Corporate Accounting
Corporate Accounting
Corporate Accounting
Yelahanka, Bangalore-64
Bangalore University CBCS Syllabus
Course: B Com
Sub: Corporate Accounting
Subject Material & Work Book
Ms. Bhavya K R
Assistant Professor
Underwriting: Underwriting is an agreement entered into by a company with one or more persons, called Underwriter or
underwriters, who undertake to take up the whole or a certain portion of the unsubscribed shares or debentures of a
company for a certain remuneration called underwriting commission.
Underwriters: Underwriters are those who undertake the shares or debentures issued by public companies. They may be
individuals or institutions like banks specialized financial institutions, firms & joint stock companies.
Underwriting Commission: The underwriters are entitled to some consideration for the risk they undertake in
underwriting the shares or debentures of a public company. The consideration payable to the underwriters by a public
company for underwriting the shares or debentures is called underwriting commission.
Maximum limit: Maximum of 5% on the issue price of shares & 2.5% on the debentures as per companies act.
Types of Underwriting:
Complete Underwriting: A Complete Underwriting is one under which the whole of the issue of shares or debentures of a
company is underwritten by one or more underwriters.
Partial Underwriting: A Partial Underwriting is one under which a part of the issue of shares or debentures of a company
underwritten by one or more underwriters.
Pure Underwriting: A Pure underwriting is an arrangement under which an underwriter or Underwriters agrees to take up
shares or debentures of a company only when the shares or debentures underwritten by him or them is fully subscribed by
the public.
Firm Underwriting: A Firm Underwriting is an arrangement under which an underwriter or underwriters make definite
commitment to take up certain shares or debentured of a company, irrespective of the number of shares or debentures
subscribed by the public.
Marked Applications: The applications received by the company bearing the official stamp of the individual underwriter or
the respective underwriters are called marked applications.
Problem No: 07
A Company issued 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each. These shares were underwritten as follows: X-30,000 shares & Y-
50,000 shares. The public applied to 70,000 shares. Determine the liability of X & Y.
Problem No: 09
Popular Ltd issued 40,000 shares of Rs.10 each for public subscription. The issue was underwritten as follows: Sriram
25%, Raghu 30% &Tilak 25%. The company received a total of 28,000 applications of which marked applications are as
follows: Sriram-8,000, Raghu- 6,000 &Tilak- 8,000
Determine the net liability of each underwriter.
Problem No: 10
A Company issued 10,000 shares of Rs.10 each. These shares were underwritten as follows: A- 5,000 shares, B-3,000
shares. The public applied for 8,000 shares which included marked applications as follows: A-1,200 shares: B- 300 shares.
Determine the liability of A & B & Company.
Problem No: 20
Chaithanya Chemicals Ltd planned to set up a unit for manufacture of bulk drugs. For the purpose of financing the unit the
Board of Directors have issued 15,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each. 30% of the issue was reserved for promoters & the
balance was offered to the public, Aditya, Diwan&Anoop have come forward to underwrite the public issue in the ratio of
3:1:1 & also agreed for firm undertaking of 30,000: 20,000 & 10,000 respectively. The underwriting commission was fixed
at 4%. The amount payable on application was Rs.2.50 per share. The details of subscription are:
Marked forms of Adithya 5,50,000 shares
Marked forms of Diwan 2,00,000 shares
Marked forms of Anoop 1,50,000 shares
Unmarked forms 50,000 shares
You are required to show the allocation of liability among underwriters with workings.
Problem No: 23
A Company issued 60,000 shares of Rs.10 each. These shares were underwritten as follows: A-36,000, B- 15,000, C- 9,000
shares. In addition there was a firm underwriting as follows: A-4,800 shares, B- 1,800 shares, C- 6,000 shares:Total
Subscription received by the company (excluding firm underwriting & marked applications) were 9,000 shares. Marked
applications were A- 6,000, B- 12,000, C-3,000 shares.
Determine liability of underwriters treating firm underwriting as unmarked application.
