and the
Order of the Elder Brothers Rose + Cross
By Hagur, Grand Hierophant
In the so-called Common Era, the Templar Order was the last western initiatory
order to secretly join its culture with the one of the eastern Brothers.
It happened in land of Palestine where, even with different goals and political
reasons, its Militia worked together with the troops of the Crusades and the
knights of St. John from the island of Rhodes. Bernardo da Chiaravalle (1090-
1153) created the Templar Rule, restored the Cistercian Order and wrote the
motto “Salve caput cruentatum”; he extended his protection and that of the
Order he represented to the most illuminated Rabbis (Jewish priests) that lived
under the yoke of the temporal and religious power of Europe in the Jewish
Communities of Spain, France, Germany and Italy.
The High Templar Hierarchy never conceded its political and initiatory secrets
outside its Commendam and Temples; in his three years of detention in the
French dungeons, the last of his life, the Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de
Molay, had the time to build, covered by the minor brothers of the Order (monks
and builders of the Temples that later represented the esoterical part of
Freemasonry), four groups of Dignitaries and Officials of the Temple in
Scotland, France, Germany and Italy. They eventually became the esoterical part
of Freemasonry. It was the year 1313.
Following the last orders of the Grand Master, a group of seven templars
initiated to the secrets of the Order, the knights Gaston de la Pierre Phoebus,
Guidon de Montanor, Gentili da Foligno, Henrì de Monfort, Luis de Grimoard,
Pierre Yorick de Rivault and Cesar Minvielle, together with another fifteen
people, reached the island of Mull in Scotland, where other brothers were
expecting them.
On that island on the 24th June 1313, the Knight Aumonte was elected by the
assembly regent of the Grand Master. The templar Guy de Montanor, doctor in
alchemy, 7th degree of the initiatory hierarchy and disciple of the Grand Master,
founded the Templar Church in the secret of the brotherhood together with other
initiates, in order to perpetuate the teaching they had been transmitted.
Their emblem was a pelican surmounted by a cardinal's hat and underneath six
acorns with the motto: “Dium sibi caeteris.”
In October 1316 four templars initiated to the Secret of Secrets (the Royal
Secret), Guy de Montanor, Gaston de la Pierre Phoebus, Pietro il Buono di
Lombardia and Richard the English, together with other 24 brothers, all
belonging to the Templar Church, went to France, that was under the
sovereignty of king Philip V; they asked for a hearing with Jacques d'Euse (in
English James of Bones) elected pope of Avignon with the name of John XXII.
The meeting was conceded straight away and it took place on the 17th
November of the same year.
The results of that meeting were the assurance of “complete protection” from the
pope for those warrior-monks and the plan of a Rule for a new Order, whose
members would be called the Elder Brothers of Rose + Cross (Sovereign Order
of the Elder Brothers Rose + Cross) (French abbreviation; OSFAR+C). This
chivalric group suffered great losses because of a turbulent and tragic journey to
the brothers in England; meanwhile in France there was a man left as warrantor
of the Rule of the Pope, an old templar Rector of the Hospital Order in Pont-
The reason for that agreement was the development and transmission of the
power of alchemic art, which the Templars demonstrated having. On the other
hand, this very “power” plus the existence of a Templar Church separated and
independent from the Mother Church were a great worry for the new pope.
In fact he was constantly struggling to keep his supremacy and autonomy over
the European countries, destroyed by the conflicts between the various
monarchic and imperialistic factions. These were in fact always fighting each
other and for them the financial power was more important than the value of
arms, despite what minstrels and court's poets used to sing.
Still in Avignon, on the 5th January 1317, the Rule of the Order was awarded to
the Higher Brothers; the only condition was that the designated guide of the
thirty-three members of the Holy College was the cardinal J. Lavie de Villemur
(in English James of Way), the pope's nephew. Unfortunately he died of food
poisoning on the 6th May of the same year. At his death, the Holy College of the
Elder Brothers, which according to the Rule had to be made of 33 members (the
age of the Nazarene), designated in his place a high templar, the Provencal
Knight Enguerard de Ners and with him the new board of management.
The Order escaped the direct control of the pope by leaving Avignon and moved
to England and Scotland, and when returning to France to the Commendam of
Monfort sur Argens in 1333, in order to “organize” its destiny from there. They
stayed there for a year; after a solemn mass in which they gave the Mystical
Communion to all the participants, they left to start in invisibility what would be
later called “the myth of Rosicrucians”.
Since then no templar has ever publicly declared himself such, despite secretly
continuing to instruct proselytes. Today, if a western Initiate was acknowledged
and accepted as a Templar from the Confraternity, would gain access to the
historical, but not the public, archives of the branches closest to Europe (not
including the Far East, always interested in the events of western proselytes): the
Sufis Communions of Cairo, Luxor and Damascus, and the religious
Community of the Athos Mountain. In those places we find the answers to many
questions about the templar truth that some people still ask themselves.
Those brothers have preserved what in Europe has been annulled or mystified by
the temporal power, which enthusiastically followed the mystical heresy in the
“modern” deviant or completely exoterical institutions, whilst hiding it. They are
the so-called new-Templars, templists or Rosicrucians.
