PMC-GD-DES-021 Pumping Station Design Guidelines
PMC-GD-DES-021 Pumping Station Design Guidelines
PMC-GD-DES-021 Pumping Station Design Guidelines
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Prepared for:
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Guidelines .........................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Pumping station ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Hydraulic Calculations and Analysis .................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Macerators ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Wet well and pumps {QSDDM 2.11} .................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Valve chamber {QSDDM 2.14} ........................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Noise and vibration {QSDDM 2.15} .................................................................................................. 10
2.7 Retention Time ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.8 Ventilation {QSDDM 2.23.1} ............................................................................................................. 10
2.9 Odour control sytem {QSDDM 2.23.2} ............................................................................................. 10
2.10 Control room / kiosk ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.11 Electrical design ............................................................................................................................... 12
2.12 Cable ducts and draw pits ................................................................................................................ 12
2.13 Emergency power supply ................................................................................................................. 12
2.14 water tank and booster pump and Sparging system ........................................................................ 12
2.15 Handwashing facility......................................................................................................................... 13
2.16 Wash water ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.17 Provision for emergencies ................................................................................................................ 13
2.18 Access and maintenance ................................................................................................................. 13
2.19 Twin Rising mains {QSDDM 2.3.2}................................................................................................... 14
2.20 Flow Meters {QSDDM 2.8} ............................................................................................................... 14
3 References .....................................................................................................................................14
Exhibit 2-1 Pumping Station Design Guidelines .......................................................................................6
Appendix A Pumping Station (Cat A) General Arrangement ...............................................................15
Appendix B Pumping Station (Cat A) External Electrical Network Layout ..........................................16
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Ahmad Jaber Design & Construction Director Design & Construction 30.08.2018
Revision History
1 Revision to Exhibit 2-1: Pumping Station Design Guidelines Richard Armitage 20.01.2014
2 Formatted to PMDS standard template (No changes on the content) Nick Gill 30.08.2018
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
The Qatar Sewerage and Drainage Design Manual (QSDDM) was published in June 2005 and
Volume 2, Section 2 addresses the design of foul sewage pumping stations. In order to provide
consistency among all areas of Qatar and provide further information, the following guidance
document was developed to be read in conjunction with the current QSDDM for the design of
foul sewage pumping stations. Existing clauses within the QSDDM are referenced when
This guidance document is to be used on all Local Roads and Drainage Programme (LR&DP)
Pumping station design is dependent on peak flows and these flows have been separated into
4 separate categories (A through D) with Category C divided between low head and high head
requirements. A summary table of the Design Guidelines can be found in Exhibit 2-1 and
pumping station general layout and external network layout layouts can be found in
Appendices A & B respectively. Large pumping stations having peak flows in excess of 500
litres/sec shall be subject to individual, site-specific design.
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
1 Peak Design Flow (Qpeak) l/s up to 50 51 - 100 101 - 250 101 - 250 251-500
Wet Well and Dry Wet Well and Dry Wet Well and Dry
3 Type of Station (Note 1) Submersible Submersible
Well / Submersible Well Well
(3 No pumps) (4 No pumps) (2 (6 No pumps) (2
(2 No pumps) (2 No pumps)
Number of Pumps (All identical and operate 1 duty + 1 assist + Sets) 1 duty + 1 Sets) 1 duty + 1
4 1 duty + 1 standby 1 duty + 1 standby 1 standby standby per set assist + 1 standby per
(100% standby) (100% standby) (50% standby) (100% standby) set (50% standby)
5 Pump Design Flow Each at Qpeak Each at Qpeak Each at 0.5 Qpeak Each at 0.5 Qpeak Each at 0.25 Qpeak
8 Min suction & discharge pipework mm 100 100 100 100 100
Starts /
9 Max. pumping cycle (Note 3) 10 10 10 10 8
11 Velocity in Rising main (Note 6) m/s 1.0 - 2.0 1.0 - 2.0 1.0 - 2.0 1.0 - 2.0 1.0 - 2.0
Emergency Power supply Provide space for Provide space for Provide space for Provide space for
12 Standby generator
(Note 7) portable generator portable generator portable generator portable generator
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
GRP Kiosk or
15 Control Room (Note 8) GRP Kiosk Yes Yes Yes
Control room
18 Fencing/Boundary Wall (Note 10) Boundary wall Boundary wall Boundary wall Boundary Wall Boundary Wall
24 Screens (Note 11) Bucket screen Bar screen Bar screen Bar screen Bar screen
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
2 Min. pass through opening shall be 100mm if Category C1 pump station has a wet well
and dry well design (as QCS).
