IJCRR Sep2020 Vol12 Issue17

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International Journal of Current Research and Review Case Series

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31782/IJCRR.2020.121713

Management of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

and its Associated Conditions using Ayurvedic
IJCRR Therapies: A Case Series
Section: Healthcare
Sci. Journal Impact
Factor: 6.1 (2018) Narayanan Namboothiri Narayanan1, Sreekala Nelliakkattu Parameswaran2,
ICV: 90.90 (2018)
Sreekanth Parameswaran Namboothiri3, Anjaly Naduvathu Vasudevan4, Aravind
Kumar5, Krishnendu Sukumaran6

Chief Physician and President, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research and Development Institute, Nelliakkattu Mana, Kizhakombu,

Koothattukulam, 686662, Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India; 2Deputy Chief Physician and Vice President, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research
and Development Institute, Nelliakkattu Mana, Kizhakombu, Koothattukulam, 686662, Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India; 3Chief Medical
Officer and Secretary, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research and Development Institute, Nelliakkattu Mana, Kizhakombu, Koothattukulam,
Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India; 4Senior Medical Officer, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research and Development Institute, Nelliakkattu Mana,
Kizhakombu, Koothattukulam, Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India; 5Research Coordinator, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research and Develop-
ment Institute, Nelliakkattu Mana, Kizhakombu, Koothattukulam, Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India.

Introduction: Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), characterized by neovascularization either at the optic disc (NVD) or
elsewhere (NVE), may be associated with clinically significant macular oedema (CSME) or cystoid macular oedema (CME).
Tractional retinal detachment in PDR is the result of neovascularization. As conventional management of PDR may not always
prove effective, alternative options, including Ayurvedic treatment protocols, may be sought.
Case Series: 3 diagnosed cases of PDR with associated conditions were managed using specially tailored Ayurvedic oral
medicines, external therapies for both the eyes and head and a dietary protocol at Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital and
Research Center, India. Both ocular and systemic parameters showed improvement at discharge.
Discussion: The patients’ symptoms were compared to Timira or blurring of vision. Diagnostic parameters in Ayurveda were
explored along the lines of pathological activity of Tridoshas (three somatic senses of humour - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and
Rakta (blood tissue). Treatments were aimed not only at PDR and its complications, but also to normalize digestion and metabo-
lism, thus revitalizing normal physiology. This holistic approach can make Ayurvedic management of PDR an option to consider..
Key Words: Ayurveda, Holistic approach, Case series, Herbal medicines, Macular oedema, Tractional retinal detachment

INTRODUCTION Treatment options for PDR in ophthalmology, viz., pan-ret-

inal LASER photocoagulation and injection of intravitreal
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of anti-vascular endothelial growth factors (anti-VEGF), may
preventable blindness among the global working-age popu- not prove effective in some cases. Hence, options in the
lation.1 It is slated to increase with the projected prevalence realms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
of diabetes mellitus predicted to increase to 700 million in such as Ayurveda, may be sought.
2045.2 One-third of an estimated 285 million diabetics are
afflicted with vision-threatening DR (VTDR).3 Prolifera-
tive diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is the most common vision- METHODOLOGY
threatening lesion among type 1 diabetics, and it presents
with macular oedema in type 2 diabetics.4 Tractional retinal The efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment protocols to manage
detachment in PDR is a result of stimulated scar formation PDR with complications was assessed in this case series. It
due to neovascularization. conforms to methods described by the Case Report (CARE)

Corresponding Author:
Dr. Aravind Kumar, M.S. (Ay), Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research and Development Institute, Nelliakkattu Mana, Kizhakombu,
Koothattukulam, 686662, Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India; Phone: 9400630608; Email: aravind0511@gmail.com
ISSN: 2231-2196 (Print) ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online)
Received: 14.06.2020 Revised: 15.07.2020 Accepted: 08.08.2020 Published: 08.09.2020

