BOSH Webinar Manual 2021 - FOR PRINTING
BOSH Webinar Manual 2021 - FOR PRINTING
BOSH Webinar Manual 2021 - FOR PRINTING
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“This manual contains the details of all the key elements that the participants must learn in attending the seminar.
Although this manual replicates the visual presentations, the speaker/s reserves the right to deliver the material in a manner that
will optimize the participants’ learning experience.
The content of this manual and the speakers’ presentation are one and the same. Thank you.”
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The 2017/2018 Integrated Survey on Labor and 35.9%. Lower extremities and arm and shoulder came
Employment (ISLE) next with 18.7% and 17.6%, respectively
(Source: • Cause of injury: The leading cause of work-related injury
employment) in establishments was stepping on, striking against or
• A total of 38,235 occupational accidents occurred in struck by objects, excluding falling objects (36.3%).
2017. These work-related accidents were reported by Other causes of injury include caught in or between
about 16.3 percent of the total 32,288 establishments objects (21.0%) and falls of persons (10.5%)
employing 20 or more workers in 2017. • Agent of injury: The top three agents of injuries in 2017
• As a result of workplace accidents, about 46,283 cases were machines and equipment (26.2%); materials and
of occupational injuries were recorded in 2017. Both objects (24.4%); and hand tools (18.3%)
cases of occupational accidents and cases of • Major occupation group: By major occupation group,
occupational injuries in 2017 were comparatively lower 30.2% of the total 20,797 cases of occupational injuries
by 14.5 percent and 9.2 percent, respectively from 2015. with workdays lost in 2017 affected plant and machine
(Refer to figure below) operators and assemblers. Injuries to service and sales
workers; and elementary occupations followed at 19.3%
Occupational Accidents and Cases of Occupational and 18.7%, respectively
Injuries in Establishments Employing 20 or More,
Philippines: 2015 and 2017 Occupational Diseases
Occurrences of occupational diseases in establishments
60,000 50,961
46,283 employing 20 or more workers accounted to 101,851 cases
40,000 in 2017. This was a decrease of 19.1% from 125,973
20,000 reported cases in 2015.
0 Cases of Occupational Diseases in Esablishments
2015 2017 Employing 20 or More Workers, Philippine: 2015
and 2017
Occupational Accidents Occupational Injuries
Source of Data: Philippine Statistics Authority 125,973
• Among cases of occupational injuries, about 43.9%
were non-fatal cases with lost workdays while about 1% 0
were fatal cases. More than half of all occupational
injuries (55.1%) were accounted to cases of injuries 2015 2017
without lost workdays.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2017/2018 Integrated Survey on
• By industry, manufacturing accounted for the highest Labor and Employment
share of occupational injuries at 49.7% of the total
cases. Far second was wholesale and retail trade; repair Topmost work-related diseases suffered by workers was
of motorcycles at 11.4%, followed by administrative and back pains with 31.3%. Other most prevalent occupational
support service activities at 7.2% share diseases experienced were essential hypertension (15.5%)
and neck-shoulder pains (11.4%).
Measures on Safety Performance of Occupational
Injuries Top Five Occupational Diseases in Establishments
• The frequency rate in 2017 was registered at 1.75 (Philippines – 2017)
percent. Approximately, there were 2 cases of • Back pains – 31.3%
occupational injuries with workdays lost reported per • Essential hypertension – 15.5%
1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure • Neck - Shoulder pains – 11.4%
• The incidence rate in 2017 was posted at 4.27% which • Occupational asthma – 5.4%
indicates that there were around 4 cases of occupational • Other infections – 5.3%
injuries with workdays lost per 1,000 workers Workers engaged in administrative and support service
• The severity rate was recorded at 9.68. This means that activities reported the highest share of cases with
about 10 workdays were lost in cases of occupational occupational diseases with 31.8 percent. Followed by
injuries resulting to temporary incapacity per 1,000,000 manufacturing industry (28.9%) and wholesale and retail
employee-hours of exposure trade; repair of motorcycles (9.6%).
Cases of Occupational Injuries with Workdays Lost by Establishments Violating General Labor Standards and
Classification Occupational Safety and Health Standards (Philippines: 2014
• Type of Injury: Superficial injuries and open wounds – 2017)
were the most common type of occupational injuries with 100.00% 59.50% 50.10% 46.70%
more than half or 50.8% of the total cases reported. This 35.10%
was followed by dislocations, sprains and strains with
12.0% and fractures with 10.7% 0.00%
2014 2015 2016 2017
• Part of body injured: Wrist and hand were collectively
recorded as the most injured part of body accounting for Source: Department of Labor and Employment, Bureau of Working Conditions.
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• By type of violation, the most common violation incurred • Oversee the overall management of the OSH program
by establishments under general labor standards in in coordination with the OSH committee
2017 was no record keeping/non-presentation of • Frequently monitor and inspect any health or safety
records accounting for 21.0% of total establishments aspect of the operation being undertaken with the
with violations on the required labor standards participation of supervisors and workers
• This was followed by wage-related violations such as • Assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety
underpayment of minimum wage (14.1%); non- and health inspection at any time
remittance of Social Security System (SSS) Premium • Issue Work Stoppage Order (WSO) when necessary
(13.2%); non- payment/underpayment of regular holiday based on the requirements and procedures provided by
pay (10.7%); and non- payment/underpayment of the OSH standards
overtime pay (10.0 %)
Introduction to HIRAC
• With regard to violations on occupational safety and
health standards, the most widespread violation among • Risk Assessment is a set of practices aimed at helping
inspected establishments in 2017 was inadequacy of to manage the risks and hazards inherent in a wide
first-aider at 19.3% range of activities
▪ It is increasingly considered to be an essential part
• This was followed by non-registration of establishment
of the work to be done in planning and implementing
(Rule 1020) at 18.6%; non-keeping of medical records
such activities
(15.9%); non-submission of accident report (14.2%);
non-submission of annual medical report (13.8%); and NOTE: Basically, it helps us to know when something we
no safety committee (11.0%) are doing involves hazardous conditions resulting in
potential risks that should be mitigated or eliminated.
Establishments Violating Occupational Safety and
Health Standards (Philippines – 2017) The Four Questions
1. What could possibly go wrong?
Inadequacy of registered
0.80% ▪ This is a brainstorming exercise through which we
nurse make a list of potential risks and hazards in our
Inadequacy of first-aider
19.30% situation
Inadequacy of emergency ▪ Take the time to look beyond the obvious, and use
medicine your common sense and experience
Non-keeping of medical
15.90% 2. What could be the severity of the consequences if it did?
records ▪ Think through the severity of the result if the bad thing
Poor housekeeping
1.60% happens. In particular, would it result in serious injury?
Inadequate aisles and On a scale of 1 through 5, rate the severity of the
passage ways potential consequences, with 1 being trivial, and 5
Non-provision of fire
9.90% being death
No machine guarding 3. What is the likelihood of it occurring?
• Rank the likelihood of the bad thing happening, again
Non-registration of on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being highly unlikely (like a
establishment (Rule 1070)
No safety committee comet landing on the site) and 5 being nearly certain
11.00% (like someone tripping over a loose extension cord in
No minutes of safety
the dark)
committee meetings
Non-submission of accident Sample Risk Assessment Table
Non-submission of annual
medical report
No personal protective
equipment (PPE)
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00%
Safety Officer
• The employment of a full-time safety officer may not be
required if the employer enters into a written contract
with a qualified consultant or consulting organization
* Low risk: 1 – 3 * High risk: 9 – 14
whose duties and responsibilities shall be the duties of * Moderate risk: 4 – 8 * Extreme risk: 15 – 25
a safety practitioner
• The employment of a consultant, however, will not We can see that hazard with a low probability and trivial
excuse the employer from the required training of his consequences will end up toward the Green (Go) part of
supervisors or technical personnel the grid, while those with high probability and bad
consequences will end up toward the Red (STOP) zone.
Roles of A Safety Officer (Section 14 of DOLE DO 198 s18) This process helps us to identify what we need to pay
attention to.
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4. What can/should we do to mitigate or eliminate the risk? Unsafe Act: any activity by workers which are not as per the
• Identify and select actions that will reduce or eliminate prescribed safety standard or practice and which can cause
the hazard, which would move it toward or into the or likely to cause accidents or risk for self or others at
green workplace, damage equipment and bring losses in terms of
▪ These may take the form of operational or reputations and revenue to employer. Such human acts can
equipment changes to eliminate the risk completely be due to callous attitude of workers or lack of awareness
• They may also involve actions to help avoid bad on safety measures or not following safe work practices.
consequences. NOTE: In general, unsafe activities can lead to unsafe
Once the four questions have been asked and answered, it conditions.
is essential to run through the cycle again, with a particular Examples of Unsafe Acts
focus on making sure that the mitigation actions taken have • Workers uses equipment that is defective or damaged
not created new risks or unforeseen consequences.
