Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning: December 2020
Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning: December 2020
Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning: December 2020
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1 author:
Marouane Ferjani
Bournemouth University
All content following this page was uploaded by Marouane Ferjani on 16 December 2020.
Abstract—The wide adaptation of computer-based technology reported that India had a huge loss of $236.6 billion by 2015
in the health care industry resulted in the accumulation of because of fatal diseases, caused by malnutrition and morbid
electronic data. Due to the substantial amounts of data, medical lifestyles [6]. Such expenditures revealed how prone people
doctors are facing challenges to analyze symptoms accurately and
identify diseases at an early stage. However, supervised machine are to a spectrum of diseases, which showcased how vital it
learning (ML) algorithms have showcased significant potential is to detect diseases early, to consequently reduce the fatality
in surpassing standard systems for disease diagnosis and aiding of these maladies. In addition, early disease prediction can
medical experts in the early detection of high-risk diseases. In lessen the financial pressure on the economy and ensure better
this literature, the aim is to recognize trends across various maintenance on the overall well-being of the community [5],
types of supervised ML models in disease detection through
the examination of performance metrics. The most prominently [6].
discussed supervised ML algorithms were Naı̈ve Bayes (NB), According to Yuan [7], ML algorithms are highly suscepti-
Decision Trees (DT), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). As per findings, ble to errors because of two factors. Firstly, it depends on the
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is the most adequate at detecting quality and the selection of the datasets, which is crucial to
kidney diseases and Parkinson’s disease. The Logistic Regression achieve accurate and unbiased decisions. Secondly, ML algo-
(LR) performed highly at the prediction of heart diseases. Finally,
Random Forest (RF), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) rithms relies heavily on the right selection of features extracted
predicted in precision breast diseases and common diseases, from the dataset, which proved to be difficult, time consuming,
respectively. and required high computational power. These factors hinder
Keywords—Health Care, Supervised Machine Learning, Dis- the performance of the learning model and generate fatal errors
eases Prediction that can endanger the lives of patients. In contrast, Ismaeel [8]
argued that standard statistical techniques, the work experience
and the intuition of medical doctors led to undesirable biases
A. Motivation and errors when detecting risks associated to the disease. With
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled com- the substantial surge of electronic health data, medical doctors
puterized systems to perceive, think and operate in an in- are facing challenges to identify diseases accurately at an early
telligent manner like humans [1]. AI is a multidisciplinary stage. For this reason, advanced computational methodologies
concept of ML, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Natural such as ML algorithms were introduced to discover meaningful
Language Processing [2]. ML algorithms apply various opti- patterns and hidden information from data, which can be used
mization, statistical ,and probabilistic techniques to learn from for critical decision making. In consequence, the burden on
data that was generated from past experiences, and deploy it in the medical staff decreased, while the survival rate of patients
decision making [3]. These algorithms deemed to be applied was ameliorated [3], [8].