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Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

guidelines to ensure transparency and efficiency in report- CASE 2

ing.5 Although institutional ethical clearance was not re-
quired, informed written consent was obtained from the pa- A 47-year-old female presented with a 5-month history of
tients before detailing their cases. dimness and distortion of vision OU. 5 months ago, she
experienced floaters and blurring of vision. She consulted
an ophthalmologist, who prescribed intravitreal injections.
CASE 1 She underwent one course of injection, which caused infec-
tion in both eyes. This was controlled with medicines pre-
A 54-year-old male presented with the bilateral blurring of scribed from another hospital. She has had diabetes for 16
vision that was more OD (Right eye) than OS (left eye) since years and hypertension for 10 years, for which she is under
2014 associated with floaters and occasional flashes of light medication. Her immediate family members do not present
OD for one year. He developed blurring of vision with verti- with similar complaints. Unaided DVA was LogMAR 1 OD
cal image distortion in 2014, for which he sought ophthalmic and LogMAR 0.78 OS, and NVA was N24 OU. Rubeosis
consultation. He underwent 4 rounds of injection of Avastin iridis was absent OU, lens examination showed cortical cata-
(Accentrix and Ozurdex) in both eyes but got minimal relief. ract OU, both direct and consensual pupillary reflexes were
He has had diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia for 18 within normal limits OU, and other structures of the anterior
years, for which he is under medication. His treatment histo- segment were within normal limits OU. Posterior segment
ry was remarkable for cataract surgery in 2009 and 2013. His examination showed vitreous haemorrhage OD (Figure 2a),
immediate family members do not present with similar com- cotton-wool spots OS (Figure 2b), and retinal haemorrhag-
plaints. Both unaided and aided distant visual acuity (DVA) es and neovascularization OU. (Figures 2a and 2b) OCT
were LogMAR 1.778 OD and LogMAR 1 OS, and near vis- scanning showed cystoid macular oedema and vitreomacular
ual acuity (NVA) was N36 OD and N18 OS. A -0.25 diopter traction OD (Figure 2c), and macular oedema OS. (Figure
(D) spherical lens with a -1.00D cylinder and 80° axis cor- 2d) She was advised to undergo an inpatient Ayurvedic treat-
rected the DVA OD to LogMAR 1.1, and a +0.75D spherical ment protocol for 16 days.
lens with -1.00 cylinder and 90° axis corrected the DVA OS
Unaided DVA OU was maintained at discharge, and im-
to LogMAR 0.80. NVA was corrected to N18 by a +2.25D
proved to LogMAR 0.60 OD and LogMAR 0.47 OS at a
lens. Rubeosis iridis was absent OU (both eyes), lens showed
subsequent follow-up. NVA OU was maintained at discharge
pseudophakia with posterior-segment intra-ocular lens (IOL)
and improved to N18 OU at the follow-up consultation. Pos-
implantation OU, and both direct and consensual pupillary
terior segment examination showed resolution of vitreous
reactions were within normal limits OU. Other structures of
haemorrhages and macular oedema OD, (Figure 2e) resolu-
the anterior segment were within normal limits OU. Poste-
tion of cotton wool spots OS, (Figure 2f) and resolution of
rior segment examination showed pale areas, oedema, and
retinal haemorrhages and neovascularization OU. (Figures
neovascularization OD, (Figure 1a) and hard exudates OS.
2e and 2f) OCT scanning showed resolution of vitreomacu-
(Figure 1b) OCT scanning showed a dome-shaped elevation
lar traction OD, and cystoid macular oedema OD, (Figure
with a hypo-reflective area within the dome OD (Figure 1c)
2g) and resolution of macular oedema OS. (Figure 2h)
and small cyst-like lesions at the macula OS. (Figure 1d)
He was admitted for a 16-day course of Ayurvedic inpatient
Visual acuity at discharge showed maintenance of unaided
and aided DVA, NVA, and refraction. The same readings A 58-year-old male presented with a complaint of dimin-
were reported at a subsequent follow-up three months post- ished distant vision OU, which was more OS, associated
discharge. Another follow-up two months later showed im- with floaters in his right visual field since 2018. He consult-
provement in unaided DVA to LogMAR 1.477 OD, while ed an ophthalmologist, who prescribed pars plana vitrecto-
DVA OS was maintained at LogMAR 1. A -0.25D spherical my, fluid-air exchange (FAX), endo-LASER, and silicone oil
lens with a -1.00 cylinder and 90° axis corrected the DVA to implantation, which was done in June 2018. He experienced
LogMAR 1.079 OD. Posterior segment examination at dis- mild clarity of vision after surgery, The same symptoms re-
charge showed resolution of pale areas, oedema, and neovas- appeared soon after, for which he consulted an ophthalmolo-
cularization OD (Figure 1e), and hard exudates OS (Figure gist, who advised surgical management. The patient declined
1f). OCT scanning showed complete absorption of macular the same. He has had diabetes for 15 years. His immediate
oedema OD (Figure 1g) and reduction of cyst-like lesions family members had diabetes but without ophthalmic issues.
OS. (Figure 1h) His personal and social histories, vital signs, and review of
systems were within normal limits. Both unaided and aided
DVA were LogMAR 1 OD and HM+ve OS, and NVA was
N18 OU. A -0.75D cylindrical lens with an 80° axis correct-

