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Nano Pump User's Manual

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Agilent 1100 Series

Nano Pump
User Manual

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002 Warranty Safety Notices
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ii 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

In This Manual…

This manual contains information for using your Nano Pump.

1 Introduction - Around your nano pump

In this chapter you will find an introduction to the nano pump
and some hardware details to identify the parts of the pump
and their function.

2 Getting started
In this chapter you will find road maps to help you to start an
analysis with the nano pump. In addition it provides different
ChemStation screens necessary to configure and start an
analysis with the nano pump.
Follow the step by step priming procedure before using the
nano pump in micro mode.

3 Become an expert
In this chapter you will find hints to optimize your nano LC
system to achieve best chromatographic results. It also offers
diagnosis and build-in tests for maintenance features.

Annex A Safety Information

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual iii

iv 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual
1 Introduction - Around your Nano Pump
Introduction to the nano pump 2
Nano Pump Main Overview 3
Pumphead Overview 4
Flow connections 5
Fittings and ferrules 6
Electrical connections 7

2 Getting started
Road maps to start an analysis with the nano pump 10
Road map to configure the nano pump 10
Road map to prepare the nano pump for an analysis 10
Road map to start an analysis 11
Using the ChemStation to Configure your Pump 12
Pump configuration screen 12
Pump auxiliary screen 13
Setup pump parameter screen 15
Priming the pump for best results 20
Manually Priming the Solvent Channels. 20
Purging the Pump 21

3 Become an expert
Hints for Successful Use of the Capillaries 26
Hints for Successful Use of the Micro Vacuum Degasser 28

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual v

Hints for Successful Use of the Nano Pump 29
Hints for Using the Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning 30
Purpose 30
How the Function Works 30
Hints for Successful Use of the Micro Well Plate Sampler 32
Hints for Successful Use of the Column and Switching Valve
Compartment 33
Best Practices for Filters 34
The solvent inlet filters 34
Inline filter 35
Hints for Successful use of Solvents and Mobile Phase 36
Hints for Choosing the Primary Flow 37
Hints to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting 39
Diagnosis screens 41
Test screens 44
EMF Screen 45

A Safety Information
Safety Information 48
General 48
Operation 48
Safety Symbols 49
Lithium Batteries Information 51
Danish Information 51
Radio Interference 52
Test and Measurement 52
Sound Emission 53
Manufacturer’s Declaration 53

vi 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Solvent Information 54
Solvents 54
Agilent Technologies on Internet 55

Index 57

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual vii

viii 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual
Agilent 1100 Series Nano Pump
User Manual

Introduction - Around your Nano Pump
Introduction to the nano pump 2
Nano Pump Main Overview 3
Pumphead Overview 4
Flow connections 5
Fittings and ferrules 6
Electrical connections 7

In this chapter you will find an introduction to the nano pump and hardware
details to identify the parts of the pump and their function.

For more information on how to install a nano pump in direct injection mode,
refer to the Service Manual G2226-60100 Chapter 1, Installing the Pump.

For more information on the different stacking possibilities, for a nano pump
included in an online sample enrichment LC/Ion trap MS, refer to the
Orientation Guide G2228-90000.

Agilent Technologies 1
1 Introduction - Around your Nano Pump

Introduction to the nano pump

The nano pump consists of two identical pumping units in a single housing. It
generates gradients by high-pressure mixing. A solvent selection valve
provides flexibility in the choice of solvents.
Mobile phase composition is produced by mixing the outputs of pump A and
pump B. The solvent selection valve allows the pump A output to originate
from either channel A1 or channel A2. The pump B output may originate from
either channel B1 or channel B2.
The primary flow produced by the two pumping units is proportioned in an
electromagnetic proportional valve (EMPV). The remaining column flow is
measured in a mass flow sensitive flow sensor. The measured flow is
compared with the user-entered column flow setpoint. The flow sensor
controls the EMPV current, causing the EMPV to correctly proportion the
column flow. The primary flow in excess of the required column flow volume
is directed to the waste.
Solvent degassing is not done directly in the pump. A 4-channel, low volume
micro vacuum degasser, available as a separate module, provides degassed
solvents to the pump channel inputs. Solvent degassing is required for best
flow stability and detector stability, especially at the low flow rates required to
run nano LC applications.
The flow range of the nano pump is between 0.1 µl/min and 1 µl/min.

2 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Introduction - Around your Nano Pump 1

Nano Pump Main Overview

2 9

3 10
7 12

Figure 1 Nano pump main overview

1 Pumpdrive A 8 Main Board

2 Damper 9 Power Supply
3 EMPV 10 Fan
4 Outlet Ball Valve A 11 Flow Sensor
5 Pumphead A 12 Pumphead B
6 Solvent Selection Valve 13 Active Inlet Valve B
7 Leak Sensor

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 3

1 Introduction - Around your Nano Pump

Pumphead Overview

1 7

2 8



Figure 2 Pumphead overview

Pumphead assembly G1311-60004

1 Outlet ball valve G1312-60012
2 Outlet ball valve to piston 2 capillary G1312-67300
3 Support ring 5001-3739
4 Plunger housing (including springs) G1311-60002
5 Sapphire plunger 5063-6586
6 Screw M5, 60 mm 0515-2118
7 Adapter G1312-23201
8 Screw lock 5042-1303
9 Pump chamber housing G1311-25200
10 Seal (pack of 2) 5063-6589
Seal (pack of 2), normal phase applications 0905-1420
11 Active inlet valve (complete with cartridge) G1312-60010
Replacement cartridge for active inlet valve 5062-8562

4 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Introduction - Around your Nano Pump 1

