Corrected Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas in Hybrid Catfish
Corrected Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas in Hybrid Catfish
Corrected Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas in Hybrid Catfish
Heterobranchus bidorsalis
Obisesan, O.M.1, Oladosu, G.A.4, Adelakun, O.D.1, Ajibade, A.O.2, Adah, A.D.5, Oloko,
A.B.1, Bamigboye, O.F.5
Department of Animal Health Technology, Oyo State College of Agriculture and
Technology, Igboora.
Department of Fisheries Technology, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology,
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Oyo State College of Agriculture and
Technology, Igboora.
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan.
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ilorin.
Corresponding Author:
Farming of hybrids of two African Clariid catfish species, “Heteroclarias” is becoming a
focus of attention in many aquatic farms in Nigeria. Pseudomonas sp. is one of the major
pathogens responsible for disease in aquaculture. In this study, 150 Heteroclarias juveniles
were orally inoculated with different concentrations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ranging
from 3 x 101 to 3 x104 CFU/100µl in 4 groups (A to D) replicated thrice, for 14 days with the
aim of evaluating its pathogenicity. The control group (E) also with 10 fish in 3 replicates
were given normal saline orally. Clinical signs, mortality, histopathology and haematology
were observed following experimental infection. Haematological parameters observed were
statistically analysed using SPSS 20. Clinical signs observed in treatment A to C had slight
skin discolouration, slight sloughing on their skin and patches of haemorrhage on their skin.
Histopathological changes observed in this group are vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular
epithelium, diffuse hepatocellular vacuolar degeneration, and severe hyperplasia and fusion of
secondary lamellae, with severe haemorrhage in the gills of experimentally infected fish. The
haemoglobin concentration parameter showed significant difference among all the
haematological parameters analysed. The haemoglobin concentration value of treatment
group B was significantly higher than the value of other treatment groups, while treatment
group A was significantly higher (p≤0.05) than treatment groups D and E. Treatment groups
A and C, D and E are not significantly different. This translates to the fact that oxygen
carrying capacity of the fish was not affected. It was therefore concluded that heteroclarias are
subjected to bacterial infection.
Hybrids among African catfishes; Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis and/or
Heterobranchus longifilis has been reported by Ataguba et al. (2009) and Nlewadim et al.
In Nigeria, Clarias gariepinus captures the interest of commercials fisheries because of its
taste, hardy nature and tolerance to poor water conditions. Also, the potential of
Heterobranchus bidorsalis as a good aquaculture species has been described by Teugels
However, Clarias gariepinus possess qualities considered better than those of
Heterobranchus spp., and these includes high fecundity, earlier sexual maturity, faster growth
rate and more adaptability, while Heterobranchus spp. grow bigger than Clarias gariepinus
reaching about 14kg (Solomon, 2013; Idodo–Umeh, 2003).
The differences in the qualities of these catfishes, prompted scientist to harness the qualities
of the species by cross breeding to produce a hybrid (literarily called “Heteroclarias” for
crosses between Heterobranchus female and male Clarias while “Clariobranchus” is
reciprocal cross of the latter) that combines hardy and faster growth traits of the two species
(Solomon, 2013).
One of the key problems in fish farm industry is diseases (Abdullahi et al., 2013). Studies
have revealed globally that bacteria are accountable for high mortality in fish hatcheries and
culture (Iglewski, 1996). Also, the effects of diseases in fish industry causes economic losses,
due to factors like fish mortality, treatment expenses, delay or loss of the opportunity to sell
the fish and infection with zoonotic diseases by the handler and final consumer of the affected
fish (Abdullahi et al., 2013).
