DBLCI Commodity Indices: DBIQ Index Guide

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6 March 2008

DBIQ Index Guide Primer

Research Team

DBLCI Commodity Indices Daniel J Arnold

Global Markets Research

Research Analyst
(+44) 20 754-74849

Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodities Indices (DBLCI) includes the benchmark

DBLCI, systematic strategy DBLCI-MR and single commodity indices.
The DBLCI index tracks the performance of six commodity futures: Sweet Light
Crude Oil (WTI), Heating Oil, Aluminium, Gold, Wheat and Corn.
All DBLCI indices are available in USD and hedged/un-hedged in EUR, JPY and
DBLCI MR index invests in the same six commodities as the DBLCI. The weights
of the commodities in the DBLCI MR index are systematically adjusted depending
on the relative richness or cheapness of the commodity.

Figure 1: DBLCI and DBLCI MR Excess Return Index Levels

900 DBLCI - MR









1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Source: Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank AG/London

All prices are those current at the end of the previous trading session unless otherwise indicated. Prices are sourced from
local exchanges via Reuters, Bloomberg and other vendors. Data is sourced from Deutsche Bank and subject companies.
Deutsche Bank does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Thus, investors should
be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report.
Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision.

Independent, third-party research (IR) on certain companies covered by DBSI's research is available to customers of
DBSI in the United States at no cost. Customers can access this IR at http://gm.db.com, or call 1-877-208-6300 to
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6 March 2008 DBIQ Index Guide

DBLCI Commodity Indices

The Deutsche Bank suite of commodities indices includes the Deutsche Bank Liquid
Commodities (DBLCI) benchmark index, the DBLCI MR Strategy index and individual DBLCI
commodity indices. Both excess return (unfunded) and total return (funded) index levels
based in USD are available. Further to this, hedged and un-hedged levels are available in EUR,
GBP and JPY.

The DBLCI index tracks the performance of six commodity futures: Sweet Light Crude Oil
(WTI), Heating Oil, Aluminium, Gold, Wheat and Corn. These cover the biggest commodity
sectors and are held in fixed notional amounts which reflect world production and inventories
in these sectors.

The DBLCI MR index invests in the same six commodities as the DBLCI. The weights of the
commodities in the DBLCI MR index are systematically adjusted depending on the relative
richness or cheapness of each commodity. The commodity weight is linked to the ratio
between a one-year and five-year moving average price. Relatively expensive commodities
have lower weights; conversely, relatively cheap commodities have higher weights.

DBLCI and DBLCI MR indices excluding Gold are also available. These follow a similar
methodology to the standard indices except they do not include the Gold contract.

The six DBLCI individual commodity indices track the performance of the single
commodities. The rules and procedures for these indices are the same as with the DBLCI
except all the index holding is in a single commodity.

The commodity futures used in the indices are traded on some of the largest and most
transparent exchanges in the world. The maturity of each instrument and the roll frequency
have been chosen to enhance the returns of the index and to track the underlying cash
commodities as closely as possible. Sweet Light Crude Oil (WTI) and Heating Oil are rolled
on a monthly basis. Aluminium, Gold, Wheat and Corn are rolled on an annual basis over the
same period as the annual rebalancing.

In the annual rebalancing all commodities have their future contracts rolled. For the DBLCI
index the commodity weights are also reset to their rebalancing weights. Throughout the rest
of the year the commodity weights for the DBLCI fluctuate as prices move. Since November
2004 the annual rebalancing occurs between the 2nd and 6th index business day of
November. Prior to November 2004 the annual rebalancing occurred between the 2nd and
6th index business day of December. The DBLCI rebalancing weights are defined in Figure 2.
These weights are used as reference rates for the DBLCI MR index. The Ex Gold indices’
commodity weights are increased proportionally from the standard index weights.

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Figure 2: DBLCI Commodity Membership List

Rebalancing W eights
Commodity Symbol Exchange Standard Ex Gold
Sweet Light Crude Oil (W TI) CL NYMEX 35.00% 38.89%
Heating Oil HO NYMEX 20.00% 22.22%
Precious Metals
Gold GC COMEX 10.00% 0.00%
Base Metals
Aluminium MAL LME 12.50% 13.89%
Corn C CBOT 11.25% 12.50%
W heat W CBOT 11.25% 12.50%
Source: Deutsche Bank

The index is calculated on each index business day using the exchange closing prices. Index
business days are weekdays when banks in NYC are open. If it is an exchange holiday but an
index business day, the exchange close price from the previous index business day is used.