Problem No: 24
Nischal Ltd issued 2,50,000 shares of Rs.10 each which was underwritten as follows:
Mr.A-75,000 shares (Firm Underwriting 8,000 shares)
Mr.B-62,500 shares (Firm Underwriting 12,000 shares)
Mr.C-62,500 shares (firm underwriting NIL)
Mr.D-50,000 shares (Firm Underwriting 30,000 shares)
The total applications excluding firm underwriting but including marked applications were for 1,80,000 shares. The
marked applications were as under:
Mr.A-40,000 shares; Mr.B-36,000 shares, Mr.C-24,000 shares & Mr.D-48,000 shares. Calculate the net liability of each
underwriter treating firm underwriting as marked & unmarked applications.
Illustration: 2
A Company issued prospectus inviting applications FOR 3,50,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each. The whole issue was fully
underwritten by A,B,C& D as follows:
A-1,40,000, B-1,05,000, C 70,000, D-35,000 Shares Applications were received for 3,15,000 shares of which marked
applications were: A-1,54,000, B-77,000, C-63,000, D-7,000 shares respectively. calculate the liability of the underwriters.
Illustration: 3
Export Ltd incorporated on January2, 2015 issued a prospectus inviting applications for 5,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10
each. The whole issue fully underwritten by A,B,C,D as follows:
Applications were received for 4,50,000 shares of which marked applications were as follows: A-2,20,00, B-90,000, C-
1,10,000 & D-10,000 Shares respectively. You are required to find out the liability of each underwriter & commission
payable to them.
Illustration: 4
Aswini Ltd issued 50,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each which were underwritten as follows: A-20,000, B-15,000, C-
10,000, D-5,000 Shares respectively. The company received applications for 44,000 shares of which marked forms were as
under: A- 24,000, B-8,000, C-6,000, D-3,000 Shares. Determine the liability of each underwriter.
Illustration: 5
A Company issued 1,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each. The whole issue was fully underwritten by A,B,C& D as follows: A:
40,000, B:30,000, C:10,000, D:20,000. The company received applications for 90,000 shares of which marked applications
were as follows: A: 44,000, B:22,000, C:2,000, D:18,000 respectively. Determine the liability of each underwriter.
Honey Moon Ltd issued 20,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each, 80% of the issue was underwritten by star Brothers
Applications for 15,000 shares were received in all out of which applications for 10,000 shares were marked. Determine
the liability of Star Brothers.
Illustration: 7
XYZ Company Ltd issue 1,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each. 60% of the issue was underwritten by A & B in the ratio of 3:2.
Applications for 80,000 shares were received in all out of which the marked applications were: A-25,000 & B-12,000
shares. Determine the liability of the underwriters.
Illustration: 8
SatishLts issued 10,000 shares of Rs.100 each. The issue was underwritten as follows:
N-30%, V-30% & U-20%. Applications for 7,500 shares were received by the company in all. Determine the liability of
the underwriter.
Illustration: 9
Rajalakshmi Co Ltd issued 1,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each for public subscription. The issue was underwritten as follows:
A-30%, B-30% & C-20%. However the company received applications for 70,000 shares of which marked applications as
follows: A-10,000, B-20,000, C- 16,000 Shares respectively. Determine the liability of each underwriter.
Illustration: 10
Rajesh Ltd issued 20,000 shares of 10 each. These shares were underwritten as follows: X-10,000, Y-6,000 shares
respectively. The public applies for 16,000 shares which included marked applications as follows: X-2,400 & Y-600
Shares respectively. Prepare a Statement of underwriters liability.
Illustration: 11
Ranjani Ltd a new company went in for public issue of 1,00,000 shares of Rs.100 each. The entire issue was underwritten
by A,B,C as follows. A-50,000, B-30,000, C-20,000 Shares respectively. In addition there was firm underwriting as
follows: A-10,000, B-7,500 & C-7,500 Shares respectively. The total subscription including firm underwriting was 80,000
shares & the forms included the following marked Applications: A-15,000, B-20,000 & c-7,500 Shares. Prepare Statement
of Underwriters liability.
