Pcode MWM Pcode Bosch Blinking Description: Pcodes X Blinking Code

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PCodes X Blinking Code

PCodes x Blinking Code

PCode PCode
Blinking Description
MWM Bosch
P0087 P0233-08 32 Low pressure on fuel line
P0088 P0233-01 32 Fuel pressure signal exceeded maximum limit
P0094 P0233-10 32 Pressure leakage during idling
P0105 P0105-09 16 Atmospheric pressure above engine protection limit
P0106 P0105-04 16 Missing barometric sensor signal
P0107 P0105-02 16 Low voltage on barometric sensor
P0108 P0105-01 16 High voltage on barometric sensor
P0111 P0239-04 13 Missing intake air temperature sensor signal
P0112 P0239-02 13 Low voltage on intake air temperature sensor
P0113 P0239-01 13 High voltage on intake air temperature sensor
P0115 P0115-09 11 Engine coolant temperature exceeded engine protection limit
P0116 P0115-04 11 Missing engine coolant temperature sensor signal
P0117 P0155-02 11 Low voltage on engine coolant temperature sensor
P0118 P0115-01 11 High voltage on engine coolant temperature sensor
P0121 P0120-04 23 Missing signal from accelerator position sensor
P0122 P0120-02 23 Low voltage on accelerator position sensor
P0123 P0120-01 23 High voltage on accelerator position sensor
P0190 P0190-09 22 Fuel pressure above system maximum limit
P0191 P0190-04 22 Missing voltage signal from fuel pressure sensor
P0192 P0190-02 22 Low voltage on fuel pressure sensor
P0193 P0190-01 22 High voltage on fuel pressure sensor
P0196 P0195-09 17 Oil temperature above engine protection limit
P0197 P0195-02 17 Low voltage on oil temperature sensor
P0198 P0195-01 17 High voltage on oil temperature sensor
P0199 P0195-04 17 Missing signal from oil temperature sensor
P0201 P0201-04 58 Injector #1 disconnected
P0202 P0202-04 59 Injector #2 disconnected
P0203 P0203-04 61 Injector #3 disconnected
P0204 P0204-04 62 Injector #4 disconnected
P0205 P0205-04 63 Injector #5 disconnected
P0206 P0206-04 64 Injector #6 disconnected
P0235 P0235-09 14 Intake air pressure above maximum limit
P0236 P0235-04 14 Missing signal from intake air pressure sensor
P0237 P0235-02 14 Low voltage on intake air pressure sensor
P0238 P0235-01 14 High voltage on intake air pressure sensor

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PCodes X Blinking Code

PCode PCode
Blinking Description
MWM Bosch
P0261 P0201-02 58 Short circuit to ground on Injector #1
P0262 P0201-01 58 Short circuit to battery voltage on Injector #1
P0264 P0202-02 59 Short circuit to ground on Injector #2
P0265 P0202-01 59 Short circuit to battery voltage on Injector #2
P0267 P0203-02 61 Short circuit to ground on Injector #3
P0268 P0203-01 61 Short circuit to battery voltage on Injector #3
P0270 P0204-02 62 Short circuit to ground on Injector #4
P0271 P0204-01 62 Short circuit to battery voltage on Injector #4
P0273 P0205-02 63 Short circuit to ground on Injector #5
P0274 P0205-01 63 Short circuit to battery voltage on Injector #5
P0276 P0206-02 64 Short circuit to ground on Injector #6
P0277 P0206-01 64 Short circuit to battery voltage on Injector #6
P0335 P0219-08 38 Engine speed exceeded maximum limit (engine overspeed)
P0336 P0335-08 42 Missing signal from crankshaft rotation sensor
P0340 P0340-08 43 Missing signal from camshaft rotation sensor
P0500 P0500-09 25 Vehicle speed signal above maximum limit
P0501 P0500-04 25 Missing signal from vehicle speed sensor
P0502 P0500-02 25 Vehicle speed low signal
P0503 P0500-01 25 Vehicle speed high signal
P0510 P0120-08 23 Voltage on accelerator position sensor implausible with idle switch
P0520 P0520-09 18 Oil pressure above maximum engine protection limit
P0521 P0520-04 18 Missing signal from lubricating oil pressure sensor
P0522 P0520-02 18 Low voltage on lubricating oil pressure sensor
P0523 P0520-01 18 High voltage on lubricating oil pressure sensor
P0524 P0520-10 18 Oil pressure below engine protection minimum limit
P0560 P0560-10 21 Voltage supply below system minimum limit
P0561 P0560-09 21 Voltage supply above system maximum limit
P0562 P0560-02 21 Voltage supply low
P0563 P0560-01 21 Voltage supply high
P0571 P0571-08 28 No signal from brake pedal sensor
P0606 P0606-08 46 ECM program reset due adverse conditions
P0685 P1625-01 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply
P0686 P1625-02 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply
P0687 P1625-03 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply
P0688 P1625-04 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply

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PCodes X Blinking Code

PCode PCode
Blinking Description
MWM Bosch
P0689 P1625-05 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply
P0690 P1625-06 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply
P0704 P0704-04 27 No signal from clutch pedal sensor
P1002 P1690-04 83 Missing signal from high-pressure pump solenoid valve
P1003 P1606-04 49 Error on analog to digital signal conversion
P1004 P1606-02 49 Low voltage on internal capacitor Bank 1
P1005 P1606-01 49 High voltage on internal capacitor Bank 1
P1006 P1607-04 51 Error on analog to digital signal conversion
P1007 P1607-02 51 Low voltage on internal capacitor Bank 2
P1008 P1607-01 51 High voltage on internal capacitor Bank 2
P1087 P0233-03 32 Pressure leakage while turning off engine
P1088 P0233-09 32 Pressure leakage detected by implausible debt balance calculation
P1090 P0231-03 47 Pressure surge for opening of relief valve
P1091 P0231-02 47 Relief valve opening detected
P1092 P0231-04 47 Relief valve opening detected
P1093 P0231-10 47 Open relief valve
P1094 P0231-09 47 Relief valve closed after pressure surge
P1095 P0231-08 47 Relief valve opening detected
P1096 P0231-12 47 Relief valve opening detected
P1097 P0231-01 47 Fuel pressure on Rail above system maximum limit
P1115 P1612-10 91 Low level of engine coolant
P1116 P1612-04 91 Missing signal from engine coolant level sensor
P1117 P1612-03 91 Low voltage on engine coolant level sensor
P1118 P1612-12 91 High voltage on engine coolant level sensor
P1119 P1612-08 91 Signal from engine coolant level sensor implausible
P1122 P0120-02 23 Voltage supply low on accelerator position sensor
P1123 P0120-01 23 Voltage supply high on accelerator position sensor
32 Pressure on fuel line significantly higher than fuel pressure
P1190 P0233-12
P1192 P0190-02 22 Voltage supply low on fuel pressure sensor
P1193 P0190-01 22 Voltage supply high on fuel pressure sensor
32 Pressure on fuel line significantly lower than fuel pressure
P1194 P0233-08
P1201 P0201-08 58 Failure on monitoring signal from injector #1
P1202 P0202-08 59 Failure on monitoring signal from injector #2
P1203 P0203-08 61 Failure on monitoring signal from injector #3

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PCodes X Blinking Code

PCode PCode
Blinking Description
MWM Bosch
P1204 P0204-08 62 Failure on monitoring signal from injector #4
P1205 P0205-08 63 Failure on monitoring signal from injector #5
P1206 P0206-08 64 Failure on monitoring signal from injector #6
P1237 P0235-03 14 Voltage supply low on intake air pressure sensor
P1238 P0235-12 14 Voltage supply high on intake air pressure sensor
P1280 P1285-08 41 Test of internal clock implausible
P1281 P1285-04 41 Failure on engine turning off test
P1282 P1285-03 41 Monitoring signal of voltage supply below limit
P1283 P1285-12 41 Monitoring signal of voltage supply above limit
P1500 P0500-08 25 Vehicle speed signal is implausible
P1501 P0220-08 24 Implausibility between brake pedal and accelerator pedal switches
P1522 P0520-03 18 Voltage supply low on oil pressure sensor
P1523 P0520-12 18 Voltage supply high on lubricating oil pressure sensor
P1556 P1683-04 75 Engine brake solenoid disconnected
P1557 P1683-02 75 Short circuit to ground on engine brake solenoid
P1558 P1683-01 75 Short circuit to battery voltage on engine brake solenoid
P1561 P0561-08 48 Failure on monitoring module of internal clock
P1562 P0561-03 48 Internal voltage supply low
P1563 P0561-12 48 Internal voltage supply high
P1564 P0560-04 21 Error on analog to digital signal conversion
P1565 P0561-04 48 Failure on monitoring module of internal clock
P1604 P1604-08 45 Memory block checksum error
P1605 P1605-08 93 Memory writing checksum error
P1614 P1614-08 94 Data saving execution error
P1615 P1615-08 95 Memory block mapping error
P1640 P0650-04 71 Emergency stop light disconnected
P1641 P0650-02 71 Short circuit to ground on emergency stop light
P1642 P0650-01 71 Short circuit to battery voltage on emergency stop light
P1650 P1674-04 69 Warning light disconnected
P1651 P1674-02 69 Short circuit to ground on warning light
P1652 P1674-01 69 Short circuit to battery voltage on warning light
P1691 P1625-01 39 Failure on monitoring internal voltage supply
P1692 P1625-08 39 Failure on monitoring voltage supply of main relay
P2265 P1613-04 92 Missing signal from water on fuel sensor
P2269 P1613-09 92 Presence of water on fuel

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