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Final Seminar - Automatic Multistoried Car Parking System

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Project Design Report On

“Automatic Multistoried Car Parking System”

Submitted In North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon In Partial
Fulfillment Of The Requirement For Bachelor Degree In Mechanical

Submitted By


Under The Guidance of


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shri Sant Gadge Baba College of Engineering and
Technology, Bhusawal



Bhusawal, 425203

This is to certify that Battise Nilesh V, Mishra Sushil Subodh, Atul

Chaudhari, DixitKumar Patel has partially completed their project design
for the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor’s Degree in the Mechanical
Engineering as prescribed by the North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon during
academic year 2016-17.



Prof. A.V. Patil Dr. R.P. Singh

[H.O.D.] [Principal]


We would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards my guide Prof. J.R.
CHAUDHARI for his constant guidance and encouragement during the semester. He always
appreciated whatever little progress we have achieved and continuously gave me much
required inspiration by sharing his precious knowledge and experience.
We also thanks to Prof. A.V. Patil, HOD Mechanical Engg. Dept. & Dr. R.B.
Barjibhe, Academic Dean for shearing their knowledge and experience. We sincerely thank
to all teaching as well Non-Teaching Faculty members of Mechanical Engineering
Department, SSGBCOET, BHUSAWAL for their support.
Last but not the least; we want to thank my family & all my friends for all their support.


Automatic multistoried car parking system helps to minimize the parking area. In
the modern world where parking space has become a very big problem, it has become very
important to avoid the wastage of space in modern big companies and apartments etc. in
places where more than 100 cars need to be parked, this system proves to be useful in
reducing wastage of space. This automatic car parking system enables the parking of
vehicles, floor after floor and thus reducing the space used. Here any number of cars can be
parked according to the requirement. These makes the system modernized and thus space-
saving one. This idea is developed using 8051 microcontroller.

Sr.No. List of contents Pg. No.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 1
2 Literature Review 3
3 Theory 5
3.1 How automated car parking systems work? 5
3.2 Working Principle 6
3.3 Robotic Parking Systems 6
3.3.1 Park Your Car 6
3.3.2 Retrieve Your Car
3.4 Benefits and Highlights 7
3.5 Safety 8
3.6 Tools Used 8
3.7 Components and description 8
3.7.1 2DC Motor 8
3.7.2 Permanent magnet D.C. generator 9
3.8 Design 9
3.9 Output power calculation 10
3.1 Cost estimation
0 Advantages


Fig. No. Figure Name

3.1 Step 1
3.2 Step 2
3.3 Step 3
3.4 Step 4
3.5 Step 5
3.6 Step 6
3.7 Step 7
3.8 Step 8
3.9 Step 9


Now days in many public places such as malls, multiplex systems, hospitals, offices,
market areas there is a crucial problem of car parking. The car-parking area has many
lanes/slots for car parking. So to park a car one has to look for all the lanes. Moreover this
involves a lot of manual labor and investment. So there is a need to develop an automated
parking system that indicates directly the availability of vacant parking slots in any lane right
at the entrance. The project involves a system including infrared transmitter- receiver pair in
each lane and an LED/ LCD display outside the car parking gate. So the person desirous to
park his vehicle is well informed about the status of availability of parking slot. Conventional
parking systems do not have any intelligent monitoring system and the parking lots are
monitored by security guards. A lot of time is wasted in searching vacant slot for parking and
many a times it creates jams. Conditions become worse when there are multiple parking
lanes and each lane with multiple parking slots. Use of parking management system would
reduce the human efforts and time with additional comfort. In the proposed system, the
display unit and the LEDs indicate the status of the parking lanes viz. a GREEN LED
indicates a vacant slot and a RED LED indicates the unavailability. The system would not
only save time but the software and hardware would also manage the Check-in and check-
outs of the cars under the control of RFID readers/ tags with additional features of automatic
billing, green communication, entry/exit data logging and obstacle indication during parking
using ultrasonic sensors.
1.1 Objective
Proposed parking system would save time and provide comfortable hazel free parking
experience to the users. Features of the parking management system are as listed below:
 Monitoring of parking space and updated indication of vacant parking slots.
 Assistance to the parking place via displays.
 Safe parking assistance using ultrasonic sensors.
 Automatic record of check-in and check-outs of the cars/vehicles under the control of
RFID readers/ tags.
 Concept of Green Communication (for energy conservation) i.e. need-based ON/OFF
facility of parking floor light.
 Entry- exit log book.
 Printed receipt using thermal printer.

 Parking charges display.

 Automated payment of parking charges from the users account.


