Title: "Filipino Consumers' Behavior Towards Online Shopping "
Title: "Filipino Consumers' Behavior Towards Online Shopping "
Title: "Filipino Consumers' Behavior Towards Online Shopping "
Moira Isabelle N. So
1st Semester
This paper discusses what are the Filipino consumers’ attitude towards online shopping and
seeks to understand the factors affecting the decisions of these consumers on why they chose to
shop online. It will also aim to delve into both the benefits and the problems of using online
shopping to the consumers. This paper will recommend a course of action that can be taken to
improve strategies in online shopping. Thus, by following this plan of action, this would be a great
help to the marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen to compete in the market and to make their
The idea of shopping from their own home has been around for ages, it could be from
commercials to catalogs. Since several technologies are becoming more advanced, internet or
online shopping is becoming a thing. Most people rely upon the accessibility of the Internet which
is an obvious phenomenon that is happening in the world nowadays and because of the increasing
use of Internet, Philippines provided an emerging opportunity for online shopping. Online
shopping has encountered a rapid development during the recent years because of its many
advantages for both the consumers and the sellers, such as convenience for the consumers, saves
their time and effort rather than being dependent on store visits, increasing market area for the
sellers and there are a wide range variety of products to choose from. Because of these advantages,
an ever increasing number of individuals say that they chose online shopping rather than physical
shopping nowadays. But there are also risks associated with online shopping. The consumes’
behavior towards online shopping alludes to their psychological state when buying over the
“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Internet. The purpose of this paper is to understand behavior of Filipino consumers towards online
shopping and the factors that influence them to shop online. Whether or not those factors can also
affect the marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen about their strategies towards online
the study of an individual or group and the procedures that they use to pick, secure and
discard commodities to fulfill needs and the influence these processes have on the customers
and the community. It balances the components from sociology, psychology, management
and economics. Likewise, Chisnall (1994) mentioned that the needs and intentions of
humans are inseparably connected and their connection is so extremely close that it is
difficult to determine their distinction. For instance, a person may buy new garments to
ensure them against the chilly climate yet the hidden need might be to keep up with the most
The Europeans, Americans and Asians’ consumer behavior have become global
gauges these days regarding its purchasing propensities and way of life. On the other hand,
the Filipinos really have a one of a kind purchasing propensities which has become a culture
that can be considered its own. Generally, products that are marked down or products that
have discounts are what Filipino consumers love to purchase. These buying habits are
common to Filipinos around the world. Filipino consumers are referred to for its one of a
kind purchasing routine. An unmistakable sign of that is the Filipino consumers' sharp
“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
information on the commodities or services that are being offered (Castillo, 2018).
• Different factors that influence the Filipino consumers to use online shopping.
According to Rani (2014), there are various procedures or processes that are
associated with buyers’ behavior. At the outset, the buyer or consumer attempts to discover
what products he might want to expend and at that point, he picks just those products that
has essential use to him. The consumer estimates his money which he can spend choosing.
Lastly, the consumer separates the general expenses of the items and takes the choice about
the items he should be buying. Meanwhile, cultural, personal, social and psychological are
First, cultural factor is important when trying to understanding the particular needs
and habits of a person. Basically, the part of every society and is the significant reason for
one’s needs and behavior is his/her culture. The culture’s impact on purchasing conduct
varies from every country. According to Rani (2014), all through an individual’s existence,
there are a lot of people who can influence him like his family, his friends, his society who
A person’s groups, family, status and role are examples of social factors. This
clarifies the outside impacts of others on one’s buying decisions either directly or indirectly.
This factor is among the most influencing factors affecting a consumers’ behavior
essentially. An example of this is reference groups which are characterized as those people
that might give direct advice to an individual about his behavior, way of life, or even his
disposition as a consumer. The impression that the individual has of himself as well as his
“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Variables such as a person’s age, work, economic circumstances, identity, habits and self-
concept are part of personal factors. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2010), consumers'
example of age related variables are taste in food, preferences in clothing, and leisure.
learning, motivation and beliefs and attitudes. So for instance, when a consumer who has
different sort of needs like hunger or thirst and that particular need can be aroused when
alters a motive and this motive is essentially a need that would cause an individual to look
consumers’ behavior. These factors that influence consumers to buy online can cause to
build up product preferences. Understanding the impact of these factors is essential so that
Voicu (2013) stated in his research that information is one of the most significant
resources that an organization or business must have. Knowing and considering the various
components that impact buyers to shop online and their preferences can profit a great deal to
the online marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen. Some information is covered up in the
brain of the consumer, as in the case of information about buyer's behavior. In spite of the
fact that it appears to be a concept difficult to grasp, it was demonstrated that consumer
behavior can be viably measured and their research can give a more profound
“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
comprehension of the decisions that buyers make when deciding to select a product against
another and when choosing to proceed in time the relationship with one supplier.
The elements that influence shopping behavior of buyers online is one of the factors
that should be considered when distinguishing the strong and weak points of the
competitors. By estimating these when completing a publicizing effort, the transmitter may
assess its success or failure. This may likewise establish the topic of a review providing data
which can be a significant method for expanding the sales volume up to the maximum limits
“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
More and more people say that they prefer online shopping because of the many
advantages such as convenience, time-saving, and product variety. The behavior of Filipino
consumers towards online shopping and the factors that influence them to shop online affects the
marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen about their strategies towards online marketing. Filipino
consumers have a unique buying routine as a way of life. There are different factors such as
personal, social, cultural and psychological which can greatly affect a consumers’ behavior. These
factors that greatly influence consumers to buy online can cause to build up the product
preferences of consumers which can help the marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen to lead to
an inevitable increase in market share and profitability. Therefore, having knowledge about the
consumers’ behavior and factors affecting them are beneficial to the marketers, entrepreneurs and
“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Chisnall, Peter M. (1994), Consumer Behaviour, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill Book Company: London, pp
Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. 2009. Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education. Thirteenth Edition.
Kuester. (2012). Strategic Marketing & Marketing in Specific Industry Contexts, University of
Castillo, F. G. (2018). Consumer Buying Behavior: The Multicultural Influence in the Philippines.
The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 2(2), 71–75. Retrieved
from http://www.theijbmt.com/archive/0920/844974745.pdf