02 00127 PSM ABC Handbook Final
02 00127 PSM ABC Handbook Final
02 00127 PSM ABC Handbook Final
Costing in Public
Health Commodities
Supply Chains
Methodology Uncovers True Costs
of Operation, Gives Rise to New
Management Approach
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ....................................3
Acronyms ......................................................3
Executive Summary ..................................4
ABC Background .......................................5
ABC Implementation ..............................7
ABC Management ..................................10
Lesotho Case Study ...............................12
Conclusion .................................................16
Appendices ................................................17
ghsupplychain.org @ghsupplychain
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the
U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. government.
GHSC-PSM is implemented by Chemonics International, in collaboration with Arbola Inc., Axios International Inc., IDA
Foundation, IBM, IntraHealth International, Kuehne + Nagel Inc., McKinsey & Company, Panagora Group, Population Services
International, SGS Nederland B.V., and University Research Co., LLC. To learn more, visit ghsupplychain.org
Lead GHSC-PSM author: Steve Thomas, Warehousing Inventory and Logistics Advisor
GHSC-PSM contributing authors: Barry Chovitz, Technical Director – Leadership and Governance; James Johnson, Workforce
Strengthening Advisor; Ralph Titus – Director of Health Systems Strengthening; Ryan Triche, Analyst – Warehousing and Distribution
3PLs Third-party logistics providers
These warehousing activities require For programs funded by the U.S. — Present a detailed case study on ABC
infrastructure, equipment, human President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS implementation in Lesotho and the
resources and expertise, all of which bring Relief (PEPFAR), activity-based costing will positive results that unfolded.
significant costs. be an emphasis in 2021 and beyond.
— Provide annexes with example tools
Donors and country governments For countries that want to manage their that are used to implement and
are beginning to use a traditionally own supply chains without hiring third- practice ABC.
private-sector approach to measuring party logistics providers (3PLs) to provide
Throughout the handbook, the term
warehousing costs as a way to warehousing services, implementing ABC
“distribution center” is used instead of
better understand these cost drivers, is especially important to ensure that
“warehouse” to reinforce the idea that
identify inefficiencies in warehousing warehouse performance and costs are
these facilities should not be points for
processes and costs, implement process competitive with what 3PLs offer.
long-term and costly storage of products
improvements to lower costs, and
This handbook will: but rather shorter-term intermediaries
continually evaluate performance for
in continually moving products to the last
further improvements. This approach — Help country governments mile and to clients. This change in concept
is called activity-based costing, or ABC, understand what ABC is, the steps is helping public health supply chains focus
and it engenders a new way of managing involved in implementing ABC, and on more rigorous approaches to supply
called activity-based management. the expected outcomes. chain management within the storage realm.
requirements for how they are handled implementation. It is the tool that drives the volume of commodities that are expected
or stored, how fragile they are or whether organizational change needed for ABC to to move through the distribution center
they are sensitive to light exposure. These be successful. and the level of staffing that will be needed
characteristics can often be identified and to complete these tasks (plan). The next
measured by analyzing information in the The model used for the daily planner is morning, supervisors again meet briefly to
distribution center’s existing systems, such called plan-do-check-act (PDCA), a four- ensure the plan from the previous day is
as the warehouse management system step process for carrying out change. By still in place, and staff are then allocated to
(WMS) or enterprise resource planning conducting these four steps each day, guided conduct tasks according to the day’s plan
(ERP) system. by the daily planner, an organization gains (do). At the end of the day, the supervisors
visibility into what is and is not working meet again to analyze and discuss how well
Identify Data Gaps Before and can take iterative steps to improve that day’s plan worked (check). If something
Implementation of ABC processes and achieve efficiencies. did not work as planned — for example,
Finally, the ABC advisors collaborate if a shipment that was scheduled to arrive
In the context of ABC implementation in a
with distribution center staff to develop that day did not arrive, resulting in staff in
public health distribution center, the PDCA
a roadmap of what information will be the receiving department not having the
daily planner is used to measure the main
needed in Phase 2, such as volumetric data expected level of work —supervisors can
operational functions of the distribution
requirements and job codes (see Annex quickly identify this inefficiency and then
center, meaning those that touch freight/
1 for a list of the typical data needed), determine a solution for the next day — for
commodities — receipt, put-away, picking,
and determines if any gaps need to be example, strategizing how to re-allocate
packing and loading for shipping. These
addressed prior to implementation. staff with unexpected free time to another
functions are defined as direct labor
and are the cost drivers in a distribution area where assistance is needed (act).