11 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

ed his DVA OD to LogMAR 0.5. Rubeosis iridis was absent DISCUSSION

OU and lenticular changes OU were noted. Other structures
of the anterior segment were normal OU. Both direct and Diabetes mellitus, closely compared to Prameha or Meha in
consensual pupillary reflexes were within normal limits the Ayurvedic canon, denotes a set of clinical disorders with
OU. Posterior segment examination showed grade 1 clini- frequent abnormal micturition.6 It is one of the eight dread-
cally significant macular oedema, vitreous haemorrhages, ful diseases, viz., Vatavyadhi (neurological diseases), Asmari
and tractional retinal detachment OD, (Figure 3a) and post- (renal calculus), Kushta (skin disorders including leprosy),
surgical retinal detachment and pale optic disc OS. (Figure Meha (metabolic disorders including diabetes), Udara (ab-
3b) OCT scanning showed tractional retinal detachment OS dominal enlargement including ascites), Bhagandara (fis-
(Figure 3c) and macular oedema OU (Figures 3c and 3d) tula-in-ano), Arsas (haemorrhoids), and Grahani (irritable
He was admitted for a 20-day course of Ayurvedic inpatient bowel) as per Ayurveda.
management. Meha as a cause for Netra Roga (ophthalmic disease) was
VA was maintained at discharge. Improvement in unaided told by the Netra Prakasika, an ancient work on Ayurvedic
DVA to LogMAR 0.60 OD and LogMAR 1.778 OS, and ophthalmology.7 The Samprapti (pathogenesis) of diabetic
aided DVA to LogMAR 0.3 OD and LogMAR 1.778 OS retinopathy revolved around Srotobhishyanda (pathological
was observed at a subsequent follow-up; another follow- oozing from the Srotas or metabolic channels) and Rakta-
up showed improvement in unaided DVA to LogMAR 0.30 vaha Sroto Dushti (the pathological activity of the blood-
OD with the maintenance of the other values. Posterior seg- carrying channels). These were caused by increased Pitta
ment examination at discharge showed a reduction in vitre- due to the patients following diets and lifestyle detrimental
ous haemorrhage and some resolution of tractional retinal to eye health.7 Pitta amalgamated with Kapha to pathologi-
detachment OD (Figure 3e) and no improvement in the cally increase blood and cause the characteristic fundus find-
fundus OS. (Figure 3f) OCT scanning showed resolution of ings. Besides, Kapha obstructed the path of Vata to deliver
tractional retinal detachment OS (Figure 3g) and macular essential nutrients to the eye. Vata underwent Avarana (oc-
oedema OU. (Figures 3g and 3h) clusion) with Rakta due to hypoxia, resulting in increased
blood viscosity, decreased activation of leucocytes, aggrega-
tion of red blood cells, and decreased blood flow. A cascade
Additional Information
of events leading to retinal ischemia ensued, which resulted
The patients’ treatment protocols were tailored based on the
in neovascularization, the hallmark feature of PDR. The de-
Ashta Sthana Pariksha (8 parameters for examination) and
fective vision was due to the Doshas settling into the Drishti
Dasavidha Pariksha (10 parameters of examination). (Table
Patalas (functional parts of vision), and causing symptoms
1) Treatments were done with oral medicines (Table 2) and
ranging from indistinct vision to complete blindness. Macu-
local therapies to both eyes and head. (Table 3). Also, the
lar oedema may have been due to settling of the Doshas at
patients were instructed to adhere to a strict diet regimen dur-
the macula and obstructing Vyana Vata (Vata responsible for
ing treatment.
circulation), causing swelling at the region.
Panchakarma (five bio-cleansing procedures), generally a
The Madhyama Rogamarga (middle pathway of disease)
requirement for ophthalmic and systemic disorders, were not
constitutes sense organs including the eye. Neovasculariza-
performed due to the severity of the condition and patient
tion may be correlated with Vimarga Gamana (diversion of
flow), in which nutrients are supplied elsewhere. Sanga or
Fasting blood glucose and post-prandial blood glucose were obstruction can be taken as oedema as there is restricted flow
assessed before and after treatments for all patients. (Table and excess-accumulation. Sira Granthi is the formation of
4) Discharge medicines and instructions to strictly adhere to scarring as a precursor to retinal detachment.
a diabetic diet and maintain serum glucose were given to the
Common effects of the oral medicines included antioxidant,
anti-diabetic, hypoglycemic, and hematopoietic. They were
A timeline of events for each case is provided in Tables 5-7. Kapha-Pitta Samana (pacified Kapha and Pitta), Dipana-
All medicines, except Chimiumco Tablet, were manufactured Pacana (digestive and carminative), Prameha Hara (anti-
at Sreedhareeyam Farmherbs India, Pvt. Ltd., the hospital’s diabetic), Cakshushya (beneficial for the eyes), Sothahara
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)-certified medicine (anti-edematous), Mutrala (diuretic), Rakta Prasadaka
manufacturing unit. Chimiumco Tablet was manufactured at (blood-purifying), and Rasayana (rejuvenation).
J&J Dechaine Laboratories, Pvt. Ltd, based in Hyderabad, The Netra Kriyakalpa (local ophthalmic procedures) and
Telangana State. treatments for the head were done as per the classical refer-

Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020 12

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Netra Dhara is a modification of classical Seka 8 in which NPDR: non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
the patient slowly blinks during irrigation. Anjana (collyr- PDR: proliferative diabetic retinopathy
ium) is done by moving the tip of a rod with medicine on
VTDR: vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy
it in the lower bulbar conjunctiva from the inner canthus to
the outer canthus and back again.9 However, it is done in the VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factors
same manner as Ascyotana 10 in Sreedhareeyam due to hy- CAM: complementary and alternative medicine
gienic constraints. Siroveshtana is a treatment procedure in DVA: distant visual acuity
which paste is kept on a Cora cloth and tied around the head
NVA: near visual acuity
while anchoring one end over the left ear and tying the other
end over the top of the cranium. LogMAR: logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution
D: diopter
The diet regulations were one of the key measures to con-
trol diabetes. Food items from all major food groups except OD: oculus dexter
meat, fish, and poultry were advised in the right quantity. OS: oculus sinister
Mild to moderate exercise was also advised. Wrong concepts OU: oculus uterque
of food intake such as intermittent fasting, avoiding rice, and OCT: optical coherence tomography
adherence only to wheat was not advised.
Maintenance of serum glucose was to avoid a resurgence of
symptoms and manifestation of potentially dreadful compli- REFERENCES
cations such as neovascular glaucoma.11
1. Thomas RL, Halim S, Gurudas S, Sivaprasad S, Owens DR, IDF
Diabetes Atlas: A review of studies utilising retinal photography
on the global prevalence of diabetes-related retinopathy between
CONCLUSION 2015 and 2018, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2019,
Vol. 157, pgs. 1-13
A challenge faced in managing these cases was the main- 2. Saeedi P, Petersohn I, Salpea P, Malanda B, Karuranga S, Un-
tenance of vision. Although macular oedema and other win N, et al. Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates
complications substantially diminished, the vision was still for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: results from the
slightly blurred. Positive ocular and systemic results in the International Diabetes Federation Atlas, 9th edition. Diabetes
patients were a direct result of the oral medicines, external Research and Clinical Practice 2019; Vol. 157
3. Yau JW, Rogers SL, Kawasaki R, Lamoreux EL, Kowalski JW,
treatments, and dietary and lifestyle restrictions. Overall Bek T, et al., Global prevalence and major risk factors of dia-
satisfaction was reported by the patients during their treat- betic retinopathy, Diabetes Care, 2012, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pgs.
ments. A concerted effort by the four limbs of treatment as 556-64
described by Ayurveda, viz., physician, medicament, attend- 4. Lee R, Wong TY, Sabanayagam C, Epidemiology of diabetic
ants, and patient, was key to the positive results. The results retinopathy, diabetic macular oedema and related vision loss,
Eye and Vision, 2015, Vol. 2, Issue 17, pgs. 1-25
obtained in this series may be further validated using large- 5. Gagnier J, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley DS,
scale sample trials. CARE group, The CARE guidelines: Consensus-based clini-
cal case-reporting guideline development, Global Advances in
Health and Medicine, 2013, Vol. 2, Issue 5, pgs. 38-43
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6. Murthy KRS, Madhava Nidana (Roga Viniscaya) of Acarya
Madhavakara, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint
The authors thank Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital 2013, pg. 117
and Research Center, and Sreedhareeyam Farmherbs India 7. Shankar U, Netra Prakasika of Ayurveda Shatpannasara,
Pvt. Ltd., for their help in preparing this case report. The Chaukhambha Vishwabharati, Varanasi, 2013, pg. 31
authors acknowledge the immense help received from the 8. Sahoo PK, Fiaz S, Conceptual analysis of diabetic retinopathy in
Ayurveda, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2017,
scholars whose articles are cited and included in references Vol. 8, pgs. 122-131
of this manuscript. The authors are also grateful to the au- 9. Murthy PHC, Sarngadhara Samhita of Sarngadharacarya,
thors/editors/publishers of all those articles, journals, and Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 2013, pg. 399
books from where the literature for this article has been re- 10. Murthy KRS, Ashtangahrdaya of Vagbhata: Text, English
viewed and discussed. Translation, Notes, Appendices, and Index, Vol. I., Krishnadas
Academy, Varanasi, 1999, pg. 276
Conflicts of Interest: None declared 11. Narayanan N. N., Aravind K., Krishnendu S. An Ayurvedic Pro-
tocol to Manage Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment and the
Sources of Funding: None declared Resultant Macular Hole - A Case Report. International Journal
of Current Research and Review. Vol 12 Issue 14, July, 2020,
10-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.31782/IJCRR.2020.12143
DR: diabetic retinopathy