Multi-storey car parks have a number of unique features that distinguish them from
other buildings or structures. A lack of understanding and recognition of these distinct
characteristics by designers and those responsible for inspection and maintenance is believed
to be the major cause of many of the common problems identified in these structures.
Parking structures are generally classified as either “static” or “automated”. The two
types of ramps that can be used are straight ramp and curve ramp. Five types of layout that
can be used in traditional parking structure includes parallel packing, perpendicular/ angle
90o, angle 60o, angle 45oand angle 30o. The floor level system can be flat on the same floor,
can be split level or staggered floor systems or sloping floor systems. For the design aspect,
there are numerous configurations of multi-storey car parks featuring different arrangements
of deck and ramp. The final selection of the configuration will be determined by the overall
size of the car park, the shape of the site and the use for which the car park is intended.
Starting from the planning dimensions, you consider the bay width, aisle width, ramp
dimensions, planning grid, alignment paths to exit barriers, means of escape distances, and
travel distances from the car to the destination, security, visibility, space allowances, lift
provision and payment system among other things.
In structural design, a building that is at least three storey in height must be framed.
The loads from the occupants are transmitted through the slab, beam and column and to the
foundation and therefore each element of the frame must be designed to effectively handle its
own dead load and the load being transferred to it. For the idealization of the actual structure,
the structural model should relate the actual behavior to material properties, structural details,
and loading and boundary conditions as accurately as it is practicable. The structure should
be so designed that adequate means exist to transmit the design ultimate load, wind and
imposed loads safely from the highest supported level to the foundations. As the height of
buildings becomes much, horizontal deflections must be computed with greater accuracy.
The deflected shapes of individual structural members should be taken into account in the
final analysis of tall slender structures.
A car parking system is a mechanical device that multiplies parking capacity inside
a parking lot. Parking systems are generally powered by electric motors or hydraulic
pumps that move vehicles into a storage position. There are two types of car parking systems:
traditional and automated. In the long term, automated car parking systems are likely to be

more cost effective when compared to traditional parking garages. Automatic multi-storey
automated car park systems are less expensive per parking slot, since they tend to require less
building volume and less ground area than a conventional facility with the same capacity.
Both automated car parking systems and automated parking garage systems
reduce pollution — cars are not running or circling around while drivers look for parking
In the 1920s, forerunners of automated parking systems appeared in U.S. cities
like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Cincinnati. Some of these multi-storey structures
are still standing, and have been adapted for new uses. One of the Kent Automatic Parking
Garages in New York (now known as the Sofia Apartments) is an Art Deco landmark that
was converted into luxury condominiums in 1983. A system that is now found all over
Japan — the “Ferris-wheel,” or paternoster system — was created by the Westinghouse
Corporation in 1923 and subsequently built in 1932 on Chicago’s Monroe Street.

The population of the world is continuously on the increase and towns and cities have
grown up around their public transport system. The increasing population and expanding
urban centers has been accomplished by increasing car ownership and increasing demand for
movement for various purposes. Regardless of income or social status, the conditions under
which people travel have become more and more difficult and sometimes absolutely
intolerable. Demand for transport and travel intensity tends to increase sharply with the
growing size of a city and town especially when the city center or major centers of activity
continues to grow in terms of both size and employment. Parking in public areas can be very
tasking with little or no form of security because it is fraught with all sorts of hazards created
by either humans or lack of parking structures. In order to reduce the stress of parking and
any form of danger or insecurity to cars and owners, adequate parking facilities must be
provided to meet up for the demand of parking.
In addition, high population density, large number of pavement hawkers, sidewalk
encroachments, heterogeneous nature of traffic and commercial area development along all
the major roads have compounded the problem of congestion on the main as well as internal
roads of these cities.
Over the years engineers and architects have found a way to create more parking
spaces within minimum size of land by the design and construction of multistorey car parks.
Multi-storey car park also known as a parking garage or a parking structure is a building
designed for car parking with a number of floors or levels on which parking takes place. It is
essentially a stacked parking lot that has multiple access and exit system to avoid traffic
congestion in and out. Car parking systems have been around almost since the time cars were
invented. There are car parking systems in most areas where there is significant amount of
traffic. Car parking systems and the accompanying technologies have increased and
diversified over the years. Car parking systems were developed in the early 20th century in
response to the need for storage space for vehicles.
Automated car parking systems use a similar type of technology to that used for
mechanical parcel handling and document retrieval. The driver leaves the car inside an
entrance area and technology parks the vehicle at a designated area. Hydraulic or mechanical

