistor shown in Fig. P1.2.
1:5 Calculate the average power supplied by the source and the power absorbed
by the 3X resistor as shown in Fig. P1.3.
1:6 Determine the average power supplied by the source and the power absorbed
by the 2X resistor shown in Fig. P1.4.
+ 4Ω
60 V
5Ω 2Ω
60 V
42 1 Analysis of Electrical Power
30 10 V + 6Ω 3Ω
9Ω 6Ω
25 10 A 2Ω 4Ω
6Ω 5Ω
25 10 A 2Ω 3Ω
6Ω 9Ω
1:7 Find the total average power absorbed by all the resistors in the circuit shown
in Fig. P1.5.
1:8 An industrial load is connected across an alternating voltage source vðtÞ ¼
230 sinð314t þ 20 Þ V that draws a current of iðtÞ ¼ 15 sinð314t þ 45 Þ A.
Determine the apparent power, circuit resistance and capacitance.
1:9 The rms values of voltage and current are given by V ¼ 20 j15 V, and
I ¼ 3 j25 A. Calculate the complex power, real power and reactive power.
1:10 The rms values of voltage is given by V ¼ 34 j25 V, and the impedance is
Z ¼ 6 j15 X. Determine the complex power, real power and reactive
Exercise Problems 43
I 4Ω 8Ω 3Ω
+ 3Ω
60 V
I 4Ω 8Ω 3Ω
+ 3Ω 1.2 Ω
60 V
+ 10 kVA
220 V 0.60 Lag
I 0.02 Ω 4Ω
+ 5 kW 10 kVA
120 V
Vs 0.80 Lead 0.85 Lag
I 0.02 Ω 4Ω
+ 5 kW 10 kVA 5 kVA
Vs 0.80 Lead 120 V 0.85 Lag 0.95 Lead
1:14 Two loads with different power factor are connected with the source through
a transmission line as shown in Fig. P1.9. Determine the source current and
the source voltage.
1:15 A voltage source delivers power to the three loads shown in Fig. P1.10. Find
the source current and the source voltage.
1:16 The line voltage of a three-phase wye-connected generator is found to be
440 V. For abc phase sequence, calculate the phase voltages.
1:17 The phase voltage of a three-phase wye-connected generator is given by
Van ¼ 100 j10 V. Determine the voltages Vbn and Vcn for abc phase
Chapter 2
Transformer: Principles and Practices
2.1 Introduction
Figure 2.1 shows a schematic diagram of a single-phase transformer. There are two
types of windings in a single-phase transformer. These are called primary and
secondary windings or coils. The primary winding is connected to the alternating
voltage source, and the secondary winding is connected to the load.
φm I2
+ +
E1 E2 N2 V2 ZL
V1 N1
− −
The primary and secondary winding parameters are represented by the suffix p or
1 and s or 2, respectively. A sinusoidal current flows in the primary winding when it
is connected to an alternating voltage source. This current establishes a flux / that
moves from the primary winding to the secondary winding through low reluctance
magnetic core [1].
About 95% of this flux moves from the primary to the secondary through the low
reluctance path of the magnetic core, and this flux is linked by both windings and a
small percent of this flux links to the primary winding. According to Faraday’s laws
of electromagnetic induction, a voltage will be induced across the secondary
winding as well as in the primary winding. Due to this voltage, a current will flow
through the load if it is connected with the secondary winding. Hence, the primary
voltage is transferred to the secondary winding without a change in frequency.
The current in the primary winding establishes a flux. The flux that moves from
primary to secondary and links both the windings is called the mutual flux, and its
maximum value is represented by /m . Flux which links only the primary winding
and completes the magnetic path through the surrounding air is known as primary
leakage flux. The primary leakage flux is denoted by /1l . Similarly, secondary
leakage flux is that flux which links only the secondary winding and completes the
magnetic path through the surrounding air. The secondary leakage flux is denoted
by /2l . Mutual and leakage fluxes are shown in Fig. 2.2.
2.4 Ideal Transformer 47
φm I2
+ N2 +
N1 E2
V1 V2 ZL
− −
An ideal transformer is one that does not supply any energy to the load, i.e., the
secondary winding is open circuited. The main points of an ideal transformer are
(i) no winding resistance, (ii) no leakage flux and leakage inductance,
(iii) self-inductance and mutual inductance are zero, (iv) no losses due to resistance,
inductance, hysteresis, or eddy current, and (v) coefficient of coupling is unity [2].
Figure 2.3a shows an ideal transformer where the secondary winding is left
open. A small magnetizing current Im will flow in the primary winding when it is
connected to the alternating voltage source, V1 . This magnetizing current lags
behind the supply voltage, V1 by 90 and produces the flux /, which induces the
primary and secondary emfs. These emfs lag behind the flux, / by 90 . The
magnitude of primary induced emf E1 and the supply voltage V1 is the same, but are
180 out of phase as shown in Fig. 2.3b.
(a) φm
+ +
V1 E1 E2 N2 V2
− −
(b) V2
E2 E1 90
I m = I1
/ ¼ /m sin xt ð2:1Þ
e1 ¼ N1 ð2:2Þ
e2 ¼ N2 ð2:3Þ
e1 ¼ N1 ð/ sin xtÞ ð2:4Þ
dt m
e1 ¼ N1 x/m cos xt ð2:5Þ
E1 ¼ pffiffiffi ð2:8Þ
N1 2pf /m
E1 ¼ pffiffiffi ð2:9Þ
E1 ¼ 4:44 f /m N1 ð2:10Þ
E2 ¼ 4:44 f /m N2 ð2:11Þ
e1 ¼ N1 ð2:12Þ
e2 ¼ N2 ð2:13Þ
e1 N 1
¼ ð2:14Þ
e2 N 2
e1 N1
¼ ¼a ð2:15Þ
e2 N2
E1 N1
¼ ¼a ð2:16Þ
E2 N2
V1 I1 ¼ V2 I2 ð2:17Þ
V1 I2
¼ ¼a ð2:18Þ
V2 I1
50 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
I1 1
¼ ð2:19Þ
I2 a
Again, the magnetomotive force produced by the primary current will be equal
to the magnetomotive force produced by the secondary current and it can be
expressed as,
= ¼ =1 =2 ¼ 0 ð2:20Þ
N1 I1 ¼ N2 I2 ð2:21Þ
I1 N2 1
¼ ¼ ð2:22Þ
I2 N1 a
From Eq. (2.22), it is concluded that the ratio of primary to secondary current is
inversely proportional to the turns ratio of the transformer.
The input and output powers of an ideal transformer are,
For an ideal condition, the angle /1 is equal to the angle /2 and the output
power can be rearranged as,
Pout ¼ aI1 cos /1 ð2:25Þ
Pout ¼ V1 I1 cos /1 ¼ Pin ð2:26Þ
From Eq. (2.26), it is seen that the input and the output powers are the same in
case of an ideal transformer. Similarly, the input and output reactive powers are,
From Eqs. (2.26) and (2.27), the input and output power and reactive power can
be calculated if other parameters are given.
Example 2.1
The number of turns in the secondary coil of a 22 kVA, 2200 V/220 V
single-phase transformer is 50. Find the number of primary turns, primary full
load current, and secondary full load current. Neglect all kinds of losses in the
2.6 Turns Ratio of Transformer 51
The value of the turns ratio is,
V1 2200
a¼ ¼ ¼ 10 ð2:28Þ
V2 220
22 103
I1 ¼ ¼ 10 A ð2:30Þ
22 103
I2 ¼ ¼ 100 A ð2:31Þ
Example 2.2
A 25 kVA single-phase transformer has the primary and secondary number of turns
of 200 and 400, respectively. The transformer is connected to a 220 V, 50 Hz
source. Calculate the turns ratio and mutual flux in the core.
The turns ratio is,
N1 200
a¼ ¼ ¼ 0:5 ð2:32Þ
N2 400
V1 220
/m ¼ ¼ ¼ 4:95 mWb ð2:33Þ
4:44 fN1 4:44 50 200
Practice Problem 2.1
The primary voltage of an iron core single-phase transformer is 220 V. The number
of primary and secondary turns of the transformer is 200 and 50, respectively.
Calculate the voltage of the secondary coil.
Practice Problem 2.2
The number of primary turns of a 30 kVA, 2200 V/220 V, 50 Hz single-phase
transformer is 100. Find the turns ratio, the mutual flux in the core, and full load
primary, and secondary currents.
52 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
¼a ð2:34Þ
I1 1
¼ ð2:35Þ
I2 a
V2 a
¼ ð2:36Þ
I1 1
I2 a
¼ a2 ð2:37Þ
¼ a2 ð2:38Þ
Z1 I
¼ 1 ð2:41Þ
Z2 V2
2.7 Rules for Referring Impedance 53
Z1 V1 I2
¼ ð2:42Þ
Z2 V2 I1
¼aa ð2:43Þ
¼ a2 ð2:44Þ
From Eq. (2.44), it can be concluded that the impedance ratio is equal to the
square of the turns ratio. The important points for transferring parameters are (i) R1
in the primary becomes Ra21 when referred to the secondary, (ii) R2 in the secondary
becomes a2 R2 when referred to the primary, (iii) X1 in the primary becomes Xa21 when
referred to the secondary, and (iv) X2 in the secondary becomes a2 X2 when referred
to the primary.
Example 2.3
The number of primary and secondary turns of a single-phase transformer is 300
and 30, respectively. The secondary coil is connected with a load impedance of 4 X.
Calculate the turns ratio, load impedance referred to the primary, and primary
current if the primary coil voltage is 220 V.
The value of the turns ratio is,
N1 300
a¼ ¼ ¼ 10 ð2:45Þ
N2 30
V1 220
I1 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:55 A ð2:47Þ
ZL0 400
Figure 2.5 shows an exact equivalent circuit referred to the primary where all the
parameters are transferred from the secondary to the primary and these parameters
R02 ¼ a2 R2 ð2:48Þ
X20 ¼ a2 X2 ð2:49Þ
ZL0 ¼ a2 ZL ð2:50Þ
I20 ¼ ð2:51Þ
Figure 2.6 shows the exact equivalent circuit referred to the secondary where all
the parameters are transferred from the primary to the secondary.
I1 R1 X1 R2 X2 I2
I0 N1 N2
Iw +
Im V2 ZL
V1 R0 X0 E2
E1 −
Iw +
Im V2 ' ZL '
V1 R0 X0
− −
I0 '
Iw ' +
Im ' V2 ZL
V1 ' R0 ' X0 '
− −
R01 ¼ ð2:53Þ
X10 ¼ ð2:54Þ
V10 ¼ ð2:56Þ
The no-load current is very small as compared to the rated primary current.
Therefore, there is a negligible voltage drop due to R1 and X1 . In this condition, it
can be assumed that the voltage drop across the no-load circuit is the same as the
applied voltage without any significant error. The approximate equivalent circuit
can be drawn by shifting the no-load circuit across the supply voltage, V1 .
Figure 2.7 shows an approximate equivalent circuit referred to the primary. The
total resistance, reactance, and impedance referred to the primary are,
R0 ¼ ð2:63Þ
X0 ¼ ð2:64Þ
I1 I2 ' R01 X 01
Iw +
Im V2 ' ZL '
V1 R0 X0
− −
I1 ' I2 R02 X 02
I0 '
Iw ' +
Im ' V2 ZL
V1 ' R0 ' X0 '
− −
R02 ¼ R2 þ R01 ¼ R2 þ ð2:65Þ
X02 ¼ X2 þ X10 ¼ X2 þ ð2:66Þ
Z02 ¼ R02 þ jX02 ð2:67Þ
The no-load circuit resistance and reactance referred to the secondary are,
R00 ¼ ð2:68Þ
X00 ¼ ð2:69Þ
Example 2.4
A 2.5 kVA, 200 V/40 V single-phase transformer has the primary resistance and
reactance of 3 Ω and 12 Ω, respectively. On the secondary side, these values are
0.3 Ω and 0.1 Ω, respectively. Find the equivalent impedance referred to the pri-
mary and the secondary.
58 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
The value of the turns ratio is,
V1 200
a¼ ¼ ¼5 ð2:70Þ
V2 40
The total resistance, reactance, and impedance referred to the primary can be
determined as,
The total resistance, reactance, and impedance referred to the secondary are
calculated as,
R1 3
R02 ¼ R2 þ 2
¼ 0:3 þ ¼ 0:42 X ð2:74Þ
a 25
X1 12
X02 ¼ X2 þ ¼ 0:1 þ ¼ 0:58 X ð2:75Þ
a2 25
Z01 ¼ 0:422 þ 0:582 ¼ 0:72 X ð2:76Þ
The relative directions of induced voltages between the high voltage and low
voltage terminals are known as the polarity of a transformer. The polarity of a
transformer is very important to construct a three-phase transformer bank, the
parallel connection of transformer, the connection of the current transformer (CT),
and potential transformer (PT) power with the metering device. Two polarities,
namely additive and subtractive, are used in the transformer [4].
The polarity of a transformer is said to be an additive if the measured voltage
between the high voltage and the low voltage terminals is greater than the supply
voltage at the high voltage terminals. The additive polarity of a transformer is
marked by the orientation of dots as shown in Fig. 2.9. Whereas, a polarity is said
2.9 Polarity of a Transformer 59
VH1H 2
VH1H 2
to be subtractive if the measured voltage between the high voltage and the low
voltage terminals is lower than the supply voltage at the high voltage terminals. The
subtractive polarity of a transformer is marked by the orientation of dots as shown
in Fig. 2.10. Consider a 220 V/110 V single-phase transformer with the high
voltage and the low voltage terminals for testing polarities. The high voltage ter-
minal H1 is connected to the low voltage terminal X1 by a cable. The voltmeter is
connected between H2 and X2. In this case, the turns ratio of the transformer is,
V1 220
a¼ ¼ ¼2 ð2:77Þ
V2 110
For safety, a lower voltage needs to be applied to the primary side, i.e., high
voltage terminals. Suppose, a voltage of 110 V is applied to the primary side.
In this case, a voltage of 55 V (110/2) will appear at the secondary terminals. If
the meter reads out the voltage of 165 V (110 + 55), then the transformer is said to
be in additive polarity. This connection is shown in Fig. 2.11.
Whereas, if the voltmeter reads the voltage of 55 V (110 – 55), then the
transformer is said to be in subtractive polarity as shown in Fig. 2.12.
60 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
165 V
55 V
A1 B1 C1
N11 N 21 N31
N12 N 22
a1 b1 c1
N11 N12 N 21 N 22
N 31 N 32
The most common configurations of three-phase transformers are the delta and star
configurations used in the power utility companies. The primary and secondary
windings of a three-phase transformer are connected either in the same (delta-delta
or star–star) or different (delta–star or star–delta) configuration pair. The secondary
voltage waveforms of a three-phase transformer are in phase with the primary
waveforms when the primary and secondary windings are connected in the same
configuration. This condition is known as “no phase shift” condition. If the primary
and secondary windings are connected in different configuration pairs, then the
secondary voltage waveforms will differ from the corresponding primary voltage
waveforms by 30 electrical degrees. This condition is called a “30-degree phase
shift” condition. The windings and their position to each other are usually marked
by a vector group. The vector group is used to identify the phase shift between the
primary and secondary windings. In the vector group, the secondary voltage may
have the phase shift of 30 lagging or leading, 0 (no phase shift) or 180 reversal
with respect to the primary voltage. The transformer vector group is labeled by
capital and small letters plus numbers from 1 to 12 in a typical clock-like diagram.
The capital letter indicates the primary winding and the small letter represents
secondary winding.
In the clock diagram, the minute hand represents the primary line to neutral line
voltage, and its place is always in the 12. The hour hand represents the secondary
line to neutral voltage and its position in the clock changes based on the phase shift
as shown in Fig. 2.15. There are four vector groups used in the three-phase
transformer connection. These vector groups are (i) Group I: 0 o’clock, zero phase
displacement (Yy0, Dd0, Dz0), (ii) Group II: 6 o’clock, 180° phase displacement
(Yy6, Dd6, Dz6), (iii) Group III: 1 o’clock, −30° lag phase displacement (Dy1,
Yd1, Yz1), and (iv) Group IV: 11 o’clock, 30° lead phase displacement (Dy11,
Yd11, Yz11). Here, Y represents wye connection, D represents delta connection,
and z represents the zigzag connection. The connection diagrams for different
combinations are shown in Figs. 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24,
2.25, 2.26, 2.27.
Different types of loads, such as domestic, commercial, and industrial, are usually
connected with the secondary winding of a transformer. All these loads are operated
with a constant magnitude of the voltage. The secondary voltage of a transformer
changes under operation due to the voltage drop across the internal impedance and
the load. The voltage regulation of a transformer is used to identify the charac-
teristics of the secondary side voltage changes under different loading conditions.
The voltage regulation of a transformer is defined as the difference between the
2.12 Voltage Regulation of a Transformer 63
a a
N n N n
0 shift −30 lag
N n N n
180 shift +30 lead
C Y/y/0
A1 A2 a1 a2
C1 c1 a
B1 A b1
b b2
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a
B1 B2 b1 b2
N B n b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
C C2 D/d/0
c c2
A c1
A2 a2
B2 b a1
B A1
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a
B1 B2 b1 b2
B b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
no-load terminal voltage ðV2NL Þ to full load terminal voltage ðV2FL Þ and is
expressed as a percentage of full load terminal voltage. It is, therefore, can be
expressed as,
Voltage regulation ¼ 100% ¼ 100% ð2:78Þ
Figure 2.29b shows the phasor diagram for a lagging power factor, and from this
diagram, the following expressions can be written as,
AC ¼ V2 cos /2 ð2:80Þ
2.12 Voltage Regulation of a Transformer 65
C C2 D/z/0
B1 a2
c4 c1 a1
A c3 b3 a3
A2 b1
B2 c4
B A1 c b2 b4
a2 b2
c2 a4
b3 c1 a3
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a3 a4 a
B1 B2 b1 b2 b3 b4
B b
C1 C2 c1 c2 c3 c4
C c
BC ¼ DE ¼ V2 sin /2 ð2:81Þ
CD ¼ BE ¼ I2 R02 ð2:82Þ
EF ¼ I2 X02 ð2:83Þ
AF 2 ¼ AD2 þ DF 2 ð2:84Þ
C Y/d/1
C2 b1 c c2
A1 A2
C1 c1
B1 A b2
b a1 a2 a
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a
B1 B2 b1 b2
N B b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
A2 c c2
A1 c1
A a1 30
B2 a
b2 a2
B B1
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a
B1 B2 b1 b2
B n b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
C2 Y/z/1 c
c3 c2
A c1 a
B1 b1
A1 A2
a1 a2 a3 a4
c4 b3
B2 c
B b4
a1 a2 b2
b4 c1 a
a3 a4
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a3 a4 a
B1 B2 b1 b2 b3 b4
N B b
C1 C2 c1 c2 c3 c4
C c
Figure 2.29c shows the phasor diagram for a leading power factor and from this
diagram, the following expressions can be written,
MR ¼ V2 cos /2 ð2:89Þ
68 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
C C2
a2 a
B1 c
a1 30
C1 c1
A b1
B A1
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a
B1 B2 b1 b2
B n b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
RN ¼ OQ ¼ V2 sin /2 ð2:90Þ
RQ ¼ NO ¼ I2 R02 ð2:91Þ
PO ¼ I2 X02 ð2:92Þ
The expression of E2 from the right-angle triangle MQP can be derived as,
C C2
c a1 a2 a
30 c2 b1
B1 A
A1 c1 b2
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a
N B1 B2 b1 b2
B b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
Example 2.5
The primary coil resistance and reactance of a 200 V/400 V single-phase trans-
former are 0:3 X and 0:6 X, respectively. The secondary coil resistance and reac-
tance are 0:8 X and 1:6 X, respectively. Calculate the voltage regulation if the
secondary current of the transformer is 10 A at a 0.8 pf lagging.
The value of the turns ratio is,
V1 200
a¼ ¼ ¼ 0:5 ð2:97Þ
V2 400
C2 Y/z/11
c3 c2
A c1
B1 b1
A1 A2
a1 a2 a3 a4
B2 b3
B a3 a4 b4
c b1 a
c3 c2
a1 a2
b b4
A1 A2 A a1 a2 a3 a4 a
B1 B2 b1 b2 b3 b4
N B b
C1 C2 c1 c2 c3 c4
C c
R1 0:3
R02 ¼ R2 þ ¼ 0:8 þ ¼ 2X ð2:98Þ
a2 0:25
X1 0:6
X02 ¼ X2 þ ¼ 1:6 þ ¼ 4X ð2:99Þ
a2 0:25
E2 ¼ ðV2 cos /2 þ I2 R02 Þ þ jðV2 sin /2 þ I2 X02 Þ ¼ ð400 0:8 þ 10 2Þ þ jð400 0:6 þ 40Þ
¼ 440:5 j 39:5 : V
2.12 Voltage Regulation of a Transformer 71
C b
C2 Y/y/6
C1 a1 a2
B1 A a b
A1 A2 c2 2
B2 c1 c
B a
A1 A2 A a1 a2
N B1 B2 b1 b2 n
C1 C2 c1 c2
C C2 a1 b
C C2 D/d/6 b2
b B1
A1 A2 b1 a2
B1 A
C1 C1 a
a1 a2 A c1
a c2 2 A2
B2 b1
B c2 c
c1 c A1
A1 A2 A a1 a2
B1 B2 b1 b2
B b
C1 C2 c1 c2
C c
C2 D/z/6
c c4 a4
C1 a
c3 c2 a3
A2 c1 a2
b1 a1
B2 b
A1 b3 b2
a4 c2
a3 c1 a2 b4
a a1 b
c3 c
A1 A2 a1 a2 a3 a4
B1 B2 b1 b2 b3 b4
B b
C1 C2 c1 c2 c3 c4
(a) E2 U (b)
I 2 X 02 F
I 2 Z 02
X I2 V2 Y I 2 R02 V2 I 2 X 02
φ2 B
(c) Q A
I 2 R02
P I2
E2 E
I 2 X 02 D
I 2 R02
M V2 N
E2 V2 440:5 400
Voltage regulation ¼ 100% ¼ 100% ¼ 10% ð2:101Þ
V2 400
Practice Problem 2.5
A 110 V/220 V single-phase transformer has the resistance of 0:2 X and reactance
of 0:8 X in the primary winding. The resistance and reactance in the secondary
winding are 0:9 X and 1:8 X, respectively. Calculate the voltage regulation, when
the secondary current is 6 A at a 0.85 power factor leading.
Pout Plosses
g¼ ¼1 ð2:103Þ
Pin Pin
The iron loss of a transformer is often called a core loss, which is a result of an
alternating flux in the core of the transformer. The iron loss consists of the eddy
current loss and the hysteresis loss. In the transformer, most of the flux is trans-
ferred from the primary coil to the secondary coil through a low reluctance iron
path. A few portions of that alternating flux links with the iron parts of the trans-
former and as a result, an emf is induced in the transformer core. A current will flow
in that parts of the transformer. This current does not contribute to the output of the
transformer but dissipated as heat. This current is known as eddy current and the
power loss due to this current is known as eddy current loss. The eddy current loss
ðPe Þ is directly proportional to the square of the frequency (f) times the maximum
magnetic flux density ðBm Þ and the eddy current loss can be expressed as,
Pe ¼ ke f 2 B2m ð2:104Þ
ke is the proportionality constant
Steel is a very good ferromagnetic material that is used for the core of a
transformer. This ferromagnetic material contains a number of domains in the
structure and magnetized easily. These domains are like small magnets located
randomly in the structure. When an mmf is applied to the core, then those domains
change their position. After removing mmf, most of the domains come back to their
original position and the remaining will be as it is. As a result, the substance is
slightly permanently magnetized. An additional mmf is required to change the
position of the remaining domains. Therefore, hysteresis loss is defined as the
additional energy that is required to realign the domains in the ferromagnetic
material. The hysteresis loss ðPh Þ is directly proportional to the frequency (f) and
2.14 Iron and Copper Losses 75
2.6th power of the maximum magnetic flux density ðBm Þ and the expression of
hysteresis loss is,
Ph ¼ kh fB2:6
m ð2:105Þ
Pe / f 2 ð2:106Þ
Ph / f ð2:107Þ
Practically, hysteresis loss depends on the voltage and the eddy current loss
depends on the current. Therefore, the total losses of the transformer depending on
the voltage and the current but not on the power factor. That is why the transformer
rating is always represented in kVA instead of kW.
In the transformer, copper losses occur due to the primary and the secondary
resistances. The full load copper losses can be determined as,
output output
g¼ ¼ ð2:113Þ
input output þ losses
76 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
Substituting Eqs. (2.110), (2.111) and (2.112) into Eq. (2.113) yields,
V2 I2 cos /2
g¼ ð2:114Þ
V2 I2 cos /2 þ Piron þ Pcu
V2 cos /2
g¼ I22 R02
V2 cos /2 þ Piron
I2 þ I2
þ R02 ¼ 0 ð2:117Þ
Multiplying both sides of Eq. (2.121) by the secondary rated voltage V2 yields,
V2 I2g ¼ V2 I2 2 ð2:122Þ
I2 R02
2.15 Condition for Maximum Efficiency 77
iron loss
VImax efficiency ¼ VIrated ð2:123Þ
full load copper loss
Example 2.6
A 30 kVA transformer has the iron loss and full load copper loss of 350 W and
650 W, respectively. Determine the full load efficiency, output kVA corresponding
to maximum efficiency, and maximum efficiency. Consider that the power factor of
the load is 0.6 lagging.
The total value of full load loss is calculated as,
Pin ¼ 18 þ 1 ¼ 19 kW ð2:126Þ
g¼ 100 ¼ 94:74% ð2:127Þ
g¼ 100 ¼ 94:96% ð2:132Þ
Practice Problem 2.6
A 200 kVA transformer is having an iron loss of 1.5 kW and a copper loss of 5 kW
at full load condition. Find the kVA rating at which the efficiency is maximum.
Also, find the efficiency at a unity power factor.
The main objectives of open circuit tests are to determine the no-load current and
iron loss. The components of the no-load current are used to determine the no-load
circuit resistance and reactance.
In an open circuit test, the secondary side is considered to be an open circuit, and
the primary coil is connected to the source as shown in Fig. 2.30a, where all
measuring instruments are connected on the primary side. A specific alternating
voltage is applied to the primary winding. Then the wattmeter will measure the iron
loss and small amount of copper loss. The ammeter and voltmeter will measure the
no-load current and the voltage, respectively. Since the no-load current is very
(a) (b)
N1 N2
+ +
V1 V V1 R0 X0
− −
Fig. 2.30 Connection diagrams for open circuit test and no-load circuit
2.16 Transformer Tests 79
small, the copper losses can be neglected. Then the wattmeter reading can be
expressed as,
P0 ¼ V1 I0 cos /0 ð2:132Þ
From Eq. (2.132), the no-load power factor can be determined as,
cos /0 ¼ ð2:133Þ
V1 I0
The working and magnetizing components of the current can be determined as,
Iw ¼ I0 cos /0 ð2:134Þ
Im ¼ I0 sin /0 ð2:135Þ
Then the no-load circuit resistance and reactance can be determined as,
R0 ¼ ð2:136Þ
X0 ¼ ð2:137Þ
Example 2.7
A 200 V/400 V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer has the no-load test data of 200 V,
0.6 A, 80 W. Calculate the no-load circuit resistance and reactance.
The power factor can be determined as,
P0 80
cos /0 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:67 ð2:138Þ
V1 I0 200 0:6
The values of the working and magnetizing components of the no-load current
V1 200
R0 ¼ ¼ ¼ 500 X ð2:142Þ
Iw 0:4
V1 200
X0 ¼ ¼ ¼ 454:5 X ð2:143Þ
Im 0:44
The main objectives of short circuit tests are to determine the equivalent resistance,
reactance, impedance, and full load copper loss. In this test, the supply voltage and
the measuring instruments (e.g., wattmeter, ammeter) are connected to the primary
side, and the secondary winding is shorted out by wire or connected with an
ammeter as shown in Fig. 2.31.
The primary voltage is adjusted until the current in the short-circuited winding is
equal to the rated primary current. Under this condition, the wattmeter will measure
the full load copper loss and it can be written as,
From Eq. (2.144), the short circuit power factor can be calculated as,
cos /sc ¼ ð2:145Þ
Isc Vsc
Z01 ¼ Zeq ¼ ð2:146Þ
N1 N2
+ +
V I sc
V1 Vsc
− −
Example 2.8
A 25 kVA, 2200 V/220 V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer’s low voltage side is
short-circuited and the test data recorded from the high voltage side are P ¼ 150 W,
I1 ¼ 5 A, and V1 ¼ 40 V. Determine the equivalent resistance, reactance, and
impedance referred to primary, equivalent resistance, reactance, and impedance
referred to secondary, and voltage regulation at unity power factor.
The parameters referred to primary are,
V1 40
Z01 ¼ ¼ ¼ 8X ð2:149Þ
I1 5
P 150
R01 ¼ ¼ ¼ 6X ð2:150Þ
I12 25
/ ¼ cos ¼ 41:4 ð2:151Þ
V1 2200
a¼ ¼ ¼ 10 ð2:153Þ
V2 220
Z01 8
Z02 ¼ 2
¼ ¼ 0:08 X ð2:154Þ
a 100
R01 6
R02 ¼ 2
¼ ¼ 0:06 X ð2:155Þ
a 100
X01 5:2
X02 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:052 X ð2:156Þ
a2 100
I2 ¼ ¼ 113:6 A ð2:157Þ
82 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
E2 V2 229 220
VR ¼ ¼ ¼ 4% ð2:159Þ
V2 220
Practice Problem 2.7
The no-load test data of a 220 V/2200 V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer are
220 V, 0.4 A, 75 W. Calculate the no-load circuit resistance and reactance.
Practice Problem 2.8
A 30 kVA, 2200 V/220 V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer’s low voltage side is
short-circuited by a thick wire. The test data recorded from the high voltage side are
P ¼ 400 W, I1 ¼ 8:5 A, and V1 ¼ 65 V. Find the equivalent resistance, reactance,
and impedance referred to a primary and equivalent resistance, reactance, and
impedance referred to secondary, and voltage regulation at a 0.6 lagging power
2.17 Autotransformer
A small rating transformer with a variable voltage output is usually used in the
academic laboratory as well as in testing laboratories. This type of small rating
transformer with variable output is known as an autotransformer. An autotrans-
former has one continuous winding that is common to both the primary and the
secondary. Therefore, in an autotransformer, the primary and secondary windings
are connected electrically. The advantages of an autotransformer over a two-winding
transformer include lower initial investment, lower leakage reactance, lower losses
compared to the conventional transformer, and lower excitation current.
An autotransformer with primary and secondary windings is shown in Fig. 2.32.
In this connection, the suffix c indicates the common winding and the suffix
s indicates the series winding. From Fig. 2.32, the following equations can be
written as,
Ns Ic
¼ ¼a ð2:160Þ
Nc Is
Vs Ns
¼ ¼a ð2:161Þ
Vc Nc
2.17 Autotransformer 83
¼ ð 1 þ aÞ ð2:163Þ
VL 1
¼ ð2:164Þ
V1 1 þ a
where the voltage at the load is equal to the voltage at the common terminals, i.e.,
VL ¼ Vc .
The expression of the load current can be written as,
IL ¼ Is þ Ic ¼ aIs þ Is ð2:165Þ
IL ¼ ð1 þ aÞIs ð2:166Þ
¼ ð1 þ aÞ ð2:167Þ
Example 2.9
Figure 2.33 shows a single-phase 120 kVA, 2200 V/220 V, 50 Hz transformer
which is connected as an autotransformer. The voltages of the upper and lower parts
of the coil are 220 V and 2200 V, respectively. Calculate the kVA rating of the
84 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
2420 V
2200 V
I qr
- r
The current ratings of the respective windings are,
120; 000
Ipq ¼ ¼ 545:5 A ð2:168Þ
120; 000
Iqr ¼ ¼ 54:5 A ð2:169Þ
600 2200
kVA1 ¼ ¼ 1320 kVA ð2:172Þ
545:5 2420
kVA2 ¼ ¼ 1320 kVA ð2:173Þ
Practice Problem 2.9
A single-phase 100 kVA, 1100 V/220 V, 50 Hz transformer is connected as an
autotransformer as shown in Fig. 2.34. The voltages of the upper and lower parts of
the coil are 220 V and 1100 V, respectively. Determine the kVA rating of the
2.18 Parallel Operation of a Single-Phase Transformer 85
Fig. 2.34 An p
autotransformer for Practice
Problem 2.9 I pq
q 1320 V
1100 V -
I qr
- r
Nowadays, the demand of load is increasing with the increase in population and
industrial sector. Sometimes, it is difficult to meet the excess demand for power by
the existing single unit transformer. Therefore, an additional transformer is required
to connect in parallel with the existing one. The following points should be con-
sidered for making parallel connections of transformers:
• The terminal voltage of both transformers must be the same.
• Polarity must be the same for both transformers.
• For both transformers, the percentage of impedances should be equal in
• The ratio of R to X must be the same for both transformers.
• Phase sequences and phase shifts must be the same (for a three-phase
The primary and secondary windings of the transformer may be connected in either
wye (Y) or delta ðDÞ. Three-phase transformer connections are classified into four
possible types, namely Y-Y (wye–wye),Y-D (wye-delta), D-Y (delta-wye), and D-D
Figure 2.35 shows the Y-Y connection diagram. This type of connection of a
three-phase transformer is rarely used for a large amount of power transmission.
86 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
B Primary
c a Secondary b c n
Neutral point is necessary for both primary and secondary sides in some cases. In
balanced loads, this type of connection works satisfactorily and provides neutral to
each side for grounding. At the primary side, the phase voltage can be written as,
VP1 ¼ pffiffiffi ð2:174Þ
VP2 ¼ pffiffiffi ð2:175Þ
The ratio of the primary line voltage to the secondary line voltage of this
connection is,
a¼ ð2:176Þ
3 VP1 VP1
a ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ ð2:177Þ
3 VP2 VP2
The wye-delta connection is mainly used at the substation where the voltage is
stepped down. In this connection, the current in the secondary coil is 57.7% of the
load current. At the primary side of this connection, a copper wire is used to ground
the neutral point. Figure 2.36 shows the connection diagram of the wye-delta
transformer. In this connection, the expression of the primary line voltage is,
2.19 Three-Phase Transformer Connections 87
a c
Secondary a c
VL1 ¼ 3 VP1 ð2:178Þ
a¼ ð2:180Þ
a¼ ð2:183Þ
The delta-wye connection is generally used at the power generating station to step
up the voltage. Figure 2.37 shows the connection diagram of a delta-wye trans-
former. In this connection, the expression of the primary line voltage is,
VL1 VP1 a
¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ð2:188Þ
VL2 3 VP2 3
IP1 ¼ pffiffiffi IL1 ð2:189Þ
Secondary a b c
a¼ ð2:190Þ
The delta-delta connection is generally used for both high voltage and low voltage
rating transformers where insulation is not an important issue. The connection
diagram for delta-delta transformer is shown in Fig. 2.38.
In this case, the primary line voltage can be written as,
a c
a b c
¼ ¼a ð2:195Þ
The remaining two transformers are able to supply three-phase power to the load
terminal if one of the transformers is removed from the connection. This type of
three-phase power supply by two transformers is known as open delta or V–V
connection. This open delta connection is able to supply three-phase power at a
reduced rate of 57.7%. The connection diagram for an open delta connection is
shown in Fig. 2.39.
In the V–V connection, the secondary line current is,
a c
a b c
2.19 Three-Phase Transformer Connections 91
The ratio of delta-delta output capacity to the V–V output capacity is,
P0VV 3 VL2 IP2
¼ ¼ 0:577 ð2:201Þ
Example 2.10
A three-phase transformer is connected to an 11 kV supply and draws 6 A current.
Determine line voltage at the secondary side and the line current in the secondary
coil. Consider the turns ratio of the transformer is 11. Consider delta-wye and
wye-delta connections.
Delta-wye connection:
The phase voltage at the primary side is,
VP1 11000
VP2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 1000 V ð2:203Þ
a 11
IL1 11
IP1 ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 6:35 A ð2:205Þ
3 3
Wye-delta connection:
The line voltage at the primary side is,
VL1 ¼ 11 kV ð2:207Þ
VL1 11000
VP1 ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 6350:85 V ð2:208Þ
3 3
92 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
VP1 6350:85
VP2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 577:35 V ð2:209Þ
a 11
The magnitude of voltage and the current is normally high in the power system
networks. To reduce the magnitude of voltage and current, instrument transformers
are used. There are two types of instrument transformers, a current transformer
(CT) and potential transformer (PT). If a power system carries an alternating current
greater than 100 A, then it is difficult to connect measuring instruments like low
range ammeter, wattmeter, energy meter, and relay.
The current transformer is then connected in series with the line to step down the
high magnitude of the current to a rated value of about 5 A for the ammeter and the
current coil of the wattmeter. The diagram of a current transformer is shown in
Fig. 2.40. If the system voltage exceeds 500 V, then it is difficult to connect
2.20 Instrument Transformers 93
measuring instruments directly to the high voltage terminals. The potential trans-
former is then used to step down to a suitable value of the voltage at the secondary
for supplying to the voltmeter and the voltage coil of the wattmeter. The secondary
of the instrument transformer is normally grounded for safety. The connection
diagram of a potential transformer is shown in Fig. 2.41.
Power transformer and distribution transformer are identified as the most important
and critical component in the power utility companies in terms of price and relia-
bility of service. Hydrotreated light naphthenic distillate chemical oil in different
names such as “TRANSOL, POWER OIL, SAVITHA, APAR.” is used as an
insulating for inter-winding of a three-phase transformer. Due to age, transformer
oil needs to be tested according to different standards such as IEEE Std 62-1995,
IEC 60156, ASTM D1816, etc. The percentage saturation of water in oil is shown
in Table 2.1. There are several apparatus available in the market to test the
dielectric strength of insulating oils. This equipment automatically tests the
dielectric strength of the insulating oil. In addition to that, it has a high precision oil
breakdown voltage test (0–75 kV ± 1 kV) with a very accurate measurement
principle performed directly on the HV unit as well as monitor the voltage slew (0.5
kV–10 kV/s) or real breakdown monitoring (RBM) as shown in Fig. 2.42. The
equipment provides excellent short switch-off time (<10 µs) after a breakdown
counteracts the contamination of the oil sample, thus ensuring the reliable repro-
ducibility of the measurement results. Most of the available equipment complies
with all types of standards, and its internal temperature recording of the oil sample
varies from 0 to 99 °C.
Control knobs
Result output
Standard symbols are used to represent the components of a typical power system
as shown in Fig. 2.43. Generator, transformer, transmission line, and load are the
basic components of a power system. These basic components or symbols are used
to form the one-line or single-line diagram of a typical power system. A single-line
diagram of a typical power system is shown in Fig. 2.44. This typical power system
consists of a synchronous machine, load, two transformers, four buses, and a
transmission line. Circuit breakers are generally used here to protect the power
system components. Initially, a single-line diagram is considered to derive the
impedance and reactance diagrams. Additional information such as ratings of
synchronous machines and transformers can be obtained from the single-line dia-
gram. Power consumed or delivered in the system and impedances of the com-
ponents can be calculated from the single-line diagram. The details of a single-line
diagram along with the simulation of a power system will be discussed in the other
chapters. The following points are considered to derive the impedance diagram:
• The generator is represented by a voltage source in series with reactance,
• The motor is represented by a voltage source in series with resistance and
• The transformer is represented by resistance and reactance,
• The load is represented by resistance and reactance,
• The transmission line is represented by resistance and reactance.
The impedance diagram is shown in Fig. 2.45. The reactance diagram is normally
drawn by neglecting the resistances and line capacitance from the impedance dia-
gram shown in Fig. 2.46.
2.22 Standard Symbols and Reactance Diagram 95
Motor or Generator
Bus Horizontal
Wye connection
Delta connection
G T1 T2
Z line
ZT 1 ZT 2
Z load
X line
XT 2
X T1
X load
In a power system, per unit values of voltage, current, power, and impedance are
used for analyzing and interpreting data. These per unit values are normalized on a
selected base voltage in kV and base apparent power in MVA. This normalization is
known as the per unit analysis. There are many advantages to use the per unit
values in a power system and these advantages are as follows:
• It gives a clear idea about voltage, current, and impedance.
• The per unit values of voltage, current, and impedance of a transformer is the
same, whether referred to as primary or secondary.
• The per unit values are ideal for computer simulation and calculation.
• The per unit impedance of any electrical equipment lies within the narrow
numerical range when the equipment ratings are used as base values.
• Manufacturers normally include the necessary information in the nameplate as
per unit values.
2.23 Per Unit System 97
The per unit value is defined as the ratio of the actual value of the quantity to the
base value of the same quantity and it can be expressed as,
actual value
Per unit value ¼ ð2:213Þ
base value
The base value is arbitrarily chosen within the range of voltage and apparent
power. The base value is always a real number and per unit value is dimensionless.
Consider the base voltage and base power of a single-phase system Vb (1/) and Sb
(1/), respectively. The expression of base current (Ib) is expressed as [3],
Ib ¼ ð2:214Þ
Zb ¼ ð2:215Þ
Zb ¼ Sbð1/Þ
Zb ¼ ð2:217Þ
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ð2:218Þ
Zb ¼ 3
Zb ¼ 3
3 VbðLLÞ
Zb ¼ ð2:221Þ
Z¼ ð2:222Þ
¼ VIb ¼ Ibb ð2:223Þ
Zb I I
Zpu ¼ ð2:224Þ
where the put unit voltage and current are expressed as,
Vpu ¼ ð2:225Þ
Ipu ¼ ð2:226Þ
In an alternative way, the expression of per unit impedance can be expressed as,
Zpu ¼ ð2:227Þ
Zpu ¼ V 2 ð2:228Þ
2.23 Per Unit System 99
Zpu ¼ Z ð2:229Þ
According to Eq. (2.229), the per unit impedance for new and old systems can
be expressed as,
Zpuo ¼ Z 2
Zpun ¼ Z 2
Zpun Sbn Vbo 2
¼ ð2:233Þ
Zpuo Sbo Vbn
Sbn Vbo 2
Zpun ¼ Zpuo ð2:234Þ
Sbo Vbn
Zpun is the per unit impedance of the new system,
Zpuo is the per unit impedance of the old system,
Vbn is the base voltage of the new system,
Sbn is the base value of the apparent power of the new system,
Vbo is the base voltage of the old system,
Sbo is the base value of the apparent power of the old system.
Example 2.11
An impedance of 4 þ j8 X is connected in series with a voltage source of 220 V,
50 Hz source. Calculate the per unit values of resistance, reactance, and impedance
by considering the base values of 100 V and 100 VA.
The base value of the current is calculated as,
Ib ¼ ¼ 1A ð2:235Þ
100 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
Vb 100
Zb ¼ ¼ ¼ 100 X ð2:236Þ
Ib 1
Vb2 1002
Zb ¼ ¼ ¼ 100 X ð2:237Þ
Sb 100
R 4
Rpu ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:04 ð2:238Þ
Zb 100
XL 8
XLpu ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:08 ð2:239Þ
Zb 100
T1 T2
2.23 Per Unit System 101
Let the base power and base voltage are,
Vb ¼ 100 kV ð2:242Þ
V1 132
a1 ¼ ¼ ¼2 ð2:243Þ
V2 66
Vb 100
Vbline ¼ Vb2 ¼ Vb3 ¼ ¼ ¼ 50 kV ð2:244Þ
a 2
Xpuline ¼ ¼ 0:12 ð2:246Þ
For the first (grid) transformer, the per unit reactance is calculated as,
132 2 100
XpuT1 ¼ 0:02 ¼ 0:034 ð2:247Þ
100 100
Vb3 11
Vbload ¼ Vb4 ¼ ¼ 50 ¼ 8:33 kV ð2:248Þ
a2 66
For the second (load) transformer, the per unit reactance is,
11 100
XpuT2 ¼ 0:01 ¼ 0:04 ð2:249Þ
8:33 40
Sb 100 106
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 693:09 A ð2:250Þ
3 Vb 3 8:33 103
50 106
IL ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 3087:43 A ð2:251Þ
3 11 103 0:6
ILpu ¼ ¼ 0:22 ð2:252Þ
Per unit value of the voltage at the load terminal (bus 4) is,
V4 ¼ VL ¼ ¼ 0:083 pu ð2:253Þ
The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 2.48 and the grid to bus voltage can be
calculated as,
Vgb ¼ 0:22 jcos 1ð0:85Þ : jð0:03 þ 0:04 þ 0:12Þ þ 0:083 ¼ 0:07 j30:22 : pu
X T 2 = 0.04 I Lpu
+ +
Vgb VL
− −
References 103
1. Wildi T (2006) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education
International, Upper Saddle River
2. Salam MA (2012) Fundamentals of electrical machines, 2nd edn. International Ltd., Alpha
3. Chapman SJ (2002) Electric machinery and power system fundamentals. McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, New York
4. Fitzgerald AE, Kingsley C Jr, Umans SD (2002) Electric machinery, 6th edn. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education, New York
Exercise Problems
2:43 The open circuit test data of a single-phase transformer are recorded as the
220 V, 1.2 A, and 145 W. Find the no-load circuit parameters.
2:44 A single-phase 100 kVA, 1100 V/220 V transformer is connected as an
autotransformer, which is shown in Fig. P2.1. The voltage of the upper
portion and the lower portion of the coil are found to be 220 V and 1100 V,
respectively. Calculate the kVA rating of the autotransformer.
2:45 A 200 kVA three-phase, 50 Hz core-type transformer is connected as delta–
wye and has a line voltage ratio of 1100 V/440 V. The core area and the
maximum flux density of the transformer are found to be 0.04 m2 and
2.3 Wb/m2, respectively. Calculate the number of turns per phase of the
primary and secondary coils.
2:46 The number of turns in the primary and secondary coils is found to be 600
and 150, respectively. The transformer is connected to 11 kV, 50 Hz supply.
Find the secondary line voltage when the windings are connected as
(a) delta-wye and (b) wye-delta.
2:47 A single-phase load absorbs 120 kVA power from 22 kV busbar. Calculate
the base current and base impedance by considering base values at rated
MVA and kV.
2:48 A three-phase load absorbs 60 MVA at a 0.8 power factor lagging from
66 kV busbar. Calculate the base current and base impedance. Consider the
base values at rated MVA and kV.
2:49 The per phase reactance of a three-phase, 5 kVA, 220 V, Y-connected
synchronous generator is found to 12 X. Find the per unit reactance by
considering the base values at rated MVA and kV.
