Species Fact Sheet Scientific Name: Aeshna Sitchensis (Hagen, 1861) Common Name: Zigzag Darner
Species Fact Sheet Scientific Name: Aeshna Sitchensis (Hagen, 1861) Common Name: Zigzag Darner
Species Fact Sheet Scientific Name: Aeshna Sitchensis (Hagen, 1861) Common Name: Zigzag Darner
Conservation Status:
Global Status (1985): G5 – Secure
National Status (United States): N3
National Status (Canada): N5
State Statuses: Alaska (SNR), Idaho (SNR), Maine (S4), Michigan (SNR),
Minnesota (SNR), Montana (S2S3), New Hampshire (SNR), Oregon
(SNR), Utah (SH), Washington (S2), Wisconsin (S1), Wyoming (SNR)
Province Statuses: Alberta (S3), British Columbia (S5), Labrador (SNR),
Manitoba (S4), New Brunswick (S2), Newfoundland Island (S4),
Northwest Territories (SNR), Nova Scotia (S2), Nunavut (SNR), Ontario
(S4), Quebec (S5), Saskatchewan (SNR), Yukon Territory (S5)
(NatureServe 2009).
Technical Description:
Adult: Aeshna sitchensis belongs to the family Aeshnidae, commonly
known as the darners. Dragonflies in this family are recognized by their
large bodies, large eyes, long abdomens with complex patterns of pale
spots, and thorax typically with two lateral stripes (Paulson 2009).
Relative to other darners, A. sitchensis is a small species with the lateral
thoracic stripes narrow and so strongly notched and extended that they
form a characteristic zigzag shape (Paulson 2009). The first (most
anterior) stripe, in particular, has a distinct zigzag pattern. The two
stripes are often broken and may have a spot or streak between them,
and the frontal stripes are reduced or lacking. As with all darners, the
large eyes touch each other at the top of the head. The face is generally
pale yellow with a black cross-line, and the dark wing spots are narrow
and elongate. Males of this species have brown eyes mixed with blue
around the edges, and all of the pale markings on the body are light blue
with no green or yellow. Females have two forms; the andromorph
(resembling the male) has blue eyes and blue pale markings on the body,
while the heteromorph (different than the male) has brown eyes with blue
highlights, yellow thoracic stripes, and yellow to white spots on the
abdomen (Paulson 2009).
The small size (≤65 mm) and very blue abdomen of the male are obvious
and aid in field identification of this species (Paulson 2009). No other
Aeshna species whose ranges overlap with this species in Washington or
Oregon (e.g. A. juncea and A. umbrosa in Colville National Forest) are so
small and blue, nor do they have the characteristic zigzag lateral thoracic
stripes. In Alaska and Canada, this species could be confused with the
azure darner (A. septentrionalis), a similar small darner species which
also has zigzag lateral thoracic stripes but differs in the coloration of the
abdomen (see Paulson 2009). Aeshna septentrionalis does not occur in
Washington or Oregon.
The nymphs of this species are small and rather slender, with the head
broadest across the middle of the eyes (Walker 1921). A description of
the nymph is as follows (Walker 1921): Body length 31.5 to 32.5 mm;
mentum of labium 4.5 to 5.0 mm; hind wing-pads 7.5 mm; hind femora
5.5 mm; inferior appendages 3.0 to 3.25 mm; ovipositor 2.25 to 2.5 mm;
width of head 7 mm; width of abdomen 6 mm. The head is nearly
uniform brownish in color, the thorax has traces of paler mottlings in
some specimens, and the abdomen is brownish with pale markings
almost exactly as in A. interrupta and A. eremita. A detailed description of
such markings is provided in Walker (1921). The head is similar to A.