in many disciplines including network intrusion recognition,
customer purchase behavior detection, process manufacturing B. Aim
optimization, credit card fraud detection, and disease modu- The aim of this study is to test the proposed hypothesis
lation. Many of these applications have been designed using that supervised ML algorithms can improve health care by
the supervised learning approach. In this approach, datasets the accurate and early detection of diseases. In this study, we
with known labels are induced to prediction models to predict investigate studies that utilize more than one supervised ML
unlabeled examples [2], [3]. This presents the hypothesis that model for each disease recognition problem. This approach
medical doctors can utilize supervised learning as a powerful renders more comprehensiveness and precision because the
tool to conduct diseases diagnosis more efficiently [4] . evaluation of the performance of a single algorithm over
Medicaid services and centers for Medicare reported that various study settings induces bias which generates imprecise
50% of Americans had multiple chronic diseases, which led results. The analysis of ML models will be conducted on
the US health care to spend around $3.3 trillion in 2016, few diseases located at heart, kidney, breast, and brain. For
that amounts to $10,348 per person in the US [5]. Moreover, the detection of the disease, numerous methodologies will be
the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum evaluated such as KNN, NB, DT, CNN, SVM, and LR. At
the end of this literature, the best performing ML models in it the better performing algorithm. However, NB classified
respect of each disease will be concluded. data with minimum execution time. Other several empirical
studies also focused on locating CKD; Charleonnan et al. [14]
II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW and Kotturu et al. [15] concluded that the SVM classifier is
A. Common Diseases the most adequate for kidney diseases because it deals well
Dahiwade et al. [9] proposed a ML based system that pre- with semi-structured and unstructured data. Such flexibility
dicts common diseases. The symptoms dataset was imported allowed SVM to handle larger features spaces, which resulted
from the UCI ML depository, where it contained symptoms in acquiring high accuracy when detecting complex kidney
of many common diseases. The system used CNN and KNN diseases. Although supported by findings, the conclusion is
as classification techniques to achieve multiple diseases pre- weakened by prior suggestion that different hyper-parameters
diction. Moreover, the proposed solution was supplemented were not experimented when evaluating the performances of
with more information that concerned the living habits of the ML algorithms. According to Uddin [3] the exploration of the
tested patient, which proved to be helpful in understanding the hyper-parameter space can generate different accuracy results
level of risk attached to the predicted disease. Dahiwade et al. and render better performances for ML algorithms.
[9] compared the results between KNN and CNN algorithm
C. Heart Diseases
in terms of processing time and accuracy. The accuracy
and processing time of CNN were 84.5% and 11.1 seconds, Marimuthu et al. [16] aimed to predict heart diseases
respectively. The statistics proved that KNN algorithm is under using supervised ML techniques. The authors structured the
performing compared to CNN algorithm. In light of this attributes of data as gender, age, chest pain, gender, target and
study, the findings of Chen et al. [10] also agreed that CNN slope [16]. The applied ML algorithms that were deployed
outperformed typical supervised algorithms such as KNN, NB, are DT, KNN, LR and NB. As per analysis, the LR algorithm
and DT. The authors concluded that the proposed model scored gave a high accuracy of 86.89%, which deemed to be the most
higher in terms of accuracy, which is explained by the capabil- effective compared to the other mentioned algorithms. In 2018,
ity of the model to detect complex nonlinear relationships in Dwivedi [17] attempted to add more precision to the prediction
the feature space. Moreover, CNN detects features with high of heart diseases by accounting for additional parameters such
importance that renders better description of the disease, which as Resting blood pressure, Serum Cholesterol in mg/dl, and
enables it to accurately predict diseases with high complexity Maximum Heart Rate achieved. The used dataset was imported
[9], [10]. This conclusion is well supported and backed with from the UCI ML laboratory; it was comprised with 120
empirical observations and statistical arguments. Nonetheless, samples that were heart disease positive, and 150 samples that
the presented models lacked details, for instance, Neural were heart disease negative. Dwivedi attempted to evaluate
Networks parameters such as network size, architecture type, the performance of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), SVM,
learning rate and back propagation algorithm, etc. In addition, KNN, NB, LR and Classification Tree. At the appliance of
the analysis of the performances is only evaluated in terms of tenfold cross validation, the results showed that LR has the
accuracy, which debunks the validity of the presented findings highest classification accuracy and sensitivity, which shows
[9]. Moreover, the authors did not take into consideration high dependability at detecting heart diseases [17]. This con-
the bias problem that is faced by the tested algorithms [9], clusion is strengthened by the findings of Polaraju [18] and
[10]. In illustration, the incorporation of more feature variables Vahid et al. [19], where the Logistic Regression outperformed
could immensely ameliorate the performance metrics of under other techniques such as ANN, SVM, and Adaboost. The
performed algorithms [11]. studies excelled in conducting an extensive analysis on the ML
models. For instance, various hyper-parameters were tested at
B. Kidney Diseases each ML algorithm to converge to the best possible accuracy
Serek et al. [12] planned a comparative study of classifiers and precision values. Despite that advantage, the small size
performance for Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) detection of the imported datasets constraints the learning models from
using The Kidney Function Test (KFT) dataset. In this study, targeting diseases with higher accuracy and precision.
