Standard Material Specifications
Standard Material Specifications
Standard Material Specifications
IN-42.1 2 1/9 AQ
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IN-42.1 2 2/9 AQ
The information given hereafter for "Base Metal Quality" and "Welding" results from
AXENS/IFP experience in the field of hydro-processing and reforming units. Specific codes,
as well as Client and Engineering Contractor Standards may also influence the choice in
materials and methods. Therefore, the given specifications shall be conside red as minimum
requirements and should consequently be used by the Engineering Contractor during call -for-
The data given here, are defined in the aim at giving an appropriated quality and safety level
for these critical equipments. It should not in any case interfere with Contractor’s
specification relative to design, manufacturing and inspection of the equipment. In case of any
discrepancy between specifications, and for lack of any official derogating decision issued by
the Owner or the Contractor, then the more stringent requirement shall govern.
These specifications are to be applied to the equipment fabricated with 1.25Cr-0.5Mo low
alloyed steel and 1.25Cr-0.5Mo low alloyed steel weld overlaid or clad with austenitic
stainless steel and built in accordance with the ASME code as applicable.
ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 Pressure Vessels
ASME Section VIII, Div. 2 Pressure Vessels - Alternative rules
ASME Section II, Part A Ferrous Material Specifications
ASME Section II, Part D Properties
2.1 Base Material Plates
The plates to be used for the fabrication of the equipment shall comply with the basic
requirements of the ASME Sect. II, Part A & Part D specification SA-387 Gr. 11, Class 2 and
SA-20 supplemented by following additional requirements:
This document contains confidential proprietary material belonging to Axens which may only be made available
to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 3/9 AQ
C 0.15% max
P 0.010% max (target 0.008%)
S 0.005% max (target 0.002%)
O2 30ppm max 20ppm max (target 15ppm)
(*) H2 3ppm max 2ppm max (target 1ppm)
· While the other indications here below, given for information, are corresponding to
the typical chemical compositions which should also be met for such kind of
application (by Heat Analysis):
Typical limitations
Ni 0.25% max
Cu 0.15% max
Si 0.30% max
Al 0.04% max
V 0.010% max
Sn 0.010% max
As 0.012% max
Sb 0.004% max
N2 80 ppm max
Nb 0.010% max
Ti 0.01% max
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to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 4/9 AQ
Even if the risk of Temper Embrittlement is normally much more moderate for this grade than
for higher alloyed steels, the "J" factor shall verify the relation hereafter :
Note: For Creep range calculation, Yield and Ultimate Strength may be given for information
at the Owner/EPC discretion.
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to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 5/9 AQ
This document contains confidential proprietary material belonging to Axens which may only be made available
to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 6/9 AQ
3.1 General
The vessel Manufacturer shall not subcontract fabrication involving welding to others without
the written approval of the Contractor.
The plate, or forge edge preparation for welding as well as the nozzle openings will be carried
out by machining. Flame cutting may sometimes be allowed by the Contractor provided the
heat affected zone is completely removed by machining or grinding (ex: Nozzles openings in
shell or head)
Note: All the pressure retaining welds in hydrogen service, including the internals welded on
pressure parts, have to be full penetration type. If this is not possible, there will be a vent
drill-hole of the not welded area. External attachments are not concerned
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to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 7/9 AQ
Furthermore the high purity level of the steel shall be such that P, Sn, Sb and As be as low as
possible to meet BRUSCATO parameter in the weld deposit X:
Note : Contractor may require for some PMI (Positive Material Identification) to be applied
on deposited metal in the aim at checking the steel grade conformity.
High-Alloy clad materials shall be in accordance with the ASME Section II, Part A,
Specification SA-264 for Chromium-Nickel Steels.
Cladding shall be 3mm minimum thickness SA-240 or as specified on the drawings. A
140MPa minimum shear strength per SA-264 is required. The clad plate shall be
ultrasonically examined in accordance with SA-578 supplementary requirements S7 using
Level 1 acceptance criteria.
When required by the Owner/User, a method to evaluate the weld overlay for susceptibility to
hydrogen disbonding shall be agreed between the fabricator and owner/user. In such a case,
the Owner/User shall define testing requirements and acceptance criteria. An example of a
standard disbonding test may be found in ASTM G 146.
Welding processes are the same than in § 3-2, using strips or wires for SAW process.
GMAW process is not allowed, except for structural attachments welding on overlay.
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to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 8/9 AQ
FCAW with gas shielding may also be used for some limited location such as overlay on Cr-
Mo joint, internal support rings, etc.
Both of GMAW and FCAW processes shall be authorized by the Contractor. As the same
manner, the use of Electroslag (ESW) process remains subject to Contractor’s acceptance.
· Intermediate Heat treatments definition is under vessel vendor scope and shall be
approved by the Contractor,
· All welding will be completed before final PWHT excepted where special care has
been taken to avoid necessity of PWHT (buttering with high alloy deposits).
Note : Local PWHT shall not be permitted. In case of any furnace size limitation, vessel
Manufacturer shall obtain specific derogation from the Contractor to perform local
PWHT at the closing seam of shell.
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to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.
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IN-42.1 2 9/9 AQ
6.1. For vessels designed and constructed in accordance with the rules of ASME Section
VIII, Div.1, Inspection Plan and Testing Plan shall be submitted to Engineering (EPC) for
6.2. For vessels designed and constructed in accordance with the rules of ASME Section
VIII, Div.2, non destructive examination (NDE) as a minimum shall comply with the Table
6.3. Minimum requirements for NDE should typically include the following non-
destructive tests :
· Radiographic examination (RT) on all pressure welds (prior to PWHT only, provided
that UT is made before and after PWHT),
RT is not so effective after PWHT for detecting potential cracks. RT is sensitive for
volumetric flaw such as slugs inclusion but not sensitive for shape cracks which could
appear during PWHT. Nevertheless, the final decision, relative to RT examination
sequences, belongs to the Contractor.
· Ultrasonic examination (UT) for all pressure welds (prior/after PWHT and after
· Positive Material Identification (PMI) on all alloyed material if any (cladding, overlay,
· Mill test report shall be supplied for all materials,
· Magnetic Particles Examination (MT) after PWHT,
· Dye penetrant examination (PT) of all weld overlay surfaces after PWHT,
· Hardness measurement.
· In case of cladding and/or weld overlay, Ferrite checking (magnetic ferriscope) in
addition to ferrite evaluation based upon sampling and chemical analysis. Acceptance
criteria of ferrite content by magnetic ferriscope shall be 3% to 10%. Magnetic
instrument shall be calibrated and certified per AWS A4-2.
This document contains confidential proprietary material belonging to Axens which may only be made available
to personnel or organizations who have signed appropriate secrecy agreements.