• Worker uses good equipment in a careless or other
We are done when we have implemented the identified unsafe manner
changes, and all of the identified risks fall within an • Disregarding posted warning signs
acceptable zone. • Opening and lifting material incorrectly
NOTE: A risk assessment must be carried out before Factors Contributing to Unsafe Acts
people starts working, and this should cover all risk factors • Improper attitude
related to: • Physical limitations
• Equipment: workplace layout, machines, hand tools, • Lack of knowledge/skills
software and hardware
• Product: hazardous substances, heavy loads, sharp Unsafe Condition: any condition or situation (electrical,
objects chemical, biological, physical, mechanical & environmental)
• Environment: light, noise, climate, vibrations which increases the risks and dangers of accidents that may
result in injury to a person, damage or destruction to
• Organization: tasks, working hours, breaks, shift
property and other losses
systems, training, communication
• Human: lack of physical or mental capacity, lack of Examples of Unsafe Conditions
knowledge or skills, lack of right attitude/behavior • Insufficient illumination
Workplace Hazards • Too few fire extinguishers available
• Safety Hazards: Unsafe working conditions that that • Careless disposal of waste
can cause injury and death NOTE: Heinrich found out that 98% of workplace accidents
▪ The most common workplace risks are preventable and only 2% are non-preventable. Of the
▪ Associated with unsafe equipment/machinery 98% preventable accidents, 88% is due to unsafe acts or
• Health Hazards: Any agent or activity posing a potential man failure and 10% is due to unsafe conditions
hazard to health
▪ Organism, chemical, condition, or circumstance that
may cause illness
Evaluation of Risk
Risk = Probability (event) x Severity (harm)
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• Discovers and eliminates unsafe procedures, Processes for an Effective Hazard Control Program
techniques, motions, positions and actions Hazard identification and evaluation:
• Ranking hazards by risk
Sources of Workplace Hazards Information
• Management decision making
• Those who are familiar with plant operations and the • Establishing preventive and corrective measures
hazards associated with them
• Monitoring
• Hazard information from manufacturers of industrial • Evaluating program effectiveness
equipment, tools and machinery acquired by the
company Establishing Preventive & Corrective Measures
• From accident and old inspection reports (either internal Control of Occupational Hazards
or external) 1. Engineering Controls
• Hazard analysis and thorough knowledge of the 2. Administrative Controls
demands of a particular task 3. Personal Protective Equipment
• Safety Data Sheet in compliance with GHS Engineering Controls
• Technical and Professional Associations • Isolation of source
• Lockout procedures
Risk Level Estimator
• Design
Slightly Extremely
Harmful • Process or procedural changes
Harmful Harmful
Highly Tolerable Risk • Monitoring & warning devices
Trivial Risk (1) Moderate Risk (3)
Unlikely (1) • Chemical or material substitution
Tolerable Risk Moderate Risk Substantial Risk
Unlikely Administrative Controls
(2) (3) (4)
Moderate Risk Substantial Risk Intolerable Risk • Personnel • Management
(3) (4) (5) • Monitoring • Limiting worker
Risk Control Plan exposure
Risk Level Action • Measuring performance • Training and education
Trivial 01 None • Housekeeping & • Purchasing
Tolerable 02 Acceptable maintenance
Moderate 03 Kept within limits
Substantial 04 Urgent Personal Protective Equipment
Intolerable 05 Immediate Purpose of PPE:
• Trivial – of little value or importance; insignificant • To reduce exposures while other controls are being
• Tolerable – endurable; bearable implemented
• Moderate – keeping or kept within reasonable limits • To provide protection during activities such as
• Substantial – of real worth and importance maintenance and repairs when controls are not feasible
• Intolerable – not tolerable; insufferable • To provide protection during emergencies
Basic Steps in Risk Assessment • To supplement other controls
1. Classify work activities 2. Identify hazards Monitoring
3. Determine risk 4. Decide if risk tolerable • To provide assurance that hazard controls are working
5. Prepare risk control 6. Review the adequacy of properly
plan action plan • To ensure that modifications have not so altered the
Hazard Analysis/Assessment workplace that current hazard controls can no longer
function adequately
• To discover/locate new or previously undetected
hazards and assess effectiveness of existing controls
• Inspection
• Industrial hygiene testing
Hazard Analysis is an orderly process used to acquire • Medical surveillance
specific information pertinent to a given system and other Pro-Active Safety Process (PSP)
areas of responsibility. However, it differs in a very • Pro-Active Safety Process is a practical approach to the
important way. What you are managing is prevention and prevention of accidents. In PSP, the emphasis is in
that which requires taking a pro-active management discovering what causes accident and identifying where
approach. in the work process those causes are likely to occur
In most cases; less time, effort and money are required to • The application of PSP is a simple Four-Step Process:
prevent accident than is required to react to their 1. Identification 2. Assessment
consequences 3. Intervention 4. Maintenance
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Evaluating Program Effectiveness • A tidy workplace reduces the opportunity for accidents,
The final process in hazard control is to evaluate the incidence and prevents wasted energy
effectiveness of the safety & health program.
Signs of Poor Housekeeping
Evaluation involves answering the following questions: • Poorly arranged work areas
• What is being done to locate and control hazards? • Untidy or dangerous storage of materials
• What impact are the benefits having on improving • Dusty, dirty floors and work surfaces
operational efficiency and effectiveness? • Items that are in excess or no longer needed
• Tools and equipment left in work areas instead of being
returned to proper storage places
• Broken containers and damaged materials
• Overflowing waste bins and containers
• Spills and leaks
Methods of Improving Housekeeping
• Keep work areas clean
• Keep exits and entrances clear
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING • Keep floors clean, dry and in good condition
• Stack and store items safety
What is Good Housekeeping?
• Store all work materials in approved, clearly labeled
• Means having no unnecessary items about and keeping containers in designated storage areas only
all necessary items in their proper places
• Use proper waste containers
• “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
• Keep sprinklers, fire alarms and fire extinguishers clear
• Management and maintenance of the property and
• Clean up spills and leaks of any type quickly and
equipment of an institution or organization
Why Good Housekeeping? • Fix or report broken or damaged tools, equipment, etc.
Good housekeeping promotes:
Establishing a Housekeeping Program
• Quality • Productivity
• Careful planning
• Safety • Clean environment
• A clean-up schedule of policy
How Does Good Housekeeping Help? • Effective inspection
• Place for everything • Continuous supervision and enforcement of
▪ Inventory of every item housekeeping rules
- Why do we need?
➢ Get rid of unwanted material
➢ Low inventory means less cost
• Everything in its place
▪ Identification system in the department
▪ Discipline in the department
▪ Searching time is eliminated
▪ Improved productivity and high moral
Effects of Good Housekeeping
Fire: a chemical reaction between a flammable or
• Eliminates accident and fire causes
combustible material and oxygen. This process converts the
• Provides the best use of space
flammable or combustible materials and oxygen into
• Keeps inventory of materials to a minimum energy.
• Helps control property damage
• Guarantees a good workplace appearance Property Loss
• Reduces the amount of cleanup • Direct: destruction and damage by fire, water or smoke
• Indirect: loss of jobs, income, business failure
Housekeeping is Safe-keeping at Work
• Good housekeeping is the foundation for a safer Personal Injuries
workplace • Deaths
• Housekeeping in any organization is the cornerstone of ▪ Asphyxiation
efficiency and the maintenance of operating standards. ▪ Burns
if you are going to increase safety levels, first of all to ▪ Trampled upon by others
improve housekeeping • Non-Fatal Injuries
• A messy working environment contributes to unsafe ▪ Burns
work practices, undesirable incidents and ultimately, ▪ Inhalation of fire gases
workplace accidents
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Care & Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers • Weeds, twigs, and other trash should be kept mowed or
• Check the amount of extinguishing agent picked up from around the outside of the building
• Check the pressure through the pressure gauge • Paper storage should not be near lights, fans, electrical
• Check accessories (flexible hose, nozzle or discharge boxes, heaters or outlets
horn, pressure gauge, etc.) • Flammable substances should be kept elsewhere
• Subject containers to hydrostatic testing, as follows: outside the building.
▪ Carbon Dioxide – every five (5) years. • Vehicles and machinery should be stored in a separate
▪ Dry Chemical – every ten (10) years. building
Foam • A fire hose and buckets should be available and kept for
the purpose of extinguishing class A fires rapidly
• Foam is the most effective of all extinguishing agent for
fighting a solvent fire in the tank, in a firewall, trench etc., • Practice fire drills should be held so employees and
where the liquid surface can be completely blanketed boarders are familiar with their responsibilities should a
with a layer of foam real fire occur
• Foam extinguishes the fire by cutting off the solvent
surface from the fire space and radiant heat above,
thereby stopping the formation of vapor essential to the
burning of the solvents and thus starves the fire by
removing the air (oxygen) leg of a triangle. Foam has
also the tendency to cool the solvent surface, but its
greatest effectiveness is STARVING
Halogenated Extinguishing Agents
• However, this type is already banned from use by the
• The OSH Standards has devoted an entire section (Rule
Fire Code of the Philippines.
1210) which specify standards on ELECTRICAL
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher? SAFETY
If the fire can be contained or • The employer must train employees in safe work
extinguished, a properly trained person practices in working with electrical equipment
should use the right extinguishers on the ▪ The training rules distinguish between workers who
blaze. work on or near exposed energized parts and those
When using a typical extinguisher, who do not
follow the “PASS” method. Hold the ▪ Even if you are not qualified to work on electrically
extinguishers upright and: energized equipment, you must know the specific
• Pull the pin, stand back 8 to 10 safety practices which apply to your job
feet • To handle electricity safely, including working with
• Aim at the base of the fire electrical equipment, you need to understand how
electricity acts, how it can be approached, the hazards
• Squeeze the handle
it presents, and how those hazards can be controlled
• Sweep at the base of the fire with the extinguishing
• Basically, there are two (2) kinds of electricity:
▪ Static (stationary)
If you aim at the high flames, you won’t put out the fire. ▪ Dynamic (moving)
Remember, that most extinguishers have a very limited
Characteristics of Electricity
operation time, 8-10 seconds, so you have to act fast and
Three basic terms are defined using the analogy that
spray correctly at the base of fire, not at smokes or flames.
electricity flowing through a circuit can be likened to the flow
Time is the essence of firefighting. The smaller the fire, the of water through a pipe, and if this analogy is kept in mind,
easier it is to extinguish. Know the location of fire alarms the following terms are not troublesome.
and extinguishers. Know your nearest fire exit and proceeds • Current (I)
to it in an orderly fashion. • Voltage (V or E)
General Fire Safety Precautions • Resistance (R)
• Smoking should never be permitted in any storage area, ▪ CURRENT may be thought of as the total volume of
tack room or lounge water flowing past a certain point in a given length of
• “No-Smoking” signs should be posted in these areas time. Electric current is measured in amperes, which
and at all exterior is a very large quantity; therefore, in relation to the
• entrances. Butt cans should be provided as an incentive effect of shock on the human body, the measurement
to extinguish all cigarettes used is the mill ampere (0.001 ampere)
▪ VOLTAGE may be thought of as the PRESSURE in a
• Exit doors should be clearly marked
pipeline: it is measured in volts
• Aisles should be raked or swept clean at all times.
▪ RESISTANCE is any condition which RETARDS
Vacuum up cobwebs and dust regularly. Wipe dust/dirt
FLOW; it is measured in ohms
off light fixtures, outlet covers, switches and panel boxes
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▪ LOW VOLTAGE is 24 to 600 volts, and safety low muscular contraction, often so severe that the victim is
voltage refers to voltages below 24 volts thrown clear of the circuit.
Ohm’s Law Table 2: Resistance of Materials
V (voltage) • Most Metals 10 to 50 Ohms
I (current) = ----------------------- • Dry Wood 100,000,000 Ohms
R (resistance) • Wet Wood 1,000 Ohms
• Rubber 1,000,000,000,000,000 Ohms
Hazards of Electricity
• Human Resistance
Shock Explosions ▪ Human body (dry skin) 100,000 to 600,000 Ohms
Burns Fires ▪ Human body (wet skin) 1,000 Ohms
Arc Blast ▪ Internal body – hand to foot 400 to 600 Ohms
▪ Internal body – ear to ear (about) 100 Ohms
Electrical Injuries
• Current flow is the factor that causes injury as electric Electrical Hazards
shock; that is, the severity of electric shock is • Defective appliances, equipment and tools
determined by the amount of current flow through the • Defective wiring installation
victim • Personal factor (“Do-it-yourself”
How Does Current Affects the Body?
