Handicraft 8 Quarter 1 Sipacks

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Division of City of San Fernando
PHS Blvd., Brgy., Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Tel. No. (045) 961-4261 website:www.pampangahigh.school



To the learner: Source: https://www.deped.gov.ph

As you start reading, keep in mind that this teaching module

will provide every learner of Pampanga High School like you with the education needed
to compete in a global context. This module which is conceptualized as self-contained
"units" of content will enhance your skills based on the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs). Also, it highlights corresponding activities which you need to
answer as you move from page to page for each week lesson.

To get the most out of this module, here are some reminders that you need to consider:
1. Take your time in reading all parts of the lesson.
2. Always answer all given activities intended for each week lesson.
3. Answers must be written in ONE WHOLE SHEET of PAD PAPER.
4. Do not forget to write the following data on your paper before answering all the
activities. Also, please be reminded that you have to use one (1) piece of paper per
lesson. Meaning, you have to use another sheet if you need to answer the activities
in another lesson.
a. Your Complete Name (student) e. Quarter No.
b. Your Grade and Section f. Date of Activity, Activity No. and Activity
c. Learning Area/Subject Title
d. Name of Your Subject Teacher g. Item Numbers

Here is the illustration based on the instructions above:

Complete Name____________________________ Learning Area/Subject: IA/Handicraft

8 Quarter: 1
Grade and Section: ______________________ Name of Subject Teacher: Mrs. Lea
d. Dabu

Date of Activity: __________________ Activity No.: ___ Activity



5. Remember that all the activities that you need to answer will serve as your outputs and will be
forwarded to your subject teacher for checking and recording.
6. Above all, put GOD first in everything you do! 

Division of City of San Fernando
PHS Blvd., Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Tel. No. (045) 961-4261 website: www.pampangahigh.school


1st Quarter - Week 2 September 1 – 2, 2020 (Tuesday – Wednesday)
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles and
concepts of embroidery
Performance Standard: The learner use basic tools in embroider and create embroidered
Learning Competency: L.O. 1: Use basic tools in embroidery
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. identify the basic tools and materials in embroidery,
2. perform the different embroidery stitches based on the given steps and;
3. observe proper use of tools .
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Embroidered Article
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 5-27
b. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, embroidery tools and materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson


Presenting the definition of the following terms: (prior knowledge may also be used)
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters in the enclosed parenthesis to come up with the terms to be used
in this lesson. Write your answers on the space provided before each number.

_______________________1. (ymroideber) - the art of designing with needle and thread.

_______________________2. (airfcb) - any woven, knitted or felt cloth.
_______________________3. (tehrad) - a very fine cord composed of strand or strands of spun
silk, flax or cotton used in sewing
_______________________4. (sidegn) - an arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the
purpose of achieving order and beauty.
_______________________5. (ledeen) - a long slender tool with a pointed tip at one end and a
hole at the other.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you will acquire knowledge about the basic tools and
materials in embroidery. In addition, their uses will be further explained.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

Direction: Match column A with column B. Write the LETTER of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
_____1. It is an ornamentation of textiles and other materials with a. Pounce
_____2. It is used to measure more than one foot distance. b. Embroidery
_____3. A tool use for transferring the design when using pricking and c. Stiletto
pouncing method. d. Tape measure
_____4. A tool in embroidery that is used to keep the fabric stretched e. Water color brush
while embroidery stitches are applied on the design.
_____5. A fine powder used in transferring design by pricking method.

Check your answers after understanding the tools and materials in

embroidery and their corresponding uses.
D. Discussing new concepts
 Note: Read and study this topic for your WEEK 2 DAY 1 Lesson, then answer ACTIVITY 3

Development of Philippine Embroidery

Embroidery is the ornamentation of textiles and other materials with needlework for personal
use and decoration not only at home but for offices as well. The term embroidery is an English
word derived from the old French embroiders meaning edge and border.
Below are the tools and materials used in Embroidery its uses.

1. Gauge - use to measure short distance

2. Tape measure- use for measuring more than

one-foot distance or materials

3. Thimbles- made from metal or plastic, protect

the middle finger and push the needle while
doing your embroidery work. This come in
sizes 6 (small) to 12 (large)

4. Embroidery hoop/stiletto- made of wood,

bone, metal or plastic use to make eyelets in
the fabric to be embroidered. It is also use to
keep the fabric stretched while embroidery
stitches are applied on the design.

5. Embroidery scissor- is small, sharp and

pointed-good for fine work use for trimming
scallops, clipping threads, and cutting large

6. Pounce- is fine powder used in transferring

design by pricking method.

7. Chenille- sizes 13-26 are also sharp-pointed
needles but they are thicker and longer and
have larger eyes. They are that types of
needles appropriate for embroidery that is
worked with heavier yarns.
8. Embroidery needle- a short pieces of steel
with a fine point at one end and a little opening
or eye at the other. The kind of embroidery
work to do and the kind of thread to use are
two things to be considered in choosing your
9. Crewell- sizes 1-10 are sharp-pointed, medium
length with large eyes for easy threading they
are used for most standard embroidery
10. Tapestry needle- is from sizes 13 -26. They
are similar in size to chenille but are blunt
rather than sharp. This makes them best for
thread-counting embroidery and for the needle
point as well.

11. Water color brush- use for transferring the

design using pricking and pouncing methods.

12. Pin cushion- a place for pins and needles.

13. Tracing paper- used for tracing designs.

14. Sewing box- use to keep together the

embroidery tools and materials.

15. Bag- to keep work clean and fresh, have a bag

made from washable material to hold your work
when not busy on it.

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 Note: Read and study this topic for your WEEK 2 DAY 2 Lesson , then answer ACTIVITY 4

1. Fabric- sometimes referred to as cloth, are of great variety and they differ in material, weight, weave,
design, color, and finish.

Three types of Fabric

 Common weave- includes most tightly woven fabrics with a relatively smooth surface like linen,
wool and cotton. They are best used for articles with decorative stitches.
 Even-weave- are intended for hard anger embroidery since the number of threads per square inch
is same for both warp and woof.
 Basket weave- is commonly used by beginners and ramie linen by those who have been used to
this embroidery. It supplies guidelines for cross stitch and smocking having an evenly spaced
pattern like gingham cloth and polka dots.

All fabrics should be prewashed before using them for quilting or embroidery. The filler that is used in
the fabric can cause havoc if it is not removed by washing prior to working with the fabric.

