Modal Perfect Infinitive
Modal Perfect Infinitive
Modal Perfect Infinitive
+ should have done, ought to have done (in the past): (đang lẽ phải làm nhưng đã
khong làm) (objective)
You should have come here yesterday.
+ Could have done: (lẽ ra, có thể làm được) (subjective)
He could have worked hard.
+ Can’t/couldn’t have done: (chắc chắn là ai do không làm ) (negative):
He failed he couldn’t have worked hard.
+ Must have done (hẳn là, chắc chắn là) (positive – deductive):
You must have come here yesterday.
+ Needn’t have done: (lẽ ra không còn)
You needn’t have done all these exercises,
- Past subjunctive:
It’s time + Past subjunctive
It’s time we stopped here (It’s time for us to stop here – real condition)
I, Object clauses
- If the main verb is present, the subordinate verb is any tense:
Main clause subclause
V-s (that) V - any tense
He says he (go) to the beach.
- If the main verb is past, the subordinate verb is past tenses:
V-ed (that) V – past tenses
He said he (go) to Hanoi.
Exceptionally, the subordinate verb may be present when denoting something which is
true all the time or is still true at present:
Right at that time, they believed that the earth is round.
Yesterday, he told me that he is living in a hotel.
II, Adverbial clauses:
4 1 6
• 1 + 2 (past continuous): When I got home, my mother was cooking dinner.
• 1 + 3 (past simple):
When I saw her, I said “Hello” to her.
• 1 + 4 (past perfect):
When I got home, my mother had cooked dinner.
• 1 + 5 (past perfect continuous):
When I got home, my mother had been cooking dinner for half an hour.
• 1 + 6 (future in the past):
When I got home, my mother was going to cook dinner.
• 1 + 7 (present perfect):
Since I left school, I haven’t seen my old school friends.
• 1 + 8 (present perfect continuous):
Since I left school, I have been learning English here.
• a + b (future continuous):
Tomorrow, when he comes back, I shall be typing the letter.
• a + c (future simple):
Tomorrow, when he comes back, I shall speak to him.
• a + d (future perfect):
Tomorrow, by the time he comes back, I shall have typed the letter.
• a + e (future perfect continuous):
Tomorrow, by the time he comes back, I shall have been typing the letter for 2 hours.
Morphology Syntax
Open class items Phrases
Adjectives Clauses
Articles Elements: S, V, C, O, A
Pronouns - Simple
Prepositions - Complex:
+ by using Coordinators
Interjections + by using Subordinators
Common Subject
Count Direct Object
Mass Indirect Object
Collective Subject Complement
Proper Object complement
In pocessive
In direct address
In apposition
As modifier of other noun
Basic Noun Phrase
Functions: S, O, C
Elements of basic noun phrase
A common noun Pronouns
One word
Proper noun Numerous
Inclusives Fractions
Premodification Multipliers
Articles Interrogative demterminers
Demonstratives Indefinite determiners
Pronouns Quantifiers
- Numerals - Quantifiers
- Cardinal - Closed system items
Complex N.P
Post modification
Non finite Clause
Relative clause
Basic Noun phrase Complex noun phrase
- N.P
- Functions: S, O, C
- Premodification + Head
- Premodification: Closed system items
- Permanent features
- Can be only one word -Premod. + head + postmod.
- Premodification + head - -Premodification:
Premodification : closed system items + opened class items (chiefly)
- Only permanent features + closed system items (optional)
-Premod. (perm.) + Head + Postmod (temp)
-Permanent and temporary features
Complex noun phrase includes the elements of the Basic noun phrases
• Multiple premodification:
Predeter. + Deter. + Postdeter. + Adj. + Participles + N + Nhead
• Multiple postmodification:
Nhead + Adv/ Pre.P + NFCL + Rel.Cl.
The difference between the premodification and the post-modification in a CNP:
- Syntactically, the premodification comprises the premodifiers that come before the head
whereas the postmodifiers in the postmodification occur after the head:
e.g: the visible star (premodification) the star visible (postmodification)
- Semantically, the premodification denotes a permanent referent of the head whereas
the post-modification denotes a temporary referent of the head.
e.g: “the visible stars” refers to category of stars that can be seen
“the stars visible” refer to stars are visible at the time specified or implies
- Permanence & temporariness – passive and non passive
Pre-modifiers: Temporary & Permanent; passive and non passive
Post-modifiers: Temporary; passive only
Function Cadj Ø
s Ø Oi
Ø Co
Kinds Syntactic features
Simple adjs (root) Attributive position freely
Derived adjectives Predicative position freely
Compound adjs Modified by intensifiers
Adj phrases Comparative and superlative
NS as adj
Participle as adjs
Advs as Adjs
Kinds Syntactic function of Adverb
Time As adverbials
Place Adjuncts
Frequency Disjuncts
Duration Conjuncts
Manner As modifiers
Distance of adjective
Direction of Adverb
Degree of prepositional phrase
Means and instruments of determiner
of noun phrase
As complement of preposition
Prepositional phrases
Structure: Preposition + Prepositional complement.
