The Library of Alexandria
The Library of Alexandria
The Library of Alexandria
The Library of Alexandria was the greatest library As time passed, the rulers of Alexandria became
of the ancient world. Built around 280 BC, this more aggressive in their mission. They searched
library held as many as 700,000 books and scrolls. for books on all ships that entered their ports.
Think of all that ancient wisdom! Some of it was Alexandria was a trading hub and many ships
timeless. Most of it was rare. Much of it was came and went. Government agents seized every
burned. book that they found. They brought the books to
the library and scholars would copy them.
To appreciate the Library of Alexandria, you have Sometimes the library kept the originals. And they
to understand the rarity of books at that time. This returned the copies to the visitors.
library was built 1600 years before the invention
of the printing press. Every text in the collection Another interesting acquisition involved the
was handwritten. It took a lot more work to make a Athenians. Athens was a neighboring city-state to
book back then. Books were very expensive. The Alexandria in the Macedonian Empire. The
collection of texts at the Library of Alexandria was Alexandrians wanted some classic Greek texts
priceless in every sense. from the Athenians. They convinced the Athenians
to lend them the original copies of these texts. The
Naturally, this library was located in Alexandria, a Alexandrians claimed that they would copy these
seaport in Egypt. Alexander the Great established texts. The Alexandrians gave the Athenians a
this city in 331 BC. He built a very large empire tremendous sum to secure the loan. They gave
that respected and preserved knowledge. The them over 1,000 pounds of silver as collateral. The
Library of Alexandria grew from this empire. Alexandrians did copy the books, but they
returned the copies to the Athenians. The
The rulers of Alexandria wanted their library to be Alexandrians happily forfeited the collateral to
a collection of all the world's knowledge. That was keep the original texts.
a pretty big mission at the time. That's a mission
that Google and others are still pursuing today. One ill-fated night in 48 BC, the Library of
Can you imagine what it was like trying to collect Alexandria burned. Roman general Julius Caesar
all the world's knowledge before computers? The was fighting a civil war against the Roman Senate.
rulers of Alexandria took some extreme actions to While engaged in battle, Caesar felt it wise to set
pursue their mission. fire to his own ships and burn the docks at
Alexandria. The fire spread and destroyed the
They sent royal agents across the known world to Library of Alexandria. The flames consumed
collect texts. They gave these agents large sums of many texts. Some texts may have been saved. The
money and instructed them to buy any book that full-damage of the episode is unknown. The
they could find. They preferred older texts, but library was later rebuilt, but was thereafter less
they would buy books written by any author on noted in history.
any subject.
1. Which statement is FALSE based on the text?
a) The city of Alexandria is located in Egypt.
b) Julius Caesar burned the Library of Alexandria.
c) The city of Alexandria was named after Alexander Hamilton.
d) Athens was a city-state in the Macedonian Empire.
3. Which best explains why the author writes about Google in the FOURTH paragraph?
a) He is making a modern connection to the ancient library's mission.
b) He is persuading readers to use Google to learn more about the library.
c) He is informing readers that Google competes with libraries.
d) He is persuading readers to give more information about our world to Google.
5. The Alexandrians did all of the following to obtain books EXCEPT which?
a) Seized books from visitors to their city
b) Tricked neighboring cities into surrendering classic texts
c) Spent lots of money buying any book they could find
d) Made every citizen write a book for their library
6. Which best explains the AUTHOR'S PURPOSE in writing the SECOND paragraph?
a) He is trying to inform readers of the value of the library's collection.
b) He is trying to persuade readers to visit the city of Alexandria.
c) He is trying to impress readers with poetic language about the library.
d) He is trying to explain the importance of the printing press.
7. With which statement would the author most likely DISAGREE?
a) Julius Caesar burned the Library of Alexandria.
b) Alexander the Great founded Alexandria.
c) The Alexandrians paid more money for older books.
d) The Athenians scammed the Alexandrians for their silver.
8. Based on the text, which best explain Alexandrians' attitude toward books?
a) They wanted newer books because they were prettier than older books.
b) They wanted older books because they smelled better than newer books.
c) They wanted older books because they had fewer errors than newer books.
d) They wanted newer books more because they were less worn than older books.
9. What can we INFER about the rulers of ancient Alexandria based on the text?
a) They were more into warfare than study.
b) They valued knowledge more than money.
c) They thought that learning was a waste of time.
d) They defended the property rights of all travelers.
1. The Alexandrians aggressively pursued the collection of knowledge? Do you think that
they went too far? Why or why not? Refer to the text in your response.