2. Thread- is available in various types. They differ in terms of texture, fiber content, number of strands
and colors. Threads are usually coded in numbers and color names. They can be bought in skeins,
balls or spools. The color of the thread should suit the color and texture of the design and the fabric to
be embroiders,

Proper Care of Embroidery Thread

As one of the most essential elements to the stitching process, it's important to ensure proper and
careful care of embroidery thread. Store it properly under controlled conditions to avoid the following
1. Thread dents—when a cone falls onto the floor, the point of impact can “dent” the thread,
resulting in a weak spot (or spots) that can ultimately lead to problems as the thread travels
toward the needle. This is a common problem for those that store unused cones on top of their
machine. Those cones will “walk” across the machine table due to the vibration of sewing and
ultimately end up on the floor.
2. Discoloring and fading—Threads, especially rayon, will fade when exposed to sunlight for
extended periods of time. If your threads are stored on a window sill or anywhere that sunlight
can strike them full force, you risk fading and discoloring.
3. Lint buildup—Threads that sit out, exposed to the elements of your shop’s environment, are
prone to dust and lint building up. Over time, such buildup can sink down into the threads. When
the thread travels through the upper thread path, it takes the crud with it, dispensing it along the
way onto critical surfaces (such as tensioners) that need to remain clean and smooth. The end
result will be inconsistent upper thread tension and possible thread breaks.
4. Brittleness—In addition to discoloring and fading, excessive exposure to sunlight can dry out
the thread and lead to brittleness in the fibers. Obviously, this will weaken the thread and lead to
excessive thread breaks.
F. Developing Mastery
Activity 3: WHAT AM I???
(answer this after reading WEEK 2 DAY 1 Lesson)
Direction: Identify the tool being described in each item. Fill in the missing letters to form the word

1. It is use for measuring more than one-foot distance or materials


2. It is made of wood, bone, metal or plastic use to make eyelets in the fabric to be embroidered.

3. It is a small, sharp and pointed-good for fine work use for trimming scallops, clipping threads,
and cutting large eyelets.

4. It sizes 13-26 are also sharp-pointed needles but they are thicker and longer and have larger

5. It is use for easier threading especially by those sewers with poor eyesight.

Activity 4: WHAT AM I???
(answer this after reading WEEK 2 DAY 2 Lesson)
Direction: Identify the tool being described in each item. Fill in the missing letters to form the word

1. They differ in terms of texture, fiber content, number of strands and colors. Threads are usually
coded in numbers and color names

2. This includes most tightly woven fabrics with a relatively smooth surface like linen, wool and
cotton. They are best used for articles with decorative stitches

3. It is sometimes referred to as cloth, are of great variety and they differ in material, weight,
weave, design, color, and finish.

4. This will happen when a cone falls onto the floor, resulting in a weak spot (or spots) that can
ultimately lead to problems as the thread travels toward the needle.

5. These are intended for hard anger embroidery since the number of threads per square inch is
same for both warp and woof
E N - E E

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity 5:
In your personal experience as a student, why is it important to know the tools and materials before
working on a project? _____________________________________________________________

H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

For every task that you have to do, it is very essential that you have to know first the tools and materials.
This will help you to save money, time and energy, subsequently resulting to a more fruitful output.

I. Evaluating learning

Direction: Identify the following tools and materials used in embroidery. Put a check (√) if the given item
is a tool or material needed embroidery and (x) if it is not.
______1. chenille ______6. pounce
______2. embroidery scissors ______7. tissue
______3. staple wire ______8. fabric
______4. plastic container ______9. thread
______5. gift wrapper ______10. tape measure

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

List down at least five (5) stitches that you are familiar with.

1st Quarter- Week 2 September 3-4, 2020 (Thursday – Friday)
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles and
concepts of embroidery
Performance Standard: The learner use basic tools in embroider and create
embroidered article
Learning Competency: L.O. 1: Use basic tools in embroidery
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. identify the basic tools and materials in embroidery,
2. perform the different embroidery stitches based on the given steps and;
3. observe proper use of tools .
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Embroidered Article
Learning Resources:
c. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production,
pages 5-27
d. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, embroidery tools and materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Activity 1: REVIEW CHECK

Direction: Identify the following tools and materials being described in each item. Write your answers
on the space provided before each number.
________________1. A type of needle used for most standard embroidery stitchery.
________________2. A tool used to keep pins and needles in place
________________3. It is use for easier threading especially by those sewers with poor eyesight
________________4. Use to protect the middle finger and push the needle while doing embroidery work
________________5. It is used to measure short distances

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you are expected to perform the different stitches based on the
given steps and you must observe the proper use of tools.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

Activity 2: ANSWER ME WHAT!

Answer the following questions based on your own observation.
1. What are the typical or most common stitches that you could find in your clothing?
2. What do you/ your parent usually do when your clothes were tattered?

D. Discussing new concepts

Note: Read, understand and perform the following task in the specified day indicated below.
 WEEK 2 Day 3- Stitches 1, 2 & 3
Embroidery Stitches
There are various embroidery stitches which you can choose from when you do embroidery work.
For you to gain more skill on this line, below are the illustration of some of the embroidery stitches
which will help and guide you as you enjoy working on this lovely craft.

1. Back stitch- the most often used to outline a design. This stitch also forms the base line for other
embroidery stitches
2. Cross-stitch- stitched formed by two crossing arms and may be used for outlining, as borders or to
fill in an entire area.
3. Running stitch- considered being the easiest stitch for outlining.

 WEEK 2 Day 4- Stitches 4, 5 & 6
4. Seed- also known as rice grain stitch. Stitch uses simple straight stitches in a single direction to fill
in patterns. It has shorter stitches above the fabric and longer stitches on the reverse side. They
remind of strawberry seeds, probably, which inspired its name
5. Chain stitch- one of the more popular stitches used for outlining. When worked in close rows,
stitches make good stitches for filling the design area.
6. Satin stitch- a solid filling stitch that is used to cover a design area with long, straight stitches
worked very close together

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 WEEK 2 Day 4- Stitches 4, 5 & 6

1. Seed Stitch

a. Make rows of short running stitch as illustrated. You need

not do row after row, as long as the strawberry seed
pattern is more or less maintained.

b. Try not bend with the curves of the pattern. The rows of
running stitch should essentially be done in straight lines.
2. Chain stitch

a. Bring the needle through at the top of the traced line

b. Hold the working thread down towards the left with the

c. Insert the needle at the point where the thread has just come
through and bring it up on the traced line about one-sixteenth
of an inch / 1.5mm further along.

3. Satin stitch

a. Bring the needle out through A and put it in through B. So,

that makes a stitch which covers a small area between the
stitch lines.

b. Now, bring the needle back through C, a point very close

to A. Continue this action over the two stitch lines.

c. Once finished, the area is filled as shown . You will be

spending as much thread on the reverse side as you do on
the actual side of the fabric.

 WEEK 2 Day 4- Stitches 4, 5 & 6

4. Seed Stitch

c. Make rows of short running stitch as illustrated. You need

not do row after row, as long as the strawberry seed
pattern is more or less maintained.

d. Try not bend with the curves of the pattern. The rows of
running stitch should essentially be done in straight lines.
5. Chain stitch

d. Bring the needle through at the top of the traced line

e. Hold the working thread down towards the left with the

f. Insert the needle at the point where the thread has just come
through and bring it up on the traced line about one-sixteenth
of an inch / 1.5mm further along.

6. Satin stitch

d. Bring the needle out through A and put it in through B. So,

that makes a stitch which covers a small area between the
stitch lines.

e. Now, bring the needle back through C, a point very close

to A. Continue this action over the two stitch lines.

f. Once finished, the area is filled as shown . You will be

spending as much thread on the reverse side as you do on
the actual side of the fabric.

F. Developing Mastery
Activity 3: LOOK FOR ME!
Direction: Identify the kind of embroidery stitches that is being described. Choose your answer from the
words written on the box and write your answers on the space provided before each number.
Cross Stitch Running stitch Satin Stitch
Chain Stitch Backstitch Seed Stitch

________________1. The most often used to outline a design. This stitch also forms the base line for
other embroidery stitches
________________2. It is a solid filling stitch that is used to cover a design area with long, straight
stitches worked very close together
________________3. It is also known as rice grain stitch. Stitch uses simple straight stitches in a single
direction to fill in patterns.

