2015.31463.gazetteer of The Hazara District 1907 Text

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The revision of the Gazetteer of the Hazara District
was undertaken in connexion with the operations of
the Second Regular Settlement, which were concluded in
the spring of the year 1907. The old Gazetteer, which
was compiled in 1884, was necessarily much out of
date, and the whole has, in fact, been rewritten, with
the exception of the account (which I have somewhat
abbreviated) of the District’s history under Sikh rule and
during the Indian Mutiny, the description of the origi
of its village tenures, and a few other passages. The
disinterment of Major Abbott's diaries and of other
documents from the archives of the Punjab Secretariat
at Lahore has enabled me to give a fuller account than
has heretofore been done of the critical times through
which its first and most famous Deputy-Commissioner
guided the fortunes of Hazara, and the opportunity
has also been taken of describing in some detail our
relations with the tribes across the frontier, the feudal
States included within the area of the District, and the
beautiful Kagan valley, which is one of its chief attrac-
The various subjects discussed, and the order in which
they are treated, are in the main those of the syllabus
prescribed for District Gazetteers of the Punjab. But
various modifications, some suggested by a perusal
of recently published Gazetteers of the United Provinces,
have been introduced, and, generally, while no subject
that is really material in a compilation of this kind has,
I trust, been omitted, there has been an attempt to make
the form of the book somewhat more attractive. Under
the orders of the Government of India the present volume
is known as Vol. A. Vol. B, which contains the pre-
scribed tables of statistics, has been published separately ;

but, for the convenience of readers who have not the

opportunity or inclination to consult the latter volume,
certain selected tables, comprising, the most important
and interesting statistics of the District, have been
printed at tlie end of the present work. The nature of
the remaining tables will be clear from the list given in
Appendix VII.
Another novel feature of this Gazetteer consists in
its illustrations, which, hoped, may somewhat enliven
it is

the dulness of its pages, and help the reader to realize,

better than words can do, the nature of the country and
its people. A number are reproductions of photographs
taken by Musa Khan, the Abbottabad photographer.
The photograph of Abbott was sent me by the late
General Pearse, who said it was an excellent likeness.
When he was in Hazara he w’ore a beard, but oven then
his hair was white, or grey, the result of the sufferings
which he endured on his journey to the Caspian. The
view of Nanga Parbat was taken by Captain G. A.
Beazeley, R.E., and appeared in the annual Report of
the Survey Department of the Government of India.
The rest of the illustrations are selected from photo-
graphs given to me by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce, Dr. M. A.
Stein, Colonel Colomb, of the 6th Gurkhas, Jlr. A. J. W.
Kitchin, I.C.S., Mr. J. S. Donald, C.I.K., my own sisters,
and others, to all of whom 1 am greatly indebted.
In conclusion, I desire to express to the following my
cordial acknowledgments for assistance received from them
in my task :Major-General Barrett, C.B., supplied me
with a note on the flora of the District and a list of its
trees, shrubs, and plants, which will, I believe, be of great
service and interest to all botanists who pay Hazara a
visit, and I am very much obliged to him for the great

trouble which he took in the matter. The Hon. Mr.

Douie, C.S.I., Settlement Commissioner of the Punjab,
also gave me much assistance in botanical questions, and
suggested various additions to General Barrett’s list.
Colonel Buchanan, of the 54th Sikhs, very kindly gave
me a list of birds. For the remarks about the latter
which appear in Chapter I. I am indebted to the Rev. T.
Bomford, C.M.S., who also was good enough to give me
notes on the Hindki dialect of the District, and on mis-
sionary work. The remarks on sport, game and bees
are based mainly on notes furnished by Captain Beadon,
Assistant Settlement Officer, and the account of the
Reserved Forests is takc^n from a note Vritten by Mr.
Monro, Deputy-Conservator, for the Imperial Gazetteer,
laistly. I have to thank Mr. Vincent Smith and the
Clarendon Press for allowing me to reproduce (in
Appendix 111.) the former’s translation of Asoka’s

...... -




BIRDS AND fauna - - - - - - 12
FISH AND BEES - - - - - - 15

LANGUAGE --------




- -
- -
FOOD AND CLOTHES - - - - - - 45

- ‘

* *
SOIIii AND WASTE - . - - -









TENANTS - -- - • - 61
- - 64

FORESTS --------





RIAGE --------


- -


----- - -









JAGIRS AND INAMS - - - - - - 107
TENANTS IN AGROR - - . - - - 110
PUBUC WORKS - - - - . . - 113

ANCIENT HISTORY - - - - - - - 118


- - - - - -


- 153

- - - - - -



- - • *167


EXPEDITIONS - - - -*172 •


- - 178 -


THE TRIBES - - - - - * -

ISAZAt EXPEDITION - * - - - 182 *



- * - 186

• -




. 202
- -• 202
CROPS * - - * * . 203
POPULATION - - ' - 201)


HISTORY - - - • - 211

— — —

NARA (l.) — —










- . .




314, 315

.... 316, 317

0. -



.... -

326, 327


..... 328
.*1. - -

27. FORESTS - 330
20. REST-HOUSES - - . - - 331—.340
.30. POLYMETRICAL TABLE - to face 340









KAGAN GUJARS - - -- - - - 30
A STEEP BIT OF KAI^I - - - - - - 54
JANDARS ON THE DOR - - - - - - 60
A PEKOn 60




- - - 140
FORT AT OGHI - - - - * - 182
- ‘ 202






.... 206



NARAN ........

- -*
- -



- -





.... -



..... 240



TAHSII.S - - - in pocket
MORE important TRIBES in pOckct
THE HA:2ARA district


Position, Arm, and Bouii^ii^

m lies
at the base, of the Himalayia^t »most part
of British India, between;33^
72° 33' and 74° 6' E. In'ihajHB ife;4« a .Wnf tongue ex-
tending for 120 miles from'^OUth-west tG i\Srtli-east, its
tip, the Kagan valley, runnih]g iip bet\vee4‘"Kashmir and
the mountainous regions that drain inta^the Upper Indus.
The southern base is 56 miles in '#i(fth, the centre 40,
and the Kagan valley only about 15. The District

comprises three tahsils Mansehra, Abbottabad, and

Harij)ur whicli occupy the north, centre, and south
respectively, and a tract known as Feudal, or Upper,
Tanawal, which lies to tlie west of the centre. The total
area by Survey of India measurements is 3,062, or, if

Feudal Tanawal is excluded, 2,858 square miles. On the

east the boundaries of the District are theKashmir and
Poonch States, from the former of which it is divided by
the Jhelum and Kunhar rivers, and, at the northern end,
by a mountain range, and from the latter by the Jhelum
only. On the west it marches with the independent
territories of Kohistan, Allai, Nandihar, Daishi, Tikri,
and the Black Mountain ;
and further south the Indus


separates itfrom the Utmanzais and other trans-border
tribes, and from a portion of the Swabi tahsil of the
Peshawar District. On the northern boundary lie Chilas
and part of Kohistan, and the southern is the administra-
tive line that divides the North-West Frontier Province
from the Attock and Rawalpindi Districts of the Punjab.

Mountain Ranges ^The leading physical features of

Hazara are its mountain ranges. .These run down either

side of the District, with a trend generally from north-
east to south-west. On the east the main chain is a long
ridge that flanks the right bank of the Kunhar and the
Jhelum and terminates in the hills of Murree and Khan-
pur. At the northern end its peaks attain a height of
over 15,000 feet nearer the centre, where it is known

as the Dunga Gali range, it varies between 7,000 and

10,000 feet and at the Khanpur end Sribang, the highest

summit, is about 5,660 feet. From this backbone, as it

were, many ribs in the shape of spurs project on either
side, especially in the southern half. Those to the west
are the longer, and enclose the network of valleys that
are included in what are known as the Lora, Nara, and
Khanpur tracts.
Separating from the above range, on the extreme north,
another chain flanks the left bank of the Kunhar, and
forms, as above noted, part of the boundary between
Hazara and Kashmir. It contains a peak (Mali-ka-
Parbat) of over 17,000 feet, the highest in the District.
Shortly before the junction of the Kunhar and the Jhelum
it passes wholly into Kashmir territory. The western
range diverges from the eastern one at the Musa-ka-
Musalla Peak (13,378 feet), on the borders of Allai.
Skirting the north end of the Bhogarmang and Konsh
valleys, and sending down a spur to divide the two, it
encircles Agror, its western chain forming the far-famed
Black Mountain (8,000 feet). Then, breaking up into
numerous spurs and offshoots, it becomes the maze of
hills constituting the Tanawal tract, through which the

(ro THE hkhit), from the south.



river Siran forces its way to join the Indus. The highest
peaks here are Bhingra (8,600 feet) and Biliana (6,192
feet). The end of the range is formed by the Gandgar
hills, which lie along the Indus to the south-west of

the Siran, and attain a height of little more than

4.000 feet.
Plain Tracts ,

^The space between the mountain systems
to east and west, as above described, is filled by a series
of level tracts of varying size and character. First may
be mentioned the Pakhli plain of the Mansehra tahsil,
3.000 feet above sea-level, 11 miles from north to
south, and 10 from east to west. It is a fertile, highly
cultivated tract, especially in the western portion, which
is irrigated by the Siran river. Leaving the town of
Mansehra on the southern edge of this plain, and crossing
a low barrier of hills, one enters the Mangal tract, another
plain less open and more broken than that of Pakhli, and
with a strong soil of deep loam, but no irrigation to speak
of. At the southern end of this tract, which is some 5
miles in length and 3 in width, a leveller and wider
plain is reached, known as Orash or Rash. It is about
4 miles in extent either way, and looks as if it had
once been a great lake. The centre is still very marshy
in parts, but drainage has done wonders, and there are
few portions which are not now dry enough to gro\v the
maize for which the plain is famous. The Abbottabad
cantonment is situated at its southern end. The Mangal
and Rash tracts are both about 4,000 feet above sea-
level. South of the latter there is a considerable drop,
and we come to the Dor valley, which combines with the
Haripur plain to form the third and the biggest of the
plain tracts. Starting at a point where the Dor river
debouches from the hills, it runs between the Nara and
Khanpur hills on the one side, and those of Tanaw^al and
Gandgar on the other, to the southern boundary of the
District. Narrow at first, it gradually w’idens till in
its centre at Haripur it is some 12 miles broad. Its
length from north-east to south-west is 30 miles,

and its altitude gradually drops from 3,000 to 1,600 feet.

Through the upper and northern portion the Dor flows,
irrigating land of great fertility on cither bank the lower

end is a very level stretcli of unirrigatcd soil, seamed here

and there by deep ravines.
The above are the three chief plain tracts of the Dis-
trict, but a few smaller tracts of similar character deserve

mention. One of them is what is known as the Khanpur

Panjkatha, a well-watered plain lying in the south-eastern
corner of the Haripur tahsil, where the Harroh emerges
from the Khanpur hills. Another is the Khari tract, a
narrow, level strip of land between the Gandgar range
and the Indus. North of this is the small fertile plain of
Tarbela, where the Siran joins the Indus. Then the Nara
bills enclose an elevated basin called the Dhan,’ w'ith a

moist, almost soil, and on what is known as the

Dhund branch Upper Harroh lies the Lora tract,
of the
an open valley somewhat broken by low hills. Last
comes the small but level Chattar plain up at the head
of the Konsh valley, in the north-west portion of the
Mansehra tahsil, with a height of perhaps .'S.SOO feet.

Rivers The Siran .

The important rivers of the Dis-
trict are the Siran, the Dor, the Harroh, and the Kunhar.
The Indus and the Jhelum skirt it only, the former
on the west for 30, and the latter on the east for 2.'>
miles. The Siran takes its rise in the north of the
Bhogarmang valiey, flows through the western ])ortion
of Pakhli, then dives into the Tanawal hills, whens ])art
of its course is through the feudatory Statiis of Phulra
and Amb, and emerging at a corner of the Haripur
plain, turns north-west to join the Indus at Tarbela.
Its total course is between 70 and 80 miles, and it
irrigates 6,273 acres, 4,671 of which are in Mansehra
tahsil, 14.3 in Abbottabad, and 1,460 in Haripur. It
contains a very considerable volume of water, though,
except in time of flood, it is fordable at many places.


The Dor .
—^The Dor contains much
less water and has
a shorter and more rapid course than the Siran, but
commands more than double the area. It rises at the
northern end of the Dunga Gali range, flows through the
Haripur plain, and joins the Siran near the north-eastern
end of the Gandgar range, 5 miles above Tarbela. Its
length to the junction is about 40 miles, and on its
way it irrigates 1,133 and 13,713 acres in the Abbottabad
and Haripur tahsils respectively. In ordinary years the
volume of water, which is increased by numerous springs
in the river-bed, is ample for the irrigation purposes of
many villages and adequate for the rest, but occasionally
the supply is insufficient, and is altogether exhausted
before the Siran is reached. Still, in any year there is a
large stretch of irrigated land that is perfectly secure, and
regularly produces rich crops of sugar-cane and turmeric,
which mark the tract as one of exceptional fertility.
The Harroh .

The Harroh rises at the southern end of
the Dunga Gali range, where it has two main branches
the eastern, known Dhund, and the western, known
as the
as the Karral Harroh, from the names of the tribes through
whose country they flow*. The two streams unite at the
head of the Khanpur tract, and the river, after flowing
for some distance through a deep gorge, debouches on
the Khanpur Panjkatha, which has been mentioned
above. The length of its course to the border of the
Attock tahsil is between 40 and 50 miles, and it irrigates
about 3,200 acres, most of which lie in the Panjkatha.
The water-supply is usually adequate for the area irri-
gated within the District, though often insufficient
for the villages of the Attock District immediately

The Kunhar. ^The Kunhar issues from the lake called
Lulu Sar at the head of the Kagan valley, and after a
generally turbulent course of about 110 miles joins the
Jhelum at Pattan. It has an ample volume of water,
but there is little level land upon its banks, and the
stream itself has either too rapid a current or too deep a
channel to be utilized much for irrigation purposes.

Minor Streams ^The rivers above mentioned have

innumerable tributaries, some with a permanent flow,

others with a scanty trickle from a spring in their bed,
that, save in time of rain, is all used up for irrigation
purposes at a short distance from its source. The irrigated
area on these minor streams amounts to some 21,400
acres. They are known as kathas, as distinct from kassis,

which are dry nullahs or ravines, converted into torrents

only by heavy rainfall. In a hilly district like Hazara
these latter arc naturally very numerous, and the wide
stony beds of many of them testify to the occasional
violence of their floods.
Lakes and Tanks . —The lakes of the District are con-
fined to the Kagan valley, and a description of them will
be found in Chapter VIII. In the drier portions of the
Haripur plain, and wherever water is scarce or distant,
tanks have been constructed to catch the rainfall.
In the first-named tract the large bor trees which
grow on their edge arc a conspicuous feature of the
Rainfall (Tables ITT., IV., and V.). —In a district of such
varied characteristics, with its many alternations of hill

and and barrenness, dry soil and moist,

plain, vegetation
a corresponding variety is bound to bo exhibited in the
rainfall. A continuous record of the fall has be(ni kept
at the head-quarters of the three tahsils, Haripur, Abbott-
abad, and Mansehra, and the annual average of the last
twenty-two years is 30, 47, and 30 inches respectively.
But within the limits of each tahsil there must bo equally
great variety. The southern portion of the Haripur plain,
a rule, much less rain than Haripur
for instance, gets, as
and the upper portion of the Khanpur tract gets

much more. Similarly, in Abbottabad the Dor plain and

the lower portion of Tanawal get less and the villages on
the Dunga Gali range more than Rash. In fact, from

the returns of a rain-gauge recently established at Dunga

Gali it may be estimated that the average fall on that
range (including snow) is between 60 and 70 inches in

the year. In Mansehra the rainfall at the tahsil head-

quarters is less than at the northern end of the Pakhli
plain,- and than in the Agror, Konsh, and Bhogarmang
valleys, as a rain-gauge recently erected at Oghi in Agror
indicates. On the other hand, in Kagan the monsoon
spends its force before* it gets far up the valley, and the
northern portion is generally almost rainless in the summer,
though the snowfall in winter is very heavy.
About two-thirds of the rain fall in the hot weather
— —
months April to September and one-third in the cold

weather months October to March. July and August
are the wettest months in the former season January, ;

February, and March in the latter. The advent of the

monsoon rains is often delayed till the middle of July,
but in the more elevated parts of the District, including
Abbottabad itself, they are preceded by frequent thunder-
storms in May and June, induced by the rising tempera-
ture in the plains, and trking the place of the dust-storms
which afflict those less fortunate tracts.
Climate .
—The climate naturally is very varied too.
Round Haripur it resembles that of the Northern Punjab,
though the hot weather sets in a little later and ends a
May and September being both fairly tem-
little earlier,

])('ratc months. The heat of the lower hills can also be

very herce. In the Rash and Paklili plains the climate
is and the hot weather is seldom very trying, but
July and August can be unpleasantly muggy. The
winter in thes(' tracts is much more severe than down
at Hari])ur. Frost is frequent (early in 1005 there was
skating at Abbottabad), snow falls at times, and with
this and frequent rain January and February are usually

somewhat disagreeable months. But the delightfulness

of the climate in the months that precede and follow

them is ample com]>ensation. The most elevated tracts



of the District are uninhabitable in winter, owing to snow

and cold, but in the summer their coolness affords a
grateful change from the sultriness of the plains below,
and the bracing air of the hill-stations of Thandiani and
the Galis in the Abbottabad tahsil enhances their natural
Scenery.—The climate and scenery are, indeed, the
great attractions of Hazara, and there must be few
Districts in India that can surpass it in this regard. A
great charm of the scenery is its endless diversity. The
well tract along the Indus, the small but richly watered
plain of the Harroh, the still more fertile country round
Haripur, and the flat, broad stretch of unirrigated land
to the south and west thereof, recall features of the plains
of the Punjab. The low and bare hills that fringe these
level tracts have an attraction of their own, with their
distant views of the wide-spreading plains and their
invigorating air in the cold weather months ;
and the
higher hills with their pine-covered slopes, the snow-
capped peaks of Kagan, Bhogarmang and the regions
beyond, the mountain torrents and waterfalls, the silent
lakes, the villages perched on almost inaccessible heights
or nestling in the valleys amid groves of trees, appeal
strongly in their several ways to the lover of the sublime,
the beautiful, or the picturesque, and afford a welcome
contrast to the monotonous uniformity of less favoured
Geology .

The following account of the geology of
Hazara is taken from a note by Mr. C. S. iMiddlemiss in
the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India,’ vol. xxvi.

Hazara may be described geologically as a section of

the earth’s crust coming well within the area of Himalayan

disturbance, although the trend of the hill -ranges is
altered from north-west south-east to north-east south-
west. It is divisible into four distinct zones or belts of
formations separated from one another by faults with
overthrust,and each zone exhibits more plication or


metamorphosis as the higher and more north-westerly

regions are approached. The first, to the north-west, is
composed of metamorphic schists and sills of gneissose
granite, and includes most of the country north-west ol
Abbottabad and the Dor valley. The second zone is
composed of a great and ancient slate series, with out-
liers of younger rocks in the high, isolated hill groups

north-cast of Abbottabad. The next in order, together

with the outliers of that just described, comprises a great
series of marine deposits, beginning with a marked un-
conformity and basal conglomerate, and extending from
the infra-trias up to nummulitic, the rocks being mostly
limestones or dolomitic limestones, with subordinate
shales and sandstones. In this series the trias and num-
mulitic are well developed, while the Jura cretaceous
strata are comparatively thin. Last of all are tlie upper
tertiary zone of Murrec' sandstones, and the lower and
upper Siwalik sandstones and conglomerates to the south,
stretchingaway into the Rawalpindi plateau.’
Botatnj, —The flora of Hazara may conveniently be
divided into four rather well-marked tracts :

1. The {)lains of Lower Hazara.

2. The low(‘r hills,ranging in altitude from 3,000 to
about above sea-level.
(),(H)0 fet't

3. The forests, from 6,000 to about 9.000 feet.

4. Th(* Alj)ine regions, 9,000 feet and upwards.
tlu'se four tracts, tlu^ flora of tlie first differs but
from that of the surrounding plains of the Punjab.
lit tl('

The country is gt'iierally well cultivated, and in spring-

time, when the corn is green, there is a plentiful crop of
annual plants, many of which belong to temperate
climates, such as the poppy, the buttercup, the shepherd's
])iirse, th(' speedwell, the dandelion, and the bindweed.
The principal trees are the mulberry, {\\o shisham —or W//,
as it is called locally {Dalbergia aSwoo)' (Albizzia
and the si)nal (Bombax Malabarica). Among the
commonest shrul)s are the barberry {sumbal)^ the prickly
Gymnosporia (called patdki), the wild pomegranate [daruni),
and the paper Daphne.^

As regards the lower liills, there can be little doubt that

in former days, when the population of the District was
less than it is now, many of those which are now dry and
bare, except for a few stunted bushes and herbs; were
covered with fine forests of the chir (Pinus longifolia).
Remains to be seen, notably on
of these forests are still

the ridge which separates the Pakhli plain from the

Kunhar valley, in Bhogarmang, Agror, and elsewhere.
But the practice of Imrning the dry grass in summc'r, the
annually increasing demands for timber and fuel, and the
grazing of innumerable flocks of goats, have generally
changed the aspect of the country. In such woodt'd
tracts as still remain the prevailing tree is the chir,

mingled with the ever~green oak, tlie wild fig, and the
olive while around the villages are orchards containing

apricots, plums, peaches, pears, ap])les, and quinces.

Almost every village has its ziarat, or shrine,
with usually
a grove of Pistacia (kangar) and Celtin (batkarar), and
occasionally a fine specimen of the small -leaved (dm
(mannu), 01 shrubs, the most notable are the mnuffia
(Dodoncca viscosa), the Venetian sumacli {Rhuf^ cotinus),
the wild indigo, the barberry, and the musk-rose. Of
herbaceous plants, the small yellow-flowered colchiciim,
which resembles a crocus, is the first to a])])ear in (*arly
spring. As the green corn increases in height it is studdc'd
with pink and white tulips, and in certain parts of the
Pakhli plain the rare and beautiful Ixiolirion montanum
is plentiful. In shady spots there are dog-violets, and
the bush-flax {Reinwardtia) spreads its yellow flowers in
great profusion close to the ground, recalling the English
primrose. Later on, in March and April, the pale pink
Hazara lily [Lilium rosevm) c(im(\s into bloom, and the
graveyards are bright with blue and white iris and Poly-
anthus narcissus, both of which have berm imj)ort(^d from
Europe, probably through FVrsia and Afghanistan. During

the hot, dry months there arc few flowers to be seen, but
immediately the rainy season commences there is a
striking change. The vegetation is now distinctly sub-
tropical in character. In the maize-fields will be found
the sky-blue convolvulus (Ipomcea hederacea), the pale
yellow Hibiscus, and many others. As autumn advances
the blue gentian {G. Kurroo) is common on steep grassy
To turn now to the forest tracts, the most conspicuous
tree is the tall, slender paludar (Abies Webbiana), which
grows to perfection on slopes with a northern aspect.
Its sombre foliage is relieved by the bright green of the
Himalayan horse-chestnut, the maple, the bird-cherry,
and many others. There arc several fine timber-trees,
the most valuable being the deodar and the hiar, or blue
pine. The oaks are burned for charcoal, and almost
every tree is turned to some purpose by the thrifty
villager, thewood being used for building or for agricul-
tural implements and various household utensils, and the
foliage cut and stacked for fodder for use during the
winter months. The best fodder-producing trees are the
elm, the spindlc-w'ood (Euonijmus fimbriatus), the ever-
green oak, the bird-cherry, and the chestnut. The foliage
of the walnut is highly esteemed in Kagan, but is not
much used in other parts of Hazara. The forest under-
growth consists chiefly of guch (Viburnum joctens), with
pale pink Avaxy blossoms appearing in early spring before
the leaves, and the evergreen aromatic Skimmia, w’ith
bright red berries resembling those of holly. There are
numerous herbaceous plants, of which the peony, the
Podophijllum, and the violet are the first to come into
bloom, followed by the columbine, the wild geranium, the
blue 8 trobila tithes, and the balsam.
The vegetation of the Alpine tracts is generally similar
to that which is to be met with throughout the higher
Himalayan ranges. Above the coniferous trees there is
the usual belt of silver birch, and higher still the dwarf
juniper. There are many beautiful flowering plants,
among which the most conspicuous in spring are the
gentians and anemones, with a dark blue m€Ytensi(i and
a purple covudalis. In summer there are aconites and
forget-me-nots, the Swiss Edelweiss, and the Iceland
A detailed of the more important or interesting

trees, shrubs, and herbs is given in Appendix I., with

their English and vernacular as well as their scientific
names. The vernacular names have been verified as far
as possible by inquiries in many different localities, and
in several cases the Pashtu names used in Western Hazara
have been given as well as those in ordinary use. The
knowledge of trees and plants, more especially those of
economic value, which is possessed by the agricultural
population of Hazara is quite remarkable, and it is some-
times difficult to realize that these people have no ac-
quaintance with scientific botany. The (in jars are
especially well posted in the medicinal uses of plants,
while the tribes of Pathan descent have a liking for bright
and showy flowers.
Birds .

The birds of Hazara are also, as one would
expect from the nature of the District, of great variety.
With few exceptions, they are all mon* or h'ss migratory,
and the result is that even if an observer confines his
attention to the neighbourhood of Abbottabad, he will
see much diversity ;
for in the summer the hill birds
retreat into their summer quarters, and their places are
taken by those from the plains, while in wint(‘r, and
hard winter, a number of birds a])y)ear which
especially a
would generally have to be sought high uj) in the hills.
The peculiarity, however, of the birds of Hazara is to be
found in the fact that one of the great lines of migration
from India to Kashmir, where many birds spend the*
summer, and to Northern Siberia, the great breeding-
place for birds from all Asia, and even from New Zealand,
lies through the District. Many, too, go in a north-

westerly direction towards Europe. At the proper

seasons almost all the species of Indian water-birds and
waders pass either up or down. Large numbers of rooks,
jackdaws, and starlings halt for the winter in the neigh-
bourhpod of Abbottabad, though many pass on into the
plains. With the regular winter migrants from Europe
or Siberia there are nearly always a few stragglers whose
proper line of migration lies in other directions, but who
have got mixed up with the great India stream of birds
of this character. Thus the hooded crow, whose line of
migration in winter is from the north-west towards the
British Isles, is to be met with in Hazara occasionally,
and the European who from Europe should go

south to Africa, gets mixed up with the birds who travel

from Europe in a soutli-easterly direction, and appears
as a stray visitor in these parts. If a man had leisure,

he might probably find many such occasional visitants.

Another feature, not, however, peculiar to the birds
visiting Hazara, is that many migrants hurry through

the District in the spring migration, and make a con-

siderable halt there on their autumn travels. Thus the
Tillija [JouKiri, or mango-bird) is rarely seen when going
north, but large flocks hang about the Abbottabad neigh-
bourhood for weeks at a time on their return journey.
Similarly, the little purple honeysucker and the bee-eaters
arc rarely seen in the spring, but a few make a halt on
their way back. It would seem sometimes as if bird.'^,
like human travellers, vary their route, going north by
one line, coming back by another. The wheat-eater, for
instance, is one' of the first birds to return, and makes a
halt on the Thandiani hill for a few weeks, but it has
never been recorded as seen there in the spring. A
list of birds observed in the District will be found in

Appendix II.

Oame arul Other Wild Aiiimals Sport of a varied

nature may be found in the District, but game is decidedly

scarce. Big game are naturally confined to the more


remote forest-clad hills. A few ibex and red bear are to
be found on the higher ridges of TCagan. Black bear arc
more numerous, and frequent all the hills over 7,000
feet in altitude, coming down to the cultivated lands for
the sake of the ripening maize. Leopards are scarce, and
the tigers that used to be found in the Gandgar and
Khanpur hills have long disappeared. There are a few
musk deer in the upper forests, and the Khanpur forests
are the habitat of the kakw\ or barking deer. The rain,
or gural (Himalayan chamois), tliat is said to have been
very common fifty years ago, is now very scarce, and the
wild pig, that were also numerous in those days, have died
out altogether. Of small game, the most prominent is
the cliilcor, or hill partridge, which is to ])o found all over
the District, but chiefly amongst the lower hills. A fair
bag can generally be made near BatTa, in Tanawal or
Badhnak, at the Sirikot end of the Gandgar rang(*, in the
Khanpur, Nara, and Lora tracts, and around Boi. I)iU‘k
are found on the rivers, esp(*eially on tlH‘ Siran, but not
in great numbers. Snipe an^ not ph'utiful, but then* are
one or two on the Siran and elsewhen% where
small jheels
good bags may occasionally be obtained. Partridges of
the black and grey varieties are scarc(*, being found only
in the low hills, and that with difliculty. The up]K*r
forests contain a good number of various kinds of
pheasants, including the kuklds and ynanaul, l)ut they are
difficult to find or get at. Quail ai;e fairly abundant in
the spring in the wheat and barley fields of tln^ plain
tracts they appear again in the autumn in smaller

numbers. Pigeons, both the blue rock and the ordinary

wood-pigeon, are numerous, and generally to be found in
the vicinity of cliffs overhanging streams or nullahs. Tlu*
District used in the old days to swarm with hares, but
few are left now. Jackals abound everyw'here except in
the higher hills. Foxes, hill martens, ponmpinc^s, mon-
gooses, and burrowing rats, are more or less common all
through the District, and (lying squirrels are found in

the higher hills. Monkeys are numerous in the forests,

and, like bears, do much damage to the ripening maize.
To the marmots of Kagan a reference will be made in
Chapter VIII.
Fishing . —The days
fishing of the District in the old
was excellent, and large bags of mahsir could be caught
in the Siran and Harroh. A 60-pound fish was once
landed at Thapla on the* Siran, and Tarbela, at the junction
of that river and the Indus, was a very noted fishing resort.
In the Harroh the fish, though numerous, were smaller.
But the netting, spearing, dynamiting, and setting of
night-lines, in which the villages on the river -banks
indulge, have ruined sport, and a ynahsir of any size is
rarely now landed by the rod. Fair bags of small fish
can be made occasionally in the upper reaches of the
Harroh. Snow-trout are found in the upper portion of
the Kimhar and Siran rivers, but do not give any sport.
English trout have been introduced into the Kalapani
or Harnoi stream, on the road to Thandiani, and are doing
well, the largest caught being close on 4 ])ounds in
weight. Hopes are entertained that the experiment may
succeed in other streams also.
Bees . —
The kee])ing of bees in the hill tracts is very
common. To start a hive a chamber about 4 cubic feet
in size is made in the wall of a hut, generally on the south
or south-east side, so as to face the sun, w’ith a small
entrance-hole, the edges of which are smeared with a
mixture of honey and the pounded wood of the chaura
plant, to attract a swarm. The honey is extracted in the
months of September, October, or November, after
smoking out the bees. The average yield of a hive is
15 seers, one-fifth of wdiich is left for the bees’ winter

food. If not consumed at home, the honey is sold at
rates of 3 or 4 seers to the rupee, and it is worth
noting that there is a small village in the Boi tract which
has been in the habit of paying its entire revenue to the
assignee in this form. The honey is light in colour and
rather tasteless as compared with ordinary English honey.
There are two kinds of bees, the large and the small. The
small variety exists at higher elevations than the other,
and makes better honey, with a reddish tint in it. Honey
made by wild bees is also very common, and is gathered
from the forests by the villagers if they have not been
anticipated by the bears.
Earthquakes and Floods .
—The District is comparatively
immune from the convulsions of Nature.Earthquakes,
though not infrequent occurrence, have never been of a
really alarming character. The greatest flood known is
that of 1841 in the Indus, which swept away numerous
villages on the river-bank and destroyed a large area of
rich alluvial land. It is referred to again in Chapter V.
Another severe, though not so disastrous, flood occurred
a few years later. A more recent flood of a serious
character was that of 1893 in the Kunhar and Jhelum,
which swept away the Kohala Bridge and did much other
chapter II


Population — Census Figures (Tables I. and VI.). Ex- —

clusive of the Feudatory States of Upper Tanawal, which
will be dealt with in a separate chapter, the population of
the District at the various censuses is shown in the
following table :

Increase j

i per Cent, on |

Previous 1

i Census.


Census of First Regular Settlement (1S60-70) 1

343,029 i
of 1881 :
383,031 1
,, of 1891 i 483,903 i
,, of 1901 .V28,666 '

These figurt's must be taken with some reserve, for in

so hilly a country, with its scattered homesteads and
difficult communications, a very accurate census is an
impossibility. That of 1901 was probably more correct
than its forerunners, as owing to the presence of officials

employed on the revision of the Settlement an extra staff

was available for its supervision. But there can be no
doubt that the population is increasing at a somewhat
rapid rate. The conditions of life are healthy, large
families are frequently to be mot with, instances of
longevity are not uncommon —there are several cente-
narians —
and the standard of prosperity is fairly high.
Towns and Villages (Tables VI. and VII.). The popula- —
tion is almost wholly rural. There are only four places
17 2
that can be dignified by the name of town viz., Abbott- —
abad, Nawanshahr, Haripur, and Bafla and of these the —
last is more an overgrown village. They account for
5 per cent, of the people ;
the rest are distributed among
villages, that for revenue and administrative purposes
number 914. But, as a matter of fact, one so-called
village is often made up of several hamlets, and in the

hill tracts disintegration has proceeded further still, many

persons living in isolated homesteads built on their own
lands. Indeed, in some eases the site to which tlie name
of the village but a tiny cluster of huts with a
is applied is

mosque attached. such circumstances th(M’e must

inevitably be a weakening of the communal tie, and the
control exercised by the headmen is often nominal only.

Yet the tribal bond for in most village's the great
majority of the proprietors belong to one' and the same
tribe —remains strong, and tlu' traditional dues and
services leviable by persons of a superior fi'om those of
an inferior status, which are a. r(‘lic of the troublous times
when their relations w(‘re those of jirotc'ctor and protected,
are another link of sonu' importaiUM'.
Density (Table VI.), —The m(‘an density of t lu' jiopula-
tion is 190 persons to the square* mile. Ibit so large* a jiart
of the District is a mountaieiou.s waste, uninhaliitahle in
winter, that this figures conveys little*. Movi^ instructive
is the figure for the de'iisity j)er square* mile* e)f cult ivat iein,
which is 787. This is a high rate*, anel in some* tracts like
Lower Tanawal and Badhnak, the* j)re*ssure on the soil is
severe. But tlie large* area e)f waste* and the^ ve'ry con-
siderable profits realized the*r(‘from do much to re*lieve the
Migratioyi (Table VIll.). — From the migration statistics
to he gleaned except that the large majority of the
little is

population is indige^nous. About 21,000, or 4 p(*r cent,

of the persons
enumerated in the District at the census of
1901 belonged to othe*r Districts, and 22,000 of those
enumerated elsc'whore belonged to Hazara. Rawalpindi

contributed the greatest number of immigrants, and

Kashmir of emigrants. In all cases males considerably
outnumbered females.

Sex (Table X.). Of the total population in 1901, the
males numbered 281,704 and the females 246,962. The
disproportion of the sexes is thus 6 per cent, in favour of
the males. In 1891 it was 8 per cent., and in 1881 16 per
cent. Female infanticiefe is not practised in the District,
and the commonest explanation of these disproportions
is that boys are better cared for than girls. But it would
perhaps b(> rasli to assume that the figures of the three
decades indicate that any greater value is set on the lives
of the weaker sex now than heretofore.
Getieral Character of the People . —
The Hazara j^easant
is somewhat lacking in robust qualities. He has not, as
a rul(^ the manliness of the Peshawar Pathan, or the
sturdy independence of the Punjabi Muhammadan of
Rawalpindi and Jhelum. He is inclined to whine ;
is a most fluent liar he ;
is addicted to factions and
litigation, and the
to the laying of false information,
institution fraudulent cases. Yet away from the
atmosphei'o of the Courts and the neighbourhood of the
petition writers he is by no means a bad fellow. Visit
him in his village, and you will generally find him friendly
and respectful. His wits are not bright, but he can
enjoy a jest, and he is law-abiding and loyal. There is
no organized crime in Hazara, and if an occasional
murder or the peace it is but a temporary
riot disturbs
ebullition. Outside the towns there is practically no
theft, and in many tracts the police have almost a sine-
cure. Nor is the Hazara wal altogether lacking in enter-
prise. Res angusta domi or an adventurous spirit drives
many far afield. Numbers are to be found in Govern-
ment and from all
or private service of every* description,
parts of Indiaand Burma, from China, from the Straits
and Borneo, from Africa and Australia, letters and
remittances come to gladden the folks at home.
: : : ;;


Tribes notified as Agricultural under the Punjab Aliena-
tion Act (Table XV.).— The tribes of the District, who have
boon notified as agricultural under the Punjab Alienation
Act, are the Awans, Bambas, Bibs, Dhunds, Dilazaks,
Gakhars, Gujars, Karrals, Kurcshis, Malliars, MIshwanis,
Moghals, Pathans, Rajputs, Sararas, Swathis, Saiads,
Tarins, Tanaolis, and Turks but the Dilazaks and Tarins ;

might have been included in the Pathans.

Of these tribes the Bibs and the Rajputs need not detain
us. The Bibs are a small and humble tribe inhabiting one
or two villages in the Abbottabad tahsil between the
Rash plain and the Thandiani range. They arc^ perhaps
connected with the Awans, though the latter do not admit
the relationship. The j^jputs, wlio number 4,082, are
scattered about the Dif^l^ct, generally as tenants, not
proprietors, and ,J)robabjH include a number of persons
who have no roak qlaihi the title. The other tribes
require longer not^e. •

Note. — The following is an index to the group on the plate opposite,

reading from left to right
Standing at hack: Shahzaman Khan, Jadun, of Dhaintaur Najiiii ;

Khan, son of Nadir Klian, Tarin, of Darvvesh Fa/.l Khan, son of ;

Ahmad Khan, Pani, of Panian.

Next row (fitanding) Ali Bahadur Khan, brother of the late
Khanizaman Khan, Said Khani Utman/ai. of Khalabat; Muhammad
Khan, Tanaoli, of Kuthiala Afukaddam Mir Abdullah, Gujar, of Kot

Najibullah Sultan Barkat Khan, Bamba, of Hoi; Haidar Zaman


Khan, son of the late Baja Jahandad Khan, Gakhar, of Khanjnir

Ahmad Khan, Dilazak, of Serai Saleh; Kazi Fa/.l llahi, Golra Awan,
of Sikaiidarpur Muhammad Husain Khan, Swathi, of Mansehra;

Kazi Abdullah Jan, Golra Awan, of Sikfindarpur Mu /.altar Khan, ;

Swathi, of Bhogarmang; Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Gakhar. of Kiianpur.

Third row (.fcated on chairs) : Hayat Khan, Tanaoli, of Sherwan ;

Said Muhammad Khan, Karral, of Dabran Gulam Haidar Sliah, Saiad, ;

of Kawai ;Muhammad Husain Khan, Swathi, of Garhi Habibullah

Khan; Khanizaman Khan, Tanaoli, son of Nawab Sir Muhammad
Akram Kkan, and now (1907) Khan of Anib Sultan Muhammad' ;

Khan, Tanaoli, of Bir Dost Muhammad Khan. Tanaoli, of Shingri


Fazl Shah, Kureshi, of Palasi Satar Shah, Kureshi, of Palasi.


Fourth row {seated, on the ground) Kashtasib Khan, son of Raja*

Sher Ahmad Khan, Gakhar, of Baghpur Dhcri Ahmad Khan, son of ;

Muhammad Akbar Khan, Swathi, of Gidarpur Ata Muhammad ;

Khan, Dhund, of Lora Resaldar Abdullah Khan, Tanaoli, of Chamhad

Mazulla Khan, Said Khani Utmanzai, of Dragri Fakir Shah, Saiad, of ;

Kagan; Munawar Shah, Saiad, of Kagan; Said Mahmud, Mishwani,

of Sirikot Ghazi Shah, S dad, of Kagan.




— —
Pathan Tribes TJie Jaduns, Of the genuine Pathan
tribes themost numerous are the Jaduns, who occupy the
Mangal tract, the Rash and Rajoia plains with the villages
on their fringe, and Bagra and neighbouring villages at
the eastern end of the Haripur plain. In the census of
1901 their numbers are given as 11,590. They are the
same tribe as the Gaduns of the Yusafzai border, and,
according to Raverty, are descended from Yzadun, son

of Parnai, and brother of Kakar, the two latter being

sons of Danai, son of Gurghusht, son of Kais-i-Abdur
Rashid, entitled “ the Patan.” They appear to have

crossed the Indus into Hazara about the beginning of the

seventeenth century, and taken possession of lands then
belonging to the Turks and Dilazaks. The tribe is divided
into three main sections —
Hassanzais, Salars, and
Mansurs. The first reside in Dhamtaur and the adjacent
villages, and in the Mangal and Bagra tracts the second

in the Rajoia Plain ; the third in Mangal, and in and

round Nawanshahr. The Salars also lived in Mangal up
to Sirdar Hari Singh’s time (about a.d. 1830), but they
were then evicted and confined to the Rajoia tract. The
Mansur and Salar sections (but not the Hassanzais) keep
up a slight connexion with the parent tribe trans-Indus,
and a few of them can speak Pashtu. After they had
obtained a footing in Hazara, the three clans took to
electing one of their number to conduct their affairs and
decide disputes. The arrangement, at first temporary in
character, subsequently was made permanent, and the
chiefship was attached to a Hassanzai family in Dhamtaur.
At the time of the Sikhs’ arrival in Hazara, Barkhurdar
Khan was chosen as Khan of the tribe he was succeeded

by his son, Inayat Khan, who is represented to-day by his

grandson, Shahzaman Khan. The chiefship has now
ceased to exist, but Shahzaman Khan’s is still regarded as
the best family in the tribe. He holds a small ]agir worth
100 rupees, an iiiuni of 100 rupees, and is a District
Darbari. The other most influential families are those

of the leading proprietors of Nawanshahr, Bagra, Banda
Atai Khan (in the Rajoia plain), and Banda Pir Khan
(in Mangal). Muhammad Akbar Khan, the representa-
tive of the last, holds the largest assigned to any
member of the tribe, ft was earned by his grandfather
Khiidadad Khan, who rendered conspicuous services to
Major Abbott. The tribe is a proud one, despising manual
labour, and addicted, like most Pathans, to extravagance,
faction, and litigation. But it contains a number of fine
stalwart men, and is not devoid of the frankness and
manliness that are also Pathan characteristics.
The Tarins . —
The Tarins occupy a few villages in the
Haripur plain to the west and south of Haripur. Raverty
says they are descended from Tarin, son of Sarabarn, one of
the sons of Kais-i-Abdur Rashid. They are therefor(^
connected in origin with the Jaduns. According to their
own account Tarin Iiad three sons Abdal Khan, Tor —
Khan, and Spin Khan. From the first the Sadozais and
Duranis are descended from the second and third the

Tarins themselves. Those in the Haripur plain are Tor

Tarins. There are a few Spin Tarins in Tarbela, and the
rest are said to be in Peshin. Another section of the tribe
residing in the Haripur plain are the Malkiars. Th(‘ Tor
Tarins say that they belong to some subsidiary branch,
but they themselves affirm that iMalik Yar was a brotluM*
of Tor and Spin Khan. The trib(^ now numla^rs 2, DOG
souls, if the census figures of 1901 are corn^ct. Tlu^y
appear to have come to Hazara at tlu^ invitation of the
Gujars, whom they gradually sujiplanted. Tlu^ first of
them to settle in the District is said to have Ix^en one* Slier
Khan. He was driven out of the Kandahar Provinc(‘
by its Governor, and about a.d. 1G31 took scwvice in
India under the Emperor Shah Jahan, who gave him
200,000 rupees in cash, and permission to keep up a con-
tingent of 1,000 horse. He also n*ceivod a jagir, which
was perhaps in the tract that the tribes now occupies. At
any rate, the Taiins soon rose to be tlie most important

tribe inLower Hazara. Towards the end of the eighteenth

century their chief was Himmat Khan, and he was sue-
ceed(^d by his son Najibullah Khan, the founder of Kob
Najibullah. But with the advent of the Sikhs their
power began to wane. Being so close to Haripur they
were brought at once into contact with their new rulers,
and after an ineffectual struggle w(M*e forced to submit,
j^ut tlieir chief, Muhammad Khan, was a troublesome
customer, and not till the year 1825, when he died of
poison administered by tl\e direction of Sirdar Hari Singh,
was the tribe really reduced to order. Gulam Khan,
Muhammad Khan’s son, was equally ill-fated. He deserted
Major Abbott, and went over to the Duranis in 1848 was:

subsequently arrested by the British Government, and

deported to Allahabad and in 1857 was hanged in the

jail there for instigating an outbreak among the prisoners.

His family, whose representatives live* in his village of

Nurdi Guldheri, has now little influenet\ The most
])rominent of the Tarins in the ])resent day dwell at
Darwesh, close to Hari])ur, but they, too. have fallen
rather on evil times. There is too great a tendency
among the tribe to har]> oii the glories of former days,
and to refuse to adapt themselves to modern conditions,
and th(U’(^ is a regrettable lack of men of worth and
The Dilazahs .

The Dilazaks are also a small tribe,
numbering 2,5.34 souls. But in bygone days tlu\v were a
very important one. Tluy were driven out of Afghanistan
in tlu^ time of the Emperors Babar and Humayun, and
came and si'ttled in Hazara and in the (’hach tract of
the present Attock tahsil. Their raids and depredations
thereafter gave so mucli trouble that succeeding Empm*ors
had them removed further into Hindustan, with the result
that the strength of the tribe was completely broken, and
its numbers were dispersed. Tlu^ Hazara Dilazaks now
occupy a few villages in the Haripur plain to the east of
Haripur. Their head-quarters are Serai Saleh, and their


leading representative Ahmad Khan. The latter has only
lately succeeded his father, Elahi Bakhsh Khan, who was
a worthy and influential man. He has a jagir of 70 rupees

and an inam of 150 rupees.

The Utmanzais—The Utmanzais are a branch. of the
tribe of the same name who are located in Yusafzai and in
Independent Territory trans-Indus, and they number
2,564 souls according to the latest census. They were
invited across the river by the Gujars, who were being dis-
possessed by the Tanaolis, Tarins, and others, and they
gradually acquired much of the Gujars’ own territory.
They are subdivided into Allazais, Akazais (who must be
distinguished from the Black Mountain tribe of the same
name), and Kanazais. Of these, the Allazais are the most
numerous in Hazara, and are split up into three sections
the Tarkhelis, the Said Khanis, and the Khushal Khanis.
The Tarkhelis will be described separately below. The
rest of the Utmanzais occupy Tarbela and tlie villages at
the tail end of the Dor irrigation, known as the Khalsa
tract. The leading families belong to the Said Khani
branch, the most important being that of Muhammad
Aman Khan of Khalabat, who has a jagir worth 6,400
rupees. He is a retired resaldar of the 9th Cavalry, and
has been made an Honorary Magistrate. His grand-
father, Mirzaman Khan,* was the bravest and most loyal
of all Major Abbott’s following. On one occasion when
the Sikh army had left Hazara, and only the garrison of
Haripur fort remained, he obtained Major Abbott’s per-
mission to go and collect revenue in the villages round
Haripur. While he was at Darwesh, the Sikhs sallied out
Mirzaman Khan’s father, Sadullah Khan, was also noted for his
bravery. The family treasure among their heirlooms a tombstone
which Major Abbott sent out from Kngland to be placed on his grave,
and which bears the following inscription :

To the memory of
Saadoollah Khan Syad Khani, Chief of Kullabutt, the heroic defender
of Nara against three invasions of the Sikhs. He closed a life of
persecution and suffering honoured and respected of all. Ob. 18r»‘2.
A. Ae. 95. This stone is set up by his friend James Abbott.” The
stone is too precious to be erected on the gravci and exposed to the risk
of desecration or of deterioration from the weather.












KHOM hohlinj^





















against him 1,000 strong, whereupon he collected the

30 soivars who were with him, and, charging the enemy in
the most gallant fashion, drove them pell-mell through
tlio town back to the fort. Mirzaman Khan’s son and
successor was Khanizaman Khan, who died in 1906.
Thoroughly loyal like his father, he was unfortunately
careless and extravagant, and he left a heavily-encum-
bered estate, which Muhammad Aman Khan is trying to
get into order again. Government has no stauncher
friends in Hazara than the Khans of Khalabat, and the
family deserves every consideration. The tribe is a well-
behaved one on the whole, though inclined to be factious
and unthrifty like other Pathans, and it provides the army
with sonn^ excellent soldiers.
The Tarkhelis .

The Tarkhelis (whose name is a cor-
ruj)tion of ‘Tahir Khel ’) inhabit the Khari tract and
th(‘ low(^r end of the Gandgar range. They have also
s(*veral villages in the Attock tahsil. Though Utmanzais,
they do not intermarry with the rest of the tribe, have a
dilfer(‘nt character, and also some different customs.
Tlius tli(^ sons inherit per capita [pagvamJ). whereas among
otlu'r Utmanzais of the District the general rule of inheri-
tance' is per stirpes {clmndavand). Aiid in character they
art' inft'rior. Idlt' and somewhat dissolute, they make
bad landlords, and they are the worst revenue payers in
tlu' District, in sj)ite of the fact that a large portion of
tlu'ir ])roprit‘tary lands is held in jagir. Owning land, as
many of tht'in do, in several villages, some of which are
in another Ih’ov inct', they are difficult to get hold of, and
greatly tax tlu^ patience of the tahsil officials. In pre-
aniK'xation days they were given to robbery and every
spt't'it's of vioU'iit crime, as Chapter V. will show but ;

they an' b(‘tt('r c?onducted nowadays, and except an for

(xu'asional murch'r there is little crime among them.

Nor an' tJiey dc'void of intelligence. The chief of the

t-ribt^ in Major Abbott’s days was Khanizaman Khan of

Kut('hra, but lu' forh'ited his })osition by disloyalty, and

his family is now of little account. One of the^ best

families is that of Muhammad Khan of Kharbara, but he

is unfortunately insane. Perhaps the most satisfactory
members of the tribe are the Tarkhelis of Salam Khand,
who served Major Abbott well, and are proud of the fact.
Other Pathdn Tribes . —
There are numerous other Patlian
numbers ai-e small. Among
tribes in the District, but their
them may be mentioned the Sulemanis, or more properly
Shilmanis, who live mostly in the Khalsa tract and are
closely connected with the Utmanzais, and the Panis,
who occupy the village of Panian, 5 miles west of Haripur.
The latter are abranch of the Kakar Pathans, and are
a sturdy race, making excellent agriculturists. Their
leading representative is Ahmad Khan, a very agt^l man,
who remembers Durani days, and has done loyal servic('
in his time. Ho has a jagir of 600 rupees and an inam of
150 rupees.
The Swathis . —
The invasion of the ]\lans(dira tahsil by
the Swathis will be referred to in (liapter V. Tlu^y
number 34,989 according to the census, and oecuj)y the
They claim to
greater portion of that tahsil. b(^ Pathans,
and to be connected with the Yusafzais. or rath(*r with
the Ranazais, from whom the Yusafzais are derived, and
they produce a genealogical tnn^ tracing tln^ir desiaMit
from Adam, and also from the same stock as Pathans
generally. But tlna-e is littl(‘ doubt that th(‘ir claim is
unsustainable as tln^ir namc^* impli(*s, th(*y an^ a ])(U)ple

who once occupied the Swat valley, and tlunr origin is

probably of a heterogeneous characttu*. Tlu^y are divided*|*

into two main sections tin* Ghabri or Utli (Upj)(M)
Pakhli, and the Mamiali-Mitrawi or Tarli (Lower) Pakhli.
The former occupy the Kagan, Balakot, (hirhi Habibullah,
Mansehra, Shinkiari, Bhogarmang, and Konsh tracts,
* Strictly speaking, the name should bo .spelt ‘Swati’ (in I’ashtii

Swatai ’) but contact with llindki-speakirig tribes has led to tlu^

pronunciation of an aspirate after the t,’ and tho common way of

spelling as in the text.


f For further det^iils of the subdivisions of tho tribe, tho old

Gazetteer, pp. 73, 74, may be consulted.

together with Nandihar and Thakot in Independent

Territory the latter reside in the Bhairkund and Agror

tracts, and in Tikri and Daishi across the border. Allai

is shared by both sections. The hereditary chief is
Muhammad Husain Khan of Garhi Habibullah Khan,
who belongs to the Khankhel subsection. The Khankhels,
however, maintain that they are not Swathis,but Kureshis,
which, if correct, is merely an instance of the heterogeneous
origin of the tribe. The Khan is the biggest jagirdar in
the District, the whole of Konsh and a portion of the
Kunhar valley being assigned to him, and the total grant
amounting to nearly 22,000 rupees. The present holder
of the title is more or less of an invalid. Other prominent
members of the tribe are Muhammad Akbar Khan of
Gidarpur, Muhammad Husain Khan of Mansehra, Bara
Khan of Konsh, and Muzaflar Khan of Bhogarmang.
The exiled Khan of Agror is also a Swathi.
The Swathis are given a bad name in the old Gazet-
teer, being described as '
the reverse of warlike, deceitful,
grasping, and lazy.’ They resent these epithets, and they
are ])erhaps a little too strong. Many Swathis are
cjuarrelsome, litigious, and untruthful, oppressive land-
lords and indifferent cultivators ;
but this is not the
universal rule, and the tribe has its good points. In
intelligence they are superior to tribe in the District,
(except possibly theDhunds, and many of them are frank
and pleasant to deal with. At present they are not
enlisted in the army, and they are anxious for this bar to
be removed but their poor physique prevents compliance

with their wishes.

The Mishwanis .

The Mishwanis number 3,992 souls,
and inhabit the villages of Sirikot, Kundi, Amarkhana,
and Gadwalian at the north-east end of the Gandgar
range. There are some of them, mostly occupancy
tenants, in adjacent villages also. They appear to be
Saiads in origin, Mishwani, their progenitor, being one
of the four sons of Saiad Muhammad-i-Gisu Daraz. He
is said to have married a daughter or granddaughter of

Kakar, and to have been adopted by Danai, Kakar’s

father. His descendants consequently have some Kakar
blood in them. Other Saiads, it should be remarked, do
not admit the Mishwanis’ Saiad origin, and do not inter-
marry with them. The tribe is as interesting a one as
any in the District. They are a sturdy lot, industrious,
well behaved, and more honest and truthful than most.
With land to spare at home a great number of them

are inGovernment service, and their loyalty and courage

are beyond question. They fought manfully against the
Sikhs, with varying success, up to the year 1825, when
Hari Singh evicted them from the country for fiv(^ years,
and Major Abbott found in them his staunchest supporters
in 1848. One of the bravest races in the world,’ he

enthusiastically calls them. In their black garments,

with their ancient matchlocks, swords, and targes, their
tribal banner and their wild music, they are a picturesque'
sight as they crown the heights of Sirikot to greet their
visitor, or make the hills resound with their mimic warfare'.
Of the tribes in the District tlu'ir history and the'ir

character appeal most to tlie^ Englishman. Their head is

Said Sharif of Sirikot, who has a small joffir, and is a
jemadar in the 62nd Punjabis. During his absence with
his regiment the most influential member of
the tribe is
his uncle, Said Mahmud.*
The Tanaolis —
The Tanaolis are divided into two gre'at

sections, Hindwal and Fallal, of whom the

form(U’ occupy
Feudal or Upper Tanawal, and the latter Lower Tanawal,
including Badhnak and a number of villages in the
Garhian tract of the Mansehra tahsil. They number
58,700, of whom 19,100 are in Feudal
Tc^rritory. The
* Like the Khans of
Khalabat, this family keeps as a most valued
heirloom a tombstone sent out by Major
Abbott for the grave of Haleh
Hliarif, and bearing the inscrip-
niemory of Saleh Muhammad Mishwani Malik, of
\ a brave,
brikot, uprigdit, and patriotic man, one
of th(‘ defend(>rs of
br kot apinst many invasions.
Ob. a.d. 1851. A. Ac. 85. This stone
ISinscribed by his friend James Abbott.’

















tribe came from across the Indus, being pushed out of the
Mahaban country by the Yusafzais, but their origin is
uncertain. One genealogical tree shows them to be con-
nected with the Janjuhas, but they themselves claim to
be Mcghals. They are split up into a large number of
smaller sections, whose names all end in ‘
al.’ The head
of the Hindwals is the Khan of Amb ;
the leading clan
among the Pallals is that of the Subakhanis, who are split
up into three main branches, the descendants of Fatteh
Sher Khan, Gul Sher Khan, and Sarfaraz KJian, sons of
Suba Khan. The head-quarters of the first are in Phuhar,
of the second in Bir, and of the third in Shingri. They
are represented by three jagirdars Ali Gauhar Khan, —
Sultan Muhammad Khan, and Dost Muhammad Khan.
Sultan Muhammad Khan is a son-in-law of the late Nawab
of Amb. He was educated at the Aitchison College,
Lahore, and is an Honorary Magistrate. His jagir is
worth about 2,400 rupees. Ali Gauhar Khan has only
recently succeeded his father, Muhammad Khan, and has
little to support him except his jagir of 530 rupees. Dost
Muhammad Khan is an old man, the son of Nawab Khan,
who was one of the most prominent chiefs in the District
in Major Abbott’s time. He has a jagir of over 3,600
rupees. The Tanaolis are industrious agriculturists.
Most of them cultivate their own and with many
the struggle for existence, with bad soil and exiguous
resources, is Their moral character does not
stand very high. In olden days their bad faith passed
into a proverb, and they remain unblushing liars.
Factions and quarrels about land and women are common,
and they are inveterate litigants. But there is little
serious crime, and they are a friendly, well-disposed people,
not unattractive. A number of them arc in the army,
and make fair soldiers. Physically they arc perhaps the
best qualified of all the tribes in the District for such
The Turks , —The Turks are the descendants of the
Karlugh families settled in Hazara by Timurlane on his
return from the invasion of India at the end of the four-
teenth century. At one time they dominated the
District, but gradually Pathan tribes and others evicted
them from their possessions, and in a.d. 1786 find
their headmen appealing to Timur Shah, Durani, to
reinstate them in Manakrai, the head-quarters of the clan
near Haripur, from which the Ghurgusht Afghans had
ousted them. Their prayer was granted, and Manakrai
is still the chief Turk village in the District but the glory

of the tribe is departed, and in only a few other scattered

villages in the three tahsils are their representatives to
be found. At the census of 1901 they numbered 2,379
souls, and as in 1891 they numbered 3,821, they ajipear
to be a dying race. They contain no man of any i)r(mii-
nence, and exhibit a general lack of vitality. I'j ,667
The Awans .

The A wans are scattered about the
District, and mixed up with other trib(\s ina bewildering
fashion. They number 90,474 in all, and ar(^ usually a
sturdy, lot, and excellent agriculturists.
Most of them are Kutabshahis otlun- l(*atling sections ar(^

Khokhars and Chuhans. The most prominent family is

that of the Qazis of Sikandarpur, who ar(‘ Golra Kutab-
shahis. Their head is Kazi Fazl Ilahi, tlu' grandson of
Kazi Abdul Ghafur, who was Major Abbott’s right-hand
man. He has a jagir of over 2,000 rupees, and is a
Municipal Commissioner of Haripur. Another leading
member of the family is Kazi Abdullah Jan, yub-Kegistrar
of Haripur, whose father, Khan Sahib Kazi Mir Alain,
was a well-known Extra-Assistant (Commissioner, and,
after his retirement, was made an Honorary Magistrate
with first-class powers.
The Gujars .
—The Gujars are among the oldest inhabi-
tants of the District. They were
occupation of the
Hazara plain before the Dilazaks, Utmanzais, and Tarins
obtained a footing there, and in the hill tracts their tenure
is no less ancient. They are the most numerous of all tlu^

Hazara tribes, totalling 91,670 souls, and are found all

over the District, including Feudal Tanawal. As pro-
prietors, their numbers are strongest in the Haripur
plain ;
as tenants, in the Mansehra tahsil. Of the 101
branches of the tribe there are about 45 in Hazara.
Among them the Kathana Gujars of Kot Najibullah and
the Jagal Gujars in the Haripur plain arc most prominent.
The leading family is that of the jagirdar of Kot Najibullah,
whose present representative is Mukaddam Mir Abdullah.

His father, Mukaddam Gulam Muhammad, was an

Honorary Magistrate one of his brothers is an Extra-

Assistant Commissioner, and another a sub-inspector of

police. His jagir is worth 2,700 rupees. The Gujars of
the hills are much humblerThe majority are
tenants, and excellent agriculturists do some of them
make. They own numbers of cattle, sheep, and goats,
and are often more graziers than cultivators. But even
the Gujars of the Kagan valley, who spend the summer
with their flocks in the ample wastes of Kagan village, and
migrate in the winter to a warmer climate in the southern
portion of the District or elsewhere, have generally some
land to fall back upon, which they visit at sowing and at
harvest time, and occasionally in between. They are a
stolid, simple people, talking among themselves a language
of their own, bullied mercilessly by their landlords,
especially if the latter be Saiads, Swathis, or Dhunds,
inoffensiveand well-behaved, but exasperatingly stupid.
The Karrals .

The Karrals, who number 15,733 souls,
dwell mostly in the Nara tract between the Rajoia plain
and the Dunga Gali range, but are also found in the Boi
hills. They are believed to be Hindus in origin, though
they themselves deny it, and claim to be Moghals, who
came from Kian. Their ancestor, Kallar Shah, was, they
say, in the service ofan Emperor of Delhi, with whom he
went to Kashmir. On his return he took the Nara hills
and the Bakot tract from the Gakhars. As a matter of
fact, it is more probable that the Karrals were already in
these parts when the Oakhars invaded their country.
They appear to have thrown off the Gakhars’ yoke in the
seventeenth century. There are two leading Karral
families— those of the jagirdars of Diwal Manal and of
Dabran. In Sikh times Hassan Ali Khan, the rejiresenta-
tive of the former, was chief of the tribe, and a man of
great influence, but very untrustworthy. In 1857 ho
nearly joined the Dhunds in their attack on Murree, but
was dissuaded by other members of his family. He was
succeeded by his son, Azad Khan, who died in 1901. The
latter’s eldest son, Rahmatullah, had but a brief enjoyment
of the jagir, for inNovember, 1905, he was killed by his
cousins in a family quarrel. He left no son, and as no
suitable successor was in evidence, and the family was
rent by dissensions and ruined by (^xtravagance, Govern-
ment decided to suspend the jagir (over 1,400 rupees in
value) for five years, in the hope that by that time some
member of it might have proved himself fit to occupy
the position. The representative of the Dabran family
is Said Muhammad Khan, whost^ jagir is worth 850 rupee's.

Here, too, we have unhappy disse'iisions between tlie

jagirdar and his relatives, the factions in Dabran being as
bitter as anywhere in the District. ind(‘(*d, the character
of the Karral is not a very attractive^ on(\ He is intriguing
and quarrelsome, and has more^ than his share' of craft and
cunning. But these remarks aj)j)ly chie'fly to the^ more
prominent families tlie? poorer and humbler members of

the tribe in the Boi tract and edsewhere an^ quite inoffeui-
sive people, attache'd to tliedr homes, anel industrious
The Dhnnds. —The Dhunds are also believed to
be^ con-

verted Hindus in origin. But say that they an'

Kureshis. Like the Karrals, they wi're for a time sub-
servient to the Gakhars. They ocempy the Bakot tract
between the Dunga Gali range and tlu' Jhelum, and tlie
country on either side of the eastern or Dhund branch of
the Harroh before its junction with the Karral branch.

They also extend across the border to the hills round

Murree. The members of the tribe residing inside the
District number about They are a democratic
lot with no hereditary each man thinking himself
as good as his neighbour. Perhaps the best families are
in the villages of Bakot and Majuhan. In character they
are addicted to duplicity and intrigue, and some villages
are notorious for faction, for the institution of false cases,
and for perjury. But they are intelligent and astute,
proximity to Murree and the Galis having sharpened their
wits, as well as increased their prosperity. Physically
they are rather a fine race, and they include among their
number the tallest men of the District. They are well
behaved as a rule, and the taint of disloyalty which
attaches to the Murree Dhunds for their conduct in 1857
can hardly be said to attach to the Hazara branch of the
tribe. No doubt a certain number of them joined in the
rising, but the leading men held aloof, and it was a Dhund
of Lora who informed the authorities at Murree of the
intended attack. The most prominent men are Ata
Muhammad Khan of Lora, son of the Dhund just
mentioned, Mehrdi Khan of Dheri Kiala, Husain Khan
of Kalaban, Kutab Din of Majuhan, and Dost Muhammad
Khan of Bakot, whose father Hassan Khan rendered
loyal service to Government from the days of the Mutiny
The Sararas . —
The Sararas appear to be connected
with the Dhunds, with whom they intermarry. But they
say they came from Pakpattan in the Montgomery
District. It is possible that, like the Dhunds and Karrals,
they may be Hindus in origin. It is noticeable that with
all three tribes the names of the subsections terminate

in ‘al,’ like those of the Tanaolis. Whether this is an

indication of an Hindu ancestry may be doubtful, but it
is curious that the Sararas have a tradition that they are

connected with the Tanaolis as well as with the Dhunds.

They number 7,332 souls, and live almost exclusively in
the Boi tract between the Thandiani range and the
Kunhar river. They are a very humble people, poor
and industrious, burdened with large families, and dis-
inclined to leave their homes. There is no man of light
and leading among them.

The Bambas The Bambas are an important tribe in

Kashmir, but in Hazara they are praetically confined to

two families those of the BoL jagirdar and of the pro-
prietor of Jabri Kalish, a village in the Kunhar valley.
The former, Sultan Barkat Khan, is one of the biggest
men in the District, and his jagir of 35 villages is worth
over 7,000 rupees. But his ancestors were bigger men
still, being chiefs of the JVhizaffarabad ilaqa in Kashmir

to the east of theKunhar, as well as of the Boi tract, until

Maharajah Gulab Singh took the former from them.
The Moghals . —
The Moghals number 8,311, and are
scattered about the District. But it may be doubted
whether the majority have any real title to be so called.
Persons of low but doubtful origin, \vho wish to attain a
more dignified status, usually assert that they are Moghals,
and the introduction of the Punjab Land Alienation Act
has given a great stimulus to this tendency. Even an
admittedly agricultural tribe like the IMalliars seems
ashamed of its name, and essays to substitute Moglial in
its place.
The Malliars —
The Malliars are recorded as numbering

7,770. For the reason just noted there are probably

more of them in reality. As the name indicates {mali,
a gardener), they are usually cultivators of fruit or
vegetable gardens, or of valuable cro])s like sugar-cane
and turmeric, that require special attention and labour.
They are the best agriculturists of the plain tracts most —
of them live in the Haripur plain and arc a sturdy,—
thrifty lot. But comparatively few of them are land-*
owners, and their social status is inferior to that of most
of the other tribes, who consider it derogatory to Ijo m(‘r(‘^


The Oakhars. —Of all the tribes of the District, none have
such proud traditions as the Gakhars. Their late chief,
Raja Jahandad Khan, who made an exhaustive study of
the authorities on the history of the tribe, traced their
descent from Nausherwan, King of Iran, and his grandson
Yazdgurd, Kiani, said to be an ancestor of Mahmud of
Ghazni. According to the Raja, Yazdgurd’s son, Firoz
Shah, went to China in the seventh century a.d., was
made commander of the Emperor’s Bodyguard, and given
Tibet to rule over. In the ninth century, having been
converted to Muhammadanism, his descendants left Tibet
for Kabul. After remaining there 200 years, they moved
to Ghazni. They came to India about a.d. 1,000 with
Mahmud of Ghazni, who made the Sind Sagar Doab over
to them. They returned to Ghazni with Mahmud, but
continued to take tribute from the conquered territory.
On the break-up of Mahmud’s dynasty the Kashmiris
took possession of the Doab, but in the fifteenth century
Malik Kad Gakhar recovered it from them.
This much is tradition only, but we now come to
historical facts. In a.d. 1519 the Emperor Babar came
into contact with the tribe, and found them ruled by two
chiefs who wore cousins, and named Tatar and Hati
respectively. While the Emperor was in their country,
Hati attacked Tatar, killed him, and took possession of
liis territory. Babar’s force thereupon marched against
Hati, and captured his stronghold. Hati fled, but after-
wards made his submission. In Akbar’s time, according
bo the ‘
Ain-ul-Akbari,’ the Gakhar chiefs were Sultan
Sarang and his brother Adam. The tribe was a powerful
one, and had spread widely over the Sind Sagar Doab.
The daughter of Said Khan, son of Sultan Sarang, was
married by Akbar to his son and future successor,
Jahangir. From Sultan Sarang, the Sarangal branch
of the tribe, and from Sultan Adam, who succeeded
his brother in the chiefship, the Admal branch are
descended. The Sarangals are found in tlie Hazara and
Rawalpindi, and the Admals in the Rawalpindi and
Jhelum Districts.
The Hazara Gakhars are descended from Fateh Khan,
son of Sultan Said Khan, who founded Khanpur about
the end of the sixteenth century. The tract made
over to him by his grandfather, Sultan Sarang Khan,
included the Karral and Dhund hills, as well as those of
Khanpur, but during the decline of the Moghal dynasty
the Karrals and Dhunds, as above stated, managed to
assert their independence. Under the Durani rule the
Gakhars of Hazara were entrusted with the task of keeping
order in the lower portions of the District, and received
large allowances for military services rendered Their most

notable chief in these times was Sultan Jafar Khan, who

died in 1801. He had a great reputation for honesty and
uprightness. Under the Sikhs the tribe fell on evil days.
Evicted by Sirdar Hari Singh from their estates, they did
not recover full possession of them till the First Regular
Settlement (a.d. 1868-1873), when, after an exhaustive^
inquiry, they were reinstated as proprietors of almost
the whole of the Khanpur tract.*

Raja Jahandad Khan was at great pains to show from the works
of various ancient historians that the account of the tribe given in
Griffin’s ‘Punjab Chiefs (vide the Gakhars of the Rawalpindi District)

was misleading, though he admitted that the story of their having

conquered Kashmir was a fable ; and I think it must be conceded that
he proved his point. The fact is that the early history of tin* Gakhars
was confused with that of the Khokhars through a misunderstanding
of a passage in the historian Ferishta, who records that «*i0,000 of the
latter tribe penetrated Mahmud
of Gha/.ni’s camp, and were with
difficulty repulsed after Mahmud had lost 5,000 men. Ferishta’s
translators mistook Khokhar for Gakhar (the words are very much
alike in the vernacular;, and hence all the subsequent blunders. It is
the Khokhars, not the Gakhars, whom Ferishta speaks of as savage ‘

barbarians among whom prevailed female infanticide and polyandry,’

and they were Khokhars, not Gakhars, who assassinated Muhammad
Ghori in 1206. Raverty, in his ‘Ethnographical Notes,’ also points
out this mistake, but in his anxiety to prove that all the moderp
historians are wrong, and that undue prominence has been given to
the Gakhars, ho perhaps unduly depreciates the position and strength
of the tribe in Moghal times. That their chiefs must have been men
of mark is shown by their alliance with the Emperor’s family and by
the account of tho numbers and resources of the tribe in the Ain-ul-

Akbari-’ Again, the statement in Griffin’s ‘ Punjab Chiefs that Said


The tribe numbers 4,445 by the census of 1901. There

aretwo leading families, of which the senior is represented
by Raja Ali Haidar Khan, son of Raja Jahandad Khan,
and the younger by Raja Sher Ahmad Edian. The former
is the titular chief of the Gakhars. He is a minor, and
his estate is under the Court of Wards. His jagir^ exclud-
ing a life jagir of 1,000 rupees enjoyed by his father,
is worth 1,700 rupees. Raja Jahandad Khan, Khan
Bahadur and C.I.E., who died in 1906, was a retired
Extra-Assistant Commissioner, and one of the leading
Muhammadans in Northern India. He was a loyal
servant of Government, and had rendered distinguished
service in the Afghan War, and, later, as head of the
mission sent to congratulate Amir Habibullah Khan on
Iiis succession. Raja Sher Ahmad Khan, who resides at
Baghpur Bheri, 10 miles to the east of Khanpur, is also a
man of character and influence, but suffers from constant
ill-health. His jagir is worth 5,000 rupees. As a tribe the
Gakhars are a fine manly race, not over-energetic or indus-
trious, but well disposed and well behaved. A good number
are in Government service, and make excellent soldiers.
Saiads ,

^The Saiads of the District number 22,696, and
belong to the Bukhari, Tarimzai, Mashadi, Bakri, and
Gilani sections. They are scattered all over the country,
and are most part a lazy, thriftless lot, making the
for the
poorest of agriculturists, and generally leaving it to others
to work for them. Yet there are villages in which, under
pressure of necessity, they have developed into excellent

Khan was the third son of Sultan Sarang appears to be incorrect.