2:50 The base values of a system are considered 200 kVA and 22 kV. The per
unit impedance of that system is 0.05. Determine the actual value of the
2:51 A 11 kV/66 kV 10 MVA single-phase transformer has the secondary reac-
tance of 6 X. Calculate the per unit reactance referred to as primary and
2:52 The per phase impedance of a three-phase 11 kV transmission line is
0:02 þ j0:1 pu. The transmission line delivers a power of 8 MVA to the load.
Find the voltage drop across the line. Consider the base values at rated MVA
and kV.
108 2 Transformer: Principles and Practices
2:53 Fig. P2.2 shows a single-line diagram of a power system. The related data for
generator, transformers, and line are given below:
Generator G 65 MVA, 11 kV, X = 0.15,
Transformer T1 25 MVA, 11 kV/220 kV, X = 0.12,
Transformer T2 35 MVA, 220 kV/11 kV, X = 0.0.06,
Line X = 12 X.
G1 M
2:55 Figure P2.4 shows a single-line diagram of a power system. The related data
for generator, transformers, and lines are given below:
Generator G1 15 MVA, 11 kV, X = 0.12,
Generator G2 25 MVA, 11 kV, X = 0.14,
Transformer T1 45 MVA, 11 kV/220 kV, X = 0.10,
Transformer T2 55 MVA, 11 kV/220 kV, X = 0.08,
Motor M 10 MVA, 11 kV, X = 0.04,
Line X = 45 X.
3.1 Introduction
Natural gas, water, and fuel are being used for a long time for the generation of
electrical power for use in our daily lives. Day by day, the reserve of fossil fuel is
decreasing due to heavy usages in power generation. At the same time, the demand
for electrical energy is increasing due to the increasing population, increased
industrialization, and increasing residential and commercial sectors. Academicians,
researchers, and practicing engineers are working to generate electricity through
renewable sources such as solar, wind, water, biomass, and nuclear. In solar energy,
heat is radiated by the sun and is focused on the solar panel, which in turn generates
DC voltage. There are many solar farms across the world generating DC voltage
which charges the storage battery. Later, the direct current of the storage battery
converts into alternating current through an inverter. Nowadays, wind energy also
plays an important role to generate electricity. Wind with a suitable speed is used to
turn the windmill, which drives the small generator and produces electrical energy.
There is plenty of water available in tropical countries. Water is stored in a suitable
place by making a dam. The water with sufficient potential head brings to the
turbine house through steel pipes, which drives the turbine. This water turbine
drives the three-phase synchronous AC generator, which generates electrical power.
In the biomass energy system, gas is produced by rotting vegetation along with
organic matter. This gas is then used to burn the water and converted it into steam.
Finally, steam is used to generate electrical power.
A power station or power plant is a plant that generates electricity with a voltage of
11 kV or lower value. This voltage is then stepped up to a higher voltage based on
the national transmission voltage. Depending on the available natural energy, power
stations can be classified as thermal or steam, hydroelectric, diesel or nuclear power
Flue gas Y
Boiler Turbine house Voltage
G Field
+ −
Cooling tower
Natural gas
g¼ ð3:1Þ
The increasing demand for electricity can be met by using hydropower station.
China increases electric power capacity by 8–9% per year to meet growing demand
from both industry and other consumers. They constructed a dam for hydropower
station on the bank of the Yangtze River which is known as Three Gorges Dam.
The total power generation capacity of this hydropower station is 22,500 MW.
Currently, the Three Gorges dam is the largest hydropower plant in the world.
Hydro Bakun is the largest hydropower station in Malaysia, which is built on the
bank of a Balui River. The total power generation capacity of this Hydro Bakun
power station is 2400 MW. In the Middle East, near the Red Sea, world’s largest
hydropower station will be constructed soon, and the total electric generating
capacity would be around 50,000 MW. There are 13 generators and 2675 MW
generation in a Niagara hydropower station in Canada. A hydropower station is the
one which utilizes the energy of falling water to generate electricity. Hydropower
station is suitable to build where a large amount of water is available all the time.
A dam is constructed across a lake or river to store water as well as to create enough
water head. Water is then taken to the turbine house through steel pipes. A water
turbine converts the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical energy. This
mechanical energy is used to run the generator, which generates electricity. Two
factors mainly determine the amount of electricity generated by a hydroelectric
power station. The first factor is the height from the turbine to the water surface,
which is known as water head. The second key factor is the volume of water
moving through the turbine.
Three forms of energy are involved when water is moving from one place to
another place. These are kinetic, pressure, and potential energies. Per kg kinetic
energy, pressure energy, and potential energy can be expressed as,
114 3 Power Generation
Ekw ¼ v2 Nm=kg ð3:2Þ
Epw ¼ Nm=kg ð3:3Þ
v is the velocity of water flow in m/s,
p is the pressure of water N/m2,
q is the density of water kg/m3,
H is the height of water in m.
A simple schematic of a hydropower station is shown in Fig. 3.3. The discharge
water from the turbine house is released to the river. The main components of a
hydropower station are dam, turbine, generator, transformer, and transmission lines.
The brief descriptions of those components are given below.
Dam: It is built on the lake or river to store water in a reservoir. It is also known as
the headrace. The dam raises the water level to create the necessary head of the
falling water. Therefore, the dam always controls the flow of water through proper
Penstock: Pipes of large diameter that carry water under pressure from the storage
reservoir to the turbines called penstocks. These pipes are usually made of steel or
reinforced concrete.
Turbine: In a turbine, different types of buckets or blades are mounted on a wheel
called a runner. Water is released from the dam and falls on the turbine blade. The
force of falling water pushes the turbine blades, which causes the turbine to rotate.
Dam 3 −φ
Reservoir Voltage
hr Turbine house
Hg G Field
+ −
energy River
Then, the turbine converts the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical
Tailrace: A channel that carries water away from the turbine after the water has
worked on the turbines is known as a tailrace or river. The water surface in the
tailrace is also referred to as tailrace.
Generator: The generator is usually attached to the turbine shaft with the related
equipment. The generator field is energized by the DC supply and creates the
magnetic field. The turbine rotates the generator, which converts mechanical energy
from the turbine into electrical energy.
Transformer: In the power station, a power transformer with a rating from 20 to
50 MVA is used to step up the generating voltage to the national transmission
Transmission lines: The transmission lines are used to carry out the electrical
power from the power station to the nearest grid substation.
There are two types of water heads normally used in the hydropower station. They
are gross head and net head. The vertical difference between the headrace and
tailrace is known as the gross head, and it is represented by Hg. The net or effective
head is the actual head available at the inlet of the bucket to work on the turbine.
The net head (H) is expressed as,
H ¼ Hg hL ð3:5Þ
hL is the total head loss during the transit of water from the headrace to tailrace
which is mainly head loss due to friction.
According to Darcy’s equation, the energy loss due to friction can be written as,
L v
hL ¼ f ð3:6Þ
D 2g
hL is the energy loss due to friction,
L is the length of the flow stream,
D is the diameter of the flow path,
v is the average velocity of flow,
f is the friction factor (dimensionless).
116 3 Power Generation
3.6 Efficiency
The efficiency of a hydropower station depends on the input and output. The
efficiency is classified as hydraulic, mechanical, and overall.
Hydraulic efficiency: The ratio of the power developed by the runner of a turbine
to the power supplied at the inlet of a turbine is known as hydraulic efficiency, and
it is represented as ηh. There is a power loss between the striking jet and vane.
According to the definition, the hydraulic can be expressed as,
gh ¼ 100 ð3:7Þ
PR is the runner or turbine power,
PW is water power.
Mechanical efficiency: The ratio of the power (Psh) available at the shaft to the
power (PR) developed by the runner of a turbine is known as mechanical efficiency,
and it is represented as ηm. This efficiency depends on the related mechanical
devices that will create a loss of energy between the runner in the annular area,
between the nozzle and spear. The mechanical efficiency is expressed as,
gm ¼ 100 ð3:8Þ
Overall efficiency: The ratio of the power (Psh) available at the shaft to the power
(PW) supplied at the inlet of a turbine is known as overall efficiency. The overall
efficiency is represented as ηO. This depends on both the hydraulic losses and the
slips. It also depends on other mechanical problems that will create a loss of energy
between the jet power supplied and the power generated at the shaft available for
the coupling of the generator.
gO ¼ ð3:9Þ
Psh PR
gO ¼ ð3:10Þ
PR Psh
gO ¼ ð3:11Þ
3.6 Efficiency 117
gO ¼ gh gm ð3:12Þ
Breaking jet
Needle valve
High pressure
Spear Nozzle jet
the turbine. The amount of water striking is usually controlled by the forward and
backward motion of the spear.
The runner is a circular disk mounted on a shaft on the periphery of which some
buckets are fixed equally spaced. The buckets are made of cast iron, cast steel,
bronze, or stainless steel depending upon the head at the inlet of the turbine. The
water jet strikes the bucket on the splitter of the bucket and gets deflected in a
proper direction.
The casing is made of cast iron or fabricated steel plates. The main function of
the casing is to prevent the splashing of water and to discharge the water into the
The amount of water after striking the buckets is completely stopped; the runner
goes on rotating for a very long time due to inertia. A small nozzle is provided to
stop the runner in a short time, which directs the jet of water on the back of the
bucket with which the rotation of the runner is reversed. This jet is called a breaking
The machine that converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy is known as a
pump, and the machine that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy is
known as a turbine. Wave is considered as a bent shape as shown in Fig. 3.5. Here,
the jet is used to deliver fluid at the inlet with a velocity V1 with an angle a1 at the
direction plate, and its relative velocity Vr1 makes a blade angle b1 with the
α1 β1
u1 Vw1
3.8 Velocity Triangle 119
At the inlet, the wall velocity of the jet in the axial direction is Vw1, and it can be
expressed as,
Flow component of the jet or water at the inlet is Vf1, and it can be expressed as,
Vf 1 ¼ V1 sin a1 ð3:14Þ
Jet strikes the splitter of a bucket and gets split into two halves, and they deviate
with an angle as shown in Fig. 3.6.
Velocity triangles for the jet striking the bucket at the inlet and outlet are shown
in Fig. 3.7. The inlet and outlet parameters are represented with the suffix 1 and 2,
In Fig. 3.7, consider the linear velocities of the bucket at the inlet, and the outlet
is u1 and u2, respectively. Again, consider the velocity of water at the inlet of the
turbine is V1. The tangential component of V1 is Vw1. According to Fig. 3.6, the
following equation can be written as,
V1 ¼ Vw1 ð3:15Þ
Vr1 ¼ V1 u1 ð3:16Þ
From the outlet velocity triangle as shown in Fig. 3.7, the velocity of water or jet
at the outlet of the bucket is V3. The tangential and radial or flow components of V2
are Vw2 and Vf2, respectively. The deflection angle of the bucket is a, and the exit
angle of the bucket is /.
angle of jet
Side of bucket
120 3 Power Generation
u2 G Vw2
φ V2
Vr 2 β Vf 2
angle of jet
u1 Vr1 α
V1 = Vw1
Vf1 = 0
According to the impulse-momentum theorem, the force with which the jet
strikes the bucket along the direction of vane (blade) is given by,
m ¼ qðAV1 Þ ð3:19Þ
The work done per second by the jet of water on the vane is given by the product
of force exerted on the vane and the distance moved by the vane in one second.
Mathematically, it can be expressed as,
WD=s ¼ Fx u ð3:21Þ
The work done per second is equal to the runner power, and it can be expressed
PR ¼ Fx u ð3:22Þ
3.9 Hydraulic Efficiency 121
The input power from the jet or water power is equal to the energy due to the
velocity, and it can be expressed as,
PW ¼ KE ¼ mV12 ð3:24Þ
PW ¼ KE ¼ qðAV1 ÞV12 ð3:25Þ
PW ¼ KE ¼ qAV13 ð3:26Þ
gh ¼ ð3:27Þ
2uðVw1 þ Vw2 Þ
gh ¼ ð3:29Þ
From the inlet velocity triangle, the following equation can be written as,
Vw1 ¼ V1 ð3:30Þ
Assuming no shock and ignoring frictional losses through the blade, then the
following equation is expressed as,
In case of Pelton wheel, the inlet and outlet are located at the same radial
distance from the center of the runner. Therefore, the linear speed of runner is
generalized as,
122 3 Power Generation
u1 ¼ u2 ¼ u ð3:32Þ
From the outlet velocity triangle, D EFH, the following equation can be written
u2 þ Vw2
cos / ¼ ð3:34Þ
Differentiate Eq. (3.38) with respect to u and set equal to zero to obtain the
maximum efficiency for a given jet velocity and vane angle.
d 2uðV1 uÞð1 þ cos /Þ
¼0 ð3:39Þ
du V12
2ð1 þ cos /Þ d
uðV1 uÞ ¼ 0 ð3:40Þ
V12 du
u¼ ð3:42Þ
From Eq. (3.42), it is seen that the bucket speed is maintained at half the velocity
of the jet, and the efficiency will be maximum at this speed. Substituting Eq. (3.42)
into Eq. (3.38) yields,
3.9 Hydraulic Efficiency 123
ghmax ¼ ð1 þ cos /Þ ð3:44Þ
From Eq. (3.44), it is concluded that the hydraulic efficiency will be maximum
when the value of cos / is equal to 1 and the value of the outlet blade angle of the
bucket should be 0 .
A diesel power station uses the diesel engine as a prime mover to generate elec-
tricity. A diesel engine is connected with the rotor of the generator. Diesel is burnt
inside the engine, which produces mechanical energy. When the diesel engine
starts, it runs the generator, which converts mechanical energy into electrical
energy. A simple block diagram of a diesel power station is shown in Fig. 3.8. The
power rating of a diesel power station is very small, and it is normally installed in
the remote area for supplying electricity. The efficiency of the diesel power station
is less than 25%. This power station is rarely used due to the high price of the oil
and its lower efficiency. It is used as a standby plant, peak load plant, emergency
plant, and mobile plant.
Nowadays, the nuclear power station is popular for large capacity electricity gen-
eration. It provides approximately 17% of the world’s electricity. Currently, there
are roughly 400 nuclear power stations in the world. More than 100 nuclear power
stations are in the USA. France generates approximately 75% of its total electrical
energy from nuclear power stations.
The nuclear fuel (uranium) generates a huge amount of nuclear energy through
fission of radioactive material and heat by a controlled chain reaction. This heat is
used to boil the water, which produces steam. This steam is then used to drive the
Diesel G Field
+ −
124 3 Power Generation
Water flows
Moderator voltage
turbine. Finally, the turbine rotates the generator, which generates electrical energy.
The simple schematic of a nuclear power station is shown in Fig. 3.9. The control
rod is used to control the chain reaction inside the vessel. The chain reaction starts
when the control rods are pushed up from the vessel, and the chain reaction stops
when the control rods are pushed down to the vessel. Six types of reactors such as
Magnox, AGR, BWR, CANDU, and RBMK in the nuclear power station.
The power demands of the consumers are varied according to their uses of electrical
appliances. Therefore, the load on a power station varies from time to time.
Load Curve: The variation of load on the power station concerning time is known
as the load curve. The load curve is obtained by plotting power in Y-axis and time
in X-axis. It is the graphical representation between the load in kW and times in
hours. When the load curve is plotted for 24 h, then it is known as a daily load
curve, and the load curve for one year is known as the annual load curve.
Figure 3.10 represents the load curve for 24 h.
There are many advantages of the load curve which are mentioned below.
• It shows the variation of the loads throughout the day.
• The load curve helps to estimate the generation cost.
• The highest point on the load curve represents the maximum demand on that
• It helps to select the capacity and number of generating units.
• The area under the load curve represents the exact units generated in the day.
3.13 Different Terms and Factors of Power Station 125
12 12 12
Mid night noon Mid night
There are a few important terms and factors usually used in the power stations.
These are connected load, average load, maximum demand, load factor, demand
factor, diversity factor, capacity factor, and load duration curve [1].
Connected Load: The sum of ratings of all the connected electrical appliances in
the consumer terminals is known as a connected load. If a consumer connected a
smart TV of 60 W, a Sony DVD player of 5000 W and two energy savings bulbs of
each 7 W across a single-phase system. The sum of the connected load (CL) is
calculated as,
CL ¼ 60 þ 5000 þ 2 7 ¼ 5074 W
Maximum Demand: The maximum demand is the highest amount of load on the
power station during a specific time. Maximum demand can be determined from the
load curve, and it helps us to install generating units. Normally, all the electrical
appliances installed in the consumer terminal are not operated to their fullest
capacity at the same time. Therefore, the maximum demand is not equal to the
connected load. The maximum demand is always less than the connected load.
Average Load: The average load of the power station occurs at a specific time. It
may be daily, monthly, or yearly. Mathematically, these daily, monthly, and yearly
average loads can be expressed as,
Load Factor: The ratio of the average load to the peak or maximum load is known
as the load factor. The load factor is always less than or equal to unity, and it plays
an important role in the cost of power generation. For the same maximum demand,
the higher load factor reduces the per unit generation cost. Mathematically, the load
factor (FLF) can be expressed as,
average load
FLF ¼ ð3:48Þ
peak load
Considering that the power station is operated for T hours, then Eq. (3.48) is
modified as,
average load T
FLF ¼ ð3:49Þ
peak load T
units generated
FLF ¼ ð3:50Þ
peak load T
where T is the time. It may be in days, weeks, months, or years. The annual load
factor is defined as,
The load factors for different types of load are different. For residential load, it
varies from 10% to 15%, and for commercial load, it is around 30%. For small,
medium and large industries, it varies as 30% to 50%, 55% to 60%, and 70% to
90%, respectively.
Demand Factor: It is defined as the ratio of the maximum demand to the total
connected load of the system. Mathematically, the demand factor (FDeF) can be
expressed as,
maximum demand
FDeF ¼ ð3:52Þ
total connected load
The demand factor always changes with hours to hours, and it is less than or
equal to one. Lower demand factor indicates less system capacity required to
deliver the connected loads. It is considered an indicator of the simultaneous
operation of the connected load. The demand factor should be considered for each
type of load, especially induction motor load. For residential load, it varies between
50 and 80%. For industrial (induction motor) load, this factor is 75%, and for
3.13 Different Terms and Factors of Power Station 127
different types of lighting load, it is equal to one. The relationship between the load
factor and the demand factor can be derived as,
average load
FDeF ¼ ð3:55Þ
total connected load FLF
average load
FDeF FLF ¼ ð3:56Þ
total connected load
Diversity Factor: The ratio of the sum of the individual maximum demands of the
various subsystems of a system to the maximum demand of the whole system is
known as a diversity factor. Mathematically, it can be expressed as,
The diversity factor is always greater than or equal to one. This factor is always
greater than one because the sum of individual maximum demands is greater than the
maximum demand of the system. Diversity occurs in an operating system because all
connected loads are not operating simultaneously. The cost of power generation will
be lower for higher diversity factors. In the designing or planning stage, the diversity
factor is considered one. The diversity factor is used for coordination study and
calculation of a load of a particular node of a system. It is also used for determining
the size of the transformer based on the total load. For substation, transmission lines,
and a whole utility system, diversity factors need to be calculated. According to IEC
60439, the diversity factor for different users is shown in Table 3.1.
Capacity Factor: The ratio of the actual amount of energy the plant produced
during a period to the maximum amount of energy that would have been produced
at full capacity. It is often called as the plant factor or the use factor. Capacity
factors vary greatly depending on the type of fuel that is used and the design of the
plant. The capacity factor is always less than one. There are several reasons for the
capacity factor to be less than one. The first reason is that the equipment out of
service or operating at the reduced output due to equipment failures and/or routine
maintenance. The second reason is that the output generation is reduced because the
consumer does not require the electricity or the electricity price is low to make
production cost economical. Mathematically, the capacity factor (FCF) is expressed
The reserve capacity of the power station is very important for future demand
and forecasting, and it can be determined as,
Example 3.1
A power station is having the maximum demand and connected load of 30 MW and
60 MW, respectively. The energy generated per annum is found to be
70 106 kWh. Calculate the demand factor, average demand, and load factor.
The value of the demand factor is calculated as,
maximum demand 30
FDF ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:5 ð3:61Þ
connected load 60
The load duration curve indicates how many hours a certain load has been
allocated for a day. The load duration curve helps to design a baseload power plant
and the peak load power plant. Hydro and diesel power stations are usually used
during the peak demand. These power stations are usually used to reduce the
generation cost of electricity. Figures 3.11 and 3.12 show a typical load curve and
load duration curve for 24 h.
12 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (H)
( MW)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (H)
(MW )
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (H)
Example 3.3
A daily load cycle of a power station is described below.
Draw the load curve and calculate the maximum demand, units generated per
day, average load, and load factor.
From the given data, the load curve is drawn as shown in Fig. 3.13. From the load
duration curve, the following parameters can be determined as,
The maximum demand (MD) of the power station is,
MD ¼ 60 MW ð3:67Þ
AVLday ¼ ¼ 38:33 MW ð3:69Þ
AVLday 38:33
FLF ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:64 ð3:70Þ
MD 60
Practice Problem 3.3
The daily power consumption versus time of a power station is mentioned below.
Plot the load curve and find the maximum demand, units generated per day,
average load, and load factor.
up to 7 kV-
230 kV 138 kV 69 kV 13kV
1000 kV
Transmission Subtransmission Distribution
Secondary distribution voltages are used by the residential, commercial, and light
industry. Some of the Asian countries’ utility companies use three-phase four wires
for power supply to the residential consumers. Their phase voltage and line voltages
are 220 V and 440 V, respectively. In North America, both single-phase and
three-phase systems are also used based on the connected load. A single-phase three
wires are used in the most residential distribution. In this case, the phase and the
line voltages are 120 V and 240 V, respectively. 120 V is used for lower-rated
electrical appliances, and 240 V can be used for higher-rated electrical usages such
as electric vehicle charging. For high-density residential and commercial areas,
single-phase four wires are used. In this case, high rating appliances like motors use
208 V. A single-phase three wires and three-phase four wires secondary distribu-
tion lines connection are shown in Figs. 3.16 and 3.17, respectively.
3.16 Tariff 135
x1 x2 x1
X 2 X1 X 2 X1 X 2 X1
208V 208V
208V 120V 120V
3.16 Tariff
Return: The tariff should be imposed in such a way that it ensures the proper return
from the consumers.
Fairness: The tariff should be fair so that each consumer is able to afford their bills.
Simplicity and Attractive: The tariff should be simple so that an ordinary con-
sumer can easily understand, and it will be attractive if it is simple and
Reasonable Profit: The profit should be marginal and reasonable so that more
consumers will use the energy while the investors receive a return.
Tariffs can be classified as the simple tariff, flat rate tariff, block rate tariff, two-part
tariff, three-part tariff, and power factor tariff. The brief descriptions of the tariff are
mentioned below [5].
Simple Tariff: In this tariff, the fixed rate is imposed based on per unit energy
consumption. The price does not vary with a decrease or increase in the number of
units used. There is no discrimination between the consumers in a simple tariff.
Flat Rate Tariff: In a flat rate tariff, consumers are grouped into different classes
according to diversity and load factors. Each class of consumers is charged at a
different uniform rate. The flat rate tariff does not change with the time of use. Here,
the cost per unit energy is fixed, and the total charge is dependent on the number of
units consumed. The main advantage of this tariff is to prevent the wastage of
energy because the consumer has to pay the excess bill. Suppose the charge per
kWh is 0.11 cents, and the consumer uses the energy of 200 kWh. The total charge
of this tariff is calculated as,
Example 3.4
The maximum demand of a consumer is 5 kW, and the total energy consumption is
6000 kWh. The per annum energy is charged at the rate of 10 cents per kWh for
400 h of the maximum demand plus 5 cents per kWh for additional units. Calculate
the annual charges and equivalent flat rate.
Units consumed for 400 h are,
B$ 400
Eqfr ¼ ¼ B$ 0:045 ð3:77Þ
Practice Problem 3.4
The maximum demand of the consumer is 4 kW, and the total energy consumption
is 7000 kWh. The per annum energy is charged at the rate of 20 cents per kWh for
600 h of the maximum demand plus 10 cents per kWh for additional units.
Determine the annual charges and equivalent flat rate.
Block Rate Tariff: The energy consumption is divided into a fixed price per unit
block. The price per unit in the first block is usually considered higher rates. Then,
the succeeding blocks of energy are charged at progressively reduced rates. In
general, the block rate tariff provides lower prices for greater usages to the cus-
tomer. In this tariff, the main advantage of this tariff is that the cost of energy
decreases with the increase in energy consumptions. This tariff does not encourage
the customer to use the energy at the off-peak time. Let us consider the x blocks of
energy are charged at 0.12 cents and y blocks of energy are charged at 0.25 cents.
Therefore, the total charge of this tariff is,
Two-part Tariff: This tariff is also known as the Hopkinson demand rate. In this
tariff, the energy is charged based upon the consumer’s maximum demand and the
running charges that depend upon the number of consumed units. Fixed charges are
paid irrespective of consumption of electrical energy. Total charges of this tariff can
be determined as,
TCtwopart is the total charge for the two-part tariff,
b is the charge per kW of maximum demand,
c is the charge per kWh of total energy consumed.
Example 3.5
The maximum demand of the consumer is 75 kW at 0.55 load factor. The tariff is B
$ 80 per kW of maximum demand and 15 cents per kWh. Determine the total units
consumed per year, annual charges, and overall cost per kWh.
The total unit consumed per year is calculated as,
OCpkWh ¼ ¼ $ 0:17 ð3:83Þ
Practice Problem 3.5
The maximum demand of a consumer is 55 kW at 40% load factor. The tariff is
$ 100 per kW of maximum demand and 10 cents per kWh. Determine the total unit
consumed per year, annual charge, and overall cost per kWh.
Maximum Demand Tariff: Maximum demand is the highest amount of electrical
energy consumption monitored in a particular period usually for a month. The
charge of this tariff is calculated as a charge for the total amount of electricity used
plus a demand charge (kW) for the relevant billing period. The demand is a measure
of the maximum amount of electricity used at any one time. The chargeable demand
in any month is the maximum demand recorded in that month. This type of tariff is
used for large consumers.
Three-part Tariff: This tariff is also known as the Doherty rate. In this tariff, the
total charge is divided into three parts. These are fixed, semi-fixed, and running
charges. This type of tariff is usually applied to large consumers. The total charges
of this tariff can be determined as,
3.16 Tariff 139
TCthreepart is the total charge for the two-part tariff,
a is the fixed charge,
b is the charge per kW of maximum demand,
c is the charge per kWh of the total energy consumed.
Power Factor Tariff: This kind of tariff is mainly dependent on the power factor of
the consumer. The power factor plays an important role in an AC system. Low
power factor increases the line loss which in turn increases the rating of the power
system equipment.
1. Conejo AJ, Baringo L (2017) Power system operations, 1st edn. Springer
2. Murty PSR (2017) Electrical power systems, 1st edn. Elsevier and Butter-worth Heinemann
3. Salam MA (2012) Fundamentals of electrical machines, 2nd edn. Alpha Science International
Ltd., Oxford, UK
4. Fitzgerald AE, Kingsley C Jr, Umans SD (2002) Electric machinery, 6th edn. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education, New York, USA
5. Chapman SJ (2002) Electric machinery and power system fundamentals. McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, New York, USA
Exercise Problems
3:1 The maximum demand for a power station is 80 MW, and the annual load
factor is 0.45. Calculate the total energy generated per annum.
3:2 The total energy generated per annum of a power station is 300 106 kWh.
Find the load factor if the maximum demand of the power station is 70 MW.
3:3 The maximum demand for a power station is 40 MW and the connected load
of 65 MW. The energy generated per annum is 90 106 kWh. Calculate the
demand factor, average demand, and load factor.
3:4 The maximum demand and the connected load of a power station are
20 MW and 45 MW, respectively. The energy generated per annum is
60 106 kWh. Calculate the demand factor, average demand, and load
3:5 A power station supplies power to three different consumers. The power used
by the residential user 500 kW, commercial user 1200 kW, and industrial
user 1500 kW. The maximum demand and units generated per annum of a
140 3 Power Generation
power station are 3000 kW and 55 105 kWh respectively. Find the
diversity factor, average demand, and load factor.
3:6 The three consumers are connected to a power station. The power used by
the residential user 300 kW, commercial user and industrial user 1800 kW.
The maximum demand and units generated by the power station are
2200 kW and 50 105 kWh respectively. Calculate the power used by the
commercial user if the diversity factor is 1.2.
3:7 A power station supplies power to the five areas whose maximum demands
are 9000 MW, 6000 MW, 5000 MW and 4000 MW respectively. Determine
the maximum demand of the power station if the diversity factor is 1.3.
3:8 A power station has the maximum demand of 20 MW. The load factor and a
capacity factor of the power station are 0.45 and 0.30, respectively. Calculate
the energy generated per annum, plant capacity, and reserve capacity.
3:9 A power station generates per annum energy 65 106 kWh, and the maxi-
mum demand is 20 MW. Find the capacity factor if the reserve capacity of
the power station is 8 MW.
3:10 The daily load cycle of a power station is mentioned below.
Draw the load curve. Determine the maximum demand, units generated per
day, average load, and load factor.
3:11 A daily load cycle of a power station is mentioned below.
Determine the maximum demand, units generated per day, average load, and
load factor.
3:12 A power station supplies power to the consumer A, consumer B and con-
sumer C in the following ways.
Plot the load curve. Determine the maximum demand and diversity factor.
Exercise Problems 141
3:13 The maximum demand for a consumer is 10 kW, and the total energy
consumption is 8000 kWh. Per annum energy is charged at the rate of 5 cents
per kWh for 500 h of the maximum demand plus 3 cents per kWh for
additional units. Determine the annual charges and equivalent flat rate.
3:14 The maximum demand of a consumer is 80 kW at a 35% load factor. The
tariff is B$ 80 per kW of maximum demand and 5 cents per kWh. Calculate
the total units consumed per year, annual charges, and overall cost per kWh.
Chapter 4
Transmission Line Parameters
and Analysis
4.1 Introduction
Transmission lines in a power system network are used for transferring power from
generating station to the neighboring utility grid substation under all environmental
conditions. Transmission lines encompass the electrical properties of resistance,
inductance, capacitance and conductance. The parameters inductance and capaci-
tance appear due to the effect of electric and magnetic fields around the conductor.
The capacitance is formed between the line and earth of the medium as well as long
transmission lines. The effects of resistance, inductance and capacitance, are very
important for transmission lines modeling. The transmission circuit consists of
conductors, insulators, cross-arms, shield wires, etc. Transmission lines are usually
suspended with the help of insulators and towers. The tower is made of wood, steel
and reinforced concrete. The transmission and distribution voltages are different in
different countries. It can be standardized as 6.6, 11, 33, 66, 69, 120, 220, 500 and
750 kV line to line. Transmission voltage above 220 kV is referred to as extra-high
voltage (EHV), and those at 750 kV and above is referred to as ultra-high voltage
(UHV). Transmission line conductors are classified as aluminum conductor steel
reinforce (ACSR), all-aluminum conductor (AAC), all-aluminum alloy conductor
(AAAC), and aluminum conductor alloy reinforce (ACAR). A sample of
three-phase transmission lines are shown in Fig. 4.1.
In this chapter, Ampere’s circuital law, detail analysis of resistance, inductance,
capacitance, bundle conductors will be discussed.
Ampere’s circuital Law represents the integrated magnetic field around a closed path
to the current passing through the path. It states that the line integral of the magnetic
field intensity around a closed circuit or path is equal to the product of permeability
in free space times the total current flowing through the circuit as shown in Fig. 4.2.
Mathematically, the Ampere circuital law is expressed as,
! !
=¼ B dl ¼ l0 I ð4:1Þ
I !
B !
=¼ dl ¼ I ð4:2Þ
i B
4.2 Ampere’s Circuital Law 145
= is the magnetomotive force in At,
H is the magnetic field intensity in At per m,
dl is the differential path length in m,
I is the current enclosed in A.
Ampere’s law is the most useful method to calculate the magnetic fields of
current configurations which have higher symmetry such as long infinity line,
circular loop, and cylindrical conductor.
The transmission line has four parameters which are resistance, inductance,
capacitance, and conductance. Resistance is the property of a material that opposes
the flow of electricity through the conductor. The resistance generates power loss
ðI 2 RÞ in the transmission line. It also generates a resistive drop ðIRÞ that affects the
voltage regulation of a transmission line. The dc resistance of the conductor is
expressed as,
Rdc ¼ q ð4:4Þ
q is the resistivity at 20 C,
l is the length of the conductor,
A is the area of the conductor.
DC resistance increases linearly with temperature. When direct current flows
through a conductor, the current distribution over the cross section of the conductor
is uniform, whereas the flow of an alternating current (ac) through a conductor is
non-uniform. The outer part of the conductor carries more current than the center of
the conductor. Therefore, the current density is higher at the surface of the con-
ductor and it decreases toward the center of the conductor. This results in higher
resistance for alternating current than direct current. This behavior is known as skin
effect. AC resistance is the ratio of power loss to the square of the current and it is
expressed as,
Rac ¼ ð4:5Þ
146 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
Ploss is the real power loss of the conductor in watts,
I is the rms value of the current in A.
The effective resistance of the conductor increases due to skin effect at higher
frequencies where the skin depth is smaller which reduces the cross-sectional area
of the conductor. Conductor loss increases with a higher frequency, which in turn
increases the AC resistance. At the frequency of 50 Hz, the ac resistance of the
transmission line conductor maybe 5–10% higher than its dc resistance. The
resistance of a good conductor such as copper aluminum increases with an increase
in temperature, whereas the resistance of electrolyte (an electrolyte is a substance
that produces an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar solvent,
such as water), alloy (An alloy is a metal, made of the combination of two or more
metallic elements), and insulating material decreases with an increase in tempera-
ture. Let us assume that the resistance of a conductor at temperature T and T0
degrees centigrade is R and R0, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4.3. In this case, the
change in resistance is,
DR ¼ R R0 ð4:6Þ
DT ¼ T T0 ð4:7Þ
R R0
1 ðT T0 Þ ð4:8Þ
R R0
¼ aðT T0 Þ ð4:9Þ
R R0 ¼ aR0 ðT T0 Þ ð4:10Þ
R ¼ R0 ½1 þ að T T0 Þ ð4:12Þ
T0 T
4.3 Line Resistance and Conductance 147
The parameter conductance plays an important role in real power loss between
the conductors and between the conductors and earth. In the transmission line, this
loss depends on the leakage current in the insulator and corona. The magnitude of
the leakage current depends on the amount of salt, dirt, and the presence of the mist
or light rain. Leakage current creates a joule heat on the insulator surface and dries
the surface, which produces the uneven surface. A higher value of leakage current
produces small arcs that create the electric field. When this electric field exceeds its
critical value, then the surrounding air of the insulator becomes electrically ionized
and provides an electrical path. This phenomenon is known as corona or partial
discharge. All the small arcs merge, which form a large arc that creates the flashover
on the insulator surface.
Example 4.1
The starting winding resistance of a single-phase induction motor is 10Ω at 10 C.
The temperature coefficient of copper is 0:004= C at 0 C. Calculate the resistance
of the starting winding at 20 C.
The value of the resistance at 0 C is calculated as,
R0 ¼ 9:6 X ð4:14Þ
The inductance is defined as the flux linkage per unit current. Mathematically, it can
be expressed as,
L¼ ð4:16Þ
The inductance of the line can be divided into two parts. One is internal
inductance, and the other is external inductance. Internal inductance is due to
internal flux linkage when a conductor carries a current. Consider a straight solid
cylindrical conductor whose radius is r and carries a current of I ampere as shown in
148 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
Fig. 4.4. An annular ring of thickness dx is drawn at a radius of x. Let the magnetic
field intensity at a distance x from the center of the conductor is Hx. This magnetic
field intensity is constant throughout the circular ring at a distance x and it is tangent
to it. The current enclosed at a radius x is Ix.
Applying Ampere’s law to derive the magnetic field intensity around a circle of
radius x is,
Hx dl ¼ Ix ð4:17Þ
Hx 2px ¼ Ix ð4:18Þ
Hx ¼ ð4:19Þ
Jx ¼ ð4:20Þ
Jr ¼ ð4:21Þ
pr 2
Neglecting the skin effect and assuming a uniform current density throughout the
cross section of the conductor. In this case, the current densities at the two radii can
be written as,
Jr ¼ Jx ð4:22Þ
Ix I
¼ ð4:23Þ
px2 pr 2
Ix I
px2 pr 2
x2 I
Ix ¼ ð4:24Þ
x2 I
Hx ¼ r2
Hx ¼ ð4:26Þ
2pr 2
Bx ¼ lHx ð4:27Þ
lr l0 xI
Bx ¼ lHx ¼ ð4:28Þ
2pr 2
lr l0 x I
Bx ¼ ð4:29Þ
2pr 2
Let us consider an elementary area that has a differential thickness dx along the
radial direction and a unit length (1 m) along the axial direction is,
A ¼ dx 12 ¼ dx ð4:30Þ
The differential flux along the circular strip due to differential thickness be
denoted by d/x and this is expressed as,
d/x ¼ Bx A ð4:31Þ
d/x ¼ Bx dx ð4:32Þ
lr l0 x I
d/x ¼ dx ð4:33Þ
2pr 2
The entire cross section of the conductor does not link the flux in Eq. (4.33). For
a uniform current density, the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the inner circle of
radius x to the cross-sectional area of the outer circle of radius r that links the flux
d/x .
Mathematically, the fraction px
pr 2 of the total current is linked by this flux.
Therefore, the differential flux linkage is expressed as,
dwx ¼ d/ ð4:34Þ
pr 2 x
px2 lr l0 x I
dwx ¼ dx ð4:35Þ
pr 2 2pr 2
lr l0 x3 I
dwx ¼ dx ð4:36Þ
2pr 4
The internal flux linkage inside of the conductor can be obtained by integrating
Eq. (4.36) from 0 to r and it becomes,
wx ¼ dwx ð4:37Þ
wint ¼ r 04 x3 dx ð4:38Þ
lr l0 I r 4
wint ¼ ð4:39Þ
2pr 4 4
lr l0 I
wint ¼ Wbt=m ð4:40Þ
Internal inductance of the conductor due to this flux linkage is defined as,
Lint ¼ ð4:41Þ
lr l0
Lint ¼ ð4:42Þ
From Eq. (4.43), it is concluded that the internal inductance does not depend on
conductor radius.
lr l0 I
d/ext ¼ Bx A ¼ ðdx 12 Þ ð4:44Þ
Since the flux linkage is close to one conductor, therefore, the differential flux
linkage is equal to the differential flux times one and it can be expressed as,
lr l0 I
dwext ¼ dx ð4:46Þ
The total flux linkage due to one conductor can be determined by integrating
Eq. (4.46) from r to D–r as,
wext ¼ dwx ð4:47Þ
lr l0 I dx
wext ¼ ð4:48Þ
2p x
lr l0 I Dr
wext ¼ lnxjr ð4:49Þ
lr l0 I D r
wext ¼ ln ð4:50Þ
2p r
Outside distance of the conductor is longer that the conductor radius, i.e., D r.
In this case, D r can be reduced to only D and Eq. (4.50) can be modified as,
lr l0 I D
wext ¼ ln ð4:51Þ
2p r
Substituting Eq. (4.51) into Eq. (4.41) for external inductance, it can be written
wext lr l0 D
Lext ¼ ¼ ln ð4:52Þ
I 2p r
The total inductance per meter length is the sum of internal and external
inductances and it can be determined as,
lr l0 lr l0 D
L¼ þ ln ð4:54Þ
8p 2p r
ll 1 D
L¼ r 0 þ ln ð4:55Þ
2p 4 r
4.5 External Inductance 153
lr l0 1 D
L¼ ln e þ ln
4 ð4:56Þ
2p r
lr l0 D
L¼ ln 1 ð4:57Þ
2p re 4
lr 4p 107 D
L¼ ln ð4:58Þ
2p 0:7788r
L ¼ 2 107 lr ln ð4:59Þ
r 0 ¼ 0:7788r is the geometric mean radius (GMR).
The GMR can be considered as the radius of a fictitious conductor assumed to
have no internal flux linkages but with the same inductance as the actual conductor
with the same radius r. The expression of the inductance in the air ðlr ¼ 1Þ is
expressed as,
L ¼ 2 107 ln H=m ð4:60Þ
L ¼ 2 107 ln H=m ð4:61Þ
L ¼ 2 107 ln H=m ð4:62Þ
GMD comes into the picture when there are two or conductors per phase used as in
the bundled conductors. The GMD is also used for inductance calculation between
the two groups of conductors. In the two groups, the geometric mean distance of a
point concerning some points is the geometric mean of the distances between that
point and each of the other points. GMD replaces the actual arrangement of the
conductors by a hypothetical distance. Therefore, the mutual inductance of the
arrangement remains the same. The two groups of conductors which are placed
horizontally are shown in Fig. 4.6. The mathematical expression of GMD is,
154 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
m n
GMD ¼ mn
ðDaa0 Dab0 Dan ÞðDba0 Dbb0 Dbn ÞðDma0 Dmb0 Dmn Þ ð4:63Þ
Daa0 is the distance between the conductors a and a0 ,
Dab0 is the distance between the conductors a and b0 ,
Dan is the distance between the conductors a and n,
Dmn is the distance between the conductors m and n.
In GMR, the effect of magnetic flux lines is considered outside of the conductor
as well as inside. GMR is a hypothetical radius that replaces the actual conductor
with a thin-walled hollow conductor of radius equivalent to GMR that the
self-inductance of the inductor remains the same. GMR is calculated separately for
each phase, and the value of GMR might be different for each phase depending on
the conductor size and arrangement. Four conductors are placed in a group as
shown in Fig. 4.7 and the expression of GMR can be written as,
GMR ¼ ðDaa Dab Dac Dam ÞðDbb Dba Dbc Dbm ÞðDcc Dca Dcb Dcm ÞðDmm Dma Dmb Dmc Þ
Daa is the self GMR,
Dab is the distance between the conductors a and b,
Dac is the distance between the conductors a and c,
Dam is the distance between the conductors a and m.
4.7 Inductance of a Single-Phase Line 155
Consider a single-phase line that consists of two conductors a and b. Let us assume
current entering through the conductor a and coming out through the conductor
b. These conductors are separated by a distance D as shown in Fig. 4.8.
A conductor a with radius, ra carries a current Ia ¼ I reference out of the page.
A conductor b with radius rb carries a return current Ib ¼ I. Therefore, the sum of
these two currents is zero. The internal and external inductance of the conductor
a is,
LaðintÞ ¼ 107 H=m ð4:65Þ
LaðextÞ ¼ 2 107 ln H=m ð4:66Þ
1 D
La ¼ 107 þ 2 107 ln ð4:67Þ
2 ra
1 D
La ¼ 2 107 þ ln ð4:68Þ
4 ra
La ¼ 2 107 ln e4 þ ln
La ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:70Þ
r a e 4
La ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:71Þ
La ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:72Þ
156 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
La ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:73Þ
According to Eq. (4.72), the similar expression for the inductance of the con-
ductor b can be written as,
Lb ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:75Þ
Lb ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:76Þ
ra0 ¼ 0:7788ra is the GMR of the conductor a,
rb0 ¼ 0:7788rb is the GMR of the conductor b,
D is the geometric mean distance (GMD) between the conductors.
Therefore, total inductance of the single-phase line can be determined as,
LT ¼ La þ Lb ð4:78Þ
LT ¼ 2 107 ln þ 2 107 ln 0 ð4:79Þ
ra0 rb
LT ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:80Þ
ra0 rb0
1 D2
LT ¼ 2 107 2 ln 0 0 ð4:81Þ
2 ra rb
4.7 Inductance of a Single-Phase Line 157
7 D2
LT ¼ 4 10 ln 0 0 ð4:82Þ
ra rb
LT ¼ 4 107 ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi0 ð4:83Þ
ra0 rb
If two conductors are identical, then the following condition can be written as,
LT ¼ 4 107 ln H=m ð4:85Þ
LT ¼ 4 107 ln H=m ð4:86Þ
Dm is the geometric mean distance,
Ds is the geometric mean radius.
Example 4.2
Two circuits of a single-phase 50 Hz line are shown in Fig. 4.9. The radius of each
conductor of the circuit A and circuit B is 0.2 cm and 0.4 cm, respectively.
Calculate the GMD, GMR for each circuit, the inductance for each circuit, and the
total inductance per meter.
b b'
c Circuit B
Circuit A
158 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
In the circuit as shown in Fig. 4.9, the corresponding distances are calculated as,
Daa0 ¼ 8 m ð4:87Þ
Dbb0 ¼ 8 m ð4:88Þ
Dab0 ¼ Dba0 ¼ Dcb0 ¼ 82 þ 42 ¼ 8:94 m ð4:89Þ
Dca0 ¼ 82 þ 82 ¼ 11:31 m ð4:90Þ
m ¼ 3; n0 ¼ 2
GMD 8:96
LA ¼ 2 107 ln ¼ 2 107 ln ¼ 5 107 H=m ð4:97Þ
GMRA 0:734
GMD 8:96
LB ¼ 2 107 ln ¼ 2 107 ln ¼ 6:47 107 H=m ð4:98Þ
GMRB 0:353
4.7 Inductance of a Single-Phase Line 159
8m 4m
4m 4m
Circuit B
Circuit A
The rate of change of current in the coil induces the voltage is known as
self-inductance. The rate of change of current in the nearby coil is known as mutual
inductance. Inductance inductors of the two conductors are shown in Fig. 4.11.
Here, Laa and Lbb are the self-inductances of two conductors. Also, Lab and Lba are
their mutual inductances. The flux linkage due to self-inductance of the conductor
a is expressed as,
The flux linkage due to mutual inductance of the same conductor is expressed as,
Laa Lbb
160 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
The total flux linkage of the conductor a is the sum of the flux linkage due to self
and mutual it can be expressed as,
Similarly, the total flux linkage of the conductor b can be written as,
Since the two currents are in opposite direction, it can be written as,
Ia ¼ Ib ð4:105Þ
Comparing Eqs. (4.74) and (4.77), following expressions for self-inductance and
mutual inductance can be written as,
Laa ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:108Þ
Lbb ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:109Þ
Lab ¼ Lba ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:110Þ
Laa is the self-inductance of the conductor a,
Lbb is the self-inductance of the conductor b,
Lab and Lba are the mutual inductances.