________________4.The stitched formed by two crossing arms and may be used for outlining, as
borders or to fill in an entire area.
________________5.It is one of the more popular stitches used for outlining. When worked in close rows,
chain stitches make good stitches for filling the design area.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Show that you have learned something by doing the six (6) different stitches on a 4x4 inch piece of plain
fabric following the schedule below.
 WEEK 2 Day 3- Stitches 1, 2 & 3
 WEEK 2 Day 4- Stitches 4, 5 & 6

Attach your finish output on a one whole sheet of pad paper and label them accordingly.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
The knowledge and skills learned from embroidery nurtures your creativity and ingenuity. It also gives
you the opportunity to have the resources to tackle DIY projects which are common in today’s
generation and it is very timely and useful in this present pandemic. Dreaming and anticipating about
having a room decorated in your favorite character can be transferred into reality as embroidery gives
you control by allowing you to create your own world by embroidering those characters on pillow cases,
curtains, dresser scarves and framed works that can be made and placed in your respective room.
I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Identify the following embroidery stitches.

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Refresh your mind about the “COLOR WHEEL” in preparation for the next lesson.

1st Quarter - Week 3 September 7 – 8, 2020 (Monday – Tuesday)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the
principles and concepts of embroidery
Performance Standard: The learner use basic tools in embroider and create
embroidered article
Learning Competency: LO2. Create embroidered article
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. create embroidered article based on the principles and elements of design,
2. apply color scheme in creating the design,
3. transfer design following the given steps and;
4. observe good working habits
Content:(Subject Matter) Create embroidered article
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 29-
b. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, color wheel, embroidery tools and
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
1. What are the things do you consider when your teacher asked you to design a project?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
After reading and understanding this lesson, you will acquire facts about the principles and elements of
design and consider the learning gained on color scheme when creating design.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson
Activity 2: SORT THE WHEEL!
Categorize each item based on the color wheel. List down all PRIMARY COLORS in Column A,
1. Red 4. Yellow- green
2. Orange 5. Purple
3. Blue 6. Yellow
Column A Column B Column C

Check your answers after understanding the principles and elements of design and color scheme.
D. Discussing new concepts
 Note: Read and study this topic for your WEEK 3 DAY 1 Lesson, then answer ACTIVITY 3
Principles of Design
Always bear in mind that design is the arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the purpose of
achieving order and beauty.
1. Harmony
Harmony is the Law of Unity with variety. This principle infers repetition of line, form, shape and
2. Proportion
Pertains to the relationship in size between a part and the whole.
3. Balance
May be produced in two ways, either formal or informal. Formal balance or symmetry has equal
color, shape, and size on either side of a design. While the informal occult has unequal proportion.
4. Rhythm
It is a smooth related movement. Pattern and line carry the eyes along without jerky motion. The
eye automatically connects points in space.
5. Emphasis
The eye is carried first to the most important part of the design and then to the other details in
order of their importance. This referred to as the center of interest of a design.

Elements of design
1. Line
Skeleton or basic foundation sketch to direct the eye vertically or horizontally.
2. Texture
Refers to the surface appearance which is either rough or smooth, dull or glossy, thick or thin
3. Color
Color may be cool, warm, bright or dull. Choosing the right color will greatly affect the appearance
of your finished project.

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 Note: Read and study this topic for your WEEK 3 DAY 2 Lesson , then answer ACTIVITY 4

Below is a color wheel consisting of twelve colors which will give you an idea to make successful
choice of color.

There are also definitions (or categories) of colors based on the color wheel. We begin with a 3-part
color wheel.
 Primary Colors:
Red, yellow and blue. In traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), primary colors are
the 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. All
other colors are derived from these 3 hues.
 Secondary Colors:
Green, orange and purple. These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors.
 Tertiary Colors:
Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-green. These are the
colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the hue is a two word
name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange

Color scheme
A. Related Colors
1. Monochromatic Harmony
One color of different shade
2. Analogous Harmony
Three neighboring colors, one of which is dominant

B. Contrasting Colors
1. Complementary
Colors opposite each other in the color wheel
2. Double Complementary
Two neighboring colors and their opposite colors
3. Split Complementary
Three colors diagonal with each other
4. Triad

The color in between three spaces in color wheel

F. Developing Mastery

Activity 3: IS IT YES OR NO???

(answer this after reading WEEK 3 DAY 1 Lesson)
Direction: Read the following statement and analyze whether they are correct or not. Write YES if the
given statement is stating facts and NO if it is not.
_______1. Proportion pertains to the relationship in size between a part and the whole.
_______2. Design is the arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the purpose of achieving
order and beauty.
_______3. Rhythm is a principle that infers repetition of line, form, shape and size.
_______4. Emphasis referred to as the center of interest of a design.
_______5. Line refers to the surface appearance which is rough or smooth, dull or glossy, thick or thin.


(answer this after reading WEEK 3 DAY 2 Lesson)
Direction: Classify the following colors write PC for Primary color, SC for Secondary color and TC for
Tertiary color.
_______1. Blue
_______2. Blue-violet
_______3. Green
_______4. Orange
_______5. Red

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

In your perception, why is it important to know and apply the principles, elements and color
scheme when designing certain project or item?.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

You can only produce good embroidered articles if you know how to create a good design and
use the right color of thread for it. Careful study of the principles of design and strictly following it will
help you produce a good design
I. Evaluating learning
Direction: Read the following carefully. Choose your answer from the words written on the box. Write
your answer on the space provided before the number.

Choices for items 1-5

Rhythm Line Color
Emphasis Formal balance Harmony

_______________________1. It has equal color, shape, and size on either side of a design
_______________________2. In this principle pattern and line carry the eyes along without jerky
_______________________3. It is the Law of Unity with variety.
_______________________4. This refers to the skeleton or basic foundation sketch to direct the eye
vertically or horizontally.
_______________________5. This may be cool, warm, bright or dull and choosing it rightly will greatly
affect the appearance of your finished project.

Choices for items 6-10

Complimentary Triad Split complementary
Analogous Monochromatic Double

_______________________6. Colors in between three spaces in the color wheel.
_______________________7. Two neighboring colors and their opposite.
_______________________8. Three neighboring colors one of which is dominant.
_______________________9. Colors opposite each other in the color wheel.
_______________________10. One color of different shade.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

What are the three ways of transferring designs on fabric?

1st Quarter - Week 3 September 9-11, 2020 (Wednesday – Friday)
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the
principles and concepts of embroidery
Performance Standard: The learner use basic tools in embroider and create
embroidered article
Learning Competency: LO2. Create embroidered article
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. create embroidered article based on the principles and elements of design,
2. apply color scheme in creating the design,
3. transfer design following the given steps and;
4. observe good working habits
Content:(Subject Matter) Create embroidered article
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 29-
b. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, color wheel, embroidery tools and
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Activity 1: FANATIC OR NOT?

1. Are you passionate of these trendy clothes? Why or why not?

2. What is your idea of the process in manufacturing these items?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you should create embroidered article based on the
principles and elements of design and apply color scheme in creating the design. You should also
observe good working habits while transferring design following the given steps.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

The embroidery design you choose reflects who you are or the purpose for which your project is
being done. For a more individual touch, you may create. If this is not possible you may copy a design
from commercially available books on embroidery. Whichever make sure that the design you choose
will not only suit your purpose but will also enhance the beauty of your fabric.