Flow connections

1 1

2 2

3 3

5 6 7

Figure 3 Flow connections

1 Connection tube A/A G1311-67304

2 Outlet ball valve to piston 2 capillary A/A G1312-67300
3 Mixing capillary A/A G1312-67302
4 Restriction capillary A/A G1312-67304
5 Damper to Filter capillary A/A 250 µm 130 mm 01090-87308
6 Filter to EMPV capillary A/A 170 µm 280 mm G1375-87400
7 EMPV to Flow Sensor capillary D/D 25 µm 220 mm G1375-87321
8 Flow Sensor to Sampler capillary D/C 25 µm 350 mm G1375-87322
9 Flow Sensor to Sampler capillary D/C 25 µm 550 mm G1375-87323

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 5

1 Introduction - Around your Nano Pump

Fittings and ferrules

A Swagelock front and back ferrule 5062-2418 (10/pk)

Fitting 5063-6593 (10/pk)

B Lite Touch
Ferrule and lock ring 5065-4423 (10/pk)

C Rheodyne PEEK fitting 5065-4410 (6 fit/2 plug)

D Fingertight Double winged nut 5065-4422 (10/pk)

6 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Introduction - Around your Nano Pump 1

Electrical connections


Figure 4 Electrical connections

1 Configuration switch
3 Slot interface board
4 RS232
5 Analog output
6 Remote
7 CAN-bus
8 Power plug
9 Security lever

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 7

1 Introduction - Around your Nano Pump

8 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Agilent 1100 Series Nano Pump
User Manual

Getting started

Road maps to start an analysis with the nano pump 10

Road map to configure the nano pump 10
Road map to prepare the nano pump for an analysis 10
Road map to start an analysis 11

Using the ChemStation to Configure your Pump 12

Pump configuration screen 12
Pump auxiliary screen 13
Setup pump parameter screen 15

Priming the pump for best results 20

Manually Priming the Solvent Channels. 20
Purging the Pump 21

Agilent Technologies 9
2 Getting started

Road maps to start an analysis with the nano pump

Road map to configure the nano pump

The road map below guides you through all parameters you may need to
configure your nano pump.

Setup the Setup the Setup the Setup the

Primary Flow Column Flow Minimum Solvent
Ready Condition Stroke Compressibility
page 13 page 13 page 14 page 14

Setup the
Setup the Solvent
Mixer Volume To configure the nano pump Calibration
page 12 page 18

Start Here!

Road map to prepare the nano pump for an analysis

The road map below gives you an overview of the necessary steps to prepare
the nano pump before starting an analysis.

NO TE When the pump is used for the first time or has been turned off for a certain time, it is
recommended to purge each channel at 2500 µl/min for 1 minute at least.
Before running the pump in micro mode, run it in normal mode until the system pressure is

10 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

Purge Purge Purge 2. Normal Mode

Set the Purge Set the Purge Start the purge Set the Normal
Time Flow Rate Mode
page 22 page 22 page 22 page 16

1. Purge Normal Mode

Set the Purge Set the Column
Before starting an analysis Flow
page 22
with the nano pump page 17

Normal Mode Normal Mode

Set the Pressure Set the Solvent
Start Limit Composition
Here! page 19 page 18

Road map to start an analysis

The road map below provides an overview of all different parameters you may
need to configure when you run an analysis in micro mode.

Set the Set the Set the Fast Set the

Column Flow Stop Time reconditioning Solvent
ON or OFF Composition
page 17 page 17 page 17 page 18

Set the Set the

Micro Mode Solvent
page 16
Starting an analysis with Calibration
the nano pump page 18

Set the Set the

Start Pressure Limit Gradient
Here! page 19 page 18

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 11

2 Getting started

Using the ChemStation to Configure your Pump

Pump configuration screen

To get to this screen, select:

Instrument ➜ More Pump ➜ Pump Configuration

Step 3
Step 1

Step 2

Figure 5 Pump configuration screen

Pump configuration

1 Filter volume The filter volume tells the system the delay volume of the filter. Predefined Small - 20 µl
volumes or custom volumes can be set by the user Standard - 100 µl
<any number> - 0 to 500 µl

2 Fast composition Setting Fast composition change/reconditioning to On means that the Fast System Flush:
change/ system is reconditioned under the ‘fast’ parameter to return to the initial 0.0 to 99999.9 min. in steps
reconditioning composition at the end of the analysis and before the post run. The of 0.1 min.
parameters are Duration and Maximum Pressure.
Reconditioning is performed by purging the system (pump and inj.) During Column Reconditioning:
this process the needle moves into a waste position. See “Hints for Using 0.0 to 99999.9 min. in steps
the Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning" on page 30 of 0.1 min.

3 Mixer volume In the standard configuration, no mixer is installed in the nano pump

12 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

Pump auxiliary screen

To get to this screen, select:

Instrument ➜ More Pump ➜ Pump auxiliary

1 3

2 4

Figure 6 Pump auxiliary screen

Pump auxiliary

1 Primary Flow The primary flow is the flow before the EMPV. Low solvent consumption
200 to 500 µl/min.
Depending on the requirements of the analysis it can be set
to: Default value
• Low solvent consumption mode 500 to 800 µl/min.
• Standard mode
• Fast gradients mode Fast gradients
For more information see “Hints for Choosing the Primary 800 to 1300 µl/min.
Flow" on page 37.

2 Column Flow Ready If the column flow cannot reach the desired setpoint, the
condition start of the analysis can be interrupted. You may specify the
condition as “%” which determines the percentage range
where the pump is allowed to start the analysis, or “Always
ready”, which starts the analysis independent of the column

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 13

2 Getting started

Pump auxiliary (continued)

3 Minimum Stroke The minimum stroke defines the volume of mobile phase AUTO (default):
displaced by one stroke of piston 1. The stroke volume of the The pump selects a stroke
pump influences the mixing performance and gradient volume based on the set flow
linearity. rate.
The stroke of each channel is based on the flow rate per
channel, not on the total flow. Between 20 and 100 µl:
If you select a minimum stroke that is smaller than the one • 20 µl for best gradient.
that would be used by the pump operating in AUTO mode, • 100 µl for a longer seal
the pump will use the higher stroke volume. lifetime.

