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Name: Murad Ali

Roll no:Cd600370
Course: School Administration and Supervision (8616)
Level: Bed (1.5 Years)


Q.1 Define administration and school administration? Elaborate different

levels of administration with reference to an educational institution.

School Administrator Definition

School administration involves the management of all school

operations, from creating a safe learning environment to managing the school
budget. To further define school administration, one needs to consider the
different areas of school administration and who performs these school
administrative duties.

School administrators are the professionals who, as a whole,

carry out these different administrative tasks that keep a school running smoothly.
At elementary, middle, and high schools, school administration is typically led by
a principal and, depending on the school, may also include assistant principals,
instructional coordinators, athletic directors, and other support staff. School
administrators could also be superintendents, who help oversee multiple schools
in a district.

Higher Education Administration Definition

School administration at the postsecondary level becomes a

little more intricate as colleges and universities are typically much larger and are
organized differently than primary and secondary schools. Higher education may
split school administration duties into areas like admissions, student affairs, the
registrar's office, and academic areas that are overseen by deans or provosts. Each
of these areas has its own set of administrative duties that are needed to serve
students and keep the school running. For example, postsecondary education
administrators in admissions help determine which students should be admitted,
while administrators in student affairs help advise students and plan programs for
students once they arrive on campus.

How to Work in School Administration

The requirements for becoming a school

administrator also vary by job title and the level of education that one plans to
work at. At primary and secondary schools, most principals need teaching
experience, a master's degree, and school administration certification.
Typically, school principals need a master's degree in
educational leadership or educational administration. These degree programs are
commonly available in online formats and may be offered as Master of Science
(MS), Master of Education (MEd), or Master of Science in Education (MSEd)
degree programs. These programs help prepare aspiring principals for licensure,
but some programs may include a non-licensure track. Many of these programs
also include hands-on learning experiences through internships.

Students wondering how to get school administration

certification usually need to find out the specific requirements for their state. Most

principals in public schools are required to pass an exam and background check to
earn a state license.
At the postsecondary level, most postsecondary education
administrators also need a master's degree, but some positions may only require a
bachelor's degree. Experience working in a postsecondary administrative office is
also beneficial. Other positions, such as provosts and deans, usually require a
doctoral degree. These positions are commonly held by professors to have
advanced to the position.

School Administrator Job Description

As we have seen, the job duties for a school administrator

vary by position, but in general, all school administrators work full-time to help
provide a safe and high-quality learning environment and educational experience
for students. At the elementary, middle, and high school levels, this work is
demonstrated best by school principals, who may be responsible for duties such

 Overseeing teachers and support staff

 Disciplining students
 Implementing curriculum standards
 Creating class schedules
 Setting rules and security procedures
 Monitoring student achievement data
 Handling the school budget
 Communicating with parents as needed
School Administrator Salary and Job Growth

In 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

reported that elementary, middle and high school principals made a median

annual salary of $95,310. At the postsecondary level, education administrators
made a median annual salary of $94,340 in the same year. Job growth for
elementary, middle and high school principals and postsecondary education
administrators was projected to be 4% and 7%, respectively, between 2018 and

Q.2 What are the school head’s responsibilities as an administrator? Visit

any Secondary school and with the consultation of head teacher prepare a
list of school records maintained in a school.

What does an Education Administrator do?

School administrators work in every level of education.

They may direct programming, hire and supervise staff, manage budgets, and make
decisions that affect the academic community. They are also in charge of
developing a direction and mission for the facility at which they work.

The actual specific job functions for an education

administrator will vary depending on the institution of employment. For schools,
this job is usually the role of a principal or assistant principal. For private schools
and businesses, the job may be as a director of programs or head master. Libraries
and museums often employ administrators as instruction coordinators. For colleges
and universities, education administrators are employed at all levels of the
management structure — as admissions officers, department heads, and as deans
and provosts.

Making policies and procedures and setting

educational aims and standards is the responsibility of an education administrator.
They act as a supervisor for managers and support other faculty, such as librarians,
coaches, teachers, and aids. In small organizations, such as a daycare, there may be
only one administrator in charge of all these duties. At larger institutions, such as
universities or large school systems, several administrators share the workload,
each having a specific responsibility.