D. Discussing new concepts

Note: Read, understand and perform the following task in the specified day indicated below.
 WEEK 3 Day 3- Transferring Designs 1 & 2
There are several ways of transferring designs on fabric. Among these are ironing, tracing, and
1. Hot-iron Transfer
Some designs sold in craft stores are printed on thin transfer sheets. These are called hot-iron
transfers, the easiest among the three methods. To use a hot-iron transfer, first remove excess paper
around the design, place the design on the fabric, then pin at the corners. Make sure your flatiron is at
low setting before pressing it over an area of the design for a few seconds. Lift the iron then move it to
another area of the design. Remember not to glide the iron over the design as this can ruin the design.


2. Tracing Method
Designs may also be transferred using a tracing wheel and preferably dressmaker’s carbon paper.
However, when no carbon paper of this type is available, ordinary carbon paper may be used. Utmost
care should be taken though in using the latter type as it can smear badly on the fabric. Remember to
use light-colored carbon paper if your fabric is of a light color.
The steps in this method are as follows:
1. Place your design right side up on your fabric
then pin at the corners. Slowly insert the carbon
paper or dressmaker’s carbon, carbon side down,
between the design and fabric.

2. Using a tracing wheel, go over the lines of the design.

3. You may also use a pencil or any sharp or pointed

instrument to trace the design

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 WEEK 3 Day 4- Transferring Designs 3 and Good Working Habits
3. Stamping
In transferring designs by stamping, you will need soft absorbent cloth, indigo, kerosene or
petroleum, sheets of newspaper, your perforated design, and the fabric on which you want to stamp
your design. A perforated pattern of your design is made by pricking holes along the lines of the design.
The steps in this method are as follows:
1. Form the soft absorbent cloth into ball

2. Mix 1 part indigo and 1 ½ parts kerosene or petroleum to

make a smooth thin paste. This will be your blueing mixture

3. Spread sheet of newspaper on a flat surface. Lay the fabric

on the newspapers. Be sure the warp and woof threads of
the fabric are aligned.

4. Lay the perforated pattern smooth side up on the part of the

fabric where the design is to be placed. Pin the corners of
the design.

5. Dip the ball of cloth in blueing mixture. Rub the ball of cloth
over the design in one stroke or direction only.

6. To check if the design had been correctly transferred, lift
one corner of the pattern carefully

7. When the design has been fully transferred, remove the

perforated pattern. Using a small amount of kerosene, clear the
design of unwanted imprints. Air dry your finished work.


To ensure cleanliness and maintain the good quality of your work, always bear in mind the
following good working habits.
1. Have clean sewing box with complete sewing tools.
2. Wash your hand before working.
3. Assemble all needed materials.
4. Clip or tie your hair while working so you can see your work clearly.
5. Use the appropriate needle for the right kind of cloth.
6. Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a plastic bag.
7. Use embroidery scissors in cutting thread, not your teeth.
8. An elbow length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing.
9. Work with your hands and not with your lips.
10. Follow the step-by-step procedure.
11. Fold correctly and keep your fabric in plastic after working each day.
12. Clean your working area before living the room.

F. Developing Mastery
Activity 2: ABC STEPS!
(answer this after reading WEEK 3 DAY 3 Lesson)
Direction: Arrange the following steps chronologically. Write a for the first step, b for the second and so
on. Write your answer on the space before the number. Some answers were already been given for
Hot-iron Transfer
______1. Lift the iron then move it to another area of the design.
______2. Place the design on the fabric, then pin at the corners.
______3. Remove excess paper around the design.
___c__4. Set flatiron at low setting before pressing it over an area of the design for a few seconds.

Tracing Method
______1. Go over the lines of the design using a tracing wheel, a pencil or any sharp or pointed
instrument to trace the design.
___b__2. Insert the carbon paper or dressmaker’s carbon, carbon side down, between the design and
______3. Place your design right side up on your fabric then pin at the corners.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity 3: BELIEVE OR NOT?
(answer this after reading WEEK 3 DAY 4 Lesson)
Direction: Read the following statement and analyze whether they are correct or not. Put a √ on the
space before the number if the given statement is stating facts and X if it is not.
______1. Bernie see it to that before he start his work, he will wash first his hands.
______2. Mrs. Quiwa always reminds her students that they could perform the steps randomly.
______3. Paul instructed his partner to cut the thread using his teeth.
______4. For Fiona to see her work clearly, she ties her hair while working.
______5. Every student in Ms. Perez’s class is responsible enough in cleaning the working area before
living the room.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

It is not enough that you are aware of the different embroidery stitches, tools and materials needed
in embroidery work. How to do it correctly, neatly and beautifully is also just important.

I. Evaluating learning

 WEEK 3 Day 5- Transferring Designs Application

Activity 4: HOW DO YOU APPLY?
(Note: 1. In giving grades on your work, please refer to the rubric written below.
2. You may choose your preferred way of transferring design for as long as it will not be
dangerous on your part and the tools and materials needed are just in your own houses.
3. How to make the embroided t-shirt below may serve as your example but you may choose
your preferred one. )
T-shirt 100% cotton (old/new) Scissors
Pattern (You may create your own pattern) Needle
Stabilizer or interfacing Embroidery hoop
Embroidery floss

1. First, pick a shirt to embellish. A 100% cotton shirt works best.
2. Transfer your pattern onto your shirt. If you are ironing your pattern onto your shirt, use a
piece of cardboard between the front and back of your shirt to avoid the possibility of the ink
bleeding through.
3. Secure stabilizer to the fabric using your hoop. If you find the stabilizer too floppy, you can
tack it to the shirt at its corners using a bit of thread.
4. Use small stitches when working on stretch fabric so that there's less puckering of the fabric
around the stitches.
5. Split stitch to decorate the shirt. (Other stitches may use defending on your choice)
6. Once you've finished stitching, trim the excess stabilizer from around your stitching. If you're
using a tear-away or cut-away interfacing, carefully remove it at this point.
7. Rinse the shirt in cool water to dissolve the remaining interfacing.


Design and color 25% PS TS
Simplicity and artistry 10
Simple and appropriate design 8
Properly placed design 7
Workmanship 50%
Good working habits 20
Used appropriate tools 15
Different stitches are applied to design following the correct 15
Neatness 10%
No stain or dirt 5
Starting and closing stitches not noticeable, no ravels or 5
hanging threads
General appearance 15%
Beautiful finished article 8
Worthy of the time, effort and material used 7
PS Perfect score
TS Teacher’s Score
Attach your finish output on a one whole sheet of pad paper and label them accordingly

J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Make an advance reading of the following:
1. Definition of recycling
2. Types of recycling
3. Common materials used in recycling

1st Quarter - Week 4 September 14-15, 2020 (MONDAY – TUESDAY)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the

principles and concepts of recycling
Performance Standard: The learner understands and create recycled project.
Learning Competency: LO 1. Understand Recycling
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. identified recycled articles based on recyclable materials.
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Recycled Project
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 44-
b. Instructional Materials recyclable materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson


Fill in the boxes with words that is synonymous or related with the word recycling.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you will learn most of the things related to recycling
together with its concrete definition and its two types. Likewise, you will its advantages will be tackled.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

Activity 2: IS TRUE OR NOT?