In general, the flux linkage of the ith conductor is expressed as,
4.8 Self- and Mutual Inductance 161
wi ¼ Lii Ii þ Lij Ij i 6¼ j ð4:111Þ
Three conductors a, b, and c carry current Ia, Ib, and Ic, respectively. These con-
ductors are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle as shown in Fig. 4.12 and
it can be written as,
For balanced condition, the sum of the currents in the three conductors is equal
to zero and it can be expressed as,
Ia þ Ib þ Ic ¼ 0 ð4:114Þ
Ib þ Ic ¼ Ia ð4:115Þ
D31 D12
c b
3 D 23 2
162 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
According to Eq. (4.112), the total flux linkage of the conductor a is,
1 1 1
wa ¼ 2 107 Ia ln 0 þ Ib ln þ Ic ln ð4:116Þ
ra D12 D31
1 1
wa ¼ 2 107 Ia ln 0
þ 2 107 ðIb þ Ic Þ ln ð4:117Þ
ra D
1 1
wa ¼ 2 107 Ia ln 2 107 Ia ln ð4:118Þ
ra0 D
wa ¼ 2 107 Ia ln 1a ð4:119Þ
wa ¼ 2 107 Ia ln ð4:120Þ
La ¼ ð4:121Þ
La ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:122Þ
Lb ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:123Þ
Lc ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:124Þ
4.9 Inductance of Three-Phase Lines 163
Three conductors a, b, and c carry current Ia, Ib, and Ic, respectively. These con-
ductors having the same radius r are placed unsymmetrically as shown in Fig. 4.13,
and it can be written as,
According to Eq. (4.112), the expression of the flux linkage of conductor a due
to Ia , Ib and Ic can be written as,
1 1 1
wa ¼ 2 107 Ia ln 0 þ Ib ln þ Ic ln ð4:126Þ
r D12 D31
Similarly, the expressions for the flux linkages of the conductors b and c are,
7 1 1 1
wb ¼ 2 10 Ia ln þ Ib ln 0 þ Ic ln ð4:127Þ
D12 r D23
7 1 1 1
wc ¼ 2 10 Ia ln þ Ib ln þ Ic ln 0 ð4:128Þ
D31 D23 r
Again, consider the current Ia is the reference phasor acts in OA direction. The
reference phasor rotates counterclockwise as shown in Fig. 4.14. Multiplying the
phasor Ia by a and the new phasor aIa acts in the OB line. Again, multiplying the
phasor aIa by a and the new phasor a2 Ia rotates with an angle of 240° counter-
clockwise which represents by the line OC. It can be expressed as,
a2 I ¼ I j240 ð4:129Þ
1 1
¼ ¼ 1 j120 ¼ a ð4:131Þ
a2 1 j240
D31 D12
c 2
164 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
a2 Ia
According to the positive phase sequence, the following equations can be written
I a ¼ I a j 0 ð4:132Þ
Ib ¼ Ia j240 ¼ a2 Ia ð4:133Þ
Ib Ib
Ic ¼ Ia j120 ¼ a ¼ ð4:137Þ
a2 a
Substituting Eqs. (4.133) and (4.137) into Eq. (4.127) yields the expression for
the inductance of the conductor b as,
wb 7 1 1 1 1 1
Lb ¼ ¼ 2 10 ln 0 þ 2 ln þ a 2 ln ð4:138Þ
Ib r a D12 a D23
4.9 Inductance of Three-Phase Lines 165
7 1 1 1 1
Lb ¼ 2 10 ln 0 þ a ln þ ln ð4:139Þ
r D12 a D23
71 1 1
Lb ¼ 2 10 ln 0 þ a ln þ a ln
r D12 D23
Ib ¼ a2 ¼ aIc ð4:141Þ
The expression for the inductance of the conductor c can be expressed as,
Lc ¼ ð4:142Þ
L a þ L b þ Lc
L¼ ð4:146Þ
Substituting Eqs. (4.136), (4.140), and (4.145) into Eq. (4.146) yields,
2 107 1 1 1 1
L¼ 3 ln 0 þ ln ða2 þ aÞ þ ln ða2 þ aÞ þ ln ða2 þ aÞ
3 r D12 D23 D31
2 107 1 1 1 1
L¼ 3 ln 0 þ ða2 þ aÞ ln þ ln þ ln ð4:148Þ
3 r D12 D23 D31
166 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
2 107 1 1
L¼ 3 ln 0 þ ð1Þ ln ð4:149Þ
3 r D12 D23 D31
7 1 1 1
L ¼ 2 10 ln 0 þ ln ð4:150Þ
r 3 D12 D23 D31
7 1 1
L ¼ 2 10 ln 0 ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:151Þ
r 3
D12 D23 D31
7 D12 D23 D31
L ¼ 2 10 ln H=m ð4:152Þ
L ¼ 2 107 ln H=m ð4:153Þ
Example 4.3
The conductors of a three-phase, 50 Hz, 120 km long transmission line are shown
in Fig. 4.15. The diameter of each conductor is 0.6 cm. Calculate the inductance in
H/m and inductive reactance per phase.
The value of the GMR of the conductor is,
2m 2m
3m b
4.9 Inductance of Three-Phase Lines 167
c 2.2m
Dm 229
L ¼ 2 107 ln ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:157Þ
Ds 0:233
1 Position 1 Position 2
a Position 3 Position 4
a c b a
D12 Ia
b Ib
D31 b
a c b
D23 Ic
c b a c
inductances of each phase are not the same, and the magnetic field to the conductors
is not zero. Due to this magnetic field, the voltage induced in adjacent conductors,
especially in telephone lines, may result in interference. The conductors of trans-
mission lines need to be transposed to reduce this interference effect to a minimum.
In transposition, the balanced condition of the three-phase lines can be obtained by
changing the position of the conductors at regular intervals along the line so that
each conductor will come to the original position along with another conductor over
an equal distance. This kind of exchange of the position of the conductors is known
as transposition. The conductor’s position at different steps is shown in Fig. 4.17.
At position 1, the conductor a is in position 1, the conductor b is in position 2 and
the conductor c is in position 4. The total flux linkage of the conductor a when it is
at position 1 is,
7 1 1 1
wa1 ¼ 2 10 Ia ln 0 þ Ib ln þ Ic ln ð4:162Þ
r D12 D31
The average value of the flux linkage of the conductor a is calculated as,
Substituting Eqs. (4.162), (4.163), and (4.164) into Eq. (4.165) yields,
2 107 1 1 1
wa ¼ 3Ia ln 0 þ Ib ln þ Ic ln ð4:166Þ
3 r D12 D23 D31 D12 D23 D31
For a balanced load, the sum of the currents is equal to zero and it can be
expressed as,
Ia þ Ib þ Ic ¼ 0 ð4:167Þ
Ib þ Ic ¼ Ia ð4:168Þ
From Eq. (4.170), the expression of inductance for the conductor a can be
expressed as,
wa 7 1 1 1
La ¼ ¼ 2 10 ln 0 ln ð4:171Þ
Ia r 3 D12 D23 D31
7 1 1
La ¼ 2 10 ln 0 ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:172Þ
r 3
D12 D23 D31
7 1 p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
La ¼ 2 10 ln 0 þ ln D12 D23 D31
7 D12 D23 D31
La ¼ 2 10 ln ð4:174Þ
La ¼ 2 107 ln ð4:175Þ
170 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
XLphase ¼ 2pf 2 107 ln ð4:176Þ
In long transmission lines, corona discharge is common. Corona occurs when the
surface potential gradient or electric field of a conductor exceeds the dielectric
strength of the surrounding air. This causes ionization of the area near the conductor
and creates hissing sounds and arcs. Corona produces power loss and causes
interference with communication lines or channels. In order to reduce the corona
effect, hollow round conductors are used. For economical constraints, it is feasible
to use more than one conductor per phase when the voltages greater than 220 kV.
The electric field or high voltage surface gradient is usually reduced considerably
by considering two or more conductors per phase in close proximity. This
arrangement is known as the bundling of conductors. The conductors are bundled in
groups of two, three, or four. The advantages of bundle conductors are as follows:
• Self-GMD of conductors increased as radius increased
• The inductance of conductors decreases which lead to reducing the line voltage
drop and improves line performance
• Reduce the voltage gradient in the vicinity of the line
• Reduce the corona loss in the line
• Reduce radio interference in the communication lines or channels
• Provide higher capacitance and lower inductance
• Provide higher surge impedance loading ðSIL ¼ ðL=CÞÞ which leads to
maximum power transferability.
Depending on the voltage magnitude of the transmission lines, the bundled
conductor consists of two, three, and four as shown in Fig. 4.18.
The expression of GMR for the two conductors per bundle is,
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s ¼
Db2 Ds d Ds d ð4:177Þ
s ¼
Db2 D2s d 2 ð4:178Þ
4.11 Bundled Conductors 171
d d d d
d d d
s ¼
Db2 Ds d ð4:179Þ
The expression of GMR for the three conductors per bundle is,
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s ¼
Db3 ðDs d dÞðDs d dÞðDs d d Þ ð4:180Þ
s ¼ ðDs d dÞ3 ð4:181Þ
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s ¼
Db3 Ds d 2 ð4:182Þ
Example 4.4
The length of a three-phase single circuit 260 kV transmission line is 100 km. This
line is composed of the three bundle conductors as shown in Fig. 4.19. The radius
of each conductor is 0.8 cm and the distance d ¼ 0:3 m. Determine the inductance
in H/km and inductance per phase.
The value of the GMR can be determined as,
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
¼ Ds d ¼ 0:7788 0:8 102 ð0:3Þ2 ¼ 0:082 m ð4:186Þ
3 2
172 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
d d d d d d
d d d
8m 8m
Dm 10:08
L ¼ 2 107 ln ¼ 2 107 ln H=m ð4:188Þ
s 0:082
The value of the inductance per phase for 100 km is calculated as,
a b c
d d d
12m 12m
The capacitance between the conductors is defined as the charge per unit potential.
Mathematically, it can be expressed as,
C¼ ð4:192Þ
D is the electric flux density in C=m2 ,
Q is the total electric charge on the conductor in coulombs (C).
dA is the unit vector normal to the surface in m2 .
Consider a round conductor whose radius is r and carries charge q C/m as shown
in Fig. 4.20. Applying Gauss’s law to Fig. 4.21 to find the electric flux density at a
radius x and l m length of the cylindrical conductor is,
DA ¼ Q ð4:194Þ
D 2pxl ¼ ql ð4:195Þ
D¼ ð4:196Þ
l is the length of the cylindrical conductor,
q is the charge on the conductor C/m.
The electric field is related to the electric flux density and it can be expressed as,
E¼ ð4:197Þ
e ¼ e0 er
e0 is the permittivity of free space and its value is equal to 8:854 1012 F=m,
er is the relative permittivity of the space and its value is equal to 1 for the air.
Substituting Eq. (4.196) into Eq. (4.197) yields,
E¼ ð4:198Þ
Again, consider a long straight conductor that carries a positive charge q C/m as
shown in Fig. 4.22. Assuming that the uniformly distributed charge concentrated at
the center of the conductor due to its equipotential surface, the points P1 and P2 are
located at distances D1 and D2, respectively, from the center of the conductor.
The potential difference (V12) between the two points is the work done by
moving a unit charge between the two points. Therefore, the voltage drop between
the two points can be determined by integrating the field intensity from D1 to D2
over a radial path between the equipotential surfaces as,
V12 ¼ Edx ð4:199Þ
V12 ¼ dx ð4:200Þ
q D2
V12 ¼ ln ð4:201Þ
2pe D1
q 2pe
C¼ ¼ D2 ð4:202Þ
V12 ln D
Consider a single-phase line consists of two parallel round conductors of the radius r1
and r2 as shown in Fig. 4.23. The distance D separates the two conductors. Let us
assume conductor 1 carries a charge q1 C/m, and conductor 2 carries a charge q2 C/m.
The conductor’s separation distance is much larger than the radius of the conductors,
and the height of the conductors is much larger than the separation distance to avoid
the ground effect.
The potential difference between conductor 1 and conductor 2 due to charge q1
q1 D12
V12 ðq1 Þ ¼ ln ð4:203Þ
2pe r1
q2 D21
V21 ðq2 Þ ¼ ln ð4:204Þ
2pe r2
q2 r2
V12 ðq2 Þ ¼ ln ð4:205Þ
2pe D21
q1 D12 q2 r2
V12 ¼ ln þ ln ð4:207Þ
2pe r1 2pe D21
q1 D12 q2 D22
V12 ¼ ln þ ln ð4:208Þ
2pe D11 2pe D21
1 X N
Vk i ¼ qm ln ð4:209Þ
2pe m¼1 Dkm
q1 ¼ q2 ¼ q ð4:212Þ
Substituting Eqs. (4.210), (4.211), and (4.212) into Eq. (4.207) yields,
q D q r
V12 ¼ ln ln ð4:213Þ
2pe r 2pe D
q D q D
V12 ¼ ln þ ln ð4:214Þ
2pe r 2pe r
q D
V12 ¼ ln ð4:215Þ
2pe r
q D
V12 ¼ ln ð4:216Þ
pe r
1 C12 2 1 C1n C 2n 2
Fig. 4.24 Capacitance between two conductors and capacitance between neutral to the conductor
pe pe0 er
C12 ¼ ¼ ð4:219Þ
ln Dr ln Dr
For transmission line modeling, the capacitance is defined between the con-
ductor and the neutral point as shown in Fig. 4.24. The potential difference between
one conductor to neutral is equal to one-half of the potential difference between two
conductors. Therefore, the capacitance to neutral is expressed as,
5:56 1011
Cn ¼ F=m ð4:223Þ
ln Dr
Cn ¼ lF=km ð4:224Þ
ln Dr
Example 4.5
The radius of the two parallel conductors of a 25 km long single-phase transmission
line is 0.2 cm. The separation distance between the conductors is found to be 2.2 m.
Calculate the capacitance in F=m and lF.
Here, the values of the radius and separation distance are,
r ¼ 0:2 cm ð4:225Þ
In three-phase transmission lines, the three conductors are arranged either in equal
or unequal spacing. Detailed analysis of equal spacing and unequal spacing of
conductors has been discussed separately.
Consider the three conductors with an equal radius r and separated with an equal
distance D as shown in Fig. 4.25. For a balanced three-phase system, the sum of
charges is zero, and it can be expressed as,
qa þ qb þ qc ¼ 0 ð4:229Þ
qb þ qc ¼ qa ð4:230Þ
qc b
D qb
4.14 Capacitance of Three-Phase Lines 179
The voltage at the conductor a due to self- and other conductors b and c can be
written as,
1 1 1 1
Va ¼ qa ln þ qb ln þ qc ln ð4:231Þ
2pe r D D
1 1 1
Va ¼ qa ln þ ðqb þ qc Þ ln ð4:232Þ
2pe r D
qa D
Va ¼ Van ¼ ln ð4:234Þ
2pe r
qa 2pe
Can ¼ ¼ ð4:235Þ
Van ln Dr
2p 1 8:854 1012
Can ¼ F=m ð4:236Þ
ln Dr
Can ¼ lF=km ð4:237Þ
ln Dr
From Eq. (4.237), it is concluded that the value of the capacitance can be
calculated by substituting the separation distance and radius.
Example 4.6
A three-phase 33 kV, 50 Hz transmission line is having a length of 115 km. The
transmission line consists of the three conductors with an equal radius of 1.5 cm,
and the conductors are arranged as an equilateral triangle with a separation distance
of 2 m. Calculate the capacitance per phase and charging current.
The separation distance between the two conductors is,
D ¼ 2 m = 200 cm ð4:238Þ
180 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
r ¼ 1:5 cm ð4:239Þ
0:0556 0:0556
C¼ 115 ¼ 115 ¼ 1:31 lF ð4:240Þ
ln Dr ln 200
It is very difficult to find the capacitance inductance when the conductors are placed
in an unequal spacing. The conductors’ positions at different steps are shown in
Fig. 4.26. According to Eq. (4.209), at step 1, the voltage difference between the
conductors a and b is written as,
1 D12 r ¼ D22 D23
Vab1 ¼ qa ln þ qb ln þ qc ln ð4:242Þ
2pe D11 ¼ r D12 D13
a step1
qa step 2 step 3 step 4
1 a c a
b b
qb a c b
qc c b a c
Substituting Eqs. (4.242), (4.243), and (4.244) into Eq. (4.245) yields,
1 D12 D23 D31 r D12 D23 D31
Vab ¼ qa ln þ qb ln þ qc ln ð4:246Þ
3 2pe r D12 D23 D31 D12 D23 D31
1 D12 D23 D31 r
Vab ¼ qa ln þ qb ln ð4:247Þ
3 2pe r D12 D23 D31
1 D12 D23 D31 r
Vab ¼ qa ln þ qb ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:248Þ
2pe r 3
D12 D23 D31
Similarly, the average voltage between the conductors a and c is written as,
1 D12 D23 D31 r
Vac ¼ qa ln þ qc ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:249Þ
2pe r 3
D12 D23 D31
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p
1 D12 D23 D31 D12 D23 D31
Vab þ Vac ¼ 2qa ln þ qa ln ð4:252Þ
2pe r r
1 D12 D23 D31
Vab þ Vac ¼ 3qa ln ð4:253Þ
2pe r
2p 1 8:854 1012
Can ¼ p3 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F=m ð4:261Þ
ln D12 Dr 23 D31
Can ¼ lF=km ð4:262Þ
ln GMD
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
GMD ¼ 3
D12 D23 D31 ð4:263Þ
Example 4.7
Figure 4.27 shows an arrangement of the three conductors of a 40 km long
three-phase transmission line. The diameter of each conductor is 2.5 cm. Find the
capacitance per phase.
4.14 Capacitance of Three-Phase Lines 183
a b c
2.5m 2.5m
a b c
0.2m 0.2m 0.2m
6m 6m
The value of the GMD is calculated as,
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
GMD ¼ D12 D23 D31 ¼ 2:5 2:5 5 ¼ 3:15 m ¼ 315 cm ð4:264Þ
3 3
r¼ ¼ 1:25 cm ð4:265Þ
0:0556 0:0556
Can ¼ lF=km ¼ 40 ¼ 0:402 lF ð4:266Þ
ln GMD
ln 1:25
The method in the image is used to calculate the effect of the earth on the capac-
itance of a conductor. The conductor with a positive charge placed at a certain
height from earth induces the negative charge on the earth’s surface.
The electric flux lines originate from the positive charge conductor and finish at
the negative charge conductor in the earth. The earth is considered to be conducting
and an equipotential plane to an infinite extent. The electric flux lines and an
equipotential surface are perpendicular to each other. Since the earth is an
equipotential plane, which is possible only if it is assumed the presence of an
imaginary conductor below the surface of the earth at a depth equal to the height of
184 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
− −
− −
the actual conductor above the surface on the earth. This imaginary conductor is
called the image of the actual conductor. Figure 4.29a shows a conductor with a
positive charge q C/m above a height h from the earth’s surface. The positive
charges pass to the earth’s surface as indicated by the arrows. Figure 4.29b shows
that the earth is replaced by a negative charge conductor, place below the original
2h q
− −
− −
4.16 Capacitance of Single Conductor to Earth 185
According to Eq. (4.260), the capacitance with reference to earth is expressed as,
Cearth ¼ ð4:268Þ
ln 2hr
The two conductors 1 and 2 of a single-phase run parallel by maintaining the same
height from the earth. The conductors 3 and 4 are the image conductors of the
conductors 1 and 2, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4.31. The radius of the con-
ductors 1 and 2 is r. The conductor 1 contains the positive charge, and the con-
ductor 2 contains the negative charge.
According to Eq. (4.209), the voltage difference between the two conductors
(k = 1, i = 2) can be written as,
1 X 4
V12 ¼ qm ln ð4:269Þ
2pe m¼1 D1m
3 −q
D34 = D
186 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
q1 ¼ q; q2 ¼ q
q3 ¼ q; q4 ¼ q
Substituting equations Eqs. (4.271) and (4.275) into Eq. (4.270) yields,
" pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
1 D r 4h2 þ D2 2h
V12 ¼ q ln q ln q ln þ q ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:276Þ
2pe r D 2h 4h2 þ D2
1 D D 2h 2h
V12 ¼ q ln þ q ln þ q ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ q ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:277Þ
2pe r r 4h2 þ D2 4h2 þ D2
q 2hD
V12 ¼ ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4:278Þ
pe r 4h2 þ D2
q pe
C12 ¼ ¼ ð4:279Þ
V12 ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2hD ffi
r 4h2 þ D2
p 8:854 1012
C12 ¼ F=m ð4:280Þ
ln qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
r 1 þ ð2h Þ
D 2
C12 ¼ lF=km ð4:281Þ
ln qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
r 1 þ ð2h Þ
D 2
Substituting Eqs. (4.271), (4.272), (4.275), (4.276), (4.277), and (4.278) into
Eq. (4.279) yields,
4.17 Single-Phase Line Capacitance with Effect of Earth 187
H xy H yy
H xx
h H yx
−q y'
D34 = D
x' q
1 D21 ¼ D D22 ¼ r Hyx Hyy
V12 ¼ q ln q ln q ln þ q ln ð4:285Þ
2pe D11 ¼ r D12 ¼ D Hxx Hxy
1 D Hyx Hxy
V12 ¼ 2q ln q ln ð4:286Þ
2pe r Hxx Hyy
The distances Hyx = Hxy and Hyy = Hxx, and then Eq. (4.280) can be modified as,
1 D Hyx Hxy
V12 ¼ 2q ln q ln ð4:287Þ
2pe r Hxx Hyy
q D Hxy
V12 ¼ ln ln ð4:288Þ
pe r Hxx
The general expression of line-to-line capacitance with the effect of the earth is
expressed as,
C12 ¼ h i F=m ð4:289Þ
ln Dr ln Hxyxx
Cn ¼ 2C12 ¼ h i F=m ð4:290Þ
ln Dr ln Hxyxx
188 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
H11 H 33
H 22
H 23 c
Consider the three conductors a, b, and c are placed above the ground at points 1, 2,
and 3, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4.33. These conductors carry charges qa, qb,
and qc C/m, respectively. The image conductors are placed below the main con-
ductors and carry negative charges. Conductors are transposed as shown in
Fig. 4.34.
According to Eq. (4.279), the voltage difference between the conductors a and
b when conductors a, b, and c are at positions 1, 2, and 3, respectively, as shown in
Fig. 4.34 can be written as [3],
1 D21 H21 D22 H22 D23 H23
Vab1 ¼ qa ln ln þ qb ln ln þ qc ln ln
2pe D11 H11 D12 H12 D13 H13
1 D12 H12 r H22 D23 H23
Vab1 ¼ qa ln ln þ qb ln ln þ qc ln ln
2pe r H11 D12 H12 D31 H31
2 2 2
b a c
3 3 3
c b a
4.18 Three-Phase Line Capacitance with Effect of Earth 189
Similarly, the voltage difference between the conductors a and b when con-
ductors a, b, and c are at positions 2, 3, and 1, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4.34
can be written as,
1 D23 H23 r H33 D31 H31
Vab2 ¼ qa ln ln þ qb ln ln þ qc ln ln
2pe r H22 D23 H23 D12 H12
Again, the voltage difference between the conductors a and b when conductors
a, b, and c are at positions 3, 1, and 2, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4.34 can be
written as,
1 D31 H31 r H11 D12 H12
Vab3 ¼ qa ln ln þ qb ln ln þ qc ln ln
2pe r H33 D31 H31 D23 H23
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Substituting 3
D12 D23 D31 ¼ Deq in Eq. (4.290) yields,
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p
1 Deq r H12 H23 H31 H11 H22 H33
Vab ¼ qa ln þ qb ln qa ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qb ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2pe r Deq 3
H11 H22 H33 3
H12 H23 H31
r Deq H H H 11 22 H H H
33 12 23 31
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p
1 Deq r H12 H23 H31 H11 H22 H33
3Van ¼ 2qa ln þ ðqb þ qc Þ ln 2qa ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðq b þ qc Þ ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2pe r Deq 3
H11 H22 H33 3
H12 H23 H31
Cn ¼ p3 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F=m ð4:307Þ
qa ln req ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qa ln p3 H 12 H23 H31ffi
H H H11 22 33
Example 4.8
The two conductors of single-phase transmission lines are spaced 3 m apart and
7 m above the ground. The radius of the conductor is 0.02 m. Find the capacitance
to neutral per km with and without the effect of the earth.
4.18 Three-Phase Line Capacitance with Effect of Earth 191
The value of the capacitance with the effect of the earth is calculated as,
C12 ¼ ¼ 5:58 103 lF=km ð4:308Þ
ln q3ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ð0:02Þ 1 þ ð14 Þ
3 2
The value of the capacitance to neutral with the effect of the earth is determined
According to Eq. (4.220), the value of the capacitance to neutral without the
effect of earth can be calculated as,
2pe0 0:0556
C1n ¼ C2n ¼ 2C12 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:011 lF=km ð4:310Þ
ln Dr 3
ln 0:02
1. Wildi T (2005) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education,
USA, pp 1–934
2. Burgen AR, Vittal V (1999) Power systems analysis, 2nd edn. Pearson Education, USA, pp 1–
3. Stevenson WD (1982) Elements of power system analysis, 4th edn. McGraw Hill Higher
Education, USA, pp 1–436
Exercise Problems
Exercise Problems 193
2 3
4:8 Figure P4.4 shows a single-phase line which consists of go and return
conductors. The radius of each go conductor is 0.2 cm, and each return
conductor is 0.3 cm. Calculate the GMD, GMR for each circuit and the total
inductance per km.
4:9 Figure P4.5 shows the conductors’ arrangement of a single-phase double
circuit transmission line. The radius of each conductor is 1.5 cm.
Calculate GMD and the total inductance per km.
4:10 Figure P4.6 shows the conductors’ arrangement of a single-phase transmis-
sion line. The parallel conductors 1 and 2 forms go the path, and the con-
ductors 1′ and 2′ forms return path. The radius of each conductor is 1.8 cm.
Calculate the GMD, GMR and the total inductance per km.
4:11 Figure P4.7 shows the arrangement of a three-phase transmission line where
the conductors are placed horizontally. The radius of each conductor is
0.8 cm. Determine the inductance per km.
4:12 Figure P4.8 represents three flat conductors of a three-phase 50 Hz trans-
posed transmission. The line inductance is 12 107 H/m and the radius of
each conductor is 2 cm. Calculate the separation distance d.
4:13 A double circuit three-phase transmission line is shown in Fig. P4.9. The
diameter of each conductor is 2 cm. Find the inductance per km.
2 2'
194 4 Transmission Line Parameters and Analysis
2m 2m
2 2'
4:14 The conductors of a double circuit three-phase transmission line are shown in
Fig. P4.10. Calculate the inductance per km if the radius of each conductor is
2 cm.
4:15 Figure P4.11 shows a three-phase line with two conductors per bundle. The
radius of each conductor is 1.5 cm. Calculate the inductance in H/km and the
inductance in H if the line is 240 km long.
4:16 Figure P4.12 a three-phase transmission line that consists of three conductors
per bundle per phase. The radius of the conductor is 1.5 cm, and the phase
spacing between the conductors of a bundle is 0.5 m. Find the line induc-
tance in H/km.
4:17 A three-phase transmission line with a double circuit is shown in Fig. P4.13.
The radius of each conductor is 2.5 cm. Calculate the inductance per km.
4:18 Figure P4.14 shows a 120 km long three-phase transmission line with four
conductors per bundle. The radius of each conductor is 1.26 cm. Calculate
the inductance in H and the inductive reactance per phase (Fig. P4.13).
Exercise Problems 195
3 3'
7m 7m
7m 7m
8m 8m
5.1 Introduction
Electric power is generated at the power station and stepped up to a higher voltage
known as national transmission voltage at the substation. This higher voltage is
transferred from the substation to the grid substation by transmission lines. This
voltage is again stepped down to a lower voltage (11 kV) and brought to the
consumer terminals by a distribution line. The end of the distribution line where the
load is connected is called the receiving end, whereas the beginning of the distri-
bution line, where the source voltage is connected, is called the sending end. The
line voltage drops, and losses, efficiency, and voltage regulation identify the per-
formance of the transmission and distribution lines. These parameters are greatly
influenced by the resistance, inductance, and capacitance. In this chapter, different
types of transmission lines, voltage regulation, transmission efficiency, surge
impedance loading, ABCD parameters, Ferranti effect, ground wires, corona dis-
charge, and traveling waves will be discussed.
Medium transmission line: The length of the line is more than 80 km but is less
than 160 km is known as a medium transmission line. The voltage of this line is
more than 20 kV but less than 100 kV. In the medium transmission line, the effect
of capacitance is considered.
Long transmission line: The length of the transmission line is more than 160 km,
and the voltage rating is more than 100 kV is known as a long transmission line. All
the line parameters are considered uniformly distributed throughout the length of
the line.
The efficiency and voltage regulation is used to study the performance of a trans-
mission line. The power received at the receiving end is always less than the
sending end power. It is due to the losses of the transmission line. The ratio of
receiving end power to the sending end power is known as the efficiency of the
transmission line. Mathematically, it can be expressed as,
Pr Vr Ir cos /r
g¼ 100 ¼ 100 ð5:2Þ
Ps Vs Is cos /s
Pr ¼ Vr Ir cos /r is the receiving end power,
Ps ¼ Vs Is cos /s is the sending end power,
Vr ; Ir ; cos /r are the receiving end parameters,
Vs ; Is ; cos /s are the sending end parameters.
The receiving end voltage is normally less than the sending end voltage. It is due
to the resistive and inductive voltage drops of the line. The change in receiving end
voltage from no-load to full load is known as the voltage regulation of the line. It is
expressed as the percent of the full load voltage. Mathematically, the voltage
regulation in percent can be expressed as,
Vrn Vrf
VR ¼ 100 ð5:3Þ
Vrn is the receiving end voltage under no-load condition,
Vrf is the receiving end voltage under full load condition.
5.4 Analysis of Short Transmission Line 199
In short transmission lines, the effect of capacitance is neglected, whereas the effects
of resistance and inductance are considered for analysis. The equivalent circuit of a
single-phase short transmission line is shown in Fig. 5.1. The impedance of the line
can be determined as,
Z ¼ R þ jXL ð5:4Þ
V s ¼ V r þ Ir Z ð5:5Þ
The sending end current is the same as the receiving end current, and it is written
Is ¼ Ir ð5:6Þ
The equivalent circuit of a short transmission line is compared with the four
terminals’ two-port network as shown in Fig. 5.2. Equations (5.5) and (5.6) can be
represented by the generalized circuit constants that are commonly known as ABCD
constants. The followings equations relate the voltage and current in the sending
end and receiving end as,
Equations (5.7) and (5.8) can be expressed in the matrix form as,
Vs A B Vr
¼ ð5:9Þ
Is C D Ir
The ABCD parameters can be determined by considering open circuit and short
circuit at the receiving end. For an open circuit (Ir = 0), Eqs. (5.7) and (5.8) can be
written as,
Vs ¼ AVr ð5:10Þ
A ¼ ð5:11Þ
Vr Ir ¼0
Is ¼ CVr ð5:12Þ
C ¼ ð5:13Þ
Vr Ir ¼0
From Eqs. (5.12) and (5.13), it is concluded that the A is a dimension less and
C has a dimension mho (f).
Again, for a short circuit (Vr = 0), Eqs. (5.7) and (5.8) can be modified as,
Vs ¼ BIr ð5:14Þ
B¼ ð5:15Þ
Ir Vr ¼0
Is ¼ DIr ð5:16Þ
D¼ ð5:17Þ
Ir Vr ¼0
From Eqs. (5.15) and (5.17), it is concluded that the B has a dimension Ohm (X)
and D is a dimension less.
Now, comparing Eq. (5.7) with Eq. (5.5) yields,
A¼1 ð5:18Þ
B¼Z ð5:19Þ
C¼0 ð5:20Þ
D¼1 ð5:21Þ
5.4 Analysis of Short Transmission Line 201
AD BC ¼ 1 1 Z 0 ¼ 1 ð5:22Þ
The phasor diagram of the short transmission line with a lagging power factor is
shown in Fig. 5.3, where the line current is considered as a reference vector.
Here, d is considered as the load angle, i.e., the angle between the sending end
and the receiving end voltages. From Fig. 5.3, the following relations can be written
dc ¼ bf ¼ Vr sin /r ð5:23Þ
ab ¼ Vr cos /r ð5:24Þ
bc ¼ fd ¼ IR ð5:25Þ
de ¼ IXL ð5:26Þ
ae ¼ Vs ð5:27Þ
From the right-angle triangle Dace in Fig. 5.3, the following relation can be
written as,
δ d
φs f
φr I
a b c
202 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
Vs ¼ Vr2 ðcos2 /r þ sin2 /r Þ þ 2Vr IR cos /r þ 2Vr IXL sin /r þ I 2 ðR2 þ XL2 Þ
Vs ¼ Vr 1 þ cos /r þ sin /r þ 2 ðR2 þ XL2 Þ ð5:33Þ
Vr Vr Vr
The ratio of current to voltage is low in the last term, and its square is also very
low. Therefore, the last term in Eq. (5.33) can be neglected. Equation (5.33) is
modified as,
Vs ¼ Vr 1 þ cos /r þ sin /r ð5:34Þ
Vr Vr
Expanding Eq. (5.34) using binomial expansion and neglecting the higher terms
and it can be expressed as,
1 2IR 2IXL
Vs ¼ Vr 1 þ cos /r þ sin /r ð5:35Þ
2 Vr Vr
Vs Vr
%VR ¼ 100 ð5:37Þ
ec ¼ bf ¼ Vr sin /r ð5:39Þ
ab ¼ Vr cos /r ð5:40Þ
bc ¼ fe ¼ IR ð5:41Þ
de ¼ IXL ð5:42Þ
ad ¼ Vs ð5:43Þ
Again, from Fig. 5.3, the load angle can be written as,
ec Vr sin /r þ IXL
tanð/r þ dÞ ¼ ¼ ð5:48Þ
ac Vr cos /r þ IR
1 Vr sin /r þ IXL
/r þ d ¼ tan ð5:49Þ
Vr cos /r þ IR
However, the sending end angle from Fig. 5.3 can be written as,
/s ¼ /r þ d ð5:50Þ
d ¼ /s /r ð5:51Þ
Again, considering receiving end voltage as a reference vector where the current
lags the voltage as shown in Fig. 5.5. The sending end voltage from Fig. 5.5 can be
written as,
Vs ¼ Vr þ I j/r Z ð5:52Þ
δ IX L
φr IR
From Fig. 5.5, the sending end angle can be written as,
Vr cos /r þ IR
cos /s ¼ cosð/r þ dÞ ¼ ð5:57Þ
Vr cos /r þ IR
/s ¼ ð/r þ dÞ ¼ cos1 ð5:58Þ
Again, substituting Eq. (5.56) into Eq. (5.53) to express the voltage regulation
for a lagging power factor as,
Similarly, the voltage regulation for a leading power factor can be expressed as,
Example 5.1
A single-phase short transmission line delivers power to a load of 12 kW and 0.8
lagging power factor. The terminal voltage across the load is 440 V, and the total
transmission line resistance and reactance are 5Ω and 10Ω, respectively. Calculate
the sending end voltage, sending end power factor, and transmission efficiency.
5.4 Analysis of Short Transmission Line 205
The value of the impedance is,
I¼ j36:86 ¼ 34:1 j36:86 A ð5:62Þ
440 0:8
g¼ 100 ¼ 67:36% ð5:68Þ
Practice Problem 5.1
A load of 4000 kW with a 0.86 lagging power factor receives power by a
three-phase, wye-connected transmission lines. Consider the line voltage at the load
terminal is 30 kV. The total transmission line resistance and reactance are 3 X and
12 X per phase, respectively. Calculate the sending end voltage, voltage regulation,
and transmission efficiency.
206 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
In the medium transmission line, the effects of shunt capacitance are considered
throughout the whole length, and it plays an important role to determine other
parameters [1–3]. The shunt capacitance is assumed to be lumped in the middle of
the line, and the impedance is divided equally on either side of the shunt capaci-
tance. This configuration is known as the nominal T-model as shown in Fig. 5.6.
Applying KVL to the circuit in Fig. 5.6 to find out the voltage across the capaci-
tance and it becomes,
Vc ¼ Vr þ Ir ð5:69Þ
Y ¼ jxC ð5:71Þ
Applying KCL to Fig. 5.6 to determine the sending end current as,
Is ¼ Ir þ Ic ð5:72Þ
Z R + jX L Z R + jX L
= =
2 2 Vc 2 2
Is Ir
+ Ic
Vs +
Y = jω C Vr Load
Is ¼ Ir þ Y V r þ Ir ð5:74Þ
Is ¼ YVr þ 1 þ Ir ð5:75Þ
Vs ¼ Vr þ Ir þ V r þ Ir þ Ir ð5:78Þ
2 2 2 4
Vs ¼ 1 þ Vr þ 1 þ ZIr ð5:79Þ
2 4
Comparing Eq. (5.79) with Eq. (5.6) and Eq. (5.75) with Eq. (5.7) and the
expression of ABCD parameters can be written as,
A ¼ 1þ ð5:80Þ
B ¼ Z 1þ ð5:81Þ
C¼Y ð5:82Þ
D ¼ 1þ ð5:83Þ
2 2
AD BC ¼ 1þ YZ 1 þ ¼ 1 þ YZ þ YZ
2 4 2 2
AD BC ¼ 1 ð5:85Þ
When the total shunt admittance is divided into two halves, and each half is
placed at the sending end and the receiving end, while the total circuit impedance is
208 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
R I1 XL Ir
I c1 Ic2 +
Y Y Vr Load
2 2 −
placed in between the two, is known as the nominal p-model. The p-model is
shown in Fig. 5.7.
Applying KCL to Fig. 5.7 yields,
I1 ¼ Ic2 þ Ir ¼ Vr þ Ir ð5:86Þ
Vs ¼ Vr þ ZI1 ð5:87Þ
Is ¼ I1 þ Vs ð5:90Þ
Is ¼ Y 1 þ Vr þ 1 þ Ir ð5:93Þ
4 2
Comparing Eq. (5.89) with Eq. (5.6) and Eq. (5.93) with Eq. (5.7) yields,
A ¼ 1þ ð5:94Þ
B¼Z ð5:95Þ
C ¼ Y 1þ ð5:96Þ
D ¼ 1þ ð5:97Þ
Example 5.2
A 30 MW and 0.95 lagging power factor balanced load receives power through
100 km long three-phase 50 Hz transmission lines. The load terminal line voltage is
66 kV. The transmission line parameters per phase are R ¼ 0:2X=km,
XL ¼ 0:5X=km, Y ¼ 0:06 104 f=km. Calculate the sending end voltage, voltage
regulation, and transmission efficiency. Consider the nominal T-model.
Per phase receiving end voltage is calculated as,
Vr ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 38105:12 V ð5:99Þ
30 1000000
Ir ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 276:2 A ð5:100Þ
3 66 1000 0:95
53:85 j68:2
Vc ¼ 38105:12 þ 276:2 j18:2 ¼ 43262:05 j7:6 V ð5:103Þ
Z 53:85 j68:2
Vs ¼ Is þ Vc ¼ 265:93 j13:16 þ 43262:05 j7:6 ð5:106Þ
2 2
Vs ¼ 48393:15 j13:86 V ð5:107Þ
Alternative approach:
The values of the constants are calculated as,
Vrn ¼ ¼ 49067:24 V ð5:114Þ
g¼ 100 ¼ 87:13% ð5:117Þ
30 þ 4:43
Example 5.3
A 120 km long three-phase 50 Hz transmission line is having per phase per km
resistance, reactance, and susceptance 0:2 X, 0:7 X, and 0:08 104 f, respectively.
The line delivers a power of 25 MW at 0.85 power factor lagging to the receiving
end side, and its terminal voltage is 66 kV. Find the sending end voltage, sending
end power factor, and voltage regulation by considering a nominal p-model.
The total values of the line parameters per phase are calculated as,
66 1000
Vr ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 38105:12 V ð5:121Þ
212 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
25 106
Ir ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 201:63 A ð5:122Þ
3 66 103 0:85
I1 ¼ Ic2 þ Ir ¼ j 38105:12 þ 201:63 j31:78 ¼ 192:63 j27:15 A
Y 0:00096
Is ¼ I1 þ Vs ¼ 192:63 j27:15 þ j 51102:03 j13:91
2 2 ð5:125Þ
¼ 177:48 j21:17 A
Alternative approach:
The values of the constants are,
Vrn ¼ ¼ 53231:28 V ð5:132Þ
In a long transmission line, the line parameters are distributed uniformly throughout
the length of the line. As a result, the voltages and the current vary from point to
point on the line. The one phase of a long transmission line with a p-model is
shown in Fig. 5.8. The following parameters are defined as,
z is the series impedance per unit length,
y is the shunt admittance per unit length,
l is the total length of the line,
Z ¼ zl is the total line impedance,
Y ¼ yl is the total admittance of the line,
VðxÞ is the voltage at a location of x on the line,
IðxÞ is the current in the location of x on the line,
Vðx þ DxÞ is the voltage at a location of x þ Dx on the line,
Iðx þ DxÞ is the current in the location of x þ Dx on the line
214 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
R X L I ( x) Ir
I ( x + Δx)
Is Z Δx
+ I c1 Ic2
Vs + +
V ( x + Δx) Load
− y Δx y Δx V ( x) Vr
− −
Δx x
¼ zIðxÞ ð5:137Þ
¼ yVðxÞ ð5:141Þ
5.6 Long Transmission Line 215
d 2 VðxÞ dIðxÞ
¼z ð5:142Þ
dx2 dx
d 2 VðxÞ
¼ yzVðxÞ ð5:143Þ
d 2 VðxÞ
c2 VðxÞ ¼ 0 ð5:144Þ
c2 ¼ yz ð5:145Þ
c ¼ a þ jb ¼ yz ð5:146Þ
D 2 c2 ¼ 0 ð5:147Þ
D ¼ c ð5:148Þ
IðxÞ ¼ ðAecx þ Becx Þ ð5:150Þ
z dx
c cx cx yz
IðxÞ ¼ ðAe Be Þ ¼ ðAecx Becx Þ ð5:151Þ
z z
y cx
IðxÞ ¼ ðAe Becx Þ ð5:152Þ
IðxÞ ¼ ðAecx Becx Þ ð5:153Þ
216 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
x ¼ 0; Vð0Þ ¼ Vr ð5:155Þ
x ¼ 0; Ið0Þ ¼ Ir ð5:156Þ
A þ B ¼ Vr ð5:157Þ
A B ¼ Ir Zc ð5:158Þ
Vr þ Ir Zc
A¼ ð5:159Þ
Vr Ir Zc
B¼ ð5:160Þ
Vr þ Ir Zc cx Vr Ir Zc cx
VðxÞ ¼ e þ e ð5:161Þ
2 2
cx cx
e þ ecx e ecx
VðxÞ ¼ Vr þ Zc Ir ð5:162Þ
2 2
e/ e/
sinh / ¼ ð5:164Þ
e/ þ e/
cosh / ¼ ð5:165Þ
Substituting Eqs. (5.164) and (5.165) into Eqs. (5.162) and (5.163) yields,
IðxÞ ¼ sinh cx þ Ir cosh cx ð5:167Þ
The voltage and current at the sending end can be determined by setting the
following conditions,
x ¼ l; VðlÞ ¼ Vs ð5:168Þ
x ¼ l; IðlÞ ¼ Is ð5:169Þ
Is ¼ sinh cl þ Ir cosh cl ð5:171Þ
Comparing Eq. (5.170) with Eq. (5.6) and Eq. (5.171) with Eq. (5.7),
A ¼ D ¼ cosh cl ð5:172Þ
B ¼ Zc sinh cl ð5:173Þ
sin cl
C¼ ð5:174Þ
ecl þ ecl 1 al
cosh cl ¼ ¼ ðe jbl þ eal jbl Þ ð5:176Þ
2 2
For a lossless transmission line, the real part of the propagation constant is zero,
i.e., a ¼ 0. The propagation constant becomes,
c ¼ 0 þ jb ¼ jb ð5:180Þ
ejbx þ ejbx
cosh cx ¼ cosh jbx ¼ ¼ cos bx ð5:181Þ
ejbx ejbx
sinh cx ¼ sinh jbx ¼ ¼ j sin bx ð5:182Þ
Substituting Eqs. (5.182) and (5.183) into Eqs. (5.166) and (5.167) yields,
IðxÞ ¼ j sin bx þ Ir cos bx ð5:184Þ
Figure 5.9 shows an equivalent p-model for a long transmission line. According
to Eqs. (5.89) and (5.93), the following relations can be written as,
Y 0Z0
Vs ¼1þ V r þ Z 0 Ir ð5:185Þ
Y 0Z0 Y 0Z0
Is ¼ Y 0 1 þ Vr þ 1 þ Ir ð5:186Þ
4 2
5.6 Long Transmission Line 219
R' I1 XL ' Ir
I c1 Ic2 +
Y' Y' Vr Load
2 2 −
Comparing Eq. (5.185) with Eq. (5.170) and Eq. (5.186) with the Eq. (5.171)
Y 0Z0
1þ ¼ cosh cl ð5:187Þ
Z 0 ¼ Zc sinh cl ð5:188Þ
0 Y 0Z0 sinh cl
Y 1þ ¼ ð5:189Þ
4 Zc
Y 0Z0
1þ ¼ cosh cl ð5:190Þ
sinh cl
Z0 ¼ z l ð5:194Þ
sinh cl
Z0 ¼ Z ð5:195Þ
220 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
Y 0Z0
1þ ¼ cosh cl ð5:196Þ
Y 0Z0
¼ cosh cl 1 ð5:197Þ
Y 0 sinh cl
Z ¼ cosh cl 1 ð5:198Þ
2 cl
Y 0 cl cosh cl 1
¼ ð5:199Þ
2 Z sinh cl
Y 0 cl cosh cl 1
¼ ð5:200Þ
2 Z sinh cl
Y0 yzl cl
¼ tanh ð5:201Þ
2 zl 2
r ffiffi
Y0 y cl
¼ tanh ð5:202Þ
2 z 2
Y0 1 cl
¼ tanh ð5:203Þ
2 Zc 2
Y 0 y tanh 2
¼ l cl ð5:206Þ
2 2 2
Y 0 Y tanh 2
¼ ð5:207Þ
2 2 cl2
tanh cl2
Y0 ¼ Y cl
5.6 Long Transmission Line 221
Z' Z'
2 Vc 2
Is Ir
+ Ic
Vs +
Y' Vr Load
Figure 5.10 shows an equivalent circuit for T-model of a long transmission line.
