SadafAldar SE6-03 CNND Assignment02
SadafAldar SE6-03 CNND Assignment02
SadafAldar SE6-03 CNND Assignment02
Class 8- SC-6
Rolllo- 03
Subfect -CNND
Assianment No - 0 2
uestTons 3
Q1 Exploain the_difPerent dasses_0F TP addressesand
need dsubnetinq wth he help a exanmple
2 Explaîn IPV4 header Also disuss the need for
agmentahion _of TP Packet
Q3 i t e a shot noteon RPC.
xplain TCP Header fommat
05. Use the RLEmethod o tompyes5 the folla.wing
Sequence of 6smbols
Solutfon 8--
Q1explain the diferent classes of TP addesses and
need oF Subnetinq wth he hetp o example
Class A Fomat
he network eldis 16it loq andhe host
feld is o 24 bft lenqth-8o the netuaok feld
Lan have numbeus between 1 to 126.
But the host numbers wïll ranae om
000:0 o 21 255 266 26S Thos în class_A,
thene can be 126 tupes O netuwcks Ond 11
millfon hosts
The o" fn the hst feid Pdenites thdt fs o
class A network addre6s
1bfts 24 bits
O Netwok Hos
(class B
fomat s-
B) clasS Cfomat -
class D fmat
The cla55fomat allowsoupo 2 million
networks wth upho 254 hosts each and class
D fomat allows the multfcast in which_a
dataqoam 1s drected fo mulffple hosts
11O Multicast adod
(5)class E famat -
The address_bedîns with LLO which shouus_
that t is yesved orutue use
The 32-bf 4 bute) netumk addressaeusuall
uwten In _dated_decimal_notutfon nhis
notationeach op the -byles fs w+tkn
n decimai om 0 n 256
lhe lowesk TP addvess fa 0.0.0.althe 32 bís are
ZeD_and the hiahes IPVU is 056Q55:55-2
class C netupok
VER CVeusion)
This s a 4bft ffeid_which is used todefïne
the vesYon o TP pwtocol TheUent Veusion
o TP is 4 i-e.Tpy but n futume t may be
Ompletely eplated by h e latest NeHsfön af
This feid wf fndfcahe the TP s0tware unn+na
on he pYDessînq machine that th dataqam
belongs to Tpy4 veHsion 4
the mrocessinq
machine susinq Some othe eusfon d TP
then the datagram will be dfacarded.
2) HLEN (Header Jengtn)
This 4bit lonq Reid Psused f detfninq the
lenqth O he datagram header fn 4-bute
The value of this 4feld *s multipl+ed bs y o
get the length o the TP1/4 header.which vaHias
between 20 and oo hstes.
lhen thee ame no 0phionsthe Value_of this
ield is 5 and the headen ength is 5xu 20b
When the Nalue of opfifon feidis maximum
the yalue o HLEN eld is 15 arnd he
Uome. s2ondfng header length s max+mum_
e 5XU= bo bytes
) Serfre type -6eHvice type or dilerentiaked
Services (not used now)
AnS uhen
l hen aa pYOcess_on machïne-1 talls o proredure on
machine-2 then the Callinq process on 1 fs 6uspended
and h e execuion oP the talled procedume takes plae
on machine-2
No Messaqe passing is vis+ble o fhe po qramme
nfs technfqve fs_cailed as RPC (Remote Mocedure
Call). hoditionalyhe collïnq ocedunme is known
as client and hecalled procedure Ts knOwn as the
SeYvelhese names are USed for RPC too.
LThe_pinciple behind RPC s to make a emote
prOcedure call lbols like a local all
To Ldll a Yemole pYOcedue, the clfenE poqam
be bound wh a small librom Ocedure Called
aS clfent stub whfch eresenks the Sewem
procedune Tn the clfents addhress 8fmilaHly_e
Seyvers bound wih a Mceclure (alled
ag the
6erveYns t u b
4A2c 3B 5D E 2F