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eRe Melo uc Rac CLE ORR anil So OMI cl Ori rl DAG eda I RCE Ral acl Bon Pele acca)SSS 7 xo fea, 2005 Fao OT AY, 9 AST BS THE afore sie eee ere oats ae ce FA 6 fecaitae comers : rem care comm ee, qa Coma 8 | eR veers ean ALERT aster frat aR aT e ent
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“at etm a8 gs we eT aH 2 area yo afr eGR Brace oer mab Phen DR ACH ster cas fom ert. orm ties wae Ar we) oa Be Me ir ae IH 80,000 Bs witroansa aa aca) oy atoeE shop wie ren se ae SERS Comin ee ics Bem 98 NEE 9939 SHAT Te CET eR 38 GH SBS A oe, GATS HB Za 8 a Se AIA 85 Bret! Dae 8e AIT Hee Ghai coe sata <8 Once ACSICAA Se UIE ‘oiees Atop see afta Set et ae oof Dit wera ee) xe Sy 6 STATA FEIT STS St CAST rete aah ora a008lit sarswIA Moe afore ffton-feis poi ARRAS at SSiecrTE a Allopathy = Rage BEET fa We HH set eH The curing of a diseased action by administering an opposite action ™ Old School of Medicine 104 Be et = Fisttouth xy acct eat Brena) are ar caer cele oes econ feet ate carat A ETT a RTH sores < Bente af am oe fea crmna n Rae ae aie soe Beers oT Rone cate Bfeore arafecem| Sra cares RE wafeoa Ree at eR eT eT ea eT acshtem! or afte iter RA ee aeMTTS am BS BEM cermia aCe sear HCE TEE, cntengs ¢ sate ae feat arora ofa Fara Greet ee cafe or oH TATE we RT A ratieeai ors om Bete vara ware a caer eR seas Bfeore aficen Rope aren oe FRC | STA zaon Stow mi anit si Geet fe eoxfarer) ele ea at oC Beem UCR! ofA Reese eRe cm or AACER cat oR fe) ae ar fier, 0 safes Bere ioe Sa RCS veore Cafe ena eee SIE oeleneN SER SPT eR CCE ATRL SN CoRR Ca a are mera eee ee Fore aca TURES eras seen PRICE SI MET ee STONE TeEE Sh a8 APIH wo omegahee Sam ae cafe cae Sess AI afm) sean RPG CARR ToS Reece Ae Sfeorcet sew OF cafe) Sfeoreces Seta ata Sanaa wey Aree or FAB Ae eee cafe eT im Page ate aera ATH FoR ret FCs w een oper mR a RETR Fa Fel SAC oer wee FR TNT ATER wera 6 sorey Fracn Sw BRB BS opus erat serotet lt igre soo ern eaeioe eee eat aca! seee BIH COA cfs cre afeRbe erat ARTA ROA wt oT “wm een Pca | wea eR CR ETRE cafe Bea ofa Apa creat arate Behe meres eee Ficw BE Be cer wre Drafts =a cae feos fafea aoretee! Syed a Fea scaler a we cabs WB Ab
Ttenk ones Aye state ca ata Beale Sra Ce sraeres walters aff eer aex Beco eon Face) Jot afte ae seve wrRioe Gre Teen aes Beers Gree avait itera GS te enter qo Biker Prva an alae a wee Sige avin ances © seer ath ate ox Heer weet comin Wan ad Safe ROR! see sves BIRTH SiatCRR aMeIneE ook aie Sort 2a es aloe Sime o ateprao BaP Ae it anne acy ager wat cer Kine ita ota eft race @ safes Kom wae em cafe 6 cota em wi gD Meta srereTere FEAL ek a. ce, aT, SATE LER, et 9 SIMIC BATRCOACST 1% CH 4 on Regie Re TCR er ce Re CoA CRIMe 9 waceE CH eee CHT ye fare ett a sasaves Cie we Gif a TIO ge ere oH ‘SaRFETA NT | ERT HRT SHE RRA ED 425 ofts, caRDT © cafes, ot em (WB. OStanghnassy), GRR ¢ GRAM css, Se cc GBR (Me. Cosh), fret GBP wet GI KF, SHIH (N. Walech), crf) fe ae oR rere coer acSima yefacbarete Reni ACRE seLET Tee ca eee RiP Og SATE eaten fee ROAR HI fotem sk oxen WER ae cele care lear FETE ABT 6 COMICRR OM se MTN PENT A afore at encore te Gu 6 ate Biers cay WH oe ete GR a0 CATER! sees ore EA ak ict Bem Fens sete ae de eae cra Relea Sis acme Ca ee He ce fae ea ace) Gre wees cK et area =¥H “His advice and assistance have been to me, at all time, most valuable; his frequent attendance at the lecture, and at the institution generally, have materially tended to promote the spirit of good feeling and finally union among the pupils, so essential to the wellworking of the system In truth, T may say that without Mr. Hare's influence, any attempt to form a Hindu Medical Class would have been futile. CBRE certs emo ce eaters sob sess CIN Mat A | ein BE a FETT exter 9a ferret e008cofeors eam oe oH, cB, eS, rR, ene. cafe sorte commer aie ae FT S serine ofthe awemtt See fae ORT Ma HrHR Rt EAE) fa et My ae Wa aien aemCS we tate ee cet cea | evs oprata Ree aera ra Sateen meme 62 LE FAD Held offeare a Sat A sess (PGI (Hie Ewer Pewre wis]-wram at Bet 2 coeur aceon Bales a co Face se TE en Sm crefitefters ae oom wimet | felt aH Seen Fre CH ERT SCC ATHTEE EIALS RATS ica ier Pains aca ce apres ices fed “Sry OFSe Te STH CICA GPR BIT ets COTHTY al 7a ti Rea Cora =, lg baa, ESI @ Comers Aer sae eA AAS AWS ARH eae siren Sig ia a Pac ame em a Hon cererretie FAR GHOTIT wo STATA eI et Pilea WO! wise ae em aca fm aireRtY drpcea cnc See BAS Te TET TH TE SH onic fe) feta aac ceo sefirema sac Eefta oy oes aie TER afer ReRH 08 cofbe cern sc fey aratcsa He amiss 6 cy prme Bont er Get ade HERE MAT TA BT Fa BRT Reel ce yea Fer Some WARD Ge 30.3. 