Leucorrhea Knowledge

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Nitte University Journal of Health Science

Original Article

Knowledge regarding Leucorrhoea among women residing in

selected urban community of Ludhiana City
Mamta Choudhary
Nursing Tutor, College of Nursing, AIIMS Jodhpur, Rajasthan
*Corresponding Author : Mamta Choudhary, Nursing Tutor, College of Nursing, AIIMS Jodhpur, Rajasthan - 342 005.
Mobile : +91 98032 27705 E-mail : mamta24.c@gmail.com
Received : 30-06-2015 Abstract :
Review Completed : 13-05-2016 Background: Reproductive tract infections form one of the major burdens of disease in
Accepted : 14-05-2016 developing countries. Most of the women suffer from leucorrhoea and do not present
themselves for seeking medical treatment in early stage as the women has poor understanding
Keywords : Leucorrhea, vaginal regarding leucorrhoea.
Objectives : To assess the knowledge of females regarding leucorrhoea.
Study Design : Cross- sectional study.
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Materials and Methods : The study involved collection of information regarding knowledge of
Quick Response Code females about leucorrhoeausingmultiple-choice questionnaire. Two hundred and fifty females
residing in Model Town, Ludhiana were recruited in the study by using convenient sampling.
Results: The result revealed that only 20% of subjects had good level of knowledge, and 80%
subject had poor level of knowledge regarding leucorrhoea. The mean knowledge score
regarding leucorrhoea among subjects was 19 with a standard deviation of 3.94. The highest
mean knowledge score of 19.5 + 4.69 was in the age group of >35 years.

Introduction vaginal secretion increases more than normal it causes

Reproductive tract infections form one of the major excoriation & soreness of vulva. If white vaginal discharge is
burdens of disease in developing countries, and include associated with foul smell, it makes embarrassing to the
infections caused due to any (or combination) of the three women to get into social gatherings and even in personal
factors: iatrogenic, endogenous, and sexually transmitted. affairs. The affected woman needs treatment and
While there are many symptoms that define the disease, counselling regarding the problem. If it is not treated in the
the most commonly reported among the women is that of initial stages, it may become chronic.4
abnormal vaginal discharge or Leucorrhoea. Various
Several studies show that women often suffer from
community based studies in developing countries have
reproductive morbidities for a long time because of their
revealed that this morbidity and general ill health has been
'culture of silence' and they believe that it's not a condition
endured silently by women, due to various factors like
for which they should seek medical help. Hence it is the
gender inequalities, cultural restrictions, lack of women
responsibility of the health care provider to create
autonomy, poor awareness, lack of proper infrastructure,
awareness regarding leucorrhoea which helps in early
and lack of focussed counselling services.1, 2, 3
identification of problem in the initial stage.Keeping the
The term leucorrhoea denotes a thick, whitish vaginal above facts in view investigator has decided to assess
discharge. It is a natural defence mechanism that the knowledge regarding leucorrhoea among womenresiding
vagina uses to maintain its chemical balance as well as in selected urban community of Ludhiana city.
preserve the flexibility of vaginal tissue. Normally, the
Material and Methods
secretion is just enough to lubricate vagina. When the
The cross sectional study was conducted in the Model town

NUJHS Vol. 6, No.2, June 2016, ISSN 2249-7110 14

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

area of Ludhiana. Eligibility criteria for inclusion included standard deviation of 3.94. The highest mean knowledge
female residents of Model Town area in the age group of score of 19.5+4.69 was in the age group of >35 years.
18-45 years and who can understand or read Punjabi Subjects with educational qualification of graduation had
language. 250 females were recruited in the study by using more mean knowledge score of 22.00 as compared to
convenient sampling. Information was collected by those studied up to senior secondary educational level.The
administering a pretested questionnaire to the subjects. working women had more mean knowledge score of 19.6
The Questionnaire related to Socio demographic variables +4.44 than subjects who were housewives. The relation of
and knowledge items related to leucorrhoea was knowledge regarding leucorrhoea with selected socio-
developed by reviewing literature. After establishing demographic variables such as age, education, occupation
content validity of the instrument, it was translated to was non-significant at p< 0.05. (Table 1). However the
vernacular language. Permission to conduct study was subjects who had previous experience of leucorrhoea had
taken from the concerned authority. significantly more knowledge score of 20.1 + 4.26as
compared to those who had no previous experience of
After explaining purpose of the study and taking verbal
consent from the participants, the subjects were asked to
Table 1 : Comparison of mean value of CAD prevention knowledge
fill the questionnaire in the presence of nursing students.
score among subjects N=250
They were not permitted to communicate with each other. Variable n Mean Standard P value
Score Deviation ( + )
The Socio-demographic variables of the study included Age
age, education, occupation, and personal experience of <35 years 109 18.97 5.87 0.43
leucorrhoea of the subjects. Questionnaire related to >35 years 141 19.50 4.69
knowledge items regarding leucorrhoea consisted of 30
> 10+2 38 22.60 3.85 0.37
open ended multiple choice questions. Data were coded, Graduate 212 22.00 3.77
validated and analyzed using SPSS (version 18). Each of the Occupation
Housewives 150 19.0 3.37 0.22
30 knowledge questions were rated using a score of one for
Working 100 19.6 4.44
correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer, with a Previous Experience of Leucorrhoea
total score ranging from 0-30. Subjects having a score Yes 134 20.1 4.26 0.001*
th No 116 18.2 3.28
above 75 percentile i.e. with score of 23 and above were
*Significant at p < 0.05
regarded as having good level of knowledge.
Results Findings of the study reveal that majority study subjects
Maximum of the subjects were of the age group of >35 had poor knowledge regarding leucorrhoea. The findings
years with mean age of 35.47 years and standard deviation of the study are consistent with various previous studies.5, 6,
of 12.53. Majority 85% subjects were graduates or more, 7
. The findings of the study call the health workers to take
however only 15% were educated up to senior secondary steps ahead to enhance knowledge of general population
or less. Maximum 60% of the subjects were housewives regarding this morbidity. In this study the knowledge is
and 40% were working. The data was collected from 53.6% compared with the variables such as age, education,
subjects with personal experience of leucorrhoea, occupation and personal experience of leucorrhoea of the
however 46.4%had never experienced it. The result subjects. The study found a non-significantassociation of
revealed that only 20% of subjects had good level of knowledge regarding leucorrhoea with socio-demographic
knowledge, and 80% subject had poor level of knowledge variables such as age, education and occupation. However
regarding leucorrhoea. The mean knowledge score the subjects who had previous experience of leucorrhoea
regarding leucorrhoea among subjects was 19 with a had significantly more knowledge score of 20.1 + 4.26as

NUJHS Vol. 6, No.2, June 2016, ISSN 2249-7110 15

Nitte University Journal of Health Science

compared to those who had no previous experience of residing in the area may differ from that of the city
leucorrhoea.The study has a limitation that the sample was population. Furthermore, as it was a quantitative study, the
drawn from a local urbanarea, the characteristics of people data collected were relatively brief and concise.
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