Studies by Ikpi and Offem (2008), Ogbondeminu (1993), Ogbondeminu et al. (1991),
Ugwuzor et al. (1990), showed that Flexibacter columnaris, Pseudomonas sp., Aeromonas
sp., Vibrio sp., enterobacteriaceae are common fish pathogens responsible for different
bacterial diseases in fish farms in Nigeria. Pseudomonas infection is one of the most common
bacterial infection among fish. It is an opportunistic pathogen to plants, animals and humans
and appears to be a stress related disease of freshwater fish especially under culture conditions
(Iglewski, 1996; Kitao et al., 1993).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative, rod-shaped, anaerobic, and polar-flagellate
bacterium with unipolar motility belonging to the family Pseudomonadaceae. This species is a
highly adaptable pathogen, capable of surviving in a variety of environment (Abdullahi et al.,
2013; Iglewski, 1996).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of growing in conditions of extremely low nutrient
content (Palleroni, 1984). The species was found to survive and proliferate in water for up to
100 days or longer (Warburton et al., 1994). Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been isolated from
skin, gills and stomach content of cultured Clarias gariepinus fingerlings in Nigeria (Oni et
al., 2013).
A lot of work has been carried out on growth performance of different hybrid of catfish
(Owodeinde et al., 2017), but much has not been done on their tolerance to pathogenic
organisms which is very important in the survival of these aquatic animal.
Tij= Fixed effect ith Pseudomonas aeruginosa (i = 0, 101,102,103,10 4)
Ɛij = Random/residual error
Colony and Morphology of Pseudomonas
Colony of Pseudomonas aeruginosa used was green on nutrient agar, colourless on
MacConkey and bluish on TCBS (Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose agar). The Gram
reaction result was Gram negative, rod shaped morphology when viewed under light
microscope (x100).
Clinical observations
Treatment groups A to C exhibited slight skin discolouration, slight sloughing on their skin
and patches of haemorrhage on their Skin. Mortality observed was recorded in treatment A to
D, the occurrence was 20%, 10%, 10%, and 6.6% respectively.
Post-mortem and histopathological observations
After two weeks of the experiment, it was terminated and the tissue (blood) and organs (gills,
intestine, kidney, liver) were harvested.
At post mortem examination, much was not seen in the kidney. However, on histology, there
was marked histopathological modifications on some of the organs and tissues as a result of
the invasive actions of the bacteria pathogen on them; vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular
epithelium was observed. There was no appreciable lesion seen in the gut and the skin
throughout all the treatment groups of this experiment. The gills of the fish subjected to
infection revealed severe hyperplasia and fusion of secondary lamellae, while some had
severe haemorrhage (shown in figure 1c, arrow pointing to haemorrhagic area), the liver had
diffuse hepatocellular vacuolar degeneration (shown in figure 1b), figure 1a shows arrow
pointing to area of vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelium in the kidney.
Haematological parameters of Heteroclarias exposed to P. aeruginosa
There was no significant difference (p≥0.05) in most of the haematological parameters
measured across the treatment groups except haemoglobin (Table 1). The haemoglobin
parameter of hybrid catfish in treatment group B was significantly higher (p≤0.05) than that of
the other treatment groups. Treatment A was significantly lower (p≤0.05) than treatment B,
but significantly higher (p<0.05) than treatment group D and E. Treatment group A and C, D
and E are not significantly different.
Table 1: Origin, colony and morphology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolate inoculated
Sample number and name F2P3 FISH 1 (Liver) F3P1 FISH 1 (Skin)
Bacteriological Test Result
Growth on MacConkey agar Colourless Colourless
Growth on Nutrient agar Green Green
Growth on TCBS Blue Blue
Gram Negative Negative
Morphology Rod Rod
Organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Key: F – Farm, P – Pond
a b c
A number of aquatic animals like fish, frogs and soft-shelled turtles were recorded to be
susceptible to Pseudomonas spp. in earlier studies (Somsiri and Soontornvit, 2002).
Relatively few disease outbreaks occur even though the bacteria are present in the water; thus,
these pseudomonads are probably opportunists which produce disease when fish are stressed
or injured (Bullock, 1965).
