Instructional Softwares Lesson Plan: Build An Atom (Colorado - Edu)
Instructional Softwares Lesson Plan: Build An Atom (Colorado - Edu)
Instructional Softwares Lesson Plan: Build An Atom (Colorado - Edu)
Content Standards S8P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the structure
and properties of matter
e. Develop models (e.g., atomic-level models, including drawings, and
computer representations) by analyzing patterns within the periodic table that
illustrate the structure, composition, and characteristics of atoms (protons,
neutrons, and electrons) and simple molecules.
Technology Standards Computational Thinker
5b. Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to
analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving
and decision-making.
Universal Design Students will be able to continue the learning about atoms and the periodic
Rationale table by exploring the Phet simulation and completing the worksheet
associated with the lab. Students will make connections between the number
of protons, neutrons and electrons that make up certain elements. Using the
online lab is beneficial to my students, because they are able to access the
technology at school and at home. This is beneficial for any students who
might be absent or doing online learning, but also students can open up the
Phet lab at home and continue their element practice. When the lab is
completed in class, they will fill out a worksheet that prompts them to make
different Bohr models, and make connections about elements, periodic table,
and the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an element. By
allowing them to interact and play the game in the online lab, I am allowing
students to take an active role in their learning, while communicating and
making Bohr models.
Lesson Idea This lesson will be completed after the initial introduction of periodic table,
elements and their protons, neutrons, and elections, and how to make Bohr
models. This Phet simulation and worksheet will help the students take
charge in their learning and apply the knowledge they have learned in the
previous lessons. At the beginning of the class period the teacher will briefly
summarize what they have learned so far. Then the teacher will introduce the
phet lab simulation and worksheet, then release the students to explore the
simulation on their own. While the students are completing the lab. The
teachers will walk around the classroom and answer any questions the
students may have. Students learning will be assessed by the worksheet and
reflection questions on the worksheet. Then they will receive a grade for their
worksheet, and they will be able to access the worksheet with my corrections
To wrap up the assignment the class will have a full class discussion on the
reflection questions on the worksheet. The reflection is on protons, neutrons+
and electrons, and it is how do the number of protons, neutrons, and
electrons affect what element you made? This will help students make
connections between elements and the periodic table while also being able to
practice Bohr models.
Design Reflection This will impact student learning, because they will get to interact, play, and
visualize the content they have been learning in class. They will be able to
make their own connections to the content and have a discussion on making
connections. One thing I could do to further extend this lesson, would be
letting the students make their own Bohr models of elements with playdough
and other craft supplies. This would help student further understand the
concept of protons, neutrons and electrons and making Bohr models. Another
technology tool that I could use to enhance this lesson would be to let the
students make a power point with the answers they got on their worksheet
and present their projects to the class.