(Project Reference, Title and OJEU Ref) : Restricted

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[address] Ask for: [contact name]

Telephone: [contact number]

Our ref: [project reference]

Date: [date

Dear [name]

[project reference, title and OJEU ref]

Thank you for your recent submission in respect of the above tender. On behalf of
Derbyshire County Council I am writing to accept your offer as detailed in your tender
dated [insert date].

The following documents shall be read and construed as forming part of the Contract
and, in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between these documents, such
conflict or inconsistency shall be resolved according to the following order of priority:

1. Derbyshire County Council’s tender documentation, including:

(a) The Council’s Terms and Conditions;
(b) [The GDPR Schedule];
(c) The Council’s Specification;
(d) [add any additional Council documents];

2. [add details of any further documents that require to be included as part of the
contract e.g. any clarifications];
3. This letter of acceptance;

4. Your tender response.

[This Contract shall commence on [insert start date of contract if different to the date of
this letter] and the] [The] term of this contract is [insert initial term], [with an option to
extend for further periods of [insert term of further period] up to a maximum of [insert
maximum period of contract]].

Please sign the Acceptance of Award of Contract below and return one signed copy of
this letter as soon as possible to the above address. Signature by you will act as
confirmation that the Contract has been entered into as set out in this letter.

Yours sincerely

[Designation and team]



I/We _________________________ confirm acceptance of the contract for the [contract title]
as set out in this letter.

Signed ………………………………………………………………

Name (Block Capitals) ………………………………………………………………

Position/Job Title ………………………………………………………………

For and on behalf of ………………………………………………………………

Date ………………………………………………………………

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