car lifters raise the vehicle to another level for proper storing. The vehicle can be transported
vertically (up or down) and horizontally (left and right) to a vacant parking space until the car
is needed again. When the vehicle is needed, the process is reversed and the car lifts transport
the vehicle back to the same area where the driver left it. In some cases, a turntable may be
used to position the car so that the driver can conveniently drive away without the need to
back up.
Here we are going to use Micro-controller one on the each floor there is a sensor for
the detecting the vehicle on the floor side as shown in the block diagram. When the password
is entered and the vehicle is put on the lift for going up. The password is generated for each
user to identify and no one should know the password for security purpose only.
When the lift uses rack and pinion mechanism for lifting the car where two motor are used,
one for lifting and other for placing the car on floor.
The LCD shows the status information and password and car count on each floor. The motors
re controlled by the relay. DC geared motors are used here with 30 and 60 rpm and with
torque of 5 kg.
The Robotic Parking Systems patented technology enables parking from hundreds up
to several thousand cars in half the area of a conventional ramp-style garage. This creates
more space for design, development and community enhancements.
Robotic Parking Systems recently opened the first high-speed automated parking
garage in the Middle East providing parking for 765 cars to a mixed-use development that
includes office space, residential apartments and a five star hotel.
 Drive up to the automated parking garage. The Robotic Parking System offers
complete design flexibility and can blend with any neighborhood or project.
 Drive into the convenient parking terminal. Multiple automatic sensors ensure that the
car is properly positioned for parking. Robotic Parking Systems offer better care and
safety for vehicles.
 Get out and lock the car. There is no need to drive through the garage to find a
parking space. Robotic Parking Systems offer a greater level of convenience.

 Take the parking card from the kiosk and walk away. You get premium valet parking
without the valet.
 Robotic Parking Systems does the rest. The car is picked up by the computerized
machinery and lifts that will safely place it inside the building on a shelving system.
The automated parking garage at Ibn Battuta Gate handles 250 cars per hour with up
to 32 cars in motion at any one time.
 Enter the well-lit and secure ground floor lobby and put the parking card into the
kiosk. The Robotic Parking System provides the highest possible level of security for
 Screens display the exit terminal where the car can be retrieved. The Robotic Parking
System swiftly delivers the car in 3 minutes or less.
 The Robotic Parking Systems’ machinery delivers the car facing forward so that it is
safe and easy to exit the garage.
 Get into the car in the exit terminal. It is not necessary to wander around inside the
garage to retrieve the car.
 Drive away. The Robotic Parking System makes parking safe and hassle free.
 Capacity -Parks up to 50% more spaces in same square footage.
 Environment - Green & LEEDS certification
 Weight - Light-weight steel frame vs. heavy concrete decks.
 Design Friendly - Flexible layout options.
 Car Security - No entry to locked vehicle, no ‘dings’ or damage.
 Operating Costs - Less personnel, lower insurance, lower facility maintenance costs;
especially when compared to valet operations.
 Car Safety - Car is locked and then stored automatically in a secure area until
retrieved by owner.
 Space Saving - Maximum utilization of space, no ramps or drive aisles
 Cost Saving - Expense reductions for ventilation, lighting and insurance.
 User Friendly - No parking attendants

 User Safety - No one drives within the facility

- Drivers don’t have to access parking area
- No risk of damage, theft or vandalism.
 Time Saving - Fast access & retrieval times.
 Ease of Use - Parking Ambassador available at all times.
Because multi-story parking facilities allow limited natural light inside, some security
experts express concern about safety inside the structures. In their municipal presentation,
architects Sakri and Khairuddin recommend security devices that directly connect to local
police or public safety stations. In addition, the architects explicitly describe a need to reduce
dark places where criminals may hide. Even with security measures in place, though,
criminals still seem to thrive in multi-story parking structures; in a 2009 article in the
Chicago Sun-Times, one parking garage user expressed frustration after experiencing three
burglaries within two years.
This project consists of hardware implementation. Various tools for hardware
implementation are required as described below.
The various components used are:
1. Permanent Magnet DC Motor
2. Infrared Transmitter using –IC2 NE555
3. Infrared Receiver using – TSOP 1738
4. Relay –SPDT & DPDT
5. Read Switches
3.7.1 2DC Motor
The DC motor used here is a permanent magnet type.The rotor of an electric motor
needs a torque to start it spinning. This torque is normally produced by magnetic forces,
exerted between magnetic poles on the rotor and those on the motor’s stationary shell.
Attractive or repulsive forces pull or push on the outside of the rotor, producing torques that
make the rotor spin faster and faster until friction or the objects attached to it reduce its net
torque to zero. After that point, the rotor turns at a steady angular velocity.