4 Compressibility The compressibility of the mobile phase has an effect on the Acetone 126
performance of the pump. For best flow accuracy and mixing Acetonitrile 115
performance you can set the parameter according to the Benzene 95
mobile phase being used. Carbon tetrachloride 110
Chloroform 100
The default value is 50 × 10-6 for channel A and 115 × 10-6 Cyclohexane 118
for channel B. Always set the compressibility value for both Ethanol 114
channels. Ethyl acetate 104
Heptane 120
Limits: 0 through 150. Hexane 150
Isobutanol 100
Solvent Compressibility (10-6 per bar). Isopropanol (2-Propanol) 100
Methanol 120
The compressibility parameter is stored in your method. 1-Propanol 100
For more information see “Hints to Optimize the Toluene 87
Compressibility Compensation Setting" on page 39 Water 46

14 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

Setup pump parameter screen

To get to this screen, select:

Instrument ➜ Setup pump


Figure 7 Setup pump parameter screen

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 15

2 Getting started

Setup pump

1 Mode The nano pump can be set in 2 modes:

• The micro flow mode
• The normal flow mode

• Micro Mode In micro flow mode, the primary flow produced by the two Micro flow mode
pumping units is proportioned in the EMPV. The remaining From 0.1 to 1 µl/min.
column flow is measured in the flow sensor. The measured
flow is compared with the user-entered column flow
setpoint. The flow sensor controls the EMPV current,
causing the EMPV to correctly proportion the column flow.
The primary flow in excess of the required column flow
volume is directed to the waste.

• Normal Mode In normal mode, the EMPV is completely closed to the Normal flow mode
waste and the flow sensor measures not the flow. The From 0.00 to 2500 µl/min.
complete primary flow produced by the two pumping units
goes to the column and is not proportioned in the EMPV.

16 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

Setup pump (continued)

2 Control
• Column Flow The column flow sets the volume of solvent / time which Recommended column flow:
reaches the column. Micro flow mode
From 0.1 to 1 µl/min.

Normal flow mode

From 0.00 to 2500 µl/min.

• Stoptime The stoptime sets a time limit for the analysis. After the
stoptime, all gradients are stopped and the pump parameters Stop time limits:
return to their initial values. The pump can be used as a 0.0 to 99999 min.
stoptime master for the complete analytical system. No Limit (infinite run time).

• Fast reconditioning Setting Fast Reconditioning to On means that the system is

reconditioned under the ‘fast’ parameter to return to the
initial composition at the end of the analysis. This is
performed prior to the post run time. The necessary
parameters for the reconditioning are configured using the
Pump Configuration dialog box. The parameters are
Duration and Maximum Pressure.
Reconditioning is performed by purging the system
(including the injector) in cooperation with the micro
wellplate sampler, which is able to move its needle into a
waste position during this process. Fast Reconditioning is
supported only in conjunction with the micro wellplate
autosampler. For more information see “Hints for Using the
Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning" on page 30

• Post Time The post time sets a not ready state for the pump, to delay Post time limits:
the start of the next analysis. You can use Post time to allow 0.0 to 99999 min.
your column to equilibrate after changes in solvent OFF (0.0 min.).
composition (for example after gradient elution).

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 17

2 Getting started

Setup pump (continued)

3 Solvents
• Solvent composition For each channel, you may select which of the two solvents
to deliver. You can set the percentage of Solvent B to any
value from 0 through 100%. Solvent A always delivers the
remaining volume, calculated as 100% - %B. The Solvent B
scrollbar allows you to turn Solvent B ON or OFF. The text
boxes allow you to type a brief description for each of the
If you turn a solvent channel OFF, it will not be used in the

• Solvent calibration If Micro Flow mode is selected, you may select a calibration
curve out of a set of predefined calibration tables that correct
the calibration for the composition of most standard solvent

4 Timetable You can use the Timetable to program changes in the Pump Parameters which can be
parameters during the analysis by entering a time in the Time changed:
field and appropriate values in the following fields of the
timetable. The values in the Pump timetable change linearly Time
with respect to time from the initial value to the value at the Time at which the change
time defined in the timetable occurs.

Select the Insert button to insert a line above the %B

currently-selected line. Solvent composition (0 to
Select the Append button to add a line to the end of the 100%). The residual
table. percentage is solvent A.
Select the Cut button to delete the currently-selected line
and place it on the clipboard. Flow
Select the Copy button to copy the currently selected line to Solvent flow rate.
the clipboard.
Select the Paste button to paste the line on the clipboard at Max. Pressure
the current position. System max pressure limit.
Select the Display combination box and select Flow/Press
or Solvents to display graphical representations of the flow
rate/pressure limit or solvent compositions, or Timetable to
display the table for editing. In the graphics mode, select
Legend to display the graph titles.

18 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

Setup pump (continued)

5 Pressure limits Sets the maximum and minimum pressure limits for the

Max is the maximum pressure limit at which the pump will The maximum pressure limit
switch itself off, protecting the analytical system against for the nano pump is 400 bar.

Min is the minimum limit at which the pump will switch The minimum pressure limit
itself off, for example, if any solvent reservoir is empty, this for the nano pump can be
prevents system damage through pumping air. any value from 0 through
(P-1) bar, where P is the
NOTE: The minimum pressure limit becomes active only maximum pressure setting.
when the actual pressure rises above the limit.
For the system to create an error, the limits must be
exceeded for a few seconds.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 19

2 Getting started

Priming the pump for best results

When you are using the pump for the first time after installation, best results
are obtained by performing the following steps:
1 Manually priming the solvent channels.
2 Purging the pump.