• Lack of maintenance of
• At 0.4 ma: No sensation
• At 1.1 ma: A slight tingling sensation
• Using unapproved electrical
• At 1.8 ma: Shock equipment appliances
• At 16 ma: Painful shock • Failure to ground equipment
▪ Loss of muscle control can cause victim to lock on to
• No proper rated protective
the source
• Above 23 ma: Severe injuries and possible death
• Overloading of circuits
Severity of Electric Shock
Control of Electrical Hazards
• The amount of CURRENT that flows through the body 1. Conformance to requirements of NEC on:
and the path that the current takes from entry to exit the
• Grounding provisions
• Insulation requirements
• In general, the longer the current flows through the body,
the more serious may be the result. Considerable • Enclosure requirements
current is likely to flow from high voltage sources, and in 2. Electrical circuit protection (use of standard fuses or
general only very short exposure can be tolerated if the circuit breakers)
victim is to be revived 3. Strict conformance to Lockout/Tag-out (LO/TO)
TABLE 1: Reaction of the body to electric shock 4. Implementation of Preventive Maintenance of Electrical
50 to 200 Milli-amperes will cause Installations
Fatal Shock
death depending on length of time
(100-110 volts) How Can You Protect Yourself from Electrical Current?
(due to ventricular fibrillation)
15 to 20 Milli-amperes
• Will cause a painful shock and
Freezing to the
control of muscle is lost.
• Will cause death due to heart
(100-110 volts)
collapse & stop breathing if left in
contact too long.
8 to 15 Milli-amperes
• Is painful and person can let go – When working around electrical equipment:
Sensation of
may lead to other accidents. • NEVER make repairs, unless the power is off and
1 to 8 MILLI-AMPERES unplugged from the circuit
(100-110 volts)
• Is not painful and person can let • NEVER use equipment or appliances with frayed cords
• NEVER operate, repair, submerge or work with
Because current flow depends on voltage and resistance, equipment in or around water
these factors are important.
• RESISTANCE to current flow is mainly to be found in What Is an Electrical Conductor?
the skin surface. Dry skin has a fairly high resistance, • A material having many free electrons that can move
but a sharp decrease in resistance takes place when the easily
skin is moist. See Table 2. Once the skin resistance is • Metals (especially copper) are good conductors.
broken down, the current flows readily through the blood • A copper wire will allow billions of electrons to flow in the
and body tissues. same direction to create a great source of electrical
• Whatever protection is offered by skin, its resistance current.
decreases rapidly with increase in VOLTAGE. High
voltage alternating current of 60 Hz causes violent
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Crushed hands and arms, severed fingers, blindness – the
list of possible machinery-related injuries. Safeguards are
essential for protecting workers from needless and
preventable injuries.
A good rule to remember is: Any machine part, function, or
process which may cause injury must be safeguarded.
Where the operation of a machine can injure the operator
or other workers, the hazard must be controlled or
Causes of Machine Accidents
• Reaching in to “clear” equipment
• Not using Lockout/Tagout
• Unauthorized persons doing maintenance or using the
• Missing or loose machine guards
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Automatic Feed: Robots In a tagout, you attach a written warning tag at the place
• Machines that load and unload stock, assemble parts, where the equipment would be energized, such as at the
transfer objects, or perform other tasks ON switch or on a valve that opens a supply line.
• Best used in high-production processes requiring Your safety - and that of your co-workers – depends on
repeated routines where they prevent other hazards to proper recognition and use of locks and tags. So remember:
employees • Never use your lockout/tagout equipment for locking
Protective Shields personal or unauthorized items
• These do not give complete protection from machine • Never lend or borrow a lock or tag
hazards, but do provide some protection from flying • Never remove someone else’s lock or tag
particles, splashing cutting oils, or coolants.
Locks or Tags?
Holding Tools • OSHA considers using a lock safer
• Used to place and remove stock in the danger area than just using a tag
• Not to be used instead of other machine safeguards, but • The OSHA standard allows a tag in
as a supplement the place of a lock only if the tagout
provides the equivalent protection of
Machine Safety Responsibilities
a lockout
• Ensure all machinery is properly guarded Energy Sources
• Electrical – can be a direct source
• Hydraulic – uses fluid under pressure
• Train employees on specific guard rules in their areas
• Pneumatic – uses air under pressure
• Ensure machine guards remain in place and are
functional • Kinetic – the energy created in a moving object
• Immediately correct machine guard deficiencies • Potential – stored energy such as the energy in
capacitors, compressed air, hydraulics and springs
Employees • Pressurized liquids or gases – including steam and
• Do not remove guards unless machine is locked and chemicals present in pipes and supply lines
tagged • Any other energy – including thermal or mechanical
• Report machine guard problems to supervisors energy, gravity, pressurized systems and elevated parts
Service or maintenance activities on equipment
• Do not operate equipment unless guards are in place
Training • Constructing • Inspecting
Operators should receive training on the following: • Installing • Modifying
• Hazards associated with particular machines • Setting up • Maintaining
• How the safeguards provide protection and the hazards • Adjusting • Servicing
for which they are intended
• How and why to use the safeguards Definition of Terms
1. Affected Employee
• How and when safeguards can be removed and by
whom • An employee whose job requires them to operate a
machine or piece of equipment where servicing is
• What to do if a safeguard is damaged, missing, or
being performed under LOTO, or whose job requires
unable to provide adequate protection
them to work in an area where repairing, servicing or
Any machine part, function, or process which may maintaining is being performed.
cause injury must be safeguarded 2. Authorized Person
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO • A person who implements a LOTO system/procedure
on machines or equipment to perform the servicing or
maintenance on that machine or equipment.
• An affected and authorized employee may be the
same person when the affected employee’s duties
also include performing maintenance or service on a
machine or a piece of equipment which may be locked
and tag-out.
3. Hazardous Energy
LOCKOUT is blocking the flow of energy from the power • Any energy such as electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,
source to the equipment – and keeping it blocked out. pneumatic, chemical, thermal or other energies.
In a lockout, place a lock on a disconnect switch, circuit 4. Lockout
breaker, valve handle to make sure it cannot be moved from • The placement of a locking device on an energy –
the OFF or closed position. isolating device, in accordance with an established
procedure, ensuring that the energy – isolating device
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Occupational Exposure: Vapors • Wastewater treatment plant (hydrogen sulfide & chlorine
• Degreasing of metals gas)
• Printing • Refrigeration and fertilizer plants (ammonia)
• Dry-cleaning • Machinery using diesel engine (nitrogen dioxide)
• Painting
• Laboratory analysis Physical Health Hazards: include noise, extreme
temperature, illumination, abnormal pressure,
Acids: due to their corrosive nature, they can irritate or even
vibration, inadequate ventilation and
burn the eyes, irritate the skin, and cause respiratory
distress. The risk is higher when they are concentrated, but
even when diluted they can be hazardous Noise: is one of the most common
• Some examples are hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, physical hazards present in the
sulfuric acid, acetic acid, phosphoric acid occupational setting. Inadequate hearing protection or
• Sulfuric acid is the most commonly-produced industrial prolonged exposure to noise can result in either temporary
chemical in the world. Its primary industrial use is to or permanent hearing loss
make superphosphate which is a main ingredient in • Machinery and equipment are the most likely sources of
most water-soluble fertilizers (Source: https://info. hazardous noise in the workplace (canning factory; railway; cockpit and cabin pressurization; etc.)
• Sulfuric acid is a critical component for metal
Arm’s Length Rule
manufacturing, particularly in the production of copper
If two people with no hearing impairment have to raise
and zinc as well as the cleaning of steel
their voices or shout to be heard in a distance of less than
Occupational Exposure: Mists arm’s length from each other, the sound level is potentially
• Wastewater treatment hazardous.
• Acids from electroplating Noise Levels Prevailing in Different Industries in the
• Oil mists from cutting and grinding operation Philippines
• Mist from spray painting operation • Textile (Weaving) – 102-104 dBA
Dust: refers to the suspension of solid particles in air • Iron & Steel (Rolling mills) – 94-99 dBA
• Dust are classified according to size: • Car (Grinding – 94-96 dBA) (Stamping – 95-97 dBA)
▪ Total dust – all dust particles in the area • Cement (Mill area) – 100-102 dBA
▪ Respirable dust – fraction of total dust which passes • Wire & Cable (Stranding) – 100-102 dBA
through a selector which can be inhaled and
Effects of Extreme Levels of Noise
deposited in the lungs
• Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and may develop to
Occupational Exposure: Dusts Permanent Hearing Loss if control measured are not
• These dust particles are generated by physical undertaken.
processes such as handling, grinding, drilling, milling • Decrease Work Efficiency
and crushing operations where solid materials are
broken down Extreme Temperature: extreme temperatures can cause
danger to workers
Heavy metals: are any relatively dense metal or metalloid • Cold Stress – overexposure to freezing conditions or
that is noted for its potential toxicity, especially in extreme cold that may result to numbness of the feet and
environmental contexts. localized burning sensations. (e.g., those who work in
• Examples include manganese, chromium, cobalt, nickel, the refrigerated warehouse)
copper, zinc, silver, antimony and thallium • Heat Stress & Heat Stroke– caused by exposure to
• They become concentrated as a result of human caused extreme heat
activities and can enter plant, animal, and human tissues ▪ Specific work environment may put workers at risk,
via inhalation, diet, and manual handling like:
Occupational Exposure: Fumes - Bakeries; Firefighting; the Outdoors; Farms;
Construction sites; Factories; and etc.
• Soldering operation
• Welding Illumination: is the measurement of stream of light falling on
• Lead-battery making a surface
• Mining operation Types of Workplace Lighting
Gases: substances in the gaseous state at room • General lighting: provides fairly uniform lighting. An
temperature and pressure example would be ceiling fixtures that light up areas
• They do not have a warning odor at a dangerous • Local lighting: increases light level over the work and
concentration immediate surroundings. Local lighting often allows the
user to adjust and control lighting and provides flexibility
Occupational Exposure: Gases for each user
• By-product of incomplete combustion (carbon monoxide)
Effects of Poor Illumination
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• Workers may complain of visual fatigue Effective, well-designed ventilation offers a solution to these
• Double vision problems where worker protection is needed. Ventilation
• Headaches can also serve to control odor, moisture, and other
• Painful Irritation undesirable environmental conditions.
• Lacrimation Radiation: is the emission or transmission of energy as
• Conjunctivitis waves or moving particles
Extreme Pressure: change in the altitude or atmospheric • Ionizing radiation – is a type of energy released by
pressure atoms in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles
• Below or greater than normal atmospheric pressure ▪ People are exposed to natural sources of ionizing
(14.7psi or 101.325kpa) radiation, such as in soil, water, and vegetation, as
▪ Occupational Exposure: Underwater tunneling, diving, well as in human-made sources, such as x-rays and
sewage construction, aviation, mining medical devices; nuclear power generation; medical
use of radiation for diagnosis and treatment
Vibration: induced health conditions progress slowly. It ▪ Exposure to ionizing radiation may damage the cells
starts as a pain and as the exposure continues, the pain of the human body leading to cancer, congenital
may develop into an injury or disease. Pain is the first health defects and even death.
condition that is noticed and should be addressed in order • Non-ionizing radiation - refers to any type of
to stop the injury electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough
• Vibration-induced White Finger (VWF) is the most energy to ionize atoms or molecules—that is, to
common condition among the operators of hand-held completely remove an electron from an atom or
vibrating tools (e.g., powered by compressed hair, molecule (e.g., sun; light bulbs; electric power lines;
combustion engine, electricity). The symptoms are radio and tv antenna; lasers; etc.)
aggravated when the hands are exposed to cold ▪ Examples of health effects of non-ionizing radiation
• Vibration can cause changes in tendons muscles, bones are skin redness, corneal and conjunctival burns,
and joints, can affect the nervous systems. Collectively, retinal injury and long-term exposure may result to
these effects are known as Hand-Arm Vibration cataract.