13 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Table 1: Ayurvedic Diagnostic Parameters of the 3 patients

Parameter Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
Ashtasthana Pariksha (8 methods of examination)
Nadi (pulse) Kapha Pitta Kapha Pitta Kapha Vata
Mutra (urine) Prakrta Prakrta Prakrta
Mala (excreta) Prakrta Prakrta Prakrta
Jihva (tongue) Anupalipta Anupalipta Anupalipta
Sabda (sound) Prakrta Prakrta Prakrta
Sparsa (touch) Anushnasita Anushnasita Anushnasita
Drk (sight) Vaikrta Vaikrta Vaikrta
Akrti (appearance) Prakrta Prakrta Prakrta
Dasavidha Pariksha (10 methods of examination)
Prakrti (somatic constitution) Kapha Pitta Pitta Kapha Kapha Vata
Vikrti (status of disease)  Dosha: Kapha  Dosha: Kapha  Dosha: Kapha, Vata
 Dhatu: Rasa, Rakta  Dhatu: Rasa, Rakta  Dhatu: Rasa, Rakta
Sara Rakta Mamsa Rakta
(essence of Dhatus)
Samhanana Pravara Pravara Madhyama
(compactness of body parts)
Pramana Madhyama Madhyama Madhyama
(measurement of body parts)
Sattva (psyche) Pravara Madhyama Mdhyama
Satmya (habituation) Pravara Madhyama Madhyama
Ahara Sakti Madhyama Madhyama Madhyama
(capacity of digestion)
Vyayama Sakti Madhyama Madhyama Madhyama
(capacity for exercise)
Vaya (age) Madhyama Vaya Madhyama Vaya Madhyama Vaya

Table 2: Oral Medicines

Medicine Dose Anupana (post-prandial Case Duration
Kvatha (Herbal Decoctions)
Samirapancakam Kvatha* 30mL Sukhoshna Jala 1 16 days
60mL 3 49 days
15mL 3° 2 months
Drakshadi Kvatha 30mL Sukhoshna Jala 1 16 days

Pancatikta Guggulu Kvatha 15mLmL Sukhoshna Jala 1° 2 months

Pathya Shadangam Kvatha 15mL Sukhoshna Jala 1° 2 months

Punarnavadi Kvatha 15mL Sukhoshna Jala 2° 2 months

Ciribilvadi Kvatha 60mL Sukhoshna Jala 3
Candraprabha Vati 1 tablet twice a day after food SamirapancakamKvatha 1 16 days

Vasa Sree* 1 tablet twice a day after food Sukhoshna Jala 2° 2 months

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Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Table 2: (Continued)

Medicine Dose Anupana (post-prandial Case Duration

Triphala Guggulu 1 tablet twice a day after food Pancatikta Guggulu Kvatha 1° 2 months

Chimiumco Tablet^ 1 tablet twice a day after food Sukhoshna Jala 2° 2 months
Vasti Rasayana* 1 tablet twice a day after food Sukhoshna Jala 1 16 days
1° 2 months
Mandura Vataka 1 tablet twice a day after food Buttermilk 2 13 days
2° 2 months
DhatakyadiVati 1 tablet twice a day after food Sukhoshna Jala 3° 2 months
Haridra Tablet 1 tablet Sukhoshna Jala 3° 2 months
TulasiTablet 1 tablet Sukhoshna Jala 3° 2 months
Curna (herbal powders)
Vara Curna 5g Sukhoshna Jala 1 16 days
Pathya PunarnavadiCurna 5g Sukhoshna Jala 1 16 days
CandansiradiCurna* 5g SamirapancakamKvatha 3 14 days

