From gathering the essence of Chinese martial arts, Li focused on healing and health
preservation but also in the pedagogic aspects of Dachengquan. Progressively Li gained a large
notoriety among wushu circles, due to his works and research in martial arts. He is the creator
of a method which can allow rapid results to student; in this method the student will basically
improve his weakness points and apprehend with progressive steps using "exploding power”
and self defense techniques. Combining modern sciences such as biomechanics, modern
anatomy, etc... His research activity led him to create various interesting theories such as “Inner
strength field", "Gathering inner strength process" "Three major steps in sparring", applications
in "bone regeneration", "whole body's muscle interconnected as a inevitable prerequisite for
inner strength", etc...
Sports magazines are regularly presenting articles on Li Zhaoshan, such as recently "Jinwu"
magazine, among their series "Spirit of Dachengquan", which presented "Tribute to Li
Zhaoshan famous Dachengquan Master", "Li Zhaoshan presents Dachengquan"...
Author of several books of Dachengquan, such as “The Complete Reference Book of Healing
Dachengquan” – “Fundamentals of Dachengquan” – “Dachengquan Duanshou (Sparring)” and
performing regularly in main sporting events related to Dachengquan or Internal Martial Arts..
techniques……………………………………………….. 6
0 III.1.6 Ending training exercise………………….. 36
II.3 Stepping…………………………………………… 14
III.3 Hooking-filing testing force…………………… 41
II.7 Sparring…………………………………………... 26
III.5.1 Inducement of force……….…….……….. 52
Brief Presentation of Dachengquan
Dachengquan was created in the 1940’s, although it has only 60 years of history, it has proved its high
effectiveness in the double aspect of Healing and Combat, as a result Dachengquan presents a steady
growth in its audience of martial arts practitioners but also of non martial arts practitioners.
Dachengquan has its roots in Xingyiquan; its founder is the Great master Mr. Wang Xiangzhai
(1885.11.24 ~ 1963.7.12). Mr. Wang Xiangzhai was born in Wei Jia village Shenxian county, Hebei
province, named previously Ni Bao, Xiangzhai, and sometimes Yuseng, then later “Xiangzhai” was the
name he was mostly known, in his old age he was also called “The old man of Contradiction”.
In his childhood Wang Xiangzhai was weak and in poor health. When he was 14 years old he became Guo
Yunshen’s disciple the great master of Xinyiquan, starting to study Xingyiquan with the main target to
strengthen his body and improve his general health.
The young Wang Xiangzhai was rapidly perceived as a very intelligent boy, able to endure hard training,
then Mr. Guo Yunshen who was already well advanced in age, taught him with an extreme rigor but also
the essence of his art.
Wang Xiangzhai was probably the only one who inherited all the secrets of Guo Yunshen’s zhan zhuang
exercises, which will become later the most important characteristics of Yiquan (Dachengquan). After
Guo's death, Wang traveled extensively around China looking for top martial arts mentors. As a result of
his research on the real essence of Chinese martial arts, in theoretical and in practical aspects, his level
and knowledge improved dramatically.
In the 1920s Mr. Wang Xiangzhai was teaching in Shanghai, later he found that some students were only
paying attention to the form, neglecting mental training, to refocus his students’ attention, he based his
teaching on Xingyiquan but kept on simplifying and modifying it to put greater emphasis on mental
training rather than external form. He therefore decided to drop 'xing' (form) - from Xingyiquan and called
his new system Yiquan - where Yi means Mind or Intention and ‘quan’means boxing. During this time
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai summing up his knowledge, he wrote an article called 《the Right Path of Yiquan》.
During the following decade Mr. Wang Xiangzhai uninterruptedly continued to research and practice but
also he constituted and animated a large network composed of many experts in various martial arts, from
this “martial art knowledge” federation, will rise the new breakthrough of Dachenquan. Mr. Wang
Xiangzhai thought that techniques in training and sparring should include six aspects: spirit, form,
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intention, Qi, power and voice, but should not stress excessively “intention”, as any other of these six
aspects which should not be focused excessively at the expense of another. The method of his boxing is
starting from calmness to search progressively movement and in movement to search calmness:
cultivating healing, training martial aptitudes, combining both to improve his practice and to be used
within any single technique, this will lead you to the perfect technique. With this simplifying approach
conveying myriads of complicated techniques into a single one, this produces a real revolution within
martial arts circles.
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai through his down-to-earth approach continued his research to allow the art of fist he
created, to reach its highest level, as the later name of his art will confirm as “Da Cheng” (Ultimate
Then during the following four decades, Mr. Wang Xiangzhai will stay in Beijing, continuing his research
and synthesis on Chinese Martial Arts with his new approach, integrating :
- the solid all-round strength of Xingyiquan,
- the cold, straightforward, fast but powerful movements of Shaolin Chan School of boxing and Li Chan
- the extended body movement, suppleness, foot-stepping of Baguazhang (Pa Kua Chang),
But also combining others techniques from many others styles such as Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist and
Five Families Fist, including knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in fine, bringing internal and
external martial arts with even Western Boxing, into a new synthesis— Dachengquan.
Around 1944, Mr. Wang Xiangzhai wrote 《Theory of Dachengquan》, exposing its theories and training
method, establishing therefore theoretical basis of Dachengquan. We can say that the publication of
From that time Dachengquan started his large development, making its double aspects of healing and
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai in an advanced age, focused more on spreading Dachengquan’s healing techniques,
a progressive method based on Healing post as the core of complete this Healing system.
This system is constituted with a core program based on Pole Standing technique and dynamic exercises
Along with the creation of Dachengquan, many confirmed martial artists came to test their skills but none
succeeded in defeating Wang Xiangzhai, or and later Yao Zongxun, Zhao Daoxin, Zhan Entong, Li
Yongzong, Wang Xuanjie etc...all including the creator of style and his closest disciples, faced each of
their challengers without enduring any defeat, consolidating firmly the status of invincibility of
Dachengquan in China Martial Arts circle.
The reason why Dachengquan reaches such an achievement of physical and mental aptitudes, is probably
due to its integration of scientific theories in his boxing theories and his rigorous training method, in
addition its healing aspect is essential to set up a healthy and vigorous base his adept at any step of his
training, assuring him to combine more efficiently the six fundamental methods of expression: Spirit,
Form, Intention, Qi, Power and Voice.
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai used to say: “If a single (major technique) is not (properly) set up, no other
techniques will succeed, unable to issue the original fist, even while using (fighting) techniques (it will)
also (look like) empty.” In clear he firmly abolished forms and taolu (frame)’s training method, and stated
that practicing real boxing needs first to pursue health and natural self cultivation, then later martial or
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self-defense aspects.
In addition Wang Xiangzhai and later Yao Zongxun used to hold constantly a firm attitude against all
combat methods leading, in middle and long term, its practitioner to damage his body and ruin his health.
Since its creation Dachengquan has been contributing actively to increase the level of people’s health, but
also more predominant role in preserving and developing the combat effectiveness of the real Chinese
Martial Arts, while assembling its essential principles in one integrate system.
At the present time Dachengquan has already reached every corner of China, but also major countries in
the world, increasing every day the numbers of its practitioners and Dachengquan organizations.
Dachengquan has certainly a broad future, through “carry forward the soul of Chinese Martial Arts and
Chinese Culture, while offering unequal effectiveness in Healing and Combat”. I believe that its
contribution to human well being and progress is beyond any physical border but also any scientific and
physical disciplines where the human factor has still margin of progress.
During my childhood I had rather poor physical conditions and not very healthy, than later I decided to
improve my health by practicing Chinese Martial Arts. In 1980, I began to learn Standing Post (zhan
zhuang) and Five elements Gongfu from Mr. Wang Anping, and I started from that time to have this
indomitable interest in Dachengquan.
Later I was formally accepted as a disciple by the great master Wang Xuanjie, very famous for his
aptitude in combat, learning the traditional system of Dachengquan. During 10 years I studied seriously,
intensively, but also analyzing, comparing and testing than later synthesizing myself all my experience in
Although Dachengquan has no fixed taolu but its training system is completely integrated and
scientifically designed.
There are three general domains of application for Dachengquan: Healing, Combat (Duan shou) and
Gongfu massage.
There are several progressive methods in Dachengquan training: standing post, testing force, footwork,
issuing force, testing voice, pushing hand, sparring; all these steps constitute the “Seven Wonderful
Domains of Techniques”.
Compared with others martial arts Dachengquan offers its own specific points which I am going to present
1. Build Internal and external in the same time, improving simultaneously spirit and body
Dachengquan has inherited Xingyiquan’s whole body power, and at the same time has absorbed Tai Chi
Chuan’ s four main principles: stick, adhere, link and follow (zhan, nian, lian, sui)" as well as the use of
soft force, Baguazhang’s agility and lightness in body movement and footstep, Shaolin’s technique of
standing meditation etc... as well as many components from other styles, you build up your internal and
external in the same time during your training. Dachengquan pay equal attention to the three aspects
which are healing, acquiring internal strength and martial applications.
On this basis your spirit, form, mind, power and technique: all can be unified in the highest degree. When
you are training Dachengquan to develop your internal strength and combat ability, you should stress on
“Do not have excessive spiritual activity, do not reveal your intention in your form, do not damage your
body while assuming your form, power should not show sharp, Qi through out whole of body and
techniques are natural”, so that you will finally acquire the ability to issue during combat an instinctive
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3. Well prepared for combat, under slightest adverse solicitation your whole body will respond
Dachengquan can be particularly useful for combat; even within short time you can gain some fighting
ability. When you are practicing, the fact that your intention can reach any part of your body is
fundamental. You should also combine harmoniously contraction and relaxation, practice with full
attention, so that you can adjust harmoniously mental and four limbs contraction and relaxation overall
process. After having trained successfully post standing, you can later train during sparring how to
develop your mental to deal with all sensations that you perceive.
So that in combat situation, you will adapt naturally according to your adverse situation and use
spontaneously the most effective fighting technique for this specific situation.
Wang Xiangzhai used to describe this state through these following words which belong now to the
posterity: “This habit needs to be nurtured everyday, at any time and in any place, if (your opponent is)
uplifting hand, moving one foot, all these information should be processed instantaneously while
preparing your offensive response, secret and fast, with deep intention, protecting (your vital parts).”
Dachengquan has also a very strict request in terms of mental activity during combat: Mr. Wang
Xiangzhai pointed out: “In boxing you should first train your heart (mental), if Taishan Mountain is
collapsing in front of your eyes then your face should not change color, if the elk moves to the left side of
your body then your eyes should not move, so that later when your opponent will launch his offensive you
will be able to deal with successfully.”
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with the sequence that you will be assuming during a real combat, because in real combat, movement of
hands and legs are very fast, you do not have time to think what posture you are going to assume, you
might even be proficient in this posture, but it can't suit entirely for the combat situation, trying to think
during fighting about the difference of height between two opponents, or how to adjust the level of your
punch. Can you find any suitable fixed posture to be use indiscriminately in front of any combat situation?
In evidence you can’t. According to Dachengquan combat philosophy, you should wait the right
opportunity to move then respond instinctively to intercept your enemy’s attack and defeat him.
Dachengquan techniques has a comprehensive way to refine your inner strength management: gaining
strength through post standing, experiencing it through testing force, understanding it through pushing
hands and using it in sparring.
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Seven Wonderful Domains of Techniques
Although Dachengquan has no fixed taolu, it is an integrated system with a progressive and scientific
training method. Its components are: post standing, testing force, stepping, issuing force, testing voice,
pushing hand and sparring, these seven component of training are called “Dachengquan seven wonderful
domains of training”.
Dachengquan progressive training is very efficient and very practical. Just taking about the strength
aspect: you should first develop “internal strength” from post standing, learn to be familiar with during
testing force, use it in issuing force, understand it in pushing hands, integrate changes in it during
sparring and blending it with spirit in testing voice. In a word, it is only through passing successfully each
step of this system of “seven wonderful domains of techniques” that you can achieve the most refined but
also the most effective martial power.
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Figure 4 Figure 5
Post standing is the basic technique of Dachengquan, practicing Dachengquan implies necessarily to
practice post standing. Mr. Wang Xiangzhai in 《Dachengquan Theory》 pointed out: “if you want to
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know the essence of martial arts, first practice post standing.” Concerning the effect of post standing, Mr.
Wang Xiangzhai explained also as followed: “Very effective for training nerve system, adjusting breath,
promoting blood circulation, nourishing tendon and bone, improve general physiological process,
enhancing intellect, this helps you to gain benefits in healing and improve your mental.”
Power in any internal boxing is intimately related to the internal strength appearing while assuming the
(requested) form, in clear this internal strength must pass through post standing if you want to gain it.
During post standing, in your body, each bone, muscle, nerve, all your blood are improving their
physiological capacities, then the whole body will be able to bear heavy shocks and gain dramatically
efficiency in issuing force and boring force. Mr. Wang Xiangzhai in 《Quan Xue Xin Bian》pointed out:
“Human has power generated from the blood then when issuing (force) naturally, from internal to
external, your blood will find no obstruction, training tendon and bone, this is the (real) basic of the fist
(method), and this way is post standing. When you are assuming post standing you should settle well
your posture, and without moving, then you can adjust nerve, breath, activate blood circulation, train
tendon and bone to acquire real kungfu, combining internal with external, transmuting clumsiness into
effectiveness, weakness into strength.”
Dachengquan posts standing include Healing posts and Combat posts. Students with weak body and
beginners should practice first Healing post. Healing posts include: Universal post, Preserving Qi post,
Holding ball post, Palm Lifting Ball post, Pressing Down post etc... in addition you have sitting and lying
postures. Once you get these basics you can practice combat posts.
Combat posts can be mainly divided into: Contradiction post, Catching Ball post, Bird Flying with
Difficulty post, Holding Baby post, Embracing Tree post, Taming Tiger post, Landing Dragon Combat
post, Earthworm Dragon post etc... (Figure 1-5)
Although there is a large variety of combat posts but in the beginning you should select just a few
numbers to them for the important part of your training. Each post has its characteristics: training effects
on muscle and tendon are different, by training successively different posts you will allow each part of
your body to improve progressively, and finally leading to an overall harmony in your body. When you
are beginning practicing combat post, you should start with “Contradiction post” as thee main post to
train, and later once you get proficient in it, you can start training with other posts.
Concerning the beginner‘s training, standing post must absolutely respect Dachengquan criteria, in order
to get the effect of Qi entering through out the whole body and to smooth its internal circulation. When
you improve your post practice into a higher level, you don’t need anymore your limbs to respect so
strictly standard forms, but rather put the emphasis on the “gongfu” of internal connotation between
upper and lower limbs. At this time, your body will consciously enter into post standing state, at this
moment it is important to experience how the internal strength is gathering, its trends and permanent
To reach high attainment in combat post training, you need also to use your mental, activating a mind
inducement. Using imagination to feel feedback information from your limbs, due to activation of your
limbs’ cells which will permitting them to get stronger and more resistant. You can also increase the
spatial dimension of the original supportive function of your limbs: this will result in developing of a
ward-off force.
Concerning the effects of combat post, we can separate them into two major phases:
- first phase is dedicated to practice calmness and gather internal strength, it is also called “Storing
strength training”;
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- second phase is dedicated to dynamic practice, also called “Moving strength training”.
The “calmness” static techniques are for gathering strength, enhancing your technical level as well as
your survival instinctive power. In this time you can have different mind inducement than in general
combat inducement, like standing in contradiction post resisting in four different angles and training your
defend abilities, training mind activity for each hand: forehand may catch, wrest, block, poke, support ,
while rear hand is ready to overrun any defense from your enemy... In Holding Baby post, training with
mind activity of “Old Ox Tendon” is also part of static technique practice. Adding in your mental a
combative intention, such “Growing roots”, “Wind on long narrow flag”, “Long narrow flag in the wind”,
“extending and bending” etc... all are promoting the strength gathereing process in this static phase.
What we need to explain is that this static “calmness” training is not pointing “healing”. Pure “healing”
can avoid any mind activity; if you have a mind activity it is for more “natural comfort” feeling, which
makes a fundamental difference with static technique training.