Prepositional complements: NP, - Ing part NFCl., Wh- cl.,
Yes/no clause or nominal relative clause
Syntactic functions
Adverbials: adjuncts, disjuncts, conjuncts
Postmodifier in a NP
Complementation of a verb
Complementation of an adjective
Verb phrases
The form of the verbs:
Base form -s form -Ing form -ed form (P1) -ed/-en part. Form (P2)
Complementation of verbs
Cs Aob. Od Oi - Od Od - Co Od-A
In d e p e n d e n t c la u s e : W h e n T o m s a w M a r r y , h e r a n a w a y
D e p e n t d e n t c la u s e : W h e n T o m s a w M a r r y , h e r a n a w a y
C la u s e e le m e n t & v e r b c o m p le m e n t a tio n
S + V ( in t r a n s it iv e ) : H e h a s a r r iv e d
S + V ( in t e n s iv e ) + A : H e is in t h e g a d e r n
S + V ( in t e n s iv e ) + C s : H e lo o k s t ir e d
S + V ( m o n o t r a n s i t i v e ) + O d : I lo v e y o u
S + V ( c o m p le x t r a n s it iv e ) + O + A : T h e y p u t h im in a g o o d p o s it io n
S + V ( C o m p le x t r a n s it iv e ) + O d + C o : T h e y m a d e m e h a p p y
S + V ( d it r a n s it iv e ) + O i + O d : H e g a v e m e h is b o o k
V e rb p h ra s e s tru c tu re
F in it e c la u s e : H e is a s t u d e n t
N o n - f in it e c la u s e
I n f in it iv e n o n - f in it e c la u s e
" T o " in f in it iv e n o n - f in it e c la u s e : M y d u t y is t o r e m in d h im o f h is t a s k
" B a r e " in f in it iv e n o n - f in it e c la u s e : A ll I d id w a s h it h im o n h is h e a d
- I n g p a r t i c i p l e n o n - f i n i t e c l a u s e : G o i n g h o m e , I d id s o m e s h o p p i n g
- E d p a r t i c ip l e n o n - f i n i t e c l a s u e : H i s j o b f i n i s h e d , h e w e n t h o m e
V e r b le s s c la u s e : W h e n a lit t le g ir l, I u s e d t o g o t o s c h o o l o n f o o t
S y n ta x t ic fu n c tio n
In d e p e n d e n t c la u s e
D e p e n d e n t c la u s e
N o m in a l : I b e liv e y o u a r e r ig h t
R e la t iv e : T h e m a n w h o is s t a n d in g a t t h e d o o r is m y b r o t h e r
C o m m e n t : G e n e r a l s p e a k in g h e is h o n e s t
A d v e r b : A f t e r h a v in g b r e a k f a s t , h e w e n t t o s c h o o l
3. Sentences
There are 4 types of concord:
1, S – V concord:
+ Grammatical concord: agreement between a verb and a subject that consists of 2 or more
noun phrase coordinated by “and”.
+ Notional concord: an agreement of verb with S according to the ideal
+ Proximity: Agreement of verb whatever noun or pronoun closely precedes it;
2. S – O concord: if the O is a reflexive pronoun, it agrees with the S in person, number,
3. S – C concord: the agreement between S and C in number and gender
4. Pronoun concord: the agreement between personal pronoun and their antecedents in
numbers and gender:
1, In questions: Aux + S + V
2, In statements (emphasis)
a, A-V-S (Aplace, direction, frequency)
b, C-V-S/ C-S-V
c, O-S-V
d, V-S (agreement, addition)
Simple NP: BNP & CNP NP: BNP & - NP: BNP & CNP - Adv.
sentence CNP
- Adj.P: Adj.P & Cl. - Prep. P
- Adj. + Prep.P
-Agentive Od Cs
-Instrumental - Affected - current attribute
-Affected - Effected - resulting attribute
-Recipient - Locative Co
-Locative Oi - current attribute
-Temporal - Recipient - resulting attribute
-Eventive - Affected
-Empty “IT”
Similarities Differences
Clauses Functions
S Od Oi Cs Co App C adj C pre
Finite That "clause" + + + + +
"Wh.." clause + + + + + +
Norminal relative + + + + + + +
Yes/no clause + + + + + +
Non finite To infinitive + + + + + +
Bare infinitve + + +
Ing participle + + + + + + +
Adverbial clauses
Adverbial of time : when,...
Adverbial of place: where.....
Adverbial of condition: if ....
Adverbial of concession: although
Clause of reason/cause: since/because
Clause of circumstance: in that
Clause of purpose: so that
Clause of result: so...that
Clause of manner:as, in the way , the way
Clause of proportion:
Clause of preference
Clause of comparison