Table 3: External Therapies

Treatment Medicine Case Duration Procedure of Therapy
Netra Kriyakalpa (local ophthalmic therapies)
Netra Dhara MrdvikadiKvatha 1 16 days  T
 he patient lay supine and was asked
Milk 3 11 days to blink as the decoction was poured
in a thin stream from a height of 2
inches over the eyes.
Ascyotana Drops of VeroniacinereaLinn. 1 6 days  T
 he patient lay supine and one drop
3 20 days of the medicine was instilled into the
sub-conjunctival sac. The patient was
Drops of VeroniacinereaLinn., Ocimum 2 11days asked to slowly rotate the eyes after
sanctum Linn. installation with the eyes closed.
Netramrtam* (°) 1 Twice a day
Drops prepared from Leucas aspera Linn. 1° 2 months
Anjana Eye Plus* 1 16 days
Netramrtam* 3 11 days
Bidalaka MukkadiPurampadaand Karutta Gutika 1 14 days  O
 ne tablet of both medicines was
grounded and mixed with water to
3 11 days
obtain a paste. This paste was applied
over the eyelids while obviating the
Pindi MukkadiPurampada, LakshadiChurna, Milk 2 7 days  A
 semisolid paste was prepared by
MukkadiPurampada and Mimosa pudica- 10 days mixing the ingredients with water.
Linn. This was tied in two cotton pads and
placed over the closed eyes.
Treatments for the Head
Sirolepa Vasa LakshadiChurna and Vasa GuducyadiK- 2 14 days  A
 paste prepared using 30g of herbal
vatha powder and 60mL of decoction was
kept over the vertex of the head.

15 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Table 3: (Continued)

Treatment Medicine Case Duration Procedure of Therapy

Siroveshtana Vasa LakshadiChurna and Vasa GuducyadiK- 1 16 days  A
 semisolid paste prepared by mixing
vatha 3 9 days 45g of all ingredients with the desired
liquid medium was smeared over a
Adathoda vasica Nees., Laccifer lacca Kerr., 2 14 days Cora cloth and applied to the head
Terminalia chebula Retz., and Kaisora Gug- (area with the paste facing inwards)
gulu in the following manner:

 O
 ne end of the cloth was anchored
above the right ear.

 T
 he cloth was wrapped over the fore-
head above the eyebrows and towards
the left ear.

 F
rom the left ear, the cloth was
wrapped around the back of the head
and brought upwards around the
head while the vertex is avoided.

 T
 he other end of the cloth was ap-
plied to the top of the head.

 A
 ny leftover paste was applied to the
uncovered portion of the head.
Takradhara Vasa GuducyadiKvathaand Takra 3 10 days  2L of milk was boiled with 4L of wa-
ter. The herbal decoction was added
to this and boiled until 2L of milk
remained. This was left to ferment
overnight, after which it was churned
and buttermilk obtained.

 T
 he patient lay supine on the treat-
ment table. A thin cloth band was
tied around the forehead. A pot with
an 8mm hole in the centre of the
bottom was suspended above the
patient’s head with ropes and a cot-
ton wick was placed in the hole. The
buttermilk was poured into the pot
and was allowed to drain through the
hole onto the patient’s head. The pot
was moved from side to side.
Lepa Cynodon dactylon D. Don., and Veroniacine- 3 9 days  A
 paste prepared using 30g of herbal
reaLinn. powder and 60mL of decoction was
Powder of Laccifer lacca Kerr. 1° 1 hour every applied over the forehead in a uni-
day form consistency.

Powder of Glycyrrhyza glabra Linn. 1°

Powder of Terminalia chebula Retz. 1°
Oil of Ricinus communis Linn.
MukkadiPurampada(°) 2
°Prescribed at discharge
*Patented medicine of Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital and Research Center
^Patented medicine of J&J Dechane Laboratories

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Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Table 4: Laboratory Investigations for the 3 patients

Parameter Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Baseline Endpoint Baseline Endpoint Baseline Endpoint
Fasting 132 63 186 mg/dL 160 mg/dL 159 mg/dL 116
Blood Glucose mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL
Post-Prandial 210 mg/dL 108 mg/dL 245 mg/dL 155 mg/dL 262 mg/dL 159
Blood Glucose mg/dL

