Some advice
Before you start
Read a copy of the subject-specific details of an Extended Essay in chemistry, including
the assessment criteria. Read some previous essays and try to identify their strengths
and weaknesses. Draw up a list of possible research questions including the techniques
you would use to address these questions. Many of the best essays are written by
students investigating relatively simple phenomena using apparatus and materials that
can be found in most school laboratories.
You may find it useful to consider some of the following techniques when planning
your research; it is often appropriate to use a combination of two or more of these
• titration: acid–base or redox
• chromatography: paper, partition, thin-layer, column
• electrophoresis
• spectrophotometry
• measuring mass or volume changes
• calorimetry
• qualitative and quantitative analysis
• separation and purification techniques in organic chemistry
• use of data-logging probes for some of the above.
The table below gives the descriptor for the highest achievement level for each criterion
together with the maximum number of marks available. The notes in italics are to help
you interpret each criterion with respect to an essay in chemistry.
J: Abstract The abstract clearly states the research question that was 2
investigated, how the investigation was undertaken, and
the conclusion(s) of the essay. The abstract is judged on the
clarity with which it presents an overview of the research and
the essay, not on the quality of the research question itself,
nor on the quality of the argument or the conclusions.
Viva voce
Remember to use a range After you have handed in the
of resources including the final version you may be given
internet and any libraries a short interview or viva voce by
your supervisor, who is required
to write a report on your project.
This is an opportunity to discuss
the successes and challenges of the
project and for you to reflect on
what you have learned from the
The approach to a World Studies Extended Essay is to identify a global issue and find
a local example that lends itself to research and analysis, using the methodologies
of two different subjects. This gives a grounded appreciation and understanding of
the issue under study. As part of the research, you are encouraged to keep records
of your thoughts and ideas in the ‘researchers reflection space’. This helps to show
development in your global perspective and some of the challenges in the research.