Product Data Sheet: Transpoxy Finish 4.60

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Product Data Sheet

Transpoxy Finish 4.60

Product description.
A epoxy topcoat for interior and exterior use. Good resistance against weathering and the spillage of
solvents, lubricants and chemicals. Transpoxy Finish cures to a tough and flexible coating and provides
excellent adhesion to Transpoxy priming systems.

Physical properties.
Colour/Texture White, Black and Grey and Transocean Colourshades/Glossy
Volume Solids Dependent on colour shade, approx. 46%
Specific gravity Dependent on colour shade, approx. 1.40 gr/ml
Flashpoint >24°C

Dry film thickness per Wet film thickness per Theoretical spreading
coat (µ) coat (µ) rate (m2/l)
Range 30 – 75 65 – 165 15.3 – 6.1
Recommended 40 85 11.5

Application data.
Mixing ratio By volume, base to hardener: 80 to 20.

Potlife 10°C: 16 hours, 23°C: 8 hours, 30°C: 4 hours.

Guiding data Airless spray Pressure at nozzle: 120 - 180 bar. Nozzle size: 0.38 - 0.53 mm.
Spray angle: 40 - 80 degrees.
Volume of thinner: 0 - 3%.
Guiding data Air spray Pressure: 3 - 5 bar. Nozzle size: 1.2 - 2.0 mm.
Volume of thinner: 0 - 5%.
Brush/Roller Suitable.
Volume of thinner: 0 - 5%.
Thinner/Cleaner Transocean Epoxy Thinner 6.03.

Conditions Humidity: below 85% RH.

Temperature of the paint before application: min: 10°C, max: 30°C.
Substrate temperature: min: 5°C, max: 35°C.
The temperature of the substrate should be at least 3°C above the dew point
of the air. Air temperatures and relative humidity must be measured in the
vicinity of the substrate.
Drying and recoating times.
Substrate Touch dry Dry to handle Full cure Dry to recoat
temperature Minimum Maximum (1)
10 °C 12 hours 30 hours 7 days 24 hours Indefinite
23 °C 4 hours 24 hours 5 days 16 hours Indefinite
30 °C 2 hours 16 hours 3 days 12 hours Indefinite

(1) The surface should be dry and free from contaminants prior to overcoating. The best intercoat adhesion
is achieved when the subsequent coat is applied before the preceding coat is fully cured. After prolonged
exposure times it may be necessary to roughen the surface to ensure intercoat adhesion. When in
doubt, consult your nearest Transocean office.

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Surface preparation.
Coated substrates Existing systems should be dry and free from loose paint, salt, grease and other
contaminants prior to overcoating.
Oil and grease should be removed by solvent cleaning according to SSPC-SP1.
Remove salts and dirt by fresh water washing.
Corroded areas should be repaired first with an appropriate primer system.

Recommended paint system.

Transpoxy Finish can be applied on Transpoxy priming systems. A typical system for atmospheric
exposure is shown below.

Transozinc Epoxy Primer ST 1.50 1 x 50 µ dft.

Transpoxy Intermediate 2.19 1 x 100 µ dft.
Transpoxy Finish 4.60 1 x 40 µ dft.

Health and safety.

Observe the precautionary notices on the label of the container. A material safety data sheet is available
upon request and national or local safety regulations should be followed. This product is intended for use
by professional applicators.
As a general rule, avoid skin- and eye contact by wearing overalls, gloves, goggles, mask, etc. Spillage on
the skin should immediately be removed by thorough washing with lukewarm water and soap or a suitable
industrial cleaner. Eyes should be flushed with fresh water and medical attention sought immediately.
Spraying should be carried out under well-ventilated conditions. Avoid inhalation of solvent vapours and
paint mist by wearing an air mask.
This product contains flammable materials and should be kept away from sparks and open flames.
Smoking in the area should not be permitted.

The information in this data sheet is provided to the best of our knowledge. However, we have no control
over either quality or condition of the substrate and other factors affecting the use and application of this
Therefore, we cannot accept any liability whatsoever or howsoever arising from the performance of the
product or for any loss or damage arising from the use of this product.
We reserve the right to change the product without notice.

Date of issue: May 03.

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