The Fight Against Coruption
The Fight Against Coruption
The Fight Against Coruption
E T Transforming Malaysia
NO U CAN RENCE TION! The Fight Against Corruption
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Foreword Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
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Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
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Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
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Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
1 Establishment of
Compliance Units in Key
Enforcement Agencies
Compliance units established in the key enforcement agencies,
e.g., MACC, RMP, RTD, Customs and Immigration to verify
compliance of laws and procedures, ensure Hot Job Rotation,
1 Central Agency to
Manage Confiscated
Assets (CAMCORP)
Engagement with relevant agencies has been coordinated, e.g.,
Bank Negara, MOF, AGC, PDRM, Customs, JPJ, Immigration and
MACC. Bill to be sent to Parliament in March.
reduce bureaucracy, and conduct integrity testing on officers.
2 Parameter of
Support Letters
Circular by MAMPU issued on 8 March 2010 as guidance for civil
servants to deal with attempts to influence their decisions.
2 Mandatory training for
procurement officers
Engagement with INTAN, JPA, and MOF whereby JPA
will identify officers in procurement jobs and send for
mandatory training. INTAN and MOF to coordinate module
to avoid redundancy in training.
3 Disclose details of all MyProcurement portal launched on 1 April 2010 as a database
government procurement for government procurement listing companies awarded Develop a centralized Two accountable officers have been given an ID to access
and privatization tender and tender price. MyPartnership portal launched on 25
database for declaration the database. Moving forward, access to asset declaration
contracts September 2010 disclosing information on privatization and
of assets at MACC for MPs.
procurement procedures.
Increase public
awareness on public
Pilot project completed by NKRA, compiling initiatives
from ministries and agencies on public service delivery 4 Revamp on political
A study has been carried out, with three elements identified
and set to be implemented:
i. Fund donated must be in the party’s name, not
service delivery system/ transformation and were distributed to the public and also
change in laws, policies, announced through radio stations using local dialect of each individual’s.
and procedure respective state. ii. Fund donated must be recorded and issued a receipt.
iii. Party’s account is subject to audit.
Zero-tolerance Act came into force Dec 15, 2010. Five key enforcement
policy supported by
Whistleblower Protection
agencies, i.e., MACC, RMP, RTD, Immigration, and Customs now
have Whistleblower Guidelines, SOP, and reporting mechanisms 5 Hot Job Rotation Already implemented in the key enforcement agencies on
a quarterly reporting basis. Ongoing initiative, enforced
framework and serve as a model to other agencies. according to findings and research by Compliance Unit on
‘Hot Job,’ ‘Hot Spot,’ and ‘Hot Staff.’
6 Completion of Corruption
Case Trials within one
14 Special Session Corruption Courts established throughout
Malaysia, coming into operation on 16 February 2011 to speed
up trials and clear backlogged cases. 6 Review the
Procurement Price
A module implemented by MOF for the public to review past
procurement prices by ministries and agencies.
Negotiation process
8 Recognition to civil
servants who reports on
corrupt practice
A scheme created to give recognition to public servants who
report on corrupt practices and those who refuse to accept
bribes. A circular on the implementation was issued by Chief
8 Reduce bureaucracy All ministries and agencies dealing with public must review
their processes and client charter according to the current
situation. Procedures must be clear, easy to understand, and
Secretary General and came into force on 1 Jun 2011.
Implementation of Ministry of Finance issued a circular on 8 March 2010 consisting
Integrity Pact of guidelines on the implementation of and integrity pact
covering all government contracts.
9 Reduce discretion
through automation
Pilot project done by key enforcement agencies PDRM, JPJ,
and Customs and Immigration to transition from manual to
computerized systems and utilize CCTV as a monitoring device.
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Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
Making an Secretariat Dato’ Sutinah Sutan, Deputy Chief Commissioner
(Prevention), MACC.
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Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
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Challenges For MACC Officers
On his job scope: illegal fees to certain lawyers. But detailed report. Clearly, had we
PROFILE “Basically, I oversee
investigations at the
the main crux of the investigation
was a payment of around RM76.4
received this report earlier, our
investigation would have been so
SNAPSHOTS: Headquarters level, particularly
monitoring high-profile cases.
million purportedly made to a
company in Japan in connection
much easier. That was the major
hurdle we had faced back then as
I also scrutinise Investigation with the beam and section mill we were trying to do the auditors’
Dato’ Hj Zakaria Papers (IPs) for high-profile plant project undertaken by job and our own investigations at
cases that are submitted by the the same time.
bin Hj Jaffar State. My job scope also requires
Perwaja in Gurun, Kedah. The
beam and mill section project
me to have discussions with was undertaken by one of the Another difficulty that we had
Deputy Chief Commissioner
the Senior Federal Counsels for major companies under Perwaja faced was gathering evidence. Lots
(Management and Professional),
high-profile cases. Besides this, and a Japanese consortium was of evidence was required from
another main task of my job is supposed to provide technical overseas witnesses, particularly
to table findings of investigation assistance while another was the those from Japan. There was no
He served for more than 25 positions in MACC per year. this issue, it is important that before our Operation Review equipment supplier. legal framework for mutual legal
years in the investigative Additionally, for the first time decisive action be taken, and this Panel for consideration – assistance back then. So, we had
field, and now serves as the since the establishment of the has been the case as stronger whether they find it necessary For this case, we should a multitude of problems when
Deputy Chief Commissioner MACC, the government approved implementation of disciplinary to review decisions reached by have allowed auditors like we were required to investigate
(Management and Professional), a substantial allocation of action has taken hold. the Public Prosecutors or they PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) overseas.
