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Cast Iron Fittings For Pressure Pipes For Water, Gas and Sewage-Specification (

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IS 1538 : 1993

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.4 In tbe case of spigot and socket ends suitable for
1.1 This standard avers the general requirements for lead joints, the socket shall be with or without the
casf iron fittingsfor pressure pipes for water, gas and centring ring.
sewage. 4.5 In the case of flanged joints, the flanges shall be at
1.2 This standard is applicable to all cast iron fittings right angles to the axis of the joint and machined in face.
having spigots, sockets or flanges as specified in this The bolt boles shall be drilled.
standard and also to fittings with other type of joints, 4.6 The bolt bole circle shall be concentric with the
the general dimensions of which, except those relating bore and bolt boles sh311be located off the centre lines,
to the joints, conform to this standard. unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. Tbe two
2 REFERENCFS flanges of the fittings shall be correctly aligned.
2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary 5 MECHANICALTESTS
adjuncts to this standard : 5.0 Mechanical tests shall be carried out during
IS No. 7We manufacture. Two tests per day of casting may be
210 : 1978 Grey iron castings ( third adequate. The results obtained are taken to represent all
revision ) the fittings of all sizes made during the day.
1387 : 1993 General requirements for the 5.1 Tests
supply of metallurgical Two tensile te$ts shall be made on bars cast frqpl the
materials ( second revision ) same metal in’accordance with the method specified in
2078 : 1979 Method for tensile testing of IS 2078 : 1979. The results of the tests shall show a
grey cast iron minimum tensile strength of 1.50 MPa (N/mm2).
1500: 1983 Method for Brine11 hardness test 6 BRlNELL HARDNESS TESTS
for metallic materials ( strcond
revision ) 6.1 For checking the Brine11 hardness specified in 4.3,
Brine11 tests shall be carried out on the test bars used
11606 : 1986 Method of sampling of cast iron
for the tats in 5.1. The test shall be carried out by
pipes and fittings
applying either a load of 3 000 kg to a ball of 10 mm
diameter for 15 seconds, or a load of 750 kg to a ball of
4 it SECTION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5 mm diameter for 10 seconds (see IS 1500 : 1983).
3&,Tbe general requirements relating to the supply If any piece representing a lot fails in the first instance
of the material shall be as laid down in IS 1387 : two additional tests shall be made on test pieces
1993. selected from two other fittings from the same lot. If
4 MANuFfacruRE both the test results satisfy the specified requirements,
the lot shall be accepted. Should either of these addi-
4.1 The metal used for the manufacture of pipes shall tional test pieces fail, the lot shall be deemed as not
be of a quality not less than that specitied for complying with this standard.
Grade FG 150 of IS 210 : 1978.
4.2 Tbe fittings shall be stripped with all tbe precau-
tions necessary to avoid warping or shrinking defects. 8.1 For bydrost@ic tests, the fittings shall be kept under
Tbe fittings shall be free from defects, other than any pressure for 15 seconds; they may be struck moderately
unavoidable surface imperfections which result from with a 700 g hammer. They shall withstand the pressure
the method of manufacture and which do not affect the test without showing any leakage, sweating or other
use of the fittings. By agreement between the manufac- defect of any ,kind. The hydrostatic test shall be con-
turer and the purchaser, minor defects may be rectified. ducted before coating the fittings.
4.3 The fittings shall be such that they could be cut, 8.1.1 The fittings shall withstand the pressure in Table 1.
drilled or machined and may be accepted provided the 8.1.2 When fittings are required for higher test pra-
hardness of the external unmacbined surface does not sure, the test pressures are subject to special agreement
exceed 210 HBS. behveen the purchaser and the manufacturer.

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