Illustration: 12
ABC Ltd issued 20,000 Equity Shares which were underwritten as follows:
X-12,000, Y-5,000, Z-3,000 Shares Respectively. The underwriters made application for firm underwriting as under: X-
1,600,Y-600 & Z-2,000 Shares Respectively. The total subscription excluding firm underwriting but including marked
applications were for 10,000 shares. The marked applications were as under. X- 2,000, Y-4,000 & Z-1,000 Shares
Respectively. You are required to show the allocation of liability of the underwrites.
Problem No: 03
Ganesh & Co decided to purchase a business. Its profits for the last 4 years were: 2011-12 Rs.40,000, 2012-13 Rs.50,000,
2013-14 Rs.48,000, 2014-15 Rs.46,000. The business was looked after by the management. Remuneration from alternative
Problem No: 04
The following particulars are available in respect of the business carried on by Mr. Madhu. Profits earned 2012-13
Rs.50,000. 2013-14 Rs.48,000. 2014-15 Rs.52,000. Profits of 2013-14 is reduced by Rs.5,000 due to stock destroyed by
fire & profits of 2012-13 included a no recurring income of Rs.3,000. Profits of 2014-15 include Rs.2,000 income from
Problem No: 05
The profits disclosed by Chaitra Ltd. For the past 5 years were as follows:
2010-11 Rs.40,000 (including abnormal Profit Rs. 5,000)
2011-12 Rs.50,000 (after charging abnormal loss Rs.10,000)
2012-13 Rs.45,000 (excluding Rs.5,000 insurance Premium)
2013-14 Rs.60,000
2014-15 Rs.80,000 (including profit on sale of building Rs.20,000)
Problem No: 06
Giri Ltd proposed to purchase the business carried on by Mr. Srinivas. Goodwill for this purpose is agreed to be valued at 3
years purchase of the weighted average profits of the past 4 years, the appropriate weights to be used are: 2011-12 1, 2012-
13 2, 2013-14 3, 2014-15 4. The profits for these years are : 2011-12 Rs.1,01,000, 2012-13 Rs.1,24,000, 2013-14
Rs.1,00,000, 2014-15 Rs.1,50,000. On a scrutiny of the following matters are revealed: on 1st April, 2013 a major repair
was made in respect of the Plant incurring Rs.30,000 which amount was charged to revenue. The said sum is agreed to be
capitalized for goodwill. The closing Stock for the year 2012-13 was over valued by Rs.12,000. To cover management cost
Problem No: 07
ABC Ltd. Purchased the business of XYZ ltd. Calculate Goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of weighted average for
4 years. The appropriate weights are: 2011-12 1, 2012-13 2.5, 2013-14 3.8, 2014-15 4.2
The profits for the current years were Rs.40,500, Rs.46,500, Rs.60,000 & Rs.75,000 respectively. On scrutiny of accounts
the following aspects were revealed:
1. The company purchased new furniture on 30th September 2013 which was entered in purchases day book. The
value of furniture was Rs.10,000. For the purpose of Goodwill the error has to be rectified & depreciation should
be provided at 10% under written down value method.
2. The opening Stock of the year 2013-14 was under valued by Rs.2,500.
3. Anticipated additional expenses in administration is Rs.5,000 per annum.
Problem No: 08
Grey Ltd. Proposed to purchase the business carried on by Success. Goodwill for those purpose was agreed to be valued at
3 years purchase of the weighted average profits of the past 4 years. The appropriate weights to be used are: 2011-12-1,
2012-13-2,2013-14-3,2014-15-4. The profits for these years were: 81,000, 95,000, 1,20,000,1,50,000. On the scrutiny of
the accounts, the following were revealed:
1. On 30/9/2013,a major repair was made in respect of Machinery incurring Rs.20,000 which amount was charged to
revenue. The said sum is agreed to be capitalized for goodwill calculation subject to adjustment of depreciation of
10% per annum by the reducing balance method.