Education administrator's responsibilities include:

 handling relations with parents, students, employers, and the community

 managing budgets and ensuring financial systems are followed

 overseeing record-keeping

 managing student services such as guidance programs

 training, supervising, and motivating faculty including teachers and auxiliary


 working on committees including academic boards, governing bodies and task


 assisting with recruitment, public or alumni relations and marketing activities

 providing administrative support to an academic team of lecturers, tutors or


 drafting and interpreting regulations and dealing with queries and complaints

 maintaining high levels of quality assurance, including course evaluation and

course approval procedures

 contributing to policy and planning

 purchasing goods and equipment, as required, and processing invoices

 liaising with partner institutions, other institutions, external agencies,
government departments and prospective students

 organizing and facilitating a variety of educational or social activities

 Education administrators are employed by public and private schools,

school districts, colleges, and universities to plan and oversee educational
policies. Administrators are also hired by private preschools, museums, and
libraries to manage curricula and educational programs.

 Day-to-day activities of education administrators generally includes

meetings with teachers, parents, and school staff. Work is completed in an
office environment, with paperwork often being necessary. While the job
has a typical work day and work week, after-hours meetings and attendance
at school events is often necessary.

Q.3 Write a brief note on administrative structure of private school.

A successful school is about much more than teaching. While

good teaching and learning are crucial, the administration that underpins it is key
to providing a well-rounded education that encompasses the whole child.
Effective administration and operations support an education that goes well
beyond imparting knowledge.

School operations teams ensure that students’ daily needs are

met; that they receive healthy and nutritious meals, sleep and learn in a safe
environment, and receive appropriate medical care and mental health support.
Beyond the day-to-day, the administrative team are often the ones responsible for
recording, checking and analysing student data, so the can to enable those
responsible for both learning and wellbeing to tailor their approach to the needs of
the student.
Here are 3 reasons why effective school administration is so important for student

1. Allows Teachers To Focus On Teaching

Having robust systems, policies and procedures in place

ensures that teaching and learning flows as smoothly as possible. Crucial
information such as assessment results, pastoral data and lesson observations
informs tailored teaching strategies to help children achieve as highly as possible.

Administrators ensure data is entered in a timely manner,

presented to teachers in an easy-to-use fashion and combine different datasets into
one effective plan. This allows teachers to focus on their lessons and prioritise
student achievement, instead of getting tied up with the administrative load
required to access such important information.

The collection and appropriate presentation of data allows

schools to open communication channels with parents, giving them an
understanding of their child’s academic progress so that they can engage in useful
conversations with teachers to support their child’s progress. Similarly, presenting
academic data appropriately to students helps them to be a part of their learning
strategy and goal setting, supported by the experience of their teachers.

2. Administration Promotes Accountability

Parents select a boarding school because they believe it

will provide their child with the best possible education and start to their future
careers. From a marketing perspective, parents are as important to school
principals as the students. Parent are the ones who will continue to choose the
school for younger siblings, or make recommendations to their friends.

For this reason, it’s important that principals ensure they
have well-documented processes, procedures and record keeping. Detailed school
records provide parents with peace of mind that their child’s academic and
personal development is being looked after, as well as their general safety and
daily wellbeing.

School administrators play a key role in managing

communications with parents via setting up and managing reporting procedures.
They also ensure that parents have easy access to their child’s information.

3. Administration Informs Decisions

Good data supports the vision and decision-making of

the school leadership team. An effective administration department is able to
extract and analyse key data to inform a school’s strategic decisions around
education provision .

School leaders cannot remain static but must adapt and

change their vision and processes as the world of education embraces new
challenges and fresh technologies. Effective data analysis shows the leadership
team where the school’s strengths and weaknesses currently lie, enabling them to
understand the knowledge and skills they need to focus on embedding, and at
what stage of a pupil’s education.

An effective administration team must be supported by

powerful software that understands how boarding schools function. Revolutionise
your school administration with Boardingware. Our cloud-based technology
supports data entry and analysis from any location, when your team need it most.
Our easy-to-use interface takes the hassle out of student attendance and

accountability, letting your team focus on how they can best support your

Q.4 Differentiate between the financial management and people

management. Do they have any link with the quality assurance? Explain it
with examples.
people management
People management, also known as human resource
management (HRM), encompasses the tasks of recruitment, management, and
providing ongoing support and direction for the employees of an organization.
These tasks can include the following: compensation,
hiring, performance management, organization development, safety,
wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and

When managing the people within an organization, a

manager must focus on both hiring the right people and then getting the most out
of these people. New personnel must provide the organization with the best talent
available that meets the needs of the business. The organization must look ahead
to how a new employee can be used to their fullest. Getting the most out of an
employee means a business has consistent policies and practices in place to
provide its people with appropriate training and development. Employees are
involved as "partners" in the business.