Table 5: Timeline of Events for Case 1

Date Events
2014 • The patient develops bilateral blurring of vision, which is more OD than OS.
• He initially develops blurring of vision with vertical image distortion.
• Consults an ophthalmologist, who prescribes anti-VEGF injections
2014-2017 • The patient undergoes four rounds of injection but gets minimal relief.
16/12/2017 • Patient consults Sreedhareeyam Hospital and is advised for inpatient management.
DVA (unaided and aided): LogMAR 1.778 OD, LogMAR 1 OS
NVA: N36 OD, N18 OS
  • LogMAR 1.1 OD with a lens of -0.25 diopter with a -1.00D cylinder and 80° axis
  • LogMAR 0.80 OS with a lens of +0.75 diopter with a -1.00D cylinder and 90° axis
Anterior Segment: Within normal limits, without rubeosis iridis OU
Lens: Pseudophakia (posterior-segment IOL) OU
Pupillary examination: Within normal limits OU
Posterior Segment: Pale areas, oedema, and neovascularization OD, hard exudates OS
OCT: macular oedema OD, cyst-like lesions OS
Laboratory Investigations: FBS:132mg/dL; PPBS: 210mg/dL
Samirapancakam Kvatha*, Drakshadi Kvatha, Candraprabha Vati, and Vasti Rasayana* are started.
Netra Dhara, Anjana, and Siroveshtana are started.
17/122017 • The patient is given a dietary consultation.
18/122017 Purampada is started.
26/122017 Ascyotana is started.
31/12/2017 • All medicines and treatments are stopped
DVA (unaided and aided): LogMAR 1.778 OD, LogMAR 1 OS
NVA: N36 OD, N18 OS
  • LogMAR 1.1 OD with a lens of -0.25D with a -1.00D cylinder and 80° axis
  • LogMAR 0.80 OS with a lens of +0.75D with a -1.00D cylinder and 90° axis
Posterior Segment: Resolution of pale areas, oedema, and neovascularization OD, resolution of hard exu-
dates OS.
OCT: reduction of macular oedema OD and cystic lesions OS.
Laboratory Investigations: FBS:63mg/dL; PPBS: 108mg/dL
23/03/2018 • Patient reports for a follow-up consultation.
DVA (unaided and aided): LogMAR 1.778 OD, LogMAR 1 OS
NVA: N36 OD, N18 OS
  • LogMAR 1.1 OD with a lens of -0.25D with a -1.00D cylinder and 80° axis
  • LogMAR 0.80 OS with a lens of +0.75D with a -1.00D cylinder and 90° axis
26/05/2018 • Patient reports for a follow-up consultation.
DVA (unaided and aided): LogMAR 1.477 OD, LogMAR 1 OS
NVA: N36 OD, N18 OS
  • LogMAR 1.O79D with a lens of -0.25D with a -1.00D cylinder and 90° axis
  • LogMAR 0.80 OS with a lens of +0.75D, a -1.00D cylinder and 90° axis

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Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Table 6: Timeline of Events for Case 2

Date Events
09/2018 • Patient develops dimness and distorted vision OU
• Consults an ophthalmologist, who prescribes anti-VEGF injections.
09/2018 - • Patient undergoes one round of anti-VEGF injection, which results in infection to both eyes.
02/2019 • The infection is controlled with medicines from another hospital.
23/02/2019 • Patient consults Sreedhareeyam Hospital and is advised for inpatient management.
DVA (unaided): LogMAR 1 OD, LogMAR 0.78 OS
Anterior Segment: Within normal limits, without rubeosis iridis OU
Lens: Cortical cataract OU
Pupillary examination: Within normal limits OU
Posterior Segment: Vitreous hemorrhage OD, cotton-wool spots OS, retinal hemorrhages and neovasculari-
zation OU
OCT: cyst-like lesions and vitreo-macular traction OD, macular edema OS
Laboratory Investigations: FBS: 186mg.dL; PPBS: 245mg/dL
Mandura Vataka (herbo-mineral preparation) with buttermilk is started.
Pindi and Sirolepa are started.
26/022019 Ascyotana is started.
27/02/2020 Siroveshtana is started.
01/03/2020 Pindi is stopped.
08/03/2020 • All medicines and treatments are stopped
DVA (unaided): LogMAR 1.0 OD, LogMAR 0.78 OS
Posterior Segment: Resolution of vitreous haemorrhage OD, cotton-wool spots OS, and retinal haemorrhage
and neovascularization OU.
OCT: the resolution of cyst-like lesions and vitreomacular traction OD, and macular oedema OS.
Laboratory Investigations: FBS: 160mg/dL; PPBS: 155mg/dL
10/04/2020 • Patient reports for a follow-up consultation.
DVA (unaided): LogMAR 0.60 OD, LogMAR 0.47 OS