In the training of the second phase, the characteristics are: special attention to the practical aspect,
For example if you are assuming “Contradiction Post”, you imagine that your enemy is attacking you,
forehand is blocking, like warding off a protective shield, then adapt your strength to counterattack him,
or during blocking with forehand, rear hand is like a spear picking enemy. Adding in your spiritual level
“springing or elastic” activity, “bumping” activity, etc...all these techniques enhancing the practical
In this second phase, you should train properly your spiritual level, through paying a special attention in
the fullness of your spirit, nurturing without fear but with delicacy a lofty spirit.
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Through post standing exercises your body has gathered and built up progressively a substantial internal
strength. Then to switch into dynamics of “using strength”, you should train now testing force. What is
called testing force, is precisely to use your limbs in predetermined movement while realizing or
experiencing your force within the space/time of your exercise.
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai said: “Concerning further basic training, once you acquired relevant technical
foundations, with a smooth balanced development, growing day by day, you can continue your training
with testing force exercises, realizing strength and spirit, coming everyday closer to the real
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai also said: “This part of the training is the most important but also the most difficult.
Testing force is the reason of gaining strength, when strength is appointing testing (force) reveals (it
simultaneously).” These words reveal to all successive generations of Yiquan practitioners, the
importance of testing force, but also are pointing out the difficulty in testing force and the requirement
of a long time of practice.
The basic key points of testing force are: whole body relaxing and sinking, muscles flexible and
unpredictable, movements slow and uniform. You should taste with an external stretching pulling force,
with air resistance force, feeling fullness and roundness of whole body, and also develop the ability to
feel it at any time or any place. By all means avoid the use of brutal power or worthless force.
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai in 《Dachengquan Theory》said: “Smaller movement with deeper spirit, slow to
overmatch fast, ready to move when stopping, ready to stop when moving, with an unavoidable
contradictive willing to stop when moving, to move when stopping.”
Concerning precisely the movements in testing force requests are not the same regarding level of speed
and its relative movement’s amplitude.
So how should you deal with speed and amplitude? In general when you start to practice your movement
should be relatively fast, relatively large, later you will progressively reduce the speed and tasting
always the feeling induced by decreasing the speed, the amplitudes of movements and even being
apparently without movement at all, you should seek for multiple and uninterrupted real movements.
It is also obvious that speed and amplitudes of movements may differ according to every practitioner,
but also the internal connotations perceived during testing force during his training program, all should
be ideally adjusted individually.
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These three categories of testing force are intimately related, so that they present similarities but also
distinctive characteristics. Testing force of General Category does not request any obvious direct
confrontation with adverse party; in opposite testing force of Pushing hand Category and Single holding
hand Category have this obvious direct confrontation with adverse party. General testing force
constitutes the fundamental testing force exercises which every practitioner should begin with and which
are need to be mastered before starting Pushing Hands testing force or Single Holding Hand testing
We can consider the level of practice in testing force according to four different levels which are
Beginner level, Intermediate level, Advanced level and Superior level.
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pulling backward intention (contradiction mental activity). This testing force will bring progressively up
a well refined internal strength. With this principle, you can also apply in left and right direction or
various other directions “Contradiction force and mind”. Through this type of exercises such as
Dachengquan’s “Two contradictive forces” can also be enriched with various directions
upward-downward, leftward-rightward, forward-backward constituting the “universal combat force”.
When practicing this testing force, hand should have a heavy and substantial feeling, like pushing but
something not moving, and pulling something not coming, pressing something not descending, lift
something not rising, willing to stop when moving, willing to move when stopping.
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strength, and all forces generated are united into what can be called a “field” of forces.
We need also to explain that, although post standing and testing force are two different groups of
techniques, there is no clear border separating them, and it is the inner beauty of our art:
When in testing force you reduce your amplitude, decrease your speed, all your movements becoming
tiny and even not visible, then your limbs and body are assuming a post standing.
In the opposite, if through mental inducement when assuming post standing, you are offering slightly
more space for your limbs, then you are in fact executing a testing force exercise.
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II.3 Stepping
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After training testing force and stepping, you’ve gained “internal strength” and you have already experienced its
extension in a wider space, but, if you want to change it into a martial power, then you must train issuing force.
Issuing force includes issuing solo practice and issuing force with partner.
The different steps in issuing force are: first feel the existence and accumulation of this strength your body,
through force inducement method, enlarge it, and then proceed to the next step which is literally to issuing it.
What they called “empty issuing” is, to be under a pre-determinate posture, and proceed to a pure issuing force.
What they called “ejecting issuing force”, is to have on partner standing in front of you, then to proceed in issuing
force as to eject your opponent, ejecting issuing force is the most direct way of issuing force.
However in issuing force, you must fulfill several conditions such as: mental placidity, straightforwardness,
When you are issuing force, you should adjust your body’s relaxation and the frequency of his contraction.
Contraction and relaxation do not only point on contraction and relaxation of muscles, an even more important
point is the contraction and relaxation of your mental. Relaxation is the storing phase of the strength management
- If we consider it from the body aspects: you have whole body issuing force and part of body issuing force;
- If we consider it from the postural aspect: you have fixed position issuing force and not fixed position issuing
- If you consider it from the mental aspect: you have mental driven issuing force and instinctive issuing force,
- If you consider it from the directional aspect: you have direct (frontal) issuing force and side face issuing force,
- If you consider it from the functional aspect, issuing force can be divided into: ejecting-issuing force, piercing
force, issuing-piercing force,
- If you consider it from the idiographic representation of Dachengquan force, issuing force includes cumulative
force, full integrated force, universal force, double stretching force, whipping force, springing force, magnetic
force, lingering force, frightening force etc...]
- If you consider it from the application aspect: you have open-close force, axle force, pulley force, heavy and
speedy force, fixed center force, triangle force, leverage force, inclined plane force, take in and send out force etc...
- If you consider it from Dachengquan ejecting issuing force aspects, there are: pure ejecting issuing force, elastic
ejecting issuing force, revolving ejecting issuing force, turning round ejecting issuing force, cross arm ejecting
issuing force, trampling ejecting issuing force, triangle ejecting issuing force, stumbling leg ejecting issuing force,
shovel leg ejecting issuing force, pulling leg ejecting issuing force and no fixed posture ejecting issuing force etc...
Concerning force characteristics, Wang Xiangzhai divided them, according to targeted functions, into
five forces which are Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth and provided the following additional
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II.4.2.2 Soft force: short retreat and long force, agile (soft force is round and easy to uplift), like a
spring, each hair is like being submitted to a turbulence, soft force contains internally a sharp force.
II.4.2.3 Inclined plane force: good to be used against frontal attack, unusually agile, useful for attack
and practical points of “issuing force”
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II.4.2.4 Spiral force: hand applying a screwing, no matter if the incoming force is hard or soft, you
can use spiral force against it, multiplying your opportunities to counterattack, it the easiest way to
gain force, and change it into leading out, throwing, twisting or wresting forces.
II.4.2.5 Cumulative force: Cumulative force is the force of the whole body, emerging from the
internal and not from the external, hard externally and soft internally. Requires stillness to prepare
movement, then changes to impose, it can generate straight force, sticking force or absorbing force.
Excellent as empty suppleness protecting mid-line of the body, changing easily, that is why it is also
called “insubstantial center”.
II.4.2.6 Spring force: it is also called straight force, like a spring issuing force, this force produces
vibrations, externally soft and internally hard, like cotton wrapping iron, effective to use against
passive force: that’s why it is called “substantial center” (shi zhong).
II.4.2.7 Surprising force: surprising force uses extremities of four limbs, changes are initiated from
waist, like a snake or a dragon, hard and soft assisting mutually each other, using both Yin and
Yang, Insubstantial and Substantial. You need however to watch any of your opponent’s change,
then when next to you, your force is entwining and wrapping, very fast: this is why it is called also
“dissolving center” (hua zhong).
In high level issuing forces, there are mind merging issuing force and instinct issuing force.
- Mind merging issuing force is involving: spirit, mind (intention) and power, with the request that
all of them are harmoniously combined.
During your practice you should not be limited the form, no matter if you are standing, sitting or
lying, all these postures are suitable for your practice.
- Instinct issuing force is a high level mind merging issuing force, Master Wang Xuanjie used to
point out: “The difference between them is that mind merging issuing force is controlled by combat
consciousness and instinct issuing force is triggered by body’s touch receptors, no matter if you are
walking, sitting and lying, at any time, any place, any position etc... all are suitable for practice.
When you are training instinct issuing force, you should elevate your spirit then with a mental
extremely available, as if any object is touching you, you will issue instantaneously where it is
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Mr. Wang Xiangzhai said: “Testing force has the role to compensate testing force in part of the body
difficult to access, then voice and force should be issued all together”. To obtain good results in testing
force or testing voice, you must understand that testing voice is compensating testing force in part of the
body hardly accessible. When having acquired testing voice basics, you should in practice use voice and
force together when you are issuing, this is highest level for adjustment of all potential forces contained in
the inner body and it may also induce the practitioner to feel shakes and vibrations.
What is called testing voice is in fact to use appropriate wording while issuing voice, to increase internal
strength. For healing purpose, you can use some special appropriate words during testing voice. You can
practice Testing Voice through different ways:
For sitting posture with healing testing voice: you should read silently six words:
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
Through testing voice, the flowing of internal strength is intensified. When you are issuing force,
voice issuing will follow naturally force timing, during this time the combination of spirit, form,
mind, force and voice should be highly refined.
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
they presents some similarities but also some their own specificities.
Concerning Dachengquan’s pushing hands fundamentals and methods, my master Mr. Wang Xuanjie
contributed significantly in bringing up further theories and valuable principles which led Dachengquan
Starting level, Intermediate One Level, Intermediate Two Level, Advanced Level, Superior Level, Master
According to the principle of Dachengquan there should not be any fixed posture or any fixed pattern, but
it is obvious that a beginner cannot grasp completely all fundamentals of Dachengquan pushing hands in
one day. The beginner should start from the very basic practical combat methods to build up
progressively his combat skills and then step by step improving his fighting capabilities, following the
right path which will lead him up to the highest level in Dachengquan.
Pushing hands in Dachengquan include single pushing hand and double pushing hands, but no matter
what kind of pushing hands you are practicing you should follow inevitably the following basic points:
Keep muscle relaxed, but you should still have elasticity and supportive force, every part of body should
keep a light or hidden ward-off force, whole body should maintain constantly an important level of
relaxation and sinking, when your opponent touches your hand, in this specific “point”, you should have a
contraction. Relaxation of body in pushing hand helps you to increase your suppleness and then with the
punctual contraction to produce a bigger threatening to your opponent, in addition, this precondition of
relaxed body will constitute an important base to practice and develop a “hearing strength”. What is
called “hearing strength” is in fact the touching sensitivity. It is only through a good “hearing strength”
that you can reach the situation where “your opponent cannot understand me but you can understand
This is to apply specifically the principle of “keeping midline and using midline position”. What is called
“keeping midline” is to protect your body’s midline position, controlling opponent’s weight, preventing
opponent to turn and finally driving him to a passive position. To improve application of “keeping
midline and using midline”, you should pay a special attention to the deployment of body’s movement
and stepping, your own body’s position, attacking with side or frontal positioning on his center of gravity,
and finally throwing your opponent out.
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In pushing hands, your punctual force should be agile and able to change constantly, as it written in the
“Theory of Dachengquan: “dealing constantly with opponent without any fixed intention”, driving in such
way that your opponent will have no specific point to focus, (for him it becomes) impossible to defend
effectively, like being submerged he will be rapidly defeated.
Let’s say, you use first your hand to strike opponent, then forearm to bump him, followed by a smashing
fist to strike opponent his chest etc... your force and technique become like endless, proceeding to a tight
encirclement, opponent will feel impossible to escape from your offensive.
In the “Theory of Dachengquan” are written the secret of “Continuous bursting force”, sometimes a
single issuing force may find some difficulties to be effective, or you have only the choice to destroy your
opponent’s center of gravity, then you should adopt “Continuous bursting force” method, in order to eject
him out or make him fall down. Continuous bursting force is a specific issuing force. It is used as
followed: when you are issuing force, you should be a like cannon-shot when shooting, with an
unidirectional bursting force, endless, until you throw your opponent out.
Here we apply the principle of “no losing (contact), no butting”. This is when you are applying a pushing
hand strategy where you never leave your opponent, and also where you never butt him, budging this
combat situation.
As an example, during pushing hands you manage to keep always appropriate touching of opponent’s
arm, then you chain immediately when touching can be transformed into uplifting. Through sticking to
your opponent, he can hardly escape. When you are sticking constantly to him, you can follow each of his
movements and launch easily an attack, as it brings up a good ability of “hearing strength”. Knowing
every change in the speed, power and direction of the opponent’s incoming attack. Then you can deploy
your touching instinct, using each of the principles of mechanics, combining them, using inertia law,
coupling force principle, balancing principle, leverage principle etc...driving him to be ejected or thrown
When you are executing pushing hands, you should use shoulders and hips flexibility to control the whole
body. In Dachengquan there is a saying: “Strike enemy with shoulder and hip. When ejecting enemy,
although your palm and your fist are touching him, but in fact real forces are issued from shoulder and
hip, in this way you can easily “keep midline and use midline”, favorable for whole body movement
where “when one part moves all others parts should move simultaneously”, force will never be excessive
nor insufficient. This is only under the condition where shoulders and hips are controlling (whole body)
that you can change freely your attack and feel your opponent (hearing strength) endlessly.
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When your opponent issuing force to you, you are not dissolving his incoming power, instead you are
using your body to carry on, again and again with your solid martial power up to spring him out.
There is an example of Boxing expert who challenged Wang Xuanjie. In the beginning of this combat, the
Boxing expert used his two fists circling very fast, Wang Xuanjie did not avoid nor escaped them, just
applying of “carry on rebounding” technique against his opponent who finally crashed on the wall two
meters away before rebounding on it.
To use “carry on rebounding” you should have a solid technique, prompt reaction timing and sufficient
No matter what method you are using, you should always pay attention to how to apply “borrowing from
spirit”. Wang Xiangzhai said: “Gather the sight of your two eyes, the electrical power from the top of
your fingers then your muscle will be frightening like a snake, your step winding like a cyclone,
appearing freely like a huge wave, circling like a whale in the sea”; you can also look on your opponent
as a small mosquito, or like an old man playing with child; when you are facing a strong opponent, you
can imagine being in a desert place where you can act freely.
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II.7 Sparring
Sparring is also called breaking hands or cutting hands (duan shou), where you can use any of technique
of attack or defense. Through this training you would be able to check up your level in the six preceding
training methods. As this training will involve any aspect of Dachengquan techniques such as issuing
force, footwork, pushing hands, etc.... to be applied during a real combat.
According to Dachengquan Theory, there is no fixed technique that means that your ultimate goal is that
from any combat situation, you should be able to generate a viable technique and a steady posture. But if
you want reach this goal, you should practice diligently and progressively, from basic training of fixed
techniques and fixed postures, but also using multiple ways of training including: visualization training,
simulation training, “learn from each other” training, etc...
In Dachengquan basic level of fixed technique and fixed posture includes: single hand technique and
chaining hand techniques.
- Single hand technique is purely a training of a single combat technique. In general single hand
technique includes circling punch, pounding punch, slapping palm, splitting punch, diamond knee,
downward punch, armpit palm, crossing punch, drilling punch, chopping palm, boring punch, stomping
foot, etc...
- Chaining hand technique uses single hand techniques, chaining them into relevant combination of
techniques and bringing into life impressive series of fighting techniques. In training, keep on changing
without any interruption. In combat, chain your attacks and change permanently.
In the beginning you can select just two kinds of single hand techniques in one series, later with your
progress you can select successively three or more kinds of single hand techniques to be chained in the
Chaining hand training.
What is called “simulation training” is from, one single hand technique or a series of chaining hand
technique, to use simulation of different combat situations to train.
Let’s say with pounding punch for example, you can imagine being confronted to an opponent, you are
suddenly stepping forward and attacking rapidly your target; you can also imagine that when opponent is
attacking you, you can withdraw by stepping back, dodging your body, blocking his attack etc... various
ways to dissolve opponent’s attack, and after maul him heavily.