Phase 2: Implementation
center. By splitting out these functions and As this PDCA cycle is conducted each
In Phase 2, direct labor is defined and
understanding how they work and interact, day with the daily planner, distribution
allocated, and ABC is implemented. This
the distribution center can then eliminate center supervisors and managers begin
process requires about 10 days of remote
overlaps or wastage in labor in each to understand the interactive nature
or in-person support and encompasses the
functional area to increase productivity and of distribution center functions and to
following activities:
reduce unnecessary cost. operate more as a team. They learn to
Implement a Daily Plan-Do-Check-Act identify, respond to and even anticipate
The process can work like this: at the
Planner To Define Direct Labor and inefficiencies, continually improving
end of each day, the supervisors for each
Enable Continual Improvement processes over time. Working as a team
functional area of the distribution center
This daily planner (See Annex 2 for an meet and use the daily planner to plan and having direct input into processes also
example) is the centerpiece of ABC for the next day, taking into account the helps build staff morale.
The PDCA Cycle
As such, this PDCA practice and tool, once As this PDCA cycle is conducted each day with the daily
established, is truly the foundation to a lean
supply chain and drives the distribution planner, distribution center supervisors and managers
center’s evolution to activity-based
begin to understand the interactive nature of distribution
center functions and to operate more as a team.
Develop a Draft Labor Report
for Direct Labor
The direct labor report (see Annex 3
for an example) captures a distribution Collect All Indirect Labor and Determine Indirect Labor Allocation
center’s direct labor costs by each Transportation Costs to Distribution Center Activities
functional area, compared to the cost of In this step, the ABC advisors and Finally, the ABC advisors and distribution
(the hours used) moving commodities distribution center management team center management team will conduct
through the distribution center, to measure collect information on indirect costs, which interviews to ascertain the percentage of
productivity. are made up of two types of costs: support to a specific activity driver for all
indirect labor costs.
An output of the labor report is — Payroll costs for staff who perform
throughput, which is a “grade” on how the overhead functions — that is, functions Phase 4: Finalization
distribution center managed labor against such as procurement, order entry and This last phase, Phase 4, which requires 5
received and shipped product. Throughput customer service that are not directly to 10 days of remote or in-person support,
is calculated as total units received and tied to the main operational functions is when the ABC advisors, distribution
shipped, divided by the total hours used of the distribution center center operations manager and director
to perform those tasks. This measure of — Transportation costs, such as fuel, of finance review the ABC model, further
productivity provides insight as to when maintenance, depreciation and driver customize it as needed and finalize it.
resources are used most efficiently. per diem
The labor report is customized to fit each — Software and hardware
distribution center operation. PHASES OF ABC IMPLEMENTATION
This exercise provides raw data for
Allocate Direct Labor customizing the ABC costing model. Phase 1: Overview
In this step, the ABC advisors and and Discovery
distribution center team calculates salary Develop a Database to Allocate
The groundwork for
Indirect Costs to Distribution Center
levels for all direct labor employees implementation begins
involved in handling and moving product in
the distribution center. Next, the ABC advisors work with the
Phase 2:
finance and distribution center managers
to create a database of these indirect costs
AM (Activity Measured) ÷ Direct labor is defined
and connect it with the organization’s and allocated
H (Hours) = TP (Throughput)
payroll system to create customized hours-
tracking reports by function. These reports
This information is used to assign actual are used to align indirect costs to a specific Phase 3:
costs to an activity. distribution center function on the direct
Data on indirect costs
labor report.
Phase 3: Customization allows customization
In Phase 3, data on indirect costs allows This activity is the critical point for future
ABC to be customized to the particular ABC efforts for the direct labor portion Phase 4:
distribution center. The following activities, of the ABC model, as this is when all Finalization
requiring about 10 days of remote or in- distribution center and transportation Management and finance
employees are assigned to a specific agree to final customization
person support, will take place:
distribution center function.