juncea and A. interrupta, but the eyes are a shade more prominent than
A. interrupta. The lateral margins of the head are short, passing through
well-rounded angles into the posterior margin, which is straight or feebly
excavated when viewed directly from above. The mentum of the labium
reaches back to the middle of the mesacoxae, the basal breadth about
three-fifths of the apical breadth, and the greatest breadth four-fifths of
the length; the sides are nearly straight and feebly divergent from the
base to a point just beyond the middle, distad of which they are strongly
arcuate. The middle lobe is prominent, narrow, and obtusangulate,
closely resembling that of A. juncea. The lateral lobes are broad, the
terminal parts subequal, the outer angle squarely truncate and scarcely
rounded, and the inner angle with a minute tooth. The supra-coxal
processes are rather short and blunt, subequal in length, with the
posterior one slightly stouter, and the interval nearly rectangular. The
abdomen is broadest at segments 6 and 7, a little more slender than in
A. interrupta. Lateral spines are present only on segments 7 to 9; those of
7 are minute rudiments, those of 8 extend half way to the base of
segment 9, and those of 9 extend as far as the proximal fourth of 10.
Further details regarding the inferior appendages and ovipositor are
provided in Walker (1921).
Life History:
The range-wide flight period for this species is from early June to October
(Wisconsin Odonate Survey 2010). In Washington, adults fly during mid
to late summer and adult specimens have been collected between July
21st and September 11th (Paulson 2010). Members of this family fly
continuously or hover intermittently, then hang vertically when they
perch (Paulson 2009). This species is an amazing aerialist with extremely
good sight, and is difficult to catch in flight. It is commonly approached
hanging on the bark of trees. It also often perches on the ground,
unusual for a darner (Bryan 2010). The males of this species fly low (only
a foot or two from the ground), sometimes apparently at random over the
bog and sometimes following the stream for some distance (Walker
1921). They fly less swiftly than others in this genus, and frequently drop
to the surface of the water for an instant, in a manner somewhat
suggestive of an ovipositing female (Walker 1921). The females have been
observed ovipositing in wet moss near the edges of small puddles in a
bog, many of which were less than a square foot in area. According to
Walker (1921), the manner of oviposition is similar to other Aeshna
species; the female alights on the moss and thrusts her abdomen into it
in various directions, apparently following no regular pattern. Usually
she remains in one spot for less than half a minute, then flies on a few
yards to repeat the operation. Occasionally, copulating pairs have been
seen rising from the bog and flying to neighboring trees (Walker 1921).
strong flier and may be a good colonist, able to reach sites several
kilometers apart. Upon emergence from the larval stage, young adults
(tenerals) may wander for a time before returning to their larval site or
another suitable area to mate. Some adults will usually be present at
locations where the species reproduces.
Forest Service/BLM lands: All known Washington and Oregon records for
this species are on Forest Service land (Paulson 2010, pers. comm.,
Johnson 2010, pers. comm.). In Washington, this species is documented
on Okanagon/Wenatchee National Forest (Fish Lake), Colville National
Forest (Davis Lake, Bunchgrass Meadows), and Gifford Pinchot National
Forest (Forlorn Lakes, South Prairie) (Paulson 2010, pers. comm.; Loggers
2010, pers. comm.; Kerst 2010, pers. comm.). In Oregon, this species is
documented on Mt. Hood National Forest (Little Crater Lake Meadow),
Willamette National Forest (Gold Lake Bog), and Deschutes National
Forest (Strider Lake and a sedge meadow near Sparks Lake)
Abundance: Most collections in Washington and Oregon have been of one
or two individuals, but as many as 11 males and 4 females have been
collected at a single location/date, and greater than 50 individuals have
been observed at a single location/date (Bunchgrass Meadows, August
14th, 2007). According to Dennis Paulson (2010, pers. comm.), this
species is common and apparently well-established at most of the
Washington sites where it occurs. In Oregon, the species is only
numerous at one site (sedge meadow near Sparks Lake) (Johnson 2010,
pers. comm.).