When opening capillary or tube fittings, solvents may leak. Please observe
appropriate safety precautions (such as eye protection, safety gloves, protective
clothing) as described in the material handling information and safety data sheet
supplied by the solvent vendor, especially when hazardous solvents are used.

Manually Priming the Solvent Channels.

NO TE This procedure should be done before the modules are turned on.

1 The degasser accessory kit contains a 20ml plastic syringe and a solvent
tube adapter for this syringe. Push the adapter onto the syringe.
2 Pour the intended analytical solvents into the solvent bottles, and install
the bottles on the desired solvent channels. Install Isopropanol on channels
which will not be used right away.
3 Put a paper towel over the leak sensor in the pump leak tray.
4 Disconnect the channel A solvent tube from the A1 port of the pump solvent
selection valve.

Liquid may drip from the disconnected solvent tube. Make sure to follow appropriate
safety precautions.

20 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

5 Connect the end of the solvent tube to the syringe adapter. Slowly draw a
syringe volume (20 ml) from the solvent tube.
6 Disconnect the solvent tube from the syringe adapter, and reconnect the
tube to the A1 port of the solvent selection valve. Eject the syringe contents
into an appropriate waste container.
7 Repeat steps 4 to 6 for the three remaining solvent channels.
8 When all 4 solvent channels are manually primed, remove the paper towel
from the pump leak tray. Make sure that the pump leak sensor is dry before
turning on the pump.

Purging the Pump

1 Make sure that the 1/8 inch plastic waste tube is tightly connected to the
barbed waste fitting of the pump EMPV, and routed to an appropriate waste
2 Turn on the LC System. All system parameters should be set to default. The
degasser should also be turned on at this time.
3 Initialize the system. Then, access the pump controls and make sure the
pump mode is set to Normal.
4 Access the pump Purge control. Set up a purge table which will purge all
channels for 5 minutes each, at a flow of 2500 µl/min. Then, start the purge.

When the pump has been turned off for

NO TE When the pump has been turned off for a certain time (for example, overnight), oxygen will
re-diffuse into the channels between the degasser and the pump. It is suggested to purge
each channel at 2500 µl/min for 1 minute at the beginning of each day.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 21

2 Getting started

1 3

Figure 8 Purge pump screen

The Pump Purge mode is used to wash out any kind of contamination, including
air bubbles from any or all channels. In this mode, the EMPV is completely
open to the waste. The degasser, the pump heads, and the damper are in the
flush flowpath.

Purge pump

1 Channel Select the channels to be purged by selecting the

appropriate check box.

The channels are purged in sequence.

After each channel has been separately purged, you can also
select to purge the complete pump system for a specified
time with the solvent composition set by the current method.

2 Start Purge Starts the defined purge sequence.

3 Flow Rate Defines the flow rate for the purge in µl/min. Flow rate:
from 0.0 to 2500 µl/min
4 Purge Time Defines the purge time in minutes

22 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Getting started 2

Table 1 Choice of Priming Solvents for Different Purposes

Activity Solvent Comments

After an installation Isopropanol Best solvent to flush air out of the


After an installation (second Ethanol or Methanol Alternative to Isopropanol if no

choice) Isopropanol is available

When switching between reverse Isopropanol Best solvent to flush air out of the
phase and normal phase (both system

To clean the system when using Bidistilled water Best solvent to re-dissolve salts
After a solvent change Bidistilled water Best solvent to re-dissolve salts

To clean the capillaries Acetone Best solvent to remove impurities

from the capillaries

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 23

2 Getting started

24 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Agilent 1100 Series Nano Pump
User Manual

Become an expert

Hints for Successful Use of the Capillaries 26

Hints for Successful Use of the Micro Vacuum Degasser 28
Hints for Successful Use of the Nano Pump 29
Hints for Successful Use of the Micro Well Plate Sampler 32
Hints for Using the Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning 30
Hints to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting 39
Best Practices for Filters 34
Hints to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting 39
Diagnosis screens 41
Test screens 44

This chapter helps you to optimize your nano LC system to achieve best
chromatographic results and describes the diagnosis and build-in tests for
maintenance features.

Agilent Technologies 25
3 Become an expert

Hints for Successful Use of the Capillaries

• When connecting the capillary to a fitting or the column push the capillary
into the fitting firmly and smoothly to avoid gaps. Incorrect setting will
result in sample dispersion which can cause peak dispersion and reduce
the chromatographic fidelity.
• When configuring and installing FS tubing, be careful to avoid shutting
doors or inserting cover panels onto the interconnecting FS tubing. Should
a door or panel cause a kink or sharp bend in the tubing, set the pump to
zero, remove the tubing at once and replace to avoid distributing silica
particles through-out the flow circuit.
• When installing for the first time, or tubing replacement, clean both fitting
and fused silica tube with isopropanol or acetone in small amount to
remove particles before connecting to fittings.
• Tighten fittings until snug, but not overtight so as to cause the fused silica
capillaries to be crushed. When bending the fused silica tubing, do not bend
or coil into a diameter smaller than 40 mm, to avoid breaking the tubing.

40 mm

• Should fused silica tubing/fitting be suspected of leaking, set column flow

to zero, loosen the fitting, reinsert the fused silica tube and retighten the
fitting. Tighten the fitting without re-seating the fused silica tube may allow
a gap to remain between the fused silica and the fitting, resulting in peak
dispersion and poor chromatographic fidelity. Avoid over-tighten of fittings
to avoid crushing the fused silica tubing.
• Inspect fused silica capillaries under a microscope. If at the surface it looks
milky, the capillary must be replaced. Crushed fused silica tubing will
distribute small particles throughout the down stream flow path and
require complete flushing of all fittings and valves from the point of the
damaged tube.