Read the following statement and analyze whether they are correct or not. Write TRUE on the space
before the number if the given statement is stating facts and FALSE if it is not.
___________1. Recycling which is the process of transforming an item which has already served its
original purpose but is still durable into something that can still be used for another
___________2. Buying new product is one good answer to the worsening problem of garbage disposal.
___________3. There is truth in saying that “There is cash in trash”
___________4. External recycling Involves the use of materials that are waste products of a
manufacturing process.
___________5. A good example of internal recycling is the processing of spent grain mash, a waste
product of distillation, into cattle feeds

D. Discussing new concepts

 Note: Read and study this topic for your WEEK 4 DAY 1 Lesson, then answer ACTIVITY 3

Garbage disposal is one of the biggest problems we Filipinos face. There are so many things
we waste, throw away, burn or just take for granted and yet the sophisticated first world for waste is not
within our reach.
Recycling which is the process of transforming an item which has already served its original
purpose but is still durable into something that can be still used for another purpose is one good answer
to the worsening problem of garbage disposal. Instead of throwing away the scraps we have at home,
and waste them totally, we can be more imaginative, creative and resourceful person by seeing
potential in waste materials. There is truth in saying that “There is cash in trash”. All we need is a little
entrepreneurship skill and a lot of concern for environment.
There are many materials that are locally available in your community which you can recycle into
useful and artistic articles for personal and home use.
Types of Recycling
1. Internal Recycling- involves the use of materials that are waste products of a manufacturing

process.an example of this is the processing of spent grain mash ,a waste product of distillation,
into cattle feeds.

2. External Recycling- is the reclaiming of materials from a product that has been worn out due to
constant use. A good example of this type is the conversion of old newspapers and magazines
into other paper product.

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 Note: Read, study and reflect on this topic for your WEEK 4 DAY 2 Lesson , then answer

Advantages of Recycling
1. Decrease pollution and ease the garbage pollution
2. Conserve resources
3. Enhance creativity and resourcefulness
4. Potential in making a profitable business
5. Makes people environmentally aware
6. Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials
7. Makes governments and businesses choose programs and apply policies in consideration of
preserving and respecting the environment.

F. Developing Mastery


(answer this after reading WEEK 4 DAY 1 Lesson)
Direction: Read the following carefully. Choose your answer from the words written on the box. Write
your answer on the space provided before the number. Answer may be repeated.
Garbage disposal Recycling
Corruption Reducing
Internal Recycling External recycling

__________________1. It is the process of transforming an item which has already served its original
purpose but still it is durable into something that can be used for another
__________________2. It involves the use of materials that are waste products of a manufacturing
process. An example of this is the processing of spent grain mash, a waste
product of distillation, into cattle feeds.
__________________3. It is the reclaiming of materials from a product that has been worn out due to
constant use. A good example of this type is the conversion of old new papers
and magazines into other paper product.
__________________4. It is one of the major problems of the Philippines that can be resolved through
__________________5. It is one good answer to the worsening problem of garbage disposal

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living


(answer this after reading WEEK 4 DAY 2 Lesson)
Draw HAPPY FACE ( ) on the space before the number if the given statement is true and SAD
FACE ( ) if it is not.
_________1. People initiative in recycling waste materials discourages our government and business
enterprises to choose programs in preserving and respecting the environment.
_________2. Our heart in recycling could promote scientific advancements in recyclable and
biodegradable materials.
_________3. Lovely became environmentally aware when she started to recycle waste materials in
their barangay as an effect of his bad experience brought by garbage.
_________4. City of San Fernando through its government officials and residents is promoting proper
waste disposal and recycling; as a result, it increases pollution and worsen their garbage
_________5. Angel started her profitable business by simply recycling their wastes in their locality.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Like the saying goes, “Don’t ask what the government can do for you; ask yourself what you can
do for the government”. As an individual, you have the capacity to help the government in solving the
problem in garbage disposal. Your little way of showing concern and love to our environment can make
a big difference.

I. Evaluating learning

I. Direction: Read the following carefully. Fill in the missing letters to form the word identified in each
item. Write your answer on the space provided below each number.

1. It involves the use of materials that are waste products of a manufacturing process. An example
of this is the processing of spent grain mash, a waste product of distillation, into cattle feeds.

2. It is the process of transforming an item which has already served its original purpose but still it
is durable into something that can be used for another purpose

3. It is one of the major problems of the Philippines that can be resolved through recycling

4. It is the reclaiming of materials from a product that has been worn out due to constant use. A
good example of this type is the conversion of old new papers and magazines into other paper

5. It is one of the negative effects of improper garbage disposal that could be decreased through

II. Read the following statement and analyze whether those underlined words/phrases are advantages
of recycling or not. Put a √ on the space before the number if the given statement is one of the
advantages and X if it is not.

_________6. Recycling makes people environmentally aware and think for a better and healthy
_________7. Mr. Regala and his family saved money when they started recycling their garbage at
_________8. Ian had decorated their house without spending much of their money by just recycling
waste products .
_________9.Whoever follows the principle of 3R’s (reuse, reduce and recycle) destroys our resources.
_________10. Ella is fun of making recycled home decorations during her free time that’s why her
creativity and resourcefulness was enhanced.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Tour yourself around your house. Look for something that you think could be recycled instead of just
throwing it.

1st Quarter - Week 4 September 16, 2020 (Wednesday)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the

principles and concepts of recycling
Performance Standard: The learner understands and create recycled project.
Learning Competency: LO 1. Understand Recycling
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. identified recycled articles based on recyclable materials.
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Recycled Project
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production,
pages 44-50
b. Instructional Materials recyclable materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Activity 1: 4 PICS 1 WORD


What word could you produce out of these four (4) pictures?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you are expected to identify the common materials used
in recycling and appreciate the significance of recycling in your everyday living

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson


Like in your subject in English, try you to analyze and see the message or meaning of the four (4)
images in Activity 1. What can you say on these pictures

D. Discussing new concepts

Common Materials Used in Recycling

There are a lot of waste materials that can be recycled. In cities as well as in many rural areas, paper is
one of the most abundant and available waste materials. It comes in many forms like old newspapers and
magazines, boxes, wrapping paper, office waste, old telephone directories, and the like. Plastic containers
come in second and tin cans, third. Used clothing is also abundant. Also considered recyclable are glass
bottles. Manufacturing wastes like yarns and fabric scraps are also highly usable materials. The following are
common materials used in recycling.
1. Paper
2. Plastic containers
3. Glass bottles
4. Fabric scraps

5. Yarn wastes
6. Tin cans

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

The following table lists are the articles that may be made from these recyclable materials.