In simulate training two people or more can practice simultaneously. For example, you can use a single
hand technique attack, striking directly your opponent; in another case also I can let your opponent to
attack you first then use a single hand technique to defend and counterattack.
“Learn from each other” training (learning from each other by exchanging techniques and views) requests
you to find one sparring partner and releasing yourself from any fixed posture or fixed technique, training
in sparring conditions close to real combat. During this training, no one is preliminary defined as the
attacker or the defender, both sides should adapt according to the specificity of the combat situation. This
situation will ultimately decide who is more inclined to attack or to defend.
Mr. Wang Xuanjie divided sparring practice into different levels: Starting level, Intermediate level,
Advanced level, Superior level, Highest level.
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
With the pre-condition of a whole body relaxed, adjusting your shoulders position, keeping all-round
strength through out your whole body, in your form your body should not reveal any weakness, force not
being too sharp, no matter what step and fist you are using, all should keep the whole body’s harmony
and consistency. Through this way, it will be not only easy to issue force, but also this will make your
opponent to feel you as unassailable, gathering your whole body strength. In the same time you need to
capture information and understand opponent that means that you should experience and observe how he
does issue force, what his major strong points or favorite techniques are...
When issuing force you should maximize your chance to overcome your opponent, avoiding to strike
blindly, use instead accurately hand, foot and any part of your body, adapting to situation and in any case
keeping the control of your balance. Qi should not rise and should not sink too, body changing
constantly, proceeding with rotation of the shoulder and hip; stepping forward/backward to control your
opponent. Avoiding, spreading, jumping, moving and blocking opponent’s force when he is near to issue
force or intercepting a previous incoming force which has not yet been substituted by another attack,
selecting the best time interval to counterattack.
Concerning stepping you should master the double principle “In attack: forefoot steps forward and rear
foot follows; in retreat: rear foot steps backward and forefoot follows”, this principle is applied also to
left/right directions; during your stepping you should make sure to keep your midline and your all-round
strength everywhere. This way you can control your opponent easily and drive him to commit fatal
When sparring, you should find the right time to adjust your body posture, because this level now
different than the previous starting level where you were sparring arm to arm with your partner.
So during your movement you don’t have anymore time to consider opponent’s posture and his hand
technique; focus on keeping your midline, then integrate any kind of technique of Dachengquan: post
standing, testing force, stepping, issuing force, testing voice, pushing hand, etc...
When issuing force is mixed with issuing voice, you can take out his courage.
When applying pushing hand you can control your opponent, preparing a much more efficiency strike,
making him difficult to escape; hand is moving like filing, rear hand like hooking, sparring with the
Spirit and mind are present in your body, completing Dachengquan’s strength from the Intermediate
level. When practicing your body should not have fixed posture, steps are also not fixed, whole body’s
joints are slightly bent but the force is straight, each muscle is contracting and relaxing properly. In every
part of your body you have like a spring, spirit force and posture are all merged. In this level, all
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combination of hand attack can be used: single/double hands may execute single/double return;
single/double hands may rush forward. For two feet it is the same: all types of steps are possible: side
stepping, frontal stepping, circling/straight, driving freely your opponent to confusion steps. But when
your opponent is starting to attack with one hand, he needs immediately to protecting himself with two
hands, during this time pay attention to your head and midline, keep balance.
Again as we said before, hand and foot do not have any pre-determinate posture or movement; in front of
this confusion your opponent will be easily defeated.
This is the fusion of one hundred hand techniques in one sparring “stove” technique where you are taking
from each group of technique its specific soul, integrating its substantive principle, like a sea welcoming
myriads of rivers.
Dachengquan itself has absorbed the principles of major styles of martial arts before being formally
created: as an example we can say that from Xingyiquan it has integrated “whole body force”, from Tai
Chi Chuan the “dissolving force”, from Baguazhang the “supple force”, from Changquan (Long Fist) its
cold, clear, fast, hard force aspects etc..., all these forces merged, constituting a special force.
This special force becoming the basic platform from where will be elaborated all kinds of hand forms.
As for Guo Yunshen’s famous (Xingyi Master of Wang Xiangzhai) “half step smashing punch” (Beng
Quan), it was not only concentrating the force of Xingyiquan in a single posture, but also all the
experience and practice of Guo synthesized in one smashing punch, this is called “Ten thousand
technique combined in one”.
Dachengquan’s Superior level requires also from both sides advanced sparring conditions where
everyone should hide his intention, changing spirit into apparently undisciplined one. When inner body is
vigorous, blood is circulating; externally calm to prepare movement; dumb as a wooden chicken. But
when you move you should be like an angry tiger, calm like a dragon hibernating, changing constantly,
all over the body you should have like springs, under any solicitation all (springs) will react
instantaneously: then you have entered to Magnificent Palace of Superior Dachengquan.
The highest level of sparring should reach the state where “every fist will convince”, when moving,
stepping, sitting and lying all will be reveal a similar martial aspect, when uplifting your hand and
moving your foot all will perfectly match with your opponent’s force, balanced in dynamic and static
situation as well, permanently martial, ejecting your opponent several meters with a single touch, full of
spirit, whatever consciously or unconsciously.
This highest level can be defined as “subduing witness”. When you are in combat situation, you will
practically not need to move, just using your two eyes to watch intently your opponent, this will be
enough to destabilize his mental, to make his movements clumsy, in Dachengquan this is also called
“spiritual control” or “spirit folding” technique of combat.
But let’s be honest this is more a psychological advantage and not as some may misunderstand any
metaphysical or any esoteric power…
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Fundamentals of Dachengquan – Li Zhaoshan
The First Phase of Training
As the results of many years in teaching and training Dachengquan, I discovered that it is more
pedagogically appropriate to define a “Dachengquan method with three main training phases”, through
this segmentation: students of different levels, of different phases can integrate easier the concepts and the
practice of Dachengquan.
In applying “three phases training technique”, experience has shown that this can be a short cut for vast
majority of Dachengquan students to get into Dachengquan Palace. In this e-book there are three chapters
First phase of training is aiming to grasp basics of Dachengquan’s Seven wonderful domains of training;
this includes initial powerful ejecting and self defense ability. In this phase, the practitioner will realize
deeply what is called, in Dachengquan, “Do not use of force then (you’ll have) everywhere strength,
Here are the contents which a practitioner should learn during the First phase:
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It is clear that if one is seeking for specific results this general program can be readjusted for more
Two feet parallel when standing, shoulder-wide, the weight equally distributed on two soles, two legs
standing naturally, neither intentionally bend, neither intentionally straight; two hands uplifted to chest
with shoulder at the same height, two hands separated from chest by one foot distance, two arms half
round, two armpits half empty; ten fingers separated naturally, the center of palm facing your body, like
holding a ball, two arms should have wrapping inward and supporting outward forces, at the same time
you should keep body straight while chest and belly are empty. (Fig. 6, 7)
Mental activity: Imagine the pores of all your body’s skin are completely open, communicating with
surrounding natural Qi, like a cool wind in summer, unusually comfortable. You feel as if whole body’s
hair is stretching and waving then obeying only to your mental impulse, each hair will be like “bristling
with anger”. It is said in Theory of Dachengquan: “Every single hair should be like a halberd”. You can
also imagine that your body is tall and large, even gigantic, four limbs strong enough to support
mountain, rivers, Earth, the whole Universe, all these entities decreasing in size up to be like small pills
while you are reaching a state like cultivating elevated spirit in a remote place.
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Fig. 6 Fig. 7
In Dachengquan we do not talk directly about “Qi” but the following sensations that we will described
below are quite similar to sensations of “Qi” in other internal Arts or even in acupuncture.
When you start practicing post standing, it is quite usual that it may appear in your body some sensations
such as aching, numbness, pain, shivering, swelling, hot, sinking, drawing, sustaining, comfort, well
being etc.... Numbness expresses obstruction, shivering: excessive nerve stimulation, aching is excessive
use of force, pain in post standing may be due to much tension in your posture or even wrong posture but
also being caused by the reappearance old wounds.
When you start to learn universal post, the feeling of these above sensations is quite normal, often due to
incorrect posture or excessive seek of particular technique effects, over-passing in this starting phase, the
time limit of training that your organism can bear but another reason is you may be also excessive in the
intensity of the training.
According to your daily program you can increase progressively time and intensification of exercises. The
previous sensations described above will progressively disappear.
In very rare case, after a long time of practice, these sensations are still remaining becoming more intense,
this is unusual; you should check your posture and training method.
In this case the practitioner should check one by one each requirement corresponding to the post standing,
then find the cause and correct it.
If you can’t solve this problem by yourself, we invite to contact an experienced teacher or expert (or
CMA Ltd. by email, they will be happy to answer you)...a proper guidance and correction of your practice
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When you are beginning the duration of the training should be relatively short and should set up in
accordance to one physical condition. In general starting post standing duration of 5-10 minutes should be
enough. If you want to make same fast progress then you can also add more time.
If after standing for a determined time your shoulder and arms are aching, this means that you have
already quire close to your duration limit, you should interrupt your exercise of post standing (because
when your post standing is not correct you will probably not reach your determined duration and hardly
progress into further levels of practice).
By increasing progressively duration of training you can reach a minimal duration requested for each
Generally the beginner needs to reach a continuous standing of half hour, later when he can stand
uninterruptedly during half hour without feeling any ache or tiredness, then he can continue again to
increase his time of post standing, it should be even easier for him.
For healing purpose a daily training program including not less than half hour of post standing is suitable.
It is clear that the longer is your post standing duration, the more frequently you are standing in the day,
the longer you maintain a daily uninterrupted training program, the better are your results.
Let’s precise also that if in one day you are standing two times half hour, the effect will not as good as
standing continuously during 40 minutes just once, because during this single time the benefit effects can
develop more favorably. (some Qigong schools call this “internal alchemy”: this transmutation of the
inner body requires necessarily time, like a stove to reach its optimal temperature)
Post standing requires the seek of relaxation through calmness, from relaxation to seek body integration,
seeking contraction from relaxation, achieving relaxation during contraction, then by combining the six
techniques of Dachengquan: spirit, form, mind, Qi, strength and voice, to obtain finally its highest virtue.
Duration of post standing has a direct relation with the process of seeking relaxation through calmness: if
you can’t reach the required state of relaxation, it may be due to an insufficient time of standing.
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In this case you should persevere, advancing gradually, and avoiding impatience (do not stress mentally
too much about relaxation as a target, just let it comes): approaching whole body relaxation step by step
with a gradual increase of standing duration.
A special attention should be paid in the fact that although pursuing long duration of standing is good, it
is also essential that during your effort to increase standing duration, you still keep unchanged the three
prime objectives of the standing post, adjusting your body, increasing your martial power and recovering
physical and organic abilities.
In post standing, although every practitioner are assuming a same posture, this posture cannot be
absolutely identical. Mr. Wang Xiangzhai said in “Theory of Dachengquan”: “You need only to be full in
spirit and in mind, don’t pursuit similarity of form.”
You just need to respect these principles and follow this theory. When practicing, you should stress in
combining spirit and mind activity within the form.
Principles of post standing require comfortable and natural training, this is expressed by feeling relax in
your body as well as a general well being. Comfortable and natural have three meanings:
- First: movement is natural,
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The fundamental request of universal post is feeling comfortable and natural, for convalescent people, it
is recommended to start practice of post standing with a relative short duration. When ache appears and
no more comfort exists in limbs, they should interrupt their fixed post; readjust their body to reach again
the state of natural comfort.
There are two adjusting ways: adjusting limbs and adjusting mind.
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Fig. 14 Fig. 15
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ideal, whole body relaxed then you start to taste the resistance of the water and the buoyancy force,
tasting the water from all your skin pores, skin and muscle are smoothly rinsed and skimmed,
providing a feeling of incomparable comfort and well being.
III. Relaxation
Relax intentionally each part of body. Start first with two hands, two arms, two shoulders, chest,
belly, two legs, two knees and two soles, and after it is the turn of your back, hip, back of knee, two
calves and two feet to relax.
The above adjusting methods can be combined at will, selecting the adjustment methods according to
your situation.
To summarize, no matter if you are in good health and targeting martial power or you are recovering
from surgical operation, unable to stand, you should respect permanently the aim of your training as
well as the principle related to the post exercise you’ve included in your training program.
For example some patients under medical treatment are unable to stand by themselves in this case
they can still practice with the back against on a wall or a tree. Once their physical condition has
improved they can return to the standard standing Universal Post.
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From universal post you should practice Contradiction post. Contradiction post is the basic technique for
combat post; this post allows your internal strength to be more abundant, opening to the use of further
techniques and further skills to be exerted. After reaching a certain level of standing post your forehand
can be like a shield and your rear hand like a spear able to bring out various techniques of combat.
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There are three criteria which you can use to validate it:
- when your “wrapping hip” is not correct two legs are basically straight,
- when your “wrapping hip” is not correct, use your hand to touch right hip you should detect a kind
of depression (sunken area);
- when your “wrapping hip” is not correct, rear hip and rear buttocks do not have tightening and
swelling feeling.
If your “wrapping hip” is correct, the rear leg is naturally bent, the sunken area should be
protuberant, rear hip and rear buttock feeling tightened, sometimes aching, that tightening and aching
degree should be the criteria on which you are going to establish your standard level of exercise. In
the beginning you should wrap slightly your hip and later when you’ve acquired basic proficiency
increase progressively your wrapping hip degree. (Fig. 17)
The purpose of training contradiction post is to cultivate and practice “internal strength”. What is called
“internal strength” does not have any form, hidden in the inner body; it can naturally emerge when
situations require it.
For example, when you reach the level of possessing a “refined” internal strength, when you eject(uproot)
opponents or strike them, you do not have anymore the feeling of brutal force, your opponents too will
also feel that you are no more using brutal force, but during your offensive, they will feel instead an
abundant strength and endless power; or if you use slightly your wrist to press on the opponent’s body
and arm, and then the opponent will feel like touching cotton wrapping iron; or when you stand well and
let your opponent to push and pull you, you will have natural advantage on him, give him the feeling of
heaviness and stability of a mountain; if your opponent strikes you, he will meet a very strong resistance;
if you just twist slightly then your opponent will fall down, these are results of proper use of this “internal
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Principle of contradiction post is to experience the effects of “ward off power with muscle relaxed”.
(ward off power is expressed by larger stretching abilities of your muscle). When assuming post standing,
your whole body’s muscles are relaxed, especially in shoulder and in the two arms where relaxation
should be even more important, but relaxed does not mean slack, a precondition for relaxation is to have a
large quantity ward off strength.
What should you do to reach this point? First set up mental calmness, whole body relaxed and sinking.
You should feel like having in front of you a very strong man, no matter how this strong man is pushing,
pulling, smashing and stirring up my arm, you still keep superiority on him; this is mental practice in
Dachengquan “Not moving when being pushed, not breaking when being pulled, not smashing when
being dropped, not rising when being stirred”. After a long time of practice you will bear a smashing
attack from an opponent like a heavy wood, staying still and not moving; but if you attack this will be
fatal for him.
When you start practice of contradiction post, it is very difficult to get “ward off power with muscle
relaxed”, many people know how to relax but then their limbs will be loose and slack, but nothing of
ward off strength; even they are performing pushing, pulling, smashing and stirring up which get the
advantage in front of an opponent, their two shoulders and two arms are numb and hard, there is no the
principle of cotton wrapping iron.
Do not get frustrated and impatient, just calm down and persevere in practicing, the only way to get this
further manifestation of internal strength which is “ward off power with muscle relaxed” is through
progressive training.
After gaining “ward off power with muscle relaxed” ability, no matter if you are throwing out, doing
pushing hands etc... In all your practice it will involve a huge power.
Because of this new stretching ability of any muscle, so in terms of power, you can easily overcome
unrefined force and brutal power. This is manifested by a huge natural force having in the same time the
properties of highest suppleness and even using single hand technique with great efficiency, so that in
combat your movement is fast like lightning, changing constantly, in a very short time you can perform
and chain multiple combat techniques, highly elusive, bringing your opponent to care about one attack but
immediately losing as in the same time is appearing another one, this express the fundamental principle of
Dachengquan “There is no fixed posture but posture is everywhere”.