26 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

• Blocked capillaries will result from the small particles moving downstream.
Partly blocked capillaries can be unblocked by removing and reversing the
tube, and pumping on the new inlet. Most blocking will take place at the
high pressure side of the fused silica tubing and not within the tubing.
Reversing the tubing and pumping liquid through the tube before
reconnecting into the flow circuit, will remove the particles and clear the
• Avoid the use of alkaline solutions (pH > 8.5) which can attack the fused
silica from the capillaries.
• Partially blocked capillaries may generate flow oscillations when the
sampler is in mainpass mode and the sample is injected directly onto the
analytical column. These oscillations are not observed when the trapping
mode configuration is used.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 27

3 Become an expert

Hints for Successful Use of the Micro Vacuum Degasser

If you are using the vacuum degasser for the first time, if the vacuum degasser
was switched off for any length of time (for example, overnight), or if the
vacuum degasser lines are empty, you should prime the vacuum degasser
before running an analysis.
The vacuum degasser can be primed by pumping solvent with the nano pump
at high flow rate (2.5 ml/min). Priming the degasser is recommended, when:
• vacuum degasser is used for the first time, or vacuum chambers are empty.
• changing to solvent that are immiscible with the solvent currently in the
vacuum chambers.
• nano pump was turned OFF for a length of time (for example during night)
and volatile solvent mixtures are used.
For more information see the Reference Manual for the Agilent 1100 series
micro vacuum degasser.

28 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

Hints for Successful Use of the Nano Pump

• Flush the pump extensively in the purge mode. It is recommended to do this

for 4 min each, first with 100% A and then 100% B. Small residual bubbles
are removed by pumping in micro mode with the column installed.
• Place the aqueous solvent on channel A and the organic solvent on
channel B. The default compressibility and solvent flow sensor calibration
settings are set accordingly. Always use the correct calibration values.
• Place solvent cabinet with the solvent bottles always on top (or at a higher
level) of the nano pump.
• The system pressure must be higher than 20 Bar at the pump outlet to
achieve stable flow rates.
• In micro mode abnormally high column flow variations are an indication of
small particles within the system, partially blocked filters or capillaries.
• Prevent blocking of solvent inlet filters (never use the pump without solvent
inlet filter). Growth of algae must be avoided, either by using acidic (pH=3)
media and/or changing solvent every day.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 29

3 Become an expert

Hints for Using the Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning

NO TE Fast composition/reconditioning function can not be used for nanospray with MS. If the
flow stops and the needle is not removed from the near-by heated electrode, the needle will
plug. Fast composition can not be used between runs because it eliminates the liquid flow
to the nanospray tip, which will get plugged or damaged by the counter electrode plate.

The nano pump and the micro well plate sampler are recommended for nano
LC applications. Nano LC methods have very low column flow rates, typically
around 300 nl/min. At such low flow rates, re-equilibrating the column with a
new composition in direct injection mode takes a long time. Therefore it is
useful in method development when the autosampler is in mainpass and a
new composition is set, to use the fast composition mode and flush the micro
well plate sampler loop at high flow rates. The new composition will reach the
column much faster.
The Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning function is available only in a
system that includes both a nano pump and a micro well plate sampler. This
function can be set up to occur automatically between runs, and/or to occur
automatically after any manual composition change. Primary Flow is a
parameter which exists only when the nano pump is used in the Micro mode.
Primary flow is defined as the flow volume and composition available at the
inlet to the EMPV. Using this available primary flow, the EMPV and flow
sensor work together to deliver and control the requested column flow. All
primary flow in excess of the column flow is delivered to waste via the 1/8
inch plastic waste tube connected to the EMPV barbed waste fitting.

NO TE The Fast Composition Change/Reconditioning function is available only when the nano
pump is operated in the micro mode.

How the Function Works

Regardless of when it occurs, the Fast Composition Change/ Reconditioning
function is always a 2-step process:

30 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

1 The micro well plate sampler needle is placed over the waste position of the
flushport. The pump delivers a high flow rate at the new composition (fast
composition change) / at the initial composition (reconditioning) defined in
the current method. This flow is maintained for the Fast System Flush time
defined in the user interface. During this time, the system is being
re-equilibrated, up to the sampler needle outlet.

NO TE The high flow rate used for Fast System Flush is not user-defined. For the Fast System
Flush, the pump operates in pressure control mode at a predefined pressure.
The flow rate used for Fast System Flush is the highest flow which can be delivered at the
predefined pressure.

2 When the Fast System Flush time has elapsed, the micro well plate sampler
needle is returned to the needle-seat. The pump returns to the normal
operating mode, reconditioning the column at the flow and initial
composition defined in the current method. The column is reconditioned
for the Column Reconditioning time defined in the user interface.
In a sequence, the next injection will begin when Fast Composition
Change/Reconditioning is completed.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 31

3 Become an expert

Hints for Successful Use of the Micro Well Plate Sampler

• For direct injection without trapping columns the valve to bypass function
must be used after the sample is transferred to the column. This function
results in smaller delay times and sharper gradient curves. The starting
time of the gradient should be coincident with the valve to bypass switch
time for correct sample transfer.
• For Direct Injection Mode using one column and one pump, set the Micro Well
Plate Sampler to use a programmed injection mode and a needle wash.
Using both features, the injected sample reaches the analytical column in
the shortest time and minimizes sample carry-over from the needle.
• Pressure drop with injector valve in bypass (e.g. during drawing sample)
should be comparable to mainpass mode, otherwise the seat or the capillary
might be blocked.