Kaja Jahandad Khan had a pedigree table which showed him to be the
eldest son, and the fact that it was his daughter whom Akbar selected
for Jahangir seems to bear this out. As Sultan Sarang was also the
elder brother of Sultan Adam, who succeeded him in the chicfship
(though I have seen a printed pedigree table which makes him out to
be the younger), the Hazara Gakhars may be regarded as representing
the senior branch of the tribe. It may be added that the title of Baja
is not an indication, as some might think, of Hindu descent, but
appears to have been assigned to the Gakhar chiefs by the Sikhs.
Previously they were called Sultan,^ and Raja Jahandad Khim was

anxious that the latter title should be revived.

and there are several men of prominence and
worth among them. The Saiads of the Kagan valley
stand somewhat apart from the rest. Descendants of
Jalal Baba, who led the Swathi invasion into Hazara,
they for long remained virtually independent masters of
the upper end of the glen, and it required an expedition
in the year 1852 to enforce their complete submission.
They now vegetate in that northernmost corner of British
India, seeing little of the outer world, rearing large
families, lording it over their tenants, and leading gener-
ally an idle, profitless life. But they are well behaved a;

few of them display intelligence and spirit, and they are

all waking up a little under the increased attention that

their valley is receiving. Their chief titular re^presenta-

tive is the jagirdar Munawar Shah, who is but just come
of age. His jagir, apart from his share in the assignment
of one-third of therevenue enjoyed by the proprietors of
Kagan worth nearly 1,700 rupees. His father,
village, is
Afsar Ali Shah, was a man of capacity and intelligence.
Ghazi Shah, lambardar of Kagan, a man of some energy,
now takes the lead. But most worthy of note is Gulam
Haidar Shah of Kawai, a very old man, whose father,
Zamin Shah, was the ringleader of the discontented
members of the tribe in 1852. Of the other Saiads of tl)o
District, Umran Shah, of Pliagla in the Mansehra tahsil,
is a man of worth, universally respected.
Kureshis.— T\\e Kureshis (or Qureshis‘’) of the District

were s1ioa\ti separatc^ly for the first time in the Census

Returns of 1901, and numbered 3,135 souls. The most
notable among them are the Pirs of Palasi, near Lora.
These latter have considerable religious sanctity, and in
former times had much influence, and used to lu'ad the
Dhunds in their rebellions. Tliere are three branches
of the family, whose representatives, Fazl Shah, Satar
Shah, and Sadik Shah, have equal shares in a jagir worth
1,000 rupees. With little vigour or enterprise, they are
respectable and inoffe/isive people.

Hindus and Brahmins . —The main classes of Hindus in

the District are Brahmins, Khatris, and Aroras. The
Brahmins number 5,032 they are of the Sarsut branch,

and are divided into Mohyals and Bunjais. The former

consider* themselves superior, and do not give their
daughters in marriage to the latter. And their former
practice of marrying Bu^jai women is said now to have
ceased. The hill Brahmins are a class apart. They are
Bunjais, but do not intermarry with the Brahmins of the
plains. The latter do not admit that they are pure
Brahmins, as they allow widow remarriage, do not keep
parohits, and are agriculturists by profession. They are,
in fact, about the best cultivators in the hills. Most of
them are found in tlie Nara and Lora tracts. They are
usually Sikhs, and observe Sikh customs.

Khatris and Aroras. The Khatris of the District are
divided into Khukhrans, Bunjais, and Multanis (or
Bahris). The most influential men are found among the
Sanis and Kholis, branches of the Kliukhrans. At last
Census the Khatris numbered 12,790. The Aroras, who
number 3,806, belong to the Dara and Utarahdi sections.
Religion .

The District is essentially a Muhammadan
one, 95 per cent, of the total population being of this per-
suasion. Almost all are Sunnis. There are no Shiahs to
speak of, but there are a few Wahabis among the Karrals
in Bagan and elsewliere. The latter are descendants of
the converts of one Maulvi Kasim, who Muhammad
visited the Karral country in 1845. But most of the
loading families who were gained over by him have now
abjured his doctrines. The new sect of Ahmadiyas, who
follow the teaching of Gulam Ahmad of Qadian, has also
a certain vogue, especially in the Mansehra tahsil. As a
•rule, the Muhammadans of Hazara are fairly devout, and
the mullahs have great influence. Holy men are treated
withmuch respect, and the District is full of shrines.
Pour per cent, of the population are Hindus. They are
made up chiefly of traders and shopkeepers, the Brahmin


and the Gurkha regiments of
agriculturists of the hills
Abbottabad. Except the last they are usually either
Vaishnavis or Shevis (followers of Vaishna or Shiva), the
latter being more common. In Abbottabad itself there is
a branch of the Arya Samaj, which has a good number of
Among the Hindus the Sikhs, are not included. These
number than 1 per cent, of the population,
4,036, or less
and are most of them Brahmins in origin. Few belong
to the straitest sect of the Khalsa, but are Sanatan Sikhs,
mostly Shevis, upholding the ties of caste and the privi-
leges of Brahminism. A number, like those in the Lora
tract, have not taken the pahaL The Christians are in
the main confined to the small European community at
Missionary . —
Work Missionaries of the Church Mis-
sionary Society have been occasionally stationed at
Abbottabad, but beyond prospecting little regular work
has been done. No schools have been opened, and no
hospitals built. But there have been converts from
almost all parts of the District, some as a result of the
little preaching that has been carried on in these parts,

and some who have heard the Gospel while seeking work
in other parts of India. One feature that struck an
experienced missionary prospector was that in many
parts of the District, even in out-of-the-way places, he
met men, often mullalis, who were possessors and diligent
readers of the Bible.
Language —Hindki —The language talked by the great

majority of the people is called ‘

Hindko.’ ’
or ‘

It is a branch of the Punjab dialect variously termed

Multani, Jatki, Lahndi, or Western Punjabi. This
dialect has considerable affinities with Gujerati, and is*
spoken in the Bahawalpur State, in the Multan and
Muzaffargarh Districts, over large tracts of the Derajat,
and in parts of Peshawar, where it is known as Peshawari.
In the Salt range and the Shahpur District one meets it.

but with some curious variations, and from Hazara it

passes on into Kashmir, and has left some traces on the
language of that country. Of course the varieties are
great, as everywhere it comes into close touch with other
languages, such as Biluchi, Sindhi, Eastern Punjabi, and
Pashtu, and it has borrowed from these tongues or been
corrupted by its close intercourse with them. It has many
affinities with Sindhi, but the differences are sufficient to

show that the one has not been derived from the other,
but that both come from a common root.
The main divergencies between the Hazara dialect and
the Western Punjabi of down country are the following :

(1) The pronunciation has not the marked nasal twang

that it has down country (2) the inflexions in many

cases follow ordinary Punjabi (3) the formation of the


future by inserting an ‘s’ between the root and the

inflection is almost universal, as in Multan and not in the
Punjab proj^er, but the use of pronominal inflexions at
the end of verbs is not quite so common, and is generally
confined to the third person, singular and plural ; (4) the
passive voice is met with more frequently than in the
Punjab, but less frequently than in Multan (5) the words

in use are generally the same as in Multan, but others not

known there are also common, and in the Jhelum valley
one may words that are in use in Sindhi, but not in
the Multan dialect. But such differences as there are
are far less than those between English as spoken in
Somersetshire and Yorkshire.
Pashtu . —Pashtu is habitually spoken among them-
selvesby the Mishwanis, by the residents of the Agror and
Konsh valleys, and by the villages on the western fringe
of the Pakhli plain. The Utmanzais of Tarbela and
Khalsa, the Tarkhelis, and many villages in Pakhli outside
the fringe above mentioned, can also talk it. It is the
ordinary hard Pashtu of the Peshawar border. There
are very few of its speakers who cannot also talk Hindki
with more or loss fluency.
Gojri ,
—The Gujars of the hills have a language peculiar
to themselves and their fellow-tribesmen in neighbouring
tracts, called Their attempts to talk Hindki
result often in a weird and somewhat unintelligible
mixture of the two dialects.
Vital Statistics (Tables XI., XII., and XIII.). Accord- —
ing to the official statistics, the average birtli and death
rates per 1,000 for the six years ending 1906 are 32*5
and 24*7 respectively. But, unfortunately, these statistics
arc based on erroneous totals, in which the population of
certain tracts, where no system of registration is in force,
has been included. If we exclude these tracts, the more

correct figures would appear to bo 38*2 and 29, but

these also must be accepted with considerable reserve,
as in a District of this character accurate and regular
registration is an impossibility. In particular the regis-
tration of female births is much neglected. As they
stand both the rates are somew’hat Ixdow tlu^ average of
the North-West Frontier Province. It w^ould be unsafe
to draw any inferences from this fact, but from general
observation it may
be said wdth confidence that the
District is more healthy than most, and that the people
are fairly prolific.
Diseases and Infirmities (Table XIV.). The chief —
malady from which the District suffers is malarial fever.
This is w^orst in the damp plains of Pakhli and Haripur,
but when the summer rains are abnormally heavy and
the maize crop exceptionally high, as was the case in
1906, it is very prevalent every when^. Eyci diseases,
stone in the bladder, and, during the wunter, affections of
the respiratory system, are also common. From serious
epidemics of anything but fever the District during tlio
last thirty years has fortunately been almost immune.
Cholera occasionally'’ makes its appearance? in one tract or
another, and sweeps off a few hundred victims small-pox ;

lurks in the valleys, and now and then breaks out wdth
some virulence ; but plague has hitherto been merciful.

There have been several imported cases, and one or two

sporadic outbreaks, but from its introduction into India
up to the end of 1906 only ninety-two deaths in all had
been registered as due to this cause.
At the Census of 1901, 1,328 persons were returned as

afflicted,’ or 24 per each 10,000 of the population. Of
these, 167 were insane, .576 were deaf-mutes, 405 were
blind, and 181 were lepers. There is a colony of the last
at Balakot, where the shrine of Bala Pir is supposed to be
of special efficacy in curing this disease. Many of them
come from across the border, but in one or two villages
of the Boi tract the disease appears to be endemic.
Social Conditions —The Women —The women of Hazara

have their fair share of good looks in their younger days,

though they do not come up to the Kashmiris. The best
looking are said to be found among the Swathis, Tarins,
Utmanzais, and Kagan Saiads. Their morals are not of
a very high standard, and civil and criminal cases, of
which they form the subject, are frequent. The Swathis
and Tanaolis are perhaps the worst offenders, and the
Gujar women are the straightest. Those of the plain
tracts in the south of the District are better treated than
those in the hills. In the plains they are principally
employed in household duties, spinning thread and
making clothes, and they do not work in the fields except
at gathering cotton, picking the cobs off the maize-stalks
after reaping, and separating the grain from the rest of
the cob. In the they also tend the cattle, cut grass,
and help the men in every operation of husbandry except
ploughing and sowing. The Tanaoli women carry loads
of wood and grass to sell in the nearest bazaar, and are
well able to hold their own in such transactions.

Polygamy . —Polygamy is not uncommon among those
who are better off or of higher social standing than their
neighbours. It is most frequently found among the
Swathis, Tarkhelis, Tanaolis, Jaduns, Dhunds, and the
leading Karrals, where the possession of three or four
wives at a time is not unusual. The Swat his and the
chief Tanaoli families are the most married of all.
Betrothal and Marriage Ceremonies, —
Infant betrothals
and marriages are comparatively rare. The usual age
for betrothals is from nine to twenty years in the case of
both parties, and for marriages from eighteen to twenty-
five for the man, and from fourteen to twenty for the
woman. The betrothal ceremony is a very important one,
and is commonly referred to as nikah, though this term,
strictly speaking, is applicable to the marriage ceremony
only. The formalities vary considerably. But in all
cases, after the preliminary negotiations have been com-
pleted, they start with a visit of a party representing the
relatives and friends of the bridegroom to the bride’s
father’s or guardian’s house. Presents in money, clothes,
or jewellery are given to the latter, being in the case of
some tribes, like the Tanaolis, Dhunds, Sararas, and
Karrals, placed in a large brass platter, called a thdl,
which is brought forward by the barber. A mullah is
then sometimes called in, and the ceremony of ijdb kabi'd
or shara jawdb is performed, the fact of the betrothal
being successively attested in a loud voice by the fathers
or guardians of the bride and bridegroom. This latter
ceremony appears to be becoming more and more frequent.
It gives to the betrothal an exceptionally binding force,
and the couple for whom it has been performed are con-
sidered to be as good as married. But the marriage
ceremony or nikah, has to take place before the bride and
bridegroom can see each other or their union can be
consummated. This ceremony is usually held at the
house of the bride’s parents or guardian, and on its com-
pletion the marriage procession escorts the couple back
to the bridegroom’s house. But among the Jaduns and
other Pathan tribes the nikah is often read at the bride-
groom’s house.
Burial Customs. —Funeral ceremonies are an important
feature in the life of the people, and are the occasion for

the most extravagant expenditure. Immediately after

the burial alms are distributed, one-fourth being given to
the imam and three-fourths to the poor, and three days
later the relatives and friends of the deceased are enter-
tained at a feast of rice, ghi, and other luxuries. The
poorest will spend at ‘least 20 rupees on such an enter-
tainment, and families of high standing will spend a
thousand or more. Indeed, the expenditure attendant on
funerals is one of the main causes of the indebtedness so
prevalent in the District, and in the face of public opinion
and what is often a dying behest it is difficult to cut it
The cemeteries of Hazara add to the attractions of the
scenery. For the people have the pretty custom of
planting irises on the graves, and in the spring these are a
blaze of blue and white flowers. In some of the less
elevated tracts the jonquil takes the place of the iris.

Another custom that is worth noting is that of distinguish-

ing between the graves of the two sexes by placing a man’s

tombstones lengthwise i.e., with their edges pointing

along the grave and a woman’s tombstones crosswise.
But this practice is now dying out, and the tendency is to
put all tombstones lengthways.

Food The common food of the people is maize, the

staple crop. In parts of the Haripur tahsil its place is

largely taken by hajra. Rice is eaten in the tracts where
it is grown. Barley is consumed chiefly in the low hill
tracts like Tanawal and Badhnak, and by the poorer
classes. Of the well-to-do classes wheat is the favourite
grain. Dal is made from the various pulses grown in the
District, but kulath, or horsegram, the commonest pulse
of all, is eaten by the poorest only, and then generally
mixed with maize. Milk and butter-milk are consumed
to a certain extent, but most of the milk is converted into
butter or ghi, and sold. Ghi is only consumed by the
poorer classes on festive or ceremonial occasions. In the
ligher hills pumpkins and honey are added to the food
resources of the population. Meat, except among the
wealthiest classes, only an occasional luxury.

With a Muhammadan population like that of Hazara

wine-drinking is, of course, not customary, but in one or
two leading families the habit has been indulged in and
carried to excess. Opium-eating is common among the
Hindus, and is not infrequent with the Muhammadans,
among whom the Saiads of Kagan and tlie Swathis of
Bhogarmang practise it most.
In the cold weather two, and in the hot weather three,
meals are ordinarily taken, but men labouring in the
fields usually have an extra one. In the hot weather the
first meal, called again, is eaten at 7 or 8 a.m. Next
comes between 11 and 12. At 4 p.in. may come the

extra meal, which is called pichhain. and after sunset tlie

evening roti is eaten. In the cold weather the morning
roti, at 9 or 10 a.m., is the first meal.
Dress. —The people for the most part
\voar clothes of
coarse texture, and either white, black, or indigo blue in
colour. The well-to-do and the residents in the plains
favour white, the Mishwanis and some Tanaolis black ;

other residents of the hills blue. The cloth is often of

English make. In the northern valleys pattu clothes of
a dirty grey or brown tint are commonly worn. The
principal articles of a man’s dress are loose drawers
(suthan)y a long tunic opening in front (khilka, or anga, if it
is of pattu), or a shirt (perni) —
sometimes the two together
— and a turban (patka or pagri). In the hot weather a
sheet (chddar), in the cold weather a blankest (slulri) is
thrown round the shoulders. The women wear a long
shirt {khilka or perni), generally
embroidered in front, loose
drawers (suthan) arranged in pleats which are gathered in
at the ankle, and a sheet {chddar), which serves both for
veil and head-dress. In the hills a tight-fitting skull-cap,
either blue or red, frequently worn in place of the sheet.
The shoes of all clnsses are of the usual leather type, bid-
grass sandals are much worn by the hill-men. Wooden

clogs for use in the villages on muddy days are also

Amusements, — Of amusements there are few. Tent-
pegging is a favourite pastime in the Pakhli and Haripur
plains, where also tlie game of parkodi or tatti (the Deraj at
doda) has a measure of popularity. But the hillier tracts

afford little scope for such diversions.

Festive —
and Religious Gatherings. There is no festive or
religious gathering of any very great importance, but at
the most sacred of the numerous shrines and holy places,
with which the District is studded, there are minor
festivals of this nature. For the Hindus the most
important local gatherings are the following :

On the festival of Durga Ashtami (in March and October)

1,000 persons or so collect on the top of the Barer! hill
near Manscdira to worship Devi, and to present offerings,
which are taken by a Brahmin.
On the 1st Baisakh and 6th Phagan (i.e., in April
and February) a few hundred persons assemble to
worship a stone ling in a temple at Chitti Gatti near
In Sawan (August), on the ninth day of the new moon,
about 1,000 Hindus assemble at the Dera (temple) of
Bhai Kirpa Ram at Kot Najibullah to w^orsliip and present
To the following places both Hindus and Muhammadans
resort :

The Ziaratoi Jamal Ghazi at Dhamtaur. Here 1,000

or 2,000 gather at the twm Id festivals (i.e., the Id-ul-
fitar and the Id-ul-zohr), and about 2,000 Hindus on the

2nd and 3rd of Baisakh,

The tank and slirine at Mangal. A number of Hindus
gather at the tank in the Mangal nullah on the 1st
Baisakh, and on both the Ids there is a largo assembly of
Muhammadans, both here and at the shrine of Mian
Kangal Sahib on the Mansehra road, a little further to the
The saint is said to have been the son of an


Emperor of Delhi, who turned fakir, and ended his
wanderings at this spot.
Of the local Muhammadan festivals, the following, which
are both held on the two Ids, are the most important
The Ziarat of Slier Muhammad Ghazi at Dari^ 7 miles
north-west of Haripur. 4,000 or 5,000 persons gather
here, and the festivities, which include tatti and tent-
pegging, last for two days.
The Ziarat of Diwan Raja Baba on the
at Gulibagh,
western edge of the Pakhli plain. About 500 persons,
both men and women, assemble liere for a day to present
offerings, and to enjoy themselves in the same way as at
the Dari shrine.
There are small gatherings of the residents in the
Dhamtaur, of
vicinity at the shrines of Sain Malpat near
Shekh Baba and Mehr Ali Baba at Bajna near Shinkiari,
Baba at Bhogar-
of Bala Pir at Balakot, of Saiad Jalal
mang, of Naubat Shah at Lachimang, of Tortan Baba at
Shamdharra, of Mian Khaki at Dharra and of Haidar
Baba at Ghanian, the last three being all in Agror.
K I'lli: lt\WKl{l 111 LI..



Cvltivated Arm (Table XVIII.). —^The cultivated area of

the District about 430,000 acres, or 24 per cent, of the

whole. Statistics show that there has been an increase

of 13 per cent, during the last thirty years, but the
measurements of the First Regular Settlement were very
incorrect, and in reality, no doubt, the expansion has been
much greater. In the plain tracts most of the culturable
ground has now been broken up, but in the hills there are
large areas of waste still available, and it is probable
that the close of the operations of the Second Regular
Settlement in 1907 will be signalized by large extensions
of cultivation. But the new land brought under the
plough will generally be of an inferior description.
Character of Cvliivation , —In the plain tracts the quality
of the cultivation is nothing remarkable. The most
valuable irrigated lands, it is true, are tended with great
care. The grower of rice in the Pakhli and Bakot tracts,
or of sugar-cane and turmeric on the banks of the Dor,
has little to learn, and in some of the villages west of
Haripur the cultivation of unirrigated land is equally
good. But, generally speaking, the methods of cultiva-
tion, especially on dry soils, are a little slovenly. The
people are not by nature inclined to great exertion
thanks to the plentiful rainfall and the natural fertility of
the soil, there is usually a fair crop in any circumstances,
and there is little real poverty to act as an incentive.
Butin the hills things are somewhat different. Here littl

49 4
can be achieved without labour. The fields have to be
terraced and levelled to catch and retain the rainfall ;
terraces have to be strengthened and supported by stone
walls to prevent their slipping down the hill-side ;
stony has to be carefully manured if the crop is to
yield an adequate return or, in a’ bad year, any return at
all. And in several tracts like Tanawal, Badhnak, and
the Mishwani villages of the Gandgar range, the poverty
that results from the smallness of the holdings or an
occasional failure of the crop an additional stimulus to

exertion. Consequently, we much painstaking and

laborious cultivation in the hills, and the series of terraced
fields on the stoop slopes are wonders of patient industry.
Yet equal care is not always shown, and in the more
elevated tracts in particular, where tlie slope is sometimes
too precipitous to admit of the construction of retaining
walls, there is much worthless cultivation. The surface
of the hill-side merely scratched with tln^ hoc*, and

inferior grain sown thereon, without any ])j‘(H*aution

against the rain, that in a year or two washc's away tin'
soil, and leaves the place bare and unculturabl(\

System of Agricalture, Naturally, in a District wlu*re
so many and wide variations of altitude, rainfall, and
climate are exhibit(*d, the system of agricuilturc* is by no
means uniform. In the higher hills, when* the winter is
too severe for the rabi to flourish, the kharij is the only
crop of real importance. In the* tracts with a more
temperate climate (3,000 to 4-, 500 f(*(‘t) the kharif is still
the chief crop, but the mbi is also of (‘onsidc^rabh^ value.
In the plains or lower hills, at an (*levation of h*ss than
about 3,000 feet, th(^ rabi crop is somewhat morc^ important
than the kharif, ex(;(*])t on irrigat(‘d lands. Of the total
cropped area of thc^ District, it may be said that 00 per
cent, is and 40 p{*r cent, rabi, though the propor-
tions vary somewhat from year to year. Doubh^-cropping
is very prevalent on all but the worst of the irrigated soils,

and on all unirrigat(‘d land that is manured. But in the


more elevated tracts even manured land only yields a

single crop (generally kharif) a year, or three crops (two
kharif and one rabi) in two years. On the other hand,
the so-called negar land in Tanawal, that receives silt
from mountain torrents, produces two crops a year with-
out manure, as does some of the maira in Pakhli. But
in the latter case the second crop is an inferior one.
The worst of the sloping cultivation in the hills sometimes
only yields a crop once every second or third year, but,
as a rule, all lands that arc not double-cropped are sown
once a y(‘ar. In the Khari tract, however, the usual
system of cultivation is to grow two crops in succession,
followed by a year of fallow.
Irrigation fro7n Streams. —
Of the total cultivated area,
10 per cent, is from springs and streams.
irrigated, nearly all
Tliesehave been described in Chapter J. The water is
drawn off from them into watercourses by means of dams
of stone and biushwood. The watercourses (called
kallias, if large ;
kathis, if small) are often carried for long
distances along the side of ahill or through ground which

they cannot command, and much labour is spent on their

construction and maintenance. Where more than one
village shares a watercourse, the rule in some cases is that
the upper village takes as much as it wants, and then
passes it on to the lower in others, that each village has

a certain fixed share allotted to it, and can enjoy the

water in turn for so many hours or days. Near Haripur
the Dor water is distributed to a number of villages from
what is known as the Rangila tank it is poured into this ;

by a single channel, and it emerges from it by a series of

apertures, whose width is proportioned to the customary
share enjoyed by the village or villages to which each
aperture and the watercourse connected with it belong.
Within the villages themselves the distribution of the
water is nearly always larixoar that is to say, each —
cultivator takes what he wants in turn, beginning with the
man who is nearest to the head of the watercourse, and
ending with the man who is farthest from it. A record,
drawn up on the
at Settlement, of irrigation customs
Dor, Siran, and Harroh rivers, and the separate adminis-
tration papers of each village, contain particulars of the
practices and rights above described.
Extension of Irrigation , —
Whether there is much room
for extension of this kind of irrigation in the District,
except at prohibitive expense, may be doubted. One or
two schemes for new canals have been abandoned on
account of their cost, and probably more is to be gained by
a greater economy in the use of water, which will allow
villages at the tail end of the irrigation systems to increase
their supply, than by any other method. Here and there
a dam has been built across a stream, which has encouraged
alluvion and prevented erosion, and it might be possible
in some cases to construct embankments in nullahs, and
draw oS flood water to irrigate the lands of submontane
villages. But the slope is generally too great or the
nullah too deep for such schemes to succeed.
Wells .
—The wells of the District are practically con-
fined to the plain tracts of theHaripur tahsil, which otlun*
means cannot reach. Most of them an^ built
of irrigation
of cut or uncut stone, and cemented witli mud, and tliey
cost anything from 100 to 500 rupees, according to their
depth and the facilities for procuring the necessary
material. The area irrigated is small, avcu’aging between
3 and 4 acres, but it is generally double-croppc'd, and
the yields are large. The most profitable crops ar(5
vegetables and tobacco. Jn 1907 wells numbered 320 in
all, having increased 100 per ccmt. in tlu^ last thirty

years or so. There is still room for new ones, (\sp(‘cially

in the Khari tract along the Indus, and in regard to
this class of irrigation, at any rate, it is fairly certaip
that the next twenty years will see a consid(*rable
Soils. —Th(^ cultivated soils of the District are of great
variety, and the local terms for them are very numerous.
SOMK riKI.DS OK llor\U.


In the revenue records they have been reduced to the

following. Of those that are irrigated there are chahi,
which is watered by wells which is heavily

manured land in the vicinity of the village site or home-

stead buhardi abi, which is land farther removed from

the village site than bagh, and receiving less manure

Jiotar, or rice-growing land, which usually lies in carefully
and ingeniously constructed terraces on the edges of
streams barangar abi, inferior stony soil with a scanty

water-supply and gharera abi, the stony land lying in


the beds of streams, and exposed to their action. Among

unirrigated soils are bari or chari, which, like bagh, is

manured land near the village site or homestead ;

which land lying in a hollow or on the edge of a stream

or nullah, with special facilities for receiving and retaining

moisture beta, which in Mansehra is the same as kund,

and elsewhere is moist or marshy soil maira, the ordinary ;

loam of the Punjab plains, a mixture of clay and sand,

varying much in their relative proportions rakkar, bad ;

stony land, often somewhat uneven, and generally found

at the base of hills or on the edges of ravines and kalsi, ;

which is the sloping cultivation on hill-sides, terraced

wliere practicable to a certain degree of flatness. Of the
above, baghi^ the richest, and is the soil which grows most
of the vegetables, sugar-cane, and turmeric in the District
when not under any of these, ithas heavy crops of cereals.
Bahardi abi is generally double-cropped with cereals ;

hotar, besides rice, grows some wheat or barley occasion-

ally as a second crop, and more often shaftal or clover ;

barangar abi and gharera abi are usually single-cropped.

Bari grows two crops a year, except in the cooler tracts,
* Bagh properly, as the word implies, garden land,’ and should
is ‘

strictly be confined to soil that grows fruit, vegetables, sugar-cane, or

turmeric. ]5ut in Ha/.ara, for convenience’ sake, it is commonly applied
to all first-class irrigated land. At the Second Kegular Settlement,
however, a distinction was drawn in the records of the Abbottabad
tahsil between the most valuable land of this character and what was
reajly only irrigated cereal-growing hari. The former was called
and the latter hari abi.
where it may have only one crop a year, or three crops in
two years. The rest, except the negar kund of Tanawal,
and the Pakhli mairay noted in a previous paragraph, are
usually single-cropped unless they get manure. The
poorest halsiy however, as before stated, may only have a
crop every second or third year.

Waste. Like the cultivated, land, the waste has also
distinctions which no account of the District should omit.
There is, in the first place, bannay which means the banks
of fields or the strips of waste that separate one cultivated
terrace from another, and which usually grow a valuable
crop of grass. Then there is dhaka rakh, or hill land (dhaka
meaning hill in the vernacular), on which the grass is
‘ ’

preserved during the rainy season and cut as fodder, the

cattle being afterwards turned on to graze. There are
also dhaka charagah and dhaka darakhtan, the first being
hill waste used for grazing purposes, on which no attempt
is made to preserve the grass, and the second hill waste
which is thickly covered with trees or brushwood. Each
of these classes of waste has its uses in supplementing the
resources of the villagers.

The Rabi. The sowing of the rabi crop commences in
September. In the cool and the temperate zones it ends
by the beginning of November, and if during this period
the rainfall is deficient there is very little sown at all.
But in the less elevated tracts the season extends till the
beginning of January, and consequently, even if the
autumn rains fail, a large area may be sown at the first
advent of the winter rains. And often the seed is put in
the soil when it is dry, in the hope that rain will come at
no distant date, and cause it to sprout. In these latter
tracts the crop ripens towards the end of April or early in
May but in the other tracts it is not cut till the end of

May or till June. The oil-seeds ripen first, then the

barley, and then the wheat. At a height of between 6,000
and 7,000 feet some coarse wheat is sown in August, and
takes a year or eleven months to mature.

The Kharif. —The sowing time of the kharif varies from

April to August, and the harvesting from September to
December. Sugar-cane, however, may be planted in
March, and both it and turmeric may not be harvested
till January or February. The cooler the land, the earlier
generally is the sowing of unirrigated crops in the hills,
and the later the reaping. In the plains and in tracts of
low elevation the time of sowing on dry soils depends
largely on the nature of the summer rains. On unirrigated
lands, except in the case of rice, the cereals are not
usually sown till July or August.
Crops — Maize (Table XIX.). —Maize is the staple crop
of the District. It covers 42 per cent, of the total area
under crop in both harvests, and is of primary importance
everywhere except in tlie western portion of the Haripur
plain, where its place is largely taken by bajra. In the
more elevated tracts it is the sole crop of any real value.
It is called agetri or pichetri, according as it is sown early or
late. On the cooler lands it is nearly all agetri, being sown
in April or May but sometimes the young
shoots are
destroyed by a small green caterpillar, the sowing has to
bo done over again, and the crop becomes pichetri ; else-
where, on the unirrigated soils, it depends on the summer

rains whether it is sown in June, July, or August. It is

harvested between September and November. There is
also an early crop which is sown in April on the best
irrigated lands, usually among the turmeric, and is cut at
the (^nd of July. It is known as sathi makki. There are
s(‘veral vari('ti('s of maize, the most popular being tlie

white and the yellow "country’ {desi or watni) varieties

and the American. Of the two first, the wliite is the more
prevalent, having the larger and tastier grain. Yellow
maize does better in hot tracts, as it recpiires less water ;

it is also grown at higher elevations. The American

maize was introduced in 1892 from five varieties of seed
sent by the Director of Land Records, Punjab. It soon

became popular, and has spread so much that it now

covers nearly half the area under this grain. It has a
larger cob and stalk than the Indian varieties, though the
grain is somewhat coarser. It does best on lands that are
naturally moist or have a heavy rainfall.
Before the grain is sown, the land is ploughed from
three to five times if fairly level, but only twice if sloping ;

if the soil is irrigated or manured, the fields are flooded or

manured once also. Sowfing is broadcast, and as soon as

possible—that is, after the first shower— a further

ploughing is given to cover the grain. When the seed

has begun to sprout, weeding {godi) with a hoe usually
takes place. In addition to this, or in lieu of it, the crop,
when about 18 inches higli, is lightly ploughed over in
order to thin out the young shoots, and to facilitate'

absorption of the rainfall. This operation is called sd.

At harvest-time the stalks are cut about 8 inches from
the ground, and tied in bundles, which are piled together
and left to dry in the sun. After a week or so the cobs
are picked off from the stalks, and the gi’ain is threshed
by being beaten with sticks, or is separated from the rest
of the cob with a kind of skewer. Before it is ready for
sale or grinding it has again to be thoroughly dried in the
sun. The yield varies greatly according to the charactc'r
of the soil. On the most valuable irrigated soils in Oie
Haripur tahsil and on the moist lands of the Rash plain
it sometimes rises to 40 or 30 maunds an acre. On tlu^
worst unirrigated lands it is not moiH* than 3 or 4 maunds.
Tlie average yield throughout the District may be taken
as from 9 to 10 maunds an acre.
Rice is in certain portions of tin.' District a
valuable kharif crop, tliough covers only 3 per cent,

of the cropped area of the year. It requires a plentiful

supply of water, and where this is available is grown

almost everywhere, except in the irrigated plain tracts

of the Haripur tahsil, and above a height
of 5,500 feet.
The most valuable rice-fields are in Pakhli on the Siran

after them come those in Rash, in

the Kunhar and

Agror valleys, and in the Bakot tract. The ploughing

of the rice-fields begins in April, or laterthere has been

a rahi crop on them. Water is let on to them (as has

also been done throughout the winter if a sufficient supply
is forthcoming), and the slush is stirred with the plough

and harrow. In the meantime the seeds are prepared

for sowing by being placed in soft, almost liquid, manure,
which is covered with leaVes and exposed to the sun. As
soon as the seedlings {bakhai or 'paniri) are ready for
planting they are put into small plots, which have been
specially prepared for them by manuring with leaves and
by daily waterings. After a month, when the rice-shoots
are 5 inches high, transplanting [tropi) begins, the crop
growing in 3 marlas (or acre), being spread
over 1 acre. Afterwards constant waterings and weedings
are necessary, and the harvest begins in October. There
are numerous varieties of rice, the most common being
kamod or lundi, garrara and kanhuri. Yields may be
anything from 3 maunds of unhusked grain an acre to
40, and the average yield for the District is perhaps from
16 to 17 maunds.
Other Kharij Cereals, —Of the kharif cereals, bajra is

cultivated in the plain tracts of the Haripur tahsil, and

covers about 11,000 acres. Jowar is also grown there to
some extent, mostly in the form of cliari, for fodder
purposes. In the hills and chin
kaiigni (Italian millet)
or buckwheat (called in Kagan drawa) are grown on the
poorer soils. Other kharij crops deserving mention are
cotton, sugar-cane, turmeric, and potatoes. The first
three are grown chiefly in the Haripur plain, and potatoes
in the villages on either side of the Dunga Gali range.
Cotton covers altogether some 5,000 acres, potatoes 1,200,
sugar-cane 800, and turmeric 700. The first two are
usually unirrigated the latter two require plentiful

watering and manuring.

Kharif Pulses, Kharif pulses occupy 10 per cent, or
so of the total cropped area. The main varieties are


WiUug (JPh(is€.olus Wtdsh {Phctseolus vddicitus), 7710 th

(Phaseolus aconitifolius), rawan or arwaTi, and kulath

(horse gram). The commonest is kulath, which is grown
on soil that is not good enough for maize. Mung and
mash are often sown mixed up with maize moth is of some ;

importance in parts of the Haripvir plain, where its straw

is much valued for fodder.
— —
Pabi Crops Wheat. Wheat* is the staple rabi erop,
except in Tanawal and Badhnak, where it yields in
popularity to barley. It covers about 25 per cent, of
the total cropped area. The commonest variety is that
known as ratta, the reddish bearded grain of the Punjab
plains. The chitta, or white variety, is found here and
there, as is also the moni, or beardless wheat, which ripens
quicker than the others. The average yield is perhaps
6 or 7 maunds per acre.
Barley. — Barley covers 10 per cent, of the total cropped
area. It is a favourite grain for double-cropped lands,
as it can be sown later and ripens earlier than wheat ;

and being hardier than the latter, it does better on inferior

soils. Except the so-called paighamhri barley, which is
grown as an early kharif crop on the highest cultivation
in the Kagan valley, it is all of one variety. The yield is
generally a maund or so an acre heavier than wheat.
Oil-seeds and Pulses. —
Oil-seeds cover about 2 per cent,
of the total cropped area. There is some tara mira in
the south-western corner of the Haripur tahsil, Init the
favourite crop is sarshaf {Brassica campestris), which is
grown all over the District up to a Insight of about
4,200 feet. Like barley, it is often found on double-
cropped lands it is sown about the same tinu% and cut

a little earlier. The average yield is from to 4 maunds.

It is peculiarly liable to attacks from an insect known as,
leia. The rabi pulses are unimportant, (iram is only
grown in the Haripur tahsil, and that to a small extent
In the Abbottabad and Mansehra tahsils about 4,000
acres are under lentil (masar or masuri).

Fodder Crops .
—For fodder purposes the sweet-smelling
clover called shaftal is grown extensively on the rice-lands,

notably in the Mansehra tahsil and the Rash plain. It

is specially valued as a food for horses. As regards straw
or bhusiz, the people usually have so much fodder in the
shape of maize-stalks,’ .sAa/iaZ, or grass, that the need of
economizing the wheat and barley stalks is not felt.

Often little more than the oars of the grain is reaped, and
the greater part of the stalks is left to bo burnt or ploughed
into the ground. But of recent years the extension of
the cart road to Kashmir, and the enlargement of the
Abbottabad cantonment, have increased the demand for
fodder, and the villagers are learning to be more careful
of their surplus stocks.
Vegetables and Fruit —
Vegetables of various kinds are

grown on the richer irrigated lands wherever there is a

mark(‘t near at hand for them. Fruit gardens are a
feature of th(‘ llaripur tahsil, tlie most noted being those
immediately in the vicinity of Haripur and on the edge of
the Harroh by Khanpur. They produce plums, apricots,
peaclu's, grapes, loquats, orang(\s, and mangoes, and are
vt^ry valuable. Some of the plums and apricots are
excellent, and the Khanpur grapes are well known, but,
generally spt'aking, there is much room for improvement
in the quality of the produce. In the hills, also, numerous
trees of the first four kinds here mentioned are to be
found, but they are inferior to those of the plains and
often practically worthless. In the Nara and Lora tracts
pears an? extensively cultivated and sold in Murree, the
(Jalis, or Rawalpindi. The fruit is disappointing and
tasteless,but there seems no reason why, with the intro-
duction of proper scientific methods, the pears and apples
of Hazara should not rival those of Kulu and Kashmir.
Water-mills .

Almost all the grain of the District that
is consumed within its limits is ground by water-power.

On every stream, however small, provided there is suffi-

cient water to turn a mill for a month or so in the year,
one or more jandars, as they are called, are erected, and
the grain of the neighbourhood is brought to them for
grinding. On the larger streams the mills work all the
year through, and many of them are of considerable
value. Among the most notable are the snuff -mills at
Serai Saleh, on the Dor, which grind tobacco brought
from Swabi and Chach. Besides the jamlars, there are
rice mills or pekohs, which are almost confined to the
Mansehra tahsil. In these, by an ingenious contrivance,
a large wooden hammer is lifted and let fall in a quick

succession of strokes on the grain that lies in a trough

below. There are now 3,600 jandars and 200 pekohs in
the District, but owing to river action and other cause's
their number varies somewhat from year to year. Under
rules introduced at the Second Regular Settlement, no
new mill can be started and no abandoned mill recon-
structed without the sanction of the Deputy Com-
Cultivating Occupancy (Table XXXVIII.). —The fol-
lowing percentages show how the cultivated area is held :

Per Cent.
Cultivated by owners and tenants free of rent ... ... 46
Cultivated by occupancy tenants paying cash rents 20
Cultivated by occupancy tenants paying kind rents 12
Cultivated by tenants- at-will paying cash rents 6
Cultivated by tenants-at-will paying kind rents 10

The area cultivated by owners is largest in the Abbott-

abad where it is 57 per cent, of tlu^ whole. Jn

tracts like Badhnak, Lower Tanawal, and Boi, nearly all
the land is in the hands of the proprietors themselves.
In such cases the cultivated holdings are remarkably
small, averaging perhaps 3 acres, and were it not for
the waste the outlook would be parlous indeed. Tlui
occupancy tenants are an industrious body, often well
provided with cattle, and generally in fairly prosperous
circumstances. The tenants-at-will are drawn in tlu^
main from the same classes as the occupancy tenants.
Many, in fact, ov/e their less privileged position to mis-


takes in the record of the First Regular Settlement

mistakes which have ever since been a fruitful source of
litigation others, though they may not be able to claim

occupancy have been in possession of their

holdings and have bestowed so much labour on
.so long,
their land, that the heavy compensation which would have
to be paid for improvements effectually deters their land-
lords from evicting them! Many tenants-at-will, again,
are simply occupancy tenants who have broken up land
outside their original holdings. Others are proprietors
who add to their resources by renting other proprietors’
lands. In fact, the tenant-at-will pure and simple, who
is not very common.
here one year and there the next, is

Farm Labourers Where a proprietor does not cultivate

his land with his own hands, and does not choose to put
in a tenant, he usually employs what is called a hali.
The latter is a farm labourer, who ploughs the land for
his master, looks after the crops, and tends the cattle.
He has no share in either the cattle or the land, but in
remuneration for his services receives one-fifth, sometimes
one-fourth, of the produce. He is generally an agri-
culturist who has lost his own land through debt or
poverty. The master to whom a hali engages himself
commonly pays his debts for him, and often he advances
him money, so as to strengthen his hold on him and
])revent him leaving. For it is an understood part of
the agreement between them that, till his debt is paid,
a hali cannot transfer his services elsewhere.
Dues and Services . —
The dues and services rendered by
the tenants to the landlords arc a very important item in
tile numerous where there is a marked gap
between the two classes, and their
social status of the
relations in the past were of feudal nature. The tenant
may have to spend a day or two of each year in ploughing
his landlord’s land, planting out his rice, and cutting his
crop of corn or of hay. He may have to bring him a
supply of wood or grass from time to time, to pay him a
rupee or so when his daughter is married, and to give him
an annual present of butter or of ghi. And when he pays
rent in kind there are generally a few sers of grain to
be added to the landlord’s share as the equivalent of
dues of various sorts. Sometimes, also, the kind rent is
augmented by a fixed sum in cash known as hcblchuriy
which is calculated at a rupee or more per plough,
and is really on account of the waste included in the
Relations between Landlords and Tenants Relations
. —
between landlords and tenants cuinnot be called altogether
satisfactory. Complaints of oppression on the part of
the former, and of insubordination on the part of tln^

latter, are rife, and not without foundation. The feelings

inevitably engendered by the proceedings at the First
Regular Settlement —when conflicting claims, which had
long been in suspense, were settled in favour of one party
or tliootlier —have not yet altogether subsided, and there
has been much litigation during tlie last thirty years.
Tliere is a growing tendency on the part of the tenants to
assert their independence, and the discussions on dues
and which the proceedings of the Second Regular
Settlement reopened, showed them as struggling to throw
off the yoke. It is probable that the future will se(^ some
weakening of the hold of the landlords, but it is to be
hoped in the interests of the District administration that
their authority will not seriously be impaired.
Debt and Alienations .
most Muhammadan agri-
Hazara zamimlar is a somewhat improvident
culturists, the
person. He ought to be better off than formerly, for
prices have risen greatly in the last thirty years, cultiva-
tion has extended, communications have improved,
markets have multiplied, and fresh avenues of employ-^
ment have been opened. Such advantages more than
compensate for the increase in the population, the sub-
division of the holdings, and tlu^ (mhancement of the
revenue. Yet these very advantages are his temptations.

For increasing prosperity brings an increasing desire to

spend. He buys bettor clothes for himself, or more
costly jewellery for his women-folk he eats more expensive

food, or builds a more substantial house he runs into ;

greater extravagances on a lawsuit, a wedding, or a

funeral. His income does not keep pace with his expendi-
ture, and, credit being easy, he accumulates a bigger debt
than before. And an occasional bad season, a sudden
hailstorm or flood, a series of fatalities among his cattle,
may make matters much worse. Thus ithas come about
that the floating debt of Hazara is very considerable —at
the Second Regular Settlement it was estimated that the
proprietors owed about 19 lakhs of rupees, or 28 rupees
per head — and many families are heavily in debt. Yet
is not really a very black one.
the picture For if the
unsecured debt is large, the secured debt is comparatively
small. Fourteen per cent, of the total cultivated area is
under mortgage, and under one-third of this is pledged
to members of non-agricultural tribes (Table XXI.). The
money-lender lias, in fact, got very little grip of the land
except ill a few villages. As he is not a large cattle-owner,
the remoter hill tracts have little to tempt him, and in
more accessible and fertile regions the villagers are in
sufliciently easy circumstances to hold their own. And
alienations to agriculturists need not cause misgiving.
They show that the thrifty are benefiting at the expense
of the extravagant, and that the agricultural tribes have a
quantity of money available for investment. So there
are redeeming features in the situation, and, in fact, it

is draw the conclusion that in Hazara the

fairly safe to
indebtedness of the people is much more often their fault
than their misfortune. That matters will mend in future
is not improbable. For, apart from other considerations,
the introduction of the Punjab Alienation Act in 1904, a
timely and, with most of the agriculturists, a very popular
measure, has arrested the transfer of land to the money-
lender’s hands, and, by making credit somewhat less
facile than before, has caused the zamindar to bethink him
seriously of curtailing extravagant expenditure.
Interest, Government Loans, and Co-operative Credit
Societies (Table XX.).— Interest on debts is commonly
paid in grain, and amounts to 1 or 2 odis per annum in
the rupee. An odi is 4 or 5 sers, and the rates are roughly
equivalent to 25 and 50 per cent, respectively. Cash
interest is usually either 1 or 2 pice in the rupee per month
— that is, 18| rupees, or 37 J rupees per cent, per
annum. In spite of these high rates, little recourse is had
to Government loans. The total outstanding in 1906 for
advances under the Land Improvement Loans Act was
less than 13,000 rupees, and for advances under the Agri-
culturists’ Loans Act about 4,500 rupees, and this, in the
case of the former at any rate, is considerably in excess
of the average of previous years. Nor have attempts to
start Co-operative Credit Societies met with any success.
The people are excessively apathetic on the subject, and
their religious objections to the taking of interest are for
the present an almost insuperable obstacle to any progress
in this direction.
Cattle, Sheep, arul Goats (Tabic XXII.). — Cattle, sheep,
and goats arc a very important feature; in the economy of
the District. They suppl}^ manure foi* tlie fields, meat and

milch produce for sale or home consumption, hair for ropes,

wool for clotliing, hides for export. p]xc(q)t for a number
of strong and sturdy animals that are bred in the Haripur
plain to draw the carts that ply on the Kashmir road,
the bullocks are small-sized, though hardy. The cows,
wliich occasionally arc also yoked to the plough, are tin;
same, and are indifferent milk(;rs. The buffalo cows
are a good breed, and yield milk largely. All tin; cattle
display a wonderful agility and surefootedness on the .

steep hill-slopes. The sheep also are small, and some

merino rams from Australia have been introduced recently
to improve the breed. They are good eating, Kagan
mutton being especially excellent. Goats are very

numerous, especially in the upland valleys. Large num-

bers of them spend the summer months in Kagan or at
the head of the Bhogarmang glen, and then migrate
for the winter to the warmer climate of the Khanpur or
Tanawal hills, or across the border of the District. Valuable
as they are for their manure, their hair, milk, hides, and
flesh, they are on the whole a more than doubtful blessing.
The poison of the goat’s tooth is an old story that Virgil
knew :

Frigora nec tantuin cana, coiicreta pruina
Aut gravis iiiciiiubons scopulis arcntibus iP.stas
Quantum illi nocucre gregea durique venenuin
Dentis et adinorao signata in stirpe cicatrix.’

Where a flock of goats constantly browses, no trees or

brushwood can flourish the young shoots are remorse-

lessly consumed, the soil, loosened by the sharp feet, is

washed away by heavy rain, and what was once a well-
wooded slope becomes a bare and ugly waste. The
Oandgar, Tanawal, and Nara hills afford silent but eloquent
testimony of the ravages committed by these pests, and
the evil has become so great that, as will be described in
a later chapter, a tax has been imposed to keep down their
Horses, Males, GantAs, and Dotiheys The horses and .

ponies in the hills are generally small and scraggy. The
best come from Kohistan and Allai but there are excel-;

lent mares in the Haripur plain, where some of the leading

zamindars display great interest in horse-breeding. Mules
are a great speciality of the District. There are nearly
4,000 of them, and though rather small, they are greatly
in request for transport purposes. Numbers are sold to
purchasers who hail and
from the Rawalpindi District
elsewhere. Camels are confined almost entirely to the
plain tracts of the Haripur tahsil, where they are used
for transport. Donkeys are also commonest in the
Haripur tahsil.There are six horse and twenty donkey
stallions employed in the District, which is in the Rawal-

pinclicircle of the Army Remount Department. Two
veterinary assistants supervise breeding operations.
Horse and Cattle Fair . —
No horse fair is held in the
District, and would-be exhibitors have to take their
animals to Rawalpindi or Peshawar but a cattle fair

was inaugurated in 1906, and will, it is hoped, become a

permanent institution.

Rents (Table XXXVIII.). From the statistics given
on a preceding page it will be seen that 26 per cent, of
the cultivated area is held by tenants paying cash, and
28 per cent, by tenants paying in kind. More than two-
thirds of the cash rents and nearly one-half of the kind
rents arc paid by occupancy tenants, and are therefore
not competitive in character and the rents of tlie many

tenants-at-will, who approximate in status to occupancy

tenants, are of a similar nature. Even for ordinary
tenants-at-will rents are governed at least as much by
custom as by competitioJi. The kind rent is usually
one-half on the best soils, on the medium, and
one-third or one-fourth on the worst. In Konsh and Bho-
garmang a common rent is one-fourth or one-third of the
produce plus halchuri. But some rack-renting landlords,
generally Hindu money-lenders, take as much as two-
thirds or even three-fourths on the best land, and one-
half on the rest. For cash rents in most tracts there are
no fixed rules. There are a few cases of acreage rates
on well-lands, for example, the rents are usually from
1 rupee 12 annas to 2 rupees 2 annas a kanal (one-eighth

of an acre) — but the form most often taken is a lump sum

on the holding, termed chakota, which is the subject of
mutual agreement between the landlord and tenant. On
the best-irrigated land this rent may be competitive, and
works out as high as 10 or 12 rupees a kanal. The average
rate for bagh land in the villages round Haripur may
perhaps be assumed as equivalent to 5 rupees a kanal.
In the hills, too, cash rents, as worked out on tJie culti-
vated area, sometimes seem very high, but here the waste

has to be taken into account. The inclusion of the latter

in most holdings renders cash rents more common than
kind rents in such tracts. But if the waste is unimpor-
tant, the proprietor holds out for a kind rent wherever
lie can. It gives him more power over his tenant, and
carries with it greater prestige among his own class. On
the other hand, the tenant paying in kind would generally
pay in cash if he could,* for he thereby reaps the whole
of the benefit of increased production on his holding,
instead of having to give the landlord a share, and, as
his crop is usually secure, he need not fear that he will get
no return for his labour. It is for this reason that the
cultivation of cash-rented lands is often noticeably
sup(u-ior to the cultivation of those that are kind-rented.
Wage^s (Table XXV.).—The wages of skilled labour are
from 12 annas to 6 annas, and of unskilled labour from
6 annas to 3 annas, a day. It is difficult to be sure of
statistics in a matter of this kind, but there can be little
doubt that the wages of unskilled labour, at any rate,
have risen in the last thirty years. In 1870 the highest
and lowest wages for such labour are stated to have been
3 annas and 2 annas 6 pies respectively, and it is certain
that such a wage as 6 annas, which is the recognized rate
for coolies in the Galis, was not dreamt of in those days.
The wages of the village carpenter and blacksmith, how-
ever, remain the same as of old. They are paid in grain
at harvest- time in amounts that vary in different tracts,
but which on the average may be taken as 3 or 4 odis per
plough at either harvest, or 1 odi per chliat of 60 odis.
In addition to this they get one or two sheaves of corn.
'ices (Table XXVI.). — In a District of varied charac-
and difficult communications like Hazara prices
are bound to be very far from uniform. A grain that is
especially plentiful inone tract will be cheaper there than
elsewhere. On the other hand, the more inaccessible or
the more distant that any tract may be from a large
trade centre, the greater the cost of the articles imported
6- —2
into it. In ordinary years the District is not self-sup-
porting so far as grain is concerned, and as there is no
railway within its limits to facilitate transport, prices
naturally rule somewhat higher than in neighbouring
Districts with easier communications. Thus, if wheat
sells in Hazara at 15 sers in the. rupee, in Rawalpindi

and Peshawar it may sell at 17 or 18. If the projected

railway to Abbottabad becomes a reality, one effect of
it, no doubt, will be to reduce prices more to the same

level as elsewhere.
The assumed at the Second Regular Settlement
in 1902 were 31 sers per rupee for unhusked rice, 28, 31,
or 33 sers for maize, 24 or 22 sers for wheat, and 36 sers
for barley. These were considerably lower than the
actual prices then prevalent, and it is fairly certain that
in the next twenty years they will seldom, if ever, bo
touched. Of live stock, the average prices may be said
to be 25 rupees for a bullock or a cow, 50 rupees for a
buffalo, 3 rupees for a sheep, and 4 rupees for a goat.
Ghi sellsan average of 1} sers to the rupee, grass
varies between 10 and 16 annas a maund, and wood
between 6 and 8 annas. If we turn to land, we find
that an average cultivated acre costs from 80 to 90 rupees,
but here, of course, prices vary enormously with the
quality of the land transferred. The best-irrigated land
in the Haripur worth from 800 to 1,600 rupees
tahsil is
an acre, and, on the other hand, an acre of kalsi
may not fetch more than 30 or 40 rupees. The above
prices show a very marked rise on those of thirty years
ago. Grain has gone up about 77 per cent., cattle 20 per
cent., wood and grass 100 per cent., ghi 40 per cent., and
the price of land has been doubled, trebled, or even
Standard of Living, —That this rise has in the main
benefited the population there can be little doubt. It is
true that a number of them have to buy grain to supple-
ment their own resources instead of selling it, but tl\e

increase in the value of live stock, wood, grass, and land,

not to speak of the wages of unskilled labour, is almost
entirely to their advantage. And this is shown by the
undoubted rise in the standard of living. English has
largely taken the place of country cloth, brass utensils of
earthenware, the houses are more commodious and better
built, the women-folk wea;*more jewellery, and expenditure
on festive occasions isThat a large number of
the people are still poor, and in a year of bad harvests
have difficulty in making both ends meet, is to be ad-
mitted ;
yet even they are better than they were off

before. If the crop fails them, they have their cattle

to fall back upon, and it is only on the very rare

occasions when both the cultivated land and the waste
yield them no return that their case really becomes a
serious one.
Forests (Table XXVII.). —Perhaps the chief importance
of Hazara lies in its forests, and no branch of the District
administration presents greater difficulties. The ])roblem
conservancy with the
of reconciling the interests of forest
legitimate requirements of the people is one that has
vexed the soul of many a Deputy Commissioner and
Forest Officer, has formed the theme of endless discus-
sions, has led to tlic passing of more than one regulation
and any number of rules (for Hazara has its special enact-
ment, and is not under the Indian Forest Act), has evoked
many fair-seeming plans and expedients, and after all
these efforts is still very much alive.
Reserved Forests .

The forests may be divided into two

main classes reserved and village forests (the latter being
termed in the vernacular guzaras). The former (with the
exception of 6,000 acres demarcated in Agror in the year
1900) were set apart at the First Regular Settlement in
1872, and their boundaries were revised and corrected
at the Second Regular Settlement. They lie chiefly in
the northern and eastern portions of the District, near
the Jhelum and its tributary the Kunhar. They vary
in elevation between 2,000 and 12,500 feet, at which
latter height forest vegetation ceases.
Khau'pnr Range , —
In the south of the District the
forests are on the low hills of the Khanpur tract, running
east and west on either side of the Harroh. The rock is
limestone, and the soil, as a rule, poor and shallow. The
hills average 4,500 feet in height, reaching 5,600 feet at
the top of Sribang. Much of the area is bare, or contains
only scattered bushes. Elsewhere the hills are covered
with chir or chil (Finns longifolia), or with an open forest
of scrub,and it is here that the reservations have been
made. The chir, which grows pure, is confined to the
upper portion of the range. Of the scrub, the chief species
are the olive, or kao (Olea cuspidata), the phulai (Acacia
modesta), and the sanatha (Dodonea viscosa). Thesis
sometimes grow pure, but more often mixed. Other
characteristic small trees and shrubs are Acacia catechu
(khair), Mallotus Phillipinensis, Carissa diffusa, Adhaioda
viscosa, Vitex negundo, various species of Ficus, and
Pistacia integerrima (kangar). The chief value of thes(^
forests, apart from climatic considerations, is that they
furnish fuel for Haripur, Abbottabad, and Rawalpindi.
Chir Forests, Mansehra Tahsil (Lower Siran ). Next —
in elevation may be considered the forests of chir, whicli
cover the hills to the north, west, and east of the northern
half of the Pakhli plain, at an elevation of between 3,000
and 6,000 feet. The slopes are moderate, and the rock
volcanic. The found almost pure and of all ages.
chir is
Occasionally, near the upper limit, it is mixed with tlie
hiar or blue pine (Finns excelsa). The undergrowth is
chiefly formed by Quercus incana (rhin), Zanthoxylon
alatum. Rhododendron arbor eiim, and Andromeda ovali-
folia. The alder or sharol (Alnns nitida), is commonly
found in the streams.

Dunga Gali and Thundiani Ranges At a greater height

than the above are the forests of tlie Dunga Gali and
Thandiani ranges, which lie generally between 5,000 and


9,000 feet, but reach 9,700 feet on the crest of Miran Jani.
The underlying rocks are limestone and shale. The two
important species are hiar and paludar or silver fir {Abies
Webbiana). The former tree is rapidly extending over
slopes hitherto bare, or only covered with Indigofera,
Large trees are comparatively few in number and are
mostly of inferior growth. The palmlar, on the other
hand, though at present considerable areas are covered
with mature trees, shows signs of disappearing from
localities which it formerly occupied. The forests of
this tract have furnished most of the timber used in the
construction of the hill-stations at Murroe and in the
Galis, and of the Abbottabad cantonment. Tlie two
species of oak Quercus dilatata {barungi) and Quercus

incana {rhin) furnish valuable charcoal much used in
Murroe. The depressions are occupied by deciduous
species, of which the commonest are the chestnut or
hanklior {JEscnliis Indica), the bird-cherry or kala kalh
{Prunus padus), and various kinds of maple or tarkan
(Acer). Other trees include the walnut or akkor (Juglam
regia), the elm or kain (JJlmus Wallichiana), two kinds of

poplar the safeda (Popahis alba) and the palach {Popiihis
ciliata) —the batkamr (Celtis Australis), and the drawa
(Cedrela serrata). Of shrubs, Viburnum (gnch or uklu),
Lonicera quinquelocidaris, Parrotia Jaqiiemontiana (peshor),
Desmodium and Indigofera (kenthi), are the
most abundant. Deodar (Cedrus deodara) occurs in a few
scattered places. It was formerly more abundant, but
the best trees were felled when the stations of Abbottabad
and Murree were built. The highest parts of the ridge
are covered in the summer with a dense growth of herb,
among which are a few scattered walnut and maple trees.
Spruce or kachal (Picea morinda) and Quercus semecarpi-
folia are also found in such places.

Kagan and Upper Siran. The forests of Kagan and
the Upper Siran to some extent resemble those of the

Dunga Gali range, but the climate is much drier and the
species consequently fewer. The most important tree is
the deodar, which found as low as 4,500 and occa-

sionally up to 10,000 feet, but the most valuable forests

of which lie between 5,000 and 8,000 feet. The tree grows
chiefly in rocky and precipitous ground, or on spurs. It
is often found pure, particularly in the upper forests of
the Kagan valley, where it is restricted to the warmer
slopes. Elsewhere it is mixed with blue pine, silver fir,
or spruce and on cold slopes with deciduous trees also,

like the chestnut, bird-cherry, maple, yew, or harmi

(Taxus baccata), and peshor. The last named is fairly
abundant, and under its cover young deodar is estab-
lishing itself. Blue pine is also spreading, as in the
Dunga Gali range. Extensive areas above the deodar
zone, and reaching to 12,500 feet, are covered with spruce
and silver fir, among which blue pine and, in places, yew
and Quercus semecarpifolia also occur. Birch (burj) and
occasionally juniper (chalai) are found in the higher parts.

Agror Forests. The recently reserved Agror forests are
on the hill-slopes surrounding the valley of that name.
They consist in the main of chir, with blue pine, silver
fir, and various broad-leaved trees on the higher ridges.

Area of Reserved Forests. Altogether the reserved
forests of the District amount in area to nearly 250 square
miles. If we deduct the hill-stations included in this
area, and the 6,000 acres of forest in Agror wliich are
managed by the Deputy Commissioner, the area imme-
diately under the control of the Forest Department is
234 square miles. It is distributed between the five
ranges as follows: Kagan, 76 square miles; Siran, 47;
Dunga Gali, 32 Thandiani, 29 Khanpur, 50.
; ;

Village Forests : Character and Area. —

The best village
forests lie usually in the vicinity of the reserved forests,
and partake of the same character, though they are not
so well preserved or so thickly grown. In Tanawal and
Badhnak, where there are no reserved forests, several
village wastes show a good growth of scrub, and in the


former tract round the Biliana hill there is a quantity

of chir. But, as a rule, both here and in other parts,
such as the Gandgar and Nara hills, the depredations of
goats, the ruthless cutting of wood by the villagers, and
extensions of cultivation have left but the poorest apology
of a village forest to indicate what might have been under
a system of strict conservancy. There has been no
demarcation of village forests as such. If we take them
in the broadest sense, and include in them all village
waste lands in the hills,they amount in area roughly to
1,700 square miles. Of these, some 420 square miles are
grass preserves, 1,000 grazing-ground, 32 pure forest,
and the remainder are barren unproductive land. The
grass preserves are usually held in severalty, or, if they
owned, are in the separate possession of
are jointly
tenants. The
rest of the waste is generally village
common, but there is an increasing tendency on the
part of the proprietors to partition it among themselves.
Trees are not, of course, confined to the pure forest
there is a large amount of scattered timber and brush-
wood on the other lands also, except where they are
above the limit of such vegetation.
Working of Reservej^ Forests and flights of Villagers
therein. —
The reserved forests under the control of the
Forest Department are exploited on the lines laid down
in their working plans. The Kagan timber is floated
down the Kunhar and Jhelum rivers to the depot at
Jhelum that from the Upper Siran forests comes down

the Siran river as far as Shinkiari. The rest of the trans-

port is done in bullock-carts, or, in the case of firewood
from Khanpur, on camels. In a certain number of forests
the villagers have rights of grass-cutting, grazing, lopping,
or gathering of dead wood over defined areas. Other
areas also are open to grazing or grass-cutting on pay-
ment, and leases for these purposes are sold to the resi-
dents of the adjoining villages at moderate rates. And
on ‘all trees felled in the forests the villagers are paid
seignorage fees at rates calculated at half the net profits
on tliie sales, and ranging from 10 rupees on an ash,

6 rupees on a walnut, and 5 rupees on a deodar, to 1 rupee

on a maple or a chestnut.
Offences in Reserved Forests. —
Fires occur most frequently
in the chir and fuel reserves, But they have decreased
sensibly in recent years. In^ 1905-190G only 221 acres
were burnt, and in 1904-1905, 480. It is often impossible
to decide whether they are accidental or intentional.
If the latter, the motive is usually to obtain a better
supply of grass, which the pine-needles or the thick
brushwood prevents from growing. Other forest oflfences,
such as unauthorized fellings, appropriation of wood,
or grazing without permission, are fairly numerous
(702 were reported in 1905-1906), and it is inevitable that
there should always be some friction between the Forest
Department and the villagers, as nothing can ever make
the reservations or the subordinate staff engaged in their
protection popular, or prevent an occasional defiance of
the law.
Income of the Reserved Forests under the Deputy Con-
servator. —The reserved forests more than pay their way.
In 1905-1906 the receipts amounted to 150,760 rupees,
and the expenditure to 93,730 rupees, leaving a surplus
of 57,030 rupees, and in the previous three years the
average surplus was 32,493 rupees. The receipts have
risen largely of late years, owing chiefly to the stringent
measures taken to stop illicit sales from village forests,
and a larger resulting demand for timber from the re-
serves. And with the increased exploitation that is in
prospect they are likely to rise yet further.

Manxigement of Agror Forests. In the reserved forests
of Agror the system of management enforced by the
Deputy Commissioner is less strict. In fact, at present
the people are only prohibited from cutting wood or
cultivating land therein, and can graze cattle, cut grass,
or collect firewood without interference.


Management of Village Forests^ and Policy Pursued .

The Deputy Commissioner also supervises the manage--

ment of the village forests, and it is this task that is the
most troublesome of any of his duties for while it is

essential to prevent the entire denudation of the waste

lands, in order to preserve a supply of timber, fuel, and
grass for the wants of the villagers, and to lessen the
temptation to encroach on the reserved forests, it is
extremely difficult to induce the villagers to appreciate
the point, or to have any regard for the interests of their
posterity. They ask that they may be allowed to do
what they will with their own, and they object strongly
to Government interference. The policy that it has been
thought advisable to pursue in these circumstances has
varied considerably since annexation up to date, strin-
gency at one time finding favour and leniency at another.
It would be tedious to repeat all the vicissitudes, and it

a result of the controversy and

will suffice to say, that, as
of the experiments that have been tried, certain proposi-
tions may be considered as established. These are that,
if left to themselves, the villagers cannot be trusted to

look after their forests, and that it is absolutely neces-

sary, if those forests are to be preserved from rapid
deterioration and eventual destruction, for Government
to exercise a real and not a nominal supervision over
them. And, on the other hand, that an elaborate system
of protection is unworkable and out of the question that ;

the rules of management must be as simple and liberal

as possible and that we must try and carry the people

some way, at any rate, along with us, by providing them

with an easy means of satisfying their legitimate require-
ments in the way of wood or grass.

The system now in force is briefly as follows: In a
number of villages containing the forests which it is most
desirable to conserve a certain area, called ‘ protected
waste,’ or in the vernacular ‘ mahduda,^ has been set apart,
and orders have been issued that no cultivation should
take place therein. In 1882, when such a demarcation
was made, the area protected amounted to 147,000

acres, spread over 299 villages but this included a quantity


of existing cultivation, and at the Second Regular Settle-

ment it was found advisable to reduce it to 84,000 acres,
distributed among 252 Outside this area cul-
tivation is unrestricted, though under the Hazara Forest
Regulation the Deputy Commissioner has power to close
it where it endangers the stability of the hill-side. The
villagers may fell trees required for building purposes in
both the protected and unprotected areas, the only con-
dition being that they should report to tlie patwari and
the lamhardar their intention of doing so. On grazing
and grass-cutting there are no restrictions, nor on the
use of brushwood or dry wood for fuel purposes but the ;

sale of such wood or of timber is only permissible with

the Deputy Commissioner’s sanction. In practice the
sale of firewood has been conceded almost universally,
subject to the condition that it is brought into market
in the form of head-loads only, but the vsale of timber is
very rarely allowed. Non-residents of a village, who
have rights therein, have to obtain special sanction from
the Deputy Commissioner to f()ll trees from its wastes
lands. The lamhardars have been nominated as village
forest officers under the Regulation, and are responsible
to see that the above rules and other minor provisions
are observed, and a special Naib-Tahsildar assists the
Deputy Commissioner in the task of management and
of preserving and improving the guzaras by afforestation
and other means. The amendment of the Hazara Forest
Regulation and the rules passed thereunder is now (1907)
under consideration, but it is not likely that there will
be any modification of the main lines of forest policy
above indicated.
Income, Offences, and Fires .