Syndrome (HAVS)
Biological Health Hazards: includes bacteria, viruses,
Workers affected by HAVS commonly report: parasites and molds or fungi. They can
▪ Attacks of whitening (blanching) of one or more pose a threat to human health when
fingers when exposed to cold they are inhaled, eaten or come in
▪ Tingling and loss of sensation in the fingers contact with skin. They can cause
▪ Loss of light touch illness such as food poisoning,
▪ Pain and cold sensations between periodic white tetanus, respiratory infections or
finger attacks parasite infection.
▪ Loss of grip strength • Some examples are blood and body fluids; sewage;
▪ Bone cysts in fingers and wrists airborne pathogens (common cold); stinging insects;
Symptoms of HAVS harmful plants; animal and bird droppings
▪ Affects the blood flow (vascular effect) and causes • Occupational Exposure:
loss of touch sensation (neurological effect) in fingers ▪ Poor sanitation and housekeeping
▪ Hospital works
• Whole-body Vibration can cause fatigue, stomach ▪ Removal of industrial waste and sewage
problems, headache, loss of balance and shakiness ▪ Poor personal cleanliness
shortly after or during exposure
▪ After daily exposure over a number of years, whole- Type of Pathogens Common Health Diseases
body vibration can affect the entire body and the Bacteria Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Infection
result in a number of health disorders HIV-AIDS, Flu, SARS, COVID-19,
▪ Bus/truck drivers and machine operators found that Hepatitis B
occupational exposure to whole-body vibration could Parasites Intestinal Parasitism
have contributed to a number of circulatory, bowel, Fungi Skin Diseases, Rashes
respiratory, muscular and back disorders Enzymes Metabolic Disorders
Inadequate Ventilation: The supply of fresh air and exhaust Ergonomic Health Hazards: are factors in your
of contaminated air within a workroom. Inadequacy of environment that can harm the musculoskeletal system.
ventilation has many factors to consider: These are injuries that caused by strain placed on the body
• Air flow/ Velocity from ergonomic hazards and aren’t always obvious, making
• Contaminant/ Chemical Hazard Generation these hazards difficult to detect.
• Presence of Hazards
Ergonomic hazards include:
• Heat Controls
• Improperly designed tools or work areas
• Design of the Ventilation System
• Improper lifting or reaching
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The GHS is a system for standardizing and harmonizing the 1. Product Identifier – should match the product identifier on
classification and labeling of chemicals. It is a logical and the Safety Date Sheet
comprehensive approach in: 2. Signal Word – either use “Danger” (severe) or “Warning”
• Defining health, physical and environmental hazards of (less severe)
chemicals 3. Hazard Statements – a phrase assigned to a hazard class
• Creating classification processes that use available data on that describes the nature of the product’s hazards
chemicals for comparison with the defined hazard criteria 4. Precautionary Statements – describes recommended
• Communicating hazard information, as well as protective measures to minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting
measures, on labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from exposure
5. Supplier Identification – the name, address and
Industrial chemicals shall be classified according to the telephone number of the manufacturer or supplier
following criteria for GHS Hazard Classifications: 6. Pictograms – graphical symbols intended to convey
• GHS Physical Hazards specific hazard information visually
▪ Explosives
▪ Flammable Gases GHS Pictograms
▪ Flammable Aerosols
▪ Oxidizing Gases
▪ Gases Under Pressure
▪ Flammable Liquids
▪ Flammable Solids
▪ Self-Reactive Substances
▪ Pyrophoric Liquids
▪ Pyrophoric Solids
▪ Self-Heating Substances
▪ Substances which in Contact with Water Emit
Flammable Gases
▪ Oxidizing Liquids
▪ Oxidizing Solids
▪ Organic Peroxides
▪ Corrosive to Metal
• GHS Health Hazards
▪ Acute Toxicity
▪ Skin Corrosion
▪ Skin Irritation
▪ Eye Effects
▪ Sensitization
▪ Germ Cell Mutagenicity
▪ Carcinogenicity
▪ Reproductive Toxicity
▪ Systemic Target Organ
What is Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?
- Single Exposure • Safety Data Sheet a summary of the important health,
- Repeated Exposure safety and toxicological information on the chemical or
▪ Aspiration Toxicity the mixture ingredients
• GHS Environmental Hazards • Provide comprehensive information about a chemical
▪ Hazardous to the Aquatic Environment substance or mixture
▪ Hazardous to the Ozone Layer • Primarily for workplace use
• Employees & workers use these as a source of
GHS Labels
information about hazards and to obtain advice on safety
Labeling is the cornerstone of GHS compliance. With an
emphasis on consistency and comprehension of chemical precautions
labels. There are six key elements to a GHS label, they are: Contents of Safety Data Sheet
01. Identification of the Chemicals
02. Hazard(s) Identification
03. Composition/Information on Ingredients
04. First-aid measures
05. Firefighting measures
06. Accidental release measures
07. Handling and storage
08. Exposure control and personal protection
09. Physical and chemical properties
010. Stability and reactivity
011. Toxicological information
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• Modification of the Process/Equipment: to change Capturing hood: are located next to an emission source
physical operating conditions without changing the without surrounding (enclosing) it.
chemical or process • Example – a rectangular hood along the edge of a tank
• Automation
• Industrial Ventilation
Industrial Ventilation
The process of supplying or removing air by natural or
mechanical means to and from any space
Two Types of Ventilation
• General or dilution ventilation
• Local exhaust ventilation
Types of Industrial Ventilation
• Natural: is the intentional passive flow or outdoor air into
a building through planned openings (such as louvers,
doors, windows). Natural ventilation doesn’t require
mechanical systems to move outdoor air • Example a hood on a welding or grinding bench table
• Mechanical: is the intentional fan driven flow of outdoor
air into a building. Mechanical
ventilation systems may
include supply fans (which
push outdoor air into a
building), exhaust fans
(which draw air out of
building and thereby cause
equal ventilation flow into a
building), or a combination of
both. Mechanical ventilation is often provided
by equipment that is also used to heat and cool a space
• Local exhaust: addresses the issue of avoiding the
contamination of indoor air by specific high-emission
sources by capturing airborne contaminants before they
are spread into the environment
▪ Enclosure hood • Example of a downdraft hood for hand grinding bench
▪ Capturing hood
▪ Receiving hood
Enclosing Hood: hoods surrounding the process or point
where the contaminants are generated
• Examples of completely enclosed hoods (all sides
enclosed) are glove boxes and grinder hoods
• Examples of partially enclosed (two or three sides
enclosed) hoods are laboratory hoods or paint spray
• The enclosing hood is preferred whenever possible
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Introduction Evaluation for Specific Occupational Exposures and
• Medical surveillance coupled with biological monitoring Diseases Assessment
has proven to be a valuable tool in protecting workers • The type of occupational health programs needed by
from potential harmful health effects associated with any business is directly dependent on the goals,
exposure to hazardous materials activities, and operations of that organization. The first
• The OSHA requirements for medical surveillance for stage of medical surveillance is needs assessment.
hazardous waste workers are found at 29 CFR Part ▪ “Do certain workers need special tests?”
1910.120 (f) Assessment of Factors Outside the Workplace
What is Medical Surveillance? • Disinfectants
• Medical surveillance is the process of evaluating the • Cleaning agents
health of employees as it relates to their potential • Paint removers
occupational exposures to hazardous agents • Wax strippers
▪ Purpose: Prevention of illness and early detection of • Solvents
work-related health problems and determining its • Pesticides
cause • Emissions from heating or cooling devices
▪ Objective: To assure compliance with federal and • Sunlamps
state regulations which require medical monitoring • A wide variety of materials used in painting, ceramics,
when employees use certain materials printmaking, sculpture and casting, welding, stained
Monitoring Strategies glass, woodworking, photography, and many forms of
• Ambient Monitoring commercial art
▪ Measurement and assessment of agents at the Symptoms that occur during the workweek and
workplace subside over weekends certainly suggest an
▪ Evaluates ambient exposure compared to reference occupational cause. Conversely, those that appear
▪ TLV only when away from the workplace could well be
associated with home exposure or hobby activities.
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The Initial Health Assessment would look into the The risk assessor should discuss this with the Head of the
occupational history, selective body system history, general company who is responsible and accountable for the Health
medical history and physical exam, appropriate testing and Surveillance that is required within the area and for whom,
subsequent reports. as identified in the risk assessment.
Occupational History Once this has been completed all hazards and health
• Work processes (e.g. tasks, tools used) hazards in the workplace should have been identified.
• Hazard exposure (chemical, physical, biological) Why do We Test?
• Route of entry (inhalation, skin, ingestion, injection)
• Frequency, duration and intensity of exposure
• Use of PPE
• Use of engineering controls (ventilation)
• Work organization (hours of work, breaks, OT)
Worker History • Provide a baseline for future tests to be compared against
• Will show if the control measures put in place are working
• Current and past employers
• Jobs and tasks performed
• Show early signs of the effects of work on health
• Medical history including family history • Allow steps to be taken to prevent further damage
• Personal activities (e.g. smoking habits) and hobbies • Your health surveillance is mandatory, and you cannot opt
• Do co-workers have similar symptoms or suffer from any out
What do We Test?