Historical Analysis
Historic daily index levels are available from 01-Dec-1988. From March 2003, closing price
data for the underlying commodities have been captured from the exchanges. Prior to March
2003, the sources LIM, Bloomberg, and Reuters were used to obtain the closing price data.
The index calculation methodology and commodity future selection are the same prior to and
following March 2003.

Figure 3: DBLCI Excess Return Index Statistics

Historical Return Summary Monthly Return Analysis Annualised Return Data
Annualised Sharpe Monthly No. +ve % of +ve
Return Volatility Ratio Return Months Months 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years
DBLCI 10.13% 18.91% 0.54 0.96% 123 53.2% 11.00% 14.59% 18.84% 17.86%
DBLCI - MR 12.23% 16.38% 0.75 1.09% 121 52.4% 12.59% 15.03% 26.02% 30.02%
DBLCI Ex gold 10.82% 20.49% 0.53 1.04% 124 53.7% 11.35% 14.75% 18.76% 17.09%
DBLCI - MR Ex Gold 12.39% 17.80% 0.70 1.13% 125 54.1% 12.55% 14.52% 25.73% 29.34%
DBLCI CL 15.07% 31.26% 0.48 1.60% 134 58.0% 13.54% 18.86% 17.11% 6.94%
DBLCI HO 10.04% 31.16% 0.32 1.22% 128 55.4% 9.12% 15.83% 13.96% 7.58%
DBLCI MAL -0.91% 17.35% -0.05 0.06% 101 43.7% 4.92% 7.59% 20.45% 23.11%
DBLCI GC 0.13% 13.24% 0.01 0.09% 104 45.0% 3.64% 8.55% 18.27% 23.88%
DBLCI C -3.79% 19.01% -0.20 -0.15% 116 50.2% -2.21% -5.42% 6.35% 17.70%
DBLCI W 3.21% 20.85% 0.15 0.46% 122 52.8% 4.47% 2.84% 23.21% 40.59%
Source: Deutsche Bank, Returns between Index Dec 1988 and 29-Feb-2008. This data does not include transaction costs.

Index Calculation and Rules

Index Calculation
The excess return is equal to the percentage change of the underlying commodity futures
market values. On a normal index calculation day there will be six commodity futures
contracts in the DBLCI and DBLCI MR indices. During the annual rebalancing period both the
old and new contracts are present for each commodity, resulting in twelve commodity
futures contracts in the index. During the monthly roll periods of Sweet Light Crude Oil and
Heating Oil, both new and old commodity contracts are present for these commodities. This
results in eight commodity contracts being present in the DBLCI and DBLCI MR indices. The
DBLCI single commodity indices have two contracts throughout roll periods and one contract
on other days.
The excess return index level in USD is expressed as

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∑ PC (t , i) * N (t − 1, i)
ILer (t ) = i
* ILer (t − 1)
∑ PC (t − 1, i) * N (t − 1, i)

ILer(t) = Excess Return Index level on day t
ILer(t-1) = Excess Return Index level on index calculation day t-1
PC(t,i) = Close price of commodity future i on day t
PC(t-1,i) = Close price of commodity future i on index calculation day t-1
N(t-1,i) = Notional holding of commodity future i on index calculation day t-1
The total return index level in USD is expressed as

⎛ ILer (t ) ⎞
+ Rt (t ) ⎟⎟ * (1 + Rt (t ) )
d ( t ,t −1)
ILtr (t ) = ⎜⎜ * ILtr (t − 1)
⎝ ILer (t − 1) ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
−⎜ ⎟
⎛ 91 ⎞ ⎝ 91 ⎠
Rt (t ) = ⎜1 − y (t − 1) ⎟ −1
⎝ 360 ⎠
ILtr(t) = Total Return Index level on day t
ILtr(t-1) = Total Return Index level on index calculation day t-1
Rt(t) = T-bill return on day t
d(t,t-1) = Number of calendar days between day t and index calculation day t-1
excluding day t
y(t-1) = 3-month benchmark T-bill yield on index calculation day t-1
Hedged and Un-Hedged Index Levels

The total return hedged and un-hedged index levels are calculated based on WM FX data.
The hedged and un-hedged indices are calculated on a month-to-date basis.