ABC Management
Joseph A. Ness and Cucuzza, T.G. “Tapping the Full Potential of ABC” Harvard Business Review, July-August 1995. Online: https://hbr.org/1995/07/tapping-the-full-potential-of-abc
11 | ABC Management Activity-Based Costing in Public Health Commodities Supply Chains
• Determine the true costs of warehousing • Establish definitive KPIs and continual
activities improvement plans
• Determine the true cost of commodities • Instill activity-based management
to inform pricing and purchasing policy throughout the organization
• Identify individual products that are • Develop enterprise logisticians
• Discover private-sector operations skills
• Reveal unnecessary costs to eliminate
• Drive operational proficiency
• Enable products to “pay their way” through
• Build capacity in supply chain management
understanding of cost and storage
• Change Management. ABC is a • Unfamiliar Numbers. ABC produces • Generally Accepted Accounting
fundamental organizational change that categories of numbers that may be Principles (GAAP). ABC does not
requires commitment from leadership and unfamiliar to managers who work with conform to GAAP, because it can
buy-in from all stakeholders, especially traditional cost systems. Additionally, ABC exclude some organization-sustaining costs
employees. Developing a change management does not automatically point to root and include some indirect costs in its
strategy to guide this process is essential to causes but identifies underperforming calculations. In such cases, two costing
overcoming resistance to change and helping activities; therefore, it is important not to systems may be needed, with ABC
ensure a successful and sustainable transition. misinterpret unfamiliar numbers as serving as a supplement to a traditional
indication of root causes. cost system to identify areas where
• Question of Benefit for a Cost-Conscious
improvement can be made, as opposed
Organization. Changing an accounting P
roviding continual guidance on unfamiliar
to serving as a bottom-line financial tool.
system can be difficult. In particular, a cost- numbers and reports throughout ABC
conscious organization may not feel that the implementation helps build understanding
benefits of ABC outweigh the time and costs and capacity in the organization. Distribution
of implementation. In this case, an ABC center staff with an eye for data and analytics
system likely cannot realize its potential may be helpful here to build this capacity
without full organizational support. in others.
Successful ABC Implementation
Since its founding in 1979, Lesotho’s National Drug Service Organization costing models was PEPFAR’s call to action
(NDSO) has been at the forefront of procurement, warehousing and to achieve the United Nations’ 90-90-90
HIV/AIDS program targets, with their
distribution of essential medicines to health facilities owned by the increased emphasis on laboratory services
Lesotho government and those affiliated with the Christian Health and the introduction of test-and-treat, an
Association of Lesotho. intervention strategy that called for earlier
treatment of individuals diagnosed with
HIV. Transition to these strategies initially
A parastatal organization, NDSO is Challenge: How to Make Last-Mile challenged supply chain planning globally
financially autonomous from Lesotho’s Delivery Viable Financially by changing the mix and increasing the
Ministry of Health (MOH).
Intuitively, the additional costs associated volume of commodities flowing through
To cover costs of its monthly deliveries with last-mile delivery would require the system. Until supply chains adjusted,
to 10 health districts and five principal NDSO’s markups to be revised. An the new strategies stretched resources at
hospitals, NDSO established markups increased markup, however, would likely many levels, including in Lesotho.
on donor-funded products and essential upset NDSO’s customer base (donors),
which might look for cheaper alternatives. Understanding Current
medicines. These health districts and
principal hospitals were then responsible But NDSO’s senior management was Performance
for conducting last-mile delivery of the also concerned that the service fee for With the support of USAID GHSC-PSM,
medicines to health facilities. donor-funded products was insufficient to NDSO began a multi-year initiative in 2016
cover NDSO’s actual handling, storage and to better understand overall operating
However, in 2016, due to ongoing transportation costs. They were further expenses and the cost differences in
challenges in medicines being delivered concerned that the reimbursement for product handling, storage and last-mile
from the health district level to the essential medicines had been set too low delivery requirements for donor-funded
facility level, the MOH tasked NDSO to ensure financial stability. products and essential medicines. The goal
with monthly last-mile delivery to was to identify opportunities to streamline
approximately 220 health facilities. Last- At the time, NDSO’s financial cost models processes, achieve cost efficiencies and
mile deliveries can often be the most lacked the ability to accurately track actual enhance performance.