Also because your muscle before contraction doesn’t lose his ward off stretching capability so that your
resulting force will definitively increase its properties of integration, simplicity and vigor.
If you are striking an opponent he will feel a more penetrative and heavier force.
If you use it to throw out your adversary, he will feel like just been touched then immediately ejected; If
you use it in pushing hands, it becomes like playing with a child, attracting him when he advances,
repelling him when he retreats,
If you use it in real combat, your strike will inflict to your opponent very serious or fatal injury.
Concerning the training your mental during “ward off power with muscle relaxed”, it should not be a
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passive mental inducement which should be applied, from the beginning to the end, to all your pushing,
pulling, smashing and stirring up movements, you need to include discontinuity. After using
“determinate” mind inducement use a free mind inducement, as having a rest.
During exercising “ward off power with muscle” your mind activity should have this contradictive feeling
of coming /leaving far and having/not having.
By practicing correctly according to the standard posture of “Contradiction Post” and respecting its
requirements, in a short time you can have substantial results.
For practitioner without any further background, practicing in their spare time, after three months it will
appear greater resistance to shocks. If professional practitioners (having martial or Qi Gong background)
do not feel any effect after a short time of practice then under the right guidance, most of them will gain
greater resistance to shocks within 5 days. In the beginning, it will first appear in the belly then it will
develop in the waist, back, head and later in the whole body, you will feel like carrying a kind “iron
cloth” and two arms feeling strong and heavy.
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Hooking-filing testing force is part of the general testing force exercises, through this testing you can
experience Dachengquan’s accumulating force, whipping force, expanding-embracing force, leverage
force, double contending force etc...
For pedagogic purpose hooking-filing testing force can normally divided into three sections: starting
movement, two palms transition movement and hooking-filing movement.
Assuming contradiction post, lower limbs remaining unchanged (you can avoid from wrapping hip), drawing
inward your two arms and two hands, two hands separated from chest for about 1 foot distance, one head distance
between the first joint of two index fingers, two hands lower than eyes level. (Fig. 19)
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Fig 22
Chaining from previous posture, two shoulders and two arms relaxed, with two wrists leading two hands
to open outward/forward, center of palm facing backward and downward, ten fingers facing forward and
downward (not too vertical, both hands starting from being parallel to the ground, then slightly inclined
forward and downward), make sure to keep one head distance between middle finger of two hands. (Fig.
Continuing from the last posture, two palms are slowly turning upward, center of two palms inclined
forward and downward, ten fingers inclined forward and upward; then two palms are pushing forward,
until two arms are almost straight, then two arms rotating outward, the center of palms facing with each
other and keep one head distance; two hands are slowly pulling back, up to 1 foot distance from body,
Then release again center of two palms to turn slowly inward, returning to the starting movement.
Continue again with a second hooking-filing testing force, and repeat section 2 and 3
Note: In whole of testing force exercise, two hands should always keep a linear movement, avoid being
suddenly high or suddenly low, distance between forehand and chest and distance between rear hand and
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Concerning requirements for lower limbs, you should consider two situations:
- First situation: during pushing and pulling course, two legs should have just almost an imperceptible
change, from an external point of view: we can only see two hands and two arms moving;
- Second situation: during pushing and pulling course, two legs should shift weight accordingly to the
overall movement: when two arms are almost straight then two legs have weight distribution of 50%
But in real combat, the first situation is comparatively more practical as it should allow to merge form and
Remember that testing force has four levels of training, in the starting level you should mainly practice
When you are training testing force, with whole body relaxed, you can imagine that two hands are
pushing heavy wood or a boat on the water, slowly pushing forward and after slowly pulling backward.
When you have set up sufficient basis you can go on training with “Advancing hands like filing,
withdrawing like hooking, full of strength when advancing, full of intention when withdrawing”.
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III.4 Stepping
Transversal step can train leg power, increase body’s suppleness; this step can be performed forward and
backward, suitable for defense and attack or even combination of both such as first retreat then attack.
Two feet standing parallel, shoulder width separated, left arm and right arm opened, forming with body an
angle of 60 degrees, fingers naturally opened, the center of palm facing down; weight moving slowly onto
right hip, left foot makes a transversal step (to the left), then the weight moves to left hip, right foot makes
a transversal step to the left (near left foot); when right foot has touched ground, uplift again right foot and
makes a transversal step to the right, then weight moves back to right hip, left foot can again make
transversal step to the right. From now on you can practice with both sides, but you should pay attention
to keep always two feet shoulder width apart. (Fig. 30, 31, 32)
Mental activity: imagine that between your two feet you have an elastic and under your sole you have a
spring then taste the resulting elastic force and springing force.
Moving evenly right foot inward up to a point where 3 inches distance separates top of right foot with
left heel (Fig. 24); then right foot continues to step straight forward up to a point where half-foot
distance separates right foot to top of left foot (Fig. 25); this time continue to move evenly right foot
outward further 3 inches (Fig. 26); when right foot falls onto the ground, it is time for left foot to
move evenly rightward up to the point where 3 inches distance separates top of left foot with right
heel (Fig. 27); then left foot continues to step straight forward up to the point where half-foot distance
separates it from top of right foot, then left foot moves evenly outward further 3 inches (Fig. 28, 29).
With the previous description of movement you can than alternate left and right foot. Remember that
no matter which foot is in the front, you need just to apply the secret technique of “inward, (straight)
forward, outward” to perform friction step.
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Fig 29
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III. Although friction step is difficult to use in real situation (of combat or sparring), but it
If you manage to train it well, this will open you to many other steps.
III. Practicing friction step helps you to keep balance, it requires you to be steady and at the
same time give you a good appreciation of your whole body. No matter if you are practicing
pushing hand or sparring, being steady and keeping balance are always very important.
First with weight on left foot, right foot is executing a friction step forward, taste your body’s
steadiness and balance; when your right foot is touching ground, weight is slowly shifting from left
leg to right leg, check if your body is relaxed, sinking and if you can perceived like a whole.
III. Through the practice of friction step you can increase the kicking strength of your lower
limbs, during a real combat, no matter if it is a front kick, side kick or knee strike etc... all these
techniques will greatly enhance their striking performances through the mastery of friction steps.
III. Two feet standing in parallel position, shoulder width apart, left arm and right arm
opened each one forming with the body an angle of 60 degrees, fingers naturally separated, the
center of palm facing down (Fig. 33); shift weight onto right leg, left foot makes transversal step to
left for about 0.8-1 foot, after left foot touches ground, move weight onto left leg; then right foot is
stepping l```eftward and forward, drop it in the right front of left foot, when toes are touching
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ground you are assuming right T-eight step, at this time, upper body is slightly turning to the left,
left hand slightly pulling upward, the center of palm inclining rightward and downward, five fingers
pointing leftward and forward (Fig. 34).
III. Right foot steps back to the right to reach the starting line, shift weight onto right leg, left
foot step right/forward, then drop it in the front/left side of right foot, when toes are touching ground
you assuming a left T-eight step; at this time upper body turns to right, left hand moves forward with
arc trajectory from left to right and down, the center of palm facing right, five fingers pointing
right/forward, right hand is moving to the right/front of head with an trajectory arcing leftward and
forward, the center of palm facing left/down, five fingers pointing left/forward. (Fig. 35)
III. Left foot is stepping back to the starting line to assume again a right T-eight step, at this
time, upper body turns to left, left hand moving leftward and upward with an arc trajectory to
left/front of head, center of palm facing right/down, five fingers pointing right/forward, right hand
moving rightward, leftward and downward with an arc trajectory to the front of body, the center of
palm facing left/down, five fingers pointing left/forward. (Fig. 36)
Main point: According to the two previous methods two feet can alternate in this exercise, two feet
circling on the three vertex of an equilateral triangle that is why it is called Triangle step. During this
exercise left hand in front of body is drawing clockwise an elliptic trajectory while right hand in front
of body is drawing anticlockwise an elliptic movement.
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Fig 42
Lower limbs assuming left T-eight step, placing two palms front of body, center of palm facing
forward and upward, left palm distant from your body for about 1 foot, right palm distant from your
body for about half foot (Fig. 37); left foot is making half step forward, and the right foot follows by
stepping forward, when right toes are touching ground: left palm withdraws and right palm points out
(Fig. 38); this movement should not stop, right foot at once uplifted should make a big right/forward
step, then left foot follows with half step, heel uplifted and toes touching ground, at this time, left
palm pierces forward with an arc trajectory, up to front of body for about 1 foot distance, then the
right palm withdraws to front of body for about half foot distance (Fig. 39); this movement should not
stop, left foot uplifts immediately, making a big step leftward and forward, then right foot follows
with half step, heel uplifted and toes touching ground, at this time left palm withdraws to front of
body for about half foot distance while right palm pierces forward with an arc trajectory, up to front
of body for about 1 foot distance, to return finally to the starting (Fig. 40). You can also train
similarly in back step exercise.
Main point: Through triangle step training, you can enhance your elusive and attacking ability in
pushing hands and in sparring, neutralizing force and issuing, with agility and adaptability in your
body movements and comforting your fighting techniques.
During your training you can imagine that you are facing an opponent who is chaining different
postures to attack you so that you have to avoid them and counterattack.
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Underlay step is also called small trampling step, it is can affect in real combat the entire efficiency of
your footwork, if you use it to throw out your opponent, by including a small trample step, your ejecting
effect is definitively better. Underlay step has even larger applications in real combat, moving forward in
attack, backward in defense.
Two feet assuming T-eight step, left foot in the front and right foot in the back; two arms uplifting in front
of heart (Fig. 41); two hands distant from your body for about 1 foot distance, the center of palm facing
forward/upward, fingers pointing also forward/upward, then weight shifting slowly to right hip, left foot
uplifts and steps forward for half step, then weight shifts to left foot, right foot follows with half step (Fig.
42). Repeat this exercise.
From this left side exercise you can train similarly right side exercise, as the movements are similar you
have just to change direction respectively (opposite).
This applies also for backward exercises.
Main point: When practicing Underlay step, you can imagine that two feet are stepping on a cushion made
by palm fiber, when you are making one step you can taste the cushion’s elasticity; or imagine that two
legs and two feet have huge force, when stepping on the ground they will leave traces, when trampling
onto ground they will leave hollows.
This is the combination of Triangle step and Underlay step, especially suitable for long distance attack.
The training method is the following: lower limbs assuming left T-eight step, left palm in lower level near
left/front of left hip, right palm in upper level near right/front of your head; left foot making back step to
the left, right foot steps to left forward, then you can assume right T-eight step, later you chain with
Underlay step by stepping rapidly forward; this time, left palm is moving forward to front of face, the
center of palm facing forward/down, right palm moving downward in front of belly, and center of palm
facing inward, two palms can assume an attack or defense posture.
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Once you have generated internal strength, if you are performing some movements with the body, you
will feel upper limbs and even your whole body heavy and full, this is the natural way in which “integral
strength” should behave in your body, if you want to change this internal strength into a natural power,
you should need the assistance of some additional movements to reach your target: you’ll be able then to
issue various kinds of force. These additional movements are called inducements:
Assume with lower limbs a T-eight step, whole body relaxed and full, bring two arms up to your front
level, then bring them down with an ejecting movement. (Fig. 43, 44, 45)
When doing this exercise, you should look far away like watching a very far target (tall building,
mountain, pagoda etc...), and imagine that with the ejecting movements of yours arms your target is
swinging as well.
Through this technique, you feel two palms increasing in size; two arms heavier and stronger, by keeping
on practicing this exercise, the integral strength will naturally increase and will be more obvious.
You can have a partner standing in front of you, applying ejecting movement on him, to see how heavy
and full is your body, experiencing how the whole force will act on his body and how should your palms
touch his chest and in the same time eject him.
For beginners, the results of this exercise may not be immediately very obvious, it maybe due to the
three following reasons:
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III.5.1.1 Whole body slacking off, so that it did not lead out heavy and full force, giving opponent
with laxness feeling, not able to swing him out.
III.5.1.2 When your two palms are touching your opponent your arms are suddenly becoming rigid,
two palms are intentionally bumping opponent but you are unable to use internal strength.
III.5.1.3 You’ve changed direction of the force. When you are swinging your arms, be sure to apply
bottom up a frontal force with an angle of 45 degrees; in the contrary if in the moment you are
touching your opponent, you change involuntary the force direction, this swinging movement will be
transformed in a simple frontal pushing movement, unable to release the natural instinctive force
which has far more amplitudes.
When your ejecting arms are able throw out your opponent, now it is time to change their movement
amplitudes into slower and smaller extensions until two hands become like almost fixed.
Put two hands 1 foot distance apart from chest, the center of palm facing forward/downward; fingers
pointing forward/upward, and after checking whole body relaxation, proceed to a downward/backward
movement of accumulating strength, rear leg bending, whole force sinking; then rear leg stretches, whole
body making an upward/forward movement, two legs bending naturally, distribution of weight is 50/50.
(Fig. 46, 47)
Fig 46 Fig 47
Repeat again this downward, backward then upward/forward whole body’s movement. During this
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movement you should taste blood and Qi circulating in your body as well as the “integral strength”. You
are like sitting on a moving train then suddenly someone is pulling the emergency brake: all passengers
are submitted to a natural and shifting forward inertia movement, this is the realistic image of the effect
natural integral strength.
When this heavy inertia integral strength appears in your body, you can conjugate it with an ejecting
technique to experience any jamming within the interspaces separating you from the opponent, during
application of your ejecting technique with integral strength. Dachengquan Ejecting techniques include
fixed step ejecting and ejecting with step. No matter which technique you are using, your whole body
should be like bumping a wall, a tall building or a mountain situated in front of your body and your two
arms are like piercing forward very far.
Notice: during your preparative movement, two hands should keep on touching partner’s chest, first
applying circling movement, making him out of balance, then sink your whole body, wait for
sufficient accumulative strength in order to be able to release a full and solid force to toll your
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Fig 51 Fig 52
When in real combat, put two hands on opponent’s chest, two hands pushing separately on both
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sides, bringing him to sway his body leftward and rightward so that he lost weight, use this
opportunity to sink your whole body, accumulating integral strength, and finally ejecting him with
integral strength.
After having acquired basis of fixed step ejecting technique you can now proceed on training ejecting
with step.
This method which conjugates stepping with ejecting is mainly used against very strong or heavy
opponent; in this case it requires you to use necessarily step, making adjusting, choosing suitable angle
and method to eject him.
You have five ways to eject with steps:
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In your ejecting offensive, if opponent’s back foot is rooted very steadily, you should immediately
retreat forefoot and advance back foot to insert his crotch midline position, bringing him to lose his
rear foot supportive function, once your two feet are standing steady, whole body slightly sinking,
use integral strength to eject him. (Fig. 56, 57, 58)
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weight onto left leg, right foot is making a big step, arcing inward, forward and outward to assume a
right T-eight step, at this time upper body turns slightly rightward, two palms bumping forward.
If your opponent has strong rooting, ejecting him may not be that easy, in this case left foot is first
stepping leftward, again right foot makes forward a big step to the external side of opponent’s right
foot, with heel of right foot hooking and stumbling his right leg, then use two palms to push him
forward with natural and integral strength. (Fig. 62, 63, 64)
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When ejecting the opponent you should first let your rear foot advancing lightly half step forward,
and after uplift forefoot to shovel first backward opponent’s front leg then shovel again to the
opposite direction his back leg, bringing unsteadiness in his lower limbs, then drop rapidly your foot
onto the ground and eject him with natural/integral strength. (Fig. 68, 69, 70)
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making an arcing movement outward, downward, inward and upward, bring it in front of left hip at
half foot distance, the center of palm facing up, five fingers pointing rightward and forward, and
after your upper body rises erect and ejecting forward with natural integral strength. (Fig. 71, 72, 73)
When ejecting the opponent, if you feel your opponent’s lower limbs relatively steady, bent
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immediately knee and sinking your body while bending it forward, left hand sliding downward, and
pulling from outward, inward, upward opponent’s right leg, right hand still pressing opponent’s
chest, then two legs are stretching and pressing onto the ground, upper body rising erect, eject
forward your opponent with the natural and integral strength. (Fig. 74, 75, 76)
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(linking) ability
Single hand techniques constitute an effective training system to acquire canonical techniques of combat.