The return from the FX hedge is accrued over the month on an ACT/ACT basis. The hedged
index is expressed as

ILh(t ) = [1 + Re tIL(t ) + Re tIL(t ) * FXr (t ) + FXhr (t )]* ILh(r )

The un-hedged index is expressed as

ILuh(t ) = (1 + Re tIL(t ) ) * (1 + FXr (t ) ) * ILuh(r )


ILh(t) = Hedged total return index level on day t

ILh(r) = Hedged total return index level on last calendar day of last month r
ILuh(t) = Un-hedged total return index level on day t
ILuh(r) = Un-hedged total return index level on last calendar day of last month r
ILl (t )
Re tIL(t ) = −1
ILl (r )
ILl(t) = Local total return index level on day t
ILl(r) = Local total return index level on last calendar day of last month r
FX (t )
FXr (t ) = −1
FX (r )

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FX(t) = FX rate on day t quoted Index Currency: Hedge Currency

FX(r) = FX rate on last calendar day of last month r quoted Index Currency:
Hedge Currency
⎛ FXh(r ) ⎞ dy (t )
FXhr (t ) = ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ *
⎝ FX (r ) ⎠ TD
FXh(r) = One-month FX forward rate on last calendar day of last month r quoted
Index Currency: Hedge Currency
dy(t) = Number of calendar days between t and last calendar day of last month r
TD = Number of calendar days in month

Excess return hedged index levels are calculated based on WM FX data. The excess return
hedged index levels represent the returns of the USD excess returns converted into the
target currency. Excess return un-hedged index levels are not calculated. The indices are
calculated on a month-to-date basis. For all indices except DBLCI ER EUR Hedged prior to 11-
Feb-2008 the excess return hedged levels were calculated using the same methodology as
the total return indices. For DBLCI ER EUR Hedged prior to 01-Mar-2008 the excess return
hedged levels were calculated using the same methodology as the total return indices.

The hedged index is expressed as

ILher (t ) = (1 + Re tIL(t ) + Re tILer (t ) * FXr (t ) ) * ILher (r )


ILher(t) = Hedged excess return index level on day t

ILher(r) = Hedged excess return index level on last calendar day of last month r
ILler (t )
Re tILer (t ) = −1
ILler (r )
ILler(t) = Local excess return index level on day t
ILler(r) = Local excess return index level on last calendar day of last month r
FX (t )
FXr (t ) = −1
FX (r )
FX(t) = FX rate on day t quoted Index Currency: Hedge Currency
FX(r) = FX rate on last calendar day of last month r quoted Index Currency:
Hedge Currency

DBLCI Benchmark Index Rebalancing and Rolls

Commodity future positions are adjusted during the annual index rebalancing period and the
monthly index rolls. The rebalancing and rolls occur between the 2nd and 6th index business
day of the month.
When neither an annual index rebalancing nor a monthly index roll is occurring, the notional
holding of each commodity future remains constant.

N (t , i ) = N (t − 1, i )
Annual Index Rebalancing Period
The annual index rebalancing takes place between the 2nd and 6th business day of the
rebalancing month. From November 2004 the rebalancing month is November; prior to
November 2004 it is December. The new Sweet Light Crude Oil (CL) and Heating Oil (HO)
futures contracts are selected as the future contracts with an expiry month two months
following the rebalancing month. The new Gold (GC), Aluminium (MAL), Corn (C) and Wheat
(W) futures contracts are selected as the future contracts with an expiry in the December of
the following year.