2. The closing stock for the year 2012-13 was undervalued by Rs.5,000.
3. To cover management expenses an annual charge of Rs.10,000 should be made for the purpose of goodwill
valuation. Compute the value of goodwill of the firm.
Problem No: 09
The net profits of a company for the past 5 years are 2010-11 Rs.40,000, 2011-12 Rs.45,000, 2012-13 Rs.47,000, 2013-14
Rs.40,000, 2014-15 Rs.48,000. The capital employed in the business is Rs.4,00,000. On which a reasonable rat of return of
10% is expected. Calculate the amount of goodwill of the company under the capitalization of the average profit method.
Problem No: 10
A company desirous of selling its business to another company has earned an average past profit of Rs.1,60,000 per annum
& the same amount of profit is likely to be earned in the future also except that:
1. Director’s fees of Rs.12,000 per annum charged against such profits will not be payable by the purchasing
company whose existing board can manage the new business also.
2. Rent of Rs.28,000 per annum which had been paid by the vendor company will not be incurred in the future since
the purchasing company owns its own premises & the necessary accommodation can be provided.
The net assets other than goodwill, were Rs.18,00,000 & it was considered that was reasonable return on investment in this
type of business would be 10%.
Problem No: 11
From the following particulars relating to the business of Ashwini. Compute the value of goodwill on the basis of 3 years
purchase of super profits taking average of last 4 years
Fixed Assets Rs.8,00,000. Current Assets Rs.80,000. Current Liabilities Rs.1,60,000. Normal Rate of return 15%. Manager
remuneration 10,000 P a Profits for the last 4 years were 1,20,000, 1,40,000,1,30,000 & 1,50,000 respectively.
Problem No: 19
The following is the Balance Sheet of Excellent Ltd as on 31st March 2015:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Creditors 76,080 Fixed Assets 1,80,000
Capital 3,28,000 Current Assets 2,44,080
Reserves 80,000 Investments 60,000
4,84,080 4,84,080
The following net profits were earned which included a fixed income from investment of Rs.4,000 P.a. 2012 Rs.64,000,
2013 Rs.72,000, 2014 Rs.86,000 2015 Rs.90,000. Standard rate of return on capital employed in such type of business is
8%. Compute the amount of goodwill of the above business at 3 years purchase of the average super profit for 4 years
assuming that each year’s profit was immediately withdrawn in full by the proprietor.
Problem No: 20
Balance Sheet of Standard Ltd as on 31st March 2006:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
10,000 Equity Shares 10,00,000 Fixed Assets 10,00,000
6,000 15% Pref Shares 6,00,000 Stock 3,50,000
General Reserve 80,000 Debtors 4,50,000
P&L A/c 1,60,000 Cash & Bank 2,00,000
Creditors 1,60,000
20,00,000 20,00,000
The profits of the company (before providing for taxation at 38.5%) & the rate of dividend declared in respect of the past 5
financial years are as under:
2010-11 2,70,000 8%
2011-12 3,10,000 10%
2012-13 3,40,000 12%
2013-14 3,30,000 15%
2014-15 3,60,000 15%
You are required to find out the value of goodwill at 5 years purchase of the super profits of the company.
Problem No: 21
The net profits of a company after providing for taxation for the past 5 years are: 40,000, 42,000, 45,000, 46,000, 47,000.
The capital employed in the business is Rs.4,00,000 on which a reasonable rate of return of 10% is expected. It is expected
that the company will be able to maintain its super profits for the next 5 years. Calculate the value of goodwill on the basis
of annuity of super profits taking the present value of an annuity of one rupee for 5 years at 10% interest is Rs3.78.
capitalization of super profit method. 5 years purchase of super profit.
