Bacteriological Analytical Manual
Bacteriological Analytical Manual
Bacteriological Analytical Manual
Chapter 3
Aerobic Plate Count
Authors: Larry Maturin (ret.) and James T. Peeler (ret)
Chapter Contents
Conventional Plate Count Method
Spiral Plate Method
The aerobic plate count (APC) is intended to indicate the level of microorganism in a product. Detailed procedures
for determining the APC of foods have been developed by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
(3) and the American Public Health Association (APHA) (1). The conventional plate count method for examining
frozen, chilled, precooked, or prepared foods, outlined below, conforms to AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, sec.
966.23, with one procedural change (966.23C). The suitable colony counting range (10) is 25-250. The automated
spiral plate count method for the examination of foods and cosmetics (5), outlined below, conforms to AOAC Official
Methods of Analysis, sec. 977.27. For procedural details of the standard plate count, see ref. 2.Guidelines for
calculating and reporting plate counts have been changed to conform with the anticipated changes in the 16th
edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products (2) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF)
procedures (6).
12,700 13,000
12,400 12,000
15,500 16,000
14,500 14,000
Calculated Count APC
N = Number of colonies per ml or g of product
∑ C = Sum of all colonies on all plates counted
n = Number of plates in first dilution counted
1:100 1:1000
= 537/0.022
= 24,409
≈ 24,000
b. When counts of duplicate plates fall within and without the 25-250 colony range, use only those
counts that fall within this range.
2. All plates with fewer than 25 CFU. When plates from both dilutions yield fewer than 25 CFU each, record
actual plate count but record the count as less than 25 × 1/d when d is the dilution factor for the dilution from
which the first counts were obtained.
18 2 <2,500
0 0 <2,500
3. All plates with more than 250 CFU. When plates from both 2 dilutions yield more than 250 CFU each (but
fewer than 100/cm2), estimate the aerobic counts from the plates (EAPC) nearest 250 and multiply by the
Based on plate area of 65 cm2
EAPC, estimated APC
Based on plate area of 59 cm2