Material Articles
1. Paper Paper woven basket, paper mache articles, paper beads,
paper sculpture, boxes for gift wrapping, album covers
and paper bags
2. Plastic containers Planters, plant tag, plastic sculpture and organizers
3. Glass bottles Storage items terrariums, cut bottles, bent bottles and
glass tiles
4. Fabric scraps Quilting and patchwork projects, rugs, stuffed toys, hair
accessories, fabric flowers and collages
5. Yarn wastes Rugs, embroidery, yarn dolls, crocheted or knitted articles
and string art
6. Tin cans Canisters, planters, candle holders, kerosene lamp, metal
F. Developing Mastery
Activity 3: SCRAMBLED IT UP!
Arrange the jumbled letters below to come up with the common materials used in recycling . Write your
answer on the space provided.

brfaci spracs citsalp sreniatnoc rayn setwas

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

reapp nti nsca slags botestl

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Why is it important to recycle waste materials in our respective homes, community and subsequently in
our country?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

There are so many things we take it for granted, we waste, throw away and burn. We are dreaming and
asking too much from the government and its official and yet the sophisticated first world for waste is not
within our reach.

I. Evaluating learning

I. Direction :Answer the given crossword puzzle in 1 minute. You have to look for the five common
materials used in recycling.


II. Direction: Determine whether the following is a common material used in recycling or not. List down
all the common materials used in recycling in Column A and those which are not in Column B.
Wood Fabric scraps Yarn wastes
Paper Tin cans Glass bottles
Steel Rubber Sand
Plastic containers


J. Additional activities for application or remediation

List down at least three(3) wastes in your house you usually throw.

1st Quarter - Week 4 September 17-18, 2020 (Thursday – Friday)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the
principles and concepts of recycling

Performance Standard: The learner understands and create recycled project.
Learning Competency: LO 1. Understand Recycling
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. identified recycled articles based on recyclable materials
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Recycled Project
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 44-
b. Instructional Materials recyclable materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Activity 1: WHY OH WHY?

Based on yesterday’s lesson, in your own point of view, why is it important to recycle waste materials?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you are expected to identify items that can be recycled and
the possible output that can be made out of them.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson


Determine which item is a common material used in recycling or which is not. Write CM if it
common material used in recycling and NC if it is not.
_________1. Paper
_________2. Pencil
_________3. Plastic containers
_________4. Rubber
_________5. Tin cans

D. Discussing new concepts

Look around your home. Take note of the things that are normally thrown away or disposed of after they
have been used for their original purpose. Think of the articles into which an item can be converted or
recycled. List down all the observations you have made.

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts


(answer this part on WEEK 4 Day 4)
Complete the table below based on your observation made a while ago. . An example has been
provided to guide you.

Item Original Purpose Recycling Possibility

EX. Plastic powder canister Container powder Saving Bank


F. Developing Mastery

(answer this part and the remaining parts below on WEEK 4 Day 5)

List down at least two (2) articles or products that could be made out of the following materials.
1. Newspaper- __________________
2. Pet bottles- __________________
3. Used clothes- __________________

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

List down two (2) importance/ benefits you can get in knowing the possible product out of the
wastes in your house.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

You can make things possible if you just take some steps toward your goal. You can save and earn
money through recycling if you will have a little entrepreneurship skills and a lot of concern to our
environment. In this way, you can help uplift the economic status of your family especially during this
time of crisis which most Filipino families are badly in need in terms of financial matter to sustain your
way of living.

I. Evaluating learning
I. Direction: The following are lists of the articles that are made from the common materials used in
recycling. Categorize the articles by writing them on the box where they are made of.

candle holders paper bags boxes for gift wrapping

embroidery kerosene lamp glass tiles
plastic sculpture plant tag rugs
quilting and patchwork projects organizers stuffed toys
planters terrariums hair accessories
yarn dolls paper sculpture paper beads fabric flowers and collages
album covers cut bottles bent bottles
crocheted or knitted articles string art paper woven basket
canisters metal art


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
1. 1.
2. 2.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Ask your parent if they know how to make a basket from a newspaper/ magazine and plastic bottle
vase. Take down notes on the tools and materials and procedure they know i making the said article

1st Quarter - Week 5 September 21 – 25, 2020 (Monday – Friday)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the
principles and concepts of recycling
Performance Standard: The learner understands and create recycled project.
Learning Competency: LO 2. Create Recycled project
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. produced artistically recycled articles based on the given steps,
2. use tools properly, and ;
3. observe good working habits.
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce recycled project
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 50-
b. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, recycled materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Activity 1: FILL IT UP!

Fill in the boxes with the needed information.


Types of Recycling Common Materials used in Recycling

1. 1. 4.
2. 2. 5.
3. 6.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you are required to produce an article made from
newspaper or any paper available in your house.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson
Activity 2: LOOK AND TELL!
Take a closer look on the picture below. List down tools and materials that you think are needed to
complete the project.

D. Discussing new concepts

 Note: Read and study this topic for your WEEK 5 DAY 1 Lesson. Then try to prepare all the
tools and materials listed below and the things that you think you can use in order to
finish the article artistically.

Basket from a Newspaper/Magazine

Tools and Materials
Old Newspapers/magazines
Accessories (Optional)

You may add tools and materials that can be used in making your project:

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

WEEK 5 DAY 1 Lesson

1. Trim the fold from a section of your paper to release each of the
12-inch x 22-inch individual pages.

2. Fold each page in half along its length, then into quarters, then
into eighths. The resulting strips should be about 1-1/2 inches x 22
inches. You'll need a lot of them

3. Start by interweaving the centers of four strips, as shown. If

needed, a single staple or a dot of glue can be placed at each
overlap to hold it in place

4. Continue weaving strips to the dimension of your choice. My

basket was ten strips by eight strips (or 15 inches x 12 inches

5. For the sides of your basket, simply fold all strips upward at 90
degrees and continue weaving. Be sure to keep your strips snugly
woven. Patience is your friend at this point

6. At the corners, simply bend your side strips and continue
weaving along the adjacent edges. Glue or staples are particularly
recommended for this first course of side strips to hold things in

7. Along the top edge, add a double-folded strip (e.g., a regular

strip folded in half again to give it added thickness). This "strut'
added strength to the top rim. Strips protruding from the top edge
were simply folded over this strut and glued in place along the
inside of the basket.

8. For decoration, add a pale blue ribbon (or any color of your
choice) along the fourth course of weaving (right over the top of
the newsprint strip) and a darker blue ribbon along the top edge.

9. A detail showing a darker strip of ribbon along the top edge.

Adhered this in place using fabric glue.

Note: For a glossy finish, apply a natural varnish.

F. Developing Mastery


 Show that you learned something by doing this project. Perform all the nine (9) steps
above using the tools properly and observe good working habits to come up with an
excellent output but not compromising your safety.
 You will be assessed following the scorecard written in the Letter I of this module.
 Do your activity in your WEEK 5 Day 2-5

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity 5: IT’S A MUST!

In your personal experience as a student, why is it important to prepare the tools and materials before
working on a project? _________________________________________________________

H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

Plan your work, work your plan. Always remember this simple saying; it is applicable anywhere,
everywhere and anytime. It is necessary that you must know first your goal to be achieved, then do
some actions/ steps towards it.

I. Evaluating learning
Design and color 25% PS TS
Simplicity and artistry 5
Following the Principles of design 10
Pleasing color combination 10
Workmanship 60%
Used appropriate tools 20
Method of construction suited to the material or design of the article 10
Finishing applied, suited to design, material and use 10
Good working habit 20
General appearance 15%
Finished project, pleasing and attractive 8
Finished project, worth the time effort spent 7
TOTAL 100%

PS Perfect score
TS Teacher’s Score

Attach your finish output on a one whole sheet of pad paper and label them accordingly.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

If you still have time, try to find waste in your houses and turn it into something usable again.