The experiment conducted on Heteroclarias revealed that fish in treatment A to C exhibited
skin discoloration and slight sloughing all over their skin which was not observed in the
control experiment. This is similar to what was recorded in experimental exposure of Clarias
gariepinus to Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Amrevuawho et al. (2014). The superficial clinical
signs limited to the skin were discoloration of the skin, and ulceration, noticed toward the tail
and fin. Although, heamorrhages were not observed and there was no fin rot. This may be due
to period of the Heteroclarias exposure to the infection (14 days whereas C. gariepinus were
exposed for 21 days) or it may be their high threshold to withstand infection. Similar
experiment conducted by Magdy et al. (2014) observed similar superficial lesions of
haemorrhage, tail and fin rot, and skin ulceration at infection exposure period of 7 days. The
variance in duration and similar lesion observed post experimental infection suggests that the
concentration of the organism inoculated or the strain of the organism inoculated could be the
reason for lesion observed. The mortality observed in this study ranges from 6.6% to 20% at 3
x 104 to 3 x101 CFU/fish/100µl concentration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that was
inoculated. This report is similar to Hossain et al. (2006) and Magdy et al. (2014) who studied
the infection of P. aeruginosa in Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus reported
mortality range between 20% to 90% and 40% respectively, but contrary to Amrevuawho et
al. (2014) who conducted similar studies in Clarias gariepinus although claimed to record
some mortalities but was not reported. Oh et al. (2019) who also reported 15% mortality
when he challenged rainbow trout with Pseudomonas tructae.
Histopathology revealed vacuolar degeneration of renal tubular epithelium this is in line with
what was observed by Magdy et al. (2014) who subjected C. gariepinus to similar
experimental infection conditions. He reported vacuolar degeneration with necrotic changes in
the tubular epithelium, sloughing off of the epithelial cells, hypertrophy of the epithelial cells
of the renal tubules with reduction in tubular lumens and contraction of glomeruli.
Degenerative changes in glomerular epithelium was noted by Laith & Najiah (2013), in the
kidney of diseased C. gariepinus, naturally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila. Significant
tubular degeneration (with cellular debris surrounding the tubules) and hyaline droplet
accumulation in tubular epithelium was observed in the infected posterior kidneys by Oh et
al. (2019) who experimentally challenged rainbow trout with Pseudomonas tructae. Damaged
kidney indicates attack from bacterial toxins. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces quite a
number of toxins which are responsible for the above mentioned lesions in the kidney (of
which the liver is not exempted) (Magdy et al. 2014; Suprapto, 2005).
In the liver, diffuse hepatocellular vacuolar degeneration was noticed, this is close to what
Magdy et al. (2014) reported. However, Amrevuawho et al. (2014) reported a few foci of
large cytoplasmic vacuolation in the hepatocyte cells. The sinusoids were also moderately
congested in C. gariepinus. Also, Oh et al. (2019) observed vacuolation of hepatic cells, few
necrotizing areas and infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes in the liver of rainbow
trout infected with Pseudomonas tructae. Similarly, the hepatocytes of challenged and
diseased fish of C. gariepinus infected with Aeromonas hydrophila had vacuolar degeneration
(Abd Allah et al., 2019; Laith & Najiah, 2013). The effect of P. aeruginosa on the liver
acknowledges its invasive nature, resulting in failure to detoxify foreign bodies leading to
liver dysfunction.
The gills are important organ for respiration, regulation of osmotic and ion balance and
excretion of nitrogenous waste (Magdy et al., 2014; Wani et al., 2011; Hassan et al., 2010);
because the gills keep in contact with external environment, it is considered the primary target
of the bacteria infection (Wani et al., 2011). In this experiment, diffuse hyperplasia and fusion
of secondary lamellae with severe heamorrhage was seen in the gills. This contradicts the
report given by Amrevuawho et al. (2014), that observed marked loss and sloughing off of the
gill lamellar epithelium whereas, fusion of the secondary lamellae due to hypertrophy and
hyperplasia of the epithelial cells with epithelial lifting and necrosis, oedema and
desquamation of lamellar epithelium was observed in the study conducted by Magdy et al.
(2014). Hassan et al. (2010) reported necrotic changes in gills lamellae plus rupture of
lamellar epithelium, lamellar fusion, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of epithelial cells of gill
structure of C. gariepinus, infected with bacterial diseases. The gills of C. gariepinus
fingerlings challenged with Edwardsiella tarda had focal necrosis in the filament, as well as
hyperplasia, oedema, and swelling of the lamellar epithelium (Abraham et al., 2015). Laith &
Najiah (2013) reported the same changes in gills of C. gariepinus infected with Aeromonas
hydrophila. These gills lesions led to hypoxia, because surface area available for oxygen
exchange has been reduced, oxygen distance between water and blood has increased and toxic
waste has accumulated within body and finally, death.