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On each day during the rebalancing period the new notional holding of each commodity is
calculated. The calculations for the old commodities that are leaving the index and the new
commodities that are entering are different.
An equal amount of the notional holding of the old contract is sold each day over the five day
roll period. The notional of the old commodities is expressed as:

6 − db(t )
N (t , i ) = N (t − 1, i ) *
7 − db(t )
The notional of the new commodities is expressed as:

MVo(t ) * CW ( j )
N (t , j ) = N (t − 1, j ) +
PC (t , j ) * (7 − db(t ))
MVo(t ) = ∑ PC (t , i ) * N (t − 1, i )

N(t-1,i) = Notional holding of old commodity future i on index calculation day t-1
N(t,i) = Notional holding of old commodity future i on index calculation day t
N(t-1,j) = Notional holding of new commodity future j on index calculation
day t-1
N(t,j) = Notional holding of new commodity future j on index calculation day t
db(t) = Number of index business days in the month up to and including day t
MVo(t) = Total market value of all old commodities in index on day t
CW(j) = Rebalancing weight for commodity j
PC(t,i) = Close price of old commodity future i on day t
PC(t,j) = Close price of new commodity future j on day t

Monthly Index Roll Period

On each month that is not an annual index rebalancing, the monthly index roll occurs. This
takes place between the 2nd and 6th business day of the month. During the roll, the old
commodity future contracts for Sweet Light Crude Oil and Heating Oil are substituted with
new contracts. The new Sweet Light Crude Oil and Heating Oil contracts are selected as the
contracts that expire in two months.
On each day during the roll period the new notional holdings of the Sweet Light Crude Oil
and Heating Oil contracts are calculated. The calculations for the old commodities that are
leaving the index and the new commodities that are entering are different.
The notional of the old commodities is expressed as:

6 − db(t )
N (t , i, c) = N (t − 1, i, c) *
7 − db(t )
The notional of the new commodities is expressed as:

PC (t , i, c) * N (t − 1, i, c)
N (t , j , c) = N (t − 1, j , c) +
PC (t , j , c) * (7 − db(t ))
N(t-1,i,c) = Notional holding of old commodity future i of commodity type c on index
calculation day t-1
N(t,i,c) = Notional holding of old commodity future i of commodity type c on index
calculation day t
N(t-1,j,c) = Notional holding of new commodity future j of commodity type c on
index calculation day t-1

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N(t,j,c) = Notional holding of new commodity future j of commodity type c on

index calculation day t
db(t) = Number of index business days in the month up to and including day t
PC(t,i,c) = Close price of old commodity future i of commodity type c on day t
PC(t,j,c) = Close price of new commodity future j of commodity type c on day t
For all other commodity future contracts the notional holding of the commodity future
remains constant.

N (t , i ) = N (t − 1, i )
Initial Index Notional
The index inception date is 01-Dec-1988. On this date the initial commodity notionals were
calculated using:

100 * CW (i )
N (t , i ) =
PC (t , i )
N(t,i) = Notional holding of commodity future i on index calculation day t
CW(i) = Rebalancing weight for commodity i
PC(t,i) = Close price of commodity future i on day t
DBLCI MR Index Rebalancing and Rolls
The DBLCI MR index has a systematic weight strategy based on the commodities’ moving
averages. The systematic weight changes occur when a divergence tick for one of the
commodities changes. As with the DBLCI benchmark index, commodity future positions are
adjusted during the annual index rebalancing period and the monthly index rolls. The
rebalancing and rolls occur between the 2nd and 6th index business day of the month.
Systematic weight changes cannot occur during the rebalancing or roll periods.
When neither an annual index rebalancing nor a monthly index roll nor a systematic weight
change is occurring, the notional holding of each commodity future remains constant.

N (t , i ) = N (t − 1, i )
Annual Index Rebalancing and Monthly Index Roll Periods
The commodity weights are maintained throughout the annual rebalancing and monthly roll
periods. The calculation of the notional holding for each commodity contract is the same for
the annual rebalancing and monthly roll.
The annual index rebalancing takes place between the 2nd and 6th business day of the
rebalancing month. From November 2004 the rebalancing month is November; prior to
November 2004 it is December. The new Sweet Light Crude Oil (CL) and Heating Oil (HO)
futures contracts are selected as the future contracts with an expiry month two months
following the rebalancing month. The new Gold (GC), Aluminium (MAL), Corn (C) and Wheat
(W) futures contracts are selected as the future contracts with an expiry in the December of
the following year.
On each month that is not an annual index rebalancing, the monthly index roll occurs. This
takes place between the 2nd and 6th business day of the month. During the roll, the old
commodity future contracts for Sweet Light Crude Oil and Heating Oil are substituted with
new contracts. The new Sweet Light Crude Oil and Heating Oil contracts are selected as the
contracts that expire in two months.
On each day during the rebalancing/roll period the new notional holding of each commodity
that is being rebalanced/rolled is calculated. The calculations for the old commodities that are
leaving the index and the new commodities that are entering are different.
The notional of the old commodities is expressed as:

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6 − db(t )
N (t , i, c) = N (t − 1, i, c) *
7 − db(t )
The notional of the new commodities is expressed as:

PC (t , i, c) * N (t − 1, i, c)
N (t , j , c) = N (t − 1, j , c) +
PC (t , j , c) * (7 − db(t ))
N(t-1,i,c) = Notional holding of old commodity future i of commodity type c on index
calculation day t-1
N(t,i,c) = Notional holding of old commodity future i of commodity type c on index
calculation day t
N(t-1,j,c) = Notional holding of new commodity future j of commodity type c on
index calculation day t-1
N(t,j,c) = Notional holding of new commodity future j of commodity type c on
index calculation day t
db(t) = Number of index business days in the month up to and including day t
PC(t,i,c) = Close price of old commodity future i of commodity type c on day t
PC(t,j,c) = Close price of new commodity future j of commodity type c on day t
During the monthly roll, for all other commodity future contracts apart from Sweet Light
Crude Oil and Heating Oil the notional holding of the commodity future remains constant.

N (t , i ) = N (t − 1, i )
Systematic Weight Strategy
The systematic weight strategy is based on the commodity divergence ticks. The divergence
tick is a measure of the ratio of the 5yr and 1yr commodity moving average. The divergence
tick is expressed as:

⎛ MA1(t , i ) / MA5(t , i ) − 1 ⎞
dk (t , i ) = trunc⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ f ⎠
dk(t,i) = Divergence tick of commodity i on day t
MA1(t,i) = One-year moving average of commodity i on day t
MA5(t,i) = Five-year moving average of commodity i on day t
f = 0.05
The one-year moving average uses the new commodity price from the first business day in
the rebalancing/roll month. Prior to December 1988 the one-year average was based off a DB
approximation. This average was proportionally weighted in the moving average calculation
until December 1989.
The five-year moving average uses the new commodity price from the first of either the day
after the old contract’s expiry or the first business day in the month following the
rebalancing/roll. Prior to December 1988 the five-year average was based off a DB
approximation. This average was proportionally weighted in the moving average calculation
until December 1993.
When a divergence tick for a commodity changes between t-1 and t, the new target weight
is calculated. The target weight is expressed as:

CW (i ) * e − dk ( t ,i )*k
W (t , i ) =
∑ CW ( j ) * e −dk (t , j )*k

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W(t,i) = Target weight of commodity i on day t
k = 0.3
The DBLCI MR commodities weights will rebalance on the next business day, provided this is
not a rebalancing/roll date. The new notional is expressed as:

100 * W (t , i )
N (t + 1, i ) =
PC (t + 1, i )
Initial Index Notional
The index inception date is 01-Dec-1988. On this date the initial commodity notionals were
calculated using:

100 * CW (i )
N (t , i ) =
PC (t , i )
N(t,i) = Notional holding of commodity future i on index calculation day t
CW(i) = Rebalancing weight for commodity i
PC(t,i) = Close price of commodity future i on day t
DBLCI Single Commodity Index Rebalancing and Rolls
As with the DBLCI benchmark index, commodity future positions are adjusted during the
annual index rebalancing period. Monthly rolls only occur for the Sweet Light Crude Oil (CL)
and Heating Oil (HO) indices. The rebalancing and rolls occur between the 2nd and 6th index
business day of the month.
When neither an annual index rebalancing nor a monthly index roll nor a systematic weight
change is occurring, the notional holding of each commodity future remains constant.