No income worth men-
tioning is received by Government from village forests,
for all the profits go into the pockets of the villagers ;

V)iit if trees are felled for sale, seignorage fees are payable
to Government in the same way as they are payable to
villagers in the case of reserved forests. Offences consist
mainly in encroachments on protected waste and in
illicit felling. As with reserved forests, fires have de-
creased in frequency of recent years. This may be partly
due to the introduction of a system of regulated firings,
whereby, under the direction of the Deputy Commis-
sioner, eertain areas are cleared of pine-needles each
year, so as to allow the grass to grow.

Unclassed Forests. Besides reserved and village forests,
there are two unclassed forests owned by Government,
and used mainly as grass preserves. They are the civil
and military rakh of 807 acres on the hill immediately
behind Abbottabad, and the Manakrai rakh north of
Haripur at the southern end of a spur of the Tanawal
hills ;
acres of the former arc in charge of the
Military Department, the rest are controlled by the
J)eputy Commissioner.

Mines and Mineral Resources. The metals and mineral
products of the District are not, so far as is known, of
any note or value. A few men earn a scanty livelihood
by gold-washing on the banks of the Indus. Limestone
is abundant all over the District. Coarse slate is found
in several places,and is in much demand for tombstones,
but not suitable for roofing purposes. Iron exists
it is

on the eastern slopes of Miran Jani and elsewhere. Here

and there throughout the Distriet carboniferous strata
are to be found, and in the hills east of Abbottabad are
one or two mines, whence a coal-dust used to be ex-
tracted which was made into bricks for fuel, but they
are now no longer worked.

Arts and Manufactures. ^The manufactures of Hazara
are only of local importance. The principal one is the
weaver’s trade. Nearly every village has a few looms,
the weavers of larger villages being generally the best.
The manufacture consists mainly of the coarse garments
{khaddar and susi) which form the common clothing of
the people. The finer productions are lungis, or turbans,
and silaras, or sheets, worn by women. In the Man-
sehra tahsil there a considerable manufacture of 'patUi

cloth, which generally takes the form of blankets. The

best pattu is said to be made ip the villages of Bhogar-
mang and Data.
Hazara Pfmlkaris . —
The Hazara phulkaris are noted,
and with regard to them and other manufactures of the
District the remarks of Mr. Lockwood Kipling, late
principal of the Lahore School of Art, may here be
reproduced from the old Gazetteer :
The domestic art of silk embroidery on cotton artieJes

of attire attains in this District to a higher quality than

in any other part of the Province (i.e., tlic Punjab before

the separation of the Frontier province). ‘

In colour,
line,and variety of stitch, the phulkaris sent to the
Punjab Exhibition of 1882 from Hazara were voted the
first place. The smaller scarves and bags in black or
dark green cotton, with coloured silk, were more like
Turkish embroidery than the ordinary Indian type of
phulkari. There is no trade in these pretty fabrics, which
form the occupation of the leisure of busy housewives.
It is true that widows earn a little money by the needle,
but their work is usually sold within the wide bounds of
the family and its friends, and there is no production for
the English market.

Silver Work .
—Silver is wrought here into necklaces
and other mostly consisting of plates cut out
in a Persian cartouclie form, made convex, and roughly
embossed and graven, the ground being filled with an
imitation of enamel in green or red. The effect is bold
and handsome, though the work is undeniably coarse.
An elephant necklace by an Abbottabad silversmith,
Raja Singh, shown at the Punjab Exhibition, was a
striking object, and was purchased for Lord North-
brook’s collection of silver ornaments.

Wkmten Straw Basket-Work, —^Wheaten straw basket-
work, similar in principle to the palm-leaf basket-work
of Muzaffargarh, is here brought to some perfection. The
straw is particularly bright and strong. The forms are
suggested from those of earthen or metal vessels, and
built up in rows of plaits, instead of being, as in ordinary
basket-work, woven on a framework of ribs. The ware
is suitable for card and waste-paper baskets, and for
many domestic purposes. The people’s baskets for bread
are made of it. It is pretty in appearance, sufficiently
durable, and very cheap.’

Gonmiercc and Trade. Though no figures can be given
of the exports and imports of the District, the main
articles of commerce can be stated. The chief imports
are cloth, salt, tobacco, and grain. As before noted, the
District is not self-supporting in a yeai* of ordinary
harvests, especially as large supplies liave to be provided
for the troops in Abbottabad and the Galis. Wheat, in
particular, imported
is The
in considerable quantities.
only grain exported to any extent is rice from Pakhli and
Bakot. Of other crops, potatoes arc sent to Murree and
Rawalpindi, and turmeric and gur down country. Fruit
Rawalpindi District from the
of various sorts goes to the
Haripur do walnuts and pears from the hillier
tahsil, as
tracts. From Maiisehra comes the root of the valuable
plant known botanically as Aucklandia costus, and in
vernacular as khnt, which is used by the Chinese for
incense purposes. Some grows in Kagan, but much of
it is brought from across the border. It is bought by
traders at an average price of 12 rupees per maund.
But the chief export trade of the District is in con-
nexion with the live stock. Bullocks, sheep, and goats are
purchased in large numbers for the supply of meat to
Rawalpindi, Peshawar, or Murree. Wool, goat’s hair,
and hides, mainly from the Mansehra tahsil, are exported
in great quantity, especially the last ;
but far the most
valuable export is ghi, of which it has been estimated

that at least 5 lakhs of rupees’ worth annually leaves
the District.
Markets .

The chief centres of trade are Baffa in Man-
sehra, Nawanshahr in Abbottabad, and Haripur. The
Bafifa traders exploit Northern Pakhli, the valleys of
Konsh and Bhogarmang, and the independent territories
of AUai, Nandihar, and Kohistan. The Hindus of Nawan-
shahr have agents in all parts .of the District, and extend
their operations to Rawalpindi and Peshawar on the one
side and Kashmir on the other. Haripur provides a
market for the products of the rich Dor plain, and is an
important link in the trade between Kashmir and the
Punjab. Smaller centres of trade are numerous. Thus,
in the Mansehra tahsil Balakot has dealings with the
residents of the Kagan valley and Chilas Garhi Habi-

bullah Khan Lower Kunhar valley

takes the trade of the
and the Boi tract, and deals with Kaslimir Mansehra ;

itself is the market for the greater part of Pakhli and

the Garhian tract, and also has trader connexion with

the circle tapped by Baffa. In the Abbottabad tahsil
Dhamtaur is a rival to Nawanshahr, Abbottabad itself
is an important local market on account of the troops,

and each hill-station has its small bazaar. In Haripur,

Serai Saleh, Tarbela, Bagra, Khanpur, and Kot Naji-
bullah attract trade from the surrounding villages.

Means of Cormnunication Metalled Roads (Table I.).
The main line of the North-Western Railway runs not
far from the southern boundary of the District, the
nearest stations being Serai Kala, some 2 miles from the
edge of the Khanpur Panjkatha, and Hassan Abdal, which
is 8 miles from the boundary of the Haripur plain. The
chief artery ofcommunication in the District itself is the
metalled tonga road that runs from Hassan Abdal through
Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra, crosses the Kunhar
at Garhi Habibuiiah Khan, and joins the road from
Rawalpindi to Srinagar at Domel. Except for some
roads in the Abbottabad cantonment, and a 3-inilo rpad

from Abbottabad to the artillery lines at Kakul, other

metalled roads there are none. The total length of such
roads inside the District is 84J miles.
Unmetalled Roads in Charge of Military Works Depart-

ment. The plain tracts are fairly well served by un-
metalled roads, and it is possible to drive, though hardly
with comfort, from Haripur to Serai Kala or Tarbela,
and from Mansehra to Shinkiari or to the edge of the
Siran on the Oghi road opposite Khaki. The above-
mentioned roads are under the Military Works Depart-
ment. The best roads in the hill tracts, such as that
through Tanawal from Abbottabad to Darband, and
those up the Kagan and Konsh valleys or to Thandiani
and the Galis, arc also supervised by that Department,
who have altogether 403 miles of unmetalled roads in
their charge. These hill roads are all too narrow for
wheeled traffic.

Unmetalled Roads in Charge of District Board. Of the
603 miles of unmetalled roads in charge of the District
Board, the most important are the following :

From Haripur to the boundary of the Rawalpindi

Khanpur (24 miles).
District, via
From Haripur to Ghazi on the Indus, via Salam Khand
(15 miles).
From Khanpur to Lora, via Kohmal (30 miles).
From Haripur to Mansehra, via Kachhi, Seri Slier Shah,
Thathi, and Lassan (48 miles).
From the border of the Chach (Attock tahsil) to
Kharkot (where it joins the Military Works Depart-
ment road to Darband), via Ghazi, Tarbela, and Tawi
(30 miles).
From Khanpur to Maksud on the Haripur- Abbottabad
road (15 miles).
From Gora Gali, on the Rawalpindi-Murree road to
Maksud, via Lora, Dakhan Pesar, and Langrial (35 miles).
From Nathia Gali to Kohala on the Jhelum and the
Murree-Kashmir road (15 miles).
From Garhi Habibullah Khan to Kohala via Boi and
Bakot (42 miles).
From Khote ki Qabar, 5 miles from Abbottabad on the
Hassan Abdal road, to Gurini, via Rajoia, Sajkot, Mari,
and Nagri Tutial (35 miles).
From Dhamtaur along the Dor to Havelian and the
Abbottabad-Hassan Abdal road (14 miles).
From Changla Gali to Mari (12 miles).
From Jaba to Dhudial on the Murree-Shinkiari road
(8 miles).
From Shinkiari to Sacha up the Bhogarmang valley
(15 miles).

From Sacha to Battal across Si than Gali (12 miles).

From Shinkiari, via Baffa, to Khaki on the Oghi road
(12 miles).
These roads are feasible for pack animals, but in the
hills are sometimes in too bad a state to be rideable.
Away from them the path from one village to another
is often but the roughest of tracks, and many villages

are quite inaccessible except on foot. It will be under-

stood, therefore, that, except on the Hassan Abdal-
Kaslimir road, where a constant stream of slow-moving
bullock-carts with supplies for Abbottabad and Srinagar
evokes the anathemas of vituperative tonga-drivers,
there is very little wheeled traffic in the District. Off
the main road the transport is done by donkeys, ponies,
mules, camels, and bullocks, or by coolies. With a rail-
way from Serai Kala to Kashmir, via Abbottabad and
Garhi Habibullah Khan, such as has been projected, the
communications of the District would, of course, be revolu-
tionized,and the facilities of commerce greatly increased.
But with a District that has no manufactures of note,
and comparatively little surplus produce, it would be
rash to anticipate any considerable expansion of trade.
Rest-houseSy Distances, and Rates of Carriage (Tables

XXIX. and XXX.). ^The District is well supplied with
dak-bungalows aiid rest-houses, a list of which wiU be


found in Table XXIX. at the end of this volume. It is

followed by Table XXX., which is a poly metrical table
of distances and in Appendix V. the regulations in force

with regard to rates of carriage from stage to stage, coolie

hire, etc., are given.
Postal Arrangements (Tables XXXI. and XXXII.).
Most of Hazara is Peshawar
in the postal division. The
head post-office, a second-class one, is at Abbottabad,

where there are two deliveries in the —

day one from the
Lahore and one from the Peshawar direction — and there
are two corresponding dispatches. There are fifteen sub-
offices besides, but of these seven are in the hill-stations,
and are only open in the hot weather, and the hill canton-
ment of Barian, which is one of them, is really in the
Rawalpindi District. There are twenty-seven branch
offices in the summer, and twenty-four in the winter.
Of these, five, being near Murree, are included in the
Rawalpindi circle. There are telegraph-offices at Abbott-
abad, Haripur, Mansehra, Baffa, and Oghi, and in the
summer at all the hill-stations except Thandiani. The
village directory of the District, as revised at theSecond
Regular Settlement, shows how the villages are served.

Famines. Hazara suffered great scarcity in the memor-
able and widespread famine of 1783, which affected it
with the same severity as the rest of Northern India.
Grain sold at 3J to 4 J sers per rupee, and the District
is described as almost depopulated. Neither the famines
of 1860-1861, nor the scarcity of 1869-1870, extended to
the District. In the kharif of 1878, however, there was
a very severe drought in the hilly tracts, which caused
much distress. Over 20,000 rupees of revenue were sus-
pended, and famine conditions were virtually established.
But abundant harvests in 1879-1880 put the people on
their feet again. The District was not seriously affected
by the Punjab famines of 1896-1897 and 1899-1900,
though the crops failed in certain tracts, and 3,000 rupees
or so of revenue were suspended on each occasion. In
1902 another failure of crops in the unirrigated tracts of
the plains and lower hills led to a suspension of 5,600
rupees. But recovery was rapid in each case, and a
remission of revenue on account of scarcity has never
been found necessary. In fact, it may be said that
Hazara is almost immune from the chances of a serious
famine, and no scarcity, however great, will cripple the
resources of the people for more than a very short period.
— —


Administrative For administrative pur-

Subdivisions ,

poses the District of Feudal Tanawal) is

divided into the three tahsils mentioned in the first
chapter, with head-quarters at Mansehra, Abbottabad and
Haripur respectively. Each tahsil is for police purposes
divided into thanas, with head-quarters at the following
places : In the Mansehra tahsil, Mansehra, Balakot,
Shinkiari, Oghi, and Gar hi Habibullah Khan (the last
including some
villages in the Boi tract of the Abbottabad
tahsil) Abbottabad, Abbottabad, Dunga Gali (in the
hot weather), Nara, Bakot, Lora, and Sherwan in Hari- ;

pur, Haripur, Khanpur, Tarbela, Ghazi, and Kirpilian.

To maintain the land records there is a staff of 187 pat-
waris, who are supervised by 13 field kanungos, and the
District is mapped out into 186 patiuari and 13 kanungo
circles. For the 914 village estates there are 1,642 village
headmen, whose chief business, there being so little crime,
is to collect and pay in the revenue.

District Staff The whole District is in charge of a


Deputy Commissioner, who resides at Abbottabad. The

staff to assist him at head-quarters ordinarily consists
of a District Judge, a Treasury Officer, and a Revenue
Extra-Assistant Commissioner, all full-powered magis-
trates ; at each tahsil there are a Tahsildar and a Naib-
Tahsildar, with more limited magisterial powers. A Naib-
Tahsildar is also stationed at Dunga Gali in the hot
weather to see to the requirements of the hill-stations.
The police are in charge of a Superintendent of Police,
the Government forests of a Deputy Conservator of
Forests, and the hospitals and medical administration of
a Civil Surgeon. There also a Commandant
is of the
Border Military Police at Oghi, who is a European officer
with magisterial powers when such is available, and there
is the special Naib-Tahsildar .to look after the village
forests, to whom reference is made in the previous chapter.
There are at present (1907) two honorary magistrates in
the District —Sultan Muhammad Khan Tanaoli, the
jagirdar of Bir, and Muhammad Aman Khan, the jagirdar
of Khalabat.
Changes Area and Administrative Divisions
of .

Hazara came under British rule in 1849 it included the

hill tracts in the east of the Rawalpindi District, com-

prising 270 villages. These tracts were transferred to

Rawalpindi in 1850, along with twenty-eight villages on or
near the Harroh, south of the Gandgar range. In 1860
the village of Kamilpur was transferred from the Attock
tahsil of the Rawalpindi District to the Haripur tahsil.
Up to 1874 the District had been divided between two
tahsils, Haripur and Mansehra, but in that year the
Abbottabad tahsil was made up out of the southern
portion of Mansehra and the eastern portion of Haripur.
In 1893 the Thoba, or, as it is now called, the Barian, hill
cantonment, south of Khaira Gali, was transferred to
the Rawalpindi District. In 1900 the whole of the
Attock tahsil was added to Hazara as a fourth tahsil,
but in 1901, on the formation of the North-West Frontier
Province, it was restored to Rawalpindi and the Punjab,
and the rest of Hazara became one of the five Districts of
the new province, being the only one that lies to the east
of the Indus. Proposals for transferring the Khanpur
and Lora tracts to the Punjab have since been mooted,
but they have come to nothing.
Civil and Criminal Justice (Tables XXXV. and

XXXVI.). The people of Hazara have a bad reputation

and their tendency in this direction was

for litigiousness,
aggravated by the faulty condition of the records of the
First Regular Settlement, which encouraged fictitious
claims, and made the issue even more a matter of specula-
tion than usual. A stimulus of a different kind was
afforded by the operations of the Second Regular Settle-
ment, for they revealed discrepancies and errors in the
old record, of which the parties had previously been
unaware, and brought to a head many disputes which
could only be decided finally in the courts. This explains
why the year 1906 shows more civil and revenue litigation
than any previous year, the civil cases totalling up to
5,536, and the revenue to 6,817. It is to be hoped that
as things settle down, and the new and more accurate
records are accepted as superseding the old, these high
figures will diminish.
The records of criminal justice (Table XXXIV.) tell

a different tale. Here the files of the courts are very

light. In 1906 there were 1,661 cases of all kinds brought
to trial, a decrease on the previous year of 60, and on
the year before that of 1 73, and a large number of these
were for petty offences under the Forest, Municipal, and
Police Acts. Cases of theft and of receiving stolen
property numbered 136 in all, and the most serious item
consisted of 41 cases of murder and culpable homicide,
which is considerably above the average. Were it not
for these occasional outbreaks of violence, and also for
the troublesome, though usually petty, character of forest
offences, Hazara, so far as the criminal administration
was concerned, would be one of the easiest Districts to
manage. It should be added that the whole District is
under the Frontier Crimes Regulation trial by jirga is

pretty frequently resorted to, and the results are fairly

Village Communities and Tenures , —The tenures in
Hazara are singularly interesting. When the District
c^me under British rule, we found a set of actual rights,

founded upon recent usurpation, existing side by side with
traditions of a second set of conflicting rights founded
upon usurpation of older date. The later usurpation
was too fresh, and the traditions of earlier usurpation too
vivid, to allow us, either on grounds of equity .or public
policy, entirely to disregard the latter, and the whole
matter was so peculiar and important that it was deemed
advisable to have recourse to ’special legislation on the
subject. Before describing, therefore, the existing tenures,
it is necessary first to explain the state of rights in land as
they stood at annexation, the manner in which they had
grown up, and the method adopted in dealing with them.
Origin of Proprietary Tenures . —
The existing status of
proprietary rights is the outcome of the political influences
of three separate eras the Durani rule from a.d. 1747 to

1818, the Sikh rule from a.d. 1819 to 1849, and the
British rule from a.d. 1849 to 1874. Excepting the
Gakhars and the Gujars, few of those who now own the
soil can carry their title back beyond the beginning of
the eighteenth century. Dhunds, Karrals, Pathans,
Tanaolis, and Swathis were then all equally aggressors
some, like the Dhunds and Karrals, being engaged in
emancipating themselves from the domination of their
old lords, the rest playing the role of invaders, and
driving out or subordinating to themselves the weaker
familieswhom they found in the country. The right
thus asserted or acquired by the strong over the weak

was popularly termed wirsa or wirasat that is, heritage,’‘

and its possessor was called the ivaris, or heir. In fact,

the waris was the last conqueror. In the popular con-
ception this right was complete against every one except
the Moghal or Durani ruler. It did not exclude the idea
of payment
of the land revenue customarily due to the.
State throughout India, but, with this exception, the
waris or community of warisan asserted their right to
do what they willed with the land, and to treat all other
occupants as mere vassals or tenants-at-will.

Privileged Tenants . —
But the circumstances of the
country were such that the tenure of the land did not
entirely agree with the popular conception. The rights
of the warisan were based, not on law, but on popular
power in its rudest form. It was convenient, therefore,
forthem to associate with themselves on privileged terms
any strong body of tenantry whom they found in the
country, or were able to’ locate in it. Such were the
relations of the Mishwanis to the Utmanzais, of the
Awans Garhian tract to the Tanaolis, and of the
of the
Awans in the villages on the fringe of the Pakhli plain to
the Swathis. Their position, though it possessed no
admitted right, was superior to that of mere tenants,
inasmuch as they paid little or no rent, and wore rarely
disturbed in their holdings. Its principal incident was
the liability to military service, and they were commonly
located on the border, where neighbouring tribes disputed
the right to the land. They were called lakband that —
is to say, men who gird their loins (lak) in the service of
the warisan. In other cases a waris tribe would content
itselfwith the rich lands of the valley, and leave the
tenants of the hill hamlets almost undisturbed, only
demanding and petty services from them,
light rents
such as supply of wood and grass for winter use.

The hill villages of the Jadun country, near Nawanshahr

and Dhamtaur, are instances of this.
Changes introduced by Sikh Rule —
The Sikh conquest

turned the tables on the waris classes, and crushed them

by the same argument by which a century before they
had crushed others. The Sikh rulers claimed the soil as
the State’s in a peculiar sense, asserting that they were
sole lords thereof, and entitled to its full rent. If they
allowed any class to intercept part of the full rent, and
to pay only a proportion of that rent to the State, they
did so merely on grounds of expediency. As soon as and
wherever they were strong enough, they levied from all
classes alike the full amount. The rents thus levied were
those which the ivarisan had before taken from their
tenantry whereas before the tenantry alone paid these

rents, now the waris classes paid them too. If circum-

stances permitted, the Sikh officials levied these rents by
direct management if it was inconvenient to levy the

rents by direct management, they farmed them. The

result in either case was the complete temporary destruc-
tion of the dominion of the old warisan. Their rights
survived by sufferance only in villages which the Sikhs
gave them in jagir, or in parts of the country where it

did not suit them to interfere directly as, for instance,
the Tarkheli tracts on the Indus, the Boi jagir, the
Swathi chief’s jagir, Agror, Bhogarmang, and Kagan.
These are only the principal instances there were

numerous other pettier cases, in which for various reasons

and by various pretexts the waris body held their own
more or less completely. But the general result of the
Sikh rule was to destroy the old tenures of the country,
and to substitute for them a system under which every
one alike held his land at the will of the State, and on
condition of his paying its full rent. Neither by temper
nor by habit were the waris classes fitted to submit to
such a change. They lacked the agricultural industry
that enabled the tena,nt classes to pay full rent, and their
spirit resented their degradation to the same level as
their tenantry. But, as will be described in the chapter
on the history of the District, the swords of the Sikh
rulers made good their claim to rule the country, and
while many of the waris classes fled, outlawed by the
share which they had taken in opposing the Sikhs, or
being unable to fall in with the new order of affairs under
alien rulers, the majority necessarily accepted their
altered condition.

Khad, or Prescription. The status growing up out of
this confusion began to be popularly described by the
term khad. The idea conveyed by this word corresponds
nearly with what we term prescription ; it was applied


to the land which a waris actually retained or held during

the confusion of Sikh rule, in opposition to the wirasat or
heritage to which, under the antecedent status of the
country, he was entitled. Thus one of the old warisan
would say :

I will surrender my khad, if you restore to
me my wirasat.^ used by one of the inferior
Or, *as

classes originally excluded from the waris body and

treated as tenants, the term khad indicated his claims to
a right of occupancy on the score of his long tenure. If,
under Sikh rule or during Summary Settlement, such an
occupant had held his land in direct relations with the
State free of the dominion of the old waris, he would put
a still further meaning on the term khad, and use it to
express his right to resist the re-introduction of the old
waris, or, in other words, his right to be himself treated
as proprietor of the land in his possession.
Treatment of Warisan at the Summary Settlements .

When Major Abbott was deputed to Hazara in 1847, and

gave to the country for the first time the great benefit of a
moderate assessment of the State’s demand, numbers of
the old ivaris classes, who had fled the country or relin-
quished the management of their lands under the Sikh
rule, returned, and claimed back their estates. In fact,
when the people saw our anxiety to deal fairly with the
old proprietary classes of the country, there was hardly a
claim which the Sikh Government had ignored or over-
ridden for thirty years past that was not now pressed
again on Major Abbott. Numbers of these claims were
decided, most of them without any judicial record. In
those days, when so much of the culturable land was
waste, there was not that difficulty in re-admitting an
old member to his former place in the village community
that there was later, when most of the culturable land
had been broken up. But both in 1847, when Major
Abbott made his first Summary Settlement, and in 1852,
when he made the second Summary Settlement, his time
was limited, and the calls on his attention were multi-

farious. As far as possible, he set aside the old Sikh
farmers, and placed the village leases in the hands of the
old proprietors ;
but there remained many claims unde-
cided, —
and not a few cases as in the Haripur plain, the
Bagra and Khanpur tracts, and other villages elsewhere
in which it was not possible to affirm that the lessees had
any antecedent title to the ownership of the lands leased
to them.
Adjudication of Claims at the First Regular Settlement .

It was felt that the ordinary civil courts could not deal
with claims of this sort in a satisfactory manner, and the
Board of Administration issued orders under which the
greater number of them were pending till the Regular
Settlement. A beginning was made with these cases in
1862, when the abortive Settlement operations conducted
by Major Adams and Coxe were started, but it was during
the First Regular Settlement of the years 1868 to 1874
that most were disposed of. By certain Settlement rules
passed in 1870, and given the force of law, the Settlement
courts were empowered to investigate and deliver an
award on all such claims, and, if they thought fit, to restore
the status of the year preceding the introduction of
Sikh rule, the period of limitation for suits of this kind,
which elsewhere in the Punjab was twelve years previous
to annexation, being extended so as to include this date.
The number brought with regard to property
of suits
in land in these circumstances was about 12,000, of which
2,000 were decided before the Regular Settlement began.
The main principle upon which the decisions were based
was to support the status of the Summary Settlements as
far as possible, and, where a claim was admitted, to decree
it in such a manner as would cause the least disturbance

to existing conditions. The cases were few in which a*

member of the old waris class was denied all footing in his
old heritage on the other hand, short of refusing such

men a moderate recovery of their former status, the

Settlement authorities maintained in a privileged position,

as owners or as hereditary tenants, those who obtained

possession during Sikh rule, and had continued to hold
the land after annexation.

Nature of Frojprietary Tenures. The village tenures of
Northern India are commonly divided into three classes,
zamindari, 'pattidari, and hhaiachara. Those of Hazara

mostly belong in their origin to the first two that is to
say, the villages, when they came into possession of the
ancestors of their present proprietors, were held either
by a single owner or a single family of owners in individual
shares {zamindari), or they belonged to one or more
sections of a single tribe, who divided the land among
themselves on the basis of ancestral or customary shares,
and paid their revenue in the same fashion [pattidari).
At the First Regular Settlement this system was in a
great measure maintained, and the revenue was dis-
tributed accordingly. But there were a few villages in
which possession was already the measure of right
[hhaiachara), and in a number of others the proprietors
elected to pay thenceforward on the basis of possession
and not of shares. At the Second Regular Settlement the
great majority of villages agreed to distribute the revenue
on the lines of actual possession, and thus became
hhaiachara, if they were not so already. Many still
retain a large area of village common, or shamilat deh,
which in the hills is especially valuable, but, as noted in
the previous chapter, there is an increasing tendency to
partition this among the proprietary body. Such par-
tition, if it takes place, is now usually on the basis of the
revenue which each proprietor pays on his private
property, and not on ancestral or customary shares ;

and, if the shamilat remains joint, its income is distributed

over the proprietors in the same fashion.

Malik Qabzas. Another tenure which here deserves
notice is that of the malik qahza. He is a proprietor with
restricted rights, for though he has full control over his
own holding, and is liable for the revenue assessed thereon,
he is not entitled to any proprietary share in the common
land of the village. He is often of a different tribe from

that of the full proprietor sometimes a kamin or a Hindu
— and has acquired his footing in the village by purchase
or by favour. The rights in the shamilat, especially in
hill with abundant waste, being valuable and
jealously guarded, it is seldom that an outsider can obtain

a complete proprietary title.. Even a full proprietor

purchasing from another may not be able to acquire the
share in the shamilat attaching to the land transferred
to him, and will be recorded only as a malik qabza so far
as that land is concerned. There is thus a continual
tendency for the malik qabza tenures to increase in number,
and in the Abbottabad tahsil alone there were nearly
6,000 such at the Second Regular Settlement as against
900 at the first. It may be added that in a few villages
there are persons akin to 7nalik qabzas who are called
guzarakhors. These are usually poor relations of the
' ’

owner or owners of tlu*. villjigc', who have been given a

small plot of land for their guzara or maintenanc(^. They
have no rights in the shamilat, exc(q)t in the Khanpur
tract, where the Gakhar guzarakhors have a share pro-
portionate to the amount of land in their possession.
Occupancy Tenants .

The questions affecting the posi-
tion and rights of the non-proprietary cultivators of the
soil (ghairwaris, khadi, or muzarea) were hardly less im-

portant than those affecting the proprietary body, and

the suits dealing with their claims, which were decided
during the First Regular Settlement, numbered no less
than 17,000. At the time that Settlement operations
commenced the discussions which led to the enactment of
the Punjab Tenancy Act of 1868 were at their height.
It was felt that if the definitions of occupancy right con-
tained in Section 5 of that Act were applied, as they
stood, to Hazara, a large body of cultivators who were
fairly entitled to such rights would be excluded. The
Hazara tenants were a deserving class; their task, of

breaking up the waste in the villages where they settled

had been, in the hills at any rate, a very difficult and
laborious one they had stuck to their lands through all

vicissitudes and under all changes of rulers and masters ;

their status in many cases was in practice little different

from that of proprietor, and they were as a rule inoffen-
sive and well disposed. Accordingly, a special Regulation
(3 of 1873) was passed, in which a broader interpretation
of the term right of occupancy
‘ ’
was given than in the
Punjab Act, the most important modification being a
clause awarding the right to every tenant who either
through himself or through his predecessors had continu-
ously occupied his holding from a period anterior to the
Summary Settlement of 1847. Further, a distinction
was made between tenants of this class whose occupation
had continued undisturbed from a time previous to the
famine of a.d. 1783 and those whose period of occupation
commenced after that date, and it was laid down that in
(*nba.ncement suits, while the rents of the former should
not be raised beyond a limit that was 30 per cent, less
than what was payable by tenants-at-will, the limit in
the case of the latt(^r should be 15 pw cent. As a matter
of fact, the date which the Settlement officer intended to
propose was a.d. 1818, when the Sikh rule commenced,
and 1783 was fixed under a misapprehension; but the
mistake was not material, since any tenure that began
in the time preceding Sikh ruh^ was recorded as dating
from before the famine.
WhiMi tlie Act of 1808 came under revision, the Regula-
tion of 1873 was subjected to a similar process, and with
the now Punjab Tenancy Act was issued the Hazara
Tenancy Regulation (13 of 1887), which is still in force.
The definitions of occupancy right were assimilated fairly
closely to those of the Act, but the important clause
which referred to the Summary Settlement of 1847, and
under which the large majority of occupancy tenants in
th^ District have acquired their rights, was maintained
in all essential particulars. And in the section providing
for enhancement of rents a maximum malikana of

6 annas in the rupee was fixed for ‘
before the famine
tenants, as against 12 annas for those that were 'after
the famine.’
Sikh Revenue System . —
The revenue history of Hazara
begins with the Sikh occupation in 1818, for the Duranis,
who preceded the Sikhs, had- no organized system, and
merely seem to have collected what they could on their
way through the District to and from Kashmir, and to
have conciliated the leading men in the more outlying
parts by large jagir grants. The Sikh method of assess-
ment is thus described by Major Abbott :

The whole of the Hazara (one or two small

excepted) is assessed in a fixed rent which
supposed is

to be half the gross produce, but varies in reality very

greatly in different taluqahs ’ (i.e., according to their
accessibility and the amount of control exercised over
them), not amounting in some to more than a third


over and above this, under the title of rasum and nazrana^
about 15 per cent, was taken previous to my coming and ;

the two laws, Musalman and Sikh, prevailing in the land,

left a wide gap for exactions in the name of fines, the
Government interfering in all the domestic concerns of
the subject. . . . The system here has been to over-
assess the country, and to bribe the maliks into submis-
sion by petty grants of ploughs, mills, arable land, etc.’
Statistics of the Sikh assessment are supplied by the
leases given outby Diwan Mulraj, who was Governor
ofHazara from 1843 to 1846, and who seems to have
made considerable improvements in the organization of
the revenue system. In the report of the First Regular
Settlement it is stated that his assessments were more
judicious and moderate than those of his predecessors,
but Major Abbott’s diaries throw some doubt on this
who had fled from the
point, as he speaks of villagers
wholesale cruelty of Diwan Mulraj, and of tracts that he

had burned and plundered. And he also notes that on

comparing statements of actual collection in the Diwan’s
time with older leases in the possession of zamindars he
finds that an already heavy assessment was raised through-
out Hazara from 8 to 25 per cent, by an order from the
Darbar in 1842 and 1844, so as to meet the increased
expenses of the army.
First Summary Settlement —
But whether Mulraj’s

assessment was heavier or lighter than what preceded

it, there is no doubt that it pressed very hardly on the

people, and Major (then Captain) Abbott, who, on the

rendition of Hazara by the Maharajah of Kashmir to the
Sikh Darbar in 1847 in exchange for other territory, was
deputed to make the First Summary Settlement, was
hailed by them as their deliverer. He was directed to
reduce the standard of the State’s demand from one-half
to one- third, and he was allowed to go below the latter
if the circumstances of the case warranted a more lenient

assessment. The actual method followed seems to have

been to ascertain the sums levied by the Sikh Government
in the preceding years, and, after inquiry into the circum-
stances of each village, to assess on the average 15 per
cent, lower than the ]?revious payments. The result was
that, exclusive of the cessesabove referred to, which were
abolished altogether, the Sikh demand was lowered from
2,81,853 rupees to 2,35,933 rupees, and the relief given to
the people was considiu’able.
Second Summary Settlement . —
The leases of the First
Summary Settlement were granted for a period of three
years, and towards the close of 1851, Hazara, along with
the rest of the Punjab, having been annexed by the
British Government in the interim as a result of the
Second Sikh War, Major Abbott obtained the permission
of the Board of Administration to revise his assessments.
This course was rendered the more necessary by the great
fall in the price of grain which had taken place since 1847,

rendering further reductions advisable in the plain

tracts of Lower Hazara ;
on the other hand, a large
increase in the cultivation of Pakhliand some of the hill
tracts justified an enhancement of the revenue in those
quarters. The net result of Major Abbott’s proceedings
was to raise the revenue in 343 estates, to reduce it in
176, and to maintain it unaltered in 364, and the total
assessment was reduced from 2,35,933 rupees to 2,32,834
rupees, or by 1 per cent.

Abortive Assessmerds of Majors Adams and Coxe. The
Second Summary Settlement lasted for twenty years,
during which period the revenue was collected with great
ease. An attempt was made to revise it in 1862-1863
by Majors Adams and Coxe, as before noted, but their
assessments were never sanctioned. It is worth remark-
ing, however, that though they assumed the State’s share
as representing one-sixth of the gross produce, whereas
Major Abbott assumed one-third, or perhaps more nearly
one-fourth, and though they did not take into account
any rise in prices, the assessments which they proposed
enhanced the total of the First Summary Settlement by
5^ per cent. With all due allowance for the untrust-
worthiness of the data, this is striking evidence of the
extent to which the cultivated area must have increased
as a result of settled rule and a lenient revenue.
First Regular Settlement. —
The First Regular Settlement
was started by Captain Wace in 1868, and completed in
1874, the new assessments being introduced with effect
from the kharif of 1872. The whole District was divided
into assessment circles and measured by patwaris, and an
elaborate record of rights was prepared. So far as can
be ascertained, the measurements were not, as a rule,
on the plane-table system. The usual course appears to
have been to obtain an outline of the village boundary
from the Survey Department, which between the years
1865 and 1869 was engaged on the Revenue Survey of the
District, and then to plot in the fields with the help of a
chain. A khasra, khewat, and other papers, were prepared in

the forms then prescribed The nominal assessment guides


were three viz., an estimate of one-sixth of the value of
the gross produce, soil rates, and plough rates. But none of
these were reliable. Inaccurate areas and crop returns,
and very rough calculations of yield, vitiated the produce
estimate the soil rates were more or less guesswork,

and, in most instances, not based on any direct deduction

from cash rents and plough rates are at best an un-

satisfactory Moreover, in a District of such

varied features as Hazara, even with the most accurate
returns, it would be dangerous to aim at any very marked
uniformity of rates. In his actual assessments Captain
Wace accordingly discarded his standards in many in-
stances, and went more by what a village had been paying
under previous settlements, or by his own or his sub-
ordinates’ impression of its revenue-paying capacity,
than by the figures with which his produce, soil-rate, and
plough-rate estimates supplied him. The result was a
total assessment of 2,99,661 rupees for land and 8,733
rupees for mills (which in the Summary Settlements had
been included in the land assessment), or a total of
3,08,394 rupees altogether, representing an increase of
32 per cent, on that of the Second Summary Settlement.
Working of First Regular Settlement .

No apology was
needed for this enhancement. The peace and security
ensured by British rule had brought prosperity in their
train. There had been a wide extension of the cultivated
area, communications had been improved, and prices of
grain and other produce had risen very considerably.
And during the thirty years for which the Settlement
was sanctioned, little difficulty was experienced in the
realization of the demand then imposed. It is true that
owing to defective statistics, misleading information, or
incorrect deductions from the figures of previous Settle-
ments, there was much inequality in the distribution of
the demand, an inequality which was aggravated by the
changes in soil, cultivated area, population, and miscel-
laneous income that took place in the period above named ;

but in most cases the assessment was a moderate one,

and, where it was for the circumstances of the time
perhaps unduly severe, the severity was subsequently
mitigated to a large degree by continued extension of
cultivation and by the rise in prices, and there are very
few instances where it can be said that the prosperity
of a village was adversely affected.
— —
Second Regular Settlement Revision of the Record. In
1899 the Revised or Second Regular Settlement of the
Agror valley was entrusted to an Extra- Assistant Com-
missioner, Sardar Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan, and was
completed in the following year. The Second Regular
Settlement of the rest of the District begun in October,
1900, and was completed in May, 1907. The old records
were very defective, for the village maps were often ex-
tremely inaccurate, and the revenue papers were full of
mistakes and not up-to-date. This makes it the more
surprising that, by one of the Settlement rules passed
at the time of the First Regular Settlement and having
the force of law, a finality and conclusiveness attached
to them which no records in any other District possessed.
No time was lost in repealing this rule by a regulation
of the Government of India, which gave to them only the
ordinary presumption of truth that Punjab land records
elsewhere convey. A lengthy and radical revision was
then undertaken. Except the Government forests and
some waste areas at the head of the Kagan and Bhogar-
mang valleys, where the Revenue Survey map was copied,
the whole District was measured, the plains on the square
and the hills on the triangulation system, the records were
thoroughly overhauled and written anew, and over
300,000 mutations were attested.

Revision of Assessment Circles. Pari passu with the
revision of the record went the revision of the assessment
The District was mapped out into assessment circles,
which, as they at present stand (for they were modified

considerably between beginning and the end of

Settlement operations), follow in their grouping certain
fairly well marked physical divisions. Thus, firstly and
secondly, we have the irrigated and the unirrigated plain
tracts ;
country at the base of the hills and
thirdly, the
on the edge fourthly, the lower hills and
of the plains ;

the valleys in between fifthly, the higher hills and


valleys. The first group comprises three circles in

Haripur Abi I., Abi II., and Khari and one in Mansehra,

Maidan Pakhli. Abi I. is the upper portion of the

Haripur plain, which is among the richest irrigated
tracts of the province Abi II. has three parts, one being

the north-western portion of the Haripur plain, which

receives the tail end of the Dor irrigation, another the
country between this and the Indus, which is watered by
the Siran, and a third the Khanpur Panjkatha. The
soil is not so rich as in Abi I., and some villages suffer
occasionally from a deficiency of water, but for all that
the circle is a very fertile one. The Khari circle is the
strip of land along the Indus facing the Swabi tahsil
of the Peshawar District. It has some excellent well
irrigation. Maidan Pakhli is the loveliest portion of the
Pakhli plain, the main feature of which consists in the
splendid rice-fields which the Siran waters.
The second group comprises the Maira circle of Haripur,
which is the level expanse of maira soil at the lower end
of the Haripur plain between the Gandgar and the
Khanpur hills the Rash circle of Abbottabad, which is

the plain of that name and its continuation, the Mangal

tract and the Dhangar circle of the same tahsil, which is

the north-eastern end of the Dor plain, and derives its

name from the bad stony soil, locally known as dhangar,
•which is its chief characteristic. The third group con-
sists of the Kandi circle in Haripur and the Pakhli Kandi
circle in Mansehra {kandi meaning land lying at the base
of hills), each a straggling, disjointed collection of
villages surrounding the Haripur and Pakhli plains re-
spectively, and formed mostly of strips of maira land
scored by ravines and sloping gently towards the plains.
The fourth group comprises the Gandgar, Badhnak, and
Dhaka Khanpur circles in Haripur, the Tanawal and
Nara-Lora circles in Abbottabad, and the Pakhli Garhian
and Kunhar circles in Mansehra. The Gandgar and
Dhaka Khanpur circles are the tracts formed by the
Gandgar and Khanpur hills. Badhnak is the name of
that portion of the Tanawal hills which lies within the
Haripur tahsil between the Indus and the Siran, and the
circle includes a narrow strip of level land along the
former river north of Tarbela known as Kulai. The
Tanawal circle is so much of the Tanawal hills as lie
within the Abbottabad tahsil, and Nara-Lora is the
country traversed by the Dhund and Karral Harrohs for
about 8 miles above their junction, and by the Nilan
stream, which is one of their most important tributaries.
It comprises the Nilan valley and the Lora and Dhan
tracts, Nara being a village which lies on the edge of the
last, and gives its name to the surrounding country. The
Pakhli Garhian circle is in the main the northern portion
of the Tanawal hills, which lies within the Mansehra
tahsil, and is known as the Garhian ilaqa. The Kunhar
circle is the valley of the Kunhar river between where it
emerges from the Kagan glen at Balakot and where it
enters the limits of the Abbottabad tahsil just below
Garhi Habibullah Khan the circle includes the villages

situated on the hills on either flank. In the fifth and last

group may be classed the Dhaka, Boi, and Bakot circles
of Abbottabad, and the Konsh-Bhogarmang, Kagan,
and Agror circles of Mansehra. Dhaka (that is, ‘hilly
country ’) is the name that has been given to the tract
immediately to the west of the Dunga Gali range in which
the Dor and Harroh rivers take their rise Boi is the

tract between the northern portion of that range and the

Kunhar and Bakot that between the southern portion

and the Jhelum. The Konsh-Bhogarmang circle com-


prises the two valleys of Konsh and Bhogarmang to the

north of the Pakhli plain. Through the latter the Siran,
and through the former its tributary the Batkas, flow,
and the villages are in most cases situated on either
bank of these streams, with lands running up into the
hills behind. The Kag^n circle is the greater part of the
valley of that name, which stretches for ninety miles or
so up to the border of Chilas. In area it is roughly one-
fourth of the District, but the cultivated portion is,

relatively, very small, the rest being forest or grazing

land. Last comes the Agror circle, which is formed by
the Agror valley to the west of Pakhli.
Number and Character of Assessment Circles The .—
number of assessment circles was thus twenty-two viz., —
eight in Haripur, and seven each in the other two tahsils.
This was a great reduction on the fifty-nine circles formed
by Captain Wace, but it largely exceeds the average of
most Districts. Even so, however, it was impossible to
achieve the uniformity that the grouping in other Dis-
tricts exhibits. Many of the circles in Hazara possess
characteristics of other groups beside their own. Dhaka
Khanpur has high hills as well Dhangar has some
as low,
first-class irrigation from the Dor, several of the Rash
villages reach back into the hills of Tanawal or Dhaka,
the villages at the base of the Konsh and Bhogarmang
valleys approximate in character to those of Maidan
Pakhli, the upper part of Kunhar is like the lower part
of Kagan, and so on. Again, within the circles themselves,
and especially the hillier ones, there arc great variations.
Thus Boi and Bakot vary in altitude between 3,000 and
9,000 feet, and in Tanawal, Badhnak, and Nara-Lora the
lands of one village may lie in a hot valley and those of
.another on a cool ridge above, with a corresponding variety
of agricultural conditions. The result was that deduc-
tions from the assessment data had to be framed and
used with much caution, and in the distribution of the
revenue ample allowance had to be made for the great
difEerences between village and village in one and the same
Assessment Data . —The data aforesaid were prepared
in the usual way. That is tq say, after numerous ex-
periments an estimate of the yield of each important
crop on each class of soil was framed the average matured

area of each crop on each soil was then ascertained, and

a calculation made of the total gross produce of each
circle. The value of this produce was estimated by
multiplying the total yield of each crop into its assumed
price per maund, and the value of the net share enjoyed
by the proprietor was assumed to be that fraction of the
produce on each soil which is usually taken by a landlord
from a tenant-at-will after payments made to village
menials from the common heap, or to reapers in the form
of sheaves, have been deducted. Half of these net assets
were then assumed as the revenue to which Government
was theoretically entitled.
Results of Assessment . —
As a matter of fact, however,
the assessments recommended and imposed did not even
approximate to the half net asset estimate. In a District
of such varied conditions an estimate of this kind must
in its nature be largely guesswork, and though en-
deavours were made to be, if anything, on the safe side,
it was impossible to be very sure on the point. And,
more than this, the enhancements over the previous
assessments, which the calculations brought out, were
so large that it was out of the question to put such a
strain on the resources of the District. Accordingly, the
assessments announced and distributed were very much
below this standard. In Haripur the total new land
revenue was fixed at 2, 16, 153 rupees, an increase of 51 per
cent, on the previous assessment, and 62 per cent, of the.
estimated half net assets in Abbottabad it was 1,35,230

rupees, an increase of 70 per cent., and 47 per cent, of

the half net assets and in Mansehra (with Agror in-

cluded) it was 1,52,845, an increase of 102 per cent., and


53 per cent, of the half net assets. The total land revenue
of the District thus amounted to 5,04,228 rupees, as
against nearly 3 lakhs in the years preceding the Settle-
ment, a rise of 69 per cent. It was 54 per cent, of the
half net assets, and represented incidences of Re. 1.3.9
and Re. 1.1.4 per acre, on the cultivated and matured
areas respectively.
Distribution of Assessment , —The distribution of the
now revenue over the was in Agror made by
Sardar Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan, in Manshera by
Captain Beadon, the Assistant Settlement Officer (who
had also written the Assessment Report), and in Abbotta-
bad and Haripur by the Settlement Officer. To assist
them an estimate of the revenue leviable from each village
according to revenue rates framed for each soil in the
circle to which it belonged was made, and was adhered to
or diverged from according to the particular circumstances
of the village. So irregular was the incidence of the
previous demand, and so diverse were the increases in
the total revenue of the various assessment circles, that
there was uniformity in the enhancements taken
in individual cases. In fact, they varied from nil to over
200 per cent., and it should be added that in sixty-six
villages a reduction instead of an increase was sanctioned.
Inside each village itself the revenue was distributed
over the proprietors, in a few instances by ancestral or
customary shares, but in the majority of cases by differen-
tial soil rates, which were more or less oh the lines of the

revenue rates. They varied from 18 or 20 rupees an

acre on the rich garden lands of Haripur and Khanpur
to 4 or 3 annas on the rakkar and kalsi soils of Badhnak,
Tanawal, and Boi. And in many villages, where the waste
was valuable, a rate of 6 pies an acre to 1 anna or more
was put on the bannas and the hay-fields.
Cesses .

On the land revenue aforesaid two cesses, the
local rate and the lambardari cess, are paid. The former
amounts to Rs. 8.5.4, and the latter to 5 rupees on every
100 rupees of revenue. Up to 1905 the local rate cess
was Rs. 10.6.8, and up was also a patwar
to 1905 there
cess of Rs. 6.4 or Rs. The
6.7.4. reductions in the
cesses were effected by the orders of the Government of

Deferred Assessments. —To mitigate the suddenness and
severity of the enhancements in a number of villages,

orders were issued by Governiftent deferring the realiza-

tion of a portion of the assessment for periods of three,
five, or seven years, as the case might be. The total thus
deferred amounted to nearly 58,000 rupees, and it is not
till the kharif of 1912 that the whole, or practically the
whole, of the new demand will be levied.

Assessment of Water Mills. Besides the land revenue,
the assessments were also revised. These
previously amounted to 11,421 rupees, and they were
now raised to 20,411 rupees, or nearly double what
they were before. For them also a rough half assets
estimate was framed, and the actual assessment was about
62 per cent, of this. The amounts imposed ranged from
8 annas (in Agror) to 35 rupees (in Dhamtaur, near

Tax on Goats, Prior to the First Regular Settlement
a tax on sheep and goats, called ramashumari, was levied
on flocks of not less than fifty head in the Abbottabad
and Mansehra tahsils. It was at the rate of Re. 1.12
per hundred on flocks owned by British subjects, and of
Rs. 3.8 on flocks coming from independent territory or
from Kashmir, and it was farmed out to contractors.
The system led to great abuses, and was finally abolished
by Government in 1873. At the Second Regular Settle-
ment the extensive damage caused by goats to the
vegetation in village wastes led to the conviction that
something must be done to try and check the evil, and it
was eventually decided to impose a tax or tirni of an
anna per head on all goats belonging to villages that had
any hill waste to speak of, and an extra anna onfall

migratory flocks that come from across the border into

the District, or that spend the summer in one portion of
the District and the winter in another. The tax on the
latter is collected as they are on their way down to their
winter quarters, and the enumeration and assessment of
non-migratory goats are carried out in the cold weather.
The enumeration of the flocks and the collection of the
tax must always be a difficult and rather unsatisfactory
business, for not only is it almost impossible to make a
correct count or to prevent evasions, but subordinate
officials are given undesirable opportunities of harassing
the people, and considerable discontent is aroused. Still,
it may be admitted that, if the enumeration is properly

supervised, the destruction which the goats commit is

really the more serious evil of the two, and that if the
village forests are to be saved the reduction of the
numbers of these animals, or, at any rate, the prevention
of their undue augmentation, is essential. In the year
1906-1907, the first year in which the tax was in full
operation, the total realizations amounted to 16,196
rupees, of which migratory goats were responsible for
7,921 rupees and non-migratory goats for 8,275 rupees.
The total number of goats enumerated was 195,753.
Jagirs . —The inaccessibility of many parts of Hazara,
and the turbulent nature of its people, led naturally, in
Durani and Sikh times, to the granting of large jagirs
to the chiefs of the remoter tracts or of the more intract-
able tribes as an inducement to keep quiet and not molest
the Government. And on annexation these grants were
to a great extent confirmed, while others were added for
services rendered to Major Abbott. Consequently, the
assigned revenue of the District is very considerable,

amounting, in per cent, of the whole. Most of

fact, to 23
the bigger jagirs are in the form of the revenue of the
whole or parts of villages, and not of fixed cash grants.
There are also a number of political pensions, aggregating
abo*ut 3,000 rupees in all.


Inams to Lamhardars and Others, Another form that
the assignment of revenue takes in this District is the
bestowal of inams on lamhardars and others, in the shape
of cash grants deducted from the revenue of a village
before it is At the First Regular
paid into the Treasury.
Settlement the number of these inams, as fixed by the
Settlement Officer, was 908, of which 294 were for life
only, and 614 for the term of the Settlement. They
aggregated nearly 14,000 rupees, or 4*5 per cent, of the
total revenue. Pew of them were for over 50 rupees, and
a number were for small amounts of 5 rupees and less.
At the Second Regular Settlement, as the inams fixed for
the term of Settlementnow came under revision, it was
decided to abolish this policy of petty grants, a survival
of Sikh times, which was of material benefit neither to
the holder nor to Government, and to substitute a system
of graded inams, to be called ‘
zamindari ’
inams, whicJi
should be made fewer in number but greater in value.
But to obviate hardship and heartburning, a certain
number of existing inams were maintained as life inams,
and it was ordered that on the death of their holders,
but not till then, they should be added to the fund
available for zamindari inams. The total i/iam grant,
including both life and zamindari inams, was fixed at
13,000 rupees, or slightly over per cent, of the new
revenue ; 4,736 rupees were, in the first instance, allotted
for the life inams, and the rest was devoted to 143

zamindari inams but when all the life inams have fallen
in there will be 250 zamindari inams altogether, divided
into four grades of 25, 50, 75, and 100 rupees (or over)
respectively. These inams will be subject to revision
on the expiration of the Second Regular Settlement. As
a general rule they are to be held by lamhardars, but they
can be granted to other leading agriculturists in special
cases. They have no hereditary character, but in the
case of inams held by lamhardars due attention is to bo
paid to the claims of the deceased holder’s heirs. The

duties of an inamdar are those laid down in the rules under

the Punjab Land Revenue Act.
Inams to Village Institutions and other Grants. —Inams
for the term of Settlement are also held by a few village
institutions, which in most cases are noted Muhammadan
shrines. They aggregate 340 rupees. And there are a
number garden mafis granted either at the First or
Second Regular Settlement, the former holding good so
long as the garden, or rather orchard, is maintained, and
the latter having a duration of ten years from the date
of the planting of the fruit-trees. In all cases the mafl
takes the form of a remission of half the assessable
revenue. Provision has also been mad© for the grant
of ten years’ remission of the revenue to all orchards
planted during the currency of the Second Regular

Alluvion and Diluvion. Watered as the District is by
numerous streams, and scored by nullahs which heavy
rain makes the channels of destructive torrents, there is
naturally a considerable amount of alluvion and diluvion
every year. But, except on parts of the Siran, Dor, and
Harroh rivers, the area affected is generally of small
extent and value. Under the First Regular Settlement
the assessment of iand gained by alluvion, and the
remission of the revenue on land lost by diluvion, were
governed by what was called the 10 per cent. rule. That
is to say, no fresh revenue was imposed, or existing revenue

released, in any village unless the assessment of that

village was thereby increased or reduced, as the case
might be, by at least 10 per cent. This rule was apt to

work very unfairly Tarbela, for instance, lost by
diluvion land assessed to some 490 rupees, but was not
allowed a reduction because this fell short by 10 rupees
of the required 10 per cent. —
and at the Second Regular
Settlement it was decided to abolish so arbitrary a limit.
New rules, accordingly, were sanctioned, whose purport is
to provide for the annual survey and record of land

gained by alluvion or lost by diluvion in those villages on
the Siran, Dor, and Harroh where changes are most
frequent, for the imposition or remission of the revenue on
such land, and also for quadrennial measures of the same
kind in all other villages of the District where alluvion or
diluvion is likely to take place.
Enhancements of Cash Rents of Occupancy Tenants .

An important operation of the 'Second Regular Settlement

was the enhancement of the cash rents of occupancy
tenants. These being mostly lump sums fixed on the
holdings,and therefore not in ordinary circumstances
enhanceable except by agreement between the landlord
and tenant, or by a suit in the Revenue Courts, it was
feared that, unless special measures were taken when the
new assessments were introduced, the whole District
would be plunged into a turmoil of litigation. Accord-
ingly, by another of the special Regulations with which
Hazara is favoured, the Settlement Officer was empowered
to adjust these rents to the new revenue by expressing
them in terms of that revenue plus cesses and a certain
number of annas in the rupee as malikana. Under this
arrangement some 33,500 holdings were dealt with, of
which 25,900 had their rents adjusted in this manner,
and 7,600 were maintained as lump rents. The total
enhancement in the rents was 44 per cent.
Tenants in Agror . —
The tenants in Agror were treated
on somewhat different lines from those of the r('st of the
District. At the First Regular Settlement the valley
was exempted from the operation of the rules as to rights
of occupancy, and consequently up to the Second Regular
Settlement there were no occupancy tenants. It was
then decided, under a special Regulation (4 of 1891),
passed for the better administration of the valley, t.o
give occupancy rights under Section 8 of the Tenancy
Act to such of the Khan’s tenants as could prove con-
tinuous possession for a certain number of years. The
rents of all such tenants were fixed by the Settlement

Officer interms of the revenue and cesses plus a malikana

of 12 annas in the rupee.

Remissions and Suspensions of Revenue, The occasions
when revenue has been suspended on account of drought
have been referred to in the preceding chapter. Remissions
have occasionally been necessitated by damage resulting
from locusts or hail, a submontane district of this kind with
its constant thunder-storms being peculiarly subject to the

latter visitation. The largest remission that has been

granted on this account was for 3,500 rupees in the rabi of
1906, when a disastrous storm ruined the crops in portions
of twenty-eight villages, mostly in the Dhangar circle. At
the Second Regular Settlement, for the future guidance
of the District officers, the District was classified into
secure and insecure tracts, the comprising the
whole or greater part of the Pakhli Garhian circle
in Mansehra, the Boi, Dhaka, Dhangar, and Tanawal
circles in Abbottabad, the Badhnak, Kandi, and Maira
circJes in Haripur, a few villages in the lower
portion of Dhaka Khanpur, and one or two non-jagir
villages in Gandgar. But it is not often that the
need of suspensions in these tracts will have to be

Miscellaneous Revenue Excise and Income-tax (Tables
XLI., XLII., XLIII., and XLIV.).— Of the miscellaneous
revenue little need be said. Statistics of the collections
are given in Table XLIV., one of the selected tables at the
end of this volume. The sums realized on account of
stamps, income-tax, and excise have, with hardly any
exception, steadily increased during the last few years.
The increase in the first is due in the main to the litigation
which the operations of the Second Regular Settlement
have caused the increase in the second to more stringent

supervision and, perhaps, enhanced prosperity. In

1905-1906, apart from Government servants, there were
204 persons in the District paying income-tax on incomes
of *1,000 rupees to 1,500 rupees a year, 81 on incomes of

1,500 rupees to 2,000 rupees, and 87 on incomes over
2,000 rupees, the total realized from such persons being
17,277 rupees. The average incidence of the tax per
assessee was 44 rupees, and per 1,000 of the population
40 rupees. Additions to the Abbottabad garrison account
mainly for the rise in the excise revenue. There are
altogether nine places where country liquors and sixteen
places (chiefly hotels and dak bungalows) where imported
liquors are sold. The country-made liquor is obtained
from distilleries in the Punjab and at Rosa in the United
Provinces. Altogether twenty-six shops sell opium and
charas. In the year 1905-1906, 2,356 gallons of country
spirit, 10|^maunds of charas, and 14^ maunds of opium,
were consumed.
Local and Municipal Government (Tables XLV. and

XL VI.). There are four municipalities in the District
Abbottabad, Nawanshahr, Haripur, and Baffa. All thn
members are nominated, and the Deputy Commissioner is
the ex officio president in each case. There is, besides, a
Notified Area of the Nathia Gali and Dunga Gali loca-
tions combined. Here also the Deputy Commissioner is
president,and the members are all Government officers.
The income is octroi, except in the Notified
chief source of
Area, where it is miscellaneous taxes. For further
information on the subject the Directory in Chapter IX.
may be referred to.
The District Board consists of forty members, of whom
eight are official and thirty-two non-official, the latter
being all nominated. There used to be Local Boards in
addition, but these were abolished in 1893. Up to 1903
the non-official members of the District Board from the
Abbottabad and Haripur tahsils were appointed by a
system of election, but, as was to bo expected in so back-
ward a District, the procedure was a pure farce, and in
the year mentioned it was abolished. In 1905-1906 the
income of the District Board was 39,000 rupees, and its
expenditure 37,000 rupees, of which 10,600 rupees were'on
education, 9,200 rupees on medical purposes, and 9,800
rupees on Public Works.
Public Works , —
The Public Works of the District, apart
from those controlled by the District and Municipal
Boards, are supervised by an ofl&cer of the Military Works
Department, who is stationed at Abbottabad, and is

entitled the Assistant Commanding Royal Engineer. He

has one or two Royal Engineer officers under him. As
mentioned in Chapter III., besides numerous Government
buildings, 84^- miles of metalled and 403 mih^s of un-
metallod road are in his charge. The most important
works caj-ried out of recent years have been the construc-
tion of a bridge for the tonga road across the Dor, and the
building of the Chief Commissioner’s house at Nathia
Gali and of ne w
barracks in Abbottabad and Kakul.
Army . —Abbottabad is the head- quarters of a brigade,

and is garrisoned by four battalions of native infantry

(the 5th and 6th Gurkha Rifles) and three native mountain
batteries. A fourth native mountain battery is stationed
at Kakul. In former days Abbottabad was the head-
quarters of the General Officer commanding the Punjab
Frontier Force. Its garrison consisted of the 5th Gurkha
Rifles, another natiA e infantry regiment, and one native
mountain battery. So in late years it has increased con-
siderably in importance as a military station. In the
summer mountain batteries are stationed at
Bara Gali, Kalabagh, and Khaira
Gali, and detachments of
British infantry at Ghora Dhaka and Khanspur on the
Dunga Gali range. These have all recently been in-
cluded in the Abbottabad command.
Civil Police (Tables XLVII. and XLVlfl.).— As de-
scribed at the beginning of this chapter, the District is
parcelled out into sixteen thauas, though that of Dunga
Gali is in the cold weather merged in Nara. Ten of these
are first class and six second class. There are also two
outposts at Nathia Gali and Changla Gali,
first-class police

two*second-class outposts at Kagan and at Dal (the ferry

below Tarbela), and three road-posts, at Sultanpur
(half-way between Abbottabad and Haripur), Bagnotar
(half-way between Abbottabad and Nathia Gali), and
Thandiani. The total strength of the provincial police
force isabout 450 men. They are officered by a Super-
intendent of Police, an Inspector, 17 Sub-inspectors, and
58 head constables, axid their lines and training-ground
are at Abbottabad. There ‘are 42 municipal police,
7 town watchmen, and 546 village watchmen. Though
of the last-named there is an average of little more than
one to every two villages, yet there is so small an amount
of crime that more are hardly needed, and they have
little to do but report the births and deaths and assist

the lambardars in carrying out the orders of the District

authorities. The policing of the District is, in fact, an
easy matter. The cases reported to the provincial
police in the year are generally under 800, sometimes
under 700, in number, and many of these are trivial in
character. In the year 1906, for instance, the reported
oases were 687, and of these over 400 were minor offences ;

477 of the cases were decided in the criminal courts, of

which 77 resulted in an acquittal and 400 in a conviction.
Border Military Police . —
The origin of the Hazara
Border Military Police will be described in Chapter VI.
The sanctioned strength is 253, which includes one
British officer as Commandant, one Subadar-Major, four
jemadars, eight havildars, and nine naiks. There are five
sowars, the rest are infantry. The former have Snider
carbines, the latter Martini-Henry rifles. The lines are in
Oghi Fort, and there is a chain of nine posts extending
from the head of the Konsh valley to Tarbela. Their
names are as follows Battal, Kathia Gali, Jal Gali, Barch-

har, Samalbhut, Karun, Panj Gali, Kirpilian, Tawi. AH

these are on, or inside, the border except Karun, which
is near the Hassanzai village of Seri. For a force of this
character the men are smart and efficient, and need not
fear comparison with the Border Police of other Districts.






2 —

About half are recruited from transborder tribes and

half from the District Over 100 are Swathis,
60 belong to the Isazai clan, and 30 are Tanaolis. The
rest are Pariari Saiads, Utmanzais, Chigharzais, and other
Jails (Table XLIX.).---The jail at Abbottabad is a
conspicuous tin-roofed building to the west of the Civil
Lines. It is a third-class one only, with accommodation
for 105 persons. During recent years the daily average
attendance has been well under the hundred. Long-time
prisoners are sent to Peshawar, Rawalpindi, or some other
down-country jail.

Local Bar. —Five barristers or pleaders have licences to

practise at Abbottabad, but of these only three reside there.
Education (Table —^From the educational point of
view, few Districts are so backward as Hazara. The
latest returns (up to the end of March, 1907) show forty-
four schools under the management of the District or
Municipal Boards, with 2,967 boys on their rolls. Of
these, one, that at Abbottabad, is a High school two, at ;

Haripur and Mansehra, are Anglo-Vernacular Middle

schools two, at Baffa and Kot Najibullah, are Vernacular

Middle schools thirty-two are Primary, and eight zamin-


dari schools. There are also seven aided Primary schools

and one unaided, and there is an unaided High school
viz., that maintained by the Arya Samaj at Abbottabad.

These bring up the number of scholars to about 3,500,

or, roughly speaking, 3 per cent, of the total number of

boys of school-going age in the District. There are alto-

gether five girls’ schools, all of recent date. Three are
aided and two unaided. Two are for Muhammadan
girls, two for Hindus, and one for Sikhs, and the total

number of scholars is 181.

Literacy (Table L.). —The statistics of the literacy of
the total population the same tale. In every 100
persons only 1*9 can read and write; in every 100
males only 3*5 ; and in every 100 females only 0-1.
The Muhammadans are most backward of all,
their percentages being 0*9, and nil respectively.

With the Hindus the percentages are 23, 38*7, and 1*8.
For this state of things there are several reasons. The
inaccessibility of a large portion of the District, the
distances and the difficulties of. communication between
one village and another, the scattered nature of the
population, and the paucity of village sites of any con-
siderable size, all tend to discourage the starting of schools.
Further, the apathetic and unintelligent character of the
people, the isolated lives of so many of them, the hum-
drum round of agricultural and pastoral pursuits, are
very conducive to a condition of stagnation. Yet there
are signs of some awakening. Though between 1891
and 1901 things remained much in the same state, there
has been a distinct advance since the latter year. More
interest has been shown in education, the number of
District and Municipal schools has increased by fifteen, and
the total number of scholars at these, and at aided and
unaided schools, by nearly 1,500. An Entrance-passed

boy of an agricultural family is no longer quite the rarity

that he was employment in Government posts where a

certain standard of literacy is required is more and more

sought after, and thus even Hazara is making some
attempt to keep abreast of the times.
Expenditure on Public Instruction (Table LIl.). The —
total expenditure on public instruction in the year 1905-
1906 was over 24,000 rupees, which is nearly 4,000 rupees
more than it was in 1901-1902. Of this amount, 14 per
cent, was borne by Provincial revenues, 36 per cent, by
District funds, 30 per cent, by Municipal funds, and 20 per
cent, was paid for out of school fees.

Printing Press. The Punjab Frontier Press at Abbott-
abad is the only printing press in the District.
Medical Administration, Staff, and Hospitals (Table

LIIL). Up to 1905 the civil surgeoncy of the District
was a collateral charge held by the senior military

medical officer at Abbottabad, but in the year mentioned

a whole-time civil surgeon was appointed, who works
in the Galis during the summer and at Abbottabad in
the winter. While he is away in the Galis the work at
Abbottabad is done by the assistant-surgeon, but one of
the military medical officers of the station holds charge
of the jail. There are altogether six civil hospitals and
dispensaries in the District —viz., at Abbottabad, Hari-

pur, Mansehra, Oghi, Khanpur, and Nathia Gali. The

first two are in charge of assistant-surgeons, the others
of hospital assistants. There is accommodation for 77
indoor patients, and in the five years, 1902 to 1906, the

average annual number of such patients was 1,150. The

average annual attendance of the outdoor patients during
the same period was 76,907, and the average number of
operations 2,563.

Vaccination (Table LIV.). The vaccination staff of
the District consists of one native supervisor and five
vaccinators, and tlu^ \vork is carried on throughout the
year. Prior to 1905 there were three vaccinators only. In
the year 1905-1906 over 26,000 vaccinations were per-
formed, and the practice is gradually increasing in
popularity. In all Mie municipalities of the District the
Vaccination Act is in force.
Administration of Forests (Table XXVII.). — Excepting
the Agror forests, which, as before stated, are managed
by the Deputy Commissioner, the reserved forests of
Hazara, constituting a division in themselves, are in
charge of a Deputy Conservator of Forests, who is
subject to the control partly of the Conservator of Forests,
Punjab, and partly of the Revenue Commissioner, North-
West Frontier Province. It is in contemplation to put
the Agror forests also under him. His staff consists of
4 Rangers, 2 Deputy Rangers, 5 Foresters, and 126
Forest Guards. Details of the income from these forests,
and particulars of their character and management, have
already been given in the previous chapter.