4 A lifting davit arranged to allow items to be lifted 1.2m above road level shall be provided
up to 250kg lifting weight. If pumping station wet well depth is greater than 6m, a lifting
davit with electrically operated hoist shall be provided. For depths less than 6m, a hand
operated block and tackle is appropriate. Standard lifting davits are at 800mm or 1200mm
radius. The position of the socket should be such that the davit can reach the centre of
lift for both pumps.
5 Monorail or gantry crane with electric hoist is required for lifting weight exceeding 250kg.
6 The velocity in the vertical riser within the pump station should be between 1.8-2.0m/s.
8 Pump control, PLC and SCADA could be accommodated in a GRP kiosk for Category A
and B.
9 Stop board/stop logs to be provided in upstream manhole for Categories B, C1 and C2.
Penstock to be provided in upstream manhole for Category D
10 Boundary wall shall be architecturally designed for pumping stations in prominent public
areas. A fence may be acceptable for temporary pumping stations or if the location
prohibits above ground structures, see QSDDM Volume 8 Standard Details.
11 Bucket screens can only be installed when the incoming sewer freely discharges into the
wet well.
13 In addition to an isolation penstock a baffle shall be provided across the end of the inlet
pipe in order to direct the flow downwards towards the pumps.
Hydraulic calculations for the pumping station should be prepared by the designer and should
be submitted to the pump supplier for verification.
A hydraulic physical model for analysis of the wet well is normally only appropriate on larger
stations and for more than two pumps. It is unlikely to be required for a small submersible
pumping station. {QSDDM 2.13}
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
For Category A and Category B pumping stations, it is recommended that the relatively small
pumps required should be fitted with self-cleaning impellers.
Macerators in Category C1 and Category C2 pumping stations should shred any debris within
the incoming sewage and the shredded material should be passed through the pumping
system to the STW. Macerators may be subject to high wear, particularly if sand or grit is
present within the sewage. Their usage is optional.
The designer shall consider the option of constructing the pump wet well and valve chamber
as separate structures.
Manufacturers' guides assist in the sizing of the wet well, the width of which is often determined
by the valve and manifold pipework requirements.
The distance between the pumps should typically be equal to the external diameter of the
pump volute casing.
An inlet baffle is essential on wet wells with more than two pumps to provide good flow
conditions to all the pumps.
Wet well benching shall be designed to minimize static areas and so avoid solids build-up.
This can be achieved by using squared off benching, as shown in manufacturers' standard
designs. Steep benching (min 35° preferably 45°) is required to direct any settling solids
towards the pumps.
Standard submersible pumps without flushing valves should be used for all installations with
the wet well and be kept clear by good design - with the inlet sewer direction within an arc of
±60° of the pumping station centreline to create suitable swirl.
Level sensing for pump controls should use ultrasonic or hydrostatic sensors with float
switches as back-ups. Bubblers are not preferred.
The choice between a valve chamber and a valve slab remains an engineering decision based
on the relative levels of the pumping station, ground and the discharge point.
It is preferred if the depth of a valve chamber can be designed to be less than 1200mm to
avoid it becoming a confined space. Valve chambers should have a 50mm fall towards the
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
wet well with a discharge through a flap valve or penstock. Access to the valves is required
for back-flushing and maintenance.
Pipework must be at least 100mm diameter, if necessary tapering up immediately from the
80mm dia. discharge of small pumps.
Non-Return Valves (NRVs) and Gate Valves (GVs) are required on each pump discharge.
These should be set at least 4x pipe diameters from the manifold to avoid flap 'clatter' and
there should be at least 1 x pipe diameter between NRVs and GVs. Flange adapters must be
used on the NRVs to allow easy removal. Flexible joints must be used on connecting pipes
between the pump wet well and the valve chamber when these are separate structures to
allow for differential movement. A GV is also required on the Tee to the female Bauer
connection in the valve chamber for over pumping. Support blocks are required under each
pump suction stool and the downstream rising main.
An air release valve should be provided in the valve chamber if the hydraulic profile demands
it or if the wet well is more than 6m deep to expel any gasses that might have been released
due to negative pressure from the column of water inside the pipe riser.
Noise and vibration are not normally an issue with submersible pumping stations, especially
those within PTPs.
The principle of restricting the maximum retention time to 30 minutes is accepted - but is only
applicable to Qave. As flows drop overnight, the retention time will increase and the Designer
should consider override pump controls to cycle the pumps on a timer control. For rural
networks where pumping stations operate in series with one station pumping on to another
the Designer should consider the requirements for chemical dosing into the wet well and / or
rising main to minimise septicity.
All fresh air inlets for dry areas (pump room, motor room etc.) shall be provided with removable
and washable filters that can be easily accessed for maintenance.
The following standard details for odour control for Category A and Category B pumping
stations shall be provided for the contractors:
Location and size of the kiosk to house the odour control unit for bulk filter system (as on
typical detail drawing)
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Standard details for control kiosk, including plinths, duct work, earth connection, connection
to main MCC kiosk (for power supply) and draw pits
Requirements for auxiliary equipment in control kiosk: lights, 240 volt sockets, 110 volt
socket etc.
Where a pumping station is located in a remote area well away from residential properties, the
wet well can be vented without the provision of an odour control system in order to minimise
maintenance requirements. This would comprise the provision of a GRP vent stack with a
minimum diameter of 100mm and a minimum height of 4m with a stainless steel mesh at the
top. Any air inlet/outlet vents should be provided and positioned at least 3m from the control
kiosk/building and a minimum of 15m from any habitable building. The location of the
ventilation ducts should allow for the retro-fitting of an odour control system if this became
required at a future date.
The control panels shall be located in a GRP kiosk or control room, depending on the pumping
station Category, and sized according to the manufacturer’s requirements.
The control kiosk must have thermal protection; 10cm thick polyurethane isolation is
recommended, with sandwich type fiberglass panels. A canopy roof is required above the
kiosk to provide shade. Form 4 Type 7 fully front access panels are required complying with
QCS 2010.
One (1) duty and one (1) standby cooling AC split units are required as per QCS 2010.
The minimum distance between the control kiosk and other units shall be as follows:
2m from the fence/boundary wall
2m from the potable water tank
3m from chambers (wet well, valve chamber)
For Category A and Category B pumping stations the following standard details shall be
provided for the contractors:
Requirements for connection to MCC within control kiosk, including method for manual
Standard details for control kiosk, including plinths, duct work, earth connection and hard-
Requirements for auxiliary equipment in control kiosk: lights, 240 volt sockets, 110 volt
socket, 'cat-flap' for generator cable etc.
Method of installation of kiosk onto the plinth and requirements for sealing the joints.
Three-way control switch: Mains I Off I Generator.
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Lighting should be provided for minimum required illumination level for the pumping station
site and be mounted on the internal face of the boundary wall, with photocell and automatic
timer control {QSDDM 2.20.1}.
A portable generator incomer feeder with socket on the kiosk panel shall be provided {QSDDM
SCADA/PLC control, pump starters, UPS, and monitoring and controlling of PS locally and
connection to the nearest STW plant shall be provided as per QCS 2010 {QSDDM 2.19}.
One cable duct per pump shall be provided, with a separate duct for the pump control signal
cables. Separate ducts shall be used for 110v control wiring and 24vDC analogue signal
cables. This minimises the risk of false signals being generated. The final draw pit shall be
placed as close as possible to the pump openings and also be used as a cable jointing
chamber. Weatherproof junction boxes shall be used for pump cable connections. This will
enable the pumps to be removed without having to disconnect at the control kiosk.
The ducts entering the jointing chamber from the control kiosk shall be sealed with gas-tight
foam. Additional high-level ducts shall be provided between the jointing chamber and the
pump wet well. Ducts shall be sealed at both ends.
Space for a portable emergency generator has been specified for Categories A, B, C1 and C2
pumping stations. The following standard details need to be provided for the contractors:
Location and size of the hard-standing for the generator
Requirements for connection to MCC within pump control kiosk, including method for
manual switch-over
Receptacle in weatherproof lockable enclosure at generator slab (pedestal mounted) for
plugging in portable generator cords.
Stationary standby generator (indoor type) shall be proposed for Category D pumping stations
(and Category C1, C2 with permanent standby generators). The following standard details
need to be provided for the contractors:
Requirements for connection to MCC within control room, including method for automatic
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Automatic sparging shall be provided for Category B, C1, C2 and D pumping station wet wells
that operates once daily.
Washing from a stand-pipe is not acceptable because of the risk of operatives connecting a
hose for washing down, with consequential risk of back-contamination of the potable water
For Category C1, C2 and Category D pumping stations, facilities can be provided within the
guard house and/or toilet facilities.
For Category A and Category B, the supply should be from a storage tank with the equivalent
of a Type AA air gap and spill slot in accordance with BS 6281:Part1:1992 (BS EN13077) to
remove the risk of back-contamination. The tap for hand washing can be gravity fed from a
break tank, or have a booster pump. The type of tap provided must not allow for the connection
of a hose pipe. The requirements for a water storage tank with air-break, including plinth and
any shading shall be specified.
Wash water is required close to the pumping station to permit wash down of extracted pumps
before maintenance work is carried out. A break pressure water tank is required to eliminate
the risk of backflow to the potable water system. This water tank may be installed on the
pumping station roof if appropriate.
The pumping station must be designed to fail safe without flooding from the upstream
sewerage system. If pump operation is critical to maintaining protection of properties against
flooding, emergency power generation shall be provided. For all other stations, provision shall
be made for connection of a portable generator.
To ensure that sewage flooding does not occur at, or upstream of, the pumping station during
plant shut down or power failure, additional storage should be provided in the wet well and/or
incoming sewers. This storage should be above the high level alarm and below the lowest
connected lateral drain or private sewer invert. As a minimum the storage should equate to 1
hour of peak design flow. Storage capacity in the sewers and manholes may be utilised and
calculations should be provided.
If the pumping station is critical to the process consent of a receiving PTP, then over pumping
should be facilitated by providing a chamber within 10m upstream of the station, an isolating
valve or penstock, and a downstream female connector in the valve chamber in which to
Pumping station wet wells are confined spaces. It is recommended that permanent ladders
and platforms should not be provided to wet wells as these become covered with sewage
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
debris and are subject to corrosion over time thus rendering them unsafe for man access.
Instead man access to wet wells should only be undertaken using a man rider as part of a
controlled and risk assessed procedure.
The requirements for permanent ladders and platforms should be reviewed with the PWA
Drainage Networks Operations and Maintenance Department during the Concept Design
Phase of the project.
It is recommended that, when open, the covers over the pumps form a barrier around the
opening on the side the operator is working (near the lifting davit). If possible the barrier shall
be 1100mm high. The covers should be designed for man loading and be closable at the lifted
pump height, to provide a safe working platform. The valve chamber should have a hinged
single person cover. A safety grille is required when propriety covers are used. Large or
heavy covers should be fitted with spring loaded dampers correctly specified for the conditions
in which they will operate.
If handrails are used, the pumps have to be lifted to pass over the top of the handrail, requiring
a larger lifting davit.
For the covers over the pumps, it is recommended that these have integral protection grids
that facilitate pump removal.
As part of the process of good maintenance, pumps should be run down regularly to 'snore' to
clear surface debris and/or wet well settlement. This can be arranged automatically in the
control system or by a manual operation procedure. The frequency of snore will depend on
the application and likely surface debris or wet well settlement.
If twin rising mains are installed then suitable manifolds and valves shall be provided to allow
pumps serving either wet well to pump down either or both rising mains.
Flow meters are required as all pumping stations connected to the telemetry system.
The list the references is as follows:
Qatar Sewerage and Drainage Design Manual, June 2005
Qatar Construction Specification, 2010
BS EN 13077, Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable water. Air gap with non-
circular overflow (unrestricted). Family A. Type B.
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018
Document Owner:: Nick Gill Authorised by: Ahmad Jaber Date: Aug. 2018