difficult and expensive segment in a supply operating costs by functional cost center
chain due to increased distance, poor or to quantify the effect of unforeseen To do so, NDSO and GHSC-PSM
infrastructure, lack of paved roads and disruptions in the supply chain. An example prepared for application of the ABC
limited communication. of such a disruption that needed to be model.
accounted for in budgetary projections and
13 | ABC Case Study Activity-Based Costing in Public Health Commodities Supply Chains
meant GHSC-PSM was granted access to Operational and Financial Transparency Resiliency and Efficiency
sensitive financial data and existing system Before ABC adoption, NDSO lacked By gathering, measuring, reporting and
information. If the general manager or other visibility into exactly which distribution analyzing true costs generated, NDSO
senior managers were not forthcoming with center functions accounted for what became more resilient and efficient.
information, the ABC study would not have portions of its recurring expenses. Like Overall, reduced operational costs allowed
realized the success that it did. many developmental logistics supply limited donor and MOH monies to be
chains, NDSO only had access to top- spent on other areas to help further
line annual costs totaled for all functions. improve supply chain performance and
ABC implementation in Lesotho led to a Now, NDSO routinely monitors the costs ensure greater access for patients.
number of results: of every aspect of its operations and
better monitors and controls its expenses. Staff Engagement and Morale
Time saving
The fiscal year ending 2017 saw a very Once staff understood the intention and
Over the ABC initiative’s duration, NDSO positive outcome in bottom-line financial benefits of ABC implementation and
reduced its internal distribution center performance. By the end of 2018, NDSO’s bought into the change, they became more
cycle time for order entry to dispatch from more efficient processes and reduced costs engaged in the process changes, worked
two weeks to four days. Its year-over-year resulted in a threefold improvement in together as a team and had direct input
financial performance and stability also financial performance. into the evolving processes. This made staff
continue to improve. feel empowered and improved morale.
With visibility into operating costs, NDSO
Shift to Self-Reliance
senior managers could improve efficiency
Completion of the ABC work saw and curtail costs to the point that they
NDSO transition to true activity-based “broke even” while maintaining the same
management. The senior leadership was markups. They could also contemplate
empowered to operate the supply chain establishing a strategic capital investment
with full knowledge of how decisions they fund to become more autonomous in the
made immediately affected service for future and fund infrastructure expansion
the end recipient. By using ABC/activity- improvements. (A capital investment
based management, NDSO executive strategy for a supply chain uses some of
leaders exercise full control of their supply the money available at end of the fiscal
chain and operate in a state of continual year, due to the high-level performance
National Drug Service Organization (NDSO) staff in Lesotho
improvement, requiring no outside against past actual outcomes, to sustain conduct daily planning of distribution center activities as part
intervention. and improve the facilities.) of ABC implementation. PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM
In public health supply chains, implementing to ensure this is possible. Without such
ABC in distribution centers establishes an approach, inefficient costing and
the true cost of operation, which enables management could potentially lead to
a more informed, proactive management competition from 3PLs that can offer
approach to be built on this essential Ministries of Health much more efficient
knowledge. Improved costing and distribution center services for a lower
management practices tie directly to cost. This may be a viable or necessary
improved supply chain management overall. option for some countries, but for those
that want to maintain control of the supply
For countries that want to manage their chain and support continued employment
own public health supply chains, adopting of distribution center staff, ABC offers a
an ABC approach is an important way practical solution.
Section .07
Put-Away / Replinishment
Required # # Empl
Receiving / Off Loading of empl. Us ed 75000
# of Required #
8 # Employee Used
Eaches 32000 9.2 Name of empl.