In most DC electric motors, the rotor is an electromagnet that turns within a shell of
stationary permanent magnets (Fig). To make the electromagnet stronger, the rotor’s coil
contains an iron core that’s magnetized when current flows through the coil. The rotor will
spin as long as this current reverses each time its magnetic poles reach the opposite poles of
the stationary magnets.
The most common way to produce these reversals is with a commutator. In its
simplest form, a commutator has two curved plates that are fixed to the rotor and connected
to opposite ends of the wire coil (Fig). Electric current flows into the rotor through a
conducting brush that touches one of these plates and leaves the rotor through a second brush
that touches the other plate.
As the rotor turns, each brush makes contact first with one plate and then with the
other. Each time the rotor turns half of a turn, the plates that the two brushes touch are
interchanged and with this swapping of connections there is a reversal in the direction of
current flow around the coil.
Voltage Production
DC Circuits, that there are three conditions necessary to induce a voltage into a
1. A magnetic field
2. A conductor
3. Relative motion between the two.
A DC generator provides these three conditions to produce a DC voltage output.
A basic DC generator has four basic parts:
(1) A magnetic field;
(2) A single conductor, or loop;
(3) A commutator; and
(4) Brushes
The magnetic field may be supplied by either a permanent magnet or an
electromagnet.   For now, we will use a permanent magnet to describe a basic DC generator.

Basic Operation of a DC Generator A single conductor, shaped in the form of a loop,

is positioned between the magnetic poles.   As long as the loop is stationary, the magnetic
field has no effect (no relative motion).   If we rotate the loop, the loop cuts through the
magnetic field, and an EMF (voltage) is induced into the loop.
When we have relative motion between a magnetic field and a conductor in that
magnetic field, and the direction of rotation is such that the conductor cuts the lines of flux,
an EMF is induced into the conductor.   The magnitude of the induced EMF depends on the
field strength and the rate at which the flux lines are cut.
The stronger the field or the more flux lines cut for a given period of time, the larger
the induced EMF.
Eg = KFN
Where Eg = generated voltage
K = fixed constant
F   = magnetic flux strength
N   = speed in RPM
The  direction  of  the  induced  current  flow  can  be  determined  using  the  "left-
hand  rule"  for generators.   This rule states that if you point the index finger of your left
hand in the direction of the magnetic field (from North to South) and point the thumb in the
direction of motion of the  conductor,  the  middle  finger  will  point  in  the  direction  of
current  flow.
  For example, the conductor closest to the N pole is traveling upward across the
field; therefore, the current flow is to the right, lower corner.   Applying the left-hand rule to
both sides of the loop will show that current flows in a counter-clockwise direction in the
Specification Of Pinion
Material : cast-iron

Outside diameter : 75mm

Circular pitch : 4.7mm

Tooth depth : 3.375mm

Module : 1.5mm

Pressure angle : 21

Pitch circle diameter : 72mm

Addendum : 1.5mm

Dedendum : 1.875mm

Circular tooth Thickness : 2.355mm

Fillet radius : 0.45mm

Clearance : 0.375mm

Design of rack

Pitch circle diameter of the gear is = 72mm

Circumference of the gear is =   pitch circle diameter

=  72

= 226mm

The dimension is for 360 rotation

For 180rotation the rack length is 113 mm

Specification of Rack
Material : cast iron

Module : 1.5mm

Cross-section :7525mm

Teeth on the rack is adjusted for 113mm



Let us consider,
The mass of a body = 60 Kg (Approximately)
Height of speed brake = 10 cm
∴Work done = Force x Distance
Force = Weight of the Body
= 60 Kg x 9.81
= 588.6 N
Distance traveled by the body = Height of the speed brake
= 10 cm
= 0.10 m
∴Output power = Work done/Sec
= (588.6 x 0.10)/60
= 0.98 Watts (For One pushing force)
However, this much power produced, it cannot be tapped fully. From the above purpose we
have select to generate electricity by permanent magnet type D.C generator and store it by
12V lead-acid battery cell.


Sl. No. Qty. Material Amount (Rs)
1 Frame Stand 1 M.s. angle ½ in 2500

2 Dc geared motor 12v 2 12v,2kg 550

3 Gear and rack 1 M.S. 1250
4 Bearing with Bearing Cap 2 6202 450
5 Screw rod 12 inch length 1 M.s 8mm 850

6 M.S.rod 12mm 1 M.S 650

7 MS. Pipe 2 inch dia and 1 M.S 350

18 length
8 Bolt and Nut - M.S 550
9 Limit switch 2 electronic 150
10 Power supply 12v dc ,1mp 1 250
 Low cost automation project
 Portable in size and Easy transportable
 Since the project is based on the sensor, it is compact and swift and response.
 No external devices are used here to control it.
 More Accurate when compare to other circuit
 It is easy to control the devices by setting password.
 This project provides another facility for secret switch.
 Easy to setting/resetting password.

Fig. No.3.1 Step 1

Fig. No.3.2 Step 2

Fig. No.3.3 Step 3


Fig. No.3.4 Step 4

Fig. No.3.5 Step 5

Fig. No.3.6 Step 6


Fig. No.3.7 Step 7

Fig. No.3.8 Step 8

Fig. No.3.9 Step 9

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