Pathophysiology Hemothorax

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Raining Night Head Light Being

Time of PUJ was drunk
turned off

Decreased Altered
sense of vision degree of
of perception

 Tachypnea Occurrence of the

 Dyspnea accident
 Cyanosis
 Decreased or absent breath
sounds on affected side
 Tracheal deviation to unaffected Blunt trauma
side on the chest
 Dull resonance on percussion
 Unequal chest rise
 Tachycardia
 Hypotension
Rupture of the
 Pale, cool, clammy skin
 Possibly subcutaneous serous membrane
emphysema of the lungs

Blood spilling from Pressure

the lungs to the equalization
pleural cavity between lungs and
pleural cavity

Increased pressure
to the
mediastinum and
the trachea.

Aggregate the Death

given symptoms

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