Prelim Quiz 2
Prelim Quiz 2
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Choose the best answer from the choices given.
S1: Budget deliberations in the Senate formally start after the House of
Representatives transmits the GAB. S2: The Senate Financing Committee and
Sub-Committees cannot start hearings on the GAB until House deliberations are
finished. *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
S1: In obligational based budgeting, contracts awarded within the fiscal year may
be delivered for one year after the end of the fiscal year. S2: In obligational based
budgeting, inspection, verification and payment may only be made within the fiscal
year *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
They are tasked to assist the BAC in Shortlisting of consultants and Review of
Bidding Documents, among others. *
A. Observers
B. Heads of Procuring Entity
C. BAC Secretariat
D. Technical Working Group
S1: Executive reviews are conducted after departments and agencies submit their
Agency Budget Proposal to the DBM. S2: Deliberations in the Executive Review
entail a careful prioritization of programs and corresponding support, vis-a vis the
priority agenda of the national government. *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
These are liabilities legally incurred, which the government will pay for. *
A. Contracts
B. Obligations
C. Pledges
D. Loans
It is a phase in the budget cycle which begins with issuance by the DBM of
guidelines on the release and utilization of funds *
A. Budget preparation
B. Budget legislation
C. Budget execution
D. Budget accountability
The responsibility for monitoring budget execution and operation rest primarily on
_. *
C. BTr
D. Government Agencies
This feature in the budget preparation seeks to increase citizen participation in the
budget process where departments and agencies are tasked to partner with civil
society organizations (CSOs) as they prepare their agency budget proposals *
A. Budget call
B. Executive review
C. Stakeholder engagement
D. Consolidation, validation and confirmation
Direct Contracting may be resorted to only under the following conditions, except: *
A. There was a prior failed competitive/bidding process.
B. Procurement of goods of proprietary nature, which can be obtained only from the
proprietary source.
C. When the procurement of critical components from a specific manufacturer, supplier or
distributor is a condition precedent to hold a contractor to guarantee its project performance,
in accordance with the provisions of his contract.
D. Those sold by an exclusive dealer or manufacturer, which does not have sub-dealers
selling at lower prices and for which no suitable substitute can be obtained at more
advantageous terms to the Government.
S1: The president’s budget explains the policy framework and priorities in the
budget S2: The budget preparation phase ends with the submission of the
proposed national budget –the “President’s Budget” to the senate. *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
This is a phase in the budget cycle which requires the executive to implement the
enacted budget faithfully and that Congress, the DBM, the COA, and the citizens
are able to scrutinize how public funds are spent. *
A. Budget preparation
B. Budget legislation
C. Budget execution
D. Budget accountability
Cash authority issued quarterly by the DBM to central, regional and provincial
offices and operating units to cover the cash requirements of the agencies. *
A. Appropriation
B. Allotment
C. Notice of Cash Allocation
D. Non-cash availment authority
S1: When the GAA is not enacted before fiscal year starts, the previous year’s GAA
is automatically reenacted. S2: Once submitted to the President for his approval,
the GAB is considered enrolled. *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
This provides the means for controlling the estimated amount to be raised and the
proposed amount to be spent for a specified project. *
A. Appropriations
B. Allotments
C. Budgets
D. All of the above
In this stage of the budget cycle, there are deliberations by the DBCC to determine
the agency and sectoral allocation of the approved total expenditure ceiling, in line
with the macroeconomic and fiscal program where heads of major departments are
invited. *
A. Budget call
B. Executive review
C. Stakeholder engagement
D. Consolidation, validation and confirmation
S1: As soon as the GAA is enacted, the government can implement its priority
programs and project S2: To authorize an agency to pay the obligations it incurs,
DBM issues a disbursement authority. *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
S1: Accounting for budgetary accounts commences three months after enactment
of the General Appropriation Act S2: The level of allotments defines the amount of
cash allocations which will be released by the DBM. *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
This is a budgeting method where all items in the budget need justification *
A. Performance budgeting
B. Line-item budgeting
C. Zero-based budgeting
D. Special budgeting
S1: The Budget Execution Documents (BEDs) cannot be changed after the
approval of the General Appropriations Act S2: BEDs should be submitted on or
before November 30 before the financial year, without waiting for the approval of
the General Appropriation Act (GAA) *
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
The alternative modes can be resorted to by the procuring entity when the following
conditions are met, except: *
A. Approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity or his duly authorized representative.
B. Justified by the conditions provided in GPRA.
C. There was a prior failed competitive/bidding process.
D. The procuring entity is promoting economic and efficient method in its procurement.
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For the following items, analyze the statements and decide whether each is true or false.
In all instances of the alternative methods of procurement, the procuring entity may
dispense with the advertisement in PhilGEPS *
The Head of Procuring Entity or any approving authority can be the Chairperson or
a member of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) in extreme circumstances *
In limited source bidding, the Head of the procuring entity directly invites all
suppliers or consultants appearing in the pre-selected list. *
To determine the reason for failed bidding, the BAC should conduct a mandatory
review and evaluation of the terms, conditions and specifications in the bidding
documents including its cost estimates. *
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