Problem No: 22
The net profits of a business after providing for taxation for the past 5 years are: Rs.80,000, Rs.85,000, Rs.92,000,
Rs.1,05,000 & Rs.1,18,000. The capital employed in the business is Rs.8,00,000. The normal rate of return expected in this
type of business is 10%. It is expected that the company will be able to maintain its super profit for the next 5 years.
Calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of 5 years purchase of super profit method. Annuity method taking the present
value of annutity of Re.1 for the 5 years at 10% as 3.78 & capitalization of super profit method.
Problem No: 23
The following information is given: Capital employed is Rs.1,50,000. NRR 10%, Present value of annuity of Re 1 for 5
years at 10% 3.78. Net profits for 5 years 14,400, 15,400, 17,400 16,900 17,900. The profits included non recurring profits
on an average basis of Rs.1,000 out of which it was declined that even non recurring profits had a tendency of appearing at
the rate of Rs.600 per annum. You are required to value goodwill under annuity method. 5 years purchase of super profit
method. Capitalization of super profit method.
Unit: 4
The term valuation Shares refers to the process of ascertaining the intrinsic value or the market value or fair value of the
shares of a company.
Under this method, the value of shares is determined by adding the market values of all assets including unrecorded assets.
Problem N0: 02
Problem No: 03
Problem No: 4
On 31/3/2015 the Balance Sheet of X Ltd was as follows:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
5,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each 5,00,000 Land & Buildings 2,20,000
P&L A/c 1,03,000 Plant & Machinery 95,000
Bank Overdraft 20,000 Stock 3,50,000
Creditors 77,000 Sundry Debtors 1,55,000
Provision for Taxation 45,000
Proposed Dividend 75,000
8,20,000 8,20,000
The net profits of the company after deducting all working charges & providing for depreciation & taxation were as under:
2010-11 85,000
2011-12 96,000
2012-13 90,000
2013-14 1,00,000
2014-15 95,000
On 31st March 2015 Land & Buildings were valued at Rs.2,50,000 & Plant & Machinery at Rs.1,50,000.
In view of the nature of the business, it is considered that 10% is a reasonable return on the tangible capital. For the
purpose of valuation of shares, goodwill is calculated at 5 years purchase of the super profits based on the average profits
of the last 5 years. Calculate the intrinsic value.
Problem No: 05
Problem No: 06
The following figures were extracted from the books of M/s Prosperous Ltd:
Problem No: 07
Following is the Balance Sheet of M/s Sukh Chain Ltd as on 31st March, 2015.
Problem No: 08
a) Preference Shares have priority both as to payment of Capital & arrears of dividend in the event of liquidation.
b) Preference shares have no priority as to capital or arrears of dividend.
c) Preference Shares have priority as to the payment of capital only.
d) Preference shares have priority as to the payment of arrears of dividend only.
Problem No: 09
From the following information, calculate the value of an equity share under yield method.
1) The paid up share capital of a company consists of 1000, 15% Preference shares of Rs.100 each & 20,000 equity
shares of Rs.10 each.
2) The average annual profit of the company, after providing for depreciation &taxation amounted to Rs.75,000. It is
considered necessary to transfer Rs. 10,000 to General Reserve before declaring dividend.
3) The normal return expected by investors on equity shares from this type of business carried on by the company is
Problem No: 10
Problem No: 11
Problem No: 12
a) Capital, 450, 6% preference Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid & 4,500 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid.
b) External liabilities Rs.7,500.
c) Reserves & Surplus Rs.3,500.
d) The average expected profit (after taxation) earned by the company Rs.18,500.
e) The normal profit earned on the market value of Equity Shares (fully paid) of the same type of companies is 9%.
f) 10% of the profits after tax each year is transferred to reserve.
Problem No: 13
Compute the value of shares by the: Net asset method & yield method, from the following Balance sheet of a ltd company
as on 31/3/2015:
Problem No: 14
Problem No: 15
Problem No: 16
Problem No: 17
Problem No: 18
On March 31, 2015, the balance sheet of a limited company reveals the following position: