Pro-Choice Perspective On Abortion

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Abortion is one of the most heated topics that are constantly debated throughout the globe.

Abortion used to be regarded purely social matter decades ago, but today it has become a

political and ethical one as well. Abortion isn't a major ethical problem until modern

medicine makes it relatively safe, and it wasn't until the last few decades that the topic came

to be controversial. In other words, the overall goal of this article is to analyze the pro-choice

perspective on abortion.

It is essential to address the issue of what an abortion is before anything else. Abortion is the

removal or evacuation of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, which causes or results in its

death. One thing we can observe is that many people have a wide variety of thoughts on this

subject, and evidently, three viewpoints exist about abortion. The polar opposite view is that

of the pro-choice movement, who think that females should have the right to choose an

abortion under all circumstances.

For our argument, we will take a look at Colker's "pro-choice abortion," which occurs when

the woman makes the decision to terminate the pregnancy. Opponents of the pro-choice

movement believe a fetus is totally without rights in the womb. There is zero support for the

pro-choice stance in the US since the public has never been asked to support it. Abortion

became “legal” in the United States with the Roe v. Wade decision (Colker, 1992.) Abortion

advocates are bolstered by powerful religious factions today. A closer look at recent history

has shown this conclusion.

The anti-abortion campaigners cite four major moral arguments:

 It is illegal to force a woman to continue her pregnancy if she does not want to.

 It is never acceptable to bring a kid into the world when it isn't desired.
 There is no freedom for women who have no control over their bodies, especially

reproductive functions.

Every woman has the right to make her own choice — whether or not to get an abortion —

and this is what they say. It's also important to point out that no one should be forced to

jeopardize their own health, and yet the total ban on abortion exposes many pregnant women

to the risks of delivery, labor and illegal abortions that may be hazardous.

Pro-choice proponents say that it helps to curb criminal activity. Levitt and Dubner say this as

well and have provided support for it. The kids were quite clear about their reason for

stealing. They stated that it was because several studies had shown they had a greater chance

of becoming criminals in their lifetime (Levitt and Dubner, 2005).

It is important to consider the how it is possible that a single woman would mourn the birth of

her kid while others are so excited to have a baby that they will do everything to get one.

Staggenborg suggests that, as “one of the key pro-choice facts,” pro-choice advocates don't

always favor abortion. When it comes to abortion, it's common to hear arguments on both

sides of the issue. It is crucial to understand the forms of arguments in ethical reasoning,

regardless of one's personal point of view. Realize that every kid needs to be treasured, loved,

and adored. Birth control and abortion are both critical parts of a successful program in this

area. Choices about whether to terminate a pregnancy belong to the pregnant woman and

should be considered the most compelling argument in the pro-choice movement.


“The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime Over the Last Two Decades,” by John J.

Donohue and Steven D. Levitt (The National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019

“The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime,” by John J. Donohue and Steven D. Levitt

(The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2001)

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