Sains Teras Kertas 1
Sains Teras Kertas 1
Sains Teras Kertas 1
Diagram 1 shows the path way of an impulse in the human nervous coordination.
Rajah 1 / Diagram 1
Apakah X?
What is X?
A. Kelenjar C. Otak
Gland Brain
B. Tendon D. Otot
Tendon Muscles
A. Menari C. Membaca
Dance Reading
B. Berlari D. Peristalsis
Running Peristaltic
Rajah 2 / Diagram 2
Apakah fungsi P?
What is the function of P?
A. Mengawal kadar metabolisme badan
Control metabolic rate of the body
B. Menurunkan aras glukosa dalam darah
Lower the glucose level in blood
C. Meningkatkan kadar degupan jantung dan respirasi
Increase the rate of the heart beat and respirasion
D. Mengawal kadar penyerapan air oleh ginjal
Control the rate of absorption of water by the kidneys
4. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan kesan sejenis dadah.
The following information shows the effect of a type of drug
A. Opiat C. Peransang
Opiate Stimulants
B. Penenang D. Halusinogen
Depressan Hallucinogen
Rajah 3 / Diagram 3
Urutan yang manakah betul?
Which sequence is correct?
A. P, Q, S, R
B. S, Q, R, P
C. Q, S, R, P
D. P, S, Q, R
Rajah 4 / Diagram 4
Antara berikut, yang manakah anak lelaki?
Which of the following are boys?
A. K, M dan N C. K dan L
K, M and N K and L
B. L dan M D. M dan N
L and M M and N
7. Aishah mempunyai dua rakan baik yang bernama Aina dan Alia. Walaupun mereka kembar,
kedua-duanya mempunyai rupa paras yang berbeza. Apakah jenis kembar tersebut?
Aishah has two good friends named Aina and Alia. Although they are twins, both have different
appearances. What is the type of twins?
A. Anter C. Stigma
Anther Stigma
B. Hujung akar D. Hujung pucuk
Root tips Shoot tips
Gamet :
Rajah 5 / Diagram 5
A. 44 + XY 44 + XY
B. 44 + XY 44 + XX
C. 22 + X 22 + Y
D. 22 + X 22 + X
A. C.
B. D.
Atom X Atom Y Proton
Rajah 6 / Diagram 6
12. Suatu atom mempunyai 35 elektron dengan nombor nukleonnya, 79. Apakah nombor proton
dan bilangan neutron bagi atom itu?
An atom has 35 electrons with nucleon number, 79. What is the proton number and number of
neutrons of that atoms?
Rajah 7 / Diagram 7
A. Kuprum tak tulen Kuprum tulen Larutan argentum nitrat
Impure copper Pure copper Silver nitrate solution
B. Argentum tak tulen Argentum tulen Larutan argentum nitrat
Impure silver Pure silver Silver nitrate solution
C. Kuprum tulen Kuprum tak tulen Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat
Pure copper Impure copper Copper(II) sulphate solution
D. Kuprum tak tulen Argentum tulen Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat
Impure copper Pure silver Copper(II) sulphate solution
14. Rajah 8 menunjukkan suatu sel ringkas
Jadual 1 menunjukkan bacaan voltmeter bagi empat pasangan logam
Diagram 8 shows a simple voltaic cell.
Table 1 shows voltmeter reading of four pair of metals.
Rajah 8 / Diagram 8
Pasangan logam
Bacaan voltmeter (V)
Pairs of metals
Voltmeter reading (V)
Kuprum Zink
Copper Zinc
Kuprum Kuprum
Copper Copper
Kuprum Magnesium
Copper Magnesium
Kuprum Besi
Copper Iron
Jadual 1 / Table 1
Pilih urutan yang betul bagi kereaktifan logam dalam tertib menaik.
Choose the correct sequence of the reactivity of metals in ascending order.
A. Magnesium, zink, besi, kuprum
Magnesium, zinc, iron, copper
B. Zink, kuprum, besi, magnesium
Zinc, copper, iron, magnesium
C. Kuprum, besi, zink, magnesium
Copper, iron, zinc, magnesium
D. Besi, magnesium, zink, kuprum
Iron, magnesium, zinc, copper
15. Antara sel yang berikut, yang manakah tidak boleh dicas semula?
Which of the following cell is not rechargeable?