and his job scope includes funding for new projects, such endorse the decision. I hope for to go into the case first and
improving the overall as the construction of new office To that end, the establishment more understanding from the tell us from where the money Most of the difficulties were
professionalism of the MACC buildings in several states, each of the Excellent Leadership public and urge them not to have siphoned off and what the resolved through the use of
in terms of care management, of which is purpose-built for the Centre of the Academy of Anti- unreasonably high expectations other malpractices detected the Internet. At that time, the
financial and human resource goal of detecting, preventing, Corruption is one mechanism as MACC can only do things were. What happened, however, Internet was still relatively
administration, and control of and prosecuting corruption. utilised to train and improve within the law. The Commission was that we went in first. Had new. People did not usually
security matters involving MACC MACC officers. This measure will can only proceed if there is we let the auditors go in first, use it for investigations. So, I
premises. Perhaps the main challenge ensure officers have extensive evidence for a particular case. I and then investigated on what made use of the Internet and
faced by the Deputy Chief knowledge and special expertise hope the IAACA participants and they presented to us, our job did a lot of searches. In fact,
A major challenge inherent in Commissioner is to ensure in their respective fields of delegates can learn more about would have been much easier. I I communicated with various
this position is handling and that all MACC officers comply work and it is hoped that by MACC during the upcoming remembered we had to spend parties overseas as well as the
managing multiple aspects of with the department’s code of enhancing and strengthening Conference just as MACC would months trying to trace the history Swiss authorities through the
the concept of professionalism ethics. Discipline is a priority in training, increased compliance like to learn more from them.” and background of the Perwaja Internet. Moreover, as Hong
to ensure that real organizational the organization, and ensuring with department guidelines will Group, such as how they got Kong was a Commonwealth
change is noticeable. It is crucial compliance with ethical follow suit. On Perwaja Steel: involved in this steelmaking country, they shared the same
that all staff work together to guidelines is of paramount “The Perwaja case started back in business, the rationale of their system with us and we had a
improve overall integrity and importance, and of course, The Deputy Chief Commissioner 1999 when the group suffered a various projects, as well as the history of a working relationship
provides the necessary training excellence and professionalism hopes that the public will come loss of RM2.85 million. There was roles and responsibilities of with them. Thus, it was not a
appropriate to the current in disciplinary matters involving to understand the burden a huge public outcry and the Anti- the board of directors. Had we problem. But for countries like
needs in terms of the needs of MACC officers is expected to be shouldered by MACC in the Corruption Agency (ACA), as it asked PwC to prepare a report Japan, we had to approach
the investigation of cases of upheld at all times. pursuit of eradicating corruption was known then, was required to on this earlier, it would have the Japanese embassy here to
corruption and mismanagement. in Malaysia, and also hopes investigate the case. There were been better. A few months after establish contact. That was how
Challenges also presented Managing disciplinary matters for that the people will support the a number of focus areas in our our investigations, PwC was I got it going, and basically, that
themselves when the officers who violate department MACC as it fights corruption for investigation such as awarding commissioned to prepare a was how we solved the problem.
government approved an regulations has proven to be a the betterment of society and of contracts to companies and report on Perwaja. Subsequently, Times have definitely changed in
allocation of 150 new personnel challenge, as well. To address progress of the nation. payment of large amount of they came up with a very the last decade!”
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Challenges For MACC Officers
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Creating a Corruption-Free Malaysia
here is no doubt that while eliminating The survey revealed that most expats were
corruption may be the impossible dream, concerned about corruption in Malaysia. They felt it
keeping it to a minimum is critically important was fairly widespread in Malaysia, although not all
as Malaysia seeks to improve the prosperity of its of them encountered it in their day-to-day business
citizens. The prevalence of corruption is always a dealings. Most expats felt that the Government’s
factor which discourages major companies from efforts would produce results, though they thought
investing in a country. it would take time to achieve these. On the positive
side, those who had experienced living and working
Hong Kong and Singapore, which commenced in other Asian countries felt the situation was better
their efforts to minimize corrupt practices back in in Malaysia than in other surrounding countries.
the 1970s, have seen the benefit with significant
increases in foreign investment. In 2011, we organized a roundtable discussion
between the MACC and selected senior
Malaysia may have started the battle somewhat management businesspeople in the expat
later but their commitment appears to be just as community so they could discuss the issues
strong. Involving the expat community is important directly with the people charged with improving
because in many cases they can directly assist the the situation. This exercise proved most fruitful and
efforts, but equally as important, these expats provided further insights into expats’ thinking on
can help spread the word that the country the subject. It also gave rise to suggestions
is committed to the process. from the expat community on ways to
tackle the problem.
The Expat Group has been keen to
support the Malaysian Government’s We publish The Expat magazine to which
efforts to fight corruption, and has all resident expats can subscribe free of
signed the Corporate Integrity Pledge, charge. As such, it is a highly effective
as well. During the last two years, channel for reaching the large expat
we have worked closely with community here. We have carried numerous
the various people charged stories about the efforts being made
with leading the effort to address the problem and have
to improve the situation encouraged expats to lend their
and find ways to support support.
their efforts and involve
the expat community. Our Additional messages have been
support has taken several carried on our website, www.
forms., which
is one of the most popular
In 2010, we conducted websites for expats seeking
research among resident information about living and
expats to gather their views on working in Malaysia.
corruption in Malaysia as well
as suggestions for combating We remain confident in the
it. The findings were shared Government’s efforts to eradicate the
with the Government and the problem of corruption in Malaysia and
Malaysia Anti-Corruption are delighted to continue supporting
Commission (MACC). their efforts, and those of the MACC.
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