The Importance of Counseling

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• Counseling can be a confusing term- it
often has different meanings for different
• The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th Edition)
gives at least two definitions of counseling,
which appear to be conflicting, adding to
potential confusion.
• “give advice to (a person) on social and
personal problems, specially professionally”
• and
• “ the process of assisting and guiding
clients, especially by a trained person in a
professional basis, to resolve especially
personal, social, or psychological problems
and difficulties.”

• Counseling is:
• The process that occurs when a client and
counselor set aside time in order to explore
difficulties which may include the stressful
or emotional feelings of the client.
• The act of helping the client to see things
more clearly, possibly from a different
view point. This can enable the client to
focus on feelings , expression or behavior,
with a goal to facilitating positive change.
• A relationship of trust. Confidentially is
paramount to successful counseling.
Professional counselors will usually
explain their policy on confidentially, they
may , however , he required by law to
disclose information if they believe that
there are is a risk to life.
• Counseling is not:
• Giving advice.
• Judgmental.
• Attempting to sort out the problems of the
• Getting emotionally involved with the
• Looking at a client’s problems from your
own perspective based on your own value
• According to the American Counseling
• “Counseling is professional relationship that
empowers diverse individuals , families and
groups to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education and career goals.”
• Our world is increasingly becoming more
interrelated. The globalization highlights the
need for highly trained mental health
professionals to address trauma, addiction,
academic and career concerns in clinics,
hospitals, schools, and universities.
• Counseling provide by trained professionals
can make a profound impact on the lives of
individuals , families and communities .
• This service helps people navigate difficult
life situations , such as the death of loved
one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress
and the loss of job. It provides the tools and
insights to manage mental health issues,
such as anxiety and depression .
• Ultimately counseling empowers people to
lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
• Human beings have always had the need to
relate themselves to others. They have always
wanted to share their experiences and
problems In some informal and non- technical
way counseling has existed ever since human
awareness has existed.
• It may have informal shape like a friend
listening to your sorrows or a kind an elderly
person permitting you to unburden yourself,
we all have our moments in life when we are in
some trouble and need help- it may be some
financial stress, some family conflict,
some emotional upheaval, some feeling of
guilt and inadequacy ,sense of being
alienated, addiction to some intoxicant like
alcohol or drugs, having done some wrong
and many such- like.
Often when we are passing through
such a stress we need help but that help is
not available to us, or even if there is some
appearance of help it is more in the nature
of advice “do like this” or “do not like this”
or “You should have done this” or “you
should not have acted this way”.
All such remarks and pieces of
which you unwillingly receive when you
are already in trouble. You do not require
judgments or code of ethics at such
• What you need is a sympathetic
person who can listen to you and then
help you in reorganizing your life. This
task is very delicate and a sophistically
trained person is needed to handle it.

With the present increase in anxiety level,

complexities in daily living and, more
impersonal attitude of people, the need for
some formal counselling or formal help.

There have been some specific factors we

would like to understand.

Living in the 21st century is indeed living in

a very complex era. Life has become so
much governed by technical advancement.

Urban area is full of complex gadgets, rush

of work, distances to be covered, tension
and open to more hazards, may be
accidents or may be crime.
In such complex and strenuous living an
individual is more likely to break down
with stress. People have lesser time for
others and even the intentions to be helpful
to others are fast dwindling.

In such circumstances one needs formal

help which can be had through counselling.

When people were living in a rural back-

ground and in more or less joint family,
there was a greater economic security and
social support.

Now a days there are nuclear families living

in big towns; when both the husband and
wife go to work, their children face a lot of
• Even husband and wife do not have that type
of mutual tolerance, understanding and
accord with which is essential for a long term
adjustment. Besides, divorce has become
legally so easy that even for minor reasons
there may be a break-up in the family. This
leads to further uncertainly of living.
• Specially the children have to face a lot of
troubles due to these uncertainties of living.
Again formal counseling can be helpful in
preventing a home from breaking up.

