EX - NO:6 Dismantling of Jet Engine Aim
EX - NO:6 Dismantling of Jet Engine Aim
EX - NO:6 Dismantling of Jet Engine Aim
¾ *1/4 BS or 12-13 set spanner
10-11 set of ring spanner
8-9 set of ring spanner
Common screw driver
Ball peen spanner
plier and side cutter
1. Loosen the fine nuts using appropriate spanner and r3emove the inlet case from
the accessory case.
2. Loosen the 10 nuts using no 10-11 set of ring spanner and detach air casing from
compressor case.
3. Remove 15 bolts using no 8-9 set spanner. Detach compressor casing from diffuser.
4. Loosen retaining nut with C-spanner and remove centrifugal impeller.
5. Remove front roller bearing and the sleeve.
6. Remove 2 ignition connection and fuel turners from the combustion chamber outer
7. Now take out the turbine along with the shaft from the rear side.
8. Take out the combustion chamber.
9. Loosen the bolts and nuts from the exhaust pipe flange and detach the exhaust
pipe from the combustion chamber.
10. Loosen the clamps of the propelling nozzle and disconnect the nozzle from the
exhaust pipe.
11. Keep all the removed parts separately in the cleaned tray in sequence so that
there is no possibility of mixing with each other.
12.Wherever blanking is required, blank it and place identification slips
The major components of a jet engine are similar across the major different types of
engines, although not all engine types have all components. The major parts include:
Cold Section:
Air intake (Inlet) — The standard reference frame for a jet engine is the aircraft
itself. For subsonic aircraft, the air intake to a jet engine presents no special difficulties,
and consists essentially of an opening which is designed to minimise drag, as with any
other aircraft component. However, the air reaching the compressor of a normal jet
engine must be travelling below the speed of sound, even for supersonic aircraft, to
sustain the flow mechanics of the compressor and turbine blades. At supersonic flight
speeds, shockwaves form in the intake system and reduce the recovered pressure at inlet
to the compressor. So some supersonic intakes use devices, such as a cone or ramp, to
increase pressure recovery, by making more efficient use of the shock wave system.
Bypass ducts much of the thrust of essentially all modern jet engines comes from air
from the front compressor that bypasses the combustion chamber and gas turbine section
that leads directly to the nozzle or afterburner (where fitted).
Common shaft — The shaft connects the turbine to the compressor, and runs
most of the length of the engine. There may be as many as three concentric shafts,
rotating at independent speeds, with as many sets of turbines and compressors. Other
services, like a bleed of cool air, may also run down the shaft.
Diffuser section: - This section is a divergent duct that utilizes Bernoulli's principle to
decrease the velocity of the compressed air to allow for easier ignition. And, at the same time,
continuing to increase the air pressure before it enters the combustion chamber
Hot section:
Combustor or Can or Flameholders or Combustion Chamber — This is a chamber where
fuel is continuously burned in the compressed air.
Turbine — The turbine is a series of bladed discs that act like a windmill, gaining energy
from the hot gases leaving the combustor. Some of this energy is used to drive thecompressor,
and in some turbine engines (i.e. turboprop, turboshaft or turbofan engines), energy is extracted
by additional turbine discs and used to drive devices such as propellers, bypass fans or helicopter
rotors. One type, a free turbine, is configured such that the turbine disc driving the compressor
rotates independently of the discs that power the external components. Relatively cool air, bled
from the compressor, may be used to cool the turbine blades and vanes, to prevent them from
Exhaust or Nozzle — Hot gases leaving the engine exhaust to atmospheric pressure via a
nozzle, the objective being to produce a high velocity jet. In most cases, the nozzle is convergent
and of fixed flow area.
Supersonic nozzle — If the Nozzle Pressure Ratio (Nozzle Entry Pressure/Ambient
Pressure) is very high, to maximize thrust it may be worthwhile, despite the additional weight, to
fit a convergent-divergent (de Laval) nozzle. As the name suggests, initially this type of nozzle is
convergent, but beyond the throat (smallest flow area), the flow area starts to increase to form the
divergent portion. The expansion to atmospheric pressure and supersonic gas velocity continues
downstream of the throat, whereas in a convergent nozzle the expansion beyond sonic velocity
occurs externally, in the exhaust plume. The former process is more efficient than the latter.
The various components named above have constraints on how they are put together to
generate the most efficiency or performance. The performance and efficiency of an engine can
never be taken in isolation; for example fuel/distance efficiency of a supersonic jet engine
maximises at about mach 2, whereas the drag for the vehicle carrying it is increasing as a square
law and has much extra drag in the transonic region. The highest fuel efficiency for the overall
vehicle is thus typically at Mach ~0.85.
For the engine optimisation for its intended use, important here is air intake design,
overall size, number of compressor stages (sets of blades), fuel type, number of exhaust stages,
metallurgy of components, amount of bypass air used, where the bypass air is introduced, and
many other factors. For instance, let us consider design of the air intake.