32 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

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Hints for Successful Use of the Column and Switching Valve


• When using the Direct Injection Mode, i.e. one column and one pump, the
column compartment which also contains the six port micro switching
valve, is un-used. The nano LC column (analytical column) is housed within
the Nanospray ion source chamber via the Nanospray needle holder.
• When two dimensional (2-D Mode) chromatographic separations are
required, the column compartment is used to house either or both the
trapping column and the ion exchange columns. The column compartment
also houses the 6-port micro switching valve necessary to switch and
control the direction of flow of the mobile phases during multi-dimensional
separations using two pumps and either two or three columns.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 33

3 Become an expert

Best Practices for Filters

Contaminated solvents or algae growth in the solvent bottle will reduce the
lifetime of the solvent filter and will influence the performance of the nano
pump. This is especially true for aqueous solvents, especially phosphate
buffers (pH 4 to 7). The following suggestions will prolong lifetime of the
solvent filter and will maintain the performance of the nano pump.
• Use sterile, if possible amber, solvent bottles to slow down algae growth.
• Filter solvents through filters or membranes that remove algae.
• Exchange solvents every two days or refilter.
• If the application permits add 0.1 to 1 milli-Molar sodium acid to the
• Place a layer of argon on top of your solvent.
• Avoid exposure of the solvent bottles to direct sunlight.

The solvent inlet filters


When opening capillary or tube fittings solvents may leak out. Please observe
appropriate safety procedures (for example, goggles, safety gloves and protective
clothing) as described in the material handling and safety data sheet supplied by the
solvent vendor, especially when toxic or hazardous solvents are used.

The solvent filters are located on the low-pressure side of the nano pump. A
blocked filter therefore does not affect the pressure readings of the nano
pump. The pressure readings cannot be used to check whether the filter is
blocked or not. If the solvent cabinet is placed on top of the nano pump, the
filter condition can be checked in the following way:
Remove the solvent inlet tube from the inlet port of the solvent selection valve
or the adapter at the active inlet valve. If the filter is in good condition the
solvent will freely drip out of the solvent tube (due to hydrostatic pressure). If
the solvent filter is partly blocked only very little solvent will drip out of the
solvent tube.

34 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

Cleaning the Solvent Filters

• Remove the blocked solvent filter from the bottle-head assembly and place
it in a beaker with concentrated nitric acid (65%) for one hour.
• Thoroughly flush the filter with bidistilled water (remove all nitric acid,
some columns can be damaged by nitric acid).
• Replace the filter.

Never use the system without solvent filters. This could cause damage to the pump

Inline filter
The nano pump is equipped with a filter in front of the EMPV.
The standard filter has a volume of typically 100 µl. If the application needs a
reduced volume (e.g. for fast gradient) the 20 µl low volume filter
(01090-68703) is recommended. Be aware that the filter efficiency and
capacity is significantly reduced compared to the standard one.

NO TE Never run the nano pump without an inline filter.

The Nano LC/MS does not require a mixer, since baseline ripples as known
from UV detection are not issue for the MS.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 35

3 Become an expert

Hints for Successful use of Solvents and Mobile Phase

Always filter solvents through 0.4 µm filters, small particles can permanently
block the capillaries, the valves and damage or cause corrosion of parts.
• Avoid the use of alkaline solutions (pH > 8.5) which can attack the fused
silica from the capillaries.
• Avoid exposure of the solvent bottles to direct sunlight.
• Avoid the use of the following steel-corrosive solvents:
• Solutions of alkali halides and their respective acids (for example,
lithium iodide, potassium chloride, and so on).
• High concentrations of inorganic acids like sulfuric and nitric acid,
especially at higher temperatures (replace, if your chromatography
method allows, by phosphoric acid or phosphate buffer which are less
corrosive against stainless steel).
• Halogenated solvents or mixtures which form radicals and/or acids, for
• 2CHCl3 + O2 & 2COCl2 + 2HCl
• This reaction, in which stainless steel probably acts as a catalyst, occurs
quickly with dried chloroform if the drying process removes the
stabilizing alcohol.
• Chromatographic grade ethers, which can contain peroxides (for
example, THF, dioxane, di-isopropylether) such ethers should be filtered
through dry aluminium oxide which adsorbs the peroxides.
• Solvents containing strong complexing agents (e.g. EDTA).
• Mixtures of carbon tetrachloride and 2-propanol dissolve stainless steel.
• Mixture of THF and 2-Propanol, can dissolve stainless steel.
• Mobile phase for Nanoflow and proteomics, as a starting point should
consist of a mobile phase A,B and a needle wash solvent. The composition
would be as follows:
• A = 0.1% Formic acid
• B = 0.1% Formic acid
• Needle wash = 15% Methanol, 84.9 %Water, 0.1 % Formic acid.

36 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

Hints for Choosing the Primary Flow

• Primary Flow is a parameter which exists only when the nano pump is used
in the Micro mode. Primary flow is defined as the flow volume and
composition available at the inlet to the EMPV. Using this available primary
flow, the EMPV and flow sensor work together to deliver and control the
requested column flow. All primary flow in excess of the column flow is
delivered to waste via the 1/8 inch plastic waste tube connected to the
EMPV barbed waste fitting.

NO TE In all cases, primary flow is much higher than column flow. This must be considered when
calculating the amount of solvent needed for unattended operation

The user cannot request a specific primary flow value. However, one of three
available primary flow ranges can be selected by the user:

Default range (500-800 µl/min)

The default range is the best compromise between performance and solvent

Low Solvent Consumption range (200-500 µl/min)

Since we use very shallow gradients and the time for analysis is usually
greater than 10 minutes, we will choose the low solvent consumption mode for
the Nanoflow, nanospray configuration.

Fast Gradients range (800-1300 µl/min)

In this range, the pump gradient delay time is as short as possible. This range
is specifically recommended for fast-gradient analyses (<3 min.). Solvent
consumption is highest in this range.
Table 2 on page 38 gives approximate primary flow values (in µl/min) as a
function of selected primary flow range vs. system pressure:

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 37

3 Become an expert

Table 2 Primary flow overview for standard pump configuration

0 bar 100 bar 200 bar 300 bar 400 bar

System System System System System
pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure

Low consumption 200 225 250 275 300


Default range 500 570 640 710 780

Fast gradient range 800 995 1190 385 1580

Actual primary flow values may vary from system to system. If the standard
configuration is changed, the primary flow may be higher than the values
given in Table 2.

