Nuclear Rotations in The Rigid Rotor Model: Research
Nuclear Rotations in The Rigid Rotor Model: Research
Nuclear Rotations in The Rigid Rotor Model: Research
0 581
1 author:
Hussein Al Ghoul
University of Kansas
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hussein Al Ghoul on 08 May 2015.
where ωi is the angular velocity about the ith axis and Iij is the rank two tensor
representing the moment of inertia[2] . In quantum mechanics, however, the
rotational Hamiltonian is characterized by the angular momentum operator.
X I2
H= (2)
2= i
where =i is the angular momentum projection along the ith axis, and Ii are the
body-fixed angular momentum operators.
In what follows, we will be discussing the axially symmetric rotor and the triaxial
rotor. We expect to get the first from the latter by simply manipulating the
parameters in the triaxial rotor model.
As we previously discussed, the Hamiltonian is directly dependent on the
angular momentum operator. The set of angular momentum operators in the
laboratory frame are Jx Jy Jz , and their tansformations in the body-fixed frame
are I1 I2 I3 . In general, one can get the body-fixed momentum operators using:
Iˆi = (J.e
ˆ (i) ) (5)
Jˆ2 =
(Iˆk )2 and [Jˆk , Iˆl ] = 0 (6)
These operators commute with each other and thus can be diagonalized simul-
taneously. If | JM Ki were the corresponding wave functions, then j(j+1), M
and K can be defined as the eigenvalues of Jˆ2 , Jˆz and Iˆ3 respectively. The
wavefunctions are therefore,
2J + 1 J
| JM Ki = DM K (ω) (7)
8π 2
The D-matrices form a complete orthogonal set of wavefunctions and will be
later used for diagonalizing the rotational Hamiltonian of the model.
In this model, the radius of the nucleus is expressed in terms of the Hill-Wheeler
deformation parameters γ and β. Once we finish implementing these parameters
into (8), the radius then becomes[1]
5 2π
Rλ = R0 1 + β cos γ − λ (9)
4π 3
where λ = 1,2,3.
I12 I2 I2
H= + 2 + 3 . (10)
2=1 2=2 2=3
Now implementing the fact that =1 = =2 6= =3 for an axially symmetric rotor,
the Hamiltonian becomes[3]
J2 1 1 2
H= + − I (11)
2=1 2=3 2=1 3
However, since the =3 vanishes for γ = 0, we can define a new Hamiltonian HA
I32 I2 I2
HA = H − = − 3 (12)
2=3 2=1 2=1
In this case the wave functions | IM Ki are the Wigner D-functions DM K , and
are related as follows
| IM Ki ∝ DM K + (−1) DM −K (13)
The energies in this case are grouped in ”Rotational Bands” which are charac-
terized by K, the lowest of which corresponds to K = 0. When we examine the
wave function for the special case of K = 0, we notice that only even vlaues
of ”I” are allowed. Generally speaking, I = K, K + 1, K + 2, .., and so on.
Consequently, the corresponding energy is
I(I + 1) K2
EIK = hIM K | H | IM Ki = − (14)
2=1 2=1
We should notice that the wave function for K = 2 has the following form[2]
| I, M, K = 2i = √ (| I, M, K = 2i + (−1)I | I, M, K = −2i (19)
In general, the wave functions are directly related to the Wigner D-functions
DM K in a manner similar to the one used for an axially symmetric rotor.
Applying this model to doubly even nuclei, and setting E(0) = 0 for I = 0, we
got the following Hamiltonian for I = 2
√6A 4 3G
4 3G 6A + 4F
Higher order Hamiltonians are obtained following the same procedure. As a
part of this project, we wrote a program that found, diagonalized, and sim-
plified the Hamiltonians for higher orders of ”I”. The obtained eigenenergies
for I = 2, 3, 4, 5 are plotted as functions of the deforming parameter γ in the
figure below. Notice the good agreement with the results from Davydov’s and
Filippov’s paper ([1]).
This operator can be expressed in terms of the Eulerian angles in the intrin-
Y2ν (θi0 , φ0i )[1] . Applying the Hill-
P 2
sic reference frame using Y2µ (θi , φi ) = ν Dµν
Wheeler parametrization under the assumption of uniformally distributed pro-
tons within the nucleus, we obtained the following expression for the µth component
2 D2 + D2 µ2
Q̂2µ = eQ0 Dµ0 cosγ + √ sinγ (21)
where Q0 = 3ZR2 β/ 5π is the intrinsic quadrupole moment. Assuming an ini-
tial state | Jn M i and a final state | Jm M 0 i and using Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
and integration relations for 3D-functions, we got[8]
2J + 1 J M sinγ J K
0 0
h 0 0 0 0 0 0
hJm M 0 | Qµ | Jn M i = eQ0 C J K
cosγCJK20 + √ (CJK22 J K
+ CJK2−2 ) (22)
2J 0 + 1 JM 2µ 2
Fig.[3]: Ratios of B(E2) as a function of the deformation parameter γ in comparison
with Shell Model 24 Mg .
From the figure, we noticed that a deformation of about γ = 24◦ can be assigned
to the Shell Model states. Refering to the fact that the deformation parameter
is fairly close to 30 degrees, we could ”safely” say that the J = 2 states of a
Mg nucleus have an oblate quadrupole-deformation shape.//
As a final part of this project, we calculated the deformation parameters γ,
Γ, and γDF as defined in Davydov-Filippov model of irrotational flow[9] ,
9 R21 22 1 cos 4γ + 2 cos 2γ
sin2 (3 γDF ) = , Γ = − cos−1 p (24)
2 (1 + R21 22 )2 2 9 − 8 sin2 3γ
Using the 24 M g data from ENDSF and the equations mentioned above, we
found that Γ ' −11 and γDF = 21◦ which is fairly close to γ = 21◦ as predicted
by the rotational model. This obviously stands as an indication of fluid inner
dynamics within the 24 M g nucleus.