Ancient History .
—The ancient name of Hazara, or, at
any rate, of a large portion of the country now included
in the District,was Urasha, a name which still survives

in the Orash or Rash plain, and is probably the Uraga ‘

of the Mahabharata.
B.c. Ptolemy (Geogr., VIL, i. 45) calls the District 'Wpaa
or Ovapca, describing it as the country between the
Bidaspes (the Jhelum) and the Indus, and King its

at the time of Alexander the Great’s Punjab campaign

figures under the name of Arsakes. Ft was just off

Alexander’s path, but the great (nty of Taxila, which

lay on its borders, and of which faint trac(*s in the shape
ofmounds and ruined walls have been found in Tofkian
and other villages at the western end of the Khan pur
Panjkatha and in Shah ki Dheri within the Rawalpindi
District, was one of those that surrendered to th(^ con-
queror. In the time of the Buddhist dynasty, which under
Chandragupta established itself on the ruins of Alex-
ander’s conquests, Hazara formed part of the Taxila
Asoka and his Edicts .
—The great Asoka himself,
Chandragupta’s grandson, was at one time its governor,
and after his succession to the throne, about n.c. 212,
he left an enduring monument in the famous edi(ds
which are inscribed on some rocks near the base of th(>
Bareri hill, a mile to the west of Mansehra. These
rocks are three in numF>er. Two of them stand one above
'I'lii: i.«>>\i;i{ \niK\ STUNK (
I’o si;\TKi) fk.i in/'' i.kit ii\M)).

the other at a short distance from what appears to have

been a road leading up to the sacred stones on the top
of the hill, which in former days were a famous place of
pilgrimage, and are still the scene of an annual fair. The
third rock is to the north a little lower down the hill,
near a small stream which turns some watermills, and
wo may conjecture that the inscription was placed there
to catch the eyes of the ‘pilgrims resting by the water-
side before they began the toilsome ascent. The edicts
engraved on these boulders correspond closely in wording
to similar inscriptions found at Shahbazgarhi in the
Yusafzai country, on the borders of the Peshawar Dis-
trict, though the text is less complete and the fourteenth

edict, an epilogue to the rest, is missing. The lower of

the two higher rocks has the first eight edicts inscribed
on the side that faces south-east the next four edicts are

on the eastern and southern faces of the upper rock ;

the third rock appears to have toppled over somewhat

since th(‘ inscription, which consists of the thirteenth
edict, was engraved on it, the letters being on the under
side of its north-eastern face.* A strict adlierence to
the precepts of the Buddhist faith enjoined by these

edicts, and a remarkable spirit of tolerance and humanity

is shown throughout. A translation of the inscriptions
will be found in Appendix Ill.f
Raja Rasalu —
There are stories current in the District

connecting it with Raja Rasalu, the legendary Hindu

hero of about the second century a.d. The queer line of
hillocks which at varying intervals rise out of the Haripur
plain in the Kandi Kalil tract is said to be formed of

M. Senart, in his account of these rocks {Journal Asiatique^ 1888),

describes only the first and the second, the third not having then been
discovered. But he adds that the remaining edicts must have been
somewhere also. M. Senart’s statement of the directions in which the
inscriptions face is, it may be noted, not quite accurate.
t It may here be observed that a monument to the east of the road
from Abbottabad to Mansehra, on the boundary of the two tahsils,
which to the non-expert looks very like a Buddhist stupa, is, according
to’the high authority of Dr. M. A. Stein, of Muhammadan origin.


stones collectedby liis army the cave at the top of the

Sarban was his resting-place during his hunting

expeditions, and the Gandgar range was the scene of
an episode in his conflict with the Rakshas or giants
which is narrated somewhat as follows. One day Rasalu
was sleeping by the edge of the Por on the Rajoia plain,
all unconscious of the fact that far away in the Gandgar

hills a Raksha was making successful love to his wife.

The latter had a maina and a parrot with her, and so
shocked were they at what was going on that the maina
spoke up and upbraided her for her behaviour. There-
upon in anger she wrung its neck. Seeing the fate of
its companion, the parrot flew^ a\vay to tlie Rajoia plain,
and, dipping its wrings in w ater, aw'ok(» th(^ Raja by shaking
them over his face, then told him the story of his

wdfe’s unfaithfulness. Mounting his steed, he galloped

straight to the Gandgar hill, and, where he sped u]) the
Nara ravine, the print of tlu' hoofs is still shown in the
rock. Surprising his wift‘ and th(‘ Raksha in their
amorous dalliance, he slew^ the former, and th(‘ latttn*
fled panic-stricken before him to a cav<^ in th(‘ hill.
Raja Rasalu followed in hot pursuit, and on r<‘aching the
mouth of tlie cave, closed it with a boulder, on the inner
side of which he first drew a picture of his bow and arrow'
with the ]3oint of the latter. Seeing this, the demon
dared not attempt to issue forth, and ever since he has
remained imprisoned in the cave, emitting from time to
time roars and groanings that sound like the rumbling
of distant thunder.*
From the Seventh to the Twelfth Century A. Our next .

notice of Hazara is from the pen of the Chinese pilgrim
Hiuen Tsiang, who visited it in the seventh cfmtury a.d.,
and describes it as the kingdom of Wu-la-shi, situated to
* It appears a well-aulhenticated fact that up to within the first
thirty years or so of the last century a strange rumbling noise used
occasionally to proceed from the Gandgar hill. Major Abbott says
that several people told him they had heard it. Its origin and the
reason for its cessation remain unexplained.

the north-west of Kashmir and dependent on that State.

Its capital was Mangali, on the Mangal stream, in the
centre of the tract lying to the north of the Rash plain.
The city has now disappeared, but a few traces of its

walls are still to be seen. For many centuries after

Hiuon Tsiang’s visit the. kingdom of Urasha’s connexion
with Kashmir was maintained. Thus, in Kalhana’s
Chronicle we read that in A.d. 902 King Shankaravarman
and his army, who were marching through the country,
were attacked by the inhabitants, and the King’s neck
was pierced by an arrow shot from a hill-top. The
wound was mortal, and the' King died as the army were
retiring in the direction of Kashmir, but his death was
concealed from them until the Jhelum valley was reached.
In the next century Kalhana describes Urasha as being
occupied by a Kashmir force under King Kalasha
(a.d, 1063 to 1089), and its King, Abhaya, subsequently
appears with otlu'r dependent princes at Kalasha’s Court.
The daughter of Abhaya w'as married to Bhoja, the son
of King Harsa. In the next century Urasha was invaded
by King Sussala (a.d. 1112 to 1120), and payment of
tribute enforced, and King Jayasimha (a.d. 1128 to 1149)
is described as de feating Dvitiya, the lord of Urasha.
He is also mentioned in the same passage as taking

Atyugrapura, strong in fighting men,’ Avhich Dr. Stein

identifies with Agror, and with the Iddyovpo^;^ wdiich

Ptolemy states as being one of the cities in the kingdom
of "'Apaa. Traces here and there of ancient villages
and forts, legends of walls built by jinns and of all-
powerful Ranis (one at Soha in Tanawal country on the
edge of the Siran, and the other at Pattan, where the
Kunhar joins the Jhelum), are further evidences of Hindu
From Beginning of the Fifteenth to the Middle of
the Eighteenth —
Century The Turk Invasion. The next —
that we hear of Hazara is in connexion with the great
Timurlane, who, on returning from his invasion of
India in a.d. 1399, made the District over to a . number
of Karlugh Turks. By this time, therefore, the Hindu
rulers had been ousted, and the authority of the Muham-
madans liad been established in their place. And it
may here be noted that to this settlement of Turks the
name Hazara is probably due. Hazara, or thousand, is
a translation of the Turki word mmg, moaning a regiment
of a thousand men, and Hazar'a is therefore the country
of the Turki mirig or regiment.
Hazara in the Time of the Moghal Emperors Timur- . —
lane’s occupation of Hazara is referred to by Abul Fazl
in Jiis ‘
Ain-i-Akbari,’ and by the Emperor Jehangir in
his History. In their time a large ])ortion of tlie present
was known as Pakhli Sarkar.’ It included what
District ‘

is now the Tanawal and Swathi country and the Rash

plain, but not the Nara and Khanpur hills, which were
in the possession of the Gakhars, nor the Haripur plain,
which was included Attock govi^morship. The
in the
inhabitants of Pakhli Sarkar

were, in the tim <5 of

the earlier Moghal emperors, the Turks above referrc^d

to, and in a few villages their de.scendants are still to be
Changes occurring diiring the Decline of the Moghal Dyn-
asty . —
During the decline of the Moghal dynasty changes of
great importance took place in the political constitution
of the tractsnow included in the District. Th(‘S(^ changes
arose mainly from two causes— the decay of the vitality
of the old families, and the increasing aggressive mess of
the Pathans and their allied races. One of the most
notable of these events Avas tlu^ invasion of Pakhli by
the Swathis in a succession of inroads during tlie st^ven-
teenth century. They came from Swat, tlu^ country
on the Swat river north-east of Peshawar, being driv(‘n
out by pressure from the Pathan trib(‘s. Sliortly bciore
their eviction their Sovereign was one Sultan Pakhal, of
the dynasty of the Jahangiri Sultans, from whom the nemo
of Pakhli is derived. The latest inroad was probably

early in the eighteenthcentury, and was led by a

Saiad named whose tomb is in the Bhogar-
Jalal Baba,
mang valley. The Turks were dispossessed, and the
Swathis established themselves in the northern portion of
the District and in the hill country adjoining to the west.
Similarly, the Tanaolis, of whose origin little is known,
were pushed out of their trans-Indus country round
Mahaban by the Yusafzdis, and established themselves
in the tracts now called by their name. The Jaduns, a
Pathan Indus, and appropriated
tribe, also crossed the
the old Turk rights in the country round Dhamtaur.
The Karrals and Dhunds began to assert their independ-
ence of the Gakhars the Pathan tribe of Tarins acquired

a large portion of the rights of the elder Gujar families

in the Hazara plain and the Utmanzais, whom the

remaining Gujars called across the Indus to Tarbela in

order to strengthen tli<ur position, obtained possession by
mortgage and sale of much of the land belonging to those
who had invited their aid.
All these events appear to have taken place in the
seventeenth or at the beginning of the eighteenth century.
In the total absence of all written records it is impossible
to place them in t’leir correct order or to describe exactly
how they came about. Nor is it necessary to repeat the
exaggerated traditions of each tribe. The changes were
the natural result of the absence of a strong controlling
central authority, and which might was
of a system in
the chief or only right. A weak would find its
territory the subject of harassing demands and attacks
from some poor but braver tribe in the vicinity. Unable
to defend itself unaided, it would call its neighbours to
help. To them it would give land in payment for their
^rms, and on a service tenure subordinate to the old
lords. But in the course of time the latter would become
more effete, while their retainers would grow more
numerous and exacting in their demands, and so gradually
the original tribe would be entirely supplanted.
Latter Half of Eighteenth Century and Beginning of
Nineteenth —
Hazara under Durani Rule, —A
fresh epoch
in the history of Hazara opened with the invasion of
the Punjab by Ahmad Shah Durani, the successor of
Nadir Shah, in 1748, and the cession to him in 1752 of
the Punjab, including Kashmir. probable that the
^It is
succeeding years of Ahmad Sliah’s reign saw a little
strengthening of the administration in Hazara. But it
was not to the interest of the Kabul Emperors to exact
much revenue. They were able, as occasion needed, to
draw good soldiers from the District, and one of the best
roads to Kashmir lay through its centre. So they gave
the chiefs large allowances, and were content with the
little that remained over. The north of the District
they managed througli the head of the Swathi clan ;

the Tanawal, Karral, and Gakhar through their


respective chiefs ;
and the Hazara plain through the
Kardars of Attock or the
chi(‘f of the Tarins. But by
the beginning of the nineteenth century the Durani
government had become very w(\ak and Hazara propor-
tionately unruly. This was, indeed, a matter of small
concern to the Durani Kings and their deputies in Kash-
mir. Collecting such arrears of revenue as they could
conveniently extort on their road through the District,
the Durani rulers were content to forget it as soon as they

were out of it. If their faces were set towards the rich
Vale of Kashmir, it was lost time to loiter on the road.
If they were returning homewards towards Afghanistan
proper, their hearts were still less inclined to linger in
so profitless a tract. In these days there wen^ none of
those settled and peaceful influences which have givi^n to
Hazara its present prosperity.

Prominent Chiefs in Durani Times, in the anarchy,
which grew up under such a state of affairs, the names
of one or two prominent chiefs who kept their tribes in
order deserve to bo mentioned. Such was Sadat Khan,
the head of the Swathis, who founded on the banks ‘of

the Kunhar the village which was then known as Garhi

Sadat Khan, but is now called Garhi Habibullah Khan
after his son. So influential and respected was he that
the chiefs of Tanawal, and of the Jaduns used to refer
their disputes to him for settlement. Others were
Jafir Khan, the chief^ of the Khanpur Gakhars from
a.d. 1789 to 1801 ;
Gulsher Khan, the head of the Fallal
Tanaolis, whom Forster* the traveller visited in 1783;
Najibullah Khan, the Tarin chief, who vigorously
governed the greater part of the Hazara plain during the
latter half of the eighteenth century up to his death in
A.D. 1799; and his widow, Bari Begam, who filled her
husband’s place between that date and the commence-
ment of the Sikh rule, aided by her Gujar retainer,
Mukaddam Musharraf. Otherwise the record towards
the end of the eighteenth and during the beginning of
the nineteenth century is little but one of faction,
treachery, assassination, intertribal raids, and general
lawlessness. As an instance the following will suffice.
In A.D. 1803 the Governor of iVttock sent one of the
kazis of Chach to collect the revenue of the Hazara plain.
He encamped at Sikandarpur, near which the Haripur
town now stands but the Tarin family, under the leader-

ship of their retainer, Mukaddam Musharraf, after some

parleying and pretence of meeting his orders, made a night
attack on his camp and killed him, such of his followers
as were able to escape fleeing back to Attock.
Commencement of Sikh Rule . —
The above was one of A.D.

the last acts of the Durani Government of Hazara. For

the power of tlie Sikhs was on the rise, and it was about
at this date that Ranjit Singh fii'st asserted his independ-
ence of the Kabul Empire. The introduction of Sikh
rule into Hazara, however, did not commence till a.d. 1818.
In this year Hashim Khan, Turk, of Manakrai, murdered
his fellow-chieftain, Kamal Khan. The latter’s cause was
espoused by the Tarin chief, Muhammad Khan, and to
save himself Hashim Khan betrayed his country to the
Sikhs. At his invitation Makhan Singh, the Sikh Governor
of Rawalpindi, invaded Hazara with 600 sowars, built a
fort at Serai Saleh, and levied tribute from the Haripur
A.D. In the succeeding year Maharajah Ranjit Singh an-
Kashmir. Makhan Singh
appears, on the strength
of his master’s successes, tohave pressed the Tarin chief
for revenue. The result was a ‘gathering of the Hazara
people to attack the Sikh Governor, and a fight at Shah
Muhammad on the Dor, in which Makhan Singh was
slain. The next day his force abandoned the Serai Saleh
fort, and marched back to Attock. The Governor of
Attock, Hukma Singh Chimni, marched out to punish
the rebels ;
but after some skirmishing at Mota and at
Sultanpur on the Harroh, he made up his mind that his
force was too weak for the purpose, marched back to
Attock, and wrote to Lahore for reinforcements. From
Lahore Diwan Ramdial and Colonel laid Bakhsh W('re

sent to Ids assistance. Part of Hazara submitti'd, but

the Tarin chief, Muhammad Khan, tJie Saidkhani Ut-
manzais, and the Mishwanis, opposed tiie SikJi Governor
at Kara, by tlie foot of the Gandgar range. Tll(^ Diwan

attacked them unwarily, was defeated, and himself slain.

A.D. Governorship of Amar Hinigh Majithia. —
Ranjit Singh
then sent Sardar Amar Singh Majithia to govmii Lower

Hazara, Upper Hazara viz., the Swathi and Tanawal

country being still ruled from Kashmir. The new
Governor was an astute person, and he succeeded in
winning over the leading men to his sides and in collect-
ing the old Durani reveniu^ and tribute', from tlu^ Hazara
plain but as he was retiring from a succ('ssful attack on

Ilassan Ali Khan, the Karral chief in th(‘ Nara tract, his
rearguard was surprised and cut to pi('ces by the tribes-,
men, and he himself was killed. The scene of this
disaster was the bank of the Samundar str<*.am, a tribu-
tary of the HaiToli. Reinforccunents w(?re dispatched
from Lahore under Mai Sadda Kaur and Sher Singii,

Ranjit Singh’s son, who established themselves in the

Haripur plain and built a fort at Tarbola. The tribute
payable by the chiefs was revised, and Mai Sadda Kaur
wont through the ceremony of adopting tlie Tarin,
Muhammad Khan, as her son.
Arrival of Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa —
But events of

great importance to Hazara wore now impending. The

.Maharajah had summoned' the famous Sardar Hari Singh
Nalwa, Governor of Kashmir, to give an account of
his charge. Ho marched by MuzafEarabad and Pakhli
with 7,000 foot-soldiers. When he reached Mangal, he
found that a large number of Jaduns and Tanaolis,
estimated at not less than 25,000 men, had collected there
to oppose his passage. Park^ying having failed, he
stormed tlieir position and burnt the town. Some 2,000
of liis opponents were killed, ineduding many who perished
in the flames or threw themselves from the walls. As a
further punishment, Hari Singh levied a fine of between
5 and 6 rupees on every house inhabited by the Jaduns.
He then built a foi't at Nawanshahr, garrisoned it, and
went on to Lower Hazara. Pleased Avith the treasure
and presi'iits brought from Kashmir, and with tlie victory
won at Mangal, Ranjit Singh excused him from rendering
any accounts of his former charge, and made him Governor
of all Hazara.
Events in Hazara during Hari Si)igEs Rule. —From A.D.
1822 to his death in 1837 Hari Singh, with brief intervals,
ruled over Hazara, and in this period reduced the unruly
tribes to submission by vigorous measures and consoli-
dated the Sikh power. One of his first steps was to build
the Haripur fort, which was knoAvn as Harkishangarh,
and was very strongly constructed. In 1823 he inflicted A.D.
se^vere chastisement on the Jaduns, Swathis, and Tanaolis,
who had taken advantage of his absence in the Derajat
to rise and attack the forts at Nawanshahr, Shinkiari,
and Darband. The Jaduns were defeated with slaught<'r ;

Agror, Tikari, and Konsh were raided by a band of 500

sowars, and 1,000 Swathi women and children captured.
Shingri, the head-quarters of Sarbuland KJian, the Pallal
Tanaoli chief, was burnt, and the chief himself defeated
near Banda Loharan, his son Sher Khan being slain by
Hari Singh with his own hand.
D. Hari Singh's Defeat at Nara.— Thi^ Sardar next turned
his attention to the Gandgar hills, where Muhammad
Khan and a number had taken
of other re'calcitrant chiefs
refuge. In 1822 the Sikhs, after winning a hard-fought
battle at Sari at tlie base of the range, had been defeated
in an endeavour to reduce Sirikot. They now, in 1824,
again made the attempt, and again failed. At Nara,
which stands at the mouth of a path leading up to Sirikot,
the Mishwanis and Saidkhani Utmanzais made a gallant
stand, repulsed the Sikh force, which was 8,000 strong,
and sent it back to Haripur with a loss of 500 men. A
white pillar, erected at a later date by Major Abbott, and
conspicuous from afar, commemorates the scene of their
victory. Hari Singh liimtself was struck down by a stone
hurled from the walls of the village, and rolled into the
ravine below, where he lay for a long time senseless and
undiscovered. was reported, indeed, that he was
dead, but in a short time, having recovered from his
wounds, he confuted the rumour by surprising the village
of Bagra, where a number of rebels had collecjted, and
putting to the sword every armed man that he found
Ranjit Singh Visits Hazara . — Alarmed at the news of
Hari Singh’s defeat at Nara, Ranjit Singh hastened up
to Hazara with large reinforcements. Arrived then% he
sent for all the chiefs and leading men who had taken
refuge at Sirikot. The Tarin Muhammad Khan, Sarbu-
land Khan the Tanaoli, and Shah Muhammad, the head
of the Mishwanis, were the only ones to obey his sum-
mons. He then attacked the Sirikot hills at a number
of points simultaneously, driving all opposition before
him, and, after staying two nights at Sirikot, mardied

on to Tarbela. While halted at the latter place, he

mounted an elephant and went down to the river-side,
whereupon the^Utmanzais of Khabbal on the opposite
bank opened fire on him. Enraged at this, he made his
cavalry swim across the river early next morning at a
point lower down, and destroyed the villages of Khabbal
and Kaya, their inhabitants having taken to the hills.
He then marched through Yusafzai and back Lahore-
wards via Serai Kala, taking Muhammad lOian, Tarin,
with him. The Sirikot hills were secured by the building
of a fort, which was garrisoned with 500 men.
Drastic Measures taken by Sardar Hari Singh after Ranjit A.D.

Singh's Departure. After Ranjit Singh’s departure Hari
Singh turned his attention to the Karrals, who submitted
without fighting. Their chief, Hassan Ali Khan, was
given a large jagir, and a fort was built at Nara. The
Sardar then departed for Lahore, leaving Mahan Singh
behind him as his Deputy Governor. He had not long
been gone when Bostan Khan, Tarin, tlie nephew of
Muhammad Khan, who was imprisoned at Lahore,
raised a new disturbance in the Sirikot hills. Return-
ing to Hazara, Hari Singh had little difficulty in quelling
this outbreak, and to prevent a recurrence of anything
of the kind he took some very drastic measures. Muham-
mad Khan, whose person he had purchased from Ranjit
Singh for 55,000 rupees, ho caused to be poisoned Bostan

Khan, Tarin, the two principal Mishwani headmen, and

one or two other leading men, were blown away from
guns and the Mishwanis were evicted from Sirikot and

till the year 1830, when

forced to live in exile trans-Indus
they obtained permission to return. The 55,000 rupees
which Hari Singh had paid for Muhammad Khan were
recovered by the levy of a tax of 2|- rupees per house
from most of the villages in Hazara.

With the excep-A.D.
Conflicts with Hindtistani Farmtics.
tion of the country of the Gakliarsand the Dhunds, and
of Kagan, which was administered from Kashmir, the
whole of Hazara was now subjugated, and from 1825 to
A.D. 1827 remained comparatively quiet. In 1828 Hari Singh
1830 .
came into conflict with the Hindustani fanatics from trans-
Indus, and defeated them at Phuira on the right bank
of the Siran west of Mansehra. The Hindustanis* 2,000
allies from Hazara, who were chiefly Tanaolis, fled at the
beginning of the engagement, and the fanatics themselves
were cut up to a man, includihg their leader, Ahmad Ali
Shah, a nephew of tlie Ahmad. In 1830
Klialifa Said
the Hindustanis reappeared in Hazara, and made them-
selves masters of the Konsh and Bhogarmang glens, and
of the valley of the Kunhar down to Balakot, the Swathis
and Kagan Saiads siding with them. But they were met
by a Sikh force under Slier Singh at Balakot, and defeated
with great slaugliter, their leader, Khalifa Said Ahmad,
himself being among the killed. The latter’s body was
was recovered lower down at the
flung into the river, but
where it was buried.
village of Talhatta,
AD. Eviction of Gakhars —
In 1831 Hari Singh evicted the

Gakhar chiefs from their country on the plea that their

tribute was in arrears, and, building a fort at Khanpur,
took the tract under direct control. For six years, from
their retreats in the Dhund and Karral hills, the Gakhars
created constant disturbances in parts of their old domains,
but eventually, in 1837, they were conciliated with jagir
grants. Meanwhile, Hari Singh had reduced the Dhund
country to subjection, and built a fort at Dannah to
dominate it.

A.D. Death of Hari Singh , —

In 1836 and 1837 there were out-

breaks among the Karrals, but these were quickly sub-
dued, and at the end of 1836 Painda Khan, the Tanawal
chief, who all his lif(^ was a thorn in the Sikh side, and
whose history will be given in a later chapter, was evicted
by Hari Singh from Agror. But this was one of the last
acts of the great Sikh General in Hazara, for in April,
1837, he was killed at the battle of Jamrud. He had left
his mark upon this District, which only a strong hand* like

his could at that time eifectively control. Of unbounded

energy and courage, ruthless in his treatment of those who
opposed his path, he ruled by fear alone, and was a terror
to the country-side. And he still remains an ogre, invoked
by mothers The town of Haripur
to quiet their babies.
fittingly perpetuates hianame, and the fort of Harkis-
hangarh, now the tahsil and police-station, is an enduring
monument of his power. Yet even he could do little
to ensure peace and security in outlying tracts at a
distance from his forts, and the traveller Von Hugel,
who passed through the District in 1835, describes how
the Pakhli plain was still overrun by robber bands,
against whose incursions each village defended itself by
a thick fence of thorns.
Hari Sivgh^s Successors . —
Maha Singh succeeded Hari A.D.

Singh as Governor of Hazara, but in October, 1837, he

was recalled, and Sardar Teja Singh was sent in his stead.
In the following four years the only event that needs |^od^
is the great flood in the Indus of the 2nd
chronicling here
of June, 1841, caused by the bursting of a dam, which a
land-slip had formed across the river much higher up. At
the time the Sikhs were fighting with Painda Khan in the
hills to the east of th* Indus, and were camped at Kharkot,

near the river-bank. The waters rushed down with a

mighty roar, sweeping away the Sikh forts at Darband
and Tarbela, numerous villages on either side of the river,
including Amb, Painda Khan’s capital, and the whole of
the Sikh encampment, with baggage, magazine, and several
guns. At sight of this catastrophe the contending
forces on the hills above stopped their fighting, and, on
Painda Khan’s sending word to the Sikh leader that God
had judged them and made the one as helpless as the
other, they separated, and marched back to Tanawal
and Haripur respectively. Events are still dated from
this terrible flood.
In the winter of 1841 Kaur Partab Singh, to whom his
fathel*. Maharajah Slier Singh, the successor of Ranjit
Singh, had given Kashmir and Hazara in jagir, came to
Hazara via Kashmir, and appointed Gulab Singh to be
Governor of the two countries. On his return to Lahore
he took Gulab Singh with him, and Arbel Singh was left
as Deputy Governor of Hazara.
A.D. —
Ditmn Mulraj. In September, 1843, Sher Singh and
1846 ^ Fartab Singh were murdered at Lahore, and the Darbar,
who took over charge of the Punjab on behalf of the boy
Dhulip Singh, on resuming the direct management of
Hazara, sent Diwan Mulraj Dilwalia (who must not be
confounded with Diwan Mulraj, the Governor of Multan)
in Arbel Singh’s place. He made a systematic revision
of the revenue, but, according to Major Abbott, as noted
in the foregoing chapter, his rule was harsh and harassing
to the people, and many of them evacuated their villages
to escape his extortions.
A D. Death of Diwan Ibrahim in the Kagan Valley. — In 1844
the most notable event was in far Kagan, where Diwan
Ibrahim, who had been sent by Raja Gulab Singh from
Jammu with a small force, was led into an ambush at a
gorge below Kagan village, thenceforth known as Diwan
Bela, and destroyed with all his men by the Kagan
Saiads and the Swathis of Balakot.
A.D. Disturbances resulting from the First Sikh War. —The
disorganization of government at the Sikh capital that
led to the first Sikh war gave the tribes of Hazara an
opportunity which they were unable to resist, and in
the beginning of 1846, as the news of the British victories
were received, the disturbances became general. The
Dhunds, headed by their religious leaders, the Pirs of
Palasi, were the first to rise. They stormed the Mari
fort in the Karral country, and defeated two detachments
sent against them by Mulraj. It was not till the arrival
oftwo new regiments from Lahore that the rising was put
down. Meanwhile a remnant of the Hindustani fanatics,
declaring that Khalifa Said Ahmad was not dead and would
soon reappear, collected at Kawai in Kagan, and, being

joined by the people Northern Hazara, attacked the

forts of Shinkiari, Bhair Kund, Garhi HabibuUah Khan,
and Agror, and slew their garrisons. The Mishwanis rose
and stormed the Sirikot fort. The Khanpur Gakhars, led
by Raja Haidar Bakhsh Khan, took the Khanpur fort, and
repossessed themselves of their country. And Nawab
Khan, the Tanaoli chief of Shingri, who had been sent on
a mission to the Swathis by Mulraj, but instead of quieting
the country had been fermenting revolt, seized the fort
at Sherwan.
Mulraj ’s desire to put down these disturbances had been
paralyzed from the first by the refusal of his spare troops,
who were cantoned at Rajoia, to march into Northern
Hazara. On the Jaduns rising and collecting at Bagra,
and Gulam Khan, the Tarin chief, assembling a number
of followers at Jagal, close to Haripur, the Rajoia troops
deserted their cantonments, and, marching to Haripur,
camped outside the Here also on the 7th of March,
1846, the other Sikh detachments sought refuge when the
town of Haripur, where they were stationed, was attacked,
plundered, and burnt by the revolting tribesmen. Gulam
Khan now took up his quarters in the town, while the
Tarkheli chief established himself at the adjoining village
of Dheri Nawab Khan and the Tanaolis, with some

Hindustanis, crossed the Dor to Manakrai and the ;

Karrals, Jaduns, and Dilazaks encamped east of Haripur

at Serai Saleh. Their next step was to cut off the channel
which supplied the from the Dor, with
fort with water
the result that in tAvelve days the tanks of the fort were
exhausted and the Sikh troops had no resource but to
fight. To their surprise they scattered the tribesmen
with little difficulty, and, aided hy a reinforcement of
two regiments from Peshawar, they made some show
of punishing the villages nearest Haripur which were
most concerned in the revolt. But in reality Diwan
Mulraj had lost heart, and, making an excuse of a
me’ssage received from Lahore, he evacuated the fort on
the 16th of April, and marched off to Hassan Abdal with
all his troops.
Lundi Musalrmni . —^The Hazara chiefs then assembled
at Haripur, and appointed Said Akbar of Sitana, the home
of the Hindustani fanatics on the right bank of the Indus,
as their ruler, with Nawab Khan, Tanaoli, and Gulam
Khan, Tarin, as his Ministers. And throughout the Dis-
an attempt was made to 'restore the status which

existed prior to Sikh rule, especially in regard to the

tenure of land.This period is popularly spoken of in
Hazara as the Lundi Musalmani, the term Lundi ‘ ’

signifying incomplete. And incomplete it was, for the

hopes that had been raised were doomed to almost imme-
diate disappointment.
A.D. Hazara under Raja Gulab Singh .

On the 19th of March,
peace was concluded between the Sikh Darbar and
the British Government. The twelfth article of the treaty
ceded to Raja Gulab Singh Kashmir and its dependencies,
or, as it was described in a separate treaty with the

Raja executed on the 16th of March, ‘

all the hilly or moun-
tainous country with its dependencies situate eastward
of the river Indus and westward of the river Ravi.’
Their transfer to Kashmir was intensely distasteful to
the people of Hazara. It was out of the frying-pan into
the fire. Moreover, the oppression practised by the Sikhs
was in more fortunate Districts to bo controlled and
mitigated by the influence of British officers, whereas
they were left to the tender mercies of the cruel Maharajah
and the extortion and savageries of his ill-paid and ill-
disciplined troops. Almost with one accord, therefore,
they combined to make things very uncomfortable for
their new ruler. In Lower Hazara, indeed, some kind of
control was established. Diwan Hari Chand, who was
sent by the Maharajah to collect the revenue, arrived in
Haripur via Khanpur on the 22nd of May, 1846, and, estab-
lishing himself in the fort, received the submission of most
of the inhabitants of the surrounding country, while Rkja

Haidar Bakhsh Khan, the Gakhar chief, paid up the

rahi revenue of the Khanpur tract. But that the sub-
mission can have been little more than skin deep is
shown by the fact that in November, 1846, Captain
James Abbott, an assistant to the Lahore Resident, who
was shortly to be so intimately associated with the Dis-
trict, and was then at Hassan Abdal, engaged in settling

the boundary between the Punjab and Kashmir, received

a deputation from the tribes of the Haripur plain, who
implored the British Government to save them from the
fate of being slaves to the Kashmir Maharajah. He
proceeded to Haripur, finding, as he says, the country
in rebellion, and a Sikh force of 4,000 men hemmed in
the Haripur fort. He succeeded in reconciling Mirzaman
Khan, the Utmanzai Khan of Khalabat, who was the
loader of the rebels, to the Government, and after three
days returned to his boundary work.
Elsewhere, meanwhile, the people had continued in-
tractable. At Rajoia and Nawanshahr the Jaduns,
assisted in the latter place by Hindustani fanatics, de-
feated the Jammu troops with slaughter ;
the Dhunds
and Karrals were in rebellion disorder reigned in Pakhli
; ;

and the Saiads and Swathis of Kagan, assisted by

Hindustanis, defied all authority. Towards the end of
the year a Sikh army of ten regiments, after coercing
Sheikh Imamuddin, the refractory Governor of Kashmir,
who at first had opposed the installation of Raja Gulab
Singh, marched from Srinagar via Muzaffarabad to sub-
jugate Upper Haraza.It was commanded by Diwan
Karam Chand, and accompanied by Mr. Vans Agnew
and Lieutenant Lumsden, assistants to the Resident of
Lahore. Onthe 6th of January, 1847, they were opposed
•ineffectually by the Swathis and Hindustanis at the Dub
pass above Garhi Habibullah, and, the Swathis sub-
mitting to the Kashmir Governor after the battle, the
Hindustanis fled the country. The Sikh troops then
SA^ept through the valleys of Hazara, and secured the


Maharajah in their possession. But most of the hill
tracts remained in open rebellion, and the Jammu troops,
which succeeded the Sikhs, were badly defeated at Mirpur
and Namli Maira.
A.D. Transfer of Hazara to the Lahore Darhar Finding his , —
newly acquired territory such a veritable hornets’ nest,
the Kashmir Maharajah was only too ready to get rid
of it if a suitable exchange could be arranged, and early
in 1847 he induced the Lahore Darbar to take over from
him all the hilly country west of the Jhelum in return for
a tract near Jammu. The basis on which this settlement
was made was that an equitable assessment should

firstbe made in Hazara, involving the release of jagirs

and other rent-free holdings and on the reduced income

lands should be given on another part of the border
(Jammu cis- Jhelum) ‘
to half the value of those of
Hazara.’ One of the most beautiful Districts in India
was thus saved from the clutches of Gulab Singh, and with
the advent of Captain Abbott to make the prescribed
assessment, a new eradawned in its chequered history.
James Abbott ,
— James Abbott was not the least re-
markable of the famous group of military civilians who,
under the guidance of the Lawrences, shaped the destinies
of the Punjab when it first came under British influence
and so large a part did he take in consolidating that
influence in Hazara, and so much does the District owe
to him, that no apology is needed if we dilate at some
length on his character and career. He was born in
1807, and educated at Blackheath, where he was a
schoolfellow of Disraeli. After passing through Addis-
combe, he received, in 1823, a commission in the Bengal
Artillery, and arrived in India at the end of that year.
His first active service was under Lord Combermere at*
the siege of Bhartpur in December, 1825. In 1835 and
1836 he was deputed to Revenue Survey work in the
Agra province. In 1838 he joined the army of the Indus
under Sir J. Keane, and marched with it to Kandahar.

From there he was sent to Herat as an assistant to Major

D’Arcy Todd. In December, 1839, he was deputed to
visit Khiva to try and effect the release of the Russian
prisoners detained by the Khan of that State. At the
Khan’s desire he undertook to go on to Russia, which
was then at war with Khiva, and endeavour to arrange
an exchange of captives. vHe started, accordingly, for the
Caspian, bub on reaching the seashore his small party
was attacked by brigands of the Kussak tribe, who
imagined that he was a Russian. His baggage was looted,
and he himself was severely beaten, and received a sabre
cut which severed one finger of his right hand and half
severed another. For eighteen days he remained a
prisoner in the hands of the Kussaks, suffering great dis-
comfort and excruciating pain from his wound. At last
his captors were induced by bribes and threats to set him
free, and take him to the Russian fort of Mero Alexan-
derofski. There he found a doctor, who dressed his
wound amputating the mutilated finger, and,
crossing the Caspian, he journeyed to Moscow and St.
Petersburg without further mishap. His negotiations
for the exchange of prisoners were successful, and on
proceeding to England in August, 1840, he received the
thanks of Lord Palmerston, the Foreign Secretary, and
subsequently was given a pension for his injuries. He
wrote a lively account of his adventures in two volumes
entitled, Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Khiva^

Moscow, and St. Petersburg.’

In 1841 he returned to India, and, after serving at
Marwara and Indore, was in 1846 attached to the Residency
at Lahore, and, as above noted, was appointed to survey
and demarcate the boundary between the Punjab and
Kashmir. It was towards the end of May, 1847, while
engaged on this work near the borders of Hazara, that he
received the orders deputing him to that District, with
powers of control over all branches of the administration.
The task allotted to him was a very congenial one. Of
a sanguine, enthusiastic temperament, chivalrous, warm-
hearted,and generous, he had little difficulty in winning
the hearts of the people. They welcomed him as their
saviour from Sikh and Dogra oppression, and to grati-
tude were soon added an admiration of his energy and
courage and an affection that Responded readily to his
many acts of liberality and kir^lliness. He liad a special
fondness for children, and it is told how he used
to go about laden with sweets, and how at the cry
that Kaka (uncle) Abbott was coming the little ones
would throng out from the villages and crowd around
him, while the bolder searched his pockets for the
treasures that they knew were there. ‘
He was,’ says
Sir Henry Lawrence, ‘
of the stuff of the true knight-
errant, gentle as a girl in thought, word, or deed, over-
flowing with warm affection, and ready at all times to
sacrifice himself for his country or his friend.’ And thus
it came about that, little more than a year after he came
to the District, Sir F. Currie, the Resident at Lahore, was
able to write about him as follows :

He is beloved — in
fact, almost worshipped —by the people. All persons
that I have conversed with, who have^come from those
parts, are unanimous in their estimation of him. They
say that ho has gained such an influence with the inhabi-
tants of the province that he can do what he pleases with
a race whom the Sikhs could never control, and whom
the wily and shrewd Maharajah Gulab Singh was glad to
get from under his government on almost any terms.’
How he acquitted himself in his responsible post and
guided the fortunes of Hazara in the troublesome period
that was to ensue has now to be described.
June, Steps taken by Abbott for the Pacification of the Country.
—Abbott entered the District on the
1st of June, 1847, arid
proceeded at once to Haripur, the head-quarters of the
administration, finding the surrounding country still suffer-
ing from the effects of Mulraj’s forays. On the 3rd of June
he received the news that the Jammu troops under Diwan

Karam Chand had been disgracefully beaten in the Dhund

country. In the same month he visited the forts at
Nawanshahr (in the Rash plain) and Mansehra. He
found the troops at either place almost in a state of
mutiny on account of long arrears of pay, and the subject
of bitter complaints from the villagers on the score of
oppression and cxtortion\ After a tour round the Man-
sehra tahsil, in the course' of which he met Vans Agnew
at Garhi Habibullah Khan, and discussed with him the
state of the Dhund and Karral country, and after arrang-
ing for the evacuation of the forts by the Jammu troops,
he returned to Haripur at the end of the month.

The Tarkhelis of Gandgar. In July the Sikh regiments July,

that had been sent to relieve the Maharajah’s troops

arrived, and he was able to begin the task of reducing
the unruly elements in the District to order. The most
troublesome of these were the Tarkhelis of Gandgar.
They were the pests of the surrounding country. De-
scending from their fastnesses, they would commit
robberies and murders with impunity, for it was almost
impossible to catch them before they got back into the
hills. Such a terror, indeed, were they that the villages
at the foot of the range either were utterly deserted or
paid them blackmail. Abbott had not been in Hazara
three weeks when they carried off a Hindu trader and sixty
head of cattle from Kot Najibullah. A week later the
Gujars had their revenge, for they succeeded in ambush-
ing a party of them and killing five. In retaliation for
this,on the night of the 28th of June, the Tarkhelis crept
down on the village of Bakka, which lies in the Haripur
plain not far from the base of the hills, and murdered
several sleeping women and children in cold blood.
Such a state of things was not to be tolerated but the


reduction of the Tarkhelis was no easy matter, the Gand-

gar hills being considered almost impregnable. On the 3rd
ofJuly Abbott paid a surprise visit to Sirikot, theMishwani
village at the upper end of the range, to spy out the
country, and on the 4th of July he was visited at Haripur
by Lieutenant Lumsden, then in charge of the Yusafzai
tract across the Indus, who had summoned the Tarkhelis
to sec him, but had received an insolent reply, and who
wished to discuss measures for their suppression. The
Tarkhelis paying no regard to Abbott’s summons either,

it was eventually decided tha^Lieu tenant John Nichol-

son, who was in political charge of the Sind Sagar Doab,
and was then at Hassan Abdal with a small Sikh force,
should sweep round the lower end of the range, and,
marching up through the Khari tract on the bank of the
Indus, should enter Salam Khand at daybreak from that
direction, whilst Abbott should march over the Gandgar
ridge from the Haripur side, and descend on Salam Khand
at the same hour. In its performance the scheme was
not altogether successful. Nicholson finding the road
longer than he expected, the Tarkhelis had ample warn-
ing of his approach, and, evacuating tlic village, fled, via
Sirikot. And Abbott was not able to intercept them,
for he reached the summit of the ridge later than he
anticipated, owing to part of his column losing its way.
But although the effort to catch the Tarkhelis between
two fires had failed, the seizure of Salam Khand and the

occupation of the Gandgar country had a great effect,

and various hitherto recalcitrant chiefs, including Jahan-
dad Khan, the son of Painda Khan of Amb, the Saiads
of Kagan, and the Karrals of Nara, hastened to tender
their submission. The Tarkheli chiefs themselves, after
remaining in exile for some months at Khabbal across the
Indus, eventually surrendered. They were kept in custody
for a year or so, and were then restored to their homes.
End Submission of the Dhunds .
—The only tribe that re-
1847 .
i^^ined more or less in rebellion were the Dhunds. After
a visit to Nara to establish the administration among the
Karrals, Abbott in November, 1847, started for the Dhund
country, via Khanpur, and the bed of the Harroh. His
small force was augmented, when he reached Dannali on

the ridge above Lora, by a column which arrived from

the Rawalpindi direction under Sardar Jhanda Singh,
till the whole numbered 2,300 men, eight field and twenty
camel guns. The field-guns were carried on elephants,
which must have found marching a difficult task in so
roadless and mountainous a country, and it is not sur-
prising to hear that two djed, one of them falling down a
precipice. The Dhunds saw that resistance to so im-
posing a force was useless, and lost little time in making

their submission. Abbott then turned his steps in the

direction of Kahuta, in what is now the Rawalpindi
District (for the country of the Dhunds and Satis round
Murree was also in his charge), and employed himself in
the revenue settlement of those parts. Subsequently he
proceeded south along the Kashmir-Pun jab boundary,
checking the pillars which had been erected under his
orders in the previous year, and he did not return to
Hazara till April, 1848.

The Outbreak at Multan. It was on the 16th of that April,
month that Vans Agnew and Anderson were murdered
at Multan, and the first act was played in the drama
that had its crisis in the battles of the second Sikh war
and its ending in the annexation of the Pun j ab The start-

ling news reached Abbott at Haripur on the 29th of April.

At this time Hazara was garrisoned by a force of 4,000
troops in Harkishangarh, the fort of Haripur, under the
command of the Nazim, or Governor, Sardar Chattav
Singh, and his assistant, the Naib Nazim Sardar Jhanda
Singh, and by two regiments who were encamped along
with four guns at Gandhian in the Pakhli plain to the
north of Mansehra under Colonels Bhup Singh and
Bahadur Singh. In addition to these were the garrisons
of the numerous small forts that studded the country,
which consisted mostly of local levies or of mercenaries
other than Sikhs, such as Purbias and Muliammadans.
Sardar Chattar Singh .

Sardar Chattar Singh was one
of the most prominent of the Sikh chiefs. He owned
extensive estates and enjoyed large jagirs ; he was an
intimate friend of the Raja of Kashmir daughter was
betrothed to Maharajah Dhulip Singh, the grandson of
Ranjit Singh, who was now the titular ruler of the Pun-
jab and he had a long career in th(^ service of the State.

He was old and somewhat broken in health, but his

intellect was keen, and for cr^ft and cunning he was
hardly to be surpassed. Jhanda Singh, who was reputed
to have great influence over him, was a good soldier, and
supposed to be entirely trustworthy.
AbhoWs Companiom. —With Abbott were Lieutenant
R. C. Robinson, an uncovenanted Assistant Surveyor
named Ingram, and a dozen British sappers or so, who
were engaged on the survey.
Mays, —
Dispatch of Troops to the South. On tlu^ 2nd of May
orders arrived from the Darbar directing a force from
Hazara to march southwards under Jhanda Singh at once,
in order to ensure tranquillity in the Sind Sagar Doab. A
cavalry and an infantry regiment with some guns left

Haripur accordingly on the 5th of May, accompanied by

representatives of the Hazara chiefs, whom Abbott had
thought it prudent to attach to the force as sureties
for the good behaviour of those they left behind.
State of Affairs in —
Hazara during May. For several
weeks after the departure of these troops little of moment
occurred in Hazara. There were occasional signs of tur-
bulence among the soldiery, and Colonel Canara, an
American who commanded a battery of light artillery,
and was loyal to the core, was not easy as to the temper of
his gunners. But whatever ferment there may have been
in the lower ranks who were excited by the attempt of
Diwan Mulraj to throw off the British yoke, their leaders
apparently still held aloof, and the relations between
Abbott and the Nazim continued amicable. Abbott’s
chief anxiety at the time was to keep the people tranquil,
and in spite of the weakening of the Hazara Field Force
and of rumours of disaffection among the Karrals, the

hold which he had obtained over the District rendered

this a task of no great difficulty.
The Ripening of Revolt . —
On the 23rd of May Abbott
moved out of Haripur with his establishment, and camped
in a shady place 14 miles to the north, inside the Tanawal
hills. He and his men had sufEered from the impure
water of the town, and 'they required a change. But
the move was, perhaps, anmnfortunate one. The troops
were, as he phrased it, in the hush of expectation, wait-

ing to shape their conduct with the tide of coming events,’

and the best hope of keeping them and their officers
under control was his continued presence in their midst.
With his restraining influence withdrawn to some dis-
tance, a freer scope was left for intrigue and the ripening
of revolt. On the 1st of June ho moved his camp and
marched to Sherwan, which is situated on a ridge some
5,000 feet high in the centre of the Tanawal country, and
where he had built himself a small bungalow. It was
still further away from Haripur and the Sikh troops, but

was in a good position for keeping in touch with the

tribes of that portion of the District, to whom he looked
for protectionand assistance if the Sikhs turned against
him. Meanwhile disaffection was rapidly spreading
among the latter. Abbott’s letter-bags were tampered
with. A mysterious Guru, arriving in Haripur from
Lahore, was received with great honour, and was closeted
for long with the Nazim, and tidings of the defection of
the Chauringhi regiment from Jhanda Singh’s force in-
creased the ferment. Early in July unsatisfactory news
began to arrive about the state of the troops in Pakhli,
who were said to bo eager to march towards Multan, and
Abbott’s suspicions of Chattar Singh’s designs were
aroused. The Guru above mentioned was sent on to
Peshawar on a secret mission to the Sikh troops there,
and endeavours were made to seduce some of the leading
Hazara from their allegiance. The great anxiety
chiefs of
which the excitement in the Pakhli brigade caused to
Abbott was increased by the apparent connivance of
Chattar Singh, who never alluded to the state of these
troops in his correspondence, and who was reported to
be actively intriguing with them and with the equally
disaffected regiments in Bannu and Peshawar. On the
1st of August intelligence arrived that the brigade had
made up its mind to march, in spite of half-hearted

protests from commanding officers. But Abbott was


determined to prevent their joining forces with the

Haripur troops if he could, and at his bidding the tribes
of Tanawal and Rash occupied the hills flanking the
roads that lead out of Pakhli to the south, and barred
the way. Seeing these preparations, the troops for a
time abandoned their design.

The Outbreak at Haripur Canard's Death But the

crisis was approaching. On the evening of the 5th of
August a confidential agent from Chattar Singh arrived
at Sherwan, and tried to reassure Abbott of his master’s
good faith, offering to send him his son Utar Singh in
proof thereof. This suggestion Abbott, suspecting some
ulterior design, declined. Next morning a note arrived
from Colonel Canara saying that the Sardar had ordered
the troops and guns, which were then quartered in lines
inside the town, to camp outside the walls that he had

declined to do so without Abbott’s sanction, as it would

lay them open to the charge of rebellion that the Sardar

had made efforts to win him over, but in vain that he ;

thought there might be a struggle for the guns and that


he begged instructions how to act. Hardly had Abbott

read the letter when he received a report that Canara
had been killed in the struggle that he had foreboded.
The Sardar had sent two companies to seize the guns
by force. Canara loaded them with grape, and ordered
the artillerymen to fire. They refused, saying they were
the Sardar ’s servants. Canara thereupon cut down the
havildar, and applied the match with his own hand. It
burnt priming, and the Colonel was immediately shot

down from behind. Thus died a man,’ writes Abbott,

who, whatever the defects of education and infirmities
of nature, closed his career with an act of gallantry and
loyalty unsurpassed by anything I can remember in
history.’ A small obelisk near the Haripur dak bungalow
tells briefly the story of his heroic end.
Chattar Singli's Conduct . —Chattar Singh’s conduct in
the days following the muikler left doubt as to the

side which he had decided to espouse. He paid

the murderers a reward of 1,000 rupees to Abbott’s ;

demands for their surrender replied evasively or not at

all ;
called up some troops from Hassan Abdal tried to ;

induce Jahandad Khan, the chief of Amb, to bring

Abbott with him to Haripur and wrote letters, which

Abbott intercepted, imploring the Maharajah of Kashmir

to send a large force to his assistance. Yet for a time ho
contrived to hoodwink Sir Frederick Currie, the Resident
at Lahore, who could not believe that the wily old Sikh,
with so much at stake, would throAV in his lot with the
rebellious soldiery. Defending the murder of Canara, ho
pleaded that Abbott had roused the whole country against
him, that an attack on Haripur was threatened, and that
it was essential to move the guns out of the town. He
could not bo blamed if Canara, in forcibly resisting this
measure, suffered the consequences of his folly and dis-
obedience. Further, he complained that Abbott had
from the first treated him with suspicion and distrust ;

that he would not consult him on matters of the adminis-

tration, and regarded him as a mere cipher that he ;

openly espoused the cause of the people against the Sikhs ;

and that he was harassing the Pakhli troops and cutting

off their supplies.
Abbott and the Lahore Resident .

The Resident tenta-
tivelyadopted this view of the case, and Avrote to Abbott,
censuring him for taking the measures of which Chattar
Singh complained, and saying that he did not under-
stand how he called Canara’s death a murder. He even


went so far as to depute his chief assistant, Mr. Cooks,
to visit Hazara, hold an inquiry into the state of affairs
there, of Abbott’s hands
and take the administration out ;

but, fortunately, hearing that the country was not safe,

he cancelled the order a day or two later, and sent instead
Jhanda Singh, the former Naib Nazim, who was then in
Lahore, to try and induce Chattar Singh to make his peace
with Abbott. He expressed the same opinion of his
subordinate’s conduct in a letter to the Governor-General
but Lord Dalhousie was less hasty in his judgment, and
in writing home to the Court of Directors declined to
express an opinion on the matter till fuller materials were
available for forming one. Sir F. Currie’s criticisms seem
very unfair, and before long he saw reason to modify his
blind faith in Chattar Singh but to a certain extent

Abbott laid himself open to mis judgments of this sort.

He had a strong mixture of credulity and suspicious-
ness in his character. Gifted with a vivid imagina-
tion, and cast among a people who were adepts in
treachery and intrigue, he lent an ear to every rumour,
and was always fancying conspiracies and duplicities.

He and col-
lived in a world of plot,’ writes his friend
league, the late General Pearse,* and he kept many ‘

spies.’ Events proved that he was in the main right

about Chattar Singh, as Herbert Edwardes, who was at
the first disposed to take a similar view of the case to
Sir Frederick Currie, later freely acknowledged ;t but it is

not surprising that at first there should have been some

* General G. G. Pearse, C.B., Colonel Commandant of the Eoyal
Horse Artillery, was Abbott’s assistant in Hazara in 1851, and had a
most enthusiastic admiration and affection for him. He is mentioned
later on in this chapter as commanding a column in the Kagan expedi-
tion of 1852. He died in 1905, at the age of seventy-eight. He retained
his interest in Hazara up to the last, and the Deputy Commissioner has
in his possession some most interesting notes by Abbott on the people
and leading men of the District, with General Pearse’s comments
thereon, which the latter made over to a native of Hazara who went
to visit him at his home in the Isle of Wight a few years before his

Year on the Punjab Frontier,* vol. ii., p. 537.

hesitation in accepting his interpretation of the facts, and

it is probably true that Chattar Singh, like other Sikh
leaders, was in a measure forced into rebellion by pres-
sure from his soldiery. It is remarkable that, though
habitually so distrustful of most of those around him
(and he had good reason to be so in many cases), Abbott
was yet able to win the confidence and devotion of the
people. But they could see that he had their interests
thoroughly at heart, and they could make allowances for
the very difficult position in which he was placed.
Measures taken against the Sikh Troops —
Chattar Singh Aug,,

having now completely thrown off the mask, in Abbott^s

eyes at any rate, the latter took immediate measures to
prevent, if he could, the arrival of reinforcements from
the west or south, or a junction of the Haripur and Pakhli
brigades. On the 8th of August he moved down from
Sherwan to Nara at the foot of the Gandgar range, as
being nearer Haripur and more suitable as a base for
offensive operations, should troops march up in that
direction. And on the 12th of August he dispatched
Lieutenant Robinson to the Mangal tract to superintend
the closing of the passes to the Pakhli force. Meanwhile
he was cheered by the news that John Nicholson from
Peshawar had seized the Attock fort, turned the Sikh
company out of it, marched with his levies to the Mar-
galla pass on the road from Rawalpindi to Hassan Abdal,
and by a splendid piece of bluff succeeded in persuading
the corps of Partab Singh, which was on its way to
Haripur, to return to Rawalpindi. But orders from
Lahore tied both Nicholson’s and Abbott’s hands. The
Resident was still indulging in the futile hope of inducing
Chattar Singh to make his submission, and when Jhanda
Singh’s mission failed, he dispatched Diwan Dina Nath
for that purpose. In the meantime no offensive opera-
tions could be undertaken.
On the 20th of August Abbott received the news that
a regiment and two guns from Haripur had started in
the direction of Pakhli. He immediately made a forced
march with his levies to the Salhad pass, which
of 30 miles
connects the Rash and Haripur plains, but soon after he
reached there he found his news was false, a note from
Nicholson arriving to say that Chattar Singh had marched
with the whole of the Haripur force for Hassan Abdal.
In an hour Abbott was off again, and despite the burning
sun and the fact that his levies were keeping the fast of
the Ramzan, he marched 40 miles back in the Hassan
Abdal direction,and eventually halted 3 miles to the
rear of the Sikh army, which was encamped half-way
between Hassan Abdal and Haripur. Nicholson and his
levies were not far off, but, even had a joint attack on
Chattar Singh offered any prospect of success, the orders
from Lahore precluded it. Negotiations were opened
with Chattar Singh and his son Utar Singh, and the
former was told that, if he was willing to return to his
allegiance and submit to have his conduct and his allega-
tions investigated by the Resident, he would be allowed
to do so. The wily Sikh professed compliance, but stipu-
lated that Abbott’s levies must be disbanded before the
mutinous regiments returned to their duty. Ho was, in
fact, only temporizing, for on the evening of the 25th,
while Utar Singh was still conferring with Nicholson,
Abbott, who was watching the Sikh camp, saw through
his telescope a body of Jhanda Singh’s horse galloping
away. Further scrutiny showed that the camp itself
was packed up ready for a move, and it was clear at last
that Chattar Singh and Jhanda Singh had made up their
minds to break off the negotiations and launch into open
Abbott hastily collected his levies in the twilight and
dashed off in the direction of a ravine, where he hoped
to intercept the advance of the Sikhs ;
but he found he
was too late. As he approached, two howitzers opened
fire on him from the backs of elephants, and he was com-

pelled to draw his horsemen off. Meanwhile his footmen


had disappeared, and when, after a long search, they were

found in a small ravine into which they had dived on the
guns opening fire, neither encouragements nor taunts
could induce them to attack the Sikh army, which was
now well on its way. So in great disgust Abbott with-
drew his men, and, joining Nicholson, accompanied him
back to Hassan Abdal. Chattar Singh marched on to
Usman Khatar to meet Pattab Singh’s force, which had
returned from Rawalpindi and crossed the Margalla
range, this time unimpeded.
Forcing of Dhamtaur Pass by the Sikhs and Extrication
of the Pakhli Brigade .

On the 28th of August Abbott
went back to Nara, while Nicholson remained to hover
on the fianks of Chattar Singh. The latter, after spend-
ing a few days in somewhat aimless marching between
the Indus and the Margalla range, turned in the direction
of Haripur on the 7th of September, with the obvious
intention of going to the rescue of the Pakhli brigade.
On hearing the news, Abbott marched to the Salhad pass,
and, posting 700 men there, proceeded to Dhamtaur.
He was here joined by Nicholson’s force of 900 match-
locks and 300 horsemen, which had overtaken and passed
the Sikhs. A war was held, and though the
council of
minds of both misgave them, it was eventually
decided to make a stand, Nicholson undertaking to face
the advancing Sikhs, whilst Abbott’s men repelled any
sally that the garrison of the Nawanshahr fort might
make on their rear, and co-operated against the enemy’s
On the 10th of September the Sikh army halted at
Rajoia in the Dor plain, and very early on tlie morning
of the nth they began to advance up the Dhamtaur pass.
The levies were roused and posted at various points on
the hills flanking the pass, the most prominent of which
is that lying between Dhamtaur and Salhad and known

as Sarban. But Abbott’s men were late in getting into

position, and he lost some valuable time in whipping up

the stragglers. When eventually he was able to reach
the front, he saw a body of irregular troops pushing
towards a path that led over Sarban to the head of the
Salhad pass. Fearing it was their design to seize that
pass, he ordered fifty of his men to take possession of
the village of Nagakki, half-way up the hill. But the
levies held back, and Abbott himself had to lead them
forward. Having posted them, he was returning to the
main body, when some levies, who were stationed on
another spur, cried out to him that if he retired they
would all fly. He therefore remained in the front line
on the crest of the hill. Meanwhile the Sikh troops had
advanced within cannon-shot, and they opened fire on
the spurs, singling out especially that where Abbott him-
self was. No damage was done, except to disturb still
more the already shaken nerves of the timorous levies.
But disaster was befalling in another point of the field
of battle. On a high hill opposite where Abbott stood
one of the foremost of the defences —a force of 200 Pesha-
waris had been posted on the previous night. Looking
towards it, Abbott was alarmed to see the top quite bare,
and a force of 1,000 Sikhs making for it. The latter
Nicholson saw also, and collecting fifty men, whom he
could only induce to advance by presenting his pistol
successively at the head of each, he led them up the hill

as a reinforcement to the post which ho imagined to be

still on the top. He was dismayed to find the place
deserted, and, leaving his fifty men there, he retired to
make arrangements for the defence of other positions. The
little party held its ground creditably till the Sikhs were

within ten paces, and then fled precipitately. Their flight

was the signal for that of the whole force. The day was
lost, and all hope of preventing the release of the Pakliji
brigade was gone. Disgusted with the behaviour of
their levies, and it was useless to expect
realizing that
them to face the Sikhs again, Nicholson and Abbott with-
drew their men and retired, the former to the neighbour-

hood of Hassan Abdal, and the latter to Nara, where,

surrounded by the splendid loyalty of the Mishwanis of
Sirikot and the Utmanzais of Khalabat, he could still
feel personally safe.
Events following the Action at Dhamtaur. —The weeks
that followed were for Abbott a period of comparative
inactivity. All that he could do was to secure possession
of a number about the
of the small Sikh forts scattered
District, which were, as a rule, peacefully evacuated by
their garrisons, and to sink some of the boats on the
Indus in order to prevent a junction between the Peshawar
and Haripur brigades. He himself remained at Nara
watching Chattar Singh’s movements, and prepared to
resist the attack that was threatened more than once.
Meanwhile a welcome remittance of money arrived from
the Maharajah of Kashmir, who thus proved that he had
resisted the Sikh overtures.
Repulse of Chattar Singh at Salam Khand. After halt- —
ing some time at Haripur, Chattar Singh moved off in
the direction of Attock, and camped in the Chach plain.
On the 18 th of October he marched back into the Hazara
District along the left bank of the Indus, with the evident
intention of relieving the small Sikh garrison of the fort
at Salam Khand, the Tarkheli village inside the Gandgar
hills,which has been mentioned earlier in this chapter.
It was supposed that he would also push on to try and
seize Sirikot. Abbott determined to resist these move-
ments to the best of liis ability, and he posted his levies
on the hills overlooking the advancing force. This con-
sisted of two columns with four guns and two howitzers
carried by elephants. The right column, commanded by
Chattar Singh in person, made its way without opposi-
,tion to a hill south of the fort, but as it pushed forward
from here itcame under a hot fire, and was driven back
with loss. The left column began to climb a hill to the
north, along which a path to Sirikot ran, and where
Abbott himself was posted. Under the eye of their
commander the levies gallantly disputed every inch of
the ground, and at two o’clock in the afternoon the
Sikhs, having won only the easiest slope, turned back
and retired in The garrison meanwhile had
good order.
evacuated and fired the fort, and the whole force then
marched away. They had lost some 200 men in killed
and wounded, and Abbott only twenty or so. Among
the latter was Ata Muhammad Khan, a leading Tarkheli,
wlio, with four of his men, had charged the enemy sword
in hand. Abbott must have felt great satisfaction in
paying off some old scores against Chattar Singh in this
successful little fight. He was materially assisted by
Ingram, who displayed great gallantry in rallying the
levies. Robinson had previously left for Kashmir.
Arrival of Dost Muhammad Khan —
In the following

weeks Abbott spent his time between Nara and Sirikot.

His isolated position caused the Resident at Lahore and
the Governor-General great concern, but for the present
they could not venture to send any force to his succour,
however urgently he pressed for such a measure. Mean-
while a new cause for anxiety arose. Dost Muhammad
Khan, the Amir of Kabul, marched down to Peshawar,
where towards the end of October the troops had mutinied
and compelled Major George Lawrence to seek refuge in
flight, and proceeded to make common cause with Chattar

Singh. On the 3rd of January, 1849, Lieutenant Herbert

was obliged to abandon the Attock fort, and the Afghan
army crossed the Indus, Abbott had tried to check Dost
Muhammad Khan’s advance in December, when he heard
he had entered Peshawar, by writing him a letter express-
ing his confidence that the visit was a friendly one,
tioning that theGovernment of India was making vigorous
preparations to crush the rebellion, and inviting his co.-
operation. To take on himself the role of the spokesman
of the British Government in this unauthorized fashion
was rather an audacious proceeding, and it roused the
ire of the great Governor-General. ‘
This is really too

bad of Captain Abbott,’ he wrote^ in answer to a letter

from the Resident complaining of his incorrigible sub-
‘ ’

ordinate but it did some service in eliciting from Dost


Muhammad Khan a reply, in which he made no secret

of his hostile intentions, and of his design to acquire the
Peshawar, Derajat, and Hazara Districts for himself.

Movements of the Afghan Troops. The approach of the Jan.,
Afghans was a severer test of the loyalty of Abbott’s fol-
lowing than the successes of the Sikhs. They loathed
the latter, and their only temptation to join them
was from the desire to be on the winning side but the ;

others were fellow-Muhammadans, with whom they had

much more sympathy, and so, when Dost Muhammad
Khan sent his son, Gulam Haidar Khan, with troops
into Hazara, not a few were tempted and fell. The most
notable of these deserters were Khanizaman, the leading
Tarkhcli, and Gulam Khan, Tarin. On the approach of
the Afghans Abbott deemed it prudent to retire from
Gandgar to Sherwan, where he was more secure from
attack, and was in a better position to obstruct the pro-
jected invasion of Kashmir. He had not long been gone
when the Afghans, guided by Khanizaman, scaled the
Gandgar range and took possession of Sirikot.

The End of the War. But the turning-point of tlie Feb.,
crisis had now been reached. Descending from the hills,
the Afghan army crossed the Dor in the direction of
Sherwan, and camped at Bharu Kot but from here they

were recalled to help the Sikhs in their desperate struggle

with the British army which at last was advancing north-
wards. The crowning victory of Gujrat on the 21st of
February, 1849,- marked the collapse of their schemes,
and, pursued by Gilbert, ‘
the flying General,’ the Afghans
hastily crossed the evacuated Peshawar, and
fled back to their own country. .Abbott could at last
breathe freely, and, descending from his stronghold, he
marched his levies to the Margalla ridge, whence, on the
14th of March, they could view in the distance the striking
scene of the surrender of Chattar Singh, Sher Singh, and
the whole of their Sikh army to the British forces on the
plain of Rawalpindi.
Acknowledgment of Abbott s Services. In the acknow- —
ledgment of services rendered in the second Sikh war
Abbott was not forgotten. In a dispatch to the Court
of Directors after the battle of Gujrat the Governor-
General wrote of him in the following terms It is a :

gratifying spectacle to witness the intrepid bearing of this

officer in the midst of difficulties of no ordinary kind, not

merely maintaining his position, but offering a bold front,

at one time to the Sikhs, at another to the Afghans, not-
withstanding that religious fanaticism has been at work
to induce the Muhammadan levies to desert his cause.
He must have secured the attachment of the wild people
amongst whom he has been thrown by his mild and con-
ciliatory demeanour in times of peace, as well as by his
gallantry as their leader in action, thus enhancing the
credit of our national character, and preparing the way
for the easy occupancy of an almost impregnable country.’
And in the general order published at the close of opera-

tions Lord Dalhousie offered him his ‘
especial thanks
for ‘
the gallant stand ’
he had made in the hills of Hazara.
He was rewarded also by the thanks of both Houses of
Parliament and by a brevet majority. Seldom were
eulogy, thanks, or reward better deserved.
A.D. Abbott First Deputy Commissioner of Hazara. —The end
of the Sikh war was followed by the annexation of the
Punjab, and Abbott became the first Deputy Commis-

sioner of Hazara. He remained in the District till 1853,

and before he left had established an efficient administra-
tion, had revised his first settlement of the revenue, and
generally had inaugurated an era of peace and prosperity
which has continued almost without check ever since.
Two events worth recording in this volume marked his
reign as Deputy Commissioner. One was the first Black
Mountain expedition, which will be described in the’ sue-

ceeding chapter ;
the second was an expedition against
the Saiads of Kagan.

The Kagan Expedition The latter took place in A.D.

November, 1852, and was due to the following causes:

The Gujar tenants of the Saiads had brought a number
of complaints against their landlords of oppression and
exaction, and in the investigation that Abbott conducted
into the matter he was, perhaps, too ready to listen to
the tales told by the Saiads’ enemies. At any rate, the
Saiads, of whom Zamin Shah of Bela Kawai was the most
able and prominent, resented his interference, and began
to exhibit signs of disaffection. Spies added fuel to
Abbott’s suspicions by reporting that the Saiads were
intriguing with the Hindustani fanatics, and had sent
emissaries to stir up the Dhunds, and he became con-
vinced that they were meditating a rebellion. He de-
tained Zamin Shah and others near his person at Haripur,
and when the former attempted to escape back to Kagan,
he rode after him and arrested him with his own hand.
A letter from the Board of Administration, who thought,
and probably with reason, that he had exaggerated the
seriousness of the situation, decided him to release Zamin
Shah from custody, and after a short time he allowed him
to return to his home on security for good behaviour.
But these proceedings had completely estranged the
Saiads from the Government, and matters soon came
to a crisis. A son of Zamin Shall, who was with Abbott,
escaped to Kagan by night, and Zamin Shall himself
refused to come in on a summons from Colonel Mackeson,
the Commissioner of Peshawar, who happened to be in
Hazara at the time. An expeditionary force of six regi-
ments, six guns, and numerous tribal levies, was there-
ijpon organized for the invasion of the Kagan valley, and
placed under the command of Colonel Mackeson. Abbott
was deputed to advance with one column up the valley
from Balakot ;
Lieutenant Pearse led another through
the* passes entering Kagan from the Kaslimir side ;
a third, consisting of marched up the Bhogarmang
valley over the Musa ka Musalla
ridge. The Saiads, as
was to be expected in the circumstances, made no resist-
ance, and surrendered peaceably. As a punishment, they
were deported from the valley, and ordered to live in
Pakhli for such a period as the Government might choose.
Abbott\s Transfer from Hazara . —
The Kagan expedition
had the unforeseen result of leading to Abbott’s departure
from the District. Colonel Mackeson and he could not
agree as to the policy to be pursued for retaining control
of the valley. Abbott wished to build a police post at
Kagan ;
Mackeson objected to leaving an isolated post
in an inaccessible country without first improving the
communications. Roads before posts was his motto.
‘ ’

The contention waxed sharp between them, and while

Mackeson kept his temper, Abbott’s tone became some-
what insubordinate, and he addressed a long letter in
defence of his proposals direct to the Board of Administra-
tion, which he asked Mackeson to forward. It was no
doubt galling to one who had so long been virtual King
of Hazara to have his views questioned and his projects
thwarted in this manner. The difference was by no
means the first they had had, nor, it may bo added, was
this the only occasion on which Abbott had criticized his
superior officers in official correspondence with somewhat
unnecessary freedom. It was obvious that one or the
other must go, and as the Board and Governor- General
entirely approved of Colonel Mackeson’s attitude through-
out the controversy, there was no doubt who it should be.
Abbott was accordingly transferred, and Major(afterwards
Sir Herbert) Edwardes was sent as Deputy Commissioner
in his place.
was rather a sad ending to his career in Hazara, an<l
Abbott felt the blow deeply but he accepted the orders

of Government with due submission, and made immediate

preparations for his departure from the District that he
loved. Of the people he took a characteristic fareWell.

For three days and three nights he feasted them royally

at Nara, the famous scene of Hari Singh’s defeat and of
his own gallant defiance of the Sikhs, and having spent
all his substance on them, he left the District in March,

1853, with but a month’s pay in his pocket, followed

to Hassan Abdal by a weeping and lamenting crowd.
We may readily pardon the egotism and acknowledge
the truth of what he wrote to Colonel Mackeson, when
the orders of Government were communicated to him.
Speaking of his eighteen years’ separation from civilized
society, he said Every hour of that solitude has been

devoted to the service of Government and to promotion

of the happiness of the thousands committed by Govern-
ment to my care, and the British name has been honoured
and respected wherever I. have borne it.’ Seldom, indeed,
can a British officer have won so complete a victory over
the hearts of the people that he ruled. Nicholson was
worshipped and feared Abbott was worshipped and loved.

