Sai Srinivasan: Ummary
Sai Srinivasan: Ummary
Sai Srinivasan: Ummary
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Aug 2018 - Dec 2019
Master of Science in Computer Engineering GPA: 3.95/4.0
Courses: ASIC Verification with SystemVerilog, Microprocessor Architecture, ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog, Digital Imaging Systems,
Computer Vision, Neural Networks.
SRM University, Chennai, India Aug 2012 - May 2016
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics & Communication Engineering GPA: 8.8/10.0
Relevant Courses: Computer Architecture, Data Structures, VLSI Design, Signal Processing, Digital Design, Analog design.
Programming: Verilog, SystemVerilog, C++, Java, Makefile, XML, Python, Unix/Linux shell programming. VHDL Assembly, CUDA, UVM
Tools: ModelSim, QuestaSim, Synopsys Design Vision, Verdi, Git, Visual Studio, Eclipse, DVE, Vim/Gvim.
DevOps Tools: G-Suite, Atlassian Tools, Version Control-Bit-Bucket, Build & Deploy-Jenkins, Ticketing-JIRA, Collaboration- Confluence.
Technologies: UVM (ongoing), JavaEE, Spring Boot Netflix-OSS, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Functional Verification of I2C Multiple Bus Controller (language: SystemVerilog; tool: ModelSim)
Designed a layered test bench architecture (Environment, Generator, Agent & Scoreboards) & golden reference model in SystemVerilog, to
verify data & control paths of an open source project, i2c multiple bus controller.
Developed Behavioral modelling of the Design for the Golden Reference within the Predictor. Also created Interfaces from the TB to DUT.
Created Test-Plan and Test Sequences to exercise the DUT on various scenarios.
Performed Coverage driven verification (code/functional/assertion coverage) and closed coverage.
Architecture Simulators (language: C++, Java)
Cache Hierarchy Simulator: Modeled a cache hierarchy simulator consisting L1, L2 & Victim cache. Implemented WBWA & WTNA write
policies along with LRU replacement policy and configurable cache parameters.
Compared and analyze performance, area & energy for different memory hierarchy configurations on this simulator, using a subset of SPEC-
2000 benchmark suite.
Branch Predictor Simulator: Designed a branch predictor simulator for Bimodal, Gshare & Hybrid predictors well suited for SPEC CINT95
benchmarks. Also included a Branch Target Buffer (BTB) to store the history of branches.
Analyzed performance of above simulator configurations for different instruction traces having varied degree of branch bias.
Out of order Superscalar Simulator: Modeled simulator for 5-stage superscalar processor based on Tomasulo’s algorithm that fetches,
dispatches & issues N instruction/cycle integrated with Renaming Map Table & Reorder Buffer.
Implementation of SHA256 Hashing Function-Synthesizable ASIC (language: Verilog; tools: Modelsim; Synopsys)
Designed synthesizable ASIC to perform SHA 256 encryption on a given message, interacting with SRAMs to read and write data of length <
=55 ASCII characters.
Implemented pipelining, FSM design to modularize functions, utilized DesignWare Libraries to reduce area by 30% and clock period by 8ns.
Carried out gate level synthesis and netlist generation with Synopsys Design Vision. Achieved minimum area & highest throughput.
Graduate Intern, Intel Corporation, Allentown, PA. May 2019 - Aug 2019
SoC Design Intern, Network Communications Solutions Group.
Architected a Val Strategy to perform Block Level Verification of an IP, housed in a SoC for 5G LTE products.
Created a reusable test bench using SystemVerilog and UVM 1.2, primarily followed an Object Oriented Design Approach.
Created Agents, Interfaces, Predictor/Scoreboard, and Test Sequences, and used TLM 1.2 Connections to exercise the DUT
Sequences of Directed Tests, Constrained Random Tests, were generated according to Test-Plan and Coverage was reported.
Software Engineer, Verizon Data Services India (Verizon Wireless), Chennai, India Jul 2016 - Jun 2018
Backend Developer for Mobility and Self-Service Team, MyVerizon®.
Migrated a critical middleware application (serves 1.5 million customers) to a cloud based Microservice application, ensuring the continuation
and enhancements of services while maintaining 99.9% website availability.
Key Achievement: Drop in Churn rate by 0.5%.Increased sales (4300 new customer accounts, 68000 lines to existing accounts). Reduced Call-
In Rate.
Other Contributions: Debugging, Unit-Testing, Application Security of some internal projects.