The Importance of Counseling
The Importance of Counseling
The Importance of Counseling
• Counseling can be a confusing term- it
often has different meanings for different
• The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th Edition)
gives at least two definitions of counseling,
which appear to be conflicting, adding to
potential confusion.
• “give advice to (a person) on social and
personal problems, specially professionally”
• and
• “ the process of assisting and guiding
clients, especially by a trained person in a
professional basis, to resolve especially
personal, social, or psychological problems
and difficulties.”
• Counseling is:
• The process that occurs when a client and
counselor set aside time in order to explore
difficulties which may include the stressful
or emotional feelings of the client.
• The act of helping the client to see things
more clearly, possibly from a different
view point. This can enable the client to
focus on feelings , expression or behavior,
with a goal to facilitating positive change.
• A relationship of trust. Confidentially is
paramount to successful counseling.
Professional counselors will usually
explain their policy on confidentially, they
may , however , he required by law to
disclose information if they believe that
there are is a risk to life.
• Counseling is not:
• Giving advice.
• Judgmental.
• Attempting to sort out the problems of the
• Getting emotionally involved with the
• Looking at a client’s problems from your
own perspective based on your own value
• According to the American Counseling
• “Counseling is professional relationship that
empowers diverse individuals , families and
groups to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education and career goals.”
• Our world is increasingly becoming more
interrelated. The globalization highlights the
need for highly trained mental health
professionals to address trauma, addiction,
academic and career concerns in clinics,
hospitals, schools, and universities.
• Counseling provide by trained professionals
can make a profound impact on the lives of
individuals , families and communities .
• This service helps people navigate difficult
life situations , such as the death of loved
one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress
and the loss of job. It provides the tools and
insights to manage mental health issues,
such as anxiety and depression .
• Ultimately counseling empowers people to
lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
• Human beings have always had the need to
relate themselves to others. They have always
wanted to share their experiences and
problems In some informal and non- technical
way counseling has existed ever since human
awareness has existed.
• It may have informal shape like a friend
listening to your sorrows or a kind an elderly
person permitting you to unburden yourself,
we all have our moments in life when we are in
some trouble and need help- it may be some
financial stress, some family conflict,
some emotional upheaval, some feeling of
guilt and inadequacy ,sense of being
alienated, addiction to some intoxicant like
alcohol or drugs, having done some wrong
and many such- like.
Often when we are passing through
such a stress we need help but that help is
not available to us, or even if there is some
appearance of help it is more in the nature
of advice “do like this” or “do not like this”
or “You should have done this” or “you
should not have acted this way”.
All such remarks and pieces of
which you unwillingly receive when you
are already in trouble. You do not require
judgments or code of ethics at such
• What you need is a sympathetic
person who can listen to you and then
help you in reorganizing your life. This
task is very delicate and a sophistically
trained person is needed to handle it.