‘ ’

Even the Nikalsaini fakirs who numbered Haripur

among their places of resort are said to have placed
him, as the incarnation of generosity, on scarcely a lower
pedestal than their own His name is
unwilling patron.
often on the lips of the old men, who can just recollect
him, and of the young men, who repeat what their
fathers have told them. The worn and faded notes in his
handwriting, that acknowledge the services of those who
stood by him in the day of trouble, are treasured as heir-
looms of great price in the people’s eyes he is the

prince of ‘
sahibs never was there, nor ever will there
be, his like. And so, leaving to Hazara an imperishable
memory, he vanishes from the history of the Punjab and
is numbered among its heroes.*

^ * Of Abbott’s subsequent career there is not much to be told. He

returned shortly to military service in his old regiment, being placed
in charge of the Government gunpowder factory at Ishapore, and
became a Colonel in 1857. His name does not appear in the annals of
the Mutiny. He was made a C.B. in 1873, and a K.C.B. in 1894, the
earlier as well as the later decoration being conferred after his retire-
ment from the army. He spent the evening of his days at Ryde, in
A.D. Founding of the Abbottabad Cantonment, —On succeeding
Abbott, one of Edwardes’ first actswas to select a site
for a new cantonment, that at Bharu Kot, where the
troops had hitherto been quartered, being considered too
hot and unhealthy. He fixed on the southern end of the
Rash and by a happy inspiration christened the
place Abbottabad. The inauguration of the cantonment
was not very auspicious. The regiment of native infantry
which was to be stationed there flatly refused to build
its own lines, the men saying ‘they were not coolies.’
Government thereupon ordered a court-martial on its
commanding officer, but before the inquiry was concluded
he died by his own hand. Another officer was sent up to
take the command, and the men, ashamed of themselves,
built their huts without further delay.Before, however,
Edwardes’ own house was completed, he was transferred
to Peshawar to take the place of the murdered Commis-
sioner, Colonel Mackeson.
A.D. Hazara in the Time of the Mutiny, Prom 1853 to the —
time of the Indian Mutiny the history of Hazara is peace-
ful enough, th(‘- only event worth recording being the
restoration of the Saiads of Kagan to their old home in
1855, which Edwardes, as Commissioner, effected. When
the Mutiny broke out in May, 1857, the troops in Hazara
consisted of the 2nd and 4th regiments of Sikh infantry
and a mountain train of six guns, all concentrated at
Abbottabad. The Deputy Commissioner was Major
Becher, who had under his orders a police force of 150
horse and 60 foot, and 24 zimburchis or gunners attached
to camel swivels. As soon as news of the outbreak was

the Isle of Wight, and died in 1896, at the age of eighty-nine. The
Khan of Khalabat, in whose family he always maintained a lively
interest, has a fine photograph of him as a very old white-beardedS
man. He was twice married, and had a son by one wife and a
daughter by the other. Besides the book of travel noted in the text
he published several volumes of poems. Though somewhat exuberant
and florid in his diction, he had literary abilities of no mean order,
in this respect resembling his friend and contemporary, Herbert
AHHOn'MlM), NdirniKUX JHUniOX.

received, three companies of the 2nd Sikhs were detached

for the protection of the Murree hill-station, and on the
19th of May the 4th Sikhs marched for Delhi, whereby
the strength of the infantry force at Abbottabad was
reduced to 341 men. To supply the place of the absent
force, and to provide for the security and peace of the
District, orders were given to raise 150 horse and 500 foot
levies from the people of the country, and for Major
Becher to assume military command. The levies were
enrolled by quotas from the chiefs and principal head-
men, and brought their own arms. They were employed
to a large extent in guarding the ferries of the Indus and
all the principal roads of the District, and were instru-

mental in seizing many deserters, mutineers, and breeders

of sedition, who were thus brought to justice.
On the 10th of June the Kumaon Gurkha battalion
marched into Hazara, and three days after an opportunity
occurred for testing the feeling of the force and for a first
example to the country by the blowing from guns of two
mutineers of the 55th Native Infantry, who had escaped
from Hoti Mardan into the District. The court-martial
which tried and condemned them was composed wholly
of native officers. The execution took place on parade
before all the troops and a large concourse of the country
people, and the most perfect order prevailed.
Three days later the Kumaon regiment was called away
to reinforce the army before Delhi, and, again reduced in
military strength, the Deputy Commissioner proceeded
to make the best arrangements he could for the security
and defence of the District from invasion from without
and disturbance within. The Haripur fort, which con-
tained a large magazine, was well stored with provisions,
apd was garrisoned by a force of police and levies. The
detached hill-forts and the police-stations along the
Indus were also provisioned, strengthened, and put into
repair. The chiefs of the District were summoned
and* assured of the reliance placed in their aid and
fidelity, and by daily intercourse and encouragement the
effects of the machinations and lying reports of sedition-
mongers were counteracted, and the people secured
firmly on our side.
Flight and Surrender of the Mutineers of the ^5th Native
Infantry.—An opportunity for the proving of their loyalty
soon presented itself. The 55th Native Infantry, after
mutinying at Hoti Mardan,; had escaped into Swat.
After a short sojourn they were expelled by the Swathis,
and rumours reached Major Becher of their desperate
resolution to proceed across the hills to the territory of the
Maharajah of Kashmir, in the forlorn hope of receiving
welcome and sympathy from the soldiery of that State.
As their route lay either through Hazara or along its
border, the chiefs and headmen of the District were
warned to be on the alert to oppose their passage. On
the 23rd of June Major Becher heard that the mutineers,
numbering 600 men, were across the border in Allai, and
were asking for a safe passage through Konsh. They
were armed with muskets or rifles and swords, but had
little clothing, and were accompanied by confidential

messengers of the Akhund of Swat, who bore letters direct-

ing good Muhammadans to help them, and denouncing

those who did not. Major Becher thereupon called on

Muhammad Amin Khan, the Swathi chief of Garhi Habi-
bullah Khan, who held the Konsh valley in jagir, on the
headmen of Kagan, and others, to collect their followers
and resist the progress of the mutineers through the passes.
On the 24th of June he himself proceeded with a detach-
ment of the 2nd Sikhs and some police and levies to
Dhudial, in the Pakhli plain, whence he could control
all the principal roads and approaches. On the 25th the
mutineers advanced towards Konsh, but, seeing the passes
occupied in hostile fashion by the people of the country,
their courage failed them, and they turned back, deter-
mining at all hazards to attempt the difficult road near
the Indus and through Kohistan.

On learning of their altered route, Major Beoher wrote

to the Saiads of Allai and to the Kohistanis, urging them
to aid us in opposing the passage of men who had been
traitors to their salt. His letters had the desired effect.
Harassed by attacks from all sides, they struggled on
through that wild and inhospitable country, a dwindling
band of desperate men, till, surmounting the ridge that
divides Kohistan from the Kagan valley, they crossed the
Kunhar river early in July, and entered a deep nullah
some two miles to the south of the lake called Lulu Sar. It
led to one of the passes into Kashmir, but at that time of
the year this must have been almost blocked by snow.
Even were it practicable, however, most of them were too
weary, footsore, and famished to attempt it. Near the
shore of Dudibach Sar, a small lake which lies at the
head of the nullah, they surrendered, after a faint resist-
ance, to the Saiads, Gujars, and Kohistanis, who were
hovering round their flanks. One hundred and twenty-
four were here made prisoners, and shortly after forty-
three more, who had made their escape, were seized and
sent in by the Kashmir Government. Most of these men
were executed in different parts of the District, and thus
was accomplished the retribution of the ill-fated 55tli
regiment. The nullah that witnessed their surrender
bears now the name of Purhiala ka katlm or Purbianav,

the nullah of the Pui bias.’
tliis Major Beelier’s force returned to cantonments
in Abbottabad, and matters remained quiet and undis-
turbed in Hazara, though the delay in tlie fall of Delhi
operated here, as in other parts of the Punjab, to unsettle
the minds of the people, and to lead them to regard as
possible the downfall of the English power. One effect of
this was a combination of some of the Karral tribe in
Hazara, and of the Dhunds in the Rawalpindi District,
for the purpose of assaulting and sacking Murree. But
at the last moment Hassan Ali Khan, the Karral chief,
was (as related in Chapter II.) dissuaded by his relatives
from committing himself the Rawalpindi Dhunds were

left to make the attempt alone, and, forewarned by a

Dhund from Lora in the Hazara District, the authorities
at Murree had no difficulty in repelling the attack.
Thenceforward, though a second detachment of three
companies was dispatched from Abbottabad for the pro-
tection of Murree, and he was thus left with but a nominal
force of troops. Major Becher was able to keep his District
in perfect control.
History of the District Subsequent to the Mutiny ,

Of the
internal history of Hazara there is not much more to be
said, for the subsequent disturbances in Agror can bo dealt
with more conveniently in connexion with the frontier
matters discussed in the following chapter. The opening
of the hill-stations and cantonments in the Gal is about the
year 1870 brought the District more in contact with the
outer world, and increased its prosperity the first Regular

Settlement, which was completed in 1873, set at rest a

number of conflicting claims as to the ownership of estates,
and abolished many causes of discontent. The metalling
of the Hassan Abdal- Abbottabad road in 1892 to 1894, the
construction of the road up the Kagan valley to Chilas in
1895 to 1898, and the extension of the tonga road through
Mansehra to Garhi Habibullah Khan and Kashmir in
1900 and the following years, removed the complaints as
to the District’s inaccessibility. In 1900, as mentioned in
the preceding chapter, its area was swelled by the transfer
of the Attock tahsil from the then unwieldy Rawalpindi
District but in the following year, on the formation of

the North-West Frontier Province, Hazara proper was

included in the new Administration, and Attock remained
with the Punjab. The Chief Commissioner of the Pro-
vince has now his summer residence at Nathia Gali, and
Abbottabad itself, as the head-quarters of a brigade of
troops, has much increased in size and importance. A list
of the Deputy Commissioners of the District from annexa-
tion up to the year 1907 will be found in Appendix* VI.


The Tribes on the Hazara Border .

—From the Peshawar
District to Chilas the western border of Hazara is fringed

by a number of independent hill tribes, inhabiting a maze

of wild hills and narrow valleys that drain into the Indus.
These have been brought into relations of varying close-
ness with the British Administration, and no account of

the District would bo complete without some description

of them and of the occasions when they have come into

collision with us.

Utmanzais.—St&vtmg, then, from the boundary of the

Swabi tahsil, we first encounter the Utmanzais, who live

at Khabbal, Kaya, and other villages on the right bank

of the Indus facing Tarbela and the Kulai tract, at the

base of a spur of the Mahaban hill, which the imaginative

Abbott erroneously identified with Alexander the Groat’s
Aornos. They are nearly related to the Utmanzais on
the left bank, and indeed the two own land in each other's
territory. There is little difficulty in controlling them,
for if they are at all obstreperous a blockade soon brings
them to their senses.

Hindustani Fanatics.—ha. the Utmanzai country, facing

the village of Tawi in Kulai, is the site of what was once
the well-known village of Sitana, the home of the Hindu-
stani fanatics. The latter, a band of discontented and
bigoted Muhammadans from Hindustan, who had gathered
round the banner of Said Ahmad, a native of Bareilly,

163 11—2
border, retired here
and made themselves a power on the
death of their leader at
in 1830, after the defeat and
in the preceding
Balakot, which have been described
then established was
chapter. The colony which they
to be a thorn in our side for many
years to come.
AivW/Zdis and A.iub , —
North of the Utmanzais are the
Amazais, a section of the Utmanzai Yusafzais, who hardly
touch the British frontier, but.'march with the trans-Indus
territory of the Tanaoli Khan of Amb. The latter lies
for a few miles on the right bank of the Indus, and is of
small extent, comprising a few villages only, of which
Amb is the chief. Almost opposite this lies Kirpilian,
in theextreme north-west corner of the Badhnak tract in
the Haripur tahsil.
Mada Khels, Hassanzais and Akazais Keeping the. —
right bank of the river, we come next to the Mada Khels,
who occupy the northern slopes of the Mahaban range.
Beyond these again are the Hassanzais, who inhabit the
country on both sides of the Indus, those cis-Indus
occupying the southernmost portion of the western
slopes of the Black Mountain. North of the Hassanzais,
but living almost wholly cis-Indus on other of the Black
Mountain slopes, are the Akazais. These three tribes
are all sections of the Isazai clan of Yusafzai Pathans,
Isa, the second son of Yusaf, being reputed to have had
five sons, of whom named Hassan, Aka, and
three were
Mada The southern portion of the cis-
Indus Hassanzai country is separated from the Hazara
border by the feudal territory of the Khan of Amb, but
the northern portion and the country of the Akazais
march with Agror, the main ridge of the Black Mountain
forming the boundary.
Chigharzais and Pariariwals —
To the north of the

Akazais, but not touching British territory at any point,

are the Chigharzais, a section of the Malizai clan of the
Yusafzais, Chighar being a son of Mali, who was a fourth
son of Yusaf. Between these and Northern Agror arb the

Pariari Saiads, who occupy two glens on the eastern face

of the Black Mountain ridge. They have admitted a
number of Pathan and Swathi settlers to their villages,
including the Basi Khel Chigharzais, who have established
a strong hold on part of their territory.
Tihari, Daishiy Nandihar and Altai, —
We now leave the
Pathan country, and, turning east, come to Tikari, lying
north of Agror, a fertile 'valley inhabited by Swathis.
Mainly to the north of Pariari and Tikari, but with its
southern boundary touching the northern end of Agror,
lies Daishi, a succession of bold forest-covered spurs with

deep intervening valleys, also inhabited by Swathis.

Between Daishi and the Konsh and Bhogarmang valleys
of Hazara is Nandihar, consisting of two long open glens
whicli drain into the Indus at Thakot. This, too, is

Swathi country, as also is Allai, which comes next to the

north, and which is separated on its southern border from
the head of the Bhogarmang valley by the lofty range of
Musa ka Musalla.

KoMstan. North of Allai is Kohistan, the mountainous
country between the Indus and the Kagan valley, in-
habited by a Muhammadan race that appear to be Hindus
in origin, and speak a language of their own resembling
that of Gilgit and Ladakh.
Chilas. —East of them, and marching with the northern
end of the Kagan valley, is Chilas, whose people seem
akin to the Kohistanis, but speak a somewhat different
language. Neither the Kohistanis nor the Chilasis have
ever given serious trouble on the Hazara border, and
with the Chilas expedition of 1893 wo are not concerned.
They are peaceful traders and graziers, and in their queer
rounded caps, coarse pattu jackets and knickerbockers,
and primitive sandals and gaiters, are often to be met
with in the Kagan glen.

Internal Administration of the Tribes, The tribes above
described, excepting the Tanaolis, are all very democratic
in their character, and settle their affairs by the jirga
systom. But the Hassanzais have a nominal chief who
is known Khan of the Isazais, though his influence
as the
is confined in the main to his own section of the tribe, the
A.D. First Collision vnth Trans-border Tribes — The Murder
of Messrs. Carrie and Tapp .
—The first occasion on which
w© came into collision with any of the trans-border people
was in 1851. In theautumn of that year two officers
of tlie Salt Department, named Came and Tapp, entered
the cis- Indus territory of Jahandad Khan, the Khan of
Amb, with a view, apparently, to obtain information as to
the paths by which Kohat salt found its way into Hazara
and Kashmir. This sfi^p of theirs was a very rash one,
and was against the orders of the Board of Administration
and th<^ advice of Major Abbott, the Deputy Commis-
sioner. When near the Hassanzai limits, but still within
the Nawab’s territory, the ill-fated officers were attacked
^and murdered by a band of armed Hassanzais. It was
a cruel act, due, it would seem, to motives of robbery
and fanaticism ;
at any rate, it was quite unprovoked,
since, even had the preventive salt line been extended
to these regions, it would not have
affected the tribe.
Jahandad Khan and his Minister were at first suspected
of complicity by Major Abbott, but
the Khan, at any
rate, had apparently nothing to
do with the affair, and
he proved his loyalty by at once
delivering up such
Hassanzais as ho could find in his territory
as hostages
to the British authorities.
The tribe immediately made
war upon him, laid waste his border
villages, seized his
forts of Chamberi and
Shinglai, stirred up his subjects
to rebellion, and at last
reduced him to considerable
straits. Lord Dalhousie was at first very
reluctant to
take active measures against
a tribe which he could not
permanently control but it was necessary to support

Jahandad Khan, and to vindicate

the British name, so
orders were at length issued
for the punishment of the

The First Black Mountain Expedition. Accordingly, in Dec.,

December, 1852, an expeditionary force under the com- and

mand of Colonel Mackeson, the Commissioner of Pesha- 1863.
war, assembled at Shergarh in Feudal Tanawal. It
consisted of detachments from the Guides and 1st Sikhs,
two Dogra regiments from the Kashmir army, some
mountain guns, and a number of levies and police. It
was formed into three columns, one of which was under
Colonel Napier (subsequently Lord Napier of Magdala)
and a second under Major Abbott. The Hassanzais
and the troops, having scaled
offered little resistance,
the Black Mountain and burnt a number of villages,
returned to British territory in January, 1853. Their
losses were only some and wounded, and the
fifteen killed
Hassanzai losses were not much greater. But the
damage inflicted on the latter by the destruction of their
villages and their stores of grain had been considerable.
It was held, therefore, that they had been sufficiently
punished, and the hostages which were in our hands were
sent back to them.

Measures against Hindustani Fanatics. On their return Jan.,

from the Black Mountain the troops came into conflict

with the Hindustani fanatics, who had made common
cause with the Hassanzais against the Khan of Amb,
and had seized a small fort of his named Kotla on the
right bank of the Indus. On the 6th of January, 1853,
Major Abbott was sent with a column across the river
from Kirpilian to attack them but they did not await

his arrival, and fled, pursued by the Tanaolis, who cut

up thirty or forty of them. They also evacuated Sitana,
but Colonel Mackeson, thinking that enough had been
achieved, left their head-quarters alone, and the troops
recrossed the river.
Expedition against Hindustani Fanatics. —It was not A.D.

many years, however, before we were again in collision

with the Hindustanis. In October, 1857, they attacked
Lieutenant Horne, Assistant Commissioner of Mardan,
on the Peshawar border, and it was determined this time
to root them out of their stronghold. Accordingly, in
May, 1858, a force under General Sir Sydney Cotton, after
punisJiing the Khudu Khel tribe, who had been in league
with the Hindustanis, marched to Khabbal, the Utmanzai
village opposite Tarbela, with the object of attacking
Sitana. Meanwhile Major Becher, the Deputy Commis-
sioner of Hazara, moved down' the left bank of the Indus
with some mountain guns and detachments of the
2nd Sikhs and the 6th and 12th Punjab Infantry. This
force crossed the river early on the morning of the 4th of
May, and a general and successful attack was then
delivered. The Hindustanis, dressed in their best for the
and fifty of them were killed.
occasion, fought fanatically,
The villages of Upper and Lower Sitana were destroyed
by the troops, who then retired to British territory.
Their total losses were thirty-five killed and wounded.
A.D. Further Measures against the Hindustani Fanatics —
1863 .

Ambela Expedition The Gaduns of the Peshawar

border and the Utmanzais bound themselves to prevent

the Hindustanis from returning to Sitana, and the latter
retired to Malka, on the north of the Mahaban mountain.
But in 1863
they reoccupied Sitana, and, as no effort to
stop them had been made by the Gaduns and Utmanzais,
the tribes were placed under blockade by troops, and
levies were posted along the Indus and on the
Amb and
Peshawar borders. This measure, however, hardly had
the desired effect. Open acts of hostility
were committed
by the Hindustanis and the Hassanzais, and the border
continued in a very disturbed state. It was accordingly
detei mined to make an effort to rid the frontier effectually
of the cause of all the trouble,
and what was thereafter
known Ambela Expedition was sanctioned. With
as the
the details of this campaign
we are not concerned, for
the scene of operations was
at some distance from the
Hazara frontier, and the tribes
immediately on that
frontier were overawed by
the troops that were stationed

at Darband and Tarbela to watch them. Tlie results as

regards the Hindustanis were that they lost a number
of men, that they were again expelled from Sitana, and
that their stronghold at Malka was destroyed. And,
for the future, the Gaduns, Utmanzais, Mada Khels, and
Amazais executed agreements promising to exclude them
from their limits.
The Second Black Mountain Expedition Disturbances —
in Agror .

The next important event in the trans-border
history of Hazara is the Black Mountain Expedition of
1868. The Hassanzais had and made some
risen in 1863,
attacks on the Amb troops, had been intended
and it

to punish them after the Hindustanis had been dealt

with but, the Ambela campaign proving a bigger busi-

ness than had been anticipated, they were left alone, and
subseqmmtly they came in to the Deputy Commissioner
of Hazara and made their peace with Government. They
kept this till July, 1868, when, in company with some
Akazais, Chigharzais, and Pariari Saiads, they made an
attack on the police who had been quartered at Oghi in
the Agror valley. They were driven off after a hand-to-
liand fight, leaving six dead, but they succeeded in carry-
ing away with them four policemen and considerable
plunder. The attack appeared to have been instigated
by the Khan of Agror, Ata Muhammad Khan, who had
resented the location of a police post in the valley as
diminishing his dignity and authority, and had also a
grievance in having been deprived —under the abortive
Settlement which preceded that of 1872 —of proprietary
rightswhich were his undoubted due. He hoped now to
be called in to calm the storm that he had raised and to
secure the withdrawal of the police. But he was quickly
disappointed. The Peshawar Mountain Battery and 350
men Gurkhas under Colonel Rothney marched
of the 5th
immediately to Oghi, and the Khan was seized and
deported to Abbottabad.
For some days the troops had to act mainly on the
defensive, though reinforcements were hurried up.
offending clans had been joined by Akazais and some
trans-border Swathis, and they proceeded to attack and
burn several villages in the valley The local levies proved

worthless, excerpting the Tanaolis of Amb, who, under

their Khan, Muhammad Akram Khan, Jahandad Khan’s
successor, displayed great gallantry. On the 12th of
August Colonel Rothney, heading that the enemy were
planning a combined attack on his camp, moved out
against them where they were collected at the base of the
Khabbal hill and along the spur running down to Man-
chura. They were driven up the hill with little resistance,
and eventually fled in all directions. A feature of the
engagement was a bold dash up the slope over seemingly
impossible ground, made without waiting for orders, by
Akram Khan and his Tanaoli sowars. Thenceforth no
further attempts were made by the enemy in the Agror
valley. But they had succeeded in doing consider-
able damage, twenty-one villages in all being burnt,
and the total casualties of the British force being
Operations of the Expeditionary Force —
This conduct

was not to be tolerated, and no time was lost in collecting

an imposing force to inflict the necessary punishment.
It being judged unwise to weaken the garrisons on the
Peshawar border, troops were hurried up from the Punjab
and the North-West Provinces, some remarkable marches
being performed in spite of the great heat. So fierce was
this that on the way to Abbottabad the 6th regiment
had thirty-eight men struck down by heat apoplexy,
of whom eight died. By the end of September a force
of 12,500 men and twenty-six guns were collected at
various posts on the Hazara frontier under the command
of Major General Wilde. To such an army the offending
tribes could naturally offer
no effectual resistance, and
several them hastened to make their submission.
The Hassanzais had early in the day been won ‘over

by the Khan of Amb, and took no part in the affair

of the 12th of August ; the relatives of the Khan of
Agror, who had fled across the border, surrendered
themselves, and the Swathis of Tikari and Nandihar
spontaneously offered payment of fines to expiate their
guilt. But the Chigharzais, Akazais, Pariari Saiads,
and Swathis of Daishi for a short time remained recal-
citrant. The troops advanced from Oghi on the 3rd of
October, easily brushed aside all resistance, and estab-
lished themselves on the main ridge of the Black Mountain
above Pariari, even bringing elephants up to the top of
the Machai peak, 9,800 feet in height. It only needed
the burning of a few Saiad villages to bring the tribes
to their senses, and they hastened to make their
peace. Major Pollock, the Commissioner of Peshawar,
who was the chief political officer with the force, treated
them very leniently. The Akazais were told that the
village of Shahtut in the Agror valley, which, though
inside British territory, had been held by them rent-free
and as independent territory, would be considered as a
British possession and assessed to revenue. The others,
apparently, were let off altogether, being merely required
to provide hostages for their good behaviour during the
march of the troops through their country. The Com-
missioner justified these very easy terms by arguing that
on an occasion like this the object should be rather to
effect what was called lifting up the 'purdahs than
to ’ ‘

kill numbers of the tribesmen, or unceremoniously to

impose fines, or to unroof or burn villages or destroy

crops.’ The tribes must have been astonished at the
moderation of the Government when the whole of their
country lay at its mercy, but it is to be feared, as the
sequel shows, that they were not as grateful as they should
have been. The terms having been settled, the troops
marched through Pariari, Tikari, and Nandihar, the only
mishaps being a futile attack by the Pariari Saiads on
the rearguard, as a punishment for which their village of
Garhi was burnt. On the 20th of October the force re-
entered British territory by the Konsh valley, and re-
turned to Agror. Thus ended the second Black Mountain
expedition. The total casualties in the operations were
thirty-four men killed and wounded.
A.D. Events Subsequetd to the SecoTid Bldck Mouutdiu Ex-
pedition.— Events soon proved that the lenient policy
pursued was hardly a success. In July, 1869, two hamlets

in Agror— Barchar and Guldheri—were burnt by a party

of Hassanzais, Pariari Saiads, and Akazais, four of the
villagers being killed and seventeen wounded. In August
the village of Jaskot was attacked, and several villagers
and a police constable killed. In consequence of these
outrages a fresh force under Colonel Rothney moved into
the Agror valley, and on the 7th of October the village
of Shahtut, belonging to the Akazais, was destroyed, its
lands were declared to be confiscated, and a formal
proclamation was issued prohibiting the Akazais from
occupying it again without the permission of Govern-
ment. It was also determined that a force should be
permanently stationed at Agror sufficient to meet all

attacks and follow up raiders beyond the British border ;

and by order of the Supreme Government the valley was

removed from the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts and
the operation of the general laws.
A.D. During the winter of 1869-1870 Agror was unmolested,
but as soon as the snows melted on the Black Mountain
the raids recommenced. On the 9th of April the village
of Barchar was attacked by Akazais and the headmen
killed. On the 15th the village of Sambulbhut was burnt
by Akazais and Khankhel Hassanzais, and on the 23rd
the village of Bholu shared the same fate. These villages
were all situated on the slopes of the Black Mountain,
but the British troops who were camped in the valley
were powerless to prevent the raids, and all Colonel
Rothney could do was to destroy the crops round

Restoration of Khan of Agror and Subsequent Events A.D. , —

In the summer of 1870 the Khan of Agror, whom the^®^®’
inquiries of the Settlement officer, Captain Wace, proved,
as above mentioned, to have been unjustly deprived of
ancient rights in the valley, was pardoned and allowed
to return to his home from his exile in Lahore. General
feeling on the border being one of satisfaction at his
restoration, for a time all went well. And late in the
autumn the troops were all withdrawn, with the exception
of a small detachment, which was stationed at Oghi.
But in June, 1871, the Akazais, who were dissatisfied at A.D.
not being allowed to rebuild Shahtut and at not getting
any share in the Khan’s property, raided and burnt three
outlying hamlets, Kongu, Guldheri, and Bholu. In re-
taliation the Khan sent 300 men across the border to
burn a Khan, held by the Akazais, in
village called Ali
Tikari, an unauthorized act which called down upon him
the grave displeasure of Government.
In 1872 a body of Hassanzais were about to force aA.D.
passage through Agror to attack the Swathis of Daishi,
but, on a reinforcement of British troops being sent out,
they abandoned the attempt. During the same year
several offences were committed by the Akazais on the
border, but were not of a serious nature. In July, 1873, A.D.

some Akazais and Chigharzais raided the village of Barchar

in revenge for the confiscation of Shahtut. During 1874 A.D.

the Akazais continued to give trouble, and in May, 1875,

^ combined with some

they Hassanzais and Chigharzais to A.D.
attack the village of Glianian, but were beaten off by
Gulam Haidar Khan, the son of the Khan, and a small
body of police.
Submission of —
Akazais and Hassanzais, After this a
resort to military coercion appeared inevitable, but in
September, 1875, the Akazai jirga came in to the Deputy
Commissioner and made a complete and unreserved
submission. They renounced all claim to Shahtut, ex-
pressed regret for the past, and promised to respect
British and British subjects in future. In
December the Hassanzais also came in and made similar
Death of Ata Muhammad Khun, Khan of ^grror.— To-
wards the end of the year Ata Muhammad Khan, to whose
intrigues many of the troubles on this section of the
frontier had been due, died, and was succeeded by his
son, Ali Gauhar Khan, the present titular Khan of Agror,
then a minor.
A.D. Rise of Hashim Ali Khan, Khan of the Hassanzais.—
^®®®*Por some years after this settlement the Akazais and
Hassanzais gave little trouble. But in 1880 an event
occurred which was to bring into prominence a man who
soon became, and still remains, the mainspring of all our
trouble with the Black Mountain tribes. In February
of that year Ahmad Ali Khan, the Khan of the Hassan-
zais, was murdered by his rival Piroz Khan. A conflict
then arose between the latter and the Khan’s younger
brother, Hashim Ali Khan, who was supported by the
Mada Kliels, and Firoz Khan was forced to seek refuge
in the territory of the Khan of Amb. In March, 1882,
Hashim Ali Khan surprised the village of Kulakka, in
British territory near Oghi, and killed Muzaffar Khan
and Samundar, maternal relatives of Firoz Khan, whom
he charged with complicity in his brother’s murder. A
fine of 2,000 rupees was imposed on him, and the Has-
sanzais were informed that as a tribe they were responsible
good conduct. The fine was not paid,
for their chief’s
but the Hassanzais continued quiet for some time.
A.D. Disturbances in Agror fomented by Abdulla Khan, the

1887 ^

Cousin. A new cause of trouble, however, had
arisen on the border. The late Khan of Agror, Ata
Muhammad Khan, had been on bad terms with his cousin,
AUahdad Khan, who, before the annexation of the
Punjab, had acted as his guardian during his minority.
The enmity descended to their sons, Ali Gauhar Khan
and Abdullah Khan respectively, and at the end of *1882

the former petitioned the Deputy Commissioner to deprive

Abdullah Khan of the lease of six villages in Agror which %
he had hitherto enjoyed. In April, 1884, in direct viola-
tion of a promise which he had given to the Deputy
Commissioner, Abdullah Khan left his residence at Dilbori
and crossed the border into territory belonging to the
Pariari Saiads. Aided by Akazais, Saiads, and Chighar-
zais, he at once began to! foment disturbances. Several
raids were committed on villages in Agror, the most
serious being an attack by Akazais on the village of
Bolian in June, 1884, when the Swathis of Belian had
eighteen and the raiders twenty casualties. In conse-
quence of these outrages, by orders issued in July, 1884,
the allowance of 592 rupees granted by Government to
Abdullah Khan was confiscated; he was proclaimed an
outlaw, and the Akazais, the Pariari Saiads, and their
Chigharzai tenants were placed under blockade. In
September the Chigharzais made an attack on the village
of Ghanian, but were dispersed by a detachment of the
5th Gurkhas from the Oghi fort under Lieutenant Barrett,
and the Chigharzai tribe as a whole was thereupon
included in the blockade.
In November some Chigharzais and Pariari Saiads,
accompanied by Abdullah Khan and his brothers, attacked
Dilbori, but were repulsed with loss by the villagers and
the Khan of Agror ’s levies. In the following year (1885) ad.
matters became more quiet, and it seemed as if the tribes
were losing heart in Abdullah Khan’s cause. In October
full jirgas of Chigharzais and Pariari Saiads came in to

Abbottabad and made their submission. A fine of

800 rupees was imposed on the former and 600 rupees
on the latter, and on their payment in January, 1886,
tliirty members of the two tribes, who had been detained

as hostages at Rawalpindi since March, 1885, were

released. Both tribes gave hostages for their future
good behaviour, and these were sent to Abbottabad. The
Akazais did not join in this submission, and they con-
tinued under blockade throughout 1886 and 1887.

During this period they gave little trouble, though the

A.D. blockade affected them but slightly. In the year 1886
neither Chigharzais nor Pariari Saiads committed any
offence on the border, but they continued ostentatiously
to espouse the cause of Abdullah Khan, and it soon became
apparent that the very lenient settlement of the previous
A.D. year was a failure. In July, J887, Abdullah Khan, with
his brothers and a party of Chigharzais, raided the
village of Bagrian, and carried off a number of cattle,
most of which were rescued by the villagers, after a fight
in which botli sides lost some men. In August some
Chigharzai tenants of the Pariari Saiads murdered a
villager of Ghanian, in consequence of which the Pariari
hostages were incarcerated in jail and a fine was imposed
on the tribe.

A.D. Filling up the Cup , —The cup of offence was now nearly
£^j] Black Mountain tribes had been treated with
extreme leniency in the expedition of 1868 and in the
nineteen years following. Their punishments had been
almost nominal, and they must have begun to think that
they might indulge in any number of pin-pricks with
comparative immunity. But certain events in the first
half of the year 1888 at last convinced the Government
of India that more decisive action was necessary. In
January the followers of Hashim Ali Khan raided the
hamlet of Udigraon in the Agror valley, killed two
British subjects, and kidnapped two others. A demand
for the unconditional surrender of the two captiv('s was
ignored, and when reminded of the joint responsibility of
their tribe the Hassanzai maliks sent a defiant answer.
Evidence was subsequently forthcoming which seemed
to implicate the Khan
of Agror and his agent, Pazl AJi
Khan, and a detailed investigation resulted in
in the raid,
the arrest of the latter and the deportation of the Khan
to Lahore. In addition to this the Punjab Government
proposed that active measures should be taken against


the Khankhel Hassanzais and the Pariari Saiads, but

the Government of India did not think there was sufficient
justification for such a step, and instead a blockade
was, in April, imposed on the Hassanzais, the Pariari
Saiads, and their Chigharzai tenants.
The Deaths of Major Battye and Captain Urmston. A June —
serious affair, however, which occurred on the 1 8th of Jggg
June induced the Govcrnn^ent to reconsider the matter.
Early on the morning of that day Major Battye of the
5th Gurkhas, with sixty men of his regiment and nineteen
police, and accompanhid by Captain Urmston of the
6th Punjab Infantry, loft Oghi fort and ascended the
Barchar spur to make himself acquainted with the
featuresof the surrounding country. Shortly before
reaching the crest, and while still within British territory,
the party was fired on by some Gujar graziers, who were
tenants of the Akazais. Not returning the fire. Major
Battye pushed on towards Chittabat, still keeping within
British territory ;
then, finding the enemy were becoming
more numerous and their fire heavier, he decided to
retreat, and accordingly the retirement of the party was
ordered, covered by a small rearguard. A havildar in
the rearguard having been wounded, the two British
officers went back to his assistance with a stretcher
while they were putting the wounded man into it the
enemy charged, and in the hand-to-hand fight which
ensued both of them were killed. The main body mean-
while, unaware of what had occurred, had continued the
retirement, but a subadar who had been with the officers
succeeded in escaping, and, rejoining his men, led them
back and recovered the bodies. Four Gurkhas and six
of the enemy wore also killed in this affair. The Khan-
kkel Hassanzais, under Hashim Ali Khan, and the Pariari
Saiads, on hearing the firing, had joined in the attack, and
during the following days large bodies of Hassanzais and
Akazais, with a contingent from Pariari, assembled on
the ridges of the Black Mountain with the idea of attacking
Agror . They were joined on the 27th of June by Abdullah
Khan, with 120 Hindustani fanatics from Maidan near
Palosi on the Indus but eventually it
was decided to take
no action for the present, and the gathering dispersed.
A.D. Third Black Mountain Expedition.—The first retaliatory
steps taken by Government were to include the Hindu-
stanis of Maidan in the blockade and to arrest the Khan
of Agror, who had been removed from Lahore to Murree,
under Regulation III. of 1 818. But more active measures
wore called for, and, in response to the urgent recom-
mendations of th(^ Punjab Government, the Government
was necessary.
of India decided that a punitive expedition
Accordingly a force of over 12,000 men and twenty-four
guns, imder the command of Major-General McQueen*
was collected. It comprised four battalions of British
infantry, nine battalions ofNative Infantry, two battal-
ions of Kashmir and a detachment from the
Khaibar Rifl(^s. By the 1st of October the troops were
concentrated at Oghi and Darband i*espectively, and on
the 4th of October, as the offending tribes had not com-
plied with the terms of Government, operations began.
Of these terms the chief were the delivery of the two
kidnapped British subjects, the payment of a fine of
5,300 rupees, and the acceptance of complete responsi-
bility for the behaviour of their Khan, by the Hassanzais ;

the surrender of Hashim Ali Khan by the Khankhel

section the payment of a fine of 4,000 rupees and the

acceptance of joint responsibility with the Hassanzais for

the behaviour of the Khan, by the Akazais; the payment
fine of 1,500 rupees by the Saiads and Chigharzais
of PWiari, and of a fine of 1,000 rupees by the residents
in Tikari. The Hassanzais, Akazais, and Pariariwals were
also required to give hostages for their good conduct.
The expeditionary was divided into four columns,
which scoured the Black Mountain country, burnt a
number of villages, including the Hindustani colony of
Maidan, destroyed large stores of grain and fodder, and

altogether did damage estimated as amounting to half a

lakh of rupees. The only serious opposition encountered
was in an action at Kot Kai on the Indus, where a body
of fanatics, consisting mostly of the Hindustanis, made
a desperate rush against the British line, losing eighty-
eight of their number in the attempt. On the 19th of
October the Akazais submitted, and accepted unreservedly
all the conditions imposed', and on the 30th the Hassan-

zais followed their example, and paid up their fine, which

had meanwhile been enhanced to 7,500 rupees.
Visit to Tikari and Pariari. —
The force then turned its
attention to Tikari and Pariari. The Tikariwals quickly
paid up their fine of 1,000 rupeces, but the Pariariwals
wore less submissive, and in consequence their villages of
Garhi and Kopra were burnt. Thakot on the Indus,
which had been left untouched by the expedition of 1868,
was also visited.
Visit to Altai —Offences of the Allaiwals. —After this a
movement was made through Nandihar into the difficult
country of Allai. Against the Swathis resident in this
tract there was a somewhat long score. In August,
1868, they had attacked a survey party working in
Bhogarmang under Mr. G. B. Scott, and it had been
intended to punish them in the expedition of that year,
hut the idea was subsequently abandoned and a fine of
500 rupees was imposed instead, which, however, was
not paid. In 1874 a raid upon a party of Kohistanis
within British territory was punished by the seizure of a
number of Allaiwals and a blockade of the tribe. Their
jirga thereupon came in to the Deputy Commissioner for
the first time in their history and made their submission.
In 1877 a raid on the village of Battal, near the head of
the Konsh valley, necessitated another blockade, which
continued in force for several years. In 1880 a number of
Hindus, who had been carried off in the Battal raid, were
given up by the jirga, and in 1881 the latter ransomed some
prisoners who were in our hands for 600 rupees ;
but the
other terms imposed on them — viz., the payment of a fine

of 5,000 rupees for the Battal raid and of the fine of 600

rupees due for the attack on Mr. Scott, and the submission
of their fanatical chief, Arsala Khan—remained unfulfilled.
The blockade, however, was shortly afterwards removed,
and their punishment deferred. Even now that oppor-
tunity offered, little was done except to burn and destroy
Pokal, Arsala Khan’s village. A certain amount of
resistance was experienced, and there were several
Break-up of the Force. —Shortly after this the Pariari
Saiads submitted, and paid up their fine of 1,500 rupees.
The troops were therefore gradually withdrawn to
British territory, and on the 11th of November the field

force was broken up. The total casualties during the

expedition wore about 100.
Events Leading to the Fourth Black Mountain Expedi-
tion. — Successful as appeared, on the whole, to be the
result of these operations, it was not long before wc were
again in conflict with the Black Mountain clans. Among
the terms of the agreements executed by the Hassanzais
and Akazais was one by which they bound themselves
not to molest officials of Government or troops visiting

the crest of the Black Mountain or the Agror border. In

pursuance of this arrangement the Government of India,
in March, 1890, ordered the construction of several roads
leading from Agror up to the ridge, and it was also
resolved to send a force to make a peaceable route march
along its top in the autumn. This policy was strongly
A.D. resented by the tribes, and in October, 1890, when troops
from Abbottabad assembled in Agror to carry out the
projected route march, some Khankhel Hassanzais and
Akazais, assembled by Sikandar Khan, the brother of
Hashim Ali Khan, came down to Barchar and fired into
the camp.
A,D. The Fourth Black Mountain Expedition. The troops —
were withdrawn next day, and the clans were informed

that they would be duly punished when the spring

arrived. Accordingly, in March, 1891, a force, consisting
of about 6,300 men and eighteen guns, was concentrated
at Darband in Feudal Tanawal, under tlie command of
Major-General Elies, the object of the expedition being,
in the Government of India’s words, To carry out the

purpose for which the niovement of troops was made

last October —namely, to ’assert our right to move along
the crest of the Black Mountain without molestation, and
more particularly to inflict punishment on the tribes
concerned for the hostility practised on that occasion.’
In the operations that ensued the Hassanzais and
Akazais offered practically no resistance. Hashim Ali
Khan fled to the Chigharzais on the Buner border first ;

the Hassanzai country, and then that of the Akazais,

were overrun by the troops and the only serious opposi-

tion encountered was due to a large gathering of Buner-

wals, Gaduns, Hindustani fanatics, and others, which,
collecting in Chigharzai territory and on the ridge between
the Hassanzai and Buner country, at one time threatened
seriously to complicate the situation. Parties from this
gathering came into collision with the troops at several
places, notably at Ghazikot on the left bank of the Indus,
where a band of Hindustani fanatics made a desperate
attack on a Dogra picket of the 4th Sikhs on the night
of the 18th of March, and were driven back witli the
loss of at least fifty men. But, being reassured as to the
Government’s intentions, they were eventually induced
to disperse.
Settlement with the Tribes . —^The way was now paved
for a settlement with the Hassanzais and Akazais, and
the jirgas of those tribes, being anxious to begin the
sowing of the maize crop, came in ^t the end of May, and
executed an agreement, of which the most important
terms were the perpetual banishment of Hashim Ali Khan
and, his relatives, Sikandar Khan, Sheikh Ata Muhammad,
and Turrabaz Khan, from their territory, the prohibition
of any future settlement the Hindustani fanatics
within their borders, the freedom of election of the Khan
of Seri (outside the four proscribed Khankhels), and
full responsibility for his conduct. The Mada Khol
and Pariari jirgos also came in and executed similar
Election of Ibrahim Khan as Khan of Seri, and In-
auguration of System of Tribal 'Allowances and Enrolment
of Trans-border Men in the Border Police. In pursuance —
of these arrangements, Ibrahim Khan, the rival and
enemy of Hashim Ali Khan, with the help of the Nawab of
Amb, whose daughter he had married, was elected Khan of
Seri, and was then put in possession of Hashim Ali Khan’s
estate and given a present of money and rifles and an
annual allowance of 2,000 rupees. But it was felt that
further measures were needed to secure the future peace
of this portion of the frontier. Accordingly the proposals
of Mr. (now Sir Frederick) Cunningham, the Deputy
Commissioner of Hazara, to give some small allowances
to the maliks of the trans-border clans, and to enrol a
number of the tribesmen in a force of Border Police, were
accepted by the Government of India. On the inaugura-
tion of the new system* in November, 1891, the troops,
which till then had remained across the frontier, were
withdrawn, and the Fourth Black Mountain Expedition
was thus brought to a successful conclusion. The total
casualties on the British side during the operations were
only fifty-three.
Isazai Expedition of 1892. —
Yet one more expedition,
however, was to take place before Black Mountain politics
ceased to be a matter of continual and serious Imperial
concern. In April, 1892, Hashim Ali Khan, in defiance
of theagreements executed by the tribes, left the distant
Chigharzai territory, where he had been residing, and
* The annual allowances sanctioned
for the maliks of the various
wre as follows: Hassanzais, 1,700 rupees; Akazais, 800 rupees;
Mada ^els, 1,000 rupees Pariariwals, 500 rupees Eesidents of
Daism, Tikari, and Nandihar, 1,000 rupees; total,
6,000 rupees.
FOHT AT 0(1111 (UL \( K MOl'NTMN UIUdK IN U\C KdllOUM)).

paid a visit to some Mada Khel and Hassanzai villages

near the right bank of the Indus. This flagrant violation
of the recent settlement could not be tolerated a blockade ;

was imposed on the Mada Khels in June, and Major-

General Sir William Lockhart, commanding the Punjab
Frontier Force, was deputed to inform the three Isazai

clans Hassanzai, Akazai,,and Mada Khel that, unless —
Hashim Ali Khan was surrendered within a month, they
would be punished. The negotiations, however, proved
a failure, for Hashim Ali Khan, though promised an allow-
ance of 300 rupees a month for the maintenance of
himself and his family during their detention in British
territory, declined to come in, and accordingly, in
September, 1892, a punitive force of about 6,000 men and
twenty-four guns was concentrated under Major-General
Lockhart at Darband. The troops crossed the Indus
higher up, and, meeting no resistance, advanced to Baio,
the village where Hassan Ali Khan had established
himself. This and other villages in the neighbourhood
they found deserted, and all that could be don© was to
destroy them and return. The object of the expedition
having been achieved so far as was practicable, and the
troops, moreover, being visited by an epidemic of cholera
which carried off twenty-four men, no time was lost in
breaking up the force, and by the 13th of October Darband
was evacuated.
Black Mountain Politics from A,D. 1893 to 1905. —In
the following years quietude, broken only by intertribal
squabbles and fighting, with which the British Govern-
ment did not concern itself, reigned on the border.
Hashim Ali Khan made several tentative offers of sub-
mission, but the terms now offered — viz., residence in
the Rawalpindi or Peshawar Districts and monthly allow-
ances of 150 rupees for himself and 50 rupees each to his
brother, Sikandar Khan, and his cousin, Turrabaz Khan,
did not prove acceptable to him, and he remained in exile.
Viewed at first with distrust, the enrolment of the tribes-
men Border Police proved eventually a success,
in the
and, though occasionally the tribal jirgas, in a sulky mood,
refused to take their allowances and tried the patience

and temper of the Deputy Commissioner, they refrained

from any act of open hostility. Ibrahim Khan, however,
Avas not a success as their chief, being unpopular with the
elans and possessing little influence over them. In
recognition of this fact his annual allowance was in 1900

reducid to 700 rupees.

A.D. Burning of Seri and Murder of Ibrahim Khan. —In the
situation has again become somewhat
more and complicated.
interesting In November, 1905,
IbraJiim Khan inflamed the antagonism of the isazai
tribes by engineering the murder of his cousin, Isa Khan,
with whom he had ahvays been on the worst of terms.
At the end of April, 1906, after prolonged and fruitless
negotiations for the settlement of the case, the tribesmen
took th(^ law into their own hands, burnt Seri and other
villages belonging to the Khan,and declared to the
Deputy Commissioner that they had decided to disown
him as their chief. Shortly afterwards, however, with
the help of some of the Akazais, Ibrahim Khan recovered
possession of Seri, and began to rebuild it. Annoyed at
this, a band of Hassanzais raided Seri in September,

destroyed the tower that Ibrahim Khan had erected, and

cut down his maize.
And on the 3rd of November another
band, headed by Sikandar Khan and Turrabaz Khan
themselves, surrounded a mosque where Ibrahim Khan
was staying, close to the Karun Border Police post that
overlooks Seri, set fire to the building, and shot down
Ibrahim Khan as he tried to escape.
By the tribal code of ethics the latter may have de-
served his death, but# the offence of allowing two of the
proscribed adherents of Hashim Ali Khan into Hassanzai
cis- Indus territory could not be overlooked, and a portion
of the tribe’s allowance was withheld as a punishment.
In regard to the Khauship now vacant by Ibrahim Khan’s

death, the clans were in March, 1907, informed that

Hashim Ali Khan and men could not
the other proscribed
be allowed to return from their exile in any circumstances,
nor could Hashim Ali Khan be recognized as chief. But
if they unanimously desired the election of one of Hashim
Ali Khan’s sons, and he happened to be a fit person for
the appointment, the matter would be reported for the
consideration of Government. After much squabbling,
Sher Ali Khan, the eldest son of Hashim Ali Khan, was
in May, 1907, elected to the Khanship by the tribe. His
formal recognition by Government will depend on how
ho acquits himself in his precarious position. Meantime
quietude reigns on this side of the border ;
the Khan of
Agror remains an and the Agroris, most of them

by no means anxious to have him back, till their fertile

lands in peace and security.



Description of the Tmcf.—The tract known as Feudal or

Uppei* Tanawal occupies the centre of the western half
of the Hazara District. It is bounded on the south by
the Badhnak Haripur tahsil on the west by
tract of the ;

the Indus, and, farther north, by the Black Mountain

on the east by portions of the Abbottabad and Mansehra
tahsils and on the north by the Agror valley. Its area

is 204 square miles, and its population at the census of

1901 amounted to 31,622 persons, giving a density of
155 per square mile. In 1881 the population was 24,044,
and in 1891, 32,385. The apparent decline in the last
decade is perhaps due to defective enumeration in 1891.
The people arc almost all agriculturists pure and simple,
and there are but 600 Hindus in the whole tract. In
fact, Darband on the Indus is the only place where there

is any trade to speak of. Tanaolis form 60 per cent,

and Gujars 12 per cent, of the entire population. The
country resembles in character that adjoining it to the
south and east, and is a network of steep hills and valleys
studded by small villages. The Sir an river crosses a
corner at the middle of the eastern boundary, which it

then skirts as far as^ the border of Badhnak, and the

Unhar, issuing from the Agror valley, traverses its north-

eastern portion. The dominating physical feature is the
Bhingra hill, whose pine-clad slopes tower to a heigjit of
8,500 feet between the two rivers. The cultivation is of

the usual hill type, with here and there an open space
at the base of a mountain or along the edges of a stream.
The chief crops are maize in the and wheat and
barley in the rabi harvest. The irrigated lands grow
rice and a little sugar-cane and turmeric. The forests
of Bhingra contain palvdar, biar, chir, and oak.

The Two States, Amb and Phulra. The two States
composing Feudal Tanawal are divided between two
chiefs, the Khan of Amb and the Khan of Phulra. The
former is far the most important, and, indeed, owns per-
haps five-sixths of the total area. The south-eastern
portion of the tract, from the crest of Bhingra to the
Mansehra boundary, is the minor Khan’s domain. Phulra
has the poorer soil, and contains very little irrigation.
In Amb, on the other hand, the Parhanna and Shergarh
tracts, the one on the Siran and the other on the Unhar,
are fertile and well watered, and along the Indus near
Darband, and on the Badhnak border round Lassan, is
some unirrigated land of fair quality. As regards forests
also, the chief of Amb is the better Phulra has only

tli(^ southern slopes of a portion of the Bhingra range Amb


has part of the southern and the whole of the northern

slopes,and also some c/^^r-clad hills on the border of the
Mansehra tahsil. The populations of the two States in
1901 were 6,666 and 24,956 souls respectively.

History of the Family of the Chief of Amb The Founder,

Haibat Khan. The chief of Amb is the head of the
Hindwal section of the Tanaoli tribe. The rise of his
family dates from the end of the eighteenth century, when
one Haibat Khan established his superiority over the
four other leading men among the Hindwals, and began
to claim equality with Gul Sher Khan, the head of the
Pallal section. The latter, resentiqg these pretensions,
invaded the Kulai tract, where Haibat Khan resided,
and devastated its villages. Haibat Khan fled, but after
a time tendered his submission, and was allowed to return
to Kulai. The peace was cemented by the betrothal of
a daughter of Gul Sher Khan to Haibat Khan s son,
Hashim Ali, and of a daughter of Haibat Khan to Gul
Sher Khan’s son, Ahmad Ali Khan.
Hashim Ali,Son of Haibat Haibat Khan died
about A.D. 1803, and was succeeded in the chiefship of
the Hindwals by Hashim Ali. Meanwhile Ahmad Ali
Khan had taken his father’s place as chief of the Pallahs.
Jealous of Hashim Ali’s growing power, he began to make
things so unpleasant for the latter and his brother, Nawab
Khan, that they took refuge on the slopes of Mahaban.
From there they sent Ahmad Ali Khan a message de-
manding possession of the villages of Darband and Ghari,
which were formerly strongholds of the Hindwals, but
had been seized by Gul Sher Khan. On this Ahmad Ali
Khan managed to entice Hashim Ali and his sister,
Hashim Ali’s wife, to visit him, promising that the two
villages should be restored as her dowry. Having thus
got Hashim Ali into his power, he massacred him and
his following of 100 men, and sent his sister back to Nawab
Khan with her husband’s corpse. Nawab Khan there-
upon married her, and, becoming chief of the Hindwals
in his brother’s stead, gradually increased his power.
Nawab Khan, Brother of Hashim Ali, and his Rival,

Ahmad Ali Khan, Fallal. Meanwhile retribution came
upon Ahmad Ali Khan from another quarter. On the
petition of his cousin, Akbar Khan, who had been
unjustly deprived of his heritage, Ata Muhammad Khan,
Barakzai, the Governor of Kashmir, to which province
Tanawal was nominally subordinate, dispatched a force
to punish Ahmad Ali Khan, and the latter, unable to
make resistance, fled across the river to Mahaban. The
Duranis put Akbar Ali Khan in possession of Phuhar,
Boi, and Derah, bur^it Ahmad Ali Khan’s residence, and
then retired. After some more vicissitudes Ahmad Ali
Khan recovered his position as head of the Pallals. He
was subsequently assassinated by his uncle Sarbuland
Khan, who succeeded him in the chiefship.

Nawah Khan's End. An equally violent end awaited
his rival, Nawab Khan. On one occasion he left his
residence in Kulai to meet and escort the mother of the
Azam Khan and Ata Muhammad
great Barakzai Sardars,
Khan, as she was on her way from Kashmir to Kabul.
He entertained her with great honour, but, when the
time came for her to resume her journey, he had the
insolence to ask her to present him with her izarhavd,
or pyjama string, which he had heard was of great value.
Deeply offended though she was, she had no option but
to comply and give up the ornament in question. On
her return to Kabul she told her sons of the insult, and
demanded revenge. It was some time before Sardar
Azam Khan, the Governor of Kashmir, could carry out
her desires. But in 1818, when he was returning
to Kabul by way of the Pakhli plain and Tanawal,
he induced a Saiad, Wahid Shah by name, of Naukot in
Pakhli, to persuade Nawab Khan to visit his camp, and
bring his son Painda Khan with him. They were well
received at first, but, when the Governor crossed the
Indus near Amb to march down tlie right bank, he left
a detachment of his bodyguard behind him with orders
to bring them on to Pehur, where his camp was pitched.
Nawab Khan gave himself up managed
for lost, but he
to secure the escape of his son. Thereupon Azam Khan,
determining that the father, at any rate, should not evade
his vengeance, had him sewn up in a raw hide and thrown
into the Kabul river.
Painda Khan, Son of Nawah Khan. Painda Khan, —
Nawab Khan’s successor, was the most famous of the
Tanawal chiefs. The Hindwals were not at first disposed
to ^accept him as their leader, but, meeting a band of 400
dismissed jezailchis who were on the way from Kashmir
to Kabul in search of employment, he gained these over
by promises of rich rewards then, collecting the most

influential men of the section, he killed two of them with

the sword, drowned others in the Indus, and forced the
rest to abandon their proprietary status and become his

tenants. He thus asserted an unequivocal right to the

Khanate, and subsequently he strengthened his position
by increasing his following to 200 horsemen and 600
Painda Khan and the Sikhs . —His succession synchron-
ized with the advent of the Sikhs into Hazara, and during
the rest of his life ho was constantly in conflict with them.
In 1823 Sardar Hari Singh defeated Sarbuland Khan, the
chief of the Fallal Tanaolis, and annexed his country.
Sarbuland Khan escaped to Lassan, in Painda Khan’s
territory, and Hari Singh thereupon wrote to Painda
Khan offering him the Pallal country as a reward for his
capture. But Sarbuland Khan fled across the Indus,
and, on Painda Khan’s asking for his country on the plea
that he had done his best to capture him, the request was
refused. This led to ill-feeling, which was accentuated by
Hari Singh’s seizing part of Painda Khan’s territory.
When, however, Ranjit Singh, hearing of Hari Singh’s
defeat at Kara in the year 1824, hurried up with rein-
forcements, swept through the Sirikot hills, and then
crossed the Indus and burnt Khabbal and Kaya, Painda
Khan sent his son, Jahandad Khan, to make his sub-
mission to the Maharajah. But later, not relishing the
Sikh forts which were now established in his country,
he took to the hills, and from the Bhingra range and the
country west of the Indus maintained a sort of guerilla
warfare, harassing to the garrisons.
In 1828 a gathering of Tanaolis and Hindustani fanatics
was defeated by Hari Singh at Phulra, and Painda Khan
was reduced to sore straits. He tried to mend matters
by submitting to the Hindustani leader. Khalifa Said
Ahmad, but the result was only to lower his position, as
his brother, Madat Khan, and Nawab Khan, the Pallal
chief of Shingri, both of them his bitter rivals, were then
the leading men in the Khalifa’s camp. So he left his
couniry for a time, seeking refuge in the distant Swathi

tracts ois-Indus. But at last, in the year 1829, he went

to the Agror chief, and, while there, sent his son, Jahandad
Khan, to Hari Singh at Mansehra, begging his help. This
Hari Singh gave him, and, driving the Hindustanis out
of the forts which they had established in his country,
made it over to him again. In return Painda Khan gave
Jahandad Khan as a hostage to the Sardar, who took him
to Lahore.
But a fresh quarrel with the Sikhs soon broke out, for
in 1830, having a grudge against Maha Singh, Hari
Singh’s deputy, Painda Khan seized the Sikh forts at
Khairabad and Kirpilian. About the same time he
recovered his trans-Indus territory, which the Hindu-
stanis, who had been driven out of the country by a rising
of the Yusafzai clans, had deserted in their flight. At
the close of this year the Maharajah Ranjit Singh, being
on his way to Peshawar, sent a message to Painda Khan
inviting him to his camp with a view to settle his diff(;r-
ences with the Sikhs. But Painda Khan seized the
messenger, and sent word that he would keep him till

his son, Jahandad Khan, was released. This bold stroke

succeeded, and Jahandad Khan was sent back to Tanawal
by Hari Singh’s order.
Paiiida Khan and the Hindustanis —
A year or two later

Painda Khan, with a band of Hindustanis who had re-

turned to their old settlement at Sitana, evicted the
Agror chief from his territory. The Hindustanis went on
to Tikari, but made themselves so unpopular that the
Swathis begged Painda Khan to rid the country of them.
In compliance with their request he made a pretence of
planning an attack on Yusafzai, sent for the Hindustanis
to aid him, and, when they arrived at Amb, took all the
boats back to the left bank of the Indus, and obliged them
to return to Sitana.
Closing Years of Painda Khan^s Buie In the year 1836 . —
Sardar Hari Singh made a raid on Agror, evicted Painda
Khan’s soldiers, and built two more forts in his country.
In the following years desultory fighting between Painda
Khan and the Sikhs continued, but this was brought to
an abrupt close in 1841 by the great Indus flood of the
2nd of June, which has been referred to in Chapter V.
In the winter of 1841-1842 Kour Partab Singh, who had
rec(dved Kashmir and Hazara in jagir from his father, the
Maharajah Sher Singh, came to Hazara from Kashmir,
and marched into Painda Khan’s country on the banks
of the Indus. Painda Khan refused to come in at his
summons, so Partab Singh, acting on the advice of tiie
Sardars who accompanied him, made over the country
to his brother, Madat Khan, and left nothing to Painda
Khan but a few acres of land trans-Indus. This marked
the close of the latter’s chequered career, for in 1843 he
Jahandad Khan, Son of Painda Khan . —
In 1846 Jahan-
dad Khan, the son of Painda Khan, took advantage of
the disorganization of affairs produced by the first Sikh
war to seize the territory that had belonged to his father.
He stormed the Sikh forts, but, foreseeing that the power
of the Sikh State would shortly be reasserted from
Lahore, he was wise enough to treat their garrisons with
kindness. He had his reward, for when the close of the
war saw the cession of Hazara to Raja Gulab Singh,
Diwan Hari Chand, who was sent by the Raja to collect
the revenue, confirmed him in possession of his old jagir
inFeudal Tanawal, adding that of Kulai and Badhnak.
When Hazara was transferred back to the Sikh Darbar,
and Captain Abbott was deputed to make the first
Settlement, Jahandad Khan at first hesitated to come in.
But the capture Salam Kliand and the dispersal of the
Tarkhelis convinced him of the necessity of submission,
and he visited Abbott at Haripur in September, 1847.
He was confirmed in* his tenure of Feudal Tanawal and
of the Kulai and Badhnak jagirs (though the latter were
excluded entirely from his control), and he remained a
good friend of the Sikh and British Governments till his


death in 1858. He proved his loyalty by resisting the

overtures of Chattar Singh, and at a later date by deliver-
ing up as hostages all the Hassanzais found within his
territory, when the murder of Messrs. Came and Tapp,
which led to the first Black Mountain expedition, brought
his good faith temporarily under suspicion. During the
Mutiny of 1857 he strengthened the garrisons and guards
of his country, preserved ah unbroken quiet therein, and
furnished a contingent of levies to the British authorities.
And in the expedition against the Hindustani fanatics
of Sitana in May, 1858, he was present at the head of
his clansmen, and rendered useful service. He was re-
commended for a khillat of 5,000 rupees and the title of
Nawab for his conduct during the Mutiny, but died
before they could be conferred. His character was an
amiable one, but in vigour and enterprise ho was greatly
the inferior of his father, and he was much in the hands
of his ministers, of whom Bostan Khan, an unprincipled
character, who was believed to have connived in the
murder above referred to, and was subsequently deported
to Lahore as a political prisoner, was the most notable
and influential.
Muhammad Alcram Khan, Son of Jahandad Khan .

Jahandad Khan expired suddenly on the 6th of November,

1858, while crossing the Indus in a boat. He left an only
son, Muhammad Akram Khan, a boy of nine years old.
There was some fear lest Madat Khan, the younger
brother of Painda Khan, to whom the latter had given
the Phulra territory as a fief, might take the opportunity
of asserting his claim to the Khanate but this was averted

by the tact and promptitude of the Deputy Commissioner,

Major Becher, and Madat Khan was himself the first of
the tribe to bind the turban round the boy’s head in token
of his succession to his father’s title and in acknowledg-
ment of his own allegiance. The management of the
State was put in the hands of Painda Khan’s widow, the
young Khan’s grandmother, a woman of sense and spirit,
and the most trusted adherents of the family were ap-
pointed her advisers. It was not long, however, before
the young chief asserted his own authority, and established
the firm control over his tribe which he retained to the
end of his life. In 1868 he distinguished himself by the
assistance which he rendered to the British Government
both before and during the second Black Mountain
expedition, and displayed great personal gallantry, as
has been recorded in the foregoing chapter. In recogni-
tion of his services and of those of his father, the title
of Nawab Bahadur was conferred on him in that year ;

from January, 1870, he was granted a monthly allowance

of 500 rupees, and in 1871 he was made a Companion of
the Star of India. In the Black Mountain expedition of
1888 he rendered furtlier services, and was rewarded by
the honour of Knighthood in the same Order. He died
in January, 1907.
Character of Muhammad Ahram Khan —Muhammad ,

Akram Khan resembled hisfamous grandfather in

personal bravery, energy, and strength of character.
He ruled his tribe with an iron hand, and woe to those
who dared to thwart him. In the last fifteen years or so
of his life he was crippled by disease but his intellect was

as alert as ever, and the vigour of his will unimpaired.

An adept in the intrigue that passes for statesmanship
among the border clans, he kept liis numerous enemies at
bay, and strengthened his position by amassing consider-
able wealth and extending the boundaries of his trans-
Indus possessions. His influence with the Mada Khels,
and with the section of the Hassanzais that favoured
Ibrahim Khan, to whose daughter he was married, was
often invoked by the District authorities in their attempts
to solve the tangles of Black Mountain politics, and,
though opinions vary as to his honesty of purpose and
the value of the assistance given during his later years,
he at least deserves great credit for services which he
rendered in the earlier period, when he was in his prime,

and for the excellent order in which he kept his own tribe
throughout his tenure of the chief ship.
Muhammad Ahram Khan and his Son — Khanizaman
Khan succeeds to his Chiefship , —The Nawab a numer-
ous progeny, both legitimate and illegitimate, including
about fifteen sons. The son whom he acknowledged as
the eldest of his legitimate children was Khanizaman
Khan, but in his latter years he became estranged from
him, and concentrated his affections on Khanizaman
Khan’s half-brother, Abdul Latif Khan, who was the
second of nine sons by a favouritv^ wife. In fact, from
the years 1904 to 1906 the Nawab Avoiild have nothing
to say to Khanizaman Khan at all, and did liis best to
secure the succession for the younger son. The British
Government, however, definitely recognized the former
as the heir to the chiefship, and on the Nawab’s death his
claims Avere at once acknowledged by his brothers, by
the tribe, and by the clans across the border. Some
difficulty arose as to the provision to be made for the
brothers, since the partition of his estate, which in more
than on'e will the Nawab had designed to take place
after his death, was too derogatory to the position of the
eldest son to be accepted by the British Government.
But eventually a settlement was effected whereby the
Parhanna tract, situated between the Manschra tahsil
and Shergarh, and with an estimated annual income
of upwards of 14,000 rupees, was assigned to Abdul Latif
Khan and his full brothers for their maintenance, and
certain villages in the Dhani tract were given to Mu-
hammad Umar Khan, an eleventh legitimate son of the
Nawab by a third wife. The right to realize fines and
forfeitures and to levy grazing dues was reserved to the
chief, and his brothers were to have no power to alienate
the villages assigned to them unless Ihey had first offered
them on reasonable terms to the chief himself. Further,
in the event of trouble arising to trans-Indus Tanawal,
or of ’the British Government calling on the chief for
13 —^
service, the guzarahhors, asthey are calle^, were to render
the latter all the assistance necessary on pain of for-
feiting their guzaras if they failed in this duty. Hero
for the present the matter rests the appointment of

Khanizaman Khan is popular with the tribe, whom he has

conciliated by remitting some of the heavy dues that his
father levied from them but whether Abdul Latif Khan,

between whom and Khaniza*man Khan no love is lost,

will quietly accept the subordinate position allotted to
him remains to be seen.
History of Phulra— Madat Khan the First Chief. The—
history of the State of Phulra calls for little separate
remark. As above noted, it was assigned by Painda
Khan to his younger brother, Madat Khan. Jahandad
Khan, on his succession, confirmed the grant. In 1856
he wished to resume it, but Major Becher effected an
amicable settlement, by which the grantee recognized
the chief of Amb as head of the house and bound himself
to render service. In 1858 Major Becher contemplated
proposing that Government should acknowledge the
separate estate of Phulra, and thereby secure the Khan
against resumption at the pleasure of the Amb chief.
This intention was not carried out, but Madat Khan’s
correct behaviour on Jahandad Khan’s death practically
assured to him a permanent tenure, and lapse of time
confirmed him and his successors in this position. In
1857 Madat Khan supplied a body of horsemen for service
and personally opposed the fugitive mutineers of the
55th Regiment, when they attempted to cross from Swat
into Kashmir. He also did useful service in 1858, and
as a reward was presented with a valuable khillat.

Madat Khan^s Successor. He died in 1878, and was
succeeded by his son, Abdullah Khan. The latter was
succeeded by his son, Abdurrahman Khan, in 1888, and
Abdurrahman Khan by his son, Ata Muhammad Khan,
in 1897.The last named, a young man of about twenty-
years of age, is the present chief. His uncles,

Muhammad Umar Khan, Muhammad Akbar Khan, Dost

Muhammad Khan, and Gulam Haidar Khan, the sons
of Abdullah Khan, and other male relatives, hold guzaras
in the sliape of villages within the estate. Fortunately
their relations with the chief are amicable, and the State
gives little trouble to the District authorities.

The Status of Feudal Tanawal The status of Feudal

Tanawal with reference to the British Government is one

of considerable interest. And the Khan of Amb occupies
an especially unique position, for ho is at once an inde-
pendent ruler, a feudal chief, and a British subject. He
is the first as regards his trans-Indus
territory the ;

second as regards Feudal Tanawal and the third on


account of his tenure of a large jagir and of certain land

in the Haripur tahsil. In 1851 the Government of India
declared the position of Jahandad Khan, the then chief,
and probably one which must always bo, anomalous,
to be,
and Lord Dalhousie was content to regard him as a ‘

nominal tributary and subject of the British Govern-

ment, not interfering in the internal affairs of the jagir ’

(jagir here meaning Feudal or Upper Tanawal), expecting ‘

him to defend himself in all ordinary attacks, while the

Government would defend him against formidable inva-
sions and thus constituting his possessions a sort of

outwork between our own more valuable territory and

the wild tribes beyond him.’ But the power of life and
death within Upper Tanawal was not allowed him. In
January, 1859, Sir John Lawrence, Chief Commissioner
of the Punjab, rejected a proposal to make a summary
settlement of the country, and expressed his view of the
Khan’s status in the following words The Chief Com- :

missioner considers that Upper Tanawal is an integral

portion of the Hazara District, and ^f British territory ;

but with reference to its past history, and more especially

its peculiar position and character, the tract has been,

and should continue to be, dealt with as a g'z^^i-indepen-

dent chiefship. Upper Tanawal is a chiefship held
. . .
under the British Government, but in which, as a rule,
we ])osscss no internal jurisdiction. The chief manages
his own people in his own way witliout regard to our
laws, rules, or system. This tenure resembles that on
which the chiefs of Patiala, Jhind, Nabha, Kapurthala,
and others hold their lands. In extreme cases the British
Government no doubt have the power of interfering, and
would interfere where such interference might appear

necessary for the public good. .But ordinarily, and

. .

as a rule, the Cliicf Commissioner desires to avoid any

The was that the Civil Courts
result of these orders
exercised no jurisdiction whatever in Upper Tanawal,
and that the Criminal Courts did so only in murder cases.
It is true that in 1887 the Punjab Chief Court held that
the Hazara Criminal Courts could legally exercise juris-
diction throughout the tract, but this judgment had no
effect in practice. In 1897, however, the question of
jurisdiction was brought to the front through the filing
of a civil suit against the Khan of Phulra by a native of
that State for the possession of land within its limits,
and it was felt necessary to put the status of the chiefs
on a clear legal basis.
Regulation II. of 1900. —^Accordingly, in 1900, a Regu-
lation was passed by the Government of India ‘
provide for the better administration of Upper Tanawal.’
This defines in a schedule the boundaries of Phulra and
the feudal territory of the Amb chief respectively, and it
enacts that, except as regards offences punishable under
Sections 121 to 130 of the Indian Penal Code (rebellion
and sedition), or under Sections 301 to 304 (murder and
culpable homicide), or any other offence specified by a
written order of the Local Government, the administration
of criminal justice should, in Phulra, vest in the Khan of
Phulra, and, in the rest of Upper Tanawal, vest in the
Chief of Amb. The administration of civil justice, and
the collection of the revenue within these tracts are

similarly vested in their chiefs, and the jurisdiction of

ordinary tribunals is excluded. The rule of decision in
civil oases is laid down as custom, where any that is

reasonable and equitable can be established, and, failing

that, it is to be and good conscience. In
justice, equity,
criminal cases a fair and impartial trial is to be accorded
to every accused person, and the chiefs are not allowed
to pass any sentence of death or of imprisonment for over
twenty years, or of transportation, nor to inflict a punish-
ment which is not recognized by the law of British India,
or is unduly severe. And the Local Government is given
authority to revise at will any order made by either chief
in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Regula-
tion. It is also worth noting that the preamble of the
Regulation mak(;s it clear that Feudal Taiiawal is '
the District of Hazara.’
Relations between the Ttvo States . —The relations of the
two chiefs to each other are not specifically defined in
the Regulation, though in the schedule defining the
boundaries the estates of the Khan of Phulra are stated
to be held by that chief from and under the Chief of
Amb. But while, liistorically, Phulra is a dopcmdency of
the Amb State, yet, as Painda Khan delegated all his
powers over its residents and lands to Madat Khan, the
first grantee, its subordination has from the first been

purely nominal, and for all practical purposes it may be

regarded as independent of its bigger neighbour.
Internal Administration of the States —
^The administra-

tion of the States is naturally of a somewhat primitive

character. All cases, whether criminal or civil, which
the parties cannot settle for themselves, are referred to
the chiefs ;
civil matters are usually decided by the help
of arbitrators, and for criminal offences, if a fine is not
considered sufficient, a period of detention in the lock-up
at Amb or Phulra, as the case may be, is imposed. To
enforce their orders the chiefs have a number of re-
tainers, armed with a miscellaneous assortment of guns
and mostly of an antiquated description. Forest

conservancy is of a fairly strict character, and no one is

allowed to fell timber without a permit from the Khan.
But such permits are usually given free to cultivators
requiring the wood for agricultural or domestic purposes.
Grazing inside the forests is either not allowed at all, or
is subject to the payment of a fee in the shape of ghi.