The Sovereign Order has been presided by an Imperator elected by the whole
assembly of the 33 brothers. There have been 58 Imperators, the last one the late
Pierre Phoebus (Roger Caro) (1969-1992). Philippe De Coster took over the
Sovereign Order of the Elder Brothers of Rose + Cross as General Grand
I like to mention that the Crusades and the Temple of Jerusalem knights is an
European history, the history of the White Race, as such we only accept our own
folk and occultists to receive our knighthood lineages. The Latinos are here
included and welcomed, the more that Christophe Columbus a Crusader
discovered South America.
Here follows the list of the Imperators from the beginning to Pierre Phoebus:
La Filiation Templière
de l’Ordre Souverain des Frères Aînés de la Rose Croix
(Branche de l’Ordre Souverain Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem)
15.Jehan Cholet (1437-1454)
16.Jehan de Lastic (1454-1461)
17.Gilles Rivault, sieur de Kerissac (1461-1479)
18.J-B Orsini (1479-1484)
19.Frère Hugues Verdola de Tolose (1484-1503)
20.Souchon (1503-1518
21.Cardinal Philippe de Luxembourg (1518-1519)
22.Honoré de l’Isle, Seigneur du Val de Vegre (1519-1527)
23.Du Coin (1527-1550)
24.Rollans (Famille des Rivault) (1550-1565)
25.Jehan de Senectaire (1565-1576)
26.Philippe de la Pierre Phoebus (1576-1582)
27.De Paul (1582-1583)
28.Triscontin de Reard (1583-1598)
29.Jean de la Buissonnière de la Renaudière (1598-1602)
30.David Rivault (1602-1607)
31.Mgr Charles de Beaumanoir (1607-1613)
32.Prélat Jehan de Palissier d’Apt (1613-1623)
33.Robertus de Fluctibus (Robert Fludd) (1623-1630 ?)
34.Camus, Seigneur de Peypin ou de Puypin (1630-1637)
35.V.Depaul (1637-1647) D’après les notes transmises, il semblerait bien
qu’i s’agisse de saint Vincent DEPAUL.
36.Dave Gloxim (1647-1649)
37.Christophorus Angranus (1649-1653)
38.Retour à la famille Jehan Pelissier, Seigneur de Pierrefeu (1653-1687 ?)
39.Baron de la Pierre (1687-1687 ?)
40.Jacques Hermite, Seigneur de Maillane (1687-1697)
41.Comte de Roure (1697-1706)
42.Sœur Marie de Lubac (femme) (1706-1729)
43.Joseph-Jacob Maupeou (1721-1782)
44.André Pelissier, Seigneur de Chantereine (1732-1745)
45.Louis-Lantelme Chassalier (1745-1763)
46.M. Pourtal (1763-1772)
47.Gérard de la Pierre (1772-1800)
48.Jean Minvielle (1800-1811)
49.Vasconcellos (1811-1846)
50.Mgr. J-B Bouvier (1846-1849)
51.Lord Bulwer Lytton (1849-1965)
52.Abbé Louis Constant (Eliphas Levi) Prêtre (1865-1874)
53. William Wynn Westcott (1874-1892)
54.Sir Leigh Gardner (1892-1898)
55.Docteur Steiner (1898-1900)
56.A. Croweey (Irlandais) (1900-1916)
57.Jean-Jacques d’OSSA, Évêque missionnaire romain (1916-1968)1
58. Pierre Phoebus (Roger Caro) (1969-1992)
Lors de son ordination presbytérale le 24 février 1974, Philippe De Coster reçut une relique de Mgr Jean-Paul
Charlet avec certificat, provenant de Mgr Jean-Jacques d’OSSA, une petite parcelle du crâne de Saint-Pierre,
The shroud of Christ, during the fourth Crusade, in 1204
This famous sheet of linen, well-known as the Turin Shroud, kept the prints of
Christ, naked after the Deposition. The shroud has been turned down on the
body of Christ in such a manner that the Christ's chest and back kept perfectly
visible, will all the injuries of the Passion.
The Templars wanted to possess this shroud because, according them, its
existence prooved that Christ has not died on the cross -as normaly teached- and
that he has survived to his injuries.
During their secret ceremonies, the templars were used to thank a Christ saved
from the crucifixation.
This believe explains why the templars trampled the cross sacred, during their
initiatory rites. According Dr Gruber, the shroud was the core of their secret
worship: Baphomet.
A Satanic Blessing
Vibrate the following toward the person or area:
Do this in one unbroken movement. When it is complete, strike the area of the
heart with your right hand, saying:
Agios athanatos.
The blessing is then complete.
5. We detest all that enervates and would rather die than
submit to anyone or anything - this pride is the pride
of Satan, and Satan is a symbol of our defiance and a
sign of our life-enhancing energy. Others see our way
of living and our way of dying and are afraid.
6. When we hate we hate openly and with arrogance,
and when we love, we love with a passion to match
this arrogance: always mindful never to love anyone
so much that we cannot see them die, for death is a
natural changing of energies.
7. We prepare - through our magick and our ways of
living - for the Age of Fire (the Aeon of the Dark
Gods) which is to come, when we elitist few shall
reach out toward the stars and the galaxies and the
new challenges they will bring.
8. Our way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few
who can truly defy the matrix of illusions - of 'good'
and 'evil' - that stifle the potentiality of our being.
9. What does not kill us, makes us stronger.