Probably the most important task a manager will face when

dealing with the people under his direction is that of bringing out the best in them.
Unlocking people potential is often seen as the key to any business's success.
When an employee's talents are not channeled correctly, their behavior can

seriously compromise the success of an organization. Some of the roles that an
employee who is not being used to his potential can take on are as follows:
procrastinator, martyr, gossip, manipulator, backstabber, narcissist, a deer in the
headlights, black hole, stonewalled, curmudgeon, bully, and predator.

Instead of dealing with employees that develop

defense mechanisms to mask their dissatisfaction with their work situation, let's
look as some ways to encourage effective behavior at work. After a problem
behavior has been identified, address the employee immediately. Discuss taking
responsibility for the ineffective behavior, how the behavior manifests itself, and
the effect the behavior is having on the organization. Next, give the employee
alternatives to his current behavior. In other words, teach him or her the principles
of achievement:

* Co-operation

* Respect

* Self-Motivation

* Trust

* Self-Discipline

Now that the employee has alternatives to their

current behavior, draw up a performance improvement contract in which he or she
agrees to specific actions to change his or her ineffective behavior. After the
contract is signed, a manager needs to stay involved and committed to the process
of change. He or she cannot assume that the problem will be automatically fixed

now that it has been brought to light. The employee will require praise and
reinforcement of any progress that they are able to make. If positive change is to
occur, it will be evident soon after the initial confrontation. If this does not occur,
a termination meeting must be scheduled quickly. One employee's toxic behavior
can quickly spread throughout an organization if it is not dealt with quickly and

When evaluating an organization's workforce, there

are several areas that must be addressed. First, the staff must have the tools and
resources that they need to do their jobs effectively. Employees cannot be blamed
for an organization's inefficiency if they are not provided with the equipment
necessary to perform adequately. Next, get to know each employee as an
individual and make sure that they are aware of their specific role within the
organization. Clarify their responsibilities and goals. Also, involve each employee
in making decisions which affect their area of expertise. This will result in the
employee feeling that they "have a say" in what goes on in the organization and
he or she will feel a sense of ownership. Finally, make sure that employees have
an opportunity to have fun with their coworkers at appropriate times.

People Empowerment can be a very effective tool

within the field of people management. This technique can be used to involve
employees in any improvement program within an organization. Authority,
accountability, and responsibility are delegated to the employees for improving
the processes which are under their control without first having to obtain
permission from management before making changes. This can be successful only
when employees are recognized, congratulated, and rewarded for their
commitment to problem solving.

Financial Management

Financial Management means planning, organizing,

directing and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and
utilization of funds of the enterprise. It means applying general management
principles to financial resources of the enterprise.


1. Investment decisions includes investment in fixed assets (called as capital

budgeting). Investment in current assets are also a part of investment
decisions called as working capital decisions.
2. Financial decisions - They relate to the raising of finance from various
resources which will depend upon decision on type of source, period of
financing, cost of financing and the returns thereby.
3. Dividend decision - The finance manager has to take decision with regards
to the net profit distribution. Net profits are generally divided into two:
a. Dividend for shareholders- Dividend and the rate of it has to be
b. Retained profits- Amount of retained profits has to be finalized
which will depend upon expansion and diversification plans of the

Objectives of Financial Management

The financial management is generally concerned with procurement, allocation

and control of financial resources of a concern. The objectives can be-

1. To ensure regular and adequate supply of funds to the concern.

2. To ensure adequate returns to the shareholders which will depend upon the
earning capacity, market price of the share, expectations of the
3. To ensure optimum funds utilization. Once the funds are procured, they
should be utilized in maximum possible way at least cost.
4. To ensure safety on investment, i.e, funds should be invested in safe
ventures so that adequate rate of return can be achieved.
5. To plan a sound capital structure-There should be sound and fair
composition of capital so that a balance is maintained between debt and
equity capital.

Functions of Financial Management

1. Estimation of capital requirements: A finance manager has to make

estimation with regards to capital requirements of the company. This will
depend upon expected costs and profits and future programmes and
policies of a concern. Estimations have to be made in an adequate manner
which increases earning capacity of enterprise.
2. Determination of capital composition: Once the estimation have been
made, the capital structure have to be decided. This involves short- term
and long- term debt equity analysis. This will depend upon the proportion
of equity capital a company is possessing and additional funds which have
to be raised from outside parties.
3. Choice of sources of funds: For additional funds to be procured, a
company has many choices like-
a. Issue of shares and debentures
b. Loans to be taken from banks and financial institutions
c. Public deposits to be drawn like in form of bonds.