The gut and the skin did not present any lesion on histology which contradict the scholarly
report presented by Hassan et al. (2010) and Magdy et al. (2014). Report from Hassan et al.,
(2010) on histology of skin of diseased fish were massive thinning of epidermis, sloughing of
epithelial cells, contents of club cells at the surface of the epidermis were squeezed out,
extensive vacuolation of club cells especially around their nuclei and decrease in density of
mucous cells. Magdy et al., (2014), described the skin lesion on histology as vacuolar
degeneration and necrosis in the epithelial cells with mononuclear inflammatory cells
infiltrating in between the epidermal cells. The goblet cells were activated and the
oedematous fluid accumulation of the sub-epidermal led to splitting of the sub-epidermal
connective tissue.
The stomach of fish exposed to P. aeruginosa in this study did not reveal any change. This is
similar to what Sahoo et al. (2000) reported in the experimental study conducted on Anabas
testudineus with Edwardsiella tarda. However, this contradicts Amrevuawho et al. (2014)
and Magdy et al. 2014 studies where the rugae were shortened; the submucosa glands were
reduced in numbers, the surface epithelial cells appear to be proliferating rapidly, immature
(hyperplastic) hypertrophy in the columnar epithelium of the intestinal villi, crypts with
increased secretory activity, vacuolated clear cytoplasm and infiltration of inflammatory cells
where observed in the stomach and intestine of C. gariepinus challenged with P. aeruginosa.
Haematological parameters are useful indicators for evaluations of physiological state of
animals (Khan & Zafar, 2005) and fish is not excluded (Thrall, 2004). Parameters that are
related to the blood and blood forming organs are used in the diagnosis of many diseases, and
in investigation of the extent of damages done in the blood forming organs (Bamishaiye et al.,
2009; Togun et al., 2007). Haematological parameters have been used to assess the effects of
pathogenic bacteria in African catfish, C. gariepinus (Ezeri, 2001; Gabriel et al., 2001;
Pimpão et al., 2000). In this study, Pseudomonas aeruginosa has no effect on most
haematological parameters of Heteroclarias, only with the exception of haemoglobin, where
treatment group B is significantly higher (P≤0.05) than other treatment groups. This finding
disagrees with Amrevuawho et al. (2014), who reported significant reduction in the mean
values of packed cell volume, haemoglobin, red blood cell and lymphocyte count of C.
gariepinus after three weeks of exposure to P. aeruginosa and significant increase in the
mean values obtained for white blood cell and neutrophil of infected fish. Haemoglobin is the
iron containing protein found in the red blood cells whose function is to assists in the
transportation of oxygen. RBC count, PCV and haemoglobin concentrations (HBC) are used
as indicator for oxygen transportation in all animals including fish. In this study, the value of
RBC and PCV were not affected, but the HBC value was higher in the infected fish. This
indicates that oxygen carrying capacity of the fish was not impaired during the study.
The invasive nature of P. aeruginosa was pronounced in the internal organs, while the effect
was minimal on blood parameters and external features (symptoms) when compared to other
similar experiments reported by other scholars. Heteroclarias might not have shown any
external symptoms of infection but the vital organs were affected. All the examined organs
are vital to the survival of fish, injury to anyone can lead to death not to mention injury to all.
It was also observed that the extent of lesions seen in this experimentation were in diverse
degrees which is irrespective of the concentration of the inoculated organism but conclusion
cannot be drawn whether it is time dependent. Hence, there is need for more studies to be
conducted on the effect of bacteria pathogens on the newly trending aquaculture farming of
hybrids of the two African Clariid catfish “Heteroclarias”. This will help aquaculture farmers
to take necessary precautions especially on biosecurity measures to prevent outbreaks of
diseases and invariably prevent farmers from any economic loss in this period of national
economic recession due to COVID 19.
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