Habitat Associations:
Wet sedge meadows, fens, bogs, and very shallow peaty ponds are the
reported habitat for this boreal species (Paulson 2009, 2010; Bryan
2010). According to the Wisconsin Odonate Survey website (2010), this
species prefers bog pools, ten square yards or less, usually without
emergent plants, including pools that dry in the summer. It can also be
found in shallow, evenly vegetated sedge/moss fens with puddles
(Wisconsin Odonate Survey 2010). Walker (1921) describes one breeding
site in British Columbia as a small mossy bog at the foot of a mountain,
fed by springs and seepage from a small, cold mountain brook. The bog
at this site was partly enclosed by spruce forest and there was practically
no aquatic vegetation other than the partly submerged moss (Walker
1921). The Washington sites range in elevation from 1850 ft. (Fish Lake,
Chelan County) to 3500 ft. (South Prairie, Skamania County) to 5000-
6000 ft. (northeast Washington) (Paulson 2010). This species co-occurs
with Somatochlora franklini, S. whitehousei, and other Somatochlora
species at Bunchgrass meadows and other sites (Walker 1921).
Drought caused by global climate change is considered the primary
threat to this species (Paulson 2010, pers. comm.). Projected climate
changes in this region include increased frequency and severity of
seasonal flooding and droughts, reduced snowpack, increased siltation,
and increased air and water temperatures (Field et al. 2007), all of which
could impact this species’ habitat unfavorably. Moreover, since many
aspects of odonate survival (e.g. development, phenology, immune
function, pigmentation, and behavior) are sensitive to changes in
temperature, global climate change is predicted to have serious
consequences on this taxon (Hassall and Thompson 2008). As noted
above, Little Crater Lake Meadow recently dried out for a couple of years
and it is possible that the conditions left the area unsuitable for the
species (Johnson 2010, pers. comm.).
include peat mining, wetland grazing, manipulation of water levels,
recreation, recreational development, and management of aquatic
vegetation (Fleckenstein 2006). Although the population at Bunchgrass
Meadows is now largely shielded from these threats (USDA Forest Service
2008), other potential populations in the area may not be. Insect and
disease control (still allowed in Bunchgrass Meadows) may threaten this
species. Livestock grazing is not permitted within the Bunchgrass
Meadows, although the LeClerc grazing allotment is adjacent to the RNA,
and could potentially impact the hydrology of the site. The loss of trees
through timber harvest poses additional threats to this species, since
trees provide (1) shade that maintains lower water temperatures for
larvae and (2) foraging and nighttime roosting areas for adults
(Packauskas 2005).
Conservation Considerations:
Bunchgrass Meadows, one of the few sites for this species in
Washington, is a unique and interesting site for Odonata. It is also the
only known Washington site for two Somatochlora species (S. franklini
and S. whitehousei), and home to a population of Coenagrion
interrogatum, a narrow-wing damselfly which is quite rare and local in
the state (Paulson 2008, pers. comm.). This site contains no non-native
vascular plant species and is noticeably unique in terms of both animal
and plant diversity (Ahlenslager 2008). It requires serious conservation
efforts, and has recently gained federal protection as an official Research
Natural Area (RNA) (USDA Forest Service 2008, Ahlenslager 2008, pers.
comm.). The main goal of an RNA is to provide opportunities for non-
manipulative and non-destructive research in ecosystems that are free
from human impact and influenced only by natural processes. Current
management of the Bunchgrass RNA includes prohibiting logging and
mining, discouraging recreational use (horseback riding and berry
picking are permitted), and reducing travel throughout the site.
Inventory: Survey for new sites near the known site at Bunchgrass
Meadows, and elsewhere in northeast Washington. The species may
occur in upland bog/fen habitat along the northern Washington border,
a region that has not yet been surveyed for odonates and is in critical
need of inventory (Paulson 2010, pers. comm.). The Oregon records are
some of the southernmost extensions of this species’ global distribution.