Table 7: Timeline of Events for Case 3

Date Events
2018 • The patient develops diminished distant vision OU, which is more OS, associated with floaters in his right
visual field.
• Consults an ophthalmologist
06/2018 • Undergoes pars plana vitrectomy, fluid-air exchange (FAX), endo-LASER, and silicone oil implantation.
• Experiences mild clarity of vision
06/2018 - 10/2018 • Symptoms reappear.
• Patient consults an ophthalmologist, who prescribes surgery, which the patient declines
09/10/2018 • Patient consults Sreedhareeyam Hospital and is advised for inpatient management.
• DVA (unaided and aided): LogMAR 1.00 OD, HM+ve OS
• NVA: N18 OU
• Refraction: LogMAR 0.5 OD with a -0.5D cylindrical lens with 80° axis
• Anterior Segment: Normal findings OU, rubeosis iridis absent
• Lens: lenticular changes OU
• Pupillary Examination: Within normal limits OU
• Posterior Segment: Grade 1 clinically significant macular oedema, vitreous haemorrhage, and tractional
retinal detachment OD and post-surgical retinal detachment and pale optic disc OS.
• OCT: Macular oedema OU, tractional retinal detachment OS
• Laboratory Investigations: FBS: 159mg/dL, PPBS: 262mg.dL

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Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Table 7: (Continued)

• Samirapancakam Kvatha*, Ciribilvadi Kvatha, and Candanosiradi Curna are started.

• Netra Dhara, Pindi, Ascyotana, and Lepa are started.
• Anjana and Purampada are started.
• Siroveshtana is stopped.
18/10/2018 • Takradhara is started.
19/10/2018 • Netra Dhara is stopped.
27/10/2018 • Takradhara is stopped.
29/10/2018 • All medicines and treatments are stopped.
• DVA (unaided and aided): LogMAR 1.00 OD, HM+ve OS
• NVA: N18 OU
• Refraction: LogMAR 0.5 OD with a -0.5D cylindrical lens with 80° axis
• Posterior Segment: Reduction in vitreous haemorrhage and some resolution in tractional retinal detach-
ment OD, no improvement OS
• OCT: Resolution in macular oedema OU and tractional retinal detachment OS
• Laboratory Investigations: FBS: 116mg/dL, PPBS: 159mg.dL
10/02/2019 • Patient reports for a follow-up consultation.
• Unaided DVA: LogMAR 0.60 OD and LogMAR 1.778 OS
• Aided DVA: LogMAR O.30 OD and LogMAR 1.778 OS.
04/07/2019 • Patient reports for a follow-up consultation.
• Unaided DVA: LogMAR 0.30 OD and LogMAR 1.778 OS
• Aided DVA: LogMAR O.30 OD and LogMAR 1.778 OS.

Figure 1c: OCT scanning OD at Admission.

Figure 1a: Fundus examination OD at Admission.

Figure 1b: Fundus examination OS at Admission. Figure 1d: OCT scanning OS at Admission.

19 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Figure 1e: Fundus examination OD at Discharge. Figure 2a: Fundus examination OD at Admission.

Figure 2b: Fundus examination OS at Admission.

Figure 1f: Fundus examination OS at Discharge.

Figure 2c: OCT scanning OD at Admission.

Figure 1g: OCT scanning OD at Discharge.

Figure 1h: OCT scanning OS at Discharge. Figure 2d: OCT scanning OS at Admission.

Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020 20

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Figure 3a: Fundus examination OD at Admission.

Figure 2e: Fundus examination OD at Discharge.

Figure 3b: Fundus examination OS at Admission.

Figure 2f: Fundus examination OS at Discharge.

Figure 2g: OCT scanning OD at Discharge. Figure 3c: OCT scan OD at Admission.

Figure 2h: OCT scanning OS at Discharge.

Figure 3d: OCT scan OS at Admission.

21 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 17 • September 2020

Narayanan et al.: Ayurvedic management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its associated conditions

Figure 3e: Fundus examination OD at Discharge. Figure 3g: OCT scan OD at Discharge.

Figure 3h: OCT scan OS at Discharge.

Figure 3f: Fundus examination OS at Discharge.

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