Name 6.9 7
1 Scott 6 Nagesh
3 Susi 9 4 Allan 9
4 Eliza 10 5 Steve 10
Required #
# Employee Used
5 Xavier 11 Dispatch/Loading of empl.
# of
6 Chris 12 Cartons 68500 8.5 8
Required #
Picking of empl. 1 John 7 Ella
# of
Eaches 270 0.2 2 Dan 8 Michael
# Empl
1 Ralph 9 Cherif Used 3 Ashley 9
2 Jamey 10 8 4 Swaroop 10
3 Rene 11 5 Mohammad 11
4 Max 12 6 Paul 12
5 Kate 13
6 Ishan 14
7 Maqsoda 15
8 Ryan 16
Actual % to $ Actual % to $
450,339 Units 2,670,902
1,730 Regular Hours 5,190
1,862 7.09% Total 5,624 7.72%
66,141 0.12 Cost 200,944 0.17
242 Throughput 475
210,508 Units 626,038
692 Regular Hours 2,076
786 11.96% Total 2,481 16.32%
19,633 0.03 Cost 64,387 0.05
140 Throughput 132
228,086 Units 612,875
1,557 Regular Hours 4,498
1,676 7.10% Total 4,945 11.32%
40,046 0.07 Cost 125,338 0.10
80 Throughput 110
228,086 Units 612,875
692 Regular Hours 2,076
767 9.78% Total 2,291 9.38%
27,087 0.05 Cost 80,618 0.07
572 Throughput 541
888,933 Units 3,909,815
6,649 Regular Hours 19,764
7,189 7.51% Total 21,743 9.10%
268,415 0.47 Cost 831,931 0.68
124 Throughput 180
21 | Appendices Activity-Based Costing in Public Health Commodities Supply Chains
November $ 22,919,094 144 $ 325,796 17.34 1.42 82.7 $ 79,418 0.0035 $ 80,990 7,632 55,743 63,891 $ 0.30 294 8.37 1.423
December $ 148,083,516 417 $ 256,832 4.89 0.17 83.76 $ 79,418 0.0005 $ 69,616 6,567 55,743 48,266 $ 0.24 259 7.35 0.171
January $ 12,734,618 221 $ 257,823 5.14 2.02 86.29 $ 79,418 0.0062 $ 72,532 6,761 55,743 45,191 $ 0.22 289 6.68 2.026
February $ 13,626,858 130 $ 236,778 0.86 1.74 84.2 $ 79,418 0.0058 $ 59,214 5,817 55,743 47,976 $ 0.25 241 8.25 1.746
March $ 60,277,238 424 $ 251,348 4.59 0.42 85.16 $ 79,418 0.0013 $ 75,451 7,189 55,743 54,046 $ 0.26 305 7.52 0.421
April $ 10,062,444 197 $ 253,421 5.14 2.52 75.78 $ 79,418 0.0079 $ 63,380 6,437 $ 55,743 53,485 $ 0.27 248 8.31 2.528
May $ 12,940,872 116 $ 254,640 5.65 2.07 N/A $ 79,418 0.0061 $ 58,281 6,307 $ 55,743 56,472 $ 0.29 253 8.95 2.076
June $ 12,273,654 178 $ 254,640 3.38 2.07 N/A $ 79,418 0.0065 $ 65,968 6,934 $ 55,743 45,615 $ 0.23 301 8.74 2.076
July $ 18,645,976 134 $ 307,479 13.32 1.65 N/A $ 79,418 0.0043 $ 49,269 5,640 $ 55,743 49,269 $ 0.27 228 8.74 1.654
Agust $ 37,677,188 207 $ 262,637 5.07 0.7 N/A $ 79,418 0.0021 $ 63,905 6,934 $ 55,743 52,527 $ 0.26 368 9.22 0.702
September $ 20,755,726 166 $ 288,533 9.48 1.39 N/A $ 79,418 0.0038 $ 60,122 7,002 $ 55,743 52,731 $ 0.27 281 8.59 1.394
October $ 10,994,860 146 $ 290,759 8.69 2.64 N/A $ 79,418 0.0072 $ 47,286 5,351 $ 55,743 33,065 $ 0.18 245 8.84 2.647
Average $ 31,749,337 207 $ 270,057 6.96 1.57 82.86 $ 79,418 0.0054 $ 61,541 $ 6,437 $ 55,743 49,038 $ 0.25 276 8.77 1.73