Definition and Focus
Definition and Focus
Definition and Focus
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student nurse will be able to:
1. Define health and community
2. Discuss the focus of public health
3. Explain the differences among community health nursing, public health
nursing, and community-based nursing
4. Cite the distinguishing features of community health nursing
5. Apply the competency standards of nursing practice in the Philippines in
community health nursing practice
6. Outline the historical development of public health and public health nursing
in the Philippines.
Learning Content
− a group of people with common characteristics or interests living together
within a territory or geographical boundary
− place where people under usual conditions are found
− a state of complete physical, mental, social, and emotional wellbeing and
not merely the absence of disease and infirmity (WHO,1958).
− Optimum Level of Functioning (OLOF) of Individuals, Families and
Philosophy of CHN
A philosophy is defined as a system of beliefs that provides a basis for
a guided action. A philosophy provides the direction and describes the
what’s, the why’s, and the how’s of activities within a profession.
The philosophy of CHN is based on the worth and dignity of man.
(Dr. Margaret Shetland)
CHN Practice is guided by the following beliefs:
▪ Humanistic values of the nursing profession upheld
▪ Unique and distinct component of health care
▪ Multiple factors of health considered
▪ Active participation of clients encouraged
▪ Nurse considers availability of resources
▪ Interdependence among health team members
▪ Scientific and up-to-date
▪ Tasks of CHN vary with time and place
▪ Independence or self-reliance of the people is the end
▪ Connectedness of health and development regarded
Mission of CHN
Health Promotion – activities related to enhancement of health
Health Protection – activities designed to protect the people
Health Balance – activities designed to maintain well being
Disease prevention – activities relate to avoid complication
o Primary Prevention
o Secondary Prevention
o Tertiary Prevention
Level 1
Prevention Activities
Prevention of problems before
they occur
Ex: Immunizaion
Level 2
Secondary Prevention Activities
Early detection and intervention
Ex: X -ray
Level 3
Tertiary Prevention Activities
Correction and prevention of deterioration of a disease state
Ex: Teaching Insulin administration at home
Standards of care
The public health collects comprehensive data
Standard 1. Assessment
pertinent to the health status of populations.
Standard 2. Population The public health nurse analyzes the assessment
diagnosis and Priorities data to determine the population diagnoses and
Standard 3. Outcomes The public health nurse identifies expected outcomes
identification for a plan based on population diagnoses and
Standard 4. Planning The public health nurse develops a plan that reflects
best practices by identifying strategies, action plans,
and alternatives to attain expected outcomes.
Standard 5. The public health nurse implements the identified plan
Implementation by partnering with others.
a. Coordination Coordinates programs, services, and other activities
to implement the identified plan.
b. Health education and Employs multiple strategies to promote health,
health promotion prevent disease, and ensure a safe environment for
c. Consultation Provides consultation to various community groups
and officials to facilitate the implementation of
programs and services.
d. Regulatory Identifies, interprets, and implements public health
activities laws, regulations, and policies.
Standard 6. Evaluation The public health nurse evaluates the health status of
the population.
Standards of professional performance
Standard 7. Quality of The public health nurse systematically enhances the
practice quality and effectiveness of nursing practice.
Standard 8. Education The public health nurse attains knowledge and
competency that reflects current nursing and public
health practice.
Standard 9. Professional The public health nurse evaluates one’s own nursing
practice evaluation practice in relation to professional practice standards
and guidelines, relevant statutes, rules, and
Standard 10. Collegiality The public health nurse establishes collegial
and professional partnerships while interacting with representatives of
relationships the population, organizations, and health and human
services professionals, and contributes to the
professional development of peers, students,
colleagues, and others.
Standard 11. Collaboration The public health nurse collaborates with the
representatives of the population, organizations, and
health and human services professionals in providing
for and promoting health of the population.
Standard 12. Ethics The public health nurse integrates ethical provisions in
all areas of practice.
Standard 13. Research The public health nurse integrates research findings in
Standard 14. Resource The public health nurse considers factors related to
utilization population safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice
and in the planning and delivery of nursing and public
health programs, policies, and services.
Standard 15. Leadership The public health nurse provides leadership in nursing
and public health.
• Early Christian era: virgins, noble women and plebeians took care of sick
• Phoebe: 1st visiting nurse
• Mr. William Rathbone:
o Philanthropist who first thought of public health nursing
o District nursing service in Liverpool in 1859
o More emphasis on midwifery
o Forerunner of public health nursing system
• In the USA:
o Public HN developed from visiting nursing service under missionary
societies and visiting nursing associations
o 1877: women’s board of NY mission established 1 st visiting nurses
Answer the following questions to test your understanding. Use your critical
thinking skills in deciding in each situation. Apply what you learn in this module.
Identify the problems in each scenario. Give the proper response as a nurse and
explain your basis in every action taken. You will be graded based on the rubrics shown
Case scenario:
CASE # 1 About: History of Public Health and Public and Community Health
Ahmad works as a home health nurse in his suburban community. He visits 7-10
clients each day. On today’s visitations, Ahmad will provide care for four clients who are
recovering from hip replacement surgery and three clients who are recovering from
heart surgery, and he will provide intravenous (IV) antibiotics for a man with an infected
Among this list of clients, Ahmad visits Mrs. T., an 87-year-old woman who lives
alone and is recovering from triple bypass surgery that she underwent a month ago.
Ahmad’s goals are to check on her recovery progress, reload her medications in her
weekly medication container, and administer an influenza vaccine.
Upon entering Mrs. T.’s small house, Ahmad finds the house in disarray: clothes
are scattered about, dirty dishes with crusted food line the kitchen counters, and no
lights are on. Ahmad finds Mrs. T. lying in bed watching television. Mrs. T. complains to
Ahmad of feeling too tired to do anything; she eats only what is already prepared (e.g.,
frozen dinners or snack foods like potato chips) because cooking requires too much
effort. She spends most of her days lying in bed and has not bathed in a week.
Ahmad helps Mrs. T. out of bed and assists her with a bath. After the bath,
Ahmad fixes Mrs. T. a quick lunch and refills her medication box while she eats. Ahmad
encourages Mrs. T. to start getting some exercise by doing the household chores so
that her heart can get stronger. “The stronger your heart is, the more energy you will
have,” Ahmad tells Mrs. T. Michael also enlists several services for Mrs. T.: A home
health aide will come to the house three times a week to help Mrs. T. bathe, and Meals-
on-Wheels will bring her breakfast and lunch. Finally, Nurse Ahmad administers the
influenza vaccine.
During Nurse Ahmad’s visit the following week, Mrs. T. is showing improvement.
She tells Ahmad, “I just love that little girl who comes to help me; she is just so sweet.
And the Meals-on-Wheels program is a blessing, I now have more energy to keep this
place clean the way I like it.”
1. What challenges did Nurse Ahmad face in his first visit with Mrs. T. that public
health nurses (PHNs) in the late 1800s also faced?