N (t , i ) = N (t − 1, i )
Annual Index Rebalancing and Monthly Index Roll Periods
The annual index rebalancing takes place between the 2nd and 6th business day of the
rebalancing month. From November 2004 the rebalancing month is November; prior to
November 2004 it is December. The new Sweet Light Crude Oil (CL) and Heating Oil (HO)
futures contracts are selected as the future contracts with an expiry month two months
following the rebalancing month. The new Gold (GC), Aluminium (MAL), Corn (C) and Wheat
(W) futures contracts are selected as the future contracts with an expiry in the December of
the following year.
On each month that is not an annual index rebalancing, the monthly index roll occurs for the
Sweet Light Crude Oil (CL) and Heating Oil (HO) indices. This takes place between the 2nd
and 6th business day of the month. During the roll, the old commodity future contracts for
Sweet Light Crude Oil and Heating Oil are substituted with new contracts. The new Sweet
Light Crude Oil and Heating Oil contracts are selected as the contracts that expire in two
On each day during the rebalancing/roll period the new notional holding of each commodity
that is being rebalanced/rolled is calculated. The calculations for the old commodities that are
leaving the index and the new commodities that are entering are different.
The notional of the old commodities is expressed as:

6 − db(t )
N (t , i, c) = N (t − 1, i, c) *
7 − db(t )

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The notional of the new commodities is expressed as:

PC (t , i, c) * N (t − 1, i, c)
N (t , j , c) = N (t − 1, j , c) +
PC (t , j , c) * (7 − db(t ))
N(t-1,i,c) = Notional holding of old commodity future i of commodity type c on index
calculation day t-1
N(t,i,c) = Notional holding of old commodity future i of commodity type c on index
calculation day t
N(t-1,j,c) = Notional holding of new commodity future j of commodity type c on
index calculation day t-1
N(t,j,c) = Notional holding of new commodity future j of commodity type c on
index calculation day t
db(t) = Number of index business days in the month up to and including day t
PC(t,i,c) = Close price of old commodity future i of commodity type c on day t
PC(t,j,c) = Close price of new commodity future j of commodity type c on day t
Initial Index Notional
The index inception date is 01-Dec-1988. On this date the initial commodity notionals were
calculated using:

N (t , i ) =
PC (t , i )
N(t,i) = Notional holding of commodity future i on index calculation day t
PC(t,i) = Close price of commodity future i on day t

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Appendix 1
Important Disclosures
Additional information available upon request
For disclosures pertaining to recommendations or estimates made on a security mentioned in this report, please see
the most recently published company report or visit our global disclosure look-up page on our website at

Analyst Certification
The views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the undersigned lead analyst(s). In addition, the
undersigned lead analyst(s) has not and will not receive any compensation for providing a specific recommendation or view in
this report. Daniel J Arnold

Deutsche Bank debt rating key

CreditBuy (“C-B”): The total return of the Reference

Credit Instrument (bond or CDS) is expected to
outperform the credit spread of bonds / CDS of other
issuers operating in similar sectors or rating categories
over the next six months.
CreditHold (“C-H”): The credit spread of the
Reference Credit Instrument (bond or CDS) is expected
to perform in line with the credit spread of bonds / CDS
of other issuers operating in similar sectors or rating
categories over the next six months.
CreditSell (“C-S”): The credit spread of the Reference
Credit Instrument (bond or CDS) is expected to
underperform the credit spread of bonds / CDS of other
issuers operating in similar sectors or rating categories
over the next six months.
CreditNoRec (“C-NR”): We have not assigned a
recommendation to this issuer. Any references to
valuation are based on an issuer’s credit rating.

Reference Credit Instrument (“RCI”): The Reference

Credit Instrument for each issuer is selected by the
analyst as the most appropriate valuation benchmark
(whether bonds or Credit Default Swaps) and is detailed
in this report. Recommendations on other credit
instruments of an issuer may differ from the
recommendation on the Reference Credit Instrument
based on an assessment of value relative to the
Reference Credit Instrument which might take into
account other factors such as differing covenant
language, coupon steps, liquidity and maturity. The
Reference Credit Instrument is subject to change, at the
discretion of the analyst.

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Regulatory Disclosures
SOLAR Disclosure
For select companies, Deutsche Bank equity research analysts may identify shorter-term trade opportunities that are
consistent or inconsistent with Deutsche Bank's existing longer term ratings. This information is made available only to
Deutsche Bank clients, who may access it through the SOLAR stock list, which can be found at http://gm.db.com

Disclosures required by United States laws and regulations

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compensation for certain services; types of client relationships; managed/comanaged public offerings in prior periods;
directorships; market making and/or specialist role.

The following are additional required disclosures:

Ownership and Material Conflicts of Interest: DBSI prohibits its analysts, persons reporting to analysts and members of their
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Analyst compensation: Analysts are paid in part based on the profitability of DBSI, which includes investment banking
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