16. Rajah 9 menunujukkan carta alir penjanaan arus elektrik daripada tenaga nuclear.
Diagram 9 shows the flow chart of generating electricity from nuclear energy.
Pembelahan nuclear Tekanan air tinggi di
di dalam reactor dalam reaktor Stim
Nuclear fission in the Highly pressured steam
reactor water in the reactor
Rajah 9 / Diagram 9
17. Seorang ahli sains mendapati simbol pada bekas Radium-224 telah hilang. Simbol manakah yang
patut di letakkan pada bekas tersebut?
A scientist has found out that the symbol on a Radium-224 container had lost. Which symbol
should be used on the container?
A. C.
B. D.
18. Manakah anatara berikut merupakan fenimena yang terhasil daripada penyebaran cahaya?
Which of the following is the phenomenon caused by the dispersion of light?
19. Rajah 10 menunjukkan objek yang diletakkan di hadapan kanta P. Jarak focus kanta P ialah 2cm.
Diagram 10 shows an object which is palced in front of lens P. the focal length of lens P is 2cm.
Objek 2F F F 2F
Kanta P
Lens P
Rajah 10 / Diagram 10
Manakah antara jawapan berikut adalah benar tentang imej objek yang terbentuk?
Which of the following answer is correct about the image of object formed?
20. Seorang pelajar mengikuti lawatan ke sebuah zoo bersama keluarganya. Dia mendapati burung
merak jantan mempunyai bulu yang lebih cantik daripada bulu burung merak betina.
A student went to the zoo with his family. He saw that the male peacock feathers are more
beautiful than the female peacock feathers
Mengapakah burung merak jantan mempunyai bulu yang berwarna-warni dan menarik?
Why does a male peacock have colourful and attractive feathers?
White screen
Skrin putih
Rajah 11 / Diagram 11
A. Biru / Blue Kuning / Yellow
B. Hijau / Green Biru / Blue
C. Kuning / Yellow Hijau / Green
D. Hijau / Green Kuning / Yellow
22. Rajah 12 menunjukkan barangan perhiasan yang diperbuat daripada sejenis aloi. Apakah aloi
Diagram 12 shows decorative items that are made of alloy. What is the alloy?
Rajah 12 / Diagram 12
A. Keluli C. Loyang
Steel Brass
B. Pewter D. Duralumin
Pewter Duralumin
A. Gangsa C. Duralumin
Bronze Duralumin
B. Keluli D. Loyang
Steel Brass
25. Persamaan perkataan dibawah menunjukkan penghasilan ammonia dalam proses haber.
The word equation below shows the production of ammonia in the haber process.
Gas X + Gas Y Ammonia
Gas X Gas Y
A. Oksigen / Oxygen Hidrogen / Hydrogen
B. Hidrogen / Hydrogen Klorin / Chlorine
C. Klorin / Chlorine Nitrogen / Nitrogen
D. Nitrogen / Nitrogen Hidrogen / Hydrogen
Apakah mikroorganisma X?
What is microorganism X?
A. Bakteria C. Virus
Bacteria Virus
B. Protozoa D. Kulat
Protozoa Fungi
27. Apakah suhu optimum bagi mikroorganisma untuk bertumbuh dan membiak dengan cepat?
What is the optimum temperature for microorganisms to grow and multiply quickly?
A. 37 °C C. 100 °C
B. 0 ° C D. 60 ° C
29. Apabila seseorang individu yang pernah menghidap cacar air, ia tidak akan menghidapi penyakit
tersebut semula. Apakah jenis keimunan yang diperolehinya?
When an individual who has had chickenpox, it will not suffer from the disease again. What kind
of immunity does it get?
Seorang murid mengambil 100g telur, 300g nasi goreng dan 250g susu untuk sarapannya.
Berapakah jumpah tenaga yang diperolehinya?
A student takes 100g of eggs, 300g of fried rice and 250g of milk for breakfast. How much
energy did he get?