Since global climate change is expected to threaten southern
populations, continued surveys and abundance estimations at these
sites and surrounding areas would be valuable in evaluating distribution
shifts, population declines, and other climate-driven effects. At a
minimum, the Sparks Lake site should be revisited; this site was last
visited in 2002 and is the only Oregon site where the species was found
to be numerous (Johnson 2010, pers. comm.). The site at Little Crater
Lake Meadow could also be revisited; this site has dried out in recent
years and whether or not it continues to host this species is of interest.
(1) References
(2) List of pertinent or knowledgeable contacts
(3) Maps of Oregon/Washington Distribution
(4) Photographs of Adult and Illustrations of Larva
(5) Odonata (Anisoptera) Survey Protocol, including specifics
for this species
ATTACHMENT 1: References:
Field, C.B., Mortsch, L.D., Brklacich, M., Forbes, D.L., Kovacs, P., Patz,
J.A., Running, S.W. and Scott, M.J. 2007. Chapter 14: North America.
In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.
Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F.,
Palutikof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E., eds.). Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK. Available at:
(Accessed 20 July 2010).
Loggers, C. 2010. Personal communication: E-mail exchange with Sarah
Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society.
Sargent, M.S and Carter, K.S., ed. 1999. Managing Michigan Wildlife: A
Landowners Guide. Michigan United Conservation Clubs, East Lansing,
MI. 297pp.
Tennessen, K. 2008. Chapter 12. Odonata. In. Merritt R.W. and K.W.
Cummins. Ed. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America.
4th Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa.
Wisconsin Odonate Survey. 2010. Most-wanted species: Aeshna
sitchensis. Available at:
(Accessed 3 July 2010).
Chris Loggers
Dennis Paulson
Jim Johnson
Cary Kerst
Denis Doucet
ATTACHMENT 3: Maps of Global Range/Conservation Status and
Oregon/Washington Distribution:
ATTACHMENT 4: Illustrations of Nymph and Photographs of Adult:
Aeshna sitchensis adult male, lateral view. Photograph by Denis Doucet,
used with permission.
Close-up photograph of Aeshna sitchensis adult male, showing dark
facial line and proportionately small eyes for a darner. Photograph by
Ben Coulter, used with permission.
Survey Protocol
Taxonomic group:
Adult odonates can be found feeding in range of terrestrial habitats, but
are most effectively sampled at the aquatic habitat where they mate and
oviposit. Ponds, streams, rivers, lake shores, marshes, bogs, and fens
support a range of odonate diversity. Some species (e.g. Gomphus kurilis)
frequent a variety of habitats, while others (e.g. Leucorrhinia borealis)
have highly specific preferences with regard to substrate, vegetation, and
water quality. For species-specific habitat information, see the section at
the end of this protocol.
Adults are surveyed in summer, during the often-short window of their
documented flight period. Adult odonates are most active in warm
temperatures, and usually begin to fly at the aquatic habitat with the
morning sun. Depending on the species, males arrive as early as 9 am
and leave as late as 6 pm. Females tend to arrive several hours later,
after the males have established their mating territories (Campanella
1975). In the high temperatures of the late afternoon, some species seek
shade in trees and vegetation.
Adult Surveys:
Use a long-handled, open-mesh aerial net, light enough to be swung
rapidly. Triplehorn and Johnson (2005) recommend a 300-380 mm
diameter net with a handle at least 1 m long.
Watch vegetation, logs, tree-trunks, and large, flat rocks for perched
individuals, particularly those in the Gomphidae and Libellulidae
families. Since dragonflies are powerful fliers and notoriously challenging
to catch, try to quietly photo-document specimens prior to attempting to
capture. Use a camera with good zoom or macrolens, and focus on the
aspects of the body that are the most critical to species determination
(i.e. dorsum of abdomen, abdominal terminalia (genitalia), pleural
thoracic markings, wing markings, eyes and face). For helpful tips, see
the article “Photographing Dragonflies” (Nikula 1997) available at:
http://www.odenews.org/PhotoArticle.htm (last accessed: 25 Oct. 2008).