the classifiers used are KNN, NB, and RF classifier; their
performance is examined in terms of F-measure, precision, D. Breast Diseases
and accuracy. As per analysis, RF scored better in phrases of Shubair [20] attempted for the detection of breast cancer
F-measure and accuracy, while NB yielded better precision. In using ML algorithms, namely RF, Bayesian Networks and
consideration of this study, Vijayarani [13] aimed to detect kid- SVM. The researchers obtained the Wisconsin original breast
ney diseases using SVM and NB. The classifiers were used to cancer dataset from the UCI Repository and utilized it for
identify four types of kidney diseases namely Acute Nephritic comparing the learning models in terms of key parameters
Syndrome, Acute Renal Failure, Chronic Glomerulonephritis, such as accuracy, recall, precision, and area of ROC graph. The
and CKD. Additionally, the research was focused on deter- classifiers were tested using K-fold validation method, where
mining the better performing classification algorithm based the chosen value of K is equal to 10 [20]. The simulation
on the accuracy and execution time. From the results, SVM results have proved that SVM excelled in terms of recall,
considerably achieved higher accuracy than NB, which makes accuracy, and precision. However, RF had a higher probability
in the correct classification of the tumor, which was implied and the regularization value were outlined in depth. However,
by the ROC graph. In contrast, Yao [21] experimented with ML models were not calibrated before evaluating the per-
various data mining methods including RF and SVM to de- formances. Caruana argues that [26] calibration substantially
termine the best suited algorithm for breast cancer prediction. enhances the classification of few learning models namely NB,
Per results, the classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity of SVM, and RF.
Random Forest algorithm were 96.27%, 96.78%, and 94.57%,
respectively, while SVM scored an accuracy value of 95.85%,
a sensitivity of 95.95%, and a specificity of 95.53%. Yao The use of different ML algorithms enabled the early
came to the conclusion that the RF algorithm performed better detection of many maladies such as heart, kidney, breast, and
than SVM because the former provides better estimates of brain diseases. Throughout the literature, SVM, RF and LR
information gained in each feature attribute. Furthermore, RF algorithms were the most widely used at prediction, while
is the most adequate at breast diseases classification, since it accuracy was the most used performance metric. The CNN
scales well for large datasets and prefaces lower chances of model proved to be the most adequate at predicting common
variance and data overfitting [21]. the studies advantageously diseases. Furthermore, SVM model showed superiority in ac-
presented multiple performance metrics that solidified the curacy at most times for kidney diseases and PD because of its
underlined argument. Nevertheless, the inclusion of the pre- reliability in handling high-dimensional, semi-structured and
processing stage to prepare raw data for training proved to unstructured data. For Breast cancer prediction, RF showed
be disadvantageous for ML models [21]. According to Yao more superiority in the probability of correct classification
[21], omitting parts of data reduces the quality of images, and of the diseases because of its ability to scale well for large
therefore the performance of the ML algorithm is hindered. datasets and its susceptibility to avoid overfitting. Finally, the
LR algorithm proved to be the most reliable in predicting heart
E. Parkinson’s Disease diseases.
Chen et al. [22] presented an effective diagnosis system In future work, the creation of more complex ML algorithms
using Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor (FKNN) for the diagnosis of is much needed to increase the efficiency of disease prediction.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) . The study focused on comparing In addition, learning models should be calibrated more often
the proposed SVM-based and the FKNN-based approaches. after the training phase for potentially a better performance.
the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was utilized to Moreover, datasets should be expanded on different demo-
assemble the most discriminated features for the construction graphics to avoid overfitting and increase the accuracy of
of an optimal FKNN model. The dataset was taken from the deployed models. Finally, more relevant feature selection
the UCI depository, and it recorded numerous biomedical methods should be used to enhance the performance of the
voice measurement ranging from 31 people, 24 with PD. The learning models.
experimental findings have indicated that the FKNN approach R EFERENCES
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