Selective Body System History List of prescribed hazards and specific medical test required
Some examples are: for workers exposed to these hazards:
• Respiratory questionnaire Prescribed Hazard Medical Test(s) Required
• Nickel sensitivity questionnaire Pre-employment and annual early
• Hearing loss questionnaire Arsenic and morning urine arsenic level, pre-
compounds employment liver function test, and
Appropriate Testing chest x-ray examination
• Bloodwork for lead and for other causes of symptoms Full size chest x-ray examination
that could be related to lead Asbestos (pre-employment and once in 36
• Chest x-rays CAT scans months)
• Audiological assessment Pre-employment and annual
• Pulmonary Function Test hemoglobin, full blood count,
peripheral blood film, and mid-week
Report end of shift urine phenol
Cadmium and its Pre-employment and annual blood
compounds cadmium, urine β2-microglobulin
Pre-employment and annual
Compressed air audiometry, lung function test, x-ray
(frequency depends examination of shoulder, hip and
on working knee joints, electrocardiogram (for
pressure) those >35 years), pre-employment
chest x-ray examination
Pre-employment and annual lung
function test: FEV, and FVC
Lead (inorganic) Pre-employment and six-monthly
and its compounds blood lead and hemoglobin levels
• To the worker Manganese and its Pre-employment and annual early
• To the employer compounds morning urine manganese
• To legislative bodies Mercury and its Pre-employment and annual early
compound morning urine mercury
Any medical surveillance being carried out should find out
Pre-employment and annual
what the hazards are, identify who might be at risk from Noise
exposure to these hazards and how, and decide what to do Pre-employment and six-monthly red
to prevent harm to health – e.g. remove the hazard Organophosphates
blood cell acetylcholinesterase
altogether; reduce risks by changing the way work is done Pre-employment and annual mid-
or us other controls; provide protective equipment. week end of shift urine
trichloroacetic acid, pre-employment
What is required at the starting point of any health liver function tests
surveillance is the risk assessment and trained risk Full size chest x-ray examination
assessors for the department will complete this. Each year, Free silica (pre-employment and once in 36
it is request that a Health Surveillance risk assessment form months)
is completed for each department.
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A JHA can be conducted on many jobs in your ▪ Later, review the job steps with the employee to make
workplace. Priority should go to the following types of sure you have not omitted something
jobs: ▪ Include the employee in all phases of the analysis –
• Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates from reviewing the job steps and procedures to
• Jobs with the potential to cause severe or disabling discussing uncontrolled hazards and recommended
injuries or illnesses, even if there is no history of solutions
previous accidents Develop Solutions
• Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to a The final step in JHA is to develop ways to eliminate the
severe accident or injury hazards and prevent occurrence of potential accidents. The
• Jobs that are new to your operation or have undergone principal solutions are:
changes in processes and procedures • Find a new way to do the job. Consider work-saving
• Jobs complex enough to require written instructions tools and equipment
Ways of Controlling Accidents • Change the physical conditions that create the hazards.
• Practice good housekeeping Point out benefits (greater production or time saving)
• Safety inspections from this change to higher management
• Accident investigations • To eliminate the hazards still present, change the job
• Perform job hazard analysis & job/task observations procedure
• Try to reduce the necessity of doing a job, or at least the
Job hazard analysis is a procedure to make a job safe frequency that it must be performed
• Identifying the hazards or potential accidents associated Recommending Corrective Measures
with each step of the job • Recommendations should be developed at the job site
• Developing a solution for each hazard that will either whenever possible
eliminate or control the exposure • Recommendations should be developed in sequence,
beginning with the first hazard
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is a program element of the • Recommendations must be specific
Plant Safety & Health Program • As many solutions as possible should be listed
Steps in Making a Job Hazard Analysis
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A learning intervention with the objective of improving the
match between job requirements and individual’s
knowledge, skills, and attitudes. After a training, the
individual is expected to apply learning immediately, such
as the situation in BOSH, COSH, PCO training.
COMMUNICATING OSH Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Communicate the Occupational Safety and Health Determines whether training is needed in the first place. If
(OSH) Program so, the training should be based on sound, clearly identified
• The means of communicating the OSH program should requirements. The training should be able to identify the
be anchored to the roles and responsibilities of problem (e.g. compliance), training is the best way to
concerned individuals or groups of individuals, as they respond to the problem and it should be able to identify the
need to understand their take on the program and how target learners.
they can be instrumental in ensuring its effective Curriculum Development
implementation. As part of the company’s • A by-product of the TNA
communication plan, the Safety Officer should schedule • Composed of the course outline / training activity plan,
orientation of contractors and service providers on the learning objectives, selection of the most appropriate
principal’s OSH program, so the contractors can methodologies and specifying other details such as
prepare their respective safety and health programs in training dates, target participants, etc. (e.g. Mandatory
accordance to the principal’s OSH program 8-hour Safety and Health Seminar for Workers)
• Per Republic Act 11058 and DOLE DO 198 – 18, a
company’s OSH program is submitted to the DOLE Development of Training Materials
Regional/ Provincial/ District Office. The submission is The conversion of the Course Outline / Training Activity
among the basis of a labor inspector in exacting OSH Plan into a complete set of materials in the form of detailed
compliance from a company lesson plans, learner materials (e.g. workbooks, hand-
outs), audiovisual aids (e.g. slides, flip charts, etc.),
• In communicating to employers, they give premium to
compliance requirements, status of compliance, costs, assessment and evaluation sheets. Administrative
productivity indicators, the need to know and what can arrangements in terms of venue, selection of resource
be done and the efficient and effective way to implement persons and facilitators and other arrangements have to be
Training Implementation
What Should Be Communicated OSH to Employers?
This requires preparedness of the resource persons and
• Duties of Employers
facilitators, the sufficient logistics, documentation such as
• Compliance to Legislations (OSH Standards, DO)
records of learners’ progress, and evaluation of training
• OSH Data/Profile and OSH Situationer of Company facilities/ trainers. In the duration of the training,
• Risk Assessment adjustments need to be done to ensure overall
• OSH Committee effectiveness of the training.
• Accident Data
Monitoring and Evaluation
Duties of Employers
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Toolbox Meetings of the Safety and Health Committee meetings are submitted
• State agenda items of to the DOLE using the prescribed forms and on a regular
highest importance basis.
• Usually, a 15 – 20 Writing a Realistic Aims and Objectives for your
minute of toolbox Training Session
meeting should suffice • Your aims and objectives must be attainable and
• Does not have to measurable
discuss in full length a • It is essential that the results you expect to achieve are
lot of safety and health realistic
• Focuses on urgent Sample aims and objectives:
ways to deal with safety and health issues. The • To teach the understanding of current discrimination
meetings can have a single topic each day and be held laws, and to train staff on the implications relating to
regularly for greatest impact recruitment, appraisals, benefits, pensions and
Conducting Effective Toolbox Meetings
• To train staff on customer care strategies and to ensure
• Be direct to the point that they understand how customer care needs are to
• Agenda only relevant topics be implemented as part of the organization’s ‘Treating
• Have topics that worker can relate to both on and off the Customers Fairly’ initiative
• Keep it short Rules for Writing Objectives
• Highlight only the necessary points • An objective should be phrased in a positive way, and
• Always stay positive should outline the outcomes of the training
▪ It should begin with, “At the end of the session you (i.e.
• Use the meeting as avenue to promote safe behavior
the trainees) will be able to…”, or” after this session
and preventive attitude
you will be able to…”
• Stay focus on the positive practices, forget past failures
• It should also indicate the standards that the trainees
• Clarify your point
must be able to attain, to determine the success of the
• Make your talk interactive, involve the audience
training: “… so that we will be able to use this with every
• Use clear examples to be more informative customer enquiry...” or, “… by using this we’ll be able to
• Tell a story, not a statistic. Storytelling is a powerful cut waiting times down by half the current level”
method of conveying information
Asking Questions
Safety and Health Committee Meetings The two basic types of questions trainer use during a
The presentation:
Occupational • Open-ended questions/requests - why, how, describe…
Safety and • Closed-ended questions - is, are, can, were…
Listening to Questions
Standards, RA
Listen to your audience’s questions and comments first
11058 and the
before thinking of your response…
DOLE DO 198 –
• Welcome difficult questions
18, are clear as • To build rapport, say – “That’s a good question…”
to the responsibilities of the Safety and Health Committee. • Make direct eye contact with the person
The Committee is involved in planning and policymaking on • Focus on the person when they are asking the question
OSH. Meetings are conducted at least once a month. This • Move towards the person
is an important opportunity to communicate OSH in the • Repeat the question
workplace. • Rephrase the question
The safety officer being the main person in organizing the Answering Questions
Committee meetings is responsible facilitating the • Respond initially to the
administrative arrangements for the meeting is set. person who asked the
Although each committee member should play his/ her part. question
All meetings should be documented stating the agreements • Then shift eye contact to
and action plans discussed in the meetings. The Minutes of the broad audience
meeting should take note of these agreements while the • Answer the question
action plans should be filed subject to the monitoring of the clearly and briefly
safety officer. There are compliance requirements of the • Hold your ground and
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The Safety don’t back down
and Health Committee through the safety officer shall
• If you don’t know the answer, say so
ensure that the required OSH reports including the Minutes
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• Conclude by transitioning attention back to the person ▪ Your presentation should cover the following three
who asked the question main goals of a training session
• If appropriate, ask, “Did I answer the question for you?” - Make your learning outcomes specific and clear
or “Does that help?” - Make your goals realistic
- Focus on what is achievable
Handling Problem Situations • Practice your presentation: Practicing your
Problem situations have something to do with the level of presentation can help you confidently deliver the
participation of individual learners: material to your audience. You can also learn how best
• Too much participation to pace the presentation or discover sections that need
• Too little participation to be added or removed
• Hostility • Prepare material to handout: Using handouts can help
There are three important considerations when your audience understand and retain the information
handling problem situations: presented. Handing out printed materials is also a great
1. Eliminate or reduce the problem behavior. Resolve the way for them to bring the material home and refresh
problem to the extent necessary what they learned
2. Maintain the self-esteem of the learner causing the Preparing for Your Visual Aids
disruption • Prepare any visual aids you might need
3. Avoid further disruptions. Make sure the learning ▪ Include visual presentations in your rehearsals and
environment is relaxed and conducive to learning practice. Keep visuals as clean and simple as you
Important strategies for handling problem situations: can. Don't rely fully on visual aids for your training
• Remain emotionally neutral session
• Identify possible strategies you or other trainers have • Don’t hand out material while presenting a visual aid
used before in a similar situation ▪ This can cause your audience to become distracted
• Evaluate alternative strategies against the and possibly miss some of the information being
considerations above presented. Hand out any materials before or after
• Select the strategy that best satisfies the criteria for the using a visual aid. Keep the audience focused on the
situation visual aid when it is being presented
• Have a backup plan in place
Types of Difficult Participants ▪ Technology that is used during a presentation to
• The Silent One: A participant doesn’t appear to want to deliver a visual aid may break down or fail. Without
contribute a backup plan in place, your presentation may suffer.
• The Griper: A participant often complains about the Always make sure to have another method to
tasks, facilities and other things present this information should a visual aid become
• The Know-All: A participant wants to display his/her unusable
knowledge, dominating the session
Engaging Your Audience
• The Clash: Two or more participants clash over
• Put your audience first: They are the reason you are
personalities, abilities, facts, etc.
having the training session and now you will need to
• The Latecomer: A participant consistently arrives late,
engage them and effectively deliver your information
returns late after breaks
• Monitor your audience: Watch for signs of how they are
• Difficult-to-Understand: A participant is hard to
receiving the information, levels of interest, and how
understand, maybe a non-English speaker, a non-
focused they are. Adjust your pace to keep your
technical person on a technical course
audience interested and engaged
Preparing the Training Program • Always end with a question and answer session: The
entire audience can learn from a single question.