1st Quarter - Week 6 September 28 – October 2, 2020

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles and
concepts of gift wrapping
Performance Standard: The learner understands wrapping of gift items.
Learning Competency: L.O. 1: Wrap gift items
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. use tools properly and;
2. applies principles and elements of design.
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Wrapped Gift Items
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 64-
b. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, gift wrapping tools and materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson


Answer the following questions based on your experience or one of the experiences of your family
1. What do you usually do when your loved ones are celebrating special occasion in their lives?
( like birthday, anniversaries, Christmas day, father’s or mother’s day and the like)
2. How do you feel when you make them happy?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you will acquire knowledge about the basic tools and
materials in gift wrapping and how to use them accordingly. In addition, you must apply the principles
and elements of design when wrapping a box and creating a gift box.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

Activity 2: CHECK IT OUT!

Direction: Put a √ on the space before the number if the given item is one of the tools and materials
and X if it is not.
_______1. Tissue
______ 2. Wrapping paper
_______3. Scissor
_______4. Paint
_______5. Ribbons

D. Discussing new concepts

 WEEK 6- DAY 1Lesson

Filipinos are known for being warm and affectionate. Sending of gifts on special occasions is one
way of expressing our affection and concern. We send gifts on special occasions such as birthdays,
Christmas, Easter, Christening, Wedding, Valentine’s Day and other instances.
Wrapping and packing are essential parts of giving. A gift in personalized gift wrap is a delightful way
of sending love to a friend or loved one.

 Materials needed for Gift Wrapping

Gift boxes or containers
Wrapping paper
Ribbons and bows
Decorative items like paper flowers, lace, twine, etc.
Tags and labels

 Tools

Hole puncher
Glue stick

Philippine Made Materials for Gift Wrapping

The Philippines known as to many as “Pearl of the Orient Seas” is noted for abundant natural
resources. The Philippine is rich in land and sea resources where raw materials for making native
products can be sourced. Famous native products such as baskets from rattan, Buri hats, native
Anahaw fans, Abaca bags and many others are good materials for unique and personalized gift

Other Philippine made ecology-friendly materials for packing and wrapping gifts are following:
 Gift containers- bayong bags made of buri, coconut leaves, tampipi (small rectangular buri box),
native baskets, boxes made of our Philippine wood like narra and amboo, corrugated papers.
 Wrapping- sinamay,abaca, raffia, etc
 Ribbons and bows- abaca strings, shells, dried flowers, twigs, etc.

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 WEEK 6- DAY 2 Lesson

Gift Wrapping
Wrapping plain boxes is an art which can be achieved through careful choice of paper and ribbon.
You should treat every gift wrap an artist treats a canvas. Gift wrapping is an art of packing, wrapping
and decorating an item or article to be given as a gift. Make sure you have enough wrapping paper.
Tape sheets together with a glue stick or a scotch tape.
Gift wrapping is not necessarily confined to paper. You can use other materials like printed or plain
colored cardboard boxes, painted wooden boxes, our naïve Philippine materials like sinamay, raffia,
abaca, native bags or buri and many more.

F. Developing Mastery
 WEEK 6 DAY 2 Lesson and Activity

1. Roll out the wrapping paper. Be sure you have enough paper to fit
around the entire gift. Measure if necessary, leaving a few extra
inches to be sure you are completely covered.

2. Once the paper is cut to the right size, place your gift face down in
the middle of the paper. Bring paper from the long side of the box, up
to the middle of your package. Pull both sides tightly so the paper
hugs your package smoothly, and tape

3. Next, you need to close the ends. Face the open end towards you
and fold the right and left edges, pushing the sides in next to your
box, to form flaps.

4. Fold top flap down to the box, pulling tightly, and tape. Fold the
bottom flap up tightly and tape. Repeat on other side of package.

5. Position box so top is facing up. Run your thumb and forefinger
across the edges of the box to create a creased edge. Repeat on
bottom of the box.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living


Scenario: It’s the 40 birthday of your mother two weeks from now. You want it to be special but the

problem is you have limited budget because you don’t have excess allowance brought about by Covid-
19 situation. What can you do now to make it memorable without spending much money?

H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

One way of showing love, care, gratitude, appreciation and sincerity is giving gift to our loved ones
on their special day. The cost doesn’t really matters; it is the thought that count.

I. Evaluating learning
 WEEK 6- DAY 3-5
Make gift bag following the steps given below.

1. Cut a piece of paper to 9.5 x 15 inches. Colored or patterned craft paper

is ideal for this project, but wrapping paper or newspaper will do if you had
something more delicate in mind.

2. Place the paper in front of you on a flat surface. Make sure to place it in
“landscape” orientation – i.e. long sides up and down, short sides to the
left and right

3. Fold the bottom edge of the paper up 2 inches (5 cm) and sharply
crease the fold. When you’re done, unfold. Note for later that this will
become the bottom of the bag.

4. Fold the sides of the bag into place. Be sure to maintain the landscape
orientation as you work.

4.1 Locate the center points of the top and bottom edges. To do this,
either measure with a ruler or simply lift the paper, maintain the
orientation, bring the short sides together as though you were folding the
whole thing in half, and pinch the top and bottom of the would-be fold to
mark where the center of each long side is. Lightly mark these spots with a

4.2 Mark the paper again a half inch (13 mm) to both the left and right of
each center point. When you’re done, you should have six marks total:
three centered within one long edge of your paper and three centered
within the other.

4.3 Bring the right edge of the paper to the left-most pencil lines and
fold. Once the fold is properly creased, unfold. Repeat the inverse on the
opposite side.

4.4 Flip the paper over, re-fold the left and right sides downward toward
the center, and glue them where they overlap. Be sure to fold along the
same lines as before (but note that the folds will be inverted). Let the glue
dry completely before moving on to the next step.

5. Flip the bag over so that it sits glued-side-down. Make sure to orient it
so that one of the open ends points toward you.

6. Fold the side-creases inward to create a slight accordion effect.

6.1 With your ruler, measure inwards about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from
the left-hand side of the bag. Lightly mark this with your pencil.

6.2 Push the left side-crease of the bag inwards toward the interior of
the bag. Do this until the left-hand mark you made in the previous step sits
on the outer edge of where the paper is bending

6.3 Press-fold the paper downwards so that the pencil mark lines up
with the new folded edge. Try to keep the top and bottom edges
symmetrical as you press the paper down.

6.4 Repeat on the right-hand side. When you’re done, the body of the
bag should fold inwards on either side just like a grocery-shopping bag

7. Fold and glue the bottom of the bag into place. To determine which end
is the bottom, look for the crease lines from Step 3 that mark the bottom of
the bag. Keep the bag flattened for now

7.1 Fold the bag four inches (10 cm) up from the bottom and crease it
along this line.

7.2 Keeping the rest of the bag flattened, prop open up the bottom of
the bag. The inward-flaring creases should pop open, forming a square
edge. Inside, you should see a triangle of folded paper on either side.

7.3 Fold the left and right sides of the open, square-shaped bottom
completely down.

7.4 Fold the top strip of the “octagon” downwards towards the center of
the bottom of the bag. The bottom should now be neatly folded shut; glue
the edges where they overlap and let dry.