The collection of dry wood for f.uel is unrestricted. None

of the cultivators seem to have any fixity of tenure ;

they can be evicted at will by their landlord, whether he

be the chief himself or a guzarahJior, and land is in conse-
quence constantly changing hands, with a deleterious
effect on the character of the cultivation. The revenue
is levied either in cash or grain. If the former, it is
usually farmed out to the headman of the village as an
ijara ; if the latter, it is collected by the Khan’s agents,
being generally one-half the produce on irrigated lands
and one- third on unirrigated. The amount of the ijara
varies from year to year according to the quality of the
harvest, nor need a village that pays once in cash or
grain, as the case may be, always continue to do so.
Often the villagers object that the ijara fixed is too heavy,
and they are allowed to pay in grain instead in other ;

cases offers on their part to substitute money for grain

payment are accepted. Profits are also made from
watermills on the Siran and Unhar, by the sale of timber
from the Bhingra forests, by the levy of grazing fees
(usually at the rate of 10 rupees per hundred head) on
migratory flocks from Kagan and elsewhere, by dues in
the shape of ghi, and miscellaneous village cesses, and,
in the case of the chief of Amb, by a tax on the timber
that is floated in rafts down the Indus.
Income of the Chiefs —
The income of the late Nawah

of Amb from these varfous sources would appear to have

been over 1| lakhs a year. At his decease upwards of
3 lakhs’ worth of gold and rupees was definitely ascer-
tained to have been left by him, and there was probably

more that was not forthcoming. And in addition there

was much in the way of jewellery, cattle, and other
movable property. In 1851 Major Abbott estimated the
income of Jahandad Khan at 23,000 rupees only, and
though this was probably much below the mark there
is no doubt that the excellent management of the late

Kawab immensely increased his resources.

The Khan of Phulra’s income is very small by com-
parison. Much of the estate is in the hands of guzarakhors,
and it may be doubted whether the Khan’s own share of
the profits comes to more than 4,000 or 5,000 rupees a



The Kagan Valley —Situation^ Dimensions, and Area .

The Kagan valley figures so largely in all accounts of

Hazara, is scenioally and botanically so attractive, and
is becoming so increasingly popular as a summer resort,
that a somewhat detailed description of it will not perhaps
be out of place in this work. It is the northernmost
portion of British India, being a wedge, as it were, driven
up between Kashmir on the east and the territory of
independent hill tribes on the west. Its length from
south-west to north-east, as the crow flies, is 60 miles,
or by road from the Babusar pass to Balakot just under
92 miles, and its average width is about 15 miles. If
we consider it to begin at Balakot village, its total area
is about 860 square miles, or something short of one-third
of the area of the District exclusive of Feudal Tanawal.
There are 76 square miles of Government forest, and
18,000 acres, or 28 square miles, of cultivation. The
rest is village waste, part forest, part grass preserve or
grazing ground, part lofty mountains under everlasting
Villages in the Valley. —
The valley is made up of twenty
Government forests, and twenty-three village estates,
lying on either side of the Kunhar or Kagan river. From
north to south the villages are situated as follows On :

the right bank, Bhutandes, Kamalban, Jared (witl\ most

of its land on the left bank), Chushal, Bela Sacha, Hingrai,


Banbigar, Ghanela, Bibhara Patlang, Khet

Serash, Satbanni, Balakot on tho left bank, Kagan,

Pliagal, Manur, Bhunja, Paras, Kawai, Ghanul, Sanghar,

Ghora, Bhangian Josach. Of the above, Chushal, Paras,
Bela Sacha, and Kawai were formed at the Second Regular
Settlement out of the old estate of Bela Kawai, and
Banbigar, Ghanela, Bibhara Patlang, Jiggan, Khet
Serash, Satbanni, Bhangian Josach, and Balakot itself
are the northern of the eleven villages into which tho old
estate of Balakot was then also split up. But it must not
be understood that any of these twenty-three so-called
villages consist of one site only. On the contrary, Balakot
is the only one whicli, along with many scattered
habitations, has also a single site of any considerable
size the rest may or may not have one or more cluster

of huts, which look like a small village in the ordinary

acceptance of the term (Kagan itself has a great number
of sucli tiny hamlets), but most of the people live in
isolated homesteads built on the lands they cultivate.
Of the areas comprised within the village limits the
Kagan estate, which includes the whole of the top of the
valley, is far the largest, being nearly 540 square miles in

area next comes Manur, with 67 square miles. The


smallest village is Ghora, with 200 acres. Jared, Balakot,

Ghanul, and Sanghar have most cultivation viz., about —
1,700 acres each, but a good portion of the Balakot lands
is really outside the valley. Kagan itself has 1,500 acres.
The highest cultivation is near Burawai, a stage on the
road to Chilas, 69 miles from Balakot, and at an altitude
of about 10,000 feet.
Cro^s . —
In the upper part of the valley only kharif crops
are grown oven in the lower the rahi is of little import-

ance. There are some fine rictvfields at Balakot and

Kawai, but above Jared no rice is produced. Maize
is the staple crop and flourishes everywhere. The
American maize on some of the lands of Jared and
Phagal is exceptionally fine. Above Kagan the climate
gets too cold for the ordinary variety, and a dhort, stunted
kind known as pili shuri is prevalent. Buckwheat
{drawa) and china are also grown to some extent in the
higher parts of the valley. In the Tobi wheat is the
most prevalent crop at the higher altitudes a coarse kind

of barley known as 'paighambari jau is met with, but it

is really a kharif crop, for it is sown in June and reaped
in August.
Forests . —
and Streams The forests have been described
in Chapter III. The main river is the Kunhar, of which
the valley forms the catchment area. Issuing from the
lake called Lulu Sar, and gradually gathering volume from
tributary streams, it soon becomes a splendid torrent,
here foaming in cataracts, there rippling gently round
tree-covered islands or gliding along with a smooth and
silent flow, oblivious of the turmoil that is past and un-
heeding that to come. In the summer it is unfordable
much below Batakundi. In the winter it is shallower.
The bridges that span it at long intervals, save where
the Government road crosses it at Balakot, Burawai,

and just below Lulu Sar, are unsteady structures, just

two logs stretched across the stream with cross-pieces
nailed thereto, and the narrower and shakier of them
are somewhat trying to the nerves. The Kunhar ’s most
important tributaries are, on the
bank, from south to
north, the kathas of Sanghar, Ghanul, Bhunja, Manur,
Naran, Batakundi, Dabuka, Jora (by Burawai), Jalkhad,
and Purbiala on the right bank, those of Barna, Jalora,

Bhauran, Bhutandes, Bhimbal, Dhumduma, and Sipat.

Apart from these there are streams and streamlets
innumerable, issuing from the snows and tumbling in
graceful cascades from the wooded heights or flowing
more gently through flgwery meadows.
Lakes, —
The lakes are a feature of the upper end of the
valley. Encircled by rocky, snow-crowned hills, they lie
in impressive silence and solitude, their waters reflecting
in wonderful colours the changing tints of the sky. The

three chief are named Lulu Dudibach Sar, and Safr

Maluk Sar {sar meaning The rest are petty tarns.
Lulu Sar is the largest. In form an irregular crescent about
miles in length with an average breadth of 300 yards,
it lies near the head of the glen on the Chilas road, 10 miles

west of the Babusar pass. It is fed by the Gitidas and

Aphuta Pani streams, and is the source of the Kunhar.
Its altitude is 11,167 feet, and its depth averages 150 feet.
Story tolls how the blind daughter of the Emperor
Akbar bathed in its waters and recovered her sight.
Dudibach Sar is at the head of the Purbiala hatha, some
12 miles east of Besal. It is a circular lake about half
a mile in diameter, and was, in the year 1857, the scene
of the surrender of the mutineers of the 55th Infantry,
which is described in Chapter V. Its altitude must be
quite 12,000 feet.
Story of Safr Maluk Lake —
Safr Maluk Sar is some

6 miles to the east of Naran, and is the source of the Naran

katha. It is about half a mile long by 500 yards broad,
and 10,718 feet above sea-level. It is an enchanted
lake, and of it the following story is told There was once

upon a time a Prince of Delhi who saw in a dream a fairy

of wondrous beauty, and straightway fell in love with
the vision. On awaking he sought out the astrologers
and asked them where he could find her. They told him
to proceed to a certain glen in the Kagan valley above
Naran, where he was to spend twelve years in religious
devotion. At the end of that time it might be that he
would have his wish. Accordingly the Prince, hereafter
to be called Safr Maluk,* the ‘much-travelled one,’ (from
safr, and mulk, country), betook himself to the
glen aforesaid. He found there a vast lake lying at the
head of the valley in the tract now called Kach, and a
great river flowing down to Naran therefrom. For twelve

* So the narrator. But maluk is the plural of malik (chief), not of

mulk, and some pronounce the name Saif ul Maluk,’ or the sword of
‘ ‘

the chiefs.*
years he gave himself up to the study of religion in this
lonely spot, and then at last his wish was gratified. For
one day he beheld Badal Jamal, the Queen of the Fairies,
with her troop of 360 attendants, come down to bathe
in the river. Unconscious of the Prince’s presence, they
laid their clothes on the bank and descended into the
water. Seizing the opportunity, the Prince snatched
the clothes of the Queen away. Whereat the other
fairies, scared at his unexpected appearance, hastily
picked up their garments and vanished. But the Queen
remained helpless in the water, nor would the Prince give
back her clothes till she had promised to be his wife.
And so his desire was accomplished. But Badal Jamal
had another lover, a powerful demon dwelling in the
mountains near, and, when he saw the Prince about to
carry her off, his wrath was great. Hastening to the
embankment which dammed the waters of the lake, he
burst it open, and let a mighty fiood sweep down the
valley. But his efforts to destroy the pair were vain.
For they escaped to the hill at the lower end of the glen
and stayed there till fiood was past. Then Prince Safr
Maluk took his bride back to Delhi, and they lived happily
ever after. The inhabitants of Naran, then a big city,
were not so fortunate, for the fiood swept over them
and destroyed the place, and its site to-day is marked only
by a few huts and by the boulders that the stream washed
down. And a further outcome of the fiood was that the
lake was shifted to the centre of the valley, where it
now lies, and was confined within narrower limits. Of
the fairies some say that they have deserted the place,
others aver that still of nights they come to dance
their revels on the grass and bathe themselves in the
stream, and then woe is it to the mortal who encounters
them !

Mountains —
The mountains of Kagan fiank the

Kunhar on either side. On both ranges there is a series

of lofty peaks, but the eastern are the highest. Mali ka

Parbat* (17,360 feet), the loftiest of

all, stands to the

east of the Safr south of it is Ragan Pajji

Maluk lake ;

(16,528 feet), at the head of the Shikara hatha ; and south

again the serrated ridges of Shikara and Biohla, also over
16,000 feet. At the head of the Bichla hatha are two
peaks called Raja Bogi, 15,487 and 15,920 feet respec-
tively. Further south yet is the conspicuous rounded
summit of Makra (12,752 feet), at the head of the Ghanul
hatha. On the other side *of the Kunhar, opposite to
Makra is Musa ka Musalla, or ‘
the praying-carpet of
Moses’ (13,378 Between Kagan and Naran are
Chumbra (15,371 feet), a peak not over-difficult to climb,
and Manur Gali (15,129 feet), facing Mali ka Parbat across
the Kach glen. In the more northern part of the valley
are Dabuka’s magnificent and jagged wall of snow
(16,196 feet), and the fine sharp pointed peak of Waitar
(15,243 feet). Altogether it is a galaxy of splendid hills,
but to view them aright one must climb to heights
above the valley, and not be content with the easy
road below.
Botany ,

Kagan is a paradise for the botanist, who for
details of many of the trees, shrubs, and flowers to be
found there should consult the Appendix to this work.
To the uninitiated also its flowers are one of its great
attractions —
Violets blue, purple, or yellow ^great white
. —
peonies, dark blue and light blue forget-me-nots, pink
mallows, primulas, balsams, gentians, wild geraniums,
anemones, yellow poppies, columbines, larkspurs, irises,
edelweiss, and many another species, at different altitudes
and at different seasons meet and charm the eye. The
higher one moves up the valley the more abundant and
diverse |s the display, till round Besal or between Lulu Sar
and Gitidas the turf, where cattle have not grazed, is
carpeted with flowers. •

* Such is the name in the Bevenue Survey map ; but the residents
in the vaUey do not appear to know this fine hill by this or any. other
name. They are more apt to give names to grazing tracts or to passes
than tb peaks, which do not interest or affect them so mpch.
Sport , —To
the sportsman, on the other hand, Kagan
has not many attractions to ofEer. Black bear are fairly
numerous, and a few red bear are said to inhabit the
northern hiUs. Ibex are also to be found occasionally
in the remoter nullahs, but the ubiquitous Gujars and their
flocks prevent them visiting the valley in any numbers.
Chikor are pretty common, but pheasants are few and
far between. The marmots on the shores of Lulu Sar,
and in the hills round Gitidas, will, it is hoped, be
left unmolested. A quaint and interesting sight are these
little animals, as they sit up like big rats on the rocks by
their holes and utter their shrill cries of alarm. And it

willbe a pity if rifles and shot-guns frighten them away

from their present haunts. Even now they are very shy,
and those who wish to get a nearer view should visit
side valleys, like that of the Purbiala kathay where they
are to be found in greater numbers. Of the fish little can
be said. There are no doubt mahsir and snow trout in the
main river and its side streams, but they have not yet
been caught with the rod. Sahoch, below Batakundi, is
said to bo one of the best places for them. In the lakes
it is believed that none are to be found.

Climate and Rainfall ,

The climate of Kagan is intensely
cold in winter, but in summer leaves little to be desired
when once a height of 5,000 feet has been gained. The
propinquity of the snow and the quantity of water
everywhere make the air cooler than at equal altitudes
nearer to the plains, and a breeze up or down the river
generally tempers the heat of the sun. At the highest
stages on the road the nights are always chilly, and a
cloudy day even in July or August, the warmest months,
may make a fire welcome. Snow falls very heavily in
winter, but the summer rains decrease in quantity as
one moves up the valley, and from a height of 9,000 feet
onwards it is seldom that there is anything of a downpour.
For the treeless wastes at the head of the glen attract
no moisture, and the serried ranks of the hills beat back

the monsoon. It is, therefore, a peculiarly suitable tract

to visit during the rainy season for any one who wishes
to escape from the damp heat of the plains or the cheerless
mists of more frequented hills.
Population, Tribes, and Lmding Men —
The population

of the valley at the time of the census of March, 1901,

was some 37,000 souls but in the summer the numbers

are greatly swelled by the graziers, who bring to the rich

grazing grounds of the valley the flocks and herds which
have been wintering in a warmer climate. The people
are almost wholly Swathis, Saiads, or Gujars. One
village, Sanghar, belongs to Mada Khel Patlians. The
Swathis own all the other villages except Kagan, Kamal-
ban, Bhutandes, Phagal, Chushal, Bela Sacha, and
Kawai, of which Saiads are the proprietors. The Gujars
are tenants only, a great number possessing occupancy
rights. The Saiads of Kagan village are descendants of
Ghazi Baba (Nur Shah), in his turn a descendant of the
Jalal Baba who headed the Swathi invasion. They
own Kamalban and Phagal as well. The Saiads of Bela
Kawai, to whom Bhutandes also belongs, are the descend-
ants of Arab Shah, a brother of Ghazi Baba. Their
leading representative, Gulam Haidar Shah, a son of
the Zamin Shah whose recalcitrant behaviour led to the
expedition of 1852, is (1907) the patriarch of the glen.
He resides at Kawai, and has grandsons who are them-
selves grey-haired. Besides him the principal Saiads are
Manawar Shah and Ghazi Shah of Kagan (who are
mentioned in Chapter II.) Fakir Shah and Mardan Shah,

the other two lambardars of Kagan Kamr Ali Shah, uncle


to Manawar Shah Hayat Shat, lamhardar of Paras and

; ;

Pir Ali Shah, lamhardar of Bela Sacha. As stated in

Chapter II., they are, generally speaking, an idle, un-
enterprising race, unable to stand l^he heat of the plains
and sticking closely to their homes, expecting most
things to be done for them by their Gujar tenants, and,
as their numbers rapidly increase, finding it a little more
difficult to live at ease than before. But their traditions
and their history entitle them to consideration. Of the
Swathis the most prominent men are Dost Muhammad
KJian, Jahandad Khan, Juma Khan, and Nawab Khan,
lambardars of Balakot; Pir Khan, lambardar oi Bhunja;
Habibullah Khan, lambardar of Jared and Bostan Khan,

lambardar of Manur. There are some fine big men among

them, and they have more capacity and energy than the
Saiads. But they are very quarrelsome, and treat their
tenants with more consideration than the others.

The what
Gujars are hill Gujars usually are strong and—
hardy physically, well behaved and inoffensive, except
where forests are concerned, but slow and stupid as their
own buffaloes.
Trade. —In the summer season, when the road to Chilas
is up and down Kagan.
open, a considerable trade passes
Stores for the Chilas and and cloth
Gilgit garrisons, salt
for the Chilasis and Kohistanis, salt and grain for the
Gujars at the northern end of the valley, are carried up
the road on mules, ponies, and bullocks, and down the
road come hides and ghi from Kohistan, Chilas, and the
valley itself. Khut {Auchlandia Costus), to supply
incense for Chinese joss-houses, is also exported in con-
siderable quantities, and numbers of bullocks, sheep, and
goats are sold for disposal in the markets of Rawalpindi,
Peshawar, or Murree. And down the river floats timber
from the reserved forests on its long journey to the
Jhelum depot.
Prices. —
The local products of the valley are fairly
cheap. Sheep and goats vary according to size and
quality, the former costing from 2 rupees to 6 rupees each,
and the latter from 3 rupees to 9 rupees. White fleeces
sell at the rate of 2 sers per rupee, and those of other
colours from 1 to IJ sers per rupee. They are made up
and are sold in Gilgit, Chilas
into blankets or pattu cloth,
and Balakot. White blankets are 2 rupees to 3 rupees,
according to size. Coloured blankets usually vary from

3 rupees to Rs. 4.8, but specially large ones may cost

anything up to 25 rupees. Pattu cloth with a width of
2 feet costs 1 rupee per 40 inches. Butter {mcbska) is
bought up by the Hindu traders from the Gujars at rates
of 2 J sers, 3 sers, or more per rupee, and taken to Balakot,
where it is made into ghi and exported. Milk, wood, and
grass are naturally very cheap, except wood above
Burawai, where tree vegetation almost ceases. But
grain, flour, chicken, and* eggs are scarce and consequently
dear, and the higher you go the scarcer and dearer they
are. The prices of such commodities at the various stages
are fixed by the order of the Deputy Commissioner.
For coolies the usual rate is 4 annas an ordinary stage.
Revenue and Assignments . —
The total assessment (land
and water mills) is over 21,000 rupees. Of this the
upper and larger portion of the valley, which forms the
Kagan assessment circle, pays 13,000 rupees. The rest
is in the Kunhar assessment circle. The whole of the
Government revenue is realized after the autumn harvest.
One-third of the assessment of Kagan village and two-
thirds of that of the four estates of Bela Kawai are
assigned to their respective proprietors. The zamindari
inamdars of the valley are Dost Muhammad Khan
(Rs. 50), Jahandad Khan (Rs. 50), Nawab Khan (Rs. 25),
Juma Khan (Rs. 25) — all of Balakot ; Nadir of Ghanul
(Rs. 50), Mir Ahmad of Sanghar (Rs. 50), Pir Khan of
Bhunja (Rs. HabibuUah Khan of Jared (Rs. 75),
Bostan Khan of Manur (Rs. 75), Gulam Haidar Shah of
Kawai (Rs. 100), and Ghazi Shah of Kagan (Rs. 100).
History . —
References to the history of Kagan will be
found in Chapter V., and little need be said on the subject
here. Before and during Sikh times the Saiads dominated
the glen, and were practically independent of the Kashmir
Government, to which they wd!re nominally attached.
For their country was remote and difficult of approach,
and nobody troubled himself much about them. In
A.i>. 1844 they and their Swathi allies came into pro-
minence by ambuscading and destroying a small Sikh
force under Diwan Ibrahim, which had been sent by
Raja Gulab Singh to attack the Chilasis. They appear
to have behaved very treacherously on this occasion,
though they seek to excuse their action by alleging acts
of violence and oppression against the Diwan. They
were never, however, properly punished for their offence,
and their leaders eventually succeeded in making their
peace with the Raja. They submitted to Major Abbott
when they realized that his was the winning side but ;

at a later date, as has been already described, they

became recalcitrant, and were coerced by the bloodless
expedition of 1852. Exiled to Pakhli for a space, the
Saiads were restored to their estates by Major Edwardes
in 1855. The latter, when announcing this measure at
Balakot to the assembled Kagan tribes, took the oppor-
tunity to assure the Gujars that in future the Saiads
would not be allowed to oppress them and exact forced
labour from them. This prohibition has never been fully
carried into effect still, the Gujars are no longer quite the

mere hewers of wood and drawers of water for their

overlords that they were. Since 1855 Kagan has been
perfectly peaceful. In 1857 the only excitement was the
episode of the flight and surrender of the 55th Native
Infantry, which has been elsewhere narrated. The open-
ing of the Government road to Chilas in 1898 attracted
trade and prosperity to the valley, and brought its tribes

a little more into touch with the outer world, and it is

not easy to believe now that the conquest of Kagan

was once considered to be a matter of no small difficulty,
and its inhabitants a somewhat formidable foe.
Itinerary of —
Kagan Valley Route Preliminary Remarks^
Bungalows^ etc , —
To intending visitors the following
itinerary of the valley fnay be of advantage. It should
be premised that at each stage, from Jaba to Gitidas, there
is a Military Works bungalow, permission to use which

should be sought from the Assistant Commanding Royal


Engineer at Abbottabad. For a description of these

bungalows reference may be made to Table XXIX. at
the end of this book. As far as and including Batakundi
they contain two main rooms and two bath-rooms.
From Burawai onwards there is one main room and one
bath-room only. The bungalows at Besal and Gitidas,
which are buried in snow most of the year, are in block-
house form, the living* rooms being in an upper story
reached by steps. Each bungalow is furnished, and
contains a little crockery, etc., but there is hardly enough
of the latter for all requirements, and visitors should
bring their own as a supplement. The road, which is
in charge of the Military Works Department, is usually
open as far asNaran or Batakundi early in June. It is
not till the end of June or beginning of July that it is
easily negotiable beyond. For visiting the valley, if it is

desired to traverse the whole length, the best season is

from the second half of June to the first half of September.

Towards the end of September the flowers are less in
evidence, and it becomes very cold in the higher tracts.
In November snow closes the road again.
Abbottabad to Jaba (29| Miles) and Balakot (40 Miles ),
The stages from Abbottabad to Mansehra (16 miles) and
from Mansehra to Jaba (13|- miles) need not detain us.
The Kagan road leaves the Abbottabad-Kashmir road at
Utar Shisha, 9 miles beyond Mansehra, and from this point
one must either ride or walk. From Jaba to Balakot,
at the mouth of the valley, the distance is 11| miles.
Jaba lies among chir trees on the north-eastern fringe of
the Pakhli plain at a height of 3,583 feet. From it the
road at once climbs to the ridge between the Kunhar
valley and Palvhli. First Gar hi Habibullah Khan, on
the bank of the river and facing the suspension bridge

over which the Kashmir road runs, comes into view to

the south, and further on one looks down on the fertile
tract on either bank of the Kunhar south of Balakot,
with Musa ka Musalla in the background. Passing
through a fine village forest of chir, the road descends into
the valley, and more miles bring one to Balakot
(3,320 feet). On the way, near the middle of the sixth
mile from Balakot, a big round stone will be observed
right in the centre of the road. Many years ago, so the
story runs, this was placed there by a Gujar woman
named Marian, of the village of Taranna, that lies a little

further on. She was a female Hercules, and no one could

compete with her in feats of strength. Some men can
just lift the stone ;
the most powerful can raise it as high
as the chest ;
but none can lift it above the head and
carry it about as she did, and the stone remains where she
put it, a monument of her prowess.
First Stage up the Valley : To Kawai, 12J Miles from
Balakot . —At Balakot the road crosses the river by a
suspension bridge, and continues on the left bank for

69 miles, now 1,000 feet or more above the stream,

now almost on a level with its turbulent' waters. On
the further side of the bridge the traveller passes
through a colony of lepers, who have gathered here
because the shrine of Bala Pir close by is supposed
to be of efiiciency in curing this disease. Two miles
on the little village of Ghora is seen lying below the
road, with Patlang on the opposite bank 4 miles ;

from Balakot is the Sanghar hatha, with some of the

houses of the village on the hill-slopes above 5 miles ;

further on the road crosses a bridge below which, after

rain, is a fine waterfall and at 10 miles from Balakot the

Ghanul katha on the left bank, and the Bhauran on the

right, join the main stream. This first march up the
valley is hot and somewhat uninteresting, the peak of
Musa ka Musalla to the west being the most striking
feature of the scenery. The erosion of the hill-slopes on
the right bank through destruction of the vegetation
and extension of cultivation may be noticed. The
Kawai bungalow is pleasantly situated at an altitude
of 5,015 feet. The small hamlet of Kawai is to the east,


and in front, to the south-east, is the pine-clad spur of

Paprang, leading up to Makra.
Second Stage : To Mahandri, 26^ Miles from Balakot .

Prom Kawai to Mahandri (13 miles). The road climbs

the hill-side at a dizzy height above the river and then
descends to the village of Paras, 4 miles from Kawai.
The scenery now becomes fine. As one approaches Paras
the splendid conical peak of Eagan Pajji, at the head of
the Shikara nullah, comes into view, and, when the
moist and fertile lands of the hamlet have been traversed,
the deodar forests begin. The gorge narrows, and the road
winds along one of the prettiest reaches of the river,
through fine forests and with beautiful views of Eaggan
Pajji and his adjacent snows. Six and a half miles from
Kawai the ruins of the Malkandi forest bungalow (4,714
feet) are passed. In June, 1905, a big landslip on the right
bank of the river opposite the bungalow forced the river
against its foundations, and it had to be hastily dis-
mantled. After crossing the Bhunja and Shinu kathas,
we come to the lands of Jared village (the main site is
on the right bank), and, passing between some fields of
magnificent maize (if it be sufiicientiy late in the season),
we descend to the Mahandri bungalow. This is prettily
situated by the junction of the Manur katha with the main
stream, at an altitude of 6,000 feet, and looking north
towards the peaks of Sirul (13,529 feet) and Chumbra.
Third Stage : To Kagan, 36J Miles from Balakot ,

Prom Mahandri to Kagan (11 miles). Crossing the

Manur and Nutni kathas, the road turns west, and runs
through the lands of Phagal village. Opposite lies

Kamalban and its finely wooded slopes of deodar. Six

and a half miles on, at Diwan Bela, where Diwan Ibrahim
was slain, the road turns north again, and passes through
a splendid gorge with a striking wall of rock to the right.
As one leaves the gorge the valley opens out, and the fertile
lands of Kagan village come into view, with the scattered
huts of Bhutandes across the river. Grass and water

are abundant, and flowers are more numerous than
heretofore, the banks of the flelds in August being very
gay with pink mallows. But the scenery is somewhat
disappointing. The collections of huts that form the
village of Kagan lie under the Sirul peak, with the Kundi
ridge to the north and Kaligat and Chumbra to the north-
east. There is a bridge here by which the Gujar flocks
and herds proceeding to or fr:om the northern grazing
grounds cross the river, and at which the Saiads usually
collect their tolls. The altitude is 6,776 feet.
Fourth Stage : To Naran, 61 Miles from Balakot .

Prom Kagan to Naran (14J miles). The road passes

through a succession of fine gorges, witk here and there
a flat bit of cultivation along the river-bank. Three miles
from Kagan there is a good view across the river up the
Kinari hatha, just above which is Rajwal, one of the
chief hamlets in the Kagan estate. Five miles further,
on the same side of the river, is the Bhimbal hatha, with
a fine deodar forest above it. The hills on the left bank
are precipitous and well-wooded, and here and there a
picturesque waterfall attracts the eye. If it be early
in the summer the road now and then crosses a snow-
slide. Near Naran a clear view is obtained of the Manur
peak, to the right. The valley opens out, and round the
hamlets of Batal, Chapra, and Naran itself there is a
considerable quantity of dwarf maize {'pili shuri), drawa
or buckwheat, and paighamhari barley. The river be-
comes broader and less rapid, and there is a beautiful
view downstream, with some tree-covered islands in the
foreground and the Rajkot peak in the distance. The
soil is moist, the grass rich, and flowers are numerous.
Some excellent wild raspberries are to be found on the
hill-slopes. Naran itsel| is a collection of huts, 8,086 feet
above sea-level, at the junction of the Naran hatha with
the Kunhar. A climb up to the ridge to the east is
repaid by a good view of the Manur peak, and a 6 miles
walk up the hatha brings one to the Safr Maluk lake.



Fifth Stage : To Batahundi, 61 Miles from Balakot .

From Naran to Batakundi (10 miles). The scenery during

this march is very attractive. For the first part the road
runs close along the edge of the river, which flows quietly
in a wide channel. Four miles above Naran the Govern-
ment forests come to an end, but in the village waste
there are here and there fine groves of silver fir. The
chief tributary streams are the Dhumduma and Sipat
kathas, both on the right bank. On the edge of the
latter, 5 miles below Batakundi, stands the small hamlet
of Sahoch. As one nears Batakundi the hills become
more rounded. Pine stretches of rolling grass downs
take the place of forest ;
streamlets are numerous and
flowers abundant. The fine jagged ridge of Dabuka
comes into view to the east. A mile short of the bun-
galow is the Batakundi hamlet, with a little cultivation
the last maize that will be seen is grown here and some —
rich grass meadows round it. The bungalow itself is
situated at an altitude of 8,849 feet, near the junction
of the Batakundi or Bhaddar katha with the Kunhar.
It has a good view up the katha, and of the Dabuka peaks.
On the ridge to the south, at a height of 10,000 feet, a
splendid view of the Dhaddar snows at the end of the
katha is obtained. This ridge, with its broad stretch of
meadow and its profusion of flowers and wild straw-
worth a
berries, is well visit, and makes a delightful
Sixth Stage : To Burawai, 69 Miles from Balakot .

From Batakundi to Burawai (8 miles). This is a short

and easy march. The road crosses the Batakundi katha,
and then winds along the hill-side at some height above
the main stream. Trees, which are mostly silver fir and
blue pine, become scantier, especialjy on the right bank
the hills are bare, and the scenery grows wilder and less
interesting. But a fine view of the Dabuka peaks is
obtained as the Dabuka katha is crossed, and flowers are
still more abundant than before. The Burawai bungalow,
with a small hamlet close by, stands, at an altitude of
10,009 feet, on the right bank of the Jora hatha, up which
there is a good view to the snows of Lohat ka Sir and
Ratti Gali. Cultivation ceases here, and it is also the
highest point of the valley that is inhabited in winter.
Seventh Stctge : To Besal, 80 Miles from Balakot
, —Prom
Burawai to Besal (11 miles). Immediately on leaving
Burawai the road crosses to the right bank of the river.
The hill-sides become barer than ever, but on the left
bank there are still at first some blue pine and silver
fir (much damaged by careless Gujars), and on the left

the charai, or juniper, grows in considerable quantities.

The Waitar hatha and the fine peak of that name, which
are both on the left bank, are passed, followed by the
Jalkhad nullah, which is also on that bank, and up which
there is a route into Kashmir. Here the fir and pine cease
altogether. The hill-slopes become gentler and more
grassy and flowers are everywhere. At Besal the valley
opens somewhat, and, except for the flowers, the scenery
reminds one of a bleak Scotch moor. Just below Besal
the Pur biala hatha, or hatha of the mutineers,’ joins the

Kunhar. The bungalow is situated at a height of 10,660

feet, near the stream coming down from Khabba (15,658
feet). Adjoining it is a beflagged heap of stones, of
which it is told that one year, when the road was
reopened, the body of a man was found lying in the
bungalow, where, in the preceding winter, overcome by
cold and hunger, he had crawled to die. He was raised
to the rank of a holy man by the superstitious people,
and the shrine in question marks his grave.
Eighth and Last Stage : To Gitidas, 88 Miles from
Balahot. —Prom Besal to Gitidas (8 miles). The road
climbs up two miles to Lulu Sar, and crossing the river
at its source, skirts the eastern shore of the lake for
1 J miles. On the western side of the lake is the Aphuta
Pani hatha, up which runs the route to Jalkot in Kohistan.
Leaving Lulu Sar and turning east, the road enters the



Gitidas glen, a long stietoh of grassy, flowery meadow,

traversed from east to west by the Gitidas hatha. It is
a paradise for graziers from Chilas and Lower Kagan.
Three miles from Lulu Sar is to be noted, on the north,
the Loi Halol or Pattoga hatha, flowing from a valley
frequented by Chilasi graziers, which at the Second
Regular Settlement was held to belong to the Hazara
District. The Gitidas bungalow lies at an altitude of
11,860 feet, near the edge of the Gitidas stream, and a
little below the junction of the latter with the Kabulbashi

or Thanda hatha.
The Babusar Pass . —Prom Gitidas to Babusar in Chilas,
where the Political Officer of that country has a small
bungalow, is 11 J miles. It is nearly 4 miles to the
summit of the Babusar pass (13,689 feet), and the rest
is a steady descent. Chilas itself is 26 miles further on.
The road to the pass is visible from the Gitidas bimgalow,
winding in an easy gradient along the hill that bounds the
glen on the north side. The pass is well worth a visit
for the view which it affords of the mountain ranges of
Chilas, Gilgit, Kashmir, and Kagan itself. The traveller
should ascend the hill on one or other flank of the pass
(that to the west is easiest ; it is a twenty-minute climb
of 400 or 600 feet), and he will be rewarded by a magnifi-
cent sight, for, almost due east and but 36 miles distant,
the giant form of Nanga Parbat rises to a height of
26,620 feet, a wonderful spectacle of solitary grandeur
before which the peaks of Kagan bow their diminished
heads. And away to the north across the Indus is a fine
panorama of snowy mountains, culminating in Baku
Poshi, the great peak that lies beyond Gilgit.
Summary . —Prom
the above description of the route
it will be seen that the total distanoe from Abbottabad
to the summit of the pass is nearly 132 miles. Prom
Abbottabad to Gitidas there are altogether eleven stages,
of which eight are within the valley itself. The stages
are easy ones, and on one or two the march can be doubled
if necessary. Riding is feasible throughout (though here
and there it will be safer to cross a snow-slide on foot),
and there are many level bits, especially in the upper
portions, where one can proceed at a good pace. Con-
tractors provide ordinary supplies, if required, at all the

Diversions from the Main Route. He, however, who
would explore the beauties of the valley should not
confine himj^elf to the main road. Discarding mule
transport, let him provide liimself with coolies and a
small tent, and penetrate into the side valleys or climb
the spurs that flank them. The glades of Re war i or
Biari at the head of the Manur hatha, the Lower Besri
spur (9,000 feet above Jared) with its glorious view of
Mali ka Parbat, Ragan Pajji, and the Bichla ridge, the
Mansi spur above Beln., the Akhora spur above Hingrai,
the plateaus of Rawalkot to the north-west of Kagan, or
of Paya and Shogran above Kawai, and many another
favoured spot, provide ideal camping-grounds, and well
repay the trouble taken to reach them. A good detour
to make is up the Naran hatha to the Safr Maluk lake,
and then across the Pir Gali (about 14,000 feet, a stiff
climb) into the Manur hatha, and so back to Mahandri.
By this route the finest snows in Kagan are seen in their
full glory. Another short diversion is up the Purbiala
hatha from Besal to the Dudibach Sar and round to
Gitidas via the Thanda hatha. Or from Bhunja one may
climb to Paya and down to Kawai. Or from Kagan,
Kamalban, or Paras one may strike across the hills and
thi*oiigh the forests to the Musa ka Musalla ridge at
Shadal Gali, and either descend into the Bhogarmang
valley or walk along the ridge to Jaba. And by some
of tlio nullahs to the east it is possible to reach the
Kishanganga valley of Kashmir. Fortunate indeed is

he whom duty or leisure enables to spend a month of

wandering in this attractive corner of the Empire.
















(The population figures are those of the Census of 1901, and the figures
for cultivated area are those of the Second Regular Settlement.)

Abbottahad. — Head-quarters of the Abbottabad tahsil and

of the District, situated in 34° 9' north and 73° 13' east,
4,120 feet above the sea. It ison the road from Hassan
Abdal to Kashmir, and is 44'^ and 42 miles distant from
tlie Hassan Abdal village a.nd railway-station respec-
tively, and 47 miles from Domcl, where the Rawalpindi-
Srinagar road is joined. It was founded in 1853, and
named after Major James Abbott, the first Deputy
Commissioner of Hazara (vide Chapter V.). A small
settlement at first containing only one native infantry
regim(mt, it has now become a considerable canton-
ment, the head-quarters of a brigade, and occupied by
four native regiments (two battalions each of the 5th
and 6th Gurkha Rifles) and three native mountain bat-
teries. The Abbottabad cantonment and municipal area
between them cover nearly 800 acres, and in 1901 con-
tained a population of 7,764 souls. The number must
now (a.d. 1907) be well over 8,000. For revenue pur-
poses the cantonment and municipality form one estate,
which is assessed to a land revenue of 95 rupees, that
being the amount imposed at an all-uound rate of about
3 rupees an acre on such of the land within municipal
bounds as is not Government property or the site of the
town. Most of the European residents live in bungalows
inside cantonment but in the municipal area are
the civil lines containing the bungalows of the Deputy
Commissioner, the Superintendent of Police, the Deputy
Consi^rvator of Forests, and others ;
and beyond this
again are a few bungalows which have been constructed
on the lands of the neighbouring villages.
Out of the population above mentioned, 3,395 live
within the limits of tlie Municipality. There are five
official and ten non-official members of the Committee,
the Deputy Commissioner being president. The average
income of the Municipality for the last ten years is
19,338 rucpes, and its expenditure 16,999 rupees. The
latest return (for 1906) gives totals of 36,876 rupees and
24,941 rupees respectively. The ‘funds are chiefly derived
from octroi. The houses of the town lie huddled together
on the slopes to the south of the cantonment. The
population has become much congested of recent years,
and plans for an extension to the east on the opposite
side of the valley are under consideration. In the eastern
quarter of the town lies the combined tahsil and thana ;

to the south the civil hospital and the katchery. The

dak bungalow and a small hotel arc oast of the tahsil,
and between these and the katchery are the public
gardens. The Municipal Board School lies between the
hospital and the Katchery. It has 173 boys on its rolls,
and is an Anglo- Vernacular High School, as is the Albert
Victor School, which is maintained by the Arya Samaj,
and lies immediately to the south of the tahsil. There
are also two unaided girls’ schools, one for Sikhs and one
(maintained by the Arya Samaj) for Hindus. They have
sixty-seven and forty-one scholars respectively. In the
cantonment the bungalows of the European residents
occupy the western portion. To the north are the
infantry and artillery lines, and the south-eastern portion
is taken up by the parade-ground, a splendid stretch of

turf east of the Mansehra road, where there is plenty of

room for polo, football, hockey, and golf, as well as for

more serious objects. In the centre the little church of

St. Luke raises its spire above the trees, and immediately
to the north of this is the Club, with its tennis-courts and
croquet-lawns. At the back of the station to the west
lies the Brigade Circular hill, crowned with a forest
‘ ’

of chir, which a public-spirited Deputy Commissioner

planted in days gone by, earning for himself the gratitude
of posterity.
A pleasant spot is Abbottabad, and most ref resiling is its
aspect to the dusty traveller as he emerges from the ugly
barren hills that flank the Salhad pass. Nestling at the
southern end of the Rash plain, with the snows of Kagan
and Bhogarmang in the far distance to the north, and closer
by, to the east, the beautifully wooded hills of Thandiani
and the Galis, embowered in trees and studded with houses
of almost English build, it affords a welcome relief from the
monotonous regularity, white-washed uglinesses, and level,
uninteresting surroundings of the ordinary cantonment.
And if objections are raised to the bareness of the near
hills by which encompassed, some of which hide the
it is

view even
of the sunset in addition to their other sins, yet
these look beautiful as they reflect at evening the glory
of the western sky. In April, when the irises and fruit-
trees are in blossom in early May, when all the gardens

and even the hedges of the roadside are ablaze with roses ;

in late October or in November, when the tallow-tree, the

chenar, and the chestnut vie with each other in the
splendour of their autumn tints, and a crispness in the
air heralds the approaching winter, it is truly a good
thing to bo alive in Abbottabad.
Agror .

A small valley in the Mansehra tahsil, lying
at the foot of the Black Mountain, and separated from
Pakhli by the cAir-clad ridge of Tanglai. Its greatest
length is 13 miles from south to north, and its greatest

breadth 11 miles from east to west. The total area is

about 66 square miles. From the central plain at Oghi
three horns (extend —the Dilbori glen to the north, the
Kathai glen to the east, and the Arbora glen to the south.
To the west, where the Unhar river, which, with its
tributaries, drains the valley, makes its exit, lies Feudal
Tanawal. Save at this point, mountain ranges varying
in height from 9,000 to 5,000 feet enclose the valley on
all sides.
At the Second Regular Settlement Agror was divided
into fourteen estates, which comprise a large number of
hamlets. The population is 16,983, made up of Swathis,
Gujars, Saiads, and miscellaneous tribes. The cultivated
area is some 21,000 acres. Maize is the chief crop, and
is noted for its excellence. There are 5,996 acres of
reserved forest {vide Chapter HI.). The Swathis came
into possession of the valley early in the eighteenth cen-
tury, when, led by Saiad Jalal Baba, they expelled there-
from the Karlugh Turks. Towards the end of that
century one Akhund Sad ud Din established his position
as Khan of Agror, and strengthened himself by marrying
the sister of Suba Khan, the chief of the Fallal Tanaolis.
He died in 1783, and was succeeded by his son, Inaya-
tullah Kban, who dispossessed most of the Swathis, and
gave their lands to his retainers. Inayatullah Khan died
in A.D. 1819, and was succeeded by his younger son,
Ghafur Khan, who was Khan for fifteen years. In 1834
Painda Khan, the Amb chief, took possession of Agror,
and Ghafur Khan had to flee. He was assassinated in
1835 at Painda Khan’s instigation. The latter held
Agror till 1841, when it was restored to Ata Muhammad
Khan, son of Ghafur Khan, by the Sikhs.
The fortunes of Agror under British rule have been
referred to in Chapter VI. Ata Muhammad Khan was
deported in 1868 for instigating an attack by the trans-
border tribes on the police post at Oghi, but in 1870 he
was allowed to retifrn to the valley. He died in 1875,
and was succeeded by Gauhar Khan. Like
his son, Ali
his father, the latter could not keep aloof from intrigues
with the trans-border tribes, with whom ho was brought


into close connexion by his marriage with the sister of

Hashim Khan, chief of the Khankhel Hassanzais.
In 1888 he was believed to have abetted raids into British
territory, and was arrested and deported to Lahore. In
1891 the Agror Valley Regulation was passed, declaring
all rights recognized as existing in the Khan of Agror or
conferredby or in the records of rights of the Agror Settle-
ment made and sanctioned in 1870 as forfeited to Govern-
ment, and empowering the Local Government to appoint
a Settlement Officer to deal with those rights. Under
this Regulation the Second Regular Settlement of the
valley was carried out in the years 1898 to 1900.' By
it the proprietary rights of the Khan, now forfeit to

Government, were established over about half of the

valley, and the rest was apportioned among his relatives,
serihhorSy and others. And, as described in Chapter IV.,
a large number of tenants were given occupaney rights.
The revenue, which was in Sikh times 1,515 rupees, and
was fixed by Major Abbott in 1853 at 3,315 rupees, and
by Captain Wace in the First Regular Settlement at
4,000 rupees, was raised to 13,000 rupees, and 3,000
rupees were added for water-mills.
Baffa A town in the Mansehra tahsil, situated on

the right bank of the Siran river, on the northern side of

the Pakhli plain. The population is 7,829. It is really
an overgrown village, for the population is largely rural
in character, but it is also the principal mart of Northern

Hazara and of the adjoining independent tracts, and some

wealthy Hindus reside here. It was created a munici-
pality in 1873, and within municipal limits the population
is 7,029. The Committee and
consists of three officials
six non-official Deputy Commissioner being
members, the
the President. The average income (derived in the main
from octroi) for the ten years ending 1906 was 5,102
rupees, and the average expenditure 4,861 rupees. In 1906
the income and expenditure were 6,392 rupees and 5,105
rupees respectively. There is a vernacular middle school,
maintained by the Municipality and District Board, with
136 boys on its rolls. There are also two aided girls’
schools, one for Hindus and one for Muhammadans,
containing twenty-nine and thirty scholars respectively.
The estate of Baffa is a large and important one. It is
7,149 acres in area of this 4,121 acres are cultivated,

including 746 acres of irrigation the land revenue assessed


is 8,400 rupees. The irrigated land is exceptionalljf valu-

able, comprising as it does some of the richest rice-fields
in Pakhli. There
a is fine village forest of chir on a hill to
thfe north, which, however, has suffered much from the
villagers’ depredations. The village was taken from the
Turks by the Swathis, and is now the possession of the
Sarkheli section of the latter tribe. There are thirteen
Bagan . —A village in the Abbottabad tahsil, situated to
the west of Kalabagh and Nathia
In fact, the re-
served forest, in which these locations was carved to a

great extent out of its area. The inhabitants number

3,017, and reside in a number of scattered hamlets. The
area of the estate is 6,655 acres, of which 1,773 are culti-
vated, and the land revenue assessed thereon is 1,900
rupees. The proprietors are Karrals, and there are three
Bagra . —
An important village on the edge of the Hari-
pur plain, 4 miles south of the Abbottabad road, and
9 miles east of Haripur. The population is 1,793. The
area of the estate is 2,035 acres, including 875 acres of
cultivation, and the land revenue assessment is 1,800
rupees. There
is some valuable irrigated land on the Dor.

The proprietors are Hassanzai Jaduns of the Pirukhel

and Pinnukhel subsections, and there are three lambar-
dars, The village js the chief mart in the upper portion
of the Haripur plain. There is a primary school, with
fifty-two scholars on its rolls.
Bakot , —
The most important village in the Bakot
tract, situated on a plateau above the Jhelum, whence it

isabout 2 miles down the hill to Kohala and to the bridge

which takes the tonga road to Kashmir across the river.
The population is 2,290. The village lands stretch up
towards the Galis, and cover 6,024 acres, of which 1,738
are cultivated. The land revenue assessment is 1,750
rupees. There is a very fine village forest of pine and
broad-leaved trees. The proprietors are Dhunds, and
there are six lamhardars. Adjoining the village is the
police-station, second class. A
which ranks in the
recently started zamindari school has already fifty-six
Balakot . —A
very large village lying at the mouth of
the Kagan valley,23 miles from Mansehra. According to
the census of 1901 its population was then no less than
15,383, but this was spread over an area of nearly
100 square miles, and included a large number of outlying
hamlets. The old village of Balakot was split up at the
Second Regular Settlement into eleven estates. Of these,
Balakot proper has an area of 9,749 acres, of which
1,729 acres are cultivated. Its land revenue assess-
ment is 3,300 rupees. The proprietors are Swathis, and
their tenants, whom they squeeze unmercifully, are
Gujars. There are ten lambardars. A number of Hindus
concerned in the trade up and down the Kagan valley
reside here. It was near this village that the Hindustani
Khalifa Said Ahmad was slain in a fight with the Sikhs
in the year 1830, as described in Chapter V. There is a
primary school, with sixty-six boys, a Military Works
and a police-station of the first class.

Bara Gali A small hill cantonment, 15 miles from

Abbottabad, and 25 miles from Murree, on the Abbotta-

bad-Murree road. —
It is if we except Thandiani the —
northernmost of the line of hill-stati^ons and cantonments
that extends along the Dunga Gali ridge to Murree, and
has an altitude of 7,900 feet. It lies on the west side of the
ridge, at the point where a long spur strikes out towards
the Rajoia plain, and is surrounded by Government


forest. During the summer months it is occupied by one
of the British mountain batteries which are stationed at
Rawalpindi in the winter. There is a season post and
telegraph office.

BaitaL—k large village lying near the head of the

Konsh valley in the Mansehra tahsil. There is a Border
Military Police post here, with a garrison of sixteen men
under a jemadar, and a primary school, with sixty boys
on its rolls. The population is 1,791. The area of the
estate is 2,612 acres, of which 1,953 acres are cultivated,
and tlie land revenue assessment, all of which is assigned
to the Khan of Garhi Habibullah Khan, is 1,400 rupees.
The proprietors are Swathis of the Mandravi and Aznavi
subsections. The former include the most important
family in the glen. There are two lambardars Dost —
Muhammad Khan and Amir Khan but the most influen- —
tial man is Bara (or Bahram) Khan, uncle of the former,

who has an inayn of 150 rupees.

Bela Kawai, A large but scattered village in the
Kagan valley, 14 miles above Balakot, and lying on either
side of the Kxinhar. It was split up into four estates
Kawai-Suan, Bela Sacha, Paras, and Chushal at the —
Second Regular Settlement. Their combined area is
18,390 acres, which include 2,943 acres of cultivation, and
their land revenue assessment is 3,200 rupees. The Saiad
proprietors are referred to in Chapter III. Chushal is
under an old-standing mortgage to the Swathi proprietors
of Jared village, who are in possession. There are alto-
gether three lambardars,
Bliaru Phuldhar, —A small village in the Haripur tahsil,
6 miles to the north-west of Haripur, on the right bank
of the Dor. It is noticeable only because at Bharukot,
within its limits, the troops garrisoning Hazara were
cantoned before they moved to Abbottabad in 1853. It
was from here that the Afghan army was recalled at the
close of the second Sikli v. ar.
Bhogarmang ,
—The most important village in the Bho-


garmang valley of the Mansehra tahsil. It lies on the left

bank of the Siran, about 8 miles from the entrance to the
valley. The population is 1,157, and the total area
2,664 acres, including 621 acres of cultivation. The
land revenue assessment is 650 rupees. The proprietors
are Jahangiri Swathis, and there are two lamhardars,
of whom one —
^Muzaffar Khan by name has a jagir —
and an inam, and is the most influential person in the
Boi, — A small village on the Kunhar, 6 miles or so above
its junction with the Jhelum, and noticeable because it
gives its name to the surrounding tract, and is the head-
quarters of one of the biggest jagirdars in the district
Sultan Barkat Khan, Bamba. The population is 250,
the total area 576 acres, including 213 cultivated, and
the land revenue assessment — all assigned to the jagirdar,
who is 130 rupees. A
also proprietor of the village —
zamindari school, which has recently been started, has
thirty-six scholars on its rolls.

Changla Gali, —A on the Murree-Abbotta-

bad road, 9 miles from the former and 31 miles from the
latter place (or 29 if the route by the pipe line is fol-
lowed). It is splendidly situated amid pine forests at an
altitude of 8,400 feet, and
the highest of all the hill-

stations in the district, except Thandiani. It boasts a

hotel and a dak bungalow, and is the head-quarters of
the First Circle School of Musketry. From the ruins of
the old mess-house above the hotel a fine view is obtained
of the Jhelum valley, with Nanga Parbat in the back-
ground, and the picturesquely situated dak bungalow on
the western face of the hill commands a striking prospect
of Murree, the southern portion of the Hazara District,
and the distant plain of Rawalpindi,

Dannah. A small village perched on the ridge to the
east of Lora, and only some 2 miles from Cora Gali on
the Murree road. The population is 565. It is worth
noticing, because it used to be the site of an important Sikh
fort, which at annexation was converted into a police-
station. At a later date the police were transferred to
Lora, and the fortis now a ruin. The village also contains
a well-known shrine, that of Dhummat Khan, from whom
all the Dhunds claim to be descended. The proprietors
are Hastal Dhunds, and there are five lamhardars, an
unnecessarily large number.
Darband .

One of the most. important villages in Feudal
Tanawal. It lies on the left bank of the Indus, 3 miles
north of Kirpilian and the boundary of the Haripur tahsil,
and half a mile below the junction of the Unhar with the
bigger river. There is a small bazaar, where Hindus reside,
and there is a ferry across to the trans-Indus territory
of the Khan of Amb. The Khan realizes a considerable
income at this point from tolls taken on the timber
floated down the Indus. He has a house here, and there
is also an old Sikh fort. The road from Kirpilian to Oghi
passes through the village, which has on several occasions
been used as a starting-point for operations in frontier
Dehdar . —
A village 9 miles from Haripur on the road to
Hassan Abdal, and noticeable only because adjoining it
is a camping-ground for troops on the march to and

from Abbottabad. Population, 508. The proprietors are

Gujars, and there is one lambardar.

Dhamtaur A large and important village 5 miles east

of Abbottabad on the Murree road and on the right bank

of the Dor. In old days it gave its name to the sur-
rounding tract. Population, 3,920. The estate extends
into the Rash Plain, and includes much of the land round
Abbottabad. Its area is 5,513 acres, of which 2,308 acres
are cultivated. Its land revenue assessment is 4,000
rupees, and there arp 97 water-mills, some of them very
valuable, which pay 1,263 rupees more. There is a
branch post-office in the village and a primary school
with 108 boys. The proprietors are Hassanzai Jaduns,
and there are 11 lambardars. The village ranks next in

importance to Nawanshahr among the marts of the

Abbottabad tahsil, and several prosperous Hindus reside
here. The well-known shrine and tank of Jamal Ghazi
lie in a beautiful grove a mile from the village in the

Abbottabad direction on the right bank of the Darkhan,

a tributary of the Dor.
Dhudial , —
An important village in the Pakhli plain,
on the left bank of the Siran, some 9 miles north of Man-
sehra. Population, 3,979. Total area of estate, 3,769

acres, of which 2,733 are cultivated, including some rich

irrigated land. The fields are much mixed up with those
of the adjoining Turk village of Girwal. The land revenue
assessment is 4,800 rupees. The proprietors are Swathis,
and there are eleven lamhardars. The village is notable
for its mules, of which there are over 300. They come
mostly from Nandihar, and are of small size. They are
employed in carrying merchandise and grain, and it is
estimated that the village has an annual income of at
least 1,500 rupees from this source. There is a primary
school, with sixty boys on its rolls.

Dunga Gali A hill-station, at an elevation of 7,800

feet, on the road from Abbottabad to Murree, 22 miles

from the former and 18 miles from the latter place. It
is picturesquely situated on the slopes of the Moshpuri

hill (9,232 feet), and commands a beautiful southward

view of the range to which that hill belongs and of the

series of wooded spurs that project from it towards the
Jhelum. There is a post and telegraph office, a combined
tahsil and police-station, a dak bungalow, a Military
Works rest-house, a hotel, and a small church. These
are all open during the summer months only. Dunga
Gali is a favourite resort for European residents of the
Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, and contains
fifteen bungalows. There is a ‘club with two lawn-

tennis courts. Together with Nathia Gali, 2 miles to

the north, the station forms a Notified Area. It is con-
nected with Nathia Gali not only by the main road, but
alsoby an upper path, 3 miles in length, which leads
through very beautiful scenery and crosses the Karral
Harroh at its source.
Garhi Habihullah Khan—An important village on the
Abbottabad-Kashmir road, 19 miles from Mansehra and
12 from Domel. It is situated on the left bank of the
Kunhar, which the road here crosses by a suspension
bridge. There is a second-class police-station, a primary
school of eighty-one boys, arid a dak bungalow, the last
being on the right bank of the river. The population is
2,838, the total area of the estate 3,772 acres, including
and the land revenue assess-
1,366 acres of cultivation,
ment 1,900 The village is the residence of
Muhammad Husain Khan, the leading Khan of the
Swathis, after one of whose ancestors it is named. Before
Habibullah Khan’s time it was known as Garhi Saadat
Khan. The Khan is also the lamhardar and chief pro-
prietor, and the whole revenue is assigned to him. The
village is a trade centre of some importance, and a number
of Hindus reside here.
Ghazi, —
A village on the Indus, 12 miles below Tarbela
and at the head of the Khari tract. There is a first-class
police-station here and a District rest-house, which
formerly belonged to the Salt Department. The popula-
tion is 827, the total area of the estate 862 acres, in-
cluding 296 acres of cultivation, and the total land revenue
assessment 300 rupees. Hah the revenue is assigned
to the proprietors, who are Tarkhelis and have three
Ghora Dhaka (or perhaps rather Gora Dhaka, ‘
British soldiers’ hill ’). —A
cantonment that lies at an
altitude of about 7,700 feet, 3 miles from Dunga Gali and 15
from Murree, on a spur that projects towards the Jhelum.
The road over the pi^e line conveying the Murree water-
supply from the springs that are the source of the Karral ‘

Harroh, passes through it. There is a post and telegraph

office here in the summer months, during which period

it is occupied by a detachment of British infantry. The

men live in tents, whose white canvas is a conspicuous
feature of the landscape.
Haripur . —
The head-quarters of the Haripur tahsil,
situated a mile to the west of the left bank of the Dor,
on the Abbottabad-Hassan Abdal road. It is 23 miles
from the former place and 21 and 19| miles from Hassan
Abdal village and railway-station respectively. Popula-
tion, 6,860. The town was founded in 1822 by Sardar
Hari Singh, after whom it is called. It was surrounded
by a wall, of which few traces now remain. Half a mile
to the east he built the fort of Harkishangarh, a formid-
able stronghold with immensely thick walls and a deep
trench. It is now a combined tahsil and police-station,
but the trench has been partially filled in and the walls
are not so high as they were. To the east of this, again,
is an orchard, known as Hari Singh ha hagh^ in a portion

of which lies an old European cemetery containing among

others the graves of the Salt officers, Came and Tapp,
whose murder by Hassanzais in 1851 led to the first
Black Mountain Expedition. The area of the Haripur
estate is 446 acres, of which 311 are cultivated, and its
land revenue assessment is 3,546 rupees. The soil re-
ceives ample irrigation from the Dor and is very fertile,
a considerable portion being under gardens of fruit or
vegetables. The proprietors are the Qazis of Sikandarpur,
with a number of malik qdbzas, Qazis Fazal Ilahi and
Abdullah Jan are the two lamhardars. There is a dak
bungalow, with Canara’s monument hard by, and a

Sessions House,’ which is commonly used as a rest-

house. The latter is built out from a corner of the old

city wall, and is a quaint erection, with a pretty little
garden in front.
In Abbott’s time, as under the Sikh domination, Haripur
was the head-quarters of the District, but soon after he
left Hazara Abbottabad took its place.. Though shorn
of its former glory, it is a thriving town enough, and is
the centre of a considerable trade between Kashmir and
independent territory on the one hand and the Punjab
and North-West Frontier Province on the other. There
is a Municipal Committee, with five official and twelve
non-official members, the Deputy Commissioner being the
president. The average income of the Municipality for
the ten years ending 1906 was 17,406 rupees and the
expenditure 16,109 rupees. For the year 1906 the income
and expenditure were 21,384 rupees and 20,146 rupees
respectively. The income is received chiefly from octroi,
but the municipal gardens and nazul lands bring in a
considerable amount. There is a hospital, in charge of an
assistant-surgeon, and an Anglo-Vernacular middle school,
with 259 boys on its rolls.
Hatar . —
A village 13 miles south of Haripur on the
road to Serai Kala, a station on the North-West Railway
9 miles distant. It is noticeable only because within its
limits there is a camping-ground for troops on the march
to or from Rawalpindi. Population, 1,220. Area, 4,051
acres, of which 2,781 are cultivated. Land revenue assess-
ment 1,900 rupees. The proprietors are the sons of the
late Raja Jahandad Khan, Gakhar, of Khanpur.

Kagan The chief village in the Kagan valley, on the

left bank of the Kunhar, 38 miles above Balakot. The

estate covers the enormous area of 344,844 acres, or
540 square miles, for all the waste land at the head of the
valley is included in it. In this huge tract only 1,490
acres are cultivated, most of the land being at too high
an elevation to be used for anything but grazing purposes.
The population in March, 1901, numbered 3,782, but it
is much summer months, when the waste
larger in the
lands are overrun by graziers from other parts of the
district, and from Kashmir and independent territory.
The land revenue assessment (which takes account of the
very considerable income received from grazing fees) is
3,000 rupees, of which one-third is assigned to the Saiad
proprietors. Most of these live in the collection of huts

which form the main village site, while their Gujar tenants
are scattered among numerous hamlets. There are four
lanibardars. For further details, Chapter VIII. may be
KakuL —A village on the eastern side of the Rash plain,
4 miles north-east of Abbottabad. Population, 1,361.
Total area, 3,102 acres, including 1,088 cultivated. The
proprietors are Mansur Jaduns, who are called Shekhs, and
hold rather a high position in the tribe. But the village’s
claim to mention rests on other grounds. In the spring
of 1902 a thousand or more Boer prisoners were sent here
from South Africa, and when they left at the close of the
year the ground to the west of the village site, which they
occupied, was retained in Government hands, and was
converted into a station for the fourth native mountain
battery in the Abbottabad brigade. It lies at a slightly
higher elevation than the old cantonment, and is a cooler
and more airy site. In the hill at the back is the spring
from which Abbottabad derives the main portion of its
excellent water-supply. Other features of the place are
the cemetery, where Boers who died during their cap-
tivity and one or two of their guards (from the 60th
Rifles) lie side by side, and the cairn of stones erected by
the prisoners when the welcome news of the conclusion
of peace was received.
Kalabagh , —
A hill cantonment on the Abbottabad-
Murree road between Bara Gali and Nathia Gali, 18 miles
from Abbottabad and 22 from Murree. It is situ-
ated 7,700 feet above sea-level at the head of a spur which
runs south-westwards between the Samundar hatha and
the Karral branch of the Harroh. Like Bara Gali, it is
occupied during the summer months by a British moun-
tain battery from Rawalpindi. ^ There is a season post
and telegraph office.

Khaira Gali , —A
cantonment, at an altitude of

7,700 feet, on the Abbottabad-Murree road, 3 miles south

of Changla Gali. It is 6 miles from Murree and 34
from Abbottabad. It commands a fine view on either
side of the ridge, and its red-roofed houses are a conspicu-
ous feature of the landscape. Like Kalabagh and Bara
Gali, it is occupied in the summer by a British mountain
battery from Rawalpindi.
Khalabat . —
A fairly large village, a little to the west of the
Tarbela road, 5 miles from Haripur. It derives its name
from the upright stone {khala vatta) which may be seen in
the mosque. The Khans of Khalabat are the leading
Utmanzais in Hazara {vide ChapterII.). The population
is 1,762, the total area 1,454 acres, and the cultivated area
1,152, practically all irrigated. The land revenue assess-
ment is 3,000 rupees, of which all but 800 rupees is assigned
to Muhammad Aman Khan, the head of the family, who
is also the lambardar. There is a sub-post-office and a
primary school, with fifty- two boys.

Khanpur Tlie most important village
in the Khanpur
tract and the head-quarters of the chief of the Gakhars.
It is situated picturesquely on the right bank of the
Harroh, 16 miles south of Haripur, in an open valley a
little above the Panjkatha plain, and at a height of

1,937 feet above sea-level. Population, 3,314. The total

area of the estate is 3,962 acres, including 1,731 acres
cultivated. The Khanpur gardens, which lie mostly on
the right bank of the Harroh beneath the village, arc noted.
They grow vines, apricots, plums, loquats, and other
fruit-trees, and and vegetables.
also sugar-cane, turmeric,
The land revenue assessment is 3,600 rupees. The pro-
prietors are Gakhars, and the two leading Rajas of the
tract are the lambardars. There is a first-class pohee-
station, a primary school with seventy-five boys on its
rolls,and the Wace Hospital, erected by the late Raja
‘ ’

Jahandad Khan. The latter also built for himself a

palatial residence, which dominates the village.

Khanspur A location situated on the same spur as

the Ghora Dhaka cantonment, of which it forms part, but

at a slightly lower level. It is occupied during the summer

by a detachment of British infantry, who, as at Ghora

Dhaka, live in tents.
Khote Ki Qabr {or ^The Donkey^ s Grave —
This is the
name given to a small bazaar and tonga stage on the
Abbottabad-Hassan Abdal road, 6 miles from the former
place. The grave from which it takes its name is on the
right bank of the Salhad stream, a little distance to the
north of the bridge, in a small cemetery. The story runs
that in the days before Sikh rule the villagers of Dhamtaur
began to encroach upon and cultivate the Salhad lands
here. It was too far for them to return at midday to
their own village for their food, so their womankind used
to load iton a donkey, who, unattended, took his way
to where his masters were at work. As he drew near he
would bray, and the men would come and eat their
dinners, and then, loading the donkey with the empty
vessels, would send him back again to Dhamtaur. The
victims of the encroachments, who were not strong
enough to compel the Dhamtaur men to release their
lands by force, took counsel together, and came to the con-
clusion that if they killed the donkey their enemies would
find it too much trouble to go home every day for their
food, and would give up cultivating the land. So one
day they laid in wait for the donkey, and killed him as he
came along. Thereupon his masters, grieved at the death
of the faithful animal, and not desiring to leave his body
a prey to vultures and jackals, gave him an honourable
burial, and raised a pile of stones over his grave, that
remains until this day.
Kirpilian , —A small village situated on the left bank
of the Indus at the extreme north-west corner of the
Badhnak Haripur tahsil. There is a second-
tract in the
class police-station here, and a small rest-house. In the
former ten Border Military Policemen are also quartered.
Opposite, on the right bank of the river, lies the village
of Amb, in Independent Tanawal. The population of
Kirpilian is 329, its total area 322 acres, with a cultivated
area of 114 acres, and land revenue assessment, which

is all assigned to the Khan of Amb, 100 rupees. The pro-

prietors are Bagial Tanaolis, and there is one lamhardar.

Kot Najihullah. A large village 6 miles south-west of
Haripur, on the road to Serai Kala. It was founded by Naji-
bullah Khan, Tarin, but is now the property of the Gujars.
Population, 4,293. Total area, 4,834 acres, including
2,751 acres cultivated. The land revenue assessment,
which is assigned to Mukaddam Mir Abdullah, the lam-
bardar and the leading Gujar in the Haripur plain, is
2,700 rupees. There are some valuable wells in the Soka
kas, which runs to the north of the village. The rest of
the land is unirrigated. There is a vernacular middle
school, with 160 boys on its rolls. The Hindus of the
village are a strong body, and there is a considerable
amount of trade.
Lora, —A village of some importance, lying on the left
bank of the Dhund Harroh, in an open valley between off-
shoots of the Murree and Dunga Gali ranges. It is only
4 miles from Gora Gali on the Murree-Rawalpindi road.
There isa second-class police-station here, and a primary
school, with fifty-eight boys. The population is 1069,
the total area of the estate 2,484 acres, including 725 under
cultivation, and the land revenue assessment 1,125 rupees.
The proprietors are Hasnal Dhunds, and there are two
Mandkrai, —A large village on the right bank of the
Dor, opposite Haripur. Population, 1,350. Total area,
3,119 acres, including 1,307 cultivated, and land revenue
assessment 3,200 rupees. There are some good orchards
and some It is one of the few
excellent irrigated land.
remaining Turk villages in the District, and once appears
to have been the head-quarters of Turkish rule. There are

four lamhardars three of them Turks and one a Saiad.
ManseJira. — ^A large village, the head-quarters of the
Mansehra tahsil, situated 3,682 feet above sea-level at the
southern end of the Pakhli plain on the Bhut stream,


which is an affluent of the Siran. It lies on the Abbotta-

bad-Kashmir road, 16 miles north of the former place.
Population, 5,807. Total area of estate, 5,059 acres,
and land revenue assessment
including 3,522 cultivated,
3,600 rupees. The proprietors are Khankhel Swathis,

and there is one lambardar Muhammad Husain Khan.
There used to be a second lambardar, but in 1891 Juma
Khan, the then holder of the appointment, forfeited his posi-
tion by assisting in the escape of Fazal Ali Khan, the agent
of the Khan of Agror, from the Haripur lock-up. There
are an Anglo- Vernacular middle school, with 190 boys on
its rolls a hospital, a tahsil, and police-station combined

and a dak bungalow and civil rest-house close together.

From the latter a fine view is obtained across the Pakhli
plain to the snows of Bhogarmang and Kagan, Musa ka
Musalla being prominent in the centre. In the distance
to the north-west is the dark ridge of the Black Mountain,
and nearer by is the Bareri hill, with the queer-shaped
boulders on its summit that are held sacred by the Hindus.

Mirpur A large village at the northern end of the

Rash plain, 5 miles from Abbottabad, and a little to the

east of the road to Mansehra. There are two village sites,
the upper and the lower. The population is 2,475, the
total area 3,829 acres, including 2,221 cultivated, and the
land revenue assessment 3,700 rupees. The proprietors
are Mansur Jaduns, and there are five lamhardars, Mirpur
is best known for its stables, a tin-roofed block of build-

ings on the Mansehra road, where Government stallions

from the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province are
sent to spend the summer.

Nara (/.). An important village on the western edge
of the Dhan plain in the Abbottabad tahsil. It lies
21 miles south of Abbottabad itself, by a somewhat cir-
cuitous road. The population* is 1,093, the total area
2,464 acres, including 923 acres of cultivation, and the
land revenue assessment 1,150 rupees. The proprietors
are Karrals, and there are two lambardars. In former
times was a stronghold of the Karral tribe, and the

Sikhs built a fort here, which has now been converted into
a second-class police-station. It is placed in a conspicuous
position on the hill above the village overlooking the Dor
Nara (//.)• — ^A small village lying on the edge of the
Haripur plain at the base of the Gandgar range, some
8 miles north-west of Haripur. Population, 82 only.
Total area, 570 acres, including 177 cultivated. The
land revenue assessment, which is assigned to the pro-
prietor, Ghulam Yahiya, Kureshi, is 100 rupees. This
famous as the scene of Sardar Hari Singh’s
little village is

defeat by the Utmanzais and their allies in a.d. 1824, and

a white pillar on the hill above commemorates the event,
though the inscription on it has been removed by some
enemy of the Utmanzais. The position of the village was
important in former times, as it commanded the most
practicable route to Sirikot and the heart of the
Gandgar hills. It was therefore chosen by Major Abbott
to be his head-quarters, while he bade defiance to the
Sikhs in the manner described in Chapter V.
Nathia Oali . —
A hill-station in the Abbottabad tahsil,
on the road from Abbottabad to Murree. It is some
20 miles from either place by that road, but the pipe line
shortens the journey to Murree by about 2 miles. Its
altitude is some 8,200 feet, and it commands fine views of
the snows of Kashmir and Kohistan on the one side and
of the southern portion of the District and the Rawal-
pindi plain on the other. In the foreground, to the north-
east rise the green slopes of Miran Jani (9,793 feet), and
beyond in the far distance on a clear day may be seen the
white cone of Nanga Parbat, towering above its neigh-
bours. With its ridges^ thickly clothed by pine, maple,
chestnut, and oak, Nathia Gali is one of the most beautiful
of hill-stations, though for grandeur and comprehensive-
ness of view it must yield to Thansiani. The Chief Com-
missioner of the North-West Frontier Province has his

summer residence on the spur connecting the Nathia Gali

and Miran Jani ridges, and there are seventeen bungalows
for European visitors. There are also a small bazaar, a
hospital, and a combined post and telegraph office.
Nathia Gali and Dunga Gali together form a Notified Area
under the Municipal Act, the Deputy-Commissioner,
Civil Surgeon, Assistant Secretary to the Chief Commis-
sioner, Deputy-Conservator of Forests, and Naib-Tahsildar
of Dunga Gali constituting the committee.

Nawanshahr A small town in the south-eastern corner

of the Rash plain, 3 miles east of Abbottabad. Popula-

tion of the whole estate, 5,945 ;
of the Municipality, 4,114.
The total area of the estate is 5,655 acres, including
2,899 acres under cultivation. The land revenue assessment
is 5,000 rupees, and in addition 330 rupees are paid on

water-mills which are situated on the streams flowing

from the Rash plain into the Dor. The proprietors are
Mansur Jaduns, and there
of high standing in the tribe,
are thirteen lambardars.The town is the chief market
of the Abbottabad tahsil, and contains a number of
prosperous Hindus. A Municipahty was constituted in
1867. There are three official and seven non-official
members, and the Deputy-Commissioner is the President.
During the ten years ending with 1906 the income averaged
2,800 rupees, and the expenditure 2,684 rupees. In the
year 1906 the figures were 3,497 rupees and 3,359 rupees
respectively. There is a branch post office, and a primary
school has 122 boys on its rolls. To the east of the town
is the site of what was once Major Abbott’s bungalow.

Oghi . —
A village in the Agror valley 20 miles north-
west of Mansehra, and lying under the shadow of the Black
Mountain. It was the residence of the Khan of Agror,
now an exile, and the ruins of his house crown the mound
on which the village stands. Oghi was the starting-point
for various Black Mountain expeditions, and used to
contain a small detachment of regular troops. These
have now been replaced by the Hazara Border Military
Police, who have their head-quarters in the fort, which
is situated on a level stretch of ground to the north of the
village. Altogether about 100 men are stationed here,
under their Subadar-Major. The fort also contains a first-
class police-station. Hard by is a hospital, a disused
dak bungalow, and a civil rest-house. The last is the
residence of the Commandant of the Border Military
Police, when he is a European. Half a mile away to the
south are two small cemeteries, where some British soldiers
who died during the Black Mountain Expeditions are
buried. The Oghi estate comprises the four hamlets of
Oghi, Bazar, Maloga, and Haji Kamr. The population is
1,568, the total area 2,269 acres, including 1,315 culti-
vated, and the land revenue assessment 1,250 rupees.
The soil is some of the best, in Agror. There are five
lambardars. The exiled Khan of Agror was the proprietor,
but his rights have now been transferred to the Govern-
ment. There are a combined post and telegraph office,
and a zamindari school, with forty-five boys.

Panian A largish village five miles west of Haripur

on the Hassan Abdal road. Population, 1,830 ;

area, 2,375 acres, including 2,080 cultivated, and land
revenue assessment, 2,800 rupees. The soil is an excel-
lent maim, and there are a few wells. The proprietors are
Panis, a branch of Kakar Pathans, and are a sturdy, well-
behaved lot, and excellent cultivators. There arc four
lambardars, the chief of whom —Ahmad Khan—holds the
neighbouring village of Ghanea in jagir.
Phulra,— The chief village in the Phulra State, and the
residence of theKhan. It lies on a small elevation a mile
from the right bank of the Siran, and about 10 miles west
of Mansehra. A
stream flows past it, irrigating some
gardens and and turning a few water-mills.
But most of the lani is unirrigated. It includes some of
the best soil in the State, but this is not saying much. The
population numbers 604 souls. There arc a few Hindus ;

the rest are Tanaolis.


Rajoia. A large village on the left bank of the Dor,
south of the Sarban hill, and about 10 miles from Abbott-
abad. It is the centre of the stony plain which forms
the eastern continuation of the Haripur tract. The
population is 2,720, the total area 4,696 acres, including
2,21 1 acres of cultivation, and the land revenue assessment
2,000 rupees. The soil is most of it bad stony stuff of the
dhangar tyipe. The proprietors are chiefly Salar Jaduns,
and there are seven lambardars. The village is a small
centre of trade between Haripur and the Galis. It con-
tains a branch post office.
Salam Khand {sometimes spelt Simnl KJiand ’). One

of the chief villages of the Tarkheli tribe in the Gandgar
range, 4 miles east of Ghazi. Population, 951. Total
area, 4,772 acres, including 556 acres cultivated. The
land revenue assessment, of which three-quarters arc
assigned to the Tarkheli proprietors, is 530 rupees. There
are two lambardars, Salam Khand was the head-quarters
of the robber bands that in pre-annexation days, when
the Sikh rule was relaxed, used to harry the surrounding
country. But after its capture by Major Abbott and the
submission of the tribe, as described in Chapter V., the
proprietors mended their ways, and several distinguished
themselves by loyal service against the Sikhs. For an
account of the fight between Major Abbott and Chattar
Singh in the vicinity of this village a reference may be made
to the chapter above mentioned. A considerable propor-
tion of the proprietors are now in Government service.
There is a primary school, with forty-four boys, and an
aided girls’ school has recently been started, with fourteen

Salhad, A large village 2 miles to the south of Abbott-
abad, on the Hassan Abdal road.] , Population, 3,508 ;

total area of estate, 5,279 acres, including 2,021 acres culti-

vated, and land revenue assessment, 2,650 rupees. The
proprietors are Hassanzai Jaduns of the Ismailzai and
Badalzai subsections, and there are six lamhardars,
Serai Saleh , —An important village owned by Dilazaks
on the left bank of the Dor, 3 miles east of Haripur.
Population, 3,571 ;
total area of estate, 2,343 acres,
including 1,673 acres cultivated, and land revenue assess-
ment, 4,583 rupees. The valuable water-mills, most of
which grind snuff instead of grain, and have been referred
to in Chapter III., pay an assessment of 1,256 rupees.
Ahmad Khan, Dilazak, is lamhardar, and has an inam
of 150 rupees. The Serai Saleh lands are of the richest in
the talisil there are a number of orchards and many acres

under turmeric and sugar-cane. There is a branch post

office, and a primary school has 102 scholars on its rolls.

Shekhan Bandi . —
A village immediately to the east of
Abbottabad, almost adjoining the parade ground. Its
lands, which include some of the richest soil in the Rash
plain, are much mixed up with those of Dhamtaur. The
population is 2,874, the total area 1,628 acres, including
715 acres under cultivation, and the land revenue assess-
ment 1,700 rupees. The proprietors are Hassanzai Jaduns,
and there are six lamhardars, A large number of the vil-
lagers take service of various kinds inAbbottabad, but
they have not an over-good reputation,
Shergarh , —
An important village in Feudal Tanawal,
4 miles south of Oghi, on the road to Darband in the
Unhar valley. It has some good irrigated land, and a
large orchard immediately adjoining the village site. It
is the of the Khan
summer head-quarters of Amb, and
the late Nawab Muhammad Akram Kham built himself
here a large mansion, which is a conspicuous feature of
the valley.

Sherwan A village, or rather a couple of villages

almost adjoining each other, and known, the northern as

Sherwan Kalan, an<^ the southern as Sherwan Khurd,
on a ridge some 5,000 feet high in the centre of Lower
Tanawal, 17 miles west of Abbottabad. Population of
Sherwan Kalan, 566 total area, 1,911 acres, including

396 acres cultivated, and land revenue assessment,

400 rupees. Population of Sherwan Khurd, 627 total ;

area, 958 acres, including 254 aojes cultivated, and land

revenue assessment, 240 rupees. The proprietors are
Tanaolis. There are two lamhardare in Kalan, and one
in Khurd. Hard by is a second-class police-station, and
there is a primary school of fifty-one, boys. On an emi-
nence near the villages Major Abbott used to have a bun-
galow, where he spent the hot weather, and a few traces of
it still remain. It was here that he withdrew when the
Afghans advanced into Hazara.
Shinkiari . —A large village in the Pakhli plain, prettily
situated 3,268 feet above sea-level on the left bank of the
Siran, and not far from the entrances to the Konsh and
Bhogarmang valleys. It is 11 miles to the north of Man-
sehra, with which it is connected by an unmetalled road
in charge of the Military Works Department. There are
a first-class police-station here, a civil rest-house, and a
primary school of sixty-two boys. The population is 2,184,
the total area 2,914 acres, including 1,077 acres under
cultivation, and the land revenue assessment 2,100 rupees.
The Swathi proprietors are heavily in debt to wealthy
Hindus, who have got hold of much of the rich irrigated
land. There are six lambardars,
Sirikot . —
The chief village of the Mishwanis, situated
in a basin at the top of the Gandgar range, some 12 miles
west of Haripur. Population, 2,827 ;
total area, 9,661
acres, which 1,305 acres are cultivated, and land
revenue assessment 1,350 rupees. There are four lam-
bardars. The remains of a Sikh fort overlook the village,
and here Major Abbott used occasionally to stay, sur-
rounded by the loyal tribesmen. A large number of the
villagers are in Government service, and their annual
income from this source is estimated at over 30,000
Sultanpur . —
A village and small bazaar on the left bank
of the Dor, and on the road from Abbottabad to Haripur,
11 miles from the former and 12 miles from the latter
place. a camping-ground for troops
Adjoining a serai is

on the march to and from Abbottabad. The population

of the village is 685, its total area 1,077 acres, its cultivated
area 713 acres, and its land revenue assessment 1,850
rupees. There is some valuable irrigated land, and the
proprietors, who are chiefly Salar Jaduns, are well off.

There are two lamhardars.

Tarbela . —
^An important village situated on a flat bit
of land at the junction of the Siran and the Indus, 12 miles
north-west of Haripur. The name applies to the tract
that is covered by one huge estate, and not to any single
site. It means the black bela,’ the land along the river

having once been covered with a dense growth of shisham

trees and brushwood, which were swept away in the flood
of 1841. The estate comprises a number of hamlets, of
which the corresponding to the eleven tarafs of the
Jattu, Tahli, Gojra, Lukmania,
village, are the following :

Char, Dheri, Gidarbandi, Murti, Maira, Tarpakki, and

Tandula. The total population is 6,542, the total area
13,869 acres, including 3,710 acres under cultivation, and
the land revenue assessment 8,000 rupees. The soil is rich ;

much of it is well watered from the Siran or irrigated by

wells, and cultivation is of a high excellence, due to the
pressure of the population on the soil. The proprietors
are Utmanzais, and a few Gujars.
There is a first-class
police-station, a civil rest-house, which used to belong to
the Salt Department, and a primary school, with sixty-
three boys. In former days Tarbela was a famous fishing
resort, mahsir of large size being caught where the Siran
mingles its waters with the Indus but the fishing has now;

greatly deteriorated, and good sport is seldom, if ever,

Thandiani . —A
hill-station at the northern end of the
Dunga Gali range, 16 miles to the north-east of Abbott-
abad, situated at an altitude of nearly 8,800 feet. There
are a post office, a dak bungalow, a small church, and
fifteen bungalows for European visitors, who are chiefly

residents of Abbottabad, or missionaries from the North-

West Frontier Province and the Punjab. Of all the
Hazara hill-stations Thandiani has the grandest and love-
liest of views. To the east beyond the Kunhar are the
snow-clad ranges of Kashmir to the north and north-east

the mountains of Kohistan, Bhogarmang, and Kagan,

with the tip of Nanga Parbat’s peak just appearing behind
the last more to the north-west are the snows of Swat

and Chitral, and to the west the Black Mountain range

and the hills of the Peshawar border. To the south-west
one’s eye is carried across the Abbottabad plain to Hari-
pur and the distant Indus, and to the south are Miran
Jani and the pine-clad slopes of the Galis. And no
account of Thandiani would be complete without mention
of Rule ka Danna, most beautiful of glades on a lower spur
1 mile to the north or of Kalapani dak bungalow, 6 miles

off on the road to Abbottabad, and prettily situated at

the base of the hill by a cool mountain stream.




List op Birds ......
List op Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs

Translation op Rock Inscriptions







IV. Provincial and District Darbaris - - ^ 304

V, Regulations as to Carriage, etc.

... 307
- - -

VI. List op Deputy Commissioners - 309

VII. List op Statistical Tables in Volume B. - - 311


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^ a:2

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1 1

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feet feet feet feet feet]

3.000- 4.000- 3.000- 3.000- 8.000-
and Kagan
valley, valley,
ground, ground, ground, feet] ground,

6,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 9,000

Altitude. valley] Abbottabad]


Kawai, Kagan Kagan

Dry Dry Dry Brigade

Orange Red-

K a Herb Herb shrub



Vernacular Sundar
Name. Gadhikan



1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

. .



: Royleanum,




spectabilis repens,




Benth. Benth. [Teucrium
Otostegia WaU. NYcrrAGrMEiE

[Salvia Nepeta Phlomis




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a . .a H
I s I mountain-finch.


0JS ^ a> j s 1'SI-Sa “

|l ° I i
• treo-sparrow.

2|='i§2 2|l<a| 'Sat .

'Sll S s a'S a §
s S §“2 «3 i 7^ Grey-headed White-capped

» ® 5 a'32:«e o s-3
boS f Cinnamon

sjlaii s as a la s i
a g
^Woflm^OM ^3SisSm>iaMS

4S .
S 2 ®
. .
3 2 S § ^^3 S a2.3=i »
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5 ^
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5 55 o o •3';

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«oi « '

S S g.^
ajj j-i’g.'S.s-j i§25|i1||iuis Fringillauda

Emberiza Emberiza

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^gallas ^4? JH »-•

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[N.B . —The headings are not in (he original.]
Edict I.


This pious edict has been written by command of His Sacred

Majesty King Priyadarsin if
HereJ no animal may be slaughtered for sacrifice, nor may
holiday-feasts be held, for His Majesty King Priyadarsin sees
manifold evil in holiday-feasts. Nevertheless, certain holiday-
feasts are meritorious in the sight of His Majesty King Priya-
Formerly, in the kitchen of His Majesty King Priyadarsin
each day many thousands of living creatures were slain to
make curries.
At the present moment, when this pious edict is being
written, only these three living creatures, namely, two peacocks
and one deer, are killed daily, and the deer not invariably.
Even these three creatures shall not be slaughtered in

Edict II.


Everywhere in the dominions of His Majesty King Priya-
darsin, and likewise in neighbouring realms, such as those of
the Chola, Pandya, Satiyaputra, and Kcralaputra, in Ceylon,
* Where the Mansehra version is incomplete or doubtful, the translator has
usually followed the more perfect copy of the edicts at Shahbazgarhi, on the
Peshawar border.
t The title adopted by Asoka. It means the Humane.*‘

I • Here probably refers to the capital, Pataliputra.



in the dominions of the GreekBang Antiochus, and in those of

the other Kings subordinate to that Antiochus everywhere, —
on* behalf of His Majesty King Priyadarsin, have two kinds
of remedies (? hospitals) been disseminated ^remedies for —
men, and remedies for beasts. Healing herbs, medicinal for
man and medicinal for beast, wherever they were lacking,
have everywhere been imported and planted.
In like manner, roots and fruits, wherever they were lacking,
have been imported and planted.
On the roads, trees have been planted, and wells have been
dug for the use of man and beast.

Edict III.


Thussaith His Majesty King Priyadarsin :

In the thirteenth year of my reign I issued this command :

Everywhere in my dominions the lieges, and the Commis-

sioners, and the District Officers must every five years repair
to the General Assembly, for the special i)urpose, in addition
to other business, of proclaiming the Law of Piety,* to wit,

Obedience to father and mother is good liberality to friends,

acquaintances, relatives. Brahmans, and ascetics is good

respect for the sacredness of life is good avoidance of extrava-


gance and violence of language is good.’

The clergy will thus instruct the lieges in detail, both accord-
ing to the letter and the spirit.

Edict IV.
For a long time past, oven for many hundred years, the
slaughter of living creatures, cruelty to animate beings, dis-
respect to relatives, and disrespect to Brahmans and ascetics,
have grown.
But now, by reason of the practice of piety by His Majesty
King Priyadarsin, instead of the sound of the war-drum, the
sound of the drum of piety is heai^d, while heavenly spectacles
of processional cars, elephants, illuminations, and the like,
are displayed to the people.

Sanskrit *
dharma,* and so throughout.
As for many hundredyears past has not happened, at this
present, by reason of His Majesty King Priyadarsin’s procla-
mation of the Law of Piety, the cessation of slaughter of living
creatures, the prevention of cruelty to animate beings, respect
to relatives, respect to Brahmans and ascetics, obedience to
parents and obedience to ciders, are growing.
Thus, and in many other ways, the practice of piety is
growing, and His Majesty King Priyadarsin will cause that
practice togrow still more.
The sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons of His Majesty
King Priyadarsin will promote the growth of that practice,
until the end of the cycle, and, abiding in piety and morality,
will proclaim the Law of Piety for the best of all deeds
proclamation of the Law of Piety, and the practice of piety
is not for the immoral man.

In til is matter growth is good, and not to decrease is good.

For this very purpose has this writing been made, in order
that men may in this matter strive for growth, and not suffer
This has been written by command of His Majesty King
Priyadarsin in the thirteenth year of his reign.

Edict V.


Thus saith His Majesty King Priyadarsin :

A good thing is a difficult thing.

The author good deed does a difficult thing. Now by
of a
me many good deeds have been done. Should my sons,
grandsons, and my descendants after them until the end of
the cycle follow in this path, they will do well but in this

matter, should a man neglect the commandment, he will do

ill, inasmuch as sin is easily committed.

Now in all the long ages past, officers known as Censors of

the Law of Piety had never been appointed, whereas in the
fourteenth year of my reign Censors of the Law of Piety were
appointed by me.
They tare engaged amon^ people of all sects in promoting
the establishment of piety, the progress of piety, and the
welfare and happiness of the lieges, as well as of the Yonas,
Kambojas, Gandharas, Rashtrikas, Pitenikas, and other

nations on my borders. They are engaged in promoting the

welfare and happiness of my hired servants {? soldiers), of
Brahmans, of rich and poor, and of the aged, and in removing
hindrances from the path of the faithful lieges.
They are engaged in the prevention of wrongful imprison-
ment or chastisement, in the work of removing hindrances,
and of deliverance, considering cases where a man has a large
family, has been smitten by calamity, or is advanced in years.
Here,* and in all the provincial towns, they are engaged
in the superintendence of all the female establishments of
my brothers and sisters and othei relatives.
Everywhere in my dominions these Censors of the Law of
Piety are engaged with those among my lieges who are devoted
to piety, established in piety, or addicted to almsgiving.
For this purpose has this pious edict been written that it —
may endure for long, and that my subjects may act accord-

Edict VI.
Thus saith His Majesty King Priyadarsin :

For a long time past business has not been disposed of, nor
have reports been received at all hours.
I have accordingly arranged that at all hours and in all
places—^whether I am dining or in the apartments, in
my bedroom or in my in my carriage or in the palace
gardens — the reporters should keep me constantly
informed of the people’s business, which business of the people
I am ready to dispose of at any place.
And if, perchance, I personally by word of mouth command
that a gift be made or an order executed, or any tiling urgent
is entrusted to the officials, and in that business a dispute
arises or fraud occurs among the clergy, I have commanded
that immediate report must bo made to me at any hour and
at any place, for I am never fully satisfied with my exertions
and my dispatch of business.

Work I must for the public benefit and the root of the
matter is in exertion and dispatch of business, than which
nothing is more efficacious for the general welfare. And

* That ia, ‘at the capital, Pdtaliputra, as in Edict

’ I.
for what do I toil
? For no other end than this, that I niay
discharge my debt to animate beings, and that while I make
some happy in this world, they may in the next world gain
For this purpose have I caused this pious edict to be written,
that it may long endure, and that my sons, grandsons, and
great-grandsons may strive for the public weal though that

is a difficult thing to attain, save by the utmost toil.



His Majesty King Priyadarsin desires that in all places men

of all sectsmay abide, for they all desire mastery over the
senses and purity of mind.
Man, however, is unstable in his wishes, and unstable in his
Some of tlie sects will perform the whole, others will perform
but a part of the commandment. Even for a person to wliom
lavish liberality is impossible, the virtues of mastery over the
senses, purity of mind, gratitude, and fidelity are always

Edict VIII.

In times past Their Majesties used to go out on so-called
tours of pleasure, during wliich hunting and other similar
amusements used to be practised.
His Majesty King Priyadarsin, however, in the eleventh
year of his reign went out on the road leading to true know-
ledge, whence originated here tours devoted to piety, during
which are practised the beholding of ascetics and Brahmans,
with liberality to them, the beholding of elders, largess of
gold, the beholding of the country and the people, pro-
clamation of the Law of Piety, and discussion of the Law
of Piety.
Consequently, since that time, there are the pleasures of
His Majesty King Priyadarsin, in exchange of those of
the past.


Edict IX.
Thus saith His Majesty King Priyadarsin :

People perform various ceremonies on occasions of sickness,

the weddings of sons, the weddings of daughters, the birth of
children, and departure on journeys. On these and other
similar occasions people perform many ceremonies.
But at such times the womankind perform many, manifold,
corrupt, and wortliless ceremonies. Ceremonies certainly
have to be performed, although that sort is fruitless. This
sort, however — —
the ceremonial of piety bears great fruit
it includes kind treatment of slaves and servants, honour to

teachers, respect for life, liberality to ascetics and Brahmans.

These things, and others of the same kind, are called the
ceremonial of piety.
Therefore ought a father, son, brother, master, friend, or

comrade nay, even a neighbour to say — This is meri-

torious, this is the ceremonial to be performed until the attain-

ment of the desired end.’ By what sort of ceremonies is the
desired end attained ? for the ceremonial of this world is of
doubtful efficacy. Perchance it may accomplish the desired
end, perchance its effect may be merely of this world. The
ceremonial of piety, on the contrary, is not temporal. If it
fails to attain the desired end in tliis world, it certainly begets
endless merit in the other world. If it happens to attain the
desired end, then a gain of two kinds is assured namely, in —
this world the desired end, and in the other world the begetting
of endless merit through the aforesaid ceremonial of piety.

Edict X.

His Majesty King Priyadarsin does not believe that glory
and renown bring much profit unless tho people both in the
present and the future obediently hoarken to the Law of Piety,
and conform to its precepts.
For that purpose only docs His Majesty King Priyadarsin
desire glory and renown.
But whatsoever exertions His Majesty King Priyadarsin
has made, all are for the sake of the life hereafter, so that
every one may be freed from peril, which peril is sin.
Difficult, verily, it is to attain such freedom, whether people
be of low or of high degree, save by the utmost exertion and
complete renunciation but this is for those of high degree

extraordinarily difficult.

Edict XI.

There is no such charity as the charitable gift of the Law of
Piety, no such friendship as the friendship in piety, no such
distribution as the distribution of piety, no such kinship as
kinship in piety.
The Law of Piety consists in these things to wit, kind—
treatment of slaves and servants, obedience to father and
motlicr, charity to ascetics and Brahmans, respect for the
sanctity of life.

Therefore a father, son, brother, master, friend, or comrade

— —
nay, even a neighbour ought to say This is meritorious,

thisought to be done.’
Ho who acts thus both gains this world and begets infinite
merit in the next world by means of this very charity of the
Law of Piety.

Edict XII.

His Majesty King Priyadarsin docs reverence to men of all
sects,whether ascetics or householders, by donations and
various modes of reverence.
His Majesty, however, cares not so much for donations or
external reverence as that there should be a growth of the
essence of the matter in all sects. The growth of the essence
of the matter assumes various forms, but the root of it is
restraint of speech —
to wit, a man must not do reverence to
his own sect by disparaging that of anotlier man for trivial
reasons. Depreciation should be for adequate reasons only,
because the sects of other people deserve reverence for one
reason or another. By thus acting, a man exalts his own
sect, and at the same time does service to the sects of other

people. By acting contrariwise, a man hurts his own soot,

and does disservice to the sects of other people. For he who
does reverence to his own sect, while disparaging all other
sects from a feeling of attachment to his own, on the supposi-
tion that he thus glorifies his own sect, in reality by such
conduct inflicts severe injury on his own sect.
Self-control, therefore, is meritorious —
to wit, hearkening
to the law of others, and hearkening willingly.
For this is His Majesty’s desire, that adherents of all sects
should bo fully instructed and sound in doctrine.
The adherents of the several sects must be informed that
His Majesty cares not so much for donations or external
reverence as that there should be a growth, and a large growth,
of the essence of the matter in all sects.
For this very purpose are employed the censors of the Law
of Piety, the censors of the women, the (?) inspectors, and
other official bodies. And this is the fruit thereof the —
growth of one’s own sect, and the glorification of the Law of

Edict XIII.
His Majesty King Priyadarsin, in the ninth year of his reign,
conquered the Kalingas.*
One hundred and fifty thousand persons were thence carried
away captive, one hundred thousand were there slain, and
many times that number perished.
Ever since the annexation of the Kalingas, His Majesty has
zealously protected the Law of Piety, has been devoted to
that Law, and has proclaimed its precepts.
His Majesty feels remorse on account of the conquest
of the
Kalingas, because, during the subjugation of a previously
unconquered country, slaughter, death, and taking away cap-
tive of the people necessarily occur, whereat His Majesty feels
profound sorrow and regret.
There is, however, another reason for His Majesty feeling
still more regret, inasmuch as in such a country dwell Brah-

mans and ascetics, men of different sects, and householders,

who all practise obedience to elders, obedience to father and
* The country extending along the coast of the Bay of Bengal from the
Mahdnadi River on the north to or beyond the Krishna River on the south.
mother, obedience to teachers, proper treatment of friends,
acquaintances, comrades, relatives, slaves, and servants, with
fidelity of devotion. To such people dwelling in that country
happen violence, slaughter, and separation from those whom
they love.
Even those persons who are themselves protected retain
their affections undiminished. Ruin falls on their friends,
acquaintances, comrades, and relatives, and in this way
violencedone to those who are personally unhurt. All this

diffused misery is matter of regret to His Majesty for there ;

is no country where such communities are not found, including

others besides Brahmans and ascetics, nor is there any place

in any country where the people are not attached to some one
sect or other. The loss of even the hundredth or the thou-
sandth part of the persons who were then slain, carried away
captive, or done to deatli in Kalinga would now be a matter
of deep regret to His Majesty.
Although a man should do him an injury. His Majesty
holds that it must be patiently borne, so far as it ean possibly
be borne.
Even upon the forest tribes in his dominions His Majesty
has compassion, and he seeks their conversion, inasmuch as
the might even of His Majesty is based on repentance. They
are warned to this effect Shun evil-doing, that ye may

escape destruction,’ because His Majesty desires for all animate

beings security, control over the passions, peace of mind, and
And this is the chiefest conquest, in His Majesty’s opinion
—the conquest by the Law of Piety.

This also is that effected

by His Majesty, both in his own dominions and in all the
neighbouring realms, as far as six hundred leagues, even to
where the Greek King named Antiochus dwells, and beyond
that Antiochus to where dwell the four Kings severally named
Ptolemy, Antigonus, Magas, and Alexander and in the south

the Kings of the Cholas, and Pandyas, and of Ceylon and ;

likewise here, in the King’s dominions, among the Yonas, and

Kambojas, in Nabhaka of the Nabhitis, among the Bhojas,
and Pitinikas, among the**Andhras and Pulindas, everywhere
men follow the Law of Piety as proclaimed by His Majesty.
Even in those regions where the envoys of His Majesty do
not penetrate, men now practise and will continue to practise
the Law of Piety as soon as they hear the pious proclamation


of His Majesty issued in accordance with the Law of Piety.

And the conquest which has thereby been everywhere effected
— the conquest everywhere effected causes a feeling of delight.
Delight is found in the conquests made by the Law. Never-
theless, that delight is only a small matter. His Majesty
thinks nothing of much importance save what concerns the
next world.
And for this purpose has this pious edict been written to —
wit, that my sons and grandsons, as many as they may be,
may not suppose it to be their duty to effect a new conquest
and that even when engaged in conquest by arms they may
find pleasure in patience and gentleness, and may regard as
the only true conquest that wliich is effected through the Law
of Piety, which avails both for this world and the next. Let
all their pleasure be the pleasure in exertion, which avails
both for this world and the next.









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. ;

Travellers requiring carriage in the Hazara District, except
at Nathia Gali and at Dunga Gali, must send written requisi-
tions to the carriage contractor direct. In the case of Natliia
Gali and Dunga Gali such requisitions should be forwarded to
the Naib Tahsildar, Dunga Gali.
All such requisitions must show clearly the description of
carriage required, the date, hour, and place at which it is
required and the place to which it is required. Travellers
must pay for carriage from the date it is supplied, wliether
they utilize it from that date or not. Half the hire must be
paid in advance to the contractor.
When Government transport mules are required, requisi-
tions should be sent to the Tahsildar, Abbottabad, and Naib
Tahsildar, Dunga Gali.
All complaints should be addressed to the Deputy-Com-
missioner, Hazara District.
The authorized rates are as follows :

Per Stage.
For w}ioh District except OcUis. For Galis.
Camel 8 annas. . . . 12 annas.
Mnlo or baggage pony 6 „ ..10
Coolie . . . 4 „ . .. G „
Kahar or jampani . G . ..8 „
Pack bullock ..4 .. G „
Ekka or tumtum . . 1 rupee.

The charge for bullock-carts is 8 annas per bullock per stage

between Hassan Abdal and Haripur, and 12 annas per bullock
in other parts of the District.
Camels are procurable only in the Haripur Tahsil, and if
required in other parts of the District they will have to be
sent for from Haripur. They are not worked during July
and August.
The following is a list of the authorised stages :

Fromi Hassan Abdal to —

Haripur 2 stages.
Sultanpur 3
Abbottabad . 4
Garhi Habibullah Khan
307 20—2
: . ..


From Mansehra to-^
Oghi 2 stages.
Baffa 1 stage.
Balakot 2 stages.
Kagan 5 11

Chilas 11 M

From Ahhottahad to —
Dhamtaur .
. i stage.
Bagnotar ..1 „
Bara Gali . . . . 14 stages.
Kalabagh .. .. ll
Nathia Gali . ..2
Dunga Gali . ..2 „
Ghora Dhaka .. .. 2^ „
Khanspur ..24
Changla Gali ..3
Khaira Gali . ..
H „
Kalapani . . . . 1 stage.
Thandiani . . . . . 1 i stages.
Kakul . . miles.

The following notice should be given in the case of each

kind of carriage
Bullock Carts.
Demand. Notice.
Up to 10 4 days.
20 7
„ 40 10

Ekkas and Tumtums.

10 or less . 2 days.
20 4 „
40 7

Up to 40 24 hours.
Above 40 2 days.

Coolies in the Galis.

10 2 days.
Above 20 7 !!

Mules at Abbottabad, Haripue, and Mansehra.

10 12 hours.
20 24 „
SO 2 days.
100 or more 7 „

Camels at Abbottabad.
10 4 days.
20 7
40 10 „
For mules and camels for the Galis one day’s extra notice is
. . ...




Name. From To

Major James Abbott March, 1849 April, 1853

Major H. B. Edwardes Mav, 1853 September, 1853
Captain J. R. Becher October, 1853 19/4/1859
Major R. Adams 20/4/1859 28/2/1863
Major H. W. H. Coxo 1/3/1863 25/3/1865
Major A. Munro 25/3/1865 30/4/1866
Captain E. L. Ommanney . 1/5/1866 11/3/1871
Major G. R. Sliortt 17/3/1871 30/11/1872
Major J. Frizolle 1/12/1872 17/3/1873
Major W. G. Watcrfield 18/3/1873 17/9/1875
Major T. J. C. Plowdon 18/9/1875 26/10/1875
Lieut.-Colonel W. G. Waterfield . 27/10/1875 5/12/1876
H. C. T. Robinson, Esq 6/12/1876 12/12/1876
R. Udny, Esq. 1.3/12/1876 5/3/1877
Lieut.-Colonel W. G. Waterfield . 6/3/1877 27/5/1877
R. Udny, Esq. 28/5/1877 .30/10/1877
H. C. T. Robinson, Esq. 31/10/1877 16/11/1877
Lieut.-Colonel W. G. Waterfield . 17/11/1877 8/1/1878
H. C. T. Robinson, Esq. 9/1/1878 29/1/1878
R. Udny, Esq. . . . . , 30/1/1878 17/3/1878
Captain C. F. Massy . 18/.3/1878 8/4/1878
A. R. Bulman, Esq. 9/4/1878 12/12/1878
Major E. L. Ommanney 13/12/1878 7/4/1880
Major C. McNeile 8/4/1880 21/12/1882
Lieut.-Colonel E. G. G. Hastings . 22/12/1882 5/10/1883
Major T. J. C. Plowden 6/10/1883 U3/12/1883
Lieut.-Colonel E. G. G. Hastings . 14/12/1883 4 17/3/1884
F. W, R. Fryer, Esq. 18/3/1884 30/7/1884
A. W. Christie, Esq. 31/7/1884 17/8/1884
R. C. Clarke, Esq. 18/8/1884 28/10/1884
F. W. R. Fryer, Esq. 29/10/1884 1/8/1886
S. S. Thorburn, Esq. •2/8/1886 18/11/1886
A. F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 19/11/1886 25/3/1887
S. S. Thorburn, Esq. 26/3/1887 23/9/1887
A. F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 24/9/1887 1/1/1890
Captain E. Inglis 2/1/1890 4/4/1890

. .


Name. From To ^

A. F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 5/4/1890 11/2/1891

C. E. F. Bimbury, Esq 12/2/1891 24/6/1891
A, F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 25/0/1891 1/4/1892
Captain E. Inglis 2/4/1892 20/5/1892
A. F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 21/5/1892 30/9/1892
Captain E. Inglis 1/10/1892 13/10/1892
A. F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 14/10/1892 17/4/1893
Lieut. -Colonol J. B. Hutchinson . 18/4/1893 20/7/1893
A. F. D. Cunningham, Esq. 21/7/1893 29/3/1894
11. A. Casson, Esq. . 30/3/1894 15/4/1894
C. E. F. Bunbui-y, Esq 16/4/1894 5/1/1896
Lieut. C. B. Ravvlinson 6/1/189G 9/2/1896
R. Lovo, Esq. 10/2/1896 9/4/1896
C. E. F. Bimbury, Esq 10/4/1896 20/11/1896
A. B. Kottlewoll, Esq. 21/11/1896 31/1/1897
Captain C. B. Rawliuson 1/2/1897 16/4/1897
W. R. H. Merk. Esq 17/4/1897 6/5/1897
A. H. Crant, Esq. 7/5/1897 9/9/1 S‘)7
Captain H. S. Fox-Strangways 10/9/1897 16/5/1898
R. A. ]\lant, Esq. 17/5/1898 12/6/1898
W. R. H. Merk, Esq 13/6/1808 2/9/1898
R. A. Mant, Esq. 3/9/1898 25/11/1898
W. R. H. Merk, Esq 26/11/1898 31/5/1899
(Japtain C. B. Rawliuson 1/6/1899 20/7/1899
W. R. H. Merk, Esq 21/7/1899 23/10/1899
T. Millar, Esq. 24/10/1899 19/1/1900
Lieut. -Colonel H. P. P. Loigli 20/1/1900 13/5/1900
Captain C. P. Down 14/5/1900 17/7/1900
Lieut. -Colonol H. P. P. Leigh 18/7/1900 29/1/1901
Captain D. B. Blakoway 30/1/1901 22/10/1901
Captain C. P. Qliompson 23/10/1901 14/3/1905
P. J. G. Pipon, Esq. 15/3/1905 27/6/1905
G. C. L. Howell, Esq 28/6/1905 26/11/1905
J. S. Donald, Esq 27/11/1905


I. Development.
II. Temperature.
III. Annual Rainfall.
IV. Monthly Rainfall at Head -quarters.
V. Seasonal Rainfall al Taiisil Head-quarters.
VI. Distribution of Population.
VII. Population of Towns.
VIII. Migration.
IX. Immigration by Caste.
X. Age, Sex, and Civil Condition by Religions.
XL Births and Deaths.
XII. Monthly Deaths from All Causes and from Fever.
XIII. Births and Deaths in Towns.
XIV. Infirmities.
XV. Tribes and Castes.
XVI. Religions.
XVII. Occupations.
XVIII. Surveyed and Assessed Area.
XIX. Acres under Crops.
XX. Takavi.
XXI. Sales and Mortgages of Land.
XXII. Agricultural Stock.
XXIII. Horse and Mule Breeding.
XXIV. Canal Irrigation.
XXV. Price of Labour.
XXVI. Retail Prices.
XXVII. Forests.
XXVIII. Factories.
XXIX. Rest-Houses.
XXXI. List of Post Offices.
XXXII. Working of Post Offices.
XXXIII. List of Government Officers.
XXXIV. Criminal Justice.
XXXV. Civil Justice.
XXXVI. Revenue Court a^jd Officers’ Cases.
XXXVII. Registration.
XXXVIII. Cultivating Occupancy of Land.
XXXIX. Fixed Land Revenue.
XL. Fluctuating and Miscellaneous Revenue.
XLI. Excise.
XLII. Income-tax (District).
XLin. Income-tax (Tahsils and Cities over 50,000).
XLIV. General Collection of Revenue.
XLV. District Board Fund.
XLVI. Municipal Funds.
XLVII. Strength of Police.
XLVIIT. Working of Police.
XLIX. Jails and Jail Lock-ups.
L. Literacy.

LI. Education.
Lll. Expenditure on Public Instruction,
LITI. Dispensaries.

LTV. Vaccination.
1. Development - . . . . 314, 315

VI. Distribution op Population - - - 316, 317

XV. Tribes and Castes ....

X. Age, Sex, and Civil Condition by Retjqions 318, 319


XVI. Religions
XVII. Occupations
III. Anitual Rainfall
.... 326, 327

XVIII. Surveyed and Assessed Area - - - 329
XXVII. Forests 330
XXIX. Rest-Houses 331-340

XXX. PoLYMETRiCAL Tablb OF DISTANCES * To face f 340


XXXI. List of Post and Telegraph Offices - - 341

XLIV. General Collections of Revenue - - 342

— ..



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Details. 1853-51. 1858-59. 1803-64. 1808-09. 1873-74. 1878-79.

Population 200.3G4 290,364 343,929 .343,929 343,929

Cultivated acres — — — 211,381 381,107 381,107
Irrigated acres — — 32,090 36,380 36,380

Assessed land revenue

rupees - - - 2,13,506 3,11,188 3,00,305

Number of kino 90,000 189,952 77,364

Number of sheep and
goats 210.000 144,215 99,915
Number of camels — __ — 75 353 208
Milos of motallod road — — 384 280
Miles of unmotallod road =•) 076
Miles of railway — — — — —

Pol CO staff
‘ 473 548 564 508
Prisoners convicted . 215 866 1,429 !
737 1,473 1,696

Civil suits —number . 144 969 1,591 902 1,703 3.137

Civil suits—value in
rupees 11,580 29,591 47,877 44,027 76,070 1,30,218

Municipalities —number 2 4
Municipalities —income
in rupees - - - 3,904 7,342 14,080

Dispensaries —number of 2 2 2
Dispensaries— patients — — 16,652 13,728 18,976
Schools —number of . — 1 3 19 18
Schools —scholars — -- 85 126 884 884

These figures are exaggerated.


8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1883-84. 1888-89. 1893-94. 1898-99. 1900-01. 1905-06. Kkmarks.

383,031 383,031 483.903 483,903 528,606 528,066 In the Feudatory States

381,107 426,695 429.477 428,720 *631,238 430,267 the development of popu-
36,380 41,399 40,925 43,040 64,936 41,531 lation is shown by tlie
following figures :

1881. 1891. 1901.

Amb 19,727 20,290 24,956
3,05,374 3,07,485 3,06,507 3,08,390 4,75,203 4,83,869 rinilra 4,317 6,095 6,660

Total 24,044 32,385 31,022

162,151 217.543 89,482 107,379 107.379 70,774

185,599 194,061 217.479 290,692 290,692 240,779

286 407 531 721 721 875
/ 27 44 46 80]
605 1000
\ 1,250 391 405 403

513 487 499 492 648 491

8,318 4,108 2,755 4,045 5,633 3,078

t 4,893 1
5,720 0,830 7,323 5,809

- 5,65,767 3,37,321 4,65,846 4,70,540 5,89,389

4 4 4 4 4 4

18,225 24,309 31,657 35,814 39,279 71,442

3 3 3 3 4 6
38,599 39,203 43,259 62,519 59,781 86,204
27 27 33 33 33 43
1,541 1,614 2,148 2,081 2.725 3,272

t Not available, as the statements have been destroyed.

— ,.. ..


1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9

«o Total Population. Urban Popui

Wr-t .

Miles. A p
Square U2




Total. Females. Total.



1881 2.835 595 582 383,031 205,203 177,828 18,790 11.08G

District, exclu-
sive of Feudal- 1891 2,835 672 726 483,903 260,445 223,858 28,317 18,491
tory States
11901 2,858 679 693 528,666 281,704 246,962 24.485 14,435

/1881 3,039 - - 407,075 218,616 188,459 18,790 11.08G

District, inclu-
siveofFeuda-- 1891 . 3,039 — — 516,288 278,265 238,023 28,317 18,491
tory States
llOOl 3,062 — — 568,288 299,708 260,580 24.485 14,435

Abbottabad 717 202 212 194,632 104,256 90,376 11.878 7,622

Tah8ils(1901)- Haripur . 067 232 210 151,638 79,945 71,693 5.578 3,03C

Manschra 1,474 245 271 182.396 97,603 84,893 7,029 3,774

Amb - - 24,956 14,198 10,758 - -
States (1901)
| ^Phulra .
)“( - - 6,666 1
3,806 2,800 - -

Note. ^The figures in column 3 are based on statistics furnished by the Survey Department i

Land Revenue Reports.

The figures of the other columns are taken from Tables I. and ITT. of the Census Reports <

1881. 1891. 1901.

95-9 94-1 95-4

Persons .

Percentage of total population of District (in- 94-9

Males 94-6 92-7
cluding Feudatory States) which lives in
villages 95'9
[Females .
95*7 96-6

Average population per village 488-8 563‘3


Average population per village and town 470-0 6170 688-1

Number 31-5
of villages per 100 square miles 28-7 330

* These figures are inaccurate, owing to the exaggeration in the returns for. the cultivated a^
the Second itegular Settleir.eat, the den-ities of the total and rural population are 787 auo


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

tion. Rueal Population. Towns and Villages.

1 Sh

7,704 364.241 194,117 170,124 142 600 815 Whore columns!

3 and 4 are left
9,826 455,686 241,554 214.032 10 17 178 653 936 blank it is be-
cause returns
10.050 504.181 267,269 236,912 36 192 583 809 for Feudatory
States are not
7.704 388,285 207,530 180,755 145 965 1,183

9,826 487.971 259,774 228,197 10 17 181 1,002 1,288

10,050 535,803 285.273 250,530 36 193 950 1,268

4,256 182.754 96,634 86,120 17 60 250 358

2,639 146,060 76,906 69,154 5 71 213 310

3,255 175,367 93,729 81,638 14 61 120 231

24,956 14,198 10,758 333 334

6,666 3,806 2,860 40 41

1903 ; the figures in columns 3 and 4 for the District and all tahsil areas are taken from the

1891 and 1901 and I. and XVIII. of the Census Report of 1881.

1881. 1891. 1901.

riotal (including Feu- /Total population 134-0 169*9 185-6

datory States) \Rural 127*8 160*6 175*0

Total (excluding Feu- /Total population 135-1 170*7 185-0

Density per square -

datory States) tRu^^l 128-4 160-7 176*4

mile of area
Cultivated (excluding /Total 588*3 720*1 *536*2
Feudatory States) \ Rural 559*4 680*0 611*3
61 6-4 6*6
Number of persons per occupied house 5-7 6-6 6*3
Percentage of increase ( +) or decrease ( - )
on previous census .
— + 26*3 + 7.2

of 1900-1901 (Fm?c Table I.i. As worked out on the cultivated area according to the returns of
. . .


3 4 5 6 7
Total. Hindus.
Single. Married.

1881 205,418 16 .30,411 9,183 8,299

1891 2,;ku
271,389 19 3.3.250 10,927 10,483 2,57.3

f 0-5 85,033 18 2 2,770 5

5—10 91,8.30 IS 11 2,769 39
10—15 65,910 17 97 2,059

322 9
15—20 27.362 >7 .358 1,059 963 31
20-25 11,171 3 965 725 1,.558 88
25—30 6,417 9 1,586 5.38
/Porso 1,625 154
30—35 .3,857 0 3,373 317 1,661 223
35—40 1,068 9 2,335 144 1,091
40—45 1,058 2 5,256 133 9.52 336
45—50 .325 2 2,.578 58 496 221
50—55 391 4 .5.638 62 611 .361
55—60 90 8 1,51.3 17 157 IIG
-60 and over . 465 7 13,.345 54
490 682
Total 294,977 228,254
1 37.057 10,714 9,870 2.447

o1o 42,789 i 1 1,417 4

'’-10 48,736 ) 4 1,494 7 1
10-15 .39,995 .37 1.371 50
15-20 21,211 128
AND 963 2,53 8
20—25 10,104 375 710 621 42
25-30 6,074 741
Males 534 886 77
( 30—35 3,586 1,401 312 967 94
35—40 98.3 945 143 714 93
40—45 917 1,578 127 590 91
BY 45— .50 274 8.38 67 362 83
50—55 340 10,399 1,590 61 377 100
55—60 7.3 2,!M0 488 16 124 .36
60 and over . 371 12.814 4,.545 49 406 264

Total 175,4.53 1111,584 37,057 7,254 5,361 889

r 0^5 42,244 22 1 1,.362

5—10 43,094 3.33
7 1,275 32
10-15 25,915 3,925 60 688 272 9
15—20 6,151 14,709 230 96 710 23
20—25 1.067 19,624 590 15 937 46
25—30 343 19,070 845 4 739 77
Females . 30—35 271 22,280 1,972 6 694 129
35—40 85 10,214 1,390 1 377 132
40-45 141 11,670 3,678 6 .362 245
45—50 51 4,367 1,740 1 134 138
50—55 51 5,345 4,048 1 134 261
55—60 17 1,328 1,025 1 33 80
-60 and over 94 3,783 8,800 5 84 418
Total 119,524 24,386 3,460 4,509 ] 1,668



8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sikhs. Jains. Muhammadans. Christians.

1 <0
1 4 1
1 fc
1 > £ 1 E 1
1 1 2 5

669 596 116 195,519 162,313 27,927 47 36 7

1.516 1,835 258 1 2 — 258,797 199,243 30.413 146 84 6

479 1 81.767 42 2 8
507 5 1 — — — 88.547 394 9 7
397 84 — — — — 63.453 4,291 88 1
180 187 4 — 26,117 17,205 323 6 2
129 253 13 — — — 10,302 26,439 864 15 3
73 260 15 — — — 5,802 31,138 1,417 4 6
39 255 32 — — — 3,496 42,046 3,118 5 8
14 194 34 — — — 906 22.477 2.076 4 7
17 190 02 — — — 908 26,152 4,856 8 2
3 93 41 — — — 262 11,187 2,316 2 6
3 89 67 — — — 325 15,143 5,210 1 1
2 44 25 — — 71 4,065 1,371 2 1
10 114 120 — — — 400 15,992 12,543 1 1

1,853 1,769 414 - - — 282,356 216.571 34,193 54 44 3

249 41,119 22 1 4
310 1 1 — — — 46,930 97 2 2
261 20 — — — — 38.362 702 37 1
170 69 2 — — — 20,077 3.336 118 1
128 99 4 — — — 9.254 7.908 329 12 1
72 143 9 — — — 5,466 12,928 055 2 2
39 155 8 — — — 3,230 20.565 1,299 5 3
14 143 14 — — — 824 12,693 838 2 5
16 117 20 — — — 774 14,921 1,465 4 2
3 61 13 — — — 212 6,988 742 2 4
3 64 23 — — — 275 9,957 1,467 1 1
2 35 13 — — — 55 2,779 439 2
10 90 45 — __ — 1
311 12,317 4,236 1 1 —
1,277 987 152 - — — 166,889 105,213 11,628 33 !
23 2

23 1 _ 40.648 20 1 4
19. 4 — — 41.617 297 7 6
136 4 — 25,091 3,589 51
10 1 2 — — — 6,640 13.869 205 5 2
1 ^54 9 — — — j

1,048 18,531 535 3 2

1 117 6 — — — 336 18,210 762 2 4
— 100 24 — 266 * 12,481 1,819 — 5
— 51 20 — — — 82 9,784 1,238 2 2
1 73 42 — — 134 11,231 3,391 4
— 32 28 — 50 4,199 1,574 — 2
— 25 44 — 60 6,186 3,743 —
— 9 12 — — — 16 1,286 932 —
— 24 75 — — — 89 3,675 8,307 —


676 782 262 - — 115,467 111.358 .22,565 21 21 1



































— —

j i







I St: I
ifS llli||iis:2« CO

1"- eod i-H t'- 00

o Cl tH CO Clr^ ^ cs XO 1-
lO 1
00 ,

d 1 1
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»o CO
,-H O
XO l>
CO l> 8 o o
00 CO tM o o Tfl pH d GO CO CO CO o
0> CO
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8 Cl CO XO
'pP 00
o cs X
eo lO
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Oi rH XO pH rH rH pH pH

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CO r'-
XO OS I>00 !>
1> 10 CO cs
CO Til CO »o
CO CO 00 o CO xtl XO CO d CO XO rH

l-l r-H p-t CO pH CO pH CO CO CO rH


o QO 1—
o rH
CO ^Ooo Cl
Cl -H pH
o o
CO Mali

O (N lO CO CO 00 00 os t>d IH CO Cl CO 00 q o
fH pH CO xc
d pH
d tH rH pH pH

»o r- OS CO CO
S?22 o XO cs Cl o l"*

§ »o
© xq ic 00 Cl 00 .. Wi 00 1-- cq l'*
Cl r-^ Cl XO XO rH
S - CO


CO 00 CO
00 OS 00 I-I cs
lO^'sH 00 d o 00
O 10
iq CO
cq Hindus.

I-H 00
d o CO Cl iH Baghban

Cl o
C?s XO
rH as
lO CO g « OS cq rH

1 1

d CO


»o 01 Cl 1C XO 00 oorH cs «0
^ d o cs
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* I



. .§
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§ B p
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. .. .. ...



2 8*6
Actual Depen-
Workers. dents.


Males. Fenujde^.

1 Civil Service of the State . 622 1,078

2 Service of Local and Municipal
Bodies 138 366
3 Village Service 473 115 1,073
4 Army 2,610 — 2,062
6 Civil Officers ofNative States . 200 200 144
8 Stock Breeding and Dealing 1,730 405 1,332
9 Training and Caro of Animals . 8 1 29
10 Landholders and Tenants 106,893 11,604 269,441
11 Agricultural Labourers . 6,379 699 9,234
12 Growers of Special Products 83 18 175
13 Agricultural Training and Super-
vision and Forests 70 99
14 Personal and Domestic Services 6,770 1,388 10,112
15 Non-domestic Entertainment

1 — 5
16 Sanitation 367 112 439
17 Provision of Animal Foods 376 99 639
18 Provision of Vegetable Foods 4,709 1,340 7,947
19 Provision of Drink, Condiments,
and Stimulants 343 102 625
20 Lighting 37 1 68
21 Fuel and Forage . 900 485 1,318
22 Building Materials 114 36 138
23 Artificers in Building 1,032 659 1,014
25 Cart, Carriages, etc. 1 — 4
28 Books and Prints 23 — 61
29 Watches, Clocks, and Scientific
Instruments 2 3
30 Carving and Engraving . 16 — 29
33 Bangles, Necklaces, Beads, Sacred
Threads, etc 78 36 107
34 Furniture — — 2
35 Harness 4 — 6
36 Tools and Machinery 2,432 755 4,728
37 Arms and Ammunition . 7 — 16
38 Wool and Fur * 372 212 610
39 Silk 26 76 71
40 Cotton 6,016 828 10,859
41 Jute, Hemp, Flax, Coir, etc. 266 162 113
. .... — ..


TABLE XVIL continued,


1 2 3 4 5

Actual Depen-
Workers. dents.


OF Census Both
Males. Females.

No. IN

42 Dress 1.026 32i 1,224

43 Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones 707 243 1,179
44 Brass, Copper, and Bell-metal . 15 1 38
45 Tin, Zinc, Quicksilver, and Load . 21 8 37
46 Iron and Steel 1,514 891 2,605
48 Earthen- and Stone-ware . 1,091 189 2,089
49 Wood and Bamboos 948 129 1,593
60 Caneworks, Matting, and Ijeavea,
etc. 146 20 426
52 Drugs, Dyes, Pigments, etc. 238 36 589
53 Ivcather, Horn, and Bones 2,990 204 6,017
54 Money and Securities ,
. 330 36 858
55 General Merchandise 482 160 404
66 Dealing unspecified 1,988 774 2,779
67 Middlemen, Brokers, and Agents 120 77 150


58 Railway 3 9
59 Road 1,862 752 3,018
60 Water 80 5 231
61 Messages 73 3 91
62 Storage and Weighing 81 37 146
63 Religion 2,222 111 4,889
64 Education 840 2 864
65 Literature

. 77 — 131
66 Law 77 12 130
67 Medicine 67 81 177
68 Engineering and Survey . 24 — 33
71 Music, Acting, Dancing, etc. 373 26 897
72 Sport 4 4 5
73 Games and Exhibitions . 2 — 6
74 Earthwork, etc. 46 — 21
75 General Labour 2,287 1,617 3,328
76 Indefinite 547 434 994
77 Disreputable — 26 9
78 Property and Alms 6,188 1,796 5,707
79 At the State Expense 324 125 748

36*63 37*23 46*53

37*74 39*45 43*29

29*88 28*13 30*96

37*84 27*26 35*59

24*32 28*35 28*59

52*30 41*58 61*59

34*47 31*23 36*17

14*79 25*80 34*06

39*36 31*30 37*67

37*31 36*19 40*39

30*67 28*51 32*97

.. ..


.. ..



Haripur Average
„ „ District



SEHRA Abbott-

1j -! 1J -j .


1873-74 1901-02 1873-74 1905-06 1901-02 1873-74 1905-06 1901-02 1873-74 Year.
1901-02 1905-06



Total Area, includ-

922,513 931,893 931,153 418.594 426,374 426,376 441,499 458.796 457,001
1,782,606 1,817,063 1.514,530
ing Government

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jO
O CO W OS 05 Ct CO CO ^ o o
rf*- 4*'
Government Forests.
K) to --I -1 -^1 4* K; to CO - >->

1 1 1 U 1 Ui 1 1 c 1
Waste. tion FOR





600,089 353,795 172,755
189,381 962,225 368,748
Other. Area
4,503 7.807 7,146 5,947

341 265 111 343 266 111 Number of Wells in
1 Use.

Number of DhenUis
lol 1 3^1-1 1 10»i— and Jhalars in Use.

CO 00 CO CO 00 CO
-1 4^ 05 1 1 I
Ot CR Chahi, including Jha-
CO CO Oi 00 Ot 00 I— Oi
1 1 1 1
Inriand Dhenkli Ahi.

H->)—'h- 4^4^CO
CO 4^
to OPp
p « 4^ to 4^ be 05 p
^ Cn p _C5 l-O

CJJ 4»> }o
to 05 00 (01 05 Ox -I K) 00 CJi CJc


135,069 142,550 129,562 128,359 127,114 116,635 125,308 121,870 108,259 388,736 391,534 354,456


148,798 156,818 140,542 149,884 148.925 136,451 131,585 129,296 113,747 430,267 435,039 390,740
Total Cultivated

Total Assessment,
2,02,961 1,47,230 1,47,370 1,41,095 5,04,202 3,16,184 3,08,394
Muafis AND Jagirs
85,713 78,116 83,241 82,908

(in Rupees).

6ze saiavx aaioaias




(Area given in Acres.)

1 2 3 4 5

Under Under Under

Forest District Military
Depart- Manage- Depart-
ment. ment. ment.

Reserved Forests.

Tahsil Abbottabad 45,593 799 1,039 47.431

,, Haripur 25,386 - -• . 26,386

„ Mansehra 78,742 5,996 22 84,760

Total Reserved Forests . 149,721 6,795 1,061 167.577

Unclassed Forests.

Tahsil Abbottabad _ 309 498 807

,, Haripur - 584 — 584

Total Unci-assed Forests .. - 893 498 1,391

Note. —There are no forests under the Municipal Committees in this District.

ii-ii I,

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C=Cash Office. T= Combined Post and Telegraph Office. D= District Post-Office.

Head Office, Abbottabad, Second Class.

Branch Post
Sub-Post Offices. Branch Post Offices. Sub-Post Offices.

I’Dhamtaur. Khan.
1 Nawanshahr.
Abbottabad, H. 0. Mansehra, C., T. Giddarpur.
Sherwan. Khaki.

1 Shekhan Bandi.
lOghi. T.
Nathia Gali. C..T.

rDhudial. Thandiani.
Baffa, C., T. < Jabori. ChanglaGali, C., T.
[Shiiikiari. Barian Camp, C., T.

Balakot. Kagan.

Bara Gali, C., T.

Danga Gali, C., T.

Jagal, D.
Serai Niamat

Khan, D.
Haripur, C., T. i

Serai Saleh. 1

Nara, 1


Kalabagh, C., T.

(Bir, D.
Khalabat. J Ghazi.
1 Kirpilian.

Kot Najibullah.


Nagri Tutial.

Rawalpindi. -! Ghora Dhaka, C., T.
(^Khaira Gali, C., T.


1 2 3 4 5 6

1901-02. 1902 03. 1903-04. 1904-05. 1905-06.

Land Revon\io 2,36.853 2,43,495 2,44,494 2.78.477 4,13,551

f Judicial 43.874 37.216 37,433 47,939 54,564

Stamps -j

(Non-Judioial 22,939 25,057 25,457 21,784 22,268

Income Tax 14,815 15,424 14,984 18,486 20.966

Excise 16,169 17,787 21,198 22,024 24,055


Registration 3,760 [
4,023 3,789 2,396 3.286

Local Rate 32,646 34,874 33,310 33,663 50,884

Total 3,71,055 3,77,876 3,80,665 4,24,769 5.89,574



Bajra, spiked millet (PenicUlaria spkata).
Chari, jowar sown thickly and cut green for fodder.
China, a small millet {Panicum mUiaceum).
Dal, cooked pulse.
Ghi, clarified butter.
Ilavildar, non-commissioned officer in a native infantry regiment.
Ijara, lease of revenue.
tlaqa, tract of country.
Imam, priest of a mosqiio.
Inam, a free grant in cash.
Jagir, an assignment of land revenue.
Jagirdar, holder of an assignment of land revenue.
Jemadar, native infantry officer.
Jezailchi, a man armed with a jezail, or flint-lock.
Jirga, assembly of elders.
Jowar, great millet {Sorghum vulgare).
Kamin, a village inenial.
Kanungo, a revenue official who supervises the patwaris.
Kkarif, the autumn crop or harvest.
Khasra, register of fields.
Khewat, register of owners.
Khillat, a reward bestowed by Government (literally a robe of honour).
Tximhardar, a village headman.
Mafi, a revenue free grant.
Malik, headman, chief (with a short ‘ a Malik with the long ‘ a moans ’

owner ').

Malikana, fee paid in recognition of proprietary title.

Naib-tahsildar,an official next in rank below a tahsildar, and usually the
latter’s assistant.
Nazrana, a fee or duo claimetl by Government.
Nazul, property belonging to Government.
Pahal, initiatory rite of the Sikh religion.
Parohit, a Hindu family priest.
Pattu, a species of woollen cloth.
Patwari, a village accountant.
Phvlkari, a coloured sheet worn by women.
Rabi, the spring crop or harvest.
Rasum, dues.
Resaldar, a native cavalry officer.
Serikhor, a person in enjoyment of a seri, that is, a grant made in acknow-
ledgment of religious sanctity.
Sowar, horseman, cavalry soldier.
Tahail, subdivision of a district.
Tahsildar, official in chief executive charge ot a tahsU.
Taluqa, subdivision of a district (under Sikh rule).
TaraJ, subdivision of the proprietary body of a village.
Taramira, an oil-seed {Eruca saliva).^
Thana, a police-station, or the area supervised from a police-station.
Zamindar, landowner or cultivator (adjective form, zamindari).
Ziaral, a Muhammadan shrine.



Bajra, spiked millet {Penicillaria spicata).
Chari, jowar sown thickly and cut green for fodder.
China, a small millet {Panicum mUiaceum).
Dal, cooked pulse.
Ohi, clarified butter.
Uavildar, non-commissioned officer in a native infantry regiment.
Ijara, lease of revenue.
Ilaqa, tract of country.
Imam, priest of a mosque.
Inam, a free grant in cash.
Jagir, an assignment of land revenue.
Jagirdar, holder of an assignment of land revenue.
Jemadar, native infantry officer.
Jezaikhi, a man armed with a jezail, or flint-lock.
J irga, assembly of ciders.
Jowar, groat millet {Sorghum vidgare).
Kamin, a village menial.
Kanungo, a revenue official who supervises the palwari^.
Kkarif, the autumn crop or harvest.
Khasra, register of fields.
Khewat, register of owners.
Khillat, a reward bestowed by Govonimcnt (lilerally a robe of honour).
Lambardar, a village headman.
Mafi, a revenue free grant.
Malik, headman, chief (with a short ‘a'; Malik with the long ‘a’ means

owner ’).

Mdlikana, fee paid in recognition of proprietary title.

N aili-tahsildar an official next in rank below a lahsildar, and usually the
latter’s assistant.
Nazrana, a fee or due claimed by Government.
Nazul, property belonging to Government.
Pahal, initiatory rite of the Sikh religion.
Parohit, a Hindu family priest.
Pattu, a species of woollen cloth.
Patwari, a village accountant.
Phulkari, a coloured sheet worn by women.
Rabi, the spring crop or harvest.
Rasum, dues.
Resaldar, a native cavalry officer.
Serikhor, a person in enjoyment of a seri, that is, a grant made in acknow-
ledgment of religious sanctity.
Sowdr, horseman, cavalry soldier.
Tahsil, subdivision of a district.
Tahsildar, official in chief executive charge of a tahsil.
Taluqa, subdivision of a district (under Sikh rule).
Taraf, subdivision of the proprietary body of a village.
Taramira, an oil-seed {Eruca saliva).
Thana, a police-station, or the area supefVised from a police-station.
Zamindar, landowner or cultivator (adjective form, zamindari).
Ziarat, a Muhammadan shrine.