Question and answer sessions are highly engaging,
allowing your audience to better understand the topic
under discussion
• Evaluate your presentation: Implementing a method to
have your presentation assessed can give you great
feedback and help you improve your next training
• Choose the best location and time for your training ▪ You may consider giving a kind of test at the end of
session: You will want to choose a location for your your presentation. This will let you learn how much
training session that has enough room and seating for information your audience retained
everyone attending ▪ Try handing out a survey at the end of your training
• Plan your goals for the presentation: An important session. These are evaluations that your audience
part of creating a good presentation is having clear goals can use to give you direct feedback
for it. Find some key points that you want to make and
discover what you want your audience to learn
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• Funeral benefit of P10,000 for private sector; P3,000 for • The State shall protect every worker against injury,
public sector sickness or death through safe and healthful working
Rehabilitation Services for ODWs
• It shall promote strict but dynamic, inclusive, and
• Physical therapy
gender-sensitive measures in the formulation and
• Kagabay Program of ECC
implementation of policies and programs related to OSH
▪ Re-skilling for re-employment
▪ Training for entrepreneurship Section 02: Coverage
It shall apply to all establishments, projects and sites and all
Employees’ Compensation Program Prescriptive other places where work is being undertaken in all branches
Period of economic activity, including:
No claim for compensation shall be given due course unless • Establishments located inside special economic zones
said claim is filed with the Systems within three (3) years and other investment promotion agencies (e.g.,
from the time the cause of action occurred. Philippine Economic Zone Authority [PEZA], Clark
Development Corporation [CDC])
• Utilities engaged in air, sea, and land transportation
• Industries such as mining, fishing, construction,
agriculture, and maritime
• Contractors and subcontractors including those
engaged in the projects of the public sector
OSH LEGISLATIONS NOTE: The Rules does not apply to the public sector
Legal Bases Section 03: Definition of Terms
• Labor Code of the Philippines (PD 442, 1974): • High Risk Establishment – refers to a workplace
Consolidation of labor and social laws to afford full wherein the presence of hazard or potential hazard
protection to labor, promote employment and human within the company may affect the safety and/or health
resources development, and ensure industrial peace of workers
• OSH Standards (1979, amended in 1989): A set of • Medium Risk Establishment – a workplace where
mandatory rules on OSH which codifies all safety orders there is moderate exposure to safety and health hazards
issued prior to its promulgation and with probability of an accident, injury or illness
• Republic Act No. 11058 and its IRR (January 25, • Low Risk Establishment – a workplace where there is
2019): An Act Strengthening Compliance with the OSH low level of danger or exposure to safety and health
Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations thereof hazards and not likely or with low probability to result in
DOLE OSH Framework accident, harm or illness
• Imminent Danger – a situation caused by a condition or
practice in any place of employment that could
reasonably be expected to lead to death or serious
physical harm
• Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) – establishments
employing less than 10 employees and the
establishments employing less than 100 employees,
respectively, regardless of capitalization
• Safety Officer 1 (SO1) – an employee who has
completed the mandatory 8-hour OSH orientation
course as prescribed in the OSH standards and 2-hour
trainer’s training
DOLE Department Order No. 198 (IRR of RA 11058) • Safety Officer 2 (SO2) – an employee who has
• The State affirms labor as a primary social and completed the mandatory forty 40- hour OSH training
economic force, and that a safe and healthy workforce course applicable to the industry as prescribed in the
is an integral aspect of nation building OSH standards
• The State shall ensure a safe and healthful workplace • Safety Officer 3 (SO3) – 40-hour OSH training course
for all working people by affording them full protection applicable to the industry
against all hazards in their work environment ▪ Additional 48 hours of advanced/ specialized OSH
• It shall ensure that the provisions of the Labor Code of training course
the Philippines, all domestic laws, and internationally- ▪ At least 2 years’ experience in OSH
recognized standards on OSH are being fully enforced • Safety Officer 4 (SO4) – 4o-hour OSH training course
and complied with by the employers, and it shall provide ▪ 80 hours of advanced/ specialized Occupational
penalties for any violations thereof Safety training course
▪ Aggregate of 320 hours of OSH related training or
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• All PPE must be of appropriate size, weight, and type to program, which shall be duly signed by the employer,
specific workers exposed to hazards from which PPE must include at least the following:
are meant to ensure effective protection ▪ Company commitment to comply with OSH
• Failure to provide appropriate PPE in high risk activities requirements
shall give rise to the right of the worker to refuse unsafe ▪ General safety and health programs, including:
work - Safety and health hazard identification, risk
assessment and control (HIRAC)
Section 09: Safety Signage and Devices - Medical surveillance for early detection and
• All establishments, projects, sites and all other places management of occupational and work-related
where work is being undertaken shall have safety diseases
signage and devices to warn the workers and the public - First aid and emergency medical services
of the hazards in the workplace ▪ Promotion of the following health domains:
• Safety signage and devices shall be posted in prominent - Drug-free workplace (RA 9165)
positions at strategic locations in a language - Mental health services in the workplace (RA 11036)
understandable to all, and in accordance with the OSH - Healthy lifestyle
standards on color of signs for safety instructions and ▪ Prevention and control of the following health
warnings, Globally Harmonized System (GHS) domains:
pictograms, construction safety, classification and - Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired
labelling of chemicals, radiation, safety instructions and Immune Deficiency Syndrome (RA 8504)
warning signs, set by DOLE - Tuberculosis (EO 187-03)
Safety 10: Safety in the Use of Equipment - Hepatitis B (DOLE DA 05-2010)
• Contractor or subcontractor, if any, must comply with the ▪ Complete company or project details
OSH standards set by DOLE on safety and use of such ▪ Composition and duties of the OSH committee
equipment in the different phases of the company or ▪ OSH personnel and facilities
project operation including the transport to and from the ▪ Safety and health promotion, training and education,
establishment, project, site or place where work is being including:
undertaken - Orientation of all workers on OSH
• Appropriate training and certification by the Technical - Conduct of risk assessment, evaluation and control;
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), ▪ Conduct of toolbox or safety meetings and job safety
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) or other analysis, if applicable
concerned government agency shall be a requirement ▪ Accident/incident/illness investigation, recording and
for operators before use of equipment, if applicable reporting
▪ Provision and use of PPE
Section 11: OSH Information ▪ Provision of safety signage
The employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall ▪ Provision of workers’ welfare facilities
provide the workers in all ▪ Emergency and disaster preparedness and mandated
establishments, projects drills
and all other places where ▪ Solid waste management system
work is being undertaken ▪ Control and management of hazards
adequate and suitable • For medium to high risk establishments with 10–50
information on the workers and low to high risk establishments with 51
following: workers and above. The OSH program, which shall be
• Workplace hazards and duly signed by the employer, must include at least the
the risk posed on the following:
safety and health of the workers such as chemical safety ▪ Dust control and management, and regulations on
data sheets activities such as building of temporary structures, and
• Control mechanisms in place that reduces or minimizes lifting and operation of electrical, mechanical,
the risk of exposure to hazards and other preventive communications system, and other equipment
strategies ▪ Prohibited acts and penalties for violations
• Appropriate measures, including the probable location ▪ Cost of implementing company OSH program
of workers, for the prevention, control and protection • The OSH program shall be communicated and be made
against those hazards readily available to all persons in the workplace. It shall
• Emergency and disaster management protocols be updated periodically whenever the DOLE, other
including proper evacuation and shut-down procedures regulatory or government agencies and institutions
Section 12: OSH Program promulgate new rules, guidelines and other issuances
Covered workplaces shall develop and implement a suitable related to workers’ safety and health
OSH program in a format prescribed by DOLE which shall • A duly signed company commitment to comply OSH
be posted in prominent places. requirements together with the company OSH program
• For establishments with less than 10 workers and low using the prescribed template shall be considered
risk establishments with 10-50 workers. The OSH approved upon submission EXCEPT for Construction
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Safety and Health Program which shall need approval or complex, the health and safety committee
by DOLE prior to construction organized in each workplace shall form themselves
• OSH programs in the pre-approved template may be into a Joint Coordinating Committee to plan and
modified by DOLE as necessary based on existing laws, implement programs and activities concerning all the
rules and regulations, and other issuances or upon establishments
validation of the program during inspection - Chairperson: Building owner or his/her
• The company shall review and evaluate the OSH representative such as the building administrator
program at least once a year or as necessary, to ensure - Secretary: Safety officer of the building or complex
that its objectives are met towards an improved safety appointed by the Chairperson
and health performance - Members: At least two safety officers from any of
the establishment housed under one building or
Section 13: OSH Committee complex; At least two workers’ representatives, one
of which must be from a union if organized, from any
of the establishment housed under one building or
• The building administrator shall ensure that the Joint
OSH committee shall submit its organizational plans and
minutes to the DOLE Regional office, copy furnished the
• The establishment shall ensure that the core elements Bureau of Working Conditions
of OSH program are integrated in the company OSH Section 14: Safety Officer
program such as management commitment and • Safety officer/s of all workplace must possess the
employee involvement, workplace risk assessment, necessary training and experience requirement
hazard prevention and control, safety and health training according to its category as contained herein
and education, and OSH program evaluation. • The respective qualifications of safety officers are as
▪ For establishments with less than 10 workers and low follows:
risk establishments with 10 - 50 workers. – A SO1
shall establish an OSH committee composed of the
- Chairperson: Company owner or manager
- Secretary: Safety officer of the workplace
- Member: At least one (1) worker, preferably a union
member if organized
• The safety officer of the workplace may also be the
owner, manager or his/her designated representative.