24e6 | HTS Catt eo Be ST SHE ASTOR EA GRR GHAR RETNE fa Sie THOT SaTER) STH ie ICE ACHR Pegler A Cop aoe 6 BA UE CORE Been crt wt KCI 0 OMT Fa BEL a SIE RI TA a UE AES She eofta map ae ene OF os BH TH “SOPOT OF ATA TRS | TT LETH CAS af cli eam Bose) ar I see REACH fra an-ven an Riera Fa ses. sees wie a AT wet GH crm Shortly after this, Pt. Madhusudan Gupta on the 10th of January, 1836, accompanied by four courageous pupils (Bebu Umacharan Set, Dwarka Nath Gupta, Raj Krishna De and other) secretly accompanied Dr. H. H. Goodive at an out house of the building and with his own hands began to dissect a body which has been procured for lecture. 3f2a cafiras 2mm FeReMIR CER TET St eC way ae eraRe ETHER ce SIS CMTC (Mrs. Belanos) fin apr eof A alern wt caine are Gora cra MLS APL Ri Te BG wrete) oat Ferra soon TE RETA eas. skee URES AM AR) ee onerTem area erat were oe Peg. TRH wes -rcrfatem © Babu Madhusudan Goopty, lectirer on Anatomy to the Bengali and Hindustani students, atter twenty two years’ service in the college died to him a debt of gratitude is due by his countrymen, He was a pioneer who cleared a space in the jungle of Prejudice. canta waarsine tra meat Stee (38 from) afer wpa eas afer Ret ae AE ecm aascaeee wie aetln dom eenfem) mIe fea ELE MER CN ROT te OTE RECT Ae s29 a1 ariel eo osber BIE ae sron RCH Fook wise ate antag eahes oferta water core cafe Ger eH ama cweMTs TAR 8 wlaoes wor ete Soest faca Sa oth, vite 8, cig, adlape Bee 6 savas st Coates A eas Based crt ten ore PFET aT ih a ile WS eerie Pfc SATE etc Fava ANS eee UN ae) ER CT eet oT aT afarensis meme Cx eT PHS cate, oe Some salt seen fiers GH RIN) «GH 22. 2ren lace eratcees fers ere co ace afer 6 Beene bo a coils a ea a Be Sooners semen ween Se TEE TAS ere Ben acm cuca omge yoT Rar org weet era cas Fae ama Sea “af ce re TRIP oo. 3. ssw Hr Te COATT aS Sach aterm! assaves wiREM aa He oteere eats x afer are sal we Cate Ste [aie citer Bisorta Seem wa“. sm OT aece siaerere Brecnaces wien Sere ce (RIA afte BR 2 args Foes weston afoot sce Be it apa seta (ATS eC Saket OTA oY ao, oe eat ae cece HE eet cea vtecwa Ay coca caer re cae aT ‘Hos LMS, =F Licenciate in Medicine and Surgery ifbecas a at 2 ot a Fir maga Rete 26 at) gearaprrsicn om, fear ea EL ct wee aay, aS FATE Aad ELSA) ypo>-ynoa Swans aPecaita wtacrs AO ve aH ate wrafteme AR RTS MEARE eR, AEN yee Woe eee, tet ate ace atone GER 8 ALA at Cae I © ae Tm BevoTE STITT card act a) aa ze | ase REBCK ORT aE, i ie wexfon|os contra cafe Ca SIO afeeomer cre caease Folia phe a acafrA seas fare AM) ¢ aOR BleONeON eH amo aged Cafe gents ote enerel fenfenteme eee ACA erm fire ae carer ATS GIG BATET AR-aIR ares ames 8 wrote drga7e ameter RAB ei fem Rae ts me aon eR aftr sara sade ik IR en mer ef TERE He af 3s, eoEREE gE, MOET TEI © fees Ba we ‘ose! ofteicee ara Ferrers Borecm) wreTEE toe wate crm sean ate aE oe FO TREAT CE ae BS ae eat TR CARE Go Geo sere as sms cafeens woe a face SOT oo SCTE eS YSN EET Gre 5 Fece AICR STE ERC PTET eA ‘Siees m9 fame aren afters ome ons efi, Rare : sess bine satan Geter Pere we crate fobs ofeene acne ca wh ws Sin ace afta SA SAT 3a.shee THRCH a TIE ot Beran wea sera) ARE GH aR ise cra ered EGA oo eB waceE CREM a EH ARI arora otto Tous SAE ShigaA caine ert ea zante ae ara one em Fern) ocr Sar Frets cafBanin ats CeCe GLA a Free ePraTEICA fete eat en an 9.23.38 eHfaCd wa a Groat eH oie ec a em am cam gm fore secs Rca ater Sere Teen sat xe) fo LEE Raber sepe Rtice aie xcaler ote ELTA i Ce AP et TTT a AT a iS Se ais ais ice aes wea a ae
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