With increasing complexities and

uncertainties, anxiety is bound to be there.
There is a limit up to which one can tolerate
anxiety and stress beyond which breakdown
is possible.

The fast tempo of living, the rat-race for

material possessions and accelerated
achievement, cut-throat competition, more
and more impersonal and selfishness in
relationship, are all facilities to anxiety.
A counsellor can help professionally in
setting of goals, meaning of life and
reduction of anxiety.


The advancement in science and technology

has made man more skeptical about his faith
in religion, god and rituals, etc.

For an average man religion used to be quite

an anchorage for daily living.
Any religion-be it Christianity, Hinduism,
Islam or Buddhism used to give a code of
ethics and conduct for an average man. The
rituals used to bind one to certain routine
type of living and at the same time giving
fear of punishment so that people would
remain within bounds.

But with the questioning era, these codes of

conduct – whether good or bad were
questioned for their logic.
Of course this did help in getting rid of
superstitious beliefs and conduct based
on it but it did not fill the vacuum thus

As a result an average man started

groping in dark and developing more
identity crisis and anxiety.

Counseling would thus come again handy

in helping such people to re-define their
goals of living and make life more

In days gone by, occupation of an individual

was by and large inherited from his fore-
fathers. The skills required could be taught
by the parent to the child and thus could be
passed on.

But in the present era each occupation has

become so complex and specialized due to the
rapid advancement in science and technology
that the son cannot inherit for example flying of
an aircraft from his father,
A proper training leading to some degree
or diploma is required to be professionally
suited for some job. Besides training one
should have the ability in terms of intelligence
and aptitude also apart from the right
personality make up interest and motivation
which could be matched to the job

Again a formally trained counsellor can help

in matching one’s potential to the job

Education has grown in it’s height, breath

and depth.

More and more people are going in for higher

studies devoting 10 to 16 years of their most
dynamic years of life to this cause.

Proper guidance is therefore a must at the

right age so education has also spread in
breath with the slogan “Education for all.”
Problems of school adjustment are bound to
occur with this expansion in educational

Guidance is required for the proper placement

and adjustment in classroom.

Therefore, counselling may again be needed

in such cases.

Pepinsky and Pepinsky (1954) : counselling is

that interaction which :

(1) occur between two individuals called

counsellor and client.

(2) takes place in a professional setting.

(3) is initiated and maintained to facilitate

changes in the behavior of client.
Hahn and MacLean (1955) :

define it as “ a process which takes place in

a one-to-one relationship between an
individual beset by problems with which he
cannot cope alone and a professional worker
whose training and experience have qualified
him to help others reach solutions to various
types of personal difficulties.”
Smith (1955) :

defines counsellor as “ a process in which

the counsellor assists the counselee to make
interpretations of facts relating to a choice,
plan or adjustment which he needs to make.”
Gusted (1953) :

gives a very comprehensive definition when he

says “counselling is a learning oriented
process, carried on in a simple, one-to-one
social environment , in which the counsellor,
professionally competent in relevant
psychological skills and knowledge, seeks to
assist the client by methods appropriate to the
latter's needs put such understanding into
effect in relation to more clearly perceived,
realistically defined goals to the end that the
client may become a happier and more
productive member of society.”
Bloker (1966) :

explains counselling as “ helping an individual

become aware of himself and the ways in
which he is reacting to the behavioral
influences of his environment. It further helps
him to establish some personal meaning for
this behavior and to develop and clarify a set
up of goals and values for future behavior.

I. a process - a relationship between, a

trained and skilled in psychological
principles; counsellor and the client
who has some problem or need of

II. it is essentially a help or assistance

and not advice-giving nor solution of
other’s problems.
III. it’s objective is to make the counsellee self-
aware of the true nature of his problem, of
the causes of reasons, and in the light of
these, help him to plan a cause of action
which may be a change of his attitude or
mode of behavior or learning of new human
relation skills.

IV. the ultimate outcome should be client’s

better adjustment to himself and others and
usefulness to society.

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