8. Pop the bag open. Make sure the bottom is completely closed off and
that there are no gaps in the glued edges.

9. Add the handles and decorate if desired.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Search about the steps in making ribbon.

1st Quarter - Week 7 October 5-9, 2020
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles and
concepts of gift wrapping
Performance Standard: The learner understands wrapping of gift items.
Learning Competency: L.O. 1: Wrap gift items
Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. wrap gift items artistically,
2. apply decorative articles to enhanced wrapped gift items, and;
3 observe good working habits.
Content:(Subject Matter) Produce Wrapped Gift Items
Learning Resources:
a. References: K-12 TLE Learning Module on Handicraft Production, pages 64-
b. Instructional Materials pictures/illustrations, gift wrapping tools and materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Activity 1: NEXT IN LINE!

Direction: Arrange the following steps chronologically. Write a for the first step, b for the second and so
on. Write your answer on the space before the number.
______1. Next, you need to close the ends. Face the open end towards you and fold the right and left
edges, pushing the sides in next to your box, to form flaps.
______2. Roll out the wrapping paper. Be sure you have enough paper to fit around the entire gift.
Measure if necessary, leaving a few extra inches to be sure you are completely covered
______3. Once the paper is cut to the right size, place your gift face down in the middle of the paper.
Bring paper from the long side of the box, up to the middle of your package. Pull both sides tightly so
the paper hugs your package smoothly, and tape
______4. Position box so top is facing up. Run your thumb and forefinger across the edges of the box
to create a creased edge. Repeat on bottom of the box
______5. Fold top flap down to the box, pulling tightly, and tape. Fold the bottom flap up tightly and
tape. Repeat on other side of package.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

After reading and understanding this lesson, you are expected to wrap a gift item artistically and
apply decorative articles. While doing the project you must observe good working habits for your safety
as well as for a better output
C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson


Take a closer look on the picture below.
1. How does it look like?

2. What do you think are the reasons for having such appearance?

D. Discussing new concepts

 WEEK 7- DAY 1Lesson

Decorative Articles
Gift wrapping will not be complete and attractive without ribbons, bows and decorative articles.
Gift ribbons can be made into decorative rosettes and bows with the use of bow pins, string and
double side tape.

Procedure in Ribbon making

 Ribbon Rosette

1. Using a gift wrap ribbon make a small loop by wrapping

this around your thumb; fix the loop in place with the help
of tape or stapler. Twist the ribbon back on itself to form a
pointed loop and tape in position

2. Continue looping the ribbon in evenly spaced twists.

3. Continue winding outward in circles, until the bow is big

as your desired size; cut off the ribbon, leaving a tail.
Attach the rosette to the package; add trimmings and tag.

 Twisted Trim

1. Cut smaller strip of ribbon about 8 inches; twist into a figure

8 shape

2. Twist the ribbon to form a point at each end as shown in the

picture, then secure it in position by dampening the tape. Cut
the next strip about 3 inches bigger; repeat the process. Put the
smaller shape on top in the center of the new shape; fix in

3. Make four other figures of 8, cutting each one about 3 inches
longer. Pile them all up and fix them together in the center.
Place the decoration on the gift and attach it by wrapping
ribbon around it and the parcel. Arrange well so that each loop
is raised above the other loops and do not overlap.

 Twisted Trim

1. Examine the ribbon. Find the natural curl of the ribbon

and which side is shiny and which is dull

2. Grasp the ribbon at one end between the forefinger and

the thumb (if you’re right handed, places the ribbon in your
left hand, and vice versa if you're left handed). Keep the
dull side of the curling ribbon facing downward (toward the

3. Open the scissors with other hand. Contrary to what

you'd normally do with scissors, hold the scissors upward,
with the blade facing up and open. Wrap your fingers
around the middle of the blades and handles with your
thumb along the non-sharpened side of one blade edge

4. Press the blade firmly against the dull underside of the

ribbon with your thumb

5. Pull the ribbon across the scissors blade while continuing

to press with your thumb

6. Release the ribbon from the scissors blade

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concepts

 WEEK 7- DAY 2 Lesson

 Flat Loop Bow

1. Make a loop keeping the ribbon away from you and

bringing it up and back to the center

2. Continue making progressively larger loops, one on the

top of the other, until the desired size is reached.

3. Holding the bow together, tie at the center with thread or

wire to secure. Tie the loop bow to your package.

 Spring Bow

1. Make a fairly small circle for the inside loop. Holding

where the ribbon overlaps, continue making progressively
longer circles.

2. When the desired size is reached, stick a straight pin

through all the layers at the bottom to hold the circles in

3. Tie with the thread to secure the bow, leaving enough
thread to tape or tie the bow to your package.

F. Developing Mastery


(answer this after reading WEEK 7 DAY 1 Lesson)
Direction: Arrange the following steps chronologically. Write a for the first step, b for the second and so
on. Write your answer on the space before the number. Some answers were already been given for
Twisted Trim
_________1. Release the ribbon from the scissors blade
_________2.Pull the ribbon across the scissors blade while continuing to press with your thumb
___d_____3. Press the blade firmly against the dull underside of the ribbon with your thumb
_________4. Examine the ribbon.
_________5. Grasp the ribbon at one end between the forefinger and the thumb.
_________6. Open the scissors with other hand. Wrap your fingers around the middle of the blades and
handles with your thumb along the non-sharpened side of one blade edge


(answer this after reading WEEK 7 DAY 2 Lesson)
Direction: Arrange the following steps chronologically. Write a for the first step, b for the second and so
on. Write your answer on the space before the number. Some answers were already been given for
Spring Bow
_________1. When the desired size is reached, stick a straight pin through all the layers at the bottom
to hold the circles in place.
_________2. Tie with the thread to secure the bow, leaving enough thread to tape or tie the bow to your
_________3. Make a fairly small circle for the inside loop. Holding where the ribbon overlaps, continue
making progressively longer circles.

Flat Loop Bow

_________1. Make a loop keeping the ribbon away from you and bringing it up and back to the center.

_____b___2. Continue making progressively larger loops, one on the top of the other, until the desired
size is reached.
_________3. Holding the bow together, tie at the center with thread or wire to secure. Tie the loop bow
to your package.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity 4: ALL IN 1
 Do your activity in your WEEK 7 Day 3-5
Apply decorative articles to enhanced wrapped gift items by performing the steps given above. You will
be assessed using the scorecard written in letter I of this module.

H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

One way of showing love, care, gratitude, appreciation and sincerity is giving gift to our loved ones
on their special day. The cost doesn’t really matters; it is the thought that count.

I. Evaluating learning
Design and color 30% PS TS
Ribbon and wrapper, suited to the purpose 8
Ribbon and wrapper, simple and appropriate 7
Ribbon and wrapper, follow the principles of design 10
Pleasing color combination 5
Workmanship 55%
Method of construction suited to the ribbon to the ribbon and wrapper used 20
Ribbon and wrapper suited to the design of materials and occasion 25
Good working habit 10
General appearance 15%
Pleasing and attractive finished project 10
Finished project, worth the time effort spent 5
TOTAL 100%

PS Perfect score
TS Teacher’s Score
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Review week 1-6 topics in preparation for your assessments.

Prepared and Submitted by:

Handicraft 8- Teacher

For questions or clarifications, you can contact me in this number. 09121111188


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