According to Eqs. (5.79) and (5.75), the following relations can be written as,
Y 0Z0 0 Z0Y 0
Vs ¼ 1 þ Vr þ Z 1 þ Ir ð5:209Þ
2 4
0 0 Z0Y 0
Is ¼ Y V r þ Y 1 þ Ir ð5:210Þ
Y 0Z0
1þ ¼ cosh cl ð5:211Þ
0 Z0Y 0
Z 1þ ¼ Zc sinh cl ð5:212Þ
Y0 ¼ sinh cl ð5:213Þ
Y 0Z0
1þ ¼ cosh cl ð5:214Þ
Z0 1
1þ sinh cl ¼ cosh cl ð5:215Þ
2 Zc
222 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
Z0 1 cosh cl 1
¼ ð5:216Þ
2 Zc sinh cl
Z0 2 sinh2 cl2 cl
¼ cl cl
¼ Zc tanh ð5:217Þ
2 2 sinh 2 cosh 2 2
rffiffiffi cl
Z0 z 1 pffiffiffiffi tanh 2
¼ pffiffiffiffi yz l l ð5:218Þ
2 y 2 yz 2
Z 0 zl tanh 2
¼ ð5:219Þ
2 2 cl2
Z 0 Z tanh 2
¼ ð5:220Þ
2 2 cl2
Example 5.4
A load 25 MW at a 0.95 power factor lagging receives power by a 220 km long
three-phase 50 Hz transmission line. The transmission line parameters are given by
r/phase/km = 0.11X, x/phase/km = 0.23X, y/phase/km = 1:4 106 f. Calculate
the sending end voltage and current if the receiving end voltage is 120 kV.
The total resistance per phase is calculated as,
120 1000
Vr ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 69282:03 V ð5:225Þ
5.6 Long Transmission Line 223
25 106
Ir ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 126:6 A ð5:226Þ
3 120 103 0:95
cosh cl ¼ ð1:03 j0:13 þ 0:97 j0:13 Þ ¼ 1 j3:9 ð5:230Þ
sinh cl ¼ ð1:03 j0:13 0:97 j0:13 Þ ¼ 0:03 j4:33 ð5:231Þ
rffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
z 0:25 j64:44
Zc ¼ ¼ ¼ 422:58 j12:78 X ð5:232Þ
y 1:4 106 j90
Vs ¼ Vr cosh cl þ Ir Zc sinh cl
¼ 69282:03 1 j3:9 þ 126:6 422:58 j12:78 0:03 j4:33
Vr 69282:03
Is ¼ sinh cl þ Ir cosh cl ¼ 0:03 j4:33 þ 126:6 1 j3:9
Zc 422:58 j12:78
¼ 131:39 j4:39 A
224 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
MVARC ¼ ð5:236Þ
Transmission line also uses reactive power to support their magnetic field. The
strength of the magnetic field depends on the magnitude of the current and its
natural reactance. The expression of the reactive power uses or absorbs by the
transmission line is,
MVARL ¼ I 2 XL ð5:237Þ
I 2 XL ¼ ð5:238Þ
XL XC ¼ ð5:239Þ
xL V 2
¼ 2 ð5:240Þ
xC I
xL V
¼ ð5:241Þ
xC I
5.7 Surge Impedance Loading 225
G1 Vr R
¼ ð5:242Þ
Zc ¼ ð5:243Þ
For a resistive load, the power factor is unity. The phase current is expressed as,
Vph VL
Iph ¼ ¼ pffiffiffi ð5:245Þ
R 3Z L
SIL ¼ 3 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 1 ð5:246Þ
3 3ZL
SIL ¼ ¼ ð5:247Þ
SIL 1 pffiffiffi ð5:251Þ
Ir ¼ ð5:252Þ
VðxÞ ¼ Vr cos bx þ jZc sin bx ð5:253Þ
Vr Vr
IðxÞ ¼ j sin bx þ cos bx ð5:256Þ
Zc Zc
IðxÞ ¼ ðcos bx þ j sin bxÞ ð5:257Þ
IðxÞ ¼ jbx ð5:258Þ
The complex power flow at any point x of the transmission line is written as,
S ¼ VðxÞIðxÞ ð5:259Þ
Vr jV j2
S ¼ Vr jbx jbx ¼ r ð5:260Þ
Zc Zc
At rated line voltage, the SIL is defined as the square of the voltage divided by
the surge impedance. Mathematically, it can be expressed as,
SIL ¼ ð5:261Þ
5.8 ABCD Parameters and Measurements 227
The sending end voltage and current of the transmission lines in terms of ABCD
parameters are represented as,
V ¼ A 0 þ BIsc ð5:264Þ
Isc ¼ ð5:265Þ
Again, short circuit the sending end terminals and insert a voltage source at the
receiving end terminals as shown in Fig. 5.13. Substituting Vs = 0 in Eq. (5.262)
0 ¼ AV þ BIr ð5:266Þ
Ir ¼ ð5:267Þ
According to Fig. 5.12, the sending end current can be written as,
¼ CV D ð5:269Þ
1 A
¼CD ð5:270Þ
AD BC ¼ 1 ð5:271Þ
V Vr
The ABCD parameters can be determined using the concept of short circuit
impedance and open circuit impedance. Initially, open the receiving end terminals
and put the measuring instruments in the sending end side as shown in Fig. 5.14.
For an open circuit test, setting Ir = 0 to Eqs. (5.262) and (5.263) yields,
Vs ¼ AVr ð5:290Þ
A¼ ð5:291Þ
Is ¼ CVr ð5:292Þ
C¼ ð5:293Þ
From Eqs. (5.291) and (5.292), the expression of open circuit impedance can be
written as,
Vs A
Zoc ¼ ¼ ð5:294Þ
Is oc C
Again, short circuit the receiving end terminals and put all the measuring
instruments in the sending end side as shown in Fig. 5.15. For a short circuit test,
put Vr = 0 in Eqs. (5.262) and (5.263) yields,
Vs ¼ BIr ð5:295Þ
V Vr
B¼ ð5:296Þ
Is ¼ DIr ð5:297Þ
D¼ ð5:298Þ
From Eqs. (5.296) and (5.298), the expression of short circuit impedance can be
written as,
Vs B B
Zsc ¼ ¼ ¼ ð5:299Þ
Is sc D A
A2 BC ¼ 1 ð5:300Þ
Zoc Zsc ¼ ¼ ð5:301Þ
Zoc Zsc ¼ ð5:302Þ
Example 5.5
Figure 5.16 shows a Y-model circuit. Calculate A, B, C, and D parameters.
Put Vs in the sending end side and the receiving end is open circuit as shown in
Fig. 5.17. Applying KVL to the circuit in Fig. 5.17 yields,
Vs ¼ Vr ð5:307Þ
A¼ ¼1 ð5:308Þ
Is 1
C¼ ¼ ¼ 0:1 f ð5:310Þ
Vr 10
Again, short circuit the receiving end to find the parameters B and D as shown in
Fig. 5.18.
Applying KCL to the circuit in Fig. 5.18 yields,
Is ¼ Ir ð5:311Þ
+ +
Vs 10 Ω Vr
− −
10 Ω Vr
232 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
10 Ω Vr
+ +
Vs 10 Ω Vr
− −
D¼ ¼1 ð5:312Þ
Vs 0
B¼ ¼ ¼0 ð5:313Þ
Ir Is
Practice Problem 5.5
Calculate the parameters A, B, C, and D of the circuit as shown in Fig. 5.19.
Figure 5.20 shows transmission networks where the output of the first network is
connected as an input to the second network. This arrangement is known as a
tandem network. The tandem network is normally used in the communication
The sending end voltage and current in the first network can be written as,
Vs ¼ A1 V þ B1 I ð5:314Þ
Is ¼ C1 V þ D1 I ð5:315Þ
5.9 Series Transmission Networks 233
Is Ir
A1 B1 A2 B2
+ + +
Vs V Vr
C1 D1 − C2 D2 −
Equations (5.314) and (5.315) can be expressed in the matrix form as,
Vs A1 B1 V
¼ ð5:316Þ
Is C1 D1 I
The sending end voltage and current in the second network can be written as,
V ¼ A2 Vr þ B2 Ir ð5:317Þ
I ¼ C2 Vr þ D2 Ir ð5:318Þ
Equations (5.317) and (5.318) can be expressed in the matrix form as,
V A2 B2 Vr
¼ ð5:319Þ
I C2 D2 Ir
As ¼ A1 A2 þ B1 C2 ð5:323Þ
Bs ¼ A1 B2 þ B1 D2 ð5:324Þ
234 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
Cs ¼ C1 A2 þ D1 C2 ð5:325Þ
Ds ¼ C1 B2 þ D1 D2 ð5:326Þ
Example 5.6
The transmission lines are connected in series and deliver 120A current from the
receiving end terminal with a 0.85 power factor lagging and 100 kV line voltage.
The ABCD parameters are given as A1 ¼ D1 ¼ 0:75 j4 , B1 ¼ 24 j35 X,
C1 ¼ 0:0004 j86 f, A2 ¼ D2 ¼ 0:87 j5 , B2 ¼ 35 j42 X, C2 ¼ 0:0008 j89 f.
Calculate the sending end voltage and current.
The equivalent constants can be determined as,
A ¼ A1 A2 þ B1 C2 ¼ 0:75 j4 0:87 j5 þ 24 j35 0:0008 j89 ¼ 0:64 j10:55
100 1000
Vr ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 57735:03 V ð5:331Þ
Transmission lines are sometimes connected in parallel for convenience. Figure 5.21
shows a circuit where the two transmission networks are connected in parallel. From
Fig. 5.21, the following voltage and current equations can be written as,
The expressions of the sending end voltages for the two parallel networks are
written as,
Substituting Eqs. (5.337) and (5.338) into Eqs. (5.341) and (5.342) yields,
Vs ¼ A1 Vr þ B1 Ir1 ð5:343Þ
Vs ¼ A2 Vr þ B2 Ir2 ð5:344Þ
236 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
A1 B1
I s1 +
Vs1 C1 D1 I r1
Is − Ir
+ +
Vs Vr
− Is2 Ir 2 −
A2 B2
+ +
Vs 2 Vr 2
− −
C2 D2
Multiplying Eq. (5.343) by B2 and Eq. (5.344) by B1 , and adding the results
A1 B2 þ A2 B1 B1 B2
Vs ¼ Vr þ ðIr1 þ Ir1 Þ ð5:346Þ
B1 þ B2 B1 þ B2
A1 B2 þ A2 B1 B1 B2
Vs ¼ Vr þ Ir ð5:347Þ
B1 þ B2 B1 þ B2
Vs ¼ Ap Vr þ Bp Ir ð5:348Þ
A1 B2 þ A2 B1
Ap ¼ ð5:349Þ
B1 þ B2
B1 B2
Bp ¼ ð5:350Þ
B1 þ B2
5.10 Parallel Transmission Networks 237
The expressions of the sending end currents in the parallel networks are written
A2 A1 B2
Ir1 ¼ Vr þ Ir ð5:359Þ
B1 þ B2 B1 þ B2
ðD2 D1 ÞðA1 A2 Þ B1 D2 þ B2 D1
Is ¼ C1 þ C2 þ Vr þ Ir ð5:363Þ
B1 þ B2 B1 þ B2
Is ¼ Cp Vr þ Dp Ir ð5:364Þ
Where the expressions of the general C and D parameters are expressed as,
ðD2 D1 ÞðA1 A2 Þ
Cp ¼ C1 þ C2 þ ð5:365Þ
B1 þ B2
B1 D2 þ B2 D1
Dp ¼ ð5:366Þ
B1 þ B2
Example 5.7
The parameters of parallel transmission networks are given by A1 ¼ D1 ¼ 0:65 j3 ,
B1 ¼ 34 j30 X, C1 ¼ 0:0002 j89 f, A2 ¼ D2 ¼ 0:76 j4 , B2 ¼ 45 j48 X,
C2 ¼ 0:0004 j90 f. Calculate the equivalent parameters.
The equivalent constants can be determined as,
B1 B2 34 j30 45 j48
Bp ¼ ¼ ¼ 19:60 j37:74 X ð5:368Þ
B1 þ B2 34 j30 þ 45 j48
ðD2 D1 ÞðA1 A2 Þ
Cp ¼ C1 þ C2 þ ¼ 0:0002 j89 þ 0:0004 j90
B1 þ B2
ð0:76 j4 0:65 j3 Þð0:65 j3 0:76 j4 Þ ð5:369Þ
þ ¼ 0:00067 j102:36
34 j30 þ 45 j48
Vs ¼ Vr þ Ic ðR þ jXL Þ ð5:371Þ
Is r l r l r l Ir
+ I c1 Ic2 I c3 +
Vs Vr
− −
Ic +
Vs C
Ic Z Ic R
The effect of resistance in a long transmission line is negligible, and Eqs. (5.373)
and (5.374) are modified as,
Vs ¼ Vr x2 LCVr ð5:375Þ
Vs ¼ Vr Ic XL ð5:376Þ
Vr ¼ Vs þ Ic XL ð5:377Þ
Vs Vr ¼ Vr ð5:379Þ
ðjxClÞðr þ jxLÞl
Vs Vr ¼ Vr ð5:380Þ
5.11 Ferranti Effect 241
x2 Cl2
Vs Vr ¼ LVr ð5:381Þ
x2 Cl2
Vs ¼ 1 L Vr ð5:382Þ
Ground wires: The ground wires are bare conductors installed at the top of
transmission towers. The overhead transmission lines are normally protected from
the lightning strikes by the ground wires. The ground wires normally do not carry
current. Therefore, ground wires are made of steel and are directly connected to the
ground at each transmission tower and distribution pole. The ground wires help to
pass the high current that receives during lightning strikes.
Corona discharge: When a low alternating voltage is applied across the two
conductors whose diameters are very small compared to their separation distance,
there is no apparent change of the surrounding atmospheric air of the conductors.
When the applied voltage exceeds a certain value, called critical disruptive voltage,
the conductors are surrounded by a violet glow. Therefore, the corona is a partial
discharge that occurs at the surface of the power conductor when the electric field
exceeds the breakdown strength of the surrounding air. The electric field around the
surface of the conductor increases if the voltage between the conductors is
increased. Due to high electric fields, the surrounding air molecules become ion-
ized. This causes hissing sound and causes a glow on the line. This phenomenon is
known as corona discharge. Coronas may be positive or negative. The positive
corona or negative corona is normally determined by the polarity of the voltage on
the power conductor.
The voltage and current on a long transmission line always satisfy the relation of the
wave equation. The effects of resistance and conductance are neglected for a long
transmission line. In this case, the model is dependent on the inductance and
capacitance. The transmission line without resistance and conductance is known as
a lossless transmission line [4, 5]. Considering a long transmission equation as
shown in Fig. 5.25 for deriving traveling wave equations, applying KVL to the
circuit in Fig. 5.25 yields,
242 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
@iðx; tÞ
vðx; tÞ þ RDxiðx; tÞ þ LDx þ vðx þ Dx; tÞ ¼ 0 ð5:383Þ
vðx þ Dx; tÞ vðx; tÞ @iðx; tÞ
¼ Riðx; tÞ L ð5:384Þ
Dx @t
@vðx; tÞ
iðx; tÞ ¼ GDxvðx; tÞ þ CDx þ iðx þ Dx; tÞ ð5:387Þ
iðx þ Dx; tÞ iðx; tÞ @vðx; tÞ
¼ Gvðx; tÞ C ð5:388Þ
Dx @t
¼ ðR þ jxLÞIðxÞ ð5:393Þ
¼ ðG þ jxCÞVðxÞ ð5:394Þ
For a long transmission line, R = 0 and G = 0, Eqs. (5.393) and (5.394) are
modified as,
¼ jxLIðxÞ ð5:395Þ
¼ jxCVðxÞ ð5:396Þ
@ 2 VðxÞ
þ x2 LC VðxÞ ¼ 0 ð5:397Þ
@ 2 IðxÞ
þ x2 LC IðxÞ ¼ 0 ð5:398Þ
Here, the superscripts positive (+) and negative () represent the wave traveling
in the þ x and x directions along the transmission line.
The wavelength (k) of a signal is defined as the distance between the two peaks
over 2p radians, and it can be expressed as,
bk ¼ 2p ð5:402Þ
k¼ ð5:403Þ
244 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
k ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5:404Þ
f LC
Since the signal is oscillating in time at rate x rad sec, the propagation velocity
of the wave is expressed as,
v¼ ð5:405Þ
v ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5:406Þ
Example 5.8 The per phase per km line inductance and capacitance of 200 km
long three-phase 500 kV, 50 Hz transmission line are 0.87 mH and 0:012 lF.
Assume a lossless line, and the line supplies power from 500 kV line to the load of
600 MW at a 0.85 power factor lagging. Determine the phase constant velocity of
the wave propagation, wavelength, surge impedance, per phase sending end volt-
age, sending end current, three-phase sending end power, and voltage regulation.
The value of the phase constant is calculated as,
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
b ¼ x LC ¼ 2p 50 0:87 103 0:012 106 ¼ 0:001 rad/km ð5:407Þ
1 1
v ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 3:09 105 km/s ð5:408Þ
LC 0:87 10 0:012 106
v 3:09 105
k¼ ¼ ¼ 6189:84 km ð5:409Þ
f 50
600 1000
Ir ¼ pffiffiffi j31:79 ¼ 815:08 j31:79 A ð5:412Þ
3 500 0:85
Vr ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 288675:13 V ð5:413Þ
1. Glover JD, Sarma MS, Overbye TJ (2017) Power system analysis and design, 6th ed, Cengage
Learning, pp 1–942, USA
2. Nagsarkar TK, Sukhija MS (2014) Power system analysis, 6th ed, Oxford University Press,
pp 1–726
3. Grainger JJ, Stevenson WD, Stevenson WD (2015) Power systems analysis, 2nd Education,
McGraw-Hill Education, USA
4. Wildi T (2005) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th Edn, Pearson Education,
pp 1–934, USA
5. Bergen AR, Vijay V (1999) Power systems analysis, 2nd Edn., Pearson Education, pp 1–632,
Exercise Problems
5:1 The per phase series impedance of a single-phase short transmission line is
5 þ j16 X, and the line delivers a power of 10 kW at a power factor of 0.95
lagging from the 240 V receiving end terminals. Calculate the sending end
voltage, sending end power factor, and transmission efficiency.
5:2 A long single-phase 24 km long short transmission line delivers a power of
200 kW at a 0.85 leading power factor to the load from the 11 kV terminals.
The per phase per km resistance and reactance of the line are 0:2 X and
0:5 X, respectively. Find the sending end voltage, voltage regulation, and
5:3 A 10 km long single-phase short transmission line delivers a power of
180 kW at a 0.90 lagging power factor to the load from the 6.6 kV receiving
end terminals. The per phase per km resistance and reactance of the line are
0:1 X and 0:4 X, respectively. Calculate the sending end voltage, voltage
regulation, and efficiency.
5:4 A load of 140 kW receives power from the 11 kV single-phase short
transmission line with a unity power factor. The per phase impedance of the
line is 3 þ j8 X. Find the sending end voltage and efficiency.
5:5 The sending end voltage of a three-phase short transmission line is 11 kV
and delivers a power of 1200 kW at a 0.9 power factor lagging to a
three-phase load. The impedance of the line is found to be 3 þ j5 X. Calculate
the receiving end voltage, line current, and efficiency.
5:6 The per phase impedance of an 11 kV three-phase short transmission line is
found to be 10 þ j18 X. A three-phase load of 4 MW at a 0.95 power factor
lagging is connected at the receiving end of the line. Find the sending end
voltage per phase and load angle.
5:7 The per phase per km resistance and reactance of the three-phase 11 kV and
50 km short transmission line are 0:16 X and 0:3 X, respectively. The line
delivers a three-phase load of 280 MVA at a 0.85 power factor lagging.
Calculate the sending end voltage, real power, and sending end complex
Exercise Problems 247
5:8 The impedance of a three-phase short transmission line is 4 þ j10 X. This line
delivers power to the load at a 0.85 power factor lagging. The per phase
sending ending voltage and receiving end voltage are 11 kV and 6.6 kV,
respectively. Calculate the line current, per phase load power, and sending
end power factor.
5:9 A load of 20 MW at a 0.85 lagging power factor is connected with a
three-phase 66 kV medium transmission line. The line has a per phase
impedance of 1:2 þ j5 X and a per phase shunt admittance j0:0003 S. Use the
nominal T-model to determine the A, B, C, D parameters, sending end line
voltage, sending end current, and sending end power factor.
5:10 The line has an impedance and a shunt admittance of a three-phase 33 kV,
and 90 km medium transmission line is 0:1 þ j0:6 X per km and j2:4
106 S per km, respectively. The line delivers a power of 24 MW at a 0.90
power factor leading to the load. Use the nominal T-model to determine the
A, B, C, D parameters, sending end line voltage, sending end current, and
sending end power factor.
5:11 The line has an impedance, and a shunt admittance of a three-phase 66 kV
and 100 km long medium transmission line are 0:2 þ j0:8 X per km and
j3:5 106 S per km, respectively. The line delivers a power of 30 MW at a
0.95 power factor lagging to the load. Use the nominal p-model to determine
the A, B, C, D parameters, sending end line voltage, sending end current, and
sending end power factor.
5:12 The per km line impedance and admittance of a three-phase 100 kV and
120 km long medium transmission line are 0:3 þ j0:5 X and j1:9 106 S,
respectively. The line delivers a power of 25 MW at a 0.85 power factor
lagging to the load. Use a nominal T-model to determine the sending end line
voltage, sending end current, and transmission efficiency.
5:13 A 130 km long three-phase 50 Hz medium transmission line delivers a
power of 30 MW at a power factor of 0.90 lagging to a balanced load whose
line voltage is 66 kV. The per phase per km transmission line parameters are
R ¼ 0:3 X,XL ¼ 0:6 X, Y ¼ 0:06 104 f. Calculate the sending end phase
voltage and voltage regulation by considering the nominal T-model.
5:14 The per phase per km parameters of a 250 km long transmission line are
r ¼ 0:04 X,x ¼ 0:19 X, y ¼ 0:09 104 f. The transmission line delivers a
power of 40 MW at a 0.90 lagging power factor. Calculate the per phase
sending end line voltage and sending end current if the receiving end voltage
is 110 kV.
5:15 The parameters of a series of transmission networks are given by
A1 ¼ D1 ¼ 0:85 j6 , B1 ¼ 30 j38 X, C1 ¼ 0:0003 j82 f, A2 ¼ D2 ¼ 0:89 j8 ,
B2 ¼ 37 j40 X, C2 ¼ 0:0006 j87 f.
The line delivers a current of 90 A from the 110 kV receiving end terminal at
a 0.95 power factor lagging. Calculate the sending end voltage and current.
248 5 Modelling and Performance of Transmission Lines
6.1 Introduction
The goal of any power utility company is to run its power system network under
balanced condition. The power system network is said to be balanced when it is
operating in normal-load condition. This normal operating condition of the power
system can be disrupted due to adverse weather conditions such as heavy wind,
lightning strikes, or due to other factors such as birds shorting out the lines, vehicles
collide with transmission line poles or towers by accident, or trees fall on the
transmission lines. The lightning strike on the transmission line may generate a very
high transient voltage, which exceeds the basic insulation voltage level of the
transmission lines. This event triggers the flashover from the resultant high mag-
nitude of the current that passes through the transmission tower to the ground. This
condition of the transmission lines is known as a short circuit condition, and the
fault associated with this phenomenon is known as a short circuit fault. In a short
circuit situation, a very low impedance path is created either in between two
transmission lines or in between a transmission line and ground. In this case, the
resulting high magnitude current imposes a heavy duty on the circuit breaker and
other controlling equipment. The short circuit faults are classified as symmetrical
and unsymmetrical faults. In this chapter, symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults,
symmetrical components, zero sequence components of the machines, and classi-
fication unsymmetrical faults will be discussed.
The symmetrical faults are often known as balanced faults. In the case of balanced
faults, three lines are affected equally, and the system remains in a balanced con-
dition. These types of faults are rare in the power system, and it contributes 2–5% of
the total fault.
These faults are easy to analyze. The symmetrical faults are classified as three
line-to-ground fault (LLLG) and three-line fault (LLL). The connection diagrams of
symmetrical faults are shown in Fig. 6.1. If the fault impedance Zf = 0, then the
fault is known as a solid or bolted fault.
The balanced three-phase fault occurs suddenly at synchronous generator ter-
minals. Initially, the magnitude of the short circuit current is high. Later on, the
magnitude of this current is reduced. This short circuit current is divided into three
periods, namely subtransient, transient, and steady-state periods. The trace of a
short circuit stator current with subtransient, transient, and steady-state periods is
shown in Fig. 6.2. In the subtransient period, the short circuit current reduces
rapidly, and it is lasting for a few cycles.
In the transient period, the reduction of the short circuit current is more mod-
erate, and it continues for more cycles. In the final state, the oscillation of the
current is stable, and the currents in these regions are used to define the various
reactances of the synchronous generator if the armature resistance is neglected. The
rms value of the ac current flows in the generator during the subtransient period is
known as subtransient current. This current is represented by I 00 , and it is generated
by the damper windings of the generator. The ratio of generated voltage to the
subtransient current is known as subtransient reactance, and it is denoted by Xd00 . The
subtransient reactance can be expressed as,
oc Eg
I 00 ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 00 ð6:1Þ
2 Xd
The rms value of the AC current flows in the generator during the transient
period is known as transient current. This current is represented by I 0 , and it is
generated by the transient DC component of the field current of the generator during
a fault. The ratio of generated voltage to the transient current is known as transient
reactance, and it is denoted by Xd0 . The subtransient reactance can be expressed as,
(a) Zf (b) Zf
a a
b b
Zf Zf
G c c
Zf Zf
I sc
ob Eg
I 0 ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 0 ð6:2Þ
2 Xd
After a transient period, the fault current reaches a stable condition which is
known as steady-state current, and it is denoted by I. The synchronous reactance or
direct axis reactance is the ratio of induced voltage to the steady-state current, and it
can be expressed as,
oa Eg
I ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ ð6:3Þ
2 Xd
The rms value of the AC fault current in a synchronous generator varies over
time, and it can be expressed as,
subtransient and transient time constants are 0.05 s and 1.04 s, respectively.
Assume the initial DC component of the current is 50% of the initial AC component
of the current. Calculate the subtransient current, transient current, steady-state
current, total current at the beginning of the fault, and AC component of the current
as a function of time.
Consider the base values are 100 MVA and 11 kV. The value of the base current is
calculated as,
100 106
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 5248:63 A ð6:5Þ
3 11 103
I 00 ¼ ¼ 6:25 pu ð6:6Þ
I0 ¼ ¼ 4 pu ð6:8Þ
I¼ ¼ 0:95 pu ð6:10Þ
I ¼ 0:95 5248:63 ¼ 4986:19 A ð6:11Þ
of the generator are given as X 00 ¼ 0:11, X 0 ¼ 0:20, and X ¼ 1:12. Assume the
initial DC component of the current is 50% of the initial AC component of the
current. Find the subtransient current, transient current, steady-state current, and
total current at the beginning of the fault.
A short circuit in a power system occurs due to failure of the insulation of the
equipment during lightning or switching activities. This short circuit current is
several times higher than the normal rating current, which in turn damages the
system severely. Sometimes, a high impedance fault current is not enough to run the
relay and circuit breaker or blow the related fuses. Therefore, there is a prime
importance to determine the short circuit current in the power system. The trans-
former and transmission line is normally represented by the leakage reactance and
series reactance, respectively. The voltage source and the reactance represent the
synchronous generator. Initially, the percentage of reactance needs to be defined to
derive the expression of the short circuit current. The voltage drop due to reactance
at rated current is expressed in percent of the rated voltage as,
%Xp ¼ 100 ð6:14Þ
X %Xp
¼ ð6:15Þ
V 100 I
V 100 I
¼ ð6:16Þ
X %Xp
Again, consider a short circuit reactance X. For a rated voltage, the short circuit
current can be determined as,
Isc ¼ ð6:17Þ
Isc ¼ I ð6:18Þ
254 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
For given base VA and voltage, the expression of base impedance is written as,
Vb2 V2
Zb ¼ ¼ b ð6:19Þ
Sb Vb Ib
Zpu ¼ ð6:23Þ
Zpu ¼ ð6:24Þ
ðbase kVÞ 1000
ðbase kVAÞ
From Eq. (6.25), the per unit impedance in percentage can be represented as,
VLm is the line voltage in kV,
IF is the fault current in A.
The per unit three-phase fault current at any bus m can be determined as,
IF ðpuÞ ¼ ð6:29Þ
Vm is the prefault bus voltage in pu,
Xm is the total reactance up to the point of fault in pu.
Consider Sb is the base kVA and Vb is the base voltage in kV, and the base
current can be determined as,
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ð6:30Þ
3V b
IF ¼ IF ðpuÞ Ib ð6:31Þ
Vm Sb
IF ¼ pffiffiffi ð6:32Þ
Xm 3Vb
Vm VLm Sb
kVAsc ¼ ð6:34Þ
Xm Vb
If the base voltage ðVb Þ is equal to the line voltage ðVLm Þ, Eq. (6.34) becomes,
V m Sb
kVAsc ¼ ð6:35Þ
The value of the prefault bus voltage ðVm Þ is usually considered as 1 pu and
Eq. (6.35) becomes,
256 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
kVAsc ¼ ð6:36Þ
kVAsc ¼ Base kVA ð6:37Þ
Example 6.2
Figure 6.3 shows a single-line diagram of a power system. The ratings of the
equipment are as follows.
Generator 20 MVA, 11 kV, X = 0.20
Transformer 10 MVA, 11/66 kV, X = 0.08
Line RL ¼ 0:4 X, XL ¼ 1:6 X
Load 20 MW, 40 MVAR
A three-phase balanced fault occurs at the load bus. Calculate the short circuit
kVA and short circuit current.
Consider the base values are 20 MVA and 11 kV. The new percentage reactance of
the generator, transformer, and line can be determined as,
XG ¼ 0:20 ¼ 0:20 ð6:38Þ
XT ¼ 0:08 ¼ 0:16 ð6:39Þ
Vb1 66
Vb2 ¼ ¼ 11 ¼ 66 kV ð6:40Þ
a 11
RLactual ðbase kVAÞ 0:4 20000
%RL ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:18 ð6:41Þ
ðbase kVÞ 10 662 10
100 100
kVAsc ¼ Base kVA ¼ 20 1000 ¼ 54:45 103 ð6:44Þ
%X 36:73
The full load current with 20 MVA base and 66 kV base voltage is calculated as,
IF ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 174:95 A ð6:46Þ
3 66
100 100
Isc ¼ IF ¼ 174:95 ¼ 476:32 A ð6:47Þ
%X 36:73
The single-line diagram is drawn in the CYME power system software. Then
data are given input by selecting each equipment. Then press the run button, and
select the parameters as the prefault base voltage and the machine impedance as the
steady state. Finally, apply fault at bus 3 and run the simulation. The simulation
results are shown in Fig. 6.4.
From Fig. 6.4, it is seen that the three-phase fault (LLL) current is,
MVAsc ¼ 54 ð6:49Þ
Example 6.3
Figure 6.5 shows a single-line diagram of a power system. A three-phase balanced
fault occurs at the generator bus. The ratings of the equipment are as follows.
Generator 1 20 MVA, 11 kV, X ¼ 30%
Generator 2 40 MVA, 11 kV, X ¼ 20%
Transformer 15 MVA, 11/33 kV, X ¼ 10%
Line XL ¼ 20 X
Load 25 MW, 55 MVAR
Calculate the short circuit kVA and the short circuit current.
Consider the base values are 40 MVA and 11 kV. The new percentage reactance of
the generators, transformer, and line can be determined as,
XG1 ¼ 0:30 ¼ 60% ð6:50Þ
XG2 ¼ 0:20 ¼ 20% ð6:51Þ
40 33
XT ¼ 0:10 ¼ 26:67% ð6:52Þ
15 33
Alternative approach:
The value of the new base voltage is calculated as,
Vb1 ¼ 11 ¼ 33 kV ð6:54Þ
Xline ¼ ¼ 0:7344 ð6:56Þ
To calculate the reactance up to the fault point, the reactance diagram is con-
sidered, which is shown in Fig. 6.6.
The total reactance up to the fault point can be determined as,
100 100
kVAsc ¼ Base kVA ¼ 40 1000 ¼ 306748 ð6:58Þ
%X 13:04
40 106
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 2099:45 A ð6:60Þ
3 11 1000
X G1 XG2
260 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
100 100
Isc ¼ Ib ¼ 2099:45 ¼ 16100 A
%X 13:04
The simulation results are shown in Fig. 6.7. From Fig. 6.7, it is seen that the
three-phase fault (LLL) current is,
6.3 Calculation of Short Circuit Current and kVA 261
G2 F
T1 T2
B1 B2 B3 Δ−Y B4
G1 Δ−Y
F Line
Consider the base values 100 MVA and 20 kV. The new percentage reactance of
the generators, transformers, and line can be determined as,
XG1 ¼ 0:20 ¼ 0:2 pu ð6:63Þ
XG1 ¼ 0:20 ¼ 0:2 pu ð6:64Þ
XG2 ¼ 0:20 ¼ 0:25 pu ð6:65Þ
XG3 ¼ 0:12 ¼ 0:20 pu ð6:66Þ
XT1 ¼ 0:08 ¼ 0:08 pu ð6:67Þ
XT2 ¼ 0:04 ¼ 0:08 pu ð6:68Þ
Vb 138
Vb1 ¼ ¼ 20 ¼ 138 kV ð6:69Þ
a 20
Xline 20
Xline ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:105 ð6:71Þ
Zb 190:44
0:2 0:25
Xge ¼ ¼ 0:111 pu ð6:72Þ
6.3 Calculation of Short Circuit Current and kVA 263
Neutral line
X G1 XG2 X G3
X T1 XL XT 2
0:465 0:111
X¼ ¼ 0:0896 pu ð6:74Þ
100 1
kVAsc ¼ Base kVA ¼ 100 1000 ¼ 1116071:429 ð6:75Þ
%X 0:0896
100 106
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 2886:751 A ð6:77Þ
3 20 1000
100 1
Isc ¼ Ib ¼ 2886:751 ¼ 32218:20 A ð6:78Þ
%X 0:0896
The simulation is done by the software IPSA, and the result is shown in
Fig. 6.12. The balanced three-phase fault current is,
The simulation is done by the software CYME, and the result is shown in
Fig. 6.13. The balanced three-phase fault current is,
T1 T2 G3
B1 B2 B3 B4
G1 Δ−Y Y−Δ
F Line
The faults in the power system network which disturb the balanced condition of the
network are known as unsymmetrical faults. The unsymmetrical faults are classified
as a single-line-to-ground faults (SLG), double-line-to-ground faults (DLG), and
line-to-line faults. More than 90% of faults which occur in a power system are
single-line-to-ground faults. The connection diagrams of different types of
unsymmetrical faults are shown in Fig. 6.15.
Zf Zf
a a
G G b
120 I a1
I b1
120 120
Figure 6.19 represents a phasor diagram where the line OA represents the current
phasor I. This phasor, after being multiplied by the operator a, gives the new phasor
aI which is represented by the line OB. The phasor aI in the diagram is leading (in
the counterclockwise direction) the phasor by 120°, which can be expressed as,
aI ¼ I j120 ð6:82Þ
a2 I ¼ I j240 ð6:84Þ
Ia I a0
I c0
I c1
I b0 I a2
I a1
I c2
I b2
I b1
120 A
a2 I
a3 ¼ 1 j360 ¼ 1 ð6:86Þ
1 þ a2 þ a3 ¼ 0 ð6:87Þ
Comparing Fig. 6.16 with Fig. 6.20, the positive phase sequence components of
the current can be represented as,
Again, comparing Fig. 6.17 with Fig. 6.20, the negative phase sequence com-
ponents of the current can be represented as,
The magnitudes of the zero phase sequence components are the same, and it can
be written as,
From Fig. 6.19, the unsymmetrical currents can be represented by the sym-
metrical components of current as,
where the suffixes 0, 1, and 2 indicate the zero sequence, positive sequence, and
negative sequence components, respectively. Equations (6.96) and (6.97) can be
replaced by the symmetrical components of the current of phase a. Substituting
Eqs. (6.89), (6.92), and (6.94) into Eq. (6.96) yields,
Again, substituting Eqs. (6.90), (6.93) and (6.94) into the Eq. (6.97) yields,
Equations (6.95), (6.98), and (6.99) can be rearranged in the matrix form as,
2 3 2 32 3
Ia 1 1 1 Ia0
4 I b 5 ¼ 4 1 a2 a 54 Ia1 5 ð6:100Þ
Ic 1 a a2 Ia2
From Eq. (6.105), the following expressions for the current components can be
Ia0 ¼ ðIa þ Ib þ Ic Þ ð6:106Þ
Ia1 ¼ Ia þ aIb þ a2 Ic ð6:107Þ
Ia2 ¼ Ia þ a2 Ib þ aIc ð6:108Þ
In ¼ Ia þ Ib þ Ic ð6:112Þ
Ia0 ¼ In ð6:113Þ
In ¼ 3Ia0 ¼ 3I0 ð6:114Þ
6.6 Representation of Symmetrical Components 271
Example 6.5
A three-phase system is having phase voltages Va ¼ 90 j0 kV; Vb ¼ 66 j100 kV;
and Vc ¼ 22 j85 kV: Calculate the symmetrical voltage components of for phases
a, b, and c.
The magnitude of the zero sequence voltage component is calculated as,
Va0 ¼ 90 þ 66 j100 þ 22 j85 ¼ 30:42 j28:17 kV ð6:115Þ
Va1 ¼ 90 þ 66 j100 þ 120 þ 22 j85 þ 240 ¼ 56:21 j3:35 kV ð6:116Þ
1 1
Va2 ¼ Va þ a2 Vb þ aVc ¼ 90 þ 66 j100 þ 240 þ 22 j85 þ 120
3 3
¼ 12:69 j59:51 kV
For phase b:
The zero sequence voltage component is calculated as,
Vb0 ¼ 30:42 j28:17 kV ð6:118Þ
For phase c:
The zero sequence voltage component is,
Vc0 ¼ 30:42 j28:17 kV ð6:121Þ
Example 6.6
The symmetrical voltage components of a three-phase system are given by Va0 ¼
94 j150 kV; Va1 ¼ 56 j80 kV; and Va2 ¼ 122 j55 kV for phase a. Find the
three-phase unbalanced voltages.
The positive phase sequence voltage components can be determined as,
The product of the voltage and the conjugate of the current is known as complex
power, and it is denoted by the capital letter S. The expression of the complex
power is,
Based on Eq. (6.132), the expression of the complex power for the three-phase
lines can be written as,
2 3
4 Va1 5 ¼ V012 ð6:136Þ
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 32 3
Ia 1 1 1 Ia0 1 1 1 Ia0
4 I b 5 ¼ 4 1 a2 a 5 4 Ia1 5 ¼ 4 1 a a2 54 Ia1 5 ð6:139Þ
Ic 1 a a2 Ia2 1 a2 a Ia2
Equation (6.145) can be used to find the real power and reactive power from the
symmetrical components of voltage and current. According to Eq. (6.132), the
expressions of real and reactive power from Eq. (6.145) can be written as,
P ¼ 3Va0 Ia0 cos /0 þ 3Va1 Ia1 cos /1 þ 3Va2 Ia2 cos /2 ð6:146Þ
Q ¼ 3Va0 Ia0 sin /0 þ 3Va1 Ia1 sin /1 þ 3Va2 Ia2 sin /2 ð6:147Þ
6.8 Sequence Impedance of Power System Equipment 275
The sequence impedances of a power system equipment are defined as the impe-
dance offered by the equipment to the flow of sequence (positive or negative or
zero) current through it. These sequence impedances are zero, positive, and nega-
tive sequence impedances. The zero sequence impedance of equipment is defined as
the impedance offered by the equipment to the flow of the zero sequence current,
and it is represented by Z0. The impedance offered by the power system equipment
to the flow of the positive sequence current is known as the positive sequence
impedance, and it is denoted by Z1. The impedance offered by the power system
equipment to the flow of the negative sequence current is known as the negative
sequence impedance, and it is denoted by Z2. In the case of a synchronous machine,
positive sequence impedance is equal to the synchronous impedance of the
machine, whereas the negative sequence impedance is much less than the positive
sequence impedance. If the zero sequence impedance is not given, then its value is
assumed to be equal to the positive sequence impedance. For the transformer,
positive sequence impedance, negative sequence impedance, and zero sequence
impedances are equal. In the case of the transmission line, positive sequence
impedance and negative sequence impedances are equal. The zero sequence
impedance is much higher than the positive sequence impedance or the negative
sequence impedance. The balanced Y-connected load and the neutral impedance are
shown in Fig. 6.21. The current in the neutral point is,
In ¼ Ia þ Ib þ Ic ð6:148Þ
The voltage between the phase a and the ground point is,
Vag ¼ Ia Zy þ Zn In ð6:149Þ
c In
276 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
Similarly, the voltages of phase b and phase c to the ground point are,
Equations (6.151), (6.71), and (6.153) can be expressed in the matrix format as,
2 3 2 32 3
Vag Z n þ Zy Zn Zn Ia
4 Vbg 5 ¼ 4 Zn Z n þ Zy Zn 54 Ib 5 ð6:154Þ
Vcg Zn Zn Zn þ Zy Ic
+ Zy +
Va 0 Z 0 = Z y + 3Z n Va1 Z1 = Z y
− −
3Z n
Va 2 Z2 = Z y
Negative sequence
2 3 2 32 3
Va0 9Zn þ 3Zy 0 0 Ia0
4 Va1 5 ¼ 4 0 3Zy 0 54 Ia1 5 ð6:160Þ
3 0 0 3Zy
Va2 Ia2
2 3 2 32 3
Va0 3Zn þ Zy 0 0 Ia0
4 Va1 5 ¼ 4 0 Zy 0 54 Ia1 5 ð6:161Þ
Va2 0 0 Zy Ia2
From Eq. (6.161), the expressions of symmetrical components of voltage for the
phase a can be written as,
The sequence circuits based on Eqs. (6.162), (6.163), and (6.164) are shown in
Fig. 6.22. The neutral impedance of the Y-connection would be zero if it is solidly
grounded. Equation (6.162) can be modified as,
278 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
In transmission lines, there is no effect on the impedance due to positive and native
sequence components of voltages and currents. In this case, positive sequence and
negative sequence impedances are equal to each other, that is,
Z1 ¼ Z2 ð6:166Þ
The zero sequence impedance is much higher than the positive or negative
sequence impedance due to its ground return path. In this case, the expression can
be written as,
Z0 ¼ Z1 þ 3Zn ð6:167Þ
X0 ¼ X1 þ 3Xn ð6:168Þ
Xn ¼ 2:02 103 f ln X=mile ð6:169Þ
Dm is the geometric mean distance (GMD),
Ds is the geometric mean radius,
f is the frequency.
The sequence networks for transmission lines are shown in Fig. 6.23. There are
three impedances, namely subtransient, transient, and direct axis reactance. The
positive and negative sequence impedances are equal to the subtransient reactance
during a fault condition.
The generator offers a very small reactance due to the leakage flux. Therefore,
the zero sequence impedance is smaller than the others. The following equations for
a generator can be written as,
6.9 Zero Sequence Models 279
Z0 Z1
I0 I1
ground ground
Zero sequence Positive sequence
Negative sequence
Z0 Z1
I0 I1
3Z n E1
Negative sequence
Z1 ¼ Z2 ¼ Zd00 ð6:170Þ
Z0 ¼ Zl ð6:171Þ
The sequence networks for the generator are shown in Fig. 6.24. In the trans-
former, the zero sequence current flows if the neutral is grounded. In this case, the
positive and the negative sequence impedances are equal to the zero sequence
impedance, that is,
280 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
B b A a
c g
Symbol Connection diagram Equivalent circuit
Fig. 6.25 Sequence networks for Y-Y-connection with both sides grounded
Z1 ¼ Z2 ¼ Z0 ð6:172Þ
B b A a
c g
Symbol Connection diagram Equivalent circuit
Fig. 6.26 Sequence networks for Y-Y-connection for one side grounded
6.9 Zero Sequence Models 281
B b A a
c g
Symbol Connection diagram Equivalent circuit
A a
B b A a
C g
current will not flow out of the terminal. Therefore, no zero sequence current will
flow in the line as shown in Fig. 6.28.
Ungrounded Y- and Δ connections: In this case, there will be no connection
between the neutral and the ground. Therefore, the zero sequence current will not
flow in the windings of both transformers. As a result, an open circuit will exist
between the high and low voltage sides as shown in Fig. 6.29.
Δ-Δ connection: In this connection, no zero sequence current will leave or enter
the terminals. However, it is possible for the current components to circulate within
the windings. Therefore, there is an open circuit between the high voltage and the
low voltage windings. The zero sequence impedance will form a closed path with
grounding terminals as shown in Fig. 6.30.
Example 6.7
Figure 6.31 shows a single-line diagram of a three-phase power system. Draw the
positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence networks.
The generator is represented with a voltage source and a series reactance in the
positive sequence network. The transformer and transmission lines are also repre-
sented by the respective reactance quantities as shown in Fig. 6.32.
282 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
A a
B b A a
C g
A a
B Z0 a
b A
C g
G1 T1 T2
By omitting the voltage sources from the positive sequence network and by
replacing the generator reactance components with negative sequence reactance
components as shown in Fig. 6.33 has been derived.
The equivalent reactance of the generator G1 is Xg0 þ 3Xn as it is grounded
through a reactance. The total equivalent reactance of the generator G2 is zero as it
is solidly grounded. The primary sides of both the transformers T1 and T2 are delta
connected. The zero sequence network is, therefore, in an open circuit near the bus
1 and bus 4. The secondary sides of both the transformers are wye-connected and
solidly grounded. The zero sequence network is shown in Fig. 6.34.
Practice Problem 6.7
Figure 6.35 shows a single-line diagram of a three-phase power system. Draw the
positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence networks.
6.9 Zero Sequence Models 283
jX1, g1 jX1, g 2
jX 2, g1 jX 2, g 2
jX g 0, g1
jX 0, g 2
j 3 X n , g1 G2
G T1 L2 T2
a a a
b b b
c c c
Unsymmetrical faults are the most common faults that occur in the power system.
Due to this fault, the magnitudes of the line currents become unequal, and also these
current components observed a phase displacement among them.
In this case, symmetrical components are required to analyze the current and
voltage quantities during the unsymmetrical faults. These unsymmetrical faults can
be classified into three categories, namely single-line-to-ground fault (SLG),
line-to-line fault (LL), and double-line-to-ground fault (DLG). The unsymmetrical
faults are shown in Fig. 6.36.
In ¼ Ia þ Ib þ Ic ð6:173Þ
6.11 Sequence Network of an Unloaded Synchronous Generator 285
Zy Va
Ec Eb
Zy Ib b
Ic Vb
+ c
In Vc -
Applying KVL to the circuit shown in Fig. 6.37, the following equation can be
Va ¼ Ea Zy Ia Zn In ð6:174Þ
Ea ¼ Va þ Zy Ia þ Zn ðIa þ Ib þ Ic Þ ð6:175Þ
Equations (6.176), (6.177), and (6.178) can be written in the matrix form as,
2 3 2 3 2 32 3
Ea Va Zy þ Zn Zn Zn Ia
4 Eb 5 ¼ 4 Vb 5 þ 4 Zn Zy þ Zn Zn 54 Ib 5 ð6:179Þ
Ec Vc Zn Zn Zy þ Zn Ic
½Eabc ¼ ½ Ea Eb Ec T ð6:181Þ
½V abc ¼ ½ Va Vb Vc T ð6:182Þ
½I abc ¼ ½ Ia Ib Ic T ð6:183Þ
Ea ¼ E ð6:185Þ
Eb ¼ a2 E ð6:186Þ
Ec ¼ aE ð6:187Þ
The second part of the right-hand side of Eq. (6.184) can be written as,
2 3 2 3
3Zn þ Zy 0 0 Z0 0 0
½Z 012 ¼ 4 0 Zy 05 ¼ 40 Z1 05 ð6:194Þ
0 0 Zy 0 0 Z2
In Eq. (6.194),
Z0 ¼ Zy þ 3Zn is the zero sequence impedance,
Z1 ¼ Zy is the positive sequence impedance,
Z2 ¼ Zy is the negative sequence impedance.
Substituting Eqs. (6.189), (6.192), and (6.194) into Eq. (6.184) yields,
2 3 2 3 2 32 3
0 V0 Z0 0 0 I0
4 E 5 ¼ 4 V1 5 þ 4 0 Z1 0 54 I1 5 ð6:195Þ
0 V2 0 0 Z2 I2
V0 ¼ 0 I0 Z0 ð6:197Þ
V1 ¼ E I1 Z1 ð6:198Þ
288 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
V2 ¼ 0 I2 Z2 ð6:199Þ
Va ¼ 0 ð6:200Þ
Ib ¼ 0 ð6:201Þ
Ic ¼ 0 ð6:202Þ
Va Vb Vc
6.12 Single-Line-to-Ground Fault 289
From Eq. (6.204), the symmetrical components of the current of phase a can be
written as,
Ia0 ¼ Ia1 ¼ Ia2 ¼ ð6:205Þ
From Eq. (6.205), it is observed that the symmetrical components of current are
equal in a single-line-to-ground fault.
Substituting the values of symmetrical components of current in Eq. (6.195)
2 3 2 3 2 32 3
Va0 0 Z0 0 0 Ia1
4 Va1 5 ¼ 4 Ea 5 4 0 Z1 0 54 Ia1 5 ð6:206Þ
Va2 0 0 0 Z2 Ia1
From Eq. (6.206), the symmetrical components of voltage can be written as,
Substituting Eqs. (6.207), (6.208), and (6.209) into Eq. (6.210) yields,
Ia1 ¼ ð6:212Þ
Z 0 þ Z 1 þ Z2
Ia ¼ 3Ia1 ð6:213Þ
I a1 I a1
positive Va1 Z1
Ea Va1
sequence Va 2
Z2 Va 2
Ia ¼ ð6:214Þ
Z0 þ Z1 þ Z2
Substituting Eqs. (6.187), (6.188), (6.189), and (6.193) into Eq. (6.195) yields,
Ia1 ¼ ð6:217Þ
Z0 þ Z1 þ Z2 þ 3Zf
Again, substituting Eq. (6.217) into Eq. (6.213), the fault current in phase a can
be determined as,
Ia ¼ ð6:218Þ
Z0 þ Z1 þ Z2 þ 3Zf
The sequence network connection for the single-line-to-ground fault with a fault
impedance is shown in Fig. 6.40.
6.12 Single-Line-to-Ground Fault 291
I a1 I a1
positive Va1 3Z f Z1
sequence 3Z f
Ea Va1
sequence Va 2
Z2 Va 2
Example 6.8
A three-phase 15 MVA, Y-connected, 11 kV synchronous generator is solidly
grounded. The positive, negative, and zero sequence impedances are j1:5 X, j0:8 X,
and j0:3 X, respectively. Determine the fault current in phase a if the
single-line-to-ground fault occurs in that phase.
The value of the generated voltage per phase is calculated as,
Ea ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 6350:8 V ð6:219Þ
Ea 6350:8
Ia1 ¼ ¼ ¼ j2442:6 A ð6:220Þ
Z0 þ Z1 þ Z2 j1:5 þ j0:8 þ j0:3
Example 6.9
Figure 6.41 shows a Y-connected, three-phase synchronous generator whose neu-
tral is earthed with solid wire. A single-line-to-ground fault occurs in phase a, and
the current in this phase is found to be 100 A. Find the positive sequence, negative
sequence, and zero sequence currents for all three phases.
292 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
During fault, the currents in different phases are,
Ia ¼ 100 A ð6:222Þ
Ib ¼ 0 A ð6:223Þ
Ic ¼ 0 A ð6:224Þ
1 1
Ia0 ¼ Ib0 ¼ Ic0 ¼ ðIa þ Ib þ Ic Þ ¼ 100 ¼ 33:33 A ð6:225Þ
3 3
1 1
Ia1 ¼ ðIa þ aIb þ a2 Ic Þ ¼ 100 ¼ 33:33 A ð6:226Þ
3 3
1 1
Ia2 ¼ ðIa þ a2 Ib þ aIc Þ ¼ 100 ¼ 33:33 A ð6:229Þ
3 3
Ib2 ¼ aIa2 ¼ 33:33 j120 A ð6:230Þ
c 150A
Ia ¼ 0 ð6:232Þ
Ib ¼ Ic ð6:233Þ
Vb ¼ Vc ð6:234Þ
294 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
Va Ic
Vb Vc
Ia0 ¼ 0 ð6:237Þ
Ia1 ¼ ða a2 ÞIb ð6:238Þ
Ia2 ¼ ða2 aÞIb ð6:239Þ
From Eq. (6.237), it is seen that the zero sequence component of current is zero.
Hence, the value of the zero sequence voltage can be written as,
From Eqs. (6.238) and (6.239), it is also seen that the positive sequence com-
ponent of current is equal to the negative sequence component of current but in
opposite direction.
6.13 Line-to-Line Fault 295
Ia1 ¼ ð6:248Þ
Z 1 þ Z2
Vb ¼ Vc þ Ib Zf ð6:249Þ
Substituting Eqs. (6.98), (6.241), and (6.242) into Eq. (6.249) yields,
Va0 þ a2 Va1 þ aVa2 ¼ Va0 þ aVa1 þ a2 Va2 þ ðIa0 þ a2 Ia1 þ aIa2 ÞZf ð6:250Þ
Again, substituting Eqs. (6.237), (6.238), and (6.239) into Eq. (6.250) provides,
Example 6.10
The positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence reactance of a 15
MVA, 13 kV three-phase Y-connected synchronous generator are 0.4 pu, 0.3 pu,
and 0.1 pu, respectively. The neutral point of the generator is solidly grounded and
is not supplying current to the load. Calculate the fault current and the actual
line-to-line voltages if a line-to-line fault occurs between phase b and phase c.
Let us consider that the base values are 15 MVA and 13 kV. The per unit generator
voltage can be determined as,
E¼ ¼ 1 j0 pu ð6:253Þ
6.13 Line-to-Line Fault 297
The values of the positive and negative sequence components of current are,
E 1
Ia1 ¼ Ia2 ¼ ¼ ¼ j1:42 pu ð6:255Þ
Z1 þ Z2 j0:4 þ j0:3
15 1000000
Ibase ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 666:17 A ð6:258Þ
3 13 1000
VLn ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 7:51 kV ð6:269Þ
Ia ¼ 0 ð6:273Þ
Vb ¼ Vc ¼ 0 ð6:274Þ
Eb Ib
Va Ic
Vb Vc
Va0 ¼ Va1 ¼ Va2 ¼ ð6:277Þ
Ea Ia1 Z1
Ia0 ¼ ð6:280Þ
Ea Ia1 Z1
Ia2 ¼ ð6:283Þ
300 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
I a1 I a1
positive Va1 Z1
Ea Va1
sequence Va 2
Z2 Va 2
Ea Z1 Ia1 Ea Z1 Ia1
0¼ þ Ia1 ð6:285Þ
Z0 Z2
Z1 Z1 1 1
Ia1 1 þ þ ¼ Ea þ ð6:286Þ
Z0 Z2 Z0 Z2
Ea Z2Z0þZZ2 0
Ia1 ¼ ð6:287Þ
1 þ Z1 Z2Z0þZZ2 1 Z0
Z2 þ Z0
Ea Z0 Z2
Ia1 ¼ ð6:288Þ
Z0 Z2 þ Z1 Z2 þ Z1 Z0
Z0 Z2
Ea ðZ2 þ Z0 Þ
Ia1 ¼ ð6:289Þ
Z0 Z2 þ Z1 Z2 þ Z1 Z0
6.14 Double-Line-to-Ground Fault 301
Ea ðZ2 þ Z0 Þ
Ia1 ¼ ð6:290Þ
Z0 Z2 þ Z1 ðZ2 þ Z0 Þ
Ia1 ¼ ð6:291Þ
Z1 þ ZZ2 0þZZ2 0
From Eq. (6.291), it is observed that the zero sequence impedance and negative
sequence impedance are connected in parallel, and then it is connected in series
with the positive sequence impedance as shown in Fig. 6.47. By applying current
divider rule to the circuit shown in Fig. 6.47, the negative sequence and positive
sequence currents can be found as,
Ia2 ¼ Ia1 ð6:292Þ
Z 2 þ Z0
Ia0 ¼ Ia1 ð6:293Þ
Z 2 þ Z0
According to Eqs. (6.98) and (6.99), the following equations can be derived,
Va Ic
Vb Vc
302 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
Substituting Eqs. (6.98), (6.99), and (6.295) into Eq. (6.294) yields,
Va0 þ a2 Va1 þ aVa2 ¼ ðIa0 þ a2 Ia1 þ aIa2 þ Ia0 þ aIa1 þ a2 Ia2 ÞZf ð6:297Þ
The sequence network with the fault impedance is shown in Fig. 6.49.
Example 6.11
The positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence reactance of a 20
MVA, 11 kV three-phase Y-connected synchronous generator are 0.24 pu, 0.19 pu,
and 0.18 pu, respectively. The generator’s neutral point is solidly grounded.
A double-line-to-line fault occurs between phases b and c. Find the currents in each
phase during the subtransient period immediately after the fault occurs, and
line-to-line voltages.
Consider that the base values are 20 MVA and 11 kV. Then, the per unit generator
voltage is,
E¼ ¼ 1 j0 pu ð6:305Þ
The value of the positive sequence component of the current is determined as,
E 1
Ia1 ¼ ¼ j0:18 j0:19
¼ j3:01 pu ð6:306Þ
Z 1 þ Z0 þ Z2
Z0 Z2 j0:24 þ jð0:18 þ 0:19Þ
The value of the negative sequence component of the current is calculated as,
Z0 j0:18
Ia2 ¼ Ia1 ¼ j3:01 ¼ j1:46 pu ð6:307Þ
Z2 þ Z0 jð0:19 þ 0:18Þ
The value of the zero sequence component of the current can be determined as,
Z2 j0:19
Ia0 ¼ Ia1 ¼ j3:01 ¼ j1:55 pu ð6:308Þ
Z2 þ Z0 jð0:19 þ 0:18Þ
20 1000
Ib ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 1049:73 A ð6:309Þ
3 11
The per unit values of the phase currents can be calculated as,
Ib ¼ Ib0 þ Ib1 þ Ib2 ¼ Ia0 þ a2 Ia1 þ aIa2 ¼ j1:55 3:01 j90 þ 240 þ 1:46 j90 þ 120
¼ 4:52 j149:01 pu
Ic ¼ Ic0 þ Ic1 þ Ic2 ¼ Ia0 þ aIa1 þ a2 Ia2 ¼ j1:55 3:01 j90 þ 120 þ 1:46 j90 þ 240
¼ 4:52 j30:99 pu
304 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
The value of the actual fault current during the subtransient period is,
The values of the phase voltages of the generator can be determined as,
Vb ¼ Vb0 þ Vb1 þ Vb2 ¼ Va0 þ a2 Va1 þ aVa2 ¼ 0:28 þ 0:28 j240 þ 0:28 j120
¼ 0 j0 pu
Vc ¼ Vc0 þ Vc1 þ Vc2 ¼ Va0 þ aVa1 þ a2 Va2 ¼ 0:28 þ 0:28 j120 þ 0:28 j240
¼ 0 j0 pu
Vp ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 6:35 kV ð6:322Þ
Consider that the base values are 100 MVA and 11 kV for the low voltage side and
66 kV for the high voltage side of the transformer. Based on the common base, the
new reactance for the generators and transformers can be determined in the fol-
lowing ways.
G1 T1 T2
306 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
X1 ¼ X2 ¼ 0:25 ¼ 0:25 pu ð6:326Þ
X0 ¼ 0:05 ¼ 0:05 pu ð6:327Þ
X1 ¼ X2 ¼ 0:15 ¼ 0:1875 pu ð6:328Þ
X0 ¼ 0:07 ¼ 0:0875 pu ð6:329Þ
X1 ¼ X2 ¼ X0 ¼ 0:09 ¼ 0:09 pu ð6:330Þ
X1 ¼ X2 ¼ X0 ¼ 0:09 ¼ 0:1125 pu ð6:331Þ
11 66
Vb ¼ ¼ 11 ¼ 66 kV ð6:332Þ
a 11
Vb2 662
Zb ¼ ¼ ¼ 43:56 X ð6:333Þ
Sb 100
X1 ¼ X2 ¼ ¼ 0:3443 pu ð6:334Þ
X0 ¼ ¼ 0:6887 pu ð6:335Þ
6.14 Double-Line-to-Ground Fault 307
I a1 Ia2
j 0.09 j 0.3443
E1 E2
Reference Reference
j 0.6887 I a0
j 0.09 j 0.1125
j 0.25 j 0.1875
Zero sequence
(i) Figure 6.51 shows the sequence networks. The equivalent positive sequence
and negative sequence impedances can be determined as,
The value of the equivalent zero sequence impedance can be calculated as,
(ii) Figure 6.52 shows the sequence network for a single-line-to-ground fault. The
sequence components of the current are determined as,
E 1 j 0
Ia1 ¼ Ia2 ¼ Ia0 ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:94 j90 pu
Z1 þ Z2 þ Z0 j0:2085 þ j0:2085 þ j0:0982
308 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
E = Ef +
Z2 Ia2
Va 2
Z0 Ia0
Va 0
The value of the fault current in the phase a can be determined as,
Ia ¼ Ia1 þ Ia2 þ Ia0 ¼ 1:94 j90 þ 1:94 j90 þ 1:94 j90 ¼ 5:82 j90 pu
100 1000
Ibase ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 874:77 A ð6:340Þ
3 66
For a single-line-to-ground fault, the actual value of the fault current can be
determined as,
Figure 6.53 shows the simulation result by IPSA software, and the value of the
fault current in the busbar 3 is found to be 5119.86 A.
Ef = E + +
Va1 Va 2
− −
The “PowerWorld” software is also used to calculate the fault current as shown
in Fig. 6.54. The values of the sequence reactance of the generators, transformers,
and transmission lines are placed in the respective places. Figures 6.54 and 6.55
shows the simulation result for the single-line-to-ground fault, and its value is found
to be 6.68 pu. The results are found to be 6.76 pu, which is approximately the same
as that of the simulation result.
(iii) Figure 6.56 shows the sequence network for the line-to-line fault. In this
case, the value of the positive sequence current can be determined as,
310 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
E 1 j 0
Ia1 ¼ ¼ ¼ 2:398 j90 pu ð6:342Þ
Z1 þ Z2 j0:2085 þ j0:2085
Ib ¼ Ib0 þ Ib1 þ Ib2 ¼ Ia0 þ a2 Ia1 þ aIa2 ¼ 2:398 j240 90 þ 2:398 j120 þ 90
¼ 4:153 j180 pu
The actual value of the fault current for line-to-line fault can be determined as,
Figure 6.57 shows the IPSA simulation result for line-to-line fault, and the value
of the fault current is found to be,
Figure 6.58 shows the PowerWorld simulation result for line-to-line fault and
per unit magnitude of the fault current is the same.
Z1 I a1 Z2 Ia2 Z0 Ia0
Ef = E + + +
Va1 Va 2 Va 0
− − −
(iii). Figure 6.59 shows the sequence network for the double-line-to-ground fault,
and the value of the positive sequence current can be determined as,
E 1 j 0
Ia1 ¼ Z2 Z0 ¼ 0:0982
¼ 3:633 j90 pu ð6:349Þ
Z1 þ Z2 þ Z0 j0:2085 þ j 0:2085
Z0 j0:0982
Ia2 ¼ Ia1 ¼ 3:633 j90 ¼ 1:163 j90 pu ð6:350Þ
Z0 þ Z2 j0:3067
312 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
Z2 j0:2085
Ia0 ¼ Ia1 ¼ 3:633 j90 ¼ 2:469 j90 pu ð6:351Þ
Z0 þ Z2 j0:3067
Figure 6.60 shows the IPSA simulation result for the double-line-to-ground
fault, and the value of the fault current is found to be,
1. Duncan Glover J, Overbye T, Sarma M (2017) Power system analysis and design, Sixth edn.
Cengage Learning, USA, pp 1–942
2. Nagsarkar TK, Sukhija MS (2014) Power system analysis, Second Edn. Oxford University
Press, Oxford, pp 1–726
3. Wildi T (2014) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, Sixth edn. Pearson Education
Ltd, USA, pp 1–920
References 313
4. Sadat H (2010) Power system analysis, Third edn. PSA Publisher, USA, pp 1–772
5. Wildi T (2006) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education,
USA, pp 1–934
6. Guile AE, Paterson W (1977) Electrical power systems, 2nd edn. Pergamon Press, Oxford
Exercise Problems
6:1 Calculate the quantities for (i) a8 , (ii) a10 þ a 3; and (iii) a12 þ 3a 2 by
considering a ¼ 1 j120 and a2 ¼ 1 j240 .
6:2 A three-phase system is having the currents of Ia ¼ 10 j30 A; Ib ¼ 15 j
40 A and Ic ¼ 20 j35 A: Calculate the symmetrical components of current
in phases a and b.
6:3 A three-phase system has the phase voltages of Va ¼ 100 j35 V; Vb ¼
200 j45 V and Vc ¼ 280 j55 V: Find the zero sequence, positive sequence
and negative sequence components of the voltage for phase a.
6:4 A three-phase system is having the symmetrical components of the voltage
of Va0 ¼ 75 j45 V; Va1 ¼ 155 j64 V and Va2 ¼ 325 j85 V for phase
a. Find the phase voltages Va , Vb and Vc .
6:5 The unbalanced currents of a three-phase system are Ia ¼ 50 A,
Ib ¼ 30 þ j50 A, Ic ¼ 40 þ j70 A. Calculate the zero, positive and negative
sequence components of the current in phase b.
6:6 A three-phase system is having the symmetrical components of the current of
Ia0 ¼ 4:54 þ j3:5 A Ia1 ¼ 5:34 þ j1:45 A and Ia2 ¼ 1:67 j1:85 A for phase
a. Calculate the unbalanced currents Ia , Ib and Ic if the total neutral current of
this system is zero.
6:7 Figure 6.61 shows a three-phase wye-connected unloaded synchronous
generator. A single line to ground fault occurs in phase a, and the current in
this phase is found to be 1500 A. Calculate the symmetrical components of
current in phase b.
314 6 Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Faults
G1 T2 G2
6:8 A source delivers power to a delta-connected load as shown in Fig. P6.2. The
current in phase a is found to be 45 A and phase b is open circuited.
Calculate the symmetrical components of the currents in all three phases.
6:9 The positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence reactance of a
30 MVA, 11 kV three-phase synchronous generator are measured to be 0.5
pu, 0.4 pu and 0.22 pu, respectively. The generator’s neutral is solidly
grounded. A single line-to-ground fault occurs in phase a. Find the fault
6:10 A 15 MVA, 13.8 kV three-phase synchronous generator is having the pos-
itive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence reactance of 0.3 pu, 0.2
pu and 0.1 pu, respectively. The generator’s neutral is solidly grounded and
line-to-line fault occurs in phases b and c. Calculate the fault current,
sequence voltages for phase a, and phase voltages of the generator.
6:11 A 25 MVA, 13.8 kV three-phase Y-connected synchronous generator is
having the positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence reactance
of 0.34 pu, 0.22 pu and 0.15 pu, respectively. The generator’s neutral is
solidly grounded and the double line-to-line fault occurs between phases
b and c. Calculate the currents in each phase during the sub-transient period
immediately after the fault occurs.
6:12 Figure P6.3 shows a single-line diagram of a three-phase power system and
the ratings of the equipment are shown below.
Generators G1 , G2 100 MVA, 20 kV, X1 ¼ X2 ¼ 0:20 pu, X0 ¼ 0:06 pu
Transformers T1 , T2 100 MVA, 20/138 kV, X1 ¼ X2 ¼ X0 ¼ 0:08 pu
Line 100 MVA, X1 ¼ X2 ¼ 0:11 pu, X0 ¼ 0:55 pu
A fault occurs at bus 4. Determine the fault currents in the faulted bus by any
simulation software (IPSA/Powerworld) for the single line-to-ground,
line-to-line, and double line-to-ground faults.
Exercise Problems 315
G1 T2 G2
G1 T2 G2
Bus 5
Bus 6
G1 T2 G2
L2 L3
Bus 5
Bus 6
Find the fault currents in each of single line-to-ground, line-line and double
line-to-ground faults occurring at bus 6.
Chapter 7
Load Flow Analysis
7.1 Introduction
Load flow or power flow study is one of the important aspects that is used for power
system planning, operation, maintenance, and control. In the planning stage, load
flow studies are used to determine if and when the specific power system elements
become underloaded and overloaded. In operating studies, load flow studies are
used to ensure that each generator runs at their maximum operating point. Based on
the load flow study, major investment decisions begin.
In load flow studies, power flows from sending end to the receiving end through
transmission lines. The equations in terms of power are known as power flow
equations. These power flow equations are normally nonlinear and must be solved
by some iterative techniques. Load flow studies are performed to determine the
voltage drop on each feeder, voltage magnitude and phase angle at each bus, real
and reactive powers flowing in all branches. The total power losses in the system, as
well as the power losses in each branch, are also calculated by the load flow study.
Also, load flow studies are done before transient stability and contingency studies.
Sometimes, a load flow study shows an overloaded connection or transformer; then,
preventive actions are taken in the real network to stop this situation. In this case, a
large number of load flow analysis is carried out that is called contingency study.
Simulation software such as ETAP, CYME, IPSA, and PowerWorld are often used
for the studies. In this chapter, the basics of load flow study, some numerical
methods are discussed.
A short transmission line is connected between two buses, as shown in Fig. 7.1.
Bus 1 represents the sending end, and bus 2 represents the receiving end [1, 2].
Applying KVL to the circuit in Fig. 7.1 yields,
The value of the resistance of the transmission line is very small, as compared to
inductive reactance. Therefore, the resistance is negligible and Eq. (7.1) is modified
Vs Vr
I¼ ð7:2Þ
Vs Vr
Is ¼ I ¼ Ir ¼ ð7:4Þ
Let the receiving end and the sending end voltages are written as,
Vs ¼ Vs jd ð7:5Þ
Vr ¼ Vr j0 ð7:6Þ
Vs jd Vr j0
Is ¼ I ¼ Ir ¼ ð7:8Þ
Vs j90 d Vr j90
Is ¼ I ¼ Ir ¼ ð7:8Þ
Vs j90 d Vr j90
Ss ¼ Ps þ jQs ¼ Vs jd ð7:10Þ
Vs2 Vs Vr
Ss ¼ Ps þ jQs ¼ ðcos 90 þ j sin 90 Þ ½cosð90 þ dÞ þ j sinð90 þ dÞ
Vs2 Vs Vr
Ss ¼ Ps þ jQs ¼ ð0 þ j1Þ ð sin d þ j cos dÞ ð7:13Þ
Vs Vr V Vs Vr
Ss ¼ Ps þ jQs ¼ sin d þ j s cos d ð7:14Þ
Vs Vr
Ps ¼ sin d ð7:15Þ
Vs Vs Vr
Qs ¼ cos d ð7:16Þ
Sr ¼ Vr Ir ð7:17Þ
Vs j90 d Vr j90
Sr ¼ Vr ð7:18Þ
Vr Vs V2
Sr ¼ ½cosð90 dÞ þ j sinð90 dÞ r ½cos 90 þ j sin 90 ð7:19Þ
Vr Vs V2
Sr ¼ ½sin d þ j cos d r ½0 þ j1 ð7:20Þ
Vr Vs Vr Vs V2
Pr þ Qr ¼ sin d þ j cos d r ð7:21Þ
δ Vr
Vr Vs
Pr ¼ sin d ð7:22Þ
Vr Vs V2
Qr ¼ cos d r ð7:23Þ
Vr Vs
Psm ¼ Prm ¼ ð7:24Þ
The average reactive power flow through the line is expressed as,
Qs þ Qr
Qav ¼ ð7:25Þ
If the torque angle is zero, the expression of sending end reactive power is
modified as,
Vs2 Vs Vr
Qs ¼ 0 ð7:26Þ
Qs ¼ ð7:27Þ
Vr Vs V2
Qr ¼ 0 r ð7:28Þ
322 7 Load Flow Analysis
Qr ¼ ð7:29Þ
1 2
Qav ¼ Vs Vr2 ð7:30Þ
Pline ¼ I 2 R ð7:31Þ
S ¼ P þ jQ ¼ VI ð7:32Þ
P þ jQ
I ¼ ð7:33Þ
P jQ
I¼ ð7:34Þ
P jQ P þ jQ
I I ¼ ð7:35Þ
P2 þ Q2
I2 ¼ ð7:36Þ
P2 þ Q2
Pline ¼ R ð7:37Þ
From Eq. (7.37), it is concluded that both real power and reactive power play an
important role for line loss.
Example 7.1
A short transmission line is having the sending end voltage 95 V and receiving end
voltage 75 V. Calculate the average reactive power of the line if the reactance of the
line is 15 X.
7.3 Power Flow in Two-Bus System 323
The average reactive power is calculated as,
1 2 1 2
Qav ¼ Vs Vr2 ¼ 95 752 ¼ 113:33 Var ð7:38Þ
2XL 2 15
Practice Problem 7.1
A short transmission line is having the sending end voltage 80 V and receiving end
voltage 50 V. Calculate the line reactance if the average reactive power of the line
is 180 Kvar.
Consider a transmission line which is connected between bus i and bus j, as shown
in Fig. Let the voltage at bus i is Vi ¼ jVi j j i , and the voltage at bus j is
Vj ¼ Vj jdj . The voltage and admittance of these two buses can be written as [3],
The self and mutual admittances between bus i and bus j are written as,
Again, consider the three-bus single-line where the currents are injected at bus 1,
bus 2, and bus 3, as shown in Fig. 7.4.
Applying KCL at bus 1, bus 2, and bus 3 of Fig. 7.4 yields,
324 7 Load Flow Analysis
Z 31 Z 23
Bus 3
Equations (7.43), (7.44), and (7.45) can be arranged in the matrix form as,
2 32 3 2 3
Y11 Y12 Y13 V1 I1
4 Y21 Y22 Y23 54 V2 5 ¼ 4 I2 5 ð7:46Þ
Y31 Y32 Y33 V3 I3
Ii ¼ Yij Vj ð7:47Þ
S ¼ P þ jQ ¼ VI ð7:48Þ
Pi jQi ¼ ½jVi jðcos di þ j sin di Þ Yij Vj ð7:51Þ
Again, substituting Eqs. (7.40) and (7.42) into Eq. (7.51) yields,
Pi jQi ¼ jVi jVj Yij ðcos di j sin di Þ cos hij þ dj þ j sin hij þ dj ð7:53Þ
Pi ¼ jVi jVj Yij cos hij þ dj di ð7:55Þ
Qi ¼ jVi jVj Yij sin hij þ dj di ð7:56Þ
Based on Eq. (7.48), for bus 2, the following relation can be modified as,
P2 þ jQ2
I2 ¼ ð7:58Þ
P2 jQ2
I2 ¼ ð7:59Þ
P2 jQ2
Y21 V1 þ Y22 V2 þ Y23 V3 ¼ ð7:60Þ
P2 jQ2
Y22 V2 ¼ ðY21 V1 þ Y23 V3 Þ ð7:61Þ
1 P2 jQ2
V2 ¼ ðY V þ Y V Þ ð7:62Þ
21 1 23 3
2 3
6 X 7
1 6 6Pi jQi
N 7
Vi ¼ 6 Yij Vj 7 ð7:52Þ
Yii 4 Vi 5
j 6¼ i
Consider the three-bus single-line diagram of a power system where the first
generator (G1) is connected to bus 1, and the second generator (G2) is connected to
bus 2 as shown in Fig. 7.5. Here, the load is connected to bus 3.
The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 7.6. Applying KCL at node 1 yields,
Equations (7.54), (7.56), and (7.58) can be arranged in the matrix form as,
G1 G2
y31 y23
Bus 3
7.5 Load Flow Equations for Three-Bus 327
I1 I2
y31 y23
y10 y20
node 3 bus 3
node 0
2 32 3 2 3
y10 þ y12 þ y13 y12 y13 V1 I1
4 y12 y20 þ y12 þ y23 y23 54 V2 5 ¼ 4 I2 5 ð7:59Þ
y13 y23 y30 þ y13 þ y23 V3 0
2 32 3 2 3
Y11 Y12 Y13 V1 I1
4 Y21 Y22 Y23 54 V2 5 ¼ 4 I2 5 ð7:60Þ
Y31 Y32 Y33 V3 0
Ybus is the bus admittance matrix of any specific power system,
Vbus is the bus voltage measured from the reference node.
In Eq. (7.59), the diagonal elements are equal to the sum of all elements that are
connected to the different nodes in Fig. 7.6. This element is known as
self-admittance or driving point admittance, and it can be expressed as,
328 7 Load Flow Analysis
Yii ¼ yij ð7:68Þ
j 6¼ i
The off-diagonal elements are equal to the negative of the admittances, which are
connected between the nodes. This element is known as the mutual or transfer
admittance, and it can be expressed as,
Example 7.2
The per unit line impedances of a three-bus system is shown in Fig. 7.7. Calculate
the Ybus matrix.
The corresponding line admittances are calculated as,
y12 ¼ ¼ 1:82 j74:20 ð7:70Þ
0:15 þ j0:53
y23 ¼ ¼ 1:28 j73:65 ð7:71Þ
0:22 þ j0:75
y31 ¼ ¼ 1:36 j70:08 ð7:72Þ
0:25 þ j0:69
Y11 ¼ y12 þ y13 ¼ 1:82 j74:20 þ 1:36 j70:08 ¼ 3:18 j72:43 ð7:73Þ
Y22 ¼ y12 þ y23 ¼ 1:82 j74:20 þ 1:28 j73:65 ¼ 3:10 j73:97 ð7:74Þ
Y33 ¼ y31 þ y23 ¼ 1:36 j70:08 þ 1:28 j73:65 ¼ 2:64 j71:81 ð7:75Þ
bus 1 bus 2
Gauss–Seidel is one of the simplest iterative methods that is widely used to solve
the linear equation in power systems. This method works perfectly when the
diagonal elements are dominating. Consider a three-bus system to derive the
Gauss–Seidel algorithm for power flow equations [4].
2 32 3 2 3
Y11 Y12 Y13 V1 I1
4 Y21 Y22 Y23 54 V2 5 ¼ 4 I2 5 ð7:80Þ
Y31 Y32 Y33 V3 I3
330 7 Load Flow Analysis
The current equation for bus one (bus 1) can be written as,
P1 jQ1
Y11 V1 þ Y12 V2 þ Y13 V3 ¼ ð7:84Þ
P1 jQ1
Y11 V1 ¼ Y12 V2 Y13 V3 ð7:85Þ
1 P1 jQ1
V1 ¼ Y12 V2 Y13 V3 ð7:86Þ
Y11 V1
Example 7.3
The two linear equations are given by 8V1 þ 3V2 ¼ 12 and 6V1 þ 5V2 ¼ 18.
Calculate the unknown voltages by the Gauss–Seidel method.
The voltage equations can be rearranged as,
12 3V2
V1 ¼ ð7:94Þ
18 6V1
V2 ¼ ð7:95Þ
V1 ¼ 0 ð7:96Þ
18 0
V21 ¼ ¼ 3:6 ð7:97Þ
12 3 3:6
V11 ¼ ¼ 0:24 ð7:98Þ
332 7 Load Flow Analysis
18 6 0:528
V23 ¼ ¼ 2:9664 ð7:101Þ
12 3 2:9664
V13 ¼ ¼ 0:62016 ð7:102Þ
18 6 0:62016
V24 ¼ ¼ 2:855808 ð7:103Þ
12 3 2:855808
V14 ¼ ¼ 0:6865152 ð7:104Þ
18 6 0:6865152
V25 ¼ ¼ 2:77618176 ð7:105Þ
12 3 2:77618176
V15 ¼ ¼ 0:73429 ð7:106Þ
18 6 0:7686
V27 ¼ ¼ 2:6776 ð7:109Þ
12 3 2:6776
V17 ¼ ¼ 0:7934 ð7:110Þ
7.6 Gauss–Seidel Method 333
18 6 0:7934
V28 ¼ ¼ 2:6479 ð7:111Þ
12 3 2:6479
V18 ¼ ¼ 0:8112 ð7:112Þ
18 6 0:8112
V29 ¼ ¼ 2:6265 ð7:113Þ
12 3 2:6265
V19 ¼ ¼ 0:8241 ð7:114Þ
18 6 0:8241
V210 ¼ ¼ 2:61108 ð7:115Þ
12 3 2:61108
V110 ¼ ¼ 0:8333 ð7:116Þ
18 6 0:8333
V211 ¼ ¼ 2:6 ð7:117Þ
12 3 2:6
V111 ¼ ¼ 0:84 ð7:118Þ
18 6 0:84
V212 ¼ ¼ 2:592 ð7:119Þ
12 3 2:592
V112 ¼ ¼ 0:844 ð7:120Þ
From the eleventh and twelfth iteration values, it is seen that the values of V1 and
V2 are not changing. Therefore, the real solutions are V1 = 0.84 V and V2 = 2.6 V.
Practice Problem 7.3
The three sets of linear equations are given by 12V1 þ 3V2 þ 4V3 ¼ 10,
2V1 þ 8V2 þ 3V3 ¼ 12, and 4V1 þ 2V2 þ 10V3 ¼ 18. Determine the voltages by the
Gauss–Seidel method.
334 7 Load Flow Analysis
Example 7.4
A 12.2 MW, 11 kV (line voltage), 2-pole synchronous generator with 9 MW active
generation, 1 Mvar maximum reactive power, and 0.85 power factor is connected
to bus 1. The length of the line is 1 mile, and the per unit impedance of the line is
0:12 þ j0:23. A load of 50 MW and 30 Mvar is connected to bus 2, as shown in
Fig. 7.9. Consider bus 1 is a slack bus and use the Gauss–Seidel method to cal-
culate the voltage at bus 2, slack bus real and reactive powers, line flows, and line
The node current equation of Fig. 7.9 is,
Y11 Y12 V1 I
¼ 1 ð7:121Þ
Y21 Y22 V2 I2
From bus 2, the real power and reactive power are supplied to the load.
Therefore, these powers will be negative as P2 ¼ 0:5 pu and Q2 ¼ 0:3 pu. The
voltage at bus 2 is calculated as,
1 P2 jQ2 1 0:5 þ j0:3
V2 ¼ Y V ¼ ð1:78 þ j3:42ÞV
21 1
Y22 1:78 j3:42
0:1512 j148:46
V2 ¼ þ V1 ð7:125Þ
For a slack bus, V1 ¼ 1 j0 , and let the initial guess V20 ¼ 1 j0 . The first
iteration is calculated as,
0:1512 j148:46
V21 ¼ þ 1 ¼ 0:8747 j5:18 ð7:126Þ
1 j 0
7.6 Gauss–Seidel Method 335
0:1512 j148:46
V22 ¼ þ 1 ¼ 0:8485 j5:18 ð7:127Þ
0:8747 j5:18
0:1512 j148:46
V23 ¼ þ 1 ¼ 0:8440 j5:37 ð7:128Þ
0:8485 j5:18
0:1512 j148:46
V24 ¼ þ 1 ¼ 0:8429 j5:37 ð7:129Þ
0:8440 j5:37
0:1512 j148:46
V25 ¼ þ 1 ¼ 0:8427 j5:38 ð7:130Þ
0:8429 j5:37
0:1512 j148:46
V26 ¼ þ 1 ¼ 0:8427 j5:38 ð7:131Þ
0:8427 j5:38
The voltage at the fifth and sixth iteration is the same. Therefore, the voltage at
bus 2 is,
P1 jQ1 ¼ V1 I1 ¼ V1 ðV1 y12 V2 y21 Þ ¼ 1½1 ð1:78 j3:42Þ 0:8427
j5:38 ð1:78 j3:42Þ ð7:133Þ
The value of the real power and the reactive power are calculated as,
A two-bus system along with synchronous generator and load is drawn in the
CYME software. Then the relevant data are entered, and simulation is carried out
using the Gauss–Seidel technique. The CYME simulation results are in Fig. 7.10.
From Fig. 7.10, the voltage at bus 2, line loss, and slack bus real and reactive
powers are calculated as,
From Fig. 7.11, the voltage at bus 2, line loss, and slack bus real and reactive
powers are calculated as,
Example 7.5
A 15 MW, 11 kV (line voltage), 2-pole synchronous generator with 11 MW active
generation, 2 MW maximum reactive power, and 0.90 power factor is connected to
bus 1. The length of the line is 1mile, and the per unit impedance of the lines is
given as shown in Fig. 7.12. The load 1 of 30 MW and 10 Mvar is connected to
bus 2, and the load 2 of 25 MW and 9 Mvar is connected to bus 3. Consider bus 1
is a slack bus and use the Gauss–Seidel method to calculate the voltage at bus 2, bus
3, and slack bus real power and reactive power.
338 7 Load Flow Analysis
bus 1 bus 2
z12 = 0.12 + j 0.34 pu
Load 1
z31 = 0.15 + j 0.65 pu z23 = 0.09 + j 0.46 pu
bus 3
Load 2
The three-bus system, along with synchronous generator and loads, is drawn in the
CYME software. Then the relevant data are given input and carried out simulation
using the Gauss–Seidel technique. The CYME simulation results are in Fig. 7.13.
7.6 Gauss–Seidel Method 339
From Fig. 7.13, the voltage at bus 2, bus 3, line loss, and slack bus real and
reactive powers are calculated as,
z31 = j 0.125 z23 = j 0.05
bus 3
Load 2
f ðxÞ ¼ 0 ð7:149Þ
Considering a geometry of N-R method for Eq. (7.149) is shown in Fig. 7.16.
Let x0 be the initial guess of the real solution r. Let f 0 ðx0 Þ be the slope of the line
L and it can be determined as,
f ðx0 Þ 0
f 0 ðx0 Þ ¼ ð7:150Þ
x 0 x1
f ðx0 Þ
x0 x1 ¼ ð7:151Þ
f 0 ðx0 Þ
f ðx0 Þ
x1 ¼ x0 ð7:152Þ
f 0 ðx0 Þ
( x0 , f ( x0 )
f '( x0 )
r x1 x0
7.7 Newton–Raphson Method 341
f ðx1 Þ
x2 ¼ x1 ð7:153Þ
f 0 ðx1 Þ
f ðx2 Þ
x3 ¼ x2 ð7:154Þ
f 0 ðx2 Þ
f ðxn1 Þ
xn ¼ xn1 ð7:155Þ
f 0 ðxn1 Þ
1 0 1
f ðxÞ ¼ f ðx0 Þ þ f ðx0 Þðx x0 Þ þ f 00 ðx0 Þðx x0 Þ2 þ . . .. . . ¼ 0 ð7:156Þ
1! 2!
1 0
f ðxÞ ¼ f ðx0 Þ þ f ðx0 Þðx x0 Þ ¼ 0 ð7:157Þ
f ðx0 Þ
x x0 ¼ ð7:160Þ
f 0 ðx0 Þ
f ðx0 Þ
x ¼ x0 ð7:161Þ
f 0 ðx0 Þ
Therefore, the first and the second iterations can be written as,
f ðx0 Þ
x1 ¼ x0 ð7:162Þ
f 0 ðx0 Þ
f ðx1 Þ
x2 ¼ x1 ð7:163Þ
f 0 ðx1 Þ
342 7 Load Flow Analysis
f ðxn1 Þ
xn ¼ xn1 ð7:164Þ
f 0 ðxn1 Þ
Example 7.6
Calculate the solution of the nonlinear equation f ðxÞ ¼ x sin x þ 5 by the Newton–
Raphson method.
Let the initial guess of the true solution is,
x0 ¼ 5 ð7:165Þ
f ðx0 Þ 0:205
x1 ¼ x 0 0
¼5 ¼ 4:5533 ð7:169Þ
f ðx0 Þ 0:459
f ðx1 Þ 0:504
x2 ¼ x1 0
¼ 4:5533 þ ¼ 4:8483 ð7:172Þ
f ðx1 Þ 1:708
f ðx2 Þ 0:1963
x3 ¼ x2 ¼ 4:8483 þ ¼ 5:4363 ð7:175Þ
f 0 ðx2 Þ 0:3338
7.7 Newton–Raphson Method 343
f ðx3 Þ 0:927
x4 ¼ x3 ¼ 5:4363 ¼ 5:1111 ð7:178Þ
f 0 ðx3 Þ 2:8513
f ðx4 Þ 0:2898
x5 ¼ x4 ¼ 5:1111 ¼ 4:8383 ð7:181Þ
f 0 ðx4 Þ 1:0627
f ðx5 Þ 0:2
x6 ¼ x 5 0
¼ 4:8383 þ ¼ 5:3565 ð7:184Þ
f ðx5 Þ 0:3844
f ðx6 Þ 0:7167
x7 ¼ x6 0
¼ 5:3565 ¼ 5:0599 ð7:187Þ
f ðx6 Þ 2:4168
The difference between the seventh iteration and the sixth iteration is very less.
Therefore, the true solution is x ¼ 5:06.
Practice Problem 7.6
Use Newton–Raphson method to determine the solution of the equation
5x2 þ 11x 17 ¼ 0 correct to four decimal places.
344 7 Load Flow Analysis
P ¼ pðx; yÞ ð7:188Þ
Q ¼ qðx; yÞ ð7:189Þ
Let x0 and y0 be the initial values of the functions pðx; yÞ and qðx; yÞ, respec-
tively. Taking Taylor expansion of Eqs. (7.188) and (7.189) with neglecting all
higher terms yields,
1 @p 1 @p
P ¼ pðx0 ; y0 Þ þ ðx x0 Þ þ ðy y0 Þ ð7:190Þ
1! @x 0 1! @y 0
1 @q 1 @q
Q ¼ qðx0 ; y0 Þ þ ðx x0 Þ þ ðy y0 Þ ð7:191Þ
1! @x 0 1! @y 0
Dx0 ¼ x x0 ð7:192Þ
x ¼ x0 þ Dx0 ð7:193Þ
Dy0 ¼ y y0 ð7:194Þ
y ¼ y0 þ Dy0 ð7:195Þ
Substituting Eqs. (7.192) and (7.194) into Eqs. (7.190) and (7.191) yields,
@p @p
P pðx0 ; y0 Þ ¼ Dx0 þ Dy0 ð7:196Þ
@x 0 @y 0
@q @q
Q qðx0 ; y0 Þ ¼ Dx0 þ Dy0 ð7:197Þ
@x 0 @y 0
Substituting Eqs. (7.198) and (7.199) into Eqs. (7.196) and (7.197) yields,
@p @p
Dp0 ¼ Dx0 þ Dy0 ð7:200Þ
@x 0 @y 0
@q @q
Dq0 ¼ Dx0 þ Dy0 ð7:201Þ
@x 0 @y 0
Equations (7.200) and (7.201) can be expressed in the matrix form as,
2 3
@p @p
Dp0 4 @x0 @y0 5 Dx0
¼ ð7:202Þ
Dq0 @q @q Dy0
@x 0 @y 0
2 3
@p @p
Dp0 @x
@y 5 Dx0
¼ 4 @q ð7:203Þ
Dq0 @q Dy0
@x @y 0
Dp0 Dx0
¼ ½J0 ð7:204Þ
Dq0 Dy0
Dx0 1 Dp0
¼ ½ J0 ð7:205Þ
Dy0 Dq0
x1 ¼ x0 þ Dx0 ð7:206Þ
y1 ¼ y0 þ Dy0 ð7:207Þ
x0 ¼ y0 ¼ 1 ð7:208Þ
pðx0 ; y0 Þ ¼ 2 12 þ 3 12 ¼ 5 ð7:209Þ
346 7 Load Flow Analysis
qðx0 ; y0 Þ ¼ 12 þ 4 12 ¼ 5 ð7:210Þ
The values of the third iteration are close to the second iteration values.
Therefore, the solutions are,
x ¼ 0:095 ð7:247Þ
y ¼ 1:613 ð7:248Þ
Newton–Raphson (N-R) method can also be applied to calculate the power flow in
different buses, lines, and loads. Consider bus i and bus j as shown in Fig. 7.3. For
these buses, the following relations can be written as [4],
348 7 Load Flow Analysis
Ii ¼ Yij Vj ð7:252Þ
Pi jQi ¼ Vi Vj Yij jhij þ dj di ð7:254Þ
Pi jQi ¼ Vi Vj Yij ½cosðhij þ dj di Þ þ j sinðhij þ dj di Þ ð7:255Þ
Qi ¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ ð7:257Þ
Expanding Eqs. (7.256) and (7.257) in Taylor series and neglecting all higher
terms and the set of linear equations can be arranged in matrix form as,
2 3 2 2 @P 3 2 @P 33
DP2 @P2 2 3
2 2
@ jV2 j @ jVn j
6 .. 7 66 @d2 @d
6. 77 Dd2
.. 7
6. 7 6 6 .. 76 .
.. 7 6 .
6 ..
7 64 .
7 6 @P . 5 4 .. 57
76 ..
6 7 6 @P @P @P 7 6 7
7 62 @d2 @dn 3 2 @ jV2 j @ jVn j 37 6 Ddn 7
n n n n
6 DPn 7 6 7
6 DQ2 7 ¼ 6 @Q2 @Q2 76 DjV j 7
6. 7 6 @Q2 @Q2
7 6 2 7
6. 7 66 @d2 @dn @ jV j @ jVn j
76 . 7
7 66 .
7 44 .. .. 7 6 2
7 6 .. .. 7 77 4 .. 5
4 .. 5 . 54. . 5 5
@Qn @Qn @Qn @Qn DjVn j
DQn @d2 @dn @ jV2 j @ jVn j
7.9 Newton–Raphson Method for Power Flow Cases 349
DP and DQ are the mismatch vectors whose values are known,
Dd and DjV j are the correction parameters whose values are known.
The Jacobian submatrix can be defined as,
2 3
@d2 @dn
6. .. 7
J1 ¼ 6 7 @P
4 .. . 5 @d ð7:260Þ
@Pn @Pn
@d2 @dn
2 @P2 @P2
@ jV2 j @ jVn j
6. 7
J2 ¼ 6 .. 7 @P ð7:261Þ
4 .. . 5 @ jV j
@Pn @Pn
@ jV2 j @ jVn j
2 3
@d2 @dn
6. .. 7
J3 ¼ 6 7 @Q
4 .. . 5 @d ð7:262Þ
@Qn @Qn
@d2 @dn
2 @Q2 @Q2
@ jV2 j @ jVn j
6. 7
J4 ¼ 6 .. 7 @Q ð7:263Þ
4 .. . 5 @ jV j
@Qn @Qn
@ jV2 j @ jVn j
• Calculate the total injected reactive power Q0cal and reactive power mismatch
Example 7.8
A single-line diagram of the three-bus power system is shown in Fig. 7.17. All the
admittances in the single-line diagram are in per unit values with a base voltage of
11 kV and base 100 MVA. The first generator is connected to the slack bus 1, and
the second generator is considered as a fixed generation.
The values of self-admittances are calculated as,
According to Eqs. (7.256) and (7.257), the expression of real power and reactive
power at bus 2 can be written as,
The partial derivatives of Eqs. (7.277) and (7.283) with respect to related angle
and voltage are calculated as,
¼ 10V2 sinð90 d2 Þ þ 17:6V2 sinð90 þ d3 d2 Þ ð7:284Þ
¼ 17:6V2 sinð90 þ d3 d2 Þ ð7:285Þ
¼ 10 cosð90 d2 Þ þ 17:6V2 cosð90 þ d3 d2 Þ ð7:286Þ
¼ 17:6V2 sinð90 þ d2 d3 Þ ð7:287Þ
¼ 22 sinð90 d3 Þ þ 17:6V2 sinð90 þ d2 d3 Þ ð7:288Þ
¼ 17:6 sinð90 þ d2 d3 Þ ð7:289Þ
¼ 10V2 cosð90 d2 Þ þ 17:6V2 cosð90 þ d3 d2 Þ ð7:290Þ
¼ 17:6V2 cosð90 þ d3 d2 Þ ð7:291Þ
¼ 10 sinð90 d2 Þ þ 52V2 17:6 sinð90 þ d3 d2 Þ ð7:292Þ
The value of the voltage and the angle at the bus 2 are calculated as,
d2 ¼ 0:46 ð7:350Þ
The single-line diagrams drawn using CYME and IPSA power system analysis
software. Simulations are carried out after entering necessary data and the simu-
lation results are shown in Figs. 7.18 and 7.19, respectively.
The transmission lines of a power system have a high ratio of reactance to resis-
tance. This ratio is usually greater than 10, i.e., X/R > 10 for transmission lines to
reduce the line loss. Whereas, this ratio is in between 2 and 3 for distribution lines
to reduce the lines voltage drop. In power system, the changes in the real power is
G1 3φ IM
z31 z23
bus 3
360 7 Load Flow Analysis
solely controlled by the changes in the phase angle but not the voltage magnitude.
The changes in the reactive power are fully controlled by the changes in the voltage
magnitude but not on the phase angle. In the transmission lines, the value of the
resistance is very small as compared to the reactance. Therefore, the conductances
are quite small as compared the suscentances (Gij < Bij). The differences in angles
ððhi hj Þ 0; hij 0Þ between the two buses are very small under normal
steady-state condition and it is considered negligible. Rearrange Eq. (7.256) as
[4, 5],
X n
Pi ¼ Vi Vi Yii cosðhii þ di di Þ þ Vi Vj Yij cosðhij þ dj di Þ ð7:355Þ
j 6¼ i
X n
Pi ¼ Vi2 Yii cos hii þ Vi Vj Yij cosððdi dj hij ÞÞ ð7:356Þ
j 6¼ i
X n
Pi ¼ Vi2 Yii cos hii þ Vi Vj Yij ½cosðdi dj Þ cos hij þ sinðdi dj Þ sin hij
j 6¼ i
X n
Pi ¼ Vi2 Yii cos hii þ Vi Vj ½cosðdi dj ÞYij cos hij þ sinðdi dj ÞYij sin hij
j 6¼ i
Pi ¼ Vi2 Gii þ Vi Vj ½Gij cosðdi dj Þ þ Bij sinðdi dj Þ ð7:359Þ
j 6¼ i
@Pi X n
¼ 2Vi Gii þ Vj ½Gij cosðdi dj Þ þ Bij sinðdi dj Þ ð7:360Þ
j 6¼ i
7.10 Fast Decoupled Load Flow Method 361
@Pi X n
¼ jVi j½Gij cosðdi dj Þ þ Bij sinðdi dj Þ ð7:361Þ
j 6¼ i
¼0 ð7:362Þ
¼0 ð7:363Þ
According to Eqs. (7.261), (7.362), and (7.363), the Jacobian submatrix can be
expressed as,
J2 ¼ 0 ð7:364Þ
Qi ¼ Vi Vj Yij sinððdi dj hij ÞÞ ð7:365Þ
j 6¼ i
X n
Qi ¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðdi dj hij Þ ð7:366Þ
j 6¼ i
@Qi X n
@Qi X n
¼0 ð7:371Þ
¼0 ð7:372Þ
According to Eqs. (7.262), (7.371), and (7.372), the Jacobian submatrix can be
expressed as,
J3 ¼ 0 ð7:373Þ
DP ¼ J1 Dd ¼ J11 Dd ¼ Dd ð7:375Þ
Dd ¼ DP ð7:376Þ
DQ ¼ J4 DV ¼ J22 DV ¼ DV ð7:377Þ
DV ¼ DQ ð7:378Þ
@Pi X n
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ ð7:379Þ
j 6¼ i
@Pi X n
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ j 6¼ i ð7:380Þ
j 6¼ i
@Pi X n
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij ðdi dj ÞÞ ð7:381Þ
j 6¼ i
@Pi X n
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij ðdi dj ÞÞ jVi Vi Yii j sinðhij ðdi di ÞÞ ð7:382Þ
j 6¼ i
@Pi X n
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij di þ dj Þ V 2 jYii j sin hij ð7:383Þ
@di i
j 6¼ i
@Pi X n
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij di þ dj Þ V 2 Bij ð7:384Þ
@di i
j 6¼ i
¼ Qi Vi2 Bij ð7:385Þ
As Qi
Vi2 Bij and assumed Vi2 ¼ jVi j so that Eq. (7.385) is again simplified
¼ jVi jBij ð7:386Þ
¼ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ j 6¼ i ð7:387Þ
¼ jVi jBij j 6¼ i ð7:390Þ
X n
Qi ¼ Vi Vj Yii sinðhii þ di di Þ Vi Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ j¼i
j 6¼ i
@Qi X n
¼ 2jVi jjYii j sin hii Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ j¼i ð7:392Þ
j 6¼ i
@Qi X n
Vi ¼ 2Vi2 Bii Vi Vj Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ j¼i ð7:393Þ
j 6¼ i
Vi ¼ 2Vi2 Bii þ Qi j¼i ð7:394Þ
Vi ¼ 2Vi2 Bii j¼i ð7:395Þ
¼ 2jVi jBii j¼i ð7:396Þ
7.10 Fast Decoupled Load Flow Method 365
¼ jVi jBii ð7:397Þ
¼ Vi Yij sinðhij þ dj di Þ j 6¼ i ð7:398Þ
¼ jVi jBij j 6¼ i ð7:401Þ
From Eqs. (7.386), (7.390), (7.397), and (7.401), it is seen that values of @P
@d and
@V are negatives. Hence, Eqs. (7.376) and (7.378) can be modified as,
Dd ¼ DP ð7:402Þ
DV ¼ DQ ð7:403Þ
Dd ¼ ½B1 ð7:404Þ
1 DQ
DV ¼ ½B0 ð7:405Þ
where B is the susceptance or imaginary part of the Ybus ¼ G þ jB. The elements of
B and B’are the negative parts of the bus admittance matrix. For three-bus system,
the susceptance matrix B can be expressed as,
366 7 Load Flow Analysis
B22 B23
B¼ ð7:406Þ
B32 B33
B0 ¼ ½B22 ð7:407Þ
For the three-bus system, Eqs. (7.404) and (7.405) can be extended as,
" #
Dd2 1
¼ ½B V2
DP3 ð7:408Þ
Dd3 V3
" #
DV2 0 1
¼ ½B V2
DQ3 ð7:409Þ
DV3 V3
Example 7.9
Determine the voltage at bus 2 of the single-line diagram as shown in Fig. 7.17 by
Fast Decoupled Load Flow method.
From Eqs. (7.269)–(7.274), the susceptance matrix B can be expressed as,
B22 B23 26 16
B¼ ¼ ð7:410Þ
B32 B33 16 36
The bus 3 is a voltage-controlled bus. In this case, only the bus 2 is considered
and other buses are removed. Equation (7.409) can be modified as,
7.10 Fast Decoupled Load Flow Method 367
Let the initial guesses are d02 ¼ 0, d03 ¼ 0, and V20 ¼ 1. Then, the initial updated
values are calculated as,
DP02 ð1:2Þ
Dd02 ¼ 0:052 0
þ 0:0209DP03 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209ð3Þ ¼ 0:0003 ¼ 0:0171
V2 1
DP02 ð1:2Þ
Dd03 ¼ 0:023 0
þ 0:0345DP03 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345ð3Þ ¼ 0:0759 ¼ 4:3487
V2 1
Dq02 ð1:1Þ
DV20 ¼ 0:0384 0
¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0423 ð7:423Þ
V2 1
DP12 ð0:1824Þ
Dd12 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209DP13 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209ð0:0537Þ ¼ 0:0079
V21 1:0423
¼ 0:4526
DP12 ð0:1824Þ
Dd13 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345DP13 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345ð0:0537Þ ¼ 0:0021
V21 1:0423
¼ 0:1203
Dq12 ð0:0311Þ
DV21 ¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0011 ð7:436Þ
V21 1:0423
DP22 ð0:0073Þ
Dd22 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209DP23 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209ð0:0077Þ
V22 1:0412
¼ 0:0002 ¼ 0:0114 ð7:447Þ
DP22 ð0:0073Þ
Dd23 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345DP23 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345ð0:0077Þ ¼ 0:0001
V22 1:0412
¼ 0:0057
Dq22 ð0:0056Þ
DV22 ¼ 0:0384 2
¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0002 ð7:449Þ
V2 1:0412
DP32 ð0:0037Þ
Dd32 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209DP33 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209ð0:0084Þ
V23 1:041 ð7:460Þ
¼ 0:000009 ¼ 0:00005
DP32 ð0:0037Þ
Dd33 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345DP33 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345ð0:0084Þ ¼ 0:0002
V23 1:041
¼ 0:0114
Dq32 ð0:0108Þ
DV23 ¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0003 ð7:462Þ
V23 1:041
DP42 ð0:0076Þ
Dd42 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209DP43 ¼ 0:052 þ 0:0209ð0:0167Þ
V24 1:0407
¼ 0:00003 ¼ 0:0017 ð7:472Þ
DP42 ð0:0076Þ
Dd43 ¼ 0:023 4
þ 0:0345DP43 ¼ 0:023 þ 0:0345ð0:0167Þ ¼ 0:0004
V2 1:0407
¼ 0:0229
Dq42 ð0:019Þ
DV24 ¼ 0:0384 4
¼ 0:0384 ¼ 0:0007 ð7:474Þ
V2 1:0407
d2 ¼ 0:4565 ð7:478Þ
d3 ¼ 4:429 ð7:479Þ
V2 ¼ 1:04 ð7:480Þ
G1 Load 1
z31 = 0.06 + j 0.09Ω / mi z23 = 0.05 + j 0.08Ω / mi
bus 3 Load 2
is a slack bus and use the Fast Decoupled Load Flow method to calculate the
voltage at bus 2, bus 3, and slack bus real power and reactive power.
Example 7.10
A 15 MVA, 11 kV (line voltage), 2-pole synchronous generator with 10 MW
active generation, 5 Mvar maximum reactive power, and 0.85 power factor is
connected to bus 1. A load of 50 MW and 25 Mvar, and a three-phase static Var
compensator of 25 Mvar is connected to bus 2, as shown in Fig. 7.22. Consider bus
1 is a slack bus and use the Fast Decoupled Load Flow method to calculate the
voltage at bus 2, and slack bus real power and reactive power. Consider base values
11 kV and 100 MVA. The line impedances are given as,
Line 1 z1 ¼ z0 ¼ 0:084 þ j0:976 X=mi
Line 2 z1 ¼ z0 ¼ 0:0605 þ j0:8687 X=mi,
After drawing the network with CYME power system software, relevant data are
given as input. Then, simulate the network as shown in Fig. 7.23.
The voltage and angle at bus 2 are,
1.000 (0.00) 0.965 (-11.35)
25.00 MVAR
50.00 MW
1279.5 A
23.94 MW -23.53 MW
4.59 MVAR 0.20 MVAR A B C
50.79 MW A B C
10.19 MVAR
-26.47 MW
26.85 MW
-0.20 MVAR
5.60 MVAR
0.00 MW
25.00 MVAR
1439.4 A
Fig. 7.23 CYME simulation results for Example 7.10
1. Duncan JG, Overbye T, Sarma M (2017) Power system analysis and design, 6th edn, Cengage
Learning, USA, pp 1–942
2. Wildi T (2014) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education Ltd,
USA, pp 1–920
3. Nagsarkar TK, Sukhija MS (2014) Power system analysis. Second Edition, Oxford University
Press, pp 1–726
4. Sadat H (2010) Power system analysis, 3rd Edition, PSA Publisher, USA, pp 1–772
5. Wildi T (2006) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn, Pearson Education,
USA, pp 1–934
Exercise Problems
7:1 A short transmission line has the sending end and receiving end voltages
80 V and 60 V, respectively. Calculate the line average reactive power if the
line reactance is 6 X.
7:2 A short transmission line has the sending end voltage, receiving end voltages
and average reactive power 80 V, 60 V, 80 Var, respectively. Determine the
value of the reactance.
7:3 The sending end voltage and average reactive power of a short transmission
line are 80 V, and 100 Var. If the line reactance is 10 X, calculate the
receiving end voltage.
7:4 The per unit impedances of a circuit are shown in Fig. P7.1. Determine the
Ybus matrix.
374 7 Load Flow Analysis
0 + j 0.2 0 + j1.3
j2 j5
Fig. P7.2 Circuit for
Problem 7.5
j3 j4
bus 3
7:5 Fig. P7.2 shows a circuit where the admittances are in per unit admittances.
Calculate the Ybus matrix.
7:6 A two-bus single-line diagram is shown in Fig. P7.3. The per unit impedance
is given by z12 ¼ 0:04 þ j0:08. Calculate the Ybus matrix.
7:7 The per unit impedances are given by z12 ¼ 0:04 þ j0:08, z13 ¼ 0:05 þ j0:10,
z31 ¼ 0:06 þ j0:12. Find the Ybus matrix of the single-line diagram as shown
in Fig. P7.4.
7:8 The per unit impedances are given by z12 ¼ 0:04 þ j0:08, z23 ¼ 0:05 þ j0:10,
z34 ¼ 0:06 þ j0:12, z13 ¼ 0:07 þ j0:15, z41 ¼ 0:08 þ j0:14. Calculate the Ybus
matrix of the single-line diagram as shown in Fig. P7.5.
Exercise Problems 375
G Load
G Load
7:9 Two simultaneous equations of voltages are given 5V1 þ 2V2 ¼ 11 and
2V1 þ 6V2 ¼ 15. Consider the initial guesses V1 ð0Þ ¼ 1 and V2 ð0Þ ¼ 1.
Calculate the voltages by using the Gauss–Seidel method.
7:10 A voltage equation is given by V 2 5V þ 2 ¼ 0. Use the Gauss–Seidel
method to solve the equation by considering the initial guess Vð0Þ ¼ 1.
7:11 A load of 125 MW and 55 Mvar is connected to bus 2, and a generator of
15 MVA, 11 kV, 0.85 pf, 2-pole with 8 MW active generation, 4 Mvar
reactive power is connected to bus 1 as shown in Fig. P7.6. A transmission
line is connected between the two buses whose impedance is 0:04 þ j0:08 pu
on a common 100 MVA base and 11 kV base. The transmission line is
charging by 10 Mvar shunt capacitor at each end.
Use the Gauss–Seidel method to calculate the voltage at bus 2, and the slack
bus real and reactive powers.
7:12 A load of 125 MW and 50 Mvar is connected to the bus 2, and a generator of
20MVA, 11 kV, 0.85 pf, 2-pole with 10 MW active generation, 5 Mvar
reactive power is connected to the slack bus 1 as shown in Fig. P7.7. The
transmission line impedance is 0:03 þ j0:08 pu on a common 100 MVA and
11 kV base values. A shunt capacitor of 20 Mvar is connected to the bus 2.
Use the Gauss–Seidel method to calculate the voltage at bus 2, the slack bus
real and reactive powers, line loss, and power supplied by the capacitor.
7:13 Fig. P7.8 shows a three-bus single-line diagram where the impedances are in
per unit on a common 100 MVA and 11 kV base values. The first load of
100 MW and 50 Mvar is connected to bus 2, and the second load 150 MW
and 60Mvar is connected to bus 3. A generator of 25 MVA, 11 kV, 0.85 pf,
2-pole with 15 MW active generation, 10 Mvar reactive power is connected
to the slack bus 1, as shown in Fig. P7.8. Calculate the voltage at bus 2, and
bus 3, and slack bus real and reactive powers using the Gauss–Seidel
376 7 Load Flow Analysis
G Load 1
z31 = 0.0172 + j 0.043 z23 = 0.04 + j 0.08
bus 3 Load 2
Exercise Problems 377
8.1 Introduction
Conductor Lead sheath
Fig. 8.1 Eight strands cables and cross section of a three-core copper cable
high insulation resistance, high dielectric strength, and mechanical strength a wide
range of temperatures.
Cross-linked polyethylene: It is abbreviated as XLPE. Due to good water resis-
tance and excellent electrical properties, it is used as insulation for many power
cables. It has many advantages such as low melting point, high flexibility, light-
weight, can carry large current, minimizes the need for armoring, and excellent
protection (mechanical, electrical, and chemical) properties.
PVC Filler: The empty spaces between the cores are filled with polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) material known as PVC filler. The filler usually is of non-hygroscopic, softer
material, and fire-retardant material than cable insulation.
Binder Tape: Separate binder tape is used in the cores to protect conductors from
penetration of moisture, chemicals, and jacket compounds. It is also used to
maintain cable concentricity and firmness of conductor bundles.
Armoring: Steel wire is used around the binder taped of the cables to provide
additional protection for preventing it from any damage. It is used to protect the
cables from mechanical damage during direct laying in water-filled ducks and
termites attack. Steel tape and steel wire armoring are the two types of armoring that
are usually used in the cables. In steel tape armoring, steel tape is wound around the
cable in two layers with opposite directions, whereas in steel wire armoring, strong
steel wires are used in one or two layers. Cables with aluminum sheath are not
Bedding: Bedding is provided by jute or hessian tape to protect the metallic sheath
from mechanical damage due to armoring.
PVC Outer Sheath: PVC sheath is the last stage of the cable, which protects from
moisture, gases, and termite in the soil as well as all kinds of external stresses.
Serving: Serving is a kind of protection of armoring from atmospheric conditions.
A layer of fibrous material is provided over the armoring, which is known as
Cables are classified according to the number of cores, voltage rating, construction,
type, and thickness of insulation and installation types. According to the type and
thickness of insulation, cables are classified as polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chlo-
ride (PVC), cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), low smoke zero halogen (LSZH)
insulation materials, and armored instrumentation cables.
Depending on the core, cables are classed as single-core and multi-core
(three-core, four-core), whereas according to the voltage rating, underground cables
are classified as,
382 8 Underground Cables
Consider a single-core cable whose length is l, conductor radius is r, and the sheath
radius is R. Again, consider small thickness dx of insulation layer at a distance
x from the center of the conductor as shown in Fig. 8.2.
The circumference area of the cable at a distance x is written as,
A ¼ 2pxl ð8:1Þ
dRins ¼ q ð8:2Þ
Rins ¼ dRins ð8:3Þ
Rins ¼ q ð8:4Þ
x dx
8.4 Insulation Resistance of Single-Core Cable 383
q R
Rins ¼ ln ð8:5Þ
2pl r
The value of the insulation resistance can be calculated from Eq. (8.5) if the
other parameters are given.
Example 8.1
The insulation thickness and radius of a 5 km cable are 8 mm and 14 mm,
respectively. Calculate the insulation resistance of a cable with
q ¼ 4 1010 X m.
The insulation radius of a cable is calculated as,
R ¼ 8 þ 14 ¼ 22 mm ¼ 0:022 m ð8:6Þ
q R 4 1010 0:022
Rins ¼ ln ¼ ln ¼ 575:48 MX ð8:7Þ
2pl r 2p 5000 0:014
Practice Problem 8.1
The insulation thickness diameter and the core diameter of 10 km cable are 3 cm
and 7 cm, respectively. Calculate the cable resistivity if the insulation resistance is
500 MX.
Figure 8.3 shows a cross section and stress distribution of a single-core cable.
Consider r is the radius of the conductor and R is the inner radius of the sheath.
Again, consider a small cross section at a distance x from the center of the con-
ductor, whose thickness is dx. If the induced charge on the conductor q, the electric
flux density (D) at a distance x is defined as [3, 4],
D¼ C/m2 ð8:8Þ
D ¼ eE ð8:9Þ
384 8 Underground Cables
The voltage difference between the conductor and outer sheath can be deter-
mined as,
V¼ E dx ð8:11Þ
V¼ dx ð8:12Þ
q R
V¼ ln ð8:13Þ
2pe r
V q
¼ ð8:14Þ
ln Rr 2pe
E¼ ð8:15Þ
x ln Rr
8.5 Electric Stress of a Single-Core Cable 385
From Fig. 8.3, it is seen that the stress distribution over the dielectric is not the
same. The maximum stress occurs at the surface of the conductor. It will decrease
slowly toward the sheath of the cable, whereas the minimum stress occurs at the
outer surface of the sheath. At a distance x ¼ r, the expression of maximum electric
field or stress is calculated as,
Emax ¼ ð8:16Þ
r ln Rr
Emin ¼ ð8:17Þ
R ln Rr
Emax R
¼ ð8:18Þ
Emin r
The maximum stress is usually considered during the design of the high voltage
It is already seen that the maximum stress occurs at the surface of the conductor. For
reliable and safe operation, the dielectric strength of the cable should be more than the
maximum stress. For designing, working voltage and sheath radius need to be
considered constant up to certain values, whereas the core radius needs to vary.
Therefore, for a given voltage and sheath radius, the most economical size of the
conductor can be determined if the denominator of Eq. (8.16) is minimum. The
minimum value of the denominator can be obtained if differentiation of the
denominator of Eq. (8.16) with respect to r is equal to zero and it can be obtained as,
d R
r ln ¼0 ð8:19Þ
dr r
R 1 R
ln þ r R 2 ¼ 0 ð8:20Þ
r r
ln 1 ¼ 0 ð8:21Þ
386 8 Underground Cables
ln ¼1 ð8:22Þ
¼ e1 ¼ 2:718 ð8:23Þ
From Eq. (8.23), the most economical conductor radius is written as,
r¼ ð8:24Þ
Emax ¼ ð8:25Þ
tinsu ¼ R r ð8:26Þ
Example 8.2
The line-to-neutral voltage, conductor radius, and the sheath radius of a single-core
cable are 35 kV (rms), 0.85 cm, and 2.5 cm, respectively. Calculate the maximum
stress, minimum stress, most economical conductor size, and insulation thickness.
The value of the maximum stress can be determined as,
V 35
Emax ¼ ¼ ¼ 38:16 kV/cm ð8:28Þ
r ln Rr 0:85 ln 0:85
V 35
Emin ¼ R¼ 2:5
¼ 12:97 kV/cm ð8:29Þ
R ln r 2:5 ln 0:85
The value of the most economical size of the conductor can be determined as,
R 2:5
r¼ ¼ ¼ 0:92 cm ð8:30Þ
2:718 2:718
8.6 Economical Size of Conductor 387
Dielectric strength and its homogeneous distribution in the cable are very important
for safe and reliable operation. The dielectric materials are usually used in the
cables to optimize the difference between the maximum and minimum stresses.
Unequal distributions of stresses may trigger insulation breakdown as well as an
increase in the insulation thickness, which in turn increases the cable size.
Therefore, it is necessary to distribute the stresses uniformly in the dielectric
throughout the cables. The process of achieving uniform stress distribution in the
dielectric of cables is known as grading. There are two methods of cable grading
that are normally used for the optimization of the stresses. These are capacitance
grading and intersheath grading.
Two or more layers of different dielectrics are used in the capacitance grading. The
process of achieving uniformity in the dielectric of cables is known as capacitance
grading. Consider a conductor that is surrounded by the three layers of dielectrics
and the permeabilities e1 , e2 , e3 at the radii r1 , r2 , and R, respectively. The core with
three layers of dielectrics is shown in Fig. 8.4. The stress at any distance x can be
expressed as [5, 6],
Ex ¼ ð8:32Þ
2pe0 ex x
Assuming all operating at the same electric field, equating Eqs. (8.33), (8.35),
and (8.37) yields,
q q q
¼ ¼ ð8:39Þ
2pe0 e1 r 2pe0 e2 r1 2pe0 e3 r2
1 1 1
¼ ¼ ð8:40Þ
e1 r e2 r1 e3 r2
e1 r ¼ e2 r1 ¼ e3 r2 ð8:41Þ
The total voltage between the core and the outer sheath is calculated as,
V ¼ V1 þ V2 þ V3 ð8:42Þ
8.7 Grading of Cables 389
Zr1 Zr2 ZR
V¼ Ex dx þ Ex dx þ Ex dx ð8:43Þ
x¼r x¼r1 x¼r2
Substituting Eq. (8.32) for three layers into Eq. (8.43) yields,
Zr1 Zr2 ZR
q q q
:V ¼ dx þ dx þ dx: ð8:44Þ
2pe0 e1 x 2pe0 e2 x 2pe0 e3 x
x¼r x¼r1 x¼r2
Zr1 Zr2 ZR
q q q
V¼ dx þ dx þ dx ð8:44Þ
2pe0 e1 x 2pe0 e2 x 2pe0 e3 x
x¼r x¼r1 x¼r2
q 1 r1 1 r2 1 R
V¼ ln þ ln þ ln ð8:45Þ
2pe0 e1 r e2 r1 e3 r2
q r r1 r1 r2 r2 R
V¼ ln þ ln þ ln ð8:46Þ
2pe0 re1 r r1 e2 r1 r2 e3 r2
Basically, r1 and r2 are greater than r. Therefore, the second and the third terms
of Eq. (8.50) can be neglected, and Eq. (8.50) can be modified as,
V ¼ Em r ln ð8:51Þ
Em ¼ ð8:52Þ
2pe0 re1
390 8 Underground Cables
e1 r ¼ e2 r1 ¼ e3 r2 ð8:53Þ
5 ¼ 3r1 ð8:55Þ
r1 ¼ 1:67 cm ð8:56Þ
5 ¼ 2r2 ð8:57Þ
r2 ¼ 2:5 cm ð8:58Þ
8.7 Grading of Cables 391
Vsafe ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 82:45 kV ð8:60Þ
In the intersheath grading, the same insulating material is used throughout the cable.
However, it is divided into a few layers by placing metallic intersheaths. These
intersheaths are connected to the tapings of a transformer. The potential across each
intersheath is maintained at such values that each layer of insulation contributes to
the proper share of the total voltage. This arrangement improves the voltage dis-
tribution in the dielectric of the cable, which in turn obtains a uniform electric field.
The maximum electric field at various intersheaths is the same due to homogenous
material. Consider a cable whose core radius is r and the outer sheath radius is
R. The two metallic intersheaths of radii r1 and r2 are inserted in between the core
and the outer sheath as shown in Fig. 8.6.
Let us consider that V1 is the voltage between the core and the first intersheath,
V2 is the voltage between the first intersheath and the second intersheath, V3 is the
voltage between the second intersheath and the outer sheath. Each sheath can be
considered as a homogeneous single-core cable because of a definite voltage dif-
ference between the inner and outer radii of each sheath. According to Eq. (8.51),
the maximum stress between the core and the first intersheath is expressed as,
Em1 ¼ ð8:61Þ
r ln rr1
392 8 Underground Cables
ε ε ε
V2 (1) (2)
V3 r
The maximum stress between the first intersheath and the second intersheath is
expressed as,
Em2 ¼ ð8:62Þ
r1 ln rr21
The maximum stress between the second intersheath and the outer sheath is
expressed as,
Em3 ¼ ð8:63Þ
r2 ln rR2
Substituting Eqs. (8.61), (8.62), and (8.63) into Eq. (8.64) yields,
V1 V2 V3
Em ¼ r1 ¼ r2 ¼ ð8:65Þ
r ln r r1 ln r1 r2 ln rR2
According to behavioral properties, the cable works as like the three capacitors
in series. Therefore, all potentials including the outer sheath, metallic sheaths, and
the core are in phase, i.e., it can be expressed as,
V ¼ V1 þ V2 þ V3 ð8:66Þ
8.7 Grading of Cables 393
Substituting Eqs. (8.61), (8.62), and (8.63) into Eq. (8.66) yields,
r1 r2 R
V ¼ Em r ln þ Em r1 ln þ Em r2 ln ð8:67Þ
r r1 r2
Again for designing purposes, considering one sheath in between the core and an
outer sheath, as shown in Fig. 8.7.
In this case, Eq. (8.67) can be modified as,
r1 R
V ¼ Em r ln þ Em r1 ln ð8:68Þ
r r1
Em ¼ ð8:69Þ
r ln rr1 þ r1 ln rR1
In this analysis, the core radius (r) and the outer sheath radius (R) are kept fixed,
whereas the intersheath radius (r1) is only considered the variable parameter. Now,
differentiating Eq. (8.69) with respect to r1 and setting the result equal to zero to get
the minimum value for the maximum stress. This can be obtained as,
dEm d r1 R 1
¼V r ln þ r1 ln ¼0 ð8:70Þ
dr1 dr1 r r1
r1 R R r1
r1 2 þ ln þ r ¼0 ð8:71Þ
R r1 r1 r1 r
R r
1 þ ln þ ¼0 ð8:72Þ
r1 r1
V1 r1
ε ε
(1) (2)
V2 r
394 8 Underground Cables
r r
¼ 1 þ r1 ð8:79Þ
r1 1!
r r
þ ¼1 ð8:80Þ
r1 r1
r1 ¼ 2r ð8:81Þ
Em ¼ ð8:82Þ
r ln 2rr þ 2r ln 2r
Em ¼ ð8:83Þ
0:693r þ 0:6137r
Em ¼ ð8:84Þ
From Eq. (8.84), the value of the maximum stress can be calculated is the
operating voltage and the core radius are known.
8.7 Grading of Cables 395
Example 8.4
The core and outer sheath radii of a three-phase 22 kV (rms) cable are found 2 cm
and 3.5 cm, respectively. The two metallic intersheaths with radii of 2.5 and 3 cm
are inserted in between the core and an outer sheath. The maximum stress in each
layer is the same, and calculate the voltages on the first sheath and second sheath.
The maximum value of the voltage is
Vm ¼ 2 33 ¼ 31:11 kV ð8:85Þ
Vph ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 17:96 kV ð8:86Þ
V1 V1
Em1 ¼ r1 ¼ ¼ 2:24V1 ð8:87Þ
r ln r 2 ln 2:5
V2 V2
Em2 ¼ r2 ¼ 3
¼ 2:19V2 ð8:88Þ
r1 ln r1 2:5 ln 2:5
V3 V3
Em3 ¼ R ¼ ¼ 2:16V3 ð8:89Þ
r2 ln r2 3 ln 3:5
The maximum stress in each layer is the same. Then, this relation can be written
V2 ¼ 1:02V1 ð8:91Þ
V3 ¼ 1:03V1 ð8:93Þ
V1 þ V2 þ V3 ¼ V ð8:94Þ
396 8 Underground Cables
V1 ¼ 5:89 kV ð8:96Þ
There are three losses which are responsible for heating of the cables. There are
copper loss, dielectric loss, and intersheath loss. Copper loss mainly depends on the
current passing through the resistance of the conductor. Dielectric loss in the
insulation is due to the leakage current, which is originated by the voltage across the
insulation. Finally, the intersheath loss is due to the circulating currents in loops,
which forms between the sheaths. The copper loss can be expressed as,
Pcu ¼ I 2 Rc ð8:101Þ
where I is the current flows in the cables, and Rc is the resistance of the conductor.
The cable is one kind of capacitor that is formed by the core and the sheath which
represents the two plates of a capacitor. These two plates are separated by dielectrics.
The equivalent circuit for this is represented by the parallel combination of leakage
resistance R and the capacitor C, as shown in Fig. 8.8. The phasor diagram for a cable
8.8 Cables Heating 397
φ V
dielectric is shown in Fig. 8.9. The current leads the voltage by an angle less than 90 .
There is no loss for a perfect dielectric; however, the cable is not a perfect dielectric.
Therefore, there is a loss in the cable due to the dielectric. The loss in the dielectric
due to the leakage current flows in the insulation resistance is,
Plc ¼ ð8:102Þ
tan d ¼ ð8:103Þ
From Fig. 8.8, the current in the leakage resistance (Ir) can be written as,
Ir ¼ ð8:104Þ
Ic ¼ 1
¼ VxC ð8:105Þ
¼ VxC tan d ð8:107Þ
¼ V 2 xC tan d ð8:108Þ
From Eq. (8.108), the final expression of the total dielectric power loss can be
written as,
Here, d is the dielectric loss angle, and its value is very small. Therefore, tan d is
considered as d. Equation (8.109) can be modified as,
From Eq. (8.110), it is seen that power loss is proportional to the square of the
voltage, capacitance, and the dielectric loss angle.
From Fig. 8.9, the power factor angle is expressed as,
/ ¼ 90 d ð8:111Þ
The dielectric hysteresis loss (Pdh) is the difference between the total dielectric
power loss and the power loss due to leakage resistance, i.e.,
From Eq. (8.115), the values of dielectric hysteresis loss can be determined if
others parameters are known.
Example 8.5
A single-core 50 Hz, 6.4 kV (line-to-neutral) cable is having the insulation resis-
tance of 6 MX. Calculate the power loss due to leakage of current flows in the
insulation, total dielectric loss, and dielectric hysteresis loss. Assume that the
dielectric factor is 0.03, and the value of the capacitance of a cable is 0.84 lF.
8.8 Cables Heating 399
The power loss due to leakage current flows in the insulation is calculated as,
V2 64002
Plc ¼ ¼ ¼ 6:82 W ð8:116Þ
R 600000
Capacitance usually forms between the core and the outer sheath due to the voltage
difference between the conductor and outer sheath. Let the charge of the capacitor is
q, and the capacitance is C. Figure 8.10 shows a cross section of a single-core cable
whose core radius is r and the outer sheath radius is R.
400 8 Underground Cables
According to Eq. (8.15), the expression of voltage difference between the core
and the sheath is
q R
V¼ ln ð8:119Þ
2pe r
q¼ ð8:120Þ
ln Rr
The capacitance per unit length of a single-core cable is usually defined as,
C¼ ð8:121Þ
e ¼ e0 er ð8:124Þ
2p 8:85 1012 er
C¼ ð8:126Þ
ln Rr
5:56 1011 er
C¼ F/m ð8127Þ
ln Rr
C¼ lF/km ð8:128Þ
ln Rr
8.9 Capacitance of a Cable 401
1 1
Y¼ ¼ 1 ð8:129Þ
Zc xC
Y ¼ xC ¼ 2pfC ð8:130Þ
Example 8.6
A 2.5 km long single-core cable is used to deliver power in the 6.4 kV, 50 Hz
three-phase induction motor in the oil field. The cable core radius is 3 cm, and an
outer sheath radius is 11 cm. Calculate the capacitance and the charging current per
phase. Assume the relative permittivity is 2.
The value of the capacitance per km can be determined as,
0:0556er 0:0556 2
C¼ ¼ ¼ 0:085 lF/km ð8:132Þ
ln Rr ln 11
11 1000
Vp ¼ VLN ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 6350:85 V ð8:133Þ
The value of the charging current per phase can be determined as,
Consider a three-core cable, as shown in Fig. 8.11. In a cable, the conductors are
much closer to each other than to the sheath. In a three-core cable, the voltage
energizes three cores, and zero voltage energizes the sheath, which creates elec-
trostatic fields. Due to electrostatic fields around the cable, capacitance forms
between core-to-core and core-to-sheath. The calculation of capacitance is simple if
the distribution of dielectric is the same. However, it is not possible to get a uniform
distribution of dielectrics. Different types of capacitances of a three-core cable are
shown in Fig. 8.12.
Consider Ccc is the core capacitance formed between the core-to-core, Ccs is the
sheath capacitance formed between the core-to-sheath, and Ceq is the equivalent
Ccc Ccs Ccc Ceq
n Ceq
According to Fig. 8.12, the three core-to-core capacitances are formed a delta
circuit, and it can be converted into a wye circuit. The sheath represents the neutral
point, and the core-to-sheath capacitance forms a wye circuit.
The total capacitance between the terminals 1 and 2 for both the delta and the
wye connections is the same, and it can be expressed as,
Ccc Ceq
Ccc þ ¼ ð8:137Þ
2 2
Ceq ¼ 3Ccc ð8:138Þ
The total capacitance between each conductor to the neutral (sheath represents
the neutral) is expressed as,
Cn ¼ C1n ¼ C2n ¼ C3n ¼ Ccs þ 3Ccc ð8:139Þ
Xn ¼ ð8:140Þ
xðCcs þ 3Ccc Þ
For a given phase voltage,Vph ¼ VLN , the expression of the charging current is
expressed as,
From Eq. (8.141), the value of the charging can be determined if the other
parameters are given.
Ccs Cp
Ccc Ccc
For the second measurement, three cores are connected in such a way to eliminate
core-to-core capacitances, as shown in Fig. 8.14. From Fig. 8.14, it is observed that
the three core-to-sheath capacitances are connected in parallel with the common point
at the sheath. Therefore, their equivalent capacitance is written as,
Ccs Cq
Ccs Ccs
8.11 Measurement of Capacitance 405
Cp ¼ þ 2Ccc ð8:145Þ
Cp Cq
Ccc ¼ ð8:146Þ
2 6
Substituting Eqs. (8.144) and (8.146) into the Eq. (8.139) yields,
Cq Cp Cq
Cn ¼ þ3 ð8:147Þ
3 2 6
Cn ¼ 9Cp Cq ð8:148Þ
From Eq. (8.148), it is seen that the neutral capacitance can be calculated if the
other parameters are known.
Example 8.7
A 6.4 kV, 50 Hz three-phase system uses 8 km long three-core cable. The
capacitance between three bunched cores and sheath is measured and found 0.94
lF/km. The value of the capacitance is again measured 0.65 lF/km between one
core and the sheath when the other two cores that are connected to the sheath.
Calculate the core-to-sheath capacitance, core-to-core capacitance, line-to-neutral
capacitance, and charging current per phase.
The value of the core-to-sheath capacitance per km can be determined as,
Cp Cq 0:65 0:94
Ccc ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:17 lF/km ð8:152Þ
2 6 2 6
406 8 Underground Cables
The value of the charging current per phase can be determined as,
Ic ¼ 2pfVLN Cn ¼ 2p 50 pffiffiffi 6:53 106 ¼ 7:58 A ð8:155Þ
Electrical equipment and high voltage cables need proper insulation resistance for
safe operation. High voltage cables are insulated using different types of materials
with high electrical resistance to stop the flow of current outside of the conductor or
core. However, the properties of these insulating materials change due to the long
time in operation and environmental effects. These changes reduce the electrical
resistivity of the insulating materials. As a result, increasing leakage currents in the
cable leads to incidents that may seriously affect operator safety as well as increase
the operation cost.
Two types of tests are usually carried out to identify the cable performance,
namely dielectric strength test (withstand test or destructive test) and
non-destructive test [7]. In a destructive test, high voltage and current are applied to
expose weak insulation. However, in a non-destructive test, a megohmmeter is used
to generate lower currents and DC voltage in different magnitudes, which in turn
provides the insulation resistance in kX, MX, GX, and TX.
Fluke Corporation manufactured a high voltage insulation tester F1555 (see
Fig. 8.15) is widely used to measure the insulation resistance of high voltage
cables. This meter can measure the insulation resistance from the test voltages
250 V to 10000 V (50/100 V steps) such as the step patterns are
250 V-500 V-1 kV-2.5 kV-5 kV-10 kV.
8.12 Measurement of Insulation Resistance 407
PI ¼ ð8:156Þ
408 8 Underground Cables
IR1min is the insulation resistance reading after the application of voltage for
1 min,
IR10min is the insulation resistance reading after the application of voltage for
10 min.
The PI values with corresponding insulation conditions are shown in Table 8.1.
Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR): There are some insulation materials in which
the absorption current decreases sharply. In this situation, measurements after 30
and 60 s are more than enough to qualify the insulation of the material.
Mathematically, DAR is defined as,
DAR ¼ ð8:157Þ
DD ¼ ð8:158Þ
The DD values with corresponding insulation conditions are shown in Table 8.3.
1. Duncan Glover J, Overbye T, Sarma M (2017) Power system analysis and design, 6th edn.
Cengage Learning, USA, pp 1–942
2. Nagsarkar TK, Sukhija MS (2014) Power system analysis, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, pp 1–726
3. Wildi T (2014) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education Ltd,
USA, pp 1–920
4. Sadat H (2010) Power system analysis, 3rd edn. PSA Publisher, USA, pp 1–772
5. Wildi T (2006) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education,
USA, pp 1–934
6. El-Hawary ME (1995) Electrical power systems, Revised Edition. Willey-IEEE Press, USA,
pp 1–808
7. IEEE 43–2013 (2013) IEEE recommended practice for testing insulation resistance of electric
machinery. In: IEEE power and energy society. USA, pp 1–37
Exercise Problems
8:1 The insulation thickness and radius of a 5 km cable are 9 mm and 16 mm,
respectively. Calculate the insulation resistance of a cable with
q ¼ 3 1010 X m.
8:2 The insulation thickness diameter and the core diameter of 10 km cable are
4 cm and 9 cm, respectively. Find the cable resistivity if the insulation
resistance is 350 MX.
8:3 A single-core cable is energized by a phase voltage of 11 kV (rms). The
conductor radius and the sheath radius are given as 0.6 cm and 1.9 cm,
respectively. Calculate the maximum stress, minimum stress, insulation
thickness, and most economical conductor size.
8:4 The core and sheath diameters of a 33 kV (rms) single-core cable are 2.2 cm
and 6.4 cm, respectively. Find the maximum stress, minimum stress, and
most economical conductor size.
8:5 A single-core cable is having the maximum and minimum stresses are
33 kV/cm and 8 kV/cm, respectively. If the radius of the core is 1.1 cm,
calculate the insulation thickness and operating voltage.
8:6 The minimum stress of an 11 kV (rms) single-core cable is 10 kV/cm. The
sheath radius of the cable is found to be 3 cm. Determine the core radius and
the most economical conductor size.
410 8 Underground Cables
8:7 A cable used capacitance grading by three dielectrics whose permittivities are
5, 3, and 2.5, respectively. The conductor radius and the overall radius are
found to be 0.9 cm and 5.5 cm, respectively. Consider three dielectrics are
worked at the 20 kV/cm. Calculate the radii r1 and r2, maximum voltage, and
safe working voltage.
8:8 The core and sheath radii of a single-core cable are found to 1.5 cm and
6 cm, respectively. The cable is graded by two dielectrics whose permit-
tivities are given 4 and 3. The maximum stresses of these two dielectrics are
35 and 25 kV/cm. Calculate the inner radial thickness, outer radial thickness,
and safe working voltage.
8:9 The core and outer sheath radii of a three-phase 11 kV (rms) cable are 1 cm
and 3.5 cm, respectively. The 1.5 cm and 2.5 cm radii of intersheaths are
inserted in between the core and an outer sheath. If the maximum stress in each
layer is the same, find the voltages on the first sheath and the second sheath.
8:10 A single-core 50 Hz, 11 kV (line-to-neutral) cable is having the insulation
resistance and the capacitance 3 MX and 1.2 lF, respectively. Calculate the
power loss due to leakage current flows in the insulation, total dielectric loss,
and dielectric hysteresis loss. Consider the dielectric factor is 0.03.
8:11 The insulation resistance of a single-core 50 Hz, 11 kV (line-to-line) cable is
4.4 MX. The total dielectric loss of the cable is found to be 1.2 kW. Find the
power loss due to leakage current flows in the insulation, capacitance of the
cable, and dielectric hysteresis loss. Assume that the dielectric factor is 0.05.
8:12 The core and sheath radii of a 3 km long single-core 11 kV, 60 Hz,
three-phase system cable are 3 cm and 8 cm, respectively. Calculate the
capacitance and charging current per phase. Assume that the relative per-
mittivity is 4.
8:13 The core radius and charging current of a 1.5 km long 11 kV, 60 Hz,
three-phase system single-core cable are given as 1.2 cm and 0.95 A,
respectively. The relative permittivity of insulating material is given as 3.
Calculate the capacitance and sheath radius.
8:14 A 1.5 km long three-core cable is used in the 0.44 kV, 50 Hz, three-phase
system. The per kilometer capacitance measured between three bunched
cores and sheath is 0.68 lF. The value of the capacitance is again measured
0.12 lF/km between one core and the sheath when the other two cores that
are connected to the sheath. Find the core-to-sheath capacitance, core-to-core
capacitance, line-to-neutral capacitance, and charging current per phase.
8:15 The 11 kV, 50 Hz three-phase voltage is connected to an industry by the
5 km long three-core cable. The measured capacitance between the three
bunched cores and sheath is found to be 0.88 lF/km. Two cores are placed
on the sheath, and the measured capacitance between the third core and
sheath is found to be 0.50 lF/km. Calculate the core-to-sheath capacitance,
core-to-core capacitance, and line-to-neutral capacitance.
Chapter 9
Power System Stability Analysis
9.1 Introduction
The high demand for electrical power is becoming apparent due to increasing
population, commercial buildings, and the industrial sector. As a result, the size and
the interconnected networks are increasing to meet this high demand. Power utility
companies are giving more importance for maximum power transfer from gener-
ating station to the consumer terminals through large interconnected networks.
Sometimes, it is difficult to transfer maximum power with the presence of many
synchronous machines along with large interconnected networks due to different
forms of disturbances. These disturbances are classified into two categories, namely
small disturbance (perturbation) and large disturbance (perturbation). Random
changes in the load that occur in the system continuously are an example of small
perturbation. A power system may be subjected to large perturbations such as the
occurrence of faults on the line, loss of large generating units, loss of major
transmission facilities, and loss of large loads. Any disturbances in the power
system hamper the power system stability. The stability means that any system will
remain in stable condition after disturbance. The stability of the power system is
defined as the ability of the system to remain in the state of equilibrium or syn-
chronism after disturbances occur on the system. Depending on nature and the
magnitude, stability studies are classified into three categories, namely transient
stability, steady stability, and dynamic stability.
Transient stability is the ability of a system to respond to a large disturbance
within a short duration. Transient stability is normally occurred due to line
switching, sudden changes of load, and power transfer. The system response to this
disturbance is normally counted within 1 s. In practice, transient stability is
determined by computer calculations, whereas manual calculation is only possible
in simple cases.
The pattern of the different types of stability curves depends on the nature of the
faults and its duration in the power system. In steady-state stability, the syn-
chronous generator regains synchronism after a small disturbance, as shown in
Fig. 9.1.
In transient stability, the generator speeds up for a short duration after losing
synchronism, as shown in Fig. 9.2.
The dynamic stability is the sustained rotor angle oscillations of a synchronous
generator caused by a fault, as shown in Fig. 9.3.
9.3 Synchronous Machine Dynamics 413
Here, the expression of active power due to fundamental voltage and current is,
P ¼ I2R ¼ ð9:2Þ
K E ¼ Jx2sm 106 MJ ð9:4Þ
he ¼ hm ð9:5Þ
xs ¼ xsm ð9:5Þ
414 9 Power System Stability Analysis
xsm ¼ xs ð9:6Þ
K E ¼ Mxs MJ ð9:9Þ
The inertia constant (H) is defined as the ratio of the kinetic energy of a rotor of a
synchronous machine to the rating (S) of a machine (in MVA), and it can be
expressed as,
H¼ ð9:11Þ
1 Mxs
H¼ ð9:12Þ
2 S
SH ¼ K E ¼ Mxs MJ ð9:13Þ
M¼ ¼ MJ s/elec rad ð9:14Þ
xs pfs
M¼ ¼ MJ s/elec deg ð9:15Þ
xs 180fs
9.4 Single Machine with Infinite Bus 415
Vs ¼ E j d ð9:16Þ
Vr ¼ V j0 ð9:17Þ
The current in the circuit in Fig. 9.5 can be written as [1, 2],
Vs Vr Vs Vr
Is ¼ 0 ¼ ð9:18Þ
jXd þ jXTL jX
E j d V j 0
Is ¼ ð9:19Þ
+ +
Eδ V0
− −
416 9 Power System Stability Analysis
E jd V j0
Is ¼ ð9:20Þ
X j90
The single-phase sending end real power and reactive power can be derived as,
E jd V j0
S ¼ Ps þ jQs ¼ E jd ð9:22Þ
X j90
Ps þ jQs ¼ j90 j90 þ d ð9:23Þ
Ps þ jQs ¼ ðcos 90 þ j sin 90 Þ ðcosð90 þ dÞ þ j sinð90 þ dÞÞ ð9:24Þ
Ps þ jQs ¼ j þ sin d j cos d ð9:25Þ
Ps ¼ sin d ð9:26Þ
E 2 EV
Qs ¼ cos d ð9:27Þ
For lossless transmission lines, the sending power is equal to the receiving end
power. In case of three-phase system, this power can be written as,
Pe ¼ Ps ¼ Pr ¼ 3 sin d ð9:28Þ
Pmax ¼ 3 ð9:29Þ
sin d0 ¼ ð9:32Þ
1 P0
d0 ¼ sin ð9:33Þ
Pe ¼ T xs ð9:34Þ
T¼ ð9:35Þ
T¼ sin d ¼ Tmax sin d ð9:36Þ
Tmax ¼ ð9:37Þ
Tmax ¼ 3 ð9:38Þ
The variations of power and torque at different torque angles are shown in
Fig. 9.6. From Eqs. (9.30) to (9.36), it is seen that the power and torque vary
sinusoidally with a power or torque angle. Torque and power will increase until the
value of the torque angle at 90 . If the prime-mover input to the generator increases
further, the power output will decrease and will be zero at the torque angle 180 . As
a result, the excess power goes into accelerating the generator, thereby increasing its
speed and causing it to pull out of synchronism. Hence, the steady-state stability
limit is reached when d ¼ 90 . For normal steady-state operating conditions, the
value of the power angle or torque angle is usually less than 90 .
418 9 Power System Stability Analysis
0 90 180
Example 9.1
The terminal voltage of a three-phase wye connected synchronous generator is
33 kV. The generator is connected to an infinite bus through a transmission line.
The reactance of the generator and transmission line are 1.5 X and 0.6 X,
respectively. The generator delivers the power of 60 MW to the infinite bus, and the
infinite bus voltage is found to be 11 kV. Calculate the torque angle, transmission
line current, and three-phase reactive power consumed by the transmission line.
Per phase synchronous generator voltage is,
Ef ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 19052:55 V ð9:39Þ
Vib ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 6350:85 V ð9:40Þ
d ¼ 20:31 ð9:42Þ
The value of the current in the transmission line can be calculated as,
The value of the three-phase reactive power consumed can be calculated as,
The swing equation is very important to study the stability analysis of a power
system. Under steady-state conditions, the rotor of the synchronous generator
rotates smoothly. However, the rotor will accelerate or decelerate with respect to the
rotating air gap of the generator and start oscillation based on the disturbance. The
equation representing this rotor oscillation is known as the swing equation.
Consider a three-phase synchronous machine is connected with a prime mover. The
prime mover with the torque of Tm drives a three-phase synchronous generator,
which develops an electromagnetic torque Te as shown in Fig. 9.7. According to
Newton’s second law, the rotor motion can be expressed as [2],
Equation (9.45) can be modified by neglecting the friction and damping torque
ðTf &d Þ as,
Jam ¼ Tm Te ¼ Ta ð9:46Þ
Turbine Te
Pm Generator
Tm ωm
420 9 Power System Stability Analysis
J is the combined moment of inertia of the generator and prime mover in kg m2,
Ta is the accelerating torque in N m,
Tm is the mechanical torque in N m,
Te is the electromagnetic torque in N m,
am is the rotor angular acceleration in rad/s2 .
The rotor angular acceleration is defined as the time rate of change of angular
speed, and it can be expressed as,
am ¼ ð9:47Þ
However, the rotor angular velocity (ɷm) is defined as the time rate of change of
angular displacement (hm), and it can be expressed as,
xm ¼ ð9:48Þ
d 2 hm
J ¼ Tm Te ¼ Ta ð9:50Þ
hm is the rotor angular position with respect to fixed axis in rad,
xm is the rotor angular velocity in rad/s.
The main interest for stability study is the rotor speed with respect to the fixed
reference axis on the stator as shown in Fig. 9.8. The rotor angular position with
reference to the stator axis is shown in Fig. 9.9, and the rotor angular position with
respect to a reference axis which rotates at synchronous speed is given by,
hm ¼ xsm t þ dm ð9:51Þ
dhm ddm
¼ xsm þ ð9:52Þ
dt dt
d 2 hm d 2 dm
¼ 2 ð9:53Þ
dt2 dt
d 2 dm
J ¼ Tm Te ¼ Ta ð9:54Þ
d 2 dm
Jxm ¼ xm Tm xm Te ð9:55Þ
422 9 Power System Stability Analysis
In general, the power is equal to torque times the angular velocity. Therefore,
Eq. (9.55) is again modified as,
d 2 dm
Jxm ¼ Pm Pe ð9:56Þ
The angular momentum (M) is equal to the moment of inertia (J) times angular
synchronous velocity ðxm ¼ xs Þ. Therefore, Eq. (9.56) can be modified as,
d 2 dm
M ¼ Pm Pe ð9:57Þ
M¼ ð9:58Þ
S¼ ð9:59Þ
2HS d 2 dm
¼ Pm Pe ð9:60Þ
xsm dt2
d¼ dm ð9:61Þ
x¼ xm ð9:62Þ
xs ¼ xsm ð9:63Þ
9.5 Swing Equation 423
M¼ ð9:64Þ
¼ ð9:65Þ
P xs
2M 2HS
¼ ð9:65Þ
P xs
2M d 2 d
¼ Pm Pe ð9:66Þ
P dt2
Power system analysis is usually done based on the power unit values.
Therefore, dividing Eq. (9.66) by the base power Sb yields,
2M 1 d 2 d Pm Pe
¼ ð9:67Þ
P Sb dt2 Sb Sb
2M 1 d 2 d
¼ PmðpuÞ PeðpuÞ ð9:68Þ
P Sb dt2
2M 2H d 2 d
¼ PmðpuÞ PeðpuÞ ð9:69Þ
P Mxsm dt2
2 2H d 2 d
¼ PmðpuÞ PeðpuÞ ð9:70Þ
P xsm dt2
2 2H P d 2 d
¼ PmðpuÞ PeðpuÞ ð9:71Þ
P 1 2xs dt2
2H d 2 d
¼ PmðpuÞ PeðpuÞ ð9:72Þ
xs dt2
2H d 2 d
¼ Pm Pe ð9:73Þ
2pf0 dt2
H d2d
¼ Pm Pe ð9:74Þ
pf0 dt2
In Eq. (9.74), d represents the load angle of the generator internal emf in radians,
and it dominates the amount of power that can be transferred. If the load angle
express in electrical degrees, then Eq. (9.74) is further modified as,
H d2 d
¼ Pm Pe ð9:75Þ
180f0 dt2
dhm ddm
xm ¼ ¼ xsm þ ð9:76Þ
dt dt
J þ Dd xm ¼ Tm Te ð9:77Þ
d 2 dm ddm
J þ Dd ¼ Tm Te ð9:79Þ
dt2 dt
d 2 dm ddm
Jxsm 2
þ xsm Dd ¼ xsm ðTm Te Þ ð9:80Þ
dt dt
d 2 dm ddm Pm Pe
Jxsm 2 þ xsm Dd ¼ xsm ð9:81Þ
dt dt xm xm
d 2 dm ddm
Jxsm 2
þ xsm Dd ¼ Pm Pe ð9:82Þ
dt dt
d 2 dm ddm
Mm 2
þ Dm ¼ Pm Pe ð9:83Þ
dt dt
Equation (9.83) is the fundamental swing equation derived from the rotor
Example 9.2
A 4-pole, 60 Hz, 30 MVA synchronous generator is having the inertia constant
8 MJ/MVA. The input power and output power of the generator are found to be
25 MW and 18 MW, respectively. Calculate the kinetic energy stored in the rotor at
synchronous speed, accelerating power, acceleration, and torque angle at 10 cycles.
The value of the kinetic energy stored in the rotor is calculated as,
KE ¼ 30 8 ¼ 240 MJ ð9:84Þ
Pa ¼ Pm Pe ¼ 25 18 ¼ 7 MW ð9:85Þ
2HSb HSb 8 30
M¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:27 ð9:86Þ
xsm pf p 60
2 1:27 d 2 d
¼7 ð9:87Þ
4 dt2
d2 d
¼ 11:02 rad/s2 ð9:88Þ
t¼ ¼ 0:166 s ð9:89Þ
426 9 Power System Stability Analysis
dd d 2 d dd
2 2 ¼ 11:02 2 ð9:90Þ
dt dt dt
At t ¼ 0, dd
dt ¼ 0 and C ¼ 0
¼ 22:04d ð9:93Þ
¼ 4:69d0:5 ð9:94Þ
d0:5 þ 1
¼ 4:69t ð9:96Þ
0:5 þ 1
H d2 d
¼ Pm Pmax sin d ð9:99Þ
pf0 dt2
Due to a small disturbance, there is a small deviation Dd in the torque angle from
the initial torque angle d0 . In this condition, the expression of torque angle is
expressed as,
d ¼ d0 þ Dd ð9:100Þ
H d 2 ðd0 þ DdÞ
¼ Pm Pmax sinðd0 þ DdÞ ð9:101Þ
pf0 dt2
H d 2 d0 H d 2 Dd0
þ ¼ Pm Pmax ðsin d0 cos Dd þ cos d0 sin DdÞ ð9:102Þ
pf0 dt2 pf0 dt2
The value of the rotor deviation angle ðDdÞ is very small. Therefore, sin Dd ffi
Dd and cos Dd ffi 1. Equation (9.102) can be modified as,
H d 2 d0 H d 2 Dd0
þ ¼ Pm Pmax ðsin d0 þ Dd cos d0 Þ ð9:103Þ
pf0 dt2 pf0 dt2
H d 2 d0
¼ Pm Pmax sin d0 ð9:104Þ
pf0 dt2
H d 2 Dd0
þ Pm Pmax sin d0 ¼ Pm Pmax ðsin d0 þ Dd cos d0 Þ ð9:105Þ
pf0 dt2
H d 2 Dd0
þ ðPmax cos d0 ÞDd ¼ 0 ð9:106Þ
pf0 dt2
428 9 Power System Stability Analysis
The term Pmax cos d0 in Eq. (9.106) is the slope of the power angle curve at an
angle d0 . This term is known as the synchronizing power coefficient (Sp).
Equation (9.106) can be modified as,
H d 2 Dd0
þ Sp Dd ¼ 0 ð9:107Þ
pf0 dt2
d 2 Dd0 pf0 Sp
þ Dd ¼ 0 ð9:109Þ
dt2 H
s2 ¼ Sp ð9:110Þ
The system will lose stability for the negative values of synchronizing power.
However, for the positive synchronizing power coefficient, the angular frequency of
the undamped oscillations is written as,
xn ¼ Sp ð9:111Þ
xn ¼ Sp ð9:112Þ
H d 2 Dd0 dDd0
þ Dm þ Sp Dd ¼ 0 ð9:114Þ
pf0 dt 2 dt
d 2 Dd0 dDd0
þ 2nxn þ x2n Dd ¼ 0 ð9:116Þ
dt dt
For normal operating condition, n\1 and the roots are in complex and it can be
expressed as,
S1;2 ¼ nxn jxn 1 n2 ¼ nxn jxd ð9:120Þ
After some state variable manipulations, the solution of Eq. (9.119) can be
written as,
ðs þ 2nxn ÞDd0
DdðsÞ ¼ ð9:122Þ
s2 þ 2nxn s þ x2n
x2n Dd0
DxðsÞ ¼ ð9:123Þ
s2 þ 2nxn s þ x2n
430 9 Power System Stability Analysis
Dd ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi enxn t sinðxd t þ hÞ ð9:124Þ
1 n2
xn Dd0
Dx ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi enxn t sin xd t ð9:125Þ
1 n2
The rotor angle relative to the synchronously revolving field is expressed as,
d ¼ d0 þ Dd ¼ d0 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi enxn t sinðxd t þ hÞ ð9:126Þ
1 n2
d ¼ x0 þ Dx ¼ x0 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi enxn t sin xd t ð9:127Þ
1 n2
From Eqs. (9.117) and (9.118), it is seen that the natural frequency and the
damping ratio will decrease with increasing the inertia constant. As a result, settling
time will be longer.
Example 9.3
A synchronous machine is having the inertia constant 6 MJ/MVA. The machine is
connected to an infinite bus through a transmission line as shown in Fig. 9.10. The
generator delivers a real power of 0.9 per unit at a 0.9 power factor lagging to the
infinite bus. A small disturbance occurs in the system, and the deviation of the
torque angle is found to be 9 . Calculate the per unit apparent power, line current,
generated voltage, synchronizing power coefficient, undamped angular frequency
of oscillation, and period of oscillation.
The reactance between the generator and infinite bus is calculated as,
S¼ jcos1 0:9 ¼ 1 j25:84 ð9:129Þ
S 1 j25:84
IL ¼ ¼ ¼ 1 j25:84 pu ð9:130Þ
V2 1:0 j0
1:45 1
Sp ¼ Pmax cos d0 ¼ cosð25:76 9 Þ ¼ 1:98 ð9:132Þ
fn ¼ ¼ 1:14 Hz ð9:134Þ
1 1
T¼ ¼ ¼ 0:88 s ð9:135Þ
fn 1:14
Hsystem d 2 d1
¼ Pm Pe pu on a system base ð9:137Þ
pf0 dt2
Hsystem ¼ Hmachine ð9:138Þ
Depends on the high demand of energy by the consumer, sometimes more than one
machine is connected in the power station to generate more voltage. The machines
when swing together it is known as coherent machines. The swing equation for
coherent machine can be combined together to form a single-machine swing
equation. The swing equations of machine one and machine on a common base
system are expressed as [5],
H 1 d 2 d1
¼ Pm1 Pe1 ð9:139Þ
pf0 dt2
H 2 d 2 d2
¼ Pm2 Pe2 ð9:140Þ
pf0 dt2
2 d 2 d12 Pm1 Pe1 Pm2 Pe2
¼ ð9:143Þ
2pf0 dt2 H1 H2
2 d 2 d12 Pm1 Pe1 Pm2 Pe2
¼ ð9:144Þ
xs dt2 H1 H2
2 d 2 d12
H12 ¼ Pm12 Pe12 ð9:147Þ
xs dt2
H1 H2
H12 ¼ ð9:148Þ
H1 þ H2
H2 Pm1 H1 Pm2
Pm12 ¼ ð9:149Þ
H1 þ H2
H2 Pe1 H1 Pe1
Pe12 ¼ ð9:150Þ
H1 þ H2
Again, the machine one is considered as synchronous generator and the machine
two is considered as synchronous motor, the following equations can be written as,
Substituting Eqs. (9.151) and (9.152) into Eqs. (9.147), (9.149), and (9.150)
2 d 2 d12
H12 ¼ Pm Pe ð9:153Þ
xs dt2
434 9 Power System Stability Analysis
H2 Pm1 H1 Pm2
Pm ¼ ð9:154Þ
H1 þ H2
H2 Pe1 H1 Pe1
Pe ¼ ð9:155Þ
H1 þ H2
H 1 d 2 d1 H2 d 2 d2
þ ¼ Pm1 Pe1 þ Pm2 Pe2 ð9:156Þ
pf0 dt 2 pf0 dt2
Since the rotors of the machines are in unison so that the following relation can
be written as,
d1 ¼ d2 ¼ d ð9:157Þ
Heq d 2 d
¼ Pm Pe ð9:159Þ
pf0 dt2
S1machine S2machine
Heq ¼ H1machine þ H2machine ð9:160Þ
Ssystem Ssystem
Example 9.4
Two generators are connected in parallel to a busbar. The necessary data for the
generators are given below.
Generator 1 300 MVA, 0.8 power factor, 11 kV, 3000 rpm, H1 = 6 MJ/MVA
Generator 2 500 MVA, 0.8 power factor, 11 kV, 1800 rpm, H2 = 4 MJ/MVA.
Calculate the equivalent inertia constant and combined total kinetic energy, and
rotor acceleration if the input power of generator 1 is 380 MW. Consider a common
base of 100 MVA.
9.8 Swing Equations of Coherent Machines 435
The equivalent inertia constant is calculated as,
H1 S1 H2 S2 6 300 4 500
Heq ¼ þ ¼ þ ¼ 38 MJ/MVA ð9:163Þ
Sb Sb 100 100
The value of the rotor acceleration is calculated by using Eq. (9.159) as,
1 d2 d
¼ 380 375 ð9:166Þ
5 dt2
d2 d
¼ 25 elec:deg/s2 ð9:167Þ
The accelerating power of the swing equation contains the sine term. Therefore, the
solution of a swing equation will be a nonlinear differential equation. The solution
of a nonlinear equation is not simple or direct. A direct method named as equal area
criterion is used to determine the stability of the system. This method is based on
the graphical representation of stored energy in the rotating machine. It is often
known as a graphical method for stability analysis. This method is only suitable for
one machine to an infinite bus. For an unstable system, the torque angle ðdÞ
increases indefinitely with time. Whereas for a stable system, torque angle ðdÞ
436 9 Power System Stability Analysis
undergoes oscillations, and after some time, it will die out. Equation (9.74) can be
rearranged as [2],
d 2 d pf0
¼ ðPm Pe Þ ð9:168Þ
dt2 H
dd d 2 d 2pf0 dd
2 ¼ ðPm Pe Þ ð9:169Þ
dt dt2 H dt
" #
d dd 2 2pf0 dd
¼ ðPm Pe Þ ð9:170Þ
dt dt H dt
" #
dd 2 2pf0
d ¼ ðPm Pe Þdd ð9:171Þ
dt H
2 Zd
dd 2pf0
¼ ðPm Pe Þdd ð9:172Þ
dt H
u Zd
dd u2pf0
¼ t ðPm Pe Þdd ð9:173Þ
dt H
Equation (9.173) represents the speed of the machine with respect to the syn-
chronously rotating reference axis. The machine rotor angles are plotted for both
stable and unstable conditions as shown in Fig. 9.11. In an unstable condition, the
rotor angles increase with time. However, in a stable condition, it oscillates and dies
9.9 Equal Area Criterion 437
out due to damping. Under the stable condition, the rate of change of the rotor angle
will be zero at some instants.
dt ¼ 0 and Eq. (9.173) becomes,
For stable condition of a system setting dd
u Zd
dd u2pf0
¼t ðPm Pe Þdd ¼ 0 ð9:174Þ
dt H
ðPm Pe Þdd ¼ 0 ð9:175Þ
ðPm Pe Þdd ¼ 0 ð9:176Þ
From Eq. (9.176), it is seen that the positive (accelerating) area under the graph
is equal to the negative (decelerating) area for stability of a system. This condition
is known as the equal area criterion.
From Fig. 9.12, it is seen that the point a corresponding d0 represents the
steady-state operating point or equilibrium point. At this point, the mechanical input
power to the machine is equal to the electrical output power, i.e., Pm0 = Pe0.
Consider a sudden increase in the input power of the machine as represented by the
line Pm1. As a result, the accelerating power of the machine will increase, which
increases the power angle. Therefore, the rotor will move forward toward the point
c. Due to increasing energy in the rotor, the power and the rotor angle will con-
tinuously increase to reach the point c. As a result, the mechanical input power to
the rotor will decrease, and the rotor will decelerate at synchronous speed until to
reach the torque angle d2 or point b that represents the steady-state operating point.
For stability of a system, an equal area criterion requires the following condition,
Pmax e
Pm1 b c A2
A1 d Pe = Pmax sin δ
Pm 0 a
δ0 δ1 δ 2 δ max
438 9 Power System Stability Analysis
Zd1 Zd2
ðPm Pmax sin dÞdd ¼ ðPmax sin d Pm Þdd ð9:178Þ
d0 d1
Pm ðd1 d0 Þ þ Pmax jcos djdd10 ¼ Pmax jcos djdd21 Pm ðd2 d1 Þ ð9:179Þ
From Eq. (9.184), it is seen that the angle d2 can be calculated if the angles d0
and d1 are known.
A2 Pe = Pmax sin δ
b c
δ 0 δ c δ1
the state point drops to b. The accelerating area A1 will increase, while the point
moves from b to c. After the fault is cleared by the time known as the critical
clearing time tc corresponding dc , the system will become healthy and transmit
normal power and reach the d. Afterward, the rotor will decelerate at synchronous
speed, and the decelerating area A2 will increase, while the point moves from d to
e. For a stability system, to find the critical clearing angle, both the areas must be
the same (A1 = A2).
The accelerating area can be calculated as,
A1 ¼ Pm dd ¼Pm ðdc d0 Þ ð9:185Þ
A2 ¼ ðPmax sin d Pm Þ dd ð9:186Þ
The limit of stability occurs when the maximum torque angle is at the inter-
section of Pm line as shown in Fig. 9.15. From Fig. 9.15, the following angle can be
determined as,
440 9 Power System Stability Analysis
Pe = Pmax sin δ
δ0 δc δ max
dmax ¼ p d0 ð9:190Þ
From Eq. (9.198), it is seen that the critical angle can be determined if the initial
torque angle is known.
The electrical power output Pe is zero at the fault condition. In this case, the
swing equation in (9.74) can be rewritten as,
H d2 d
¼ Pm 0 ð9:199Þ
pf0 dt2
d 2 d pf0
¼ Pm ð9:200Þ
dt2 H
9.10 Critical Clearing Angle and Time 441
dd pf0
¼ Pm dt ð9:201Þ
dt H
dd pf0
¼ Pm t ð9:202Þ
dt H
d¼ Pm t2 þ C ð9:203Þ
C ¼ d0 ð9:204Þ
d¼ Pm t2 þ d0 ð9:205Þ
For a critical clearing angle dcr , the expression of critical clearing time can be
written as,
dcr ¼ 2
Pm tcr þ d0 ð9:206Þ
tcr ¼ ðdcr d0 Þ ð9:207Þ
pf0 Pm
tcr ¼ ðdcr d0 Þ ð9:208Þ
pf0 Pm
Example 9.5
A synchronous machine with an inertia constant of 5 MJ/MVA is connected to an
infinite bus as shown in Fig. 9.16. The generator delivers real power and reactive
power to the infinite bus which are 0.75 pu and 0.95, respectively. A three-phase
fault occurs on the system at point F and subsequently cleared by the circuit breaker
operation. Under prefault condition of the lines, calculate the generator transient
voltage, power angle equation, initial torque angle, maximum torque angle, critical
clearing angle, and critical clearing time. During fault (impedance 0.11 pu), cal-
culate the fault clearing angle and time.
The value of the line current is calculated as,
S 0:75 j0:95
IL ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:21 j51:71 pu ð9:209Þ
V 1
The total reactance between the generator and the infinite bus is calculated as,
X ¼ jð0:13 þ 0:10 þ Þ ¼ j0:44 ð9:210Þ
1:46 1
Pe ¼ Pmax sin d ¼ sin d ¼ 3:32 sin d ð9:212Þ
From Eq. (9.212), the value of the initial torque angle can be determined as,
From Eq. (9.190), the value of the maximum torque angle can be determined as,
From Eq. (9.198), the value of the critical clearing angle can be determined as,
From Eq. (9.208), the value of the critical clearing time can be determined as,
tc ¼ ð1:95 0:23Þ ¼ 0:38 s ð9:217Þ
p 50 0:75
9.10 Critical Clearing Angle and Time 443
0.13 F
Eg Vib
During the fault, the circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 9.17. The reactances need
to be rearranged. The reactances 0.13 pu and 0.10 pu are in series, and its equiv-
alent reactance is calculated as,
The reactances 0.41 pu and 0.41 pu are in parallel, and the equivalent reactance
is calculated as,
X12 ¼ ¼ 0:20 pu ð9:219Þ
The reactances 0.23 pu, 0.20 pu and the reactances due to fault create the wye
circuit and then converted to delta circuit as shown in Fig. 9.18.
The values of the reactances are calculated as,
X2 X3 Vib
444 9 Power System Stability Analysis
1:46 1
Pe ¼ Pmax sin d ¼ sin d ¼ 1:72 sin d ð9:223Þ
From Eq. (9.223), the value of the initial torque angle can be determined as,
From Eq. (9.190), the value of the maximum torque angle can be determined as,
From Eq. (9.198), the value of the critical clearing angle can be determined as,
From Eq. (9.208), the value of the critical clearing time can be determined as,
tc ¼ ð1:49 0:45Þ ¼ 0:3 s ð9:228Þ
p 50 0:75
B1 B2 B3 B4
0.10 pu 0.10 pu
0.15 pu
G B8
Vib = 1 0 pu
E f = 1.13pu 0.15 pu
0.10 pu B5 B6 B7 0.10 pu
0.15 pu 0.15 pu
The swing equation is a nonlinear equation, and its normal solution is difficult.
There is a simple and conventional method to solve the swing equation which is
known as step-by-step method. In this method, the accelerating power Pa and the
rotor angular velocity are assumed to be constant from the middle of the preceding
interval to the middle of the interval being considered. The accelerating power at 0+
can be determined as,
dd2 pf0
¼ að0 þ Þ ¼ Pað0 þ Þ ð9:230Þ
dt2 H
From Fig. 9.20, the change in rotor angular velocity can be written as,
For the first interval, the change in angular velocity is expressed as,
x1 ¼ x0 þ Dx1 ð9:233Þ
x1 ¼ x0 þ að0 þ Þ Dt ð9:234Þ
Similarly, for the first interval, the change in power angle is expressed as,
d1 ¼ d0 þ Dd1 ð9:236Þ
d1 ¼ d0 þ Dx1 Dt ð9:237Þ
446 9 Power System Stability Analysis
Pa (n )
( n −2) ( n −1) ( n)
ω' Assumed
ω' 1
(n− )
2 Actual
ω ' 3
(n− )
3 t
(n − ) (n − 1 )
2 2
δ Δt
Δ δ ( n)
Δ δ ( n−1)
( n −2) ( n −1) ( n)
Considering that the discontinuity occurs at the middle of the interval, then the
accelerating power is expressed as,
Finally, considered that the fault is cleared due to circuit breaker operation, and
the accelerating power is expressed as,
9.11 Step-by-Step Solution of Swing Equation 447
The different equations for the (n − 1)th interval can be written as,
Ef Vinf
Peðn1Þ ¼ sin dðn1Þ ð9:242Þ
aðn1Þ ¼ Paðn1Þ ð9:243Þ
According to Eqs. (9.234) and (9.235), the following relations can be written as,
DdðnÞ ¼ Ddðn1Þ þ Paðn1Þ ðDtÞ2 ð9:251Þ
dðnÞ ¼ dðn1Þ þ DdðnÞ ð9:252Þ
448 9 Power System Stability Analysis
From Eq. (9.252), it is seen that the rotor angle can be determined if other
parameters are known.
UðtÞ is the unit step function starting at t ¼ 0,
Uðt tr Þ is the unit step function starting at t ¼ tr ,
D is the difference between P2 and P1 .
0 tr
9.12 Alternate Solution of Swing Equation 449
The rotor swing angle, d, which has been defined relative to a reference axis
rotating at the synchronous angular velocity, xs , can be related to the actual x as
d ¼ ðx xs Þt ¼ x0 t ð9:254Þ
where x0 ¼ dd 0 0
dt ¼ 2pf is a measure of the frequency ðf Þ of rotor oscillation relative
to the synchronously rotating reference axis. Combining Eqs. (9.253) and (9.254)
and the machines output power Pe can be expressed as,
Equations (9.57), (9.253), (9.254) and (9.255) can now be combined into a
model of a closed-loop system for the machine as in Fig. 9.22 in which the ref-
erence input is Pm, the controlled variable is d, the error signal is Pa, and the
feedback signal is Pe. It should be noted that Pe could be represented as a function
of a variable y when the quantity sin d, i.e., sin x0 t of Eq. (9.153) is denoted by
y. The transfer functions of various blocks in Fig. 9.22 have been obtained by
taking Laplace transform of Eqs. (9.57), (9.254), (9.255) and y ¼ sin x0 t with zero
initial conditions. The equations are,
dðsÞ ¼ ð9:257Þ
P1 x0 Detr s ðx0 cos x0 tr þ s sin x0 tr Þ
Pe ðsÞ ¼ þ ð9:258Þ
s2 þ x02 s2 þ x02
YðsÞ ¼ ð9:259Þ
s2 þ x02
In taking Laplace transforms, the rotor oscillation angular velocity x0 has been
considered as remaining constant at an average value. The closed-loop transfer
+ Pa ( s ) 1 δ ( s)
Pm ( s )
G ( s) = M
− s2
Pe ( s )
Δ Y (s) s2
H 2 ( s ) = P1 + e − tr s ( H1 ( s ) =
ω' s + ω '2
ω ' cos ω ' tr + s sin ω ' tr )
dðsÞ GðsÞ
¼ ð9:260Þ
Pm ðsÞ 1 þ GðsÞH1 ðsÞH2 ðsÞ
Substituting the expressions for GðsÞ, H1 ðsÞ, H2 ðsÞ into Eq. (9.260) yields,
k1 ¼ x02 þ ð9:262Þ
k2 ¼ D cos x0 tr ð9:263Þ
D sin x0 tr
k3 ¼ ð9:264Þ
x0 M
f1 ðsÞ ¼ s2 þ k1 ð9:267Þ
f2 ðsÞ ¼ k2 etr s 1 s ð9:268Þ
A root of (9.266) is the point of intersection of the functions f1 ðsÞ and f2 ðsÞ. This
point has been termed the “dominant” root. Figure 9.23 sketches the forms of the
function f1 ðsÞ and f2 ðsÞ. It can be seen that function f1 ðsÞ is greater than f2 ðsÞ, i.e.,
f ðsÞ ¼ f1 ðsÞ f2 ðsÞ is positive for all values of s on the right of and up to a point
s = −k2/k3. At s = −k2/k3, the function f2(s) is zero and beyond this point f2(s) starts
increasing, so that f2(s) intersects f1(s) at a point having its real part equal to sroot .
9.12 Alternate Solution of Swing Equation 451
f ( s)
f1 ( s ) f1 ( s ) = s 2 + k1
f 2 ( s)
k2 k 2 e − tr s
s=0 s
sroot − k2
k2 −1
s=− k3
k3 f 2 ( s ) = k2 e −tr s ( −1 − s)
This point is the desired dominant root to be searched for. Beyond this point sroot ,
f2(s) is greater than f1(s), i.e., the function f(s) is negative. Therefore, a search for the
real axis bounds of the region containing the dominant root can be made starting
from the point s = −k2/k3 and continued by increasing the absolute value of s until
the function f(s) becomes negative.
where Ei and Ej are magnitudes (assumed constant in the classical model) of the
internal EMFs behind transient reactances at ith and jth machine nodes respectively
such that Ei ¼ Ei \di and Ej ¼ Ej \dj , Yij jhij ¼ Gij þ jBij is the transfer admit-
tance between ith and jth machine nodes, and Gij is the real part, i.e., conductance
of the driving point admittance at ith machine node. The quantities Gij and Yij are
obtained from the admittance matrix of the whole system reduced to only the
internal nodes of the machine, i.e., to n n size. Equation (9.167) gives the
452 9 Power System Stability Analysis
electrical power output in any network condition, i.e., prefault, during, and after
faults provided the conductance and admittance terms are taken from the corre-
sponding matrix reduced at the machine internal nodes. In addition, it follows that
from (9.269) that hij ¼ di dj results in maximum power output, which for the ith
machine is Pmaxi as,
Pmaxi ¼ Ei2 Gii þ Ei Ej Yij ð9:270Þ
Line Line
G1 Δ− Grid source
Y (earthed)
The circuit for simulation is drawn by CYME software and put all necessary data of
the equipment. The circuit under simulation is shown in Fig. 9.25, where the
three-phase fault is considered on line 4–5 near bus 4.
A three-phase fault is considered at bus 4 at 10 cycles, and it is cleared at 16
cycles. The simulation is carried out for 300 cycles, and the respective parameters
are drawn with respect to simulation time as shown in Figs. 9.26, 9.27, and 9.28.
454 9 Power System Stability Analysis
Fig. 9.26 Machines rotor angles versus time for Example 9.6
9.12 Alternate Solution of Swing Equation 455
Fig. 9.27 Different bus angles versus time for Example 9.6
Fig. 9.28 Machines electrical and mechanical powers versus time for Example 9.6
456 9 Power System Stability Analysis
1. Glover JD, Overbye T, Sarma M (2017) Power system analysis and design, 6th edn. Cengage
Learning, USA, pp 1–942
2. Salam MA (2009) Fundamentals of power systems. Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., India,
pp 1–408
3. Nagsarkar TK, Sukhija MS (2014) Power system analysis, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press,
pp 1–726
4. Wildi T (2014) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education
Ltd., USA, pp 1–920
5. Sadat H (2010) Power system analysis, 3rd edn. PSA Publisher, USA, pp 1–772
6. Wildi T (2006) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn. Pearson Education,
USA, pp 1–934
7. El-Hawary ME (1995) Electrical power systems, Revised edn. Willey-IEEE Press, USA,
pp 1–808
Exercise Problems
Find the equivalent inertia constant, total kinetic energy, and rotor acceler-
ation if the input power of generator 1 is 90 MW. Consider a common base
of 100 MVA.
9:9 Two generators are connected in parallel to a busbar. The necessary data for
the generators are given below.
Generator 1 160 MVA, 0.95 power factor, 11.75 kV, H1 = 8 MJ/MVA
Generator 2 150 MVA, 0.95 power factor, 11.75 kV, H2 = 6 MJ/MVA
Calculate the equivalent inertia constant, and the total combined energy
kinetic energy, and rotor acceleration if the input power of generator 2 is
180 MW. Consider a common base of 100 MVA.
9:10 A synchronous machine with inertia constant of 6 MJ/MVA is connected to
an infinite bus as shown in Fig. P9.2. The generator delivers real power and
reactive power to the infinite bus are 0.65 pu and 0.85, respectively.
B1 B2 B3 B4
0.10 pu 0.10 pu
0.15 pu
G B7
Vib = 1 0 pu
E f = 1.13pu 0.15 pu
0.10 pu B5 B6 0.10 pu
G1 Δ− Grid source
Y (earthed)
G Line Line
Δ− Grid source
Grid source 100 MVA, 33 kV, Z1 = 0.83 + j10.5 pu, Z0 = 0.07 + j1.2
10.1 Introduction
3rd harmonic
The loads are classified as linear load and nonlinear load. The linear load is defined
as a load which draws current from the supply that is proportional to the supply
voltage. The nonlinear load is defined as a load that its impedance changes with the
supply voltage. Due to this changing impedance, the current draw by the nonlinear
load is also nonlinear, i.e., non-sinusoidal in nature.
Power semiconductor devices are used during power conversion from AC to
DC, DC to DC, DC to AC, and AC to AC. During this power conversion, semi-
conductor devices constitute the largest nonlinear loads connected to the electric
power systems. In the industry, these converters are used for adjustable speed (or
variable frequency) drives, uninterruptable power supplies, switch-mode power
supplies and draw nonlinear currents. As a result, the supply voltage is distorted at
the point of common coupling (PCC).
Harmonics come from commercial and residential single-phase supplies such as
fluorescent lighting, adjustable speed drivers for AVAC, and elevators and indus-
trial loads.
Nonlinear industrial loads are generally grouped into three categories. There are
three-phase power converters, arcing devices (arc furnaces, arc welder), and sat-
urable devices (transformer, motor).
10.3 Single-Phase Circuit with Linear Load 463
The average active power is the average of instantaneous power during time
period t0 to T þ t0 . Then, the following equation for active power can be written as,
Z T þ t0
P¼ pðtÞ dt ¼ VI cos / ð10:10Þ
T t0
464 10 Power System Harmonics
Q , VI sin / ð10:11Þ
Example 10.1
A linear load of impedance ZL ¼ 4 þ 12 X is connected in series with a voltage
source of vðtÞ ¼ 2ð220 sin xtÞ. Determine the instantaneous active power,
instantaneous reactive power, average power, reactive power, apparent power, and
power factor.
The current in the circuit is,
vðtÞ 2ð220 sin xtÞ
iðtÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ 24:6 sinðxt 71:56 ÞA ð10:13Þ
ZL 4 þ j12
P ¼ 2420:96 W ð10:19Þ
Distorted current waveform usually creates heat in the power delivery equipment
resolving a nonlinear waveform into a sinusoidal component and is called harmonic
analysis. Harmonic analysis will determine heating effect due to nonlinear current
flowing to circuit breakers and transformers. Consider the nonlinear load and the
expressions for the voltage and current are [1, 2]
vðtÞ ¼ 2V sin xt ð10:23Þ
pffiffiffi X
iðtÞ ¼ 2 In sinðnxt /n Þ ð10:24Þ
pðtÞ ¼ V In 2 sin xt sinðnxt /n Þ ð10:26Þ
pðtÞ ¼ V In 2 sin xt sinð2nxt /n nxtÞ ð10:27Þ
pðtÞ ¼ V In ½cos /n cosð2nxt /n Þ ð10:28Þ
466 10 Power System Harmonics
pðtÞ ¼ VI1 2 sin xt sinðxt /1 Þ þ In 2 sin xt sinðnxt /n Þ ð10:29Þ
pðtÞ ¼ VI1 2 sin xt sinðxt /1 Þ þ V In ½cos /n cosð2nxt /n Þ ð10:30Þ
From Eq. (10.32), the average active power (P) and reactive power (Q) can be
written as,
S ¼ VI ð10:38Þ
S2 ¼ V 2 I 2 ð10:39Þ
S2 ¼ P2 þ Q2 þ H 2 ð10:44Þ
where H is the harmonic power and its unit is volt-ampere (VA). It depends on the
harmonic currents whereas P and Q depend on the fundamental component of the
To extend the knowledge on harmonics, fundamental power factor and distortion
factor need to be defined. Fundamental power factor is defined as the cosine angle
between the fundamental voltage and fundamental current, and it can be expressed
The ratio of fundamental apparent power to the total apparent power is known as
distortion factor (DF), and it can be expressed as,
P21 þ Q21
DF ¼ ð10:47Þ
The ratio of average active power to the total apparent power is known as power
factor, and it can be expressed as,
pf ¼ ð10:51Þ
VI1 cos /1
pf ¼ ð10:52Þ
pf ¼ cos /1 ð10:53Þ
From Eq. (10.54), it is seen that the power factor is reduced by a factor of cos b
due to the presence of harmonics in the load current.
Example 10.2
The fundamental, second, third harmonic components of the current of a 120 V, 0.9
pf electrical system are found to be 1A, 2A, and 3A, respectively. Calculate the H,
P, Q, and distribution factor (DF).
The value of the current (I) is calculated as,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
I¼ I12 þ I22 þ I32 þ I42 þ ¼ 12 þ 22 þ 32 ¼ 3:74 A ð10:55Þ
I1 1
DF ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:27 ð10:59Þ
I 3:74
Practice Problem 10.2
The distribution factor of a 110 V, 0.85 pf electrical system is found to be 0.35. The
fundamental and second harmonic components of the current are 2A and 4A,
respectively. Calculate the third harmonic component of the current, P, Q, and H.
1 pffiffiffi
vðtÞ ¼ Vdc þ 2Vn sinðnxt /vn Þ ð10:60Þ
1 pffiffiffi
iðtÞ ¼ Idc þ 2In sinðnxt /in Þ ð10:61Þ
1 pffiffiffi X
1 pffiffiffi
pðtÞ ¼ Vdc Idc þ Idc 2Vn sinðnxt /vn Þ þ Vdc 2In sinðnxt /in Þ
n¼1 n¼1
1 pffiffiffi X
1 pffiffiffi
þ 2In sinðnxt /in Þ 2Vn sinðnxt /vn Þ
n¼1 n¼1
The fourth term of instantaneous power is expressed as,
piv ðtÞ ¼ Vn In ½cosð/in /iv Þ cosð2nxt /in /vn Þ ð10:64Þ
470 10 Power System Harmonics
piv ðtÞ ¼ Vn In ½cosð/in /iv Þ cosð2nxt ð/in /iv Þ 2/vn Þ ð10:65Þ
The phase angle between nth harmonic current and voltage is defined as,
piv ðtÞ ¼ Vn In ½cos /n cosð2nxt 2/vn /n Þ ð10:67Þ
piv ðtÞ ¼ Vn In ½cos /n cosð2nxt 2/vn Þ cos /n sinð2nxt 2/vn Þ sin /n
The active power is usually consumed by an active element of a circuit. The active
power is always positive. From Eqs. (10.63) and (10.68), the expression for active
power is written as [2, 3],
pactive ðtÞ ¼ Vdc Idc þ Vn In cos /n ½1 cosð2nxt 2/vn Þ ð10:69Þ
The average power of cosð2nxt 2/vn Þ is zero; Eq. (10.71) can be modified as,
P ¼ Vdc Idc þ Vn In cos /n ð10:72Þ
P ¼ Pdc þ P1 þ PH ð10:74Þ
The maximum pulsating power over one cycle is known as reactive power. It can be
positive or negative depending on the phase angle between the voltage and the
current. The reactive power is positive when the coil consumes it. It is negative
when is usually consumed by an active element of a circuit. The reactive power is
represented by Q, and its unit of reactive power is Var, which stands for
volt-ampere reactive. The reactive power can be written as [2, 3],
Q¼ Vn In sin /n ð10:75Þ
Q ¼ Q1 þ QH ð10:77Þ
472 10 Power System Harmonics
The value of the average active and reactive power due to the fundamental
components are calculated as,
The value of the harmonic active and reactive powers is calculated as,
PH ¼ V2 I2 cos /2 þ V3 I3 cos /3
¼ 65 9 cosð25 50 Þ þ 35 4 cosð50 75 Þ ¼ 657:07W ð10:81Þ
QH ¼ V2 I2 sin /2 þ V3 I3 sin /3
¼ 65 9 sinð25 50 Þ þ 35 4 sinð50 75 Þ ¼ 306:4W ð10:82Þ
The product of root mean square (rms) voltage and rms current is known as
apparent power. Apparent power is represented by S and its unit is volt-ampere
(VA). The rms values of voltage and current for nonlinear loads can be written as
[2, 4, 5],
V ¼ Vdc
þ V12 þ V22 þ V32 þ ð10:83Þ
I ¼ Idc
þ I12 þ I22 þ I32 þ ð10:84Þ
S¼ Vdc2 þ V2 þ V2
1 H
2 þ I2 þ I2
Idc 1 H ð10:87Þ
where the expressions for harmonic voltage and current are written as,
VH2 ¼ V22 þ V32 þ ¼ Vh2 ð10:88Þ
IH2 ¼ I22 þ I32 þ ¼ Ih2 ð10:89Þ
S2 ¼ Vdc
2 2
Idc þ V12 Idc
þ VH2 Idc
þ Vdc
2 2
I1 þ V12 I12 þ VH2 I12 þ Vdc
2 2
IH þ V12 IH2 þ VH2 IH2
S2 ¼ Vdc
2 2
Idc þ V12 I12 þ VH2 IH2 þ Vdc
2 2
ðI1 þ IH2 Þ þ Idc
ðV12 þ VH2 Þ þ V12 IH2 þ VH2 I12
where the expressions for the apparent powers due to dc, fundamental, harmonic,
and distortion components are written as,
S2dc ¼ Vdc
2 2
Idc ð10:94Þ
S2D ¼ Vdc
2 2
ðI1 þ IH2 Þ þ Idc
ðV12 þ VH2 Þ þ V12 IH2 þ VH2 I12 ð10:97Þ
S2N ¼ Vdc
2 2
Idc þ VH2 IH2 þ Vdc
2 2
ðI1 þ IH2 Þ þ Idc
ðV12 þ VH2 Þ þ V12 IH2 þ VH2 I12 ð10:99Þ
where the expression for the apparent power due to distortion of voltage (DV) is
expressed as,
DV ¼ VH I1 ð10:103Þ
Similarly, the apparent power due to current distortion or simply current dis-
tortion power is equal to the product of the total harmonic current and fundamental
component of the voltage.
10.8 Non-sinusoidal Voltage and Nonlinear Loads Apparent Power 475
D I ¼ V 1 IH ð10:105Þ
SH ¼ V H I H ð10:107Þ
Again, substituting Eqs. (10.88) and (10.89) into Eq. (10.107) yields,
X X ffi
SH ¼ Vh2 Ih2 ð10:108Þ
h6¼1 h6¼1
The total harmonic distortion due to voltage and current is defined as the ratio of
harmonic voltage or current to the fundamental component of voltage or current.
These can be expressed as,
P 2ffi
VH h6¼1
THDV ¼ ¼ ð10:109Þ
V1 V1
P 2
IH h6¼1
THDI ¼ ¼ ð10:110Þ
I1 I1
From Eqs. (10.109) and (10.110), harmonic voltage and current can be
expressed as,
VH ¼ THDV V1 ð10:111Þ
IH ¼ I1 THDI ð10:112Þ
Substituting Eq. (10.111) into Eq. (10.103) and Eq. (10.112) into Eq. (10.105)
DV ¼ THDV V1 I1 ð10:113Þ
DI ¼ V1 I1 THDI ð10:114Þ
476 10 Power System Harmonics
Again, substituting Eqs. (10.111) and (10.112) into Eq. (10.107) yields,
DV ¼ THDV S1 ð10:116Þ
DI ¼ S1 THDI ð10:117Þ
From Eq. (10.116), the apparent power due to voltage is defined as the product
of fundamental apparent power and the total harmonic distortion due to voltage.
Similarly, from Eq. (10.117), the apparent power due to current is defined as the
product of fundamental apparent power and the total harmonic distortion due to
current. Whereas from Eq. (10.118), the apparent power due to harmonic is
equivalent to the product of the total harmonic distortion due to current and voltage
and the fundamental apparent power.
Substituting Eqs. (10.116), (10.117), and (10.118) into Eq. (10.101) yields,
In a power system, the total harmonic distortion due to current dominates more
than the voltage. Therefore, the effect of THDV on the calculation of
non-fundamental apparent power is neglected. In this case, Eq. (10.119) can be
modified by neglecting the first and second terms as,
SN THDI S1 ð10:121Þ
From Eq. (10.121), the non-fundamental apparent power is defined as the pro-
duct of the total harmonic distortion due to the current and the apparent power due
to the fundamental component. Non-fundamental apparent power will increase due
to increasing the total harmonic distortion due to current. Therefore, the loss will be
increased during the transfer of electrical power, and the power system network will
be less efficient.
Example 10.4
The single-phase current and voltage expressions of an electrical system are given
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
as, vðtÞ ¼ 40 þ 2 110 sin xt þ 2 75 sinð3xt 25 Þ þ 2 45 sinð5xt 50 Þ þ
pffiffiffi p ffiffi
ffi pffiffiffi
2 23 sinð7xt 75 Þ and iðtÞ ¼ 8 þ 2 12 sinðxt 25 Þ þ 2 7 sinð3xt 50 Þ þ
pffiffiffi p ffiffi
2 5 sinð5xt 75 Þ þ 2 3 sinð7xt 100 Þ. Calculate the SH, THDV, THDI,
DV, DI, and SN.
10.8 Non-sinusoidal Voltage and Nonlinear Loads Apparent Power 477
The value of the harmonic voltage is calculated as,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
VH ¼ V32 þ V52 þ V72 ¼ 752 þ 452 þ 232 ¼ 90:44 V ð10:122Þ
The value of the apparent power due to harmonic components of voltage and
current is calculated as,
VH 90:44
THDV ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:82 ð10:125Þ
V1 110
IH 9:11
THDI ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:76 ð10:126Þ
I1 12
The value of the apparent power due to distortion of voltage (DV) is calculated
The value of the apparent power due to the distortion of current (DI) is calculated
The term load represents a single device that consumes active and reactive power
connected to a power system. The load is broadly divided into static and dynamic.
Static load represents the active and reactive powers at any instant of time as
functions of the bus voltage magnitude and the frequency at the same instant. Static
loads are counted for passive elements such as resistive, inductive, and capacitive.
The dynamic load is a load that represents the active and reactive powers at any
instant of time as functions of the bus voltage magnitude and the frequency at the
last instant of time. Examples of dynamic loads are the loads driven by the motor.
According to the basic definition of power (P), the following relation can be written
P ¼ VI ¼ ¼ I2R ð10:130Þ
According to Eq. (10.130), the static load model is classified as constant current,
constant impedance, and constant power. In a constant current static load model, the
power varies directly with the voltage magnitude. In a constant impedance static
load model, the power varies directly with the square of the voltage magnitude. It is
often known as a constant admittance load model. Whereas in a constant power
static load model, the power does not change with changes the voltage magnitude.
Consider a load device whose active and reactive power at the rated voltage (V0)
is P0 and Q0, respectively. However, these parameters are considered initial bus
values during modeling. Again, consider the load consumes active power P and
reactive power Q at voltage V. At constant current static load model, the active and
reactive power can be expressed as [6],
¼ ð10:131Þ
P0 V0
10.9 Modeling Concept of Load 479
¼ ð10:132Þ
Q0 V0
At constant impedance static load model, the active and reactive power can be
expressed as,
¼ ð10:133Þ
P0 V0
¼ ð10:134Þ
Q0 V0
At constant power static load model, the active and reactive power can be
expressed as,
¼ ð10:135Þ
P0 V0
¼ ð10:136Þ
Q0 V0
The static load models can be further extended as exponential and polynomial.
The static load model in an exponential case can be expressed as,
P ¼ P0 ð10:137Þ
Q ¼ Q0 ð10:138Þ
where np and nq are the exponent parameters of the load. By setting these
parameters to 0, 1, and 2 represent the constant power, constant current and con-
stant impedance load models. The values of the exponential parameters based on
reference [6] are mentioned in Table 10.1.
The static load model in a polynomial case can be represented by the combi-
nation of constant power, constant current, and constant impedance load models.
These can be represented as,
" 2 #
P ¼ P0 a0 þ a1 þ a2 ð10:139Þ
V0 V0
" 2 #
Q ¼ Q0 b0 þ b1 þ b2 ð10:140Þ
V0 V0
where a0, a1, a2 and b0, b1, b2 are the constant parameters of the load and the sum of
these parameters is equal to one, i.e.,
a0 þ a1 þ a2 ¼ 1 ð10:141Þ
b0 þ b1 þ b2 ¼ 1 ð10:142Þ
fd ¼ 1 þ af ðf f0 Þ ð10:143Þ
where f is the frequency of the bus voltage, f0 is the rated frequency of the load, and
af is the sensitivity parameter.
The static load modeling with the frequency-dependent is obtained by multi-
plying Eq. (10.143) to any of exponential or polynomial expressions. Now, mul-
tiplying Eq. (10.137) by (10.143) yields,
P ¼ P0 1 þ af ðf f0 Þ ð10:144Þ
A resistive load radiates heat when energized with rated voltage. Ohm’s law rep-
resents the relationship between the resistance, voltage, and current as,
V ¼ IR ð10:145Þ
R¼q ð10:146Þ
where l is the length of the conductor, A is the cross-sectional area of the conductor,
and q is the resistivity of a conductor. The resistivity is temperature-dependent and
is expressed as,
q ¼ q0 ½1 þ aðT T0 Þ ð10:147Þ
q0 is the resistivity at 300°K,
a is the temperature coefficient at 300°K,
T0 is the temperature at 300°K,
T is the normal operating temperature.
In an operating condition, the heating of resistance depends on T. This tem-
perature (T) depends on the current flowing in the resistance. Therefore, T is
equivalent to I and a is replaced by a current coefficient, b. Equation (10.147) can
be modified as,
q ¼ q0 ð1 þ bIÞ ð10:148Þ
R ¼ q0 ð1 þ bIÞ ð10:149Þ
l l
R ¼ q0 þb I ð10:150Þ
R ¼ R0 þ R1 I ð10:151Þ
R0 ¼ q0 ð10:152Þ
R1 ¼ b ð10:153Þ
V ¼ IðR0 þ R1 IÞ ð10:154Þ
V ¼ R1 I 2 þ R0 I ð10:155Þ
482 10 Power System Harmonics
R0 R20 þ 4VR1
I1;2 ¼ ð10:156Þ
R0 R20 V
I1;2 ¼ 2
þ ð10:157Þ
2R1 4R1 R1
From Eq. (10.158), it is seen that the power can be calculated if other parameters
are known.
Three-phase and single-phase induction motors with different ratings are used in
different types of industries. Students can get more knowledge from the course of
electrical machines on classifications, equivalent circuits, and applications of
induction motors. However, in a power system, most of the stability analysis uses
dynamic model based on the equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 10.3.
The no-load circuit either is used across the source or across the load with any
significant error. The no-load circuit consists of a parallel combination of magne-
tizing resistance and inductance. However, the value of the magnetizing resistance
is very small compared to magnetizing inductance, and it can be neglected in the
dynamic model. The more simplified dynamic model is shown in Fig. 10.4.
R1 X1 V2 X2
I g = I1 I0 I2
Eg Rm Xm s
From the circuit in Fig. 10.4, the expression of current I2 is written as,
I2 ¼ R 2 ð10:159Þ
s þ X2
From Fig. 10.3, the active power and the reactive power absorbed by the circuit
is expressed as,
V22 R2
P¼ þ I12 R1 þ I22 ð10:160Þ
Rm s
Q¼ þ I12 X1 þ I22 X2 ð10:161Þ
Source S1 100 MVA, operating and nominal voltage is 12.47 kV, Z1 = 0.1 + j0.6
X, Z0 = 0.5 + j2.0 X.
Generator 17.5 MVA hydro, 7.33 kV, 0.80 pf.
The data of each equipment such as source, transformer, generator, load, and
balanced overhead line need to be input through the equipment link. In addition, the
harmonic order along with magnitudes and phase angles needs to be assigned
through the equipment link as shown in Table 10.6. Once all equipment data are
entered, select the harmonic analysis and keep the default global setting and run the
software. Finally, different graphs such as voltage and current distortions and
impedance scans are plotted (Tables 10.3 and 10.4).
CYME simulation results are plotted as shown in Figs. 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9,
10.10, 10.11 and 10.12.
10.12 Harmonic Simulation 485
Power quality has become important issues for power utility companies and elec-
trical contractors due to the use of sophisticated control equipment at the substa-
tions and due to nonlinear loads. Equipment such as smart devices, battery chargers,
and other variable frequency devices create disturbances in the power system
network. There are sophisticated equipment for monitoring and measuring power
quality anomalies such as transients, sags, swells, harmonic distortions, voltage
flickers, overvoltages, and undervoltages [5, 7].
Sags: A decrease in rms voltage or current to between 0.1 and 0.9 pu at the
power frequency for durations between of 0.5 cycles to 1 min. It is often known as
voltage dips. Sags or voltage dips occur due to the energization of heavy loads,
starting of large induction motor and single-line-to-ground fault. In a
single-line-to-ground fault, the magnitude of the current is very high, but the
voltage is very low.
Swells: It is the opposite of sag. An increase in rms voltage or current to between
1.1 and 1.8 pu at the power frequency for durations of 0.5 cycles to 1 min. The
10.13 Power Quality Parameters and Measurement 487
main causes of swells are switching off large loads, energizing a capacitor bank, and
momentarily overvoltage.
Undervoltage: A reduction in rms voltage between to 0.8 pu to 0.9 pu at the
power frequency for more than one minute is known as undervoltage, and the main
causes of undervoltage are due to less supply capability.
Overvoltage: An increase in rms voltage between to 1.1 pu to 1.2 pu at the
power frequency for more than one minute is known as overvoltage, and the main
causes of undervoltage are due to lightning, ferroresonance, high voltage equipment
switching, and insulation fault.
Undervoltage: A reduction in rms voltage between to 0.8 pu to 0.9 pu at the
power frequency for more than one minute is known as undervoltage, and the main
causes of undervoltage are due to draw a high current by an induction motor, high
reactive power with low power factor, etc.
PCC: It is abbreviated as the point of common coupling as shown in Fig. 10.13.
The common connection point where the power utility and the consumer have
common access to measure harmonic indices is known as the point of common
488 10 Power System Harmonics
THD: The total harmonic distortions due to voltage and current are already
defined in Eqs. (10.109) and (10.110), respectively. However, it can be extended as
the ratio of the square root of the individual harmonic components squared to the
fundamental component of the current and can be expressed as,
I32 þ I52 þ I72
THDI ¼ ð10:162Þ
According to IEEE Std 519-2014 [6], at the PCC, system owners or operators
should limit line-to-neutral (phase) voltage harmonics as daily 99th percentile very
490 10 Power System Harmonics
short time (3 s) and weekly 95th percentile short time (10 min) values should be
less than the values given in Table 10.5.
Again, according to IEEE Std 519-2014, the current distortion limits for the
users connected to a system where the rated voltage at the PCC is 120 V to 69 kV
and is mentioned in Table 10.6. In Table 10.6, the following points are
• Daily 99th percentile very short time (3 s) harmonic currents should be less than
2.0 times the values given in Table 10.6.
• Weekly 99th percentile short time (10 min) harmonic currents should be less
than 1.5 times the values given in Table 10.6.
• Weekly 95th percentile short time (10 min) harmonic currents should be less
than the values given in Table 10.6.
• TDD up to 50th order only.
• The maximum demand current value is established at the PCC and should be
taken as the sum of the currents corresponding to the maximum demand during
each of the twelve previous months divided by 12.
10.13 Power Quality Parameters and Measurement 491
G xer
bus 4 PCC
IL Consumer
I 5 I1
I7 I3
Different types of power line anomalies have been measured by the Fluke
Corporation power quality analyzer F438-2, and the measurement results are shown
in Fig. 10.15.
Example 10.5
A three-phase, 60 Hz source delivers power to a car manufacturing company.
Section 10.1 draws a current of 100A at a fundamental frequency. Section 10.2
draws 100A at a fundamental frequency along with 14A, 11A, 8A for the third,
fifth, and seventh harmonic components of current, respectively. Calculate the
The value of the load current at the fundamental frequency is calculated as,
10.13 Power Quality Parameters and Measurement 493
Voltage swells
Frequency fluctuations
Higher-order harmonics
Voltage dips
Inrush current
1. Das JC (2015) Power system harmonics and passive filter design. First Edition, IEEE Press
Wiley, pp 1–844, USA
2. Emanuels AE (2010) Power definitions and the physical mechanism of power flow. 1st edn,
Wiley, pp 1– 273, UK
3. Chattopadhaya S, Mitra M, Sengupta S (2011) Electric power quality. First, Springer, pp 1–
279, New York
4. Arrillaga Jos, Watson Neville R (2003) Power system harmonics. Second Edition, Wiley, pp 1–
5. Mikkili S, Panda AK (2016) Power quality issues-current harmonics. 1st edn., CRC Press,
pp 1–185, USA
6. Berg GJ (1973) Power-system load representation. IEEE Proc 120(3):344–348
7. IEEE Std 519–2014, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electric Power Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. pp. 1–50, USA
Exercise Problems
10:2 The fundamental, second, third and fourth harmonic components of the
current of a 110 V, 0.95 pf electrical system are found to be 10A, 7A, 4A and
2A, respectively. Calculate the H, P, Q, and distribution factor (DF).
10:3 The distribution factor of a 120 V, 0.90 pf electrical system is found to be
0.31. The fundamental and second harmonic components of the current are
3A and 5A, respectively. Calculate the third harmonic component of the
current, P, Q, and H.
10:4 The single-phase current and voltage expressions of an electrical system are
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
given as, vðtÞ ¼ 45 þ 2 110 sin xt þ 2 25 sinð2xt 20 Þ þ 2
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
13 sinð3xt 40 Þ and iðtÞ ¼ 9 þ 2 7 sinðxt 35 Þ þ 2 5 sinð2xt 70 Þ þ
2 3 sinð3xt 105 Þ. Find the average active power due to dc component,
average fundamental, harmonic active and reactive powers.
10:5 The single-phase current and voltage expressions of an electrical system are
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
given as,vðtÞ ¼ 2 75 sin xt þ 2 35 sinð3xt 20 Þ þ 2 21 sinð7xt 60 Þ
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi p ffiffi
and iðtÞ ¼ 2 19 sinðxtÞ þ 2 15 sinð3xt 70 Þ þ 2 11 sinð7xt 105 Þ.
Calculate the rms values of voltage and current, average apparent power,
fundamental and harmonic active and reactive powers.
10:6 The single-phase current and voltage expressions of an electrical system
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
are given as, vðtÞ ¼ 60 þ 2 90 sin xt þ 2 65 sinð3xt 25 Þ þ 2
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
35 sinð5xt 50 Þ þ 2 15 sinð7xt 75 Þ iðtÞ ¼ 10 þ 2 10 sinðxt
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
25 Þ þ 2 9 sinð3xt 50 Þ þ 2 7 sinð5xt 75 Þ þ 2 5 sinð7xt 100 Þ
Calculate the SH, THDV, THDI, DV, DI and SN.
10:7 A three-phase, 60 Hz source delivers power to a plastic manufacturing
company. The moulding section draws a current of 100A at a fundamental
frequency. The finishing section draws 100A at a fundamental frequency
along with 9A, 7A, 3A for the third, fifth and seventh harmonic components
of current, respectively. Calculate the THDI and TDDI.
Chapter 11
Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
11.1 Introduction
There are several components of overhead lines used for electrical power trans-
mission and distribution systems. Some of these components are an insulator,
crossarm, tower, pole, conductor, etc. Insulators of different types are available for
power transmission and distribution networks. Some of these insulators are
cap-and-pin, long-rod, shackle, and line-post composite, etc. The shackle insulators
are normally used at the dead-end or at a sharp turn of the distribution lines where
there is a high tensile load. Suspension insulators are used at the transmission lines
as vertical, horizontal, and V-string configurations. The line-post insulators are used
at the grid substation with the relevant high voltage equipment as well as at the
busbar. Sag is formed when the transmission line conductors are supported between
the two equal electrical towers. A perfect value of sag is maintained by the con-
ductors to avoid excess stretch or tension. In this chapter, details on insulators and
sags will be discussed.
The three cap-and-pin porcelain insulators are arranged in a suspension string and
hung to the crossarm as shown in Fig. 11.1. The porcelain portion of each insulator is
arranged between two metal parts. Therefore, each insulator will form a capacitor
known as mutual capacitance. Another capacitor will be formed between the metal
parts of the insulator to the tower. This capacitor is known as shunt capacitance. The
equivalent circuit of Fig. 11.1 is shown in Fig. 11.2. Let us consider the voltage
across the first, second, and third insulators as V1, V2, and V3, respectively. Let us
consider the mutual capacitance of each insulator as C and the shunt capacitance C1
as a fraction m of mutual capacitance. This assumption can be expressed as [1, 2],
C1 ¼ mC ð11:1Þ
I2 ¼ I1 þ i 1 ð11:2Þ
V2 xC ¼ V1 xC þ V1 xC1 ð11:3Þ
11.2 String Efficiency of Suspension Insulators 499
V2 xC ¼ V1 xC þ V1 xmC ð11:4Þ
V2 ¼ V1 ð1 þ mÞ ð11:5Þ
I3 ¼ I2 þ i 2 ð11:6Þ
V3 ¼ V1 m þ V2 ð1 þ mÞ ð11:9Þ
V3 ¼ V1 m þ V1 ð1 þ mÞ2 ð11:10Þ
V3 ¼ V1 ðm2 þ 3m þ 1Þ ð11:11Þ
The total voltage across the insulators string, i.e., the voltage between the
conductor and earth (V) is calculated as,
V ¼ V1 þ V2 þ V3 ð11:12Þ
V ¼ V1 þ V1 ð1 þ mÞ þ V1 ðm2 þ 3m þ 1Þ ð11:13Þ
The string efficiency is defined as the ratio of the voltage across the string to the
product of a number of the string and the voltage across the insulator nearest to the
conductor. Mathematically, it can be defined as,
gs ¼ 100 ð11:15Þ
3 V3
500 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
In general, for n number of insulator string, Eq. (11.16) can be written as,
gs ¼ 100 ð11:16Þ
n Vn
From Eq. (11.16), it is seen that the string efficiency will decrease with
increasing the number of insulator.
Again, the four insulators are considered as a string as shown in Fig. 11.3.
Applying KCL at node M yields,
I4 ¼ I3 þ i 3 ð11:17Þ
V4 xC ¼ V3 xC þ ðV1 þ V2 þ V3 Þ C1 ð11:18Þ
Substituting Eqs. (11.1), (11.5), and (11.11) into Eq. (11.18) yields,
V4 ¼ m2 þ 3m þ 1 þ m þ m2 þ m þ m3 þ 3m2 þ m ð11:21Þ
V4 ¼ m3 þ 5m2 þ 6m þ 1 ð11:22Þ
From Eq. (11.5), (11.11), and (11.22), it is concluded that the voltage distri-
butions across the insulators are not equal.
11.2 String Efficiency of Suspension Insulators 501
Example 11.1
The three units of the cap-and-pin insulator are used as a string for the transmission
lines tower as shown in Fig. 11.4. The value of the shunt capacitance is 9% of the
mutual capacitance. The maximum peak voltage across the unit is found to be
11 kV. Calculate the voltage distribution across the string and string efficiency.
The value of the m factor is,
m¼ ¼ 0:09 ð11:23Þ
V3 ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ 7:78 kV ð11:24Þ
I2 ¼ I1 þ i 1 ð11:25Þ
V2 xC ¼ V1 xC þ V1 xð0:09CÞ ð11:26Þ
V2 ¼ 1:09V1 ð11:27Þ
I3 ¼ I2 þ i 2 ð11:28Þ
V1 ¼ 6:09 kV ð11:33Þ
Generally, the voltage distributions across the insulators are not uniform. It is due to
when leakage current flows from the insulator pin to tower, this leakage current
cannot be eliminated. It is necessary to equalize the voltage distribution across the
insulators of the string to improve the string efficiency. Proper selection of the ratio
of earth capacitance to mutual capacitance, capacitance grading, and guard ring is
used to equalize the voltage distribution across the string.
Capacitance grading: In a capacitance grading, the value of the top unit (near the
crossarm) capacitor should be minimum and the value of the lower unit (near the
conductor) should be maximum [2]. Let the top unit capacitor is C, and other
capacitors are C2, C3, and C4 as shown in Fig. 11.6. The voltage across each unit is
assumed V.
Applying KCL at node P of Fig. 11.6 yields,
I2 ¼ I1 þ i 1 ð11:36Þ
C2 ¼ ð1 þ mÞC ð11:38Þ
I3 ¼ I2 þ i 2 ð11:39Þ
C3 ¼ C2 þ 2 mC ð11:41Þ
C3 ¼ ð1 þ mÞC þ 2 mC ð11:42Þ
C3 ¼ ð1 þ 3 mÞ C ð11:43Þ
I4 ¼ I3 þ i 3 ð11:44Þ
C4 ¼ ð1 þ 6mÞC ð11:47Þ
Guard Ring method: It is a large metal ring that is electrically connected to the
conductor and surrounds the bottom unit of the insulator as shown in Fig. 11.7. As
a result, this arrangement increases the capacitance between the metal fittings and
line. Let the capacitances between the metal fittings and the guard ring are C1, C2,
and C3. Also, the self-capacitance is C and the earth capacitance is mC.
The capacitance of each unit is the same. Therefore, the current passes through
them will be the same and it can be written as,
I4 ¼ I3 ¼ I2 ¼ I1 ð11:48Þ
I2 þ i1x ¼ I1 þ i1 ð11:49Þ
I2 P
Tower C2 V
mC i2 C i2x
C3 V
i3 M C i3x
I4 V
11.3 Equalization of Voltage Distributions 505
C1 ¼ mC ð11:52Þ
I3 þ i2x ¼ I2 þ i2 ð11:53Þ
i2x ¼ i2 ð11:54Þ
C2 ¼ mC ð11:56Þ
I4 þ i3x ¼ I3 þ i3 ð11:57Þ
i3x ¼ i3 ð11:58Þ
C3 ¼ 3mC ð11:60Þ
Example 11.2
The three insulators are used as a string for high voltage transmission lines. The
capacitance between the metal fitting and earth (earth capacitance) is 0.18 C and the
capacitance between the metal fitting and guard ring is 0.12 C as shown in
Fig. 11.8. Calculate the string efficiency.
Applying KCL at node P of Fig. 11.7 yields,
I2 þ i1x ¼ I1 þ i1 ð11:61Þ
I2 P
0.12C V2
Tower 0.18C i C
2 i2x
I3 0.12C
C V3
I3 þ i2x ¼ I2 þ i2 ð11:65Þ
V1 V2
0:16 þ 1:05 ¼ 1 ð11:70Þ
V3 V3
V1 V2
9:67 ¼ 10:38 ð11:72Þ
V3 V3
V1 ¼ 1:07V2 ð11:73Þ
11.3 Equalization of Voltage Distributions 507
1:07V2 V2
0:16 þ 1:05 ¼ 1 ð11:74Þ
V3 V3
V2 ¼ 0:82V3 ð11:75Þ
V ¼ V1 þ V2 þ V3 ð11:77Þ
V 2:78V3
gs ¼ 100 ¼ 100 ¼ 92:67% ð11:79Þ
n Vn 3 V3
I2 P
0.10C V2
Tower 0.14C i C
2 i2x
I3 0.10C
C V3
508 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
sag s
Equating two moments for two forces (T and wx) around the point O yields,
T y ¼ wx ð11:80Þ
y¼ ð11:81Þ
From Fig. 11.11, it is seen that the sag is maximum from the two supporting
points A and B. In this case, at x = l/2, y = S. Substituting these conditions in
Eq. (11.81) yields,
S¼ ð11:82Þ
T0 ¼ wc ð11:83Þ
Tx ¼ T cos / ð11:84Þ
Ty ¼ T sin / ð11:85Þ
tan / ¼ ð11:86Þ
Tx ¼ T cos / ¼ T0 ¼ wc ð11:88Þ
Ty ¼ T sin / ¼ ws ð11:89Þ
dy Ty
¼ ð11:90Þ
dx Tx
dy ws s
¼ ¼ ð11:91Þ
dx wc c
s ¼ c sinh / ð11:97Þ
ds ¼ c cosh / d/ ð11:98Þ
11.5 Sag Calculation with Equal Supports 511
c2 cosh /d/
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ dx ð11:99Þ
c 1 þ sinh2 /
c2 cosh /d/
¼ dx ð11:100Þ
c cosh /
cd/ ¼ dx ð11:101Þ
c/ ¼ x þ m ð11:103Þ
x ¼ 0; s ¼ 0; /¼0 ð11:104Þ
m¼0 ð11:105Þ
dy x
¼ sinh ð11:108Þ
dx c
dy ¼ sinh dx ð11:109Þ
512 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
Considering the following boundary conditions to find the integrating constant (n).
x ¼ 0; y¼c ð11:112Þ
n¼0 ð11:114Þ
T 2 ¼ w2 c2 1 þ ð11:117Þ
y ¼ cþ ð11:124Þ
yc¼ ð11:125Þ
S¼ ð11:126Þ
The sag will be maximum at x = l/2 and substituting Eq. (11.83) into
Eq. (11.126) yields,
l2 wl2 wl2
S¼ ¼ ¼ ð11:129Þ
8c 8T0 8T
s ¼ xþ ð11:132Þ
However, the total length of the conductor (Lcond) is 2 s. The following condi-
tion can be written as,
l Lcond
x¼ ; s¼ ð11:133Þ
2 2
Lcond l l3
¼ þ ð11:134Þ
2 2 48c2
Lcond ¼ l þ ð11:134Þ
514 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
From Fig. 11.12, the following relation (approximate) can be written as,
s2 ¼ x2 þ ðy cÞ2 ð11:135Þ
y2 s2 ¼ 2yc c2 x2 ð11:135Þ
y2 s 2 ¼ c2 ð11:137Þ
Example 11.3
A 33 kV transmission line is crossing a river by the two equal supports. The span is
210 m, and the weight of the conductor is found to be 560 kg/km. The ultimate
strength and safety factor of the conductor are given as 2500 kg and 2, respectively.
Calculate the sag, length of the conductor, and the height of the supporting towers if
the ground clearance is 11 m.
The weight of the conductor is calculated as,
w¼ ¼ 0:56 kg=m ð11:138Þ
T 1250
c¼ ¼ ¼ 1470:59 m ð11:141Þ
w 0:85
11.5 Sag Calculation with Equal Supports 515
l2 2102
S¼ ¼ ¼ 3:75 m ð11:142Þ
8c 8 1470:59
l3 2103
Lcond ¼ l þ ¼ 210 þ ¼ 210:18 m ð11:143Þ
24c2 24 1470:592
Unequal supports of the conductor are used when the transmission lines are installed
in uneven areas such as the mountain areas. Consider a conductor is hung by the two
unequal supports A and B as shown in Fig. 11.13. Let S1 be sag at the point A at a
distance x1 from the lowest point O. Similarly, S2 be sag at point B at a distance x2
from the lowest point O. Let W be the weight of the conductor per unit length.
According to Eq. (11.81), the expression of sag for the distance x1 is written as,
S1 ¼ ð11:145Þ
x1 x2
516 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
S2 ¼ ð11:146Þ
h ¼ S2 S1 ð11:147Þ
wx22 wx21
h¼ ð11:148Þ
2T 2T
w 2 w
h¼ x x21 ¼ ð x2 x1 Þ ð x2 þ x1 Þ ð11:149Þ
2T 2 2T
l ¼ x1 þ x2 ð11:150Þ
h ¼¼ ð x2 x1 Þ ð11:151Þ
x2 x1 ¼ ð11:152Þ
From Eqs. (11.150) and (11.152), the following expressions can be written as,
l hT
x1 ¼ ð11:153Þ
2 wl
l hT
x2 ¼ þ ð11:154Þ
2 wl
Example 11.4
The horizontal distance between the two 40 and 80 m unequal towers is found to be
400 m as shown in Fig. 11.14. The weight of the conductor and working tension
are given as 1.25 kg/m and 920 kg, respectively. Calculate the clearance between
the lowest point of the conductor and the ground level. Also, calculate the sag and
clearance from the ground at the midpoint.
11.6 Sag Calculation with Unequal Supports 517
The value of the distance from the lowest point to the lower support is calculated as,
l hT 400 40 920
x1 ¼ ¼ ¼ 126:4 m ð11:155Þ
2 wl 2 1:25 400
The clearance between the lowest point of the conductor and the ground level
from the lower support is calculated as,
Let P be the midpoint at a distance x from the lowest point O. The value of this
distance is calculated as,
There are some countries such as China, Canada, and many European countries
where transmission lines are covered unevenly by ice (or snow) in addition to
snowstorms as shown in Fig. 11.16. Icing is considered as one of the most
important factors affecting the reliability of power system networks in many
countries. Therefore, the combined effect of icing and wind severely disturbs the
safe operation of transmission and distribution lines.
Consider a cross section of a transmission line conductor that is uniformly
covered by ice as shown in Fig. 11.17. Let d is the diameter of the conductor and
t is the thickness of the ice around the conductor. In this condition, this conductor
can be compared to the hollow cylinder whose inner and outer diameters are D and
(D + 2t), respectively. The volume per unit length of this cylinder is expressed as,
Vpul ¼ A 1 ð11:161Þ
The density of ice (q) is defined as the ratio of mass (m) to the volume per unit
length (Vpul), and it can be expressed as,
q¼ ð11:164Þ
Substituting Eq. (11.163) into Eq. (11.164) and the weight of the ice per unit
length of the conductor is expressed as,
wi ¼ qptðd þ tÞ ð11:165Þ
The weight of the ice (wi in kg/m) will act vertically downward with the weight
of the conductor (W) and the force per unit length (ww or fw in kg/m) due to wind
will act horizontally as shown in Fig. 11.18. Let the sag S makes an angle h with the
vertical load and acts in the direction of the total load as shown in Fig. 11.18. This
angle is calculated as,
w +w i
520 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
tan h ¼ ð11:166Þ
w þ wi
Let us consider P is the wind pressure per unit projected area of the conductor,
the wind load per unit length of the ice-covered conductor is expressed as,
The sag with the total weight of the conductor is expressed as,
wt l2
S¼ ð11:169Þ
The vertical sag is acting in the direction of the ice and the conductor load is
expressed as,
Sv ¼ S cos h ð11:170Þ
Example 11.5
The horizontal distance between the towers is found to be 130 m. The weight and
diameter of the conductor are given as 0.96 kg/m and 1.25 cm, respectively. The
conductor is covered with ice of 0.92 cm thickness by a wind pressure of 4.6 gm/cm2.
The ultimate strength and safety factor of the conductor are 1850 kg and 2, respec-
tively. Assume the weight of ice is 0.65 gm/cm3. Calculate the sag and the vertical sag.
The value of the working tension is calculated as,
T¼ ¼ 925 kg=m ð11:171Þ
The volume of ice per meter (100 cm) length of the conductor is calculated as,
The weight of ice per unit meter of length of the conductor is calculated as,
The wind force per meter length of the conductor is calculated as,
The total weight per meter length of the conductor is calculated as,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
wt ¼ ðw þ wi Þ2 þ fw2 ¼ ð0:96 þ 0:41Þ2 þ 1:422 ¼ 1:97 kg ð11:175Þ
wt l2 1:97 1302
S¼ ¼ ¼ 18 m ð11:176Þ
2T 2 925
1. Wildi T (2014) Electrical machines, drives and power systems, 6th edn, Pearson Education Ltd,
USA, pp 1–920
2. Satyanarayana S. Sivanagaraju S (2009) Electric power transmission and distribution, 1st edn.
Pearson, Canada, pp 1–632
3. Nagsarkar TK, Sukhija MS (2014) Power system analysis, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, pp 1–726
4. Metha VK, Metha R (2005) Principles of power system, 3rd edn. S. Chad and Co. Ltd, India,
pp 1–608
522 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
Exercise Problems
11:1 The transmission lines tower uses the three units of the cap-and-pin insulator
as a string as shown in Fig. P11.1. The value of the shunt capacitance is 15%
of the mutual capacitance. The line voltage across the string is found to be
22 kV. Calculate the voltage distribution across each insulator and string
11:2 The four units cap-and-pin insulator is used as a string for the 66 kV
transmission lines tower as shown in Fig. P11.2. The value of the shunt
capacitance is 16% of the mutual capacitance. Calculate the voltage distri-
bution across each insulator and string efficiency.
11:3 A guard ring is fitted with a string that consists of the three insulators of the
transmission lines. The capacitance between the metal fitting and the earth
(earth capacitance) is 0.09 C, and the capacitance between the metal fitting
and guard ring is 0.11 C as shown in Fig. P11.3. Find voltage the string
I2 P
0.11C V2
Tower 0.09C i C
2 i2x
I3 0.11C
C V3
I 2 P 0.08C V2
0.13C i2 C
I3 0.08C
C V3
0.13C i3x
i3 M
I4 V4
11:4 A string consists of four insulators for high voltage transmission networks.
The capacitance between the metal fitting and the earth (earth capacitance) is
0.13 C, and the capacitance between the metal fitting and guard ring is 0.08
C as shown in Fig. P11.4. Find the string efficiency of this arrangement.
11:5 The transmission line conductor is hanged between the two equal supports
with a span of 220 m as shown in Fig. P11.5. The sag and weight of the
cable are found to be 20 m and 1.67 kg/m. Calculate the length of the
conductor and the horizontal tension of the conductor.
11:6 A 30 m conductor suspended the two equal supports with a suitable span as
shown in Fig. P11.6. The sag and weight of the cable are found to be 12 m
and 30 kg/m. Calculate the length of the span and the maximum tension of
the conductor.
524 11 Overhead Line Insulators and Sags
s 20 m s
s h s
20 m 20 m
s h s 60 N
25 m 25 m
11:10 The span between the towers is found to be 160 m. The weight and diameter
of the conductor are found to be 1.97 kg/m and 1.12 cm, respectively. The
conductor is covered with an ice of 0.95 cm thickness by a wind pressure of
6.9 gm/cm2. The ultimate strength and safety factor of the conductor are
2050 kg and 2, respectively. Assume the weight of ice is 0.75 gm/cm3.
Calculate the sag and the vertical sag.
Answers to Practice and Exercise
Practice Problems
1:1 vðtÞ ¼ 20 sinðxt þ 35 ÞV, pðtÞ ¼ 98:48 100 cosð2xt 20 ÞW
1:2 16.26 W, 6.92 W, 6.56 W
1:3 600 VA, 8.49 X, 0.027 H
1:4 15.6 VA, 9.75 W, 12.18 Var
1:5 12 k W + j 3.94 kVar, 4.19 X
1:6 8:89 j17:79VA, 2:34 þ j14:35VA, 44:35 j2:08VA
1:7 29.25 kW
1:8 260:68 j48:34 V
1:9 Van ¼ 200 j130 V, Vcn ¼ 200 j230 V
1:10 Van ¼ 115:47 j30 V, Vbn ¼ 115:47 j150 V, Vcn ¼ 115:47 j270 V
1:11 IAa ¼ 49:08 j35 A, IBb ¼ 49:08 j85 A, ICc ¼ 49:08 j155 A, 6.25 kW,
6.25 kW, 18:74 j18:74kVA
Exercise Problems
1:1 pðtÞ ¼ 6:3 6:4 cosð20t 10 ÞW
1:2 pðtÞ ¼ 39:39 40 cosð200t 30 ÞW
1:3 107.33W, 197.12W, 48.91W, 9.07 W
1:4 109.91 W, 141.13 W
1:5 52.53 W, 18.58 W
1:6 1.34 kW, 406.83 W
1:7 483.22 W, 224.4 W
1:8 13.89 X, 0.05 mF
1:9 22:98 j19:28VA, 22.98 W, 19.28 Var
1:10 40:74 þ j87:36kVA, 40.74 W, 87.36 Var
2:55 XG1 ¼ 0:6pu, XT1 ¼ 0:17pu, XG2 ¼ 0:2pu, Xline ¼ 0:056pu, XT2 ¼ 0:062pu,
XM ¼ 0:066pu, Zload ¼ 0:64 þ j0:39pu
2:56 XG1 ¼ 0:21pu, XT1 ¼ 0:22pu, Xline ¼ 0:17pu, XT2 ¼ 0:2pu, XG2 ¼ 0:27pu
Chapter 3
Practice Problems
3:1 Fdef ¼ 0:44, Av:demand ¼ 3424:66kW, FLF ¼ 0:17
3:2 Fdif ¼ 1:24, Av:demand ¼ 799:09kW, FLF ¼ 0:32
3:3 Max:demand ¼ 60kW, UGday ¼ 840MWh, Av:Load ¼ 35MW, FLF ¼ 0:58
3:4 Annual charge ¼ B$ 940, Equivalent flat rate ¼ B$ 0:11
3:5 Unit consumed per year ¼ 192720kWh, Annual charge ¼ B$ 24772, Overall cost
per kWh ¼ B$ 0:13
Exercise Problems
3:1 Total energy ¼ 315:36 103 kWh
3:2 FLF ¼ 0:49
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (H)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (H)
3:11 Max:demand ¼ 60MW, Unit generated per day ¼ 740 103 kWh, Av: load ¼
30833:33kW, FLF ¼ 0:51
12mn 4 8 12 4 8 12
Time (H)
Exercise Problems
5:1 Vs ¼ 896:14 j41:87 V, cos /s ¼ 0:5, g ¼ 50:97%
5:2 Vs ¼ 10:93kV, VR ¼ 0:64% g ¼ 99:36%
5:3 Vs ¼ 6:6kV, VR ¼ 0:91%
5:4 Vs ¼ 11:04kV, g ¼ 99:58%
5:5 Vr ¼ 5:98kV, IL ¼ 74:23A, g ¼ 96:03%
5:6 Vs ¼ 10:66kV, d ¼ 15:04
5:7 Vs ¼ 11:38kV, Ps ¼ 243:33kW, Ss ¼ 246:2kW þ j152:59kVAR
5:8 IL ¼ 408:53 j68:2 A, Pr ¼ 2:29MW, /s ¼ 48:81 ðlagÞ
5:9 A ¼ 0:99 j0:01 , C ¼ 0:0003 j90 S, B ¼ 5:14 j76:5 X, D ¼ 0:99 j0:01 ,
Vs ¼ 66:65kV Is ¼ 198 j28:98 A, cos /s ¼ 0:86
5:10 A ¼ D ¼ 0:99 j0:06 , C ¼ 0:000216 j90 S, B ¼ 54:59 j80:57 X,
VsðLLÞ ¼ 46:92kV Is ¼ 463:7 j26:36 A, cos /s ¼ 0:79
jX 1, g1 X 2,L
jX 1,M
Positive sequence
X 2,T 1 X 2, L1 X 2,T 2
jX 2, g1 X 2, L 2 jX 2,M
Negative sequence
jX g 0, g1 X 0, L 2 jX 0,M
j 3 X n , g1 M
Zero sequence
Appendix: Answers to Practice and Exercise Problems 535
7:6 x ¼ 1:047
7:7 Student can solve it
Appendix: Answers to Practice and Exercise Problems 537
90.85 MW
38.18 MVAR 0.05 MW
0.02 MVAR
37.75 MW
19.82 MVAR 7.60 MW
3.62 MVAR
20.00 MVAR
60.00 MW
-37.60 MW -7.57 MW
2237.5 A -18.62 MVAR -3.56 MVAR
448.7 A
0.984 (-1.36)
30.00 MW
15.00 MVAR
1.000 (0.00) 3917.9 A 0.967 (-2.69)
-67.05 MW
67.97 MW
25.00 MVAR
-26.71 MVAR
117.47 MW 30.86 MVAR
70.00 MW
56.54 MVAR
49.50 MW
25.68 MVAR 2.96 MW
-1.63 MVAR
-47.96 MW -2.95 MW
2926.8 A -23.37 MVAR 1.71 MVAR
25.00 MVAR
185.2 A
45.00 MW
0.957 (-1.44)
Exercise Problems
7:1 Qav ¼ 233:33VAR
7:2 X ¼ 17:5X
7:3 Vr ¼ 66:33V
j6 j1
7:4 Ybus ¼
j1 j1:77
2 3
j5 j2 0
7:5 Ybus ¼ 4 j2 j10 j5 5
0 j5 j5
5 j10 5 þ j10
7:6 Ybus ¼
5 þ j10 5 j10
538 Appendix: Answers to Practice and Exercise Problems
2 3
8:33 j16:67 5 þ j10 3:33 þ j6:67
7:7 Ybus ¼ 4 5 þ j10 9 j18 4 þ j8 5
3:33 þ j6:67 4 þ j8 7:33 þ j14:67
2 3
10:63 j20:85 5 þ j10 2:55 þ j5:47 3:08 þ j5:38
6 5 þ j10 9 j18 4 þ j8 0 7
7:8 6
Ybus ¼ 4 7
2:55 þ j5:47 4 þ j8 9:88 j20:14 3:33 þ j6:67 5
3:08 þ j5:38 0 3:33 þ j6:67 6:41 j12:05
7:9 V1 ¼ 1:3846V, V2 ¼ 2:0384V
7:10 V ¼ 0:4384
Appendix: Answers to Practice and Exercise Problems 539
7:13 6335.6 A
-102.53 MW
50.00 MVAR
257.78 MW
100.00 MW
105.42 MW -50.12 MVAR
130.88 MVAR
58.79 MVAR
8846.4 A A BC
152.35 MW 2.53 MW
-147.47 MW -2.53 MW
72.09 MVAR 0.12 MVAR
-59.88 MVAR -0.12 MVAR
1.000 (0.00)
0.945 (-3.10) 150.00 MW
140.9 A 60.00 MVAR
0.944 (-3.22)
7:14 V ¼ 1:8414
7:15 V ¼ 1:04709
540 Appendix: Answers to Practice and Exercise Problems
Chapter 8
Practice Problems
8:1 q ¼ 2:61 1013 X m
8:2 2.28 cm, 14.59 kV/cm, 0.84 cm
8:3 r1 ¼ 2:24cm, r2 ¼ 3cm, V ¼ 46:01kV, Vsafe ¼ 32:54kV
8:4 Vs1 ¼ 32:86kV, Vs2 ¼ 14:46kV
8:5 6184.65 V, 480.42 W, 471.92 W
8:6 C ¼ 0:64l F
8:7 Cn ¼ 4:46l F, Ic ¼ 10:68A
Exercise Problems
8:1 975.6 MX
8:2 53.31 MX
8:3 Emax ¼ 15:90V/cm, Emin ¼ 5:02V/cm, tins ¼ 1:3cm, (iv) r ¼ 0:70cm
8:4 Emax ¼ 28:09V/cm, Emin ¼ 9:66V/cm, r ¼ 1:18cm
8:5 tins ¼ 3:025cm, V ¼ 43:62kV
8:6 r ¼ 0:196cm, reconom ¼ 1:1cm
8:7 r1 ¼ 1:5cm, r2 ¼ 1:8cm, V ¼ 41:16kV Vsafe ¼ 29:10kV
8:8 tin ¼ 1:04cm, tout ¼ 2:76cm, Vpeak ¼ 71:18kV, Vsafe ¼ 50:33kV
8:9 Vs1 ¼ 7:17kV, Vs2 ¼ 3:41kV
8:10 Plc ¼ 40:33W, Pdl ¼ 1368:48W, Pdh ¼ 1328:15W
8:11 Plc ¼ 0:92W, C ¼ 0:189lF, Pdh ¼ 1199:08W
Appendix: Answers to Practice and Exercise Problems 541
Ideal transformer, 47 Open circuit test, 78
Image conductor, 184 Open delta connection, 90
Impedance, 3 Overvoltage, 487
Inductance, 147
Inertia constant, 414 P
Infinite bus, 415 Parallel operation of transformer, 85
Instantaneous power, 1 Parallel transmission networks, 235
Instrument transformer, 92 Pelton wheel, 117
Insulation resistance, 379, 406 Penstock, 114
Interactive Power System Analysis (IPSA), 264 Perfect power quality, 461
Interharmonics, 461 Per unit value, 97
Internal inductance, 147 Phase, 24
Interruptions, 488 Phase sequence, 24
Index 545