When stalking perched individuals, approach slowly from behind,
covering your legs and feet with vegetation, if possible (dragonflies see
movement below them better than movement at their level). When
chasing, swing from behind, and be prepared to pursue the insect. A
good method is to stand to the side of a dragonfly’s flight path, and swing
out as it passes. After capture, quickly flip the top of the net bag over to
close the mouth and prevent the insect from escaping. Once netted, most
insects tend to fly upward, so hold the mouth of the net downward and
reach in from below when retrieving the specimen. Collected specimens
should be placed on ice in a cooler long enough to slow their movement
(a few minutes), and then set on a log or stone and comprehensively
photographed until the subject starts to stir. Specimens to be preserved
should be placed alive, wings folded together, in glassine or paper
envelopes, as they lose color rapidly once killed. Record the eye color and
locality/collection data on the envelope, including longitude and latitude
if possible.
appropriate if several sites are being surveyed repeatedly throughout a
season) involves gently numbering the wing with a fine-tip permanent
marker before release.
Larval Surveys:
When surveying for larvae, wear waders, and use care to avoid disrupting
the stream banks, vegetation, and habitat. Depending on the habitat, a
variety of nets can be useful. D-frame nets are the most versatile, as they
can be used in both lotic and lentic habitats. Kick-nets are only useful
when sampling stream riffles, and small aquarium nets are most effective
in small pools. If desired, relative abundance between sites or years can
be estimated by standardizing sampling area or sampling time. When the
use of a D-frame net is not feasible (e.g. in areas that have very dense
vegetation, little standing water, and/or deep sediment), an alternative
sampling device, such as a stovepipe sampler, can be used. This
cylindrical enclosure trap (~34 cm in diameter and 60 cm in height) is
quickly forced down through the water/vegetation and firmly positioned
in the bottom substrate. Material and organisms are then removed by
hand using small dip nets (Turner and Trexler 1997).
Net contents are usually dumped or rinsed into shallow white trays to
search for larvae more easily, as they are quite cryptic and can be
difficult to see if they are not moving. White ice-cube trays may also aid
in field sorting. Voucher collection should be limited to late instar larvae,
which can be most readily identified. If necessary, early instars can be
reared to later stages or adulthood in screened buckets/aquaria with tall
grasses added for emergence material. However, since the rearing
process often takes many trials to perfect, it is only recommended if
knowledge of species’ presence-absence status at a particular site is
critical, and few-to-no late instars or adults are found.
populations at a particular locale, their habitat data can be very
informative, and should be documented with as much care as that of
larvae and adults.
Bogs and wet meadows (fens) are the appropriate habitat in which to
conduct surveys for this species. Sites should be surveyed midday,
between late July and early September, and approached quietly in search
of perched adults. Members of this family fly continuously or hover
intermittently, then hang vertically when they perch (Paulson 2009). This
species is an amazing aerialist with extremely good sight, and is difficult
to catch in flight. It is commonly approached hanging on the bark of
trees. It also often perches on the ground, unusual for a darner (Bryan
2010). The females may be collected in wet moss near the edges of small
bog puddles, where oviposition occurs (Walker 1921). The males of this
species fly low (only a foot or two from the ground), sometimes
apparently at random over the bog and sometimes following the stream
for some distance (Walker 1921). They fly less swiftly than others in this
genus, and frequently drop to the surface of the water for an instant, in a
manner somewhat suggestive of an ovipositing female (Walker 1921). The
small size helps distinguish this species from other darners, although in-
hand examination is usually necessary to see the characteristic zigzag
pattern on the thorax.
While researchers are visiting sites and collecting adults and exuviae,
detailed habitat data should also be acquired, including substrate type,
water quality, vegetation characteristics, and presence/use of canopy
cover (Packauskas 2007). Abundance estimates for this species would
also assist future conservation efforts, since population size is important
in evaluating the stability of a species at a given locality.
Paulson, D. 2010. Personal communication: Email exchange with S.
Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society.