Finite Element Analysis of Composite Aircraft Fuselage Frame
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Aircraft Fuselage Frame
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Aircraft Fuselage Frame
P = pressure or load applied
r = radius of the panel
t = thickness of the panel
The hoop stress computation results achieved are availed to calculate the net load enforced on to the panel.
We know that,
Load = stress * area of cross section
= 27.7333 * 1500 * 1.8
= 74879.91 N
The analysis was carried out for the above discussed FE Model with the loads and boundary conditions
connected to it. The images given below illustrate the outcomes achieved from the static analysis.
4.1 Total Deformation plots
Figure 6: Von Mises Stress plot for composite Al7075/5 wt.% SiC
Figure 7: Von Mises Stress plot for composite Al7075/5 wt.% TiC
Figure 8: Von Mises Stress plot for composite Al6061/5 wt.% Al2O3 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:09/September-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
Figure 9: Von Mises Stress plot for composite Al6061/6 wt.% SiC
Table 4 compares the maximum von mises stress values for composite materials.
Table 4: Maximum von mises stress values for the composite materials
Material Von Mises Stress (MPa)
Al7075/SiC (5%) 864.79
Al7075/TiC 864.79
Al6061/Al2O3 (5%) 861.07
Al6061/SiC (6%) 868.48
The von mises stress plots (Fig. 6 to Fig. 9) and Table 4. show that the maximum stress in the panels is more
than 860 MPa and is seen mostly around the rivet holes of the stiffened panel. This could be due to the
intersection of the load paths in the panel at the rivet holes. At closer inspection it can be seen that the high
stress is seen as a singular event which indicates that it does not affect the performance of the panel and apart
from that the range of stress can be seen between 0 and 290MPa which is less than the yield strength of
composite materials AMC Al7075/5 wt.% SiC and AMC Al7075/5 wt.% TiC. But other two composites AMC
Al6061/5 wt%Al2O3 & AMC Al6061/6 wt.% SiC will not withstand as their yield strength is less.
4.3 Maximum principal stress
Figure 10: Maximum Principle Stress plot for composite Al7075/5 wt.% SiC
Figure 11: Maximum Principle Stress plot for composite Al7075/5 wt.% TiC
Figure 12: Maximum Principle Stress plot for composite Al6061/5 wt.% Al2O3
Figure 13: Maximum Principle Stress plot for composite Al6061/6 wt.% SiC
The table 4 compares the maximum von mises stress values for composite materials.
Table 5: Maximum principal stress values for the composite materials
Material Maximum Principal Stress (MPa)
Al7075/SiC (5%) 655.91
Al7075/TiC 655.91
Al6061/Al2O3 (5%) 661.12
Al6061/SiC (6%) 655.37