A. 3750 kJ C. 3757 kJ
B. 3575 kJ D. 4575 kJ
32. Apakah kesan kekurangan fosforus ke atas pertumbuhan tumbuhan?
What is the effect of phosphorus deficiency on plant growth?
A. Pendenitratan
B. Tindakan kilat
Lightning action
C. Serapan oleh akar tumbuhan
Uptake by plant root
D. Penguraian oleh bakteria penitratan
Decomposition by nitrate bacteria
34. Antara berikut, yang manakah kesan pembebasan kloroflorokarbon (CFC) yang berlebihan ?
Which of the following is the effect of excessive chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) release?
35. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan sumber-sumber bahan pencemaran X?
The following information shows the sources of pollutants X?
• Peti sejuk / Refrigerator
• Alat penghawa dingin / Air Conditioner
• Penyembur Aerosol / Aerosol Sprayer
36. Apakah cara yang paling sesuai untuk mengurangkan kesan daripada aktiviti pembalakan?
What is the best way to minimize the impact of logging activities?
Apakah X ?
What is X?
A. Etanol C. Asid
Ethanol Acid
B. Ester D. Polimer
Ester Polymer
39. Antara A, B, C dan D berikut, bahagian manakah yang menghasilkan minyak yang paling banyak?
Which of the following part A, B, C and D, which part produces the most oil?
Arah gerakan
Direction of motion
Rajah 14 / Diagram 14
41. Rajah 15 menunjukkan trek bagi acara larian 200m. Seorang atlet telah menamatkan larian
acara tersebut dalam masa 30s.
Diagram 15 shows a track for a 200 m event. An athlete has finished the race in 30s.
Rajah 15 / Diagram 15
Berapakah laju atlet itu?
What is the speed of the athlete?
[ Laju = jarak ] / [ Speed = distance ]
masa time
Rajah 16 / Diagram 16
Berapakah magnitude daya yang perlu dikenakan pada piston L untuk mengangkat beban X.
What is the magnitude of the force to be exerted on piston L in order to lift load X?
A. 2 N C. 60 N
B. 40 N D. 160 N
43. Rajah 17 menunjukkan perubahan dalam struktur molekul getah asli apabila ia diregang dan
Diagram 17 shows the change in the molecular structure of natural rubber when it is stretched
and released.
Rajah 17 / Diagram 17
A. Lembut C. Kenyal
Soft Elastic
B. Melekit D. Mudah dipatahkan
Sticky Easily snapped
44. Ali bergerak menghantar TV kepada kawannya dengan menggunakan kereta. Apakah bahan
pembungkus yang sesuai untuk melindungi TV tersebut daripada hentakan dan gegaran semasa
Ali wants to send his portable TV to his friend by car. Which is the best packing material to
protect the TV from shock and vibration during transportation?
Plastik manakah yang mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut?
Which plastic has these characteristics?
A. Bakelit C. Politena
Bakelite Polythene
B. Perspek D. Nilon
Perspex Nylon
Rajah 18 / Diagram 18
Apakah bahan kimia yang digunakan sebagai pengemulasi dalam makanan ini?
What is the chemical added as emulsifier in the food?
47. Ibu Azmi membeli 2kg ikan. Dia hendak menyimpan ikan tersebut untuk empat bulan pada suhu
bilik. Manakah antara kaedah berikut yang terbaik untuk mengawet ikan?
Azmi’s mother bought 2kg of fish. She wants to keep them for four months at room temperature.
Which of the following is the best method for her to preserve the fish?
48. Rajah 19 menunjukkan label makanan yang diproses.
Diagram 19 shows the label of a processed food.
Rajah 20 / Diagram 20
Apakah maklumat lain yang perlu dicetak pada label makanan mengikut Akta Makanan 1983
dan Peraturan makanan 1985?
What other information should be printed on the label as required by the Food Act 1983 and
Food Regulation 1985?
49. Antara symbol bagi alat elektronik yang berikut, manakah yang berfungsi menguatkan isyarat
Which of the following electronic component symbols which function is to increases electrical
Rajah 20 / Diagram 20