012 08 3 CO FinalReport

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Date: December 9, 2009

Agreement Number: 08HQAG012

Project Title: An Enterprise Architecture Plan for Colorado Geospatial Information
Final report
Organization: Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology
601 E. 18th Ave., Suite 250, Denver, CO 80203
Principal Investigator: Jon Gottsegen, 303-764-7712, jon.gottsegen@state.co.us
Collaborating Organizations: name, point of contact, address, web address

Executive Summary
This project produced an enterprise architecture plan for GIS for the State of Colorado.
The plan outlined structures for reporting and managing geospatial technologies and data
across the state enterprise. It included means by which the state can more effectively
deliver services within state government and to the state GIS community. It began with a
survey of geospatial applications among state agencies and also included a preliminary
work breakdown structure that the State may utilize to identify tasks to be accomplished
to realize the enterprise architecture. The plan also reflects considerable input from state
agencies through several meetings during which needs and potential uses for geospatial
technologies were discussed. The work was done by an outside contractor. The contractor
received frequent input from a working group of state personnel responsible for
developing an implementation plan for GIS consolidation in the state.

Project Narrative

The purpose of this project was to develop an enterprise architecture business plan for
geospatial information and technologies in state government in Colorado. Implementing
an enterprise architecture was one of the programmatic goals of the GIS coordination
strategic plan developed with assistance from USGS partnership funds in 2008.

The Governor’s Office of Information Technology contracted with Applied Geographics

to assist with the development of the plan. They were directed to accomplish four tasks:
1) inventory geospatial applications among state agencies, 2) develop an organizational
structure including personnel needs for an enterprise GIS, 3) develop a technical
enterprise GIS architecture, and 4) produce a work breakdown structure for implementing
the described architectures. Because of political dynamics occurring around the GIS
consolidation efforts in the State, the organizational structure component was removed
from the project.

Applied Geographics met with GIS staff from several state agencies and with Chief
Information Officers from several agencies that do not have existing GIS operations to
try and understand their uses of and potential needs for GIS. In addition, they defined a
survey to collect information on existing GIS applications among state agencies. The
purpose of this survey was to develop an awareness of the skill sets available among GIS
staff to share expertise among state agencies and to identify common components among
applications that may be supported on enterprise wide GIS infrastructure.

Applied Geographics delivered a final plan to the State that proposed an enterprise
structure for GIS services that state agencies can push data to or otherwise interact with.
In addition, they identified a series of tasks that the State should pursue in implementing
this architecture to ensure its success. This list of tasks was the source of a loose work
breakdown structure. It is a loose structure because it does not specify time frames for the
tasks due to some remaining unknowns.

This funded project is a part of a GIS consolidation effort occurring in the State of
Colorado within which a group of state agency personnel are working with the State GIS
Coordinator to identify services or tasks that should be managed from a enterprise
perspective. This GIS effort is a part of a larger IT consolidation effort in Colorado state
government. The GIS consolidation effort has involved staff from the Colorado
Departments of Agriculture, Corrections, Natural Resources, Public Health and
Environment, Public Safety, Transportation and, of course, the Governor’s Office of
Information Technology. In addition, the State GIS Coordinator has been keeping the
GIS community within the state informed of consolidation developments through various
user meetings, a Colorado GIS community listserv and the Colorado Geospatial
Information Advisory Council. The GIS consolidation project is assessing what aspects
of the following geospatial components should be managed centrally: software licenses,
application development, hardware/infrastructure, databases and data development, and

This larger GIS consolidation project is still underway. It is in a planning phase, in which
the state agency working group is developing an implementation plan for the
consolidated GIS environment. The work performed by Applied Geographics will be
used in and will inform this implementation plan. In addition, to the Applied Geographics
work, the state agency working group has also surveyed data assets maintained and
required by state agencies, software licenses within state departments and hardware assets
supporting geospatial activities.

This plan has been concentrating on an improved architecture for state government
activities. This approach has followed the philosophy that the state needs to present a
more coordinated and unified face to the GIS community to interact with the community
more effectively. Feedback from the GIS community has been generally positive in this
regard. A concrete example of this improvement is that the implementation plan
resulting from this effort will detail a configuration for a state data clearinghouse, both
for state agencies and the GIS community at large.

The process for developing the implementation plan for a consolidated enterprise
architecture has been slow due to the political and sometimes contentious environment
around the consolidation effort. The implementation plan is still being developed by the
state agency working group, but there are some successes that may be reported. In this
particular effort, it was important to have leadership support from the beginning and from
the top. The State CIO has been very enthusiastic about this work. An initial step also
involved CIOs from state agencies in developing a charter for this effort.

One of the most difficult characteristics of this project has been the politics surrounding
the consolidation effort. It has taken the working group a fair amount of time to gel as a
team behind the objective of producing the implementation plan.

Next Steps
The next steps in this project include, first, finishing the implementation plan for
geospatial consolidation. This implementation plan will actually include a work
breakdown structure for specific implementation tasks. These will include high level
tasks and specific steps such as analyzing network latencies that might impact data
delivery or remote applications.

In the mean time, work related to this effort is proceeding. This related work includes
some consolidation of software licenses and proceeding with a plan for geospatial data
governance in the state. The latter will include identifying areas for specific policies and
standards and initiating working groups for stewardship plans for specific data sets. This
work will be done under the rubric of the CO Geospatial Information Advisory Council
and the statutorily created Government Data Advisory Board, which develops
governance policy for all data in state government.

The implementation of a consolidated GIS is a multi-year project. As long as state

agencies are involved and see benefit and the State CIO supports it, it will progress. An
enterprise GIS group is being organized, although not staffed as yet, within OIT, so the
position of GIS within the enterprise IT structure is being institutionalized. Ultimately the
ability to deliver on this consolidated environment will rely on resources. Most
significant among resource needs is a staff to implement the recommended steps and

The final enterprise architecture plan delivered by Applied Geographics is being
submitted to the USGS with this final report.

Feedback on Cooperative Agreements Program

The CAP program is impressive in its inclusiveness and desire to assist all states at some
point. The categories are well-defined and reflect important priorities of the federal
government. The biggest weakness of the program is the size of the grants. As a recipient,
Colorado does appreciate receiving the grant. However, the amount of money often only
seeds a project or program at a very fundamental level. This makes it difficult to take the
next step.

The CAP programs do benefit efforts in that they bring attention to them. This is
particularly the case with the 50 states initiative grants for planning activities. One of the
most productive results of developing these plans is often coalescing a community around
GIS coordination within states, regardless of what the plans say. Of course, the next
question is what concrete changes do these planning efforts bring.

Missing factors or additional needs are not immediately obvious to us at this time. Other
categories may become more relevant as time goes on though. The program management
of the grant was very good. Milo and Gita were helpful and knowledgeable when
answering questions. We did obtain an extension for the work, so the time frame was

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