• The company owner, manager or one of the workers of
the company shall undertake first aid training from the
Philippine Red Cross or any DOLE recognized
▪ For medium to high risk establishments with 10-50
workers and low to high risk establishments with 51
workers and above. The OSH committee of the
covered workplace shall be composed of the
- Ex-officio chairperson: Employer or his/her
- Secretary: Safety officer of the workplace
- Ex-officio members: Certified first-aider, OH nurse, • The number and qualification of safety officers shall be
OH dentist, and OH physician, as applicable proportionate to the total number of workers and
- Members: Safety officers representing the equipment, size of work area, classification of the
contractor or subcontractor, as the case may be, workplace and such other criteria as required by the
and representative/s of workers who shall come OSH standards
from the union, if the workers are organized, or • The number and qualification of safety officers shall be
elected workers through a simple vote of majority, if proportionate to the total number of workers and
they are unorganized equipment, size of work area, classification of the
• The OSH committee shall effectively plan, develop, workplace and such other criteria as required by the
oversee and monitor the implementation of the OSH OSH standards
program • In the case of a contractor or subcontractor, at least 1
▪ For 2 or more establishments housed under one safety officer must be deployed at each specific area of
building or complex including malls. When two or operations to oversee the management of the OSH
more establishments are housed under one building program of its own workforce
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Number of Low Risk
High Risk • A - Annual Work Accident/Injury Exposure Data Report
1 to 9 One (1) SOI One (1) SOI One (1) SO2 (January 30)
10 to 50 One (1) SOI
One (1) SO2
One (1) SO3 • R - Report of Safety Organization (annually)
51 to 99 One (1) SO2 • M - Minutes of OSH Committee Meeting (quarterly)
100 to 199 One (1) SO2 and and One (1)
One (1) SO2
One (1) SO3 SO3 • A - Annual Medical Report (March 30)
200 to 250 Two (2) SO2 or One (1) SO2 and Two (2)
One (1) SO3 One (1) SO3 SO3 Section 18: Workers’ Competency Certification
251 to 500 Two (2) SO2 One (1) SO2
and One (1) Two (2) SO3 and Two (2)
501 to 750 Two (2) SO2
One (1) SO2
and One (1)
and Two (2)
SO3 Two (2) SO3
751 to 1000 Two (2) SO3
Every additional Additional
250 or fraction - - One (1) SO3
thereof orSO4
Every additional
Additional One (1) Additional One (1)
500 or -
SO3 SO3 orSO4
fraction thereof
Minimum Classification and Number of Safety Officer for All Covered • The PRC shall determine the minimum and necessary
Workplaces Shall be as Follows competency on safety and health for OSH personnel
and use the same as equivalency in their application for
Section 15: OH Personnel and Facilities Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units
• In order to professionalize, upgrade and update the level
of competence of workers, TESDA or PRC, shall
establish national competency standards and prepare
guidelines on competency assessment and certification
for critical occupations to include requirements on safety
and health
• An occupation shall be considered critical when:
▪ The performance of a job affects people’s lives and
• Covered workplaces shall have qualified occupational
▪ The job involves the handling of complex tools,
health personnel such as physicians, nurses, certified
equipment and supplies
first-aiders, and dentists duly complemented with the re
▪ The job requires a relatively long period of education
quired medical supplies, equipment, and facilities
and training
• The number of health personnel, personnel, equipment,
▪ The performance of the job may compromise the
and facilities, and the amount of supplies shall be
safety, health and environmental concerns within the
proportionate to the total number of workers and the risk
immediate vicinity of the establishments
or hazard involved, the ideal ratio of which shall be
prescribed by the DOLE Section 19: Worker’s Welfare Facilities
All establishments, projects, sites and all other places
Section 16: Safety and Health Training
where work is being undertaken shall have the following
• All safety and health personnel shall undergo the free welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working
mandatory training on basic occupational safety and conditions:
health for safety officers as prescribed by the DOLE
• Adequate supply of safe drinking water
• All workers shall undergo the mandatory 8 hours safety
• Adequate sanitary and washing facilities
and health seminar as required by the DOLE
• Suitable living accommodation for workers, as may be
• All personnel engaged in the operation, erection, and
applicable such as in construction, shipping, fishing and
dismantling of equipment and scaffolds, structural
night workers
erections, excavations, blasting operations, demolition,
• Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all
confined spaces, hazardous chemicals, welding, and
gender, as may be applicable
flame cutting shall undergo specialized instruction and
training on the said activities • Lactation station except those establishments as
provided for under DOLE Department Order No. 143-15
Section 17: OSH Reports • Ramps, railings and the like
All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall • Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by
submit to DOLE all safety and health reports, and the OSH standards and other issuances
notifications such as but not limited to annual medical report
(AMR), OSH committee report, employer’s work Section 20: All Other OSH Standards
accident/injury report (WAIR), and annual work • All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall
accident/injury exposure data report (AEDR) comply with other occupational safety and health
• W - Work Accident and Illness Report (20th day, standards as provided for in the 1978 DOLE
following month) Occupational Safety and Health Standards, as amended
Page 48 of 62
Section 21: Cost of Safety and Health Program Section 25: Delegation of Authority
• The total cost of implementing a
duly approved OSH program shall
be an integral part of the
operations cost. It shall be
separate pay item in
construction and in all
contracting or subcontracting
Section 22: Joint and Solidary Liability
• The employer, project owner, contractor, or • The authority to enforce mandatory OSH standards may
subcontractor, if any, and any person who manages, be delegated by the Secretary of Labor to a competent
controls or supervises the work being undertaken shall government authority. The said delegation of authority
be jointly and solidarily liable for compliance with shall only cover the conduct of industrial safety
occupational safety and health standards including the inspection
penalties imposed for violation thereof as provided for in • In pursuance of the delegation of authority, the
this Rules competent government authority shall submit a monthly
Section 23: Visitorial Powers of the Secretary of Labor report to the DOLE-Regional Office having jurisdiction
• Department Order No. 183, Series of 2017 and the over its location, in accordance with the provisions of the
manual on execution of judgments shall govern the Revised Technical Safety Inspection Manual
procedures in the conduct of inspection, mandatory • The delegation of authority upon may be revoked any
conference, issuance of order and execution thereof time as may be warranted by the circumstances
• The Labor Secretary or his/her duly authorized Section 26: Standards Setting Power of the Secretary of
representatives may order stoppage of work or Labor
suspension of operations of any unit or department of an • The Secretary of Labor shall, in consultation with all
establishment when noncompliance to this Rules, OSH concerned government agencies and instrumentalities,
standards and other applicable laws poses grave and and relevant stakeholders, set and enforce mandatory
imminent danger to the safety and health of workers in OSH standards to eliminate or reduce OSH hazards
the workplace depending on the number of employees of the
• No person or entity shall obstruct, impede, delay or establishment, the nature of its business operations, and
otherwise render ineffective the orders of the Secretary the risk or hazard involved
of Labor and Employment or the Secretary’s duly • The Secretary of Labor shall institute new and updated
authorized representatives issued pursuant to the programs to ensure safe and healthy working conditions
authority granted under Article 128 of the Labor Code of in all workplaces especially in hazardous industries such
the Philippines, and no lower court or entity shall issue as, but not limited to, mining, fishing, construction, and
temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order maritime
or otherwise assume jurisdiction over any case involving
the enforcement orders Section 27: Employee’s Compensation Claim
• Any kind of self-assessment shall not take the place of • A worker may file claims for compensation benefit
labor inspection conducted by DOLE. However, arising out of work-related disability or death. Such
chartered cities may be allowed to conduct industrial claims shall be processed independently of the finding
safety inspection of establishments within their of fault, gross negligence or bad faith of the employer in
jurisdiction in coordination with DOLE, provided that, a proceeding instituted for the purpose. The employer
they have adequate facilities and competent personnel shall provide the necessary assistance to employees
for the purpose as determined by DOLE applying for claims
Section 24: Payment of Workers During Work Stoppage Section 28: Incentives to Employers and Workers
Due to Imminent Danger • There shall be established package of incentives under
• If stoppage of work due to imminent danger occurs as a such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by
result of the employer’s violation or fault, the employer the DOLE to qualified employers and workers to
shall pay the affected workers their corresponding recognize their efforts towards ensuring compliance with
wages during the period of such stoppage of work or OSH and general labor standards such as OSH training
suspension of operations packages, additional protective equipment, technical
• For purposes of payment of wages and any other guidance, recognition awards and other similar
liabilities arising from the WSO, the employer is incentives
presumed a party at fault if the WSO was issued Section 29: Prohibited Acts and Its Corresponding
secondary to an imminent danger situation which would Penalties
imperil the lives of the workers. A mandatory conference Any willful failure or refusal of an employer, contractor or
not later than 72 hours shall be held to determine subcontractor to comply with the following OSH standards
whether the WSO will be lifted or not below or with a compliance order issued by the Secretary of
Page 49 of 62
Labor and Employment or his/her authorized representative consideration the damage or injury caused and risk
shall be penalized of the administrative fines as follows involved including the severity and frequency of the OSH
computed on a per day basis until full compliance: violations and size of the establishment
• Fines collected pursuant to this Rules shall be utilized
for the operation of OSH initiatives incentivizing qualified
employers and workers in recognition of their efforts
towards ensuring compliance with OSH
Section 30: Updated DOLE Computerized Inspection
• The Secretary of Labor shall
maintain an updated labor
inspection system of
computerized gathering and
generation of real time data on
compliances, monitoring of
enforcement, and a system of
notification on workplace
accidents and injuries
Section 31: Inter-Government Coordination and
• The DOLE shall be primarily responsible for the
• Failure or refusal to comply with OSH standards or administration and enforcement of OSH laws,
compliance order shall be deemed willful when done regulations and standards in all establishments and
voluntarily, deliberately and intentionally workplaces to effectively implement the provisions of RA
• An employer, contractor or subcontractor who is found 11058
to have repeatedly violated the same prohibited act shall • There shall be established an Inter-government
be penalized of the corresponding fine plus an additional Coordination and Cooperation Committee composed of
fine equivalent to fifty percent (50%) thereof for every the DENR, DOE, DOT, DA, DPWH, DTI, DILG, DOH,
instance of repeat violation DICT, PEZA and all other government agencies,
• If any of the following acts is present and there is non- including local government units, within sixty (60) days
compliance, the penalty of one hundred thousand pesos from the issuance of this Rules
(₱100,000.00) administrative fine shall be imposed • It shall regularly convene at least once per quarter
separate and in addition to the daily administrative fine • There shall be developed an annual work plan and
imposed above: accomplishments to be submitted to SecLab. The funds
▪ Repeated obstruction, delay or refusal to provide the for the operation of the Inter-government Coordination
SecLab or any of its authorized representatives and Cooperation Committee shall be sourced from the
access to the covered workplace or refusal to allow fines collected under this Rules
access to relevant records and documents necessary
in determining compliance with OSH standards Section 32: Separability Clause
▪ Misrepresentation in relation to adherence to OSH • If any part, section or provision of this Rules shall be held
▪ Making retaliatory measures such as termination of invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not
employment, refusal to pay, reducing wages and affected by such declaration shall remain in full force and
benefits or in any manner discriminates against any effect
worker who has given information relative to the • Nothing in this Rules shall repeal any issuances which
inspection being conducted have more stringent measures issued by other
• When the violation exposes the worker to death, serious regulatory agencies for the achievement of safe and
injury or serious illness, the imposable penalty shall be health working conditions for workers
one hundred thousand pesos (₱100,000.00) OSH Program Development
• Should there be 2 or more be non-compliances, all • A safety and health program is a systematic plan to
penalties shall be imposed; provided that the total daily identify and control hazards and respond to
penalty shall not exceed one hundred thousand pesos emergencies.