38 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

Hints to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting

The compressibility compensation default settings are 50 × 10-6 /bar (best for
most aqueous solutions) for pump head A and 115 × 10-6 /bar (to suit organic
solvents) for pump head B. The settings represent average values for aqueous
solvents (A side) and organic solvents (B side). Therefore it is always
recommended to use the aqueous solvent on the A side of the pump and the
organic solvent on the B side. Under normal conditions the default settings
reduce the pressure pulsation to values (below 1 % of system pressure) that
will be sufficient for most applications. If the compressibility values for the
solvents used differ from the default settings, it is recommended to change the
compressibility values accordingly. Compressibility settings can be optimized
by using the values for various solvents described in Table 3 on page 40. If the
solvent in use is not listed in the compressibility table, when using premixed
solvents and if the default settings are not sufficient for your application the
following procedure can be used to optimize the compressibility settings:

NO TE Use the nano pump in the Normal Mode at least at 100 µl/min.

1 Start channel A of the nano pump with the adequate flow rate. The system
pressure must be between 50 and 250 bar
2 Before starting the optimization procedure, the flow must be stable. Use
degassed solvent only. Check the tightness of the system with the pressure
3 Your pump must be connected to a ChemStation or handheld controller, the
pressure and%-ripple can be monitored with one of these instruments,
otherwise connect a signal cable between the pressure output of the pump
and a recording device (for example, 339X integrator) and set parameters.
Zero 50 %
Att 23
Chart Speed 10 cm/min
4 Start the recording device with the plot mode.
5 Starting with a compressibility setting of 10 × 10-6 /bar increase the value
in steps of 10. Re-zero the integrator as required. The compressibility
compensation setting that generates the smallest pressure ripple is the
optimum value for your solvent composition.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 39

3 Become an expert

6 Repeat step 1 through step 5 for the B channel of your nano pump.
Optimize your compressibility settings by using the values for various solvents
listed in the following table:

Table 3 Solvent Compressibility

Solvent (pure) Compressibility (10-6/bar)

Acetone 126

Acetonitrile 115

Benzene 95

Carbon tetrachloride 110

Chloroform 100

Cyclohexane 118

Ethanol 114

Ethyl acetate 104

Heptane 120

Hexane 150

Isobutanol 100

Isopropanol 100

Methanol 120

1-Propanol 100

Toluene 87

THF 95

Water 46

40 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Become an expert 3

Diagnosis screens

To get to this screen, select:

Diagnosis ➜ ➜ right mouse-click:

Figure 9 Diagnosis system screen

Diagnosis system screen

1 Nano pump - general information General information relative to the • Product Number
pump • Pump Firmware Revision
• Manufacturing Date
• Serial Number
• Pump On Time

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 41

3 Become an expert

To get to this screen, select:

Diagnosis ➜ ➜ right mouse-click:

4 7

5 8

Figure 10 Diagnosis pump screen

42 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

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Diagnosis pump screen

The diagram represents the flow path in the pump. By clicking on the different location a box with
following commands appears:
• Update variable display
• Switch to top level
• Show module tests
On the left side are the parts for pumphead A. On the right side are the parts for pumphead B.

1 Damper • System pressure

• Pressure ripple
• Pressure plot

2 Outlet ball valve • Outlet ball valve cycles (A)

• Outlet ball valve reset log (A)

3 Piston • Liquimeter (A)

• Seal wear (A)

4 Active inlet valve • Active inlet valve cycles (A)

5 Solvent selection valve • Solvent selection valve cycles

6 Logbook • Error logbook

• Run logbook
• Maintenance logbook
• Date changes logbook

7 Book • Setup pump

• Control
• Auxiliary
• Data curves
• Configuration
• Purge

8 Thermometer • Pump mainboard temperature history

9 Identify • LED blink on the module

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 43

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Test screens

To get to this screen, select:

Diagnosis ➜ Diagnosis ➜ Test

Figure 11 Pump test selection

Pump test selection

1 Available tests The different test give the possibility • Micro mode pressure test
to check the pump for good working • Normal mode pressure test
• Leak test
For more information about these • Nano pump EMPV test
tests see the Service Manual • Nano pump flow sensor accuracy
G2226-90100 Chapter 3, calibration
Troubleshooting and Test Functions.

44 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

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EMF Screen

To get to this screen, select:

Diagnosis ➜ ➜

Figure 12 EMF screen

EMF screen

1 EMF info pad The Early Maintenance Feedback Information Parameters:

Pad contains the list of the limits and actual
values of the parameters used to assess the • Seal wear (A)
current state of maintenance of the system. • Liquimeter (A)
• Seal wear (B)
You can set a limit for the parameter by entering • Liquimeter (B)
the value in the edit field.

A value is reset when an entry for the associated

part is made in the Maintenance Logbook.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 45

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46 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Agilent 1100 Series Nano Pump
User Manual

Safety Information
Safety Information 48
Lithium Batteries Information 51
Danish Information 51
Radio Interference 52
Sound Emission 53
Solvent Information 54
Agilent Technologies on Internet 55

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of
operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent
Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with
these requirements.

Agilent Technologies 47
A Safety Information

Safety Information
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of
operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent
Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with
these requirements.

This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective
earthing) and has been manufactured and tested according to international
safety standards.

This instrument is designed as a laboratory equipment. Use it in an analytical

environment only.
Use this instrument in a manner described in this manual.

Before applying power, comply with the installation section. Additionally the
following must be observed.
Do not remove instrument covers when operating. Before the instrument is
switched on, all protective earth terminals, extension cords,
auto-transformers, and devices connected to it must be connected to a
protective earth via a ground socket. Any interruption of the protective earth
grounding will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in serious
personal injury. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired,
the instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against any intended
Make sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the specified
type (normal blow, time delay, and so on) are used for replacement. The use of
repaired fuses and the short-circuiting of fuseholders must be avoided.