Choice of factor will depend on relative merits and demerits of each
source and period of financing.

4. Investment of funds: The finance manager has to decide to allocate funds

into profitable ventures so that there is safety on investment and regular
returns is possible.
5. Disposal of surplus: The net profits decision have to be made by the
finance manager. This can be done in two ways:
a. Dividend declaration - It includes identifying the rate of dividends
and other benefits like bonus.
b. Retained profits - The volume has to be decided which will depend
upon expansional, innovational, diversification plans of the
6. Management of cash: Finance manager has to make decisions with
regards to cash management. Cash is required for many purposes like
payment of wages and salaries, payment of electricity and water bills,
payment to creditors, meeting current liabilities, maintainance of enough
stock, purchase of raw materials, etc.
7. Financial controls: The finance manager has not only to plan, procure
and utilize the funds but he also has to exercise control over finances. This
can be done through many techniques like ratio analysis, financial
forecasting, cost and profit control, etc.

Q.5 What is the difference between the administrative structure of

public/government and private schools? Explain the functions of an
educational administrative office.

The public vs private school debate can go on for eternity.

Both institutions are significant in their respective fields and continue to
successfully produce future champions of Malaysia. Many feel that private
schools are better than public schools, but is that true.

The main difference between public schools and private

schools stems from their funding and administration.
As the names imply, public schools are administered and funded by the state
or national government whereas private schools are funded wholly or partly
by students’ tuition and administered by a private body.
To a large extent, private schools are independent from
the interference of the public. Based on these two major differences, there are also
other significant differences between public schools and private schools.

public school

Public schools are primary or secondary schools offered to

all children with low school fees. They are funded and controlled by the state or
national government, which means they are wholly or partly funded by taxation.

The curriculum of public schools is decided at state or

national levels—that is, primary schools follow the framework of Kurikulum
Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) while secondary schools adhere to
the Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) design.
Admission to public schools is determined by the address
of the student. The schools are obliged to take in students who belong to their
respective geographical zone.
Although technology and other facilities vary according to schools, public schools
generally have fewer facilities than private schools.
The number of students in a class may sometimes be drastically high due to lack
of facilities or resources.

It is important to note that public schools always hire
highly qualified teachers where they must meet all state-mandated requirements
and be proficient in their specialised subject.
Government schools are primary or secondary schools
mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded and controlled by
the local, state or national government. Since they are supported by the
government, they are wholly or partly funded by taxation. Since government
schools are controlled by the government, the curriculum is decided at a state or
national levels; all government schools follow the same curriculum. Admissions
and testing are also managed by the government. Admission to government
school is determined by the address of the student. The schools are obliged to take
in the students who belong to their respective geographical zone.

Although technology and other facilities vary according to

schools, government schools generally have fewer facilities than private schools.
Government schools also have a greater number of students than private students;
the number of students in a class may also be drastically high due to lack of
facilities. However, it is important to notice that government schools always hire
highly qualified teachers; teachers must meet all state-mandated requirements and
be proficient in their subject to work in a government school.

private school

A private school is controlled by a private body and

funded by students’ tuition. The fees are usually higher in private schools to
accommodate better facilities and up-to-date technology.

Although private schools follow the same curriculum
decided by the government, the method of delivery varies in that it is decided by
the school board.

The fees and admission of students in private schools

are regulated by the administration. The school has the authority to decide
whether a student meets the requirements for admission or not.

Following that, the school administrators are in

control of the recruitment of teachers in which the requirements needed to be a
teacher depends wholly on the school.
The size of a classroom in a private school is also
smaller than that of a public school. This is mainly due to the availability of
resources and facilities.

A private school is not funded nor administered by

the government. They are controlled by a private body and funded partially or
wholly by student’s tuition. The fees are usually higher in private schools. At the
same time, private schools usually have better infrastructure facilities and up-to-
date technology when compared with government schools.

Private schools follow the same curriculum as decided

by the government. However, the method of delivery is decided by the school
board. The school administrators also decide the fees and admission. The school
has the authority decide whether a student meets the requirements for admission
or not. The school also decides on the criteria for the recruitment of teachers. In
this case, a teacher in a private school may not be qualified as a teacher in a
government school. The class size of a classroom is smaller than that of a

government school. This is mainly due to the availability of resources and


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