1 Uber Interview Experience (On Campus For Internship 2018-19) 2
1 Uber Interview Experience (On Campus For Internship 2018-19) 2
1 Uber Interview Experience (On Campus For Internship 2018-19) 2
Chapter 1
Question 2 :-
You are given a n x m grid consisting of values 0 and 1. A value of 1 means that you
can enter that cell and 0 implies that entry to that cell is not allowed. You start at the
upper-left corner of the grid (1, 1) and you have to reach the bottom-right corner (n, m)
Chapter 1. Uber Interview Experience (On Campus for Internship 2018-19)
such that you can only move in the right or down direction from every cell. Your task is to
calculate the total number of ways of reaching the target.
Constraints :-
1<=n, m<=10, 000
Question 3 :-
You are given a list of edges in a graph and for each pair of vertices that are connected
by an edge, there are two edges between them, one curved edge and one straight edge i.e.
the tuple (x, y, w1, w2) means that between vertices x and y, there is a straight edge with
weight w1 and a curved edge with weight w2. You are given two vertices a and b and you
have to go from a to b through a series of edges such that in the entire path you can use at
most 1 curved edge. Your task is to find the shortest path from a to b satisfying the above
Round 2:
This was a technical round and lasted for about an hour. I was asked to design a Snakes And
Ladder game and code the same in the language of my choice. I used random numbers to
design the board and following which I was asked to play the game between two players and
I coded the same. He introduced a trick to the question and asked me to rate the difficulty
of the board. I thought in terms of the shortest path(Breadth First Search) from start to
the end but he said that a better approach would be to calculate the probability of reaching
a particular number from the start. So I used Dynamic Programming to calculate the
probability of reaching a particular number in x number of moves where 1<=x<=maximum
cap on the number of moves following which a tie would be declared. He then asked me
that he didn’t want a game that would finish in just 15 moves as that would make the game
boring. So I was told to calculate the probability that the game finishes in 15 to 100 moves.
Finally he asked me to tell just by looking at the position of the players that who was in
the winning position at that moment. He was satisfied by my responses.
Round 3:
This was a problem solving round and lasted for 75 minutes. He gave me a very complicated
question. Here it goes…
There are 3 integers a, b, w.
There are 2 equations –
1. w+a=b
2. a (bitwise AND) b =0;
I was given the value of w and he asked me to calculate the number of pairs (a, b) satisfying
the two equations. Assume that there are no overflows. I used Recursion + Bitmasking to
solve this and he seemed satisfied with my approach though I required some of his help as
Chapter 1. Uber Interview Experience (On Campus for Internship 2018-19)
Chapter 2