Statistical Treatment To The Data Notes PDF
Statistical Treatment To The Data Notes PDF
Statistical Treatment To The Data Notes PDF
SEM V- (6+3 U)
The reliability, reproducibility and the accuracy are the basis of analytical chemistry.
The function of the analytical chemist is to obtain a result as near to the true value as
possible by the correct application of the analytical procedure employed. But every
measurement made, no matter how symmetrically and carefully subject to some degree
of uncertainty or error. Determination of this degree of uncertainty is not easy. All that
one can aspire is to decrease the margin of uncertainty so that the result becomes
sufficiently accurate to an acceptable level.
To get consistent results the experiment can be repeated several times. This is known
as replicate analysis. Mathematical and statistical methods are employed to determine
the most correct value.
Instrumental Error :-
These arise due to some faults or shortcomings of the instruments which are used in
the analysis.
2. Every instrument possesses a definite least count i.e. the minimum magnitude of
the property that can be measured. Reading of the scale introduces an
uncertainty in the measurement in the last digit.
Minimistation of errors :-
Methodical errors :-
They arise due to limitations of analytical methods chosen for analysis and from
incompleteness of a reaction e.g.
3. Incomplete reaction :- Methodical errors arise due to a reaction under study not
going to completion or some side reactions taking place. E.g. In Kjeldahl’s
method estimation of nitrogen in an organic compound is carried out. The
method is based on the oxidation of the organic compound; by digestion with hot
Operational Errors :-
They arise due to insufficient knowledge or a total ignorance of handling the equipment
and not taking the necessary precautions in measurements. The causes may be,
1. Blowing the pipette or warming the bulb of the pipette by the palm of the hand to
remove the so-called ‘last drop’ of the liquid being delivered by a pipette. This
leads to a larger volume of a solution being transferred than is indicated on the
pipette. The pipette is always calibrated to deliver a particular volume indicated
on the bulb when the liquid drains freely from the pipette.
2. While noting down the weight of a sample or volume from a burette many a times
readings are not noted down correctly. Also while transferring a sample from
one container to another causes contamination or loss of sample.
4. Personal errors may also arise due to physical limitations such as colour-
blindness, which may lead to incorrect measurement of end-point of a titration.
Absolute error :- It is the difference between a measured value (Xi) and the true value
(Xt) with the appropriate sign. It may be positive or negative.
Absolute error = Xi - Xt
Relative error :- It is defined as a ratio of the absolute error to the true value.
Relative error = Xi – Xt
Central Tendency indicates the central value around which the observations are found
to cluster.
2. The median :-
It is the value of the middle number when the observations are arranged in an
ascending or descending order (when the number of observations is odd).
When the number of observations is even, the average of two middle values is
taken as the median.
3. The mode :-
The observation that occurs maximum number of times in a given set is termed
as the ‘mode’.
d = | xi – |
RD= d /
RAD = /
It is generally expressed as parts per hundred (pph) or parts per thousand (ppt).
Group II :-
These parameters provide the dispersion for the overall set of results.
1. Range – (W) :- It is the difference between the highest and the lowest values
present in a set of observations. Highest the range, lower would be the
W = W max – W min
2. Standard deviation – (s) :- It gives the spread of the numerical data about its
It is defined as square root of the mean of the squares of the individual deviations
from the mean of the values.
3. Variance :-
Variance = s2 , where s = standard deviation.
4. Coefficient of variation :-
Absolute error = Xi – Xt
= 500 – 500.5
= -.05 mg
Similarly for a substance which weights 50.0 mg the actual weight would have been
50.0 + 0.5 = 50.5 mg.
Absolute error = 50 – 50.5 = 0.5 mg.
& Relative error = -0.5 / 50.5 = 0.9%
Proportionate errors :-
In this case the magnitude of the absolute error of the measurement is found to be
proportional to the sample size while the relative error remains constant irrespective of
value measured.
e.g. consider determination of iron-contaminated aluminium as its oxide, Al2O3 .As
Al2O3 is precipitated the contaminated Fe also gets precipitated as Fe2O3. Thus the
Al2O3 will always contain some Fe2O3. If more precipitate of Al2O3 is formed more Fe2O3
will get precipitated. Thus absolute error will be the amount of Fe2O3 which will be
proportional to the sample weight.