These techniques are quite numerous, my Master Wang Xuanjie in his book 《Techniques and practice of
Dachengquan》has introduced in total 21 kinds of single hand techniques commonly used.
For the beginner, it is important to start with the essential ones. As you can understand in martial arts
what is essential is not to learn myriads of techniques but to really grasp the essence of few ones, and
skills will come with persisting practice. First you need to understand the principle of one technique then
it will reveal three others, by just adding slight variations this technique will even generate ten others,
appearing and disappearing mysteriously according to situation: your technique will be invisible.
In Dachengquan, circle punch is among the most used combat techniques because it is also among the
most effective ones, as you will see this technique is easy to apply for attacks and allows rapid changes.
Fig 77 Fig 78
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inward force, bringing left fist on left/front side of the head (Fig. 78). Repeat this movement two
times (two cycles) as a the whole exercise, after being proficient in this movement you can just make
one left circle punch in your training (left fist, from body side, is issuing an arcing forward and
inward punch.
Respecting the same principles than before you can now proceed to right circle punch training.
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rightward and forward, left foot follows with half step, at the same time make left circle punch, and
right fist protect chin.
Continue this exercise paying attention to your two feet and two hands coordination. You also
could train similarly back step.
III. Your partner standing in front of you, two hands wearing boxing gloves, two fists
clenched, placed on head level, then when everyone has adjusted his posture, you can start issuing
circle punch striking your partner’s gloves.
III. Your partner moves his two hands or tries to avoid your attack, then try your best to use
circle punch to strike efficiently his moving gloves.
III. Your partner wears a protective head gear and then try to avoid your attack, try your best
to use circle punch strike on partner’s head.
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Fig 85 Fig 86
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III. Your partner is standing in front of your body, use splitting palm on your strike partner.
Because it is a friendly partner exercise and not a real combat, so splitting palm should be used with
Splitting palm targeting areas: when using direct splitting palm you should strike partner’s chest or left
shoulder, when using reverse splitting palm strike partner’s chest or right shoulder.
III. Your partner wears a chest-protector and a protective head gear, then use splitting punch
III. Your partner can avoid your attack, use trample step or triangle step etc... to conjugate with
splitting palms.
To increase effects of splitting punch, you should first practice steps before impact training. The best is
to conjugate with trample step: make first a direct splitting palm with a first trample step, and then
III. Your partner is standing in front of your body, use splitting palm on your strike partner.
Because it is a friendly partner exercise and not a real combat, so splitting palm should be used with
Splitting palm targeting areas: when using direct splitting palm strike partner’s chest or left shoulder,
when using reverse splitting palm strike partner’s chest or right shoulder.
III. Your partner wears a chest-protector and a protective head gear, then use splitting punch
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III. Your partner can avoid your attack, use trample step or triangle step etc... to conjugate with
splitting palms.
To increase effects of splitting punch, you should first practice steps before impact training. The best is to
conjugate with trample step: make first a direct splitting palm with a first trample step, and then make a
reverse splitting palm with a second trample step.
From now on you can continue this exercise.
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III. Your partner is wearing boxing gloves and stands in front of your body, uplift two
hands, then use pounding punch alternatively with both fists, you can start using left fist or right
springing fist, and after use right fist or left fist striking.
III. Your partner’s two hands can now sway leftward and rightward swaying or backward,
you should find yourself the opportunity to strike efficiently partner’s two hands.
III. Your partner wears a Protective Head Gear and is trying to avoid your attacks, use
pounding punch adjusting with step and body’s movement to strike efficiently your partner’s head.
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Fig 99
III. Stand in front of a hanging sandbag, use Knee of Buddha's Warrior Attendant technique
to strike continuously the sandbag.
III. Your partner is pulling your chest protector or other protective from your body, use two
hands to lock his neck; two hands move downward with power, use left knee or right knee to strike
his crotch, belly or chest. Be careful, this technique is very powerful, so do not harm your partner.
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When you are proficient with single hand techniques, you can now combine them into a series of
techniques harmoniously chained. In the first phase of your training, I would recommend you to practice
the following combinations:
III.6.6.2 Left-right circling punches, lock neck and Knee of Buddha's Warrior Attendant
Left circling punch—right circling punch—two fists change into palms to lock opponent’s neck, and
at the same time use left knee or right knee to strike his belly or crotch.
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The Second Phase of Training
After having acquired the different techniques presented, you can now consolidate your technical
background with the Second Phase training. Generally speaking, for a long term basis of training, the
practitioner can start, from the second to the third month of training, to learn new technical contents; for
quick results I personally train my students intensively with the First Phase training during 3-5 months
than they can start the Second Phase training; for a self-taught practitioner we can say that once he has
grasped how to accumulate integral strength and has the ability to uproot or eject his opponent then he is
ready for this Second Phase of training.
1. Experience a full relaxed and sinking strength through out the whole body but also allow it to be
transformed into a practical “dynamic strength”.
2. Master how to reverse an opponent’s ejecting attack. This means that when your opponent uses an
ejecting movement against you, you can not only neutralize it completely but also eject him out.
3. Master in pushing hands: control and reverse control techniques, understand how to use rules of
keeping midline.
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When you have acquired expanding-embracing basics in contradiction post and whole body inducement,
you can now start this advanced training.
What is called natural force, during your training you should pay attention to all internal connotations,
releasing any limit induced by form, the objective is to bring into play all your physical potential, putting
him in direct contact with his “dynamic strength”.
That means in practical to be able to use consciously and unconsciously all your potential of internal
strength, and then exert to your opponent a very strong and penetrative force. Now everything inside your
body should be in accordance with nature, when you are exerting force, it is also instinctive, without any
restriction from your mental. According to Mr. Wang Xiangzhai in “Theory of Dachengquan”: “Each
serious martial artist should stress now on spirit, mental and natural force in their training”. This is
completely different from any other boxing. In Chinese Martial Arts we can find different concepts of
force, for example in Shaolin, it is “one inch force” (very short force); Xingyiquan has the concept of
“whole body force”; for Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) it is rather a “bursting force” or “elastic force”; in
Dachengquan we focus on the “natural force” which is also called “instinctive force”.
We all know that for everyone power is generated during the process of the movement, all depending on
the contraction of the muscle.
Comforted by this observation, many schools of martial arts view the contraction of the whole body’s
force and generating its bursting power as a high level of power in martial arts, thinking that during a
short instant their level of contraction in the body is correct so that the generating level of power should
be also huge. In Dachengquan you have also a similar force, but the difference is that this is not
considered as a high-level force.
It is hard to realize in real combat when should you generate your bursting power, as it will request
necessarily your whole body to contract, which in this case it goes against the process of exerting force
(to your opponent), even more it go to against your instinctive force. Mr. Wang Xiangzhai commented as
followed: “No matter if it is testing force or issuing force, all should keep your body relaxed.”
When a racing car is bumping to some objects, as it brings a very big inertia and a large bumping force,
we can say that it is the instinctive force of this car; this force will be even larger if the car is heavier and
faster. The speed and inertia are the two main parameters which will increase this force but not the
consciousness of bumping something with your car (it may kill or injure seriously): this is the instinctive
force of your car.
Let’s take the other example of a strong ox rushing suddenly at someone, in this case it will bring out also
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all its bestial instinctive power. This power is related to his size and speed. During this rushing time this
ox does not need all his whole body muscles to contract when bumping to a person or a wall, just the
intervention all its instinctive power. Then muscles will contract and relax in the perfect timing adapted
to the situation but certainly not being controlled by its mind.
The mass of any human body (weight) is limited, but through post standing and testing force you can
bring the use of your weight into its highest degree of effectiveness, by improving the management of
your center of gravity and increase your speed, which are the more obvious perceptible effects. So when
you are practicing you should stress on relaxing even more your body, avoiding any unnecessary tension
in your muscle, to experience the whole body natural weight. Along with the different training of post
standing and testing force, you should practice longer time and deeper to help you to realize and practice
more obviously what is really your weight.
In testing force practice you should pay a special attention to perform movement slowly and
symmetrically, this is the most effective way to obtain speed, even the only way to realize the weight of
your limbs and how to combine it with your speed (this is Dachengquan’s natural force). Then it will
result an extraordinary accelerating ability in your movements, more density in your body and greater
inner strength.
Sometimes you just need to mention “speed” or “issuing force’s speed”, then the people will get very
easily nervous when they get together, you have others who think that before touching opponent, they
should relax consciously, in the very moment of issuing force just contracting once, bringing out what
they called “bursting force”.
If they do really as they mention above, in all evidences this is through by mind control, remaining under
the “grip” of consciousness, so that during a real combat where their opponent will change permanently
their movements, it will be impossible for them to relax and their movements will become rigid, this
tension will certainly impede their fighting instinct. Dachengquan’s instinctive force is controlled by the
touching sense, although it requires to increase suddenly speed, but whole body should not necessarily
contract during this short instant, then some muscles should still relax, if say some parts of body are
tense, do your best to disengage them from your consciousness, when exerting this instinctive force, you
should contract what is needed to contract and relax what is needed to relax, all being naturally selected
by your instinct.
My master Wang Xuanjie who won numerous challenges in China and abroad, threw out all of them,
making them fall on the ground or uprooting them (like flying!!!), maneuvering attacks and retreats all
under pure instinct, the whole body remaining very relaxed, exempt from any disturbing contraction, this
represents the very high level of martial arts.
Understanding the properties of Dachengquan’s “internal strength” is a key issue: if you don’t understand
what is: “natural instinctive power” then whatever how hard you are training, your martial abilities will
not be impressive. Mr. Wang Xuanjie said in his book《Wang Xiangzhai with Dachengquan》: “If even
after many years of hard training, the practitioner is still not understanding this principle, his fighting
techniques remains also very common; he can be easily defeated by than someone who trained only two
or three years under the right guidance.”
Again this is pointing out that if it not clear for you what natural power is, or even what difference
between brutal force and instinctive force is, then you will meet a lot of difficulties to get some
substantive results.
By persevering in your training you will release number of doubts, by asking questions to notorious
mentors and instructors, by paying attention to any other practitioner’s way of issuing force and sparring,
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getting further experience in pushing hands, sparring, but also letting other people trying on your body,
that means experiencing constantly, unceasing your body and brainstorming on this new perceptual
knowledge, instead of staying all your life long in post standing, which will rigidify your body in fine as a
counter effect .
So for post standing you should not only measure the duration of your post standing, but especially pay
attention to its quality: again because it is only the way to it is once your spirit and mind reach a deep
calmness which is also materialize by an high level of relaxation in your body, regaining this instinctive
ability, strengthening your natural force, then standing will reveal more longer effects more efficient
instead of getting the counter effect of standing like “dead wood” as we discussed previously.
Materialization of Dachengquan’s natural force plenitude can be measured scientifically by the increase
of inner strength.
For basic post standing you don’t need to track main and collateral energetic channels (TCM), just focus
on comfortable nurturing of strength, developing the entire body as a whole, warming up muscles,
cultivating “internal Qi”, from this “internal Qi” transforming it into “internal power”, blood and Qi
circulating naturally in your whole body endlessly, each hair of your body is stretching and standing in an
erected posture, arriving to this state, “the muscle and bone of body even not intentionally solicited will
practice by themselves, nerve not intentionally nurturing but nurturing by itself, whole body comfortable
and developing progressively.”
Dachengquan’s natural force has the particular properties of having faster, lighter and incessant (Qi and
blood) flowing in your body just before starting combat.
Now as your natural force has its root in your instinctive nature, so it will naturally settle the (opponent’s)
touching triggering process, the direction and the form requested.
No matter if it is, forward or backward, attack or defense, splitting, drilling, following step striking,
transversal step striking etc... no matter from which angle, touching or not your opponent, all these
parameters will be driven by your instinct to beat down your opponent.
If you are always limited in your usual training to determinate and order techniques, such as for a
practitioner used to issue force in a same and unchanged distance to his target or his partner, but then in
sparring he will feel very difficult to adjust suddenly distance and exert his force, therefore the force you
developed has not reached its real natural properties which should in all case be completely “dynamic”
and not static.
Natural force is one materialization of Dachengquan’s “internal strength”, according to its specific
applications and forms it can reveal, we can mention: open-close force, double contending force,
universal force, wrapping force, springing force, leverage force, and whole body force etc... no matter
which force is applied all should incarnate that “natural”, “instinctive” properties, feeling yourself relaxed
and soft, “having acquired inner strength”, giving to your opponent a threatening pressure, with
penetrating inner strength, ejecting him neck and crop, with a huge power.
How should you train effectively to strengthen your natural force? This is what we are going to present
now in this following method:
Assuming the starting posture of contradiction post, now the difference is that your whole body should
have this full and heavy feeling; at this time, trunk is already by completely loose, your lower supportive
force should have increased, two legs naturally bent, this practice, many people feel difficult to persist in
this posture for a relatively long time. In the beginning, you should practice both of left and right postures
around 2-3 minutes, and after resume back to usual contradiction post.
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Standing as defined in middle level contradiction post, start with basic posture of contradiction post, front
foot is slightly moving forward and outward, two legs slightly bending (pay attention: not too bent), the
weight distribution is now 40% weight on front leg and 60% weight on back leg, upper body straight, no
intention of leaning back, two arms slightly supporting outward, middle fingers of two hands have a
parting forward and rising intention, other main points are similar to the starting exercise. (Fig. 100)
Fig 100
Mind activity: you can imagine that your body is like a strong tree, taking root deeply in the ground, with
twisted roots and gnarled branches, very steady, no matter who and how will push and pull you, you’ll
stay superior to them; or you can imagine that you have everywhere in your body, springs passing
through out your whole body, slightly stretching, through your body’s jiggling and your muscle’s
contraction/relaxation changes, experience their elastic actions, or you can also imagine that a strong man
is attacking you, throwing many bricks, stones on you, which will spring automatically out when
touching your body.
After having acquired basis in post standing, you can experience forms that may reveal
forward-backward whole body force, for example, from the precondition of having a whole body relaxed
and sinking, your trunk could make some slight leaning backward movements, and immediately change
with bumping forward movement.
In the beginning, forward and backward movement should be clearly distinguished, no matter if you are
leaning backward or bumping forward all should have “wholeness” properties; after having acquired
basis, waist can initiate fast (and small) back and forth movement, at finally performs one major bumping
forward movement involving your whole body.
Here is the principle: backward movement is a storage movement, accumulating strength in your whole
body, storing has an essential role in the overall process, with a good storing phase you can deliver a very
large bumping forward whole body force. When you are training this exercise your two feet should have
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In the middle level precondition in contradiction post, experience leftward/rightward spiral twisting force.
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai said: “Concerning the spiral twisting force: it should be experienced in your body,
bringing up the triangle force, all of forces should emerge from the mutual action of muscle turbulence
and spiritual/mental activity, all are intimately related relation, if you separate them from each other, then
you’ve changed method, inverting its principle.”
After standing correctly and assuming a middle-level contradiction post, whole body filled with a
comfortable feeling, between my upper limbs and your trunk, between upper limbs and forearms,
between lower limbs and ground, all should keep a triangle supportive force. At this time, with using
your whole body’s midline as axis, first make a rotation to the left, then a rotation to the right, like
circling exercise. Later you can start with right circling than left circling. (Fig. 101, 102, 103)
When you are training spiral twisting, it should be from slow to fast, and at the end finish almost
instantaneously. Leftward/rightward spiral twisting has a special action on dissolving any incoming
power received by your trunk; destabilizing the balance of your opponent; borrowing force and use it
back to your opponent, but with the difference of being largely amplified from its original intensity.
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When you are proficient in single practice, you can practice with a partner.
Your partner is applying an ejecting force on your chest, when you feel his force, apply immediately
leftward/rightward spiral twisting in your body, neutralizing completely his attack.
Point of attention: Leftward/rightward spiral twisting force should not have almost any break time. If
after a left rotation of your body you are slightly interrupting your movement, this very moment can be
use by your opponent, and eject you in the same left direction.
In the opposite if my leftward/rightward spiral twisting transition time is very short then he does not have
any opportunity to counterattack.
IV.1.4.2 Action
Through expanding-embracing training, you will strengthen tendon and muscle of two arms, in addition
you will generate further integral power, strengthen two arms supporting outward and closing inward
stretching (warding off) abilities. When your mind training has the required basis you can add the delicate
tasting feeling during your two arms supporting, opening or closing arm movements, in this case you
should go deeper in the perception of your two arms’ muscles contraction and relaxation.
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The second phase of testing force should lead you to experience a larger apprehension of your whole
body force, spiral twisting and spring effect, in addition step training can strengthen your whole body’s
resistance and increase attack speed.
We have just described the left posture of Long narrow flag testing force, as the right posture is
completely similar to the left one, you have just to substitute the direction into their opposite.
This technique can help you to seek endlessly new types of real martial forces, such as whole body force,
universal force, inertia force, counterattack force and shock force etc... which are included in
Mind activity: imagine that your body is gigantic, standing immersed in the boundless ocean, your body
is moving forward/backward and two arms are swaying forward/backward then rising under huge rolling
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Stand in the same posture as in contradiction post, two hands rising to chest, the center of two palms
facing each other, left hand aligned with right foot, right hand slightly more withdrawn (half hand
distance) then left hand, two hands separated by shoulder wide distance; with body leading, left palm is
pulling backward and right palm is pushing forward; when right palm is in the front and left palm in is
the back, inverting the original posture, then right hand pulls backward, and left palm pushes forward.
From now on you can repeat this exercise (Fig. 107, 108).
We have just explained the left posture exercise; right posture is exactly similar to the left posture, just
interchange directions respectively and practice the exercise both sides.
This exercise is useful to check your spiral twisting force, heavy force, oblique force, pulley force and
fixed center force etc... included in Dachengquan.
Mind activity: imagine that two hands are like holding each one a millstone, twisting leftward or
IV.2.3.1 Slight underlay step: two arms and two hands can be relatively natural, two palms can be in
front of body and you can also change them into fist slightly opening leftward and rightward.
IV.2.3.2 Generally underlay step is front foot is stepping forward with half step distance and back foot is
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following with half step; then slight underlay step is in fact front foot steps forward and back
foot follows, all steps are executed with a very small distance, generally only 3 inches
approximately. When you are looking from outside, the whole body is just slightly moving
forward or backward.
IV.2.3.3 Slight underlay step is mainly targeting deeper apprehensions: within your body’s integrity if
there is steadiness, within your steadiness if there is weight and within weight if you have
When you reached proficiency in slight underlay step, then you can check the resistance of your whole
Your partner should first try to push or eject you, and then you perform a slight underlay step, slightly
moving forward, this should bring to your partner a sensation of incomparable heaviness, making him
difficult to shake your body, if you reach this state: your slight underlay step has started to be effective.
Assume with two feet left T-eight step, two fists clenched into empty fists, bring them in front of your
body at a distance of about 1 foot 2 inches, and right fist uplifted to protect chin (Fig. 109); left foot steps
forward with half step, and right foot follows also with half step; when right foot is dropping onto the
ground, left foot is executing a underlay half step forward; when left foot dropping onto the ground, right
foot makes a big step arc step backward, inward, rightward and forward, left foot follows with half step,
you assume now a right T-eight step; during this time, left fist withdraws to the front of your chin, and
right fist moves forward with an arc, in front of your body for about 1 foot 2 inches distance (Fig. 110,
111); when right foot is performing again a underlay half step forward, left foot makes also a big arc step
backward, inward, leftward and forward, right foot follows with half step, now you assume a left T-eight
step; during this time, left fist moves forward with an arc, at a distance of 1 foot 2 inches from your body,
right fist withdraws to the front of your chin (Fig. 112, 113). From now you can continue on both sides
this exercise.
Back Worm step is exactly similar to the forward Worm step; you just have to inverse directions
respectively to exercise it.
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This step is mainly used in combat: during real combat step needs to be very fast, emerging suddenly in
Mind activity: You have two ways to practice Worm step movement:
- Slowly: you should imagine that your two feet are like tied with elastic and experience its springing
- Rapidly: you should imagine that your body is like a “bobsleigh” sliding forward very fast.
Assume with lower limbs left T-eight step, left palm distant from the left side of body for about half foot
distance, the center of palm facing backward and downward, five fingers pointing forward and
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downward, and the right palm placed at the right/front of your head at about 1 foot distance, the center of
palm facing forward and downward, five fingers pointing forward and upward (Fig. 114); left foot uplifts
and suddenly drops onto the ground, now weight moves onto left leg, right foot makes a big step forward
to assume right T-eight step; during this time, left palm rises upward and forward at a distance of 1 foot
in the left/front of your head, center of palm facing forward and downward, five fingers pointing forward
and upward, right palm falling forward and downward next to the right side of your body at about half
foot distance, center of palm facing backward and downward, five fingers pointing forward and
downward, the upper body is slightly moving forward and shifting weight to right leg (Fig. 115); left leg
uplifts and immediately drops onto the ground, then right foot makes a big back step to assume left
T-eight step; in this time, left palm is dropping forward and downward to the left side of body at about
half foot distance, the center of palm facing backward and downward, five fingers pointing forward and
downward, the right palm rising upward and forward in front of your head at about 1 foot distance, the
center of palm facing forward and downward, five fingers pointing forward and upward (Fig. 116).
Large step is a step suitable for real combat, when you make a large step, you can therefore suddenly
stand in front of opponent, strike him heavily then suddenly withdraw back to a safe distance from him,
making it very difficult for him to control or even seize you, and he is therefore unable to forge any
Mind activity: when you are training large step, your whole body should be simultaneously agile, strong,
vigorous, as a huge wind rolling up a tree, pulling it out from the ground, as also a dragon flying in the
sky, ring clouds and sweeping fog, releasing with your body all the marvelous power of mountains and
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When an opponent wants to eject you or uses different technique to attack you, instead of letting him
eject you, you may use this technique which will reverse his attack. This is reverting “eject opponent”
attack. The conditions of using reverting “eject opponent” attack are:
Assume with lower limbs a T-eight step, two hands are naturally dropping along both sides of your body,
whole body relaxed; then body turns slightly leftward; in the same time, left arm rises, right arm making
an arc trajectory rightward and upward, bring two hands in front of body at half foot distance; finally,
turning slightly body rightward at the same time, two palms issuing a whole body force upward and
forward movement. (Fig. 117, 118, 119)
Main point: You should start with slow movements, with an integral and steady force, and later
progressively increase your speed, preserving in your movements harmony and balance.
Face your partner while assuming T-eight step. Your partner uses two palms to touch your chest and eject
me; as soon as you feel this force, turn rapidly your body leftward. In the same time rise right forearm,
upward and leftward to block his left arm, left wrist rises upward, leftward then press downward on his
right arm, at this time he lost completely his opportunity to issue force; then in the same time you turn
body rightward, touch your partner’s chest with right palm or right forearm, left palm combining with
right palm to issue force forward simultaneously, ejecting him. (Fig. 120, 121, 122)
Important point: do not twist too much your body leftward, do not waste time between each movement,
or he may use it against you; two arms should be like knocking, body moving rapidly forward to his
midline, and seeking for force point.
What is called reverting “eject opponent” attack with movement, is to combine with steps or unexpected
movements: opponent steps suddenly forward and pushes with force, or he attacks you with fist or palm,
and use reverting “eject opponent” attack with movement to eject it.
[Example 1] Your opponent is stepping rapidly forward and pushes with two palms on you; before his
palms touch your body, rise right forearm or right wrist to block his left arm, and left wrist assisting right
movement. In the same time, upper body turns slightly leftward to better neutralize the incoming posture;
then having neutralized his attack and destroyed his balance, eject him vigorously. (Fig. 123, 124, 125)
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[Example 2] Your opponent attacks you with left fist, rise your right arm, erecting right wrist, your right
elbow is dropping downward, with inside of right forearm rolling and dissolve his left arm and his left
palm protecting his midline then use the same method as Example 1 to eject your opponent. (Fig. 126,
127, 128)
Further explanations: Reverting “eject opponent” attack with movement is mainly used during sparring
with partner. Practically speaking, during a combat once you have neutralized your opponent’s attack,
you don’t need to apply reverting “eject opponent” attack with movement, you can directly use directly
an adequate single hand technique to defeat him
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Pushing Hands exercise is not only a “contact mode” of testing force, but it is also training force exertion;
your objective is to control your partner and to avoid being controlled by him. Pushing hands include
single pushing hands and double pushing hands, in the very beginning you should study first single
pushing hand as a solo exercise, then in a further stage practice it with a partner. ...
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Now pushing the imaginary arm of an opponent: Imagine now that you are pushing back the opponent’s
arm, left wrist is slowly pushing forward (Fig. 131), when left arm is near to be straight, then left wrist
rotates again outward and slightly pulling backward, changing in the same the encircling posture of the
contradiction post.
From now you can chain this exercise. During this exercise right hand should conjugate with the body’s
movement completing with a suitable assisting movement (body side protection, pushing down etc...)
Circling forward step: Assume with lower limbs a right T-eight step (with right posture as an example),
when right wrist withdraws, upper body turns rightward, left foot steps leftward half step with transversal
step, right foot uplifts, right sole turns outward, toes touch ground, now you are assuming another right
Circling backward step: now right wrist withdraws, the upper body turns leftward, left foot steps
backward rightward and uplifts, the sole turns inward and toe touch ground, your posture changed into
another right T-eight step, and after performing your right pushing hand, this movement can be practiced
For left posture practice, no matter if it is forward or backward circling step all movements are similar to
the above ones, you have just to change direction respectively.
Right arm assumes posture of contradiction post, fist clenched into empty fist, left hand placed on the left
side of body, your partner’s right arm is performing a hooking-filing testing force, his fist clenched into
empty fist and with inner side of his wrist pressing external side of your right forearm, his left hand
placed on his left side of the body; he moves forward in direction of your body’s midline, after pushing to
about 7-8 inches front to your chest, your right arm rotates inward, partner’s right arm rotates outward
assuming a contradiction post, use inside of your right wrist to press his external side of forearm, pushing
forward in direction of his midline position.
You can continue from now on fixed step single pushing hand circling practice with partner. (Fig.
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Fig 135
Now you should use this opportunity to develop your apprehension of real contact with a partner and
experience this more difficult training of keeping whole body balance especially during shift of weight...
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controlling your opponent’s knee joint, then he will be induced in a passive position.
Proceed as following: when you push your opponent, right foot is slightly stepping forward, wait your
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right foot has dropped onto the ground then suddenly use right knee to knock leftward on your
opponent’s right knee inner side, this brings him to lose his balance, chain immediately with an issuing
forward force to eject the opponent.
(Fig. 145, 146, 147)
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Circling should no being interrupted, you can have also left fist in front of body to make direct circling
movement, right fist in front of body making reverse circling movement. During this exercise you should
use your waist as axis, using shoulder and hip to give the leading impetus for all movements of two arms,
two wrists and two hands while two wrists are entwining his arms like a snake enlacing objects, endlessly
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Feet moving in triangle step, two arms making half circle in front of body.
make one backward underlay step and two arms make half circle in front of body.
make a back bear step, two arms making also half circle in front of body.
when right foot is making a big step forward and left foot follows to assume then a left T-eight step,
then two arms make again half circle in front of body; you can do the same similarly with back triangle
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Fig 172
When you are in contact with the arms of your opponent and you are making circling movement, try your
best to move towards your opponent’s midline position, in the same time protect also your own midline
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following with half step, whole body’s force is shaking forward to eject your partner. (Fig. 173-176)
Fig 176
Main point: whole body should be supple, muscles relaxed, circle strike and springing ejection should be
perfectly chained.
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Main point: When you are striking your opponent, pressing and issuing forces directions are just
opposite; when your right hand is issuing force, pay a special attention to prevent from your opponent’s
left hand to slide back on you.
Main point: when you are striking downward it should shake your opponent’s bowels, then withdraw and
eject him immediately.
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Main point: when you are striking it should be precise and with determination; when your right forearm is
stretching forward you should have the back of your fist facing his eyes.
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Main point: when you use your head to bump his chest you should first control his two arms; when you
are stepping forward and two legs stretching: movement should be harmonious and consistent.
Main point: During hooking-pulling and springing kicking, whole body should be relaxed and sinking,
hip supple, use hip to lead lower limbs to finish hooking and kicking movement; when front foot is
dropping onto the ground the back foot should follow immediately.
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Main point: During your splitting movement, your partner should be reacting by erecting his head or
withdrawing his upper body, then you should smash without hesitation, and do not forget that “body is
hammering arm and arm is hammering palm” to eject him.
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Main point: no matter if you are striking with rotation or chopping ejecting you should always use
shoulder and hip as axis; between striking with rotation and chopping ejection all movements should be
round and fluid.
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In first phase training of Dachengquan we have already learnt how to train strength inducement, this
training is a prerequisite to swinging movements, when you are swinging your arms whole body should
be relaxed, two arms will generate a natural heavy feeling like they were filled by plumb (or any heavy
metal). In order to prepare a significant development of power and to make its easer to apply in real
combat, you must be able to transform this internal strength into wrapping iron force.
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Fig 198
Fig 199
IV.6.1.3 Check up
To verify the effects of the training you can do a Check up exercise: your partner pulls your
chest-protector, apply a wrapping iron feeling on your partner’s body: with swinging arm movement
bump rapidly on his chest; two palms on both sides of his body and immediately after bumping him
forward. (Fig. 200-203)
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Fig 203
What we need to explain is: that the objective of this training is not the eject effect, but the penetrating
effect, and your partner should have been prepared for a heavy shock, then if he feels a strong shake
effect, this shows that the penetrating force has already reached an important level..
By just slightly readjust the body movements of issuing wrapping iron force, you can access to many
fighting applications: single hand technique, like smashing punch, drilling punch, wrap iron pounding
punch etc...
body with penetrating force to strike forward and after right fist withdraws down to right side of body,
When you become proficient in right posture, train left posture, after training both sides singularly,
With left fist protecting chin, use right fist issuing smashing punch, then right fist withdraws and protects
chin, now it is left fist which slightly drops down beside your body then use it to issue a smashing punch
(Fig. 204-207).
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Fig 207
IV. Facing your opponent, or suddenly stepping forward, use left fist slightly forward to make a
false movement, wait so that he will disperse his attention, then use immediately a right fist to smash
forward into his belly. (Fig. 208, 209)
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IV. Opponent uses right straight punch to attack you, then turn slightly your body to the left,
during this time your left fist strikes top-down on your opponent’s right arm, and right fist uses
smashing punch to strike on his liver or ribs. (Fig. 210, 211, 212)
IV. Opponent uses left straight punch to attack you then turn slightly your body to right, left
forearm uplifts leftward and downward knocking opponent’s left arm, in the same time upper body
turns slightly leftward, and right fist smashes forward his left rib. (Fig. 213, 214, 215)
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Left posture exercise is similar to right posture one, just change directions respectively. When you
become proficient with single posture, you can alternate and chain left and right postures at will.
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IV. Your opponent uses right fist to punch you, then you turn slightly your body rightward, with
left arm smashing his right arm, using right drilling punch to strike his throat, if your opponent dodges,
send him this time a left drilling punch to his face. (Fig. 218, 219, 220)
IV. Your opponent uses bottom-up right hooking punch to attack you, then move left arm with
external side of left forearm to block leftward his right wrist, during this time, send fiercely a right
IV. When opponent uses left straight punch to attack you, turn slightly your body rightward, in
the same time use external side of left arm to block leftward opponent’s left arm, chaining with a
slightly turn of the body this time leftward, landing a right drilling punch on his left armpit. (Fig. 224,
225, 226)
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defending posture, right fist in attacking posture, whole body relaxed; right fist first springs naturally
forward and withdraws immediately under your chin, then this time throw your left fist rapidly forward.
After this routine, two fists return in right fighting posture, now throw the second cycle of right and left
fists movements...
You can continue to practice this cycle to build up your basics in wrapping iron punch.
When you are proficient in single springing (defensive) and punching (attack), you can also chain several
Here is the method: assume the precondition of fighting posture, right fist springs continuously 2 or 3
Here is the method: spring right punch, throw left punch, then right fist assuming defense and left fist is
attacking, so this time spring left fist and after withdraw left fist then again throw right fist punch forward
From these patterns you can combine them at will to perfect your wrapping iron pounding technique.
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partner’s chest-protector, if you can spring out your opponent to a distance of 3 m, you can say that your
wrapping iron pounding punch has already a strong penetrating effect. (Fig. 227, 228)
IV. Facing your opponent, step suddenly forward tramping his midline position, right fist
continuously springing on his face; if opponent is stepping back, trample immediately his midline,
chaining with a pounding punch to his face. (Fig. 229, 230, 231)
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IV. Opponent uses swaying punch to attack you, withdraw slightly your body, in the same
time spring forward your right punch, with the inner side of right forearm or right wrist as force point
to block his left arm, and after throw forward a left pounding punch to his face. (Fig. 232, 233, 234)
IV. If opponent attacks you with right straight punch; withdraw slightly rightward, during this
time use external side of left forearm to counterpunch, and spring leftward, downward to his right
arm, bringing him to lose his balance, and after throw rapidly a right posture heavy pounding punch
to his face or throat. (Fig. 235, 236, 237)
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The Third Phase of Training
From the previous two phases training you should have gain natural whole body strength and issuing
penetrative force ability. On this basis you can add further combat posts, testing forces and pushing hand
of intermediate level training, then you can reach a stimulated spirit, improving your general technique,
gaining greater suppleness in your body and limbs, but also revealing a specific force in Dachengquan —
The double stretching force.
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Supporting-nursling post also called supporting baby post; this post suggests a supporting (upward force)
and holding (downward force) intention, such as hold baby in the palm which gave its second name.
Supporting-nursling post is especially involving upper limbs, but if you stand with a lower posture in
your lower limbs, it will increase also the overall power of your post.
With left posture for example, the lower limbs are assuming contradiction post with left foot slightly
spreading outward. Upper body erected (you are not leaning backward), two arms rising, and the elbow
slightly dropping downward; left hand in the front, the center of palm facing up, fiver fingers pointing
rightward and forward, at neck level; right hand in the back, center of palm facing up, five fingers
pointing leftward and forward, at shoulder level; two hands separated by a distance roughly equal to 1
foot as if you are supporting a baby. (Fig. 238)
Fig 238
This post is not only helping you to nurture Dachengquan’s double stretching force; it has also important
practical applications in double pushing hands. Because internal strength is generated at the edges of your
bones, tendons and muscles, so when you stretch your tendons to adopt Supporting-nursling post, it will
have evident beneficial effects for your bones, muscles, tendons and nerves, confirming his preponderant
role for an effective training.
We should indicate clearly the fact that as supporting-nursling post involves, comparatively to others
posts, a higher intensity of internal strength and mental activity as a consequence this requires a relevant
technical level: this technique is quite difficult to master...
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Because it is new a postural form which is requested, part of bones and muscles of your body have also
new stimulation. So tiredness will appear in your body, especially a dissymmetric tiredness in your two
arms with different degrees of aching, due to the continuous effort of two arms wresting outward, which
is in fact the specific training of contraction/relaxation of your arms muscles.
Concerning your lower limbs, beside two thighs and hips are continuously assuming contradiction post
with a contracting and relaxing movement, two calves will experience also new and further stimulations.
When you are starting Supporting-nursling post, because related muscles (to your posture) are contracting
and relaxing, it may bring out unexpected reactions from your body; materialized sometimes by a large
variety sensations not always comfortable. Sometimes after standing just a few minutes you may feel
difficult to endure further more your standing post. After a certain period of practice, requested muscles
and tendons will gain proper training and broader adjustment, each part of body holding the requested
posture will not only bring its correlated muscles to suitable contraction/relaxation training, but also
reaching a new ability of relative relaxation, where from a process of energy consuming you will change
into a process of strength accumulation. At this time, it will appear in your limbs a new comfortable
feeling, where internal strength is happening to rise and to strengthen, in your two arms it will appear an
obvious feeling of heaviness and distension feeling, two hands will also warm up, getting numb and
increasing feeling of thickness. If you can hold your standing post 30 minutes without interruption and
without feeling tired: congratulations, you have pass the adaptive phase.
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downward, wrapping inward and support outward stretching action. Two arms have dropping feeling, and
at the same time two elbows have also an open outward and close inward stretching feeling. After this
exercise mind should return to calmness, and whole body in relaxation. Rest few minutes then start again
this stretching (and declining) exercise.
Once your body has been correctly trained through the last previous exercises, and you have enhanced
through adequate training of your mental, then when assuming your posture you will feel as containing
Heaven and Earth; your Qi as able to swallow spirits of mountains and rivers. When you meet an
opponent, in the beginning you may lack of courage which will lead you most probably to defeat. But
now after having trained body and mental, in the similar situation of combat you will feel brave which is
already 30% of victory and a very good psychological platform to start your “physical” combat
What is called “Dealing with the attack of an enemy” is to imagine that in front of your body you have a
bright light (not too luminous but also not too weak) which you are staring.
This time can be short or long, during your staring, two hands should not stop to absorb this light, with
sufficient training they will be like merging with the beam of this light.
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Snake entwining hand is an essential basic testing force and can be trained with supporting-nursling post.
With snake entwining hand training, you can improve the stretching and connecting effects of
supporting-nursling post on your muscles, enhancing their strength and their balance, in the same time,
the technique of snake entwining hand is very useful in combat
Right foot in the front, you are assuming T-eight step, two hands uplifted at shoulder’s level, the right
hand with right foot on the same line, the center of palm facing up, left hand distant from chest for about
1 foot distance, the center of palm facing downward; and after turn upper body to right, left palm
conjugating with right palm which is entwining rightward and backward, when right palm arrives parallel
near right shoulder, turn right palm so that its center will face down, then two palms are slowly pushing
forward until two arms are almost straight, this time right arm rotates outward, the center of palm facing
up, again right arm is entwining rightward and backward, so that you can continue your exercise.
We have just presented the right posture of snake entwining hand, as left posture is similar to right
posture, just change directions respectively so that you can also train left posture. (Fig. 239, 240, 241)
When two hands are entwining rightward and backward, weight moves onto right leg, left foot uplifts,
makes a large step leftward and forward, assuming now left T-eight step; when right palm after entwining
becomes parallel and near to right shoulder, turns palm so that its center face down, in the same time left
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palm is slightly front of right palm (Fig. 242, 243); and after two palms push forward (front of body),
once two arms are almost straight, left wrist turns its palm so that the center of palm is facing down, now
two hands are entwining leftward and backward (Fig. 244, 245); in the same time, weight moves onto left
leg, right foot uplifts and makes a big step rightward and forward, you assume now right T-eight step;
after entwining when left palm is parallel and near left shoulder, turn it so that its center faces down, and
in the same time left right palm is slightly in front of left palm, and after, two palms push forward (front
of body) (Fig. 239, 240, 241), when your two arms are almost straight, just repeat the above movements,
continuously and slowly while moving forward.
Fig 245
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V.2.3.2 Imagine that in front of your body you have a bamboo forest, your two hands are pushing this
bamboo forest, and after, two arms and two hands are making in addition to their entwining movements
an horizontal sweeping movement, as a result the bamboo forest is bending under your movements,
imagine resistance and elasticity from each of theses bamboo trees, returning you back on your arms their
individual reactive force.
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changing into fist to punch his liver. (Fig. 255, 256, 257)
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and backward, the opponent being controlled on his upper limbs, needs to lean forward, in this time use
right hand to split forward suddenly his face. (Fig. 261, 262, 263)
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same time entwining rightward and backward opponent’s left arm, as his arm is controlled by you, your
opponent will lean forward or struggle backward, at this time turn suddenly your upper body to the left,
with top of right elbow sweeping forward opponent’s neck. (Fig. 267, 268, 269)
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his head, bringing his upper body to lean backward, change suddenly your two hands into fists, your right
fist uses pounding punch to strike his left ear root and your left fist strike his heart. (Fig. 273, 274, 275)
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After spending a certain time in training supporting-nursling post with snake entwining hand, it will
appear sooner or later in your two arms, chest and back a kind of tightening feeling, at this time you can
train double stretching force. What is called double stretching force is to perform in very short time a
reverse double direction force: forward-backward double stretching force, leftward-rightward double
stretching force or upward-downward double stretching force.
Now we are going to introduce forward-backward double stretching force, as for others double stretching
forces you can easily refer to forward-backward double stretching force and determine appropriate
training method.
b. Muscles from left shoulder to elbow are making a forward movement - alternating contraction and
c. Muscles of left side of chest, back and waist are making a bumping forward movement;
d. Between your left side of upper body to your left wrist there is like a stretching elastic, contracting and
With similar exercises you can train your right side of the body
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V.3.2.3 Back hip muscles and tendons are making wrapping inward movement - hip contracting and
V.3.2.4 Imagine that between waist and two feet you have one set of elastics, two legs and two feet in a
kicking forward and backward movement, two legs muscles - contracting and relaxing.
V.3.2.5 Imagine that between left hand and right foot you have one set of big elastics, making forward
contracting/relaxing in an extending/pulling movement:
Imagine the same between right hand and right foot, another set of big elastic, then making forward
contracting/relaxing in an extending/pulling movement.
V.3.2.6 Standing in supporting-nursling post, two arms rotates inward, the center of two palms facing
with each other, two arms use a springing and shaking backward/forward stretching force; from your
upper body to your two wrists issue a springing and shaking backward/forward stretching force practice;
from two hips to wrists issue a springing and shaking backward/forward stretching force; on this back,
two legs and two feet in the same time are stamping onto the ground to increase the friction/reaction force
of two feet with the ground, this is what we call whole body double stretching force. (Fig. 276, 277, 278)
V.3.3.1 Your partner is seizing your two arms, use double stretching force to release yourself from
his seizing and in the same time eject him vigorously. (Fig. 279, 280, 281)
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V.3.3.2 Your partner is catching your arms or your chest, and after use double stretching force
shaking rightward and backward your opponent and eject him powerfully. (Fig. 282, 283, 284)
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V.3.4.2 In double pushing hand, use double stretching force with inner sides of two wrists as
touching points, destroy his stability and eject him. (Fig. 288, 289, 290)
V.3.4.3 Your opponent is attacking you with two palms, use two arms to block and with your
touching points controlling him use double stretching force to eject him. (Fig. 291, 292, 293)
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V.3.4.4 Your opponent is attacking you with right fist, avoid it by moving slightly to the right
(forearm in protecting posture and rear arm in attacking posture), when your left forearm is blocking
his right forearm use suddenly a double stretching force to eject him. (Fig. 294, 295, 296)
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When you can combine seizing techniques with your eject assault you may achieve better results against
your opponent, it requests you to control securely his limbs/trunk and bring him in a passive posture.
When you have succeeded in seizing your opponent, or being caught he is struggling instinctively, or off
balanced, revealing multiple weakness points or errors, in these circumstances it becomes easier to eject
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Main point: Hooking-hanging and eject movements should be almost executed in the same time, and
remember again: no interruption in your movements.
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Main point: When right wrist makes circling hanging movement, this should bring your opponent to lose
his balance then use this opportunity to launch your attack.
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In pushing hands exercise, when your left wrist is inside, your right wrist is outside with your opponent
striving for midline position, your opponent uses right palm to push your chest, uplift left wrist rapidly,
with your right hand block his right palm; and after, your right arm penetrates leftward and downward, so
that right palm presses his right palm; at this time your two hands lock tightly your opponent’s right wrist
joint, chop and pull downward, his upper body leaning in front of you, then your two hands turns wrists,
poking forward and ejecting him. (Fig. 327, 328, 329)
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343, 344)
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Single hand technique and chaining techniques require you to train with pre-determinate postures.
Positions of limbs, trajectory and processing steps of your attack etc... are all clearly defined before
executing it.
In the opposite, “no fixed posture training” has not this “movement” planning. In combat, due to the
adjustments of steps and body postures you may find yourself in a special posture different from any
combat posture that you may have learnt before, in this particular situation, you should act according to
your instinct, adopting the most appropriate and short-cutting attack.
In “no fixed posture training”, you can find derivatives of some single hand techniques or chaining
techniques. So, it is necessary to master well single hand techniques and chaining techniques solo
practice, simulating it when practicing with partner; then you will acquire later a clear idea of how and
when should you use these techniques in pre-determinate training but also in no fixed posture training
and this is an important progress in your fighting abilities.
“No fixed posture training” should avoid by all means striking without discrimination, the key point is to
change continuously steps and body movements, avoiding attack, choosing angle, controlling timing and
speed, leading to a strategic position where each of your offensives should be decisive while reaching
their target, avoiding you from punching, striking and kicking ineffectively your opponent.
“No fixed posture training” should not be handled particularly in any specific way, but however I’ll
present you below some hands-on techniques, helping the practitioner to realize major aspects of this
These examples should be taken as explanations of the essential principle and certainly not as pursuing
any specific target or being reproduced as in fixed posture, otherwise you will not be able to elevate
yourself from the basic level in combat (of reproducing fixed posture).
Now the practitioner of Dachengquan should understand the deep meaning of this essential sentence in
Internal Arts: “Not a single technique can be found, no particular technique can be seen; the original
boxing does not have any rule, if you perceive fist (techniques) (that means this boxing) is also empty”.
One hand in upper level the other hand in lower level, forming a palm or a fist in front of body, first
strike with upper hand your opponent, then strike with lower hand, and after, uplift rear foot, pierce his
crotch with your foot, your two hands striking such as a wheel circling down to your opponent’s midline.
(Fig. 345, 346, 347)
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Standing front of your opponent presenting the side of your body, right fist in lower level and left palm in
the upper level, the right fist smashes directly opponent’s face downward, leftward, upward, rightward
and forward, during this time the upper body turns rightward, left palm follows by splitting, and after,
uplift right foot to kick opponent’s crotch or tibia bone. (Fig. 348, 349, 350)
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When your opponent attacks you with right fist, avoid it by turning your body slightly rightward, and
after step with right foot trampling on opponent’s midline position, two palms issuing force (left palm
down and right palm up, the center of palm facing downward), and with the sides of two palms springing
(flying) forward. (Fig. 354, 355, 356)
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Questions and answers on Dachengquan
Question: When we are assuming a post standing or training testing force, besides relaxing muscle,
should we also relax the five internal organs, six hollow organs and skeleton?
Answer: This is the right way to train, it is only under this condition that we can really relax the whole
body from the external side to the internal side, relax it deeply, so that muscles during movement can
rapidly increase relaxation and contraction frequency.
Question: When I am assuming a post standing, what mental inducement should I use?
Answer: You should constantly refer to feel yourself the most comfortable and natural as a major
principle, current literature on Dachengquan insists sometimes excessively on the mental inducement
aspect, so it is important that the practitioner should be able to select the most adequate ones according to
his situation and his target.
Question: In testing force, when walking or combating, does it require also “wrapping hip”?
Answer: “Wrapping hip” is one of the key points of contradiction post, its aim is through “wrapping hip”
to adjust balance and reach harmony in your relaxation and contraction cycle, then when you are training
testing force and stepping, don’t pay attention to “wrapping hip”, especially in sparring and real combat.
Question: Dachengquan has many techniques, so how can I choose the most suitable technique to study?
Which constitute its most important basic techniques?
Answer: Although Dachengquan has many techniques, but the practitioner should study the most
important ones. Beginner in post standing should focus on contradiction post principally, in testing force
with hooking-filing testing force as the most essential, for the stepping is friction step, after acquired
minimum basis in each of them, and starting to feel internal strength you can study other posts or others
testing forces.
Question: According to Dachengquan, who should have the best results in his practice of Dachengquan:
the white collar or the physical worker?
Answer: Each one has his strong point, the most important is to see how the practitioner is training,
white-collar should be in general more patient, easier in calming his mind, able to understand faster with
just some few indications. But the physical worker needs only a suitable method to turn his brutal power
into martial power and may also reach extraordinary results.
Question: In the condition that I do not feel especially tired in zhan zhuang, every day or every time how
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Question: Before I started to train post standing, I was able to lift heavy things such as large bags or to
pull weighty wooden handcart, I feel now like having less power, can you explain why?
Answer: Many people after a period of post standing people have this feeling. In general when you learnt
how to use your martial power, you will use respectively less of the “brutal power”, this brutal power
having been transmuted into martial power. At this time, you can verify it beyond your personal
sensations, just ask other people to check your present strength: you will surprise them and even yourself
as your overall power is far beyond your previous strength.
Question: In most of internal arts, it is requested for the practitioner to deplete his chest while bending it
forward and to straighten his back, why Dachengquan’s contradiction post requires upper body to lean
slightly back?
Answer: This method is especially preparing for a combat situation, as a beginner you should need an
absorbing space however when you will reach a certain level you will naturally deplete your chest while
bending it forward and straightening your back, but when you start in Dachengquan you should not care
about it.
Question: Tai Chi Chuan focuses on “springing force”, Xingyiquan on “whole body force”, so what
force Dachengquan does focus on?
Answer: Because Dachengquan has gathered essential principles from others styles of martial arts, you
can find in Dachengquan not only “whole body force”, but also “springing force”, but in many
circumstances, Dachengquan focuses on the “instinct natural force”.
Question: In Dachengquan there is a “stretching force”, how should I use it in training and sparring?
Answer: What is called “stretching force”, is generally the name used for double stretching force, this
force includes two opposite directions of parting force, which is in fact executed by a first force in one
direction, and immediately after a second one in the opposite direction, but because the movement is very
fast, both combined it looks like a unique force. If you really perform these two issuing forces in the same
time, then it is no more two forces which are in consideration, but what is called universal force which is
in fact an omni-directional stretching force.
Question: When Mr. Wang Xiangzhai was sparring with his opponent, he usually had just to move
slightly his arm to make his opponent flying, how can it be possible?
Answer: This question is related to martial power but also to practical application of technique with very
small movements. So this is the highest level of achievement in Dachengquan, we call it “convincing
fist”. In Dachengquan the only one who mastered this technique was Mr. Wang Xiangzhai.
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Question: In Dachengquan there is a surprising basic principle called “strike hardly, advance forcibly
stiff forward, then (it will) not (be) possible to block (you)”, if in the other hand you are using more soft
techniques, how can we integrate suddenly this “hard “ approach????
Answer: Dachengquan’s striking principle is not only restricted to the principle of “strike hardly,
advance forcibly stiff forward, then (it will) not (be) possible to block (you)” there are many other
principles in Dachengquan that you may also apply which include also soft techniques.
You should study the whole system of Dachengquan then you will understand the fighting principle of
Question: Late Master Xie Tiefu (Wang Xiangzhai’s thousand miles travel in all China – among the most
impressive experts that Wang met, was Xie Tiefu) was famous for his principle of “empty suppleness”,
insisting on lightness, slowness and symmetry. He said: “If you can not reach lightness then it will be
impossible to gain heaviness, if you cannot move slowly it will be impossible to gain speed, if you cannot
have symmetry then it will be impossible to reach hardness”, is this view right?
Answer: Complete right. Just because of this, Dachengquan absorbed the key principle of “empty
suppleness”. This requires that when you are training in stepping or testing force you should always try
your best to have your movements soft, slow and symmetric, and it is only under these conditions that
you can gain a solid, fierce and hard internal power.
Question: Dachengquan has walking post, standing post, sitting post and lying post from where you can
train this boxing. Which of these posts has the best results?
Answer: In Dachengquan in each of these postural states are suitable for training the “convincing
fist” .But in terms of effects it is clear that the standing posture is the best one. In standing posture you
can feel very well your limbs supportive function in the space.
Question: After having acquired basis in post standing, can I just practice testing force or other
advanced exercises without needing to stand anymore?
Answer: It depends of what level of training you are talking about. In some levels you don’t need
anymore to practice post standing, but during testing force you can train “jiggling” testing force, which is
in fact another to practice post standing in testing force. So, no matter at what level at any phase of your
training program, post standing remains a necessary exercise, the external way of training it: post
standing, jiggling testing force etc... are just different expressions of it in different levels. I can say that
post standing is a boundless technique in Dachengquan...
Question: When I am training single hand technique, should I move slowly as in testing force?
Answer: Single hand technique is practical technique; in different phases it will have different requests.
In the starting phase, you should pay more attention to the conformity of your movements to the standard
ones, then after you should study theme with fast and slow speed. When you are practicing with slow
speed there is also an idea of testing force, when practice rapidly you should pay attention the
applications of these movements, because from this single hand technique you can issue different forces,
but keeping permanently form, mind, force, spirit merged into one.
Question: Dachengquan uses many kinds of force, fixed middle line force, expanding and embracing
force, triangle force, spiral force etc... how should I try or test these forces?
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Answer: Yes Dachengquan includes many kinds of forces but you should catch the essential ones, in the
beginning you should study first hooking-filing testing force then according to the progress of your
internal strength from the starting superficial level to the deepest one, you will in parallel realize others
kinds of forces step by step, this is just a question of time and practice, then by adopting different testing
forces you will intensify these different kinds of force.
Question: What are the specific points should I pay attention in pushing hands?
Answer: Pushing hand have single pushing hands and double pushing hands, they all have their
characteristics in terms of training. Single pushing hand basic is using contradiction post, double pushing
hands is using supporting-nursling post. But no matter which pushing hands you are training, in the
beginning all your movements should respect the standard ones, and then you should seek for the feeling
of strength in movement and finally the ejecting ability in movement.
Question: When I am practicing testing force should I think about how each force should be applied in
each part of my body: upward, downward, leftward, rightward, forward or backward force?
Answer: You don’t need to train like this; in fact it is a wrong method. In the beginning you should
pursue only a single and simple manifestation of force, and after slowly from this single manifestation,
you can discover and experience many other ones.
Question: Do you have “tendon and bone training” in Dachengquan? Which technique is it? Many
adepts of martial arts told me that “tendon and bone training” is the real training in Dachengquan, is it
true or not?
Answer: Any physical training has effect on the strength and health of tendon and bone, Dachengquan
doesn’t escape from this rule, Dachengquan pays a special attention to the tendon’s edge force. Mr. Wang
Xiangzhai, concerning training tendon and bone, said: “the force should be located at the root of bone,
then linking tendon, if the tendon is long the force will be large, the bone heavy and tendon agile, if the
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tendon extends then the bone should be contracting, if the bone is clear the force will be solid.”
Concerning what technique is specifically concerned for tendon and bone training, generally speaking,
each technique tendon and bone has its own training request, but the most basic and the most important is
post standing. Through post standing, you can “rebuild bone and link muscle”. “Rebuild bone” result
could increase bone’s density, thus increase power from support and rigidification functions of bone;
“link muscle” action is effective for strengthening connection between tendon and muscle link up, this
will increase the quality of your power. Of course, when you practice with certain intensity, it is important
for strengthening tendon and bone to coordinate correctly middle and high levels post standing and
testing force in your training.
Bone and muscles training are just one aspect of Dachengquan, Wang Yufang, daughter of Wang
Xiangzhai said in her book “From Yiquan to Dachengquan”: “In Dachengquan training and combat, one
has to pay equal attention to form, mind, force, Qi and spirit”.
Question: Is it possible to practice alone “internal strength”? If yes what are the key points of “internal
Answer: The ability to self-study and to succeed in the development of “internal strength” depends
mostly to each one’s individual aptitudes and environments. If the practitioner has not too excessive
ambitions, in addition if he has a good comprehension of the boxing, he may reach some concrete results,
but in any case, it will not be as fast as the one who has instructions from a teacher.
If you want to practice “internal strength”, first you should be clear about what is “internal strength”.
When training post standing you should be fully relaxed, what is called relaxed is not loosen, you should
have a feeling of heaviness during your relaxation, you should also feeling naturally your limbs stretching
and their supportive functions. Any physical training is always the result of contraction and relaxation of
muscles, contraction and relaxation are in fact just determinate state extracted from the large scale of
tension. For example when I intentionally relax my body, especially in a high-level of relaxation, my
waist and back etc... all are very hard, other people can even strike on it, when they use their hands to
catch my body they will feel like an iron board, when pushing hand or striking, although if it is only your
wrist which is touching the opponent’s but in fact is the contribution of your back, waist, hip even your
whole body’s muscles which are contracting and relaxing.
Question: When I am in post standing or even practicing testing force I feel myself a strong internal (Qi)
flowing, like all-conquering, but when I am fighting with an opponent, then I don’t have any feeling?
Answer: Internal (Qi) is just one aspect of Dachengquan, you must turn it into internal strength which
can be used in combat. Of course, there are a lot of factors that may influence your performances during a
combat, beside internal strength, you should have also sufficient technical background, a good quantity of
courage and enough experience etc...
Question: Can I practice other styles of boxing in parallel with Dachengquan? Like Tai Chi Chuan,
Shaolin etc...?
Answer: Yes, you can, because all styles of boxing should reach the same goal but through different
ways...Of course every style has its specific advantages, the practitioner should select the style of martial
arts he will practice according to his temperament and his target, but it is clear that to be effective in
combat, then don’t need practice complex taolu. Although there is no real objection to practice both
Dachengquan and in the same time another style of boxing, however let me be honest: everyone has a
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limited time and energy for practicing, so in the beginning it is better to start with only one style. In the
other hand when you are practicing Dachengquan the effect that you will reveal in Dachengquan you will
be able to experience them in other styles which will help you to progress in your boxing abilities.
Question: Is there any incompatibility in training Dachengquan and Body Building in the same time?
Some people say that practicing body building will bring rigidity in your muscle, so that it will be very
difficult to acquire internal strength, what is your opinion?
Answer: Both methods of Dachengquan and Body Building training can bring to your body strength and
esthetic results, the difference is that Body Building is just focusing on the pure development of your
muscles, in Dachengquan the training is focus on the internal connection of your muscles. In Body
Building the power is located in only one part of your body, but for Dachengquan’s power the whole
body is involved. Dachengquan is a very good method of physical exercise; generally speaking you
should not need to practice fitness or body building beside it. You just need at least 10 minutes of practice
every day or every two days. If you have preliminary purely developed your muscle, then through post
standing and testing force training you will be able to bring up better external and internal strength.
Question: Do post standing benefits increase with standing time in Dachengquan? How long should we
stand normally in universal post and contradiction post?
Answer: The effects of post standing is mainly related to the quality of your standing, there is no criteria
of duration, so no matter if you are training universal post or contradiction post all do not depend of time
as criteria of progress. Different people request different method of training, all can’t use the same
duration of practice. For a same post, a teacher will adjust duration of your standing time according to
your hereditary predisposition or your martial art background. The same for contradiction post, because
time requested of adjustment for mind and limbs is different, if you are starting contradiction post your
first target is 1 hour, later when you will reach a high-level you may just need to stand 2-3 minutes
contradiction post. For universal post, your real target is to cultivate your “internal Qi”, as a fundamental
principle, your standing should be “comfortable and natural”. When you start to go against this principle,
adjust posture of limbs or mind inducement, if through your adjustment you cannot still feel “comfortable
and natural”, then you should stop training very soon: you have your present physical limit.
Question: How should I practice pushing hands and ejecting opponent if I am alone?
Answer: Generally speaking pushing hands need at least two people for training but if you do not have
any partner you can just train in pushing hands solo practice. In solo practice, by just following the
correct method, you can gain some relevant benefits. During training you should pay attention to the
conformity of your movements with standard ones then you should experience the force you are
detecting, its direction and properties; finally you can use mind inducement to imagine controlling and
being controlled during your pushing hands training with an imaginary partner, later when you reach a
certain level, you can confirm your progress and perfect your techniques with a real partner but without
requesting too many dual training as you have already acquired basis of pushing hands.
The ejecting techniques (uprooting and throwing out an opponent) is also normally requesting two
partners in training, if you train by yourself, you can only experience in the body your “integral strength”
when issuing force is requesting it. When you are practicing by yourself, you should especially relax
whole body, when you are moving forward, with whole body as bumping a frontal object, two arms and
two hands are like bumped far away, later ejecting real opponent is following the same rules, when you
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become proficient in solo practicing ejecting techniques, you will surely find, even for a short period,
some partner for dual practice, it will help you progress even further.
Question: What mind inducement should I use when I am standing in contradiction post?
Answer: In contradiction post you have three different phases of training, every phase has its different
target, also different requirement. I recommend you to refer to our course for further details
Question: How can Dachengquan bring “iron shirt” capabilities? How should you use “iron shirt” in
real combat?
Answer: In Wushu what is called “golden bell covering” or “iron cloth Kungfu” and so on, is in fact to
ability to withstand heavy blows without being harmed. In Dachengquan we consider this kind of Kungfu
as a low Kungfu, practically speaking you should not pursue it in your training but you will gain it if you
practice correctly Dachengquan. Concerning “iron shirt” mechanism in it is commonly understand as
followed in traditional martial arts: by practicing your technique, you bring up your “internal Qi”, this
“internal Qi” will fill your body as air is injected in a tire, armoring your body.
These explanations may appear simplistic in our present times but with modern anatomy, physiology and
biophysics theories you know that in the external side of each body’s viscera, you have several systems of
protection, the belly for example (including upper abdomen and lower abdomen): we can consider in the
abdominal wall several layers of fascia:
- skin
- superficial fascia (this may be as thin as or less than a half inch or as thick as 6 inches or more)
- deep fascia (all skeletal muscle is surrounded within its own deep fascia). The deep fascia of the
abdominal wall is different than that found around muscles of the extremities, however. It is of the loose
connective tissue variety. It is necessary in the abdominal wall because it offers more flexibility for a
variety of functions of the abdomen. At certain points, this fascia may become aponeurotic and serve as
attachments for the muscle to bone or to each other, as is the case at the linea alba.
- subserous fascia also known at extraperitoneal fascia (a layer of loose connective tissue that serves as a
glue to hold the peritoneum to the deep fascia of the abdominal wall or to the outer lining of the GI tract.
It may receive different names depending on its location (i.e. transversalis fascia when it is deep to that
muscle, psoas fascia when it is next to that muscles, iliac fascia, etc.)
- peritoneum (a thin one cell thick membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and in certain places reflects
inward to form a double layer of peritoneum) Double layers of peritoneum are called mesenteries,
For animals, this organization of protective layers is called in Chinese “du beng zi” (strong distension of
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During post standing, because the breath can progressively slow down its rate, becoming tiny, deep and
long, after a long time of practice it will naturally permit normal and reverse breathing, it is through this
way that you can get each protective layers of your body to get trained, up to a level where once solicited
it will be able to perform a very short and high level of contraction and relaxation. When an external
force is striking you, it will be like striking on tire full of air protecting in the same time for serious
damages. Three months after starting post standing, you can start to feel this protection in the area of your
belly, and after you can extend it to up the belly, heart, liver and rib etc..., to finally develop it in the waist
and the back.
“Iron shirt” is just a natural phenomenon in the progress of Dachengquan post technique, it may be used
in combat, but it’s not mysterious and also not “all-mighty” as it has its limit. In general, it is only during
training or when a master level is applying it with beginner level of students, that this technique can be
used. In real unpredictable combat, there is really less interest in using it.
There are still some “experts” arguing that their whole body can withstand any blow, any strike, this is
unfortunately limited and most of the time full of tricks. If you don’t believe me, just ask him to allow
you to strike anywhere with a stick, club or even a knife, then you will see the right side of the medal....
Question: Is it right that when I am striking my opponent I should be very relaxed so that he will be not
able to endure my strike?
Answer: Yes, this is the only real way to be conformed to Dachengquan “feeling well” fundamental
principle, expressing further the concept of “do not use force then you’ll have everywhere a deep strength
Dachengquan has this theory “feeling well” yourself, but in the same time bringing your opponent
“unbearable feeling”...
Question: When striking opponent how should I adjust in each part of my body relaxation and
contraction? Which part should I relax? Which part should I contract?
Answer: This question is very difficult to answer, because according to each striking movement, group of
muscles intervening in the movements may be different. We can say in brief that through perfecting your
combat movement of issuing force, you will experience by yourself what muscle you should contract or
relax and according to what timing.
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