Computer 10 Quarter 1 Week 3

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The Services of the Internet

The internet has offered a wide range of features and services. Since its inception and
creation, the number of capabilities is just increasing significantly.
Electronic Mail
Popularly called email is certainly the most widely-known feature of the internet. Though
email was being used since then as part of the internet (Queen Elizabeth II actually created her
first email in 1976), it was only in 1977 that email was officially launched – when THEORYNET
provided an electronic mail system catering more than 100 computer science researchers.

*Components of the Email:

1. Compose – this button allows the user to create a new email message.
2. Inbox – this folder contains all the received and valid email messages
3. Delete – transfers messages to the trash folder.
4. Move – transfers messages into the desired folder.
5. Actions button – contain other commands that can be done on email messages like
printing, marking as read or unread, among others.
6. Drafts folder – contains outgoing email messages that were saved for the mean time but
not yet sent. These are usually recommended for documents for documents like resume
or curriculum vitae that need to be updated from time to time.
7. Sent folder – contains all the messages the sender transmits.
8. Spam – this term refers to unsolicited or junk mails. They are usually come from
contacts that the user does not know and even several of which contain viruses that
may infects one’s email or even computer.
9. Trash folder – contains deleted messages. This was created as a backup folder should
there be instances that the deleted messages need to be recovered. Trash can be
cleared by clicking the garbage bin icon on its right side. Once cleared, the documents
removed can no longer be retrieved.
10. Folders – new folders can be created so as to divide and categorize the email messages.
They make the inbox more organized rather that all messages congested in it. Users can
set folders in such a way that they need not to manually transfer the inbox messages to
respective folders.
*Components of an Email messages:
1. To – this is where the direct recipient(s)’s email addresses are encoded. If the recipients
are placed in this area, the sender usually expects a reply from them.
2. Cc – stands for Carbon Copy. This is where indirect recipients of the email message are
placed. This means the sender is just giving them a copy for information and reference
purposes only and is not expecting a reply.
3. Bcc – stands for Blind Carbon Copy. The purpose is the same with CC; however, the
recipients will not see the email addresses of those that are placed here. This is usually
done for confidentiality.
4. Subject – is the topic or purpose of the email.
5. Attachment – this is where files are being clipped along with the email. It can be
documents, slide presentations, video and audio.
6. Body – this is where the whole message is being typed; the work area. With the recent
developments, some emails have features leaning towards word processing programs
plus the emoticon commands.
7. Send – upon completing the email messages, clicking the send button allows
transmission to the recipients.
Chat and Video Conferencing
Chat is a digital conversation; it is talking to someone by typing statements over
a virtual room. Chat shortcuts make the conversations more convenient. These are
initials, acronyms, symbols or codes that convey ideas that easily understood. These are
used in chats, emails and even SMS messages.
Shortcut Meaning Shortcut Meaning
BRB Be Right Back BRB Be Right Back
IKR I Know Right IKR I Know Right
TGIF Thank God it’s Friday TGIF Thank God it’s Friday
XOXO Hugs and Kisses XOXO Hugs and Kisses
IC I See IC I See

Emoticons or smileys – add pizzazz to conversations and email. They convey the
emotions or feelings of the users. These emoticons have ASCII codes equivalents and once
uploaded to the net will appear as a unique emoticon character.

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

:) Happy :( Sad
:P Tongue out :D Grin or big smile
:l Mad :O Uh oh!
O:) Angel Bl With shades on
:’) Crying ;) Wink

Video Conferencing – is one of the most-widely used technologies of multinational

corporations and families with members who are working outside the country.

Thread, Forums, and Video Sharing

Thread – is a sequence of messages that usually comments regarding a given
topic. Usually threads can be seen in a newsgroup – an internet textual discussion in a
given topic.
Web forum – is a website or a portion of a website wherein random or
registered users can converse with each other by posting messages.
Blog or web log – is originally referring to personal journals of an individual on
the world wide web. Here, the blogger can express his/her experiences and opinions.
Web forums – are not just limited to topics that are in text format or articles.

File sharing
Several websites are offering file sharing. This involves sharing of information or files via
internet. Registered users can get access to the resources that can be downloaded either for
free, with fee or in exchange of a file that they are personally made. Files can be as simple as
documents, spreadsheets and slide presentations to bigger ones like music and videos.
Social Networking Sites
It is probably the current unbeaten popular internet service. Man, by nature is a social
being. The need to mingle and communicate is inevitable. And with the fast development of
technology, social networking sites were developed.
Friendster and Multiply ruled the early 2000s in world wide web and were overtaken by
Facebook – a social network site developed in 2004 by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg in Harvard
University. Application like Zynga – developer of online games Farmville and Café World.
Classified Advertising Sites
It is a newspaper section that covers buying and selling of products and services,
endorsements and job opportunities.
Buy and sell sites – these websites are in line with electronic commerce. Registered users can
post and promote their products and services. Products sold here are either brand new or
Job hunting sites – job fairs can be exhausting and inconvenient – long queues of people, not
to mention, the expensive printing of resumes and other requirements. With the development
of online job hunting sites, applicants need only to upload their resume over the sites and the
employers would just conduct a preliminary screening of their potential employees via online
thus reducing expenses from organizing job fairs.

(The Services of the Internet)
Activity No. 6

Topic: The Services of the Internet

Learning Standards:
Objective/s: Identify the different features and services offered by the internet and the world
wide web
References: Web Development and Internet Technologies, pages 16-24


The internet has offered a wide-range of features and services. Since its inception and
creation, the number of capabilities is just increasing significantly.

Identification. Determine the term being described on the items. Write your answers
on the space provided.

________________________1. They can serve as dividers of email messages.

________________________2. It refers to an unsolicited or junk email.
________________________3. It is the default folder of incoming messages.
________________________4. It is the default folder of transmitted messages of the sender.
________________________5. It is described as an online virtual community.
________________________6. It is known as a series of posts on a single topic.
________________________7. This is where the word “blog” come from.
________________________8. The developer of facebook who studied in Harvard University.
________________________9. It is the company behind Farmville and Café world.
________________________10. Twitter is classified as this for it caters short posts.

Fill in the Blanks. Complete the emoticons table.

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
:) 1. 6. Sad
:P 2. 7. Grin or big smile
:l 3. 8. Uh oh!
O:) 4. 9. With shades on
:’) 5. 10. Wink

(The Services of the Internet)
Activity No. 7

Topic: The Services of the Internet

Learning Standards:
Objective/s: Identify the different features and services offered by the internet and the world
wide web
References: Web Development and Internet Technologies, pages 16-24


The internet has offered a wide-range of features and services. Since its inception and
creation, the number of capabilities is just increasing significantly.

Modified Alternate Response. Write T if the statement is true, otherwise, change the
underlined word(s) to make the statement correct.

_____________________1. Inbox email messages that were deleted totally disappear.

_____________________2. Xoxo means go away.
_____________________3. Emoticons are also known as smileys.
_____________________4. Skype is a video sharing program.
_____________________5. The direct recipient of the email can see the email addresses
placed in CC.
_____________________6. Cc stands for copycat.
_____________________7. IC, in chat messages, means I Care.
_____________________8. The file being sent with an email is called clipping.
_____________________9. Wikipedia is an online community.
_____________________10. Web Forums can be in a whole website or portion of it.

Fill in the Blanks. Complete the shortcut table.

Shortcut Meaning Shortcut Meaning

1. Be Right Back BRB 6.
2. I Know Right IKR 7.
3. Thank God it’s Friday TGIF 8.
4. Hugs and Kisses XOXO 9.
5. I See IC 10.

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