;; ;

A subsequent increase in importance
Abbott, James : treatment of of, 162 in Directory, 221-223

tenures by, 01, 92 ; describes Abbottabad talisil : and passim,

Sikh assessments, 97 ; Summary rainfall in, 6, 328 ;
assessment of,
Settlements of, 97, 98. ; visits 104, 329 ; area of (cultivated and
tfaripur, November, 184(5, 135 otherwise), 316, 329 ; forest area
sent Dy Darbar to assess Hazara, in, 330 ;
population of, 316, 317 ;

136 ; early career of, 136, 137' tribes in, 320-324 ;

religious statis-
ciiaracter of, 138 pacifies the ;
tics of, 325
District, 139-141 fortunes of, ;
Abdulla Khan, Swathi : foments
(hiring the second Sikh war, 141- disturbances in Agror, 174-176 ;
153 acknowledgment of services
; joins Hassanzais and Akazais after
of, 154 ; lirst Deputy Commis- death of Major Battye, 178
sioner of Hazara, 154 ; takes part Abdulla Khan, Tanaoli Khan of :

in Kagan Expedition, 155, 156 Phulra, 196'; Ids descendants, 197

leaves Hazara, 156, 157 ; subse- Abdul Latif Khan, his dispute with
quent career of, 157, 158 mte ; the Khan of Amb, 195, 196
wrongly identifies Mahabaii with Abdurrahman Khan, Khanof Phulra,
Aornos, 163 suspects Khan of
; 196
Amb of complicity in murder of Abi I, and II., assessment circles,
Came and Tapp, 166 ; commands 102
a column in first Black Mountain Adams, Major abortive settlement

expedition, 167 sent across ; of, 92, 98 ; Deputy Commissioner,

Indus to attack Hindustani fan- 309
atics, 167 estimates Khan of
; Agricultural tribes : list of, 20 ; land
Amb’s income, 201 ; assessment mortgaged to, 63
of Agror by, 225 bungalows of, ; Agriculture, system of, 50, 51
at Nawanshahr and Sherwan, 241, Agriculturists' Loans Act, amount
245 advanced under, 64
Abbottabad situation of, 3 ; one
: Agror valley, 2 rainfall in, 7
; ;

of the four towns of the District, Swathi inhabitants of, 27 resi- ;

18 trade of, 80
; roads to and ; dents in, speak Pashtii, 41 ;

from, 80-82, 162 ; projected rail- shrines in, 48i; rico grown in, 57
way via, 82 ; post and telegraph reserved forests in, 69, 72, 74,
offices at, 83 tkana at, 85 ; muni-
; 117 ; assessment circle of, 103 ;
cipality at, 112 ; troops and bar- assessment of water-mills in, 106 ;
racks at, 113; jail at, 115 ; bar- tenants in, 110, 111 ; identified
risters and pleaders at, 115 jvith Atyiigrapura of Kalhana’s
schools, 115 printing-press at,
Chronicles, 121 ; raided by Hari
116 civil surgeon and hospital
; Singh, 127 forts of, attacked by

at, 117 founded and christened

Hindustani fanatics, 133 ; dis-
by Edwandes, 158 garrison of, ;
turbances in, leading to second
during Indian Mutiny, 158, 159 Black Mountain expedition, 169,
:; ;

170 ; events in, between second tory of, 164 ; his State, the more
and third Black Mountain ex- important of the two States of
peditions, 172-178 ; reserved from Feudal Tanawal, 187 ; history of
jurisdiction of ordinary courts, •family of, 187, 188 status of, 197- ;

172 ; Khan restored to, 173 ; 199 relations of, with Khan of

[uostion of roads in, leads to Phurla, 199 internal administra-

?ourth Black Mountain expedi- tion of, 199, 200 income of, 200, ;

tion, 180 ; in Directory, 223-225 201

Ahmadiya sect, 30 Amb village swept away by flood

Akazais a tribe on the Hazara

: of 1841, 131 ; the chief village in
border, 104 ; join in attacks on the Khan’s trans-Indus territory,
Oghi, 109, 170 ; in second Black 164 ;
lock-up at, 199
Mountain expedition, 171 ; join Amusements, 46
in subsequent attacks on villages Aroras, 38, 39, 320
in Agror, 172, 173 ; submit to Arsala Khan of Allai, 180
Deputy Commissioner, 173, 174 ;
AryaSamaj branch at Abbottabad,

aid Abdulla Khan to foment dis- 39 ; High school maintained by,

turbances in Agror, 175, 170 115, 222
threaten attack on Agror, 177 ; Asoka, Governor of Hazara, 118 ;
submission of, as result of third his rock edicts near Mansehra, 118,
Black Mountain expedition, 170 ; 119 ; translation of the same, 294-
resent construction of roads up 303
Black Mountain, 180 ; fourth Assessment: of Summary and Regu-
Black Mountain expedition lar Settlements, 97-106 ; distribu-

against, 181 settlc?nent with,

; tion of, at Second Regular Settle-
181, 182 statistics of Akazai
; ment, 105 ; deferred, 106 ; of
residents in the District, 324 water-mills, 106
Akazais, a section of the Utmauzais, Assessment circles at First Regular :

241 Settlement, 98 ; at Second Regu-

Akbar, the Moghal Emperor lar Settlement, 100-104
marries his son to a daughter of Ata Muhammad Khan, Swathi,
Said Khan, Gakhar, 35 daughter ; Khan Agror
of deported to ;

of, bathes in Lulu Sar, 205 Abbottabad for instigating attack

Ali Gauhar Khan, Swathi succeeds : on Oghi, 169, 224 ; restored to
his father as Khan of Agror, 1 74 ;
Agror, 173 ; death of, 174
feud of, with his cousin Abdulla Ata Muhammad Khan, Tanaoli :

Khan, 174, 175 ; deported to Khan of Pliulra, 196 ;

his income,
Lahore, 17G, 225 ; arrested under 201
Regulation 111. of 1818, 178 ; 4.ttock District on Hazara boun- :

remains an exile, 185 ; married dary, 2 ; supply of water to, from

to a sister of llashini Ali Khan, Harroh, 5 ; villages of, inhabited

225 by Tarkhlis, 25
Allai on Hazara boundary, 1, 165 ;
: Attoek tahsil transfer of,
: to
ponies from, 65 ; trade of, with Hazara, and retransfer to Punjab,
Baffa, 80 ; mutineers of 55th 86, 162
Native Infantry in, 160 ; ollenecs Awans a tribe of the District,

committed by Swathis of, 179, 20, 30, 320 ; tenants of Tanaolis

180 visited by troops in tliircl
; and Swathis, 89
Black Mountain expedition, 179,
Alluvion rules, 109, 110 B
Amar Singh, Majithia Governor of : Babar, the Moghal Emperor, comes
Lower Hazara, 126 ; death of, 126 into contact with Gakhars, 35
Amazais on Hazara border, 164
Babusar : pass of, at head of Kagan
agree to exclude Haslim Ali Khan valley, 202, 219 ; bungalow at,
from their limits, 169 219, 340
Amb, Khan of : head of Hindwal Badhnak tract ; pressure of popula-
Tanaolis, 29 ; trans-Indus terri- tion in, 18 ; cultivation in, 50


village forests in, 72 ; assessment Batakundi Kunhar unfordable be-


circle of, 102, 103 ; an insecure low, 204 fishing below, 208
; ;

area, 111 ; jagir of Khan of Amb, Kagan road in Juno open to,
192 213 a stage in Kagan itinerary,

Baffa ;one of the towns of the 217

District, 18 a trade centre, 80 ;
Battal Border Military Policic post

road through, 82 tclegraph- ;

at, 114 raid by Allaiwals on, 179,

83 municipality
offico at, ;
of, 12 ;
1 180; in Directory, 228
Vernacular Middle school at, 115; Batteries, mountain, at Abbottabad
in Directory, 225, 226 and in Galis, 113
Bagan village, in Directory, 226 Battye, Major, killed on Black
Bagh soil, 531 Mountain, 177
Bagno tar village police road-jfost :
Beadon, Captain, Assistant Settle-
at, 114 biingalowvS at, 334
ment Officer, 105
Bagra village : and neighbourhood, Becher, Major Deputy Commis- :

inhabited by Jadims, 21, 22 sioner during Indian Mutiny, 158-

trade of, 80 slaughter of rebels ; 162; co-operates against Hindu-
by Hari Singh at, 128 ; in Direc- stani fanatics, 168 ; settles ques-
tory, 226 tion of Amb succession, 193 ;

Baliardi abi soil, 53 settles matters between Khans of

Bajra : eaten in Haripur tahsil, 45 ;
Amb and Phulra, 196
cultivation of, 55, 57 Bees, 15, 16
Bakot tract Karrals in, 31 :
Dhunds Bela Kawai village, in Directory,
in, 32 rice in, 49, 57 ; assessment
228. See also Kawai
circle, 102, 103 Bela soil, 53
Bakot village ; Dhunds of, 33 ; road Bcsal flowers at, 207
: bungalow ;

through, 82 ; tham at, 85 ; in at, 213, 339 stage in Kagan ;

Directory, 226, 227 itinerary, 218 ; detour from, 220

Balakot inhabited by
village : Betrothal customs, 43, 44
Swathis, 20 Bala Pir at, ; slirino of Bhaiachara tenures, 93
42, 48, 214 ; a trade centre, 80 ; Bhairkund tract inhabited
: by
thana at, 85 ; Hindustani fanatics Swathis, 27 fort at, attacked by

defeated at, 130 ; Swathis of, join Hindustani fanatics, 133

in attack on Diwan Ibrahim, 132 ; Bharu Kot : Afghan army encamps
at base of Kagan valley, 202, 203 ; at, 153 ; abandoned as a canton-
rice-fields at, 203 ; bridge at, ment, 158
204 ; lambardars of, 210 stage in ;
Bharu Phuldhar, in Directory, 228.
Kagan itinerary, 213, 214 ; in See also Bharu Kot
Directory, 227 Bhingra hill, 3, 187 forests on, 187, ;

Bambas, one of the tribes of the 200

District, 20, 34 Bhogarmang valley, 2 source of ;

Banna : defined, 54 ; rates on, 105 Siran river, 4 rainfall in, 7 ; ;

Bara Gali mountain battery

: inhabited by Swathis, 26 goats ;

stationed at, 113 ; in Directory, in, 65 ; traefe of, with Baffa, 80 ;

227, 228 road up, 82 assessment circle, ;

Barangar abi soil, 53 103

Barori hill : sacred stones on top of, Bhogarmang village slirine at, 48 : ;

47, 239 ; rock edicts at base of, yattu manufactured at, 78 in ;

118 Directory, 228, 229

Bari soil, 53 Bhusa, 59
Barian hill cantonment :
post-office Bibs, an agricultural tribe, 20
at, 83 ; transferred to Rawalpindi Bjliana hill, 3 ehir forest on, 73

District, 86 Birds of District described, 12, 13 :


Barley : where oaten, 45 ;

on hotar list of, 284-293
lands, 53 ;
ripening of, 54 area
Birth-rate, 41, 42
under, 58 prices of, 68 in ; ;
Black Mountain on Hazara boun- :

Feudal Tanawal, 187 in Kagan ;

dary, 1, 2 first expedition to,

valley, 204 154, 167 tribes on slopes of, 164

; ;

second expedition to, 169-172 into open rebellion, 148 ; marches
third expedition to, 178-180 to rescue of Pakhli Brigade, 149 ;
fourth expedition to, 180-182 defeated by Abbott at Salam
Blacksmith, wages of village, 67 Khand, Ddst Muham-
151, 152 ;

Boi tract Karrals of, 31, 32 ;

: mad Khan makes common cause
Sararas of, 34 ; Bamba rulers of, with, 152 ; surrenders to the
34 ; trade of, with Garhi Habi- British, 154
bullah Khan, 80 part of, in ;
Chief Commissioner, North-West
Garhi Habibiillali Khan thana, Frontier Province, house of, at
85 ; asvsessment circle, 102, 103 ; Nathia Gali, 113, 241
an insecure area. 111 Chigharzais in Border Military

Boi village road through, 82 ; in

; Police, 115 ; a tribe on the Hazara
Directory, 229 border, 164, 165 ; join in attack
Botany. Vide Flora on Oghi, 169 ; in second Black
Brahmins, 38, 39, 320 Mountain expedition, 171 ; raid
Buckwheat, 57 villages in Agror, 173 ; aid Abdulla
Buffaloes, 64 price of, 68 ;
Khan, 175, 176 ; ostensible sub-
Bullock-carts, 64 hire of, 307, 308 ;
mission of, to Government, 175 ;
Bullocks, 64 price of, 68 export
; ;
blockade imposed on, 177 ;
of, 79, 210 transport on, 82 ; ;
Hashim Ali Khan takes refuge
hire of, 307, 308 with, 181 numbers of, in Hazara,

Bunjais Brahmins, 38 Khatris, 39

: ;
Burawai cultivation at, 203, 218
: ; Chi las : on Hazara boundary, 2,
bridge at, 204 scarcity of wood ;
165 ; trade of, with Balakot, 80 ;
above, 211 a stage in Kagan ;
road constructed up Kagan valley
itinerary, 217, 218 to, 162 ; trade with, passes
Burial customs, 44, 45 through Kagan valley, 210 view ;

Butter, 45 price of, in Kagan

of, from above Babusar pass, 219 ;
valley, 211 stages from Mansehra to, 308
Buttor-milk, consumption of, 45 Chin. Vide Buckwheat
Cholera, 42
Christians, 40, 325
C Civil surgeon, 117, 241
Camels, 65, 73, 82 ; rates of hire of Climate of District, 7, 8 in Kagan
: ;

307, 308 ; numbers of, 314, 315 valley, 208, 209

Canara, Colonel' commands a bat- ; Cloth, import of, 79
tery at Ilaripur, 142 ; death of, Commandant of Border Military
144, 145 ; monument to, 145, 233 Police, 86, 114
Came, Mr. murder of, 166 ; grave
; Commerce, 79, 80
of, at Ilaripur, 233 Communication, means of, 80, 81
Carpenter, wages of village, 67 Coolies wages of, in Galis, 67 ;

Carriage, rates of, 83, 307, 308 transport by, 82 ; rates of hire
Cattle character of, 64, 65 ; fair,
: of, 83, 307, 308 wages of, in ;

66 ; numbers of, 314, 315 Kagan valley, 211

Cemeteries features of, 45 ; of
: Co-operation Credit Societies, failure
Europeans, at Ilaripur, 233 to start, 64
Cesses, 105 Cotton, 57
Chahi soil, 53 Cows, 64 price of, 68

Changla Gali road to Mari from. ; Coxe, Major abortive settlement of


82 ; in Directory, 229 Major Adams and, 92, 98 ;

Cliaras, vend of, 112 Deputy Commissioner, 309
Chari soil, 53 e Cultivation area under, 49, 314,

Chattar plain, 4 315, 329 character of, 49, 50 ;


Chat tar ISingh Nazim of Hazara, : irrigated area under, 51, 52 soils, ;

141 character of, 142 intrigues

; ; 52-54 ; cultivated land, how held,
of, 143, 144 ; his connexion with 60, 61 ; size of holdings, 60 by ;

the murder of Canara, 145 ; views tenants paying kind or cash, 67 ;

as to his conduct, 145-147 ; breaks extension of, during Summary
;;, :


Settlement, 98 extension of,

staff under, 85, 86 ; president of
during First Regular Settlement, municipalities, 112, 222, 225, 234,
100 ; in Feudal Tanawal, 186, 187 ; 241 ; list of Deputy Commissioners
in Kagan valley, 203, 204, 218 of the District, 162, 309, 310 ;
Cunningham, Sir Frederick': pro- fixes prices in Kagan valley, 211 ;
posals as to settlement witli tribes bungalow of, in Abbottabad civil
accepted, 182 ; Deputy Commis- lines, 222 ; member of Notified
sioner, 309, 310 Area Committee, 241
Currie, Sir Frederick his descrip- : Deputy Conservator of Forests, 117 ;

tion of Abbott, 138 ; Chat tar Singh bungalow of, in Abbottabad civil
and, 145 ; criticisms on Abbott’s '
lines,222 member of Notified

conduct, 145, 146 j despatches Area Committee, 241

Dina Nath to Chat tar Singh, 147 Dhaka assessment circle, 102 an ;

insecure area, 111

Dhaka cfiaragah, 54
D Dhaka darakhtan, 54
Daishi on Hazara boundary, 1
: Dhaka Khampiir ass(;ssment circle,
165 inhabited by Swatliis, 27
102, 103,; part of, an insecure
Dak bungalows, 82 details of, 331- ;
area. III
340 Dhaka rakh, 54
Dal, ferry and police outpost at, 113 Dhamtaur village : inhabited by
Dal, one of the foods of the people, Jaduns, 21 ;
shrines at, 47, 48 ;

45 trade of, 80 road from, 82 ; ;

Dalhousie, Lord : suspends judg- assessment of water-mills at, 106 ;

ment as to Abbott's conduct, 1 46 ; forcing of pass of, by the Sikhs,
concern of, for Abbott’s safety, 149, 150 in Directory, 230, 231 ;

152 ; angry with Abbott for story of the donkey of, 237
writing to Dost Muhammad Dhan tract, 4 ; in Nara-Lora assiJss-
Khan, 153 ; eulogy of Abbott by, ment circle, 102
154 ; sanctions first Black Moun- Dhangar soil, 101 assessment ;

tain expedition, 166 circle, 101, 103 hailstorm in ;

Dannah Sikh fort

: 1,30 ; biiilt at, latter, 111
visited by Abbott, 140 ; in Direc- Dhudial village road through, 82 : ;

tory, 229, 230 occupied by Major Bochor during

Darband village road to, 81 ; Sikh
: Indian Mutiny, 160; in Direc-
fort at, attacked by tribes, 127 ; tory, 231
Sikh fort at, swept away by flood, Dhunds a tribe of the District, 20,

131 ;troops stationed at, during 32, 33, 321 polygamy among,

Ambela expedition, ] 69 ; troops 43 ; betrothal ceremony of, 44 ;

for third Black Moimlain expedi- assert independence of Cakhars,
tion concentrated at, 178 ; troops 123; subjugated by Hari 8 high,
for fourth Black Mountain ex- 130; storm fort at Mari, 132;
pedition concentrated at, 181 ; submit to Abbott, 140, 141 ;
troops for Isazai expedition con- attack by Rawalpindi Dhunds
centrated at, 185 ; the only trade on Murree, 162
centre in Feudal Tanawal, 186 DiJazaks, a tribe of the District, 20,
cultivated land near, 187 ; in 23, 24, 324
Directory, 230 Diluvion rules, 109, 110
Darbaris, list of, 304-306 District Board, constitution, etc., of,
Death-rate, 41, 42 112, 113
Debts of halis, 61 ; of the people
: District Judge, on District staff, 85
generally, 62-64; of proprietors, 63 District of Hazara ; description of,
Dendar, in Directory, 230 , 1-16 ; division of, into tahsils, 85 ;
Deputy Commissioner sanction of, : administrative staff of, 85, 86 ;
required for water-mills, 60 changes in area and administra-
Agror forests managed by, 72, tive divisions of, 86 ; ancient
74, 117 ; controls village forests, name of, 118 ;
history of, 118-162
75, 76 also unclasscd forests, 77 ;
Diwan Bela, 132, 215
; : ;

Donkeys, 65, 82 story of the ; Farm-labourers. Vide Halts
donkey of Dhamtaur, 237 Fauna of District, 13-15 ; in
Dor river, 3-5 water of, distributed
; Kagan valley, 208
from Rangila tank, 51 irrigation ; Festive gatherings, 46-48
customs on, 52 alluvion and ; Fever, malarial, 42
diluvion on, 110 construction of ; Fires : in reserved forests, 74' ; in
bridge across, 113 crossed by ; village forests, 77
Afghan army, 153 Fishing, 15 ; in Kagan valley, 208 ;
Dor valley, 3, 4 rainfall in, 6 ; at Tarbela, 246
Dost Muhammad Khan, Amir of Floods in 1841, 16, 131 ; in 1893,

Kabul : makes common cause 16

with Chattar Singh, 151 corre- ; Flora : described, 9-12 ; in Kagan,
spondence of Abbott with, 151, 207 ; list of, 250-283
152'; sends Gulam Haidar Khan Fodder crops : chari, 57 ; in rahiy 59
to Hazara, 153 Food of people, 45, 46
Drawa. Vide Buckwheat Forests of chir, in lower hills, 10

Dress of the people, 46 in higher tracts, 11 difficulties ;

Dudibach Sar lake in Kagan valley,

: in administration of, 69 descrip- ;

scene of surrender of mutineers, 1()1 tion of reserved, 69-72 ; area of

described, 205 detour via, 220 ; reserved, 72, 329, 330 ; descrip-
Dues, paid by tenants, 61, 62 tion of village, 72, 73 ; manage-
Dunga Gali hill-station rain-gauge : ment of, and rights in reserved,
at, 7 t?iana at, 85
; Naib-tahsil- ; 73, 74 ; offences in, and income of
dar at, 85 ; notified area of Nathia reserved, 74' ; management of
Gali and, 112 police outpost at, ;
village, 75, 76 ; income of, and
113 in Directory, 231, 232
; offences and fires in reserved, 76,
Dunga Gali range, 2 ; source of 77 ; unclasscd, 77 ; administrative
Dor and Harroh rivers, 5 ; rain- staff of reserved, 117 ; in Feudal
fall on, 6 ; potatoes on, 57 Tanawal, 187 ; in Agror valley,
reserved forests of, 70 224
Duranis revenue methods of, 96
Forster, the traveller, visits Gul
Hazara under rule of, 124, 125 Sher Khan, Tanaoli, 125
Fruit cultivation of, 59 ; export of,

E 79
Funeral ceremonies, 44
Earthquakes, 16
Education amount spent by Dis-

trict Board on, 112 ; state of Dis- G

trict as regards, 115, 116, 314,
Gaduns on Peshawar border
: tribe
315 total exp(*nditure on, 116
connected with Jaduns, 21 ;
Edwardes, Herbert his view of :
placed under blockade, 168 ;
Chattar Singh’s conduct, 146 suc- ;
undertake to exclude Hindustani
ceeds Abbott as Deputy Commis-
fanatics, 169 join gathering on ;
sioner of Hazara, 156, 309 in- ;
Buncr border during fourth Black
augurates and names Abbottabad
Mountain expedition, 181
cantoniilciit, 158 transferred to ;
Gakhars a tribe of the District, 20,
Peshawar, 158 reinstates Kagan ;
34-37, 321 guzarakhwors among, ;
Saiads, 158
94 ;
evicted and subsequently
Elephants expedition against
: in
con dated by Hari Singh, 130 ;
tlie Dhunds, 141 ; in fight at themselves of their
Salam Khand, 151 brought up
country, 133
to Machai peak, 171
Galis climate of, 8 ; supplies for
Excise, 111, 112, 342
troops in, 79 road through, 81 ; ;
Exports, 79
civil surgeon in, 116
F Game of District, 13, 14 ; in Kagan

Famines in Hazara, 83, 84 ; occu- valley, 208

pancy rights dating from that of Gandgar hills, 3 ; lower end in-
1783, 95 habited by Tarkhelis, 25 ; goats
;; ;


on, 65 ; village forests in, 7^ mittance of money to Abbott,

assessment circle, 102 ; non-jagir 151
an insecure area, 111
villages of, Gulam Khan, Tarin, 23 ; revolts
Kaja Rasalu imprisons a Raksha against Sikhs, 133 ; in Lundi
in, 120 Musalmani, 134'; dcvserts to Af-
Gardens, mafis on, 109 ghans, 153
Garhi Habibullah Khan village Gill Slier Khan, Tanaoli, 29, 125,
inhabited by Swathis, 26 ; trade 187, 188
of, 80 ; metalled road crosses; Gur. export of, 79
Kunhar at, 0, 162 ; roatl to } Gurkhas included among Hintlus,

Kohala from, 82 ; projected rail- 39 regiments of, at Abboitabad,

way via, 82 ; thina at, 85 ; Sikh 113 ; numbers of, 321

fort at, attacked by Hindustani Guzarakhioor tenure, 94 ; in Feudal
fanatics, 133 ; defeat of Swathis Tanawal, 196, 197
and Hindustanis at pass above, Giizaras. Vide Forests (village)
135 viewed from Kagan valley

road, 213 ; in Directory, 232

Geology of District, 8, 9
Oharera abi soil, 53 I
Haibat Klian, founder of family of
Ghi : consumption of, 45 ; price of. Khan of Amb, 187, 188
68 export of, 79, 80 ; fees of, in
Haidar Bahksh Khan, Gakhar takes :

Feudal Tanawal, 200 ; from Ko- Khanpur fort from the Sikhs,
histan and Chilas, 210 ; in Kagan 133 submits to Diwan Hari

valley, 211 (;Jhand, 135

Ghora Dhaka troops stationed at,
: Hail, remission of revenue on ac-
113 ;
in Directory, 232, 233 count of, 111
Gitidas flowers near, 207 ; marmots
: Halchuri, 62, 66
round, 208 bungalow at, 213 ; ; 61
in Kagan itinerary, 218, 219 Hari Chand, Diwan sent to collect :

Goats, 64, 65 price of, 68 ; export ;

revenue of Hazara, 134 ; confirms
of, 79, 210; tax on, KHi, 107'; Jahandad Khan in possession of
numbers of, 314, 315 Feudal Tanawal, 192
Gojri, the Gujar dialect, 41 Haripur fort gandson of, attacked

Gold-washing, 77 by Mirzaman Khan, 24 built by ;

Gora Gali, road from, 81, 229 Hari Singh, 127 evacuated by ;

Government loans, 64 Diwan Mulraj, 133 ;

Abbott finds
Grain import of, 68, 79 supplies
: ; Sikhs hemmed in to, 135 ; garri-
of, for Gujars in Kagan, 210 son of, in April, 1848, 141 ;

Gram, 58 measures regarding, during Indian

Grass crop of, 54 price of, 68 ; in
Mutiny, 159 description of, 233

Kagan valley, 211 Haripur plain, 3, 4 ; tanks in, 6 ;

Gujars their knowledge of plants,
: rainfall in, 6
12 a tribe of the District, 20, 30,
Haripur tahsil I and passim ; rain-

31, 321 dispossessed by Tarins

fall in, 6, 328 assessment of, 104,

and other tribes, 23, 24, 123 ; 329 ; area of (cultivated and other-
Gojri spoken by, 41 women of, ; wise), 316, 329 f< "’ost area in, ;

43 graziers attack Major Battye,

; 330; po})ulation (,f, 316, 317;
177 in Feudal Tanawal, 186
tribes in, 320-324 ;
religious statis-
in Kagan valley, ^09, 210, tics of, 325
212 Harijiur town climate round, 7 ;

Gulab Singh, Maharajah of Kash- one of the four towns of the Dis-
mir : deprives Bamba chiefs of trict, 18 ; a trade centre, 80
Muzaffarabad ilaqa, 34 ; appointed^ roads to and from, 81 ; telegraph-
Governor of Hazara and Kash- office at, 83,341 ; thana at, 85 ;
mir, 132 Kashmir and Hazara ;
municipality of, 112 Anglo-Ver- ;

coded to, 134 returns Hazara to ;

nacular Middle School at, 115 ;
Lahore Darbar, 136 Chattar ;
civil hospital at, 117 ; named
Singh writes to, 145 ; sends re- after Hari Singh, 131 iflundered ;
;;;;;; ,

362 , INDEX
and burnt by tribesmen, 133 ; in Mountain expedition against
Directory, 233, 234 180, settlement with, 181,
181 ;

Hari Singh, Sardar poisons Mu- :

182 ; Isazai expedition against,
hammad Khan, Tarin, 23 evicts ;
182, 183 ; attacks by, on Seri and
Mishwanis Sirikot, 28 from Ibrahim Khan, 184 ; elect son of
evicts Gakhar chiefs from their Hashim Ali Khan as their Khan,
estates, 36 ; arrives in Hazara, 185
127 ; made Governor by Ranjit Hatar, in Directory, 234
Singh, 127 events during rule of,;
Hides, export of, 79, 210
127-130 ; death and character of, Hindki dialect, 40, 41
131 ; Haripur town and fort built Hindus : statistics of, 38, 318-325 ;
by, 131, 233 dealings of, with ;
religion of, 39 ; opium-eating
Painda Khan, Tanaoli, 190, 191 among, 46'; festivals of, 47 ;
Harroh river : irrigates Panjkatha, literacy among, 116 ; in Feudal
5 ; Dhund branch of Upper, 4, 5, Tanawal, 186
32 ; Karral branch of Upper, 5, Kindustani fanatics, defeated by :

232 ; description of, 5 ; fish in, Sikhs at Phiilra and Balakot,

15 ; irrigation customs of, 52 130 ; attack Sikh forts during
alluvion and diluvion on, 110 first Sikh war, 133 ; assist Jaduns,
Hashim Ali, chief of Hindwal Swathis, and Saiads in defiance
Tanaolis, 188 of the Sikhs, 135 ; flee the country
Hashim Ali Khan, Hassanzai rise : after defeat at the Dub pass, 135 ;
of, 174 his followers raid Udi-
believed by Abbott to be in-
graon in Agror valley, 170 ; joins triguing with Kagan Saiads, 155 ;
in attack on Major Battye, 177 headquarters of, at Sitana, 163,
surrender of, demanded by 164 ; measures against, after first
Government, 178 ; takes refuge Black Mountain expedition, 167 ;
with Chigharzais, 181 perpetual ;
expedition of 1858 against, 167 ;
banishment of, a term of the further measures against, 168,
settlement with the tribes, 181,; 169 ; party of, join Hassanzais
his estate given to Ibrahim Khan, after death of Major Battye, 178 ;

182 his visit to Mada Khel and

put under blockade, 178 punish- ;

Hassanzai territory leads to ment of, in third Black Mountain

Isazai expedition, 182, 183 expedition, 178, 179 attack ;

rejects the Government terms, Dogra picket of 4th Sikhs during

and remains an exile, 183' his ;
fourth Black Mountain expedi-
oldest son eleeUxl Khan of Seri tion, 181 tribes agree to prevent

on Ibrahim Khan’s death, 185 ;

settlement of, within their terri-
sister of, married to Khan of tory, 182 ; treatment of, by
Agror, 225 Painda Khan, 191
Hassaii Abdal railway-station at, : Honey extraction of and profits

80 metalled road from, 80, 162

from, 15, 16 as a food, 45 ;

Hasaan Ali Khan, Karral, 32' llorsegram. Fide KiUath

attacked by Amar vSingh, Ma- Horses, 65, 66
jithia, 120’ given jagir by Hari Hospitals and dispensaries, 117, 314,

Singh, 129 315

Hassanzais, a section of Jaduns, 21 flotar soil, 53
Hassanzais a tribe on the Hazara:

border, 164 Khan of, 166 ;

murder of Messrs. Came and Ibrahim, Diwan, ambuscaded and

Tapp by, 166 ; first Black Moun- slain in Kagan valley, 132, 212,
tain expedition against, 167 215
attack Oghi, 169 ; in second Jbrahim Khan, Hassanzai elected ;

Black Mountain expedition, 169- Khan of Seri, 182 ; his want of

172 ; behaviour of, between success as chief, 184 ; killed by
second and third Black Mountain Hassanzais, 184 ;
daughter of,
expeditions, 172-178 ; submis- ,
married to Nawab ofAmb, 194
sion of, 178, 179'; fourth Black !
Imports, 79
, ;;

INDEX • 353

Inams : to lamhardars and otheis 193 ; dcatli of, 193 Madat Khan’s ;

108, 211 ; to village institutions, tenure of Phulra confirmed by,

109 196 income of, estimated by

Incomo-tax, statistics of. 111, 112, Abbott, 201

342 Jahangir, son of Akbar married to :

Indian Mutiny, history of Hazara daughter of Said Khan, Gakhar,

during, 158-162 35 ; refers to Hazara in his his-
Indus river: on Hazara boundary, tory, 122
1, 4 flood of 1841 in, 16, 131 ;
; Jail, 115
gold-washing in, 77 ; crossed by Jalal Baba, Saiad ancestor of :

Kanjit Singh, 129 Kagan Saiails, 37 heads Swathi ;

Infirmities, 42 invasion, 123 ; evicts Turks from

Ingram Assistant-Surveyor with
: Agror valley, 224
Abbott, 142 ; gallantry of, in Jandars, 60. Vide also Water-mills
Salam Khand fi^t, 162 Jhanda Singh marches : to join
Insanity, 42 Abbott at Daimah, 141 ; Naih-
Interest, rates of, 64 Nazim of Hazara, 141 ;
Irrigation areas irrigated by rivers,
: of, 142 ;
marches from Haripur
4, 5 ; areas irrigated by minor for the Sind Sagar Doab, 142 ;

streams, 6 ; system of, 51, 52 ; defection of Chaiiringhi r(‘gimcnt

record of customs of, 52 ; exten- from, 143 sent by Ivahoro Resi- ;

sion of, 52 ; from wells, 52 ; in dent to (Chattar Singh, 146 joins ;

assessment circles, 101 ; total Cliattar Singh in rebellion. 148

area under, 314, 316, 329 Jhelum river boundary of Hazara, :

Isazais in Border Military Police,

: 1,4; timber floated down, 73
115 ; Khan of, 106 ; expedition |
Jirga : by, 87
trial system of, ;

against, 182, 183 burn Seri and

; among trans-border tribes, 105
disown Ibrahim Khan as their

Jotcar, cultivation of, 57

chief, 184 ; elect as chief the son Justice: civil, 87, 314, 315; criminal,
of Hashim Ali Khan, 185 87 in Feudal 1’anawal, 198-200

Jaba road from, 82
; stage in Kagan valley apex of District, 1
: ;

Kagan itinerary, 213 ; walk to, rainfall in, 7, 209, 210 Svathis ;

down Musa ka Musalla ridge, 220 of, 26 ; Gujars of, 31 Saiads of, ;

Jaduns a : tribe of the District, 20- 37 ; barley in, 58 ; goats in, 65 ;

22, 324 polygamy among, 43
; ;
reserved forests of, 71, 72 ; road
marriage ceremony of, 44 estab- ;
up, 81, 162 assessment circle, ;

lish themselves in Hazara, 123 ;

103, 211 administrated from ;

defeated by Hari Singh at Manga! Kashmir in Sikh times, 129

127 ambuscade of Diwan Ibrahim in,
Jafar Khan, Gakhar, 36, 125 132 expetlition of 1852 to, 155,

Jagirs, 107 156 ;

situation and area of, 202
Jahandad Khan, Gakhar, 35-37 ; villages in, 202, 203 ; crops of,
house of, at Khampur, 230 203, 204 ; forests, streams, and
Jahandad Khan, Tanaoli, of Amb : lakes of, 204-206 ; mountains of,
submits to Abbott, 140 ; ap- 206, 207 flowers of, 207 ; sport

proached by Chattar Singh, 145 ;

in, 208 climate of, 209 ; popula-

conduct of, in regard to the tion of, 209, 210 ; trade and prices
murder of Messrs. Came and in, 210, 211 ; revenue from, 211 ;
Tapp, 166 given to Hari Singh
history of, 211, 212 ; itinerary of,
as a hostage, and subsequently • 212-220
sent back to "I’anawal, 191 ; suc- Kagan village : revenue assignment
ceeds his father, Painda Khan, of, 38 ;
police outpost at, 113 ;
and recovers possession of Feudal maize above, 204 ; Saiads of, 209 ;

Tanawal, 192 ; his relations with a stage in Kagan itinerary, 215,

the British Government, 192, 216 ; in Directory, 234, 235
; ;

Kakul road to, 81 ; battery and
: ceeds his father as Khan of Amb,
barracks at, 113 ; in Directory, 195 ; his disputes Avith his brother,
235 195, 196
Kalabagh mountain battery sta-
: Khanizaman Khan, Tarkheli, 25
tioned at, 113 ; in Directory, 235 I
deserts to Duranis, 153
Kalapani trout in stream at, 15
: ;

Khanpur hills, 2-4 ; goats on, 65 ;
dak bungalow at, 247, 333 I
assessment circle, 102, 103
Kalliana's Chronicles, references in, Khanpur tract, 2 ; rainfall in, 6 ;

to Hazara, 121 1 held by Gakhars, 36 ; reserved

Kalsi soil, 53, 54 ; rates on, 105 ! forests in, 70, ;
proposed transfer
Kandi assessment circles so termed,
: of, 86
101 ; Haripur Kandi an insecure Khanpur founded by Fateh
village :

area. 111 Khan, Gakhar, 35 grapes of, 59 ; ;

Kangniy 57 trade of, 80 roads to and from, ;

KanungoSy 85 81 thana at, 85 hospital at, 117

; ; ;

Karam Chand, Diwan leads Sikh : Sikh fort at, captured by Gakhars,
army through Hazara, 135 de- ; 133 in Directory, 236

feated in the Dhimd country, 139 Khfinspur troops stationed at, 113 ;

Kerrals : a tribe of the District, 20, in Directory, 236, 237

31, 32, 321 ;
Wahabis among, 39 ; Khari tract, 4 inhabited by Tar- ;

polygamy in leading families of, khelis, 25 system of cultivation


43 ; betrothal ceremony of, 44' in, 51 wells in, 52

assessment ;

assert indeiDendence of Gakhars, circle, 101 Nicholson marches to


123 ; submit to Hari Singh, 129 ; Salam Khand through, 140

Nara Karrals submit to Abbott, Khar if crops prevalence of, 50, 51 : ;

140 ; plan to attack Murree during sowing and harvesting of, 55 ;

Indian Mutiny, 1(31 varieties of, 55-58 in Kagan ;

Kashmir on Hazara boundary, 1

; valley, 203, 204
emigrants to, 19 cart road to, ; Khatris, 38, 39, 321
59, 80, 82, 162; trade of, with Khote ki (^abar road : from, 82 ;

Hazara, 79 projected railway ;

in Directory, 237
to, 82 Hazara a dependency of,
; Khuty trade in, 79, 210
in early times, 120, 121 attempt ; Kirpilian thana at, 85 ; Border

of mutineers to reach, 160, 161 Military Police at, 114; almost

Kawai Hindustani fanatics collect
: opposite to Amb, 164 ; Abbott
at, 133 ; village of, in Kagan crosses from, to attack Hindustani
valley, 203 ; rice-fields at, 203 ; fanatics, 167 ; fort at, seized by
Saiads of, 209 ; a stage in Kagan Painda Khan, 191 ; road from, to
itinerary, 168. Vida also Bela Oghi, 230 ; in Directory, 237, 238
Kawai Kohala : bridge at, swept away in
Kaya village : destroyed by Hanjit flood of 1893, 16 ; roads to, 81, 82
Singh, 129 ;
inhabited by Utrnan- Kohistan on Hazara boundary, 1,

zais,163 2, 165 ponies from, 65 trade of,

; ;

Khabbal village destroyed by : with Balia, 80 mutineers ad- ;

Ranjit Singh, 129 ; Tarkhelis in vance through, 160, 161 trade ;

exile at, 140 ; inhabited by Ut- with, passes through Kagan val-
raanzais, 163 ; British force ley, 210 route to, 218 ;

marches to, 168 Konsh valley, 2, 4 ; rainfall in, 7 :

Khady term explained, 90, 91 inhabited by Swathis, 26 revenue ;

Khaira Gali mountain battery: of, assigned to Swathi chief, 27 ;

stationed at, 113 ; in Directory, residents in, speak Pashtu, 41 ;
235 trade of, with Balia, 80 road up, ;

Khalabat village headquarters of» : 81 combined with Bhogarmang


Utmanzai Khan, 24 ; in Direc- valley into an assessment circle,

tory, 236 103 ; raided by Hari Singh, 127
Khalsa tract, 24, 26 Kot Najibullah founded by Naji- :

Khanizaman Khan, Said Khani, 25 bullah Khan, 23 ; Gujars of, 31 ;

Khanizaman Khan, Tanaoli suc- : Bhai Kirpa Ram’s temple at, 47 ;

trade of, 80 ; Vernacular Middle Sikh army through Hazara, 135 ;
school at, 115 ; raid by Tarkhelis Abbott at Haripur, 140
on, 139 ; in Directory, 238 Lundi Muaclmani, term explained,
Kulai tract, 102 ; residence of Hai- 134
bat Khan, Hindwal Tanaoli, 187 ;
jagir of Khan
of Amb, 192
Kulath a food of the poorest
: Mackeson, Colonel : commands in
classes, 45 ; cultivation of, 58 Kagan expedition,
155 ; friction
Kund soil, 53 between, and Abbott, 156 ; suc-
Kunhar river boundary of Hazara, : ceeded as Commissioner of Pesha-
1 ; source of, 5 fish in, 15 flood ; ; war by Edwardes, 158 ; com-
of 1893 in, 10 timber floated ; mands in first Black Mountain
down, 73 crossed by mutineers, ; expedition, 167
101 in Kagan valley, 204
; Mada Khels on Razarn border,

Kunhar valley: portion of revenue 164 ; agree to exclude Hindustani

of, assigned to Swatlii chief, 27 ; fanatics, 169 settlement with,

rice grown in, 50 ;

assessment after fourth Black Mountain ex-
circle, 102,211 pedition, 182 in Kagan valley,

Kureshis a tribe of the District, 20,

: 209
38, 323 ; Khankhcl Swathis claim Madat Khan, Tanaoli : brothcii* of
to be, 27 Dhunds claim to be, 32
; Painda Khan, 190'; Partab Singh
makes over Painda Khan’s coun-
try to, 192 acknowknlges Mu-

hammad Akram Khan as Khan

Lakes, 204, 200, 208
6, of Amb,193 career of, 196

Lamhardars : as village forest offi- Mafis. 109

cers, 72 ; number of, 85 ; lamhar- Magistrates on District staff,
: 85.
dari cess, 105, 100 honorary, 86
Land Improvement Loans Act, Mahaban ; ’fanaolis come from
amount advanced under, 04 country round, 29 ;
wrongly iden-
Land, price of, 05 tilied by Abbott wit h Aornos, 163
Land records : of First Regular Set- northern slopes of, ocesupied by
tlement, 98, 100 ; of Second Mada Khels, 164
Regular Settlement, 100 Mahandri, stage in Kagan itinerary,
Language, 40, 41 215
Leprosy, 42, 214 Mahdada. Vide Waste (protected)
Liquors, vend of, 112 Maira soil double-cropped
: in
Literacy of the people, 115, 110 Pakhli, 51, 54 ; defined, 53 as- ;

Litigation addiction to, 19, 80

sessment circle of, 101 assess- ;

faulty records a source of, 01, 87 ; ment circle of, an insecure arca,ll 1
statistics of, 87, 314, 315 ; suits Maize staple food, 45 ; cultivation

decided at First Regular Settle- and varieties of, 55, 50 ; stalks of,
ment, 92, 93 used for fodder, 59 ; prices of, 68 ;
Local Boards, abolition of, 112 in Feudal Tanawal, 187 ; in Kagan
Locusts, remission of revenue on valley, 203, 204 ; in Agror valley,
account of damage by. 111 224
Lora tract, 2, 4 ; Brahmins in, 39 ; Makhan Singh invades Hazara,:

pears of, 59 ; proposed transfer 126 slain at Shah Muhammad,


of, 80 in Nara-Lora assessment

circle, 102 Mali ka Parbat peak, 2, 207, 220
Lora village road tlirough, 81 : ;
Malik qahza tenure, 93, 94
ihana at, 85 ; in Directory, 238 Malka Hindustani fanatics retire

Lulu Sar lake in Kagan valley,

: to, 168 destroyed during Ambela

source of Kunhar river, 5, 205, expedition, 169

218 ; mutineers cross valley below, Malkiars, a section of the Tarin
161 ; bridge below, 204 ; marmots tribe, 22
on shores of, 208 Malliars, a tribe of the District, 20,
Lumsden, Lieutenant accompanies : 34, 322
;:;; -

Manakrai : a Turk village, 30 ;
rakh lages of, 50 ; tenants of Utman-
of, 77 ; in Directory, 238 zais, combine with Tarins and
89 ;

Mangal tank and shrine at, 47 ;

: Utmanzais to defeat Diwan Ram-
site of ancient capital of Hazara, dial, 126 help Said Khanis to

121 ; Hari Singh defeats Jaduns defeat Hari Singh at Nara, 128 ;

and Tanaolis at, 127 evicted from Sirikot by Hari

Mangal tract, 3 inhabited by ;
Singh, 129 storm Sirikot fort,

Jaduns, 21 in Rash assessment ; 133 ; loyalty of, to Abbott, 151

circle, 101 Missionary work, 40
Mansehra 1 and passim tahsil' : Moghal Emperors, Hazara in time
328 assessment of,
rainfall in, 6, ;
of, 122
104, 329 ; area of (cultivated and Moghals a tribe of the District, 20,

otherwise), 316, 329; forest area 34, 322 Tanaolis claim to be, 29
; ;

in, 330 ; population of, 316, 317 ; Karrals claim to be, 31

tribes in, 320-324 religious statis- ; Moneylenders land mortgaged to, :

tics of, 325 63 ; rack-rents of, 66

Mansehra village on edge of Pakhli : Mortgage, area under, 63
plain, 3'; tract inhabited by Moth, 58
S'wathis, 26'; trade of, 80 ; tele- Mountains description of, 2, 3 ; in

graph-office at, 83, 341 tluina at, ; Kagan valley, 206, 207
85 Vernacular Middle school at,
Muhanunad Akram Khan, Tanaoli,
115 hospital at, 117 ; visited by
of Amb displays great gallantry

Abbott, 139 road to Kashmir ;

in Agror valley, 170 succeeds his ;

through, 162’; in Kagan itinerary, father Jahandad Khan, 193 his ;

213 in Directory, 238, 239

history and character, 194, 195
Manufactures, 77-79 Muhammad Aman Khan, Said
Maps of Revenue Survey, 98, 100 ;
: Khani, 24 ; honorary magistrate,
of First and Second Regular Set- 86
tlements, 100 Muhammad Khan, Tarin, 2,3 es- ;

Mari village roads through, 82 : pouses cause of Kamal Khan,

fort at, stormed by Dhunds, 132 ; Turk, 125 takes part in defeat of

bungalow at, 336 Diwan Ramdial, 126 ; adopted by

Markets, 80 Mai Sadda Kaur, 127 takes ;

Marmots, ^ 5, 208 refuge in Ganclgar hills, 128 ;

Mari'iage age for, 43 ceremonies

: ;
submits to Ranjit Singh, 128';
at, 44 taken by Ranjit Singh to Lahore,
Mash, 58 129 ;
poisoned by Hari Singh,
Medical administration, 116, 117 129
Migration, 18 Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan, Sardar :

Military Works Department roads : revises Agror Settlement, 100

under, 80, 81; officers of, 113; Muhammadans proportion of popu- :

bungalows on Kagan valley of, lation, 39 sects of, 39 opium

; ;

road, 212, 213, 338, 339 eating among, 45 festive and re- ;

Milk consumption of, 45 in Kagan

: ;
ligious gatherings of, 47, 48 ;

valley, 211 literacy among, 1 16 ; statistics of,

Minerals, 77 318-325
Mines, 77 Mules, 65, 66 ; transport by, 82,
Miran Jani hill, 71 iron on, 77 ; ; 210 ; in Dhudial, 231 ; hire of,
view of, from Nathia Gali, 240 307, 308
Mirpur village (Abbottabad tahsil) Mung, 58
defeat of Jammu troops at, 136 ; Murree: hills, 1; trade with, 79, 80;
in Directory, 239 troops sent from Abbottabad to
Mirzaman Khan, Said Khani, 24 ; protect, 1.59, 162'; attack on, 161,
reconciled by Abbott to Sikhs, 162
135 Musa ka Musalla peak, 2, 165, 207,
Mishwanis a tribe of the District,
: 213, 214, 220, 239
27, 28, .322 ; speak Pashtu, 41 Mutineers of 55th Native Infantry,
dress of, 46 ; cultivation in vil- fate of, 159-161
: , :


N Nicholson, John
combines with :

Naib-Tahsildar of guzaraSylQ, 86; Abbott measures against Tar-

on District staff, 85 at Dunga khclis, 140 seizes Attock fort and

Gali, 85, 241 bluffs Sikh troops, 147 acts with ;

Nandihar : on Hazara boundary, 1 Abbott against Chattar Singh,

165 ; inhabited by Swathia, 27 ;
148 ; at the forcing of the Dham-
trade of, with Baffa, 80 ; troo})s taur pass, 149, 150 ; contrasted
march through, 171, 179 with Abbott, 157
Nanga Parbat seen from above :
North-West Frontier Province,
Babiisar jiass, 219 ; from Changla Hazara made a District of, 86, 162
Gali, 220 from Nathia Gali, 240 ;
Notified area, of Dunga Gali and

from Thandiani, 247 Nathia Gali, 112, 231, 241

Nara hills,3, 4 ; goats on, 65 ; village
forests in, 73
Nara tract, 2 ; Karrals of, 31 ; Brah-
mins in, 39 59 ;
pears of, Octroi, in municipalities, 112
Nara village (Abbottabad tahsil) : Oghi rain gauge at, 7 ; roads to, 81,

thana at, 85 Sikh fort built at, ;

82, 230 telegraph -office at, 83,

129 ; visited by Abbott, 140 ; in 341 ; thana at, 85 ;

Border Mili-
Directory, 239, 240 tary Police at, 86, 114 ;
Nara village (Haripur tahsil) de- : at, 117 ; police-post at, attacked
feat of Diwan Ramdial at, 126 ; by trans-border tribes, 169 de- ;

defeat of Hari Singh at, 128 ; fence of, by Colonel Rothney,

Abbott moves to, from Sherwan, 170 troops for second Black

147 ; Abbott retires to, after skir- Mountain expedition advance

mish with Sikhs, 149 ; Abbott from, 171 troops for third Black

retires to, after forcing of Dham- Mountain expedition concen-

taur pass, 151 ; Abbott entertains trate at, 178 ; in Directory, 241,
the people at, 157 ; in Directory, 242
240 Oil-seeds ripening of, 54
: ; area
Naran ; a village in Kagan, con- under, and varieties of, 58
nected with story of Safr Maluk Opium eating of, 45 ; vend
; of, 112
Sar, 205, 206 ; Kagan road open Orash. Vide Rash
to, in J line, 213 a stage in Kagan ;
Orchards, mafis on, 109
itinerary, 216
Nathia Gali road to Kohala from,

81 ; a notified area along with

Dunga Gali, 112 ; Chief Commis- Painda Khan, Tanaoli evichM from :

sioner’s house at, 113, 162 ; police Agror by llari Singh, 130 at ;

outpost at, 113 hospital at, 117 ; ;

flood of 1841, 131; succeeds his
in Directory, 240, 241 father, Nawab Khan, 189, 190 ;
Nawab Khan, Hindwal Tanaoli his conflicts with the Sikhs, 190-
becomes chief, 188 ; his violent 192 ; his treatment of the Hindu-
end, 189 stani fanatics, 191 ; close of his
Nawab Khan, Fallal Tanaoli, 29 ;
career, 192 ; gives Phulra to
seizes Sherwan fort, and estab- Madat Khan, 193 ; Agror seized
lishes himself at Manakrai, 133 ;
and subsequently evacuated by,
in Lundi Musalniani, 134 his ;
rivalry with Painda Khan, 190 Pakhli plain described, 3 rainfall
: ;

Nawanshahr one of the four towns

: and climate of, 7 rice in, 49, 56 ; ;

of the District, 18 inhabited by ;

niaira in, 51, 54 part of Hazara ;

Jaduns, 21, 22 ; a trade centre, termed Pakhli Sarkar,’ 122 in-


30 municipality at, 112 ; fort

vaded by Swathis, 122 ; robber
built by Hari Singh at, and at- bands in, 131 Sikh brigade in, ;

tacked by tribes, 127 ; Jammu 141, 143, 144 Sikh brigade in, ;

troops defeated at, 135 ; visited rescued by Chattar Singh, 149,

by Abbott, 139 ; in Directory. 241 150 ; Kagan Saiads ordered to
Negar soil, 51, 54 live in, 156

358 r INDEX
Palasi, Pirs of, 38, 132 199; internal administration of,

Panian village : inhabited by Panis, 199, 200 ; income of Khan of,

26 ; in Directory, 242 201 ; lock-up at, 199 village ;


Panis, a small Pathaii tribe, 26 in Directory, 242, 243

Panjkatha tract, 4, 5 in Abi II. ;
Plague, 42
assessment circle, 101 ; traces of Police, civil: in charge of Superin-
Taxila in, 118 tendent, 86 ; establishment and
Pariari Saiads in Border Military
distribution of, 113, 114 ; working
Police, 115 ; a tribe on the Hazara of, 114 ; staff of, 314, 315
border, 165 join in attack on Police, Border Military in charge :

Oghi, 169 in second Black Moun-

ofCommandant, 85 composition ;

tain expedition, 171, 172 join in ;

and strength of, 114, 115 in- ;

raid on Agror, 172 aid Abdulla auguration fourth Black

of, after

Khan, 175, 176 ostensibly sub- ;

Mbuntain expedition, 182 head- ;

mit to Government, 175 ; block- quarters of, at Oghi, 114, 242

ade imposed on, 177 join in at- Police-stations. Vide thanas

tack on Major Battye, 177 ;

Polygamy, 43
punisliment of, 179 submissior ;
Polymctrical table, 83, and between
of, 180 ; settlement of, with pp. 340 and 341
Government, 182 Ponies, 65, 82, 210
Partab Singh, Kaur Hazara given :
Population : census figures, 17, 314-
in jagir to, 131 ; murdered in 324 ; character and density of, 17,
Lahore, 132 dispossesses Painda
18 ; in Kagan valley, 209, 210
Khan of his territory, 192 Post-offices, 84, 341
Pashtu spoken by some Jaduns,
Potatoes, cultivation of, 57 ;
by other tribes, 41 of, 79
Pa than tribes description of, 20-
Prices, 67, 68 ;
in Kagan valley,

26; in Border Military Police, 210,211

115 statistics of, 323, 324
Printing press, 116
Pattan at junction of Jhclum and
Proprietors area cultivattjd by, 60
: ;

Kurihar rivers, 5 ; legend of rani dues and services rendered to, 61,
residing at, 121 62 ; relations of, with tenants,
Pattidari tenures, 93 62 ; floating debt of, 63 ; rents
Pailu : clothes of, 46 manufacture ;
levied by, 66, 67 ; tenures of, 88-
of, 72 ; in Kagan valley, 210, 94 ; distribution of land-revenue
211 over, 104
Patwaris : number of, 85 measun;- ;
Ptolemy refers to Hazara, 118, 121
ments by, at First Regular Settle- Public Works, 113 ;
expenditure by
ment, 95, 99 ; ‘patwar cess, 106 District Board on, 113
rejuark of, about Pulses kharify 57, 58 rabi, 58
Pearse, General :
: ;

Abbott, 146 account of, 146 note ;

Punjab Land Alienation Act : tribes
notified under, 20 ; stimulates
commands a column in Kagan ex-
pedition, 155 tribes to raise their status, 34.
Pekohs, 60. Vide also Water-mills arrests transfers to money-lenders,
People of the District general char- :
acter of, 19 resources and stan- Piirbiala katta origin of name, 161 ;

dard of living of, 68, 69 ; their dis- tributary of Kunhar river, 204,
like of Gulab Singh's regime, 134- 218 ;
Dudibach Bar at head of,

136 ; Abbott’s farewell of, 157 205, 210 ;

marmots in valley of,

Peshawar District of, on Hazara

boundary, 2 ; trade with, 79, 80 R
Phulkaris, manufacture of, 78
Stahi crops produce of, 50, 61 ;
Phulra, Hindustani fanatics de- ;

feated at, 130, 190 the minor of sowing and harvesting of, 54

the two States of Feudal 'ranawal, varieties of, 58, 59 ; in Kagan

187 ; given as a lief to Madat valley, 203, 204
Khan, 193 ; history and status of, Railway :
projected to Abbottabad,
198, 199 ; its relations with Amb, 68, 82 ;
Korth- Western, 80


Rainfall : of District, 6, 7, 328 ; in Summary Settlement, 97 ;

Kagan valley, 208, 209 Second Summary Settlement, 98,
Raja Rasalu, legends of, 119, 120 99 ; at First Regular Settlement,
Rajoia village road through, 82
; 98-100 ; at Second Regular Settle-
»Sikh troops cantoned at, 133 ment, 104-106 ; from water-mills
Jammu troops defeated at, 135 ; 106 ; from tax on goats, 106, 107
in Directory, 243 assigned, 107-109 of land sub ;

Rajputs, a tribe of the District, 20, joctod to alluvion and diluvion

323 109,110; remissionsof, 111 ; miscol
Rakkar soil, 53 ; rates on, 105 lancous. 111, 112; of municipali-
Ramdial, Diwan sent to Hazara, : ties and District Board, 113 ; in
126 ; slain at Kara, 126 Kagan valley, 211 ; totals of, 314,
Rangila tank, 51 315, 329, 342
Ranjit Singh sends his son Sher
: Revenue Kxtra-Assistant Commis-
Singh, to Hazara, 127 appoints ;
sioner, on District Staff, 85
Hari Singh Governor of Hazara, Rico where eaten, 45 cultivation

127 ; visits Hazara, captures Siri- :

of, 49, 53, 56,
57 ; varieties of, 57 ;
kot, and crosses Indus, 128, 129 ; prices of, 68 export of, 69 ; in

invites Painda Khan to visit him,


: Feudal Tanawal, 187 ; in Kagan

191 valley, 203

Rash (or Orash) plain : described, 3 ;

Rivers, description of, 4
rainfall in, 6 ; climate of, 7 ; in- i Roads : and unmetallcd,
habited by Jaduns, 21 yield of ; |
80-82, 314, 315 that up Kagan ;

maize in, 56 ; rice grown in, 56 ; |

valley described, 212-220
assessment circle, 101 ; old name j
Robinson, Lieutenant with Abbott, :

of Urasha survives in, 118 |

142 ; dispatched by Abbott to
Raverty his account of the Jaduns,
Mangal tract, 147 sent to Kash- ;

21 ; his account of the 'farins, 22 ;

mir, 152
his account of the Gakhars, 36 Rothnoy, Colonel defends Oghi :

note !
against trans-frontier tribes, 170 ;
Rawalpindi District of, on Hazara
; |
force under, destroys Shahtut,
boundary, 2 immigrants from; |
District of, 18; trade vith, 79, |
80 ; villages transferred from ;

Hazara to District of, 86 Sadda Kaur, Mai, 126, 127

Rawan (or arwan), 58 Safr ]\Ialuk Sar lake, in Kagan

Registration of births and deaths, 42 j

valley, 205 ;
story of, 205, 206 ;
Regulations Forest, 69,76 Frontier
: ;
detour via, 220
Crimes, 87 ; Tenancy, 95, 96 ; re-

Saiads one of the tribes of the Dis-


pealing Settlement Rules, 100 ; j

trict, 20, 37, 38, 323 their women- ;

regarding enhancement of occu- folk in Kagan, 43 opium-eating ;

pancy rents, 110 Khan of Agror among those of Kagan, 45 those


; ;

arrested under Regulation III. of of Kagan, siding Avith Hindustani

1818, 178 ; regarding Feudal ! fanatics, are defeated at Balakot,
Tanawal, 198, 199 ; regarding the 130 ; those of Kagan ambuscade
Agror valley, 225 Diwan Ibrahim, 130 ; those of
Religion, 39, 40 ;
religious gather- Kagan submit to Abbott, 140 ;
ings, 46-48 ;
statistics of, 318-325 expedition of 1852 against them,
Rents areas held under kind and
: 155, 156 ; they are restored to
cash, 60 ; hcUchuri, 62 ; rates of, 66, their homos, 1;58 particulars of ;

67 ; provisions of Tenancy Regu- the Kagan Saiads, 209-212

lations as to, 95, 96 ; enhance- Said Ahmad Khalifa: of Hindustani
ment of cash, 110 ; fixing of, in^ fanatics, killed at Balakot, 130,
Agror, 110, 111 227 a native of Bareilly, 163 ;

Rest-houses, 92 ; list of, 331-340 Painda Khan submits to, 190

Revenue suspensions of, 83, 84 ;
Said Akbar of Sitana appointed
levied by Duranis, 96; levied ruler of Hazara in Lundi Musal-
by Sikhs, 96, 97 ; at First mani, 134

Said Khaiiis a subsection of the
: Settlement of 1862 cases adjudi- :

Utmanzais, 24'; join in defeat of cated at, 92 ; abortive assess-

Diwan Ramdial, 12G ; in conjunc- ^.ments of, 98
tion with Mishwanis, defeat Hari Settlement rules of 1870 authorize :

,Singh at Nara, 128 their loyalty ; investigation of claims of pro-

to Abbott, 151 prietary right, 92 ; giving finality
Salam Kliand village Tarkhelis of, : to land records, repealed, 100
2(>; road through, 81 ; seized by Settlement, Second Regular exten- ;

Abbott and Nicholson, 140 light ; sions of cultivation at close of, 49 ;

between Abbott and Chattar Singh rules of, for water-mills, 60 ; float-
at, 151, 152; in Directory, 243 ing debt estimated at, 63 ; prices
Salliad Abbott marches to pass of,
: assumed at, 68! ; revision of forest
148, 149 ; villagers of, and the boundaries at, 69 ; effect of, on
Dhamtaur donkey, 237 in Direc- ;
litigation, 87 ; effect on tenures of
tory, 243, 244 distribution of revenue at, 93 ;
Salt import of, 79 supply of, for
proceedings at, described, 98-111 ;
Kagan Gujars, 210 treatment of Agror valley at, 124,
Samalbliiit Border Military Police*
: 225
post at, 114 burnt by Akazais ; Settlement, Summary treatment :

and Hassanzais, 172 of tenures at, 91, 92 ; treatment

Sararas : a tribe of the District, 20, of tenants anterior to First, 95 ;
33, 34, 323 ; betrothal ceremony results of First, 96 results of ;

of, 44 Second, 97, 98

Sarban hill cave at top of. con-
: Sexes : proportion of the, 19 ;
nected with Raja Rasalu, 120 statistics of, 318, 319
levies posted on, in action of ShajtaU 53, 59
Dhamtaur pass, 149 Shalitut village, 171-173
Sarbuland Khan, 'rauaoli defeated : Shaviilat deh : partition of and dis-
by Hari Singh, 128 submits to ;
tribution of revenue on, 93 no ;

Ranjit Singh, 128 Paiiida Khan ; proprietary share in, enjoyed by

and, 190 }mlik qabza, 94
Sarshaf, 58 Shc(5p, 64 price of, 68
export of, ;

Scarcity in Hazara, 83, 84 79, 210 numbers of, 314, 315


Scenery of Hazara, 8 Shekhan Bandi, in Directory, 244

Schools, 115, 116; number of, and Slier Ali Khan, elected Khan of the
attendance at, 314, 315 Isazais, 185
Scott, Mr., attacked by Allaiwals, Shergarh : troops for first Black
179 Mountain expe^litioT^ assembled
Seignorage fees on trees, 74, 77 at, 167 fertility
of country
Serai Kala railway-station at, 80
round, 187 in Directory, 244

roads to and from, 81, 82 i^ro- ;

Slier Singh, son of Ranjit Singh, 126,
jected Kashmir railway from, 82 127 ; gives Hazara in jagir to his
Serai Saleh village headquarters : son, Sher Singh, 131 ; murdered
of Dilazaks, 23 snuff-mills at, 60 ; ;
in Lahore, 132
trade of, 80 fort built by Makhan ; Sherwan village thana at, 85 Sikh

Singh at, 126 in Directory, 244 ; fort at, seized by Nawab Khan,
Seri village Border Military Police
: 133 Abbott marches to, 143
; ;

post at, 114 raided by Hassan- ;

Abbott moves down from, 147 ;

zais, 184 Abbott retires to, 153 in Direc- ;

Settlement, First Regular culti- : tory, 244, 245

vated area at, 49 ; decision of dis- Shinkiari village inhabited by:

putes at, 62 forest demarcation ;

Swathis, 26 ; timber floated down
at, 69 faulty records of, 87 ad-
; ;
to, 73 ;roads to and from, 81,
judication of claims at, 92-95 ; 245 ; thana at, 85 ; Sikh fort at,
effect on tenures of distribution attacked by tribes, 122; Sikh fort
of 'revenue at, 93 described, 98, ; at, attacked by Hindustani fana-
99 ; working of, 99, 100 ; assess- tics, 133 in Directory, 245

ment of Agror at, 225 Shrines and sacred places, 46-48

;; ;


Sikandar Khan, Hassanzai : fires Swathis a tribe of the District, 26,


into British camp at Barchar, 27 323 ; women of, 43 ; polygamy


180 ; banishment of,

perpetual among, 43 ; opium-eating among
181, 182' terms for submission of,
; Bhogarmang Swathis, 45 in ;
not accepted, 183’; heads band Border Military Police, 115 ; in-
which kills Ibrahim Khan, 184 vasion of Pakhli by, 122, 123 ; de-
Sikhs numbers of, 39 religion of,
; feated by Sikhs at Balakot, 130 ;
39, 40 ; effect of their rule on submit to Sikhs after action at
tenures, 89-91; revenue system
of, 96, 97 establishment and ;

consolidation of rule of, 125 ;

statistics of, 318-325
Silver-work, 78
Siran river, 3, 4 ; duck and snipe on, Tahsildars, on District staff, 85
14 ; fish in, 15 irrigation customs ;
Tahsils division of District into,

on, 52 ; reserved forests on lower, 85, 86. Vide also Abbottabad,

70 ; reserved forests on upper, 71, Haripur, and Mansehra
72 ; timber floated down, 73 Tanaolis a tribe of the District, 20,

alluvion and diluvion on, 110 ; in 28, 29, 323 women of, 43 ; poly-

Feudal Tanawal, 186 gamy among, 43 betrothal cere- ;

Sirikot village inhabited by Mish- : mony 44 ; in Border Military

wanis, 27 failure of Sikhs to
Police, 115 ; establish them-
reduce, 128 captured by Ranjit ;
selves in Hazara, 123 ; defeated
Singh, 128 Sikh fort built at,
by Hari Singh at Mangal, 127 ;
129 Sikh fort stormed by Mish-
gallantry of levies in Agror, 170 ;
wanis, 133 ; Abbott pays surprise in Feudal Tanawal, 186
visit to, 139 ; Abbott spends his Tanawal, Feudal or Upper position :

time between Nara and, 152 of, 1 ; occupied by Hindwal

taken by the Afghans, 153 ; in Tanaolis, 28 Gujars in, 31 ; de-

Directory, 245 scription of, 186, 187 ; status of,

Sitana homo of the Hindustani
: 197-199 ; internal administration
fanatics, 163 evacuated after ;
of, 199, 200 ; population of, 315-
first Black Mountain expedition, 317 ; tribes in, 320-324 ; religions
167 destroyed by Sir Sydney
in, 325
Cotton’s force, 168 ; reoccupied by Tanawal tract, 2, 4 ; rainfall in
fanatics, 168 ; again evacuated, Lower, 6 ; pressure of population
169 in, 18 ; occupied by Pallal Tana-
Snowfall, 7 olis, 28 ; cultivation in, 50 ; goats

Soils described, 52-64 ; rates on, at

: in, 65 ; village forests in, 72 road ;

First Regular Settlement, 99 through, 81 ; assessment circles

rates on, at Second Regular in, 102 ; an insecure area, IH
Settlement, 105 Tanks, 6
Sport : of District, 13, 14 ; in Kagan Tapp, Mr. murder of, 166 grave
: ;

valley, 208 of, at Haripur, 233

Sribang hill, 1, 70 Tara-mira, 58
Stamps, income from. 111, 342 Tarbela village at junction of Siran

Standard of living, 69 and Indus, 4 ; fishing at, 15 ; in-

Streams, minor, area irrigated by, 6 habited by Utmanzais, 24 ; trade
of, 80 roads to, 81 than a at, 85 ;
Sugar-cane cultivation of, 49, 53,
: ; ;

55, 67 ; in Feudal Tanawal, 187 suffers from diluvion, 109 ; fort

Sulemanis (or Shilmanis), a small built by Sikhs at, 127 ; visited by
Pathan tribe, 26, 324 Raniit Singh, 129 ; fort of, swept
Sultan Muhammad Khan, Tanaoli, away by flood of 1841, 131 ;
29 ; honorary magistrate, 86 troops stationed at, during Am-
Sultanpur police road-post at, 114
bcla expedition, 169 ; in Directory,
in Directory, 246 241
Superintendent of police, 86, 114 ;
Tarins a tribe of the District, 20,

bungalow of, 222 22, 23, 324 ;

women of, 43

establish themselves in Hazara, 72 ; in village forests, 72, 73 ;

123 seignorage fees on, 74, 77 ;

list of,
Tarkhelis a tribe of the District,
: 250-283
subsection of the Utmanzais, 24, Tribes notified as agricultural, 20 ;

25 ; can speak Pashtu, 41 poly- ;

description of, 20-39 ; statistics of,
gamy among, 43 reduced to sub- ; 320-324
mission by Abbott, 139, 140 Turks a tribe of the District, 20,

Tavi village road through, 81 : 29, 30, 323 ; established in Hazara

Border Military Police post at, by Timurlane, 121, 122 ; dispos-
114 ; faces site of Sitana, 163 sessed by Swathis, 123, 124, 224
Taxila traces of, in Khanpur Panj-
: Turmeric cultivation of, 49, 63, 65,

katha, 118 ; Hazara once in 57 ; export of, 79 ; in Feudal

province of, 118 Tanawal, 187
Telegraph-offices, 83, 341 Turrabaz Khan, Hassanzai per- :

Tenants-at-will area cultivated by, : petual banishment of, after third

60 ; character of, 61 ; rents paid Black Mountain expedition, 181 ;
by, 66,67 terms for submission of, not ac-
Tenants dues and services rendered
: cepted, 183 ; heads band which
by, 61 ; relations of, with land- kills Ibrahim Khan, 184
lords, 62 ; rise of privileged class
of, 89
Tenants, occupancy area culti- :
vated by, 60 ; rents paid by, 66 ; Unhar river traverses Feudal Tana-

settlement of rights of, 94-96 wal, 186 ; water-mills on, 200 ;

enhancement of rents of, at Second drains Agror valley, 224
Regular Settlement, 110; in Urasha, ancient name of Hazara,
Agror, 110, 225 118
Tenures of the District, 87-96 Urmston, Captain, killed on the
Thakot trans-border tract, in-
: Black Mountain, 176
habited by Swathis, 27 ; Nandihar Utmanzais a trans-border tribe on

drains into Indus at, 165 visited ; Hazara boundary, 2, 24, 163 also ;

by troops in third Black Mountain a tribe of the District 20, 24, 25,
expedition, 179 324 ; the Hazara Utmanzais can
Thanas : names of, 85 ;
classes of, speak Pashtu, 41 ; women of,
113 43 ; in the Border Military Police,
Thandiani climate of, 8 reserved
; 115 ; establish themselves in
forests on range of, 70 road to, ;
Hazara, 123 ; trans-border por-
81 ; no telegraph- office at, 83 ;
tion placed under blockade, 168 ;

police road-post at, 114 ; in Direc- trans-border portion agree to ex-

tory, 246, 247 clude Hindustani fanatics, 169
Thoba. Vide Barian
Tikari on Hazara boundary, 1,

165 ; Swathi inhabitants of, 27 :
raided by Hari Singh, 127 Vaccination, 117
visited by troops in second Black Vans Agnew accompanies Sikh :

Mountain expedition, 171 ; visited army through Hazara, 135 ;

by troops in third Black Mountain meets Abbott at Garhi Habibullah

expedition, 179 Khan, 139 murdered at Multan, ;

Timurlane, Turks settled in Hazara 141

by, 30, 121, 122 Vegetables, cultivation of, 63, 59
Tobacco ground at snuff-mills, 60 ;
Veterinary assistants, 66
import of, 79 J^illage Directory, 83
Trade, 79, 80 probable effect of ;
Villages population and character

projected railway on, 82 ; in of, 18 ; headmen of. Vide also

Kagan valley, 210 Lambardars
Treasury officer, on District staff, Vital statistics, 41, 42
85 Von Hugel, describes insecurity of
Trees, 10, 11 ; in reserved forests, 69- Pakhli in Sikh times, 131


W of, 54 area under and varieties


68 import of,
of, 58'; prices of, ;

Wace, Captair out First carries Tanawal, 187 ; in

79 ; Feudal
Regular Settlement, 98, 99 ; as- Kagan, 204
sessment circles formed bv, 103 ;
Wine-drinking, 45
investigates rights of Khan of
Women looks, character, and pur-

Agror, 173 ;
his assessment of
suits of, 43 tombstones of, 45
; ;

Agror, 225 dress of, 46

Wages, 67 Wood price of, 68 rights of cut-
: ;

Waris tenure, 88-93 ting, gathering, and selling, 73,

Waste 54 ; area of
classification of,
76 ; in Kagan valley, 211
village waste in hills, 73 ; pro- Wool, export of, 79
tected {mahduda), 75, 76
Watchmen town and ;
village, 1 14
Water-mills : described, 59, 60 Y
assessment of, 106 ; in Feudal
Yuzafzais Utmanzais in country of,
Tanawal, 200 assessment of, in ;

Agror, 225 at Dhamtaur, 230 ;

24 Tanaolis evicted by, 29

at Nawanshahr, 241 ; at Serai

Saleh, 244 Z
Weavers, 77
Zamin Shah, Saiad, 3, 8 ; refractory
Wells: described, 52; number of,
329 behaviour of, leads to Kagan ex-
pedition, 155, 156
Western Punjabi, divergencies be-
tween Hindki and, 41 Zamindari tenures, 93
Ziarats : trees in, 10 the most
Wheat: food of well-to-do classes, ;

on hotar lands, 53 ripening notable, 47, 48

45 ; ;



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