7-1 Using: Can Expresses Ability and Possibility

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(a) I have some money. I can buy a book. Can expresses ability and possibility.
(b) We have time and money. We cango to a movie.
( c ) Tom is saong. He can lip the heavy box.

Yuko can #peak English. The simple form of the main verb follows
can. In (d): speak is the main verb.

An infinitive with to does NOT follow can.

(e) INCORRBCT: Yuko can to speak English.
In (e): w speak is incorrect.

The main verb never has a fmal -s.

Yuko can speak English. In (f): speaks is incorrect.

(g) Alice can not come. can + not = can not OR:cannot
Alice cannot come. CONTRACTION:
Alice can't come. can + not = can't

EXERCISE 1-ORAL: Make sentences from the given words. Use can or can't.

Example: A bud \ sing Example: A horse \ sing

Response: A bird can sing. Response: A horse can't sing.
1. A b u d \ f l y 8. A deaf person \ hear
2. A cow \ fly 9. A blind person \ see
3. A child \ drive a car 10. An elephant \ swim
4. An adult \ drive a car 11. An elephant \ climb aees
5. A newborn baby \ walk 12. A cat \ climb trees
6. A fish \ breathe air 13. A boat \ float on water
7. A fish \ swim 14. A rock \ float on water
EXERCISE 2-ORAL: Make sentences about yourself using I can or I can't.

Example: speak Chinese

Response: I can speak Chinese. OR: I can't speak Chinese.
1. whistle swim
2, ride a bicycle float on water
3. touch my ear with my elbow ski
4. play the piano* do arithmetic
5. play the guitar make a paper airplane
6. lift a piano sew a button on a shirt
7. drive a stick-shift car eat with chopsticks
8. fix a flat tire wiggle my ears


(a) Can you speak Arabic? + Yes,Ican.
+ No, I can't.
(b) Can Marge come to the party? + Yes, she can.
+ No, she can't.

can I &Y a hammer? + At a hardware store.

can you help me? + Tomormw afiemoon.

EXERCISE 3: Make yes/no questions. Give short answers.

1. A: Can lean speak English?

B: Yes. she can. (Jean can speak English.)

2. A: Can vou speak French?

B: NO. I can't. (I can't speak French.)

3. A:

B: (Jim can't play the piano.)

4. A:

B: (I can whistle.)

*In expressions withplay, ihe is usually used with musical inshuments: play the pinno, play theguitar, play the
uiolin, etc.
B: (I can go shopping with you this afternoon.)

6. A:

B: (Carmen can't ride a bicycle.)

7 . A:

B: (Elephants can swim.)

8. A:

B: (The students can finish this exercise quickly.)

(I can stand on my head.)

(The doctor can see you tomorrow.)

(We can't have pets in the dormitory.)

EXERCISE 4-ORAL: Pair up with a classmate.

STUDENT A: Your book is open. Ask a question. Use "Can you ... ?" . . '.. *
STUDENT B: Your book is closed. Answer the question.

Example: speak Arabic

STUDENT A: Can you speak Arabic?
STUDENT B: Yes, I can. OR: No, I can't.

Switch roles.
1. ride a bicycle 11 . spell Mississippi
2. ride a motorcycle 12. see the back of ( . . . )'s head
3. ride a horse 13. count to five in (a language)
4. play the piano 14. stand on your head
5. play the guitar 15. touch your knee with your nose
6. touch the ceiling of this room 16. touch your ear with your elbow
7. cook (a nationality) food 17, play the violin
8. sing 18. drive a stick-shift car
' I
9. whistle 19. fix a flat tire
1 .'
10. float on water 20. ski
EXERCISE $-ORAL: Pair up with a classmate.
STUDENT A: Your book is open. Ask a question. Use "Whew can I . . F
STUDENT B: Your book is closed. Answer the question.
Example: buy a notebook
STUDENT A: Where can I buy a notebook?
STUDENT B. At the bookstore. /At (name of a local store). I Etc.

Switch roles.
1. buy a camera 9. buy a diamond ring
2. get a dozen eggs 10. buy a hammer
3. buy a window fan 11. see a zebra
4, get a good dinner 12. get a newspaper
5. go swimming 13. find an encyclopedia
6. play tennis 14. get a taxi
7. catch a bus 15. get a sandwich
8. mail a package 16. cash a check


(a) Icanswim. (a) and @) have basically the same meaning. Know how to
(b) I know how to d m . expresses ability.
( c ) Can you cook? (c) and (d) have basically the same meaning.
(d) Do you know how to cook?

EXERCISE 6-ORAL: Pair up with a classmate.

STUDENT A: Your book is open. Ask a question. Use know how to in your question.
STUDENT B: Your book is closed. Answer the question.

Example: swim
S m E N T A: DOYOU know how to swim?
STUDENT B: Yes, I do, OR: No, I don't.
7. ! 1 , . .. : , .
,., Switch roles. ., ..,
1. cook 9. play the guitar
2, dance 10. get to the airport from here
3. play the piano 11. get to (name of a store) from here
4. get to the post office from here 12, use a hammer
5, furaflattire 13. use a screwdriver
6. drive a stick-shift car 14, count to five in (a language)
7. wiggle your ears 15. add, subtract, multiply, and divide
8. sew 16, fmd the square root of nine
EXERCISE 7-ORAL/WRITTEN: Walk around and talk to your classmates. Ask them ques-
tions. Find people who have the abilities listed below. Ask them questions about their
abilities. Write a report of the information you get from your classmates.
1. play a musical instrument
2. play a sport
3. speak three or four languages
4, cook
5. sing
6. sew
7. fur a car
8. draw
9. swim
10. eat with chopsticks


(a) I am in Hawaii. I can go to the beach every day. could = the past form of can.
(b) I was in Hawaii last month. I couldgo to the beach
every day when I was there.

I (c
(d) I
I can't no to the movie todav. I have to smdv.
could not go
) to the mivie Uut night. ;
had to s ~ d y .
could + not = couidn't
( e ) Could you speak English before you came here? QUESTION:
could + subject + main verb

EXERCISE 8: Complete the sentences by using couldn't. Use the expressions in the list or
your own words.

call you go to the movie

come to clats light the candles
fl do my homewo~k listen to music
get into my car wash his clothes
go swimming watch TV

2. I yesterday because I lost your telephone number.

3. I last night because my T V set is broken.
4. Tom because he didn't
have any matches.

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