(₱ 100,000.00) • It lays out responsibilities, resources, and procedures for
• The penalties shall be computed on a per day basis until keeping the workplace safety and healthy
full compliance reckoned from the date of the notice of
violation or service of the compliance order to the Role of Management in OSH Programming
employer without prejudice to the filing of a criminal or • Effective safety program can be achieved basically
civil case in the regular courts, as the case may be through control of people’s actions. Only top
• The RD shall, after due notice and hearing, impose the management has the authority to implement such
appropriate administrative fines taking into controls
Page 50 of 62
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Basic Components of Company OSH Program and Policy (DO 198-18, Chapter IV, Section 12)
1.0 Company Commitment to Comply with OSH Requirements
2.0 General Safety and Health Programs
▪ Safety and Health Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC)
▪ Medical Surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work-related diseases
▪ First-aid and emergency medical services
3.0 Promotion of Drug Free Workplace, Mental Health Services in the Workplace, Health Lifestyle
4.0 Prevention and Control of HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B
5.0 Composition and Duties of Health and Safety Committee
6.0 OSH Personnel and Facilities
7.0 Safety and Health Promotion, Training and Education
▪ Orientation of all workers on OSH
▪ Conduct of risk assessment, evaluation and control
▪ Continuing training on OSH for OSH personnel*
▪ Work Permit System*
8.0 Toolbox/Safety Meetings, Job Safety Analysis
9.0 Accident/Incident/Illness Investigation, Recording and Reporting
10.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11.0 Safety Signages
12.0 Dust control and management and regulation on activities such as building of temporary structures and lifting and operation of
electrical, mechanical, communications system and other requirements*
13.0 Welfare Facilities
14.0 Emergency and disaster preparedness and response plan to include the organization and creation of disaster control groups, business
continuity plan, and updating the hazard, risk and vulnerability assessment (as required)
Page 52 of 62
Delivering Drivers work alone May be unable to call for help if needed High Need a helper
product to Drivers have to Fatigue, short rest time between shifts Medium Policy on work
customers occasionally work long break
Drivers are often in very Increased chance of collision. Low Road safety
congested traffic program
Longer working hours Medium Work breaks
Drivers have to lift boxes Injury to back from lifting, reaching, High Given proper
when delivering products carrying, etc. orientation on
2.2 Medical Surveillance
The company will require all employees to undergo a baseline or initial medical health examination prior to assigning to a potentially
hazardous activity. The examination will include but not limited to the following:
a. Routine : ( ) CBC ( ) Chest X-ray ( ) Urinalysis ( ) Stool Exam
b. Special : ( ) Blood Chemistry ( ) ECG ( ) Others, please specify: ____________________
c. Schedule of annual medical examination : ( ) Q1 ( ) Q2 ( ) Q3 ( ) Q4
d. Is random drug testing conducted? Yes: ______ When (if yes): _______ No: ________
2.3 First-Aid, Health Care Medicines and Equipment Facilities
▪ How may treatment rooms/first aid rooms are existing in your company? ______
▪ How many clinics in the workplace? _______
▪ What hospital(s) are you affiliated with? _______
3.0 and 4.0 – Health Programs for the Promotion, Prevention and Control
This refers to: Drug-free Workplace in compliance to RA 9165, Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in compliance to (RA
8504) RA 11166, Tuberculosis in compliance to EO 187-03, Hepatitis B in compliance to DOLE Advisory No. 05 Series of 2010, Mental
Health in compliance to RA 11036.
Page 53 of 62
7.0 Safety and Health Promotion, Training and Education Provided to Workers
▪ Orientation of all workers on OSH
▪ Conduct of Risk Assessment, Evaluation and Control
▪ Continuing training on OSH for OSH personnel*
▪ Work Permit System*
(*) – Applicable for medium to high risk establishments with 10 to 50 workers and low to high risk establishments with 51 workers and
(Please attach additional sheet as necessary)
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• All work accidents or occupational illnesses, resulting in disabling conditions or dangerous occurrences shall be reported by the
employer to the DOLE Regional Office
• Employer shall notify the DOLE within 24 hours and provide the DOLE with the company’s incident report, when an accident results
in death or permanent total disability
For the purpose of notifying the DOLE, three reports are required to be submitted:
OSH Rule Report/Form Where to File When to File
Work Accident/Illness Report On or before the 30 days after the
(DOLE/BWC/IP-6 WAIR A & B) Two copies to be occurrence of the accident (per the latest
Rule 1050: Notification &
submitted to concerned issuance of BWC)
Keeping of Accidents &/or Annual Exposure Data Report
RO, copy-furnished
Occupational Illnesses (DOLE/BWC/IP-6b) On or before Jan 30 of the following yar
Fatal/Major Accident Within 24 hours
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• Seek appropriate medical care if there is: Sample Protocol for Screening Employees and Visitors
▪ Persistent fever • Temperature Check
▪ Difficulty of breathing ▪ 37.60C
▪ Weakness - Cannot enter building
▪ 37.50C
Duties of Employers
- Rest in isolated holding area for 5 minutes then
• Provide the necessary company policies for the
recheck temperature
prevention and control of Covid-19 in consultation with
• Higher than 37.50C – Cannot enter building
▪ Advocacy and IEC programs from reliable source • Still 37.50C – To be assessed by Doctor/Nurse
• Provide resources and materials needed to keep the • Lower than 37.50C – Accomplish Visitor’s Checklist
worker healthy and the workplace safe (masks, soap, ▪ 37.40C or lower
disinfectants, PPE, testing kit) - Accomplish Visitor’s Checklist
• Designate a safety officer to monitor Covid-19 • With yes response – To be assessed by Doctor/Nurse
prevention and control measures • No Yes response – Enter
• Enhance health insurance provision for workers Supplemental Guidelines
• Provide shuttle services and/or decent accommodation Coverage: All private establishments regardless of
on near-site location to lessen travel and people economic activity, including those located inside special
movement, when feasible economic zones and other areas under the jurisdiction of
• Enjoin the hiring from the local community Investment Promotion Agencies are covered also
• Put up a Covid-19 hotline and call center for employees Employer Obligations
Duties of Workers In addition to the minimum
• Comply with all workplace measures in place for the public health standards
prevention and control of Covid-19 (masks, physical under the Interim Guidelines,
distancing, frequent handwashing) employers are required to
• Observe proper respiratory etiquette comply with the following
• Cough and sneeze into tissue or into shirt sleeve additional standards in the
• Dispose used tissues properly workplace.
• Disinfect hands immediately after a cough or sneeze Workplace Safety and Health
Covid-19 Testing • Employers shall provide
• Employers may test their employees with
workers for Covid-19 psychosocial support to
increase the latter’s
• Testing of workers and
mental resilience and promote work-life balance
interpretation of results
through proper scheduling of activities and workforce
shall be in accordance
with DOH Memorandum
No. 2020-0180 and • Aside from the mandatory wearing of face masks,
Administrative Order No. observance of physical distancing, and frequent
2020-0014 disinfection, all employees are now required to use face
shields in the workplace
Most at Risk Workers and Vulnerable Groups • Display of signages/visual cues and reminders to
• Employer are highly encouraged to allow most at risk practice proper handwashing and other hygiene
workers and vulnerable groups to do work from home behaviors among employees is mandatory
arrangement • Large and medium sized private establishment are
▪ Most at risk workers: >60 years old or of any age with enjoined to provide services for their employees
co-morbidities or pre-existing illness • Adequate ventilation should be strictly enforced inside
• Work arrangements should be developed to detail the the workplace and inside the shuttle service
worker’s deliverables and there shall be no diminution in • The OSH Committee shall facilitate webinars, virtual
wages or benefits lectures and trainings related to COVID-19 to be
Assistance and Reporting attended by employees and the management
• DTI and DOLE shall extend assistance and technical • Designated smoking areas in the workplace shall be
support to all workplaces, employers and workers in provided with individual “booths,” subject to the
complying with the guidelines applicable requirements and standards
• The employer shall provide the DOLE through its • The most-at-risk population for COVID-19 in the
Regional Office, copy furnished the DOH, monthly workplace (i.e., senior citizens, pregnant women,
reporting of illness, diseases and injuries utilizing the individuals with co-morbidities or underlying health
DOLE Work Accident/Illness Report Form (WAIR) conditions) and those below 21 years old, shall
continue to observe work-from-home arrangements
Page 60 of 62
▪ They may be allowed to report physically to work • All employees experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
when needed occasionally, provided they secure a and those who are close contacts of COVID-19 cases
certificate of fit to work from the OSH personnel shall undergo RT-PCR test
and they must stay in the workplace only for a • Symptomatic employees with travel/exposure to
specified number of hours COVID-19 shall undergo fourteen (14) days
• Mass gathering in the workplace is restricted and they quarantine. Upon its completion and prior to return to
should adopt a staggered meal schedules work, the employee shall present to the employer a
Certificate of Quarantine Completion from the step-
Management of Cases in the Workplace down care facility or local health office
• Asymptomatic employees returning to work are not
required nor recommended to undergo RT-PCR or
antibody-based tests
Notification and Reporting
• Even before testing, the OSH Officer/employer must
report COVID-19 positive employees, symptomatic
employees, and their close contacts, to the local health
office having jurisdiction over the workplace and the
Barangay Health Emergency Team of their place of
• As much as practicable, employers shall minimize the • Reporting to the DOLE shall be made in accordance
duration of customer transaction to less than 15 with the Interim Guidelines
• Employers shall ensure that employees have access to Disinfection and Closure of Buildings/Workplaces
telemedicine services. Large and medium sized private
enterprises are strongly encouraged to provide their
own telemedicine services, in the absence of an HMO
• Large and medium sized private establishments and
establishments with multiple tenants are now
mandated to designate an isolation area of one room
for every 200 employees. The isolation area shall have
adequate ventilation, chairs, and a dedicated restroom
• Private establishments unable to establish an isolation • If one (1) confirmed case of COVID-19 is detected in
area may make arrangements with a temporary the workplace, the facility shall be disinfected. The
treatment and monitoring facility nearby or with the building must be locked down for 24 hours prior to
Barangay Local Government Unit (LGU), for immediate disinfection to lessen transmission to sanitation
referral of employees who fulfill the criteria for isolation personnel, and may only be reopened 24 hours after
the disinfection process
Contact Tracing • In case of case clustering, or when there are two or
more confirmed cases from the same area/facility
whether in the same/different office spaces, employers
are encouraged to develop their own company policies
on the temporary closure of the workplace, disinfection,
and more extensive contact tracing. Employers must
also abide by the directives/advice of their LGU on
building closure
• Employers shall ensure strict compliance with the Leaves of Absence and Entitlements
protocols established by the DOH and LGUs for contact • Employers are highly encouraged to provide sick leave
tracing of employees in close contact with a COVID-19 benefits, medical insurance coverage, including
case. Referral of symptomatic individuals shall be supplemental pay allowance, for COVID-19 RT-PCR
coordinated to the nearest health care facility. test confirmed employees or close contacts made to
Customers, including visitors, entering private undergo a 14-day quarantine
establishments/business premises shall be required to
accomplish the Contact Tracing Form
• Employers shall explore the use of technology, such as
contactless forms
COVID-19 Testing
• Certain priority workers may be made to undergo RT-
PCR test in the indicated frequency under the
Supplemental Guidelines
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