Any adjustment, maintenance, and repair of the opened instrument under voltage is

48 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Safety Information A

Disconnect the instrument from the line and unplug the power cord before

Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.

Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a
definite safety hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or make any unauthorized modification to the
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged, even though the
instrument has been disconnected from its source of supply. Dangerous
voltages, capable of causing serious personal injury, are present in this
instrument. Use extreme caution when handling, testing and adjusting.

Safety Symbols
Table 4 shows safety symbols used on the instrument and in the manuals.

Table 4 Safety Symbols

Symbol Description

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when the user should refer to the
 instruction manual in order to prevent risk of harm to the operator and to
protect the apparatus against damage.

Indicates dangerous voltages.

Indicates a protected conductor terminal.

Eye damage may result from directly viewing the light produced by the Xenon
flash lamp used in this product. Always turn the xenon flash lamp off before
removing it.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 49

A Safety Information

A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure,

practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
personal injury or death.
Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.

A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure,

practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
damage to the product or loss of important data.
Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.

50 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Safety Information A

Lithium Batteries Information

Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
equivalent type recommended by the equipment manufacturer. Lithium batteries
may not be disposed-off into the domestic waste.

Transportation of discharged Lithium batteries through carriers regulated by

IATA/ICAO, ADR, RID, IMDG is not allowed. Discharged Lithium batteries shall be
disposed off locally according to national waste disposal regulations for batteries.

Danish Information

Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtic handtering. Udskiftning ma kun ske

med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Lever det brugte batteri tilbage til

Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare. Ved udskiftning benyttes kun batteri som anbefalt

av apparatfabrikanten. Brukt batteri returneres appararleverandoren.

NO TE Bij dit apparaat zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien
maar inleveren als KCA.

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 51

A Safety Information

Radio Interference
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to
ensure proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Test and Measurement

If test and measurement equipment is operated with equipment unscreened
cables and/or used for measurements on open set-ups, the user has to assure
that under operating conditions the radio interference limits are still met
within the premises.

52 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Safety Information A

Sound Emission

Manufacturer’s Declaration
This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the German
Sound Emission Directive of 18 January 1991.
This product has a sound pressure emission (at the operator position) < 70 dB.
• Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB (A)
• At Operator Position
• Normal Operation
• According to ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779/1991 (Type Test)

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 53

A Safety Information

Solvent Information
Observe the following recommendations on the use of solvents.

Brown glass ware can avoid growth of algae.
Always filter solvents, small particles can permanently block the capillaries.
Avoid the use of the following steel-corrosive solvents:
• Solutions of alkali halides and their respective acids (for example, lithium
iodide, potassium chloride, and so on).
• High concentrations of inorganic acids like nitric acid, sulfuric acid
especially at higher temperatures (replace, if your chromatography method
allows, by phosphoric acid or phosphate buffer which are less corrosive
against stainless steel).
• Halogenated solvents or mixtures which form radicals and/or acids, for
2CHCl3 + O2 → 2COCl2 + 2HCl
This reaction, in which stainless steel probably acts as a catalyst, occurs
quickly with dried chloroform if the drying process removes the stabilizing

• Chromatographic grade ethers, which can contain peroxides (for example,

THF, dioxane, di-isopropylether) such ethers should be filtered through dry
aluminium oxide which adsorbs the peroxides.
• Solutions of organic acids (acetic acid, formic acid, and so on) in organic
solvents. For example, a 1-% solution of acetic acid in methanol will attack
• Solutions containing strong complexing agents (for example, EDTA,
ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid).
• Mixtures of carbon tetrachloride with 2-propanol or THF.
• Avoid the use of alkaline solutions (pH > 8.5) which can attack the fuse
silica from the capillaries.

54 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Safety Information A

Agilent Technologies on Internet

For the latest information on products and services visit our worldwide web
site on the Internet at:
Select “Products” - “Chemical Analysis”
It will provide also the latest firmware of the Agilent 1100 series modules for

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 55

A Safety Information

56 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Numerics flow connections, 5 P
flow range, 2
2-D Mode, 33 post time, 17
flow rate, 14
pressure limits, 19
FS tubing, 26
A pressure pulsation, 39
primary flow, 2, 13, 37
Agilent on internet, 55 G priming, 20
algae, 29, 34
gradient linearity, 14 priming, manually, 20
alkaline solutions, 27
proteomics, 36
H pump auxiliary screen, 13
B pumphead, 4
hints for successful use, 26
battery pumping units, 2
safety information, 51 purge mode, 29
purge time, 22
C inlet filter, 34 purging, pump, 21
internet, 55
calibration curve, 18
introduction, 1 R
capillaries, blocked, 27
capillary, 26 radio interference, 52
channels, 22
L reconditioning, 12
column, 33 lithium batteries, 51
column flow, 13, 17 S
compressibility, 14 M
safety information, 47, 48
compressibility compensation, 39 micro mode, 29 on lithium batteries, 51
configuration screen, 12 minimum stroke, 14 set up pump, 15
mixer volume, 12 solvent cabinet, 29
D mixing performance, 14 solvent calibration, 18
diagnosis, 41 mobile phase, 36 solvent channels, 20
direct injection mode, 33 mobile phase composition, 2 solvent composition, 18
mobile phase, volume, 14 solvent compressibility, 14
F solvent degassing, 2
fast composition change, 12
O solvent filter, 29, 34
cleaning, 35
fast composition/reconditioning, 30 optimize your system, 25
solvent information, 26, 54
fast reconditioning, 17 overview, nano pump, 3
solvents, 18, 36
filter, 34
sound emission, 53
filter volume, 12
stoptime, 17

1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual 57


switching valve compartment, 33

timetable, 18
tubing, 26

vacuum degasser, 28

58 1100 Series Nano Pump User Manual

Agilent Technologies

In This Book


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