U.S. Consulate General Karachi: Scholarships and Professional Exchange Opportunities

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Scholarships and Professional Exchange Opportunities

U.S. Consulate General Karachi



The Fulbright Scholarship Program is a program of competitive, merit-based grants

for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals,
scientists and artist, founded by United States J. William Fulbright in 1946.
The program was established to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States
and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. The U.S. Department of State’s
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs sponsors the Fulbright Program from an annual appropriation
from the U.S. Congress.

The Community College Initiative (CCI) Program provides opportunities for individual
from countries including Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia,
Kenya, Pakistan, Panama, South Africa and Turkey to develop leadership, professional
Skills and English language proficiency, while studying at a community college in the
United States.

Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders is five-to-six week
academic programs for foreign Undergraduate leaders. Hosted by U.S. academic
institutions throughout the United States, the Student Leader Institutes include an
local community service activities and a unique opportunity for participants to get to know
their American peers.

Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Pakistan (Global UGRAD-Pakistan)

The Global UGRAD-Pakistan provides fellowships for one semester of full-time, non-
degree undergraduate study in the United States to a diverse group of emerging
student leaders from underrepresented sectors in Pakistan.
Global UGRAD-Pakistan is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs,
US Department of State.

Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program: The Kennedy-Lugar Youth
Exchange and Study (YES) program provides scholarships to high school students from
countries with significant Muslim population to spend up to one academic year in the United
States. During the program, YES students live with American host families and
are enrolled in accredited U.S high schools.

Increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United
States and the people of other
countries by means of educa-
tional and cultural exchange
Scholarships and Professional Exchange Opportunities
U.S. Consulate General Karachi


The Fulbright Scholarship Program is a program of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for
Students, scholars, teachers professionals, scientists and artist, founded by United States J. William
Fulbright in 1946.The program was established to increase mutual understanding between the people of
the United States and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills.

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs sponsors the Fulbright Program from an annual
appropriation from the U.S. Congress.
Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals, and artists from abroad to research and
study in the United States for one year or longer at U.S. universities or other appropriate institutions.
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)is for doctoral study at prestigious U.S. institutions in science,
technology, or engineering. Up to 40 outstanding foreign students are selected each year.
International Fulbright Science and Technology Award provides young teachers of English as a Foreign Language the opportunity
to refine their teaching skills and broaden their knowledge of American cultures and customs while strengthen the instruction of
foreign languages at colleges and universities in the United States.

Full Bright Visiting Scholar Program: The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program provides grants to approximately 850 foreign scholars
from over 100 countries to conduct post-doctoral research at U.S. institutions from an academic semester to a full academic
year. Travel grants to accept guest lecturing invitations from other U.S. institutions may also be available to Fulbright Visiting
Scholar already in the U.S. the Occasional Lecturer Fund.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Founded in 1978 in honor of the late Senator and Vice President, the
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides 10 months of professional enrichment and non-degree
graduate-level study in the United States for accomplished mid-level professionals from designated countries

Study of the United States Institutions for The Legislative Fellows Program
Scholars are designated to strengthen provides young professionals direct
curricula and improve the quality of exposure to the U.S. Political process
teaching about the United States in Fellows are placed in month-long
academic institutions overseas. Foreign internships in U.S. Congressional
university faculty, secondary educators and offices, state legislatures, city council
other scholars spend approximately and local governments across America.
four week at host universities where they take part in a series
of lectures, seminar discussions and site visits related to each Fellowship activities are designed to cultivate an increased
institute’s theme. They learn about American educational understanding of the U.S. legislative process and enhanced
philosophies explore new teaching methods and pursue appreciation of the role of civic society in the political process.
related research interests.

Increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United
States and the people of other
countries by means of educa-
tional and cultural exchange

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